The Amazing Wizard of Paws (2015)

It took a while
for it to get down.
Good catch.
You threw it over my head.
Okay, here we go. I got it.
Catch it.
Good catch.
All right. That's it.
That's how you do it.
You watching?
Now go just like this.
"And so the cowboys sat down
by the crackling campfire
they had prepared."
And roasted marshmallows?
And roasted marshmallows.
And popped popcorn. Heh.
And popped popcorn.
That's right.
And roasted hot dogs.
And roasted hot dogs!
How did you know that?
Hey, Daddy, will you be home
in time for my birthday?
I wouldn't miss it
for the world, sport.
There you go, buddy.
That's great, hon.
I know you'll get it,
Salesman of the Year for sure.
Just wish you didn't have to
go on the road so much.
I ordered the cake,
and the balloons arrive
on Thursday.
What time do you leave?
Just waiting for takeoff.
Okay, well, we really need
to go on a trip, like, soon.
We will, I promise.
Oh, and, honey,
if you have time,
can you pick up a space shuttle
souvenir for Bobby?
I Will.
You know what?
I'm gonna let you go, okay?
Have a safe flight.
I'll call you when I get to Houston.
- Okay.
- I love you.
I love you.
Oh, God.
Got you.
The back door is always locked.
I don't even understand
how he could have opened it.
Well, you got lucky this time.
Thank you.
- We'll see you later.
- Thank you.
Okay, sweetie pie.
Hey, hon.
Hey, hon.
Plane got in early.
I'll be there soon.
Do you need me
to pick anything up?
No. Just get home.
We've missed you.
Hows my little guy doing?
I just put him to bed
a little while ago.
You know, I'm starting to think
that you went out of town
on purpose.
Prepping a five-year-old's
birthday party isn't easy.
What'd the doctor say?
He's fine. He's fine.
He just swallowed some water.
Are we sure that was a dog?
Maybe it was a coyote.
They've been seen a lot
in the neighborhood lately.
All I can tell you
is it saved Bobby's life.
After the 18th,
no more out-of-town meetings
for a while.
Really? Hmm, that's great news.
I don't like it
when you go out of town,
and Bobby needs his father around.
I get lonely when you're away.
Things are going to change, hon.
Hey, I'll see you in 20.
Well, Bobby,
tell me how you feel.
I'll be right back, Bobby.
Well, it seems that Bobby
has acquired acute agoraphobia.
What is that?
It's a serious anxiety condition
that can affect the way
in which a child or an adult
deals with everyday, normal
social activities and interaction.
In Bobby's case,
it was undoubtedly triggered
by the loss of his father.
He has been acting like that
ever since Jack died.
Why don't you show me
one of those magic tricks
that Dr. Abernack taught you?
Where did it go?
That was so good.
It's magic. That was good.
Well, you're not a coyote,
are you?
Can we keep him?
Well, he doesn't seem
to have a name tag.
It's just this... this old key.
Does it unlock something?
I don't know.
Be careful, sweetie.
We don't know if he's friendly.
Oswald. His name is Oswald.
Ozzy. Heh.
He seems friendly.
Well, honey,
don't get too attached.
He might belong
to somebody else.
He might be missing.
This little guy,
This little guy,
he's going to help Bobby...
control his agoraphobia.
Dogs are amazingly
spiritual animals.
They've been assisting people
with medical conditions
for centuries now.
One might even call them
magical. Heh heh.
He still has anxieties
about socializing.
The dog has become
his security blanket,
his confidant.
So Ozzy's going to bring him out
into the world and not be afraid.
May I help you?
I've come to retrieve my dog.
Your... Your dog?
You're Ozzy's owner?
Yes. Troublesome little creature.
He escaped from his dwellings.
Well, it's been
quite some time.
After a few months,
we figured he didn't have a home.
Why didn't you contact us sooner?
I live far away,
quite far.
Bobby has become
pretty attached to this dog.
I- I'
I would like to see
my dog, please.
Do you have anything
that you can show me
that-that he is your dog?
How did... How did you
get this address?
We only put our phone number
on the poster.
911. There's a man trying
to break into my house.
Bobby, stay in your room!
Close the door!
One day, I'm going to be
the greatest magician in the world.
Ozzy, pick a card.
We'll shuffle.
Is this your card?
Thank you. Thank you.
Another few weeks, please?
Another few weeks, please?
I know my payment is late.
Please, can't you extend
the grace period?
I've never been delinquent
on my mortgage before.
I recently lost my job,
and my husband...
several years ago.
I've managed this long.
Please, just another few weeks?
Come on. Let's go.
Come on, Ozzy.
Okay, be good. Have fun.
Hey, can we pet your service dog,
you little wuss?
Hey, leave him alone.
Pick on someone your own size.
Oh, are you his girlfriend?
Are those your girlfriends?
Hey, give me back my backpack.
Give it... Give it to me!
Come on.
Give it back!
Throw something at me again,
and you're dead meat.
Leave him alone!
Let's get out of here.
Help me, please.
Ozzy. Call somebody?
Hi. What can I get for you?
Can I have a milkshake?
Sure. What kind?
- Chocolate.
- Okay.
If you leave
My life will become...
Hey, kid! No dogs allowed.
But he's my service dog, sir.
I don't care if he's the First Dog
of the United States.
Get that dog out of here now.
Are you listening to me?!
What's the matter
with you, kid?
Get that dog out of here now.
But he helps me for...
for medical reasons.
You don't look handicapped to me.
He's my companion.
He's licensed to go everywhere
with me.
I don't care if he has
a license to drive.
Get that mutt out of here. Now!
Come on, Ozzy.
Tiny, do that again,
and you're fired.
Thanks for calming me down,
Sorry. No lunch scraps.
Well, we better be
getting home soon.
Mom's going to be
looking for us.
Come on, Ozzy.
$20 bill?
Aww. What a cute dog.
- Can I pet him?
- Sure.
Is he a working dog?
He helps me leave the house.
He's my best friend.
HOW'd that get there?
What is this?
Could you please tell me
how much the book is?
Not sure I have enough money.
That's exactly how much I have.
Come on, Ozzy.
Hmm. It's locked.
I can't open it.
Looks like it needs
some kind of...
key or something.
No, it...
it couldn't be.
Oh, it... it's not in English.
One day, I'll be the greatest
magician ever,
and then we can
take over the world.
Did you see that?
How'd I do that?
Hello, Bobby.
Who are you?
I am Zazasphorous.
And how do you know my name?
Oh, I know all about you.
This is Ozzy.
Oh, I know.
He is a good animal.
I miss him.
You miss him?
Well, I was once
his guardian and master,
and now you are his master.
I don't understand.
I sent Pharsophrises,
Ozzy as you call him now,
to protect you.
To protect me?
Ah, all these years,
he has watched over you.
He has been your guardian
since you were quite young.
He has protected you from harm.
And now you
must protect the book.
Protect the book?
The book should never
be used for evil.
Why me?
It has always been your destiny,
and now that you
have turned the key,
you have the power.
You are the chosen one.
Wait. What do you mean
I'm the chosen one?
Did that just happen?
Yeah, right.
I have the power.
"You are the chosen one."
I'm hallucinating.
How did I do that?
You are the chosen one.
Who said that'?
Me, Four Legs,
as the old wizard calls me.
But I prefer Ozzy.
Dogs don't talk.
Y-You can't talk.
Well, if you can talk,
why didn't you talk before?
I had nothing to say.
until you opened the book,
I was silenced for centuries.
You've been around
for centuries?
How old are you?
623 years old.
That's about 4,200 in dog years.
This is unbelievable.
- Hmm.
- You can talk!
Now, got to keep this quiet.
You understand?
I understand.
This is amazing.
Still can't read this.
It's in some kind of foreign
language or something.
It's a magical book.
You don't need to read it.
The magic you believe
is now the magic you create.
You have opened
the magic connection
between the book and the key.
As long as they remain with you,
you have the power.
- Hey, Mom.
- Hey, honey.
What are you and Ozzy up to?
Ah, nothing.
Oh, I've been meaning
to remind you.
Don't leave the lights on
in the hallway during the clay.
It costs money. Sure.
Dry your eyes tonight
We got a way to make it right
The secret's
in your eyes that speak
You hide
But I'll seek
We're gonna make it
We'll make it
One chance, let's take it...
I could have sworn I put that quiche
in the oven a minute ago.
We're living out our dreams
We're living out our
Our fantasies
And it's a good thing
The real thing
It's real
'Cause I found you
And, baby, you found me
And you found me
Nana na na na
Na na na na na...
Ozzy, let's get out of here.
Your dog helping you
with your schoolwork again, dork?
He's talking to you.
Come on. You listening to me?
Over here.
How'd you get over there?
It's in English now.
It's actually not.
You're able to see the words
in English.
How come I can read them HOW?
Because you have the power.
The book has accepted you.
You are its protector.
Protector of what?
You must protect the book
to protect the world.
Protect the world?
There is much evil
that starves for this book,
evil that will feed off
the power of this book,
evil that can destroy your world
as you know it.
To protect the world
as you know it.
And remember
to keep the key close to you
at all times.
Wait. What evil? Who?
Come on, Ozzy. Come on.
- Thanks, Mom.
- Have fun.
I'll pick you up after the movie, okay?
Oh, and no popcorn for Ozzy.
- No popcorn for Ozzy?
- Shh! Come on.
I've been wanting
to see this movie so bad.
It's all about magic and wizards.
That looks like our book.
It's Lord Gargheon.
Wow. This is the best 3-D ever.
Ozzy, we got to
get out of here now.
You are the chosen one.
Bobby, what are you doing?
I'm not gonna be bullied anymore.
Let's see what this magic can do.
You have the power.
Come on, Ozzy.
Come on, Ozzy.
The evil wizard is now very old
and losing his powers.
He needs the book to stop aging
and regain his powers,
for he will be back,
and he wants the book.
He needs the book.
Maybe I should just give it to him.
No. No, no.
The book must never get
into the hands of the evil one.
And if it does?
The world will be in danger.
Magic is like fire.
In the right hands,
it can do nothing but good.
But in the wrong hands,
the hands of evil,
it can do nothing but bad,
it can only destroy.
If the Lord Gargheon comes back,
you must destroy the book.
What happens if the book
is destroyed?
Then neither good nor evil
can use the magic.
I'll lose all my powers
to do magic?
Magic fueled by the book, yes.
You need to enter
the school talent show.
Why? It will help you
get over your social anxiety.
That's what you're for.
You help me do that.
And I'm helping you by telling you
to enter the school talent show.
I'm scared.
Of what?
You know I don't like crowds.
That's why you have me.
Look, you're my best friend
in the whole world.
I wouldn't be able to get out of bed
if it weren't for you.
You're going to be the greatest magician
in the world, remember?
I guess it would be kind of fun
entertaining people.
It's a great feeling
to make someone smile.
You've got magic powers now, kid.
Do you really think
we should enter?
If you don't, I will.
Hey, kid, what'd I tell you
about bringing that dog
in here the last time?
Abracadabra. Do be tiny.
What you trying,
some hocus-pocus on me?
What-What you do to me?
Come on, Ozzy. Let's go.
What'd you do to me, man?
Where y'all goin... Hey! Hey!
You did not... Hey!
Hey, on the house,
you could have a milkshake.
You could have
some French fries.
Just come back
and make me big again.
I'm too insecure like this.
I warned you, Tiny.
You're fired.
I'm what?!
You need to do
more prestidigitation.
You mean like sleight of hand?
Close-up magic, right?
But I can't seem
to pronounce it.
Yeah, I know what you mean.
You know, coin tricks,
card tricks,
floating objects,
swapping things under cups.
Yeah, I can do this.
I can do this.
I can't do this.
Don't be nervous. I'm here.
And remember,
nothing too spectacular.
Thump, thump goes my drums
And the sound of my heart
when you're near
Oh, say, can you see
By the dawn's early light
And the home of the brave
Good evening,
ladies and gentlemen,
teachers and students.
Lam the Great Bobbini,
and this is
my trusty assistant Ozzy.
Better wow them now,
or you've lost 'em.
I thought you said
don't overdo it.
I make mistakes.
And now shall make
my trusty assistant Ozzy disappear.
And now for my final trick.
Ozzy, please.
That was great, wasn't it?
That was great, wasn't it?
- You were great.
- You were great.
See, and the magic made you
come out of your shell.
You weren't shy.
Yeah, I guess it did.
I just wanted to entertain everyone.
How do we do that, anyway?
A good magician never reveals
how he does a trick.
Yeah, but I'm the magician.
I should know
howl did the trick.
When we get home, I'll show you
how we did the trick.
This is how we did the trick.
- Aww.
- Aww.
So adorable.
Oh, hi.
I love your dog. He's so cute.
That was so cool
what you did back at school.
Where did you learn how
to do magic like that?
Friend of mine,
Dr. Abernack taught me.
He said it'd help me
get over my shyness.
I read once that Houdini and other
magicians were really very shy.
Bobby, there's some kids
at the door asking for you.
- What do they want?
- I don't know.
They said they know you
from school.
Hope they're not here
to beat me up.
Hey, we thought
you'd like to join our team,
come play baseball
at the park with us.
Um, I don't know.
You were great at the talent show
the other day.
Yeah. How'd you do those tricks?
A good magician never
reveals his secrets.
Well, are you gonna
join our team or not?
I don't... I don't know.
Come on.
What are you afraid of?
Okay. Let me go
get Ozzy's leash.
We don't need that dog.
He'll try and catch the ball.
He'll get in the way.
No, he won't.
He doesn't even chase balls.
He's not like a regular dog.
Can't you go anywhere
without him?
Yeah. Leave him here.
What's wrong with you?
Come on, guys.
We don't need this kid.
He's still a loser.
But if I have all these powers,
why can't I stop the foreclosure
on the house?
Why can't I make money
just magically appear?
And why can't I bring Dad back?
It doesn't work that way.
Magic doesn't solve problems.
Then what does it do?
Even I can't answer that, Bobby.
I'm sorry.
What's wrong?
I'm fine, sweetie.
What are you doing up?
Can't sleep.
Thinking about Dad again?
Yeah, me, too.
It's okay, Mom.
There's nothing we could've done.
Hey, I'm real proud of you.
My little Houdini.
You were so great,
you took home first prize.
My little boy is gonna be
a great magician.
I'm so proud of you, honey.
Now go to bed.
Don't want to be a frog
no more
Don't want to be green
What are you doing, Ozzy?
Expecting someone?
Don't need to be
a toad no more
I've got to be me
Who could that be?
Come close, my love,
and kiss me nice
Your prince will be free
Who gave you permission
to order a pizza?
Look, I didn't, okay? I swear.
Just keep the change.
We're on a budget, remember?
If you wanted a pizza,
all you had to do was ask.
I don't want you calling
without my permission.
You got it?
Got it.
Make sure they didn't
forget the anchovies.
What was that, honey?
Uh, I just said,
"Hope they didn't forget
the anchovies."
Thanks for the pizza, Mom.
Yeah, all right.
Hurry. I'm starving.
Do you have
an exceptional talent?
Well, then, we're looking for you
to be the next million-dollar winner.
"The Million Dollar Talent Show"
is coming to your town,
so come on down, and audition.
Are you the best singer,
dancer, acrobat?
Do you have a unique talent?
Are you the greatest magician,
the best ventriloquist,
the most unique act
we've ever seen?
We've gotta enter.
If we win,
we won't lose the house.
So come on down and audition.
We're looking for you to be
the next million-dollar winner.
We need to come up
with a great illusion
to get a spot
in the talent show.
You're good with ideas.
You'll come up with something.
Glad you have faith in me.
Who are you talking to?
Uh, you know, just, um,
thinking out loud to myself.
You doing your homework?
I will. Just, you know,
trying to learn
some new magic tricks.
You're gonna be
a great magician, honey.
You're gonna be great at anything
that you put your mind to.
And I'll always be proud of you.
Now, homework first.
I will. I promise.
Get to it, kiddo.
Your homework's
not gonna finish itself.
Abracadabra, homework do.
We're looking for you
to be the next
million-dollar winner.
I just want to feel
your heartbeat
Are you the best singer,
dancer, acrobat?
Do you have a unique talent?
Are you the greatest magician,
the best ventriloquist,
the most unique act
we've ever seen?
We're looking for you to be
the next million-dollar winner.
We're looking for you to be
the next million-dollar winner.
Look, it's Gargheon. We gotta find
a way to stall him long enough
to perform for the judges.
Come on.
Ozzy, you're brilliant.
Ozzy, you're brilliant.
I didn't say anything.
You've given me a great idea.
- I have?
- Uh-huh.
These cards say who's next.
These cards say who's next.
Ah, here we are.
- Hi.
- All right.
- Hello.
- How are you?
Good evening,
ladies... and gentleman.
I'm the Great Bobbini,
and this is
my trusty assistant Ozzy.
For my first trick, I shall...
Just one...
I'm not ready yet.
Yes, you are. Trust yourself.
Do one of the tricks you designed
the other night.
He's talking to his dog.
But does the dog talk back?
That would be magic.
Bobby and small furry person,
what is it that you do exactly?
We do magic.
Ooh, magic.
Oh, great.
- Abracadabra, we love it.
- Yeah.
We want to be wowed.
Ah, that's something.
That's magic.
Seems to be hovering.
It's magic.
What else do you have there,
little man?
Where's the snow?
Just trying to find
something here.
All right. That was surprising.
- Okay. All right.
- That's good. That's good.
All right.
This must be the big one.
This is the... This is big...
This is the finale.
Where'd the dog go?
The dog is no longer there.
- All right. And magic.
- That's very good.
It's very cute, but I'm not sure
it's what we're looking for.
And now,
I give you not only a trunk,
but the elephant that comes with it.
All right.
All right.
That's pretty cool.
- Thanks, Bobby.
- Not at all.
However, we have seen
this one before.
Ifs sort of like a circus trick.
Not sure if you have anything else
that we haven't seen, perhaps.
Hey, Ozzy, the judges say
they've seen this before.
How 'bout we show 'em
something they haven't seen?
- Oh.
- Oh, my.
That is a large canine.
- W-Wow.
- Wow.
That's magic.
How did he do that?
We have not seen that.
No, we haven't seen that.
Must be some mirrors...
Or a giant dog costume?
Smoke or...
Very well done, Bobby.
- Very well done.
- That was very good.
Come up here.
Congratulations, Bobby.
You're moving on
to the next round.
We'll see you in Vegas.
Congratulations, Bobby.
See you in Vegas, Bobby.
That, that's the only magician
we're going to let in.
Me and Ozzy have a plan
so that we don't lose the house.
We're not losing the house.
What gave you that idea?
Everything's fine.
Go. Go.
How we going to get
to the callbacks?
They're 600 miles or more
from here.
They gave you a plane ticket.
We can't let Mom know
we're trying to save the house.
It's supposed to be
a surprise, remember?
Then you need
to create a portal.
A pol-tar;?
An entrance
we can step through here
that brings us out there.
Oh, you mean like that time
when you went in one box
and out the other?
How 'bout a toilet?
Everybody's got a toilet, right?
I guess that would work. Heh.
It would be like a portal potty.
Ah, that could get messy.
I think your bedroom closet
would work just fine.
- Should we test it?
- Of course, to be sure it works.
On with the show.
Let's see where I go.
Step through,
and see where it takes you.
I think it works.
We're gonna be late.
Hurry, Ozzy.
What time are the callbacks
for the audition?
Less than an hour. We...
I need time to get changed,
and then we have to make sure
that the portals still working.
- Come on.
- Let's go.
Come on, Ozzy.
Come on.
Where is everybody?
This isn't the way home.
We're going uptown.
Ozzy, we gotta get
off this bus now.
Hand over the key
and take me to the book.
Look out.
Hold on.
Shoo da da doo
Shoo da da doo
Fly away
Like birds of a feather
So good together
You and me
We're like a panoramic view
With the beautifulest hues
Of a picture-perfect place
Only you and I can grace
Only you know what I mean
So let's just close
our eyes together and dream
Bobby. You okay?
We missed the callbacks
for the show.
Now we'll never have a chance
to save the house.
We had our one chance,
and we missed it.
Hmm. I've got an idea.
Bobby, who are you talking to?
Uh, just talking on my phone.
Well, don't be long.
It's expensive.
I won't.
So what's your idea?
So we're gonna take
my toy steam engine back in time?
To the audition callbacks.
Look, it's one thing to step through
a portal to another place,
but to another time?
I can't do that kind of magic.
Yes, you can, with my help.
It's not working.
- Try a rhyme.
- A rhyme?
I'm not good at rhymes.
I need to go back in time
to the audition...
Nothing rhymes with "audition."
We missed the audition.
We need to go back.
I can't do this.
I can't figure out
how to do this in rhyme.
Just wanted to go back in time.
Yes. I did it.
Get up, get UP
- Get in
- Yes!
I'm going like a freight train
- Oh, yeah!
And I'm never gonna stop
Getup, get up, get in
- I'm living in the moment
- Yeah! Oh, yeah!
On the way m the top
Yeah! All right!
Wait. We're going backwards.
Of course, silly.
We're going back in time,
not forward in time.
That makes sense.
Ozzy, wake up. We're here.
It's still nighttime.
Maybe the train took us
back to last night
so that we can get a good night's
sleep for the audition.
- Hmm.
- Let me check my phone.
I'm not getting any reception
on my cellphone.
We went back too far,
way too far.
Quick, think of a rhyme
to go forward,
forward in time.
I had enough trouble
figuring out how to rhyme
the first time.
What rhymes with "forward"?
Augh. Nothing rhymes
with "forward."
On the train,
need to go forward.
Just take us away.
We don't want to stay.
Where are we?
I don't know.
We're still not in the present.
We're still seven years too early.
We didn't go anywhere.
This is our hometown newspaper.
We're not in Vegas.
- It's a $50 coupon.
- For what?
It's real.
- 50 bucks.
- Hmm.
I'm hungry. You hungry?
I'm a dog. I'm always hungry.
Let's go.
Boy, I didn't realize
how hungry I was.
That dog was scrumptious.
What's for dessert?
We have to get back
to the train soon,
but I'm a little thirsty.
We should stop and get
something to drink.
But we can't miss
the callbacks this time.
We gotta win.
Mom needs that money
to pay for the mortgage.
Otherwise, we're going
to be homeless.
Come on, Ozzy.
Excuse me.
Are you sure
you're okay to drive?
What's it to you, kid?
Look, I don't think it's safe for you
to be driving right now, mister.
What's it your business
you telling me what to do?
Why don't you call a cab?
You harassing me?
I'm gonna call the cops.
No. Look, I've got...
$30 left.
That should be enough
for a cab.
You're right, kid.
You really do care.
Someone does.
I gotta go, mister.
Thank you, kid. Thanks, dog.
Don't mention it.
Yeah, I need a cab.
It was good to do a good deed.
Ready to ride?
We're still too early,
so take us on a trip,
seven more years.
Let's go. Zip, zip, zip.
Getup, get up, get in
I'm going like a freight train
And I'm never gonna stop
Getup, get up, get in
I'm living in the moment
On the way m the top
Ozzy, we're here.
We made it.
I'm not sure...
Is this our Bobby that we liked?
Supposed to be magic,
right'? Uh...
Look, somethings wrong, okay?
I'm feeling a little weak.
Gargheon's got the key now.
It's taking away some of your power
from the book.
You need to concentrate.
Try harder.
Here we go.
All right. Well,
that might've been enough magic
for today, all right?
Thank you.
Please, just give me a chance.
Look, I can create an illusion
that no one has ever seen before.
My sweet little magic man,
I'm going to tell you what I told
Jason Beiver
when I saw him perform
when he was just
seven years old.
- Oh, my.
- I said,
"Jason, you are like a bird
soaring through the air."
You're the bird.
Soaring high.
And that bird...
Has been shot.
- Right.
- Do you see?
And it falls, and ifs just...
It's feathers now,
and it's just...
It's flailing about
all over the ground.
- Ifs really sad.
- It's not good.
Okay. But you have wings, Bobby.
Use them.
And never give up
on your dreams.
Your dreams, Bobby.
Thank you. Next.
There he was,
I mean, began the weeping.
There he was,
I mean, began the weeping.
Just the excessive
little display of feeling.
What is that?
It's the parents.
It's the grandparents.
Excuse me! Wait!
It's our little magician.
Oh, yes, the dead bird.
Look, kid, I don't know
how to tell you this,
but you didn't make it, all right?
Perhaps if you work really hard,
you could perform at a casino
- Wait.
- Sorry.
Can't we talk this out?
Come on. Just give me a chance.
Have you ever seen a dog
turn into a werewolf?
All right, I have to admit
that was impressive,
but it's not even a full moon
or anything, so...
Yes. Yes.
You are absolutely right.
It is said that one
can only transform
in the light of a full moon.
An old tale has it
that the first werewolf
was spotted in a small-town village
in eastern Europe.
Legend has it that
the power of the full moon
caused the blood
of the would-be werewolves
to pump faster and harder,
forcing them to literally jump
out of their skins
to become the werewolf.
Please turn your attention
to the current crescent moon.
Let's make the perfect night
for a werewolf, shall we?
How did...
You know, let's make it
a blue moon at that.
Are you seeing that?
Okay, this is really weird.
I'm not sure how to take that.
I don't know how...
That can't be rigged up.
All right, kid.
You made it to the finals.
- Let's go.
- That's good.
Thank you, guys.
I'm proud of you, kid.
This is the time
You made me believe in me
You made me believe in me
You made me shine
Taught me how
to spread my wings
Oh, darling
Oh, darling
We're gonna be great
on the show, Oz.
We're gonna be great
on the show, Oz.
Oz? Ozzy?
Where are you?
Mmm. Oh, good.
Fridge needs some stocking.
This isn't funny.
Hello, Bobby.
Weren't expecting me, were you?
HOW'd you get in here?
Your mother let me in.
No, she didn't.
Is my mom okay?
Mom? Mom?
She can't help you right now.
What did you do to my mom?
Where's Ozzy?
They're both a little petrified
at the moment.
You'd better not hurt them.
Now, I'm looking for the lock
that fits this key.
I'll never give you the book.
Then you'll never see
your mother and Ozzy again.
Bobby, now that I have the key,
I absorb much of your power.
The closer I am to the book,
the weaker you get,
the stronger I become.
I can feel the magic
draining from your veins.
Now, big man,
give me the book.
You want the book?
You're not using the powers.
How can you do that?
This is an illusion.
A good magician never reveals
how he does his tricks.
It's time to close this chapter.
You okay, Oz?
Say something.
Say something.
Say something!
Ozzy, I don't care
if you can't talk.
I love you anyway.
Even before you could speak
or any of this strange
wizard stuff happened,
you were always the most
magical thing in my life.
Are you okay? Are you okay?
I'm fine. Ozzy's fine, too.
The bad man left.
He won't be back.
I no longer have the book
to sustain my energy.
I must go soon.
The book is safe now,
locked away forever,
thanks to you, Bobby.
Well, I guess I'll never be
a great magician.
You are a great magician.
How can you say that?
I don't have magical powers
But you don't need otherworldly powers
to be a good magician.
Who designed those magic tricks?
You did.
Who performed them flawlessly?
You did.
Yeah, but I had help.
I can't do them by myself.
Now I'll have to quit the show,
and we'll lose the house.
Oh, but what about all those
great illusions you did?
You created them from scratch.
The book didn't give you
those ideas.
Those ideas were yours
and yours alone.
The magic is inside of you,
We're not gonna make the final show
on time, even if we fly.
The magic is inside of you, Bobby.
Thanks, Zazasphorous.
Give it everything,
don't hold back
Give it everything,
don't hold back
Just lay it on the line,
this is your time to shine
You're going to go far...
It's "The Million Dollar Talent Show"
and here's your host,
Patrick Schweiss.
Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to
"The Million Dollar Talent Show".
Boy, have we got some great acts
for you tonight.
Our judges have picked
the final contestants.
Now it's up to you at home
to vote for your favorite.
Your online votes
will be tallied,
and we'll announce
the million-dollar winner
live before the end
of tonight's show.
Give it everything,
don't hold back
Just lay it on the line,
this is your time to shine
You're going to go far
Blue jacket
And I know that I'm the only one
You're ever gonna need
I'm too weak
I'm too weak
I can't breathe
No, oh, oh, oh
Good evening,
ladies and gentlemen.
Lam the Great Bobbini,
and this is
my trusty assistant Ozzy.
Today we'd like to do
some prestidigitation for you.
Now, if you don't know
what that word means,
it means the art of close-up magic
using sleight of hand.
And I can't tell you how long
it took me to pronounce that.
Mom, Dad, look.
My friend Bobby's on TV.
All right. Ozzy, pick a card.
Pick a card.
He's picked the jack of diamonds.
All right.
Uh, would you kindly
hold up your sign?
Now, um, would you
please flip that over?
Thank you.
And now for my final trick,
I shall be the first magician ever
to hypnotize an animal,
my dog OZZY-.
Sit. Sit. Sit.
Sit. Sit.
Sit. Thank you.
Sit up.
Now, Ozzy,
I need you to concentrate.
Look into my eyes.
And the countdown...
Ozzy, I need you
to concentrate,
On the countdown from 3, 2, 1,
I want you to become
as still as a mannequin.
Whenever Ozzy disappears,
I know how to make him reappear.
Ozzy, you want a cookie?
We had some great talent tonight.
We had over
12 million votes online.
Our computers
have tallied them up.
Ladies and gentlemen,
this is live.
In third place, we have...
And in second place, we have...
the Great Bobbini.
And your
million-dollar winner is...
the Dancing Dolls.
We didn't win.
And I know you'd probably say
that I came in second
and I did it all my own,
but that's not gonna
save the house.
Making fun of me.
Making fun of me.
- Hey, hey, hey.
- Yeah.
- Stop!
- Think I'm old?
- Stop!
- Think I'm old?
- I'll show you old.
- [veins 1.
Hey, buddy.
- What's with the tux?
- How?
Are you okay, Bobby?
Ah, hey, I love you, too, sport.
I can't believe it.
I can't believe it.
But how?
You told me that magic couldn't
save Dad or the house,
but it did.
Hello, Bobby.
- Hello, Ozzy.
- Zazasphorous?
But I thought
I'd never see you again.
I think you need to understand
what happened
and to know that you are the reason
your father is alive.
What do you mean?
There was a hiccup,
a delay in the time-space
but your father is now alive
because of you.
Bobby, you changed the future
by doing one simple good deed.
You cast a spell
on my heart
You cast a spell
on my heart
You waved your wand
and ignited that spark
You cast a spell
on my heart
It feels like it's breaking
when we're apart
Even when I was
alone in the dark
Now I can see
Something you did
made it all...
Thanks for being there
for me, Oz,
after all those years.
I think I can do it
on my own now.
D-Don't worry, though.
You'll always, you know,
be my best friend,
but it's just not your job
And put that smile
on your face
I want to be that man
I want to be that man
Who gives it all I can
Just open your eyes,
and let...
Bosloy's Pizzeria.
Can I help you?
I'd like to order
your colossal imperial pizza,
everything on it,
and don't forget the anchovies.
Dry your eyes tonight
We got a way to make it right
The secret's
in your eyes that speak
You hide
But I'll seek
We're gonna make it
We'll make it
One chance, let's take it
Let's take it
We're living out our dreams
We're living out
Our fantasies
And it's a good thing
The real thing
It's real
'Cause I found you
And, baby, you found me
You found me
Nana na na na
Nana na na na
'Cause your eyes tum on
What you've been through
Is gone
The sun's at our backs
We're side to side
With nothing to hide
Yeah, we're gonna make it
Make it
No, no, can't fake it
Can't fake it
Let me tell you again
We're living out
We're living out
Our dreams
Living out our Amen
We're living out our
Living out our fantasies
And it's a good thing
Finding our love
Baby, the real thing
And I love it now
It's so real
'Cause I found you
And, baby, you found me
And you found me
Nana na na na
Nananana Ooh hoo hoo
Nana na na na
And I found you
Nana na na na
Nananana I found you
Nana na na na
Dry your eyes tonight
Dry them tonight,
gonna make it so right
Gonna make it right
Gonna make it right