The Automatic Hate (2015)

What did I say about
needing more alone time?
You need it
right now?
Please don't argue.
Well, you could give me
some notice.
Where's Cassie?
She's upstairs.
Is she coming down?
Not tonight. No.
You know that girl?
I don't think so.
The Massachusetts state
driver's manual?
I have my road test
next week.
And it's making you cry?
Sweetie, you're really
freaking me out lately.
I know.
I'm sorry that I'm so...
I'm sorry.
I'm gonna take out
the trash, okay?
-Can I help you?
Do you know...
You know who I am?
No idea at all?
Should I?
It's kinda weird.
I-I'm not a crazy person.
Who are you?
-Can I have a hug first?
I'm sorry. I'm really
exhausted and nervous,
and I... I really...
I need a hug.
Thank you.
Thank you.
You're Davis Green.
And I'm Alexis Green.
And we're cousins.
No, you have
the wrong person.
No, your dad is Ronald Green. He's
a developmental psychologist.
And he doesn't have
any siblings.
No, no. No, he does. He has
an older brother, my dad.
And they just never,
You forgot the trash.
Cassie, thi...
I'm not who you're looking for.
My dad doesn't have any siblings,
and I don't have any cousins,
and we have the last name,
but it's pretty common, so...
No, no.
Please... Please leave.
It was really nice
to meet you, Davis.
I have to tell you something.
Thank you, thank you.
Thank you. You're very kind.
I'm glad the applause sign
is still working.
This is HD 115.
Human Development.
If you're looking for
"Heavy Drinking 115,"
it's across the quad,
down the block to Mulligan's.
Human development.
Ladies and gentlemen,
this is a baby.
One of the great
mysteries of life.
Who is she?
What will she become?
Will you be a painter?
A head of state?
A murderer?
By the way you're looking at me
right now, I'm guessing the last.
Thank you.
And is it inevitable...
What she will become?
Is it predetermined?
Or is someone, something out there
going to be transformative?
Nature, nurture?
That is the question.
This class will bring us
to a closer understanding...
that the question
is bullshit.
The answer is
far more complex, subtle...
than any black or white
It is much more... gray.
I want to thank Jane,
my PhD student...
Thank you... who gave birth specifically
for the purpose of this class.
Ladies and gentlemen,
we have a spy among us.
Sitting in the back, that bearded
gentleman, is my son, Davis.
What has he become?
You're still dating
the, ballerina?
Cassie, yes.
For almost two years now.
It's been that long?
Well, that doesn't mean that
you still can't take out...
one of my beautiful,
brilliant PhD students...
on an innocent little
museum date, does it?
That's exactly what it means, Dad.
Cassie moved in.
Right, right.
See, I always thought she was one of those
fun things, you know, like a placeholder.
Why'd you think that?
Well, she's
a little bit impulsive.
out of control.
Yeah. So?
Your mom will be ecstatic
to see you.
Hi, Mom.
...that he is good
at creating jobs...
This can't be right.
Four-letter word
for a World War II city.
It's St. Lo.
You have to
abbreviate it.
I hate when they don't tell you
that they are abbreviating.
You just opened up
that whole corner though.
And the riddle.
I was thinking about cooking
for all of us. Anything you want?
You're gonna do
your cooking thing?
I ate already.
But yeah, you should...
go do that.
How's he doing today?
He's fine.
Lots of napping.
Could you give us
a second?
Thank you.
I'm sorry, Davis.
Can I talk to you
about something?
Y... You know, your mother
painted this, Ronnie.
You mean Grandma
painted it.
Right, Grandpa?
I'm not Ronnie.
I'm Davis.
Is that my dad?
And who's that?
That's Joshua.
Why, that's Joshua.
Who's Joshua?
We do not talk about Joshua.
Why not?
Who is he?
No, no, no, no.
Easy. Okay.
-Okay, okay.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Grandpa.
Ronnie. Ronnie!
-Okay, easy. It's okay.
No, no, no, no.
-Excuse me!
-Can we get some help here, please?
-No, no, no, no, no!
Everything's gonna be okay.
I want you to look at me.
Right here.
...a fixed term next year.
Interest groups spent more
than nine million dollars...
to influence the outcome of this
year's statewide ballot questions,
and the heavy offenders...
Who is he?
According to a new report
from the state office...
of campaign
and political finances.
WDUR's Shannon Mullen reports.
The report shows
the biggest spending...
Davis, Davis, Davis, Davis!
Where are you going?
-To check on Grandpa.
What's wrong? Is there another relative
you're afraid he'll tell me about?
Davis, wait a second.
What did you say to him?
All I did was ask him to explain
the painting. Do you want to?
You have a brother?
No, I don't.
Not anymore.
What happened?
I can't even begin
to explain it,
nor is it any
of your goddamn business.
There's a reason
this has been kept from you.
Leave it alone!
You don't know what you're about to do.
Trust me.
You know what time
they open?
In about an hour.
You work here?
Nah, man.
Just waiting for my refill.
You too?
Wait, what?
Check it out.
I thought this was
a thrift shop.
It is, man, but they've got
a dispensary inside.
You know, they grow it
and sell it on their farm.
If you don't tell them where you got
the address, I'll give it to you.
I'll take that address.
Hi. This is Cassie.
Leave a message.
Hey, Cass, it's me.
I have almost no service here,
so I hope you get this.
I'm in a tiny town
called Dustin, New York,
to my uncle's farm.
That girl who came
to visit me, Alexis...
She wasn't lying.
She's my fucking cousin.
My dad has a brother
who I guess...
Today I caught
a girl shoplifting.
Okay. And did you
call the cops?
No, I let her keep it.
It was so cute on her.
What? You can't just
give our clothes away.
It was like... It would've been two
dollars, She couldn't afford it.
You know we're open, right?
You can come in.
Yeah. I'm just...
I'm just lookin'.
Thank you.
Who was that?
He was just looking
at dresses.
Hey, guys!
Hey, Alexis.
It's Davis.
What do you want?
Can you talk?
Why... Why did we have to
meet all the way out here?
'Cause it's fun.
And my parents are home. I wanted to
make sure they didn't see me leave.
Come on. I've got a
surprise for you.
-You sure my car's okay back there?
You wanna tell me
where we're goin'?
A hint maybe?
There's some people
you need to meet.
Ladies, come on out.
Davis Green, this is Amanda
Green and this is Annie Green.
He looks
a little like Dad.
No, he doesn't.
Not now.
When he was younger.
Maybe in his hairline.
Getting in?
What? Are you mad I didn't
tell you about them before?
This is fuckin' awesome.
You like it?
So, you have
any brothers or sisters?
That's too bad.
So, do you guys have any
idea what happened?
You mean with our dads?
Alexis tried to
bring it up once, but...
-Yeah, that didn't go too well.
-We got threatened.
So we dropped it.
Dad said that if we tried to make
contact with you or your dad, then...
-Then what?
-Bad things.
Wait. You were at the store
today, weren't you?
-Were you spying on us?
No! No.
Not... Not really.
Alexis stalked me
all over Boston.
Unemployed students have
time to do stuff like that.
Fuck off, Amanda.
So, do you have
a girlfriend?
Any of you
have boyfriends?
So, what's she do?
She's a dancer at the
Charles Ballet of Boston.
She seems really nice.
She's pretty.
Wait, you met her?
So, how did you find me?
Well, I...
I saw your dad in one
of my psych textbooks,
and then,
I googled him,
and I saw that you went
to Yale, and then I...
Well, I found your
restaurant online, and so...
She's a stalker.
Look at that.
So you went to Yale?
Yeah, for psychology.
So what do you do now?
I'm a chef.
So mostly, I just
disappoint my parents.
Yeah, they're not too happy
about that decision.
Are you a sous chef?
I'm a head chef.
That must be
a powerful position.
In the kitchen.
Not in life, really.
God, Alexis,
we're in public.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
It's just that I find it...
It's really sad, you know?
What is?
That we didn't
grow up together.
Alexis, you haven't had
that much to drink...
-Yes, she has.
-Maybe she should stop.
I'm not drunk, okay?
We apologize.
She is drunk.
It's okay.
My gosh.
Look who it is.
-Who's he?
-Annie used to fuck him.
You used to fuck that guy?
Off and on.
I thought we were dating,
but then...
On the Fourth of July, I
accidentally went down on him.
How do you accidentally...
No. Never mind. That's
happened to me too.
I am still pissed at you, Alexis.
I really liked him.
I didn't even know
you guys were...
And-And you are
way better off anyway.
It is a small town, which increases the
odds of something like that occurring.
I fucked him too.
Just once, okay?
You knew about this?
That's a lot
of coincidences.
No, Amanda,
give me your purse.
-Just give her your purse.
I'm gonna fix this.
I'm really sorry.
I'm gonna make it up to you.
I love you.
Where the fuck
are you going?
She has a knife.
Come on.
-Hey, Teddy.
How are you?
What do you want,
You're looking so good.
Fuck off.
you got something...
What the...
-What the fuck!
Fucking whore!
My... Go, go, go, fast! Go fast!
Come here!
What the hell was that?
That was amazing
is what it was!
-Have you ever punched anyone before?
Why, did it look
like I had?
This is for you.
Let's get the fuck out of here!
Now, be super fucking quiet
because Mom sleeps light.
Wait, where are they?
Don't worry. This is our space.
They never come down here.
Do you not wanna stay?
I just don't wanna
meet them yet.
Well, you know, we could set you an
alarm and get you out of here early.
-Good night.
Good night.
-Good night.
-Good night.
You can take my bed.
-I'll just...
-That's where you sleep?
Where will you go?
On the floor.
No. No, I'll stay on...
Yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah.
Thank you.
As you can see,
it's kinda hard to
bring guys back here.
Because of your parents?
No, they don't care. It's just
a small space for three girls.
Why not move out?
Don't let the farm fool you.
We're pretty broke.
So you date a lot?
I mean, I try.
I just... I have shitty luck.
I pick
all the wrong ones.
Like that guy in the bar?
That's not shitty luck.
That's shitty taste.
Yeah, well, there aren't
many options up here.
Well, from now on, every guy you
date has to be approved by me.
That's sweet.
Hey, Davis?
I decided
I like you now.
I like you too.
That can't be comfortable.
It's not really.
This is...
Well, breakfast will
be ready shortly, John.
Thank you,
but I...
We have
only one rule here.
If you can't bring a guy
to the table,
you probably shouldn't
be sleeping with him.
That's not a rule.
Well, it should be.
And we're not...
I'll see you upstairs.
So much for your sisters
waking us up early.
Yeah, I bet
they overslept too.
How are we
gonna do this?
Well, my mom
didn't recognize you.
What about your dad?
Let's just say
you're my boyfriend.
Dad, this is Jonathan.
We're dating.
Hi, Jonathan.
What happened
to the last guy?
Dad shot him.
You're not a vegetarian,
are you?
-Good. Keep cutting.
So, Jonathan,
how did you two meet?
He was my TA.
Yeah? For what class?
Developmental Psych.
You want some eggs?
I'm sorry.
We're out of bacon.
Amanda, go kill another pig
after breakfast.
-I can't do it today. Make Alexis do it.
I have to work two jobs and now this?
Yeah, that's fair.
I'm not doing it.
Annie, you do it.
-I have to open the store.
Jonathan and I
will do it.
I'm sorry?
I'm stuck out here in the
woods with four women.
First time a guy's
been around in a while.
I don't know
how much help I would be.
Well, you're fucking
my daughter.
The least you can do is keep me
some company while I kill a pig.
Are the pigs
back there?
No. Pigs stink like shit. We
don't keep them near the house.
Get in.
Just so you know, sir,
I would never even think about
sleeping with your daughter.
Now, that sounds
like an insult.
No. I mean, I would.
I'm just not.
What does that do?
Kills the pig on contact. This
way you don't have to bleed it.
Very little suffering.
Very humane.
What now? We just go
in there and zap one?
I'll tell you what now.
Stop fucking with me!
Yes, sir.
He send you here
to spy on me?
Don't insult
my intelligence, man.
I know you're
my brother's son.
Actually, your daughters
said I look a bit like you...
when you were younger.
I don't see it.
So did you go to college?
Yeah. Why do you ask?
Just curious...
if maybe you'd also
studied psychology.
I studied philosophy.
Did you go to Yale too?
No way.
Fuck that place.
I went to Harvard.
Sorry I didn't get
to see you grow up.
It's all right.
So, what now?
Have a good life.
That's it?
You don't want to see him?
-Why not?
-Plenty of reasons.
Give me one.
Because he doesn't
want to see me.
You guys are brothers. What
could have possibly happened?
Why the fuck do you think
I'd tell you that?
What we have between us,
it's unresolvable.
If I knew what happened,
would I hate you?
It was nice
to meet you, Davis.
Wh... Where are you going?
I need you to drive me
back to my car.
He knew who I was, Alexis,
as soon as he saw me.
Okay. So here's what we'll do.
No, I need you to
drive me back to my car.
Then I'll walk.
You're just... What?
Davis, wait, please.
Your dad
asked me to leave.
So what? I have to do
this all by myself?
Do what?
Find a way to get our
families back together.
That's what you want to do?
Unless I'm
imagining things,
it seems like you were
enjoying your break up here.
Wait. What?
From your girlfriend.
I... I-I didn't mean it
like that.
I just mean you were
having a good time,
and I picked up on a vibe that
you guys are having problems.
Sorry to pry.
She had an abortion, Alexis.
My gosh.
Yeah, so that brought up
a lot of shit between us.
Davis, I'm so sorry.
Yeah, thanks.
So, what if I stayed?
What's your plan?
I don't know,
but if you do,
I know that we'll
figure something out.
And now we've stirred it all
up, it's dumb to just drop it.
I can't believe
I'm just meeting you now.
I'll come back to visit.
I promise.
Promise me
something else.
That if you do leave now,
it's not because you're
afraid of what's going on.
I'm not afraid
of what's going on.
Not with our dads.
With us.
Come on. I'll take you
to your car.
I do know
what's going on,
but I promise that's not
why I'm leaving.
-What the fuck are you doing?
-I need to show you something before you leave.
How long is this
gonna take?
Just a few minutes.
What is this place?
Well, when we were little, my parents got
in a fight and I followed my dad here.
He doesn't know
I know about it.
There's so much stuff.
I know.
Here. Look at this.
What's up here?
I have no idea. What?
Come up here.
It's plugged in.
Should we?
I think that's my dad.
The one on the right.
He's handsome.
-Is the other one your dad?
They look so happy.
Is that your mom, maybe?
No. Yours?
She's so pretty.
No, wait. There's more.
Could this all be over a girl?
You coming down?
Yeah, one second.
Look what I found!
Look, it's the one the girl
was wearing in the film.
Put it back.
Let's just leave everything
exactly as it was.
Your dad seemed really
into that girl.
Yeah, they both did.
She was pretty.
Thank you for bringing me here.
We should go.
Holy shit.
Stop the car.
Stop the car!
What the fuck?
What are you doing here?
Davis. Thank God.
I came to look for you.
I don't know
what happened.
I just can't get
the car to start.
I tried calling AAA, but I can't
get anybody on the phone.
There's no reception
or something.
-Is that her?
Davis, a tow's
gonna take forever.
We've got jumper cables
at the house.
Hi... again.
Maybe I left the
lights on overnight.
You know, it's Kristin's car and I
don't know what all the buttons do.
Well, we could jump it.
You think she can help?
You okay?
Yeah, I'm okay.
You sure?
So, how did you find me?
I drove into the main part
of town. I just asked around.
So, Cassie, what brings
you all the way up here?
I'm here to talk to
Davis about something.
You mind giving us
just a second?
I called a lot.
You not picking up?
Yeah. I've got
bad, cell service.
Your parents actually
asked me to find you.
But you didn't tell them
I was here, did you?
Yeah, I did.
-I'm sorry. It was important to them.
I wanted to wait until
we were alone...
Babe, your grandfather
passed away.
I'm so sorry.
The last time I saw him...
I asked
about your dad,
and he...
freaked out...
and had, like,
a panic attack or something.
This is my fault.
No, no, no, sweetie.
Sweetie, he was old.
What was he like?
He was charming.
But he was stubborn,
like my dad.
Like your dad...
I guess.
Davis, I need to
talk to you outside.
You didn't even know him.
I know. That's what makes
this so fucking sad.
I know you have to go now,
but please promise me this
isn't the last time I see you.
Of course.
Now, maybe this could...
This could work.
We're going to the funeral.
No. Absolutely not.
If they wanted me there,
I'd have gotten a call.
Yeah, but
he's your dad too.
I am not going
to his house.
You wouldn't have
to go to Ronald's,
if that makes
a difference.
They're burying him at the family
cabin in the mountains tonight.
Just a quiet little thing
with Ronald and Marsha.
You owe us this because you never
let us meet our grandfather.
I mean, the least you can
do is let us say good-bye.
She's right.
They're running late.
The body won't be here
until the morning.
It's a good thing
he's dead.
It'd kill him to know
he was late to something.
There's a motel at the
base of the mountain...
by the gas station.
I think we'll stay the night
here, if that's okay with you.
Plenty of room, right?
Good. So we'll stay.
And I'll help with the body
in the morning.
Suit yourself. You can
stay in the basement.
Yeah, I'm hungry too.
Why don't you get those
little crackers from the car?
Dad! He's making
everyone dinner.
Well, if it's good,
maybe it's worth waiting for,
come join us.
We're drinking
your wine, so...
Can you
cut those up smaller?
Yeah, sure.
Quickly, sweetie.
Fine. I'm not as good
at this as you are.
Fine. I'll do it.
I can do it.
Hey, are you doin' okay?
I'm sorry for how
I behaved last week.
But I think that
these last few days...
have been really good for me.
How about you?
Hey, anyone want some wine?
Maybe after I'm done.
It'll make it all go smoother.
And I'll come back and help
you cut stuff as well.
Can I
have some too?
Yeah, sure.
This is a cool house.
I'm glad you like it.
Dinner's almost ready.
Want to sit down?
If not, we can make
you a to-go plate.
Ronnie, I'm kidding,
We should be able
to handle this.
Do you want
some wine?
Don't bother.
He doesn't like wine.
I'll get him
his drink.
Do you need help
with something?
Just some Red Label.
-He's down there?
How'd you pull that off?
It's easy to despise someone
from a distance.
Put them across a table,
most men won't pursue a
conflict if they can help it.
Your dad's
a great example.
Of what?
A coward.
That's your drink, right?
Good memory.
So, who's gonna
lose it tonight?
You are.
No, not me.
What are you guys
talking about?
May I?
Ronnie and I spent every
summer here growing up.
One summer,
we were alone,
so every weekend was 48
hours straight of drinking.
Every few weekends
we'd wake up to see...
that someone had
vomited somewhere.
I'd accuse Ronnie of not being
able to hold his liquor.
He'd accuse me.
But neither of us
could remember.
Ronnie, being the prankster he
was, suggested an experiment.
We ate pasta for dinner.
I had marinara,
he had Alfredo.
Josh, if you're gonna
tell it, tell it right.
I had marinara
and you had Alfredo.
We threw the biggest party
of the summer.
And we probably drank a little
bit more than we should've.
So in the morning,
the vomit...
was either red or white.
And then we'd know
whose it was.
what color was it?
It was pink.
What's so funny?
Why did you tell that story?
I still think
it was you.
Did I hear them laughing
down there?
Yeah, look
what we've done.
Well, it's still early.
So, we should
get them all drunk.
How much have you had?
Just a little bit.
Babe, the table is set.
Family meeting.
Do not disturb.
What I meant to say is,...
Go away.
Alexis, you may never
speak like that...
to my girlfriend.
-What did I...
-Do you understand?
Why are you
being so mean?
Because you're acting
like a little fucking girl.
You treat me so
differently around her.
Look, I know
that what happened...
was really, really
fucked up, okay?
No, it wasn't.
Yes, it was.
And we'll deal with it,
I promise.
We will, later.
But the way
that you're acting now,
you're making me
regret all this.
Coming here and meeting
you... everything.
Jesus fucking Christ,
What are you gonna do?
Tell on me?
It's all so fun
because they're right there.
We're done,
you understand me?
You'll never see me again
after tomorrow.
Let's eat.
It's good.
where did you get that?
You know where I got it.
May I see that, please?
Sweetie, take that off
and hand it to me now.
What else have ya got,
I didn't think you'd want
any of her stuff.
At the end, you wanted
nothing to do with Rebecca.
Don't you dare
mention her name.
And you shouldn't
assume anything.
Let's see if I'm in the will,
then maybe we can negotiate.
That's the reason
why you're here.
Well, what if it is? What are
you gonna do, disown me again?
-I know it's your hobby.
-Give that to me.
-Give it to me!
-Ronnie, no.
-Alexis, come over here.
-Give it to me.
-Give that to me!
-Alexis, give it to me.
Let's bring it upstairs, then we can all
figure out what we want to do with it.
-Shut up, Cassie!
This is not your family.
You need to fucking leave!
Why? So you can have your
cousin all to yourself?
What was that?
I saw you two upstairs. There's
obviously something going on.
What? Th-That's not true!
Cassie, that's not true.
What is going on here,
I don't know.
Don't look at me.
All of you.
You, you!
Stay away from my son!
There's something wrong with you, Josh.
You're sick.
And you passed it along
to your kids.
Don't you dare!
You fucking pervert!
You took advantage of her,
You took advantage of her.
You killed Rebecca and you know
goddamn well that you did!
Stop it!
Stop! Stop it!
Get off, get off him!
Davis! Davis!
Davis! Davis!
Stop it!
Mind your business,
you jealous cunt!
Why the fuck should I
be jealous of you?
Because Davis hasn't been able to keep
his eyes off me since he got here.
And I think he's happy
you had that abortion...
so that he doesn't
have to be stuck with you.
And in case you haven't realized,
your boyfriend and I...
You know, my dad hired people who
are coming to take care of that.
Couldn't sleep.
Thought I'd help us
get out of here faster.
You seen Cassie?
She took off, man.
Real early.
I asked if she'd be back.
She said "no."
How's your face?
We should see your dad
before we declare a winner.
So are you
a murderer, Josh?
If I am,
then your dad is too.
What did you do?
I need some help.
Come here.
You know, you and I are more
alike than you might think.
How's that?
Well, your dad's a man of
careful words and thoughts.
But when I saw you punch
Alexis, it clicked.
I don't follow.
If you'd thought about it,
you would've never done it.
But you did.
There are lots of things that
are out of our control, Davis.
Almost everything is,
So you stole
his girl?
This... Rebecca.
And he never
forgave you.
Rebecca was our sister.
Your dad found out about us
and he told the entire family.
They shunned us
and it ruined her life.
He shamed her
into killing herself.
Come on, Davis. From what we heard last
night, are you in any place to judge?
I know how you
feel about her.
Your dad will never
forgive you for it.
But I will.
I was thinking.
Maybe I could take your car
back and you could ride with...
We don't have to ever
talk about this again.
We can talk about it.
That girl, your cousin,
she's just
like my brother.
How's that?
Your behavior,
your feelings for her,
it's curiosity,
it's... it's...
From not having known her.
It's not...
You know.
I'm sorry.
For what?
For everything.
I guess I thought that...
getting our families together
would've been a good thing.
And what do you think now?
I think they're assholes.
-Hi, this is Cassie.
-Leave a message.
Hey, Cass, it's me.
I'm back in town,
staying at Todd's,
so you know where to find me
whenever you want to talk.
Okay. Bye.
Hey, chef, there's a girl out
back who's here to see you.
I don't know. She says it's important.
She needs to talk to you.
I-I drove past your
apartment a few times.
I saw you weren't there.
I'm not living there
at the moment.
Did you guys break up?
Do you wanna take a walk?
Can you say something,
You're making me
really self-conscious.
Come on.
Let's get you home.
Come on.
Can I come visit you
You just did.
Davis, I could tell her
what happened between us.
What we did.
I love you.
More than just family.
I love you.
What do we do
about this?
Are you sure
you want me to do this?
And if I do,
that's it?
Game on?
You promise?
Even if you don't like
some of what you hear?
I told you...
It's not about
whether I like the answers.
It's that
I get to know them.
I get to know everything...
from now on.
Are you
pussying out?
We'll start easy.
Are you sexually attracted
to her?
One lie,
this game is done.
Are you sexually attracted
to your cousin?
Have you thought about
what it would be like...
to sleep with her?
A lot?
That one stung a bit.
Is it more
than physical attraction?
I guess so, yeah.
Do you think you'd make
a good couple?
Given the chance, if there
were no consequences,
would you do anything
with her?
At one point...
I guess so, yeah.
But now, no.
No way.
-Are you sure you want to be with me?
-You have no doubts?
Okay. Last question.
Did you actually...
do anything at all
with her?
Unpack your shit.