The Beautiful Beast (2013)

You blew through your
allotment quickly.
Because my expenses added up
Would you care to reveal those
Apart from my usual, I hosted
a benefit for the hungry.
The press called that a
party at Patrice's where
you and your friends broke
two chandeliers,
damages totaling thirty-five
thousand dollars.
It got a little out of hand.
At a five-star restaurant? And
I suspect that your
friends were the hungry who
We've been appointed to make
sure your money lasts.
Which it won't, if we allow
you to keep wasting it.
Food and clothes - those are
Three-hundred dollars on a
scarf? Twenty-five hundred
dollars on a hand bag?
Uncle Lyle, don't you
think that mommy and daddy
would want me to be happy?
Yes, of course.
Then how can I be happy if I'm
Happiness doesn't depend on
how much you spend.
Look, the party... I thought
you called it a benefit
...was a mistake. But it's in
the past.
It was two weeks ago.
Look, I promise from now on I
will be so much better.
I know you will.
To Uncle Lyle! Yay, cheers!
Ew, why do you keep inviting
Seriously, she's such a drag.
And what is she wearing?
Yeah, look, we grew up
together and she just keeps
following me around, but, just,
Catherine, hi!
You came. I did.
How is my favorite socialite?
Fabulous. We are celebrating.
Oh, again.
Honey, we need to take you
shopping. Oh, no, I have my own
clothes, thanks.
If that's what you call those.
It will be my treat.
What, did you get more money
again? Oh, I got you a present.
Isabelle. Ah, just open it.
Wow! Isn't it gorgeous?
Isabelle, did you spend
dollars on this? That is too
Stop it, just put it on.
Honey, why do you look so
I had the craziest day at
work, there's this guy and he
keeps calling me.
Clay! Isabelle! What are we
Ugh! Absolute rubbish!
Hi Uncle Lyle.
Mm hmm, the benefit tomorrow,
I remember. Mm hmm, for the
children's hospital right?
Yup, I will be there you can
count on me. Alright Mm hmm.
Chloe, I need a getaway. Oh,
Right away. I am so bored.
Oh, I wish I could. I'm having
some little, um, alterations
done. Hey!
I totally wish I could
My dad's getting married.
Number five. Well that was
I promised him I'd come to
the wedding this time.
He says when I'm there for it
the marriage lasts twice as
Hey, Isabelle I can't talk
right now I'm at work. Not for
What? I'm going on a fabulous
Okay? Come with me.
I can't. Maybe you didn't hear
me I'm working.
Come on that bug company can
do without you for a couple of
Are you purposefully ignoring
Come on we'll go some place
that you want to go. Like,
Wow, I can tell you've given
this so much thought.
...skiing, you love skiing.
We'll go to Sweden, no
They've got good skiing there
right? Well yeah, but...
Okay! Pack your bags. We'll
leave tomorrow, my treat.
Isabelle, things are really
busy right now. I can't just
leave, can you ask...
...can you ask one of your
other friends?
No! I already tried that.
Of course you did. Well, go
by yourself.
I can't. Besides I need
somebody to entertain me.
Besides, you owe me.
Ha ha ha!
Oh, it's perfect, right?
Yeah, it's really nice.
Hey, are we going to check in
Hello? Let's go inside.
Hey, um, I'm starving, Do you
think they have a burger here?
Mm hmm.
I just don't understand. How
could the presidential suite
just not be available?
I know. And it's not like this
room is really pretty.
You didn't even have a
Now you sound just like that
angry little man downstairs.
Sorry. Do you want to go
swimming? I think I'm going to
I'll meet you there.
Hey are you going out?
Hi, umm Yeah, we're just going
to go to dinner.
Oh, well I'm hungry.
And cold too. Didn't you bring
anything warmer sweetheart?
Heh heh... Umm.
I mean I guess you could come
with us.
Gee, thanks, but I think I'll
just get room service.
Okay, bye.
Hey wait! Don't stay out too
late because
we have skiing in the morning.
Brrr, I hope they have a hot
[ KNOCKING ] Hey Isabelle.
Isabelle? Are you up? You
Of course you're still asleep.
Isabelle... Wakey wakey.
Wake up Isabelle. Wake up!
Isabelle, your credit card got
Woo, hoo! Come on, isn't this
Come one, we're already going
real slow.
You know the snow will still
be here if we go later.
Oh my gosh. It was quite a
drive out here, if you didn't
notice from the taxi fare.
Besides, as much fun as it was
sitting around
waiting for you to wake up,
I'd rather not waste the time.
Well, can you just wait?
I think, I think my skis are
broken. He gave me broken
No your skis are fine.
This isn't even skiing.
Yes it is. It's cross-country
skiing. It totally counts.
But you're not even that good
at it.
But I like it. Besides it's
really great exercise.
Yeah, but I pictured slopes,
and harmless
flirting as we wait for the ski
And drinking hot beverages and
sitting in the hot tub. Not
You don't really ski, do you?
I do too! I know how,
You say you go skiing all the
No, I say I go to ski resorts
all the time. It's very
Ok well, listen, it's actually
really fun. You just have to
give it a chance.
I'm sure.
Make-up? Really?
Look, always look your best.
It is the one rule I live by.
Just... you do your thing and
I will do mine.
Ok... Are you ready?
Ohh ahhh!
No, don't laugh.
I'm sorry. Here...
No, this is so stupid! You
are stupid!
I am having you shipped back
to America as soon as we get
and I get something hot to
drink. Ow!
This is it! I've had enough!
Yeah, well, you promised me
skiing, so...
On slopes!
Well, you never specified
that. And besides, this is
what I wanted to do.
It's all about what you want
isn't it? You are so spoiled!
Yeah, I get that all the time
from you of all people.
You know what? You're making
me regret ever inviting you
More like guilt tripping me
into coming.
Whatever! You get to free-load
on a dream vacation, boo-hoo.
Isabelle, I am not one of your
or free-loading friends.
Well, I'm paying for this and
I say...
No, no I am tired of you
holding the money over my
I don't do that.
Yes, you do!
It was your uncle's idea to
help my mom when she was
sick and that was so great.
But you... anytime you can you
like to take credit for it.
You're being ridiculous!
No! What is ridiculous is you
using that to get me to do
whatever you want
like come on this stupid trip.
I don't even understand what
you're complaining about.
I mean you should feel lucky
to even have me around.
You are so full of yourself
you actually think that the
whole world revolves around
Apparently not the whole
You know what? I'm just
going to go ahead.
You can catch a cab back to
the hotel, ok princess?
Fine, be that way!
You know what? When you're
done with your whole
cross-country thing you may as
well pack your bags and go
back to your
stupid bug job because I'm
uninviting you, missy!
Oh, well, see you at home.
Don't hold your breath.
Now that you're gone I may
extend my vacation and
actually have some fun!
Well that is what you do best,
Oh, oh, oh, ahhh!
Catherine? Are you still out
I can't believe she abandoned
It's okay.
[ DIALING ] Oh, come on...
I hate Switzerland!
This is all her fault. I'll
have her deported
Can't feel fingers... can't
feel toes.
But I can feel my ankle!
Every step.
Someone help me...
Please! Someone help me!
[ KNOCKING ] Hello? I need
some help!
Hello? I just need to use
your phone.
Please just... Hello?
I need to... Can you let me
I'm hurt.
I got lost... Just need to
use the phone.
Ahhhh! Hey!
Did she go to the fund raiser?
I got word that she used the
company plane to go to
You have the authority to cut
her off. There's the clause in
the trust that gives you
the option to hold back what
she's to receive when she
turns thirty.
I can't hurt her.
Of course not. But you can
do what's best for her.
Even if she doesn't like it.
I appreciate your guidance.
Well good, that should clear
up the issue.
But I am tired of these
surprises that keep coming at
the end of the quarter.
So let's get it right.
Did you talk to Lyle? Yes.
How did he react? Not the way
I did.
She has him wrapped around her
I know he loves her, I
understand that.
But there's a line and she
crossed it years ago.
Well, give it two weeks.
She'll be in hot water again.
Maybe he'll listen then.
You awake yet?
Get away from me! You're in
my house.
Back away! I live here.
Are you dangerous?
If I say no are you going to
believe me?
No. My head hurts.
It's because you hit it.
You attacked me!
No, but I could have. You
broke into my home.
I knocked.
And then you broke in.
The door was open.
That doesn't make it an
Listen to me... I need some
food and something to drink.
And some pain killers would be
I'm not your waiter. I know,
but you'll have to do.
That's it. Get out! I can't,
I'm hurt.
Well that didn't stop you
from getting here.
I got lost! Not my problem.
I'm making it your problem.
Now get me some food.
Chili? In a can?
Eat up.
Alright. Rested, fed, now go
on your way.
My ankle hurts, and it hurts
when I breathe.
Well sadly, not enough to
keep you from talking.
It hurts when I breathe!
Call an ambulance!
Uh, no.
Fine. A cab, whatever...
There's no phone here. No
internet either.
Alright, then you'll just have
to drive me to the hospital.
Where's your car? I walked!
From where?
If I knew that, I would have
gone there and not come here.
Just get your keys.
I don't have a car.
Look... I am rich, alright,
so whatever it takes,
just get me back to
There is no car here!
I don't need one. What, so
you're just isolated up here?
I was until you got here.
Wait, there's really no phone,
car, a snowmobile?
Then how am I supposed to
get back to my hotel?
There is nothing within
twenty-five miles of here.
No bus stops either.
The only way down is to walk.
That doesn't make any sense!
How do you live? I mean
there must be a way down.
I have someone who brings me
what I need once a month.
Great. And when do they come
Two and a half weeks. The only
way down in the meantime is on
Fine. Then this will just
have to do.
Whoa, no, no this will not do.
You can't expect me to walk
anywhere like this.
I don't expect anything
except for you to leave.
Well I'm in no condition to do
that so that's out of the
Sure you are. Just stand up,
hope over there
until you're on the other side
of the door.
I'm not limping my way back
to civilization. Thank-you.
I don't care where you go,
but you're not going to stay
You wouldn't just throw me
out in the cold?
Because, I'm tired, cold, I
need a bath...
Which one's my room?
Don't you have anything else?
You mean women's clothes? Uh,
Not in my closet.
You want me to take a look
at that ankle?
Are you a doctor? Sit down...
What is that thing? Don't
touch it.
What are all these?
They're mine. Leave it
What's your name?
I'm Isabelle Elliott in case
you were wondering.
Alright, this is probably
going to hurt.
It does!
Yeah, sprained.
Oh really?
Bad enough that there's going
to be some bruising.
You have to ice it and stay
off it for the next few days.
It hurts. It's normal. Hang
Where are you going?
To get a bandage.
I'm going to wrap it, but
loose enough you can still
have some movement.
Easy! I though you just said I
was not meant to move it.
Well you want some give for
motion, it's going to hurt a
little bit more
but heal with less
complications that way. You
don't want it to heal too tight
or it's going to hurt more
when you walk around on it
What's wrong with your side?
I hit it.
Where? Ribs?
I don't know.
Well you said it hurt earlier,
when you were breathing.
Yeah... Where?
Ahh, yeah, right there.
You've probably got a cracked
or bruised rib.
There's nothing you can do
about, just take it easy and
let it heal.
How do you know that anyway?
I just do.
What's with all this flannel
Is this mountain man thing
your permanent look?
My clothes are none of your
You should really have some
And you're welcome.
Hope that's better than chili!
So weird.
Cleans up nice if he wants to.
Doctor Jeremy Andrew Edmunds.
Do you mind? Some of us are
actually trying to sleep!
Would you rather freeze?
So much for good manners.
I'm a guest, remember?
Guests are expected.
Just, shhh!
Come in Henry.
What are you doing?
You should have met my sister.
She's beautiful.
She was quite a bit younger
than me.
Adorable, until she turned
five and then she was a little
Is that where Isabelle gets it
from? Maybe.
Laura was fierce in standing
up for people.
And animals too.
I can't count how many strays
she brought home.
I suppose that's how my
parents felt about her
Just another stray, not good
enough for her.
So they thought.
You disagreed?
Oh, I stayed out of it. I
could have been supportive.
I had little interest in
marriage or family of my own.
Then they died and there I was
with little Isabelle to watch
What was she like as a child?
Precocious, always thinking.
She'd smile sweetly to win
you over and that was it.
Not much has changed then.
Oh, I wasn't well suited for
the role. She'd...
Well I doted on her. How
could I not?
What are you doing?
Building a birdhouse?
What are you, fourteen? It's
a hobby.
What are you doing out here
What do you mean? Well you're
obviously not from here...
What gave me away?
And what's with the no phone,
no internet, no anything?
It's a bit boring don't you
It's quiet. I like it that
It's too quiet.
So what about you?
I'm a city girl
In fact if you had any contact
with the
outside world you may even
recognize me.
Let me guess... an actress.
A celebrity of sorts.
I'm rich.
I've always been rich. It
suits me.
You know, you still didn't
answer my question.
That's right.
Here's your plate.
Ew. What is that?
Meatloaf. Let me guess...
No but I've got taste buds.
That is horrible.
I don't know how you could eat
Did your parents forget to
teach you any manners after
they gave you the golden pony?
Yes, because they died.
Alright, that's it... Ground
rules. You're going to
stay here you're going to
follow them. Got it?
Oh no, am I in trouble?
You're in charge of lunch. You
want anything else
to eat you eat what I'm making
or you fend for yourself.
Next, try to be helpful.
Whining all day doesn't count!
Just try not to be so
I'm not.
Alright. Wake up princess!
You are the epitomy of rudeness.
You're the most self-centered
person I've ever known.
You've been here for almost
two days and you've done
nothing but whine and complain.
I don't think a thank-you
has ever once crossed your mind.
Alright, I am completely
bored... Oh. Sorry.
What do you want?
Well, I didn't mean to
interrupt, but... I'm bored
and I'm going crazy.
Do you have anything to do?
Do you play chess?
You know it's your turn,
I know.
Oh, you'll be happy to know
I've decided to forgive you for
What? Wait, ok we'll just
play. Please... just...
So, do you play chess very
It's a two person game.
Right. I just thought you
might be one of those genius
You know, that plays against
I'm not that smart.
Good point. Check.
Why didn't you just sacrifice
your queen?
I would never do that.
Why not?
Too important.
You understand you're losing
because of it, right?
I told you, I'm not that
This is true... check mate.
We could play a simpler game.
You could go hide and I could
count to ten.
What are you making?
Macaroni and cheese.
Really? Aim to impress don't
How about some dessert,
mountain man?
Lunch is ready.
Wow. This looks good.
What did you put on here?
Just some paprika. I've seen
it used before. It adds
Cayenne pepper.
No, it's not... Well I
didn't know. I...
You know I'm a guy right? I
mean do you think
I'm going to have paprika
just lying around?
It's really not that bad.
Okay, well I made a cake too.
Really? Um hmm.
Prepare to be impressed.
It's good.
Really? Good.
Oh, it's horrible. Yeah.
You swallowed that. I didn't
want to be rude.
I followed the recipe... I
don't understand.
Are your sure? I know how to
read a recipe.
How much salt did you put in?
Just a bit.
And this? Sugar?
A cup and a half I think.
This is salt. That's the
I grabbed... The wrong one.
See this is exactly why I
don't cook.
Ever? No, never.
Great! Now I ruined your
shirt. Not that it's a great
It'll wash out.
Do you have another shirt that
I can borrow please?
What is it?
You said you didn't have any
of this stuff.
I said I didn't have any in my
Cheeky! Who's is it?
My ex-wife's.
I'd rather her stuff get dirty
than mine.
You been icing that ankle?
By the way, thank-you so much
for the clothes.
It feels so good to be in
women's clothes again.
Besides the paparazzi may show
up at any moment and I would
love to be ready.
I'm practically famous.
So, um, how long have you been
Three years.
And are you okay with it?
So is that why you moved up
Yeah this was our getaway.
After the divorce I made it
It's so lonely though.
Don't you miss home, or being
around people?
It's what I wanted and needed.
Time to think. Time to...
Yeah. So?
It's just not my thing. It's
fine if it's yours. I just...
Thanks for the permission.
I just don't get it. You know?
You didn't grow up very
religious did you?
Not really. So...
It works for me.
Somebody to talk to. Someone
to help.
It's interesting.
You should try it sometime.
Why? I have pretty much
everything that I want.
What more is God going to give
There are some things money
can't buy.
I don't know if this dress
works for me. Is it to blah?
It depends on your shoes...
Oh, hi Catherine.
Hey guys. Um, how's it going?
Where's Isabelle?
I don't know. She was going
out of town.
I know, I just, I thought that
maybe she would be...
You know what, nevermind.
Some hot but completely poor
guy probably caught her
She's so gullible. She doesn't
even realize Clay only went
out with her for her money.
Ok, well, if you could just
let me know when you see her.
That would be great.
Um, there's some hot water on
the stove if you want some.
Been there long?
Just now. That alright?
Did you make all these
Do the birds actually use
Free food helps.
So many little details. It's
an interesting hobby.
I had a lot of time on my
hands when I first moved here.
Well what do you do with them
I have a guy in town who sells
them for me.
You really need to lose the
It keeps me warm.
So do layers.
My clothes, my choice.
Do you have any pain killers?
Yeah. Ankle acting up or is it
the ribs?
A little of both.
How bad is it?
Better than before.
You mind if I take a look?
Did you re-wrap this?
Yeah. It's too tight.
The swelling's gone done so...
that's good.
Have you had many sprained
You sure sound like you have.
I have a medical background.
Like a doctor? Certainly don't
flaunt it do you?
No, gotta keep it quiet
otherwise all the neighbors
will come around any time they
have any sort of ache.
Right. So, do you practice
around here at all?
How come?
I just don't.
Well you're too young to be
retired. What sort of a doctor
were you?
Doesn't matter.
Were you a cosmetic surgeon?
No. Don't get your hopes up.
You can't blame me for asking.
But you should tell me because
Hey, I have an idea. In the
interest of eating well
tonight, how about I cook?
Does that mean you don't want
any more of my salty cake?
No. But you can help.
Oh, daring...
Melinda. What?
I want you to draft an
agreement about Isabelle.
Specifically her being unfit to
receive the chunk of the trust
when she turns thirty.
It has to have Lyle's signature
it needs to be unanimous.
I think it will be.
Find out where she is, what
she's doing. It's been a
little to quite and that never
bodes well.
She'll throw a fit about this.
I know. But it's worth it if
it means she'll change.
It looks so good.
Just put a little powdered
sugar on top. And we're done!
Yay. Oh you have... on your
face. Here.
So what's that thing called
I don't know how to pronounce
it. It's some souffl.
It's good. It's really good!
Well thank-you.
So, I was wondering...
Home... for you.
New York. Despite the accent.
My dad was from London and my
uncle sent me to schools out
in England.
I think he wanted me to keep a
connection with family.
You never picked up the
American accent?
I can if I want to.
It just never seemed very
natural to me. You know?
Is your uncle still around?
Oh yes.
Won't he be missing you?
I hadn't actually thought
about that.
I mean, not that I'd count on
a search party finding you in
the Alps, but...
No, I don't even think he
knows I'm in the country.
Does anybody?
Yes, a friend. But I'm pretty
sure she's not looking for me
I was in a bit of a huff with
her when we last parted
She probably thinks I'm out
here having fun without her.
What did you guys fight about?
Oh, you know, me being me.
We're actually a really odd
How's that?
Well, during summers, I would
spend them with my uncle at
his house.
And the other kids just...
It was like I had the plague.
They had no idea how to talk to
But Catherine was nice. She
listened, she told me what she
thought when she thought it.
She never beat around the
bush. So we just always stayed
We're really different.
How so?
She's working class and I'm
rich. Remember?
Yeah, but, you're more than
Well I'd like to think so. You
know it's a wonder that we're
friends at all.
The way we treat each other...
She's really sarcastic.
And I think she thinks I don't
know but...
But you're rich, not stupid.
Exactly. Yes, well put.
So how do you treat her?
Good. Really well when you
consider all
of the money I, my uncle gave
her mom.
Her mom?
She got ill and they had loads
of bills. She says I hold that
over her head but...
Do you?
Really, I treat her really
well because
sometimes I buy her little
gifts and things.
Yeah, but that probably
doesn't matter much to her,
does it?
No, probably not.
But you know, that's probably
why I consider her a friend.
Like, a good friend.
A true friend?
Then you should tell her that.
When you said you were a
doctor did you really mean
Jeremy, I do hope you
understand why one day. I
forgive you.
Don't let this or the
malpractice eat
at you forever. Carrie.
Um... Yeah?
Oh, my goodness.
You have not got a stitch of
flannel on you. It's gone.
I have to do laundry.
No, it looks so much better.
Alright, don't make a big deal
about it. What are you doing?
Um... I was just sitting and
writing a letter.
How are you going to send
Pigeon... carrier pigeon. Do
the pigeons come to your
birdhouses to eat from...
Not at mine.
Right... Well nevermind then.
What are you doing?
I wanted to see if you want to
play chess.
Don't you have like a game box
Like video games? Yes.
No. Why not?
Well, for one, because I'm not
Right... Chess it is then.
Lucky me.
Jeremy Edmunds is hereby
suspended from practicing
medicine and stripped of his
medical license.
So what do you do? Do?
Yeah, you know, for a job. No
Did you go to college?
Yes, three actually, but none
of them suited me.
Three, huh?
Well it's hard to study for a
job that you know you'll never
actually going to need.
Sounds rough.
But I'm also on the board of
directors for a charitable
Nice. What foundation?
Um, the Elliott Foundation.
Your family's?
Yes but that doesn't make it
any less impressive.
Of course not.
You know it's not like I don't
do anything. I have a life.
Okay, so, what do you do on a
normal day?
I get up, get ready, you know,
meet friends for lunch, go
Sometimes we go to the spa.
And sometimes I do appearances
for um, like parties or benefits
you know, those sorts of things.
So, uh, socialite.
You know I really don't care
for that term particularly.
Change what you do then.
I would but... [ DRYER BUZZES
] What was that?
That's the dryer.
You mind pulling the clothes
out while I finish here?
Yeah, okay, um... Okay.
Oh no!
What happened?
I was carrying that, and it's
so heavy.
And the hallway is really
narrow, and I...
You broke it?
It can be fixed, right?
Not really!
Well don't you have some of
that wood glue?
You can't just... hey stay
away from that alright? I
don't want you to break
anything else.
It was an accident I didn't
mean to.
Yeah, well your excuses aren't
going to fix this.
Jeremy, It's just a birdhouse.
You know, I realize that this
look like it's worth much to
but it means a lot to me.
You probably can't get that.
I do get it and don't talk to
me like that.
Like what?
Like I'm too stupid or shallow
to understand your whole thing.
Well sorry princess, but the
shoe fits.
You know what? That's nothing
compared to what you've ruined.
What's that supposed to mean?
I may have ruined a lousy
birdhouse but you've ruined
people's lives, doctor.
You don't know what you're
talking about.
You wish. I found your secret,
guilty stash.
What were you doing going
through my things?
Finding out what you were
Those are my things.You were
snooping through my past.
I think that I have a right to
know exactly who I'm staying
A right? I could have buried
you in the snow and nobody
would have cared.
Is that what you said when you
killed that girl?
Nobody will even care?
Who are you to judge? You
don't do anything! Your whole
life revolves around shallow
people and how much money
you can spend. It's useless.
Your whole existence is
[ VOICES ] You are the epitomy
of rudeness.
You are so full of yourself
you actually think that the
whole world revolves around
You are the most self centered
person I have ever known.
You don't do anything, your
whole existence is pathetic.
God, if you're listening, I
don't want to be this way
Isabelle? Isabelle?
It's just a deer.
My hands are still numb.
Here you go. Thanks.
Was there an animal out there?
Like a wolf?
Are you sure?
There's not a lot of wolves
that come out this way.
Then why were you in such a
It's freezing out there.
It's only going to get colder.
So you weren't scared?
Not of a wolf.
I'm sorry.
It's just... don't do that
again, ok?
No. Jeremy, I'm...
I'm really sorry. About
I was angry. I shouldn't
Nope, you were right.
You probably don't say that
very often, do you?
So I started getting these,
um, really bad headaches.
I don't know if it was a
reaction to something... the
They'd last for days.
So I got a prescription...
pretty heavy painkillers.
They worked well. Really well.
But then I kept taking them.
I felt better with them. Bad
It got to a point where I
couldn't get off them. I
didn't want to.
My wife noticed, and I got
It became a wedge in our
Another one.
I ran out of pills and I had a
surgery scheduled.
Fairly routine, but not without
the risk.
But I was a wreck without the
So I found an old prescription
laying around.
Just something to take the edge
But, um, just couldn't focus.
Never should have entered the
operating room that day.
I thought I could handle it.
The patient died on the table.
From there I was sued for
malpractice. I lost my license.
My wife was just horrified
with the whole thing.
Not that I blame her. She was
dragged through a lot.
I moved here after the
Did you try and get some help?
Before the surgery I didn't
think I needed it.
But after, yeah. Court
ordered rehab.
How was that?
Better than the alternative.
It took a while for me to
Not just about the pills, but
about what I did.
Talked a lot about
forgiveness, and God.
Do you think God has forgiven
Rehab, of all places, helped
my relationship with God.
But yeah, after all this time
I believe that God has forgiven
But, I can't imagine anybody
else has.
You mean, her family?
Her family, friends...
I'm sorry, that's a lot to
Yeah. It's probably why rehab
suggested taking up new hobbies.
That's where you learned that.
Yeah. Something to take your
mind off it.
Better than the other hobbies
they were suggesting.
That was my first one.
I am so sorry I broke it.
Don't worry about it. I
I'm also sorry that I snooped
Not quite the happy story you
were looking for, huh?
I just should have respected
your privacy.
I just tend to do whatever I
want. I've always done
whatever I want.
I picked up on that pretty
You noticed?
So you mind if I ask about
your parents?
It was a car accident and I
was four.
That must have been hard.
I think that's what everybody
and so they basically gave me
whatever I wanted.
So I just took the attention
and the pity and used that to
fill the void.
It's no substitute for parents
I thought the money was. I
mean that's all I had left of
That sounds really heartless,
doesn't it?
You know sometimes I wonder
what they
would think of me know, if they
were here.
I mean, just because they're
not, that's not an excuse. Is
Yeah. You want some help up
the stairs?
Oh no, I've got it.
Jeremy, you know you're not
that man any more, right?
Yeah. I'm still ashamed of him
No, no, Mr. Ling actually the
technicians sprayed for those
Well it does take about
forty-eight hours to see the
Well I can have another
technician out to your... Mr.
Have an awesome day.
[ VOICE MAIL ] Hello, it's
Isabelle. Leave a message but
I probably won't call you back.
Something smells so good.
That's because I'm cooking.
Come on down.
Alright, but on one condition.
After dinner, I teach you how
to play chess.
Okay... Why did you do that?
So I could kill that guy.
Alright, what are your next
couple moves?
I don't know, I'm not there
Well you're supposed to be
thinking ahead like have it
planned out.
Here let's start again.
Don't forget to read the
ingredients this time.
I know what I'm doing.
Alright, try that out.
It's much better.
You're doing better.
Check mate!
Um... That's not actually
check mate, but good!
It's good. It is?
Yeah, really good.
I made it. Nice job.
[ SECRETARY ] Mr. Elliott?
You have a phone call from
Miss Isabelle's credit card
Mr. Wilcox thought you should
speak with him.
Put it through. Hello.
What did they say?
You know exactly what they
I thought you should here it
from them this time.
She's been there almost two
I tried calling her but...
She won't return the call.
She's not going to change. And
I think you agree that she
needs to.
I had Melinda draw up an
You want to cut her off?
Not completely. Just until
she's ready to be responsible.
You know if she receives that
next portion as planned it
will be gone in mere months.
You said yourself she's been
indulged. Her entire life has
been that way.
It's time to intervene.
Hey you.
So it's scheduled for the
delivery guy to come tomorrow.
Oh, right. Of course.
You're probably ready to get
Uh, yeah. You're probably
excited to have your home back
to yourself.
Yeah. Well I just thought
you'd like to know.
Hi. What are you up to?
Just catching up on some
What is that?
The bible.
In Chinese?
You speak Chinese?
Well, I can read it. I told
you I had a lot of extra
time when I moved here.
Right. And birdhouses weren't
enough for you.
Yeah. I learned the
characters, but...
But you don't speak it.
Or write it. It's harder than
it looks.
No, I believe you.
So I came to invite you to my
own farewell party.
I made the guest list?
Oh yes. Barely though, it was
close there for a while.
I also thought about calling
it the "Thanks for not letting
me die
or be eaten by a bear outside
in the cold party."
I think I like the first one
Yeah, that sounded more fun.
Okay. So Yes?
Yeah, yeah.
Okay. So do you want to come
down in like an hour.
You want some help?
No, I'm good.
You sure?
Yup. I'll see you.
Wow! Did you make all this
from scratch?
I turned the oven on.
I thought about making it from
scratch but then I found most
of it sitting in your freezer.
All of this was in my...
Wow. You look, uh, nice.
Am I the first one here?
That was really good.
You're welcome.
Where are you going?
To get dessert.
You made dessert?
You know, it's not a party
unless you have dessert.
I agree.
Yeah. You know how to do this
The girl from London is asking
me about s'mores.
Yeah. Thank-you.
You're going to burn it.
You're critiquing my cooking?
No, your s'more making. It's
very different.
I like it crunchy.
That's burnt to a crisp. Okay.
Perfect. Cookies?
You don't have any Graham
Crackers. Oh, yeah.
For me?
It looks so messy. Is it good?
It's good.
It's a little messy. I'm
sticking to chocolate.
I've been wondering... why did
you let me stay in the end?
When you broke in?
Oh you love to put it that
way, don't you?
Well as much as you ticked
me off I'm not heartless.
So I'm lucky it was you then.
I mean, honestly, as
impossible as I thought it was,
I've actually felt really at
home here.
So, is that why you were so
Me? Bossy?
Okay, so what you call bossy I
think was just some valid
fashion advice.
I mean, we had to break you
from all that flannel and
get rid of that whole Paul
Bunyan thing you had going on.
I mean look how much better
you look now.
It's like night and day.
I guess I was just lost
without you.
I'm glad you ended up here.
Even though I drove you crazy
most of the time?
Yeah. It was worth it.
I don't want you to leave
You want me to stay here?
But my whole life is back in
New York.
Well, they haven't missed you
But eventually they will. And
as much as I've loved being
here with you I can't just stay
Yeah, you're right.
I'm not like you. I can't just
leave it all behind.
Do you really want to go back
to that life?
Look, it's all I know. I have
too much...
Too much. Is it always about
money with you?
I never said anything about
money. I have people who care
about me.
Unlike you I can't just leave
them behind and hide away up
Why don't you just go back
I have nothing to go back to.
That's not true. You could start
over, start fresh. I'm sure
everybody has moved on by now.
I doubt it. What if I run
into the family or
someone who remembers?
Even that would be better than
being isolated up here
with nothing but your past just
hanging over you.
I don't expect you to
understand because you don't
face consequences.
I do too.
Really? Or do you just make
excuses and
throw money at a problem until
it disappears?
Well it's better than just
running away
with your tail between your
Just wasting your life instead
of giving yourself
a chance to have one and
actually being happy.
Who are we kidding?
You're going to go back to
your socialite crowd, your
rich lifestyle.
You have everything you need.
You'll forget about me.
I will.
It's late. The delivery guy
gets here early.
Dietrich! Sauerkraut?
I don't eat this stuff.
Try it.
I didn't order it this time or
the last five times.
Well, keep it for emergency.
Great, so if I run out of
everything else
I'll have six jars of
We're just about done here.
Oh, did you want me to send
these clothes back to you?
No. Keep them.
Get out of here Dietrich.
Really I'm fine Uncle Lyle.
No, my ankle doesn't even hurt
It was all just a big accident
but I'm home now.
Alright... I'll come and see
you tomorrow, alright?
Okay. Bye.
No, no you are correct. In
fact, I am making a note on
your account as we speak.
So, mm hmm... Okay. Thank-you
so much
for calling. You have a great
Oh my gosh, you're back and
you're safe.
I'm fine.
Did you really get lost? I
never should have left you.
Um, as I recall I'm the one
who left you behind.
Yeah and then you got lost. I
just assumed you got back to
the hotel okay.
Catherine, seriously, don't
worry about a thing.
But you're fine?
I was, um... well taken care
You know I can probably sneak
away early if you want to tell
me about it.
I have to go and see Uncle
Lyle next.
Oh, yeah yeah...
But I will call you later,
Okay, yeah sure.
See you.
I would have riled up every
agency there is to find you if
I'd only known.
I should have told you where I
was going.
When I didn't hear from you I
assumed... Well I didn't think
it was anything serious.
It's my own fault. I didn't
expect you to think anything
was wrong
You could have been hurt, or
I was lucky. Hello.
Glad to see you've returned
Perhaps this isn't the right
time for us to discuss this.
I think it is the right time.
We've discussed this at length.
She just returned from a very
traumatic ordeal.
It doesn't change anything.
Wait, what's going on?
Per the provisions in your
parents trust we are revoking
you're next inheritance
What provisions?
If the three trustees
unanimously agree we can delay
the payout until such a time as
we deem appropriate.
And we have agreed.
Isabelle, your outlandish
spending, combined with your
unacceptable public behavior...
It's not what your parents
would want.
We'll provide for your living
expenses. It'll be a minimal
amount but you'll be fine.
And beyond that, perhaps you
should find a better use of your
time. Something more meaningful.
Look, this whole Switzerland
It's demonstrated just how
reckless you've become.
We feel that this is about
your safety and protection
as much as the preservation of
your future.
It's fine.
The money was meant to provide
for you Isabelle, but it won't
keep you happy forever.
I know.
Eleven carats...
And she's not going to give it
No! She thinks she can keep
But he called off the
engagement. Probably to get
that giant rock back.
She's not worth eleven carats.
Oh poor Dan though. Right
He should sue her.
I heard that he might on
grounds of an affair.
She didn't!
Hey... are you busy tonight?
Your uncle really cut you off?
Yup. But I don't blame him.
You are unusually calm about
No seriously you are starting
to freak me out. What happened
to you over there?
I realized I have everything
that money can buy.
So isn't it a little odd that
I don't have everything I
What more could you want?
To be happy. I mean, when I
got there it drove me crazy.
But then it was so peaceful
and calm and quiet. I actually
really liked it.
The quiet? Or the quiet with
a good looking guy?
Did I say he was good looking?
You just did.
Yeah he is.
So give me the rundown on this
I was horrible to him and he
told me so. And it made me
feel disappointed.
In myself. You know? Like for
the first time, maybe ever,
it actually bothered me that I
had hurt someone else.
I've been pretty terrible to
you too.
Not terrible...
Terrible. I held money over
your head just like you said.
And basically guilted you into
doing whatever I wanted you to
Because I wanted you around.
Because... maybe I
didn't want to lose the one
real friend that I had.
And you thought the money
thing was the way to do it?
Yes I did.
Isabelle, I am friends with
you in spite of the money.
Yeah. Wow, this guy really got
through to you.
Do you miss him?
You should try and see him.
I'm pretty sure he'd rather
just forget all about me. He
asked me to stay, but...
You said no.
And now you've changed your
Well I only said I didn't want
to stay there.
It didn't mean I didn't want to
be with him at all.
Isabelle, I have seen you
chase loser guys all the time.
This one's better than that and
you really like him.
So isn't he worth fighting
I don't know what to do God.
I know what I want, but, I
can't forgive myself for what I
How can anybody else?
Help me... Help me be strong
Help me not be afraid.
Help me to forgive myself that
I might be happy again.
Hi Isabelle,
Just calling about an event
we're having tomorrow for the
You can call me and I can give
you more details about it.
You're doing good.
I feel a little out of my
Well that's a good thing every
now and then.
There you go.
Thank-you. Thank-you.
He's just a kid.
I think it was easier when I
just thought of them as a
faceless bunch.
Opens your eyes doesn't it?
I'm glad you could come.
Me too. You know, I've
actually been thinking, if
it's alright with you,
I'd like to be a little bit
more involved in the foundation.
I don't know how much help I'd
I know I don't know very much,
but I'd kind of like to try.
Of course.
Are you happy Isabelle?
I'm trying to be.
I only ask because you've been
different since you came back.
Isn't that good thing? I
Somewhat yes. But I still need
to know that you're happy. I
mean truly happy.
Me too.
What happened out there?
I met someone and he was nice.
Just nice?
I think maybe I think about
him a little too much.
Well that could mean
Not really. We're too far
You don't have to be.
It's not like I can pick up
the phone and call him.
He is in the middle of nowhere.
Go see him. I'll call and have
the plane ready.
Uncle Lyle... Go!
I'm not even sure he would
want to see me.
Well you won't know until you
do see him.
Exucse me?
Oh, guten Tag!
Hello, I'm looking for Jeremy.
Ya. He's gone.
He asked me to watch the
Gone where?
To America, I think.
I don't know. He left this
Okay, thank-you.
Hey what happened?
He's not here.
What, are you serious?
Apparently he's on his way
back to the US.
To find you.
I don't know. I mean, I'd like
to think
so but he could be going
So, um, what are you going to
Well I'm on my way back now
but I don't want to miss him.
Yeah, how soon can you get
Not soon enough. Look, I
know that you're at work,
but is there anyway that you
could just
go to my place just in case he
shows up?
Yeah, I can totally do that.
Go ahead.
You have a visitor here, a
Jeremy Edmunds. He says he's
here about Isabelle.
Send him in.
Hello Mr. Elliott. I'm sorry
to barge in on you like this.
How do you know Isabelle.
She stayed at my home for a
little while. I'm sorry, I
don't know if she told you
about her trip to Switzerland,
You're the man she met.
Yeah... Do you know where I
could find her?
Hey. He isn't here. But
maybe... he could
have gotten here before I could
get here but then...
Why wouldn't he be back by
Well maybe he was delayed, he
was on a commercial flight
Then he's on his way.
Maybe I'm not the reason he
was coming out here at all.
Well, what other reason would
there be?
I don't know. I can think of a
Maybe he never forgave me for
the way I left, the things
that I said.
No, Isabelle, you're being too
hard on yourself.
You've never said that to me
Well, it was never true until
Listen, go get some rest some
rest you've got to be tired.
And besides, you've jumped a
million time zones.
You're here.
I mean, he said you were
coming, but...
Your delivery guy.
Dietrich? You spoke to him?
Yeah, um... I went to find
Well I came here.
Wow, I'm really tired, I've
got to go. I've been
babysitting this apartment all
and there's no food in the
house because Isabelle can't
So, I'm just going to go get
some take-out probably, on my
way home.
Sorry... but you guys have
great night though.
Listen I'm sorry. I... I was
cruel and selfish.
I've always been cruel and
selfish. You are the first
person to make me want to be
something else, and...
No, I was being selfish. I was
asking you to leave everything
behind but I wasn't willing to
do the same.
Maybe it doesn't even matter
any more.
It does... because you deserve
with a future and for me to
have a chance at that,
I've got to be willing to let
go of the past.
So does that mean you want me
in your future?
Yeah! But, it's not going to
be easy.
But if God could forgive me I
should be able to forgive
Living in hiding really isn't
living at all.
Well neither is living without
the person that you love.
I'm so glad I found you.
Wait! Are you sure that you're
ready for me? I mean, I'm kind
I've survived so far.
Yeah? Okay.