The Alligator People (1959)

It was good of you to come,
busy as you are.
Never too busy for
an interesting case...
one ofyours.
Appreciate your interest.
On the phone you said...
you were having a serious
problem with a young girl.
Yeah- Nurse here,
as a matter of fact-.
- Pretty?
- Here's her case history.
- Jane Marvin.
- Yeah, that's the name she's using.
- Very competent girl.
- And pretty.
It happened when
she volunteered...
to help me in my research
in narco-hypnosis techniques.
- When do I get to see her?
- Right now if you want.
- Fine.
- jane, would you come in, please?
Yes, sir,.
She always appeared
perfectly normal.
Pure accident that I discovered
this strange thing about her.
Yes, Doctor?
Jane, I'd like you
to meet Dr- Lorimer.
He and I were halfthe football backfield
at med school. I did the blocking.
- How do you do, sir?
- Very happy to know you,jane.
I wanted Dr. Lorimer to be present
at our research experiment today.
- That is, if you have no objection.
- No. Why should I?
Excuse me.
here we go again.
Got a nice sharp one
for you this time.
start counting backwards-
From 20. I know.
That's right.
20, 19...
I've never known a subject
under Pentothol to lie.
- Nor have I.
- Why the lie detector?
You'll see later.
What is your name?
Joyce Hatten
Then you are married?
I was.
I was Mrs. Paul Webster.
- That is-
- Yes?
I'm not sure...
whetherl am married...
or ever reallym.
was married.
I'm not sure.
I'm just not sure.
Would you tell us
about itjoyce?
Everything about it.
That's rightjoyce.
From the beginning.
I met Paul overseas.
He was a lieutenant.
I was nursing
in a hospital.
We made plans
to be married...
after we were both discharged.
Oh! Ho-ho!
Very well done, steward.
- Isn't he an expert, Paul?
- Well, he gets lots of practice.
After all, we aren't
the first newlyweds...
on this train,
Mrs. Webster.
Call me that again.
- Mrs. Webster.
- Mmm, that sounds so wonderful.
You know,
I was beginning to doubt...
whether I was ever
going to get to hear that-.
Youjust try
and get away now.
Will there be
anything else, sir?
Oh, no. No, thanks.
Thank you very much.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you.
- Good night, sir.
- Good night.
I love you so much.
Why did we have to wait
so long?
Well, I, uh...
I wrote you after I
cracked up my plane-.
And scared me
halfout of my wits.
You wouldn't believe what that hospital
doctor told me when I called.
Well, what do you mean?
Well, according to him,
you were more dead than alive.
Almost every bone broken.
Completely torn,
mangled, smashed.
And you don't think
it was true?
Well, now, how could I?
Look at you.
You haven't got a mark.
You haven't got a scar.
You're much more handsome
than ever.
Do you know that nobody
would believe...
you were even
in a plane crash?
But it was true,
By all rights,
I should be dead.
You don't mean that.
you have a right to know. I...
I should have told you
before we were married.
- Told me what?
- How it was really.
Why I made us wait
so long-.
You see, honey-
- Who is it?
- It'; me again.
- I have some more wires.
- And nobody was supposed to know...
we were even on this train.
Come in.
Here you are, miss.
- Thank you. Here, you open these.
- All righty.
You folks certainly
must be popular.
Especially with the telegraph company.
- Oh.
- Is something wrong?
it's from the girls...
at the hospital
where I worked.
You know, there's such a thing
as being too well-informed.
- May I?
- You may not.
Those devils.
Oh, very nice-
An old buddy of mine-.
I didn't know we had
so many friends.
Yeah, me, either.
Oh, that's nice.
That's funny.
When's the next stop?
Well, let's see.
Yeah, 33 minutes.
No, it's 35 minutes.
- We're two minutes behind time.
- Not until then?
Actually, there's a mail pickup stop
just up ahead. That's why we're slowing down.
- But is there a phone?
- Yes. We only stop for a halfa minute.
No time for anyone
to leave the train.
Just so there's a phone.
Paul, what's wrong?
Please, honey,
tell me what's so important.
I don't understand.
Please explain.
Paul, hurry!
Paul, hurry!
[Bell Rings J
Hurry. WW'- !
We're moving.
Conductor, you've got
to stop the train.
It was supposed to be...
the happiest moment of my life-
my wedding.
And I'd just seen my husband's face
for the last time.
What did you do then,
I was frantic.
I got off
at the next stop.
I went back
to that platform...
but there was
no sign of Paul.
No one
had placed a call.
No one had seen him.
He'djust vanished.
And then what happened?
You wouldn't believe
it was possible...
would you?
A man you thought
you knew so well...
had married, even...
could just disappear...
Even after talking to all
the people who knew him.
Finding nothing
at his last address.
I told the police.
hired private detectives.
checked with the army.
The only address they had
was an apartment hotel.
What about where he was born?
His family?
The army records
said Georgia.
Paul had never
mentioned his family.
I never thought
to ask him.
I loved him.
That's all that seemed
to matter.
StilLyou did
find something.
Months later.
Going through
Paul's things...
as I had a hundred times.
- His fraternity pin.
- And how did that help?
with the headquarters.
Wrote them.
They told me that Paul had
belonged to their chapter...
at Louisiana State University.
So... I went there.
They let me look
at the records.
I found an address
Paul had given them...
when he enrolled
in college.
And where was that?
Bayou Landing-
a whistle-stop
in the middle...
of the Louisiana
swamp country
I was the only passenger
to get off
Strangely, there wasn anothersoul to be seen.
The only evidence oflife was a deserted
day coach on the siding...
looking as alone
and out of place as I felt.
Well, I'll be.
Somebody meeting you here,
No. I thought-
that is, I hoped somebody
would come to pick up this.
Well, that's me-
You just didn't get off.
You must have had
some good reason.
Do you know a place-
I think it's a plantation-
Called The Cypresses?
Would it be too much trouble
to take me there?
I'll gladly payyou.
They don't never
have no visitors.
- Was they expecting you?
- No, not exactly...
but they will know
who I am.
Well, for you, sweetheart,
I'll take a chance.
Go ahead.
just climb in-.
Go on. Climb in-.
Bet you never seen
nothing like that before.
You ever been in
the bayou country before?
It's so wild,
so primitive.
Yeah, and deadly.
You know
how long you'd last...
if you got 'I O0 yards
off of this road?
Maybe 'I O minutes-
lfthe Quicksand didn't get you-...
the moccasins would.
And then...
then there's
always the gators.
Dirty, nasty,
slimy gators!
Why did you
have to do that?
It wasn't doing you
any harm.
No? Well, how do you
suppose I got this?
Anyway, baby, we didn't
do him no harm.
- Yes, miss?
- I beg your pardon.
I just arrived
on the train.
- The train was hours ago.
- I know.
- Were you expected? - I did write,
but my letter came back unopened.
- Sol decided-
- What is it, Toby?
This young person,
shejust arrived-
Have her come in.
Come in.
Yes, what is it?
This is your place?
Of course.
Well, maybe
you can help me.
You see,
for a long time...
I've been looking
for my husband.
He disappeared the night
we were married.
I've searched
I've tried everything...
and this
is my last hope-.
But why should you
come here?
At the university
I checked the records.
And at one time,
he gave this as his address.
- The Cypresses.
- What is your name, my dear?
Mrs. Paul Webster.
And you say
that your husband...
this Paul Webster,
gave this as his address?
to the records.
Whoever you are, I don't
know what your game is-.- ...
coming here, making up
fantastic stories.
It's the truth. I can prove it.
You can ask anyone-
Why should I ask anyone
or care one way or the other?
Ofwhat possible
could your sordid
little lie be to me?
I was hoping
your name was Webster.
I am
Mrs. Henry Hawthorne.
- And your husband?
- I'm a widow.
I'm sorry to bother you,
Mrs- Hawthorne.- .
But I had to know.
Perhaps you are
telling the truth.
It really
doesn't matter.
However, I must ask you
to leave at once.
Toby, get ahold
of Manon.
Have him drive her
back to the station.
- But, ma'am-
- What is it, Toby?
There won't be a train
till tomorrow.
Oh, you're right,
of course.
May we offer you
the hospitality-.
Of The Cypresses
for the night?
I don't seem to have
any choice, do I?
Yes, ma'am.
Show Mrs.-
What was
your name again?
Mrs. Paul Webster.
Show Mrs. Webster
to the guest room.
Yes, ma'am.
Anything you need
to be comfortable...
just ask Luann.
Thank you.
One minute,
Mrs. Webster.
While you're our guest
for the night only...
I must insist
on one thing.
- Yes?
- Under no circumstances...
will you leave
your room.
As I said before...
I don't seem to have
any choice, do I?
There was something
sinister about The Cypressesi.
As night darkened the house,
all the doubts and fears...
which had haunted
the long, lone/y miles...
of my search returned'
What secret
was Mrs' Hawthorne hiding.
In this strange,
unfriendly house?
Why had she told me
not to leave my room?
Toby! Toby!
Find the drunken fool.
Tell him to stop that shooting.
But, ma'am-
Doesn't he realize
the girl's still here?
I'll try, ma'am.
Dirty, stinking,
slimy gators!
You bit my hand off,
didn't you?
I'm gonna spend the rest of my life
killing gators.
The rest of my life
killing 'em-.
Mr. Manon,
you better stop it.
Mrs. Hawthorne says stop.
She says she don't want you
shooting at gators around here...
with that girl here.
The one you brought.
I ain't never gonna stop
shootin' gators.
They bit my hand off,
didn't they?
I ain't never gonna
stop shootin' gators!
No, not never!
Sure, sure.
I know just how you feel.
I don't like 'em, either,
but not tonight. Come on.
Do all the guests
get room service?
I only do...
what Mrs. Hawthorne
tell me, ma'am.
Now, will there be
anything else?
Luann, those gunshots.
What were they all about?
I don't know, ma'am.
I must go now.
Luann, wait, wait, please.
Somebody has to help me.
- How, ma'am?
- Is it true, everything she told me?
Havel come to the wrong place?
I can't- I wouldn't
like to say anything.
Well, can't you
tell me anything?
I can tell you this.
This is a trouble house.
Real deep, big trouble.
Like the old country
woman in Big Bayou say-
Mrs. Hawthorne,
she deal with the evil one.
She got big sorrow.
Just like you'll get
if you stay here-.
Go, child. Please go.
This is a trouble house.
Real deep, big trouble.
Oh, thank goodness
you're back, Mark.
Anything wrong, Vinnie?
She's here, Mark.
Paul's wife.
- How did she find us?
- School records.
It was like being struck
by lightning.
We've got to decide what we're
going to do about her.
You wait there for me.
I'll be right over.
- You ready, Doctor?
- Yes.
Poor devil.
You didn't have to hit him.
simplest way, Doctor.
But these are people.
You don't handle them
like animals.
How did it happen?
Only thing I can figure is someone
forgot to wet him down on time.
When he comes to...
give him additional
hydro-spray therapy
Yes, sir.
Oh, hello, Vinnie.
We'vejust had an emergency
with number six.
- Is he all right now?
- He's quiet, yes.
But the girl- what are we going
to do about her?
So she found
his school records.
The one thing
we hadn't thought of.
- Such bad luck.
- Not entirely.
I think we both knew...
she was bound to
find out eventually.
It'sjust unfortunate
it happened to be so soon...
when we need time.
So much time.
If she should tell anyone, the police,
it would spoil our last chance.
Do we have a chance?
I don't really know.
I feel so helpless, Vinnie.
We know so little.
So little.
What about
the cobalt treatment?
I said reaction to X ray
was encouraging.
Massive radiation from cobalt 6O
might be even more effective.
Well, you have the cobalt bomb.
It arrived today.
But don't you see,
Before I can take the chance
with a human being...
there must be
months of tests-.
Hundreds ofanimal
We took a chance
once before, Vinnie.
No one knows better than you
the tragic result.
I have confidence in you, Mark.
Every confidence.
You'll have time.
All the time you need.
The girl will leave
on the morning train.
I'll be over before that
to talk to her.
I'm as anxious as you
are to have her go...
but we must make
absolutely sure...
that she doesn't know
Somehow I seemed
drawn to the music.
A theme that I had
heard before...
Who else lived
in this strange household?
Who could be playing
in the dead of night?
I couldn? rid myself
of the premonition.
that each step
was taking me closer...
to the secret contained
in this shadowy house.
I had to know.
I had to find out.
Who was he,
this man who had been playing?
And why would he run away
into the swamp...
when he saw me?
Muddy footprints.
yet there had been
no rain.
And the piano keys-
Still wet...
from his fingers.
What's she doing here?
I don't know.
She came on the train today-
- No notice, no warning.
- And you let her stay?
What could I do?
I couldnT turn her out in the swamp.
Do you think
I wanted her here?
There's no train
until tomorrow.
- How'd you find out?
- She was in the hall.
I locked her in her room.
She's got to leave...
on that morning train
I'm Dr. Sinclair.
Uh, Mark Sinclair.
I'm sort of
the swamp doctor.
my swamp buggy.
I need to get around.
I see. You must keep busy,
Well, why do you
say that?
I mean, in an unhealthy
environment like this.
Oh, you mean the swamp.
Well, actually, if it were as you say-
None of us
would be here.
- Why?
- Well, a few million years ago...
most of the land
of the earth...
musfve looked
just about like this-
One great, vast swamp.
It was the cradle
where we all started-
in the slime and ooze...
at the bottom
of a swamp.
- You're completely cynical,
aren't you, Doctor? -
I imagine that did sound
a bit depressing.
I didn't mean it to.
I'm sorry.
Oh, is Mrs. Hawthorne
Well, she hasn't
come down yet.
Has she been ill,
Well, not exactly.
Vinnie- Mrs. Hawthorne-
has a few emotional problems.
I like to look in
from time to time.
Well, maybe that
explains it.
- Explains what?
- Why she locked me in my room last night.
I don't understand.
I took you for a guest
I suppose I am, in a way.
I'm Mrs. Webster.
Mrs. Paul Webster.
That name doesn't mean
anything to you?
No. Should it?
I don't know.
Let me explain, Doctor.
Since my husband disappeared,
I've done nothing but search for him...
and I'm going to keep on
asking questions.
- What brings you here?
- An old address-
The Cypresses-
that I found in Paul's
college records-.
You came way down here,
traveled hundreds ofmiles...
on nothing more tangible
than that?
I'd travel much farther
on even less.
I find that difficult
to believe.
You must've found
other evidence.
Why? Unless there is
other evidence.
Is that
what you mean?
Of course not- I was
only trying to say-
You did know Paul, didn't you, Doctor?
I can tell.
What is it, Doctor?
Why won't any of you
tell me about him?
What are you all
trying to hide?
My dearyoung lady,
you're obviously overwrought.
That's understandable
in the circumstances.
I wish I could help.
Will you tell Mrs. Hawthorne
I couldn't wait...
but I will
drop back later?
Thank you.
Be extremely careful'
It generates
3,000 curie units...
ofgamma ray energy
This is the equivalent
of six million electron volts of X ray
A few seconds
of direct exposure.
would be fatal.
Stand by
for lowering position.
- Luann, come here!
- Yes, ma'am.
- Her things are still in her room.
- Yes, ma'am.
You mean
she didn't leave?
Well, Toby, he brought
the car at train time...
but Mrs. Webster,
she wouldn't go.
- Well,where is she?
- Well, I believe she in there.
What are you doing?
Looking for answers.
You abuse my hospitality.
You were to stay in your room.
You left it.
You promised to leave
on the train.
I made no promise.
I was told.
I'm not leaving here,
Mrs. Hawthorne...
until I get the answers to the questions
that brought me here.
I told you yesterday
you were mistaken.
- I thinkyou're lying.
- You can't talk to me like that.
I can say a lot worse.
You had Dr. Sinclair come
and talk to me today, didn't you?
To find out how much I knew?
I know nothing
about that.
And another thing-
Who was playing the piano
in here last night...
in the dark?
Someone who left
wet footprints in the carpet?
- Oh,you're imagining things.
- No, I'm not-
Any more than I'm imagining
you want to get rid of me...
that you've got
something to hide.
Hide? Oh, what could I
possibly have to hide?
What have you done
with my husband?
I don't know what
you're talking about.
You did a good job,
Mrs. Hawthorne...
wiping out every trace
of Paul in his own home.
You almost
got away with it.
Got away with it?
Got away with what?
Whatever terrible thing
you've done with Paul.
Done to him? Me?
Oh, my God,
that's funny.
That really is funny.
I 'd be the last one
ever to hurt Paul.
I'm his mother.
His mother?
Has she gone?
No, Paul, she hasn't. Paul, what is it?
What happened?
Paul, come back!
Paul! Please!
Come on.
You ought to have better sense,
Nobody goes out in a swamp
on a night like this-
a night like this.
Come on. I'll take you
back to the house-.
There, now.
Now you sit down.
You sit down.
That's it.
What you needs a drink.
Me too.
I don't understand
why you brought me here-.
I just naturally figured you'd appreciate me
saving you from that snake.
I do.
- Here- Have a drink-
- I don't think I want it-.
Go on, baby.
It'll do you good.
That's it.
Made it myself.
you're cold.
You ought to get
them wet things off.
Go ahead.
Well, come on.
Get 'em off.
I'll be all right.
All right, baby.
You get up.
We'll wrap this around you...
so you won't catch cold.
Now, come on. Get up.
That's it.
Stop! Let go of me.
What's the matter, baby?
Huh? Didn't I save your life?
Don't you feel like
you owe me something?
Why, sure, you do.
You be nice to me.
Maybe I'll tell you
some things about this place.
Don't do that.
Don't ever do that!
You're dead!
I'll kill you.
alligator man!
Lust like I'd kill
any four-legged gator!
You hear me?
I'll killyou!
Oh! Paul,
what happened?
- She's not dead?
- Manon. He was drunk.
We should've
fired him before.
Toby, carry her
Luann, try and
take care of her.
Yes, ma'am.
We can't keep her
in the dark any longer, Paul.
- I can't do anything.
- She could've been killed tonight.
Is that what you want?
- I love her, Mother.
- Well, that's why she has to know.
- Are you going to tell her?
- I couldn't.
I'll phone Dr. Sinclair.
He'll know what to say.
Oh, why didn't he
just let me die?
It'll work out
somehow, Paul.
There has to be
an answer.
Therejust has to be.
I understand it came.
The cobalt 60?
Arrived yesterday.
When do we try it?
Not for months.
I explained
to your mother.
Combined with
the X-ray generator...
the bomb will approach
the power of a betatron-
A billion
electron volts.
So without extensive
But there's no time for that.
I want it now.
You don't think
I'd take the risk...
after the tragedy
I've caused already?
But you're causing
a worse one to my wife.
You said yourselfthe X ray
was definitely helping.
Light positive
indications, yes.
Then combining X ray
with gamma radiation...
from the cobalt
might cure me completely.
And it might kill you!
who knows?
I just can't
do it, Paul.
It's too great a risk.
We wouldn't be alive
at all, any of us, except for you.
We'd probably be
better off dead, but-...
you can't
turn me down.
You owe me this chance...
whatever chance
there is.
For my wife's sake,
I want it now!
Not tonight!
I'll need at least a day
to test it on live alligators...
to establish some sort
of control standards-.
You'vejust got
to understand, Paul.
I haven't the slightest
idea what will happen.
Tomorrow night.
Tomorrow night.
your mother phoned
about your wife.
You should've
told her, Paul.
I couldn't.
The thought ofjoyce
ever seeing me like this-
I just couldn't.
I've agreed to talk
tojoyce in the morning.
- But-
- She's going to know everything.
Yeah, get the big one.
You're Mrs. Webster?
Dr. Sinclair is expecting me.
The doctor said for you
to wait in his office.
Take him out.
Put him in a cage alone.
We'll run the test series
on him in an hour.
And bring in
another specimen.
I hope you'll excuse me,
Mrs. Webster...
keeping you waiting.
This experiment
was urgent-
The most urgent
of my life.
So, you're a trained nurse,
Mrs. Webster?
- Yes. Yes, that's right.
- Good.
Then you know something
of the life processes...
of the higher
and lower orders.
In species like ourselves...
with a highly developed
nervous system...
bodily functions
are controlled principally...
by the brain and the nerves.
But in creatures with a less
complex nervous development...
life processes are governed
by chemical substances...
secreted by
ductless glands.
and carried
in their bloodstream.
Like hormones?
Being a doctor, I was
tremendously impressed...
by the healing power
ofjust one hormone-
And it occurred to me how much
more potent this hormone would be...
in a creature with
a simpler nervous system-
One that depended
on that hormone to live.
For example...
there are some small lizards
that when attacked...
detach their tails
Yet, in a very
short time...
well, this little fella was well on his way
to growing a new one.
There are even
one or two species...
that can replace an entire limb
ifthey've lost one.
Here's something
Two similar
muscular charts.
You might think they were
the same animal...
but as you know,
this is a man-
This is
an alligator.
This is all very
interesting, Doctor...
but you were going
to tell me about Paul.
Everything I've said
concerns Paul.
I knew I'd found
my life's work.
I wanted to extract this
wonderful reptilian substance...
and use it to cure
human injuries.
Mrs. Hawthorne-
She was still
Mrs. Webster then-
She remarried
after Paul's father died-
Mrs. Hawthorne
financed my researches...
and set up this clinic.
Well, did you succeed?
I isolated
a protein chemical...
from the anterior
pituitary glands...
of crocodilians.
- Our common variety is the alligator.
- Alligator?
I injected this substance
into the veins ofvolunteers-
Horribly injured,
hopelessly mangled accident victims...
on the point of death.
It was miraculous,
Mrs. Webster.
Not only 070' those
dying men and women live...
but in an incredibly short time,
they were completely whole-
Mangled limbs
as good as new...
as ifthey'd
never been injured.
And Paul was
one of these?
The worst of the lot.
There was scarcely a bone in his body
that wasn't broken-
face completely gone...
horribly burned'
Nobody would even know
you were in a plane crash.
That's what I said to Paul
the night we were married.
Can you imagine my feelings?
I thought I'd stumbled
on the medical miracle of the ages.
- It certainly seems so.
- Then, over a year later-
Doctor, can you come right away?
It's number six again.
Excuse me.
I'll be back soon.
Maybe you'd better
come along, too.
Another sedative,
I'm afraid the brain tissues
have been affected.
Try a sun ray.
Yes, Doctor.
Who are these?
My prize patients.
My medical miracles.
- Well, then, these symptoms are-
- The aftereffects.
They began to appear
in varying degrees...
about a year after
the treatment.
Why? How?
Isn't it obvious?
There was an additional
in the pituitary injection
besides the healing hormone-
I didn't know about...
but, in its way,
even more powerful'
And the sun ray?
The sun ray has a strong
depressant effect...
on reptiles.
Makes them lethargic, dormant.
But these aren't-
They are, aren't they?
Your patients
are turning into-
In effect,
you can say that.
- Alligator people.
- And Paul?
His symptoms were
the last to appear.
When his final test
proved positive...
I had to wire him
on the train.
He's quiet now.
We can go.
Is there any hope for...
for the people?
There may be
a possible chance...
but a slight one-
A shot in the dark
and very dangerous.
Your husband insists upon
taking that chance tonight.
What is it?
Massive radiation-
Gamma rays
from a cobalt bomb...
combined with
high intensity X rays-.
We've already noted
in Paul...
definite positive reactions
to X-ray treatment...
but what will happen
with this...
- I don't know.
- I want to be here.
- I don't think that's wise-
- I want to be here.
I want to see Paul. I want
to talk to him before-
You can't keep me
away, Doctor.
No, I guess I can't.
Maybe I haven't even
got the right.
Paul, please.
Don't run away again.
Dr. Sinclair explained
you were coming tonight and why.
I wanted to be here.
Paul, it doesn't
make any difference.
I'm your wife,
and I love you-.
Oh, Paul, darling.
You know all about
Dr. Sinclair explained.
He told me about the X-ray treatments...
and how much better you are-.
I know this'll do it,
Why, radiation therapy
works wonders.
It'll have to.
You'll come out
of that laboratory...
as handsome as ever.
I love you.
You know that.
I wouldn't have done this
to you- let you see me.
I'd rather have died!
Oh, Paul, please.
Don't say that.
We're... ready, Paul.
If you still want to.
I still want to.
Very well.
Stand by
for lowering position.
- Ready, Paul?
- Ready.
Oh, Paul, do you
have to do this-...
take this chance,
knowing the danger?
Whatever happens,
either way...
I'm better off
than the way I am now.
Oh, Paul.
I'm sorry for the way
I treated you.
Paul was so desperate
to keep you from knowing.
We did everything we could.
Now that I know you,
I'm sure we were wrong.
I'm sorry.
Terribly sorry.
Where is he?
- Who?
- Paul.
He's not here.
You get out of here.
Mrs. Hawthorne ordered you
off this place for good.
I know where he is,
where he's got to be!
With the others!
Now you go on!
Get out!
Controls and timing
must be precise.
When you're dealing
with radioactivity...
and billions ofvolts
of energy-...
the slightest
deviational standard...
even a few seconds
of excess time-.- ...
and anything might happen.
What's the exposure
interval, Doctor?
No more than 3O seconds.
Absolute maximum.
I determined that
on my test alligators.
30 seconds.
No more.
I'll never be able
to tell you...
how sorry I am-.
Don't blame yourself.
I certainly don't.
Who can know everything?
You're not God, Mark.
I feel as ifl've
been playing at it...
and been punished.
Forget it.
You all right?
Keep your eyes closed.
Just relax.
Where is he?
Who do you want?
That two-legged gator- Paul.
You better
get out of here.
Wait! You can't
go in there!
Manon! You were
ordered to leave.
You have
no right here.
Now get out.
Where is he?
I know you got him
here someplace.
I forbid you
to go in there.
So he is here, huh?
Get him out of here!
Why, you-
Get out of here!
So that's where you are.
You can't!
You can't go in there!
No, you ain't him.
You can't be him.
You stay away from me!
Paul! Paul!
Don't! Don't! No!
Well, now that you've heard the tape again,
what do you think?
This indicates
that everything she said is true.
She was married to a Paul Webster
who did crash in a plane...
and there was a Dr. Mark Sinclair
who since disappeared.
Do you believe
her story?
That's not important.
we were both taught that
a psychiatrisfs function...
is to find mental illness
and to cure it.
- As simple as that.
- Obviously.
Now,jane's case-
This girl has lived through
a horrible experience...
true or not,
but she has made...
a satisfactory adjustment.
She lives a normal, happy life
by completely suppressing it.
An obvious anxiety neurosis...
and amnesia suppression.
You didn't need me
to tell you that.
No, of course not.
But what am I
gonna do, Eric?
Shall I let her go on as she is now
or attempt a cure?
Now, all I've got to do
is bring her back in here...
and play back that tape.
Yes, and perhaps shock her
into a complete withdrawal.
I don't know, Wayne.
I honestly don't know.
Excuse me, Doctor.
I'm going offduty unless
there's something else.
All right.
Thank you.
One moment.
Yes, Doctor?
That's alLjane.
Good night.
Good night, Doctor.
- Good night, Dr. Lorimer.
- Goodn/ghzfljane.