The Angry Silence (1960)

- Travers?
- That's right.
"Bert Connolly".
Glad to meet you.
- Did you have
a nice trip down? - Fair.
- I've fixed for
you to stay with us. - Oh
I don't think
that's a very good idea.
- Well whatever you say.
- Well let's push off, shall we?
As far as everybody else is concerned,
we'll meet for the first time tomorrow.
No. I just thought
she was a long time in the bathroom
so I went in and there she was,
being sick. So, I asked her, "What's up?"
- Good morning, Tom.
- Hello, Jack.
- You know, I just asked her
- How about practice today, Tom? Any go?
Yes. All right.
Fine. Tell the boys.
There aren't that many
ways of saying it. I just said
"Don't tell me you're
in the club again!" and that set her off.
Oh, dear! The old
Italian stuff started hitting the fan
- and she's yelling at me, "Yes, she is!"
- Yes. Those Italians can't half hand it out!
- All right. Tom?
- Hi, Freddie.
- You don't feel like it
this morning? ... No.
Hello, Doris. How goes it?
What's the matter?
Saving it up for Christmas?
There again, I was only asking.
You know... is it too late? That's all.
And bang!
She starts all over again.
Oh, look at that
seventeen jewel movement.
She reckons she's 9 weeks over.
What would that make it?
May? Yes, the end of May.
It would be. I don't even
get the tax rebate.
- You're really in trouble, boy.
- Wouldn't you be worried?
Yes. I'd be worried. I'd be
doing my nut... I'm not married.
I'll see you in a minute.
- It concerns you, you know?
- Really? Jolly good!
- What's old Gladys doing then?
- Yes. What are you doing, Gladys?
Don't call me "Gladys".
Hey, Chuck. Are you
going to have a basin of this?
Have a giggle, eh?
No. What for?
What for?
You can read, can't you?
Yes. A, bleeding,
union man, aren't you?
No. He's Salvation Army.
"Old Eddie", Salvation Army.
- Come on. Let's have a giggle, eh?
- Are there any tarts out there?
- Yes. That's right. Sit
with the tarts, eh? ... Watch it, Davis.
So? We're entitled to
study union notices, aren't we?
Yes. Well now, brothers, I hope
you'll all be willing to support
All right. Let's get to work.
Only keeping up with
current affairs, Mr Davis.
Yes. You want to keep up with
haircuts. It'd do you more good.
You'll get that lot
caught in a lathe one of these days.
I'll be
Yul Brynner then, won't I?
Old Eddie! Yul Brynner
Mr Connolly
my fault!
- Are you all right?
- Yes.
Stupid of me!
I don't know what I was doing.
- You'd better go and see Sister.
- No. I don't want to make a fuss.
No. It's not a question of
fuss. You go and see Sister.
You might have
shock later on.
You report as per regulations
and you've got the company for damages!
There should be
guard rails on all these machines.
I've been saying so for ages.
I should get along
and see Sister.
- I was coming to tell you about
- I'll see to him. Get off.
I do feel a bit faint,
as a matter of fact.
A silly thing to happen!
My name's "Connolly".
All right, boys. The show's over.
Start it up, Ted.
Are you
familiar with these?
Well, you have a look around.
I'll be back with you in a minute.
What was all that about?
Your old tabby got herself
caught up in one of those VMBs.
- Is she all right?
- I sent her off to see Sister.
Um Well
she's gone for the day then.
He could have lost an arm, you know.
There should be guard rails fixed.
Well get them
out of store then.
They're all
down there rusting up.
It's the blokes,
who take the things off. Not me.
It's the law,
and it should be enforced.
Look, Bert.
Don't tell me the law.
The men take the guards off because
it's too much trouble to work round them.
If you want them back,
I'll put them back.
How about that new bod?
Is he any good?
Well, if you mean
"Can we use him?", yes.
Right. Well start him then.
I did it, boy. I finally did it.
Do you know the one in the pay office
I've been working on for weeks?
She just said, "yes"
for next Sunday.
Let me see. I'm going to have to
do a bit of switching around.
Yes. It's going to be
a day of rest for someone.
You know, I really flogged myself
to death over that little darling:
opening doors,
carrying the tray in the canteen...
Joe, look. Do you mind?
Some other time.
What's the matter?
Oh, yes. Sorry.
Still, it could be
worse, couldn't it?
I mean,
the way I look at it
if you've got 2 kids,
you might as well have 3.
Not worried about
me, are you?
I can move out if you like... you know:
be sorry to go and all that, but
Well, if you need the extra room,
don't worry about that.
Mate, it isn't due tomorrow.
Oh. I just wondered
where you were.
Is everything all right?
- Where are the kids?
- They went next door.
Are you all right?
Yes, fine. Thanks.
I'm sorry about this morning,
sorry I yelled at you.
Mum and dad weren't over here
this afternoon, were they?
Yes. They came for tea.
I knew something had
upset you. What did they want?
Did you tell them,
you were expecting?
- I told your mother.
- What did she say?
Well she didn't say much
not about the baby anyway.
All she talked about was
that you're just like your father.
That must have
really cheered you up.
What's wrong with the telly?
Have the kids had it on?
No, not that I know of.
Was there something special
you wanted to see?
Yes, the big football game.
- Eat this while it's hot.
- It's a dead cert it had to go wrong.
I said, a dead cert it had to go wrong:
I finished paying for it last week.
- It's got sauce on it.
- If it's the tube, I'll kick the front in.
Brian, Cathy,
it's time, you were in bed.
- No, not yet, mum.
- No, now... Come on.
They've been terrible today.
It would be tonight!
It always is when you want to
watch something good.
Brian, what are you doing now?
Nothing, mum. Cathy
won't come out of the lav.
I shan't tell
either of you again. Come upstairs.
Brian locked me in the lav.
No, I didn't.
Can I have something to eat?
- Yes, he did.
- Oh will you please be quiet.
And you shan't
have any more tonight.
Can I have a bit of
bread and butter, dad?
- What is he... hungry or something?
- He had a bigger plate than you.
- Please!
- Go on, then: just one.
Now she'll want one.
Well they're
growing, aren't they?
- Do you want one, too?
- Please.
Here you are then.
One each, that's all.
I said no.
I've been playing
a game with Ronnie.
Yes, a smashing game
called "Sex Maniacs".
Called what?
Old Ron thought of it
all by himself.
- Can we have some jam, mum?
- Come on. It's bedtime.
Did you hear
what he said?
Daddy, when I came home from school
and I turned the telly on, it went bang!
Cathy, will you please
go upstairs and get ready for bed.
- Can we play with Old Ron tomorrow?
- Well, we'll see.
He thought of that game
all by himself.
Cathy, let's go round to
Old Ron's tomorrow, eh?
I'll give him "Old Ron"!
I'll have a sharp word with his father.
They don't know
what it means.
Our two might not.
I'm not so sure about Old Ron.
I don't know. Kids!
They drive you up the wall!
What is it, love?
You are pleased about
the baby, are you?
I mean, when you get used to
the idea, you will be pleased.
Of course I will.
Sometimes I don't know you at all.
I don't know what you're thinking.
I don't mind now
but I couldn't bear it if you
weren't pleased at all, not ever.
I'm pleased now.
I promise I am.
I know, it was a shock.
I don't mind you pretending now,
as long as you don't pretend all the time.
Look. I'm not pretending.
Annie, look at me.
Do I look as if
I'm pretending?
- No.
- No. Of course I'm not.
Look. I'll tell you
what was wrong with me this morning.
It came as
a bit of a shock, right?
I wasn't prepared for it, you know,
and Monday morning and that and
well, we'll have to
buy all the gear again, won't we?
Now that it's happened,
we'll want to do it properly.
That's all.
I thought perhaps we might
get out of here this year
and maybe put
the down payment on a car
but they'll still be
selling Fords next year
and we've stuck this dump
since we were married, so
a bit longer isn't going to kill us.
What's it feel like?
A boy or a girl?
It just
feels like a baby.
They can tell now, you know,
tell by the heartbeat rate.
You're so funny sometimes.
You don't know
how funny you are.
You just sit here and think about that
while I get you a cup of tea.
Do you want to
know, darling?
Hey, Marilyn.
I'm talking to you.
What are you looking at, grandad?
You'd better get inside.
If the first house's started,
you'll miss the big picture.
The stupid old git!
Where are you going, Ed?
Going down the park?
Staring at us!
He's got to watch it.
Old Mick said he'd be down at
the park with a couple of scrubbers.
well this is
D-Day, isn't it?
Too right, boy!
Starting the countdown...
Come on. Daddy!
I hope you count
better than I did.
- Who are you giving it to today?
- Nobody you know.
Who's he trying to kid?
It's that new tart in the pay office.
Old Mick had a go.
She doesn't want to know.
Mmh What
do you want to do then?
How do you mean?
Well, we can't just lie here
all day, not talking or anything.
I don't mind talking.
Well you know
what I mean.
Look. What do you think
I'm going to do to you?
Tear your clothes off, and
throw you in the bushes or something?
What... do you think I'm after
the old "News of the World" stakes?
I mean, I know I've been
out with girls before
but it doesn't make me
Jack the Ripper, does it?
I don't know
what you're thinking.
I haven't said anything
since we've been here.
I mean, we could have
saved the petrol
stayed home and gone to church
or something: really lived it up!
Well it's not as though
I forced you to come, is it?
I only asked you
in front of about 50 other people.
I mean, it was
really intimate.
I don't know.
Shall I
tell you something?
Yes. Surprise me:
"You're married with 3 children!"
You try too hard.
What do you mean,
"try too hard"?
Listen. If I was trying hard,
I'd get somewhere, wouldn't I?
Believe me, I'm not trying.
I just don't like teases.
Who's teasing you?
Well let's not
go into all that.
Seriously, what's the matter?
- Do you really
want to know? - Yes.
Well, from what I hear, you've
been out with everything on 2 legs
wearing lipstick and over age, and you've
got a couple of them in the family way
and you didn't do
anything about it.
I was told, the first day I took the job,
that you were the one to watch out for.
I saw you coming
before you saw me
and when I saw you I didn't care
what you'd done or what I'd heard
because you looked nice
and I thought I'd like to go out with you
if you asked me. And you did ask me.
And I still feel that way
but it doesn't mean I'm going to be like
all the rest, or you'll get it the first time
because I want
something more than that.
If you can't give it to me,
you'd better know right away
so that we don't
waste each other's time.
I see.
Yes. I see.
Well, that just about
wraps it up then, doesn't it?
Bread and dripping, mate.
"Bread and scrape", we used to call it.
That's all we had
for years: we were brought up on it.
My old man led
the hunger march down to London.
That was a time to be alive, believe me.
The workers were really together then.
Oh, yes.
Erm About this
next meeting: we can't have any slip-ups.
Not bad grub here, is it?
Aren't you eating yours?
Oh, sorry. Can't have any, what?
I mean, if necessary
you'll have to rig it.
Rig it? What?
The meeting? How do you mean?
I didn't mean, "rig it" exactly.
That's just a figure of speech.
The point is, the rest of them
look to you for guidance.
- They can't think for themselves.
- No. That's true.
So you've got to
give them that guidance.
Put it to them in a way they can understand,
but it's no good telling them everything.
That only confuses people.
Yes. I see.
A meeting, lunch time.
- A meeting, lunch time.
- What about?
If you spent a little less time
on the football pitch, you'd know.
I want everybody there.
Shut the door, will you?
I gather, you're not satisfied with
the management's answer this morning.
I can't discuss
union business.
No, of course not.
It's just that
I'm an interested party.
- I wanted to find out the facts.
- Well you read the demands we put in.
Yes. That's right.
I did. Of course I did.
Well, let's forget about those
for a moment, and talk about the real facts.
Are you trying to be funny?
You know me, Bert.
I never have time to be funny.
I just want to know
what it's all about.
I've told you. I can't
discuss confidential union matters.
All right. Well
I'll discuss them for you.
I'm not a funny man, but
I can spot a joke when I see one.
You're not contemplating coming out
because there's no toilet paper in the bogs!
That was one of the things, wasn't it...
"inadequate sanitary arrangements"
Look, Bert. I didn't get this job
by knocking you chaps over the head.
I worked out there once. Remember?
I used to knock off the soap myself.
At least you've got toilet seats now.
In my day we didn't even have toilets.
- That was your day.
- I know what your real beef is, Bert.
You want
a closed shop, don't you?
Well, maybe you're right
but this isn't the way to go about it.
It's not
that sort of a factory.
Nobody's getting hurt.
Martindale's not carving you up
like some we could think of.
gets a fair whack.
If you want it all,
well and good. Come out and say so.
Don't hide behind
a smoke screen.
You'll get
a closed shop, all right.
close the place down for good!
- I'm not prepared to discuss it.
- You're not prepared to discuss it... no.
Well, that's
that then, isn't it?
And I'm busy.
A nice turnout!
What are you going to
vote for, Gladys?
- Why don't you drop that "Gladys"?
- I'm asking you what you're going to vote.
I don't know.
What's it all about then?
Are you in favour of mixed marriages
between the Scots and the English?
They're not
voting on that.
Here, Eddie...
do we get paid if we come out?
- No. It's unofficial.
- A waste of time then, isn't it?
Come on then.
What are you waiting for?
Come on.
at the last meeting
a decision was taken to
elect a works committee
to represent you in
dealings with the management.
That decision was taken
in a democratic fashion
by the majority of
brothers present.
I'd like to read you
the official minutes of that meeting.
Is that Connolly again?
How's he suddenly sprung to the fore?
He doesn't know his arse from his elbow.
Here... finish the bottle.
It beats me, why
you let him get organised.
We've managed here
for thirty years.
Times have changed, you know.
They've changed this much.
I'm paying more tax
and losing business hand over fist.
I've lost four orders
to Germany already this year.
Well, we've got to help them get back
on their feet. After all, they lost the war.
Don't be so, bloody, clever!
This beer's flat too.
- How serious is that?
- It depends on how you look at it.
Well I mean, what's he
really after... a closed shop?
Yes. That's about it.
Well, he can forget that.
There's only one union
worth bothering about,
and that's the hard work union
of which
I'm a founding member.
That crew down there
will never get organised
and since the management has
chosen to disregard our main demands
we must take
stronger action.
What sort of action?
I therefore call upon Brother Matthews
to put the resolution to you.
Mr Chairman, brothers,
the Works Committee move
we propose the resolution that if
after a period of 24 hours from noon today
our demands are not met
we withdraw our labour from the factory
until such time as they are.
- Order, please! Order!
- Mr Chairman
Who will second the resolution?
- Thank you, brother.
- Mr Chairman
Shut up. Give him a chance.
Quiet, everybody, please.
Have you got something to say,
Brother Arkwright?
- Yes. I have.
- Right. Go ahead.
You all know me here.
Who are you?
Sit down, Crippen.
I'm a working man, and that's
more than I can say of some people.
Oh, sit down.
I've been through
a few strikes.
I mean really big strikes,
and I'm telling you
you won't go far unless
you have right on your side.
- A point of order, brother chair.
- Yes, a point of order.
A point of, bloody, nonsense!
I'm a union man, and I don't
stomach any messing about.
If you want to strike,
strike with the union behind you.
Just a minute.
We're all union men, you know.
Well, start
trying to behave like it.
Never mind your big speeches.
- Tell us what we'll live on
while we're out. - What we'll live on?
- You heard me.
- You heard him.
In reply
in reply to Brother Arkwright's
probably sincere
but, I promise you,
misguided remarks
all I can say is that, in disputes
of this kind, sacrifices have to be made.
Answer the question.
Now, if there are
no further questions
I call upon you to vote by a show of hands
for the adoption of this resolution.
Those in favour...
- What are you doing, Eddie?
- Ah, what are the odds? Put your hands up.
Come on. You haven't got
a family to support. You're laughing.
Not officially, anyway.
Well, this is
an unofficial strike.
- 107.
- That's right.
Those against...
Come on. Hurry it up now.
The voting was as follows:
those in favour: 107
those against: 39,
the majority in favour: 68.
The resolution is carried and will be
put before the management this afternoon.
I declare the meeting closed.
It's a good thing, the wives
don't come out on strike.
You'd really feel it then.
Do you have to do
what they say?
- Yes. If they decide it, you know
- No. You don't, not necessarily.
- Of course you do.
- Why? I don't see it.
Well, you can't run a factory
on your own, can you?
Who's talking about
"on your own"? Watch out.
Quite a few of us
don't want to come out.
Yes. All right, but I mean, you're still
bound to be in a minority, aren't you?
Still, as I say, I couldn't
care less about any of it.
All that "brother" lark...
they can stick that.
No. The best thing is not to vote
either way. Let them get on with it.
I mean, they will anyway,
so what are the odds?
Are you coming
down to the pub?
No. A few of us are getting together
down at old Billy's for a bit of a chat.
All right. See you then.
- Good night, Joe.
- So long.
He's marvellous, isn't he?
Just marvellous!
As long as he gets his beer and oats,
he doesn't want to know!
I don't mind you...
I don't know about both of you.
- Were you as bad as he is?
- When?
You know... before we got married.
Why do you always
have to come back to that?
- What you don't know
- ...doesn't hurt me, I know.
- Were you?
- Oh, yes... worse
and I started early.
I wore a muzzle till I was 14.
- A muzzle? What's that? - Shh
not in front of the child, please.
What do you think about it,
you lay-about, eh?
- He doesn't care.
- How do you know it's a "he"?
Ah, "she" then.
It's all right for old Joe.
He can afford to lose the money.
- What are you talking about?
- This strike business.
I wouldn't mind if it was
about something serious but
the whole thing's
a storm in a teacup.
I'm sorry, but the answer's no.
Now, that's not a final no. It's just that
he's not prepared to meet all your terms.
- Now, just before you jump right into it
- I'm not prepared to discuss it, Mr Davis.
We've had their answer.
Now they can have ours.
All right. That's it.
Ah well,
the dreaded veto! Coming?
Come on, you lot.
Come on.
Come on, boys.
Let's get moving.
What can I do for you, Bill?
Well, we've had a bit of a
talk together, and we've been wondering.
Supposing there are some of us
who still want to work
how would it stand like?
Well, as far as I'm concerned,
this walkout hasn't got the union backing.
The gates will be open
for anyone who wants to come in.
The rest is your lookout.
Where do you think
you're going?
You want to watch it.
You'll get carved up.
Get all their names.
- I'm talking to you, mate.
- I'm talking to you.
- Is this all of you, Billy?
- Yes. sir.
All right.
Well, you'd better get
on with routine maintenance.
I've managed to scrape up
a skeleton canteen staff
so you'll get
your dinners all right today.
I don't know about
tomorrow though
so you'd better bring your own
if you're going to keep this up.
Yes. well, they were
dead keen to see us.
- What's up? - All right.
Stirling Moss, that's your lot.
- Watch it, son.
- Old Eddie, Stirling Moss
What's your place
playing at?
I was on to them last night.
They shouldn't have sent you.
It's the first I've heard.
What's going on, then?
A labour withdrawal.
This place is black.
Black, Charlie?
They didn't tell us.
Well, pass it around
when you get back.
- All right. Charlie...
- I'm easy. I'll get home early for once.
I know what I'd do.
Barrett, come here.
I said, "Come here".
I had the police
on to me this morning.
- So?
- So I'm warning you.
I want this strike to
stay clean. Do you understand?
When I need your help,
I'll ask, so just watch it.
Otherwise next time
I'll tell the coppers where to look.
It won't be too bad, will it?
Who sent for the police, Billy?
Getting scared?
- What do you think then, Billy?
- I think we should turn it in.
I don't mind about myself, but my Mrs
is getting too old for this sort of caper.
She didn't sleep all night.
They did another
couple of windows, you know.
It's been an eye-opener to me.
I'll tell you that much.
Yes. I agree.
Not getting anywhere, are we?
What do you think, Tom?
Well, I'm going with
whatever you lot decide.
They missed my windows because we're on the
first floor. The, bleeding, landlady got my brick.
Are we all agreed then?
Well, the management
didn't want to know either.
We'll turn it in, eh?
It's best really, isn't it?
It goes hard with me,
I don't mind telling you.
I mean, I'll have
a scrap in the open with anybody
but I've had it with this one.
It's been an eye-opener
to me... A real eye-opener!
I thought, you might have done something
about it. You've been home all day.
I never had it on.
Why don't you
call the man in?
I can't afford to.
I'm out of work too now.
Mrs Curtis, are you there?
- What's the old cow want?
- I'll go and see.
Mrs Curtis
Tell her she'll have to wait for
our rent next week. That'll shut her up.
Ah, there you are.
There's someone to see you.
- Who is it, Mrs Jackson?
- I don't know. He pressed the wrong bell.
- It's me, Mrs Curtis: Bert Connolly.
- going to the door all night
- Did you want to see Tom?
- If I might.
Please come up.
Sorry about the bell.
- "Bert Connolly".
- Here?
Come in, Mr Connolly.
I'm afraid, the place
is a bit of a mess.
That's all right.
I'm used to it.
Would you like some tea?
Oh that would be very nice,
but only if you're making it.
Hello, Joe.
Hello, Tom.
Bert... Come to
see how the rich live?
- What's the matter? The tube?
- No. The guarantee went.
Let's have a look. I'm
pretty good at fixing these things.
Ah! Here's your trouble.
Try it now.
Enjoying the rest, Joe?
- It makes a change, doesn't it?
- We could do with you on the picket line.
Ah! There you are.
Yes. Still not
perfect though, is it?
Thanks anyway.
- Well, now. What can I do for you?
- Well, it seems you've already done it.
Old Billy tells me you've
decided to back us all up at last.
Well, we've decided to
stay away from work, yes. That's right.
It seems a pity you didn't do that from
the beginning, like our brother Joe here.
Yes, a pity all round, isn't it?
Now, look, Tom. You know as well as I do,
you've got to go along with the majority.
That's the democratic way
and, personally speaking,
I was very hurt
to see you step out of line
with those others.
Still, that's all over now.
We won't bring that up again.
What we've got to do now
is to show a united front.
You made a mistake.
You've been big enough to admit it.
I mean, I'd be the last person
in the world to hold that against you.
I wouldn't come round here and
threaten you or anything like that.
No. I'm glad about that
but I don't mind telling you
I've had a bit of trouble with some of
the boys down there. They don't like scabbing.
Some of them were
talking about getting quite rough.
- It went a bit further than
talking, didn't it? - How do you mean?
- Did they set fire to any good cars lately?
- Oh, I don't know anything about that.
No, maybe not
but I'd just
like to make one point.
I've got a couple of
kids in there, fast asleep.
They were in there when Mother Jackson
got a brick through her window.
That wasn't meant for her.
That was meant for me.
- It could have come in there.
- I tell you, I don't know anything about that.
No. Well, I'll put it
in another way, Bert.
You didn't get a brick
through your window, did you?
- What does that prove?
- I'm just telling you.
Anyone interferes with
my wife and kids
and I'll start
chucking a few bricks around
so don't come it.
Nobody's coming it, Tom.
Now, don't get excited.
I'm not getting excited
only, this is my home, not the factory.
So don't you nor anybody else forget it.
I've joined your bloody strike. So
you've won. So what else do you want to say?
I'm not saying anything,
one way or another.
What you want to remember in future,
you or any other blackleg
is that you won't always
get off this easy.
We've got ways, mate.
We've got ways
- and I don't just mean broken windows.
- You've got what?
- Let's leave it at that.
- No. You've got ways of what?
- I'm just telling you for your own
- What are you telling me?
Don't give me that lip, mate,
not here. I pay the rent here.
You're very generous with
your advice these days, aren't you?
- Tom!
- Real generous!
- Tom, please!
- Keep out of it, Annie! Just keep out of it.
You come round here,
laying down the law...
Well, it so happens, you're not
the law, Mr God-Almighty-Connolly, mate
and I decide
whether I go back or not
not because you tell me.
Because I decide! See?
So you can stick your advice!
It doesn't mean a thing to me.
Doesn't it?
We'll see about that.
I'll have that some other time,
Mrs Curtis. Good night.
- He came in here, telling me
- What started all this?
Nothing! Don't ask questions.
You don't understand.
I know what I've heard.
I'm not deaf.
- Joe, what do you think?
- Oh, he doesn't think any, bloody, thing
You keep your big, idle
trap shut, don't you, Joe?
One of these days, you're
going to sit so hard on that fence
you're going to split yourself
right up the middle.
I'll tell you what
you've got to face up to, all of you.
I'll tell you the facts of life.
You can't have it both ways.
- Mind if I help myself, Charlie?
- No. Go on.
It's no good breezing up here
on your expense accounts
and then behaving like a lot of shocked
parsons at a dirty postcard convention.
You don't get offered
a government contract every day!
Not on this sort of level!
It's the biggest deal
we've ever had a smell of
and we can't even consider it
until the men are back again.
So to get them back
you've got to make concessions.
Now, what do
the concessions amount to?
Extra safety precautions,
a few new toilets
and a face-saver
on the closed-shop angle.
That'll get
the machines running again.
Once they're back and back
on overtime, you won't hear any more.
You mean, you hope
you won't hear any more.
Now, listen.
I know men, believe me.
So make up your minds.
If you want that contract,
you've got to water your beer.
This is the
Pakistan contract, isn't it?
Look. Alfie, why don't you
get into your Bentley
and power-steer yourself
back to London. It's past your bedtime.
Pakistan! We finished
that job last Christmas.
Oh well, I vote, we take
this other thing, whatever it is.
Who do you think you are?
He'll have to be
taught a lesson...
But I mean, a real lesson!
Is that Curtis
on his own? What's his game?
I've no idea.
No. A funny fellow!
My wife's never forgiven him
for marrying that Italian girl
what's her name... "Anna".
We brought her over, you know.
The best girl we ever had!
No. He's a funny fellow.
I don't like
lone wolves on either side.
Oh, ta.
I don't know what Curtis is out to prove,
but he could have saved himself the trouble.
- They'll all be back shortly.
- Oh?
I thought
that would shake you.
- Here... I'm not alight. - Sorry.
I've prepared a statement here
for you to give to Connolly.
You'll see
what I'm getting at.
It changes the whole set-up.
Oh, sure. Martindale knows
on which side his bread's buttered.
Exactly! ICBM, the magic letters!
How will who take it?
Oh, I can handle Connolly.
He's still fighting the general strike.
Yes, amateur night!
Well, that's it then.
I'll get them to go back, then we can
get them out again at the right moment.
You bet. Yes.
Hello? Yes, speaking.
Oh, is that you, Phil?
I was going to get on to you.
What do you think about Martindale's
offer? He can stick that, can't he?
Accept? Yes but
Oh, I see. You've
been on to London, have you?
Yes, but it's not like them
to take it all that easy, is it?
No, but, you see, London
take the view that we've done very
well, that you've
done very nicely so far and
Yes. He told me to tell you
and even though these concessions
don't amount to much
it means that
Martindale's seen the light.
That's it.
They'll have to
listen to you now.
Oh the sooner, the better,
I should think.
Call a meeting
for tomorrow night.
Oh and by the way
I've had
an idea about Curtis.
- A bit naughty, wasn't it?
- What, Curtis?
- Yes.
- I suppose so.
Still, there's nothing
we can do about it now.
A pint of bitter, Bertie.
- Do you mind?
- Take it easy.
- You over there!
- No.
Set the alarm for the morning.
A pint of bitter.
Yes. We're going back.
Come on, love.
- You're a friend of
Curtis, aren't you? - That's right.
You'd better
give him the message.
- What message?
- Wait a minute.
Hey, you lot!
Hey. Got your boots?
- Well, she said, I was the first.
- She said what?
Don't give me that.
We've all been there!
Over here...
Come on. Let's have some.
- Do you hear someone speak, Gladys?
- No. I never heard anything.
Never mind the jokes. Come on.
All right. Put some down there.
Down where?
Oh, down there.
What are you playing at, Gladys?
You're a bit obstructive this morning.
Naughty girl!
Over here, Bill...
You're late.
Am I?
Now, don't tell me
I've given you too much.
You need it,
now that you're expecting again.
Joe was telling me,
everybody was glad to be back today.
Was he?
Mm-hmm. I'll bet
old Martindale was pleased, too.
I know, I was.
I was out shopping today
and you should have heard
what the wives were saying.
You're very quiet tonight.
Am I?
It's been a quiet day.
Come on. Have another.
- No, thanks, not when you're driving.
- What are you talking about?
- Could I have a word with you, Joe?
- Yes. Have a drink.
Er you know, a word with you.
Oh, all right.
Mind your nylons.
- Here... Don't run away.
- What, in these shoes?
Well, what's up?
Well, we were
talking about Tom.
- Oh yes?
- You know him better than anybody.
Well, you
room with him, I mean, so
well, we were talking about
the football side of it.
Yes. We've missed a couple of matches
already, you know, with being out and that.
Yes. That's right. Well, the point is,
who's going to run it now, if Tom doesn't?
Well, there's
no "if", is there? I mean
you can't ignore a bloke all day for scabbing
and kick a ball round with him after hours.
- There's no "if".
- No. That's right.
- I mean, we've got to sort it out somehow.
- Look. Do you mind if I butt in?
Look, Joe.
Let's be honest, eh?
I mean, you're like me.
I don't care what a man does,
you know, religion and that...
I've got some very good friends.
They're Jews and that
and politics, you know, but well,
this is a special sort of situation.
- Yes and another thing
- Look. Mind if I put what I want to say?
Look, Joe. I know Tom, and I
agree with him in some ways but
well, we've got the team to think of,
and the season's underway and
well, somebody
ought to talk to him.
I'm only saying this
for the good of the team, mind.
You want me to
tell him, do you?
- Well, not tell him exactly
- Yes, tell him.
- What are you doing out of bed, boy?
- My heart's stopped.
Has it? Well, you've done very well
to get this far then, haven't you? Hmm?
You've done the trick, anyway.
It's started again.
You must have
shook it up, like your watch.
Go on, back to bed. Quick.
Sleep well.
- What is it?
- Brian's having a bad dream.
You don't think it'll make
any difference to them, do you?
You don't know
what kids pick up.
Seen the doctor yet, by the way?
Oh, there's plenty of time for that.
What else happened today?
That's about it.
They're just not talking to me.
Didn't Joe talk to you?
You mean to say
- Who decides these things anyway?
- What?
- Who decides
- Well, the men decide.
- What men?
- Just the men, all of them.
You mean to tell me that
they decide to treat you like
Doesn't anybody get up
and say how stupid this is?
I wasn't at the meeting,
so I don't know what was said.
Who thought of it?
That's what I want to know.
The committee, I suppose:
Connolly and that lot.
- You mean, the union?
- No, not the union.
They're not the whole union.
I'm the union as much as they are.
- Who decides then? Somebody must
- Look, Annie. I don't know.
I don't know who thought of it
or who decided it or anything. All I
I'm sorry, I shouted. All I know is,
they're not talking to me.
Nobody's talking,
not even old Billy Arkwright.
- What are they scared of?
- I don't know. They're just scared.
It doesn't do to
step out of line these days.
We're all
so equal, we're nothing.
Huh! Remember
that case in the paper?
I read it out to you.
- A railwayman, wasn't it?
- Oh, yes.
I thought then
I wonder what it's like.
Well, now we know.
Do they do it for a time,
or what happens?
Well, I don't remember
that case exactly, but I
I think, they kept it up
for quite a while.
How long... a week or two?
Uh... a bit longer, I think.
I think, they kept it up
for quite a bit.
Has Anna gone to bed?
I haven't done
mine this week.
Yes. Ta.
I'm sorry about all this.
What are you sorry about?
Are you talking about
you or me?
Well, you of course.
Look. I know what
you must be thinking. Well
I don't like trouble, see?
I mean, I wasn't at the meeting.
I didn't vote or anything like that
but you know
how it is: they get at you.
Well, you can't
go against all of them.
Yes. I noticed that myself.
Well, there you are!
I mean, where's it all got you?
The point is, you've
got to live with them
so what's the use,
sticking your neck out all the time?
I mean, I don't want to go into
the rights and wrongs of it all but
once it happens, you know,
you're better to fall in with them.
I mean, they're all
a bunch of twits anyway.
Yes. I'm sorry, Joe.
I'm still not quite there.
Is it best that you
should fall in with them or me?
Well, both.
I mean, I don't get anything out of it.
I've been feeling lousy ever since it happened.
Well, you can stop
feeling lousy on my account.
I'm glad you've finally
talked about it, anyway.
Yes. Well, I was asked.
Oh, you were asked?
Well, not exactly but
well, some of the, what-you-call-it:
the football team, they wanted to
you see, they're a bit
worried about the fixtures and that.
In what way?
Well, apparently... (I mean,
you know more about it than I do)
but a couple of the matches
had to be scrubbed, didn't they? and
well, the team's
got a bit anxious or something.
I see. And...
Well, the reason they picked me to tell you
is because I live here, I suppose.
Tell me what?
They want you to
take a back seat.
Joe's been telling me
some news, haven't you, Joe?
Did he make sure
all the doors were locked first?
You never know, do you, Joe?
Somebody might be spying on you.
They might find out that
you've actually spoken to Tom Curtis.
All right.
No. It's not all right.
It's not all right at all.
He can't have it both ways,
and if you won't tell him, I will.
He can't talk to you at work.
He can't talk to you here.
- He had something to tell me.
- Yes like "how are you" or "goodbye".
Leave it, Annie.
This is between Joe and me.
No. it's not. This is my house too, and
I've had all I can take from Mr Wallace.
- Look. You'll wake the kids.
- I'll wake Mr Joe, bloody, Wallace too.
Look. This is
a home, not a morgue.
People talk in homes.
They speak to each other.
They say,
"good morning" and "good night".
They don't treat their friends like
they have some sort of a disease or something.
What was so special,
that he had to tell you tonight
and he couldn't have
told you this morning?
What was so special, huh?
Look! You'd better look at me.
You went out of
this house this morning.
You couldn't even bring yourself
to say "hello" to me, let alone my husband.
Well, I want to tell you something.
I don't work at your rotten factory
and I don't belong to your little
committees and your little unions
and nobody's going to
send me to Coventry.
I don't want you here anymore.
I don't want you near me or my children.
I don't want you here
in this house anymore.
- Now look, Annie! Shut up, will you?
- Do you know something?
I feel sorry for you.
You can't even think for yourself.
Look, Annie! Stop it!
I'm sorry, Joe.
Yes, you're sorry, you're sorry.
You deserve your friends.
Yes. That's all I needed today.
Well look. Maybe I'd better
clear out. It'd be best for everybody.
Mr Curtis
my name's "Ball".
I'm from the Argus.
Oh yes?
I'm sorry to spring at you so early
but I wanted to be sure of catching you.
Er about this business
over at the factory
I understand
you've been sent to Coventry
over some difference with
the Works Committee. Is that correct?
Something like that, yes.
You didn't come out on strike,
did you, Mr Curtis?
- No.
- Why was that then?
I had personal reasons.
You didn't agree with the strike,
in other words. Can I say that?
No. I didn't agree.
You thought it was all
rather unnecessary, shall we say?
That's fine.
Erm One other thing:
how do you feel now?
- In what way?
- Well I mean, about your workmates.
Well, it's
difficult to say.
I don't understand it, really. It'd
be different if the union had fined me.
I see. You feel that
you've been persecuted.
- Well, I wouldn't say, "persecuted"...
- Don't you think it's unfair?
Well yes. I do, really.
The same thing, really, isn't it?
Right. Well, thank you, Mr Curtis.
You've been very helpful.
I hope, I haven't
made you too late.
- Who was that?
- Some bloke from the Argus.
- What did he want?
- He wanted to know what I felt about it.
- What did you tell him?
- I told him the truth.
The truth
according to Tom Curtis
is that he has been
Let me see that
- ...has been victimised
- Yes. That's right. those responsible
for an unnecessary and
unreasonable withdrawal of labour
which did not have union backing.
- He's begging for it,
isn't he? - Yes.
Read the rest.
Read further down, about
old Martindale. He had something to say.
A bit unfortunate? It's a,
bloody, sight worse than that!
They got on to me last night.
I told them it was off the record.
- Well, what do you want me to do?
- What do I want you to do?
Kill it. Get after Connolly
and get it sorted out.
If you have to,
get rid of Curtis.
I don't care
but kill it.
Yes. All right.
The old man's upset.
Everybody's upset.
Well, they've
got a right to be.
Let's not talk about rights, shall we?
Let's keep the conversation clean.
I just want to make sure that
this thing doesn't go any further.
Well, that's
easy enough: sack Curtis.
Couldn't you just as easily
stop this Coventry business?
You've had your fun. Call it a day now,
and the papers have got nothing to write about.
- What do you mean, "fun"?
- What I say.
What do you call it? "Justice?"
All right. "Justice" then. I don't care.
Call it what you like, but finish it.
I can't finish it.
It's not my decision.
- I'm only a spokesman for the men.
- Don't give me that guff, Bert.
You're slipping these days, you know.
You're treating me like an equal.
You can stop it.
Well, maybe I could have
stopped it before, but not now.
The men
didn't like that article.
What is it?
A few words in a local rag.
It'll end up on a nail in the toilet,
or somebody'll make a fire with it.
What are they all
getting so excited about?
They took it
very personally.
Well, do me a favour. Use your influence.
Tell them not to take it personally.
- I don't care.
- I took it personally too.
It practically mentioned
me by name. I don't like that.
Don't tell me,
you're getting a lawyer.
Curtis is a blackleg
and I don't want him here.
Well, let me tell you something.
You don't run this factory yet
and while I'm works manager,
I decide who gets the push
and it's going to take more than
a few paragraphs in the Argus
to make me
give Curtis his cards.
And I'll tell you something else
you can take personally.
I don't like
what you're doing.
You'd better get that lawyer.
You might need him one day.
I'll remember
you said that, Davis.
"Mr Davis", while
you're still talking to me!
Well, they look
happy enough.
What are their names?
"Brian" and
"Cathy"... "Catherine".
Nice-looking kids!
Do you mind if we borrow this for a while?
We'll let you have it back safely.
I'll get you
some copies made.
Tell me, Mrs Curtis.
You're not English, are you?
- No, Italian.
- Italian, huh?
And what's your Christian name?
I might as well have that, too.
- "Anna".
- Not "Gina".
It's a nice name.
It suits you.
I knew a girl called "Anna" once.
Excuse me asking, but somebody told me
you are in fact expecting another edition.
Is that right?
- Yes.
- Well, congratulations.
- What's all this for?
- Oh, thank you.
Well, it's just that a lot of people
are interested in your story.
That's why they sent me all this way.
We like to get the woman's angle.
- You're not going to
write anything bad... - What's that?
You're not going to
write anything bad...
What's for breakfast?
Why don't
they sack him?
Why don't
you sack me then?
If Mr Martindale feels so
strongly about it, why doesn't he sack me?
Don't think he hasn't thought of it!
We're not going to sack you.
That'd really give the papers
something to write about!
All he wants you to do is, apologise to the
Works Committee. Finish it. Kill it dead.
Would you apologise?
- We're not talking about me.
- No, but I'm asking you.
I don't know
what I'd do.
I wouldn't have got myself where you are in
the first place, but I'll tell you this much.
I'd think of a way to
finish it, and I'd finish it soon.
"Soon"? What's the use of "soon"?
We've got to finish it now.
We're committed. You know that.
I've signed the contract
but they've got a get-out clause, and
they'll use it if we have any more trouble.
They can't afford delays.
- I still think, it'll blow over.
- You said that last time.
I mean, what
are we going to do?
You say,
you can't sack him.
He won't apologise. They won't back down.
And we're right in the bloody middle!
And I'm not going to lose business
because of one man. Life's too short!
And what's your opinion?
- What about?
- Can you stand back, please?
You're one of the men
who sent Tom Curtis to Coventry.
In a way, yes.
Are you proud of this evidence of
solidarity among the men who work here
or are you ashamed of what
a lot of people regard as a cruel act?
Am I
Look. You'd better ask
somebody else. It's nothing to do with me.
You three work here, do you?
- No. We're the owners.
- "Old Eddie"
Let me ask, Old Eddie.
What do you expect to achieve
by sending this man to Coventry?
Or is there any pleasure in inflicting
this punishment on one of your work mates?
Yes. I'll tell you what I expect to
achieve. I think he deserves it.
Do you think he deserves it?
Well, like he says,
Curtis asked for it.
As I understand it,
this was an unofficial strike
so Curtis was quite within his rights
in refusing to come out.
No. I don't think so.
You'd make no distinction between
an official and an unofficial strike?
- No.
- You'd always come out?
- Yes, when they tell us to.
- When who tells you to?
Er the men and that.
What men? Would you
come out if he told you?
I never told him.
But you were at the meeting
at which it was decided
to send
Tom Curtis to Coventry...
- Yes. I was there, yes.
- Did you vote to do that?
Yes. I put my hand up, yes.
Did you know what putting your hand up
would mean to Tom Curtis?
Do you always vote when
you don't know what you're voting for?
Well, if he doesn't know,
let me ask you.
What makes you decide
how you're going to vote?
Well, it depends, doesn't it,
on what they're going to give us.
To find out what action the employer
is taking in this explosive situation
I've come to talk with
the managing director
of the Martindale
Engineering Company.
- Listen to this one.
- Oh, blast!
An ugly and
frightening weapon
has been used in this
small industrial town:
the weapon of silence.
Melsham today is troubled and
confused, and tempers are short.
In the past few weeks,
it has known violence
and you may have
felt, as I have
that the whole town is tense and braced
for yet another outbreak of this violence
that nobody
quite understands.
And at the
centre of it all: Tom Curtis
the man against whom
this weapon has been used
the man who's
been sent to Coventry...
There are two ways of
looking at Curtis, it seems to me:
as an obstinate
and foolish and selfish man
who has let down his mates and who fully
deserves the punishment that he's getting
or as a brave,
honest, and thinking man
unjustly tormented by
the men who work alongside him
most of whom don't know or
care what the row is about
but follow like sheep
the one or two men who are
full of malice and spite.
But whoever's to blame,
there's something ugly in the air.
And so, from Melsham, a town
where there is hatred in silence
back to the
Tonight Studio in London
Good night.
- What were you going to say?
- I was going to read you this. Where is it?
Oh, yes.
A position could always be found
for you in our Brisbane works.
- Where?
- Brisbane. Australia, isn't it?
Erm a man named Fraser.
He owns a factory out there.
I am sure you and your family would
find a new and full life out here.
The cause of personal liberty's one
that has always been close to my heart.
- A nice letter, isn't it?
- Yes, if you want to live in Australia.
Well, I mean,
it was nice of him to offer.
I can't believe it,
all these people writing to us!
Some of the people
stop me in the street too.
Oh, I meant to tell you.
You know Mr Booth at the grocer's...
He slipped in a bottle of lemon squash
for the children and didn't charge me.
He probably made a mistake.
No. He meant it,
I know he meant it.
Well, of course
they're not all on our side, so
What am I going to do, Annie?
What am I going to do?
What do they
want from me?
I suppose they want
you to give up and get out.
Is that
what you want too...
to tear everything up a second time
and start all over again?
No. I don't want that.
I mean, I don't know.
I only want
what you want, I suppose.
Here you are, darling... Catch.
- Where is Brian?
- What?
Don't say, "what".
- Why isn't Brian with you?
- I don't know.
- Who's slamming about?
- Come on, quickly.
- Sorry Mrs Jackson. It was just the wind.
- I know who it was all right.
I've told you
never to slam it before.
- Where's Brian?
- I told you.
Wasn't he
waiting for you, Cathy?
Look at me. Wasn't Brian
waiting for you at the gate?
- Well, did you wait for him?
- He didn't wait for me.
Oh, Cathy... Cathy,
look at me. I'm talking to you.
Did you ask any of the other boys
if they saw him?
Well, you know you're
supposed to wait for each other.
How could I wait for him
when he wasn't waiting for me?
All right. You start your tea.
I'm going to the corner.
Now, there's one cake each, and
I shan't be long. You'll be all right.
You can have some biscuits
but just one cake. All right?
All right?
I shan't be long.
How is he now?
I had to put him
in our bedroom because of Cathy.
I couldn't get it off, Tom.
I mean, I got most of it off with
that stuff we have in the kitchen but
- it was just like tar.
- Did he say who did it?
Huh? Oh some boys,
some bigger boys in the next class.
I carried him all the way home.
You shouldn't have done that.
- Where are you going?
- I'm going to see him.
- Oh, please don't.
- What do you mean? I've got to see him.
He's asleep, Tom.
Let him sleep.
Are you asleep, boy?
It's all right, boy. It's dad.
You aren't asleep, are you?
Why won't you talk to me?
Because you're
a dirty scab.
Shut up.
Shut up, will you?
You don't have to
worry about not talking to me.
I don't want you to
talk to me. Do you hear?
But you
stay away from my family.
Just stay away from us.
Get stuffed, short-arse.
And you lot
you ought not to talk to anybody,
because you've got nothing to say.
You're nothing.
We don't need
any of you.
We don't need you.
- Are you going to
the dance on Friday night? - No.
Mr Curtis...
Mr Curtis, are you all right?
- Are you feeling all right?
- I'm fine.
- I thought you looked a bit
- I'm fine.
- what's happened now?
- What about?
- What's wrong with Tom Curtis?
- Nothing that concerns you.
- Oh yes, it does.
- Do you mind?
I'm asking you
a question. What happened?
Now, look. I'm tired of
people getting on my back.
He brought it on himself.
What do you expect me to do?
Everyone goes on as if it was
my fault. Well, I didn't start it.
I didn't have
anything to do with it.
I just mind my own business,
so why don't you do the same?
Well, you couldn't
have an opinion, to save your life!
You're the big "I am"! I don't know
why I ever bothered about you!
You're just like
the rest: gutless.
You haven't got the brains
to stick up for anything.
One man! That's all it needs.
One man!
Is it all right to talk?
The first thing: have you
got any instructions for me?
Right. Now, listen.
The reason I asked you to ring is,
something happened here today.
No, concerning Curtis. Yes.
And it occurred to me that
if the time's ripe all round
we've got it
ready-made up here.
We'll use Curtis to
get them out again.
That will
screw up this whole contract.
Sure... about 7 factories
all dependent on Martindale's.
Oh it'll
work a treat. You'll see.
Curtis really played
right into my hands today.
Connolly... Up here a minute.
- What's happening?
- What's happening about what?
These production returns.
No. 2 shift in 4 Bay...
have they retired or something?
No. They're working to rule.
Since when?
A decision was
taken by the Works Committee.
We're operating a full overtime ban
until the management gets rid of Curtis.
Oh so we're back
on that one again, are we?
What are you frightened of? Are you
afraid Curtis might win in the end?
- No. We're not
worried about that. - Aren't you?
Well, I'll give you
a little thought to take away with you.
Once you start sacking people
because they don't agree with you
or because you don't like
the way they part their hair
once you establish that little precedent,
you might give other people ideas.
It might just occur to me that
you're not my cup of tea, for instance.
There's no telling
where it might end!
- Quite a few people might get sacked.
- Are you threatening me?
Take it any way you like.
Now, just get out, will you?
He said, there'd be
quite a few people sacked.
What's up?
- Don't you know yet?
- They're going to close down.
Who says?
You heard.
Davis told old Connolly.
It's victimisation, you know...
Yes... what is?
They're going to
make an example
and sack a few.
That's what I was told.
I didn't
hear about that. Sack them?
That's what somebody told me.
I want to
speak to the union secretary.
Well, who is there?
Has he got any authority?
I don't want the office boy.
I told you to
sort this out, but no.
You said it would blow over.
Well, things don't blow over any more.
You should have sacked Curtis,
the moment this Coventry business started.
- Well, that's a
matter of opinion, isn't it? - What?
Yes. Of course it's urgent.
It's more than urgent, I'm afraid.
They're coming out.
Yes, speaking.
Who's that? Thompson?
I'm sorry to pull you out of
the meeting, but we've got a wildcat.
I want a union representative
up here right away.
What do you think
you will do then?
I don't know.
I prayed for us this evening.
I didn't go to your mother's
as I said. I went to mass.
I thought,
perhaps it might help.
You see, I don't mind
if we go away at all.
I mean, Australia, anywhere...
Somebody told me
Australia's very nice:
nice people and it's hot
almost like home.
We could go home, of course.
Yes, that's right.
- This isn't really home for you, is it?
- I didn't mean that.
No. I know.
I've really
messed everything up, haven't I?
And I don't even know why.
But I've
got to decide something.
I've just got to, otherwise I'll
I don't even know
how I got into it.
You got into it because
you thought that was the right thing.
Well, I hope that is why, because
if it isn't, we may as well clear out.
We may as well
I mean, if people can't be different,
if they take that away from you
there's no point to any of it,
no point in bringing up kids or anything...
Just no point at all!
The funny thing is,
I can see both sides.
They must think
they're doing right, too.
Does that
strike you as funny?
No, not so funny.
Tom, wait.
don't go.
Please, God! Don't go.
- Come on.
- You're going to get it.
Get back. Come on.
Mr Curtis...
you're still
not striking. Why not?
Nobody told me
there was a strike.
Joe, can I
talk to you for a minute?
- Yes. Pull up a chair.
- I've got to talk to you.
- All right.
- Don't mind me.
- It's Tom Curtis. He's been hurt.
- What do you mean, "hurt"?
I don't know the details.
I was working late and the police phoned.
They just said, "an accident"
and wanted his address.
- Where is he now?
- Up at the hospital, I think.
All right. Come on.
In the waiting room,
over there...
Hello, Anna.
Hello, Joe.
I heard the news:
that girl I used to go with (I don't think
you ever met her... a nice girl: "Pat")
she told me.
Are you all right?
I just worried about
leaving the kids with Mrs Jackson.
Oh well, I could ask Pat to go round
and stay with them for a bit, if you like.
She's outside.
Erm how is he?
They don't know yet, Joe.
Well, they never
tell you much, do they?
I mean, even if everything's all right
they seem to like to keep it to themselves.
I'd expect they have to
keep to the rules or something.
Are you sure
you're all right?
Have they got
any idea what happened?
He was knocked down
by a car, they think.
They think
they might have to operate.
Well, don't worry.
No. That's a silly thing to say.
Of course you worry, but
well, they can do
wonderful things these days
and you know Tom!
He's pretty tough.
I'll go and tell Pat.
Then I could
come back and stay with you
that is, if you want me to.
Thank you, Joe.
I'd like you to stay.
Excuse me.
Mrs Curtis?
Sister would like to see you.
- How is my husband?
- Oh, he came through it very well.
will tell you about it.
Are you all right now?
Yes. You don't
have to wait any longer, Joe.
We'll take care of her.
Oh, you didn't see a patient
called "Curtis", did you, doctor?
- He was in a car accident.
- I saw him when he came. Yes.
Was he bad?
- Are you the driver?
- No, just a friend.
Well, he's not too good.
He had to lose an eye, I'm afraid.
Come on, Perce.
What about the old rosy then?
Cor, dear! What a night!
- What have you this time?
- Attempted suicide, all over the place.
They never do
a good job with a gun.
A bloke here's asking about his pal
in that car crash you brought in earlier
a hit and run, the police reckon,
no witnesses either.
It never is
with those bastards.
He was still conscious when we got there,
but couldn't tell the police anything, though.
All he was concerned with
was "Gladys".
Who's that... his wife?
- "Gladys"?
- Yes. He kept talking about her.
No. It's not his wife.
His wife's name is "Anna".
Well, I never
mentioned it to anybody.
- Is that you, Nurse?
- Yes.
It's all right, Mr Curtis.
Could you
do something for me?
don't let my wife know.
You mustn't worry
not now.
You mustn't worry.
having a baby
Brothers, please
brothers, please,
I call upon you to give a fair hearing
to Brother Sid Thompson, Chairman
Brothers, please
hold it in the back, please
Chairman to
the union's negotiating committee.
brothers, I have come specially here
to urge you to return to work
and I am confident that between us
we have found an acceptable formula.
Acceptable to who?
- Have you seen Eddie Barrett?
- No, not this morning.
Acceptable to who?
Go back to work.
It's in your own interests.
Hey, Gladys. Come here.
I want to talk to you.
- What about?
- About Tom Curtis.
Get knotted.
Uh it wasn't me.
I didn't do anything.
I only kept a lookout.
It was Eddie who did it.
Right. Well, you stay there
if you know what's good for you.
I'm going to make sure of
you, Barrett, before the police get you.
What police?
Who are you trying to kid?
You did Tom Curtis
last night, didn't you?
Are you nuts
or something?
You touch me,
and I'll carve you.
Is that what
you used on Tom Curtis?
I know
nothing about Tom Curtis.
You keep away from me.
I warned you. You
keep away from me, you mad bleeder! Ow
- Ow
- Now
what don't you
know about Tom Curtis?
The only way to tackle this problem
is on an official union basis.
That's what
I'm here for
and that's what
I'm prepared to stay here for.
You are all engaged on
work of national importance.
What about the blokes
who've been sacked, eh?
You keep saying that.
Nobody has been sacked.
You can't show me
a man who's been sacked.
Who do you think you are?
The management have categorically stated
that there have been no sackings.
Go on.
Get him down.
There have been
wrongs on both sides.
I think
we'd better break this up.
Would you say there's been
outside interference in this strike?
- Yes, definitely.
- Come on now. Break it up.
Mr Thompson,
can I quote you?
Yes. Quote me.
What do you
know about it, you ponce?
Do you see the sort of chap
I'm fighting for?
brothers, I'm
very proud, very proud indeed
- Dan, over here...
- a response to our call for unity.
Stand back, please.
Excuse me.
Hello. Could I
have a word with you? What's your name?
- Joe Wallace.
- And you both work at Martindale's?
- Yes, sort of.
- What happened to him?
He beat someone up last night.
- Who?
- Tom Curtis.
- Curtis?
- The bloke who was sent to Coventry?
- And our answer must be
- Mind your backs, please.
that no machinery
to deal with victimisation
Get him off there.
Let me have that mike.
- Nobody wants to listen.
- They'd better listen, and you had too.
All right!
Quiet for a moment.
Quiet! Here's
someone you all know.
Will you
shut up and listen.
They're not going to
listen to me. You tell them.
You tell them
what you told me.
I've got
some news about Tom Curtis.
I said, I've got
some news about Tom Curtis
and you're going to hear it.
He had an accident last night.
At least that's what some people
would like everyone to think
only, I know different.
I've just
come from the hospital.
Well, he's lying
up there now in the hospital
where he's lost an eye
and I can tell you
how he lost it.
kicked him in the face.
That's how he lost it.
I don't know...
whatever, we think, he did to us
I reckon
he's paid for it
and the reason
he's paid for it is
because we let it happen.
We sort of just
stood by and let it happen.
Well, I let it happen
the same as the rest of you.
All I know is
I feel
I've done something dirty.