The Basement (2018)

I'll do anything.
Please, don't.
I'll change.
I can change.
I promise, please don't.
We're out champagne.
Oh, no champagne?
What's a poor girl to do?
Get her brilliant,
sexy, amazing husband
to get it from the store?
Ah, the labor of love.
I'll see you in a bit.
Hey, how are you, love?
What's up, superstar?
CRAIG: Working maid, I see.
CRAIG: What is this insanity?
LAUREN: There's some
crazy people out there, huh?
Truer words, my friend.
Truer words.
What the fuck is going on?
Fuck, come on.
The fuck are you?
I'm Bailey the Clown.
Oh, don't be shy, Billy.
Hold this.
Well, that wasn't very nice.
Get away from me.
Billy, have you been smoking?
Have you?
Smoking can kill you and lead
to forest fires if
you're not careful.
What's that bear's name?
Ah, Yogi.
Yeah, yeah?
It's not it.
Well, never mind.
I'll think of it.
Time for a fun fact.
Whoo, what?
I fucking hate that one!
I hate it!
Ah, here we go.
Dolphins are unable to smell.
Did you know that?
Well, they can't.
And there's a football
team named after them.
You know I'd like to have a
football team named after me?
What, are you a fan?
Did I not sign an
autograph or something?
What is this?
You mean you
don't recognize me?
Are you sure?
Well, I'm Bailey the Clown!
Yes, you've said that.
Everybody knows
Bailey the Clown.
Don't fucking touch me!
There will be no cursing
at this party, young man.
Time for another fun fact.
Ah, did you know that beavers
were once the size of bears?
I mean, that's a big beaver.
Kelly Owen, calling for you.
Should I tell her
you're all tied up?
All tied up.
Kelly Owen, 5038 Coral Canyon.
Well, that's not far from here.
That's right up the PCH.
If you so much as look
at her, I will fucking kill you!
Do you hear me?
I will kill you!
Language, Billy.
Watch your language.
You don't want me to have
to get out my bar of soap.
Why are you calling me Billy?
My name is not Billy.
BAILEY: And on with the show!
Why are you doing this?
What do you want from me?
Can I be honest with you?
Yes, please.
Sometimes, what you
see on the outside
is not what's on the inside.
Take me for example.
I smile all the time.
But on the inside,
I'm a very lost soul.
Well, I gotta go.
But please, like, follow
me on social media.
I am Bailey the Clown.
Ah, Smokey!
I knew I'll think of it!
POLICE: Police, open up!
Help, I'm here!
I'm here!
I'm in the basement!
Oh, thank god.
He's upstairs, he's upstairs.
POLICE: Freeze!
Do not move!
Show me your hands!
I can't move my hands.
I'm restrained.
Please, he's upstairs.
He's wearing a clown costume.
My name is Craig Owen, please.
Oh fuck.
Okay, okay, I'm
not going anywhere.
Turn it off.
Turn it off, now!
Turn what off?
The blowtorch, goddammit!
Turn it off!
God, how could you?
Look, man.
You've got the wrong guy.
My name is Craig Owen.
I'm a musician.
No, we got you now.
I guess seven wasn't your
lucky number, was it?
He's down here, I got him!
You have the right
to remain silent.
Anything you say could be used
against you in court of law.
You have the right
to get an attorney
and if you can't afford one,
the court will appoint you one.
Please, please.
I haven't done anything.
POLICE: What did you say?
I haven't done...
Give me a reason,
you low life scum.
There's a special place in
hell for people like you.
Oh god.
Fuck, this is totally insane.
Fuck, what's going on?
Fuck, I cannot.
Can you, please?
Baby, please, help me.
Baby, please.
Hey baby, it's me.
I'm just worried about you.
Give me a call, okay?
How you doing, Bill?
Don't make this difficult.
We know you did it.
Kelly Owen.
Sister, you must be
one sick twisted bitch
hanging around with
the likes of this guy.
CRAIG: Touch her...
And then what?
Hm, what the fuck
are you gonna do?
Hey, you wanna tell me where
you were last night, Billy boy?
CRAIG: My name is not Billy.
Where the fuck were you?
At the store.
I was on my way...
You paid Allison Perry a
little visit, didn't you?
No, I don't know...
Shut the fuck up!
There's seven people dead.
And we found Allison Perry
decapitated in Silver Lake.
But you knew that, all right.
Look, motherfucker!
Untie me right now!
Right now!
Right now!
Listen, please just untie me.
All right, I'll walk away.
This never happened.
Never happened.
Well, why didn't you say so?
Never happened.
The only thing is.
It did happen!
Now, I want you tell me that
you killed those seven people.
I want you to tell me
where those six bodies are.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know, I don't know.
I wonder.
How difficult would it
be to knock out a tooth?
Shut the fuck up.
I'm trying to concentrate.
You don't want this gun
to accidentally go off
in your mouth now, do you?
No, no no.
Huh, not that
difficult, really.
And you know, I
would think enamel
would be a lot harder than that.
But then again,
I'm not a dentist.
Look at that.
Two for one.
Today must be my lucky day.
See, the problem is
you spit those out
on my clean fucking floor.
Chew 'em.
Chew the fucking teeth.
Swallow them.
Do it or I'll knock the rest
of your goddamn teeth out.
Open up.
Let me see.
Good boy.
Did anything seem weird?
Was he talking with anyone?
No, not that I saw.
But, you know, we've
been pretty busy.
So nothing out
of the ordinary?
No, just paid and left.
Wait, Lauren, do you guys
have security cameras outside?
No, just inside.
Okay, thanks.
Money is no object.
How much do you want?
How much do you want?
You're not gonna be able to
buy your way outta this one.
A clown who cuts people's
head's off with a blowtorch.
Jesus, just when I saw it all.
So, how's this old thing
gonna play out, Bill?
You're Bill.
Oh, god.
You're Bill.
Oh, fuck.
You know, you confess
to the killings.
You tell us where these
other six bodies are,
make the DA takes
it easy on you.
Gives you life
instead of the needle.
Huh, what do you think?
Okay, okay.
They're in a storage
unit in Van Nuys.
You expect me to believe that?
CRAIG: It's true.
Okay, tough guy,
what's the address.
No, if you want to know
where the bodies are,
I'll take you there or no deal.
You drive a hard bargain.
Oh, fuck!
You bastard.
You fucking bastard.
So what was that address?
819, 819 Park Avenue.
Park Avenue?
Van Nuys is a shit hole.
There's no parks in Van Nuys.
You wanna tell me
those bodies are?
Because I would really hate
to have to pay your
wife a little visit.
That was loud, huh.
Last chance.
See you.
No, please.
Please, she has
nothing to do with it!
She has nothing to do with it!
It's been about
three hours now.
He went to the store
but he never came home
and his car is still
parked at the store.
24 hours?
24 hours, are you kidding me?
Something has happened
to my husband.
You're sorry?
You're sorry?
You're worthless,
that's what you are.
You're fucking worthless.
What the fuck
did you do to her?
I swear to god I'm
gonna fuck you so badly,
all you did is nothing.
This is nothing!
BILL: Oh, you're close.
CRAIG: Fucking!
Look how close you're
getting, brother.
Well, you motherfucker,
did that to me, huh?
You fucking do that to me?
I'll fuck your goddamn head off.
You're my bitch
now, you hear me?
You're my bitch now.
You know how long I've
been waiting for this day?
Guard told me you
were coming last week.
Welcome to San Quentin!
Fuck off.
I'm gonna run down
the basics for you.
You're ready to spend
22 hours a day in a cell
the size of a bathroom.
No privacy.
And don't worry about
bending over in the shower
'cause you're gonna be
fucked sooner or later.
And you're responsible
for buying your own
toothbrush, toothpaste.
The state does supply you with
a little green bar of soap.
It's kinda itchy but
you'll get used to it.
All right, don't trust anybody.
Your best friend today might
be your worst enemy tomorrow.
Hell, you could pretty
much get anything you want.
Drugs, cigarettes, decent food.
Just gotta pay for it.
Paid a pretty penny
for these babies.
What do you think?
Pretty neat.
Hey, come here.
What are you doing?
Listen, if you untie me,
I can get us outta here.
Oh, yeah?
I know a guy on the inside.
When we're out, I can get
you anything you need.
Anything you want.
But man, what's your name?
You don't know me,
but I know you?
And you knew my sister?
Mary Beth?
No, I don't know
any Mary Beth.
Today is her birthday.
I remember in her
seventh birthday,
we lived in this little
apartment in Bakersfield
and my mom's boyfriend came over
and they gotten into a fight
and he knocked her out cold.
But we ran in the bedroom
and Mary Beth and I
and we locked the door and
she was crying her eyes out.
And he kicked in the door
and I attacked him, right?
But I'm seven, man!
I'm seven, what can I do?
So he shoved me against the wall
and he tied up my hands and
feet with a telephone cord.
And I remember Mary Beth
had on the rainbow underwear
that she got for Christmas.
And he had his hand
around her little neck
while he violated her.
I screamed and I screamed.
When he was done, he
pulled up his pants
and he came over to me.
Carved this cross into
my arm with a Buck knife
and he said Jesus
Christ died for your sin
and then he walked away.
A little while later,
I got it tattooed,
I guess as a reminder.
I ran into him a few years ago.
He's no longer with us.
Mary Beth, she was not
not really the same, man.
She got fucked up
with drugs and shit
but she would
visit me every week
and bring me fresh
baked cookies.
It was my favorite
part of the week.
That was until a month ago.
When they found her.
She's in a better place now.
She's my angel and I would
do anything for my sister.
While I can't pretend to know
what you and your
sister went through,
my wife was in foster care.
It was awful.
She was with one of the families
that just keeps the
kids for the money.
They'd lock her in a closet.
When they went out at
night and when they came back,
my wife would pass out drunk.
And her father would molest her.
She still has nightmares
about hearing the sound of him
unbuckling his belt as he
walked towards her door.
Fucking liar!
Don't you fucking lie!
Don't fucking lie!
No, really.
BILL: You're fucking lying!
Really, I'm not!
Take it back right now.
Okay, okay, I take it back.
I take it back.
What are you doing?
No, no.
BILL: Yes.
No, please!
Please, no.
Not my left hand.
Please, not my left hand.
Not my left hand!
Oh, fuck!
Now, why'd you do it?
Why'd you do it?
Please, I don't
know what to say.
I don't know what to say.
No, you cunt!
- You fucking cunt!
- This one.
This one's just for luck.
Fuck, man!
Look what you did.
The guards are coming.
Ah, fuck! You know what?
I'm not done with you yet.
Okay, I'm not finished.
I'm gonna see you.
I'm gonna see you again.
I didn't know
who else to call.
Kelly, we're best friends.
Who else would you call?
KELLY: Thanks.
So, were you guys
fighting or something?
No, as a matter of fact,
we just had great sex.
He always answers his phone.
Maybe his phone died
and he ran into a friend.
He'd find a way to call.
Oh, Jesus H. Christ.
Oh, lord.
Barbarians, I see.
Oh, god.
Who did this to you?
Now, there it is.
That's okay, I'm sorry.
Do you have any allergies?
Your vitals look good.
Everything seems
to check out there.
Okay, now, look, Bill, I'm
here to help you, okay?
So I'm gonna need you to stay
calm so I can sew up the wound
and stop the and
stop the bleeding.
Oh, there it is.
Oh, lord.
Now, normally, I'll be
able to sew this back on
but do you see the gray
around the edges there?
Basically, that means it's dead.
There's no gray.
Doc, there's no gray.
Doc, there's no gray,
you can sew them back on.
Please, you can
sew them back on.
Please, you can...
This is gonna hurt a bit.
It will hurt.
We slide it out.
There it is.
Please, that's
my wedding ring.
Now, for future reference,
any severed limbs,
you gonna wanna stick
them in a glass of milk
or bag of ice.
Okay, that keeps it fresh
and increase the chances
that they can be sewed on later.
You know, most of the
times after surgery,
they work pretty well.
I don't know if you remember.
A few years back,
there's a fellow
who got his penis cut off,
well, he stuck it in a glass
milk, they sewed it back on,
I heard he shot a porno with it.
There we go.
Oh, I know, I know, it's
gonna sting like crazy.
Stop, stop.
It will keep it
from getting infected.
There we go.
Everything is set.
Don't, please.
Please, I have to
go to the hospital.
The hospital.
CRAIG: Please.
Now, you don't need to
go to the hospital, silly.
No, you can't do this.
Please, I have to
go to the hospital.
Please, I have to
go to the hospital.
It is funny that
you mention hospital though.
When I was a kid,
we would always go
straight to the emergency
room for everything.
And I remember this one time
in the emergency room,
there's a gentleman who
came in who lost his foot
in a lawnmower accident.
Now, apparently, he was
mowing down the hill,
wet grass, slipped, his
foot went right on mower,
cut it clean off.
When they came in, they
had wrapped his stub
in a green towel and
they duct taped it all up
to hold it on there.
You know, there's
a lesson there.
You always gotta be careful
when you're cutting the grass.
You know, come to think of it,
that's the last
time I saw my mama.
I was 12.
And while we were waiting,
she snuck in the back
and tried to steal
some painkillers.
They arrested her
and me and my sister
ended up in foster home.
We eventually got adopted out
to two different families.
Split up.
Well, you know, whatever.
You cannot let your
past define you.
Please, Doc.
You took it out.
You took it out to help people.
I know right now it seems
bad but in six months,
you're not even gonna miss
these little old fingers.
I'm a fucking guitar player.
Well, that is a setback.
But here's the fun fact for you.
Did you know Jerry Garcia?
Do you know who he is?
The fellow they name
that ice cream after.
Well, he was missing
2/3 of his middle finger
and just look at all
the things he did.
All right, we're
just about there.
One more good one ought to do.
That's good, that's real good.
Just cut this.
Good as new.
All right now, I'm gonna leave
work with the prison nurses.
Have them change that on a daily
but I'm gonna need you to
keep it clean, Bill, okay?
Try to keep the heart above
the heart as much as you can.
Fuck you!
It's natural to lash out.
That'll be it.
There we go.
This is my card.
Now, when you get out,
I want you to call me
and I'm gonna take you to lunch.
Get you started
on the right foot.
All right, Bill.
I have to go to the hospital.
I have to go.
I have to go.
Bill, remember, keep
that hand above the heart
as much as you can.
All right.
You don't think
he relapsed, do you?
He's cheating on me.
Are you sure?
KELLY: Yeah.
Well, how do you know?
A girl knows.
Do you know with who?
No, but maybe he's with her.
I'm sure he's
not, I mean I'm...
God, I can't believe
he's cheating on you.
What the fuck?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, yeah.
I hear you.
I hear you.
But the thing is it's
a feria, you know.
And it's a small scratch.
It's really not that big a
deal and I don't see why
it's taking so long.
Right, I know but I
need it by the weekend
because we're going to the
summer house next week.
I'm with him.
Right, okay, okay.
Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh.
Look, I gotta go.
All right then.
I'll talk to you later.
How are you holding up, Bill?
I'm never better.
Listen, I've been at the
governor's office all afternoon.
There are people
outside picking it.
Okay, they're calling your name.
They're chanting Bill,
Bill, Bill!
It's fucking beautiful.
But here's the bad news.
I've done everything I can do.
I've filed every motion,
gone down every legal avenue.
You know, it's the governor.
She's not gonna sign
a stay of execution
in a goddamn election year.
So I guess you don't
need me to tell me this
but that doesn't give
you a lot of time.
We're scheduled for 6:00 a.m.
What about my insanity plea.
I thought that was how you
are going to get me off.
Well, they came
down on the side
of personal responsibility.
But I'm insane.
Clearly, I'm insane.
Well, they don't think so.
Well, what do you think?
Well, you know, that's not
really for me to decide.
You know, it gets me so angry.
We live in a modern
society in so many ways
but we are still embracing this
archaic eye for an eye system
when we should be
rehabilitating people.
Look, I'm gonna
need to tell them
what you want for
your last meal.
Bill, listen to me.
Look, I had a terrible
time growing up.
My parents were both
strict and indifferent.
I was a poor student.
I had trouble connecting
with my peers.
I barely made my
way through school.
But there's one teacher
who took some time with me.
Showed me a few
chords on the guitar.
And I found this
solace in music.
Gave me a sense of purpose.
And some mates and I
started playing some shows
and got the attention of the
producer and the record label.
And everything
happened so quickly.
Barely had time to think.
I was riding so high on
warmth and adoration.
Then after some
years, things changed.
And the songs didn't
come as easy anymore.
And we've carried on but
it hasn't been the same.
Everything I've ever
known was falling away.
I've realized I don't
even know who I am
because I've never really
taken the time to find out.
Fumbling along in a haze.
Grasping for bits of happiness
and clarity along the way.
I know what's it
like to feel lost.
I do.
I hear you and I see you.
I understand your trouble.
Bill, I'm sorry.
Please, Bill.
I'm not perfect
but I'm a good man.
Please, you don't
have to do this.
Please, Bill, I'm a human being.
Please, don't do this.
Not like this.
So, can I put you
down for a cheeseburger?
I want a 20-pound
slow roasted turkey.
It's gotta be
something simple.
Like a pizza or cheeseburger.
Well, it's my last meal.
I should be able to
have what I want.
Pizza or a cheeseburger?
Crust, crispy.
That's a really good choice.
I woulda went with a pizza too.
There's nothing
like a good pizza.
Bill, I don't wanna give
you any false hope here.
Okay, but there's always
a chance that the governor
could change her
mind the last minute.
It's uncommon but it happens.
BIANCA: Has he ever
cheated on you before?
Not since we've been married.
I mean not that I know of.
Just wondering if he's
just fucking the bitch
or of he loves her.
What are you gonna do?
What do you
think I'm gonna do?
I'm gonna run the
bitch over with my car.
What would you do?
I mean you're amazing.
You deserve better.
I would leave him.
I think I like vehicular
manslaughter better.
Well, here we are, Son.
Yeah, I wasn't,
I wasn't gonna come here.
I always thought you would
amount to so much more.
You were my boy.
I'm still your boy, Dad.
Dad, you have to help
me get out of here.
It's gonna be a little hard
with this glass between us
and all these guards.
How could you do this?
How could you
disgrace the family?
You do know that you're
the reason I am like I am.
No, don't put that
fucking shit on me.
Every man makes his
choices in life.
CRAIG: They do that?
They do.
They do.
I never heard anybody that
didn't have it coming to him.
Was there some horrible
way that I wronged you
when I was four, hm?
Is that it?
'Cause you just had to leave
me with my drug addicted mother.
Well, your mother was
a batshit crazy whore,
I'll give you that.
Did you ever hear about
when Mary Beth was raped?
Well, after knocking Mom out,
her boyfriend broke
into our room.
Tied me up with a phone
cord and he raped Mary Beth.
She was wearing this
rainbow underwear
that she got for Christmas.
That poor little girl.
That poor sweet angel.
BILL: Look, you let
her get raped.
and you didn't do
a goddamn thing!
Please, I was only seven.
Dad, Dad, you've broken through.
Dad, there's no glass here.
Dad, please, you can help me.
Well, I guess I better
get on down the road.
Dad, please.
Please, you have to
help me, Dad, please.
I'll see you on
the other side.
No, Dad, please.
Dad, wait!
Please, Dad, come back!
Fuck, fuck, fuck,
fuck, fuck, fuck,
fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!
I know this is the
third time I've called.
Can you please just check again.
Yes, his name is Craig Owen.
Are you sure no one has
been admitted by that name?
Okay, thank you.
Hi, Mom.
This can't be happening.
Not to you, not
to my sweet Billy.
Not you.
I love you, Mom.
Are you okay, do
you need anything?
You know, I have some money
and I'll leave it here for you.
I'll leave it in your books
and you get like a snack
or a soda or something,
you know, before.
Thanks, Mom.
That would be lovely.
Do you have any water?
You know, I.
I carry this with me.
Do you remember?
Do you remember drawing this?
You were five.
Yeah, I do.
That's me, you and Mary Beth.
It always make me feel
like you're with me.
Oh, god, you.
Baby, can I smoke in here?
Sure, Mom.
Thank, god.
I'm trying to quit.
It's just, with everything.
It's been a bad month.
You know?
It's been a lot.
It's just been a lot.
Can I have some?
You know, I did
everything I did for you.
I did it for you
and your sister.
You know that, right?
I do.
I do, I really do.
I was just trying
to build a new life.
I just thought if we
could get out of the city,
maybe I don't know, go
back to Bakersfield.
You know, you're Uncle Ted.
If I could get a job,
save a little money,
we could get a like
a little house.
Would that have been great?
Yeah, it would.
You know that I
tried to get you back
after they took
you away from me.
You know that, right?
I know, you did
the best you could.
You know, I forgive you.
I do.
Thank you, baby.
I have to go.
No, we still have some time.
I have to go.
Oh, oh, baby.
I'm gonna give this to the court
so they could give this to you
so that you could
have this for when...
You know for when.
You know, I just wish
that they would let me
hug you one more time.
Well, you can, Mom.
You can hug me, please.
Please, I've missed you so much.
Go on.
Mom, Mom, please.
Please, you have to help me.
Please, you have to
help me get out of here.
Please, Mama.
Please, they're doing
bad things to me here.
Please, they're hurting me.
Mama, please.
Mama, please, please.
Please, you have
to do something.
I have to go.
I'm gonna be praying for you.
You stay strong, sweetheart.
Okay, you're gonna be
in a better place soon.
Thanks, Mom.
Thank you.
Bye, baby.
Oh, fuck.
Just isn't like him.
I mean you know him
better than I do
but it just doesn't seem
like something he would do.
Let's just try calling
him from your phone.
You know, maybe he'll pick up.
Yeah, sure, okay.
I'm just curious.
Why is my husband's
contact in your phone?
Kelly, we're all friends.
I know, it just seems weird.
I can take it out if it
makes you uncomfortable.
It's fine.
Shut your mouth.
CRAIG: What?
Close it.
CRAIG: What?
I'm not gonna yell.
Whoa, sat on my baton.
Where's that pizza?
You know, I delivered
pizza in high school.
Wasn't bad, decent tips.
Every time they screwed up
an order, I'd get to eat it.
This one time, a lady
came to the door.
She invited me in.
I mean she's not hot or anything
but when you're in high
school, who cares, right?
Fuck it, I still don't.
Dammit, don't they know
we're short on time?
Listen to me.
If you like your cock and balls
where they are,
then that duct tape's
gonna stay on your face
until I get back down here.
You got it?
It's 19.44.
A little something
for the effort?
My wife and I, we
like to role play.
Do you wanna join us?
No, I'm good, man.
Figured you'd want a beer.
Gotta a couple in the
cooler in my truck.
I know I'd want one if I'm
sitting where you're sitting.
CRAIG: Aw, you
son of a bitch.
What was that?
Oh, that smells good.
Pepperoni, you know that's the
most popular pizza topping?
A little fun fact for you.
That crust doesn't
look very crispy.
Eat it.
Okay, I just I wanna go home.
Okay, it's just my job.
I heard about that prick who
cut your fingers off.
I'll tell you this, if
you ever get shanked,
I'd look the other way.
If you look the other
way, I'll shank you myself.
So the doc got you all sewed up.
Is that what you call that?
Yeah, he's good.
Fucking barbarian.
Well, better go now.
That's it?
BILL: Yeah.
You have some
interesting tattoo.
What does it mean?
It's a Gemini.
The twin.
Bianca, where were
you Thursday night?
Thursday night,
where were you?
I don't remember, I think
I went out with a friend,
Danielle, why?
Just curious.
That which does
rise will fall
Rise like the phoenix,
bring new civilizations
Make room for
new life to form
I've seen the western world
decline, it's been wasted
No hope, mankind must evolve
Creates more friction, a
kick start to the system
Weak are the
wise man's words
Far from design, we've
become the contradiction
The infrastructure is flawed
The beast, it's
got to be put down
If we will ever rise up
We've come too far,
still underground
Land of the free,
it's just costs more
Mark of the beast,
it is reborn
The cause for peace,
it brings forth war
You're seeking peace,
your utopian creation
But you fail to readjust
The going rate of debt,
you're left here to face it
No bail out, headed for bust
Far from design, we've
become the contradiction
The infrastructure is flawed
The beast, it's got to be put
down if we will ever rise up
We've come too far, still
underground and we've had enough
We've come to leave
and now it's gone
Land of the free,
it's just costs more
Mark of the beast,
it is reborn
The cause for peace,
it brings forth war
Far from design, we've
become the contradiction
The infrastructure is flawed
My son, I'm Father Fitzgerald.
I'm here for you.
If you'd like to
talk, we can talk
about anything you like.
God, football, politics.
You could do a confession.
Forgive me, Father,
for I have sinned.
It's been.
Well, I have no idea
how long it's been
since my last confession.
I accuse myself of
the following sins.
I've killed seven people.
I've tortured them
in unspeakable ways.
Was it sexual
in nature, my son?
It was, wasn't it?
For these sins and all
the sins of my past life,
I ask absolution
and penance from you, Father.
Are you sorry for your sins?
Would you like to be forgiven?
Yes, you too can be forgiven.
You can.
You're a good person, Bill.
You just got deal a bad hand.
I see you, Bill.
You can stop this.
Just untie me.
Let me go.
I will help you.
You can confess and be
absolved of your sins.
You can get free from
the devil's grasp.
I know you don't
want to do this.
I know that you
have heard me, Bill.
It's tough sometimes.
This job, you get emotional.
I'm sorry.
Would you like to take
communion, my son?
The body of Christ,
the bread of heaven.
The blood of Christ,
the cup of salvation.
May the body and blood
of our Lord Jesus Christ
keep you in eternal salvation.
Fuck you.
Fuck you and your god.
You nasty fuck.
And I forgive you, my son.
Our Father, who art in
heaven, hallowed be thy name,
thy kingdom come,
thy will be done
on Earth as it is in heaven.
Give us
our daily bread.
Forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those
who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
Don't do this.
Don't do this, please.
No, please.
Please, don't!
Please, Bill.
Please, I don't wanna die.
I don't wanna die, Bill.
I don't wanna die, I don't
wanna die, I don't want.
I want to live!
Please, I have to say
goodbye to my wife.
I have to leave a message!
Let me!
Let me, please!
Let me say goodbye, let me.
Please, let me.
My wife, I love you.
I love you, my wife.
My wife, I love you.
Kelly, I love you, baby,
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I love you.
No, wait!
Don't, no.
Don't do this, you
don't want to do this.
I know that you don't.
Please, don't do that, don't!
Don't do that!
Don't, don't, don't!
Oh, fuck!
No, no!
No, Bill.
Don't do it, Bill!
Fuck you, no!
Fucking terrible I have to be!
Fuck me!
No, please, no, don't!
No, stop it!
He went to the store and
I haven't seen him since.
He's not answering his phone.
Yes, I've called the police
but they won't do
anything for 24 hours.
Hang on, there's a police
officer at the door.
I'll call you back.
It's done.
Now, be a dear and take out
the trash on your way out.
You're a tough guy to find.
In for the cookies.
What have you been up to?
Oh, same old. You know.
How's the acting going?
Mm-hm, yeah, it's, um,
it's good.
Have you heard about
this Gemini killer?
Yeah, some, some, some.
How does it feel?
To cut someone's head
off with a blowtorch.
I don't know what
you're talking about.
Come on, carving the Gemini
sign into your victims,
wrapping their head in a
green towel with duct tape?
My twin brother is
a serial killer.
How many people can say that?
Sweetheart, it's me.
I'm not gonna tell anybody.
I do need you to do
something for me though.
I want you to kill my husband.
Why would I kill your husband?
Because he's fucking
my best friend.
Just get a divorce.
You can back to killing
random street people later.
They're not random.
I need you to do this for me.
For me.
Come on down
And stay with us
You can leave the
sketch up above
There's a stack of books
And an old TV
You can lose yourself in
the folds of a feather bed
There's no crime
And no fucking cannibals
The sun shines
In the dirty window pane
I don't claim
It's the only way
You live long enough
You're values need
to find the places
You can't see
Your way to me
You can trap a line
of music for a while
There's no crime
And no fucking cannibals
The sun shines
In the dirty window pane
Come on
So come on down
and stay with us
You can leave