The Asian Connection (2016)

- When I was a little girl,
my mother used to tell
me story about a princess
who lived on a beautiful
island surrounded
by turquoise waters
where the sky kissed the sea.
When the princess
met her prince,
their love grew stronger
than the waves crashing
against the shore.
So when I met Jack
one day on the beach,
he was everything I
had been searching for.
I thought it was fate.
But I had forgotten
something very important.
Every fairy tale has a monster.
In my life story, the monster's
name was Gan Cerrancurie.
A man whom I later
found out was a ruthless
crime lord.
Little did I know, our path's
were destined to collide.
- Now, a little Birdy
told me you're very bitter
about land deals that
happened between our families.
Where supposedly my
family got land that
belongs to you.
You have to understand,
that wasn't me.
- I should have squashed
you a long time ago,
when I had a chance.
- Let's bury the hatchet.
- No.
In Cambodia, there is not
enough room for the both of us.
- That means one
of us has to die.
- We will leave it to fate.
- You were always a cheat.
- In matters of life and death,
there is no cheating.
Just living and dying.
- Who's choice of weapons.
- High sword.
Winner take all.
- Well that puts me
at a disadvantage
because you're a master of
the knives and the swords.
Maybe I'll survive.
Maybe I will get lucky.
Maybe not.
You're out of practice,
my old friend.
I expected more from you.
Gentlemen, mysteriously
our competitors are gone.
You all have done a great job.
I just want to say that
violence is the last resort
because it attracts
a lot of attention,
but when we have no choice,
we're pretty good at it.
Good job.
- Ok, Sam.
Bank's around the corner,
man, are you ready?
- I know what time it is, Jack.
- Just try not to shoot me
with that thing, ok pal?
Jesus Christ.
- Hold on.
- Can we go now?
- Let's go.
- Everybody freeze.
If you don't speak English.
- Don't even think about it.
- Cooperate with us
and nobody gets hurt.
You, manager.
Open, open, open, out, out, out.
- One minute.
- Come on, man.
Go, go, go, go.
- Keep down.
- Ok, we're good,
get out of here.
- A minute forty five, go.
- Come on, man.
- Holy shit.
What do they do with
all this US currency?
I mean, this is like a
crazy amount of money.
- How much money do
you think that is?
- I haven't got a clue,
I've been busy.
- What would a small
bank in Cambodia
have this much cash, man?
- Stop complaining,
we scored, mate.
We scored.
- I'm not complaining,
what if they check the bags
on the border?
- Trust me, they won't.
- Good thing, I brought this.
- Great.
You expect us to
tape this amount
of cash to our bodies?
- Tough guy like you
scared of some tape?
- It's not the taping
I'm worried about.
It's taking it off, my son.
Taking it off.
- You're a harry bastard, man.
It'll do you some good.
- Jesus Christ.
You're always trying
to call that chick.
You need to get a life, mate.
- She is my life, man.
- You're so whipped.
Is that why you're doing this?
- Maybe.
What's it to you?
- It just makes me nervous
working with such a pussy.
- Whatever, man.
Let's get you taped up.
- No, no, no, after you, mate.
Turn around and bend over.
- Get off of me, you fucker.
This is serious.
Just fucking tape me.
Thank you.
- Thank you kindly.
- Hey, baby.
- Hey you.
- Want to do me a favor
and ditch that thing?
- I just started work.
- You just finished work.
Believe me.
- My mother
died when I was young
but she taught me not to
take shortcuts in life.
When I got older, I
didn't go for the quick
cash in go-go bars like
some other girls I knew.
Jack and I were working
towards our dream
so that some day we
can live on a beautiful
island together.
Can I open my eyes yet?
- No, not yet.
I'll tell you when it's ok.
Open them.
- It's the one that I saw from
the store window last week.
I love it.
Really, I do.
But honey, we can't afford this.
- That's the surprise part.
Come here.
Let me show you something.
Come on, baby.
Come on.
- Oh my god.
What is that?
- That is why you
don't have to work
at the club anymore, Avalon.
And it's all yours.
- I don't understand.
Where did you get it?
- Don't ask me where or how
or why.
I'll tell you why.
It's because I love you.
I want you to stick around.
- I'm not going anywhere.
I love you.
Don't you know that?
You have to tell
me where you got
all this money.
- Avalon, honey, I'm serious.
It's better that
you just don't know.
- So, how do I explain
where I got it?
- You can't explain
this to anybody, ok?
Now, honey, I'm not
telling you what to do,
but we can't spend this
money right now, ok?
Maybe we can have a little fun,
but I'm going to put most
of it away somewhere safe.
- You're crazy, you know that?
- I'm crazy for you.
- You know what we should do?
- What?
- We should go on holiday.
To an island.
Like where we met.
- Anything you want, baby doll.
I'm going to go clean up, ok?
I'll be right back.
Don't go anywhere.
- I think you've
been naughty, Jack.
- Oh yeah?
Is it naughty time?
Woah, woah, baby
that's not a toy.
- You didn't tell me
you had a gun, Jack.
- It slipped my mind.
Don't point that.
- Don't worry so much.
The safety is on.
Come here.
Why don't you...
Do me on all of this cash.
Don't me ask you twice, Jack.
- Yes, ma'am.
- What kind of flower is that?
- This is called a ,
it's known as the
rose of compassion.
It's a climbing tea rose,
kind of common but
I've always loved it.
My momma used to grow
these in America.
- Do you miss America?
- This is my home.
I came to Asia
quite a while back
and fell in love
with this place.
Just something I
believe in here.
- The bank with your
money was robbed.
They got away with about
200,000 US dollars.
Most of it was yours.
- Can I ask you a question?
Aren't you the mother
fucker that told me
that that's the safest
place to put my money?
- Yes, sir.
- You said it would be safe.
You know, I took your advice.
So if I were you, I
would get my money back.
- It shouldn't be difficult.
It was marked.
- I don't want to
hear any stories about
how easy it's going to be.
I want to hear that
we got it back.
I want results or I'll
take these fucking
rose clippers and bury
them into somebody's
mother fucking eye.
- Yes, sir.
- Yeah, yeah.
Seriously, next time
you can't come in
shooting the place
up like that, man.
No need, it's too much.
- You're thinking
about doing it again?
- Thinking about it.
- I'm up for another
run across the border.
- Yeah.
We were good right?
- Fuck yeah.
- I guess all those video
games finally paid off.
- I'm all about the money, baby.
- Big time.
Especially after taking
so much shit for so long.
It's nice to have
some real cash.
- I'm going to buy myself
a new set of wheels.
- Woah, woah, woah.
Don't do anything crazy, Sam.
We've got to let
that money cool off
for a little while.
- A man's got to have
some fun you know.
- I'm just saying,
don't be stupid.
- Be careful who
you're calling stupid.
- Just looking out
for both of us, man.
All right, go have some fun.
Just don't go crazy.
All right?
I've got lunch.
I've got to split, see you, pal.
- See you later.
- Yeah.
Sam told me about this place.
It's not too bad, right?
- Oh my gosh, this
place is amazing.
- You deserve
nothing less, babe.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
- Cheers.
- Oh wow.
Baby, some of the cash
we're going to have
to start putting in
your bank account.
No more than a few
thousand dollars at a time.
- Well, honey, what about you?
I want you to have
some of this money too.
- Don't worry about me.
I took a little off
the top for expenses.
Now if you want to take me
out to dinner a few times,
or go on vacation,
I won't stop you.
- Jack?
We're not in any danger
because of this are we?
- No, babe.
Avalon, you're safe with me, ok?
Swear to God, I'll
do anything I have to
to make sure you're
taken care of.
I promise.
- I know that Jack
only wanted the best for me,
but there are always
consequences for our actions.
- Hello, Jack.
One of my two.
- Who the fuck are you?
- My name is Neeron Mortima.
I'm your new best friend.
- That's ok, pal.
I don't like the friends I have.
I don't need another one.
- Really?
That's funny.
Because the way I see it,
you could use one
right about now.
- What are you, a cop?
- There you go,
calling me names.
Hold on to that.
That was a lot of
money you took from the
bank in Cambodia.
Especially for
such a small town.
And all of that US currency.
- I don't know what
you're talking about.
- The butter.
Is it helping?
- Yeah, actually it
does help a little.
- I am getting really mad
now with this bullshit.
The money, asshole.
I found it in the closet.
- How'd you find me?
- It's all marked and you were
so eager to exchange
it that it showed
up on my radar real quick.
This is how it's going to work.
I'm going to give you
the names of the banks
in Cambodia that you
are going to rob.
You're going to do
exactly as I tell you.
- Come again?
- The banks will be
guaranteed to have
just as much if not
more than what you
took from the first heist.
For my service, I get 50
percent of everything.
And unfortunately for you today,
you and your partner have
already split the money.
And while you were out,
I took my 50 percent.
That kind of wipes you out.
- I'm not doing this.
- Of course.
I knew you were
going to say that.
So here's the other option.
You played a dangerous
game and the rules
have changed.
- Wait, wait, ok wait.
- No, you know what?
I think I'll just talk to
your boyfriend and maybe
he will recognize the
generosity of my terms.
I'm sorry, you want
to say something?
- I'll do it.
I'll do it.
- See Jack?
Best friends.
I have a little
something for you.
Keep it close.
I'll be calling.
But just in case.
Your girlfriend,
well I am sure that she's
going to be somebody
that I will be meeting
quite intimately
if you fuck with me.
Take care, buddy.
- Jack.
- Hey baby.
Can you untie me?
- Hold on, hold still.
What the fuck, Jack.
What happened?
- Looks like I stole
from some bad guys, babe.
- Are you ok?
- Avalon, they took
all your money, doll.
They took all the money.
But it's ok, I've
got it worked out.
All right, we got a deal
and I'm going to get
your money back and I'm
going to get you more money.
- No, no, no, no, no.
Listen to me.
It's only money, Jack.
I'm worried about you.
Are you ok?
- Yeah, I'm ok.
- Good.
- I'm ok.
Let's go to the bathroom.
I'm sorry, baby.
I'm so fucking sorry.
- So you're pissed?
- I think it was
crazy and stupid.
I also think it was
kind of romantic
that you robbed a
bank just for me.
- I'm glad you feel
that way, babe.
Because I'm going
to do it again.
- You sure about that, Jack?
- I don't have a real job.
If I don't do what
this guy says,
I'm going to be in deep...
- Shhh.
Money's not important.
Now, let's straighten
out the bedroom,
so that I can take care of you.
- Yeah?
- You ready?
- Yeah, we're ready.
- Listen carefully.
There's a bank in the
town of Sesopoung.
Next Wednesday,
exactly 2 o'clock.
Not before.
Not a minute later.
Do you understand?
- Yeah, 2 pm.
Highway six.
- On your way back
to the border,
there's an old petrol depot.
Just off of the highway.
You'll see a black BMW.
Go there immediately
after the job.
I know exactly how much
money is in the bank.
So don't try and
be wise with me.
- Don't worry about it.
- Yeah?
- Yo, I got to talk
to greedy Greg.
Tell him it's Jack.
- Shut up, Ewy.
There's a courier
without a goddamn box.
- Thanks for seeing
me like this, greedy.
Sorry I haven't been around.
- Save that shit, man.
What you want?
- Well this may seem
kind of strange,
but over the last few
years making runs for you,
I've noticed that
well, the packages,
sometimes, sometimes
inside of them there's...
- Yo, nigga get to the point.
You see I'm doing
some shit right?
I don't have time
for this bullshit.
- I wanted to pick something up.
- Pick something up like what?
- I want to buy some heat.
- Heat?
- Guns, man.
- I know what mother
fucking heat is.
What I don't know
is who sent your
1989 talking ass here for guns.
- The packages, greedy.
I've got to open them sometimes.
Look man, you know I've
never taken anything
off the top on a job.
I'm only here tonight
because some of your bags,
they got gun parts in them, man.
Rifle rounds, large magazines.
Machine gun shit.
Now I've been doing
some new work lately.
Some work that requires
more than a pistol
and I don't know
where to get that kind
of shit this side of the world.
I thought maybe you could help.
Look, man, maybe
this is a bad idea.
I can just leave.
- No, no, no you
ain't just leaving.
You ain't going nowhere.
You understand me?
What you going to do is you
going to lift that shirt.
I'm serious, man.
I ain't playing with you.
- I ain't wearing
a wire, greedy.
I just got no where else to go.
- All right, all right.
I'm not one to turn away
business, you understand?
Let's see what paper you've got.
- American.
- Now we talking.
So what kind of heat you
looking for this evening?
- AR 15.
Beretta M9.
AK, sub machine guns, shot guns,
anything heavy.
- All right.
Let's take him upstairs, fellas.
- Yeah.
Yeah, this will do.
Maybe this.
Definitely that.
- Ok.
Good choice.
You know, I like you, Jack.
I hope you're not getting
in over your head.
- Then the guard
went for his gun,
and I looked at him real mean.
He knew if he
touched his pistol,
I'd take him out just like that.
Nobody moved after that.
Until we were leaving, and
I shot the fucking shit.
All right, Jack.
What happened to you?
- You've got a voice that
carries, you know that, pal?
- I was telling Tracy or Sharon,
or whatever her
fucking name is about
some TV show, that's all, mate.
- Can I talk to my friend?
- What'd you do that for?
I was about to tap
her fucking ass.
- Let me talk to you outside.
- What's up, Jack?
- What the hell
is wrong with you?
Talking about our
business in a fucking bar.
Are you stupid?
- Don't call me stupid.
I let you get away with it once.
Don't fucking test me, ok?
That was Cambodia.
The place can't touch us here.
- We don't know that, Sam.
Maybe they can.
Maybe somebody wants
their money back.
Did you ever think about that?
- What're you trying to say?
- I'm just saying,
use your head.
I'm serious, man.
Because we're doing it again.
- Ok.
- Everybody down.
Get down.
Everybody down.
This is a robbery,
nobody fucking move.
On the floor now.
Dammit, Sam.
You, get up, manager, go.
You open the safe.
Open the safe.
Go, go, go.
- Keep your mouth shut.
Keep down, mother fuckers.
- Out, out, out.
- Shut up.
- All right, we're out.
- Good job, Jack.
You saved 15
seconds of our time.
Good man.
- God damn it.
- Tell them it was the two.
- Stop saying that.
A little trigger happy back
there, don't you think, Sam?
- That's the way it goes down.
No room, no time
for nothing else.
I only shot him in
the fucking leg.
- That was a cell phone.
- What if it wasn't?
Who reaches inside their
jacket during a robbery?
You told me to
cover your ass, Jack
and as normal, I'm
covering your ass,
and mine at the same time.
- Sam, cover us, don't
shoot a mother fucker
just because he moves.
Do you want to kill somebody?
Is that your gig?
Because that's not mine.
All right, we rob banks.
That's it.
- All right.
- Now follow me.
We've got to make a stop.
- What're we doing here, Jack?
- God damn it, Sam.
Not another word till
we get back to Bangkok.
All right, you're getting paid.
Stay put.
- Who's that in that car?
- Your boyfriend.
He know about us?
- He knows what
he needs to know.
- Nice feeling right?
Taking what you want.
Being in control.
- I don't feel much in
control right now, Neeron.
- No?
All that money.
And Avalon.
How is she?
Is she at that silly Thai
aerobics class of hers?
- I swear to God.
You stay the fuck away from her.
- It must feel good
to have enough money
to take care of this
young, hot, beautiful
and sexy...
Be slow, errand boy.
Now ease off that.
There we go.
We're buddies, right?
You guys were lucky last
time crossing the border.
Now that I have an interest
in you not being caught,
I'm going to show
you an old tunnel
that we used to run
shipments through.
Come on.
Follow me.
A guard was killed.
Was that necessary?
- What are you
getting soft, Neeron?
What's it matter to you?
- You're not a killer, Jack.
You tell your partner
there to watch his
trigger finger or
he's going to lose it.
- Who you giving up, Neeron?
For these jobs.
Moving up in the world, huh?
And that's all you need to know.
- No I need to know when
we're going to be square.
- Square?
Square has nothing
to do with it, Jack.
You'll know when I'm
through with you.
Later, buddy.
- The way I look at it,
it's like this fish.
People saying well I
shouldn't eat the fish
because the fish is you know,
an important sentient being
and that's true.
- Excuse me, sir.
I have some news.
- Is it important?
- Please, sir.
- Excuse me.
- I found them already.
I'll take care of it right now.
- Then take care of it.
- I will, sir.
- But you know I'm
just thinking that
I'm not really
feeling confident.
- So what's this surprise
you've been telling me about?
- What do you think?
- This is yours?
- Fucking A it is.
- God damn it, Sam.
You are taking this back, man.
- No way.
- You don't even have a job.
How are you going
to explain this?
- You're spending all
of your money on Avalon.
No offense, Avalon.
- That is not the
same thing, man.
- Fucking sure it is.
I can spend my money
on what I like.
Now piss off.
- Fuck.
- You were kind of
rough on him, Jack.
- Just stay out of it, Avalon.
- Fuck you, Jack.
Take me home now.
- Baby, I'm sorry.
- Now.
- Jack and
Sam fought sometimes
like a married couple.
The stress was affecting
us all in different ways.
Or maybe it was guilt.
Clearly we were taking shortcuts
to try and make our
dreams come true.
And everything was
getting too real.
The fairy tale started
to crack apart.
- You ready?
- Whatever.
Everybody down.
This is a robbery, you down.
- You're making a big mistake.
This is the Cerrancurie's money.
- You, big guy, get down.
Down on the ground.
Last chance.
- You're both dead men.
- He said get down.
- All right, manager,
you, keys, keys.
Let's go, let's go.
You and your men
still near point bed?
Yeah, the
are making a move right now.
Go do what I would do.
- Sam, I got to go to the bikes.
Cover me.
Who the fuck are these guys?
- How the hell should I know?
- Come on, man.
Sam, we have got to
get to the bikes, man.
Move, move, move.
Fixed & Synced!
:) aLDEN
- Over half a million dollars.
Somebody just came
into my banks and
took that fucking money.
They took the money
because someone
told them it was there.
Waiting for them.
These two are dead men.
We can find them and
we can kill them.
But what's more
important is to find out
who the fucking rat is.
On the inside.
Because I think we know
this is an inside job.
Don't we?
- Looking at the banks, I'd
say these guys are coming
from Thailand.
They cross the border,
they do the job,
and they go back.
- Well...
I'll get the money back
but at this point, I'm not
as concerned about the money
as my feelings.
I would really hate
to kill you, you know.
It would break my
heart to kill you.
- If you think I turned on you,
you do what you've got to.
I have nothing to be scared of.
- Unfortunately...
I'm going to have to
wait to do what I do.
Just a little bit longer.
Because I want to
be sure I don't
kill anybody innocent.
A quarter of a million
dollars to any one
of my brothers who
finds me this rat.
I want his head put
in this fucking tray.
By tomorrow.
- I don't know what happened.
These jobs are suppose to
always be easy pickings.
- Maybe your secret connection
ain't that connected
after all.
What'd you think of
that crazy bastard man?
This hairy Carry's
brother's money.
- These guys are bad news, man.
They're drug lords.
I heard about them on the news.
It's probably their
guys who shot the shit
out of us.
- And that crazy monkey
running son of a bitch.
This guy you're meeting
after every job.
Bro, you need to
tell me who he is.
- I really don't know, Sam.
He might be from a rival gang,
he might be an inside guy.
I just don't know.
- Look, this shit's running deep
and I need to know who's
out to kill my ass.
- What do you suggest man?
I'm lost here.
- Let me have a think about it.
- Hey, Sam.
That was good shooting.
- Cheers.
- Yeah, Neeron.
What do you got for me?
- Another bank score.
Biggest one yet.
Next week.
A bank in Siem Reap.
- That's good news.
Because it's the last one.
- I'll tell you when
it's the last score.
- Hey fuck face.
The commute is not
working for me anymore.
All right, and if
you don't like it
maybe I'll tell the
Cerrancurie brothers
that you're the one that's
been feeding me these jobs.
Did that get your
attention, asshole?
- And how are you
going to do that, Jack?
You're just going to
waltz into their compound,
introduce yourself?
What, I'm the
American that's been
jacking your banks?
You have no fucking
idea who these men are.
- That may be the case.
But you really should
listen to this.
Yeah, Neeron, what
do you got for me?
- Another bank score.
Biggest one yet.
Next week.
A bank in Siem Reap.
- Think they'll recognize
that voice, Neeron?
How long you think
you're going to be alive
after they hear that?
- Ok, cowboy.
We'll play your way.
One last score.
You give me my cut,
you make some money,
then we'll go happily ever
after into the sunset.
And then we'll be,
what did you say?
- Square?
Yeah, fuck you square.
I'm not going to spend
the rest of my life
looking over my
shoulder, Neeron.
And I am not every going
to let you hurt Avalon.
- Until next time.
- Sam, there's something I
want to talk to you about, man.
After tomorrow's job,
Avalon and I are going to
skip town.
- Where are you going to go?
- Don't know yet.
- Don't know or don't trust me?
- Don't know.
What're we doing?
- Do me a favor, get
me another drink.
I'll be back in ten minutes.
- That yabba shit is going
to kill you one day, man.
- You've got your
vices, I've got mine.
- Oh, yeah, what's mine?
- Avalon's snatch.
- Get the fuck out of here, man.
Hey man.
Cigarettes, do you
sell cigarettes?
Ok, cool.
And water.
- Sick ride you got, Sammy.
- I want to
get wasted, you know?
- Ok, cool, thanks man.
- Get the fuck out of
the car, mother fucker.
Put your hands down.
- Hey, hey you.
Sam, god damn it, Sam.
Oh fuck, man.
Hey, buddy.
- I don't think I'm going
to make the next job.
- Don't worry about that, man,
ok, we're going to
get you some help.
We're going to get you
the fuck out of here, ok?
- You were right.
You said this shit
would kill me.
- Sam?
Sam, no, no, no, no don't.
No, don't, man.
Sam, don't fucking do this, man.
God damn it.
Sam, mother fucker.
Oh fuck.
Oh, Sam.
Yeah, I'll bet
you're real torn up.
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, I got it.
Fuck that was fast.
- What?
- That was my connection.
The guy heard about Sam.
Says I still got to go
through with this next job
or all bets are off.
- Well, what does that mean?
- It's not good.
- Well, you can't pull
it off alone, right?
- No.
No way.
I got to find a new partner.
Somebody I can trust.
- Well...
You're looking at her.
- Honey, I wasn't
saying that for you.
- Who better to
watch your back, huh?
Sam was your first
choice, I get it.
He was your best friend.
But now that he got
himself killed...
- No, Avalon, there's
no fucking way.
- Come on, I'm perfect.
I've listened to every
detail of your other jobs.
I know what to do.
- Yeah, I know you're perfect.
But there's a bit fucking
difference between
hearing about a bank
robbery and actually
robbing a bank.
- Yeah, so how did you start?
- That's not important.
- Why, Jack?
Why won't you let
me do this with you?
- I don't have to tell you why.
- Yes, you do.
... No!
- Because I don't
want you to get hurt.
Now that's it, end of story.
- Check this.
I can handle this gun
with my eyes closed, Jack.
When I was growing up,
my father taught me how
to shoot the snot off
any predator on earth.
- That may be so,
but it's different.
- And with a body like this,
you better believe I know
how to protect myself.
- What if you've got
to shoot somebody?
Because on this job
we might have to.
You ready for that, Avalon?
You ready to kill somebody?
Without hesitation?
Look him right in the eye?
Because that's going to happen.
- I'll do what it takes
to protect you out there.
Just like how you've
been protecting me
since the first day we met.
I don't want to
kill anyone, Jack.
But if it means you'd
be safe I'd do it.
- This is crazy.
You're crazy.
- So...
- Ok.
Let's go through it.
Yeah, let's do it, here we go.
- Didn't think I'd
find a car this fast, did you?
- You got all the moves, baby.
Now let's go over it again.
- Ok, but I know what to do.
- Hey, Lucky, how are you?
- Mr. Cerrancurie.
- Looks like your man
doesn't play by the rules.
- It's just a little practice
before the fight tonight.
- You got any big
money on the fight?
- That's right.
You know it takes big
money to make big money.
- Where you got
that kind of money?
I can afford that, how
you can afford that?
- You insinuating I had
something to do with that shit?
- I'm just asking you a question
to see what you had to say.
- I can't stand up to you.
You want to think that of me?
I'm loyal till death.
You've got no right to
accuse me of anything.
- We heard about the bank.
You just let those two
get away with our money.
- Hey, they almost split
my fucking head open.
I spent the night
in the hospital.
- He's all right, man.
- Look, ever since
you guys took over,
I play by your rules.
Giving you your share
of the gambling.
I got nothing to hide.
- Let him go.
- Big money on the
fight tonight, huh?
Good luck with that.
- Babe, what are you doing?
- What?
It's not like I'm ever
going to get a chance
to do this again, ok?
I've got to look good.
- Babe, do you
remember, we wear these?
A little extra protection.
It covers our face.
- Fine.
Well, just in case, I want to
look good for the mug shot.
- You're ridiculous.
Everybody down.
This is a robbery.
You, you, you, ,
open the fucking door.
Hey get out, get the fuck out.
You over there, there, there.
Told you open that fucking door.
Avalon, go.
- Jack, start the car.
- You know, I must be
a dumb mother fucker
or something because
I keep putting my
money in these banks.
And the only reason
why I did that is
because one of my
most trusted employees
told me that was the
safe place to put my
mother fucking money.
You know, I'm having
trouble believing this shit.
Two got away
with 500,000
dollars US currency.
You think I'm stupid?
- No, Mr. Cerrancurie.
You're the master
mind and I wouldn't
have gotten this far without
your leadership, sir.
- To add insult to injury,
they're telling
me that one of the
is a girl.
I don't whether to
fucking kill them
or hire them.
- What do you think, Neeron?
- I don't think anything of it.
I'm not amused.
Not at all.
- I want these two dead.
And I want them dead today.
- Can you take the wheel, baby?
- Yeah, ok.
- Ok, you got it?
- Yep.
- Oh my god, Jack.
You've been shot.
- Ok, I've got it.
- We have to go to a hospital.
- Are you fucking crazy?
- Jack.
- Look at us.
Do you want to spend
the rest of our lives
in Cambodian prison?
- Ok, ok, fine.
The next town we get to,
we're going to a pharmacy
and we're going to
get some supplies
to patch you up, ok?
- Ok, that we can do.
Answer it.
- Hello?
- Avalon.
Is this you, my love?
- Who is this?
- Where's Jack?
- I said who the fuck is this?
- It's Neeron.
You know, his connection.
Now let me fucking talk to him.
- Who's Neeron?
- Give me the phone.
She's quite spicy.
- What do you want?
- I want my share of
the money, you cock sucker.
What do you think?
Now in an hour meet me...
- No can do.
Maybe a little while later.
Maybe tomorrow.
- If you try to run across
the border with my money
I swear to God,
there will be nothing
better for me to do
than hunt you down
and kill you and that
loud mouth bitch.
- Hey calm down, mother fucker.
I got shot.
I'm not going anywhere.
I've got to patch up.
- Don't you die
before paying me, Jack.
Or you know what
will happen to that
sweetheart of yours.
- You know what, that's
enough of the threats, man.
We've got some
settling up to do.
Just stay close to
your fucking phone.
- Fuck you, Jack.
- Honey.
I got everything.
- Did you get the sling.
- Mhhmm.
- Good girl.
- Hello, sir.
No one's seen any sign of them.
I'll wait here at the border
till it closes at midnight.
I'll call you if
anything happens.
- Ok.
You're going to have to
go take care of this.
Be careful.
- He's at the border.
Contact all of our
hotel connections.
Let me know when
you've got something.
- You ready?
- Yeah.
- Just like we
talked about, all right?
- Ok.
- Put some of that
vodka on the key.
Now pour some right
on that wound.
- You ready?
- Avalon, come on, do it.
You can do it.
You can do it.
Do it again.
Come on.
- Ok, one.
I can't do it.
- Baby, you got to do it.
You got to do it, Avalon.
Just stick it in there
and pull that bullet out.
- Ok, ok.
- One more time, come on.
You can do it.
You can do it.
- Ok.
- Ok.
- I'm sorry, I can't
do it, I can't do it.
- That's ok.
That's ok.
- Baby, you have
to see a doctor.
- Ok.
Yeah, ok.
We'll find a vet in Thailand.
Somebody we can buy off.
- Well it has to be soon,
you've lost so much blood.
- It's not that much
blood, hey, hey.
We're going to be ok.
I'm going to be ok, all right?
You're going to bandage me up
and I'm going to be
just fine, all right?
- Jack, Jack.
- Fucking amateur.
- My brother was right.
A rat's got no balls.
I always knew it was
you, you fucking snake.
Look at me, Neeron.
I want you to see this coming.
- I bet you didn't
see that coming.
- Babe, wake up.
Jack, wake up.
Are you ok?
- I feel like shit.
Babe, we've got to go.
You drive, ok?
I'll load the guns.
- Why do you need
to load the guns?
We're going home, right?
- Yeah, we'll go home.
I just got to take care
of my connection first.
Baby, it's ok.
I promise.
- Hello?
- There's an old
temple off the highway,
ten kilometers
west of Siem Reap.
Be there at one o'clock.
Not one minute before.
Not one minute after.
Do you understand?
- I'll be there.
- Son of a bitch.
- Yeah?
- Mr. Cerrancurie.
I just saw Neeron.
- Don't let him
out of your sight.
Tell me exactly where he goes.
And don't fuck it up.
- Yes, sir.
- What now?
- We wait.
- Mr. Cerrancurie.
- Where's he headed?
- Siem Reap temple.
- I'll take it from here.
- Be right back.
- Be careful.
- Hey Jack, you look like shit.
I want my money.
Give me that duffel bag or
I'll shoot that little bitch.
- Are you ok?
- I'm ok.
He'll never hurt you, baby.
- He'll never hurt us.
Jack, we need to switch cars.
- Ok, let's go.
- Jack?
- What, doll?
Oh, shit.
- That's them in Neeron's car.
Turn around.
- Just keep driving, baby.
- We're after that BMW,
don't let them get away.
- Shit.
Avalon, you give this
bitch all she's got, ok?
Keep your eyes on the
road and don't look back.
- Got it.
- Faster, baby.
Just keep driving.
Can't you go any faster?
- This is it.
- Fuck you, assholes.
- Oh my god.
What now?
- I don't know.
Slow down.
- What?
- Baby, slow down a little more.
- God damn it.
- Did we lose them?
- For now.
We should put some
distance between us though.
I think the border's
a few miles up.
We'll figure it out there.
Ok, baby.
We're going to ditch the car.
We can grab a boat
up the river here.
- Who were those guys, Jack?
- It's a long story, babe.
- I thought you were
only hitting banks.
- Me too.
Turns out these
gangsters launder their
money through the banks.
Hey, it's ok.
It looks like we're
home free now, huh?
- Jack, they're here.
- Fuck.
Oh, fuck.
- Ok, so what's the plan?
- Ok, the plan is you're
going to get out of here
and I'm going to hold
them off as long as I can.
- No.
- Baby.
- No.
- Look, Avalon,
I've had a life, ok?
And I spent the best
parts of it with you.
Baby, back at the
safe there's almost
a million dollars, ok?
- Jack, it was never
about the money.
Can we just give
it back to them?
- It's past that, babe.
You got to get on a
.. and you're going to take that money
and you're going to
get out of here...
You're going to
disappear and get a house
on an island like
we talked about.
- No, Jack, please
don't do this.
- Ok, you're going
to buy a house.
- Please don't do this.
Please don't do this to me.
Please, Jack.
- Baby, I love you.
In this life and the next, ok?
- I love you too.
I know.
- You've got to go.
Baby, you got to go right now.
You got to go right
now, go, go, go, go.
- Fuck.
Baby, go.
- Jack.
- Are you who killed Neeron?
- Didn't I do you a favor?
- Yeah, I'm so
grateful for that.
- Please don't hurt her.
- You don't come into people's
yards, steal their money
and shoot at them.
There's people like
me who might get lucky
and kill you first.
- Just don't hurt her, man.
- Jack.
Jack, please don't leave me.
Please, don't leave me.
- Hey, baby.
- Jack.
- You.
Leave the money, take
your life and go.
- I love you.
I don't know why Gan
Cerrancurie spared my life
that day.
I guess even monsters
have a soft spot.
Maybe I reminded him
of someone in his life.
Compassion still lived
in him somewhere.
I'm grateful I lived a
fairy tale with Jack.
If only for a short time.
But the price was too high,
and I would give all
the money in the world
to see Jack again.
Now, Jack lives on.
But only in my heart.