The Bedford Incident (1965)

In here, please.
This is it, the most luxurious quarters
on the Bedford...
...except for the captain's cabin.
That landing a little bit hairy, huh?
- Plenty hairy.
- Are you kidding?
I'm Ensign Ralston.
- You must be Mr. Ben Munceford.
- That's right, ensign.
Ensigns are usually called mister, sir.
Dr. Potter?
Glad to meet you, mister.
Mr. Munceford,
it's a great honour meeting you.
We've all read your stuff.
I hope we can give you
what you're looking for.
I'm sure you will.
You wanna watch how you secure
that equipment, Mr. Munceford.
Dropped it like a bundle
of old newspapers.
We're likely to make
another radical change of course.
- Is it always like this?
- Only during general quarters, sir.
Oh, I see.
Try to make yourselves comfortable.
I suggest you find where
the most convenient handholds are.
I mean it,
I would do that on the bunk.
You tell Capt. Finlander
we'll be right out.
Can't do that, sir. Good luck.
What is he doing?
Making U-turns up there?
- Commander Potter, sir.
- Yes?
Captain's compliments.
You should be in your GQ station.
That's in sickbay, sir.
- Will you put these on?
- Sure.
Meantime, I'll climb topside
and check what's going on.
I'm sorry, sir.
That's against regulations.
Which regulations?
This section's been compartmented
off, in case we take a torpedo, sir.
Well, I appreciate the realism, sailor.
Oh, that's extremely good.
But since it's only practice,
how about a little cooperation, huh?
I'm sorry, Mr. Munceford.
- What kind of an attitude is that?
- The captain's attitude.
He'd chew me out. You understand.
- Ready, sir?
- Yeah.
We've tried to cooperate, sir. We've
had the typewriter installed for you.
This way, sir.
The new medical officer,
Lieutenant Commander Potter.
I'll be right with you, commander.
Get a move on. You've been
holding me up for three minutes.
The violet stain, chief, it takes time.
While you're watching for it to show,
triple-check that bucket.
Lookout spotted that stuff
only about a half an hour ago.
Chief hospital man James Aloysius
McKinley. Welcome aboard, sir.
- Glad to meet you, chief.
- Hospital men Nerney and Strauss.
- How do you do?
- How do you do?
Well, you are witnessing the
biochemical, histological section...
...of the cellular analysis department
of the DLG-113 in action.
- You wanna look, sir?
- Well...
It was plumb dumb luck
picking that stuff up out here...
...when you consider the million
square miles of nothing around here.
- It looks like garbage.
- Very good analysis.
As a matter of fact, it is.
We're the greatest garbage analysis
team in the history of naval warfare.
- Now, sir, your keys.
- Oh, yeah.
The men's medical files and records
are in that cabinet over there.
Officer's locked cabinet is here...
...and the keys to the narcotics
and booze are in there.
- Booze?
- Brandy and pure grain alcohol.
Doctor, this might interest you.
All right.
Can you identify that?
Well, let's see now.
Looks like seaweed.
Red cabbage.
Staple food of the Russian navy.
Those little black specks that you see
are coarsely ground black pepper.
Nerney, those slides...
No, show him an untreated sample.
- What's this?
- Potato peeling.
I see. Thank you.
Well, do you find
all this stuff around here?
That's right.
And in very good condition too.
That's what set
the old man's hair on fire.
That's why he's charging this ship
around like a fox in a henhouse.
That stuff could be brand-new.
Me, I say no. It only looks that way.
You know, the Arctic.
- The ocean, the water's cold.
- Well...
Ready on the grease test.
Here it comes, doctor.
The oil on the cabbage leaves, doctor.
It's very significant.
Indicates very fancy cooking.
Oh, I see.
Bridge, urgent report for the captain.
McKinley, captain.
Finest Russian naval cuisine.
Peppered red cabbage
sauted in butter.
Yes, sir, submarine fare.
Aye, aye, sir, as soon as we can.
We're checking the cellular state
of decomposition.
- Excuse me, sir.
- Oh, sorry.
Potato peelings are best for that.
These sample slides here we made
ourselves and by comparing...
...we can tell how long it is since
the sub dumped that in the water.
I see.
No, no, Nerney, it's no good.
Give me some older.
Now then, Nerney,
what was your guess?
Twenty-four hours.
Eighteen hours tops. No more.
Eighteen hours. Twenty-four hours.
Give me the captain again, please.
Captain? Positive identification
on those Russian waste materials.
Been in the water for 36 hours.
Yeah, that's right, 36 hours.
Aye, aye, sir. I'll tell him.
Well, thank you, captain.
Well, biopsy like that would take 12
hours in any laboratory in the world.
Just 33 minutes.
Oh, Captain Finlander requests
that you report to him at 1800 hours.
- Have you ever met the captain?
- No, not yet.
Well, the old man can come on
kind of hard, if you know what I mean.
Well, he's prone to be
a bit hard-nosed with reserve officers.
Well, maybe because you're
a doctor it'll make a difference...
...but I suggest you watch yourself.
Now secure general quarters.
Set regular sea detail. Watch three.
Darken ship. The smoking lamp
is out on all weather decks.
- Sir, this is Mr. Munceford.
- Oh.
- How are you, captain?
- I'm not the captain.
- I'm the exec, Commander Allison.
- How are you?
Captain Finlander's busy
with the doctor at the moment.
- You been out with the Navy before?
- As a matter of fact, I have.
- A few reservist cruises.
- Well, that's fine.
But I hope you'll bear in mind
that this is not a reservist cruise.
We are an active part
of our defences...
...and we run this ship virtually
under wartime conditions.
Which reminds me,
may I see your credentials?
- My what?
- Your credentials.
Thank you.
Note that Mr. Munceford's credentials
have been checked...
...and log him aboard.
What would've happened
if my credentials weren't in order?
Thrown me overboard?
- You wanted to see me, sir?
- No, not me, the captain.
Excuse us, Mr. Munceford.
Well, I'm glad you found
the analysis interesting, doctor.
Oh, yes, sir, very much so.
McKinley showed you
how he runs my sickbay.
Think you might have
anything to contribute?
- I wouldn't be at all surprised, sir.
- Is that so?
I requested that no replacement doctor
be assigned my ship.
They sent one anyway.
I'm sorry, sir. I didn't quite get that.
I said I didn't want a doctor,
but they sent you.
Well, sir, if you'd like to arrange
for my transfer out of here...
...or shall I handle it? I'll be down
below until you make a decision.
Stand where you are, doc.
Sir, my request for sea duty
did not specify this ship.
You didn't aim high, huh?
And you're out of uniform, doc.
Blue caps went out two years ago.
- Change it.
- Yes, sir.
- Captain.
- Yes?
You sent for Ensign Ralston.
Yes, I did.
Mr. Ralston, I gave express orders
for that copter to keep off...
-...while I was in GQ.
- Yes, sir.
- You landed it.
- Yes, sir.
Explain that.
I didn't know
if the pilot had enough gas.
He had enough to buzz my ship
repeatedly despite visual signals.
You disregarded my order.
- It was getting dark, sir.
- I gave you an order, mister.
- Yes, sir.
- You ignored it.
- Yes, sir. I can explain further.
- I don't want an explanation.
- I think your action was correct.
- Thank you, sir.
Who's that?
Security watch.
- Did you pass this civilian to CIC?
- It's the correspondent, Munceford.
He wanted to find out the patterns
we ran during general quarters.
- I gave no such permission.
- Don't blame him. I'm responsible.
Commander, put this man on report
pending next captain's mast.
Mr. Munceford, you come with me.
You too, doc.
- Can't I square this for the kid?
- I suggest you keep out of it.
- Captain, about that...
- Commodore Wolfgang Schrepke...
...of the West German navy. Benjamin
Munceford of the American press.
- How do you do?
- And Lieutenant Commander...
- What was that name again?
- Chester Potter.
Potter. My new medical officer.
I've heard a lot about you,
but I never expected I'd meet you.
- Is that so?
- Not aboard an American destroyer.
- Is that so surprising in these times?
- I guess not...
...if one can make the switch mentally.
But I still connect you
with Hitler's navy.
Your pardon.
Admiral Doenitz's navy, sir.
The commodore was an ace
U-boat commander, gentlemen.
He sank over 200,000 tons
of Allied shipping.
But now, under NATO,
he's on our side.
Sol requested him
as technical adviser for this cruise.
- I'd like to put in a word for that kid--
- Mr. Munceford.
You will oblige me by not referring
to the security breach...
-...on the part of my crew again.
- Yes, but--
The Department of Defence
wants you to have full cooperation... the preparation of
a story for your magazine.
All right, that I'll give.
But how and why I discipline my crew
is none of your business.
Do you understand me,
Mr. Munceford?
Yes, sir.
- Now, here's what this is all--
- Excuse me, sir. Sorry.
Here's what this is all about.
You can take notes, Mr. Munceford.
We're positioned in the Denmark
Strait, right about here.
- Midway between--
- Excuse me, sir.
All right with you if I smoke?
Go ahead.
Midway between
Greenland and Iceland.
Much closer to Moscow
than Washington.
Now, this ship functions in two ways:
One, as a part of NATO defence...
...and two, the defence of the United
States against enemy aggression... air or sea.
And to put it simply...
...the Bedford can inflict
more damage in 10 minutes...
...than the entire United States Navy
caused in World War ll.
- Wow!
- But that's not our purpose.
We're primarily hunters. Stalkers.
- Of subs.
- That's right.
We track by ear an enemy
who is also intently listening for us.
There is Russian submarine activity at
present in the Denmark Strait, right?
They can come and go as they please.
Cold war or no cold war,
and so can we.
And contrary to--
A little later, please, huh?
Contrary to certain scuttlebutt...
...we aren't out to spy on each other's
missile ranges or atomic tests.
That kind of work can be--
Mr. Munceford.
This briefing is for you.
I was saying that that kind of work
can be done cheaper and easier... one man and a U-2.
But DEW line and NORAD emissions
are something else.
I'm convinced that Soviet subs
are recording them...
...penetrating our defences.
I also suspect the locating
and setting up...
...of submarine missile firing positions.
Now, these are objectives
worth tremendous risks.
They're worth killing over.
Are you telling us you would attack...
-...the Russian submarines?
- You got any language skills, doctor?
- Greek and Latin, sir.
- Oh, just Greek and Latin, huh?
Why the language question?
I have three Russian language
experts on board. I'd like more.
- Just Greek and Latin, you say?
- That's it.
Captain, would you attack
a Russian submarine?
The world is at peace, Mr. Munceford.
Your magazine says so.
There's something I heard
about you in the Pentagon.
- Yeah? What's that?
- It's nothing bad.
Your crew turns down substantial
offers from private industry.
- Electronics, et cetera...
- That's right. stay on this ship.
- Why?
- Well, because technical skills aside...
...they're professional
naval fighting men.
Excuse me, sir,
but that doesn't answer it.
- You don't think so, huh?
- Well, not quite.
Well, let's put it this way,
Mr. Munceford.
I keep them interested...
...with the hunt.
There's something very exciting
about the hunt.
And the kill, my captain?
You'll have to forgive the
commodore's alleged sense of humour.
Now, to get back to this.
Today's activity was the initial
manoeuvre on a new action.
We're hunting now.
The quarry is a specific
Russian submarine.
And we know he's carrying
nuclear torpedoes.
That's right. Code name is Big Red.
So far we've only seen his traces,
tracks you might call them.
But he's here. North, south,
east, west, we don't know.
Now, he has a mother ship.
That may be any one
of five Russian trawlers...
...purportedly commercial
fishing vessels...
...operating in these waters legally.
We keep all five under
constant surveillance.
And we hope to entice
one of those five trawlers...
...the real mother ship,
into showing its hand.
There's that chance the mother may
check the baby, make sure he's safe.
And when the baby answers?
All right, gentlemen, that's all.
I'm sure you'll find interesting
company in the wardroom.
I wanted to make
an appointment with you.
- Later, doctor. Thank you. Good night.
- Good night, sir.
- Good night, commodore.
- Good night.
- Good night, Mr. Munceford.
- Good night, captain. Commodore.
Did you ever get the feeling
you weren't wanted?
- Brother.
- How'd he strike you?
- I don't think he likes me.
- Finlander's ice-cold.
- You don't fit his needs, out.
- I'll say.
- But he's quite a professional.
- How do you mean?
He's a result-getter.
Remember that Russian sub that
was forced to surface off of Cuba?
- Yes. Did he do that?
- Yeah.
He got commendations.
So did his crew.
He's the most result-getting officer
in the U.S. Navy.
Yet he was passed over
for admiral last month.
I wonder why.
I wonder why.
And, men, no matter what you do...
...don't minimize your importance
on the Bedford.
So just keep on your toes, fellows...
...and be prepared for some drills I'll
be scheduling for the next few days.
And that's it.
All right, fellows.
Mac, I want you to make a note
to assign some extra men... act as casualties
during the litter-carrying drills.
You'll have to clear
that with the captain.
Each man on the ship has
a specific task during GQ.
Well, we'll get that straightened out.
Okay, I'm ready for sick call.
You can call in the first man.
Nobody's reported for sick call, sir.
Well, it's a bit early.
No, this is normal. Hardly anyone
ever reports for sick call.
Oh, come on, Mac.
You're trying to tell me...
...that with a complement of over
300 men, nobody ever gets sick?
What about the inevitable
hypochondriacs and malingerers?
We don't have that kind on this ship.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Please, commodore, come in.
I'll only take up a few minutes
of your time.
- I hope you're not feeling sick, sir.
- I feel very good, thank you.
Your captain informs me
a prescription...
...given by the former medical officer...
...should be renewed by yourself.
I see. A prescription?
A prescription.
Schrepke? ls that it?
Here we are.
Nothing there.
It looks like Lieutenant Hirschfeld
didn't make any notation...
...of the prescription or the nature
of the condition it's supposed to treat.
That's all right, commander. The
doctor and I had an understanding.
I see. Well, what was the medicine?
- Schnapps?
- Yes, schnapps.
You carry brandy in your
medical supplies, do you not?
Well, yes, of course. But why
do you have to have schnapps?
I really don't know, commander.
I've had three schnapps a day
ever since I joined the Navy in 1931.
Even when I was a prisoner of war...
...your English allies were kind
enough to let me have my schnapps.
I'm afraid I'll have to check this
with Captain Finlander.
It was he who suggested you see me.
- Sorry if I troubled you.
- No, no, it's all right.
Mac, will you fill that, please?
Commodore, you realize there's
nothing personal about this.
I'm sure you can see that I have
to exercise caution in the matter.
If the crew got wind of this...
...there'd be a hell of a raid
on the dispensary.
You're wrong, doctor.
Not on this ship.
Thank you. Good morning.
Good morning.
What about this?
- Maybe.
- Yes.
Yes, thanks.
- You see what I mean?
- No, not really.
All right, I'll run it through again.
And this time, Beck, don't try
reading it. Just listen to his tone.
I know I'm right.
Mr. Munceford.
Please come to the bridge.
Don't take any more shots of the
ASROC. They'll just be censored.
- Rocket-boosted torpedoes, eh?
- Our number-one antisub device.
How far do they travel?
Quite a ways.
What's the matter,
you a little chilly out there?
Yes, Beckman.
- You got it?
- Got it, sir.
The message we intercepted
from the Nova Sibursk...
...appeared routine.
But Lieutenant Berger,
in checking out their figures...
...on water temperature,
tide movements...
...found them to be inaccurate beyond
any possibility of a legitimate mistake.
They were obviously
trying to throw us.
Now, the other four ships
checked out okay.
So Nova Sibursk
is Big Red's mother
I've set an interception course
so we'll rendezvous about 1700.
Now, the sub should be
somewhere here...
And the mother ship will clue us in...
But I want Commodore Schrepke to
take a good look at Novo Sibursk.
The concealed tanks
are very obvious.
Look for Big Red to be
one of the old Chernikov class...
...with a submerged maximum
speed of 25 knots...
...and a duration of 24 hours
without snorkelling.
Take a look at that.
What are they up to?
The rules of international courtesy
call for them to dip their colours.
Shall I prepare
to return the salute, captain?
Well, do you still feel like exchanging
courtesies with the Russians?
Officer of the deck, turn left to 3-1-5.
And double the lookout. We'll probably
hit fog as we close the coast.
- Left to 3-1-5.
- Left to 3-1-5, sir.
- Bosun's mate?
- Sir.
- Post a fog watch.
- Aye, aye, sir.
The new course, sir. There's floe ice
drifting southwest across that course.
With this light wind, it's
certain to be scattered, sir.
- Not to mention it's getting dark.
- So?
Excuse me, but will I change course
four or five degrees left and miss it?
If my mission were to steam along
like a passenger liner...
...that would be an excellent idea.
What is our mission, Mr. Ralston?
To patrol for Russian
submarine activity.
And if you were
a Russian sub commander...
...operating under these
sea conditions...
...what would you do,
Mr. Ralston?
I'd use the ice to screen
my movements.
Assuming the Russian thinks that way,
how close would you move to--?
Mr. Munceford,
please leave the bridge!
How close would you move
to the Greenland coast to confuse...
...any tracking destroyer's radar
and sonar search?
If you were the Russian sub
commander, that is.
Well, the ice runs almost
a mile out from there, sir.
I'd try to get under it,
if I could.
You would.
Then how close should we run?
Maybe a thousand yards, sir.
A thousand yards.
All right, make it so.
And run a series of maximum
sonar searches.
Every 15 minutes, sir?
Now, why every 15 minutes,
Mr. Ralston?
To help the Russians set
a schedule for silent running?
Now, come on!
Be a little unpredictable about it.
Now, get into do with Queffle.
Give him a schedule.
- Aye, aye, sir.
- A smart one. Unpredictable.
Aye, aye, sir.
What's the matter?
Think I'm too rough on him?
Well, go on, say it, yes or no.
You might try giving him a word
of praise now and then.
What for?
- He tries so damn hard, for one thing.
- That he does.
So he makes mistakes.
You got him so rattled he can't think.
Yeah. You've been on his back
ever since we left Norfolk.
Isn't it time you eased up a bit?
- You think so, huh?
- I do.
I'm telling you, he's too jumpy.
Ease up. He'll do better.
That's my opinion.
You can take it or leave it.
You know, Buck, you're getting worse
than an old mother hen.
You've gone soft on me.
Okay, so I like him.
He's a good kid.
Right. And he'll make
a good officer someday.
Then what are we arguing about?
If he quits expecting the crew to cheer
every time he carries out an order.
No, the trouble with that kid,
he can't forget what a big hero he was.
Star quarterback, voted most
all-around, most likely, most popular--
That one he's still bucking for.
No, the only way to cut him down
to size is to keep on him.
Yeah. If he survives.
If I hammer too hard,
you let me know, huh?
I'll try.
Yeah. It's a lot of work
being a mean bastard.
Sometimes I can't help admiring how
effortlessly you do it, captain.
Almost as if it came naturally.
So taking your goals
and your methods...
...and your requirements
into consideration...
...I've come up with a plan of my own
that I'd like to propose, sir.
You see, I said to myself, I said,
"Chester, what does this ship...
...need that you could contribute?"
- Chester?
- That's right, sir.
If the ship doesn't fit the man,
then the man damn well...
...has to fit the ship, and that's the line
my thinking has been going on.
- Put it here.
- Along-- Excuse me.
Along that line, more or less.
Well, I think the thing to do now is to
run it up the flagpole, so to say...
...and kind of kick it around
for some reactions.
You see, sir, it's been my observance
of the men on this ship that...
It's occurred to me that most
of them are just...
...sitting around
on their dead butts all day.
- What did you say?
- Don't get me wrong.
I mean of necessity. You see, scientific
work is necessarily sedentary.
Therefore, I thought that
a physical-fitness program...
...would be just in order.
Bodies toned, trained, developed.
No flabbies, no flabbies around.
The men all fit
and shipshape, so to say.
- Yeah.
- Now, this can be accomplished...
...with isometric exercises.
- How's that again?
- Isometric, sir.
It's all done with tension.
Tense, relax. Tense, relax.
Tense, relax.
Tense, relax. Tense, relax.
Tense, relax. Tense, relax.
Tense, relax. You can do it anywhere.
Yeah, I think I've grasped
the idea, doc. ls that all?
- Of the entire program?
- Yeah.
No, sir.
There are two more essentials.
Mental health is one.
I thought we could introduce
group therapy...
...and individual counselling
whenever necessary.
With men at sea, it seemed
a logical step, sir.
Isolation, separation from family.
Not to mention women.
You see, sir, that's the real hell
of it on these long trips.
- Men without women--
- Yeah, yeah. Go on.
Well, the exercise will help there.
- Yeah, I got you.
- Now, the third item...
...the third item is nutrition.
I thought that we could
improve the--
I thought we can improve
the men's diet, sir, by introducing...
...high-protein supplements like
amino acids, natural grain, lecithin...
...and let's see,
well, things like that, sir.
I see.
Are you through now?
Nutrition, mental health
and the physical-fitness program.
Yes, sir, I think it's about
what I had in mind.
Doc, how long have you
been out of the Navy?
Sir, I wouldn't exactly call
over 20 years in the Reserves...
...being out of the Navy.
Well, I'm afraid I would.
Have another look around
this ship, doc.
It's a whole new set of numbers.
I don't understand, sir.
Does that mean my suggestions...
...are outmoded or just plain out?
You keep trying, though.
Don't give up the ship, so to say.
Captain, captain.
I am the medical officer here.
Just what are my duties?
Well, that depends.
On me as an officer,
or on me personally?
Well, I have to wonder why after
all these years you quit civilian life...
-...and came back on active duty.
- I think the answer is fairly obvious.
Yeah, it is.
Knowing your history.
Your wives, divorces.
Three, weren't there? Your practice.
Rough going everywhere. So you
decided to nip back in here for a while.
No, doc. Your type can be found
in every branch of the service.
I don't like them.
Well, I see.
Does that mean I'm to be exiled into
a sickbay that just sorts out garbage?
- Is that it?
- Sorry, doc, I've got work to do.
Captain, you are denying me
a fair chance.
Even if it's to fail, I want it.
Okay. Study these. You got
a lot of catching up to do, doc.
The Bedford's
a very complicated ship...
...and about as sturdy
as a Christmas tree ball.
Almost everything above the water
line's aluminium. You understand?
- Sir.
- One hit and we've had it.
So you see, a sickbay and a doctor...
...they really aren't much use to us,
But you'll understand more
when you've read up on it.
General quarters. General quarters.
What's that GQ for?
Be right up.
Good luck, doc.
I get an unidentified aircraft report
under these conditions...
...and that's cause for sounding GQ
whether the skipper's here or not.
What's this all about?
CIC reports a bogey, sir.
Lieutenant Beckman reports
the range is four miles--
Come on, Buck.
What have you got, Beck?
I'm sorry, captain,
there was a mistake.
Why? What did you see?
The unidentified aerial blip
turns out to be a weather balloon.
Oh? Where?
Bearing 1-8-6.
Range: four miles.
Altitude: 7000 feet.
- Get Lieutenant Bascombe in here.
- Aye, aye, sir.
- This is Greenland coast, huh?
- Yes, sir.
- What's the range?
- Ten miles, sir.
Weather balloon...
The Nova Sibursk is 100 miles back.
No other known surface vessels
in the area to release that balloon.
- Big Red?
- Yeah.
Oh, Bascombe. You and Beckman
get a fix on that balloon.
Track it backwards to its point
of release and hurry it up.
Aye, aye, sir.
One opening, check.
- Sixty-two fathoms.
- Sixty-two fathoms.
No sign of anything, Bascombe.
Whoever released the balloon
could be anywhere by now.
But I know that the balloon itself
was released right here.
- You're positive?
- Yes, sir, I'm positive.
It all checks out, sir.
Hey, what's that?
- Buck, take her in closer.
- Aye, aye, sir.
- Fifty-eight fathoms.
- All engines ahead one-third.
All engines answer
ahead one-third, sir.
That's close enough. Hold her
parallel. Give me a sounding.
- Thirty-five fathoms, sir.
- Captain!
Over there, sir.
Three points off the bow.
There he is, commodore,
just going under.
Do you see him?
I see him.
That's it! Light up the sonar.
Sound general quarters.
- Aye, aye, sir.
- Start sonar.
- Sound general quarters.
- Aye, aye, sir.
- Queffle?
- Captain, I have a sonar contact.
Bearing 0-0-2.
Range: 1-7-5-0.
Good boy, Queffle.
Keep on him.
Aye, aye, sir. Bearing 0-0-4.
Range: 1-8-0-0.
Opening: slight down-Doppler.
Classified: positive submarine.
Got it, Queffle. Buck, what's his
position in reference to the coastline?
He's one mile off. Two miles inside
Greenland territorial waters.
- Very good.
- And now what?
- Fire Control.
- Sir?
Start feeding target data to all
systems. Place ASROC on standby.
Buck, keep clear
of the ice ledge.
Con the ships to block any
attempt to break for open sea.
Messenger, take down this message
for immediate transmission.
Communication, stand by.
Sonar contact at entrance
to Jacobson's Fjord.
Classified positive
Russian submarine.
Two miles inside. Repeat:
Inside Greenland territorial waters.
Request authority
to force sub to surface...
...and withdraw from those waters.
That's it.
- Bridge. One moment.
- We're gonna clock him.
- He's got 24 hours.
- Captain, it's Mr. Munceford.
Munceford? What the hell
does he want? Captain speaking.
About this GQ. ls this another one
of your rehearsals?
How long do you think it's gonna last?
You see, I was interrupted... the middle of something very
important, and I would like to finish it.
Why, I wouldn't dream of interrupting
the creative process, Mr. Munceford.
You just keep up the good work.
However, it's no fun down here when
you pull that full security routine.
You know, I mean, the hallway
is blocked and the water is turned off...
...and it's all very realistic,
you know what I mean?
Well, you missed a very nice
photograph a few minutes ago.
It's too bad.
The view of the Russian submarine
violating international law... Greenland territorial
waters was breathtaking.
The official photographer
got some nice shots.
I'll have him save you a print.
Buck, after about half an hour...
...tell the security watch in wardroom
country to let Mr. Munceford come up.
Aye, aye, sir.
Stick with it, Queffle.
That sub commander
must like it under the ice.
I can't figure why he doesn't cut
for the open sea.
- He is testing you.
- You think so?
- Captain, sir.
- Yes.
Mr. Munceford requests permission to enter do.
- All right, bring him in.
- Aye, aye, sir.
He's running all out at
less than 40 fathoms.
Not even trying to hide his
sounding gear.
He's got the best underwater charts
anybody ever heard of or he's crazy.
- Well, Mr. Munceford.
- Captain.
You finish your creative labours?
Yeah. Well, I just took
another shower.
- No.
- Just a rinse.
- A man's got to keep neat and tidy.
- It helps.
- Captain?
- Yes, Hacker. ls that it?
Yes, sir. From commander,
NATO, North Atlantic.
- Good. Come on, read it.
- Yes, sir.
"Reference your message
1-2-1-0-2-8 Zulu.
Take no action other than
tracking until further orders.
This passive course of action dictated
by a critical political situation."
Sonar contact bearing 3-0-1 steady.
Range: 1-2-5-0 steady.
Depth: 0-7-5 steady.
All right, that's all, Hacker.
You have been relieved of
a very dangerous decision.
Do we secure?
- What?
- Do we secure battle stations, sir?
Submarine bearing 0-3-4 steady.
Range: 1-3...
Message from COMNATONORTH, sir.
- Yes, sir.
- Any change in sub course or speed?
- No change, sir.
- Thank you.
- Who saw this?
- Just Communications.
I don't want the rest
of the crew to know.
I've been planning to switch
back to a pipe.
I'm afraid I'd have bitten
the stem off by now.
Don't they know
we've got him in a spot?
He might as well be on the bottom
of San Francisco Bay.
Why don't they know that?
- Captain.
- Big Red's changing course, sir.
Right. Commodore.
Bearing 0-5-5, drifting right.
Slight up-Doppler.
He's turning right.
New course.
He's killed his sonar.
Big Red's heading for the open sea.
Follow him around,
stick right on his tail.
Captain, he's crossed into
international waters.
I suppose he figures
that's the end of it.
- Is it not?
- It is not.
Not by a damn sight.
Bearing 0-7-0. Mark up-Doppler.
Right to course 0-6-5.
Speed: 6 knots, drifting right.
New course: 0-8-0.
Hey, Queffle. You're going
to knock yourself out.
You'd better have somebody
take over for a while.
Oh, no, sir. I'm running
the ship from here.
- Steer course: 0-9-2.
- Okay.
- Excuse me, captain.
- What?
Did Lieutenant Krindlemeyer tell you
about the shrimp schools?
- No.
- I spotted three of them yesterday...
-...all big ones.
- You did?
We could make a fortune
in the fish business.
Well, I think you'd better stick
to this business for now, Queffle.
- But thank you. Very kind of you.
- Yes, sir.
- Submerged time: 18 hours.
- That's right, captain.
Headed due north.
Well, he can't go under the icecap,
because he's not nuclear.
And he can't make it back to Russian
waters without surfacing for air.
And when he does surface,
we'll be there. Right there.
Pretty dull, huh, Mr. Munceford?
How does the commodore
stand it out there?
Well, you see, he's not really
out there, Mr. Munceford.
He's about 200 feet below
the surface with that sub.
- Good night.
- Oh, captain.
- Could we have our talk now?
- Well, it's pretty late, Mr. Munceford.
It'll only take a few minutes.
All right, come on.
How does the commodore
feel about all this?
- I wouldn't ask if I were you.
- What's your guess?
Well, he's the old U-boat man.
He's riding with the hounds,
but his heart is with the fox.
- Waiting for when we close.
- Close?
Close for the kill,
is that what you mean, captain?
Mr. Munceford.
- Let's get one thing straight.
- What's that?
Don't ever put words in my mouth.
All right?
I'll try my best.
Good. Sit down.
Look, maybe this isn't a good time.
You must be tired.
Oh, it's as good a time as any.
Go ahead, sit down.
All right, fire away.
Before you get started,
I'd like to ask you a question.
Go ahead.
Why did you pick my ship?
It wasn't your ship, captain.
It was you.
Oh? Why me?
You looked like
an interesting subject.
Really. Now, whatever
gave you that idea?
I saw a film clip of you being
interviewed just after the Cuban deal.
- Yeah?
- I thought I recognized something.
Something rare. An individualist.
A man not afraid to speak his mind.
I consider that provocative
and interesting.
I see.
With that bit of flattery, you hope to
pull a few rash statements out of me.
Make good copy, is that it?
Well, frankly, I hadn't thought of that.
But since you've mentioned it...
I'm sorry if I sound cynical,
Mr. Munceford.
But, you see, it's been my experience
with the press...
...that they ignore truth
for sensationalism.
Excuse me, but isn't that
a generalization that's only valid...
...depending on which side
of the fence you're on?
You're right.
You're quite right.
I've been anxious to meet an
exception. It could very well be you.
Thank you. I thank you on behalf
of myself and my colleagues.
Don't mention it.
- Cigarette?
- No, thank you.
- Crew cooperating with you all right?
- Fine.
Accommodations comfortable?
- Anything you need?
- Fine, not a thing.
Very good. Anything you want,
you just sing out. I'll be glad to help.
Now then, sir, about that
television interview.
What about it?
There was something
about it that puzzled me.
Something personal
that relates to your record.
- I don't care to talk about it.
- In looking up your record...
-...I found out that--
- What did you find?
Nothing derogatory. Far from it.
That's not what I meant.
But what struck me as
a curious coincidence...
...was the fact that it was
right after Cuba...
...that you were passed
over for admiral.
I wondered if there was any
connection there.
Most of the statements made
then were cautious.
Nobody came out and
said anything, except you.
You were very outspoken, even
critical, you might say.
You advocated using greater force.
- Well, that's your interpretation.
- I don't think so.
But I wondered whether the Pentagon
resented that view...
...and that's why you were
passed over for admiral.
Now, there you are.
Right there.
A clear example of the press putting
its own interpretation on the facts.
Your words seemed unmistakable.
I have never made a public statement
that did not go right down the line...
-...with government policy.
- What about your private views, sir?
What? I have none.
Do you believe the military should
have more say in government policy?
I've never said that.
Taking the situation you're in now,
as you send messages to Command...
...and they reply:
"Hold still, do nothing."
I'd say from your reaction
you don't hardly agree.
You're guessing again.
You're interpreting me.
And you're wrong, Mr. Munceford.
You're dead wrong.
I'm only trying to get clear
exactly what your views are, sir.
Now, if you could help me.
All right, I'll give you my views.
First, you'll have to concede
I'm not a fool.
I like my job with the government.
I wouldn't consciously jeopardize it.
It demands more than most jobs,
a man's life even...
...and for that you need
a higher sense of loyalty.
I'm proud to be
an old-fashioned patriot...
...and I'd destroy any enemy
if it meant saving my country.
Now, what in the hell
is wrong with that?
- But how far would you go?
- All the way.
Does that mean
all-out nuclear attack?
- I didn't say that.
- But you implied it.
You implied. I said nothing.
Could you make a statement about
the action you're engaged in now?
In terms of purpose and so forth?
Our purpose is to prevent by threat a
certain course of action by the enemy.
- You mean a genuine threat?
- We're not bluffing, Mr. Munceford.
But the outcome is certain.
You're sure that nothing will happen.
If a deterrence is successful,
aggression does not take place.
Well, I must say... certainly has a nice
ring to it anyway.
I'm glad you approve.
- Now, if you'll excuse me.
- Of course.
- Thank you for the interview.
- Anytime. It's been most stimulating.
For me also.
Mr. Munceford.
I did not say, "Close for the kill."
Eric Fin lander watched
the brooding ex-U-boat officer...
Eric Fin lander watched
the brooding ex-U-boat officer...
...whose heart lay with the unknown
enemy in the icy darkness below...
...and said laconically:
"His heart is with the fox waiting
for when we close."
Sub has been down for 20 hours.
According to Commodore Schrepke,
they're about to run out of air.
Have not been able to get any
information from crew or Finlander...
...whether keeping sub
down for 20 hours... routine action in these
circumstances or unduly severe.
Nobody talks.
Everybody cooperates,
but nobody talks.
Except the doc.
How's it going?
- Swell. You?
- Check.
What do you say
you and me jump ship?
Baby, it's cold outside.
Well, I'm so burned
I wouldn't even feel it.
- It's that bad?
- Yeah, it's that bad.
What the hell am I doing sitting
in a corner with a lot of homework?
I'm a qualified doctor.
I don't want to learn a new trade.
For crying out loud.
You want to know my theory?
My theory is that he hates doctors.
Now, you give him a plain, humble
scientific genius, but don't stop there.
Make sure that he can stand watch,
navigate and man a battle station.
But that's the new Navy, doc.
Yes, I know times have changed,
but this is a floating IBM machine.
Can you see any of those guys...
...singing "Anchors Aweigh,"
for example?
- Old nostalgia's got you, doc.
- It's not funny, Ben.
Have you ever seen these boys
playing poker? They never relax.
Well, they can't. He's sounding
GQ every two minutes.
This man is playing at war. How long
do you think he can keep it up?
He's got the crew going
at fever pitch.
They're triggered up. They're geared
to shoot and they can't.
They're frustrated.
Now, that's abnormal.
It's inhuman, and it's dangerous.
- Did you talk to him about that?
- Well, not exactly.
I have in a...
...sort of a roundabout wa--
What's the use? I can't cut it
with a guy like that, I never could.
I guess I'm just a born loser.
Turn on sonar.
I want to hear Big Red.
Well, you're up late.
Didn't want to miss anything.
Commodore? Come in.
Well, you think this sub can do it?
The man is desperate, but he no doubt
thinks his chances are better.
Do what?
Find a path through the icebergs
only a submarine could get through.
- Would you like some fresh coffee--?
- Quiet!
Queffle, listen only.
- Hazelwood, take the con.
- Aye, aye, sir.
Try him now, Queffle.
Yeah. He's back again.
Mr. Ralston, you turn from that panel
once more, I'll confine you to quarters.
Aye, aye, sir.
He's trying to find a path
through the bergs.
And we'll follow him.
Double the lookout watch.
- We're on condition two now.
- Then sound GQ again.
- Sound general quarters.
- Aye, aye, sir.
Your life preserver.
You don't think we're going
to hit one, do you?
I doubt if we'll hit any
above water, my friend.
Why'd you give me this?
You're not wearing one.
I thought you might find it reassuring.
Actually, it is of no use whatsoever.
How's that?
Immersion in these waters means
instantaneous shock and paralysis.
Absolute 'der Tod' in less
than four minutes.
Big one bearing 0-1-0.
Range: 4-0-0.
Looks to be about a quarter-mile deep,
sloping shelf. Can't tell how shallow.
I'm only giving you the nearest
10 degrees. You got that?
- Got it.
- Iceberg to starboard...
...looks to be about--
Holy smokes!
Maybe it goes down 100 fathoms.
One thing is sure.
The sub won't get under it.
Iceberg in sight.
Close to port, captain.
Is the submarine pinging now?
- Turn on sonar.
- Aye, aye, sir.
There you are.
- What's the sub's range?
- Six hundred yards, sir.
Close up another 100 yards
and hold at 500.
Queffle, one just flipped
on the starboard beam.
You'll probably pick up
a bounce from its wave.
Yes, sir.
There's one coming
that looks like Mt. Everest.
- How is it below the waterline?
- You should clear it.
- The sub made it.
- Right.
Come left 10 degrees.
Left 10 degrees rudder, sir.
She struck! The sub struck!
Was it head-on, Queffle?
No, sir. It was more like
glancing along a wall. Blang!
- And then what?
- I don't know. I've lost sonar contact.
I'm not getting anything
but the iceberg.
All engines stop.
Rig for silent ship.
All engines stop.
Rig for silent ship, sir.
- Now kill sonar. Just listen.
- Rig for silent ship.
Keep quiet above the decks
and all lower deck spaces.
She's silent too, sir. No sonar,
no engines, no nothing.
- Everything all right, captain?
- Fine, fine. No problems.
From the silence, I gather you have
lost your sonar contact.
Twenty-one hours.
- Down there, the stink begins.
- I hope so.
- It means so much to you, then?
- Yes, it means so much to me.
Commodore, what do you
think he's up to?
He could have done
one of three things:
Wedged himself up against
the ice and surfaced... you would lose your contact.
He could have scraped the ice
on his way to the bottom...
...where he is lying right now
completely silent.
And what's the third?
He could be on the other
side of the berg.
If that is the case,
I'm afraid you have lost him.
I don't think he's on the other side.
But you don't know, do you?
Let's find out.
You still feel that...
...Big Red might have had a chance
to get under that ice to the other side?
Well, I still don't think so.
I'm convinced he's right around here.
You must be convinced, captain.
You have no choice.
What do you mean,
I have no choice?
If he cleared the berg, the sub
could have gone in any direction.
To start a new search pattern
on the other side would take hours.
All right, what do you
think we should do?
You are the hunter,
the one who stalks.
- Correct?
- Yeah, yeah. Go on, go on.
If I were hunting, at this point...
...considering he cannot breathe
much longer, I would do nothing.
Wait for the animal
to make the next move.
Okay, we wait.
Till sun-up.
This is the captain speaking.
I know you're all tired
and disgusted right now.
Maybe you even think that Big Red
has been making fools of us...
...and those commies are laughing
at another humiliation... add to the many endured
by our country in this cold war.
Personally, I doubt it. They have
too little clean air left for a laugh.
Anyway, I'm gonna hang on here.
And when our rat decides
it's safe to come out of its hole...
...we'll be there to grab him.
Now, that sounds simple enough...
...but you all know it'll mean
more hours of waiting...
...of uncertainty and of doubt.
Well, just sit tight.
And above all, sit silent.
I want every man to listen,
to concentrate...
...and to keep his whole
being so alert...
...that this ship will tingle like
an animal about to attack.
And if the Russians down there
suspect our presence at all...
...let it be because
they sense this.
And then let's see if they
come up laughing. That's all.
Any comment, commodore?
Were you speaking to me?
I wondered whether you'd care
to comment on that glockenspiel?
Sorry, I paid very little attention.
But you recognize the tone, though.
Stirring, keep the men fired up
Sieg Heil.
Young man, I am too weary to follow
your satirical wit this morning.
Excuse me, sir.
It's my own uneasiness
I'm knocking, not your country.
My stomach's tied up in knots.
I'm as whacked up as
everybody else around here.
Do you mind?
I'd like to ask you some questions.
- For your story?
- No, no, no, off-the-record. For me.
For instance, what is going on?
Why ask me?
You and the captain are the only two
on board who know, and he won't talk.
- Nor will I.
- But why not?
I promise. Off-the-record.
You waste your time with me.
My feelings are very deep.
Twenty, 25 years ago,
I was involved.
But no longer.
No longer.
Tell the captain.
Message from COMNATONORTH.
Permission granted.
Swell. This is one hell of a time
to get permission.
That's all, Hacker.
Any information? 1
- Negative, sir. No contact.
Looks like you could
be right, commodore.
Start radar and sonar search
to maximum range...
...and somebody take Queffle's
comic book away from him.
- I heard that, sir.
- Let's get chopping.
- Mr. Thresher?
- Sir.
Wind her up. Stand by
for maximum speed.
Aye, aye, sir.
- Well, what do you think?
- He has gone, your submarine.
Let it go, Eric. You will find only
trouble in this obsession. Let it go.
Come right to new course:
1-3-5, true.
- Speed: 5 knots.
- Aye, aye, sir.
- Steer: 1-3-5, true.
- Steer: 1-3-5, true.
- 1-8-0 revolutions.
- 1-8-0 revolutions.
Secure from general quarters
but maintain full watertight integrity...
...and double the lookout watch.
That, Mr. Ralston, means
secure Fire Control.
Yes, captain.
Secure from general quarters, set
condition three. On deck, section one.
Trussed, tied and nailed to the wall,
but those idiots down in Norfolk...
...decided it'd be more
sporting this way.
Big Red--
- You like that, don't you?
- Like what, captain?
When I speak disrespectfully
of the high command.
Sure. Brings out that individuality.
Bridge, do.
We have a small radar pip...
...bearing 0-8-5.
Range: 1500 yards.
Queffle, do you hold sonar contact?
Queffle! Queffle!
It-- I don't know, captain.
- It sounds like--
- Bridge port lookout.
- I don't know.
- Snorkel on the port bow.
Range: 1000 yards.
- Come left 20 degrees.
- Left 20 degrees, sir.
- All engines ahead two-thirds.
- All engines ahead two-thirds, sir.
Sound general quarters.
Snorkel bearing 0-9-0,
500 yards. Snorkel bearing 0-9-0.
Commodore, how much air did he get?
I doubt he had time
to start his air blowers.
Good. Good.
Queffle, let's sit on him.
Well, now, gentlemen,
this is more like it.
- You're lucky, my captain.
- Yes, Wolfgang, I'm lucky.
I'm very lucky. Queffle?
- Queffle!
- I don't know what's wrong.
I just couldn't read it.
- What's the trouble?
- I couldn't read the sub, sir.
- Get the doctor.
- I don't know what's wrong.
I heard sounds and
they didn't make sense.
- You'll be all right. Sit here.
- I couldn't tell what they would be.
- It just didn't make any sense.
- That's all right, Queffle.
- You just take it easy. Watch him.
- Okay.
- Lucky or not, we've got him.
- Yeah.
The squeeze play is on.
- Captain.
- I want him to--
Doc, take a look at Queffle.
Take him to my cabin and fix him up.
I want him back in shape in two hours.
Can't be done, captain.
What do you mean, "can't"?
This man's had it. He's finished.
- It was nutty, sir.
- He's young, he can snap back.
- If you push him any harder--
- Look, just do what I said.
- I know that this is very important--
- You know nothing, doc.
This isn't one of your lousy
ulcer cases. Now get him below.
You dirty bastard.
- What did you call me?
- I called you a dirty bastard.
What do you think I am?
Some kind of joke?
I've been a Navy officer for 20 years.
I've saved more men
than you have on this ship.
Who are you to tell me how to run
my business? I'm a doctor.
- Anything else?
- Yes.
As I said before,
this man's finished.
When you've done as ordered,
don't sedate him.
I want him back here sharp.
Aye, aye, sir.
You'll have him back.
It's your order, your responsibility.
Come on, son. Come here.
All right.
If you don't mind, Mr. Munceford,
the bridge is secured.
Captain, I would like to stay--
I'd appreciate it very much,
Mr. Munceford, if you'd get below.
- Beckman!
- Sir.
Prepare for underwater transmission
and get up here with a translator.
Aye, aye, sir.
Mr. Munceford!
I have no more time or patience.
Would you please get below?
That permission specifically said,
"if the sub is still in territorial waters."
- Is that not so?
- A matter of interpretation.
But the Russian is
in international waters.
- The ocean is free, my captain.
- Yes, so it is.
So you have lost your opportunity.
It was magnificent--
If I catch a man robbing my house... I let him go just because
he got to the sidewalk?
- You oversimplify, captain.
- All I'm going to do is challenge.
- On what grounds?
- When he surfaces, I'll tell him.
Not only will he not surface, he'll not
even acknowledge your challenge.
- You will accomplish nothing.
- But I already have. Add it up.
He didn't surface during the night.
We must've been directly over him.
So he's out of breathing air.
Staying down, he couldn't charge
his batteries, so he can't run.
And there he is.
So you see, commodore, we've
accomplished the most important step.
We've made him desperate.
He's certainly desperate.
That is the danger. You're
dealing with a desperate force.
And we're a determined force.
You are in the power here, Eric.
It is not a force. There's just you.
You mean you're trying to say
that you consider me desperate.
No, captain. To be frank...
...I consider you frightening.
Captain. Snorkel in sight.
- Captain?
- Oh, Beckman, let's go.
- Williams.
- Yes, sir.
All hands. This is the captain.
What you are about to hear, the
enemy commander will be unable... censor or screen from his crew.
The sound waves will
hit the sub's hull.
They'll get it straight.
- Ready?
- Yes, sir. Sonar speaker on.
- All set, Williams?
- Yes, sir.
To captain of unidentified submarine...
...from commander of most
immediate surface vessel.
Cannot understand your refusal... acknowledge request that you
surface and identify yourself.
Our respective powers are not at war.
Repeat request.
Surface and identify self.
Unless I receive
an immediate answer...
...I disclaim responsibility
for the consequences.
End of message.
- All right, that's all. Thanks.
- Yes, sir.
He's got his air blowers
going full blast.
How much longer before it
does him any good?
One hour. It'll only prolong the agony.
- Is that it?
- Sir, that's the Nova Sibursk.
She must be about 50 miles off.
So she'll arrive, and it will end.
Thank God.
Switch back to the sub.
Nothing, sir.
- All right, get back to your station.
- Aye, sir.
No answer.
Okay, if that's how he wants it.
- I'll take the con.
- Aye, aye, sir.
- All ahead full.
- All engines ahead full, sir.
- Head directly for the snorkel.
- Directly for the snorkel.
- Those are men.
- Men answer.
Take her just enough off
the bow to miss our sonar.
- Aye, aye, sir.
- How shall I log it, sir?
Designate it "unidentified
floating object."
Aye, aye, sir.
In the interest of journalistic
accuracy, Mr. Munceford...
...our ship will pass
safely over the sub.
We won't touch it.
- Engines ahead two-thirds!
- Engines ahead two-thirds, sir.
Bring her about the starboard.
- Buck, take the con.
- Aye, sir.
Take position 2000 yards
on the sub's quarter.
- Aye, aye, sir.
- How's the sonar?
Sonar operating.
- Fire Control.
- Sir.
- Report!
- All systems in automatic control, sir.
- Ready for firing when armed--
- You're not chasing whales now!
- You're pushing him too far.
- He's right. Stop this madness.
So you still think
I'm frightening, commodore?
That captain and his crew will act
now like animals, fighting for survival.
- This is my job.
- It's not your job!
Break off this action,
or you'll force him to fight.
So you think he's going
to fire at us, do you?
I would in his place. So would you.
- CIC.
- Sir?
- What's the target aspect?
- Minimum surface area. Bow on.
Thank you.
- Fire Control.
- Sir?
Arm number one ASROC.
Aye, aye, sir.
- Armed and ready, sir.
- Captain, you are a fool!
- Finlander, leave it alone.
- Take it easy, Ralston.
All systems in automatic control, sir.
Weapons armed and ready.
- Take it easy.
- Fire Control, A-Okay, sir.
- All systems armed and ready.
- This is insane!
Oh, don't worry, commodore.
The Bedford will never fire first.
- But if he fires one, I'll fire one.
- Fire one.
- Did you disarm it?
- I don't know.
Back to your stations!
All engines stopped.
Back to your stations!
All hands! All hands!
Remain at general quarters.
Remain at general quarters.
- Sonar.
- Sir.
We tried to disarm the warhead
in time, but we don't know.
- Keep listening.
- Yes, sir.
I'm tracking the torpedo now, sir.
Touched down pretty close.
Holding contact, captain.
It's funny but I'm picking up--
- Sonar.
- Sir.
- Keep ranging.
- Yes, sir.
- Captain?
- Yes.
Captain, there's--
Oh, my God.
- What is it?
- Torpedoes!
Range: 2000 yards. Closing.
Right full rudder! All ahead flank!
Allison, actuate countermeasures!
Aye, sir!
Right full rudder, sir!
All engines ahead flank, sir!
Torpedoes approaching bearing
1-3-0. Four of them at intervals.
He must have fired as soon as
the ASROC broke the surface.
- What's the range?
- 1500. Coming straight on.
Range: 1300.
Speed: 40. Closing.
You have a torpedo
evasion plan, haven't you?
Well, have you or haven't you?
Come on, you knew there was
this chance! Do something!
Range: 800 yards. Closing.
Answer me, damn you!