The Aggressives (2005)

Feeling sleepy?
What did you do last night?
You want it on the back | or the side?
What would hurt more?
Back! Side!
What's this?
Aggressive ln-line Skate Real | Street Games?
No judges. | Win by skill alone.
The strongest skates | to the very end?
You little punk.
You still doing the wild thing?
Yeah, man.
- Is there prize money at the games? | - Can't tell you.
- Tell us, man! | - You're too full of secrets, dude.
Treat us if you win! | Got it?
We'll see.
This guys forgettin his friends.
- Snap out of it, man. | - Lucky punk, enjoying his hobby.
Gotta go, | I'm busy.
How can you | be busier than us?
Hey, call us | if you win the cash!
Hey, man. | What did you do yesterday?
What do you think?
Gotta go.
- What the hell? | - Are you okay, ladies?
Yeah! Bravo!
He's so cool!
- He's a total babe. | - That bodys to die for.
Hey, look at that guy!
Oh my god!
You're so cool!
What the?
Oh no!
You can't skate here.
- Get up and go, please. | - Watch the hand, man.
Why are you here | like bums?
- What the hell? | - You think this your backyard?
- Hurry up and go. | - Of course not, but...
That's bustin
You killed, man!
Very nice.
You show off.
Hey, long time no see.
- Who? Me? | - Yeah, you.
Oh, hello.
- Are those your skates? | - Yes.
Then why do you just | stand around and watch?
- You come here every weekend, right? | - Yes.
- You're a loner, right? | - No, I'm not.
Then why are you | always alone?
I feel the leaves tossing | in the wind....
- It's going to rain tonight. | - Huh?
Go!Go! | Good luck!
One, two three....
My true rival is...
- Hello. | - I'll die in the second round.
- When did you Pusan boys come? | - We drank all night
- and came up by train just now. | - Good going.
So tired. | I'm gonna die in the first round.
- That's what you always do. | - No it isn't.
- Hi- ho! | - Yo!
Let's start.
Welcome to the Real | Street Games. Yo!
We've got a record number | of skaters this year.
We even have some free drinks.
- Can't get enough of em. | - Powerful tackles suited for the day.
Skaters grinding up to the challenge. | Looking forward to seeing all they got.
- Do I fill this out, too? | - Yes, please.
Hey, loner!
You're here, too?
I'm not a loner. | If I were, I'd say so.
Okay, kid.
This goes on your wrist.
Now for the last round of skaters. | The first skater up. Go!
And he's off!
He makes the Mizou Grind!
Next up is Dante!
Here he goes. | A Backside Royale!
Third one up is Aroo. | And he's off.
Yes, a Backside | All the Way!
Everybody make some noise!
The last skater of the day, | Chun Soyo!
And he's off! | What's he got for us?
Royale Grind, oh no!
He doesn't quite make it....
Man, | they're killin' it out there.
Everybody take off!
So you've just been skating | on your own?
I'm not any good yet.
If you ride alone, | it's embarrassing when you fall.
- You said it. | - You won't get any better alone.
Come skate with us | from now on.
By the way...How did you know | it would rain that day?
Oh that...
This little spot here | told me.
- My house ain't no motel. | - Bring on the food! I'm starving.
- Don't throw your skates just anywhere. | - Where's your mom?
- At my grandmas. | - Where's the bathroom?
Through that door.
- Come here and look at this. | - Ooh, the Asian X- Games?
- That park just rocks! | - Be careful, will ya?
- Hey, stay still. | - That really hurts!
Don't be a wimp.
You should pull them out | at the right time.
Where's that awful smell | coming from?
Pay attention!
Technique's important, | but the line has to be good.
How can you do that | for a minute non- stop?
First we gotta | enter those games.
If we score in the top three, | we can go to the Worlds.
- Who? Us? | - Whoa, awesome!
Look at those tits.
Just once... | I don't need to breathe,
I just wanna | be buried in there.
- Me, too! | - You little punks!
It's not like paying taxes! | Have some ambition.
First, Let's all agree | on entering.
And start saving up | for the Worlds in Malaysia.
How the hell | do we get the money?
You think they just eat | and ride all day?
Shit, theyre good.
We can do that | with practice!
Shit, he rocks!
- Bro, this is it. | - Let's all go to Malaysia.
Whose is it? | It fuckin' stinks.
Wash your pads, will ya?
It's like rotten food.
You little shithead!
- There's nothing here. | - Hey, hurry it up.
Shit, there's no place | to take a call in this dump.
They're a bunch of bums.
You the son of these bums?
Where are your parents?
Hurry up, you guys.
There's nothing worth taking.
- Hey! somebody answer the phone! | - Be careful!
- Soyo! Soyo! Hurry up! | - Mom!
- Get in, quick. | - Mom, what happened?
- What's wrong, Dad? | - Let's go.
We're sorry, Soyo.
We didn't think | things would happen so fast.
Soyo, you just wait. | We'll take care of things.
How? | Dad, this is nuts.
- What am I supposed to do by myself? | - It wasn't an easy decision.
But we can't just be taken in. | We've nothing to be ashamed of.
Then, when are you | coming back?
We'll have to see about that.
This should hold you | for a while.
Dear! Let me hide | with him somewhere.
I can't just leave him here!
You promised not to do this.
We'll be back soon. | Take good care of yourself.
- Soyo! Soyo! | - Let's go.
Soyo. I'm sorry, son.
You okay, man?
Got something against society?
Take it easy, will you?
Why weren't you | in the street games?
If I enter, | no one else can win.
It ain't good | to skate too well.
Come here, here
One shot for | our pretty lady.
- Just one drink. | - Let's go dance.
- I can't dance. | - Come on.
Just one drink | and go dance.
- No, I can't drink. | - Come on, hurry up and take it.
- Drink it, just one shot. | - I really can't drink.
Please | Just one.
There ya go!
Bottoms up! | Bottoms up!
Minji, | What's wrong?
They're just kids, | ignore'em.
- Yeah, right. I know. | - You mad?
- No. | - If you leave, they'll feel bad.
You don't care how I feel. | But your friends are that important?
Minji! Hey!
That's not what I meant.
Let me ask you one thing. | Do you have to go on skating?
- You think you'll succeed by skating? | - Don't do this.
You know you can't but you won't | let go. That's just ignorant!
Don't you have the guts | to try anything else?
Heard everything?
Don't you have the guts | to try anything else?
She's asking | if you can succeed, man.
Push out strongly | with your legs.
That's it! | Turn this way.
Slow down and | stop here.
And stop....
- Want to try this today? | - Yes.
- You scared? | - A little bit.
You can't hesitate, | okay?
Put your legs like this, | and after standing up...
Bend forward.
See? | You can do it.
Come on down.
San Paolo is $1 200. | There's a hotel on it.
- Oh, whatever. | - Just look!
- You paid $1 00 late, before. | - Excuse me.
Got that? Look!
Excuse me?
- I paid all of it. | - Don't you dare touch anything!
How can I help you?
Of these two, | which one would you recommend?
This one looks good, | but it's missing something. Like her.
Hey, a customer.
- You want to go fast? | - Yes.
This looks big | but it rides awesome.
Like me.
I think this would be better...
- By the way. | - Yes?
- Buy it somewhere else. | - Pardon?
It's a total rip off here. | You have no idea....
- I'm telling ya. | - What are you doing?
- It's the truth. | - No, it's not.
- Just being honest, man. | - Just go, will ya?
- Don't be cheated. | - Just ignore him.
- It's your turn. | - Hello? What? Where?
Police station?
Hello. Hello.
- Hello. Hello. | - How are you all doing?
Love the new haircut, sir.
Hello, Chief Chung.
- What do we have here? | - What took you so long?
We're really sorry.
You think this is | your living room?
- It's an illness. Can't help it. | - What'd you do this time?
It was no big deal, | really.
When we got there, | the green pants had already attacked.
Shit, you little...!
Totally in ruins!
So? | What happened?
It wouldn't come off | worth shit!
So we did what we had to, | right man?
You can't do that here. | The park is for all citizens.
- What a fucker... | - What did you just say?
I didn't mean you.
- What a fucker... | - You son of a bitch...
Go on. Hit me...
So did it solve anything?
You guys act up like that, | then we got nowhere to ride.
That's why people | fuckin hate us.
I didn't mean to, man.
But they'll hate us | no matter what.
- I wanna be loved, too. | - Hey, don't make that face...
- You try it, bro! | - Are you crazy?
- Why not? Try it. | - I'll die, man!
Cool! Awesome!
Gently on the rails, man. | Go! Go! Go!
Yeah! | Awesome.
Floor it!
Be careful.
- I got it. I got it. | - Good going.
Is he insane?
Cool, man!
Finishes off with a pose!
- Hey! Oh han ju | - What?
- What? | - Make sure you get me good.
- Dude, that's too high! | - don't do it, man!
- Just don't do it! | - Dude!
Bro, you all right? | Wake up!
- What are you doin'? Bro! | - Stop joking around, man!
- He banged his head. | - Open your eyes. Wake up!
- don't touch the neck. | - Bro! Is he dead?
Call 91 1! Hurry!
Are you okay?
What are y'all doing | in my room?
Where are we?
You jumped and | hit your head.
- don't you remember? | - Oh, no....
- Jumped? Who did? | - You.
We thought | you were a goner.
We thought | you were dead, man.
Though we knew | you won't die that easy.
See this guy up there? | That's you.
- You remember? | - No.
- We're all crazy. | - You scared me.
Shouldn't do this | more than once a week.
- Hey, wanna come to my house? | - It's not far on skates.
- Should've asked sooner! | - Where are your parents?
- They're abroad on business. | - Then, you live alone?
- Yes. | - Cool! Empty house!
Don't just stand there. | Let's go!
- Where's your house? | - That way!
- Hey! Slow down! | - Let's go!
Keep'em. | They're expensive.
You talk to the ledge. | You! Ledge!
It's me! Bring it on! | It won't budge, 'cuz it's a ledge.
Then fuckin' stare at it hard. | Stare it down....
Then go!
If you get it right?
Ahh.. | the smell of concrete.
Grow! | Grow my pretty.
I once.... | woke up from my container house.
Opened the door | and saw my very own skate park.
So I got up to go skate.
And there were | these big boobs.
- Hi, my darling. Wake up. | - Where were ya?
Oh, baby.
Oh, my god!
Wanna hear a shitty story?
I never had anything | I wanted to do.
Then for the first time I found | something I really wanted to do.
So I said, watch me just once, | then decide.
Dad, just watch me do it once. | Just once.
All right! | Cool!
How about it Dad? | Ain't it awesome?
You idiot!
Just as I thought. | You keep it.
Hey newbie!
You ain't getting it | that easy!
- Hey! | - Don't do it!
- Is Soyo going to lose it or... | - Give it back....
- Take it! Take it! | - Stop it!
You idiots!
It's not dangerous if you keep | to the safety guidelines.
And Heechan likes to skate.
- But still, he got hurt! | - You have to start this young.
Then he can get | a feel for his body.
What feel....
I told you not | to in-line skate!
Stop crying!
- We're here, bro. | - Hello, yo!
- Glad, huh? | - Hey, What's up?
- How you kickin'? | - How are ya, man?
Not bad....
Make sure | you wear your helmets.
We have to wear'em.
If kids get hurt by imitating you | and not wearing them...
Okay, | but I'll wear it here.
You asshole...
Please, don't film me. | Do it later, when I'm better.
Thought you | hated being filmed.
Let me see it.
Hold on.
Look at your arm here.
It's all about style | from top to bottom.
I need to bring out | my shoulders more.
- Where's your helmet? | - There.
I told you | to wear your helmet.
They arent wearing theirs. | don't just pick on me.
Did you see | what I did back there?
- Just this once! I'm sorry! | - Let go! Shit!
- Fuck, you don't listen to me! | - It was too hot, man.
- Shut up! | - Just put the helmet down.
I didn't ask for much. | Just to wear your helmets!
- Okay, man. We'll wear em. | - I know you worry about us.
But you don't have to do this. | This fuckin' sucks.
Fuckin' sucks? | Sucks?
- You crazy? | - You gonna be responsible if kids get hurt?
- Why do you care? | - Aw, shit!
Don't you know | it's dangerous, you ass?
Cut it out. | This is boring.
You're the reason | they're like that!
Didn't you know?
We don't ride to avoid | getting hurt.
No one asked | you to be responsible.
I'll get hurt if I want to. | Got that?
You think this is | just your problem?
I'll get hurt if I want to. | Got that?
You think this is | just your problem?
I'll make the best skating video. | Make a lot of money.
Then sponsor you guys.
What if I make | too much money?
If you do... | Then buy me that island.
- Too small? | - Bam lsland?
It used to be a big island with | an airport and people living on it.
But they dug away all the sand | to make apartments and it got that tiny.
Over there...
I want to make a | skaters paradise.
Skaters can come | and swim,
have parties, | drink beer...
- Good, good, good. | - It's so hot.
- What do you think love is? | - Huh?
- What do you think about love? | - Love?
Hey! | You think about love?
It's worth a thought.
You freak.
What do you mean? | You know I'm cool.
- Look. | - Oh, whatever....
Tough guy.
Sexy boy!
You know you're with me | 'cuz I'm good.
Even if we...
break up some day... Iet's not | date anyone else for 6 months.
You can promise that, right?
What? | Three months?
That's too short.
Let's rock!
Let's rock!
- Someones at the door. | - Probably people from church.
- Maybe the neighbors. | - Someone get the door!
Maybe it's my enlistment papers | for the army.
You fool. | This ain't your house.
Who is it?
- Is this CHUN Sukhos residence? | - Yes, he's my father.
What Is it?
It's a summons to court.
They need a trial before a judge. | so make sure you give it to them.
- Bro! | - Where ya going?
- I just wanted to be alone. | - Really?
Oh, really? We're on our way to see | a really good movie.
- Right? | - Yeah.
- A movie? | - Follow us!
Thank you for bringing this here.
Just doing the duty of | all citizens.
Just worried what's inside though. | It can't be a bomb, can it?
- No, it's not a bomb.... | - What station did you find this at?
What station? | Do you remember?
Why isn't this working?
- It worked before. | - No, it didn't.
- Yes, it did. | - No way.
- It did! | - Hurry up and find it.
- Just wait! | - Can't wait.
- The movie will end soon. | - Got it!
Oh...good going.
Hanjoo! | You think I'm living properly?
Bro! | Later...
When everyone else | is in their cars.
And we got nothing but crutches. | Won't you regret it?
Yes, of course! Shh...
Where is everybody?
I'm the only one | walking at this hour.
One step | after another...
Right foot. Left foot. | Right, left.
Walking like this, | I'll probably end up somewhere.
But now where do I go?
Hey, Hanjoo.
Why don't you | answer the phone?
Are you sick? | What's wrong?
It's my arm...
- Let me see. | - Right here.
- It's swollen. Did you get it checked? | - No.
- Can you move it? | - Ow...
- Want to sign it for me? | - Sign? Okay.
This is an umbrella | and a parasol.
It can block out | rain and sun.
Soyo is mine!
What do you like | so much about him?
The way he drinks water.
- The way he smokes. | - No, honestly.
I like that he's | got no ambition.
Man, just do it.
Put your head in the toilet | and flush it.
Come here, you.
There's soap under your ear. | No, the other one. Here.
- Why do you skate? | - Huh? Well kid...
It's like...
Your shit don't loo | the same each time.
It's pretty strange, huh?
Skating is like that. | Each time you ride, it's different.
- But shits just gone once you flush. | - I guess...
- When did you get the scars? | - these?
- These are all kiss marks. | - Yeah, right.
First kiss! April 97. | False step in the rain.
- How about your left knee? | - This one?
Two years ago, October. | I was riding in Myoung- dong.
A hot babe walks by.
I was watching her like this.... | And croaked right over.
This is the best.
Christmas, 1 999! | I was way up in the air...
forgot what I was going to do | and fell flat.
Any other questions?
Look at him.
Oooo, cool moves....
The summer sun is long | but we are lazy.
We didn't learn | from our past
and didn't worry about | tomorrow.
- Looking good, bro. | - That's my man.
- What did you write? | - Here, thanks.
- What did you write? | - I'm so curious.
Bro, you know the True-Spin Top-Soul? | How long did you practice that?
About a year.
- Just on that? | - Yup.
I can't no matter what.
Maybe I'm in a slump.
I can't either, | but then I can.
All of a sudden.
Come here... | slump, my ass....
You ride like this, right?
You do the True-Spin | Top-Soul like this.
You can't see behind you, | so it's hard.
Like this and this.
Do it. That's it.
I feel like a racehorse.
My side- view blocked. | Only to see What's in front.
I don't know | what I'm doing these days.
When I come home from riding all day. | I think of everything.
How I skated today. | Things like that....
And why I'm skating....
Bro. I really want to go | to the Worlds this year.
Don't you have | any more blocks?
This will make a few bucks!
Dead Broke
Can be traded with food
Now, hold it.
That's it! | Use your ankles!
Kneel down more. | Bring your butt down.
Now twist your waist more. | Your upper and lower body on opposites.
Arms a little higher. | Chin up! Look farther!
Look to the horizon, | that's it!
Why are you so stiff?
Damn, | I just can't do it!
If you land it, | I'll give you a kiss.
Don't toy with me.
I know... | You aren't gonna kiss me.
Don't work too hard, | you hear?
You used to be like that.
You used to get so worked up | when you got one right.
I still do.
But you know what?
I think too much now.
- Hanjoo, I think I'm getting old. | - Why you...
- What? | - Watch what you say.
- Did you see it? Did you get it? | - Yup.
- Let me see it! | - You were pretty good.
How did I do it? | I don't know how I did it.
Let me have a look.
Wow! I finally got it!
You call this a True-Spin Top-Soul? | Didnt think I could do it...
The form ain't right.
Hurry up. | For three.
- How've you been? | - It's been a while.
- How could you not even call once? | - I was busy.
Of course you were.
This came for you again.
When do I have to enlist?
Shit, it's soon!
Man, why now? | Shit.
Why don't you | just push it off again?
Smarten up, will you?
How long are you going to | babysit your friends?
Don't start up again.
If you really like me,
you should accept | what I do.
You didn't once come | and see me skate.
I'm tired of this. | Do whatever you want.
If you were me.
Would you go and see the one | you love get hurt?
Your bodys | all full of scars....
I'm sorry.
It'll all be okay.
Don't worry.
The more I think about it.
You just won't do. | You look too tall for the part.
He's too skinny, too. | He looks weak.
5 cm doesn't make that | much of a difference.
I thought that at first, too. | But you won't do.
I have a friend | who's really good.
He's the same size as the actor. | How about using him?
- Hey! | - You coming from a wedding?
Lookin good.
- You crazy punks.... | - Oh! Honey!
- We waited a whole month. | - For what?
- Your paycheck! | - You little hogs.
Don't come to me, man.
- Buy us some food! | - Where ya going? Buy us food!
But this is expensive.
You little punks... | Skinny to the bones...
Eat all you want. | Till your stomach blows up.
All right! | You promised!
Eat up. | It's really good.
Why don't you try some?
You gotta build up the body! | Can't skate on will alone.
- I got a commercial stunt deal. | - Huh?
- What? | - When I get paid....
we don't have to worry about | the airfare to the Worlds.
Let's go together.
I want to go, too. | Put me in baggage.
Right, you can't just ride around | town and end it like that.
If you come back from the Worlds, | you'll be riding different.
He's a hardworking skater.
I want to show kids like him | that there's a future.
Showing it don't mean | it'll be their future.
We had it rough.
That's why I don't want | that for them.
That doesn't mean | we need to go to the games.
If we don't compete, | we'll always be the same.
I just ride for fun, man.
That's all.
Just ride when you want to. | And play when you want...
That's good.
But you're not | perfectly selfish, either.
No matter how you put up a front. | You don't fool me. Got that?
Anything that becomes work | is no fun.
Something you like | should just stay like that.
Get any good shots?
Bro, look!
- Hanjoo! | - You're here, too?
Here you are!
- Sir, he's here. | - Why are you so late?
This is the friend | I told you about before.
- This guy? | - He skates much better than me.
- You've tried it on wire, right? | - Yes.
- Then stand by. | - Yes!
What the hells going on?
I came but it turns out | I'm too tall for the actor.
You have to fill in for me.
- Shit, you're kidding, right? | - Change the actor, then.
- I beg you. It won't take long. | - Really?
Bro, you know you're the only one | who can do it.
- It's only one shot. | - Hey, What's going on?
This one's for all of us.
Don't tell me what to do.
Just look the other way for once. | For all of us.
Do it for me, man.
The basic concept is... | you going inside a computer CPU.
See up there? | Come down fast from there.
Make it as flashy as you can, | Precise and clean.
- That's it. | - Coffee, sir.
- Hey! You! | - Yes?
Know what I hate the most?
Coffee mix!
I'm sorry. | The coffee machine broke...
Are you ready?
What the hell | are you all doing?
Camera 1, | I keep seeing his face.
I don't wanna see | your face on screen.
Don't turn your head | to the camera.
And spread your body out wide | like you're flying...
One, two, three...
- Cut. | - Why can't he do it right?
- I don't get it. | - Shit.
Move away.
We'll take five, | everyone.
Did the asshole | just say shit?
Spread out how? | Idiot.
Fuckin' idiots crazy.
- Who can ride that? | - He is.
- You, all right? | - Bro, you okay?
This ain't easy.
It's damn embarrassing.
Are you guys | really any good?
We're getting the hang of it. | It will get better.
Things like this can't be done | in one or two tries.
Then what about | those foreign kids flying on TV?
I apologize, sir.
Don't they serve food here? | I'm fuckin hungry.
Stand by.
- Was it really that hard? | - This is so fuckin' hot.
- No one told you to be good. | - I'm outta here.
- You could've just hung in there. | - Bro.
Where's the punk who kicked the camera? | Bring that asshole here, now!
- It was an accident! | - Accident?
- You saw what happend, shithead! | - Shithead?
- That's right, shithead. | - You shithead.
Stop it. | Please just let it go.
You fucking little shithead!
Fucking hell!
What? | Watch your language, punks!
- Don't you like it, shithead? | - What did you say? you scum!
It's not worth it.
- Shithead | - Don't you have parents?
Oh dear.
This is expensive, right? | I'm sorry.
- Did you just break that? | - My hand just wouldn't listen to me.
Your hand! You little shit! | Break it all!
Sir, Are you alright? | What happened?
- What are you guys doing? | - He's just lying down.
Because you pushed me, | punk!
Call the police!
It wasn't just us hitting...
You think theyre stupid?
- Just stand there and get hit? | - You little bastards...
Yes, we are shithead! | You fucking pigs!
- What? Sit, you little shithead. | - Sit down! you shithead!
Why don't you try shaving, | you pig.
- Just stop it, man. | - Look at what these idiots are doing.
Just shut up.
I wouldn't normally do this, | but they attacked on purpose.
I'll never just let this go.
How much are you | thinking of settling for?
Shouldn't there be | an apology first?
Do you know how upset | the director and the crew are?
- I'm really sorry. | - Not your apology.
The one who broke the camera. | Tell him to come and apologize.
- They'll sue for assault. | - Assault?
Don't we just have to | pay for the camera?
- It was obviously on purpose. | - What do we do now?
Anything to solve this.
I hate that were stigmatized | as irresponsible.
- What are you gonna do? | - About what?
Like you don't know.
- I'll pay for it. | - How?
Just wait, it'll all work out. | They can't do much.
- Just go and apologize first. | - Agree to a settlement.
We can work events | with the kids for the money.
You crazy? You a retard? | Are you some out of control kid?
Shit, what are you gonna do?
How can you take my dream in life | and just shatter it to pieces?
Look, I'm tired. | I'm off.
- How was the food? | - The room service sucked...
- What do we all do now? | - lt'll all work out. Don't worry.
- Where are the others? | - Holding events.
We have to make money to pay | the fines and settlement.
Let's go.
- They're all waiting. | - Just drop it.
- It's different this time. | - Let's just drop it.
They're out working events | because of you. Let's go.
No. | I said, no.
I'm off. | Be sure to come.
Shit! What about Malaysia now? | What's with the debt?
When will we ever pay it | all back?
A fathers debts | should be paid back by his son!
Shit, I don't like fathers | or leaders!
What are we stuck here for?
Still, he tried to do | something good for us.
- He should've finished it good. | - He had his reasons.
Reasons or not. | We're all working to pay them back,
but he's not here.
- Just don't make sense. Shit! | - Just shut up, will ya?
Some leaders. | Shouldn't they be helping us?
Just thinking about it | pisses me off.
Now! | In just a moment...
when our skaters are ready... | Aggressive ln-line skating!
Please give our skaters some support. | Through random draws...
we'll also be giving out | weeklong health club passes...
Now, skaters. | Ready.
- Let's put on our happy faces, guys! | - Okay! Okay!
Let's go!
- What's wrong? | - I really don't wanna do this today.
Just do it.
Are you okay?
Are you alright?
Is it twisted? | Is it the inside or the back?
Bro, Are you OK??
- Take off your skates. | - Don't touch it, man!
My ankles twisted! | Call 91 1!
Call 91 1, man!
- How's the scum doing? | - Playing games all day.
I thought he'd be here today.
- You all right? | - It's not broken.
I think I just sprained it. | I can go home.
But they said to take an MRl.
- The ligament could be severed. | - Really? Then take it.
It's not like it's the first time. | Besides, I have no money.
You're worried about money? | Just take the MRl!
I said I'm okay, man. | I'm the one hurt here, bro.
Yeah, you're hurt | but I'm the one that decides.
Shut up and take it!
Hey, man. | Did you eat?
How can you eat | at a time like this?
- What's the matter? | - You don't know?
Aroo got hurt today.
Is he hurt bad?t
You're actually worried?
- Is he drunk? | - So what if I am.
Why the hell do I have to | clean up your shit?
Who asked you to do that? | Just do whatever you want.
Stop acting so big, man. | All full of talk...
- You bastard!! What? | - Don't do this, please.
Say it again. | What the hell did you say?
- Say it again. | - Stop it, please!
What did you say | when I wanted to give up?
You told me not to... | To hang in there!
I don't know | what you're thinking now...
But I'm going with you | till the end. Got it?
Calm down. Just go!
Go where, to what? | Crazy bastard.
Breaking things | when you can't even pay for it!
You're a good for | nothing idiot.
- What the hell did you just say? | - Hit me! Go on!
You bastard!!
Shit! | You hit me!
You've changed, man!
Hanjoo. | You going somewhere?
To shoot a typhoon.
The typhoon
that formed to the south
is fast moving in- land...
What are you doing here?
Just came to see you.
Crazy fool.
No one comes here on a rainy day | but you...
What's the punk doing? | Is he okay?
Who the hell are you anyway?
Enough with the nagging...On and on... | It's been 1 0 years!
You remember the first time | you rode with me?
When I was hurt huffing...
This big tall guy | comes up to help me.
He couldn't skate | worth a damn...
I just liked it.
That there was someone
who understood | when I got hurt.
I just liked it.
But, you know...
I'm scared of | getting hurt now.
Really | fuckin scared.
Don't act like | you're not hurting.
You think I don't know....
You're just hiding it.
Why is it that what we like, | has to hurt so much...
and leave so many scars?
Get out of my house.
Probably come for | them someday.
Sir! | Where did you find them?
- I don't know what to do with it.... | - You do your job right and see.
- lsn't that the punk? | - That's him.
I'm sorry. | I'm really sorry.
Is that the way to | apologize?
I'm asking cause | I really don't know...
How am I supposed | to apologize?
- Want me to kneel down? | - You can, for starters!
I don't know if my apology | will solve everything....
But I'm really sorry.
Forget it. Just go.
Did you do it?
I got my papers.
I'm going into the army. | Not accepting visitors.
Just know that I skated | that day for you.
But it's my fault for | not being patient to the end.
Eat up so we can hand this out | to the crowd. Got it?
Do we really have to do this? | We're skaters.
Let's get some food first!
A flexible leader | wins the battle.
An unbending tree | is bound to break.
- Let's go! | - Stop mumbling junk, will ya?
Bro, give me some.
I'll pass em around.
- Let's get going! | - Soyo! You can do mine, too!
No prob. | Let's get started.
Hello. | Here, take this.
What's up with him? | Doing whatever we tell him?
You won't get no gold, | silver, or money doing that!
We have to do it. | Try to enjoy it, like me.
Enjoy. Enjoy. Enjoy.
Enjoy! Enjoy! | In the power of love!
Let's enjoy this!
He's gone weird | after he hit his head.
Let's just do it! | It ain't hard!
Get him some pills!
Let's roll!
What you're all watching... | This high jump is called the Air.
The skaters put a lot of time and effort | into perfecting that one.
Give our skaters | a hand here!
Now, what you're seeing here is | aggressive in-line skating!
It's an attack! Powerful! | But it ain't a real attack, folks.
Okay, todays highlight! | Now for our skaters' own style showdown.
No rules, no bounds! | Give them a hand!
- Soyos really got it, man. | - I'm good aren't l?
- Man, you think you're all that, huh? | - Let him.
- Be seeing ya. | - Be careful!
The most in showmanship, | our frosh! Go!
Pass the box jump, | with the quarter 720!
Oh...and he misses! | Looks like he's in pain, folks.
You okay?
The pain! | The leg pain!
Not sure if he's asking for another chance. | Or giving me the finger.
- We'll put him back on! | - When did he land that?
- Stay calm... | - You go man!
- Let's go! | - Go get'em! Go!
The youngest with his second start! | Doing the Quarter 720!
The frosh needs to brush up | on his skills.
Everyone, | give him a big hand.
Do it again?
Should we give him | another chance?
No way! | Just go back up.
Good job.
You did good job. | Aroo! Show'em what ya got!
- So cool! Awesome! | - I know, man!
I'm curious | what this skater will do.
- Ah, man. | - What's he up to now?
Will he try diving it?
- Puttin on a show... | - You're always after the crowd.
- Try doing something new. | - You do it, if you're so good.
Let's go!
Let's all go!
Our skaters are up to something. | They're all coming down.
One, two, three, four.... | Now, please sit down skaters.
I said, | sit down.
The four, | acting like power rangers!
We need a fifth member | for the rangers.
Will the frosh come to | join his crew?
Hey, Soyo! Come here!
Give them a hand!
Do it!
You can do it, Bro!
And now for the jump.
Mission success! Good!
Let's hear it | for our fabulous skaters!
And thank you all for | sticking around.
We hope to see you again | next time!
Thank you.
What a show!
I don't think | I've ever lived so busy.
We rode fuckin' hard | all summer, huh?
- Wanna go for a drink after this? | - Are you buying?
- Shit, I'm lonely. | - If you're lonely, what about me?
That's why I'm lonelier.
I don't have to be lonely | but I am.
What do you think of | when you hear the rain?
Just that | we can't skate today.
But also thinking that | it's not so bad.
You said it.
Shit, I don't know | how I feel sometimes.
- Do you? | - How did we ever end up here?
We took the subway.
You little smart ass.... | What's with you?
I wish the world was | as safe as it is here.
Having someone like you | watch over me.
You know why I wanna enter | the games so badly?
Three years ago, | I went to my first Worlds.
I was really nervous.
So scared that | I couldn't see anything.
The crowd all staring at me. | My body got stiff....
The punk was much better than me. | So he was the one that entered.
I really wanted him to do his best.
For me, too.
He had more | than enough skills.
the punk... | didn't even budge.
He just smiled | and came back down.
Know what he said?
What the heck was that?
I got scared.
It wasn't any fun.
From now on....
I'll ride only | when I want to.
You look like a coward!
Is that a bad thing?
Hey! Bro!
Are you going somewhere? | Where are you going?
See you in two years.?
It's all you, now.
I had my bros | in front of me.
I could see their backs.... | All I had to do was follow them.
But now, | I can't see their backs before me.
I wonder | where they all are now....
As I learned to skate....
I liked that | I became a guy with a goal.
By doing what I like... | I want to make my own future.
I just like it. When I ride, | that's all I think about.
Honestly, I'm tired... | I don 't see a future anymore.
Go with your guts and go!
Ride like there 's no tomorrow! | Till the day we get old and croak!
To the end!
It will be sore for a few days. | How did you hurt it?
In-line skating.
Stop your boyfriend | from skating.
How's he doing?
Don't know.
They seem kind of | off balance.
You'll find your balance soon.
There are people | who never wear casts, right?
Living their whole | lives safely.
Sign it again, | just once.
- I'm going back to where I belong. | - Where's that?
We'll... | I don't know where....
Don't leave | just because he did.
You think if we loved | a thousand times,
we'd see a thousand | different worlds?
I had nothing to do | so I went back to school.
Nothing had changed.e
ifl just kept quiet | and wasn't late....
No one ever said anything.
No one pushed me to skate.
And it was hard for me | to find my own reason to skate.
I'm sorry.
Did you see it?
Are you okay?
- What are you all doing here? | - You're back? It's dangerous!
We're going.
You can't skate in here.
Hurry up! | Get out!
- What are you doing? | - We love you, man!
Little bastards....
Our next rider up has come | all the way from Korea,
coming virtually out of nowhere | making his first ever appearance
here at the LG Action Sports | Championships.
His name is "SOYO " and when I asked him | what his name is before the contest,
he said it means "Taking a stroll"
So will you let him take a stroll | around this street course
in Three! | Two! One!!!
Make some noise for SOYO!!!
I remember that summer....
And the faces of the guys.
I feel the guys within me | right now.
After the rampage of the typhoon, | the sun shines even brighter.
I gained everything from skating.
But I lost a lot, too... | and will continue to....
But at this very moment, | I'm skating.
To those who fall a thousand times | for one moment of success.