The Angel with the Trumpet (1950)

A house in Vienna.
A house with a history.
For it was built by Christopher Alt,
a cabinet maker who rose
to be a pianoforte maker
to the Austrian court.
He made his first piano in a
little room behind his shop
and he was immediately successful
for he was a good craftsman
and he had a passion for music.
When he died, he left
the house to his children
and there they have continued to live,
growing in prosperity,
well known and respected
throughout Vienna.
The angel holding a
trumpet was his trademark.
He used to tell his
children, when in doubt,
go by your trademark, for
the trumpet says make music,
and the angel says, serve God.
The big room in the house
was called the Mozart salon
and there still in its original position
stands the piano on which
Mozart himself once played here
in this house, 100 years ago.
In the summer of 1888, Francis Alt,
great grandson of old Christopher,
had called the family
together in the room adjoining
where they always met
on important occasions.
If you ask me, Francis
is a very lucky man.
Never knew he had such good taste.
Well, I think it's
absolutely scandalous.
Now come my dear Gretel,
we must be charitable.
- Oh, Albert, really...
- Extraordinary how quickly
we all seem to start barking at each other
whenever we all meet.
My dear Leon, we're a
family, what do you expect?
Anything from this family.
I'm so sorry to delay.
I won't keep you very long.
I merely wish to ask
for your formal consent
to the addition of another
floor to our house.
As you all know, I've
been seeing a great deal
of Miss Henrietta Stein lately.
I've asked her to marry me several times.
Yesterday she accepted me.
Thank you, Leon.
Miss Stein's father
was a Jew, I believe.
He was, he was also
considered to be one of
the most famous historians of his time.
And her mother was a singer?
An actress?
Very fine one, everybody loved her.
What's all this got to do with it?
Only this, Francis, we have no objection
to your building another floor.
The possibility of Miss Stein
becoming a member of our
family is quite another matter.
Can't see how it's
anything to do with us
if Francis likes to get married.
This is not the moment
in which to start smoking.
You know perfectly well how
bad it is for your heart.
I am sick of my heart.
What do you suppose we are?
I'm trying to be patient with you all,
but Otto, can you explain
this extraordinary attitude?
I shouldn't dream of saying
anything against Miss Stein,
but you know her name has
frequently been coupled
with that of the crown prince.
Please continue, Otto.
In my official capacity,
I've been allowed access
to certain confidential reports.
Dated August of last year,
this one runs as follows.
11:05 AM, a certain personage left Vienna
in the company of Miss Henrietta Stein.
They were driven to Barton,
arriving at one o'clock
at the Golden Eagle
Inn where they lunched.
The menu is appended.
Oh, this is naturally well known to me.
But what has it got to do with the matter
we're here to discuss?
A great deal, an
association of this kind
with the crown prince can only
be interpreted in one way.
That's enough.
All I want from you is
your permission to build
another floor to this house.
I'd like you to understand
this quite clearly.
I love this lady, I
trust her, respect her.
And I'm going to marry her.
No matter what you or
anybody else may say.
I made a bet for you.
I'm not an expert, but
here's good as chance.
Oh, Francis, you
shouldn't have done that.
What did you bet, let me see?
Here you are, Fortune,
five to one, hope you win.
Fortune, she's got a good chance.
She's been in form lately.
Highly distinguished day,
the crown prince is here.
Is he?
Yes, in his box.
I carried out your orders, Highness,
20 guilder on each way, the Baroness.
Money thrown away, she hasn't a chance.
You must allow me to use
my own imagination, Hugo.
The race course is the
only place left for me
where I can do so.
May I ask her name?
Perhaps you would do best to apply
to his majesty's secret police.
They know all about her.
And me.
Thank you.
Do you know the crown prince?
You never said a word to me about it.
And what was there to say?
I met him when my father was writing
the history of the Hapsburgs.
Why did you want to come here today?
Why, for the races of course, what else?
Not because you knew the crown prince
was going to be here?
Oh, Francis, you're not
really going to be jealous
of the crown prince?
It isn't a question of jealousy.
We Alts are a middle class family.
We love the emperor and
we revere his house.
Any personal relationship
is impossible between us
and a man of his rank.
That's why it would pain me very much
if your names were coupled.
Have they been coupled?
His imperial highness and the young lady
are walking the rest of the way.
There it is, Mayerling.
The lion's den.
A very tame and useless lion, Henrietta.
He went through the hoops again today.
Why, what's happened,
you've seen the emperor?
Yes, he made me feel the most useless,
ineffectual member of the
whole Austrian empire.
You mustn't let yourself feel like that.
One day you will have the
greatest of all responsibilities,
you will be the emperor.
You are the future, he is the past.
The whole country's waiting for you
and for your ideas.
My ideas?
You should hear my father talk about them.
On the 21st of August, I shall be 31.
Has my father once
discussed politics with me?
Has he ever asked me my plans?
He can't forgive me for
being young, you see.
He won't listen to anyone under 60.
He actually prides himself
on being behind the times.
My mother avoids him, his
children are afraid of him,
his ministers only tell
him what he wants to hear
and as for his subjects,
the Austrian people,
he thinks of them as good
little girls in white pinafores
who offer him bunches
of flowers or soldiers
who spring to attention when he passes.
That is the emperor and he
hasn't the faintest idea
that he's wrecking all our lives.
I fear that one day, I won't
be able to go on any longer.
You must be strong and patient.
Your day will come.
I wonder if it will.
It will, it must.
I have come to a most
important conclusion.
Perhaps it will interest you both.
His imperial highness will
have me believe, Miss Stein,
that you and he are friends.
Friendship without love is nonsense.
It doesn't exist.
I have only had the pleasure
of knowing you for a few hours
yet I take the liberty of
suggesting that you are in love.
To friendship, to love.
Forgive him, Henrietta,
he's just a clown.
I notice
neither of you deny it.
Hugo, you're being very stupid.
Let him say what he likes.
Oh no, Hugo's a gentleman,
Hugo can take a hint.
Never stay where you're not wanted.
Good night, sir.
Good night, my lady.
He has the charm of the devil.
Drinks too much, talks too much
and then bows himself out with a flourish,
but he's a friend.
Thank you for understanding him.
What will you remember of tonight?
Our walk together.
The music.
And that absurd but
charming friend of yours
insisting that I was in love with you.
He can imagine no other relationship.
It's a lovely night, let's go out.
How long have you known her?
Marie Vetsera.
So you've heard the scandal too.
Is she nice?
What an inadequate word.
She's youth itself.
- And truly in love with you?
- Oh, Henrietta,
she's only 17, she's in love with love
and she makes me believe in the story
of Romeo and Juliet.
She really could die of love
or for it.
To die of love would be simple,
but to love and go on living,
it might not be so easy.
Rudolf, I wrote to you because
I had something to tell you.
You saw me yesterday at
the races with Francis Alt,
the head of the piano firm.
I'm engaged to him, we're
going to be married.
It's why I had to see you once
more, just this last time.
I couldn't bear it if there
were any scandal about us
after I'm married.
Do you love him?
He is a good, kind man
and that means a great deal.
Oh, that's something that
belongs to one or two
magic moments of a lifetime.
I must say goodbye now.
Is it really as simple as that?
You must realise all
that you've meant to me
and yet you can say that
I'm never to see you again
just because you're marrying a man
you've admitted you don't even love.
Why are you marrying him?
You must have a reason.
Yes, I have.
Please let me go now.
Oh, Henrietta, what a waste it is.
You could have made life so
beautiful for both of us.
Rudolf, why do you make
it so difficult for me?
I hope you find your happiness.
Well, sir?
She came to say goodbye.
She's going to be married.
So I was right.
She's marrying someone else
because she's in love with you
and she's frightened.
Henrietta Stein, will you
take Francis Alt here present
for your lawful husband?
To have and to hold,
from this day forward,
for better, for worse,
for richer, for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
till death do you part
and there too do you pledge your troth?
In token of this holy vow,
give to each other these rings.
And now join hands.
I join you in matrimony
in the name of the father
and of the son and of
the Holy Ghost, amen.
Ladies and gentlemen, I am a soldier,
so with me, actions
speak louder than words.
In honour of the marriage
of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Alt,
Mr. Alfred Grunfeld has kindly
consented to play for us.
So if you've all finished,
would you move across
to the Mozart salon?
Wait a moment, darling.
I want to show you our new home.
Francis, what will everyone think?
I don't care what they think.
You're not to come in
until I lift the lights.
It must look quite perfect
the first time you see it.
I'll call you.
You can come in now, well,
what do you think of it?
Dearest, what is it?
I haven't managed to upset you, have I?
You, no, I'm a little overtired,
that's all.
I say, are you two
lovebirds never coming down?
Come along now, it's time for the theatre
and I've got tickets for the Gypsy Baron.
We can't take Henrietta to that.
Oh, she's a married woman now.
Come along, Francis, that's an order.
All right, I'll put the lights out.
Ah, only just in time
for the play, Otto.
There will be no performance
tonight in any theatre.
Oh, what's happened?
I'll tell you in a moment, go in please.
The news concerns us all.
My dear sir, I'm afraid I
must ask you to stop playing.
You hear.
An event has occurred
which will grieve the heart
of every loyal Austrian.
His imperial and royal highness,
the crown prince Rudolf, is dead.
The doctors report his highness suffered
a fatal heart attack.
I'm afraid, Francis and Henrietta,
our celebration must end.
Will you wait a moment, please?
Tell me what happened.
All I know is that early this morning,
his imperial highness was found dead.
- Where did they find him?
- At Mayerling.
Tell me the truth.
Nobody knows, the inquiry
is still in progress.
But I know, he took his own life.
The emperor?
His majesty is resigned to God's will.
God's will.
His own, you mean, he's responsible.
How can you even think such a thing?
Think, I know.
To suggest that his majesty
is any way involved is unthinkable.
She didn't mean that, can't
you see how upset she is?
Rudolf's death is due to his father.
I know that from his own lips.
He killed him.
The crown prince left a letter for you.
It is possible you may be given
an audience by his majesty.
If so, please remember
there are some things
which must never be known.
If the emperor asks me what I know,
I shall tell him the truth.
Rumours have reached him
that political differences
with his son are
responsible for the tragedy.
Should he ever believe them to be true,
it would affect him disastrously
and with him the whole state.
The emperor is Austria.
Please, be discreet.
Remember your duty to your country.
- Mrs. Alt?
- Yes, your majesty.
I understood
you knew my son, Mrs. Alt.
- Yes, your majesty.
- For how long
did you know him?
For about
two years, your majesty.
- Did you know him well?
- Very well, your majesty.
So that he
talked freely to you.
- Yes, your majesty.
- You discussed politics?
- Yes, your majesty.
- I have asked you
to come here, Mrs. Alt,
so that you can shed light
on certain rumours that are current.
Would you have me question
you rather than tell me
in your own words whatever
you know of the facts?
I should prefer it if your
majesty would question me.
You believe that my
son took his own life?
Yes, your majesty.
Will you allow me to suggest
that you think you know
why he did such a thing?
It is not for me to think
anything, your majesty.
My son may have told you, Mrs. Alt,
that he felt himself to
be estranged from me.
You may speak with absolute freedom.
I promise that nothing
you say will be repeated
outside this room.
His imperial highness
never wavered in his respect
to your majesty.
Is that the truth, Mrs. Alt?
Yes, your majesty, that is the truth.
My son left a letter
addressed to you, Mrs. Alt.
Permit me to give it to you.
Your majesty is very kind.
My son must have trusted you.
You may read it.
And now I hope you will be good enough
to answer me one more question.
You believe that the misunderstanding
between me and my son
so preyed upon his mind that
it drove him to do what he did?
No, your majesty.
And you are quite sure, Mrs. Alt?
Yes, your majesty, quite sure.
Are you a Catholic?
Yes, your majesty.
You have given me great
hope and comfort, Mrs. Alt.
I thank you.
Tell me what happened.
The emperor was most gracious.
And you, you didn't say
anything to distress him?
I couldn't tell him the truth.
What was the use?
He's an old man living in the past.
Rudolf wanted to live for the future
and with his death, I'm
afraid we may have seen
the beginning of the end.
The beginning of the end?
Who can tell where one age
ends and another begins?
12 years had passed since
the wedding of Francis
and Henrietta, it is New
Year's Eve in the year 1900.
The new century is heralded with joy
and prophecies of lasting
friendship among all nations
as the golden age of which
humanity has always dreamed.
Means of travel multiply,
the globe shrinks,
yet in Vienna, the ageing
emperor, Francis Joseph,
still turns his face from the future
and puts his faith in God and tradition.
Peace reigns on earth.
And prosperity in the house
built by Christopher Alt.
Look, darling, there's Hermann and Paul.
Don't they look nice.
Darling, you must not wave,
this is a holy procession.
That's all right, mademoiselle.
Look, darling, there are the choir boys.
No card, who could have sent them?
You'll soon find out, madam.
When there's no card, they always call.
Gentlemen who send roses.
Thank you, Simmerl.
Oh, mother, look at
those lovely flowers.
Mademoiselle, I still have a lot to do.
Will you take Monica to the
park and if I have time,
I'll meet you by the lake?
If not, of course, I shall be home by one.
Oui, madame.
Be a good girl, darling.
Yes, Mrs. Alt, flowers
for the Mozart Salon?
- Please.
- At once, madam.
And you sent round
some red roses yesterday
but there was no card, do
you know who ordered them?
I think I can help.
I sent those roses.
I hoped they'd remind you of things past.
I'm terribly
sorry, but for the moment,
I can't quite.
- Meyerling?
- Meyerling?
You can't have forgotten.
Baron Traun.
Oh, I am so glad to see you.
And I, madam, am more
than glad to see you.
Excuse me, will these be sufficient?
Yes, perfectly, thank you,
will you send them round, please?
But how did you know where I lived?
I saw you on your balcony yesterday
during the procession.
The little girl, she is yours?
Yes, and I have a boy
of 10 and a boy of 12.
Doesn't seem possible,
you haven't changed at all.
I must go, I shall be late.
Oh, may I walk a little way with you?
My dear baron, this as
you well know is Vienna.
Ah yes, well, then, I insist
we drink a glass of wine
at Sachers.
After all this while, you
can't refuse me half an hour.
I'm sorry, it's quite impossible.
But you know something rather amusing
has just occurred to me.
This is the first time
I've found myself alone
with a man since I was married.
You're joking.
No, I'm perfectly serious.
Well, in that case, you
and I must be alone together
for a little every day from now on.
Why not?
I am happily married, I
have my husband, my home,
my children, what more do I want?
Oh, we all want something
more than we have.
The years have
made you cynical, baron.
I am truly glad your
marriage is so successful,
but even that was once a
refuge from something else
you wanted.
You have no right to say that.
I am sorry.
You aren't angry?
What's the use of discussing emotions
that have ceased to exist?
For anyone like you,
dreams and desires never die.
Whether we admit them or not.
I have no dreams, and no more desires.
Yet you called at the flower shop
to know who sent you roses, why?
What's the matter?
- We lunch at one.
- So?
I've never been late before
- I'll drive you home.
- Oh, no, please,
I'd rather you didn't.
Will we meet again?
- Well, we'll see, goodbye.
- Goodbye.
We lunch at one, please.
Francis, I am so sorry, I can't
think what made me so late.
Oh, that's all right,
my dear, but please,
can we begin?
Yes, Bertha's bringing the soup now.
Were you a good girl?
Yes, Mommy.
How did you get on at school today?
Oh, mother, I was afraid
something had happened to you.
Don't be such a baby.
Hermann, behave yourself.
Your mother asked you
how you had done at school.
Always answer the question asked.
Going to Prague tonight, Francis?
Of course, on the nine o'clock express.
Some flowers have
come, madam, from Gessel.
What, again?
Of course, the Mozart salon,
madam, you ordered them.
Oh yes, of course.
Couldn't I come with you?
My dear, it's only a business trip.
Yes, I know, but just this once.
I can't imagine what's put
such an idea into your head.
You know we go to Bad Gastein
as usual in a month's time.
Yes, of course, to
Gastein as we always do.
What on earth gave you the idea
of wanting to come to Prague?
No, no, that's very dull,
I shouldn't have any time with you.
Surely if you want to enjoy yourself.
There's no place like Vienna.
Master Paul, Master
Paul, where's your mama?
In her room.
It's just where she isn't,
and your uncle's very ill.
Uncle Leon?
Yes, and your Aunt
Gretel wants your mama
to come at once and I can't find her.
All right, go to sleep.
I feel quite giddy.
You must tell me when you're
tired of this sort of thing.
I could dance all night,
and I'd love to, just once.
Paul, what are you doing here?
Simmerl woke me, is Uncle Leon very ill?
He's dying, Paul.
I know you're fond of him, we all are.
Did your mother say where she was going?
Who came to fetch her?
You'd better get back to
bed, she'll soon be here.
My husband will be home tomorrow
and that will be the end of this madness.
Everything will be sane
and sober again and stuffy.
If only one could let oneself
go completely, just once.
Why not?
You've nothing to hold you back.
You don't belong to the little
conventions of your life
and never will.
Can you tell me your marriage
has brought you happiness?
You know it hasn't.
Well, then, begin again.
Begin again.
Yes, with me.
Let me show you what life can be.
It can be simple, strong, beautiful,
even if it is so quickly gone.
Oh, Henrietta, come with me.
Come with you.
Hmm, how simple it sounds when you say it.
How simple it is for you.
Perhaps it is so.
One misstep and my
whole life would change.
One misstep.
- Henrietta.
- Don't say it.
Thank you.
Mother, you've got to come
home, Uncle Leon's dying.
Paul, how did you know I was here?
I found the invitation in your room.
This is my eldest son,
say good evening, darling.
Mother, please come home.
I'll take you.
No, please, I'd rather
you didn't, goodbye.
Thank you.
Gretel, I'm so sorry.
I should never have the left
the house, but no one told me...
He asked for you, but
you've come too late.
Perhaps it's just as well.
- I should have come...
- You owe me no explanations.
Keep them for your husband.
He's waiting for you upstairs.
Come, Paul.
Half past one and she's not back yet.
What do you make of it?
I only came back in order
to give her a surprise.
You knew of this escapade?
No, no, no, not that sort of surprise,
but when I went to Prague,
I had a feeling, perhaps,
I hadn't been taking her
out enough and I thought
we might go to the arts
exhibition together.
There she is.
Where's Paul?
In his room.
- Good night, Francis.
- Good night.
- Good night, miss.
- Good night, Otto.
Well, where have you
been, dressed up like that?
To Princess Metternick's fete.
You told no one but Paul?
Who should I have told?
In my absence, Otto.
To tell a child?
I simply don't understand you, Henrietta.
I didn't tell him, Francis,
he found the invitation card
and guessed where I had gone.
You mean to say that if Leon
hadn't been taken ill tonight
no one would have known
that you left this house?
You would have been told.
I don't believe that, I
came back too soon for you.
You would have been too soon
any day this week, Francis.
And what do you mean by that?
I mean that I have been out every night
without once asking leave of your family.
Who with?
With the Baron Hugo Traun.
You saw him once at the races
in the crown prince's box
and we met again by chance
the day you went to Prague.
You never said anything to me about it.
I'm telling you now.
I've been with him to
Sachers, to the tennis club
and several times into the country.
Just the two of you?
Just the two of us.
Do you realise what you've done?
I've done nothing.
And what the consequences will be?
I don't care what they'll
be, I've done nothing wrong.
Nothing wrong, when you
had daily assignations
with a man of Traun's reputation?
People will be saying that
my wife is his mistress.
As I am not, let them
say what they please.
Don't you understand,
you've ruined your reputation
and made me a public laughingstock.
Please don't use such childish phrases.
Phrases, you call them?
Good, all right, no more phrases.
But I still have a lot to say.
You and your precious baron.
If you can't protect your own reputation,
then I must do it for you.
Simmerl, where's my husband?
He left the house,
Mrs. Alt, about an hour ago?
Left, where did he go?
I don't know.
He had a long talk with Mr. Otto first.
Mr. Otto is still in the study.
Otto, where's Francis?
His bed hasn't been slept in.
Good morning, Henrietta,
you're up very early.
I want to know where Francis is.
Francis is settling
matters with the Baron Traun.
And what does that mean?
It means that at five
o'clock this morning,
they will be fighting a duel.
But Francis never
fired a pistol in his life.
He'll be killed.
You should have thought of that before.
I shall say are you ready,
one, two, three, fire.
Each turn and fire immediately.
Are you ready?
How long
before we shall know?
He promised to be back
here at half past five.
And what if he doesn't come back?
You could have prevented
this, I'll never forgive you.
This sort of affair can
only be dealt with in one way.
But it wasn't that sort of affair.
For once in my life, I enjoyed myself
for an hour or two without
another thought in my head.
You're not being sincere, Henrietta,
and it doesn't suit you.
You're not the sort of
woman to enjoy yourself
like that without a thought in your head.
What do you mean by that?
Certainly you did enjoy yourself,
but other thoughts did
come into your head.
Once I warned Francis
against marrying you.
I should have warned you not to marry him.
Perhaps you'd have listened to me.
You see, you mean everything to Francis.
He means nothing to you, or very little.
No, Otto, that's not true.
There's no need to make excuses.
I understand you, Henrietta,
I've always understood you.
I've often asked myself,
if someone should come into
Henrietta's life, what would happen?
And someone was bound
to come sooner or later.
Of course, the answer is very simple.
You could leave him.
But I know Francis and he isn't simple.
Everything that concerns you concerns him.
He may talk of his honour, but underneath,
he's thinking of you, only of you.
I was going to leave him.
I know.
It doesn't suit me not to be sincere.
And the children?
That's why I'm still here.
Listen to me, Henrietta.
Life itself is one long duty
that we all must fulfil.
Whether we are happy or
not doesn't come into it.
Your duty is here with
your children and Francis.
I know you two aren't happy
but Francis will never
give up hoping that one day,
things will straighten out between you.
He must never give up hoping it, either.
The matter is settled, we
will never speak of it again.
Are you?
I am perfectly all right,
but the baron was not so fortunate.
It might just has well have been me.
What happened?
He was killed instantly.
Before we conclude our
jubilee celebrations,
I wish to announce a special award
and I will now call on my
son Paul to tell you about it
in the name of the firm, please, Paul?
Ladies and gentlemen,
may I introduce to you
Miss Anna Linder, please?
Miss Linder won the prize
at the Academy of Music
for the best pupil of the year.
And to celebrate the occasion
of the 150th anniversary
of the firm of Alt,
we would very much like her to accept
our latest grand piano.
There it is, it belongs to you.
Won't you please try it, Miss Linder?
See if you like it.
There you are, you see, you'll
have to play it for us now.
Ladies and gentlemen,
refreshments will be served
in the next room.
Thank you, Miss Linder, I see our piano
will be in good hands, will you?
Oh, excuse me a minute.
Come on, Hermann.
What are the workmen doing here?
Have you any objection?
Paul's idea, I suppose, hmm, socialism.
Yes, it was Paul's idea, but I approved.
And since you asked,
they've a lot more right
to be here than you have.
Has it ever occurred to you that but for
their skill and craftsmanship,
we'd never be able
to turn out a single piano?
Let me remind you, they
work 11 hours every day.
An example that you might try and follow
for your own good.
- Hello, Czerny.
- Good night, master Paul.
If you are as hungry as I am,
we'd all better go and eat now.
I'm sure Housemann will agree to that.
Yes, come on, Housemann,
I expect there'll be enough
even for you.
- Thank you, sir.
Come on, kindly now, come on.
Miss Linder?
Is anything wrong?
Mr. Alt, please don't
think I'm ungrateful,
but your beautiful piano, I,
I can't accept it.
Why not, it's yours.
Well, you see, I have
only one small room, and
well, it's so large.
There just isn't enough space for it.
Oh, I see, well, in that
case we'll have to keep it
for you until you're a famous pianist
with the largest studio in Vienna.
In the meanwhile, we'll
lend you a smaller one.
Thank you.
Another thing, my mother
is going to invite you
to a musical party next Sunday and I,
we would all be very glad
if you'd come, will you?
I would love to.
Simmerl, you have made it look lovely.
Thank you, ma'am.
What's that, darling,
stop that noise a minute.
- Extra!
- There's a crowd
of people in the street.
Darling, run down and get a paper.
Something must have happened.
What's all that shouting?
I don't know, I've sent
Monica to buy a paper.
What's all the row about?
I heard it from my room.
Yes, Otto?
How dreadful.
Both dead?
Of course, we'll put
out everyone, at once.
Thank you, Otto.
What is it?
Terrible news that may affect us all.
Sarajevo, June 28th, 1914.
This morning, while
riding through the town,
the heir apparent, his royal highness,
the Archduke Franz
Ferdinand and his consort
the Duchess of Heisenberg were the victims
of a murderous attack.
It's believed here that
this atrocious crime
had been long and carefully planned.
- What will happen?
- War.
I shall volunteer at once.
You will...
Simmerl, we shall have
to put everyone off.
Hermann, you will not go
one hour before you have to.
I forbid it.
Henrietta, this is something
that you haven't the power
to forbid.
No one can forbid me to fight.
I gave you your life.
I won't have it destroyed
or crippled by war.
Why must you go, Hermann, why?
For God, emperor, and fatherland.
Ask the Czechs, the Poles, the Italians,
even the Hungarians if
Austria is their fatherland.
They'll fight, that's all that matters.
Because they'll be forced to.
They no more want war than I do.
I always had an idea you were a coward.
Hermann, Paul, that's enough.
If we are forced to declare war,
we will all do our duty.
As this family always has and always will.
Remember that, all of you.
May God protect the empire
and his imperial majesty.
The century
which had held so much promise
at its birth saw in its second decade
the fires of war consume the hopes of man.
All over the world, they called on God
and forgot his sixth commandment.
Then destiny dealt out
to each his special doom.
The war to end war, it
ended the old Austria,
killed the emperor and
destroyed his empire.
In the days, survivors saw
a new flag flying over them,
the flag of the Austrian Republic.
Across the patchwork
of a broken continent,
the soldiers returned to their homes.
Some with hate, some with despair.
Others still nursing
the unconquerable hope
that a new and better world could be built
on the ashes of the old.
Hello, Simmerl.
Master Paul!
Mrs. Alt, Mrs. Alt!
It's Master Paul, he's here.
Oh, my darling.
Oh, my darling boy.
Master Paul, I always
knew you'd come back.
Oh, my poor boy.
Simmerl, bring him something
to eat here quickly
and find one of his suits.
We must get him out of
that dreadful uniform.
Mother, why are you alone?
Where's Father and Monica and Hermann?
Father's in his room, I'll
take you to see him in a minute
Is he ill?
And Monica's engaged to a young Italian
who was introduced to me simply as Gino.
I don't see very much of
Hermann or his friends.
Neither he nor Monica
waste much time on me.
Oh, it's so good to have you back.
Mother, darling.
Come, I'll take you to your father.
I didn't tell you about it.
But he was in a post that was blown up.
He's almost completely paralysed
and he can't speak at all.
The doctors say it's hopeless.
Try not to let him see
that you notice anything.
For God, emperor and fatherland.
Look who's here, Francis.
He's so glad you're back
and you're to take over
at the factory as soon as you can.
I'll get things going
again, don't worry.
Karl, look who's here.
Hello, Housemann, still on the job, eh?
That's right, sir.
Where'd you lose that?
- Russia.
- Not much fun, was it?
I wouldn't go through that again,
not if I had four arms.
It's been a bad war, Mr. Paul, 40 men,
that's all we've got left out of 300.
Your father put me in charge.
Well, I can make a piano,
but I can't balance books.
Let's go over the whole place together.
Then we'll sit down and talk about it.
We'll get things going again.
I hope so, but it's poor
times for pianos and music.
Czerny, do you remember Miss Linder?
Oh yes, at the jubilee.
I mean, have you seen her since then?
Her piano's still here.
She used to do copying
for us, glad of the work.
She was always asking after you, Mr. Paul.
Seemed to know you'd come back.
So she asked after me, did she?
Hey you, get back to
the end of the queue.
Miss Linder.
Mr. Alt.
you've come home at last.
Yes, I arrived yesterday,
I was told I'd find you here.
Yes, I'm queuing here for bread.
I know, may I wait with you?
Yes, please, but it may
take a very long time.
Sometimes you stand here for hours.
That won't matter, so much
to say, it'll pass the time.
Did you have a bad time?
No, but not good,
and I'm glad it's over.
I'm sure you are, we all are.
They told me you'd asked
after me several times.
I didn't even write to you once.
You had other things to do.
I suppose you'll know, Miss Linder,
your piano is still with us.
It's waited six years
for you to pick it up.
I'm afraid it'll have to go on waiting.
Nothing has changed.
Six years, do you remember the party
that you were coming
to, June the 18th, 1914?
That invitation still
holds good, you know.
Will you come?
I said yes then.
I haven't changed.
This is not my idea of a musical party.
Just play it for me.
Charming, Miss Linder, charming,
but aren't you a little behind the times?
We want to dance, don't
you know the Charleston?
Yes, but I'm afraid I can't play it.
Oh, we'll show you, hey, Freddie,
give us the Charleston, Freddie.
I'll be back.
What on earth do you want?
Master Hermann, there
are two men to see you.
Where can we talk?
What, now?
You'd be well advised to, Mr. Alt.
Well, come into the study.
Hello, yes darling, it's
me, Monica, yes of course,
I'm ready, but you
shouldn't call them here.
Yes, in 20 minutes, tell
the chauffeur not to drive
'round to the house, he
must wait at the corner.
What, no, Gino, no, I can't tell Mother,
she wouldn't understand,
it would only mean a scene.
Very well, 20 minutes, goodbye, darling.
Why are you packing?
Where are you going?
I asked you where you were going.
Away from here.
Without telling me?
I didn't want a lot of fuss,
I was going to write you.
Where from?
The new world.
Not the new world.
What do you mean?
I mean that I've had
enough of the old one.
Wherever you go in Vienna, there's nothing
but hunger and misery.
Gino's been sent out
to America by his firm
and I'm going as his secretary.
Will he marry you?
I don't know, I haven't asked him.
I love him.
Unpack your suitcase, then ring up Gino
and tell him to come see me at once.
No, Mother, the boat
leaves Trieste tomorrow
and Gino will be on it
whether I come or not.
This is my chance, I'm
not going to miss it.
I won't allow you to go off like this.
I am of age!
Let me go, I too dislike scenes.
Mother, please, try and understand.
Don't ask me to stay in this dead town
amongst all these dead people.
I'm young and I want to be free.
I love him, Mother, surely you must know
what it means to love
somebody so much that,
well, they become your whole life
and nothing else matters at all.
I've always trusted you, relied on you,
please understand now
that I must leave you.
No one has the right
to take away your chance of happiness,
I least of all.
If you must go.
But is there such a thing as happiness?
This is everything I longed for.
I'm home.
And I'm with you.
Do you know, whenever
things got really bad,
I used to think of you.
I'd imagine I could hear you playing
and sometimes I could, quite clearly.
Then I knew everything would be all right
and that I'd see you again.
I had so much to say to you
and now I don't even know how to begin,
but I think you know, don't you?
Anna, you're crying?
I'm so very
happy that you're back.
Oh Mother, I must talk to you.
I'm in trouble.
What do you want, money?
How did you know?
You never come near
me for any other reason.
Well, I haven't got any, and if I had,
I wouldn't give you any more.
I'm sorry Mother, but you must
and this time I need quite a lot.
I have to find $2000 by noon tomorrow.
If I can't, I shall go to prison.
Though, that, of course,
one can always avoid.
I still have my army pistol.
Don't talk like that, Hermann.
And you promised me last time
never to speculate again.
I didn't, it was honest trading.
Unfortunately, the police
confiscated the goods.
What goods?
Guns and ammunition.
Guns, you must be mad.
Oh, you're a woman, darling,
don't try to reason, just
concentrate on helping me.
Have you talked to Paul?
Hmmmph, all he thinks
about is the workmen
and their canteens.
He turned me down, that's
why I had to come to you.
But I haven't any
money, Hermann, I haven't.
You know how much your
father's illness cost.
But you still have your diamonds?
But they belonged to my mother.
And to her mother.
You're sure they're not earmarked
for dear Paul's wedding?
Stop it, Hermann, I won't listen to you.
Oh, we all know he's
the white headed boy.
Stop it!
You'll have it back in a fortnight.
I'll give you an IOU.
Of course I can't force
you to help me, Mother,
but if I can't meet my
commitments by noon tomorrow,
I know exactly what I shall do.
And so do you.
Very well.
You shall have them.
But from this day on, Hermann,
I never want to see you
or hear of you again.
Mother, why are you sitting in the dark?
No, don't turn on the lights, Paul.
I have something to tell you.
I've asked Anna to marry
me, she says she will.
I am so happy about
it, I hope you will be.
Of course I am, darling.
But now you'll be leaving me too.
You'll all be leaving.
Well, that's what a mother must expect.
I wish you every happiness, darling.
I do to all my children.
Now I must go to your father.
You've made a good choice, Paul.
I don't know her well,
but I've heard her play
and anyone who has such
warm, sincere feeling
must be the sort of girl you deserve.
Anything you want, dear?
You always feel better
when I'm here, is that it?
Anything happened?
she is well.
And I saw Hermann today.
But this is really good news.
Paul is going to marry Anna Linder.
You remember the girl who
won the piano at our jubilee?
She'll make him a good wife.
I've been a
good wife, is that it?
Oh, Francis.
I'm afraid I haven't.
I'm always leaving you alone
and you think about me far too much.
What is it, dear?
What a funny mood you're in
today, forgive you for what?
For having married you.
I didn't make you happy, did I?
Otto always said I didn't
understand you, but I do now.
You've always been so good and
loyal all your life, Francis
and I know now how much that means.
The children have grown away from us,
but we've grown up to each other.
And I thank God for it.
I thank him that I am sitting beside you
and that our own world still exists
here in this one small room.
You and me.
Even though the children live in another,
a world we shall never understand.
New forces rise,
from across the frontier,
a false prophet calls
to the youth of Austria.
Serene and untroubled by the
threat of a strident voice
shouting only a few
miles beyond her borders
stands the city of Salzburg,
ancient symbol of Austrian culture.
Here, in spite of the gathering clouds,
men of all nations still come together
and find peace and inspiration
in the annual festival
of drama and music and the
presentation of Every Man.
Our father, who art in heaven.
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done.
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this
day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive them that
trespass against us
and lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
The demonstration at
the Every Man festival
was organised by me to bring to the notice
of the outside world the real sentiments
of the Austrian people.
If the police hadn't arrested you,
the Austrian people might have shown you
their real sentiments.
There are fools in every crowd.
Tell me, Mr. Alt.
You are a member of an old
and respected Viennese family.
Why do you fight against your fatherland?
I fight for my leader, Adolf Hitler.
My fatherland is the Third Reich.
Austria must return to the Reich.
God help Austria.
To remind you of the past, hmm.
Do you remember him, Baron Traun?
I remember him.
Such a fine looking man.
Always so charming and gallant.
The old emperor gave me this himself.
My son must have trusted you, he said.
The emperor.
- Yes, I was listening.
The emperor.
Forgive me for having married you.
This is your house?
It belongs to my family.
Where is your flag?
What flag?
What flag.
This one!
My father was a Jew.
While I live, this house
will never fly that flag.
You'll be sorry for that answer.
You don't seem to
understand what's happening
in this country.
Take her away.
I should like to take
a few things with me.
You've got two minutes.
The insolence of these Jews.
We'll show them.
Take these, Simmerl, burn them.
I shan't need them anymore.
What are you doing
here, where's my mother?
What should I know about your mother?
I'm here to arrest a Jewess.
That's that.
So you do know me, good.
Young Francis, I suppose,
and little Henrietta.
You're not frightened of me, are you?
You'll be old enough for the army soon.
Is Paul here?
Ah, Paul.
How wonderful to see you again.
I've got great news for you.
The prodigal son has come home at last
and has proved to be an asset after all.
Is Mother here?
I must tell here at once
she'll have nothing more to fear.
I've seen to that.
I've managed to remove the black mark
from her birth certificate.
She'll have nothing to worry about now.
No, she'll have nothing
to worry about now.
Your friends tried to arrest her
because her father was a Jew.
She preferred to retain her freedom.
One victim.
There were to be millions more.
A new war came to shatter even the ruins
of civilization left by the old
and the mechanical genius
of the 20th century
saw to it that no one was unhurt
and but little left undamaged.
And so another war at
last burned itself out
after destroying almost everything
that makes life worth living.
Yet life will go on
according to God's ordinance.
Men can spoil it for themselves.
But they cannot destroy it.
One of our best, Mr. Paul.
So we're in production again.
Now I know how Christopher
Alt must have felt
when he showed that first piano to Mozart.
Dear old Czerny, I
think you're a genius.
Wonder if I'll ever
be any good at this job.
Of course you will, Master Francis.
Making pianos only takes
skill and a bit of patience.
It takes more than that,
Czerny, doesn't it, Paul?
Yes, but at least you have an advantage.
You see, you're an Alt,
a member of a family
which has always had so
much faith in the future
of the work they do that
for almost 200 years
they have gone on making
pianos in spite of everything.
In spite of war and poverty and hunger.
Simply because they believed
that what they were doing
was more important, more
lasting than those other things.
That's why this piano is here today.
That's why you and your
children will make many more.
If ever you should lose hope,
if ever you feel that
the madness in the world
is too much for you,
then remember the advice
from the man who began it all.
When in doubt, go by your trademark.
The trumpet says make music,
the angel says serve God.
Darling, our first piano.
I think you should be first to play it.