The Anomaly (2014)

Please stop.
No, please!
Just leave us alone!
- Mum!
- Please don't...
Don't do it!
Hey, you okay? Okay?
Please help me,
they killed my mum.
What? Who?
Red masks...
The men in red masks.
Have you been kidnapped, too?
Yeah, I think so.
Please. Please untie me.
Okay, okay
What happened?
They shot her.
The men in red masks,
they came to our house
and shot her.
Hey, hey.
I'm sorry. Listen...
What's your name?
Okay, Alex.
You're being very brave.
I need you to be brave for
a little bit longer, okay?
I'm gonna go
and get some help.
Listen, you need to wait for
it to stop moving, okay?
Okay. Go.
My leg.
My leg!
What's your name?
It's Ryan.
How come
you were in the van?
I have no idea.
The last thing
I remember is at Hibiscus.
Reading a chemistry text book
Dr. Langham gave me.
And I wasn't in London.
Why would
someone kidnap you?
I don't know.
I just want my mum back.
Look, I'm gonna go
to the police, okay?
What did you say about his biscuits?
What's that?
A rehab facility.
It's kind of like a hospital.
I've been there for a few
years, was your mum there?
Are you sick?
It's called post-traumatic
stress disorder.
I get dizzy spells.
Panic attacks and nightmares.
Although this
seems very real.
I don't have my ring.
And I've never
seen this before.
My watch says
June the seventh.
That's today.
Are you sure?
But when I went to
sleep it was January.
Hey! Where are you?
Where are you?
No! It was you!
It was you!
You! You did it!
You did it!
You killed my mum!
Ten days.
Hibiscus Trauma Unit US, call.
Hello, Hibiscus?
What do you mean,
"Wrong number"?
How can they have
been closed for years?
What year is this?
This year now,
right now, what year is this?
I heard you shout,
you okay?
Everything all right?
I knocked the table,
I was annoyed.
I bet you were.
It's a 200-year-old single malt
you love telling me about.
Shall we go over it,
so we're all clear?
Everything's in place.
The tests from Leonid show that
it works on a long-term trial,
as you know.
So we're still on schedule.
The medic from the interrogation
center had his little accident.
So your alias is
Cedric Saunders,
and it stood up with
their background checks.
You start in five weeks, the
mercenaries are on standby.
And finally the electron
micrograph came from Kiev,
so the lab's fully equipped
and ready for our scientists.
Imagine all
those individuals
locked in their own heads and they're
thinking of who or what they hurt.
Imagine we get
those drones online.
What about the boy?
He's fine.
The driver's gone.
I handled it.
We can't have any more incidents
like we did at the graveyard.
You sure you're okay?
Have a drink.
You want to see the feed?
Welcome, Harkin.
What can I do for you today?
Hibiscus Project online.
What are you doing to him?
It happened again,
didn't it?
Your name is Ryan Reeve.
Isn't it?
You're good,
but I'm still better.
I started at
a very young age.
My father always taught me,
"A man can't use his mind, until
he knows how to use his body."
Good lesson.
Worth all the scars.
You probably
won't come back.
But if you do,
stop, wait it out,
don't talk to anyone,
don't operate machinery,
if you're driving, pull over.
You won't have time
to achieve anything anyway.
The reboot only takes
nine minutes and 47 seconds.
But still, why don't we
make this a short one?
I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry.
What am I doing here?
If you don't know that,
maybe I'm not the person
with the most
problems in the room.
You told me to play dead.
I guess
because you like it.
You paid Sergio a lot of money
and I don't ask questions.
Three weeks?
Did I mention a kid,
a boy called Alex?
What's your name?
I've told you already.
Tell me again.
You've been
shouting it enough.
"I'm gonna make
you beg, Dana."
That sort of thing.
I'm sorry, Dana.
The person who I was just then,
that's not who I am now.
A crazy thing
is happening to me.
I wake up in these situations and
I don't know how I got there.
But the guy that was doing
that to you is not me.
So, who are you?
Who was he?
I don't know.
Mmm. Right. You still got
an hour, mystery man,
so are we gonna play this
game or the first one?
I need to find Dr. Langham.
I don't want to wear these,
do you have anything else?
Only things
clients have left behind,
in the trunk.
When I came in, was there
another man with me?
Bright blue eyes.
I don't know.
Nine minutes, 47 seconds.
Okay, get dressed.
We're leaving.
No, no, no. I'm never allowed to leave.
Sergio owns me.
I'm gonna handle Sergio.
And you're gonna do what I tell
you, do you understand me?
My, my. We haven't changed
much at all, have we?
Hurry up
What is this music?
Sergio's favorite. He plays
it throughout the house
to remind girls and
clients who is in charge.
Well, like I said,
I'm gonna deal with Sergio.
No, I expect he'll
be dealing with you.
Why do you do this?
Why do any of us
do anything?
Yeah, but you don't
like it, you're not
feeding a habit,
so why are you here?
Life has brought me here.
So if you weren't here,
what would you be doing?
Go back to my hometown.
Finish nursing school.
What's your town like?
This is pointless.
What's your town like?
Under a mountain.
Nice houses with
brightly painted
window frames and
white picket fences.
I miss it.
So like I said,
why are you here?
My son was sick.
His care was very expensive, I had
to borrow a lot of money, quickly.
I didn't know where to go.
So I came here.
When you owe somebody
that much, they own you.
So how is your boy now?
His name is Eden.
He died.
I'm sorry.
No you're not.
Thank you for your custom.
House rules
state that only one
customer may
leave at any time.
This door will now
lock for two minutes.
View our selection of
girls in front of you.
Book your favorite by
scheduling an outcaH
and have all your
dreams come true.
You're Sergio?
He doesn't
speak much English.
One of you tell Sergio
I'm taking this girl out.
He says you, "Just because
you pick the girl from line
"does not mean
you leave with her.
"She belong to me."
That wasn't me.
You look same,
who it was.
Who are you?
I'm not entirely sure.
But you're welcome
to try and find out.
Come on now!
I think we can
help each other.
please don't scream.
Here, take this.
That's enough for you
to get away from Sergio.
I just need you
to do me a favor.
I need you to
go to the police,
and I need you to
tell them about me.
I kidnapped a child called
Alex, and I shot his mother...
If you want to be arrested, why
not just go turn yourself in?
'Cause I only get 10 minutes, and
when I change I won't want to.
Change into what?
Do this for me and you
get your freedom back.
You have no idea.
Sergio will come for me and he
will not stop until he's found me.
Look, you've lost a kid,
we can help this one.
You didn't tell me
we were in New York.
Where did you think you were?
Hey! Hey!
Back up!
Back the fuck up! Back up!
You all right? You okay?
...three terrorist, four
terrorist, five terrorist,
six terrorist,
seven terrorist,
eight terrorist, nine
terrorist, 10 terrorist.
One terrorist, two terrorist,
three terrorist, four terrorist,
five terrorist, six
terrorist, seven terrorist,
eight terrorist, nine
terrorist, 10 terrorist.
Where's the research, 43543?
We're not gonna stop
till we've got what we need.
You talk, and we all go get a slice
of pie and enjoy the sunshine.
What do you say,
Mr. Scientist?
Fuck you.
You want some more?
Let's go again, right now!
Wait. We've gotta
give him, what?
Five, 10 minutes?
Right, Doc?
We can't break
him with one hand
tied behind our
backs like this.
You don't know how
it is with Leonid.
Two years we've been
processing him, not a peep.
Now, the old doctor, he was
real big on prisoner's rights.
How about the rights of
ordinary, decent people
to sleep peacefully
in their beds at night
without worrying about
a sick fuck like him?
How about letting us
bend the rules a little?
Where are we?
Are you fucking with me?
You don't know where we are?
Is there a problem?
Come on, Doc.
What the fuck?
You know where we
are is classified,
and if you don't,
I can't tell you.
He's having some
kind of episode.
We should just do what we've got to do.
He's not going to tell anyone.
There was a boy.
And there was a girl,
Dana, a prostitute.
She was helping me,
and then Sergio...
What are you talking about?
Just do your fucking job!
I keep blacking out and...
I kidnapped a kid.
I don't know where he
is now, because I'm me...
I mean,
lam the "me" I am now.
But soon I will change and I'll
know, but I won't want to tell you.
Now, I know how this sounds.
I know this sounds crazy,
but please,
you have to believe me.
There's a child's
life at stake.
He's got something
strapped to him.
Doc, come on!
I will shoot you!
Give it up, Doc!
Down! Down!
Get the fuck down!
The mask, give it to me!
You're the scientist?
Of course, yes.
Is there a technology
that allows people
to control
somebody else's mind?
This is hardly the time.
Tell me about mind control!
I have heard of
such a program.
Experimental death, called droning.
How is it done?
How is it done?
The host body
holds a receiver,
like a modem
receiving a signal.
All neurological
impulses go through
the basal ganglia in
the back of the neck,
so probably there.
Now, the mask, please.
Now how are we going
to get out of here?
Hey! Hey!
Are you the contact?
What happens now?
Where is the laboratory?
Where are
Dr. Langham's people?
It's his plan! What now?
I see they've
redesigned the chronometer.
The new spectrograph 406.
They must've brought it out
while I was indisposed.
A wide-spectrum deprillator.
Already configured.
And after months of waiting
and fragmented communication,
you break me out of my cell and
give me a nice new laboratory.
Thank you so very much.
Gentlemen, let's celebrate.
Hey, the studio's benefactor
number two, have a glass.
To a fruitful collaboration.
Now that I see you
are men of your word,
let me show you something.
All my work, right here.
Kept all your work right
under their noses for years.
This stuff is far too good
for governments to know.
You know why
lam the best? Hmm?
Because I can
see the aesthetics.
My contemporaries
are vulgarians.
They see only
RNA bases, enzymes.
I see
Biology's purest sculpture.
The virus.
I'll make something
simple and nasty.
An airborne pathogen
that messes with DNA in a
particularly baroque fashion.
Makes the subject grow
some extra eyes, say.
I'll make it very contagious.
We show them it works.
We threaten to release it over
some densely populated cities.
And we all grow
obscenely rich.
Yeah, about that.
That's all very interesting,
very "baroque" was it you said?
Well, actually, Leonid,
we may have
mislead you, somewhat.
I mean, do we need
your expertise? Yes.
Do we need you to build
this bespoke virus? Yes.
But are we going to blackmail
governments for money?
No, we're not.
We're not interested in blackmail
here, and we don't need money.
You may not understand this,
but our ambitions
are a little
I will not work if I do
not agree to the cause.
I'm very well aware of that.
Let me show you something.
No, no, no, no'.!
Stop! You'll die.
Back away.
What are you doing?
Lucky it's not too deep.
All right, I'm gonna stay
here until this one's over.
A change of plans, I think.
What nonsense this is,
I do not know.
But it proves one thing.
You have ceased
to be of use.
So thank you very
much for my freedom,
and an excellent
place to work.
But I will go
from here alone.
It's DNA coded.
You need an override code.
So why don't you relax
and watch some TV.
What is this?
Hello, Leonid.
The boy, of course, is Alex.
I believe you know him.
What have you
done to my son?
Please don't...
No! Mum!
Mum, no.
I killed the mother,
but your son
is still alive.
Although, perhaps not
for long, my dear boy.
The acid between
the sheets is irreversibly
spreading towards
your son's body
and can only
be stopped by us.
Ifs a little much,
I admit.
But it's a visual incentive and I
do have a penchant for theatrics.
I give you my word, your son will
be released if you do what we say.
All your instructions
are in front of you.
Leonid. We can save Alex.
But we need to act fast before
I change back into him.
I'm gonna black out soon and
there isn't much time left.
Two, one.
Manual shutdown.
We are no longer
transmitting, which means...
Hello, Ryan.
Let's see.
Pulse normal.
Within tolerance.
The ports are clear.
There's nothing
wrong with the
old receiver tech.
It's embedded nicely.
The vocal chords
have been disabled,
and I've fixed the self-inflicted
damage on the right side of the neck
and opened the node
portal on the left.
I've gone over all
the transmission equipment.
It's working perfectly.
So, it has to be a fault
or interference
with the satellite.
Quite frankly, there's nothing
we can do about that,
'cause it might
just happen more,
and possibly more randomly.
Every now and again, soldier
boy is gonna get his head back
until the reboot
kicks in automatically.
Which, as we have seen,
is plenty of time for him
to make quite
a mess of things.
He's incredibly persistent.
All I have to do is just
slit this vein.
I know that I can take care of
everything on my own from here.
We'll discuss this
when you get back.
Bug repair the subject.
I'd keep still
if I were you, Ryan.
Good night, Ryan.
I really hope
we don't meet again.
transmission failure, huh?
Hello, Ryan.
It's a crude solution,
I admit, laughably simple.
My idea.
Your entrance, we noted,
was marked by a moment of
involuntary spasm.
So we're using that. You wake up,
you drop the ball, it inflates,
you go down for
a little sleep.
Soon as you're back,
you're gone again.
There's a grand plan, Ryan.
Why are you fighting it?
Why do you even care?
Honestly, this really
has nothing to do with you.
We upped
the dose a little bit,
so it'll be
straight back down.
That's it,
let the drugs do theirthing.
Don't fight it. Don't panic
everyone, he's okay.
You're the one
controlling me.
Dr. Langham.
Nine minutes and 47 seconds.
What can I do for you?
Requires override code.
Requires override code.
Dr. Francis Langham.
Dr. Langham, tell us about the
work of the Hibiscus Trauma Unit?
We treat severely traumatized
young men and women,
men such as Ryan here.
He served three tours,
all of them hot.
And it all
just got too much?
As it does for most.
The source of his
trauma lies elsewhere.
Do talk about it,
my dear boy.
Two years ago,
my wife and I left dinner.
She was so tired
and I just couldn't
decide if I wanted
to drive or not.
She got in and she drove.
We crashed and she died,
and all I got was this scar.
Do you think your feelings
of guilt led to your condition?
just know I shoulcfve
driven that night.
Well done, Ryan. It's important
what you read at night.
It sets the tone
for your sleep.
We've done a lot of
neurological tinkering.
A lot of therapy.
And he's traveling
on the right road.
Isn't that so, my dear boy?
Dr, Langham, I understand
you have been experimenting
in the use of
bioware technology?
I understood we weren't going
to discuss that, Sandy.
What do you say to critics
who claim you're making radical
neurological interventions?
That what started as
a cure for your illness...
My illness has
nothing to do with it.
It simply
hastened my research.
What do you say to
allegations that claim
the injured British
military you import
is nothing to you but a source
of samples to play with?
I want to talk about
your own bioware firm, LSR.
We won't be talking
about that, Fm afraid.
I'm Dr. Francis Langham.
And I'm Harkin Langham.
We're the family
behind LSR Bioware.
How do we advertise
the amazing things we do?
We could show you our... company.
But at heart,
we're just a family business.
Recording 1315.
These are all terms
we're familiar with.
The receiver is bio ware.
Now, we're currently
working on our beta
and pilot test size
which will eventually be
Coded with DNA which will give
us uninterrupted control.
Think of it as
a bio-technological modem.
bioware firm LSR has been
shut down by
the scientific ethics board.
CEO, Francis Langham
has been called barbaric...
Straight. As always.
Of course, my dear boy!
That Van's still out there.
It's been out there for two days.
I don't like it.
I'm gonna go check it out.
Son, you're too suspicious.
Leonid works like a man possessed.
Everything is fine.
It's all this waiting
around that's annoying.
Nothing to do but wait.
It makes me edgy.
That van makes me edgy.
I'm gonna go check it.
I said stay!
There's something
I wish to talk to you about.
What is it?
I'm having trouble
remembering a few things.
Could be all the port switching
causing neural decay.
You're also
getting knockout doses
of heavy drugs.
It's not healthy.
No, well. Nothing we
can do about that.
What else are you having
trouble remembering?
The override code for the weapons?
In case Leonid...
Override 4754.
Your birthday?
4th month 2nd day. One day
too late, you always said.
Yes. Yes.
The name of our dog?
This is serious.
We should get you a scan.
Yes, but one more thing.
I'm having trouble remembering where...
Where we placed the boy.
I'm sure it's temporary,
but I...
I'm sure it will come back.
Even so.
I'd like to write it down.
Image sized.
Since when are
you right handed?
You learned to catch
the ball didn't you?
Shutting down.
Hey! Hey!
I need you to help me...
Sir, we need you to
calm down, all right?
Step back, sir!
I kidnapped a boy.
Scanning in progress.
Listen to me.
Do not put your hands on us! You
need to calm down and step back!
Step back and calm down.
Otherwise, you'll be arrested.
Arrest me! Arrest me!
Sir, calm down.
Hey! Get on the floor with your
hands behind your head, now!
Shots fired! Freeze.
What are you going
to do now? Shoot me?
You need me alive, don't you?
What about you?
Just gimme the code.
Gimme the code.
Authorize Sanchez 73763.
Authorize 73763.
what are you doing here?
You're working
with them, aren't you?
Where's the kid?
Where's Alex?
I'm sorry.
Sorry for what?
Sergio wants you to know that
you have been kidnapped.
After the amount of money you
guys paid last time to be let go,
he feeIs that, as you are rich, a
criminal and valuable to your friend,
that you are
the perfect specimen.
I don't like you.
It's all there.
Trust me.
Why don't you relax, huh?
I've come a long way.
Why don't you shut your fucking
mouth and finish counting?
He would like me to remind you
that this wouldn't have happened
if your friend hadn't tried
to steal his property.
By which he means me.
Come on.
I wonder, after receiving
all that you just did,
if you wouldn't mind letting
my friend take the girl.
We'll dispose of
her when we're done.
Niet. Get out.
Come on, let's go.
We should move
very quickly, Father.
I've arranged
a little surprise for them.
She really does resemble Mom.
I know why you like that girl.
Don't be stupid, Ryan.
Don't make me shoot you.
God damn it!
Remember me, Ryan.
Come on, we're leaving.
Come on, let's go.
Thank you for your custom.
House rules
state that only one
customer may
leave at any time.
This door will now
lock for two minutes.
View our selection of
girls in front of you.
Book your favorite by
scheduling an outcaH
and have all your
dreams come true.
Plan your next visit.
Try one of our
many hot tub rooms.
Join our executive date...
Hey, I want a refund!
Dana, it's me Ryan.
You used to work as a nurse.
Your son's name is Eden.
What do I do?
Shut up!
Say, override 4754.
Override 4754.
Override 0204.
Didn't work.
You die, you fool.
One day too late.
Say 0104. 0104.
Override 0104.
Hey! It's okay.
It's okay. Hey! It's okay.
I'm sorry,
he made me help him.
He said that he would
kill me. I'm so sorry.
Everything's gonna be okay, we
need to get out of here, now.
Which way do we go?
Here, take this.
Wherever I've spent the most time,
that's where the boy will be.
You need to start there.
I don't know
where you've been.
Look, he pushed me out of the van.
He forced me to do that,
and then he pulled
me back in again.
He only took me with him
that last time as bait.
I'm sorry.
I don't know where that is.
Okay, when I change
you follow me,
you watch me,
you bring the police.
I can't do that.
Then you need to get as far
away from me as possible.
Because if I see you again,
I will kill you. So, just go.
The boy that
you're helping.
Is he your son?
Why do you care so much?
What else do I have?
Get the girl.
Move. Move. Go!
Freeze! Now!
Stand right where you are.
Get the girl now.
Hands down.
Come here.
You have the right
to remain silent.
Anything you say can and will be
used against you in a court of law.
You have a right
to an attorney.
If you cannot afford an attorney,
one will be provided for you.
Do you understand
these rights...
...six terrorist, seven terrorist, eight
terrorist, nine terrorist, 10 terrorist.
Let's go again.
One terrorist, two terrorist, three
terrorist, four terrorist, five terrorist,
six terrorist, seven terrorist, eight
terrorist, nine terrorist, 10 terrorist.
Fuck it, eleven terrorist.
Won't ask you again.
Where's Leonid?
In a secret lab.
Making avirus.
Finally. Where?
I want to tell you, but I'm being
controlled by Dr. Francis Langham.
I've have, like,
a modem inside me.
Sometimes the signal goes
down, and I'm myself again.
It's called droning.
Now, we have procedures we
have to follow, as you know.
Always have a medic present
during waterings,
wait five minutes
between bouts, all that shit.
The thing is, this flight.
It doesn't exist.
So the rule book goes out
of the fucking window.
Let's say I give
the benefit of the doubt.
I'm gonna try
and reason with you.
Look at this shit.
And this, and this.
the guy you're covering for,
has worked out how to do
something that no one else can.
There are guys who know how to
genetically code and engineer a virus.
We've been doing it ever since we
grew an ear on a mouse decades ago,
but Leonid's are
something special.
His viruses
fuck with your DNA.
This one was
his first success.
Made you grow extra lungs. Only
they wouldn't stop growing.
To stop it going global
we had to scorch the earth
for 100 miles
around his lab.
Now, Leonid out,
cooking up viruses in a lab?
That's a very bad idea.
So, where the fuck
is this dangerous asshole?
I don't know.
I'm being controlled.
You need to speak
to Dr. Francis Langham.
LSR Bioware?
Him and his son,
they made me kidnap a kid.
He and his son killed themselves
when their company went down.
They faked it.
He's controlling me.
This is your last chance.
I'm old school, my dad was old school.
Served 50 years.
I like old school things.
Cars, records,
No codes, just odds.
Right now it's one in six.
Where's the lab?
I don't know. Oh, God!
I'd advise you
to start talking.
Who's in charge of the operation?
Who are you?
I don't know! Please.
Four. It's exciting,
isn't it?
You sure you don't want to
tell us where the lab is?
I'm sorry.
I just wanna save the kid.
What's the plan?
What virus is Leonid making?
I don't know...
It's the organ!
It's the organ he's
controlling me with.
It's bioware.
He's made it smaller.
Nano, pico,
Leonid's virus will carry it.
Everyone infected will grow
a place the tech can sit.
This thing that
they've done to me,
they're gonna do
it to everyone!
He wants to control everyone!
I'm just gonna shoot him!
Please! Please! You have to
believe me, please. Please.
He's either crazy or
he's telling the truth.
Yeah, I say crazy.
I've seen worse though.
There's this guy
who thought he was the devil.
Another guy
thought he was God.
Just to see what would happen,
we put 'em in a cell together.
Straight off, they started whaling
on each other. Real dirty.
Who won?
It was even.
But the devil had
the better moves.
Hey. Hey,
is that plane following us?
Shit, it's firing something.
Is that you, Ryan?
Back again?
What do you think
about this arrangement?
No more dealing with inflatable
balls and knockout drugs.
All the tech in the world and the
best thing is to simply tie you up.
It's me, son.
I'm trying to imagine what it will
be like to control anyone I choose.
The prospect
makes me quite giddy.
Me, too.
We'll be more
efficient and powerful
than any
government in the world.
A few necessary sacrifices,
and people will not only want
control, they'll demand it.
Leonid wants to see his kid free.
Delivery is in a few days.
I would like to
stretch my legs, son.
This? I might as well
be back in the chair.
We can't let that happen.
You should have been chained the
moment the fugues started, Father.
Ryan nearly destroyed
the whole project.
The solar flares
are settling,
and they will no longer be
effecting the satellite's signal.
One, maybe two
episodes at most.
So you gave the
satellite a high orbit.
I didn't know solar storms were going
to interfere with the satellite.
It's an 11-year cycle.
This size?
It's once every
thousand years.
How am I... You should've
checked all eventualities.
I did. I've sacrificed so much.
I have worked so hard.
You demanded obedience, and I
obeyed and succeeded, despite this.
You're right.
Your behavior these last few
months has impressed me.
Thank you.
I may not often say, but I
am proud to be your father.
Embrace me, son!
Clever, I admit.
But what now?
Save that kid?
From out here,
the middle of nowhere?
In the amount of
time that you have left?
I don't see that
happening, do you?
Just enjoy the sun on your
skin, breeze in your face.
Bird singing.
I have a suggestion.
Let's have a drink.
I'll show you a picture of your wife.
You remember her, don't you?
Have a seat.
I get it Ryan. I do.
Did I ever tell
you about my mom?
She was 35. She was killed
along with 26 other people
by a solo crazed gunman who
didn't wanna pay taxes anymore.
Now, how is that fair?
He did the wrong thing.
I'm doing the right thing.
Just like your wife.
She's gone. Move on.
Don't spend the few remaining
fragments of your life suffering.
Enjoy them.
To living every moment
as if it were your last.
You're right.
So now I know
what I need to do.
What's the point?
You don't wanna do that.
You'll kill us both.
You followed me.
Following, watching, everywhere
just like you asked.
I used the money you
left me and the truth is,
no one's been as
good to me as you.
There isn't anytime.
So you might as
well just let me die.
Will you,
Ryan, come back again?
Maybe once or twice.
That's enough
to save the boy.
We both have lost
people that we care about.
We shouldn't lose this kid.
Put these on
before you change.
Why are you
really helping me?
What else do I have?
Reply, Eden.
Right answer, hero.
How long?
Three days.
We're not far,
but we haven't much time.
The other guy's been looking.
Ten minutes till you
change back, right?
Here you go.
All right. Let's roll.
This is where it's all going down.
Whatever it is.
I started a countdown.
So you'll know.
Okay, I need you to listen to me.
You need to run now.
'Cause if you see me again,
it won't be me.
Do you understand?
Yes. Yes.
I'm trying to save your life.
No. No.
Welcome, Dr. Langham.
I've made your virus,
integrated the biotechnology.
Now let my son go,
you bastards. Let him go!
HI have to test it.
They killed Leonid...
Drop the gun, Ryan.
Dr. Langham.
Drop the gun
or the boy dies.
We took this subject
to test the new virus
when we rescued
you from the plane.
Or me, I should say.
Less than a day, the body
assimilates imbedded picotech.
Subject's online in two.
New population-control
satellite's been launched.
You're looking at
the first of the new breed.
I thought I was the first.
Third actually.
An expendable prototype.
All I have to do
is walk out there,
and within days,
without them realizing it,
people will be
ready to be controlled.
Ready to be given purpose,
my dear boy.
What do you
plan to do with me?
Your satellite will be back
online in a few moments.
I may just push white noise
through your signal,
keep you around like my
favorite old pair of slippers.
You won't be
coming back again, Ryan.
Any last requests?
A drink.
I do have
one more question.
You know how you
control the masses?
Humanity does
appalling things.
Some of them,
I've experienced.
We saw so many tragic cases
come through the unit.
It was sickening.
War. War. War.
Endless fighting and dying,
and dying and fighting.
But in the world
that I create,
if you break my laws, you
will simply be switched off.
Your signal overtaken.
And that fear will
create a beautiful future.
A world without conflict.
A world of harmony.
So why do you
wish to stop me?
Because I want my life back
and you don't have the right.
Not only do I have the right.
It's my duty.
Your life. You have no life.
I've been your life!
I took you
because you ended yours
when you allowed
your wife to die,
because you
couldn't make a choice.
It's important what you
read last thing at night.
It sets the tone
of your sleep.
That was one of the many
things you taught me.
I learnt so much from you.
So, so much.
Things I'd never
even heard of before.
Like valencies,
isomers and
chemical reactions.
Did you meet him?
He's dead.
Doesn't matter.
How about this
beautiful creature next?
You're fond of
her aren't you?
My dad likes her, too.
My mother had more class.
But this isn't
just for her.
We need a new world
and this is it.
Your dad's plan
won't work, Harkin.
I agree.
My father's an idealist,
it doesn't mean he's wrong.
You see, I put a little
more thought into it.
There are no good guys
and bad guys, Ryan.
Just opinions.
But you know the right way to get one
individual controlling everyone?
By having me controlling
the right individual.
For example, lets just say a
particularly unstable world leader.
Control's inevitable in some
form, whether it's us or not.
But this being airborne, people
are gonna purge their systems.
They're gonna mimic the tech, they're
gonna destroy the satellites.
I know that.
But me having
the right person,
doing the right thing to ensure
that this planet has a future.
Now that makes sense, Ryan.
That's how I'll
remake the world.
There's absolutely
no reason to stop me.
You don't give up,
I infect her, we win.
You shoot me, this falls,
it goes airborne, we win.
You do nothing,
you time out, I win.
This is not a situation that
you can shoot yourself out of.
I guess not.
All this for a kid? You've caused
me so many problems, Ryan.
So, I'm gonna let you watch me
inject her before you time out.
Admittedly, it'll be a little
different for my father.
Let's just see if he likes
being inside her once again.
Something for him
to toy around with
before he ultimately realizes
that he's not needed anymore.
She doesn't deserve that.
Oh, I know that.
But we should always try and do
what's right for our family, Ryan.
You of all people
should know that.
Let's see how you like it!
Hey, whore,
say goodbye...
Hey, Ryan.
Come on. Come on up.
You okay? Here. Here.
His name's Alex.
I want you to look after him
as if he were your own.
Thank you so much.
No! You don't
have to do this.
If I don't do it,
I'm gonna change back.
Please! Please!
I'm sorry.
Time's up!
You okay? I got you.
Hang on. It's okay.
Hang on a second.
Hey, it's me.
It's okay now, it's over!
Harkin and Langham?
They're dead.
Look, I couldn't risk anyone else
tuning in, so I cut them out.
Where are we?
I tried explaining to
him as best I could.
It'll still probably take him a
little time to get used to you.
He's a good kid.
I was thinking that maybe we could
all hang until we figure things out.
Baby, that was no minor surgery.
You need to rest.
I have an idea.
You take control.
...hang tight.
We're live in five.