The Beguiled (2017)

Here you go.
Are you frightened?
Uh, so am I.
Can you move at all?
Uh... Uh, I'll try,
if there's some place to go.
The Farnsworth school is just
on the other side of the woods.
The Miss Martha Farnsworth
Seminary for Young Ladies.
Any men about there?
Just four other students, a
teacher, and Miss Farnsworth.
The slaves left.
I can't say you'll be
welcome as a Yankee,
but it will be better than here.
True enough.
I'll accept your invitation.
Can you give me a hand up?
Just give me a minute, will you?
To catch my breath.
Yes, sir.
Come here.
You're a lot heavier
than my brother.
Where's he now?
He got killed in Tennessee.
Oh, well, that wasn't
none of us.
I was never in Tennessee.
What's your name?
Amelia Dabney.
Mine's McBurney.
Corporal John McBurney.
Pleased to make
your acquaintance, Corporal.
We're off to, where was it now?
To Miss Farnsworth's
Seminary for Young Ladies.
With only five students?
The other girls have gone home,
but Miss Martha kept it open.
It was mainly because we don't
have anywhere else to go.
My home is Georgia,
but my mother thought
it would be better
if I stayed up here
in Virginia fora while,
what with your General Sherman down
there so close to Atlanta and all.
Did you run away?
I was with the
Sixty-Sixth out of New York.
We got hit,
I fell and...
Everything began to blaze.
Do you want to go back?
I can show you the way?
Not now.
Maybe later when my
leg stops bleeding.
...and now
the verb "to be.
Miss Emily.
Trs bien.
Miss Martha!
Marie, come with me.
Miss Martha!
Miss Martha!
What happened?
Are you all right?
How did he get here?
He was all alone in the woods.
I couldn't leave him
thereto die.
You know you're not
supposed to go that far!
- Is he dead?
- Uh...
Not yet.
Quick, we need
to move him to the porch.
Lift him up.
Edwina, grab a shoulder.
- Yes, Miss Martha.
- Girls!
Let's get him to the porch.
Quick! Quick!
We all need to help.
Get his legs, girls.
One, two, lift.
He could be dangerous,
Miss Martha.
Just pick him up.
Sixty-Sixth New York, ma'am.
Grateful to be your prisoner.
He's a real blue belly.
You know they rape every
Southern woman they come across.
Would you stop
that nonsense, Jane!
It's true.
You couldn't tell from his
face he was a Yankee, would you?
Amy, I need you to run inside,
get the blue rag,
and tie it on the gate.
The blue rag's so the patrol knows
we've captured a live Yankee.
Why did you not call out?
You must have seen
them crossing the fields.
I'm sorry, Miss Martha.
I forgot it was
my turn to look out.
You cannot forget this.
Next time it'll be Union
scroungers in our garden.
That's how we lost
most of our chickens.
All right.
Now, Marie, get up there.
Call out if you see
any of our soldiers.
Yes, ma'am.
We ought to wash his wound.
And we're gonna
need to sew it up.
Amy, did I not tell you,
get the blue rag, tie it on
the gate for the patrol.
After all the blood he's lost,
he'd die now if he went.
Wouldn't it be
the Christian thing to do?
Yes. Yes, you're right.
It would be.
He's never going to make it.
So, we're going to wait
until he's in better shape,
before he's taken away.
Get him inside.
Come on.
I'm going to need you to put
hot water on to boil, Emily.
And we're gonna need cloth.
Anything we can spare.
Alicia, Jane,
you find that cloth and you
bring it to the music room.
- You hear me?
- Yes, ma'am.
All right.
Miss Edwina.
Shut the door, girls.
I need scissors.
Yes, Miss Martha.
Go get me some more cloth.
I need cloth, now.
Yes, Miss Martha.
There's enough metal in here
to shoe a horse.
I think I got most of it.
I'm gonna need a needle now.
Get me the thread and needle.
- Back up. I can't...
- Stop it.
Do you hear what they're saying?
No, I didn't.
Edwina, get me some water.
I'm gonna clean him.
Yes, Miss Martha.
I thought so.
Is he going to die?
Not today, I don't think.
What'll happen?
We'll turn him over
to the patrol, of course.
In the meantime, I don't want
you lurking around here.
Or poking around in this room.
Do you hear me?
His name,
in case you've wondered,
is Corporal John McBurney.
Well, he's not going
to be here long enough
for his name to make
any difference to us.
Now, there's been
too much distraction,
so no more studying today.
We have a lot of mending to do.
Mmm. Good.
To the sewing room.
Come on, girls.
Iwon't be here much longer, Amy.
Careful, keep your
stitches in a straight row.
Jane, it's the same
for you as all of us,
you don't leave because there's
nowhere for you to go.
There is so.
My father is with General Lee
and if I so desired,
soldiers would come escort
me to him right now.
If anybody knew where that was.
Nice and even.
My mother wrote me from Charleston
that the blockade is fearful.
She says I probably eat better
here than I would at home.
You do.
You should have never
brought that Yankee here.
I agree.
He's probably a spy
and will let the blue bellies
in at night to raid our garden.
I doubt that, Miss Jane.
Miss Edwina, aren't you
afraid of that blue belly?
And it is very bad manners
to call him that.
He has a name,
Corporal John McBurney.
Let's see.
Am I doing it right?
Yes, but you can get
your stitches closer together.
All right.
It's our boys, Miss Martha.
They're passing our way.
Can't we go and greet them?
No. I don't want them
to see you girls.
I think they have
some prisoners...
Go upstairs. Now.
- What's gonna happen?
- Can't see.
MARTHA: What's the news?
Taking these Yanks
to prison to die.
Good evening, Captain.
Evening, ma'am.
You think Miss Martha's going
to tell them about him?
You all alone here, ma'am'?
Just a few of us.
Is she telling him?
I can't tell.
Well, you take care, ma'am.
A lot of these Yanks, they got
separated from their outfits.
And they're just roaming
through these woods,
and they're desperate.
I was wondering if you might
have a few cartridges
you could spare?
What good would
that do you, ma'am?
My father left me his revolver.
I'd feel much safer
if I knew I could use it.
Well, I'll see what I can spare.
There you are.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
He's giving her something.
You take care.
- All right, let's move out.
- They're leaving.
She didn't tell them.
What are you doing in there?
See you later.
I was just talking
with him privately.
Let him rest.
He's not one of your
wounded birds or beetles.
We pray for all
of those we have lost.
And we pray
that we will be kept from
harm throughout the night.
Would anyone like to ask
for special blessings?
I pray that the Lord
see fit to restore
the health
of the wounded soldier.
We pray for his return to
health and his early departure.
Do you think he'll live?
I don't know.
I hope we don't
hear him in the night.
He'll come and get ya.
You know he will.
Marie, stop it...
To your rooms quietly.
Good morning.
It is morning?
It's about 6:00.
Ithought as much from
the larks I heard singing.
Do you like birds?
Oh, I love them.
Anything wild, I love.
Wild and free.
I think they're robins.
I can show you some
nests I collected.
That would be my great pleasure.
I better go.
Miss Martha's coming
to fix your bandages.
All right, then.
Thank you, damn'.
But I like peas.
You're getting
quite good at that.
Can I have a pea?
Oh, I dropped it.
Can I have another one?
Good morning.
Good morning.
How's the Yank doin'?
He's fine, much better.
Miss Edwina, how long is he going
to stay in the music room?
Until he's much better.
But how am I supposed
to practice my violin
with a dangerous enemy
in the same room?
Miss Jane. Please.
Good morning, girls.
Good morning, Miss Martha.
Tell me, Amy,
did you find any mushrooms
while you were out
collecting soldiers?
I did, but I'm not sure
they're safe to eat.
Mmm. Well, we'll take
a look at them later, shall we?
Yes, ma'am.
Seems like the soldier
being here is having an effect.
Get about your business, you
have work and studies to do.
Shall we not have
music here today?
Go to the library.
Good morning, Corporal.
Good morning, ma'am.
I think I'm disrupting
your place here.
Yes. Indeed you are.
You don't mince words, ma'am.
You speak right up.
I like that.
Do you indeed?
You think it makes a great difference
to me whether you like it or not?
Oh, I'm sure my opinion means
nothing at all to you, ma'am.
I'm not looking for your praise.
Are you not? What are
you looking for then?
You've already given me plenty.
And I'm most appreciative.
Aren't you afraid that I'll
turn you over to our soldiers?
No, I don't think so.
I don't say
you won't do it, but...
You know, I think there are far worse
things that could happen to me.
I don't relish
the prospect of prison,
but it's better than being dead.
That's exactly what I would be
if you hadn't helped me.
Not necessarily.
Is your leg paining you?
Well, I hear numbness
would be more grave.
There's some brandy if you wish.
Oh, now that would be
a pleasure.
It's not being offered for your
pleasure, only for your comfort.
Yes, ma'am.
I must remind you. Corporal
McBurney, you are not a guest here.
You are a most
unwelcome visitor.
And we do not propose
to entertain you.
Well, lwouldn't
expect it, ma'am...
Although you'll find
I'm easily amused.
What is it, miss?
I just wondered if there's
anything I can do to help?
No. There's nothing
you can do.
You have enough studies and other
work to keep you well occupied.
I only thought to help.
That won't be necessary.
And, Miss Alicia, you can tell the
others that this room is 0ff-limits.
Yes, ma'am.
You can trust me
in your place, ma'am.
Well, I don't know you.
Well, I think if you knew me...
You would.
You won't be here
long enough for that.
Yes, Corporal?
I don't suppose
there's any chance
of a bit of soap
and a razor, is there?
Let me see what I can find.
Thank you, ma'am.
Careful with your E's.
Very good, Miss Jane.
Are we almost done?
Almost, this is the last row.
I wanted to bring
this to you last night
for fear that you might
die before morning,
but then I thought,
since you were unconscious,
you wouldn't be
able to read it anyway.
That's very logical.
Are you Catholic?
I was baptized.
Well then, here's
a prayer book for you.
Thank you.
I thought you might
need to confess
if you're on the verge of death.
Oh, I think I'll be able to hang
around for just a little bit longer.
Where's me manners?
I'm John Patrick McBurney.
Pleased to meet you, sir.
Pleased to meet you, madam.
Just a moment, miss.
Where do you think you're
going in my pearl earrings?
Oh, Miss Edwina,
don't be hateful.
Everyone is dressing up today.
Not in my jewelry, they're not.
I'll give them back.
And how beautiful
you look this morning,
you're all dressed up yourself.
I am not.
Why, I haven't seen that lovely
pin since last Christmas.
Get to your work.
Don't run away.
Did you want to see me
about something?
Thank you.
They look as if you've been
trying to dig a pit with them.
I was.
In the middle of battle, with
all that iron flying overhead.
My first thought
was to bury myself.
But when you couldn't, you ran?
I did.
I surely to God did.
It wasn't very brave
of you to run.
Well, maybe not,
but it was smart.
I think.
Because you're alive?
And now I've met you.
You don't even know me.
Ah, I know your name...
Miss Edwina Morrow.
And what else have you
been told about me?
Nothing besides your name.
It's a lovely name.
I hope the girls
weren't telling stories.
What do you care
what they say about you?
I don't.
I just didn't want you
to get the wrong impression.
Then you do care
what I think about you.
You're a stranger here,
that's all,
and I don't want
you to be misled.
Well, then maybe you can
set me off on the right foot
and tell me a little bit
about yourself.
Where are you from,
Miss Edwina Morrow?
My father's home is Richmond.
Uh, I left Savannah
when I was quite young.
We lived in several places
for my father's enterprises.
And are you waiting
for a sweetheart to return
when this war is over?
I have no one in the military.
And how did you
end up in this place?
Why are you so interested in me?
I just reckon that you and I, we're
both a little out of place here.
I bet you're
the independent sort,
and the other girls, they don't
even know how to get close to you.
And then of course
there's your looks.
That doesn't matter to me.
Well, you can bet
it matters to other people.
Sorry to tell you, and I hope you
don't mind me telling you, but...
Well, in all my travels,
I've never come across such a
delicate beauty as yours.
Tell me something, will you?
Miss Morrow,
it's okay.
If you could have anything,
what's your biggest wish?
If you could have anything in
the world, what would it be?
Yeah. Anything.
To be taken far away from here.
Good day, Corporal McBurney.
When the blackbird in the spring
'Neath the willow tree.
Sat and rocked I heard him sing.
Singing Aura Lea.
Aura Lea, Aura Lea
Maid with golden hair.
Sunshine came along with thee
And swallows in the air.
"Come unto me, all ye that
labor and are heavy laden,
"and I will give you rest.
"Take my yoke upon you,
and learn of me,
"for I am meek
and lowly in heart,
"and ye shall find
rest unto your souls.
"For my yoke is easy..."
May I use the bath closet?
Can't you wait?
All right.
"For my yoke is easy
"and my burden is light."
Good night, Corporal.
I ask God's blessing
on our armies,
and the safe return of our boys.
One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight...
One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight...
You ready?
All right.
Don't do that!
Here you go, Henry.
All right.
Come here.
Corporal McBurney
gave me one of his buttons.
Miss Amy.
Bless US,
and bless thee thy gifts,
which we receive
from thy bountiful goodness
through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
It has occurred to me
that we might reflect
on the unexpected presence
of Corporal McBurney in our house...
...until his leg heals,
of course.
And we might discuss how
we may practice compassion
and what else we might learn
from his presence here.
What does each of you
think of this?
Miss Alicia, can you tell us
what do you think we may learn
from his presence here?
Well, maybe the sight
of him will remind us
there's something else in
the world besides lessons.
Well, it seems to me
that is all there should be
for any young lady your age.
If we learn our lessons
properly when young,
we can expect
a calm and happy life
when faced with the
distractions of the world.
N'est-ce pas?
With the presence
of this hateful enemy,
it'll be a constant
reminder to us
that the war is still going on,
and the sacrifices
and prayers we must make.
- Mmm.
- May I say,
that any breath of fresh air
from the outside world,
I think is welcome to us all.
I heard he's a mercenary,
so maybe he's not
even really an enemy.
What's a mercenary?
It means he's just paid
by the army to fight,
he's not really
fighting their cause.
Well, we don't know about that.
He seems to be
a student of nature,
so I expect to learn
about foreign wildlife.
He seems to be
a sensitive person.
Does he?
I found him understanding.
Do you, indeed?
Oh, you must share more of
your findings with us, Edwina.
As dedicated Christians,
we will join the Corporal
after dinner for a prayer.
Before we retire.
Yes, Miss Martha.
Shall we?
Would you care to join us
for an evening prayer?
Yes, ma'am.
But first, maybe
we'll have a little music
if that's not
too disturbing for you.
Oh, no disturbance at all. No.
I'd love to hear a bit of music.
Miss Jane?
Yes, ma'am.
Miss Jane, you play beautifully.
Doesn't she?
The years creep
slowly by, Lorena.
The snow is on the grass again.
The sun's low
down the sky, Lorena.
The frost gleams
where the flowers have been.
But the heart throbs on
as warmly now.
As when the summer days
were nigh.
The sun can never dip so low.
Or down
affection's cloudless sky.
Could it be Yankees?
Possibly not.
It could be some of our own.
Edwina, wait here
with the girls.
If it is enemy soldiers, I'll
rap on the door three times.
We'll go to the woods
and meet you there.
What about the Corporal?
Well, he's in no condition to leave.
He will remain here.
Shh. All of you.
Can I help you, gentlemen?
I think it's one of our men.
AMY; I hope so.
Miss Edwina,
what are we going to do?
Don't worry, girls.
Right this way.
Why are they here?
Do you think they're here
for the Corporal?
They may be.
Why don't we turn him in?
Are they coming?
I'm so scared.
It's all right.
There's two of them.
Two of our own.
I've given them something to eat.
They're in the kitchen.
Why did they come?
To offer their assistance.
The army is about to leave
the vicinity.
As of yet, I haven't
told them about the Corporal.
But I might ask them
to take him with them.
But he couldn't ride
without hurting his leg.
Well, I could tell them
that he's wounded.
Suggest that they come back.
But that could be weeks.
Could even be months.
They'll probably insist
on taking him right now,
and who knows
what'll happen to him.
They could shoot him and
leave him along the road to die.
I could allow the Corporal to
stay until he is recovered,
and then we could send him
on his way, alone.
Oh, yes.
There is Christian
charity to be considered.
You keep talking about him as if
he wasn't right here in this room.
And there are the doubts if
we can really consider him an enemy.
Please, Miss Martha.
Burney to
stay here until his leg has healed.
But if any of you
is opposed to it,
I will tell the soldiers right
now, and they will decide
what his fate will be.
Any of you?
Miss Jane?
Well then,
he will stay.
The decision is made.
Off to bed.
All of you.
Come on, girls.
Off you go.
Can we go and greet
the soldiers?
No. No, no.
I do not want to put
temptation in their way.
Come on, girls.
Miss Edwina.
This has been quite a night.
I have to say,
when they saw me,
they said, there is
nothing more frightening
than a startled woman
with a gun.
When I return,
would you care to join me
for a brandy, Corporal?
I'd like that very much, ma'am.
How long do you think
he'll stay here?
Miss Martha seems to be
warming up to him,
and I believe he likes it here.
What would you know?
I've talked with him privately.
You think just
because you found him,
you have some sort of special
relationship with him?
You're just jealous.
It must be tiring for you.
I can't say
it hasn't been a struggle.
Well, I admire your strength.
I know it must be hard for you to be
strong all the time for these girls.
They're lucky to have
a woman such as yourself
to keep going for all of them.
I'm just trying to give them what
they need to survive in these times.
It's a very different world out
there that they're going into,
I don't think they realize it.
They can't know what
it's like out there.
Sometimes I get so tired.
I pray that the end is near.
I can't make any sense of it,
how much everyone has suffered.
There's no sense
to be made of it.
Did you have someone
before the war?
I did.
Well, I'm sorry.
Everyone has lost so much.
I was a coward to leave,
but you don't realize what battle
really is until you've seen it.
It must be devastating.
I was fresh off
the boat from Dublin.
I had nothing.
I took $300 to take
another man's place.
I see.
We've all clone things
out of character.
We will see to it that
you make your way home.
Thank you
for your company, Corporal.
If you'll excuse me,
I must insist that you rest.
Well, good night, ma'am. Have a good...
Have a good evening.
Good evening, Corporal.
You got it!
Miss Martha!
Miss Martha, come look!
What is it?
Be careful.
Don't put too much weight
on the bad leg.
Yes, ma'am.
I still wouldn't rush
nature to take its course,
but if you want
to risk doing this...
Oh! Corporal, please.
Steady yourself.
Can you help me outside,
Miss Amy?
Yes, of course.
Good day, Corporal.
It's your turn
in the kitchen garden.
That's right.
I'm helping the Corporal,
as you can see.
I'm sure we could relieve you.
No, that's enough.
I'll decide
whose work is needed.
On your way, girls.
Yes, ma'am.
This reminds me of the first
time we met, you and me.
Your roses need pruning.
And those hedges
are in terrible shape.
Your whole flower garden
needs tending.
I'll get to it tomorrow.
You'll do nothing of the kind.
Have you had much gardening
experience, Corporal McBurney?
I've done a bit of it, yeah.
Well, if you really have
such a gift for gardening,
you may assist us
later in your convalescence.
It would be my pleasure, ma'am.
Come. You have
work to do, Miss Amy.
Here's some water if you like.
I like very much.
Thank you, my girl.
Miss Martha told me
to return to my lessons,
but I told her all the
things you need me to do.
Yeah, sure. I'm counting
on you to keep
me clumsy feet away
from birds' nests.
That, and keep me company.
Listen, don't tell
any of the others,
but I consider you to be my best
friend in this whole place.
You do?
Yeah, of course I do.
I'm sure if it wasn't for you, I'd
still be sitting under that tree.
Thank you, my lady.
You better not be saying any unkind
things about us to the Corporal.
Now, why would I ever do that?
I was wondering how your leg is?
It, uh, twinges
a bit now and then.
I would expect that.
You will recall I was the one
who was opposed to you
walking on it so soon.
Yes, ma'am.
However, I appreciate
your desire to be active.
May I check?
Yes, ma'am.
The stitches, uh,
they're holding nicely.
The wound is healing very well.
When do you think
I'll be fully recovered?
Some would say
you're recovered now.
I'm sure the army surgeons
would say
you are ready to return to duty.
So, you'd like me to leave?
I didn't say that.
No, of course not.
You're far too polite a lady
to be so blunt about it.
I am as blunt as I need
to be, Corporal McBurney.
Since you brought it up,
I would say that the leg
will be healed well enough
to leave by the end of the week.
That's in just a few days.
Yes, it is.
Where would I go?
I'm afraid that is entirely your
business where you go, Corporal.
However, I think you may
find columns of your troops
on the main road to Richmond.
Your garden should have
continual care.
I mean, you need
a full-time gardener.
but I expect, in these times,
one just has to do without.
It's a shame. sn't it, that I
couldn't have remained helpless.
I don't know exactly,
but she asked him to leave.
Well, we will just have to
make it so pleasant for him
that he won't even
consider leaving us.
We might suggest to Miss Martha
that the Corporal join us
at the table for dinner.
Yes, he must get lonely
eating alone in his room.
We can show him some real
Southern hospitality.
Miss Edwina Morrow.
I've missed being near you.
You have?
You have no idea
how lovely you are.
Miss Farnsworth suggested it's
time for me to be on my way.
I don't want you to leave.
I don't want to leave.
I love you, Edwina.
Please don't ever say that
unless you mean it.
I do mean it.
Geez, I knew exactly how I felt
about you the first time we talked.
I was too afraid to say anything
for fear that you'd never
let me near you again.
I'm only telling you now because
I'm running out of time.
It might be my last chance.
I realize I'm not good
enough for you, Edwina.
That's not true.
It is.
You just don't believe in
yourself enough to see it so.
I'm tired of this war.
I want to see the West.
If you can get to Richmond,
my father can help you.
Come with me.
Miss Martha invites you
to dine with us.
Oh, have you heard?
Miss Martha invited the
Corporal to dinner tonight.
Have you got it?
Miss Alicia, too much cream.
Now, you stop your giggling.
That dress is very
becoming, Miss Edwina.
Thank you.
There might be other
attractive shoulders here
if we were all permitted
to wear such dresses.
I wouldn't say it's entirely
suitable for a young ladies' school,
but we know Miss Edwina
is accustomed to town society
with different views.
I would suggest that
we change the subject
and that Miss Edwina
draws her shawl.
That will avoid any
more speculation on the subject.
This is the best meal
I've had in a long time.
Thank you, ma'am.
Merci beaucoup.
Miss Alicia made
the pie herself.
I hope you like apple pie.
I love apple pie.
It's my favorite.
Is that my recipe, Alicia?
It is.
I picked the apples.
They're delicious.
Apple pie is my favorite too.
We've been fortunate to have
enough water for our garden.
Yes, ma'am.
Shall we have some music?
That's a beautiful song, Jane.
Isn't it?
I always thought
it was rather romantic.
Mademoiselle, can I
interest you in a dance?
Oh, wait, wait.
Miss Morrow.
I haven't had
the chance to tell you
how ravishing you look tonight.
Thank you.
May I come and see you
this evening?
Would you care
for a digestif, Corporal?
Yes, ma'am.
What a beautiful evening, ma'am.
Isn't it.
- The music's lovely.
- Yes, it is.
My father had
quite a cellar in his day.
This house was full of parties.
People traveled
from all over to come here.
Well, it must have been splendid, ma'am.
Yes. Yes, it was.
There were carriages lined up...
There were beautiful,
beautiful gowns.
Men in full dress.
Elegant dinners and balls.
Well, a toast to you,
Miss Martha,
you must be the bravest woman
I've ever known.
No. All bravery is,
is doing what is
needed at the time.
Tell me, Corporal...
Yes, ma'am. you think this war
will be over soon?
Very soon,
sooner than you Southerners
are ready to admit.
I know.
And you could do
with some help around here.
A man's help.
Very nice, Miss Jane.
The corporal sure
does look comfortable tonight.
Let's gather
for our evening prayers.
Dear Lord,
we ask for your protection
over our school,
and we ask for your protection
over the brave members
of our army.
And may we look after our
friend, Corporal McBurney,
as he makes his way?
Yes, Miss Amy.
Corporal McBurney's stay here has
taught us all a very important lesson,
that the enemy as an individual
is not what we believed.
Let us how our heads
in silent meditation.
Good night, Miss Edwina.
Good night, Corporal.
Good night, ma'am.
Please! Stop it!
Quiet, girls!
You need your rest.
Good night, ma'am.
Thank you for your, uh...
Your hospitality.
Good night, Corporal.
Go to sleep.
Darling... Wait.
Edwina, look, just, please...
Lovely Edwina...
No! No!
- Get me some rope!
- Is he dead?
Get me some rope! We need
to stop the bleeding.
Hurry UP!
What happened?
I was so shaken
by my experience,
I could hardly leave my room.
It was terrible
the way he rushed in.
And then Edwina came up
and began fighting him.
We need to move him
to the table.
You heard me. Hurry up.
I didn't do anything.
Pick him up!
Help me! Help me move him!
Be quiet. Be quiet.
What are you gonna do?
Quiet. Go to your rooms.
Go! I need you to go
to your moms, now.
We need to remove it.
That leg is badly broken.
I can't repair it,
I'm not a surgeon.
He's losing so much blood.
EDWINA; Please... The leg
will mortify by the morning.
What do you want me to do?
Do you want him to die?
No! No!
Edwina, look at me!
I need rags.
I need chloroform.
Go to the smokehouse.
Get the saw, now!
Hurry. Hurry!
Quickly! He's losing blood!
bring me the anatomy book.
"My soul does wait,
"And in His word do I hope.
"My soul waiteth for the Lord
"more than that they watch
for the morning."
Jesus Christ!
What have you done to me?
Oh, Jesus!
I've been waiting
for days to talk to you.
You don't know how sorry I am.
You're sorry?
You could have stopped her!
No, I couldn't...
Why didn't you stop her?
I couldn't.
There she is!
The butcher!
We saved your life.
We had no choice.
You didn't have a choice
or you wanted to punish me
for not going to your room!
It was an accident.
She saved your life.
You're worse than she is!
Did you plan this together?
Now you have me
at your beck and call.
John, please...
Get away from me!
Get me something for the pain!
We'll bring you a bottle.
You didn't tell me
it was a house of madwomen.
Miss Martha,
what are we going to do?
Marie said she saw
Union troops approaching.
If we let him go,
he'll join up with them.
He'll tell them about
our garden and our cow.
He'll lead them back here.
You vengeful bitches!
How are you doin'?
I tried to ease Miss Martha's
suspicions about us.
I was so worried about you.
You'll be strong again soon.
Shut up.
Can I get you anything?
Get me the key.
She would know
if it went missing.
You know I'd get
in trouble for that.
Just get it for me.
There might be another one in
her drawer with her valuables.
Get me the key.
All right.
I will.
Who's there?
It's Jane.
Open the door
fora minute, will you?
Jane. Jane,
where are you going?
I'm just going out
to the garden, Corporal.
Play a song for me, will you?
Will you do that for me, Jane?
Will you play one of those
pretty songs?
Pretty like you...
I'm not really
a bad fella, Jane.
Do you think you'll be
able to put in a...
A good word for me with
Miss Martha and the others?
You know, maybe things
will be able to go back
to the way they were before...
Will you ask her to let me stay?
She seems to be doing that.
No, I mean...
For her to tell me I'm welcome.
For her to talk to me
and let you all talk to me.
Would you see if she'll do that?
Yes, sir.
Thank you, Jane.
I wish he would just leave.
We have to wait for the Union
troops to pass, which will be soon.
I expect our men
to push them back.
Miss Martha, I'm scared.
I know, dear.
He said he was going to kill
me if I made any noise.
Oh, be quiet.
We must all be strong.
He wasn't harming her.
She isn't harmed, is she?
He intended to harm her.
We're not sure
what his intentions were...
Don't fence with me, miss.
I don't think he meant
to harm anyone.
Perhaps not,
but we can't be sure.
- Stay back.
- Well, well, well...
What are you lovely Southern
ladies learning today?
The art of castration?
Why don't you just go?
We'll help you get your
possessions and you can leave.
Oh, I can leave now, can I?
Just without me leg.
Are you finished dressing me up?
I'll leave
when I goddamn want to.
Everything's gonna change
around here from now on!
Let me tell you
how it's gonna go.
Do you even know why Edwina
threw me down those stairs?
And why your Miss Martha
there, she took my leg?
Because I wouldn't go
to her room! Or Edwina's!
No. No, no, no, they didn't
like that that much!
That's enough! I'll tell
you when it's enough!
Please don't shout,
Corporal McBurney.
You'll frighten Henry here.
No. Amy.
Stay away from me!
Come here. Come here.
It's all right.
It's all right.
It's all right.
It's all right.
It's all right.
Miss Martha,
what are we going to do?
Yes, it'll be all right.
It'll be all right.
I need you to get the blue rag.
I need you to go
to the from gate. Hmm?
You pretend like
you're gathering walnuts,
and you tie that
rag on the gate,
and then you come
right back here.
Can you do that?
Yes, Miss Martha.
Yes. Good. Hurry.
What are you doing there, Miss Amy?
Go inside and stay there.
Leave me alone!
What did Miss Martha say?
Get away from me!
Why are you sending signals?
- Miss Martha!
- Amy!
What are you thinking, sending a
little girl to do your bidding?
Corporal McBurney, please.
It's all right.
You come inside with us.
We have one more bottle
of Bourbon in the cellar.
Go on, then.
Get over there and sit down.
Sit down.
Sit down, the lot of you!
Amy, I thought we were friends.
I never meant
any harm to any of you.
Look at me, look at
what you've done to me.
I'd rather be dead
than be a man without a leg,
hobbling around.
Why didn't you kill me
when you had the chance?
I see how you all look at me,
your disgust and your pity.
I'm not even a man anymore!
I took your kindness
and I trusted you,
and you toyed with me,
you butchered me.
All right. Well. I've had
enough of your devilment.
I've got six shots
left in this gun,
and the next one of you
that tries something,
I swear to God,
you're gonna get it from me!
Do you hear me?
The next shot is for one of you.
Edwina, no.
What are you doing? No.
What do you want?
How could you let her
be alone with him?
Alicia, please,
just let me think.
I knew it was a mistake when
you brought him here, Amy.
You can't blame her, she did it
out of the goodness of her heart.
I'm trying to think.
We have to rid ourselves of him.
We're not safe here
while he's in the house.
Can't we leave him
back in the woods?
No, it'd be too much of a risk.
We could hang him?
We cannot resort to brutality.
We can't go on like
this with him here.
I know, that's why
I need to think.
I'm trying to think of a plan.
I could tell him he's no longer
welcome around certain people...
You'll do nothing of the sort.
You're a fool if you think he's
gonna take your suggestions...
I was trying to help.
Girls, please. Please.
Will you go and get help?
I can't. I can't leave
you here with him alone.
He loved the mushrooms.
The Corporal loved
the mushrooms we served him.
What if Amy picked the kind...
Some especially for him?
Do you think
you could do that, Amy?
Do you think you could
find the mushrooms?
Oh, you'd have to be very quiet.
You'd have to go very quickly
out of the house.
Yes, Miss Martha.
He mustn't see you.
Hmm, that's what we're gonna do.
We're gonna make a nice supper.
We'll invite him
for a big send-off.
Prepare a smoked ham and
we'll make biscuits and...
And then we'll saut the
mushrooms in butter and wine.
Allow me.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
- Good evening, ma'am.
- Good evening.
Corporal McBurney,
we'd like you to know that
we harbor no ill feelings,
and we prepared this meal
in commemoration
of yourjourney ahead.
Well, thank you for
excusing my, uh, outburst.
Think nothing of it.
I'd like to thank you for all this as well.
It looks, uh...
It looks like just about the
finest meal I've ever seen.
Bon apptit.
- Yes.
- Wait, wait...
We must say grace.
Lord, bless this food
and grant that we may be
thankful for Thy mercy's be.
- Amen.
- Amen.
Would you pour me a
glass of wine, please, Marie?
Thank you.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Miss Amy picked
the mushrooms today.
Would you like some, Corporal?
I would indeed, yeah.
I'm fond of them.
Thank you, Miss Marie.
Miss Morrow?
Miss Edwina...
You don't like mushrooms.
That's true, I don't really.
All right, then.
Thank you.
Miss Amy, you picked
these mushrooms yourself?
I'm not gonna
stay here for much longer.
But, um, while I'm here,
I want to do my best
to make up for,
you know, all the unfortunate
things that happened.
Miss Alicia,
tell us, how is your
embroidery coming along?
It's coming along just fine.
I do have to say,
the roses are looking splendid.
And the Blush Noisette, it's
always been one of my favorites.
I can't breathe...
What's the matter?
What's the matter?
Miss Amy.
Keep your stitches in a straight
line, like I showed you.
Yes, Miss Martha.
Not so tight, Miss Amy.
Lay him here.