The Bedroom Window (1987)

The Bedroom Window (1987)
I wasn't sure you'd come.
I almost didn't.
And then I got lost, all turned around.
-Nothing looked the same.
-Would you like something to drink?
Maybe that would be good.
Some white wine.
White wine?
I'm out of white wine right now.
How about a beer?
It's probably just as well.
I've had enough to drink already.
Maybe too much.
How'd you get away?
My sister's having problems...
with her husband.
I told Collin she needed to see me.
At this hour?
It's a crisis.
What did you say?
Thanks for the party.
Collin won't miss me.
He's your husband. I just work for him.
-I don't know what to say.
-I don't either.
-I've never...
-I know.
Why did you... Why are you?
Because you wanted me to.
-And have wanted me for a long time.
-I was so obvious?
I couldn't ignore it.
And I guess I'm to the point
where I need to be wanted like that.
-Oh, don't tell me Collin knew, too.
If Collin knew...
You know him.
What do you think Collin
would do if he knew?
I don't know.
I can't move.
Thank God.
But I have to.
Will you excuse me? I'll be right back.
-What is it? What happened?
-He was trying to kill her.
Who was?
Hey, you all right?
He's gone now.
He had her from behind.
He was dragging her toward the street.
Be careful with her.
There you go.
There you go, take my arm.
Good, walk...
Looks like she's all right.
Come on.
Come on, they can see you.
He was trying to kill her.
It took me a moment to realize
it was really happening.
-Did you see him?
-Yes, his face was so white.
-Okay, okay, okay.
-Oh, I've got to get out of here.
I'll walk you to your car.
What'd he look like?
Twenty, twenty-four.
With unbelievable white skin.
And red hair,
combed back like a duck.
-A ducktail?
You know, if I left any earlier,
that could have been me down there.
You may have saved my life.
The pleasure was mine.
In fact, let me go further
if I can be of service again.
Oh, don't.
I can't even think about that now.
I'm scared, and later than I should be.
And that could be trouble for us both.
Any regrets?
Not one.
In spite of what happened,
maybe because of it,
it's the most exciting night
I can remember.
-Regrets? Are you kidding?
All right!
Rough night last night?
-What do you mean?
-You're late.
Thought maybe you slept in.
-He's been asking for you.
Good luck.
I want the concrete on the site.
If I get there and find my boys
sitting around, pulling their puds...
What happened to you last night?
Well, see to it that you do.
Every last yard of it.
-The party... where did you disappear to?
-Oh, nowhere. I went home.
I saw you talking with my wife
and the next thing I knew, you were gone.
What's that?
It's a beauty, isn't it?
Belonged to Bugsy Siegel.
Forty years old,
never been registered.
-Where you'd get it?
-A friend.
Got it from a friend.
Hold it.
Feels good, doesn't it?
The way it fits in your hand.
Almost makes you wish
you had a reason to fire it.
Excuse me, your paper.
-Thank you.
-Hi, Terry.
Hi, Layla.
Well, the market's looking up.
How are things coming
on the Wooten project?
Oh, everything's under control.
In fact, I better get back to it
right now.
May I?
Be my guest.
What's so interesting?
Looks like the Mideast
is heating up again.
You see,
that's why I never read the news.
What do you think about it?
The girl in the news?
A few blocks away,
less than half an hour later.
I think there's a good chance
it's the man you saw.
Not the same girl, though.
Murdered girl was a blonde.
-You said the one you saw had brown hair.
-God, it's scary.
Did the paper say
anything else about witnesses?
It said there weren't any.
Terry, if it was the same man
and no one else saw him,
I should go forward,
give the police a description.
You could ask them
to keep your identity a secret.
What if they wouldn't?
It would all come out.
-What about a letter?
-An anonymous letter.
No, they wouldn't pay
much attention to it.
They would think it was from some crank.
Oh, Jesus, Terry.
I want to do the right thing.
Why should my life
be turned upside down
just because I happened
to look out of the window?
It's not fair.
Am I terrible?
What are you doing?
-Police department, please.
I'll tell them what you saw.
Only I'll tell them that I saw it.
-You can't do that.
-It's my apartment, my bedroom window.
Why shouldn't I have been
the one looking out of it?
Hello? Yes, I witnessed
an assault last night.
Relax. Relax, they'll probably
make a hero out of me.
-But you'll be lying.
Yes. Right, I witnessed
an assault last night on a woman,
and I thought I better call up about it.
Right outside my apartment,
near the Washington Monument.
12 East Mount Vernon Place.
Terry Lambert.
That's the most romantic thing
I've ever seen in my life.
You did that for me.
You remember what he looked like?
Tell me what he looked like.
-Tall, red hair.
Combed back behind the ears, like this.
What was he wearing?
Tan jacket, blue jeans,
tennis shoes.
When you say "tennis shoes" do you mean
tennis shoes or running shoes?
I mean tennis shoes.
And I'm going to make love to you
like nobody ever has before.
Well, that sounds so good,
but I'm not sure you'll have time
before they get here.
Get here? Terry!
The police, they're on their way.
Some detective, he sounded very excited.
Oh, my God.
Terry, you're going to pay for this.
Call me when they're gone.
No, you better not call, he might be home.
I'll meet you on the other side
of the Washington Monument in an hour.
Mr. Lambert? I'm Detective Quirke,
and this is Detective Jessup.
-May we come in?
-Yeah, sure.
Sorry, you got here so fast--
We're anxious to hear
what you had to say.
Nice apartment.
I like these old buildings.
-You live here alone?
-No reason.
Detective Jessup will take notes,
if you don't mind.
Why don't you start
by telling us what happened?
What you were doing, what you saw.
Well, I'd been to a party.
Kind of an office party.
-Wentworth Construction.
-Collin Wentworth? You work for him?
Anyway, we just closed a big account
and we were having a party to celebrate.
-I came home early and went to bed.
-What time?
Around 10:00.
And then later at 2:15, I remember
because I looked at the clock,
I woke up. I heard a scream.
Not very loud, kind of muffled,
but I could tell it came from the park.
I jumped up
and I went to the window.
-Which window?
-The bedroom window.
May we see it?
-Were the drapes open?
And what did you see?
Right down there.
He had her from behind and was
sort of dragging her toward the street.
She was struggling.
And then he threw her down,
and started choking her.
And that's when she screamed,
real loud,
-"Help! Help me!"And then he ran away.
-Why didn't you call the police?
I didn't think it was that important,
that I had anything to say
until I read about that
other girl that was murdered.
What made you think
there was a connection?
A few blocks away, half hour later.
Why, am I wrong?
No, Mr. Lambert,
we think there is a connection, too.
And we're very glad you came forward.
-No, I don't smoke.
Good for you.
-Do you mind?
Did you get a good look
at the assailant?
-Describe him, please.
early 20s, six foot.
Any distinguishing marks
or characteristics?
Red hair, red hair.
Combed back behind the ears
in a ducktail.
What was he wearing?
At an jacket, blue jeans,
tennis shoes.
Tennis shoes or running shoes?
Tennis shoes.
When you say tan jacket, do you mean
a sports coat or windbreaker?
You have a good eye for detail,
Mr. Lambert.
He probably came
from behind that tree.
The girl says the sidewalk was deserted,
that he came out of nowhere.
She barely saw him at all.
By the way, do you know her?
-The girl.
She lives just around the corner.
-She's a lucky one.
The other girl was raped,
beaten to death, and dumped.
You said he was dragging her
toward the street.
He was trying to get her
to his vehicle.
She's a lucky one, all right.
Mr. Lambert, you said you came back
from the party and went right to bed?
That's right.
Were you alone?
Yes, didn't I say that?
Not exactly.
I was alone.
That's why he went to sleep, Dave.
I just wanted to make sure.
When you said tan jacket, did you mean
windbreaker or sports coat?
Windbreaker, why?
You went shopping?
I was so nervous,
I didn't know what to do.
Tell me what happened.
Let's talk as we drive.
There's something I want to see.
See that building? That's where she lived,
the girl that was killed.
Come on, I'll show you.
Like the girl you saw, this one
was attacked on her way home, too.
But if it happened so soon after,
how did he plan it?
How did he know where she lived?
Suppose he came driving
down the street.
You know, he's angry.
-Excuse me, please.
He's frustrated after
his aborted attempt outside my place.
He stops at that stop sign,
right there.
Looking over,
he sees a car parked in the red,
in front of this building.
He sees a girl locked
in the arms of her lover,
having a last goodnight kiss.
On impulse, the killer backs up,
he sees the side door of the building,
he parks, and returns on foot.
He plays a hunch.
From where the car is parked,
he's guessed
that the girl lives in the building,
and that soon she'll be going inside.
He runs up the steps to the front door,
where he does something to the lock.
Something that'll prevent a key
from opening it.
Then he slips back down the steps
to the side door,
to watch and to wait.
The girl gets out of the car,
waves goodbye,
and goes up the steps.
She tries to open the door,
but she can't.
She turns to call after her lover,
but he's already speeding away.
So she decides to go around
to the side door.
She never got there.
The police told you all that?
About the girl?
Most of it. The rest was in the paper.
I want you to know I really appreciate you
helping me do the right thing,
giving the police the description.
Let's hope it's of some use to them.
-When will I see you again?
Very soon.
Here you go.
Hey, what's in the bag?
A little lunchtime shopping?
Just some white wine.
You been up to something
you shouldn't, old boy?
-What do you mean?
-A cop was here to see you.
Detective Jessup.
He wants you to call him
at that number.
Thanks, Collin.
What's it all about?
Nothing much. A few nights ago
I witnessed an assault on this girl.
Sounds interesting.
Not a rape, Collin.
More of a mugging.
No big deal.
-Which night?
-Which night?
Yeah, which night was it?
Thursday night.
That was the night of the party.
Yeah, that's right.
Aren't you gonna call him?
Yes... I'm gonna call him.
You know, cur--
It's Terry Lambert, Detective Jessup.
Seven o'clock, that'll be fine.
They want me to come over,
probably go over my statement again.
You know the police.
No, I don't.
Frankly, I'm surprised
to see you get so involved.
I didn't know you had such
a strong sense of civic duty.
This is not bad.
I didn't know you appreciated
French wine, either.
I'm developing a taste for it.
Just tell me what you want.
Yeah, okay. Just a sec.
-I'm Terry Lambert.
-I'm here to see Detective Jessup...
-They're running late.
If you have a seat,
they'll have it set up in a few minutes.
Yeah, where were we?
No. Of course...
He never lived a day beyond 95.
They got him.
I don't think I'm going to have
that bad of an experience.
Hey, thanks.
All right. Hold on.
Late setting what up?
You said they were running late
setting something up.
You're here for the lineup, aren't you?
-No, I think I was supposed to...
-You must be the one.
I mean, they told me there was a witness.
Sorry to keep you waiting.
Oh, hi.
Of course, you two must have
quite a bit to talk about.
But I'll have to ask you to refrain
from doing so during the proceedings.
Right this way.
There are six men
I want you to look at.
Don't worry.
They won't be able to see you.
I don't wanna disappoint you,
but I told you before--
I know, Ms. Connelly.
I wanted you to come along
because sometimes people
see more than they realize.
But Mr. Lambert here,
-he got a good look at the man.
-You did?
Well, I...
Step right up, gentlemen.
Don't be shy.
That's right.
All the way to the end.
Take your time.
Look at each one.
Very carefully.
Face left, gentlemen, please.
But you did get
a good look at him that night.
Good enough to give us
that detailed description.
But seeing them all together like this,
I just can't be sure.
But surely if you were to come
face-to-face with the man
you described in such detail,
you'd recognize him, wouldn't you?
Yes, I think so.
That's the way it goes.
Your hunch was wrong.
One of the men you saw tonight
has done this kind of thing before.
That, combined with your description...
Well, obviously I was wrong.
We'll just have to keep looking.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry you didn't recognize him.
Yeah, me too.
I've seen you before.
At Edgar's.
-I don't think...
-I cocktail there.
It's not my night
for recognizing people.
I was walking home from work
the night it happened.
I don't do that anymore.
There's a lot I don't do.
Can't do, until I know who he is.
They seem pretty sure that the same guy
attacked that other girl.
Only she's dead and I'm alive.
I should feel lucky, I guess.
Do you think they'll catch him?
I hope so.
Well, good night.
He's not even telling her about it.
That's him. You'll see
when he takes his hood off.
What if it is him? What do we do?
I don't know.
First you have to tell me whether it is.
Terry, there must be hundreds
of young men in Baltimore with red hair.
-I don't know why you think...
-There! Look.
I want you to have a better look.
That's him, isn't it?
Come on, Sylvia.
He's just what you said.
The hair, the size, everything.
-Even the white skin.
-I can't say.
-Not for sure.
-Why not?
I just can't.
-But it might be him?
-It might be.
But what good does that do?
What good does any of it do?
I couldn't go forward before.
It would be worse now.
It's different now.
If he did what he did to those girls,
and we know it.
But we don't know it, Terry.
-I'm not sure.
-That detective, Quirke,
he said that one of the men
in the lineup was there
because he had raped before.
But you don't know this is the one
he was talking about.
I'm sorry, Terry.
I know you're disappointed,
but there's nothing I can do about it.
I'll tell you what.
Next time we get together, let's not
spend all our time driving around.
What did you say your name was?
Can I get you something from the bar?
Yeah. A beer.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
Lord, have mercy.
Table! Table!
Joe! Hey, Joe, another round!
This one's on me.
Yeah, and me
making a fool of myself.
Here, watch this.
Ready for another?
No, thank you.
Oh, shit! Oh, my God.
-I'm so sorry.
-No, it's all right. No, really.
Here, let me buy you a drink.
-It's the least I can do.
-It's not necessary.
-It's the least I can do.
-Okay, okay.
Okay? It'll make me feel better.
Don't wanna wake 'em.
No such luck.
Chris? Chris, is that you?
You come up here right away.
This is a decent house.
And I'm tired of you coming
at all hours of the night.
Don't just stand there like that.
I'm telling you, I told you
to be in this house before midnight.
Now you go down to bed
this minute.
If this ever happens again,
you're packing your things
and you're getting out of here.
And I mean it!
Don't give me that stupid look.
Go on down.
You be quiet about it down there!
Hey, that's it.
Let's get her out of here.
-What's going on?
-A girl's been murdered.
They found the body
stuffed in there about an hour ago.
Any idea who she is?
So what do you think?
Oh, here's Peters.
Is this what time you guys in the hall
normally go to work?
Don't start, huh?
I hear you got something.
Mr. Lambert...
Peters, state's attorney's office.
Nice to meet you. Sit down.
I understand you've told quite a story.
If you don't mind, I'd like to ask you
a couple of questions.
Not at all.
Why didn't you identify Henderson earlier
when you saw him at the lineup?
That's his name. Chris Henderson.
I wasn't sure. I didn't want
to make a mistake.
So you followed him?
Yeah, at night to see him
under more similar circumstances.
Unusually conscientious.
And when you saw him at night,
you became positive
that he was in fact the man
you saw attacking Ms. Connelly?
-But you still didn't identify him.
You waited...
-Two days.
I don't know.
What do you think?
Have we enough for a search warrant?
I can go before the judge
with Lambert's positive ID,
Henderson's record, I might get it.
It would help if I could tie
Henderson to the dead girls.
We've learned that she spent
part of last night in a bar,
drinking with friends.
We're going to take
Henderson's picture there,
-see if anyone recognizes him.
-All right. You let me know right away.
I can probably get
the warrant without it, but...
Thanks, Mr. Lambert.
You've been a big help.
Well, I only wish that
I was of some help sooner.
Ah, don't feel badly about it.
Even if you had identified
Henderson earlier,
at the lineup even,
they still wouldn't have arrested him.
He'd have still been
out on the street last night.
Our concern is not the assault itself.
Except as it helps
to build a case of murder.
And thanks to you, it's helping.
With a search warrant,
we may be able to find evidence
tying Henderson to the dead girls.
If we do, we're off and running.
So don't torture yourself about
what might have been, huh?
What you did was right.
There's no doubt about that.
I just wish you hadn't had to do it.
Tell me that's wrong.
That it's not going
to come back and hurt us.
It won't. My statement's only a tool
to help 'em get a search warrant.
Beyond that, they don't care about me
or the assault you witnessed.
But you didn't tell them
you followed him to the bar?
I couldn't. Either I recognized him
at night or I didn't.
I had no good reason
to keep following him.
What if they find out you lied?
-They're not interested in me.
-But what if they do?
No matter what happens, I promise
I will not let them find out about you.
Oh, how are you, Detective Quirke?
I see.
Well, thanks for letting me know.
Good luck to you.
What? What did he want?
-They got the search warrant.
-That's what you wanted, isn't it?
I guess so, but...
Nobody at the bar
remembered Henderson.
But they got
the search warrant anyway?
Yeah, they had my statement.
He said that was enough. Anyway...
that'll be the end of it.
Either they'll find something to
connect him to the murders or they won't.
But either way,
they'll be done with me.
The search was somewhat disappointing.
No fingerprints,
no blood samples, no clothing.
Nothing to prove Henderson ever came
in contact with the murdered women.
Some cotton fibers that match up
to the sweater
of one of the girls,
but it's a common fiber.
We did find a handful
of peppermint-flavored toothpicks
in the glove compartment of the truck.
Each of the two murdered girls
was prevented from entering her residence
by a toothpick jammed into
the keyhole of the door lock,
and then broken off
so her key wouldn't work.
The newspaper said he had done
something to the locks.
We held back about the toothpicks.
So what happens now?
I'll let Peters explain.
Jesus Christ, that Holden
is a ball-breaking judge.
-You filled him in?
-I was just starting to.
All right. Here's how it shapes up.
We got a murder case we can't win.
Some insignificant cotton fibers,
some toothpicks
that anyone could possess.
My assistant has learned
that particular brand
is given away at half a dozen restaurants
in the Baltimore area.
I don't understand.
Are you saying that he didn't do it?
Not at all.
He could've raped the girls,
hammered them to death
with his fists in the back of his truck.
He could've thrown away
the gloves he wore,
any articles of clothing
with blood on them.
A car wash would've taken care
of the flatbed of his truck.
What I'm saying is
we can't prove that he did it.
So, I recommended,
Detective Quirke has agreed,
-we go with the assault case.
-What do you mean?
We prosecute Henderson
on the assault case.
-The assault case?
-We can win that one.
I mean, it's open and shut.
We got a witness who saw him do it.
But you said you didn't care
about the assault case.
I don't. Not if there's a chance
for getting him for murder, but...
we're up against it.
Listen, we are not giving up
on the murder cases.
We might get lucky
when he's in prison.
You mean someone may kill him?
I doubt we'll get that lucky.
No, what I meant was that Henderson
might shoot off his mouth to somebody,
somebody who wants
to make a deal with us.
Then we nail him.
Meanwhile, he's tucked away,
where he can't hurt anybody else.
So, how do you feel about
being a star witness, huh?
-This isn't what I thought would happen.
-Don't worry.
It'll be a breeze.
All you gotta do is tell the truth.
But that's exactly what
you said would not happen.
You'll have to take the stand,
testify under oath.
-How do you think I feel about it?
-Oh, damn it.
Why did I have to look out
that window?
Why did you have to call the police?
If this guy's not put away,
he could kill again.
He can do whatever he wants.
All he's being tried for is assault.
What a mess.
It's not your mess. It's mine.
And whatever happens,
I'll protect you from it.
So far, all you've done is grandstand.
First for me, and now for them.
You believe that?
From the beginning,
you wanted to play the hero.
And now you see where it's gotten us.
And I am the one with everything to lose.
I thought it was you.
How long have you...
What are you doing?
What does it look like?
I'll walk awhile if you like.
Oh, I'm...
I'm going...
I was happy to hear they're gonna
prosecute on your identification.
What happened? You thought
about it later and were sure?
Something like that.
-How have you been?
-I'm better.
I'm doing things like this now.
I used to run at night.
Mostly I'm just waiting to testify.
That's all I think about.
I'm nervous. Are you?
A little, I guess.
And your testimony
is so much more important than mine.
But I wanna get him.
Even if that means I have
to get up on the stand, that's okay.
Whatever it takes, I want to get him.
You must feel the same way.
I just want to tell you
how much it means to me.
To see someone like you, who's not afraid
to come forward and get involved.
I'm not doing so much.
You're telling the truth.
That's more than most people would do.
See you in court.
Oh, Terry. I'm so ashamed.
Do you hate me?
Of course I want to stand by you.
I'm scared, Terry. That's all.
I know. So am I.
You forgive me?
Do you?
Let's go upstairs.
I want to.
I didn't...
And I want to come to the trial.
When you testify,
you'll be testifying for both of us.
You'll be saying the words,
but they'll be my words.
And I'll be right there with you.
This way.
-State your name for the court, please.
-Terry Lambert.
Place your left hand on the Bible
and raise your right hand.
Do you swear that the evidence
you're about to give the court
and the jury in this action
is the truth, the whole truth,
and nothing but the truth,
so help you God?
-Please take the stand.
This won't take long, Mr. Lambert.
What were you doing on the night
of April 21st at 2:15 in the morning?
I was looking out my window
in my bedroom.
And your bedroom window
overlooks the park
-on East Mount Vernon Place?
What did you see?
A man fighting with a woman,
on the steps by the fountain.
-Physically fighting?
Would you describe,
as exactly as you are able,
what happened in this fight?
He had hold of her from behind,
-trying to drag her--
Was he dragging her?
-Yes, toward the street.
-And then what happened?
She was fighting,
and he threw her down
on her face on the pavement,
grabbed hold of her neck
and started to strangle her.
And what did you do?
I went to open my window and yell,
and she screamed, and he ran away.
I'd like you to look around
this courtroom.
Do you see the man
you saw attack that girl?
-Would you please point him out?
Let the record show the witness
is pointing at the defendant.
Mr. Lambert, you're sure the defendant
is the man you saw?
Yes, I am.
Thank you, Mr. Lambert.
One moment, Mr. Lambert.
There are two lawyers in this case.
I would like to take you through this
one more time,
perhaps with a little more detail.
Now, you were in your apartment
on East Mount Vernon Place
on the night of April 21st,
looked out your bedroom window
and you saw a man fighting
with a woman. Is that correct?
-What time was that?
-Around 2:00.
-Two o'clock in the morning.
What were you doing just prior
to looking out the window?
Just prior?
Yes. Were you watching television?
-Reading a book? Chatting with friends--
-I was sleeping.
-In your bed?
You hadn't dozed off in a chair
in front of the television, maybe?
No, I was in my bed.
What time did you go to bed?
Around 11:00.
And you'd been to a party that night,
isn't that correct?
Did you have much to drink?
No, in fact, I came home early.
I'd been working pretty hard on a job,
and I was tired.
So you went home, you went to bed,
planning to get a good night's sleep.
So there you are, sound asleep
at two o'clock in the morning.
What woke you up?
I heard a scream.
-A single scream?
-No, there were two screams.
Not very loud, kind of muffled.
-What did you do?
-Got up and I went to the window.
You heard screams, you got up,
you went to the window.
-Did you turn on a light?
Did you stop to get a drink of milk
or go to the bathroom?
-No, I hurried to the window.
-You hurried to the window.
And that's when you saw
this man and woman
fighting on the steps of the fountain.
What did you do then?
I went to open the window,
but it stuck,
and then the woman screamed
and the man ran away.
Did he run away
as soon as she screamed?
Well, she screamed twice,
"Help. Help me."
And the man ran away.
I think.
Well, it all happened pretty quickly.
-How quickly?
You saw these two people fighting,
you struggled with your window,
the woman screamed, the man ran away,
and it all happened very quickly.
How quickly?
Come on, Mr. Lambert.
Five seconds?
It must have been longer than that.
-It must have been?
-For all that to happen.
Yeah... you know.
Well, why don't we just say
you saw this man...
...for a brief and fleeting
period of time,
during most of which
he was moving quickly.
-Would that be an accurate statement?
Now, Mr. Lambert,
how far would you say it is
from your bedroom window
to the fountain steps?
I don't know. Fifteen yards?
Would it surprise you to hear
that it's 22 yards?
It's 22 yards? I never measured.
Well, we did measure it.
And the night of April 21st,
was that a clear night?
It rained earlier,
but it was pretty clear.
So visibility was good?
There are streetlights all over.
Yes, I was just coming
to the streetlights.
There are three of them, aren't there,
spaced along the block?
Yes, park's pretty well-lit.
-Well-lit? Is that what you would say?
-Oh, yeah.
Is it as well-lit as this courtroom?
No. Oh, no.
-You're sure?
-Of course I'm sure.
-Of course you're sure.
Your Honor, with your permission,
I'd like to try a little experiment.
Objection, Your Honor.
What kind of experiment?
This experiment is relevant?
I think so, Your Honor.
It'll take two minutes at the most.
We can indulge the defense counsel
for two minutes. Proceed.
Thank you, Your Honor.
Now, let's see.
Well, one thing before we begin.
Mr. Lambert, would you kindly
remove your contact lenses?
Your contact lenses.
You're wearing them, aren't you?
-Then kindly remove them.
-Your Honor--
It's very simple, Your Honor.
Mr. Lambert wears contact lenses,
hard lenses. That's true, isn't it?
-The kind that irritate your eyes
if they're left in too long
or if you sleep with them in.
And he surely would have taken them out
on the night in question
when he went to bed,
planning to get a good sleep.
That's true, isn't it?
And he just got through telling us
that when he was awakened
by the sound of screaming,
he hurried to the window
without making any stops.
So surely he won't now try to tell us
that he took the time in the dark
to put in his contact lenses.
You won't try to tell us that, will you?
No, I didn't have them in.
So I repeat my request
that you remove them
for the purpose of this experiment.
I think you'd better accede
to this request and remove them.
-I... No. I...
I have a lens case.
Now, Mr. Lambert,
the distance between us is 20 yards.
Two yards less than the distance
from your bedroom window
to the fountain steps.
Bailiff, would you please
turn out the lights?
Your Honor, I must object again.
If we are to have a recreation
of the circumstances
under which the witness
observed the defendant,
surely it should be done
by experts in the proper manner.
Let's indulge the defense counsel
for his two minutes.
Frankly, I'm more than a little curious
as to where this is heading.
-Thank you, Your Honor.
Mr. Lambert,
I'm holding in my hand an object.
Would you kindly tell the court
what this object is?
It's a... You're holding...
Come on, Mr. Lambert.
What is it?
Red book.
I can't quite make it out.
Come on, Mr. Lambert.
What is it?
This is...
Red book.
Book. It's a book.
Oh, no!
Shall I give you a hint, Mr. Lambert?
Is it a cap?
Is it a lady's slipper?
It isn't by any chance a red wig, is it?
Well, let's try it with the lights on.
How about now, Mr. Lambert?
I can see...
I can see that something's there.
But you can't identify it.
Not even with the lights on.
It's a book, Mr. Lambert.
Just a red book.
You can see why
the Motor Vehicles Administration
stipulates on your license
that you're only to drive
while wearing corrective glasses
or contact lenses.
You're short-sighted, aren't you?
In fact, you're extremely short-sighted.
I don't know about extremely.
Don't trifle with the court, Mr. Lambert.
Would you not agree that a person
who failed to distinguish an object
in a brightly-lit courtroom
from a distance of 20 yards
could fairly be described
as extremely short-sighted?
And would you not also agree
that it would be unlikely at best
that an extremely short-sighted person
could positively identify
someone glimpsed, at night,
from 22 yards away,
for only a few frantic seconds?
Why the fuck didn't you say
you were near-sighted?
-You never asked.
-How do you think he find out?
His assistant probably checked
with the Motor Vehicles Administration.
Accused assailant Chris Henderson
was released today,
the case against him dismissed
for insufficient evidence.
Baltimore police report no new leads
on the so-called "Dumpster Murders."
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Could I talk to you, please?
I'm your neighbor.
It's funny how two people
can live so close, and...
My name is Kathy, Kathy Hoffner.
-Terry Lambert.
-Yeah, I know.
Oh, please excuse the way I look.
I'm such a slob today.
I heard your footsteps on the stairs
and I thought it was probably you,
so I just threw this robe on
and came to the door.
Right. Well, I was just getting home.
Well, I didn't know whether
to say anything at first, but...
I just feel so funny about
talking behind anybody's back.
Talk to who?
The police.
The police?
Oh, you mean back then.
Well, I talked to them back then, too.
They asked me if I was awakened
by the attack, if I'd seen anything.
But they were here again today.
And this time they asked me
if I had seen you that night.
Seen me? What...
At first I thought I hadn't,
and then I remembered
that later I had peeked out
when I heard some footsteps
coming up the stairs.
I was nervous
after what had happened.
What did you see?
I saw you coming back in.
This was later after the excitement
had died down.
Yeah, I went out for some air.
Did you happen to see me
when I went out?
The police asked me
the same question.
No, I just saw you coming back in.
Must have been after 3:00.
Oh, I'm sure it wasn't that late, no.
Anyway, it doesn't matter.
Thanks for letting me know
about the police.
Anytime at all.
You heard they let him go.
Sickening, isn't it?
Want a beer?
Thanks, I would.
So that's the famous bedroom window?
Do you mind?
I know, Terry.
I know.
It wasn't you
in the bedroom window at all.
-What are you talking about?
-She was the witness.
-She saw it, not you.
Look, I'm as disappointed
as you are that they let him go...
-You went forward for her.
-Doesn't mean I wasn't telling the truth.
Save it, Terry. I saw her in the park
and I saw her in court coaching you.
What, is she married?
Must be, to someone powerful.
It doesn't matter, really.
What matters is he's out there free.
There's nothing that can be done
about that. They can't try him again.
Not for attacking me.
But with some more information,
they might be able to get him
for what he did to the others.
The girls that didn't have
someone like you to protect them.
What are you gonna do?
The question isn't
what am I going to do,
it's what are you going to do,
and what is she going to do?
Now it's my turn to watch.
Thanks for the beer.
The cops have been here. They just left.
Here? They want me to call them?
They don't want to talk to you.
-They wanted to talk about you.
-About me?
How long you've been here,
what you're like.
They also want to know about
the night of that party we had.
What your mood was,
why you left early.
It's almost as though
they suspect you of something.
Did they ask anything else?
If I'd noticed anything unusual
about you on April 26th or 27th.
They think you keep a diary of my moods?
Why would they ask about
those dates in particular?
Who knows?
Anyway, thanks, Collin.
I'm sorry they bothered you.
Hey, wait for me!
The police don't know about you.
Not yet.
They've been questioning
my neighbors.
I think they've tapped my phone.
And they've been watching me.
That's not all. Denise Connelly
saw us together. She saw you in court.
She's figured it out.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Tapped your phone?
Terry, you made a mistake,
a simple mistake.
The police wouldn't do that.
They were at the office
this morning, questioning Collin.
-That's right.
-Why would they question Collin?
-About me! Sylvia.
That's what I'm trying to tell you.
Do they suspect you were with somebody?
I don't know what they suspect.
It looks like they're wondering
if maybe I didn't kill those girls.
It makes sense in a crazy sort of way,
that I've been trying to put the blame
on somebody else.
It doesn't make any sense.
It's ridiculous. You're being paranoid.
Anyway, what did they talk
to Collin about?
They asked him about April 26th.
That's the date of the second murder.
They also asked him
about the night of the party.
Why I left early.
The party...
What if Collin starts thinking
about the party?
In one way, that would partially
solve our problems.
-What do you mean?
-If Collin put two and two together,
you wouldn't need to be so afraid
to go to the police.
Go to the police?
I can't do that. You know that.
You've always known.
Besides, I think you're exaggerating
the whole thing.
And what about the redhead,
-What about him? He got off.
-If you'd testified, he wouldn't have.
I never said it was him. I was never sure.
You made up your own mind about that.
If it was him, he could do it again.
Stop it, Terry. That's not fair.
It's not my fault this is happening.
Besides, it will work out.
-The police aren't fools.
-What about Denise Connelly?
-The girl that was attacked.
She knows all about us.
Go to her. Tell her we need a little time.
I have to think.
She'll be reasonable, won't she?
-She has to be.
I didn't get us into this. You know that.
I have to go now. I do.
I never even knew
you wore contact lenses.
A little reverse angle
should have been all right, Alan.
Thanks, Denise.
I need to talk.
I'll be right back.
-Cece, cover me, will ya?
I talked to her. I told her about you,
told her about the police.
Now, the police seem to have
gotten it into their heads
that maybe I had something to do
with what happened to those girls.
They know you lied,
they just don't know why.
-Did you see any of it that night?
She saw it, but she wouldn't go forward,
so you took her place.
-I thought I could bring it off.
-And she let you?
You're either a romantic fool
or you're an idiot.
I don't know which is worse.
What does she say now,
now that you're in a spot?
She wants to wait,
give time to the police to sort it out.
-You don't understand her position.
-Sure I do.
She has a husband, a stud
on the side, and nobody the wiser.
She wants to keep it that way.
Yeah. So what are you gonna do now?
I did what I did.
If I had it to do over,
I'd do it differently.
But it was my idea
to handle it the way we did,
and I don't think it's fair for me
to force Sylvia to pay the consequences
unless she's come
to the same conclusion I have.
-Not yet.
-Like I said.
A romantic fool.
What about Henderson?
What does she wanna do about him?
She's not sure it was Henderson
and she never was.
But you were sure.
That doesn't make any sense.
I know. It's a long story and I'd like
to tell it to you someday, I would.
But right now, Denise,
all I want is a little more time.
Denise, seriously.
A little more time, okay. But I'm giving
the time to you, not to her.
You're the romantic fool.
She knows exactly what she's doing.
Mr. Lambert.
Good morning.
Would you mind coming with me?
Detective Quirke and I'd like
to talk to you for a few minutes.
Shall I follow you?
That's okay. I'll bring you back.
Mr. Lambert.
It seems you haven't been
exactly truthful with us.
-Oh, yes. I'm sorry about the contacts.
-That's our fault.
We should've asked.
I'm not talking about that.
We've learned that
you went out that night.
-You told us you were in bed.
That you were awakened,
you witnessed the attack,
-and then you went right back to bed.
-Yes, I did go out.
I... I forgot.
-You forgot?
-Yes, I...
Yeah, I did. It's, it's...
When did you go out?
Before I went back to sleep.
I went out to... get some air
and look around.
I was all keyed up, so it's...
When did you come back?
A few minutes later.
That's why I forgot.
Look, I know that you've been
questioning my neighbors and my boss,
and you've been having me followed.
But... I...
Look, you don't really think that I'm...
I'm not a suspect, am I?
Suppose you tell us about the bar.
-What bar?
-The Fells Point Saloon,
where the murdered girl, Stephanie Luty,
spent the last hours of her life,
where no one, no one, can remember
having seen the redhead Chris Henderson.
Cocktail waitress
remembers you quite clearly.
She spilled a drink on you.
Was that something else you forgot?
Where did you get that picture?
-Am I... Are you arresting me?
Not just yet.
We're moving a little slower
this time around.
I don't think I should answer any more
questions until I consult an attorney.
That might be well-advised.
It's Terry, Sylvia.
What are you doing?
You can't just call here.
-We have to talk.
-That's impossible.
-I have to see you right away.
I can't see you.
I can't see you at all anymore.
Sylvia, you don't know what's been
going on. I've been to the police...
It doesn't matter.
I can't see you and I can't talk to you.
-Sylvia, don't make me do...
-I have to go now.
-Don't hang up on me!
Who was that, dear?
Terry Lambert.
-Yes? May I help you?
-Tell Mrs. Wentworth it's Terry Lambert.
Was she expecting you?
I'm sorry, but she isn't here.
-Will you tell her or shall I?
-She's not here.
-No one's here.
-Where are they?
Damn it, where have they gone?
The ballet.
They've gone to the ballet.
-What is he doing here?
-I don't know.
I'm going to talk to him.
What are you doing here?
You hung up on me,
you gave me no choice.
Are you crazy?
People will see us and Collin...
We've gone past
where any of that matters.
-You may have, I haven't.
-It's all going to come out.
Our affair, the fact that you witnessed
the attack, everything.
I told you I would never,
never tell the police about that.
-I told you that from the start.
Don't touch me!
Don't you understand?
They suspect me of murder.
I've been followed.
They may have followed me here.
They may be watching me right now.
If you won't listen to reason,
then you leave me no choice
but to talk to Collin myself.
I'm sorry, Terry,
but it's too late for that.
-What do you mean?
-I've already told him.
-I had a feeling...
-Told him what?
That I went to bed with you.
He's forgiven me.
On the condition I swear I was in bed
with him the night of the party.
He doesn't want to be dragged
into that mess.
-I told him I would.
-Are you all right?
-Yeah, thank you. I'm fine.
I had to. I had no choice.
And I told him you've been after me
ever since to continue the affair.
To say I was with you when I wasn't.
So you see, you'll have to find
some other way to solve your problems.
There is no other way.
With or without you,
I'm going to the police.
Well, you do what you have to do.
And I'll do what I have to do.
Tell me one thing.
It was him, wasn't it?
-The redhead.
-Let go of me, please.
You were sure, weren't you?
Right from the beginning.
You were sure it was Henderson.
All right.
I was sure.
Of course I was sure.
There's nothing wrong with my eyes.
The act is almost over.
-It would be better to wait.
-Of course.
What's going on?
You bastard!
-Grab him!
-Collin, let me...
He stabbed my wife!
Get him!
He killed my wife!
Stop him!
Call the police!
He's a killer!
Hey, you're not supposed to be back here.
Hey! Rick! Rick!
Security! Get security.
Yeah, he's going toward the back door!
Tonight, Baltimore's
social community is shocked
over the murder of one of its own.
But police refuse to speculate
whether the slaying of Sylvia Wentworth,
here at the Townson Theater,
is connected to the so-called
"Dumpster Murders."
Peter, turn that up.
It is known that Terrence Lambert,
an employee of the dead woman's
husband, Collin Wentworth...
-Denise, isn't that the guy...
-...was a witness to an earlier assault.
Police are seeking him for questioning.
Craig Jehelka reporting.
Thank you, Craig,
for that live minute cam report.
In Chesapeake Bay today, hundreds
of schoolchildren swarmed aboard the...
-You forgot your jacket.
-Oh, my God, I don't believe it.
Well, here it is.
-Thanks, Peter.
-So what do you want me to do?
-Go to the police with me.
I'll tell them everything
and try to get them to believe me.
You'd seen us together.
You saw Sylvia at the trial.
Why shouldn't she be at the trial?
A lot of people were.
But, Denise, you know
she was the real witness.
I can say I think that. I can't prove it.
Those people at the Townson Theater
will say they think you killed her.
I led him straight to her.
I knew I was being followed,
but it never occurred to me
that it might be Henderson.
And he couldn't have planned it better.
He got rid of the one person
that could implicate him
and the one person that could clear me.
So now it looks like I was trying
to shift the blame from the beginning.
Let's go upstairs.
-Want a beer?
Tell me something.
Even when you knew I was lying,
you didn't suspect me
like the police. Why?
I knew something the police didn't.
Remember the first time we met,
the lineup?
How could I forget?
I knew something was wrong
even then.
It was obvious
you'd never seen me before
from your bedroom window
or anyplace else.
And you were completely indifferent
to what you did see.
Not flattering, perhaps,
but upon reflection, trustworthy.
You weren't interested in fucking me,
and you certainly
weren't interested in killing me.
You weren't interested. Period.
He'll do it again, you know.
Kill some girl, or try to.
I'll be safe in jail, the perfect alibi.
-I wonder what sets him off.
-Who knows?
Between the two of us,
we know more about it than anybody.
You were there that night at the bar
when he picked out that sorority girl.
The night he attacked me,
I don't remember him at the bar,
but he was probably there,
watching me.
Do we look alike at all,
that other girl and me?
Not really.
What made him single her out?
What made him notice her in particular?
Everybody noticed her.
-What do you mean?
-She danced.
Danced? To a record?
Yeah, she was good, too,
with her friends cheering her on.
She was sexy.
You didn't dance for him, did you?
Sure. On a Thursday night,
the place is packed.
I don't have time to breathe.
Did anything unusual happen that night?
It was Peter's birthday.
-The bartender.
I remember because the next day
after what happened
he told me I should've given him
the present he wished for.
He wanted me to go home with him.
What happened that was so unusual?
At midnight...
We'd gotten him a cake.
And at midnight,
Cece and I brought it out.
Hey, you guys, this one's for Peter!
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday, dear Peter
Happy birthday to you
Peter made a wish
and blew out all the candles.
And then I kissed him.
Yes, I kissed him.
And everybody laughed and cheered,
and so I kissed him again
and they cheered even louder.
Then he kissed me.
I mean, he really kissed me.
And everybody went crazy.
But you don't remember him there?
No. But they didn't remember him
at that other bar, either.
The one where you saw him.
-Another beer?
Two victims, both young, both pretty,
both were in bars
where they could be watched by him,
and both did something
that made them the center of attention.
Something sexual.
Something that would excite
a normal guy gets him angry.
Maybe he gets excited, too,
but he wants to kill.
What a guy.
So what are you gonna do?
What can I do?
I'll take my chances with the police.
Do you know any lawyers?
Yeah, a guy I used to go to school with.
I thought I'd give him a call.
Might be better to go in with somebody.
You can stay here tonight, if you want.
On the couch.
Call him in the morning.
Did you love her?
You could probably call it a crush.
I didn't really know her, as we've seen.
I was just something for her to do.
I can think of worse things to do.
-You're awake.
-What time is it?
About 4:30.
Listen, why don't you come
into my room?
I'd like you to.
I find you attractive.
I mean, that's not true.
That is true, but...
that's not the real reason.
Ever since that night,
I haven't been able to...
to do certain things.
Tonight I think I could.
I mean, if you... want to.
Come here.
Come here.
There's a bed in there.
What's wrong with this?
Nothing, I guess.
Come here!
What's wrong?
Wait a second.
Things are definitely looking
better to me this morning.
Me too.
I was thinking...
You know how
we were saying last night
about it only being a matter of time
with Henderson,
-that sooner or later he'll kill again?
-And that would clear up your problem.
-What about it?
It could happen sooner
instead of later,
-with a little help.
-What do you mean?
Think about it.
What's going to get him going?
Some girl who could
inadvertently push his buttons.
Now that could take a long time.
What if some girl
who knew what buttons to push
deliberately set about pushing them?
A girl that was his type.
Forget it.
-I won't let you.
-It's dangerous.
-Not if you help. We won't let it be.
-No, I said forget it.
Thank you, I appreciate the offer.
-It's no more than you did for her.
-What did you say about that?
That I was either
a romantic fool or an idiot.
I was probably both.
You know, if I want to go ahead,
you couldn't stop me.
-You'd be in custody, remember?
I don't want to deflate your ego,
but I do have my own reasons
for wanting him caught.
He assaulted me.
-If I thought you were serious...
-You'd help me.
It would never work.
He wouldn't go for you again.
-He'd know it was a trap.
-Not if he didn't recognize me.
You just don't think I'm sexy enough
to make him try.
Why wouldn't he recognize you?
Because, Terry, I'm a woman,
in case you still haven't noticed.
How do I look?
Detective Quirke, it's Terry Lambert.
Never mind that now.
You've got it all wrong.
I want to give myself up.
I do. But just to you...
and Detective Jessup.
Well, there's something I want you to do.
No, not now. Tonight.
One more day won't make a difference.
Look, just be at this number
after 10:00.
I'll tell you about it then.
Just be there.
What did he say?
-What did you do to your eyebrows?
Fake eyelashes.
What do you think?
-Why would he have to work late tonight?
-Why not?
What if he doesn't go out?
What if he goes home after work?
Then that's it. I call Quirke.
Now, remember, stay back a little.
Watch me in your rearview mirror.
I'll be right behind you.
You better hurry, go.
We don't get separated,
no matter what happens.
If you lose me, stop,
wait for me to catch up.
-But by then, he'd...
-That's right, let him go.
-We don't get separated.
-Go on.
-No matter what. Agreed?
Come on, come on.
Come on.
Come on!
Not one of your better places in town.
There's a phone booth right back there.
Let's go over it one more time.
I go in and try to set the hook.
If it looks like he's gonna go for it--
I call Quirke, tell him what's happening.
Get over to your place and meet me there.
I drive home
with Henderson following.
If he goes for me,
Quirke's there to see it.
-You have the Mace?
-It's in my pocket.
And that's a cold shot, baby
Yeah, that's a drag...
Whoo, mama!
A beer and a bump.
-A shooter of schnapps?
Now I see you out somewhere
You won't give me
The time of day
And that's a cold shot
Yeah, that's a drag
Yeah, is Detective Quirke there, please?
No, that's okay.
I just want to make sure he's there.
-What's this?
-Compliments of Jace.
In the blue shirt.
Well, isn't that nice?
You are my life
You are my love
You are my everything
You make me high
When I am down
You make me laugh and sing
Come as you want
Come as you are
Girl, come into my life
You are my girl
My number one star
I might make you my wife...
Girl, come into my life
Sweet and sexy thing
-You play?
Let's do it.
-Play for drinks?
-Play for fun.
I'll buy you another drink.
Leon, a couple of beers and a bump.
Nice stroke.
A smooth stroke
is the key to this game.
A smooth stroke is the key
to more than just this game.
Concentration is also important.
No, I know, you guys!
Here, watch this.
Yeah, and me
making a fool of myself.
Nice try.
What are you doing? He'll see you.
I'm calling Quirke now.
-Why? How do you know he'll follow me?
-He won't.
He knows where you live.
Your wallet.
He saw it. He did the same thing
the other time, I just didn't remember.
That's how he's able to screw up the lock.
Then he's going for it.
Looks like it. If I'm right,
he'll leave here before you do
and be waiting at your place.
Damn it.
-And what?
You slept there?
Hi. I've got an important phone call.
Is it okay if I just...
Some guy, standing there
talking to me, some shit. I don't know.
-Look, I'm sorry...
-Look, geek.
Wait your turn or find another phone.
I'm sorry to bother you, but it's very,
very important. How long will you be?
Set me free
Why don't you, baby?
Hey. I've waited.
I can't wait any longer.
I'll pay you. I'll give you
whatever you want...
-Take a walk, buddy.
-You don't... No.
Just another freak on the street.
Beat it! I mean it!
Eight ball in the corner pocket.
Well, I gotta go.
-I want a rematch.
-Next time.
Hey, how am I gonna win
that drink back?
We didn't play for drinks, remember?
Well, you ain't going home
alone, are you?
Look, I appreciate you buying me
the drink, but that's all you bought.
-Let go of my arm.
-What if I don't?
Then these...
These will be in that corner pocket
right along with the eight ball.
Hey! I don't know what your problem is.
I have no idea...
-You want the phone?
-That's exactly... Yes.
Hey! No!
Hey, get off of me, man!
Denise! No!
All right, hey. Hey!
Break it up! Come on. Hey!
Hey, come on. On your feet.
What the fuck's the matter with you?
You deaf?
-Come on, I want to see some ID, now.
-I was using the phone!
I'm trying to call Detective Quirke,
Save it! ID now.
All right, buddy. Come on.
Over up against the phone booth.
Up against the phone booth.
Spread your legs!
-Spread 'em!
-There's no time. It's an emergency
Hey, quiet. Just put your arms up.
-Come on.
-Don't touch me, you mother...
Spread 'em. That's it.
Nice and quiet.
Hey! Hey!
One-Adam 16, one-Adam 16.
See the woman, Washington Street.
Cross street Harvard.
Hello? Can you hear me?
Can anybody hear me? Hello?
Police frequency, clear line.
-Good, you can hear me?
-Police frequency, clear line.
Listen, I wanna...
Can I talk to Detective Quirke?
This is a police frequency,
clear the line.
Listen, bitch. I know
this is a police frequency.
I've just stolen a police car.
Now let me speak to Detective Quirke.
This is not a telephone.
If you wish to make a telephone call,
get out of the car you have stolen
and go to a telephone.
Can anybody else out there hear me?
Any other police cars?
Negative. No one but me.
Then relay this. This is Terry Lambert,
I've just stolen a police car,
and I'm on my way
to Denise Connelly's apartment.
-The address?
-7345 Monument Street.
It's near the square.
Quirke knows the building.
Just tell Detective Quirke.
Tell everybody.
Help me! Somebody!
Come here, mother...
-I'm okay.
-He can't get away.
-No, Terry.
They'll think I did this, too!
Down there! Help him! Help him.
Don't shoot!
Oh, shit!
We'd have gotten him anyway, you know.
Eventually, we would've muddled through.
What did you put in his ignition?
A toothpick?
-A paper clip.
So what happens now?
For your friend here,
there's still the matter of perjury
and obstruction of justice.
I'd say he's looking at...
ten to 12 years.
Just kidding.
Get yourself a good lawyer.
You seemed like such a level-headed girl.
That was a stupid play you made tonight.
You're lucky it turned out all right.
You both are.