The Bates Haunting (2012)

What's up?
This is Bam Margera.
You wanna see
something scary?
You wanna see something
really scary?
Check out The Bates Motel
and Haunted Hayride.
- Oh, Jesus!
- Gotcha.
Oh my God,
you scared me!
Not with your makeup on.
You kiss me with
your makeup on all the time.
Yeah, that's different.
Some broad got herself
fired earlier.
Maybe I can get you her job.
Working here's a scream.
This place is packed.
I had no idea there were
so many freaks in Gradyville.
I um, got you an early birthday
present for your big debut.
Oh, this is so pretty,
thank you.
It's supposed to bring you
long life and good luck.
It's bad luck to say, "good
luck" on opening night.
Listen, I gotta get going,
but be sure to get in line soon
so you can be the first to
catch my big performance.
Ladies and gentlemen!
Prepare to bear witness to
the virgin sacrifice!
Consume her!
Someone do something!
Please, someone help her!
Can't you do something?!
Been waiting 40 minutes
for my pizza!
I'd rather be on fire than be
in your stupid restaurant!
42 minutes for my pizza!
Been waiting 40 minutes
for my pizza!
40 minutes for my pizza!
You seem aggravated, too.
This is ridiculous.
I'm so hungry, I could have
Danny DeVito fart in my mouth
to fill me up.
Someone please help me!
Yeah, finally.
God dammit!
Oh, I am so sorry, sir!
Oh my god!
Are you serious with that?!
Looks like a
shit-covered Frisbee!
Those pepperonis look like
Samoan nipples!
I emphatically apologize, sir!
No charge!
You just gave me
a big pile of shit!
- No, no, no, sir!
- It's ridiculous!
You call yourself a cook?!
I will make... a new one for
Next Tuesday, maybe?
Yeah, I'll be ready for it.
Thank you for coming to
Goose King Pizzeria!
Just sit, sir!
Where the hell is Agnes?!
That's two in a row.
I think you're
in the wrong business.
Clyde, don't start.
You could always rob banks.
Too much planning.
Glock, Glock, motherfucker!
Aw, balls!
Dude, this gun is sketch.
You should definitely
stick to writing.
Yeah, too bad no one will
pay me to write.
I think that's why Hannah
left me.
Well... maybe you can write
coloring books,
so she can read them.
Might as well.
Nothing ever happens in
Gradyville worth writing about.
Well, you can't let
your environment
dictate your behavior.
Gotta man-up and
do what you're good at.
Oh, you're one to talk.
You haven't dated anyone or even
held a job since Lily died.
Seriously, Clyde?!
I'm sorry, I'm just saying,
you know...
What are you saying?!
Well, you need to recover a
little bit...
- Recover?
- Agnes?!
Ah, horse tits!
Why don't you
light that motherfucker?
Good to be fired.
- Whatever.
- I feel liberated, actually.
You're too good for that place,
Ah, wait for that.
All day long.
Uh, Clyde?
Look behind us.
Oh shit!
- Put it out, put it out!
- Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!
Get some fucking perfume or
fucking something, something!
- Oh, shit, shit, shit!
- Oh shit!
Shit, shit.
Ah! Ah!
This always happens
when you drive my car!
Please get out of the vehicle.
Come on!
Why aren't you at
Goose King Pizza?
That place was stupid anyway.
Did you lose your job?
Sorry if I'm not gonna be
the regional manager
of some lame-ass pizzeria
for the rest of my life.
Dammit, Agnes!
That was the last place
in Gradyville
where you could work!
If you were anyone else,
you'd be in handcuffs
right now!
Clear your head!
Take Clyde home!
When I get off work...
we are gonna discuss
this further.
Bye, Mr. R!
Shut up, Clyde!
That was close.
Shouldn't you be in bed
by now?
We need to have
a family discussion.
I think it's time we try
something different.
What are you talking about?
- I spoke with the Bates today.
- What?!
The Bates Hotel and Haunted
Hayride opens this weekend.
Despite your track record
around town,
they've agreed to
give you a job.
As a favor to me.
That's crazy!
Father Larsen calls it,
"exposure therapy."
Perhaps by being in
direct contact with the thing
you're most afraid of...
I'm not afraid of that place!
I don't have
nightmares anymore.
Honey... I hear you cry
in your room at night.
And I'm pretty sure it's not
because of the lady-cramps.
Ew, Dad!
You wanna try to talk to me
about my period?!
I've been thinking about
and I'll match whatever it is
the Bates pay you.
It'll help you get back
on your feet.
Am I the only one
that cares about Lily's death?
Of course not!
It's just that...
You're the only one
that hasn't moved on.
I'm not working at
the Bates Motel.
Well, since you dropped
outta school...
you don't have very many
options here.
Come find me.
Lily, where are you?
Help me.
Where are you?
Come find me, Agnes.
- Hi Delores!
- Good day, officer, Rickover!
This must be Agnes.
She's a little spooked
about being here.
She's uh...
thinks the place is haunted.
Aw, it is haunted!
We take that as
a compliment around here.
I'm Andrew.
This is my boy, Junior.
your uh... father says that
you'll make a good employee.
Where are your shoes?
No, I like to...
stay connected to the farm.
Any other psychotic quirks I
should know about?
Okay, Agnes.
Lily Hansen
was her best friend.
Oh Agnes, I'm sorry.
I assure you, what happened
was an accident.
And safety regulations have
improved all over the farm.
The operator of that machine
was put behind bars.
We're really not as scary
as our name is.
Yeah, I'm uh...
pretty far from Norman Bates.
Could even call me uh...
Normal Bates?
How's that going for you?
Why don't you let Junior here
show you around the farm?
Yeah, the Halloween season is
Junior's time to shine.
We're real proud of him
around here.
I'll pick you up after
your shift is over.
Hey we'll see you around,
hey Dan?
Sure thing, Andrew.
thanks again for this.
- Sure.
- Our pleasure.
All right, Agnes, let's uh...
show you around.
Right here is where
the haunted hayride begins.
It's where I got my start.
Poppa made me work
my way up to manager.
Look, Junior, no offense,
but the less of this place
I have to deal with, the
I'd like it if you just
showed me what I have to do.
You're gonna work here,
you're gonna have to answer
questions customers may have
about the farm.
You know, we're not really
a motel.
But every once in awhile,
someone will call and
make a reservation.
This is the uh...
prop and costume shed.
Basically, where the a...
Guys, come on!
- Oh god...
- Ben?
What did I tell you two about
the S-E-X stuff?!
I mean, look, we're sorry!
Okay, and...
What the hell is she
doing here?!
- She works here now!
- Great!
Glad to see that
you've moved on, Ben.
And Hannah...
I'll be sure to tell Clyde
you said, "hi."
Hey, hey!
You look good.
Will I be working anywhere
near this cretin?
Bye-bye, Ben.
Whatever, man.
You're on thin ice, Mr. O'Neil!
Thin ice.
Sometimes... you know,
I just come back here to...
just look at it all.
Just try to...
take my lunch breaks
back here.
Call down.
Exceptionally, creepy
wooded area.
Thanks for bringing
me here, Junior.
Well, I have to show you
the grounds,
so that you know what
you're working with.
Junior, do you
have a girlfriend?
So do you like being scared?
Does anyone like being
Some people do.
Effing A, man, chill!
How was my delivery?
Eh... well-timed.
However, when you say,
"die witch,"
it may sound like,
"die b-word,"
to some of the
older customers.
So maybe just stick to, "die."
Do I have to wear this
stupid mask?
How am I gonna
get recognized
if people can't even
see my face?
Uh... I think it's better to play
with the guests imagination,
and have the mystery of who's
under the mask scare them.
Fuck my life.
How did I do boss?
That's the Zeke Patroklos.
He's a farm hand.
We call him "Zeke the Geek."
Sometimes I just tell people
I work with retarded children.
It's not a total lie and
it looks great on resumes.
Wayne, it's offensive!
I like to think Mr. Petroklos
brings authenticity to his role.
Yeah, reminds me of a turtle
I once had.
Let's move on.
You hear that?
Hear what?
- Sounded like a little acorn dropped.
- Hey Junior, it's working!
This here's Akimbo Tonaka.
His grandfather
was a kamikaze pilot
in World War II.
He bombed Pearl Harbor.
Think about that.
You the new girl?
Agnes Rickover.
You an actor?
- She'll be working merch.
- Oh.
Well I'm the electrician
and animatronics guy.
And I'm starring in this scene.
You worked on the machine
that killed Lily Hansen.
Yeah, I guess so, but...
that was a gas problem,
that's Oktay's department.
Yeah, there's nothing to worry
about, Miss Rickover.
Akimbo's a licensed electrician.
I completely vouch for him.
We have the highest
of safety standards.
Yeah, I'm good at what I do.
You going to the uh,
employee bonfire tonight?
The night before opening day,
all the employees get together
and we bless this land
with beer, food and music.
You gotta come.
It's such a barbaric tradition
my father started.
I disapprove,
it's strictly optional.
It would be a good chance
to get to know
some of the employees better.
And uh, you can bring your
boyfriend, too, if you want.
I don't have a boyfriend.
All right, come on.
We got a lot to see.
Hey Agnes, you made it!
Ready to get fucked up!
Who's your... friend?
Yeah, who's your friend?
Oh, this is Clyde.
He has writers block.
Are you two...
- No.
- No.
Oh good, I'm Wayne.
Clyde Abelson.
Wanna hot dog?
Ah, I'm good, thank you.
Oh, are you now?
Why don't we take a seat
by the fire.
My friend Sean's playing
We'll uh, we'll be there
in a second, Akimbo.
I, uh, wanna show Clyde
around the farm a little bit.
This farm's the closest thing
he's ever had to a girlfriend.
Oh, so that's why the sheep
looked so happy.
See you later, Clyde.
Oh, great party Agnes!
Thanks for bringing me.
I need you to be
my lookout man.
I have to get a closer look at
the dragon that killed Lily.
Oh come on, I thought
we came here so that
we could rip on Hannah's fake
tits and then go watch
that DVD I ordered,
"Street Magic Gone Wrong."
There'll be plenty of time
for that later.
Come on.
Did you see, uh...
that fucking Cal
thinks he's Gallagher.
Hey babe, do you wanna
be alone for a bit?
What are you talking about?
I'm not even drunk yet.
Come on baby,
just for a little bit.
Okay, let's go.
They moved the dragon.
Yeah, I know.
Oh, are you okay?
We didn't have to do this!
No, I have to.
It's the only way I'll know
for sure if it was an accident
or not.
Stay alert!
Geez, chill!
I didn't even hit it yet.
I have to pee.
I'll be right back, okay?
Here we go...
Is that Wayne
holding his hot dog?
I don't know.
Or is that Wayne's burning log?
- Oh my god!
- You okay?
There's a beer bottle
falling all over the place.
Get this off.
I don't care, just take it off.
Ah baby.
Oh baby.
Hello, sneaky.
Did you hear something?
Don't say anything.
No, no, Ben.
I could've sworn I heard
something in the corn bushes.
They're not bushes,
they're stalks.
Get the fuck off!
Get the fuck back!
- Agnes, Agnes!
- What?!
What the hell is going on?!
Stop that!
This fucking guy's
covered in blood!
Little Hannah pieces...
What's that supposed
to mean?!
- Clyde?
- What?!
Look at this.
Whoa! Whoa, what's...
Hey, hey!
What's going on?!
It was this fucking guy
right here!
Hey you, you calm down!
I didn't do anything, Akimbo.
I swear.
Yeah right.
What were you doing?
Whacking it
in the fucking bushes?!
- Hey!
- Stalks!
All right, everyone!
Akimbo, call 911.
I have to go get my parents.
Control your friend!
Come on.
Are you okay?
I've been better.
The official statement
we gave the press
is that this was an accident.
An accident?
Mr. Patroklos will be taken in
for questioning.
We have due process.
How can a tractor
accidentally start up
and run over two people?
Until we know
exactly what happened,
we're calling this an accident.
With all due respect,
Mr. Rickover.
That's complete bullshit.
Clyde, calm down.
Why don't you go home
and try to get some rest
for work tomorrow.
Aren't you shutting the haunt
down for an investigation?
It's opening day!
We can't do that to the town!
Besides, this incident occurred
off haunt grounds
during non-business hours.
Zeke is also the only one
strong enough to turn the valve
on the propane tank
that killed Lily.
That's three murders.
This is a police matter now.
We have it under control.
Agnes, sometimes...
Sometimes bad things happen.
It's tragic.
But it's a part of life.
I'm sorry.
Take her home.
Yes, sir.
Do you really think this is
connected to Lily?
If it is, we have to find out.
Welcome back to
Mickey and Spuds!
Comin' atcha live
from West Camden!
Only on 98.6...
and you know what
that means, Mickey?
It means that the Bates Motel
and Haunted Hayride
is open for business!
And you're gonna
get your freak on!
Hey, Spud... Spuds.
Wasn't there a girl
killed there last year?
Something about... something
about a wall of fire...
Allegedly, there was a death...
burned... burned to death.
Burned to Death" was
the headline I remembered.
Come and get your tickets!
Get yourself some brews!
Get yourself some
pumpkin patch!
And go out and get scared!
Fun for the whole family.
We'll see you guys there.
Nice hat!
Guys love me in this hat.
I bet.
Did you have fun?
Those Bates put on
a hell of a show.
You're not gonna check out
the hayride?
No, I'm not in the mood.
Are you...
are you holding up okay?
It's the one year anniversary
of my best friend's death.
And last night, I saw
my ex-boyfriend
chopped into pieces.
And my dad thinks
I'm crazy, so...
Yeah, I'm doing great.
I'm gonna slit your little face!
Sorry, I love to scare people.
Haunt's still open for
another 15 minutes.
No way, man.
Aw, come on.
I saw you checking out
the dragon.
See, so I know you're curious.
You know, you're not
the only one
who was devastated by
Lily's death.
I know it's just a "seasonal
but everyone who
worked here is my family.
The farm is all I have.
We could've lost everything.
Sorry, Junior.
Yeah, when did being sorry
ever bring someone back
from the dead?
I'm just, I'm just kidding.
Come on,
let's go have some fun.
Come on!
- Hey!
- Aw!
Oh, I'm sorry Wayne!
I'm a little on edge!
You shouldn't have scared her
like that!
Hello, amateurs!
It's my fucking job!
Sorry about him.
We like to scare people
we know a little... extra.
I have to get him taken care of.
I'll be right back.
You're all going to die!
Did you hear about
that naked couple
that died here last night?
I heard it was the ghost
of Lily Hansen.
You mean that bitch that was
barbecued here last fall?
Yeah, this place has been
cursed since she died.
Yeah, we heard that, too.
That's why we came.
- What's wrong?
- Nothing!
I'm fine.
Whoa, check that shit out!
What is he doing in this scene?
Aw, geez!
He's supposed to be off
for the rest of the night.
Hey, move!
We can't see!
Oh my god, that blade is real!
Will you shut up?!
We paid full price for this!
You're blocking our view!
Yeah, move your ass!
He's really being cut up!
Sit down, you idiot!
It's fake!
Junior, what is that?!
It's okay.
Junior, look!
Junior, I need to
get off the wagon.
I have to go check on Wayne.
Don't let Wayne's acting
fool you.
His mouth was taped up.
Why would Wayne do that?
He loves to be heard.
It's probably just some choice
he made as an actor.
Agnes, don't!
That's dangerous!
Oh my god,
I'm so glad she's gone.
Yeah, what a nut job.
Can you believe
she kicked that guy?
I work here...
I'm a little lost.
Do you think you could tell me
where the saw mill is?
Where's Wayne?!
I don't know, why?
I just saw him here!
Are you sure?
I saw you cutting him up
on the table
and he looked hurt!
I'm just coming off break.
Someone else was working
the station.
We saw someone here
with a scarecrow mask on.
Maybe you're just
seeing things.
What's that supposed
to mean?
No, I saw it, too.
Can't you call Wayne's
cell phone or something?
There's no reception here.
Pickup wagon's coming in.
The woods are done.
All right, you're dismissed.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Some shit happened tonight.
I think I saw W...
Put that mask back!
You got exactly five seconds
to get off my property!
I work here!
I, uh, lost an earring
I'm gonna go home now...
Why aren't we opening?
Junior hasn't shown up yet.
Have you heard from Wayne?
If it makes you feel any better,
I talked to my dad this morning
and he said Zeke was
sound asleep in his cell
last night,
so it couldn't have been...
Zeke is my friend. So no, it
doesn't make me feel any better!
Maybe it was
your friend, Clyde!
You ever think of that?!
He's the one writing those
dark-ass novels,
he didn't like Wayne
hitting on him at the bonfire.
Besides, Ben did dump you.
You work on every
single machine here.
Lemme know if you need some
work when your car breaks.
Love to help out.
Sorry, everyone!
Sorry, everyone!
Everyone listen up!
Has anyone seen
Wayne Jacobs?
If anyone
sees or hears anything,
will you please let me know?
This is...
Look, I just wanna give you my
- Clyde!
- If you think of anything else
Just... give me a call,
all right?
What are you doing here?
Any news on Wayne?
No, but I had a nice encounter
with Andrew Bates last night.
Him and his rifle caught me
looking around after work.
Ooh, not ideal.
Looks like Junior didn't get
any sleep last night, either.
Probably out looking
for Wayne.
I bet he knows something's up.
What the fuck's up
with that guy?
He's mad you told the police
Zeke was the killer.
Tough tits.
What was I supposed to say?
I'd watch it.
If someone was helping Zeke,
it would be Akimbo.
Yeah, well I found out some
information down here.
Oktay Urissi, dragon operator
who was put away
for Lily's death, was released
from jail two days ago.
He was released the day
that Ben and Hannah died.
Yeah, he's probably getting
revenge on the employees
of the farm for
putting him away.
He's using the Bates Motel and
Haunted Hayride
to get away with murder.
Should we tell your dad?
If he knew what
we were trying to do,
he'd probably get me fired.
The key is here somewhere.
We just haven't found it yet.
Fair enough.
But I kinda already looked up
his address.
I think we should stake out
his place
What website did you use?
It's called,
"the phone book," Agnes.
Not too many people in
Gradyville named Oktay Urissi.
Way to think outside
the internet.
Is everything okay?
Yep, doing good!
Be there in a second.
He's like a combination of
Jed Clampet
and Eddie Munster.
You are a lucky girl, Agnes.
Shut up, Clyde.
I think he's really trying to
get me to like him
because of the whole
Lily thing.
Be at my place, 11 sharp!
If Oktay's up to something, then
we'll know for sure, right?
You gonna be all right,
I got someone watching me.
I see you brought
your Glock with you.
Change of plans.
I'm freezing my taint off.
Why can't we just do
the stake out in the car?
I didn't know my best friend
was a 12-year-old girl.
I didn't know my best friend
was bringing a gun.
What are you planning
on doing?
I don't know! Look for Wayne's
chopped up body parts?
You can't do something
like that and not leave
something behind.
What the fuck is that?
I don't know...
but I'm gonna go check it out.
Yep, that makes total sense.
Two flashes if you need me
to come back.
Three flashes if
someone's coming, okay?
And one if by land,
two if by sea.
Don't move!
Put the gun down, Agnes!
Agnes Rickover?
Don't hurt him!
Does your daddy know
you're out here with his gun?
Are you Oktay Urissi?
Come inside.
Both of yous.
Are you okay?
What the hell just happened?
I think I lost my hearing.
I think that was Oktay.
Wait a minute...
What was in the fridge?
No, wait a minute...
Did he just invite us inside?
No, wait a minute...
How does he know you?
No wait, let's get the fuck
out of here!
I think that we should
go inside.
Are you crazy?!
He owns a rifle, Agnes!
Hunting rifle!
It was pointed at my head!
What if he kills you
and rapes me?!
He would have raped you
by now if he wanted to.
I didn't come this far
just to go home!
Come on.
Okay, see you soon.
It's cold out there.
Your father's on his way,
you might as well relax.
How do you know my father?
You were the one
in my backyard.
I think I should be
asking the questions.
What are you doing here?
We're looking for
the missing employee
from the Bates Motel.
And naturally, I know where
this person is.
Do you?
Is this your boyfriend?
- No, this is just...
- No, we're just friends.
- ...Clyde.
- Clyde.
Why was there a bloody mess
in the fridge outside?
There was a bloody mess?
I didn't hear anything about
a bloody mess.
Why didn't you tell me about
the bloody mess?!
What the fuck is that?!
It's fox fur.
I sell 'em.
That bloody mess outside?
Is just an animal carcass
to attract foxes.
You didn't answer the question
about my father.
Dan and I went to
high school together.
Like most people in this town,
he's probably ashamed to be
associated with me.
No one bothers me.
And I don't bother no one.
Your father asked me
not to talk to you about Lily
if you ever came around here.
I didn't kill Lily.
Will you sit down
and hear me out?
Lily was one of the few
employees I got along with.
"Okaytay," would you like
a doughnut?
A drunk like me doesn't have
too many real friends.
But... she didn't make fun of my
name and...
I didn't ogle her...
...too much.
The day Lily died...
Akimbo Tonaka made some last-minute
adjustments to the dragon.
Hey Akimbo,
need some help with this?
He needed Zeke the Geek
to help him.
Sometimes you just gotta
finesse him.
Those two thought
they knew everything.
But if you ask me, they are
a couple of idiots.
Junior, was in a particularly
chipper mood.
I feel asleep sometime after.
My worst memory is something
I don't even recall.
must've tampered with
the machine while I was out.
Normally I can handle
my alcohol, you know?
I didn't even drink that much!
Maybe I was at fault for not...
preventing the accident...
murder, whatever.
If someone killed her...
then they also killed those
kids at the bonfire, too.
I didn't kill Lily, I swear.
I can see it in your eyes.
You don't sleep much, either.
Excuse me?
You have nightmares
about her, don't you?
Uh-huh, I'm right.
Ain't I?
That's a sign something
ain't right!
He probably didn't pay
his power bill.
Oh, shut up, Clyde!
I'm just saying, how much
money could you make
in prison hammering
license plates?
Oktay, it's Dan!
Where's Oktay?!
Get out of here!
You two have to leave,
right now!
Go someplace that isn't home.
And keep your phone
turned on.
Breaking news out of
Gradyville, Pennsylvania.
What the fuck just happened?!
A missing employee of the
Bates Motel
and Haunted Hayride
has just been found.
Authorities say Wayne Jacobs,
a long-time employee
of the haunt,
has been found dead
on the banks of the
Delaware River earlier
this morning.
Although Jacobs was found
in 18 different pieces,
his head was identifiable
by family members.
Gradyville Sheriff Dan Rickover
joins us live...
Can you tell me what action
the authorities are taking?
As of right now,
we're not ruling out anything.
What about the death
of Lilly Hansen that occurred
at the Bates Motel
one year ago?
We're looking into
the possibility that
these incidents
may be connected.
The manager of the Bates
Motel and Haunted Hayride
commented on the possible
closure of the farm.
We provide family friendly
entertainment and uh...
depend on the success of the
haunt to keep the banks away.
Thousands of people have already
bought pre-sale tickets.
You know,
this is my family's farm!
You know, over 200 employees are
gonna lose their jobs, like...
don't shut the farm down!
You don't understand!
About a dozen people at
Disneyland have died and...
they're still open.
So... you know, uh...
We'll have more
on this story as it...
That farm always gave me
the creeps.
What'll it be?
You got it!
Who's doing this?
I think Junior did it.
He's a fucking creep.
Junior was right next to me
I saw Wayne getting cut up.
And he was with me when
Ben and Hannah got run over.
It could be Junior and Zeke.
What about Akimbo and Zeke.
No way.
Oh, come on.
Akimbo worked on
the fire-breathing dragon
and the table saw scene.
And Zeke was found
coming out of the corn
covered in blood,
the night Ben and Hannah
got chopped up.
I see how they could've
done it, but not why.
What about Oktay?
I mean, he has
the most obvious motive.
He wants revenge on
the Bates Motel.
There's just something about...
how he talked about Lily...
how he knows my dad...
I don't think it was him.
He told us a lot of
information, Agnes.
Almost like he was confessing.
Maybe his partner
got to him before...
before he said too much.
That is some conspiracy
If Oktay's guilty,
that means that he's working
with an accomplice.
Oh my god, Agnes!
Who showed up right after the
Fuck you!
Think about it!
How can you say that
about my dad?!
Think about it!
He's probably doing it for you!
Clyde, how can you
say these things?!
I don't know!
I'm trying to figure this out,
too, Agnes!
Well, you're not!
Where you going?
I'm leaving!
Get off of me!
- I'm sorry.
- Don't, Clyde!
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, too.
Two beers.
On the house.
Mrs. Bates?
Little sneaky snake.
You doing a dance?
One year ago...
you and I witnessed the
horrible death of Lily Hansen.
That's something that
we shared together
without even knowing it!
I felt this, um...
What's the word?
...of absolute horror in me.
There ain't nothing like it.
I was as shocked as anyone
to see Lily on fire.
You see, uh...
Mother... soaked the platform in
gasoline and tied Lily up
I have to fell you that you're
kinda the reason we're here.
When I looked into your eyes,
and I experienced
your anguish...
It's just so hard to explain.
It's something that you gotta
see to understand.
I got something we'll
both enjoy.
You remember Ashley,
Say "hi," Ashley!
She was awfully mean to you
on your, uh... hayride.
So... I saved her as a treat
for this very moment.
You know, what could be...
more terrifying...
than watching someone
slowly die?
Soak it in.
You have to look!
Open your eyes!
That's okay.
That's okay.
This was supposed to be
our moment...
and you ruined it.
But that's all right.
There's something
even better planned.
I have to go help mother put
Clyde on the guillotine.
I'll be right back.
I always knew
it was you, Junior.
Oh, I'm sure you did.
You wanna know how I knew?
Did you put together a couple
of clues?
I put together that you were a
fucking creep.
Shut up!
Both of you!
Tie him to the guillotine!
- Get up there.
- What?!
I avoided getting shot
to have my head cut off?!
You better get up there, Clyde,
or she's gonna you again.
It's almost over dear.
Don't come any closer!
What are you doing here?!
There's a phone
in the haunted house...
Let's stop this nonsense,
shall we, Miss Rickover?
We have your friend.
You come back,
he lives.
If you leave...
he dies.
You are a sneaky snake.
Clyde's worried,
he's been asking
about you, Agnes!
Clyde's been asking about you!
Oh Aggie!
Clyde's worried!
Worried about you!
Worried about me!
You think Clyde can
take care of you?!
What's the deal with this guy
anyway, Agnes?
Is he your boyfriend?
He wears girl's underwear?
Is he gay?
Aw, we could've had
something special, Agnes.
Real special.
Don't bother calling your dad!
Cell phones don't work
on the farm.
It's a dead zone.
I always loved that one.
Why don't you come find us for
a chat, Agnes?
We've been through
this before.
- Are you in on this too?
- Five...
Rubber prop, bitch!
Is there like,
a point to all of this?!
Or are you just "Pennsyltucky",
corn-picking fucking crazy?!
Everything is more fun
when it's real!
Tell that to your wig!
It even smelled
like dead bodies!
I saw what you did
to my father, Agnes!
I'd like to talk to you about
Clyde's gonna be the star
of the show!
Really hope it doesn't go
to his head!
No you're being a pain
in the neck, Agnes!
- Whoa!
- Creep!
You got about three minutes
to save Clyde!
If you leave now, you might
be... ahead... of the curve.
No contact!
How do I get to the guillotine?
Through the corn, dumbass.
Don't you work here?
They've really got me
tied up here!
Help me!
Scream all you want.
It's a haunted hayride.
They're all drunk.
What the fuck?!
No cursing!
This is a family attraction.
Where's Agnes?
I told you to bring her with
She's on her way.
Stay away from my Norman!
She must be really scared.
Hear that wagon, Clyde?
You got about 30 seconds 'til
the main event.
Oh, look!
It's Agnes.
Just kidding.
Wanna test it out.
It works.
Stop fucking around!
Hey, stop the wagon!
Junior, come on, man.
- Huh?
- Lemme go.
Let you go?
I'm a writer.
I can write your story.
Then you could kill
all the people you want.
Just not me!
Who here wants to see me
whack this guy's head off?
Say no!
Do it!
Do it!
Now hold on!
Hold on!
Because I don't do this show
for just anyone...
kinda a one-shot deal and I
never have the right audience.
I said, "who here wants to see
me whack this guy's head off,
or what?!"
Chop his head off!
That all right!
That's what all of you want?
- Junior!
- What?!
Let Clyde go right now!
Ladies and gentlemen...
We have a very special
guest tonight...
Miss Agnes Rickover.
Hey Junior, eat a dick!
Oh yeah!
That was fucking sick!
Just a stupid trick,
you could see wire.
This isn't family friendly.
The wood warped.
Akimbo was supposed to
fix that.
Oh well.
Drop it, cunt!
You shouldn't have
done that, Agnes.
But I guess this
makes us even.
Thanks for leaving, Clyde.
Agnes, run!
Come on, Agnes!
You're gonna be the best
show of all!
Got you.
We have so much
in common, Agnes!
Now you'll never forget
that feeling!
What it's like to take
someone's life!
How did that feel?
If you saw it,
the memory of someone dying
stay with you.
You will never forget the feeling
of killing someone yourself.
You're gonna have to do
better than that, Agnes!
Oh, that's the stuff!
Go for it!
Look at me.
I always knew we'd have
our moment.
Ew, that's gross!
Oh, it's just part
of the attraction.