The Astronaut's Wife (1999)

I hate this part.
You're still here, but I know
you're going, and I hate that.
Well, I'll call you, baby.
Don't tease me.
I miss you so much
when you're gone.
I miss you, too, baby.
Last time Streck told me...
if I bellyached about you
for one more minute...
he was gonna toss my ass
right off the ship.
You tell Streck
your ass belongs to me...
and he can keep
his hands off it.
All right.
My class wants you
to come by when you get back.
I think I can arrange a visit...
if you're nice.
How nice?
You like fruit?
Come here a minute.
Come here.
Ain't that a peach?
Is that for me?
That's for you.
this is Mission Control.
All systems are go.
Flight Commander,
all computers are functioning.
The crew of Victory...
has been given a go
for orbit operations...
by the Mission Control Center.
Crew members are doing well...
and all systems of the orbiter
are performing satisfactorily.
zero, and lift off.
Mission Control,
we have left the pad.
Roger that, Victory.
You are go for throttle up.
Mission Control,
this is Victory.
We have throttled up.
It's a fine day for flying,
All systems are go.
What do they have in Kansas?
Yes, corn,
and what about Georgia?
What do they have in Georgia?
Very good.
And what do we have
here in Florida?
And rocket ships.
Yes, Calvin, and rocket ships.
Mrs. Armacost,
you have a phone call.
Thank you, Brian.
OK, let's go to page seven.
And work quietly, OK?
Mrs. Armacost.
Yes, this is Jillian Armacost.
Mrs. Armacost,
NASA communications.
We have your husband for you.
Go ahead, Commander.
- Jillian?
- Spencer?
Yeah, I told you I'd call.
It's amazing, isn't it?
Yes, amazing.
Hey, Jill.
What are you wearing?
Come on, now.
Ain't nobody else listening.
Not exactly, Commander.
Including Houston and J.P.L...
there are about 300 folks
on the line today.
It's a nice day down there, huh?
Can you see outside, Jill?
Fifteen seconds, Commander.
I'm right above you.
You looking up, honey?
Ten seconds.
Won't you smile for me, huh?
I already am.
He called you from outer space?
Well, technically
from Earth's orbit, but yes.
He called me from the orbiter.
Stanley won't even call me
from the Beef'N' Burger...
and you get a call
from outer space...
the Earth's orbit, whatever.
Technically speaking,
Jill, you scored.
I don't get it.
We grew up in the same house.
You land Johnny Rocket Boy.
I keep getting
different versions...
of Throws-Up-On-Himself Elmo.
I bet he's good at the little
things, too, isn't he?
What little things?
Just those little things
that mean so much.
It's true.
You know,
men are like parking spaces.
All the good ones are taken...
and all the available ones
are handicapped.
And now back to our program.
Oh, man, something happened.
Come on.
Keep checking.
Mrs. Armacost,
I'm Sherman Reese from NASA.
Um, it's about your husband.
What's happened?
We'd like you to come with us.
I have a car right outside.
There's something about Spencer!
Please, Mrs. Armacost.
Captain Streck's wife
is already there.
The director wants...
The condition of Armacost
and Streck...
as well as the rest
of the shuttle crew...
is at this time unknown.
Reporting live from NASA...
Is my husband dead?
Ma'am, I don't know anything...
about the condition
of your husband.
Is my husband dead?
Ma'am, I just don't know.
Then take me
to someone who does.
He's dead.
I know he's dead.
They're not dead.
They're not dead.
What have they told you?
They won't tell me anything.
Mrs. Streck, Mrs. Armacost.
First, your husbands are alive.
Oh, thank God.
They're back on the orbiter
right now...
and we're gonna bring'em down
What happened up there?
Your husbands were
outside the orbiter...
performing some repairs
on a satellite.
There was an explosion...
and we lost contact
with both astronauts...
for about two minutes.
You lost contact?
What do you mean
you lost contact?
After the explosion,
they drifted behind the shuttle.
We had to bring
the craft around...
a hundred and eighty degrees
to get them.
They were all alone?
But now they're back
on the shuttle...
and they'll be back down here
as soon as we can manage it.
Mr. Reese here
will stay with you...
until we can get you to them.
They were all alone out there,
It's OK.
They're alive.
This will give you a view
from the shuttle as they land.
Would you like me
to get you the link-up?
I'll get the link-up.
Twenty-five seconds
to reentry interface.
Maintain descent.
Wind shear-
this is minimum trajectory.
Velocity at
twenty-six hundred F.B.P.
At two hundred
thirty-five knots...
maintaining descent.
Eight at two-fifteen...
five at two-ten...
two at two hundred.
One foot.
Ground Control, this is Victory.
We are down.
He's breathing on his own.
His vital functions are good.
As far as we can tell, there has
been no brain damage...
so it should only be
a matter of time...
before your husband
regains consciousness.
- So he's going to be OK?
- Absolutely.
And what about Alex?
Captain Streck is an older man
than your husband.
There was a tremendous strain
on his heart.
Hey, you.
I missed you so much.
How are you?
I'm all right.
Yeah, I'm all right.
I got to pee.
I'll see what I can do for you.
Where's Alex?
Is he all right?
Spencer, what is that?
Did you feel that?
My God, what is that?
Honey, I'm here.
God damn it!
What can I do?
Jesus. Hold him.
Help him!
That's it.
He's still at zero.
Charging, three hundred.
We got him.
Hold off on that intubator.
Stand by with some dopamine.
Let's get an EKG prepped.
What did you say?
Well, I told that bloated
fast-food-eating motherfucker...
that we'd never have gotten
a chance to be heroes...
if he hadn't cut our budget
andforced us...
to put that piece of shit
exploding satellite into orbit.
And then what happened?
Said he'd never been talked to
like that before by anybody...
and I said I didn't give
a big hairy rat's ass...
and if he ever called me again,
I would track him down...
roust him out of his bunk, pull
his pants around his ankles...
and spank him
with a coat hanger...
right there in front of
his wife and children.
Well, that's real subtle.
Yeah, I thought it
pretty subtle.
You want to tell me what you
really said to the president?
I thanked him for his call.
Then I asked him
what he was wearing...
and he started breathing
kind of heavy...
made a funny noise, and hung up.
What do you think that means?
Maybe he's not into you.
I guess not.
She got balloons.
Why didn't I get no balloons?
Because you got candy.
- ain't got no candy.
- You got candy.
- Where's my candy?
- n the car.
Does he ever talk about it?
Did Spencer ever say anything
about what happened up there?
What it was like
when they were alone?
It's going to be OK.
They're back.
He doesn't talk about it,
does he?
Neither does Alex.
Never mentions it...
not a word.
Well, do you blame them?
Those two minutes,
they almost died, Jillian.
But they didn't.
But they almost did.
To go through that together...
to come back,
and never talk about it...
never bring it up-
it's bizarre.
It's over.
I know this has to be hard
for you, too.
It just scares me that they act
like it never happened.
There you go.
- Thanks, Commander.
- You got it, buddy.
Hey, Mike, what did he write?
Guess what.
I'm resigning from the service.
Because of what happened?
Well, it's because
I'm done up there.
I got an offer
from an aerospace firm...
executive position...
lots of money.
I mean boatloads of money, Jill.
What do you know
about being an executive?
You're a flier, Spence.
No, honey.
What I am
is a true American hero.
The president of
the United States said that...
and you heard it.
it's pretty good for business...
to have a true American hero
on the company letterhead.
The thing of it is, Jill...
is that the company
it's in New York City.
You're kidding, right?
New York?
You hate New York.
Too many people, remember?
I know.
We have a life here, Spencer...
my job, our friends, everything.
So, what do you say?
Will you do it?
Will you move
to New York City with me?
You've always been there for me.
I want to be there for you.
Let's go to New York.
What do you say?
Yes, Paula?
When your husband is in space,
does he ever see God?
What about aliens?
Does he see aliens?
Does he bring a laser gun
in case there are aliens?
If I were going,
I'd bring two laser guns...
a little one for my pocket
and a laser rifle.
Does your husband
have a laser rifle?
Does he get to bring it
home with him?
Does it work here
on Earth or only in space?
You know what, Calvin?
What, Mrs. Armacost?
I'm going to miss you.
And so I face
The final curtain
My friends
I must say it clear
I'll state my case
Of which I'm certain
I've lived
A life that's full
I traveled each
Ain't the world incredible?
And every highway
And more
Much more than this
He did it
His way
Thank you.
To you, spaceman.
I have a brief
prepared statement...
and then there will be time
for questions.
Captain Alex Streck died
last night at eightfifty-five.
The cause of death...
has been determined
to have been a massive stroke...
what the surgeons are calling
a severe insult to the brain.
Alex was an asset
to this program...
way beyond
his professional expertise.
He will be missed terribly
by all of us.
There will be
a private ceremony.
Is Commander Armacost
in any danger?
I'll let Dr. Patraba
answer that.
Commander Armacost
has been through...
an intensive array
of examinations and tests.
It is the opinion of myself
and my colleagues...
that he's in no more danger
than any of us.
I'm going to be over here, baby.
You OK?
Where's Natalie?
She's in the back.
She's been asking for you.
OK. I'll see you in a bit, OK?
- All right.
- OK.
They talked to him every night.
All the time.
I couldn't understand them.
Who talked to him, Natalie?
They did.
They did, Jillian.
He's hiding inside me.
I certainly do appreciate
your concern, Mr. Reese...
but I have been probed and poked
by enough needles...
and your superiors have given me
a clean bill of health.
I know that, but, Commander, I-
It's probably nothing, but...
Do your bosses know
you want to do this?
Oh, God.
I'll be sure and let you know...
of some good places
for you to shop.
That dress is really sweet,
but it's not really appropriate.
You'll meet lots of interesting
people when you're here.
They like
the sort of things I do.
You can feel the first kick.
Probably not quite
as interesting as me...
but you're very lucky.
I, uh...
But then she saw
the rocket boosters come on...
and that's when you know...
that you're going somewhere
real fast.
- Zoom, zoom, zoom.
- That's right.
I used to be into AIDS,
but now I'm into hunger.
I teach.
Oh, at the university?
No, second grade.
I'm sorry. I thought you said
you taught second grade.
Yes. I-
Oh, Ambrose, hi.
You look great.
Will you excuse me?
Yeah, sure.
Yeah, all right.
Excuse me, Philip.
Now, don't worry about her.
Total lack of body fat has made
her something less than human.
I don't think she's had
her period in three years...
which I guess is a blessing...
for the gene pool,
wouldn't you say?
Shelly McLaren.
Yeah, I know.
Your husband must be...
Jackson McLaren.
They all had cigars...
but Jackson had
the biggest cigar of all.
Ah, here we go.
Do you have many friends
here in the city?
Yeah, some- At work,
and Spencer, of course.
Your husband and your friend?
Well, you better not
let that get around.
You know, they're going
to haul you up on charges.
That, I like.
Your laugh.
That's an honest laugh.
It's been a while
since I've heard one.
Thank you.
It's all right.
I'll be right there.
Apparently, there's some
minor disaster in the kitchen...
something to do
with burning rum balls.
I'm going to call you...
and we're going to go out
and laugh, all right?
All right.
You all right?
I'm drunk.
Well, that's good, honey.
That's good.
Tell me what happened up there.
Tell me.
All right.
Let's take a walk.
You want to know what happened?
Let me tell you.
Do you want to know
about them two minutes?
You never talk about it.
Two minutes...
no light.
There was an explosion...
and, um...
everything shut down.
No light...
no communication.
It was black...
No sound, but...
but loud-something loud.
Loud nothing.
And it was cold.
It was so cold, Jill.
And I knew what that cold was.
It was death...
and it held me real tight
for about the first minute.
And then...
I felt warmth.
It was the warmth
of your vagina...
the warmth of your body...
your hands...
The inside of your mouth...
the warmth of your come...
the warmth from inside you,
your warmth.
I felt it all around me.
It made me breathe.
It made me breathe.
What's happening?
What are you doing?
I couldn't sleep,
so I was just...
listening to some music.
I'm sorry if I was a bit rough.
I guess maybe I had
a little too much to drink.
Come on, let's go to bed.
Good night, sweetheart.
"Then she began to guess
the little man's name.
"'Is it Conrad Peppermill?'
she said...
"And the little man said... "
"'I know, I know.
It's Sir William Doorknob...'
"and the little man said... "
"'I have it.
"It must be
Little Ribs of Beef...'
"and the little man said... "
"'It couldn't be
Rumpelstiltskin, could it?'"
"'What did you say?'
said the little man.
"'I said it couldn't be...'"
"And the little man
screamed... "
"and stamped his foot. "
Honey, you sound so sad.
It's just the city, Nan.
It just gets inside you,
that's all.
You can't let it.
That's how you got in trouble
after Mom and Dad died...
and you sound like you did then.
Have you found a doctor
to talk to yet?
Not yet.
Promise me something, OK?
If it gets like it was before...
that you'll find
someone to talk to.
Nan, I really have to go, OK?
You're late.
You didn't get my message?
I had a dinner meeting tonight.
I didn't check the machine yet.
Oh, well, I'm sorry.
I still ain't conquered
this corporate shit yet.
I'm going to take
a shower, honey.
Do you ever think...
what if I had a F-Fifteen
in World War II...
or a B-Seventeen in World War I?
No, never.
What kind of ass I could kick...
if I had that type
of advanced technology?
And how many different kinds
of ass are there?
Many kinds, love...
but the modern battlefield
is all electronic...
and the fighter that this man
has helped us design...
can detect, sort, identify,
and eliminate...
anything electronic.
You got two McLaren engines...
pumping twenty-five thousand
pounds of thrust...
wingspan of seventy-five feet.
Fully extended.
Oh, yeah, that's fully extended.
You got a top speed of eighteen
hundred miles per hour...
a ceiling
of fifty-five thousand feet...
and a crew of two.
The modern battlefield
is a blizzard...
a transparent,
electronic blizzard...
with planes and tanks...
and computers and missiles
all humming away...
and into that storm
flies our fighter.
It doesn't drop bombs.
It doesn't shoot missiles.
It just sends out a signal.
It's like the voice of God.
It's just a signal
that turns everything off.
I forget, Jackson-
who is the enemy now...
that we need your plane
to defend us from?
The enemy at this moment?
You are, dear.
You are.
The signal it makes-
what does it sound like?
Oh, humans can't hear it, dove.
Humans can't hear it at all.
Excuse me, a moment.
Miss Augusta
would like to see you.
Oh, all right.
Come on, Jackson.
Augusta has summoned us
to her bedside.
It's the good-night kiss.
After allowance...
it's the most important event
of the day.
The joys of parenthood.
Come on, Jackson.
Why are you so far away?
I'm right here.
What's the matter?
What's wrong?
I don't understand any of this.
What they're talking about...
it's like they're
speaking in code.
it's business,that's all.
Why do you have
to build that plane?
The way you talk about it,
it doesn't even sound like you.
Baby, it's my job.
My job.
You used to say
you'd fly forever.
You used to say they'd have
to bury you in the sky.
They almost did.
What are you looking for
when you look at me like that?
What are you hiding from me?
This is going to be
a little cold.
Let's have a look in here,
shall we?
Ah, there it is.
Let's take a measurement.
Nine weeks,
give or take a few days.
See this here?
This flickering?
What is that?
That's the heartbeat.
Is it supposed to be
moving that fast?
I would be worried
if it were not.
Everything looks fine, Jillian.
Well, that's interesting.
Well, wait.
I'm not sure.
See this here?
What is that?
A second heartbeat.
Two heartbeats.
It's twins, Mrs. Armacost...
This is a number
of a support group...
for women who are
expecting twins.
There's something
I didn't tell you...
for my chart.
I know I should've, but...
Afew years ago,
after my parents died...
I had a bad time.
How bad, Jillian?
I would see people I knew...
I would see them dead.
And sometimes, I...
I would see myself.
Did you seek treatment?
Were you hospitalized?
Does he know?
He's the one
that got me through it.
You are afraid...
that this pregnancy...
is going to bring
all that back, right?
Spend time with Spencer.
Go through this together.
Now that you know...
that all these feelings
you've been having...
are caused by the life
growing in you...
and by your body adapting to it,
oh, cherish it.
And if you need,
call me any time, day or night.
Thank you.
Just a nightmare, baby.
You were talking in your sleep.
What was I saying?
Couldn't tell.
It didn't sound like words,
It was more like sounds.
I'm scared.
Well, I think it'd be strange...
if a first-time mother
wasn't scared, honey.
Come on.
Come with me.
There you go.
That's better, ain't it?
Everything's going
to be OK, isn't it?
Everything's going
to be just fine, honey.
And they're going
to be healthy, right?
They're going to be beautiful,
just like their mother.
What do you think they'll be
when they grow up?
What are they going to be?
Shit,they going to be
pilots, honey.
Just like their father.
All right, lean back here.
Let me wash your hair.
Am I dreaming, Spencer?
No, you're not dreaming.
And then he gives you
that look...
that "honey, I understand" look.
I don't care how long
he rubs my feet for.
He doesn't understand a thing.
He rubs your feet?
I know what you mean.
We're supposed to be going
through this together...
but I have never felt
more separate from him.
It's like there's something
going on in my body...
he knows nothing about.
He rubs your feet?
I get into the bathtub
with my socks on.
Oh, my God!
Jesus, you scared me.
You are in big trouble.
Do you like the pie?
I don't believe I can take
much more of this, honey.
How much do you like the pie?
Come get the pie.
First, I'm going to drink you,
then I'm going to eat you.
Get the pie.
I'm going to eat that, right?
Think you can handle
all three of us?
Do you love the belly?
I love it.
I love the belly, too.
Excuse me.
Do you remember me?
- How many months?
- Just a few.
I need to speak with you.
Spencer works for McLaren now,
if you're looking for him.
No, I need to speak with you,
Mrs. Armacost...
about those two minutes.
The two minutes, Mrs. Armacost.
What is it, Mr. Reese?
Have you noticed any change
in your husband's behavior...
since the shuttle mission?
I've been through these files,
and there are peculiarities.
Like right here.
This is your husband's
before he went on the shuttle
that last time...
and here's a form
that he signed when he returned.
Now, they are similar,
but not the same.
Not the same signature.
Mr. Reese, are you in New York
on official NASA business?
And here's the results
of the medical tests...
that we ran when he got back.
Are you on official
NASA business?
Everything is fine.
Everything shows up normal...
but everything's just
a little bit different...
blood levels...
temperature, EKG, EEG.
Everything's just a little off
from what it was. Look.
Does NASA know you're here?
They wouldn't listen.
They terminated my employment.
I have to go now.
If you have anything to say,
call my husband at McLaren.
I showed them the facts, and
they terminated my employment.
They referred me
to a psychiatrist.
Don't follow me.
I've seen Captain Streck's
autopsy report.
It was a massive stroke.
His system overloaded.
His body couldn't stand
the strain.
I've seen Natalie Streck's
autopsy report as well.
That was a suicide.
She killed herself.
I was there.
I saw it.
Yeah, she did,
but according to the report...
when she killed herself,
she was three weeks pregnant.
What did you say?
She probably conceived...
right after her husband
left the hospital.
She was pregnant, Mrs. Armacost.
What happened
during those two minutes...
when they were alone?
The suits that your husband
and Captain Streck wore...
had built-in recorders.
Listen to the voices.
Something happened that scared
the shit out of them.
What could do that?
No. It was an accident.
There was an explosion, and...
They trained for explosions.
They trained for accidents.
They trained
for hundreds of hours.
If something goes wrong,
they have a plan.
They don't panic.
They don't deviate.
They stick to the plan.
That's what they do.
Something happened out there...
that these two men
had not trained for.
What would do that to two
highly-trained astronauts?
Scare them like that?
Can you swear to me
that he's still your husband?
Let go of me, Mr. Reese.
Is this man bothering you?
Yes, he is.
You know, don't you?
You already know.
Room three-oh-four, Nesbit Arms,
Mrs. Armacost.
Please, Mrs. Armacost!
OK. Settle down.
Just settle down.
I'm going to rotate the panel
forty-eight degrees.
You got me, Alex?
Spencer, what is that?
Did you feel that?
Spencer, what is that?
Oh, Jesus Christ!
What the hell is that?
I'm looking for the pregnant
woman in twenty-four-F.
Jillian, what's wrong?
He said she must have
gotten pregnant right...
right after Alex got back.
Did he say anything else?
Oh, God, Nan.
The last thing you need
to worry about is that freak.
Just have Spencer call someone.
No, Nan.
Spencer can't know about this.
But, Jillian,
you said he looked crazy.
You have to promise me
you won't tell Spencer.
Please promise me.
You can't keep these things
bottled inside you, Jillian.
You're right.
If he bothers me again...
I'll tell Spencer, OK?
Your table's ready.
Oh, great. All right.
Let's go sit down.
Stan? This year's grand marshal
at the parade of losers?
He's gone.
We can't all be as lucky
as Jill here.
Oh, no.
It's me that's lucky.
You all right, honey?
What's the matter?
What's the matter, honey?
You all right?
Just a little hot.
Why don't you have some water?
I think I'm gonna go home.
All right.
Feeling better?
Where's Nan?
She went out.
It's after midnight.
She's young, Jill.
She's having fun.
Don't you remember
when we used to have fun?
You don't remember that, huh?
All right.
What's wrong with you?
You ever think about
what happened to Alex?
Oh, shit.
What happened to Natalie?
I do, all the time.
Those two minutes
you could have died.
Why do you want to
go back there?
Why do you want to
go back to that?
Can't you just try for once
to be happy? Just once?
I'm gonna go to sleep.
It's Jillian Armacost.
The autopsy
on Natalie Streck...
what did it say
about the baby?
Not on the phone,
Mrs. Armacost.
No, you don't understand.
You have to tell me.
What did Natalie's autopsy
say about the baby?
Natalie Streck was pregnant
with twins, Mrs. Armacost.
Oh, my God.
What's happening to me?
You are, too, aren't you?
Pregnant with his twins?
Natalie's babies...
What did the autopsy say
about them?
There's something I...
I need to show you,
Mrs. Armacost.
Something you need to see.
Do you know the story
of the princess...
whose beloved prince
dies in battle?
Mrs. Armacost, I have something
you need to see.
Do you understand me?
The enemy prince...
after overrunning
the castle...
finds the princess
and forces himself upon her.
Months later,
the princess is with child.
But whose?
It's either the child
of her enemy...
the man that killed
her husband...
the man that raped her...
in which case, she'll kill
herself and the child...
or it's the child
of her prince...
the only thing
she has left of him...
a part of him
still alive within her...
kept safe inside her...
in which case...
But how would she know
until it was too late?
How will she know...
until the child is born
and she can see its eyes?
Meet me right now.
Somewhere public.
Leave your apartment.
Meet me now.
I thought that was you.
I was standing over there
across the street...
and I said to myself,
"Now, is that Sherman Reese?"
Nice to see you.
Commander Armacost.
Yeah. Are you in town
on official business?
I'm not with NASA anymore.
You know what?
You know what?
I heard that.
I heard that, and I thought...
it was one of them nasty
agency rumors.
Well, listen...
if you need a recommendation,
don't hesitate...
because maybe
I can help you out.
Well, I appreciate that.
It's real weird
running into you...
'cause the thing of it is,
I was just thinking about you.
I was thinking about them tests
you wanted to run on me...
you know, after Alex died.
If you got a couple
of minutes right now...
we can go down, have a cup
of coffee or something.
Actually, I got to...
Oh, no, come on, now, Sherman.
You're a man of leisure.
You ain't got nothing but time,
do you?
Come on.
Yeah, it's nice to see you.
Almost forgot your satchel,
Mr. Reese.
I got it.
You were the only one
who knew, Nan.
I asked you not to tell him.
I didn't, OK?
What were you talking about
last night when I was sleeping?
- We were just talking.
- About what?
Just talking, Jillian.
Look, don't do this.
It's not good for you.
Where did you go last night?
Will you listen to yourself?
Where did you go?
Look, Jillian, I love you, OK?
And Spencer loves you.
We all do so much.
Spencer was there.
Nan, Spencer was there
with Reese...
and you were the only one
who knew, Nan.
How did he know
unless you told him?
You promised me!
Jillian, I love you...
but I'm not going to do this
with you.
Do what with me?
Come back, Nan.
Nan, come back!
Don't leave, Nan!
Hello. Nesbit Arms.
Mr. Reese in room three-oh-four.
There's no answer
in room three-oh-four.
Down came the rain
And washed the spider out
Out came the sun
And dried up all the rain
And the itsy-bitsy spider
Climbed up the spout again
Oh, God.
Are you OK?
It's like a joke, right?
But if you are watching
this tape...
I didn't get to that meeting.
If you are watching this tape,
Mrs. Armacost...
I'm probably fucking dead!
This is my backup.
That's what they
taught us at NASA.
Always have a backup system.
I'm not crazy.
I wish I was.
I prayed I was.
I know I'm not.
You might think you're crazy.
How could you not?
Always have a backup.
You're going to hear
two voices on this tape.
One is your husband's
and the other Captain Streck.
I'm gonna rotate the panel
forty-eight degrees...
This line is your
husband's voice.
This line is Captain Streck's.
Spencer, what is that?
What the fuck...
Jesus Christ!
What the hell is that?
Two voices, but three lines.
There's something else
on the tape.
Something beyond our range
of hearing...
but I translated it.
I had to hear it...
and this...
is what it sounds like.
NASA said that it's static...
It's not static.
...caused by the explosion
of the satellite...
static build up in their suits,
but it's not static.
I tracked it.
It is not static.
Not static.
It's not from their suits,
the satellite, or shuttle.
It's not from Earth, either.
Two minutes-that's all
there is. That's all it took.
If you wanted to come here
from very very far away...
maybe you wouldn't
have to travel in a ship.
Maybe you could travel
in a transmission...
at the speed of light,
like a thought.
Just wait...
for two of us to be up there.
Two of us...
in orbit, near a target.
Something to aim at,
like the satellite.
Two of us beyond suspicion.
Heroes, all-Americans.
Wait for them...
then erase them like a tape
and record your own message.
He's not your husband anymore.
He's not.
The computer that runs
this airplane...
it's not there.
It hasn't been designed yet...
but it's supposed to go...
right here in the cockpit...
right where the pilots
are supposed to be.
Two computers that work
off each other...
that feed off each other.
Twin computers.
Twins, Mrs. Armacost.
What do you think
you have inside of you?
What do you think he put there?
What are they going to be?
They going to be pilots, honey.
Just like their father.
What's the matter?
Did I scare you?
I didn't hear you come in.
Listen, I came home,'cause...
I felt bad for you.
That fight with Nan, you know.
Why don't tell me
what it was about?
Just sister stuff.
Have you heard from her?
I'm sure she'll call you.
You're trembling.
I am?
I'm a little cold.
You know what I did?
I brought something home
I believe's gonna cheer you up.
What do you think?
Pop it in.
Were you watching something?
It's a-
it's a pregnancy video.
Well, maybe we should
watch it together.
Let's watch the movie.
You sure?
All right.
Why are you building that plane?
What's that?
Why do you have to
build that plane?
It's a contract, Jill.
And besides...
I didn't add half as much
as Jackson said I did.
They got some real sharp
engineers over there.
Come here.
Mmm, back here.
Come on.
I know what you're thinking.
Don't you worry.
Everything's gonna be just fine.
Yeah, these pesky
goddamn satellites.
I'm gonna rotate the panel
forty-eight degrees.
You got me, Alex?
Spencer, what is that?
Did you feel that?
Spencer, what is that?
What the fuck...
Jesus Christ!
What the hell is that?
Must have dozed off.
Were you dreaming?
No. Just sleeping.
You weren't dreaming?
I wasn't dreaming.
Were you?
My caterer gets them
from the French Caribbean.
The French are so much more
advanced in this way.
Now, listen, with these...
all sales are final.
Are you sure this is the way
you want to go?
Now, when you get home...
you take both pills
and then go to bed.
It's gonna be quite a bit
of vile cramping...
but as soon as you
start spotting...
it goes real fast.
And Spencer won't know?
If he's anything
like the rest...
he'll think
you had a miscarriage...
and he'll go out
and buy you a bracelet.
Now, don't beat yourself up
about this, sweetheart.
I mean, it's not as if
any of this means anything.
There's a little bit of pain...
and then it's over.
Oh, God.
I can't.
Oh, God.
I can't do it.
It's gonna be really bad.
I'm so sorry.
You'll understand.
I have to.
a little pain.
And then it's over.
They're just babies.
I can't do it.
Oh, God.
I can't do it.
Oh, help me!
No. Don't do that.
Oh, God, stop it.
He's gonna...
They're just-they're...
Oh, God, no.
What were you gonna do to'em?
No, you heard them.
Oh, God.
What were you gonna do?
Jill... please.
Let's just calm down
and talk about this, OK?
Come on, now, honey.
Where you gonna go, Jill?
Don't talk.
Don't say a word, honey.
You're fine.
You're fine now.
They're still inside you, Jill.
They're right where
they need to be...
and we're not ever gonna mention
what you tried to do...
what you tried to do
with them pills, OK?
Doesn't exist.
Never happened, Jillian.
I don't want to hear
a peep out of you.
You hear me?
I love you so much.
I don't know what I'd do...
if anything ever happened
to you or the babies.
Now, you just keep quiet,
and you rest.
I'm here with you.
I'm always gonna be here,
Jill, always.
You sleep.
Good girl.
I don't want to fight
with you, Jilly.
There's something wrong, Nan.
There's not.
Doctor says
you can go home any day.
No. Something's wrong...
with Spencer...
and the twins.
Hey, it's just this place.
He did something to me, Nan...
and I didn't tell you.
Jillian, it's just
being in the hospital...
that makes you feel this way.
I know that you hate it here...
but we're gonna
take you home soon...
and we're all gonna
take care of you.
Yeah, of course me.
Me, Spencer, all of us.
Oh, God.
I'm so scared.
Something horrible
is happening...
to me...
and the babies.
I don't know what's happening.
Tell me, Jillian, what is it?
He's hiding inside me.
inside me.
I think she's awake,
Mr. Armacost.
Tell me something, Jill.
If the doctors...
had any idea
what you were thinking...
you know, them awful...
dark thoughts...
what do you think they'd do?
They'd lock me up.
Lock you up?
They'd chain you
to the wall, Jillian.
Yeah, put you back
in that hospital.
You want that to happen?
I know you don't want that.
Well... we ain't gonna
let them, are we?
'Cause we're gonna be strong.
We're gonna be strong.
We're gonna be strong
for our family.
We're connected now.
you feel me inside there
where it's safe, don't you?
I live here.
We're one.
Why do you have
Sherman Reese's bag?
What did you do to my sister?
Who are you?
What the hell are you doing?
Let go of me!
Jillian! Help!
Washington Square Park.
- Go. Go!
- But it is red, missis.
I don't care!
Just go!
But, missis, I cannot.
Will you go?
You don't understand!
- Please.
- cannot.
Captain Alex Streck died
last night at eightfifty-five.
Cause of death
has been determined...
to have been a massive stroke...
what the surgeons are calling
a severe insult to the brain.
He's not your husband anymore.
Welcome back, Mrs. A.
Good morning, Mr. A.
Jesus fucking Christ, Jill.
Stay away from me.
Why are you doing this to me?
I said stay...
away from me.
Who are you?
Who am I?
I'm the only person in the world
who ever gave a fuck about you.
I'm the one that gave you
a reason to breathe.
I'm every single fucking moment
ever mattered in your life.
No, you're not.
I don't even know you.
No? Well...
I'll tell you what.
There was a time I remember
when I was about to go up...
and you begged me not to.
You remember
how scared you were?
And I told you then...
that I was gonna bring you back
a little piece of heaven.
Then you cried.
You remember that?
Well, fucking a!
I did!
What do you think's inside you?
I gave you heaven.
No, you didn't.
You're not Spencer.
It don't got to be like this,
Please, come on, now.
Step out of that water.
Please, baby,
get out of that water.
Come on.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
You killed my sister.
You killed my husband.
I did.
And then I fucked his wife.
I live there.
I live there...
No, you don't.
I live there.
No, you don't!
Ready for your first day
of school?
There's an apple in there,
and I want you guys to eat it.
No trading.
OK. Give me a kiss.
Go, go, go, go, go.
Be good.
What do you think they'll be
when they grow up?
Grow up?
Give them some time, Susan.
It's their first day of school.
I think...
they're gonna be pilots.
Just like their father.
Step father.
You're their father now.