The Axe Murders of Villisca (2016)

- No!
- Yes!
When I come home at night
She will be waiting
She'll be the truest doll
in all this world
I'd rather
have a paper doll
Ina! Ina, get up!
Come here.
You, you need to go right now!
Get up! You need to go!
- You're scaring me.
-Please, listen to me.
Ina, you have to go! Right now!
Please, please, just leave!
Ina, leave me! You need to get
out of here right now!
- The Lord has delivered you
unto me
and I will take thy head
from thee!
- 1912, the year that marks
the sinking of the Titanic
the debut of the Oreo cookie,
just look it up
and also one of the puzzling
and notorious
murders in Iowa history.
Today marks 100 years since
the Villisca axe murders.
- A century-old
unsolved axe murder
eight people hacked to death
has intrigued twenty-first
century forensic scientists
and investigators
around the world.
- Okay, I think
I just saw something
move behind the camera.
If this is Lena or Ina, please
let me know you're in here.
- And finally, we've reached
the number one
most haunted place in America.
- I'd been a paranormal
investigator for about 11 years
and up to that point,
I'd never..
- The most grisly, terrifying,
unsolved murders
of the 20th century.
- You have 1 new message.
- Hey, Caleb, this is mom.
Um, I have to do a double shift
today, so I won't be home
until at least
after nine or ten tonight.
Just a reminder,
tomorrow before you leave
I'd like to, um, visit
the cemetery, of course..
- Too early
to start celebrating?
-I'm being sad.
- Come on, man. It's your last
day of school, ever!
- Denny.
- Yo?
- This town blows, man.
- Ha ha, tell me about it, dude.
- You don't know.
- Yeah, I know.
-You don't know.
-Excuse us! Coming through!
We survived.
- Thank you for the ride, Denny.
-Of course, buddy.
- Alright, what are we
doing tonight?
- Oh, all will be revealed
this evening.
- Gotta tell ya, Denny, I will
not miss your cryptic bullshit.
- What are you talking about?
You love my cryptic bullshit.
It's like one of my
major features.
-Shut up. No, you did not.
Ooh, look who's here,
everybody's favorite faggot.
- Why don't you back off,
- Yeah, I'm not talking to you,
God, I haven't seen you since,
what, last summer, buddy?
Underneath the bleachers,
You had Jerry Fletcher's dick
in your mouth.
-Caleb! Caleb, stop it!
- Fucking psycho.
Just like your old man.
Oh, yeah!
Hit me, come on, do it!
-Stop! Shut up and back up!
Do you want me
to call your dad again?
-No, ma'am.
- And Dennis, what are you
doing here?
-I'm sorry, Mrs. Flanks.
I... I just thought it'd be nice
to give Caleb
a ride on his last day.
- I'm sure he'd love that.
- Fuck you, Connor.
-Not one more word!
It's a nice sentiment, Dennis.
But would you please
take your little bike
and get off my campus?
-Sure thing, Mrs. Flanks.
Later, Caleb.
-Bye, buddy.
- Boys, the gymnasium
is this way.
Why don't we all go together?
- Oh my gosh,
you have to see this.
- I know, I heard about it all
this week. So excited.
- Excited?
- You know what I mean.
-I do. I bookmarked it.
- Hey, bitch.
- Dude.
That girl in the bathroom,
she passed out.
You wanna know...
- What what?
- The new girl!
The new girl from Chicago!
- Fuckin' camera!
Give me the camera.
- What's your name?
- I'm Connor.
- Connor?
- Yeah.
- You guys are weird here.
- What do you mean, here?
- In Iowa.
- What's wrong with Iowa?
-Who lives in Iowa?
I live in Iowa.
Connor, we live in Iowa.
- That can't be her.
- Don't be stupid.
It's definitely her.
- What do you want, Rob?
- Connor wants to talk to you.
- Yeah, I don't think
that's going to happen.
- Everybody knows
you're gonna come crawling back.
What do you want?
- Nothing, man.
Such a bitch.
- Yeah.
- Hey, did you see
what I wrote on her locker?
- No, man..
- It's right here.
-Oh, fuck!
Ah! Oh, shit!
He started it.
- Go to the nurse.
You, in my office. Now.
Come on. Quick time.
-Sorry about that.
-Don't be. Kid's a jerk.
I told you if you just focused
you'd be in and out of here
by the end of the month.
Any plans?
- I'm leaving for Omaha
My uncle owns a motel.
Said I could have a job
if I had this.
- Well, listen,
before you take off
I'd like to have a little
chat with you.
I know this has been a difficult
time for you and your mom.
But, Caleb, when you
walk out that door
there's nothing else
I can do for you.
-I wasn't expecting you to.
- That's not what I meant,
I know you're a smart kid.
But life is about the choices
we make.
And we have to do our best
to make the good ones.
Otherwise, we get stuck
living in the bad ones.
Let me know how it goes
in Omaha.
-Hey, guys.
So today's a pretty
exciting day for me.
For the final outing
of the Maryville
Paranormal Institute
we will be visiting the boss
fight of ghost houses
As always, I will be joined
by my best friend and fellow
ghost hunter, Caleb.
Countdown begins now.
The Villisca axe murder house.
Love you, mom.
- You've gotta know, Jess,
in a couple of months
all this shit's gonna go away.
- It's already been
a couple of months, Ellie.
And, today,
while I was at school
two girls were watching
it again.
God, I hate this place.
I miss you guys. I miss Chicago.
-Well, get your ass back here
and stop hanging out
with farmers.
-Uh, you know, actually
this kind of cool thing
did happen today at school.
- So Rob came up to me today
and was like
"Connor wants to talk to you."
And I just walked away
and he was yelling all this
mean shit at me.
And then this other kid,
I think his name is Caleb
he went up to Rob and just
slammed his face
into the locker.
- What?
- Yeah.
It was awesome.
Okay, uh, what's his last name?
- Hirsche?
- Hirsche.
What? How did you...
-Facebook. Geographic search.
Perfect for stalking.
- Oh, my God, you're creepy.
- Wait a minute.
- What?
- He's got his address
on Facebook.
- And?
- Go!
-No, Ellie.
-Look, at least go tell him
to take his fucking address
off Facebook!
Jess, you're a Chicago woman.
Do this, bitch!
Come on!
- Okay, okay, okay, fine.
I'll go... to his house.
But if I get murdered,
it's totally your fault.
Girl, please, nothing
ever happens in Iowa.
- Give me that.
You can take that.
-Brooks Brothers?
Where'd you get
a Brooks Brothers shirt?
-Not this one.
Now, what time are you
leaving tomorrow?
-Around noon. Greyhound.
-What, riding a bus?
-No, seriously.
Going someplace else,
getting out of here..
It's awesome.
-What's up?
- Nothing.
- Denny.
I mean..
- It's like two hours away.
You can visit any time you want.
-Oh, shit. We gotta move.
- For what?
- The tour.
- Dude, no.
- Yeah.
We've been planning this for,
like, two months, dude.
The Maryville
Paranormal Institute.
- We're not even close. -The
Villisca axe murder house.
Last video. Big finish.
- No.
- You promised.
- You promised to help me pack
last night.
Instead we got drunk, so..
- Well, me and your
"high school equivalency.."
This isn't even a real diploma.
- What are you..
What.. What are you doing?
- We're going to Villisca.
- No, no, no.
- Oh, no. Did I rip it...
- Don't, don't, don't! Denny!
Give me that...
- Now, easy.
- Denny, really,
don't make me hurt you.
-Give it! Give it to me!
- What, what, what?
- Quit fucking around..
- Oh.
- Am I interrupting something?
- Your name is Jessica, right?
This is Denny.
- Yeah. We gotta go, dude.
We're gonna miss our tour.
- Where are you guys going?
- Somewhere you're not.
- You wanna come?
- Are you sure?
I mean, it seems like you guys
have it all figured out.
Ca... Ca... Caleb, we don't have
room for her on the scooter.
-I can drive.
- Great, let me get my jacket.
- Dude, what the fuck, man?
I only made reservations
for 2 people.
- Denny, they're not even
gonna give a shit
if we bring one more person.
Use your brain.
-I like your jacket.
- Yeah, I know.
That's why I wear it.
-Okay. Let's go.
- He doesn't have a license.
- Then drive carefully.
-Okay. Come on, Denny.
It's the way to Villisca.
-Shot gun.
-This is a nice car.
- So, where are we
going exactly?
- Isn't that like
a sinus medication?
- What? You know what
I'm talking about?
The axe murder house.
Everyone knows what that is.
- I'm not from here.
Well, I guess that's something
that's good about you.
Dude! 74 views on our
last video!
- I'm driving here!
- Oh.
-What is he talking about?
- We do this video ch... YouTube
Channel thing with Supernatural.
- MPI. We're the Maryville
Paranormal Institute...
I got it. Caleb and I are..
No. We're ghost hunters.
We hunt ghosts! Yeah.
- He can be a little
intense about it.
-No, it's.. It's cool.
Let's run
We'll find a way
In the sunshine
Let's run
Where is everybody?
-They're all dead.
Oh, I'm kind of not joking.
Back in the day, there was
this Indian tribe here
and they called this area
They used to bury their
outcasts and their insane
in shallow graves here
so they couldn't move on.
- You mean like that movie
Little girl, broken TV?
- But this is something
different, Jess.
8 people, 6 of them kids
got their heads smashed in
in 1912.
- You scared yet?
- Totally.
- Are you Denny?
- Yes, sir.
- Hah. I was just
about to give up and go.
-Well, I'm so glad you didn't.
We... we drove all the way
from Maryville.
-Nice house.
Welcome to the Villisca axe
murder house.
Alright. This is the, uh, foyer.
Okay, so, the murder took place
on the night of June 9th, 1912.
There'd been a big gathering
at the Presbyterian church
in town.
They called it "Children's Day".
Ever since then, this house
has been marked by an evil
greater than you can imagine.
People just like you have seen
and heard..
Um, young lady, this way.
Everything will make more sense
if we start the tour
from upstairs. Come along.
It's believed the killer
entered the house
around midnight
climbed these very stairs..
Right. This way.
J.B. Moore was the first
to get it.
And then his wife, Sarah.
- Mrs. Moore was hit 35 times
on the top of her head
with the blunt side of the axe.
Totes crayballs.
-Uh, beg your pardon?
Let's, uh, go
to the children's room.
It's right down this way.
Come on.
Follow me.
Herman was the oldest child,
he was 11.
Paul was the youngest,
he was only 4.
And Boyd was the middle.
Little Katherine Moore's room
was right over here.
All but one of the victims
were found flat
against their bed.
- Why is the mirror covered?
- Well, they found
all the mirrors
covered that way the next day.
The thought is that the murderer
wanted to cover 'em up
before he began to kill.
- Hey. They caught the killer,
But there was this one guy
a traveling Presbyterian
He confessed but was never...
- Reverend Lyn George
Jacklin Kelly.
I did my research.
We come to places like this
all the time.
In his confession
Kelly stated that he woke up
in the middle of the night
hearing windmills in his head.
And then he went for a walk
and ended up here.
- Okay. Thanks.
I'll just put this back.
-What happened to him?
-No one knows.
But, you guys wanna see
something supercool? Ha-ha.
We have the murder weapon.
Right here. Come on.
That, my friends,
is the actual axe itself.
A one-of-a-kind piece
of bloody lowan history
and genuine American
-Okay. Right this way.
Let me see your teeth.
-Murder boner.
- This is where
Lena and Ina Stillinger died.
They had been guests
of the Moore's that night
due to what happened
to the power.
- The power?
- Yeah.
The electricity
in the whole town
went out the night
of the murders.
- True story.
That's how the Stillinger girls
ended up here.
She was found
in the center of the room.
Her underwear had been removed
and very bad things
had been done to her.
Let's go back to the foyer.
You guys excited
about Halloween?
We have a big event here
this year. Real moneymaker.
I think this is gonna be
our biggest year yet.
I'm gonna buy a paper doll
That I can call my own
A doll that other fellows
Cannot steal
And then the flirty
flirty guys
With their flirty
flirty eyes..
- You shouldn't be in here!
- Let go off me!
- Didn't you see the ropes?
Are you blind?
This room is off limits!
- Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
Hey, what's your problem?
- Did you touch anything?
- Are you serious?
Al... al... alright, look, guys,
the show's over.
Let's go, please.
- Okay, okay.
-That's the end of the tour.
Alright, let's go.
- Denny, the tour was
kind of lame.
You know, these things
are all hype anyways.
- No, we just didn't see
the whole thing.
We didn't see the bloody clothes
we didn't see
the Children's Day mask.
We didn't even get to go
in the cellar.
Which, apparently,
they take you down there
and, apparently,
it's fuckin' awesome.
Probably a shitload
of other stuff, too.
- Look, Denny, we can come back
some other time.
-Did you really just say that?
Why'd you jump the ropes?
-I heard something.
- Really?
- Yeah.
It was like the sound of an old
record player or something.
-Are you fucking with me?
That sounds awesome.
Yeah, well, then grandma death
popped out
and scared the shit out of me,
- She gave you like lazy eyes.
- It was fuckin' scary, man.
- Yeah. Well, I guess we should
get back to Maryville.
Finish packing.
Well, maybe we could
take our own tour.
Later tonight?
- Yeah, we can fucking break in.
I mean, I didn't see any
alarm system. Did you?
- No.
- It's not that hard.
My friends and I used to break
into empty houses
and have parties all the time.
- Really?
- Yeah.
Most places are pretty easy
to break into.
And I bet these two fucking whackos
aren't coming back here tonight.
I mean, where would they sleep,
with the mannequins?
- I mean, it is kind of the tour
you always wanted, Denny.
- Now we'll just have to wait
until it gets dark.
-Well, holy shit.
Ladies first.
Okay, follow me.
- Oh, shit.
- Oh, gosh. Watch out.
- I'm going upstairs.
- Okay.
- Weird.
- "I survived the Villisca Axe
Murder House." Hm-hm.
- How do they come up
with this shit?
-Oh, thanks.
-And to the Republic
for which it stands
one nation under God.
- You know, they added that
part in 1954.
-Which part?
- "Under God."
- Oh. And who were we under
before that?
-I don't know.
Maybe we should ask the Moores.
Oh. Geez!
- Oh, be careful.
- I will.
- You alright?
Hey, let's take a picture.
Come on.
Come on.
- It's bright.
- Yeah.
- Let me see.
- No.
Um, I, I wanna mess
with it first.
-What are you doing?
- I'm gonna post it
to Instagram. Alright?
- Hi, Denny.
- What's up, man?
- What are you guys doing?
You coming upstairs?
Come on.
- Shit.
- Goddamn, you are a pussy.
-What are you talkin' about?
- What the fuck
are you talking about?
- I heard Shelly...
- Oh, fuck Shelly!
- She said your dick
was so small
that she had to suck it
with a straw.
Yeah, to suck the cum all
off fuckin' every.. Oh, my God.
- What, what?
- Are you sure this is pot?
- It's top quality.
I got it from Shelly.
Cherry flavor.
Oh, shit.
No way.
-Jess, she uploaded a pic.
-Oh, yeah? What kind of pic?
Kind of like one of those
videos I put up.. Oh, shit!
She's with Caleb.
They're at that house
in Villisca.
- What, she's on a ghost tour?
Sad, man.
-You wanna go check it out?
-Not really.
-Shut up.
-Ow! Fuck!
- You got unfinished business
with that piece of shit.
- Hey, all you freakers
out there.
I'm Denny Shea
inside the world-famous
Villisca Axe Murder House
into the possibility
of, yeah, ghosts.
Of course, I'm joined
by Maryville Paranormal
Institute co-founder
Caleb Hirsche
and our newest... friend.
As you can see,
Jess is extremely overwhelmed
by the intense spectral energies
flowing through this house.
Let's cut to the chase.
Dowsing rods, candles
everything you might need
to light this place up.
Notice the concentration,
intensity on her
beautiful young face.
She wants to know
what we all do.
Where are the children?
You should ask something.
Come on.
Ghost people..
You wanna pull my finger?
- Dude, it's supposed
to be serious.
-No, it's supposed to be fun.
- Oh..
Okay, let me try. Okay.
- You ask it
a yes or no question.
For these to work, you have
to hold these very still.
- I'm trying.
- I know. So get it right.
Let's try to talk to..
Lena, my name's Jessica.
Don't be afraid.
We know something really bad
happened to you here
but we're not gonna hurt you.
Are you there?
How much did you pay for these?
- The rods are fine.
You're doing it wrong.
- No, I'm not.
- Don't blame her because your
little ghost toys are broken.
- Fuck you.
- Fuck you.
- Okay, you just...
- You stay out of it, okay?
You're not even supposed
to be here tonight.
-Sorry, I crashed your date.
-Fuck you.
At least I know
how to keep my pants on.
- Excuse me?
- Denny. Enough.
Why are you being so protective
of sticky fingers over here?
Was your bullshit video
so special?
Yeah, even the homos
of Maryville
know all about your sad,
tragic story.
-Fuckin' asshole!
I haven't even told my parents.
- Are you worried about what
your parents think?
- Of course.
- Mine are dead.
Diesel jack-knifed on I-80,
hit us in the back.
Car flipped over,
caught on fire.
My mom had to push me
out the back window.
Lucky fucking me.
- Yeah, she gets the story,
Denny. We get the story.
Your parents are fuckin' dead.
- It wasn't your fault.
- Shut up.
-Denny! Open the door, please.
-What the fuck happened, man?
He got all fucked up, man.
-He made you go with him.
- Shut up, Denny.
-You gotta listen to me.
-Get up!
- Your dad was messed up.
-Shut the fuck up, Denny!
You think you know anything
about my fuckin' dad
you're fuckin' clueless!
He was..
This is bullshit.
Fuck, it's the owners! Get up!
-Shit, what is that?
-It's a mannequin.
-Shit.. Ah!
- Pull it out! Connor,
pull it out, pull it out.
- I'm sorry! I'm sorry, man!
You okay?
- Pull it out.
Connor, pull it out!
- Okay. Okay.
Okay, okay, I'm sorry!
-Denny, come here.
Is that Connor's car?
-What is he doing here?
- You must give them
what they want.
- Yes.
I'll do anything.
- Good.
-I'm so sick of that asshole.
You comin'?
-Dude, just hang here a sec.
-I'm sorry I slapped you.
-What was that?
I gotta go.
- Wait.
- You stay here.
- Conner!
- Fuck you.
- Open the fucking
register, now!
- Alright, dad, just be
careful with the...
-Shut up!
-Oh, fuck.
- You guys gotta leave.
-Put it down!
-Wait. I know you.
Is this a fucking joke?
- The new girl!
The new girl from Chicago!
- "Lena, I will be
your shepherd always.
Reverend Kelly."
- Denny?
I'm gonna buy a paper doll
That I can call my own
A doll that other
fellows cannot steal
And then the flirty
flirty guys
With their flirty
flirty eyes..
- There you are.
What happened?
-Did you find anyone?
- What're you doing
with that machete?
You gonna kill 'em?
- I'm sick of you
following me around
like a lost little puppy.
You need to find a new reason
to get out of bed
in the morning, Denny.
'Cause I'm done with you.
-Well... what?
- I get it.
You're into me.
-You're fuckin' retarded.
-No, I don't think so.
- I've known you
for six years, Caleb.
Have I ever done
anything to you?
Not when you're d... drunk
or lonely
or when the cops
come to my house
and I lied to them and told
them you were there all night?
I'm out of here.
- He was just like you.
-But everybody lies.
Nothing is safe.
You promise?
-Caleb? Jess?
Jess, what the fuck?
We gotta go.
- Come here.
- Connor's inside the house.
- Shh.
- We gotta find Caleb..
What are you doing? Don't'...
-No. It's better to stay here.
- What...
- It's safe.
- Jess, please.
- Shh.
- No.
- Ah!
- Uh!
-You can pretend I'm him. Hm?
Help me, Denny! I'm burning!
You must miss him
terribly, don't you?
Don't you see, Dennis?
We're only trying to help you.
We can take you to her, Dennis!
Come on, Dennis!
Let us take you to her, Dennis!
-Uh. Oh, shit.
-Hey, hey. Hey. Hey, hey!
W... where you going
in such a hurry?
- I don't know.. Jess is...
- Shh.
You're all shaken up.
Are you okay?
Hey, Denny,
I've been meaning to tell you.
You know, I never
did get a chance to thank you
for what you did for me.
-You know, I'd be in prison
if it wasn't for you, right?
Hey. Hey, hey, hey.
- No, man. It's okay.
We gotta go. It's not..
That's not important right now.
It'll be okay.
Everything's gonna be okay.
-What are you..
-You're an excellent kisser.
Every time I saw you at school..
I imagined..
Bashing your face in
with a hammer.
-Why did you hate me so much?
-Because you exist.
-Make it stop! Make it stop!
I'm gonna buy a paper doll
That I can call my own
A doll that other fellows
cannot steal
And then the flirty
flirty guys with their..
-Oh. Well, look at you.
All cleaned up
after today's festivities.
I brought you a sweet.
Dad? Dad?
-It's good to see you.
- Dennis.
- Take this.
This is in you!
This is who you are!
You must accept it.
- Dad! Just do
what he fuckin' says, Matt!
No! No, stop!
- This is, this is who you are.
-No! Stop!
-It's time, Caleb.
- Son.
-Yes, it's me.
There will be beauty here now..
Because of you.
Your father..
Would be so proud.
-I've missed you so much.
- And I've missed you,
too, Dennis.
We can be together again.
You know how.
You've thought of it before.
Do it.
Do it.
Do it, Dennis.
- No!
No! No! No!
No! No! No!
No! No! No!
Oh, what's happening to me?
-Everything here is a lie.
-Stop, Ina!
- This place twists you.
It changes you.
It feeds our insanity..
Our tragedy..
And regret.
- The Lord
has delivered you unto me
and I will take
thine head from thee!
- Jess. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Jess.
- It was all my doing!
My darkness! My dirtiness!
Agh! Kill me!
Do it now!
Agh! Kill me!
We're trapped here
because you refuse
to see the truth.
-Lies! Lies!
I am dirty! Dirty and broken!
- You are not the one
who did this to me.
-Come here. Jess, don't.
Come on. I'm right here.
Look at me, come here!
Come here!
Jess! Look in my eyes.
Jess! Look at me. Come here.
Come here! Jess! Jess!
You look in my eyes.
Look in my eyes right now.
Look in my eyes. Come on.
Look at me. Look at me, Jess!
Come on. Come on.
There you go. There you go.
Look at me. Look at me.
There you go.
I'm right here. I'm right here.
There you go. I'm right here.
There you go.
Come on, there you go.
You're the Devil!
-Connor, don't! Connor!
-Stick it in, boy!
- No!
No! No!
-I was born before your Gods.
Living in the never-ending
of your sweet,
black... misery!
-Uh-uh, ah!
-When are you coming to bed?
- Now just close your eyes, Ina.
- It's time for us to leave.
-I'm sorry.
-Oh, fuck, okay.
- Okay. We gotta go. -Hey, listen
listen to me, listen to me.
-Come on, we gotta go.
- Listen, you guys
were never here.
- What do mean?
- You gotta go.
- No, man. -No, we're not
leaving you, Caleb.
- They need a reason not
to come looking for all of us.
- Caleb.
- Come on, Denny.
- Caleb, come on.
- Just help me.
- Come on.
- Come on, Jess. Let's go.
- There's nothing here.
There's nothing here!