The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse (1938)

Put your hands up and keep them
there. All the way up, if you please.
Now, turn and face the window.
There, now you make a perfect target.
Let me warn you to remain there.
And be very careful not to move,
not even when the light goes out.
Isn't Doris in magnificent voice tonight,
Oh, inspiring, simply inspiring,
Mrs. Updyke.
Oh, wasn't it inspiring, Mrs. Ganswoort?
Brandy, sir?
Oh, uh, why, yes. Yes, thank you.
In fact, it does rather nicely.
- Oh, by the way.
- Yes, sir?
- Where's the telephone?
- Right there, sir.
Thank you.
Hello, Miss Randolph?
Anything new on Grant?
Yes, I had a hunch that might happen.
- Yes, you can call me from the hospital...
Help! Oh, help!
Mrs. Updyke. Mrs. Updyke.
Give Mr. Grant an injection
of Dialanoid, 115.
Why, what is it, Celeste?
- Oh, Mrs. Updyke.
- What is it?
Mrs. Updyke. A burglar, your jewels.
He went through the window.
- Are you sure?
- Oh, my God. A burglar?
And, uh, call me at once
if his pain doesn't let up.
Yes, I'll be here.
Police headquarters, please.
Hello, good evening.
- I want to report a robbery...
Call the police, somebody.
At Mrs. Frederick B. Updyke's house...
...13 Sutton Square. Yes, thank you.
He's shot. The watchman got him.
Operator, would you mind sending
an ambulance to 13 Sutton Square?
The name's Updyke.
Thank you very much.
I didn't do nothing. I didn't do it.
I didn't do nothing.
Yes, yes, yes. I believe you.
I believe you.
Now, just be calm.
Put up your hand, please.
- What did you say?
- Just put up your hand, please.
Well, you're a lucky old man.
That bullet just scraped your collarbone.
Three inches over and you'd have
had something stuck in your throat.
Say, didn't you and me meet
someplace before?
I hardly think so.
- Who is this fellow?
- Why, Dr. Clitterhouse, of course.
- Oh, that pain you very much?
- It's all right.
Hello, doctor.
- Oh, Inspector Lane.
Isn't this rather a prosaic case
for you to be on?
It may look like nothing to you...
...but I'm hoping it's the end of
my headaches for this last few months.
- Come on, give me that ice.
- I never saw no ice.
I ain't got no ice on me.
Your dicks will tell you.
That's right. We searched him
before we brought him in...
...just this rod and junk.
I'm telling you, I never saw it.
I never had a chance.
Somebody beat me to it.
- Your men covering that driveway?
- With a fine-toothed comb.
- Who's working with you?
- Nobody. I don't know nothing.
You don't, huh? Just a lone wolf.
What about Rocks Valentine?
I never worked with...
- Rocks, who?
- Don't act dumb.
You slipped that jewelry to somebody.
Come on, spill it.
I tell you, I never saw no jewels.
We've covered the ground, chief,
inside and out.
- The servants?
- I'll start on them now.
- The guests too.
- Everybody?
Everybody. We've got to find that stuff.
All right, sergeant.
Get them all in the living room.
Ladies and gentlemen,
would you all step in the living room?
- Are we to be searched?
- Yes, I'm sorry.
- That's my orders.
- Oh, don't apologize. I think it's thrilling.
It looks as if you mean business,
I certainly do.
One burglary after another.
The commissioner's going crazy.
Telephone for you, Dr. Clitterhouse.
Your nurse says it's quite important.
- May I answer the phone, Lewis?
- Certainly, go ahead.
- Connors?
- Yes?
Get the maid and the kitchen help.
I wanna talk to them.
Line up over there, please.
Lady, kindly step aside.
Line up and face this way, please.
Thank you.
Well, that's not too good. No, I don't
think we'd better wait until morning.
I'll be there in 20 minutes.
Get him ready.
No, I'll do it with a spinal anesthetic.
Yes, immediately.
I ain't lying.
There was somebody in that room...
...going through the safe
when I crawled through the window.
Now, look...
I've got to rush to the hospital
and do a little operation on Grant.
- Operation? Grant? Too bad.
- Yes, may I leave now?
Certainly. I'll give you an escort,
it'll save time.
- Hey, Tim. Go with the doctor.
- Yes, sir.
You seem to be in a real state of nerves.
You'd better look out for your health.
- You don't know the half of it.
- Remember that high blood pressure.
If I don't start cracking
some burglary cases...
...the commissioner
will really give me high blood pressure.
Don't take it too seriously. No job is
as important as your health. Good luck.
Now, listen, wise guy, quit your stalling.
Where did you put that stuff?
Are you gonna start that again?
- Looking for my bag, Roberts?
- Yes, sir.
- You'll find it on the floor.
- Why, so it is.
I was certain, sir,
I'd placed it on the shelf.
This excitement tonight,
you understand.
Yes, I understand perfectly.
Good night, Roberts.
Good night, Dr. Clitterhouse.
These anterior and posterior views
of the laminae are not quite satisfactory.
You agree on the necessity
of an operation tonight, doctor?
Possibly. Suppose we hurry
through a stereo, Miss Donner.
You stop taking pictures
and begin straightening me out.
Relax, counselor.
Nothing to be jittery about.
I've had over a hundred clients
face the electric chair.
- I've never been jittery.
- But your clients were.
What are you up to now anyway,
Just another picture.
A stereo view this time.
What is this,
a hospital or a photographic gallery?
Now, take it easy, counselor.
Flat on your back.
Legs over to one side, please, nurse.
Here, hands like that. Like so.
Now, hold that, please.
How about one of me
standing on my head?
There you are, Miss Donner.
Now, let me see, uh...
Oh, uh, my glasses.
- Would you mind fetching them?
- Yes, doctor.
We'll probably start
with an elliptical incision here.
Oh, Clitterhouse,
do you have to cut that much?
I'll have these developed in minutes,
Miss Randolph.
Are you or are you not going
to operate on me?
Seems to me the vertebrae...
...are at a much greater depth
than one would expect.
The reason I prefer an elliptical incision.
To delay surgery may result
in permanent paralysis.
Oh, Miss Randolph? What are you doing?
Aren't you getting my glasses?
Yes, indeed, I... I have them right here.
I'm sorry if you had
any difficulty finding them.
Not at all, doctor.
Only your bag was unusually full.
Could I interrupt that big medical
conference to ask for a cigarette?
Yes, by all means. Miss Randolph,
you'll find some in my coat.
Now, flat on your tummy, counselor.
Here are the stereo views,
Dr. Clitterhouse. They're very clear.
Ah, here's what we need. Dr. Ames.
Mr. Grant,
won't you please lie down and relax?
Relax? In the midst
of this three-ring circus?
Miss Randolph?
- Yes, doctor?
Give him a spinal anesthetic,
all the trimmings.
I'll be ready for him in
the operating room in 20 minutes.
- Oh, nurse?
- Yes, doctor?
You won't forget
to keep an eye on my bag.
It's impertinent of me...
...but shouldn't these jewels
be kept in a secure place?
They were in a secure place
until I took them out.
That seems to be
a fairly accurate account.
The jewels were insured for over
a hundred thousand dollars. Quite a haul.
Yes, indeed, quite a haul.
"One diamond platinum necklace,
one diamond and sapphire brooch... set of pearl earrings,
two diamond rings..."
I don't remember two diamond rings.
Doctor, these jewels aren't
the same as this list.
Would you mind reading that
while I make an inventory?
You can't mean
you actually stole these jewels?
They are the proceeds of... Let me see,
Richardson, Sutherland, Challing, Updyke.
- My fourth burglary.
- You, a burglar?
Well, not professionally.
And never from any of my own patients.
That would be taking
an unsporting advantage.
But they'll put you in prison for years.
Oh, that reminds me.
Edward, drive by Inspector Lane's office.
- Inspector Lane?
- Police headquarters.
But why?
On the theory
that the best defense is a bold attack.
Would you mind reading that list, please?
I'm not interested
in long-winded explanations.
- Give me some action. I want results.
- You'll have them.
Inspector, you said that
when Challing's place was robbed.
Challing is a prominent man. He
wasn't insured and he's raising the roof.
It's lucky the Updyke's stuff
was insured.
Never mind that. I want this solved.
Can't I depend upon anyone
around here?
- I was just looking for you.
- You were looking for me?
Stop it and get busy on the Updyke job.
- I can't depend on a soul around here.
- I only wanted to explain...
I'm not interested in explanations.
Give me some results.
- Make some arrests. I want action.
Hi, captain.
Hey, what're you doing here? Why aren't
you working on that Updyke suspect?
Can't I depend on anybody?
Give me some action, lieutenant.
Why, doctor. Miss Randolph.
What are you doing here?
I was worried about you.
How are you feeling?
- I couldn't feel worse. How is Grant?
- I got him straightened out now.
You know, I envy Grant, resting
there in that nice, peaceful hospital.
No commissioners tearing their hair.
No unsolved crimes.
No crooks lying to you
or laughing at you.
But I'll be there soon, doc,
unless I'm in a padded cell first.
I had an idea I'd find you a bundle
of nerves. That's why I came by.
It wouldn't be so bad
if I could get a decent night's rest.
Well, we'll take a look at you.
- Oh, Miss Randolph...
- Yes, doctor.
Tell me, how did things turn out
at the Updyke's? Anything new?
No. I don't believe that monkey
ever had the jewels.
- Really?
- Either he had a partner who got away...
...or this story about somebody else
getting there first is true.
- An early bird who caught his worm.
- Right.
And that same bird
is probably responsible...
...for this entire series of burglaries.
And how many were there, inspector?
Four last month and all the same style.
- Oh, you recognize the style?
- Oh, certainly. That's easy.
This crook does his job at certain
intervals. He'll do another in a few days.
Look here. I had him down for tonight
and he came through.
Well, that's very interesting.
You knew when.
- Oh, surely.
- But you didn't know where.
- No. That's right.
- He sounds rather clever.
Clever? He's a rank amateur.
- Amateur?
- Why, certainly.
On this Challing job he climbed ladders,
went over roofs, picked a lock.
But the library window, the room
he wanted to get into, was wide open.
Well, nevertheless,
this, uh, rank amateur...
...has kept you crime experts guessing
for over a month.
I should think that the terms
"amateur" and "crime expert"...
...might very well be reversed.
Now, doc, you're gonna start
that scientific approach again?
No. I'm afraid it's, uh, too late.
But someday I hope to be able
to convince you with evidence.
And has this burglar
taken very much, inspector?
Quite a bit,
and he's holding onto it plenty tight.
Well, how can you know that?
We've checked the fences.
He hasn't tried to sell yet.
Fence? Oh, do you mean receiver?
Fence, receiver, stop,
it's all the same racket.
Somebody who buys hot stuff.
We've got them all covered.
Sooner or later this amateur
is gonna peddle his stuff.
And we'll drop on him
like a load of bricks.
The crook would be double-crossed
by the fence?
Sure. A fence wouldn't take a chance
on a crook he doesn't know.
- Might figure him to be a stool pigeon.
- Perhaps there are fences he could trust.
No, I know them all.
From Benny the Gouge... Jo Keller, the biggest of them all.
Jo Keller? That's very interesting.
Oh, tell me, inspector, how does
a criminal get in touch with a fence?
- Through other criminals.
- Supposing he doesn't know any?
I mean, this is just as a matter of
curiosity, but where do fences hang out?
Jewelry shops, drugstores, nightclubs.
Now, this Jo Keller owns a hotel.
Excuse me.
- Yes?
- Sergeant Davis reporting.
- Yeah.
That guy down at the hospital
is ready to talk now.
Says he can identify the fellow
who was at the safe...
... when he climbed in the window.
That's fine. I'll be right down, sergeant.
Looks as though
we're getting somewhere.
- Have you finished with me, doctor?
- Why, yes, yes, inspector.
- Here's a prescription for sleeping tablets.
- Thank you.
If we can get our hand on those jewels,
I won't need any tablets. Do you mind?
Why, certainly.
- Show Dr. Clitterhouse to his car.
- Yes, sir.
- Oh, doctor?
- Yes?
- You forgot your bag, didn't you?
- Oh, yes, I... I left it on the table.
I'll get it.
Yes, sir. If we could only get
our hands on those jewels.
- Mustn't forget your bag of tricks, doc.
- Quite right.
- No tricks, no doctor.
- That's right.
Thanks for dropping in.
You're welcome, inspector.
- Good night.
- Good night.
By the way, would you mind letting me
know whom your prisoner identifies?
- Not at all. But why?
- No reason except scientific curiosity.
All right, I'll phone you.
- This way, please.
- Thank you.
The next time
we're escorted by an officer...
...we'll probably both
be wearing handcuffs.
A blood pressure on yourself?
- Yes.
Unfortunate that interruption
in Mrs. Updyke's boudoir...
...would have been a perfect moment
for a blood pressure during the robbery.
I can't get over it.
You deliberately committing a robbery.
Four. Four perfect crimes in four weeks.
And the inspector calls me an amateur.
What can you possibly want
that jewelry for?
I don't want it. Frankly, it's a nuisance.
But for some time now...
...I've been profoundly interested
in crime and criminals.
The jewelry is sort of a byproduct.
Then, you're experimenting
with criminals, doctor?
I'm being one.
Inspector Lane believes
the only way to prevent crime... to catch the crook
and put him away behind bars.
My theory is
you must start long before that.
- Start psychologically?
- No.
Now, listen carefully, Miss Randolph.
Has it occurred to you
why criminal activity...
...should change a man's
entire personality?
I'm afraid I've never thought
about anything like that.
I've been thinking about it
for a long time now.
I'm planning a book
on the medical aspects of crime.
Showing how the criminal's life
produces such extreme nervous tension...
...that it changes his entire mental
and physical makeup.
I'm convinced that there
are medical reasons for these changes.
Changes which manifest themselves
in the blood pressure... the ratio of the blood corpuscles... the heightened activity of the nerves
and the glands. Do you understand?
I want to analyze, scientifically,
the precise nature of these changes.
But I can do it only by studying criminals
while they're at work...
...not after they've been put away
behind bars.
Proper subjects for such research
are naturally difficult to find.
So of necessity,
I began these experiments on myself.
I planned a series of burglaries
and went through with them.
As accurately as I could,
I observed my own reactions...
...pulse, respiration, blood pressure.
Well, precisely as I'm doing now.
Oh, and incidentally, nurse,
I find it very fascinating.
But, doctor, have you considered
the horrible risk you're running?
If my book can help criminologists
deal intelligently...
...with the problem of crime in
this country, isn't it worth some risk?
If I accomplish my purpose, I believe
I'll be making a contribution to society...
...worth whatever personal risk
it may entail. Do you understand, nurse?
Yes, doctor.
Oh, just a moment, Miss Randolph.
We've been associated
for almost five years now.
- Yes, doctor.
- You've been an invaluable assistant.
However, if you feel you cannot continue
under the circumstances...
...that you'd much rather leave me...
Dr. Clitterhouse, I wouldn't think
of leaving you no matter what you d...
- I mean, under any circumstances.
- Very well, then.
- Good night, nurse.
- Good night.
Doctor, tell me.
Have you been thinking
about this very long?
For quite some time now.
Isn't it possible
you have it in the wrong perspective?
Are you hinting that I have
some slight, uh, mental aberration?
- You have been overworking.
- I know precisely what I'm doing.
Valuable research work
in a rather unusual form.
Crime and Research. Not a bad title
for my book when it's done.
- Good night, doctor.
- Oh, Miss Randolph?
Were you thinking of telephoning
Professor Ludwig in the morning?
I, telephone the professor?
What makes you think that?
Well, we called him in
when old Mr. Carlyle...
...began to behave peculiarly. Didn't we?
Don't do it.
This is a professional matter.
And a very confidential one.
Naturally, you can depend on me.
Hello? Oh, yes, inspector.
You got your prisoner to talk.
He identified me?
Oh, he's quite certain
that it was my voice he heard.
Well, perhaps it was I, inspector.
What's that?
No. I don't think two tablets will hurt
you. You'll sleep like an innocent lamb.
Good night, inspector.
- What are you doing?
- I'm looking for a sleeping tablet.
- For me?
- No. For myself.
Nobody knows
I'm telling you,
no one's registered by that name.
- But Mr. Keller owns this hotel.
- Mister, someone gave you a wrong steer.
- Hey, you. Wanna see somebody?
- Mr. Keller.
Mr. Keller, huh?
And what's your business?
Well, I'm not at liberty to divulge.
- This gent wants to see Mr. Keller.
- What's the gent's name?
He didn't say.
Well, Mr. Keller
don't live here anymore, see?
- But he must have left quite suddenly.
- Yeah, and so will you.
Say, Milton didn't send you?
- I didn't say so.
- Well, did he?
You know, you're altogether
too inquisitive, my good man.
I haven't the least notion who you are
and yet you have the audacity... inquire publicly
into such matters as concern, uh, Milton.
- Then you are from Milton.
- Who said I wasn't?
- Well, that makes a difference.
- How am I to know that?
I guess the guy's okay.
- And, uh, who might you be?
- Okay.
That's his name. "Okay."
- Well, it's all very irregular.
- Forget it. You wanna see Jo Keller.
- Well, I'm not so sure about that now.
- But we're expecting you.
Well, in that case.
- Milton's man is here.
- Come in.
- Class, huh?
- A man of unusual tastes, Mr. Keller.
Exquisiteness, I hardly expected.
You're from Milton?
I'm sorry,
but I can only talk to Mr. Keller.
- Go ahead. Talk.
- Well, where is he?
Looking at you.
- You? Jo Keller?
- Well, come on. What's the proposition?
Well, if you don't mind, I prefer privacy.
- This is private enough. Speak your piece.
- Well, I hardly know where to begin.
I'm rather at a loss.
Well, you see, I haven't
the remotest idea who Milton is.
In fact, I'm just getting over my initial
surprise on discovering what you are.
What am I?
A woman.
Who sent you here?
Well, to be exact, I got your name
from a certain chief inspector of police.
- Oh, you're a copper, eh?
- Oh, anything but. Heh.
My friend, the inspector, implied that
you were at the head of your profession...
- Inspector who?
- Inspector Lane. He says...
Tell Inspector Lane
he's a bigger fool than I thought.
- But I assure you...
- Butch, get him out of here.
- It's a pleasure, Jo.
- The, uh, pleasure's all mine.
A stool pigeon, huh?
Trying to make a monkey out of me.
From Milton's.
- Friend of Inspector Crane's, huh?
- Lane. Inspector Lane.
Lane. Crane. What difference does it
make? One copper's just like another.
- Trying to make a dope out of me.
- Psst.
Psst, psst.
You wait here.
Hold that. I'm hot.
They're rounding up everybody in town.
- Yeah, it's bad for Candy, ain't it?
- Yeah, not so good.
You'd better get out.
The guy around the corner ain't kosher.
- I'm escorting him out.
- Jo home?
- Sure.
- Is she alone?
I'll make it 250.
It's coming up. Bet.
See you later, Rocks.
- Hello, Jo.
- How many times do I have to tell you... stay clear of here?
Especially after you've been on a job.
- You seen the papers?
- They nabbed Candy. You were along.
Sure. We goes in the second-story
window. Candy climbs in first.
Somebody flashes a light in his face
and tells him to get his hands up.
I see it's a bad setup so I just climbs
right back to the ground again.
- You ran out and left him in a tough spot.
- Sure. Why not?
He can stand another pinch but not me.
I'm too hot.
- Never mind the alibis. Where's the stuff?
- We never laid eyes on it, Jo.
The papers carry a big story
of what's missing.
Maybe the cops got it. Maybe
some other monkey got there first.
How should I know?
I'm tipped off they're bringing
all the boys in to question them.
- Stay out of sight till things quiet down.
- Well, here's as good a place as any.
- Think so, Rocks?
- I always did.
I never did.
Say, chief. That mug gave me the slip.
I've been looking high and low for him.
Nobody saw him go out.
Nice work, Butch. You're a big help.
I'll come in.
- Somebody's breaking the game in 920.
- Yeah? Who?
That's what they want me
to find out, who.
That guy's a ghost.
He slipped right through my fingers.
Don't be sore at me, Jo. I couldn't
help it. I'm watching him all the time.
I stopped for a second to speak to Rocks
and bam, that happened.
Oh, so it is you.
- Yes. Am I covered?
He's run 60 bucks up to 4 grand.
- Well, how did he get in here?
Oh, he just walks in
and starts taking us all to the cleaners.
- Well, I'm coming out.
- Yeah, and I'll show you the way.
- Just one more pass and I'll be with you.
- Okay, Butch. Let him shoot.
- Thank you.
Shoot. You're covered.
Roll them.
I'm in.
I'm all in.
There's mine.
A natural.
Snake eyes. Pick up your dough.
That's more like it.
I hit that one.
I was doing rather nicely
until you came in.
What's that platitude
about dice and women?
It's possible that my luck has switched
from the dice to you.
Oh, my mistake.
My luck must still be with the dice.
Come on. Get going.
- Oh, just one more roll, please?
Well, okay.
Well, I seem to have lost all my money.
But, uh, what will you, gentlemen,
allow me on this?
Well, Popus?
- Popus, take a gander at this ice.
I could never mistake this ruby.
There is only one thing like this.
What do you mean?
- The Updyke brooch.
- Updyke brooch?
Let me have that.
If you don't mind.
Quite right, Mr. Popus.
The Updyke brooch.
And these...
...the Updyke earrings...
...the Updyke necklace...
...the Updyke bracelet.
Are you telling us
you pulled the Updyke job?
I'm telling you nothing.
All right, cut the double talk.
Who are you? What do you want?
May I inquire how that concerns you?
If you don't quit the stalling,
I'll show you how it concerns me.
Hey. Duck that table.
The coppers are on their way up.
The coppers. I've been
expecting them any minute...
...ever since I saw this hardware.
All right, you guys stay right here.
And you, put that stuff back on you...
...and let's hope for your sake,
you don't turn out to be a stool.
What a stupid no-good plant.
Experts have tried framing me.
Ask your friend, the inspector.
Oh, hello, everybody.
- Oh, lieutenant, what can we do for you?
- That's what I've come in to find out.
See what you could do for me.
- Is this a pinch?
- A pinch? No, no.
No, nothing like that.
It's just a friendly little call.
Well, then take off your hats.
Oh, Jo, by the way,
what's become of Rocks Valentine?
- I haven't seen him around lately.
- Nobody here has either.
Since when? Since last night?
Oh, anybody here know where
Rocks was last night by any chance?
Jo? Jo, I'm gonna do you a favor.
Someday I may expect a favor in return.
If Rocks does show up and he happens
to have hot stuff on him, don't touch it.
Hot enough to burn even your fingers.
- Yes, or yours, lieutenant.
- Eh?
Say, I don't think I know you, do I?
I'm sure you're more capable
of answering that than I.
Isn't it part of your job
never to forget a face?
Now, I have a very poor memory
for faces. That is, most people's.
I'm sure I'd forget your face
almost immediately.
Come on, now, who are you?
You heard me. What's your name?
- Suppose I ask what is yours?
- Oh, you're a wise guy, eh?
- I repeat, who are you?
- Everybody knows Lieutenant Johnson.
I don't.
Have you your police badge
and identification card with you?
What do you mean?
An officer must produce them on request.
That's the law. Have you got them?
- Certainly, I have.
- Will you kindly produce them?
Say, what's the big idea?
You were demanding information
from me...
...without any proof
of your authority to do so. Well?
Hey, that stuffed shirt's
got something on the ball.
Ethelbert Johnson,
lieutenant detective, 12th precinct."
All right, now, who are you?
- Let's assume I refuse to tell you.
- What?
I have a right to refuse
to give my name outside of a station.
Oh, yeah?
Well, suppose I rush you into one?
- The charge?
- Well, uh, suspicion.
I'm sure you have nothing
to be suspicious about.
Have you seen Rocks Valentine?
Sorry. I was never so much
as introduced to the gentleman.
Then what are you doing in this joint?
I'm altogether certain I'm not required to
answer that question, but I shall anyway.
The truth of the matter is, I'm slumming.
- Oh, off a rubberneck bus, eh?
- Lieutenant Johnson...
...I regard being called a rubberneck
a deliberate impertinence.
I shall be forced to bring your behavior... the attention
of your superiors at headquarters.
Oh, come on, now.
There's no need of getting all excited.
- Excited?
- Yeah.
I'm not at all excited.
On the contrary, I'm altogether at ease.
It's you who are unnecessarily excited.
- Me?
- Yes. As a citizen aware of his rights...
...I have a right
to demand a public apology.
Oh, well, you know how it is.
You can see the sort of people
that I have to deal with and...
Well, so long as you admit your error.
Hey, what's that?
A closet?
I'll be around again.
Thanks for the information, Jo.
Don't mention it. Drop around any time.
- Ethelbert. What a moniker for a cop.
- Buddy, my hat's off to you.
The way you handled that copper
is nobody's business.
- Here's to you, whatever your name is.
- What is your name?
- What is it?
- I wouldn't even tell that to the police.
"I'll bring your behavior
to the attention of your superiors."
"What is your name, lieutenant?"
"Have you your police badge
and your identification card?
I consider your behavior
a deliberate impertinence."
"And as a citizen, I ask..."
- Okay, Rocks. Come on out.
The heat's off.
A monkey you made out of him.
- What's your game?
What does my game appear to be?
You're the guy
that pulled the Updyke job.
That's a logical conclusion.
All right,
and you're trying to unload the stuff.
Hey, you're catching on marvelously.
Make a deal with this guy.
He's getting in my hair.
Popus, look them over. Let's talk turkey.
How much do you want for this stuff?
Now, wait.
You've only seen job number four.
Here's job number one.
Job number two.
And job number three.
Oh, uh, particularly beautiful,
I think, Miss Keller.
Imagine that guy talking to that dick
loaded down with all that ice.
If he ain't a lunatic, he must be a genius.
- We'll compromise at, uh, 32.
- Yes, we'll compromise at 38.
You're taking all the profit out of crime.
- It's a deal.
- Just a moment.
Not that I don't trust you, of course,
but, uh, my terms are strictly cash.
You don't take any chances, do you?
In an occupation as full of chances
as mine...
...there's no use
taking unnecessary ones.
- You, uh, took two long chances tonight.
- I don't believe so.
If I hadn't talked
to the lieutenant, as I did...
...we'd have been searched.
I was being prudent, if you analyze it.
And as for my coming here
with all this on me... yours and the others' first sight
of it, I had the upper hand.
That is, psychologically speaking.
And that's all anyone can ask for.
- I like your style, professor.
- And I yours.
No reason why we couldn't join up,
Of course, professionally.
No reason.
- Well, we sure gave a swell show.
- Yeah, but the house was empty.
For the kind of music we play,
give me an empty house every time.
- Why did I have to carry the biggest case?
- That's life, Rabbit. That's life.
Every time I look at this joint, I laugh.
The professor couldn't have picked
a better hideout.
Ah, it's the only place
the cops wouldn't get wise to.
After all, us guys really belong here,
don't we? We're honest in our own line.
Well, sure.
Oh, I see.
You boys made it all right, huh?
- Taking those tests again?
- Yes, as soon as I got here.
And the professor wants them
from all of you. You're next, Palsy.
What is this anyway? Every time we
pull a job, we gotta make these tests.
You let him start, didn't you?
You got only yourself to blame, dope.
- Well, what's it all for? Ah...
- Come on, get in there.
I don't mind those blood tests...
...but like the time
I got scared and lost my voice...
...I thought the professor would jump
down my throat looking for it.
If you don't like it,
tell him where to head in.
If the professor gets a kick out of it,
what's a couple of drops of blood?
Maybe it is only a couple of drops, but
every time I see that needle, I get woozy.
- Well, don't look at it.
- Come on, let's see the brass.
Turn on the noise.
- You're next, Okay.
- Looks like he gave you once-over light.
- Did it hurt any?
- Hurt? No, and he took almost a gallon.
- How much?
- Well, maybe a quart.
Hey, what is this? This is silver.
I said only gold, platinum.
- Who wants that junk?
- It's a genuine antique.
The finest workmanship.
Beautiful, valuable antique.
All right, bury the stuff.
Somebody might walk in.
You guys is getting more stupid
every day.
Now, just relax, Okay.
Clench your fist once or twice.
- Just keep it clenched.
- Okay, okay.
- Hurt?
- No.
- No more than a mosqui...
- Lost your voice again?
No, it didn't hurt no more
than a mosquito bite.
Well, that's splendid. Thank you.
- Oh, by the way, how is your voice?
- Okay, professor.
Hey, why is it every time I get excited
or scared, I lose my voice?
Paralysis of the larynx, caused by fear
or any extraordinary emotional tension.
- A very interesting phenomenon.
- Thanks, professor.
Oh, by the way, any time it recurs
I wanna be informed immediately.
Where did you learn about
all these things?
In school. In a university.
- Oh, a university?
- Yes.
- I got a brother in a university.
- Well, indeed?
Well, I must add that to your
case history. Which university?
Let me see,
what's the name of the joint? Harvard.
Harvard? Really?
What does your brother do there?
He's preserved in alcohol.
He's got two heads.
Oh, very well, Okay. Heh-heh.
Oh, uh, ask Rabbit to come in.
You're next, Rabbit.
- You know how I got him figured out?
He was a doctor and he did something
so they took his license.
- And he's still playing around.
- With the professor, us guys is a pastime.
That's the idea. He's screwy.
Yeah, but he's got plenty of brains
and nothing phases him.
All right, snap into it.
Turn off that machine.
Okay, Popus, open up.
- That's not the note.
- It is so. You're reading it upside down.
Hello, boys. Got all the hardware?
Certainly, Jo.
- Let's have a look at it.
- The professor here?
- Sure, he's here.
Sticking needles into these dimwits.
You're next, if you like.
Say, that's a sharp getup
you're wearing, Jo.
Certainly is, Jo.
Getting dressed up just for us boys
or for the professor?
- Cut it out, Rocks.
- Tug.
- All right.
- Oh, Tug? Uh, tell him I'm here.
- Why don't you try it, Jo?
- Shut up, Rocks.
After all,
that's one way to break him down.
Especially tonight.
Ritzy clothes, nice perfume.
Might forget himself and give you
a tumble, if you know what I mean.
We wouldn't butt in, would we, boys?
What's the matter, Jo?
What are you sore about?
Good evening.
Ah, Jo, I presume you want
to see the jewelry first.
- Yes, we can talk about the fur job later.
- It's all in here, professor.
- Is all this stuff okay?
- Perfect, Mademoiselle Jo.
- I'll give you the price we agreed on.
- Sold.
Oh, about our little job tonight,
you've approved the furs?
Yes, that reminds me, professor.
- I'd like to talk it over with you.
- By all means.
Oh, a huddle just for
the two of you, huh?
Yeah. Got any objections?
By all means. Would you like to have tea
served in the boudoir?
Rocks, may I remark that your jokes
are slightly unhumorous tonight?
Oh, you don't like them, huh?
Not particularly, old man.
Not particularly.
"Not particularly, old man.
Not particularly."
Shut up, you ape.
I'm on to something
as far as Rocks is concerned.
Not only has he
a distorted sense of humor...
...but his entire personality is distorted.
- Whatever it is, I don't like it.
- Oh, but I do.
Rocks is a magnificent specimen of
pure viciousness. He's worth exploring.
Watch yourself while doing it or you'll
end up with an undertaker exploring you.
That may be sound advice.
Here's hoping
you're smart enough to take it.
Have you got everything
lined up for tonight?
Yes, all set. And you're getting rid
of the furs without delay, I trust.
When it comes to distribution,
don't worry.
I get paid cash on delivery and I'm ready
to pay out as soon as the job is done.
What if something should happen?
If we get caught
and fail to deliver the stuff to you?
Then I get another gang started
on another warehouse.
- I see. No sentiment. Just the routine.
- Like any other business.
But tell me, don't you ever feel
any pangs of conscience?
That what you're doing is wrong and
opposed to the best interests of society?
Wrong? Suppose you tell me something.
Would you ask that question of a stock
promoter who robs widows and orphans?
Or one of them society mugs who owns
a lot of firetrap tenement houses...
...where the rats and bugs eat you alive?
The kind of place I was born in?
No. The way I look at it, professor..., you, all of us here,
are more on the level than those guys.
Jo, your logic is devastating.
- My humble apology.
- Oh, skip it.
What time are you pulling the job?
After midnight.
We start at 1 a.m. Promptly.
And, uh, what are you doing till then?
I've really got a great deal of work to do.
I just ask. I thought
maybe we might have dinner together.
Well, that's a splendid idea,
but it's impossible.
I've really got to break down all these
blood specimens. Some other time, I...
- Oh, Jo. I hope you're not offended.
- No, no, I'm not.
Say, didn't we have an appointment
for this evening or am I mistaken?
- You're not mistaken.
- Why, of course.
We were to dine somewhere and spend
the evening together. I'm terribly sorry.
What for, professor? I know
I'm not the type you wanna be with...
...and I know that you're a lot different
than the guys I'm used to.
Maybe that's why I could sort of
get interested in you if I let myself...
- Now, listen, Jo...
- Don't worry, baby.
I'm not going to. Not a chance.
Tell me,
when did you first begin to...?
Excuse me for butting in on your duet.
You see, we're only waiting outside.
If you give us an idea when you're ready
to talk over the setup...
...we'll take a walk around the park
and come back. We don't mind.
Thanks, Rocks.
We'll get at this right away.
Will you excuse me, gentlemen?
I'm a little late for my call.
Hello. Yes.
Just caught you before you left.
Good. Anything new?
Fine. You tell him
to continue that treatment.
Yes, I'll keep in touch with you.
Yes, absolutely all right.
Don't you worry.
Sorry to keep you waiting, Rocks.
Now, is, uh, everyone thoroughly familiar
with the procedure tonight?
- Music, professor?
- Excellent idea, Popus.
Have you, uh, checked
on the watchman's schedule, Okay?
Everything's okay. I know what boxes
to punch better than the watchman does.
And, Rocks,
you've engaged all the necessary help?
- Yeah, I got them all lined up.
- You're certain we can depend on them?
No. I just went out and picked up
the first 10 guys I run across.
You've instructed them on the work to
be done in the factory and on the roof?
Hey, listen, professor, I ain't no amateur.
I was running this mob pretty good,
even before you came along.
Butch, you understand your duties
in the selection of the skins?
- What's this, something new? What for?
Butch has been to the warehouse.
- He knows the skins I want.
- We don't need him.
I want him to go on this job.
I'll pay him his cut.
- We never done this...
- We mustn't argue with the lady.
Well, I'll be going. Good luck to you.
- Oh, uh, Butch?
- Yes, Jo?
Keep your eye on the professor tonight
and on Rocks, understand?
Sure. Don't worry about it.
Tug? You know when
and where to drive up with the truck?
I sure do, professor.
Very well. I'll repeat our plan of attack.
One, select the furs from the warehouse.
Two, we transport them over the roof
to the adjacent box factory.
Three, we pack them into the boxes.
Four, we load them into the truck.
Five, we come back here
right after for the split up.
Quite so.
And that about covers everything.
Except to emphasize the fact...
...that our work tonight
will be extremely dangerous.
But can be accomplished successfully
by perfect timing...
and following the schedule to the letter.
Above all, never permit yourselves
to yield to panic or excitement.
If any of you feel in the least bit
nervous, report at once to me.
Now, are there any questions?
Hey, professor,
Okay, he's lost his voice again.
Quick. Get him over there on the couch.
Get my bag.
That's it, that's the boy.
Now, set him down there.
Uh, that lamp, please.
There, now relax. Relax, Okay.
Now open wide. There you are.
Put the lamp to one side, will you,
please? I want to reflect the light.
Now, we'll just take a look at it
and everything will be okay. Now, there.
Is that what you fish it out with?
- Yes, that's the fellow.
Now, then. Just look at that larynx.
Now then, say "ah."
- Ah.
- Ah.
Say it again.
- Ah.
- Ah.
- Ah.
- Ah.
- Ah. Ah.
- Ah.
Hi, professor.
- Okay, send Pal to me.
- Okay.
Hey, Pal. The professor wants you.
Hey, why is he using all those other
guys? Don't he think we can handle it?
Don't worry. It looks all wet to us,
but he knows what he's doing.
- You wanna see me, professor?
- Oh, yes. How do you feel, Pal?
- Any nervousness?
- Who, me nervous? No.
Very well. We'll check.
Now, close your eyes.
With your right hand touch your left ear.
With your left hand touch your nose.
Touch my left ear with my right nose
and touch my right nose with my left ear.
Can you beat that?
I can't even find my own nose.
Now look straight at me.
- Something wrong, professor?
- No, I thought your flunking that test...
...might indicate a lesion
in the cerebrospinal nerve tracts.
But your eyes reacted normally
to the light test.
Thanks, professor.
You had me all worried.
Hey, Pal.
Get this bag here.
- Finishing up the last batch.
- That's splendid.
How about Rocks?
Has he opened the storage vault yet?
He ought to have it by now.
This is the last of it.
Except the vault stuff.
Get them packed.
We'll take care of the vault ourselves.
- Scatter the mob, but don't leave at once.
- Okay, okay.
Oh, Okay. Come here.
Let me see you close your eyes.
Now, stretch your arms, bring them
slowly together and touch forefingers.
- Give me another chance.
- I found out what I wanted.
Much obliged.
Will you take care of my bag, please?
Come on, Butch. Let's go to the vault.
- Hey, you know what you got?
- What?
You got a lesion in your nervous tax.
Nervous tax, income tax.
What's the difference?
I'm getting kind of worried
about the professor.
This ain't no time or place
for him to be pulling those daffy tests.
No. He sure is getting worse and worse.
Maybe we ought to
make him see a doctor.
Yeah... Huh?
- Right down there, professor.
- Well, so far so good.
This loft has been cleaned out perfectly.
How about it, Rocks?
You got it?
All right, now try it.
I'm getting so used to
streamlined models...
...I almost forget the feel
of these crates.
You could've cut that open with a torch.
What's the idea of fooling around
with the combination?
An artist has got to practice.
This sure is an ice box.
How do they freeze it?
- Cold air is forced through those pipes.
- Oh, I see. Thanks, professor.
Get that light off me. What's the idea?
Pupils react very slowly. Quite interesting.
Oh, nothing to be upset about.
- Just an accident.
- Don't let no more accidents happen.
I ain't no guy you can push around
like these dopes.
All right, Rocks. Sorry. Oh, Butch?
You go on ahead.
See that everyone gets out safely
and tell Tug to be ready.
Don't you think I ought to
give you a hand?
No, Rocks and I
will take care of the rest.
- Take that torch outfit with you, Butch.
- Sure.
All right, I'll take care of the rest. Check
everything like a good fellow, will you?
Cut the "good fellow" stuff.
And don't leave nothing behind.
Those are valuable skins.
I'll be down directly.
Rocks, don't be a fool, will you?
Let me out of here. Rocks.
Rocks. Rocks, let me out, will you?
Rocks, please, don't be a fool, will you?
Let me out of here, Rocks.
Rocks, Rocks, let me out, will you?
Professor? Professor?
- This the last batch?
- Yeah.
You better get moving. It's getting late.
Hey, what about the professor?
He slipped out the back way.
Scram. I'll meet you for the split.
Two, six, seven.
- Two, six, seven.
Two, six, seven.
Two, six, seven.
Vogue Fur Company, United Building.
Vogue Fur Company, United Building.
Emergency alarm.
What's the matter? What happened?
Where are they?
- They ain't down there.
- Officer, I was only asking.
- Stop wasting time and come with me.
- Right, captain, you said it.
We interrupt our program...
... to give you another late news item,
hot off the wires.
Police have reported one of
the most daring robberies in the city.
Mink, sable and ermine skins
stolen from the United Fur Building.
Girls, you don 't need minks and ermines
here in the Hot-Cha Club...
... because here's your favorite, Roger
Bluhart and his "Saxony Saxophonist."
Let's go, Roger.
Here it is, kids.
Come and get it while it's hot.
What do you say, Jo?
The professor can't keep us waiting.
Give us our cut and let's hit the hay.
- Have some coffee, Jo.
- No, thanks.
It might warm you up.
- Rocks, you saw the professor last.
- Yeah. That's right.
You say he went out the back way?
Why isn't he here?
Why do you keep asking me?
What am I, his nurse?
What about Butch? Where's he?
Maybe he went to
look for your professor.
That's why you put him on the job,
ain't it? That's my guess.
Yes, and mine too.
I'm afraid you'll have to admit
Butch fulfilled his duty to the letter.
That's a long story
and this is no time for it.
Let's get on with
the division of the money.
- I'm sorry to keep you waiting, Jo.
- Well, what happened?
A rather annoying experience.
However, I succeeded in keeping cool.
All right, gentlemen,
line forms on the right.
You divided this the way I told you, Jo?
- Yes, I did.
- That's fine.
- Pal?
- Yeah.
- Butch?
Yes, sir.
Professor, it looks like
I'm fixed for a tough winter.
Hey, you gave me more than my split.
That's for being so willing
about those tests.
Rocks, here's your share.
Don't spend it all in one place.
And don't start things you can't finish.
And now, I'd like to take this opportunity
of saying goodbye and good luck.
I don't believe we'll be seeing
each other anymore.
Ain't walking out on us, are you?
Goodbye for good?
I hope it's for good.
Yes, I'm afraid
this is my final performance.
At least, as your partner in crime.
What's the idea, professor?
Well, to continue would mean
a rather trying relationship...
...which I might be prepared to endure
if my purposes weren't already achieved.
Cut the double talk.
Give us the lowdown.
Somebody wrong in this mob?
Put the finger on the monkey.
No, there's no one wrong in the mob
except for myself.
So there's nothing more to discuss.
Rocks will give you your orders.
Get this straight, you're blowing town
for the next two months.
Lay low and stay clear of each other.
Well, so long, professor,
and don't take no lead quarters.
- Okay, professor, you're a right guy.
- It's been a pleasure to have met you.
- Keep everything under control.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
- Thank you very much.
- And don't forget, stay out of ice boxes.
- Thank you, Butch.
Did you mean that about...?
About quitting, professor?
Well, the proper expression might be,
"research completed."
Excuse me.
Hello. Yes. Thanks for waiting up.
What's that? Oh, I'm perfectly all right.
Weathered all storms
and I return home tomorrow.
Yes, till tomorrow. Good night.
Well, it's a valuable experience
knowing you, Rocks.
Only I might point out, old man, that
you've fallen somewhat in my esteem.
- Oh, yeah?
- Yes.
I gave you credit for being much more
talented than you evidently are.
Really that attempt of yours to
kill me by refrigeration lacked ingenuity.
True, I might have died in the fur vault,
eventually by suffocation.
But actually, you postponed that
by lowering the temperature...
...and thus, decreasing
my oxygen requirements. Understand?
- No. I don't get you.
- All in all, a very poor display.
Somehow, I expected more of you.
Oh, go on, get out of here, you're daffy.
Well, I'll be going, Jo. Goodbye.
Goodbye, professor.
I guess the elevator boy must be asleep.
I'm not in any particular hurry.
I'm not either.
Professor, listen. You once told me...
...that sometimes
people know things about each other...
...without really finding out the facts.
What do you know?
That I mean something to you.
You mean a great deal to me.
- In fact...
- Yes?
Well, that's one of my reasons
for leaving.
The danger of losing my objectivity.
But there are other reasons too.
You won't understand fully...
...but tonight during the entire robbery
I felt myself beginning to enjoy crime.
For its own sake.
You know, it was something
like the effects of champagne.
A high heady reaction,
a strange exhilaration.
And I...
I can't risk subjecting myself
to too much champagne.
It's way over my head.
Will you...?
Will I hear from you soon at the hotel?
It's very doubtful.
Well, goodbye, professor.
What are you doing, Rocks?
Some of that research of my own.
Maybe I don't know nothing
about blood tests...
...but any guy smart enough
to open a combo safe by touch...
...can figure out a gadget
to catch a phone number.
See, I fitted this little piece of pencil lead
under the dial...
...and when your professor spun it... went around with the dial
and made a mark each time.
I used this little jigger
to click it over a notch with every turn.
And it worked.
Now, I got seven marks side by side.
All I gotta do is sort of translate them.
Pretty nice of your professor
to scratch his own number for me.
He expected more of me, huh?
He's gonna get it.
"Don't start nothing you can't finish."
You're phoning his number?
No, you can't do it.
- Stop it, Rocks. Stop it, I...
- Let go of me.
Plaza 46211?
Who? Who'd you say?
Dr. Who's residence?
No, never mind. Thanks.
Plaza 46211.
Now it's my turn, professor.
Hello. Who?
Oh, I'm very sorry, Miss Keller...
...but Dr. Clitterhouse hasn't returned
yet. Did you try the Athenaeum Club?
Well, then he probably went
someplace else for dinner.
I don't know.
Yes, I surely will tell him. Goodbye.
Anything new?
A woman has been calling.
She won't tell me what it's about.
- Not Mrs. Ganswoort again?
- No. This is a Miss Keller.
- Keller?
- Yes.
- She phoned here?
- Yes, four or five times.
- Shall I get her for you?
- No, no. I'll phone her myself.
You run along home now.
I want to do some work on my book.
Oh, I don't believe Mrs. Ganswoort
will annoy you tonight...
...but here are some paradol chloride
tablets. That's what you usually give her?
- Yes. Thank you. Good night.
- Good night, doctor. Don't work too hard.
What's that?
- Speak a little more slowly, please.
Hang up.
I said, hang up.
- What are you doing with my notebook?
- Just reading it, professor. Just reading it.
Put that down.
Let it ring.
Helped pass the time away nice
these last couple of hours.
So this was why
you were sticking needles...
...into them chumps, Dr. Clitterhouse.
How did you find out my name?
Never mind how.
I'm here and I know all about you.
Nice layout you got here.
- I'm glad you approve.
- Sure. Everything's fine.
Why didn't you tell us
you was such a big shot?
Here I think all along
you was just a screwball.
No wonder you were so leery
about us finding out. I can't blame you.
You intend exposing me to the police?
- Me, do a thing like that? Why should I?
- Then what do you want?
What's all this writing about?
Them blood tests?
- I believe I told you. Crime and research.
- Come on down to Earth. Talk English.
- Those are my medical notes.
- Get away from them.
Medical notes. What for?
For an exhaustive scientific work
on criminology.
- All about them jobs we pulled?
- Yes. They're covered extensively.
- Suppose the cops get hold of this book?
- It's very unlikely.
They will when you finish it.
When it's printed.
Some of the more intelligent police will,
I trust.
It's my hope they will be grateful to me.
Yeah, for giving them
the lowdown on us.
You got enough stuff in here to hang us.
Look at this.
"Blood analysis of Tug
during perfume robbery...
...showed activity of adrenal glands
to a surprising degree."
Any dick can figure out
what that means.
You got enough stuff in here
to send us up for life.
"Pupils of Rock's eyes
exhibited slow reaction to strong light."
That was when
you put that flash in my eyes.
Well, I intend changing those names
to X, Y or Z.
- You need have no fears on that account.
- You bet your sweet life I don't.
Who's that?
Perhaps a patient. I don't know.
Go ahead. Open up.
Be kind of careful what you say.
Why didn't you answer the phone?
- Why'd you hang up on me?
Close that door.
Hello, Jo. You're just in time.
We was expecting you.
Come right in.
You're pretty late. What held you up?
- Now listen, Rocks...
- No more.
- I listened enough to the both of you.
- Fair enough.
- Will you kindly return that notebook?
- You won't need it.
Those notes represent months
of intense research.
They're of great importance to science.
I'm not going to
permit you to destroy them.
Who's gonna destroy them? I'm
just gonna put them away someplace.
- Where?
- In a tin box I got in a safe-deposit vault.
Hand him over that notebook
and get out of here...
Just take it easy and remember,
I give the orders from now on. See?
Take a look around.
It's a pretty nice setup.
Park Avenue, a big-shot doctor.
Nobody would ever get wise to us here.
- That's a cinch.
- What's your plan?
To make this my headquarters and
you my contact man, Dr. Clitterhouse.
It's not bad, eh, Jo?
The best break we could have hoped for.
He gives us a perfect front.
- Us?
- Sure, you're in this with me, Jo.
You won't be seeing
as much of the professor as you'd like.
- But I'll have more time for you.
- So I am to continue working with you?
Not with me, doc.
You're working for me.
You got an in with those rich guys.
They trust you, invite you to their houses.
Dr. Clitterhouse, you're gonna
get me the layouts of those houses.
You're gonna get the keys to their doors,
the combinations to their safes.
You're gonna tell me when they're home
and when they're not.
Sometimes you'll do the job.
Sometimes I'll do it.
But every time,
you're gonna turn over the stuff to me.
And just to show you
that I ain't a bad guy...
...I'm gonna give you
10 percent of the take.
- That's very generous of you.
- You'll take it and like it.
Jo, you and me will work out
some kind of a split on the rest.
And if you're very nice,
I'm willing to go fifty-fifty on everything.
Well, there doesn't seem to be very much
I can do about all this, does there?
Nothing but offer us a drink.
A good suggestion. Yes.
That's it.
Now you're beginning to get the idea.
Rocks, you're starting something
you'll never be able to finish.
That's what you think,
but I know different.
Come on, Jo, sit down.
We gotta celebrate.
New headquarters, new setup,
new professor.
- New power behind the throne.
- Right.
A new power behind the throne.
That's me.
I've been waiting
for a break like this for years.
Do you seriously mean all you've said?
You just try and cross me
and you'll see if I mean it.
Well, that's that.
- Do you take soda?
- Sure.
- Do you, Jo?
No. Nothing for me, thanks.
- Come on, Jo. Have a drink.
- No.
Ah, come on.
The professor will be insulted.
- You're his guest.
- I said, no.
I've had this whiskey
specially blended for me in Scotland.
Thanks, professor. The best you got
is none too good for me.
- Yeah, that tastes swell.
- If you'll notice its full smoky flavor.
- A toast. To crime and research.
- Still harping on that research, huh, doc?
Yes, because I find that I have
some more research to do.
I've just realized that my book
would hardly have been complete.
Although I've secured data...
...on various types of criminal activity,
I've overlooked a major interest.
The reactions associated
with the greatest crime of all.
The greatest crime of all? What's that?
Why, homicide, naturally.
Hey, that's bad business, doc.
You can't get away with it, not murder.
A medical man has knowledge
and opportunity denied to most people.
- Not at all difficult.
- Ah, forget about it, doc.
We don't have to give nobody
the works. We got a...
I'm getting sleepy.
I've been up now
most of two nights running.
I've thought it all out.
First, render the victim unconscious,
but don't altogether end his existence...
...until you're quite ready
to dispose of the body.
- Why not?
- Too dangerous. Not at all clever.
Whereas, if I keep him alive...
- Just knocked out, huh?
- Exactly.
And then dispose of him in some body
of water, any river that's convenient.
Then the coroner's verdict
would be simply death by drowning.
Boy, that...
That drink...
...hit me.
Did it, Rocks?
Try and keep your eyes open.
Look at me.
You see me as if you were looking
through the wrong end of a telescope...
...very small, don't you?
You look funny.
Kind of...
...far off.
You see the walls of the rooms
waver and sway.
You can hardly see now, Rocks.
Everything seems
to be falling away from you.
Yeah. Yeah, they're...
They're little.
Everything is so little.
In a moment,
you'll have a sensation of falling in space.
You'll hear a rushing sound in your ears.
Talk louder. I don't hear so good.
You see? Not at all difficult.
He'll sink into a heavy sleep, a coma.
What have you done to him?
I can't open my eyes.
Do you remember
that full flavor of your whiskey?
That whiskey was flavored
by a heavy overdose of paradol chloride.
It's hit you like a sledgehammer,
hasn't it?
No use, Rocks. You can't do it.
You understand,
I couldn't give up my professional...
...and scientific career
to help you become a thief.
You were gonna place me in a position...
...that my life's work,
my deepest interest, would suffer.
I'm sorry, but you created
an impossible situation.
Is he...? Is he still alive?
Yes, but only for a very short while.
You know what this means, don't you?
You know what you can get for this?
What they'll do to you?
- Of course.
- Professor, listen to me.
You can't just stand there.
We've gotta do something, get him
out of here. I'll get ahold of Butch.
No, we can do it alone.
Is your car outside?
Yeah, that's Rocks, all right.
Paradol chloride.
- What is paradol chloride?
- A sedative and a poison.
His stomach contents
are saturated with it.
Twenty grains is enough
to cause paralysis of the heart.
No water in the lungs?
He must have been dead some time
before they found him in the river.
Yeah. Machine gun bullets usually put
an end to the career of his kind.
It's funny.
Very funny.
- Listen, Jo, what about the...?
- Shut up, Butch.
Good afternoon.
I'm sorry to keep you waiting.
- And, uh, thanks for dropping in.
- A pleasure.
Sit down. You over there.
I was wondering if you could tell me...
...anything about
the Rocks Valentine killing.
- No.
- When did you see him last?
- Oh, a few weeks ago.
- He stayed at your hotel. You don't...
I saw him in the lobby a couple of times,
I don't know. Not to speak to.
- Who had it in for Rocks?
- The police.
Well, I guess the department
won't miss him much.
But we've got to follow up all clues.
- Are there any?
- One or two.
This number, for instance.
We found it in the vest pocket.
Who would Rocks be calling
on the Plaza-Four exchange?
How should I know?
I didn't think you would, but
I thought I'd inquire before proceeding.
It mightn't have any connection
with the crime.
Probably not, and then again it might.
Yes, inspector?
Get me Plaza-Four...
- No use calling that number, inspector.
- No use? How do you know?
- Because I know who killed Rocks.
Hold it.
Well, now we're getting some place.
- I did it.
- You did it?
- What about Butch? Is he in on it?
- Not Butch, or anybody.
I, all by myself, without any help.
You threw the body in the bay
without any help?
- I think Rocks weighs about 170 pounds.
- I did it.
- Will you sign a confession to that?
- Sure. Why not?
I'll get some witnesses. I'll be right back.
- Jo, you're off your nut?
- Shut up, Butch.
- Dictaphone, huh? The place is wired.
- Why don't...?
Shut up.
My confession won't hold water.
I'm gonna keep those coppers entertained
until you can get to the professor.
- The professor?
- Listen to me.
The professor is plenty hot.
Get up to his office right away.
I don't get a word. What's the matter?
Now, wait a minute.
"85 Park Avenue.
Dr. Clitterhouse."
Dr. Clitterhouse?
- Tell him to get out of the country.
- If they'll let me go.
They will, I'll manage it.
Watch they don't tail you.
- Miss Keller?
- Yeah.
The inspector will be delayed.
- Would you mind waiting for him outside?
- No, not at all.
- Not you, Butch. You wait here.
- Sit down, Butch. Take it easy.
- Oh, Inspector Lane.
- Hello, Miss Randolph. How are you?
- Is the doctor in?
- Yes, he is. I'll tell him you're here.
Dr. Clitterhouse,
Inspector Lane to see you.
Ask him in, please.
- Come right in, inspector.
- Thank you.
- Is everything under control?
- Yes.
That's good.
- Oh, inspector, delighted to see you.
- I'm glad to see you.
- I've got a headache.
- How long have you had it?
Since this morning.
A gangster murder case gave it to me.
Murder case? Any clues?
Plenty. We found
the telephone number...
...of a very distinguished gentleman
on the gangster's body.
- Seems rather incredible, doesn't it?
- Yes. I hope we're wrong.
Yes. Well, in any event, I can give you
something for your headache.
Fine. What's good for it?
It all depends
what kind of headache it is, the cause.
How's paradol?
Paradol chloride isn't effective
for headaches, if that's what you mean.
What's it used for?
Well, chiefly insomnia, in minute doses.
It's a sedative.
And a poison.
- Got any?
- Why, certainly. Every doctor has.
May I see it?
It's practically odorless and tasteless.
Yet an overdose causes death.
Yes, I suppose it does.
Excuse me. Police headquarters
is on the wire for you, Inspector Lane.
- Thank you. Might I use the telephone?
- Yes.
Thank you, doctor.
Yes? Yes.
Well, all you can do
is keep working on Butch.
Telephone me here when he spills,
if he spills, and I think he will.
No, let her alone.
You can't do anything with her.
Telephone me here. I'll be waiting.
Now, doctor, to get back to this case.
All we lack is the motive and we'll have
that as soon as this fellow spills.
- So there's a woman in the case too, eh?
- And a third party.
I think it's only a matter of a few
minutes before we arrest him.
I see.
- Yes?
Mr. Grant is here.
- Grant? Just a moment.
- I'll wait for my call outside.
But your headache?
Well, strangely enough,
that's almost gone.
- I'll tell Grant to come in. Shall I?
- Please.
Thank you. Hope I'm
not disturbing you, Clitterhouse.
Oh, no. Not at all, Grant.
To the contrary, you don't know
how happy I am to see you.
- How are you feeling?
- Great. But this is only a social call.
I dropped in to ask
if you'd like to have dinner this evening.
- I'm afraid this evening seems doubtful.
- Oh, sorry.
- Soon, then?
- I hope so.
Oh, by the way,
I want your opinion on a matter.
Oh, very well.
A friend of mine...
...a very close friend of mine,
has gotten himself into a jab.
You understand this is confidential.
You kept in touch with Dr. Clitterhouse
the whole time he was in Europe?
- Yes, inspector.
- Where did you cable him?
Well, I don't recall the addresses
but, well, all over Europe.
- Did you keep the cables?
- No, I... I destroyed them.
- Why do you ask, inspector?
- Only a matter of curiosity.
I was wondering how a doctor kept in
touch with his cases while he was away.
- It's for you, inspector.
- Oh, thank you.
Yeah? Yeah?
That's what I couldn't figure out and I
hope Butch would tell us the connection.
What? I didn't wanna make the arrest
without that.
He hung around with Rocks' mob
for some time. Can you imagine that?
Put it on the teletype
and pick up every member of the gang.
What happened to the proceeds
of these robberies?
The crooks had their share.
My friend gave all of his away
to charity anonymously.
- His object was research, you see.
- No, I don't know that I do see, quite.
I suppose this has got
rather beyond him, is that it?
Yes. He kept his identity secret.
Then one of the crooks discovered it
and tried to blackmail him.
That was inevitable.
My friend's notes
were practically complete.
He didn't want to go on. Only this man
tried to force him to continue.
And did he?
But he suddenly realized that he lacked
the chapter on the ultimate crime.
- Not murder?
- Yes.
- And he has?
- In fact, he was obliged to.
- You mean, he removed the blackmailer?
- Yes.
Yes, he would, of course.
Why do you say that?
- Never mind. Go on.
- Well, that's all.
Except that he's afraid
the police will be after him?
- Yes, Grant.
- They will, you know.
Why do you say that?
Because that kind of man would make
mistakes, fatal errors. He'd miss things.
- How can you be so sure of that?
- His every thought and action...
...would be focused on the end
and not on the means to it.
- No.
- He would be intent solely upon his idea.
So obsessed,
that he could commit murder.
Yes, but his hand was forced.
Clitterhouse, are you stating
a hypothetical case...
...or has all this actually happened?
- Assume that it has happened.
- Well?
If it were discovered,
what would his chances for acquittal be?
- It isn't a matter of chances at all.
- Isn't it?
With the plan of defense I'd use,
he'd get off inevitably.
- What? Why?
- Because the fellow's as mad as a hatter.
- Mad?
- It's obvious.
- You could get him off? You're certain?
- As I am of my own name.
I'd stake my professional reputation
on it.
- Yes, but he's not mad, Grant.
- He may not go around...
...with straws in his hair, but he isn't
sane. Therefore, not legally responsible.
What about his book?
Would that be considered...?
Your friend's book might be quite
coherent and perfectly sensible.
He probably writes, talks, looks
and acts like anybody else.
- Just like you and me.
- Yes.
In the course of
your medical experience...'ve probably
run across such persons...
...perfectly sane except on
the subject of their monomania.
And a monomaniac is legally insane?
Well, this one is
if the facts you've given me are correct.
I don't want to suggest
any breach of confidence...
...but does it happen to be
anyone I know?
Yes, you do know him.
- Indeed. Who?
- Me.
Inspector Lane would like to come in,
Dr. Clitterhouse.
I'm awfully sorry, doctor.
You needn't be, old man.
There's nothing to be upset about.
Everything's quite all right.
Isn't it, Grant?
Of course.
- I wouldn't say very much, if I were you.
- Would you mind taking care of this?
- What is it?
- All my research notes.
- Miss Randolph?
Yes, doctor?
You don't really think that I'm, uh...
You know, do you?
- Of course not, doctor.
- Be honest now.
You've been overworking that's all.
You'll be all right in a little while.
Oh, Grant, may I retain you
to represent me?
- Why, naturally.
- And you'll insist that I'm not quite...
You may be sure I'll insist on whatever
may be best under the circumstances.
Very well, inspector, at your service.
Oh, Grant, you won't forget that
your professional reputation is at stake?
I shall be very upset if you lose it.
But, of course, we are not dealing with
relatively simple psychiatric pathology...
...such as, uh, manic-depressive
psychosis, involution melancholia...
...or any other elementary psychosis.
Exactly what are we dealing with,
Professor Ludwig?
- That's what I should like to determine.
- So should I, sir.
Which is my reason for explaining
so carefully Wundt-Farbhalf's theory...
...of the symptoms of hyper-amnesia
and the hypnagogic state.
Well, do such hypnagogic states
have any bearing on this case?
Perhaps, but perhaps not.
We must realize that psychiatry
is still far from an exact science.
In fact, such solid authorities
as Gerhardie, Pendugast and Picard...
...have characterized the entire
Wundt-Farbhalf theory as sheer nonsense.
Professor Ludwig, I'm sorry to confess...
...that I don't know
what you're talking about...
...and haven't known for the past hour.
Naturally, I don't believe there
are more than six men in the world...
...capable of understanding
the Wundt-Farbhalf theories.
Are you telling us that the prisoner
was or was not insane... the time of committing the crime?
Your Honor, I'm telling you
as clearly as possible...
...that sufficient glandular and nervous
imbalance may have occurred... justify an hypothesis
of pseudo-schizophrenic tendencies.
And then again it may not have.
Thank you.
- Thank you so much, Professor Ludwig.
- Not at all, Your Honor.
All right. All right. Quiet.
Quiet all this babble.
This has been going on for 72 hours
and I can't stand much more.
Now, was he or wasn't he?
How many of you
still think he was insane?
I do.
- One, two, three, four, five, six.
All right, all those I counted
come over at this side of the table.
The rest of you still think he was sane?
He's sane.
All right. You five come over
at this side of the table.
That's it. Fine.
Now, now I think
we're getting some place.
I vote that he was... He, uh...
Oh, I don't know.
Didn't I tell you?
The man is sane.
Wouldn't it be a good idea if we recall the
prisoner and asked him a few questions?
I don't care what you do.
This is driving me crazy.
That's a good idea.
Question number three:
Were you or were you not
in full realization...
...of the consequences of your actions?
I object to the defendant answering.
He is prejudiced in his own behalf.
Objection overruled.
The defendant will please answer.
Certainly I was aware
of the consequences of my actions...
...but not of the extent and...
...the far-reaching possibility
of those consequences.
Your Honor,
may I clarify this entire problem?
- Yes, Mr. Grant.
- Dr. Clitterhouse... regards Rocks Valentine,
do you remember distinctly...
...the processes of thought which made
you determine to do away with him?
But certainly, and granting my premise,
I would say that my logic was perfect.
Yeah, but, Dr. Clitterhouse, you heard
Miss Keller's testimony to the contrary.
Yes, and I'm sincerely grateful to her
for testifying on my behalf.
In fact, her unfailing kindness
and concern for me...
...have put me eternally in her debt.
Nevertheless, I must repeat
that my logic was perfect.
Your Honor,
could we have a short recess?
I'm sorry, but that's impossible.
- But, Your Honor...
- That will be all, Mr. Grant.
Question number four:
Dr. Clitterhouse,
as a competent medical authority... you believe it possible
for an insane man to write a sane book?
- Emphatically not.
- Then you admit that your book... irrational and of no scientific value?
- I admit nothing of the sort.
My book is completely rational
and of definite scientific value.
- You're positive about that?
- Of course I am.
Say what you please about me.
Do anything to me the law allows.
But you cannot, you must not question
the sanity of my book.
Thank you, Dr. Clitterhouse.
And so, Dr. Clitterhouse, assuming...
...that it is impossible
for an insane man... write a sane book, in your
own opinion you are perfectly sane?
Yes, Your Honor. Perfectly.
I object. I object, Your Honor.
Both to the question and the answer.
Order. Order.
Order. Order.
- Your Honor.
- Order.
- Your Honor. Your Honor.
- Order.
We've reached a verdict.
What is the verdict?
Not guilty on ground of insanity.
How on Earth
did you ever reach such a verdict?
Well, Your Honor,
the prisoner's only hope...
...lies in proving himself insane
when he committed the crime.
In fact, his life depends on it.
But there he sits, doing his best
to prove himself sane, then and now.
Only an insane man would do that,
so he must have been and still is sane.
I mean, uh, insane... Unsa...
Well, he is. It's easy.
The court orders the defendant remanded
for examination... the State Lunacy Commission.
Clear this court. Clear this court.
- Clear this court.
- He fainted. A doctor.
- A doctor. A doctor. A doctor.
Clear this court.
Is there a doctor in the courtroom?
Is there a doctor in the courtroom?
- Amazing.
Clear this court.
- Really amazing.
- Clear this court.
Clear the court.