The Benefactor (2015)

All I see are bedrooms
and nurses stations here.
Yeah, well, it's a hospital.
It's a children's hospital!
It needs color.
Come on.
Are we partners?
Yeah. Are we par...
We are partners.
I understand,
and I get the whole thing.
Your job is to cure these kids, my
job's to make them feel better.
We need animal stickers
on the windows.
We need sailboats
hanging from the ceiling.
We need fun things...
He's right.
For once.
Don't encourage him.
Thank you. Thank you.
I'm gonna make you
my first board member.
No thank you.
I don't wanna sit on a board.
But thank you. Fine.
Bobby? Hmm?
You are the newest member of the
hospital board. Congratulations.
Congratulations. Mmm-hmm.
You know, you're starting
a new life.
You don't wanna take too
much from the old one.
Says the guy with no
baggage whatsoever.
Yeah, I guess I've kept it
pretty streamlined. Haven't I?
I'm gonna miss you, kid.
You need me, you call me, okay?
Okay. You got it.
Hey, get your own daughter.
I don't need a daughter.
I have a poodle.
Well... Hey, hey, hey.
Uh-oh, uh-oh.
I'm starving.
Hey, hey, not in the car.
I'm serious.
Maybe I should just move in.
You are not moving in. Best
years of our lives, right...
It's like... it's like
college all over again.
But no Poodles,
no responsibility...
Since when was she
your responsibility?
You guys would be lost
without me. You know it.
Oh, really? I don't know.
Yes, let's be honest.
Maybe not.
I'm just happy. I'm just happy
I got my friends back.
Full time, Bobby.
Hey... hey.
- Yes.
- Hi, Franny?
Is that you? Is this Franny?
I'm sorry, who... Who is this?
It's me, Olivia.
Hello? Uh...
What's this about?
It's Poodles. Is it...
Poodles, come on.
A poodle?
No, I'm sorry, you
have the wrong number.
No, I don't know anything about...
Will you stop.
You fall for that every time.
Don't you?
Poo... I can't believe this.
It's really you. Yes.
Holy shit! Did I wake you?
No, wake me? No, of course not.
I'm awake.
I was doing some work.
Yeah... so... So...
So, what's going on?
I just got married.
You what? And I want to
move back to Philly.
You wanna come home.
I know, exactly.
No, he didn't... He didn't
want me to ask you.
He's... he's really sweet,
you're gonna love him.
No, it wasn't a big deal.
It was just a stupid argument
with this department chair.
Wow, Franny, that's...
That's amazing.
Talk to you soon. Bye.
You didn't have to tell
him all that, did you?
Oh, it's just Franny.
He doesn't care.
Wait, when was the last
time you even saw this guy?
This guy?
Well, I haven't even
met him, have I?
So, what did he say?
Well, he said, "yeah."
He said, "yeah"?
What does that mean?
He said, "yes,
it shouldn't be a problem."
What, for a job
or an interview?
I think he just got you a job.
Holy shit, can he...
Can he even do that?
There's very little
that man can't do.
Morning, Fran.
You know, I'm getting really tired
of these northern exposures, Jesse.
Oh, do you want me to move you
to a suite on the other side?
It's not a problem.
No, no, no, no.
Why don't we just... We'll put
it back the way it was before.
I'm expecting guests.
She's coming. Poodles is coming.
Yeah, it's good.
So, does this mean... Does this
mean we're moving to Philly?
Yeah, I guess so.
And you're sure
you wanna do that?
It was my idea, wasn't it?
I like this one.
I like the red one.
I'm going with the red.
I'm feeling younger.
I'm feeling so young and fresh.
I'm feeling delightful.
Full of delight.
Hey, how are you doin'?
Hey, hey!
Susan, nice to see
you again. Looking good.
Hey, darling. You're
new here, aren't you?
Hey, bud.
Oh, am I interrupting?
Hey, champ, what's the matter?
I hate it here.
Oh. Hmm.
What can I do?
Get me out of here.
If that's what you want.
All righty!
Yep. We're gonna get you
out of here, partner.
What are you doing?
Making an escape.
All righty.
What are we doing?
We are hiding.
Sometimes when I'm feeling really
sad, I just go and hide somewhere.
You do? Yeah, yeah, sure.
All the time.
Everybody does.
Do you ever get found?
Only when there's
someone looking.
But you know what?
It's a lot better when you
have someone to hide with.
You know that.
You're with me. Got it?
Can I ask you
something really serious?
I got an old friend coming home.
I'm throwing her a party.
You think
I should get a haircut?
Yeah, you look like a wizard.
Yeah... seems to be unanimous.
All right. Whatever.
So, how do I look?
I honestly cannot remember the
last time you looked this good.
You're just saying that. Aren't you.
You're just saying that.
No, no, no.
You look good, Franny.
She'll tell you the same.
This will be the first time
I've seen him in years.
Really? Is he not
usually at the hospital?
He stops in and sees the
kids every once in awhile.
Otherwise he's a ghost.
Still haven't met the guy yet.
Not for long, though. Right?
From what I understand,
you're Franny's star recruit.
Hired on the spot. I'm
just happy to be here.
I guess it's safe to say that things
were expedited a bit more than usual
for this young man.
Now, we gotta find something
for him to do. Right?
I'm back.
I didn't die. You're right.
Hey, hey, hey.
Nice haircut.
Yeah, you need the haircut.
A fresh face in a sea
of old farts.
You, you are Dr. Luke.
Yeah. Nice to meet you, sir.
Welcome to
Philadelphia, really.
Jesus, you are gorgeous. Wow.
Well, she did good.
Hey, are you really a doctor
or do you play one on TV?
I'm kidding.
I'm kidding. I'm kidding. Ah!
The young doctor.
Yeah, I got something for you.
These are cuff links.
Come here.
You're gonna be a man. Do this.
I bought these for
Olivia's dad.
It was many moons ago.
I think it's appropriate
that you have them.
You've got some very
big shoes to fill.
Thank you, but I... You don't
have to tell Poodles about
these cuff links, do you?
No, of course not. Keep
it just between us.
No, of course. Of course.
Who exactly is Poodles?
That's her name.
You didn't know that?
Oh, Olivia, right.
No, sorry, I...
Now, where's Poodles.
Poodles, right.
Why are you hiding?
I haven't seen any of
these people in years.
I don't feel like being judged.
You want me to tell them to leave?
I will.
Look at you.
Last time I saw
something so perfect
you were in there.
I knew...
I knew you'd be
someone very special.
I'm never wrong.
Poodles, we're here
for you, darling.
You'll never know how happy
it makes me to see
you right now.
You spent your whole life making
me and everyone around you smile
and I'm just so happy
that you're back
and you're giving us even
more reasons to smile.
When Olivia's father and
mother got married...
Actually, right over here.
I sang a song
for my best friend
and his new bride.
And to keep that
tradition going.
I'm just gonna go out
and do it again.
And no one can stop me!
Hey, Luke. Hey, Luke, man.
You think that's your girl?
No, man, that's my girl.
Come on out here
and dance, you two.
That's good, come on, now.
I don't remember the last
time I was out here.
That's why you're sitting on your
butt and not helping me out.
I knew there was a reason.
I know you probably
won't remember this.
You know, when you
were a little girl,
you used to think I was a fisherman
just because I had this boat.
I'm pretty sure you told
me you were a fisherman.
Yeah, well, probably.
You know,
I had to be something.
I always liked being a
fisherman, that's for sure.
Franny, I want to apologize.
What are you talking about?
For leaving when I did.
I should have been there
for your recovery.
Stop it, Poodles.
No, I'm serious.
I just had to get out of here.
But I'm sorry.
You have nothing
to be sorry about.
It's not like I went out of the
way to do anything, either.
I dunno about you but...
can't do anything about it.
Think about right now.
Here you are.
It's great. Look at you.
I know what you're thinking.
I'm not too young to have
a family of my own again.
No. No, you're not.
This is a nice surprise.
A real nice surprise...
Apparently, Franny has
a wedding gift for us.
Keep your eyes closed. Come on.
Why are we here?
You are not gonna have a
baby in north Philly.
What are you talking about?
No, uh-uh.
Why can't we have
a baby in north...
Look. Look at this. Look at this.
Look at this.
Don't you want a baby
that grows up in nature,
grows up with everything
that Poodles had.
Holy shit.
Is this your old house?
Not anymore, it isn't.
Did you buy my house?
I bought it for
the three of you.
Welcome home!
Jesus Christ, Franny. Can we
just slow down for a second shh.
Wait, wait, wait, wait wait.
How do you know
she even wants this?
Come on. Give it a minute.
Look around, man.
Still has magic, doesn't it?
Yeah, don't you feel it.
Hey, enjoy it.
Franny... This is beautiful.
It really is.
It's a beautiful house.
But um... We can't
just up and leave.
I signed a lease, so...
Oh, no, it's all right. I talked to
your landlord. He's fine with it.
You talked to my landlord?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I wanted to take a little weight off...
Why didn't you...
Come here, come here.
You talked to... No, of
course I talked to him.
No, I just... I'm just
trying to help you out.
I know that you probably are
buried underneath loans
and crazy stuff... You got
student loans, right?
Yeah, sure... How much?
How... how much? How much?
I don't know.
A couple hundred grand.
I'm kidding. Relax, man.
I mean, you really think
I'm that tacky?
She's standing right there.
That's really fucked, Lukie.
You are...
- I love surprises.
- Look at her.
Just look at her.
I don't wanna step on your toes, all right?
Believe me about that.
So, you know. All I want is
really what's best for you
and her and for your family.
I know.
You know, it's okay, it's okay.
Look, you wanna know the truth?
All you gotta do is say no.
You say no and that is it.
Because you're the man, Lukie.
You are the man.
Why do you have to make
everything so dramatic?
I'm dramatic?
You think I'm dramatic?
I can't believe you did this.
You know, I was the one
that found this house
when your mother
was pregnant with you.
No, you didn't.
I found the realtor, all right?
Hey, hey, hey, Franny. Can we just
talk about this for a minute?
Yeah, let's go inside and talk.
Just, just stop. Just
me and Livvy, yeah?
Oh, really? Yeah.
Oh, yeah, sorry.
Didn't quite get that.
Yeah, that's fine. Sure.
I'll put the pens away.
No one has to sign anything...
I'll tell you what.
You can go in. Spend
some time for yourself.
"P" for "Poodles."
Don't break anything.
Holy shit.
Is this guy for real?
You all right?
Did you see him?
I don't think we can say no.
So, why's he so rich?
Never asked.
You never asked?
I find that kind of
hard to believe.
No, I was just a kid.
I didn't think about
those kinds of things.
Has he ever had a job?
Yeah. Like what?
I don't know.
He's a philanthropist.
That's definitely not a job.
He's been through a lot.
So, he's 60.
Got no kids, no family,
and no job.
I don't know what the
fuck he does all day.
I guess I really have no idea.
You told me
he was put together.
That dude is not put together.
You're being an asshole.
Come on. I just wanna know
what he wants from us.
I owe it to him.
You owe it to him to
take a house from him?
I want our baby
to know my family.
That house is the closest
I can get to them.
Yeah, I know.
Come on, now.
Let's put it all in the front here first.
Are you okay with that?
Yeah. We'll put it in the front
and figure it out later.
Come on, guys. Maybe... Big stuff. You want
me to hold this for you? I'll hold it.
Bring it in. Bring that in.
Bring that in.
We're doing something very special
here, ladies and gentlemen.
We're turning
a house into a home.
You look good
carrying stuff, man.
You look really good carrying.
Oh, look at her over there.
Wish I was pregnant.
I could just sit there
and pull on a doobie.
Oh, no.
All right, what did she do?
It's actually perfect for you.
Just like the good 'ol days...
Let us sleep!
Good ol' days. Let us sleep.
And you, a doctor...
Shameful, shameful...
Jesus Christ, Franny.
What are you doing here?
You know, this is moving day.
Where've ya been?
I've been at the job you
got me, working. Ah.
Come on, I need you to
help me out with something.
No, no, no.
I need to go see Livvy.
Poodles is sleeping.
Put that out...
No vices. Come on.
What am I doing here, Franny?
Wait a minute, wait.
Stop, stop, stop...
I knew it! I knew it, damn!
What is it?
Oh, a-ha...
How are you, friend?
How've ya been?
You been good? Yeah...
I can't believe this.
Mia and I...
We brought this up here...
Right after they moved in.
Mia? Yeah.
Like, Olivia's mom? Yeah, yeah.
What were they like?
Olivia doesn't really...
Olivia doesn't really talk
about them much. We were...
We were partners in crime.
Bobby was my sidekick.
She was something else,
she was...
She was the fun one.
Of the three of us,
that was her. You know...
We brought the best bottle up
and we buried it here.
You know, I don't know exactly
what we were...
Thinking. I guess the idea was
when we were old and thirsty,
we'd come up and get it.
Now it's just you and me,
Bottom's up!
Hey, Franny, I need
to ask you something.
Ah... trying to have a moment
here, kid. Don't fuck it up.
Did you pay my loan?
Listen, if you don't
know about it,
I don't know about it.
So, you did, you paid my loans?
I did.
Jesus Christ, Franny.
How? How... Lukie,
Lukie, you work for me now.
I know your finances.
Consider this a signing bonus.
A signing bonus?
I'm not an athlete, Franny.
No, you're a doctor. You actually
deserve a bonus. No, no, no, no...
This isn't okay, all right?
I'm not your fucking...
I'm not your fucking sidekick.
Why are you being so
fucking selfish?
You think it's about you
and just you?
I did this for Poodles, too.
Not just you, both of you.
Sit down! Please...
Sit down. Sit down right here.
Please, sit down.
You're a doctor,
you shouldn't have loans.
You should be saving people.
It's simple, all right?
You could fight this all you want.
It doesn't matter. It's gonna...
All right.
Pay me back in five years.
Pay you back? Every penny.
Or you're in trouble, buddy.
I mean that. Yeah, look...
Truth is, I'm probably getting
more out of this than you are.
I should be thanking you.
No, no... stop it.
Thank you. Don't... don't.
Thank you, kid. Come on...
Thank you.
Take a sip of that.
Don't be rude. Sit down.
It's not bad. What is it?
I don't even remember
what it was.
Don't waste it, don't waste it.
Fuck me... You're such a pussy.
Is there something I can bring you up?
No, no. I'm fine.
Is, uh... is Charlie here?
Charlie... Charlie's, uh...
Charlie's out back.
You sure I can't get you something...
Hey, Lukie. Lukie...
Lukie, did I...
You know...
I don't know if I
told you about this.
There's a fundraiser
for the hospital.
I'm thinking maybe you should
come with me.
Well, I mean, yeah... I'd
be honored, but I can't.
I'm working tomorrow.
Yeah, I know. I spoke to Romano.
The board cleared it.
It's fine.
You went to the board for this?
Well, yeah, I mean... I'm...
I kind of am the board.
I'm feeling like I wanna
show you off, man.
You know? You are the man. You're my
man, our man, everybody's man, man...
What is this over here?
Did you... I can't believe...
You're making the crib!
When are you finding the time to do this?
This is amazing.
You know, I'm actually
pretty good with my hands.
I'm a good woodworker.
Hey, I would like to help.
I would be proud! If I...
You know what, um...
I can do this.
Yeah, I think I'm gonna
tackle this one on my own.
I think... but, uh...
Okay. You know, if... you know,
if I mess up,
you'll be the first to call.
Okay. Yeah, all right, well...
Okay. Okay.
All right, well, you just
settle in now. Okay.
The two of you. Okay.
You two lovey lovebirds.
Okay, we'll see you
at the hospital tomorrow.
Lukie, do you have a tux?
Uh... no. No, I don't.
You don't, okay. Well,
don't worry about it.
I got you covered.
Okay, you sure?
You need anything?
Just give me a call, okay?
Yeah, of course. Yeah.
Tootles, Poodles.
Bye. Love you.
Bye, Franny.
I don't think you were
afraid of anything.
I'm not. No. Well, that's
good, that's good...
'Cause, um...
Everything's gonna be fine.
Did I tell you that
I had surgery once?
You did?
Yeah, yeah. It's nothing.
Nothing to be worried about. Nothing.
No, it was perfectly fine.
When I came out...
Bizarre. But...
I started farting all the time!
I hope it doesn't
happen to you.
I'll be here the whole time.
For real?
Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Would you like that?
Paging Dr. Harris.
Mr. watts is at reception.
Armando, no, no, no, don't. You
don't have to measure that.
The kid gets very
self-conscious about his dingy.
So, where was I?
Oh, the point was... yes.
So we were...
We were towards the
end of our relationship.
We both knew
it was almost over...
Again, beautiful girl.
Like, it's... it's over.
The only thing
I can think about
is she gonna be showing the
snaggly tooth to somebody else.
She's gonna be doing
the snaggly, cuteness
all over the place. Right.
And that's when I realized that
I actually like being alone.
You know, not everyone can
have a Poodles, my friend.
God bless. Yeah...
Amando, bring the black one.
go get the tails for him.
That's good.
Oh, there we go.
Okay... That's the deal.
A-ha, maestro.
Ooh, looking good.
Holy shit.
You, uh... you sure I'm not
gonna be over-dressed?
Are you kidding me?
You're going to look adorable.
Go, try it on. Armando,
give him the whole thing.
Let him try it on.
You want me to do it now?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Give him the pants.
Oh, yeah!
Hey, Lukie, I need you
to do me a favor.
Not that kind of favor,
you sick fuck. No.
I... I need you to
write me a prescription.
I hate to go to the doctor's office.
Those smells make me gag.
Will you do that for me? Just
for convenience sake. Please.
Er... well, it's not really
something I could do, Franny.
I mean, I'm on a
pretty tight leash.
I'm kind of holding that leash.
Aren't I? Yeah...
Yeah. Um...
Okay, what are you, uh...
What are you taking?
Well, I don't even know
what this shit is, really.
Accidentally spilled it, huh?
Morphine, Franny?
I can't prescribe you this.
Why not?
I can't. Are you really
in that much pain? I...
I don't think you need it.
I really don't think you should
be telling me what I need, Lukie.
You know, it wasn't easy
getting you this job.
Franny, how long
have you been taking this?
I'm kidding, I'm kidding,
I'm sorry.
No, I'm kidding.
This was all a joke, man.
It was a test. Relax, relax.
You passed the test. You did good.
I'm proud of you.
You did that?
No, no, no, this is good.
You are like Bobby.
Shit, man, you are exactly like this.
He wouldn't have done it either.
No, you don't roll over
for anybody.
Not for me. Nobody. The world
needs more men like you.
Thank god I know you!
Hey, remember me?
Your old friend, Franny.
Franny watts.
How ya been?
Francis. Yeah, Franny, Francis, whatever.
Francis watts.
Here you go. Could you fill
that up for me, please? Thanks.
You don't have
any more refills, sir.
That can't be right.
Do you have a new
prescription, sir?
No, I don't have a new prescription...
I never had any prescription.
Dr. Gibbs calls these in
for me. That's how we do it.
Then you should call Dr. Gibbs.
Look, man, it's after midnight.
I can't call him now.
Could you...
Are you looking for the right name in here?
Sir. Sir, yes!
Sir, please, do not touch the computer.
Well, look under Gibbs...
If it's urgent you should
go to the hospital.
I have a hospital, all right?
I own a hospital.
Then you should go there, sir.
Okay, okay, okay, I'm good...
Look... I'm sorry.
Look at this. Look what I got.
Look what I got.
I'm just gonna put it here.
Does that help you?
Does it make it easier for you to help me?
Sorry, sir.
Just get out of here. Okay? I can't
help you, sir. Does it help?
Help me. Could you help me?
Help me.
Could you help me out?
There's nothing I can do to help you, sir.
Could you help me out?
I'm not feeling good...
You should call your doctor.
He can get you
a new prescription.
There's nothing else
I can do for you, sir.
Yeah, I... whoa.
Hey, man, I'm sorry. I'm
a little embarrassed.
I didn't, uh...
Sorry, I'm really embarrassed. I'm sorry.
I shouldn't be yelling at you...
Sir, your watch.
Keep the watch. Keep it.
I want you to have it.
Damn it!
He's a good guy.
And I was just thinking...
Why do I just wanna strangle him?
Don't get me wrong,
I like him. I do, but...
I mean, how'd your dad
deal with it?
My parents were
just friends with him.
They didn't need
anything from him.
I don't need anything from him.
Except, maybe some furniture.
Are you okay? I'm sorry!
Bobby! I'm coming.
You're okay. You'll be okay.
Bobby? Bobby!
Stay with me, stay with me!
Mia... hey! Help!
Stay with me! Stay with me,
don't leave...
Stay with me, stay with me...
Bobby! Stay with me!
I'm not gonna shut up yet 'cause there's
one more thing I would like to do.
I would like to
introduce you all
to the newest member of our board
of directors of the foundation,
Dr. Luke Harris.
Luke, stand up.
Stand up, come on.
Dr. Luke Harris, everybody!
You know,
when I look at this young man,
I can't help but see...
See my best friend,
Dr. Bobby Mcclellan. He, um...
He's the physician who inspired
this whole enterprise. He, um...
He was an honorable man.
Unlike me, he didn't come up here and
do a song and dance and ask for money.
He, um...
My, uh...
My dear friend Bobby.
The best gift he ever gave me
was his friendship.
And now he's giving his
legacy to me
to share with this young man.
You're not going to
let us down, are you?
Are you?
No, you won't.
You won't do that.
Thank you... uh, go on.
I bet you've seen worse, huh?
Thank you.
Thank you, thank you.
it's the king of Philadelphia.
Hey. Mind if I steal away
the prince for a moment?
No, we can spare him... Just for
a moment, thank you very much.
Let's get out of here.
You don't know who that was?
He's a dickhead.
If I would have ran,
he would not be mayor.
He's not mayor. Listen, I need to
get back to Olivia right away.
We're only 20 minutes away, if she
goes into labor, she'll call you.
Do you hear what I was saying up there?
You're the new board member.
Yeah. Why am I the
new board member?
'Cause that's what I want.
Yeah, but it doesn't
make any sense.
I haven't proven myself
to anyone.
You've proven yourself to me.
You don't have to prove
yourself to anyone else.
You've proven yourself to
people your entire life.
You've earned everything you've got.
Now just say thank you,
and get drunk with me.
You need this.
I need this, actually.
I really need this.
Hey! Yo!
This used to be a cigar lounge.
Bobby brought me here
on my 27th birthday.
It used to be class.
What are we doing here?
It's my birthday.
Your birthday?
Yes. Luke, Molly, Molly, Luke.
Hey, what's up?
Ya want one? I just
bought 'em from Molly.
I don't think her name's
Molly. That's Molly.
Hey, I'm Luke, nice to...
Okay. Molly gave you
ecstasy, great.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, Franny...
Franny, come on.
Jesus Christ, man.
It's my birthday, too.
Yeah, hi there.
Go ahead, take it.
No. Come on, take it.
Cost me 40 bucks to buy this.
I don't care.
I'm not taking ecstasy.
So fucking stiff! I can't believe this.
What? I'm not stiff...
I mean, I'm basically your boss
and I'm telling you to take it.
You're telling me to take it.
Stop it, all right.
All right, you earned this.
This is for you. Stop it.
Stop it. Come off it.
Don't do that.
No, I'm not taking ecstasy. No.
Get back in there,
you hound dog.
Whoo! Ooh! How you doing?
Hey, this is Luke.
Leave a message, thanks.
Hi, it's me, um...
I'm not trying to
ruin your night,
but I just don't know if
you're coming home.
I just really don't want
to be here alone.
I really don't want to be here.
So call me if
you're coming home.
I gotta be honest, man.
Olivia fucking loves you, man.
She does.
You know, I didn't
really get it at first.
'Cause, you know,
you're kind of annoying,
just to be honest. You see,
you have this, like,
crazy uncle thing where you're
kind of cool and, like...
You've got all this money and you
can just breeze in and breeze out,
and you don't have to deal
with any of the problems.
You know, I could see that
that's the good way to go.
That's cool...
You know, I'm gonna be a...
I'm gonna be a dad, man.
I know, you're gonna be a dad.
I'm gonna be a dad!
You're gonna be a dad!
You are gonna be a dad.
I'm gonna be a dad...
That's crazy. No, you're gonna be...
You'd be such a good dad.
You would.
You'd be such a good dad.
And it's like...
We didn't plan it,
it just happened. And we're...
What was I supposed to do? I mean, I
just have to deal with it, you know?
I didn't wanna lose her.
'Cause I love her.
I didn't want to lose her,
but I just...
I didn't think I'd be
doing it now, you know?
I like this scarf.
Don't be nervous.
You're gonna do good.
I am nervous.
You're gonna be good.
Good dad.
Good husband.
'Cause you're good.
Come on. Come on, get up here.
All right.
Feels good, right?
Feels good!
Feels good!
Feel good!
Ah! Whoo!
Where ya been, man?
Where ya been?
One more stop. This is
the best of everything.
How many of us are there here?
I wasn't expecting any guests. You
want a nightcap or something?
No, I'm good, I'm good. I think
I just need to sleep. Whoa...
Fair enough.
You still live here, man?
Yeah, used to...
Long time ago.
The bedrooms are upstairs.
You, uh, make yourself at home.
Squeeze a cheek, mister.
Come on.
Oh, god...
I gotta ask you something.
I'm exhausted, man. I just...
I can't, I can't...
Go to sleep.
No one's bombin' ya.
Go to sleep.
You know...
I have a...
I never wanted to be
close to anyone.
I've always wanted people
to love me.
It's not a coincidence, is it?
That you're here.
We're together again.
It isn't...
Bobby, you and Mia were the
only ones I ever got close to.
I never wanted to get close
to anyone. You know that.
I didn't tell.
I didn't tell anybody. I didn't
tell anybody what happened.
I didn't tell anybody.
I didn't tell anyone
it was my fault.
Do you remember? Do you
remember what happened, Bobby?
It should've been me, Bobby,
not you. You had everything.
It was... It should've been me.
Hey, Franny. Sam. Been a while.
It sure has.
You're looking pretty good.
Cut the shit.
You know, I got embarrassed
at the pharmacy the other day.
Yeah, I know. I know.
I'm really sorry about that.
Well? Well, I've been trying
to reach you for months.
And you're impossible to get
hold of, Franny.
Since when do we need to talk?
Okay, going forward, I...
I can't sign off
on any more refills.
Your recovery period has been
drawn out too long already.
I left messages.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure.
I've been pretty good
to you, haven't I, Sam?
I'm pretty good. To you.
Regulations have changed.
You're taking a controlled substance.
I can get into a lot of trouble.
You have to understand that.
You got me on this.
You kept it going.
And now you're pulling the plug to save your ass?
We both have a part in this.
That is not what is happening here.
We both... you are my doctor!
And that's exactly
what's happening!
It's exactly what has happened!
I don't feel well.
I don't feel well.
I don't feel well at all.
I know. Okay, okay, listen.
Listen, I understand.
I understand, okay.
This is what I'm gonna do.
I'm gonna do something. Okay.
I'm gonna write you
a prescription
for something called Tramadol and it's
gonna help wean you off hydromorphone.
I'm also gonna let you
take home some Klonopin.
That's gonna help you
with your nerves, okay?
Are you fucking joking? What is this?
What... What are you talking about?
What are you
fucking doing to me?
Sam, what is it?
You need more money?
I don't pay you enough?
Is that it? I can... Listen.
I can give you whatever you want.
Doesn't matter to me.
I think the best option
for you right now is rehab.
It is very discreet, and they're
gonna take very good care of you.
I'm 60 years old.
I'm 60 years old.
I'm in a lot of pain.
I'm not a drug addict.
I'm not a drug addict.
Help me.
It's Franny, yeah. Listen,
I'm really sorry about...
Yeah, I didn't wanna call you
at home I just... yeah.
Yeah, no. It's my leg, my leg.
No, just my leg.
No, no. I said I'm not going to rehab.
No, I'm not gonna do that.
Sam, come on.
Be reasonable, Sam.
It's five years. I... I know what
the fuck I need. I know that!
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Wait, wait, wait...
No, I can't.
I can't come in tomorrow. No.
Now! Let's do it now.
Just call it in.
Just call it in. Just call
it in, please, just...
Call it in. Call it in! Call it in!
Just call it in! Call it.
Stupid, stupid. Careless.
I'm gonna need something
heavy duty for this, doc.
I'll send you home with
some ibuprofen.
Ibuprofen? Mmm-hmm.
What, you kidding me?
Come on, are you kidding?
No. No, no. I'm...
I'm in a lot of pain here.
You don't understand.
This... this is serious.
Sir, I need you to sit back.
What about hydromorphone?
I mean, look at this wound. That's
probably a better idea, isn't it?
Would that be
a better choice for this?
I'm in a lot of pain. I'm in a lot of pain.
Let me just finish this
and we can get you checked out.
Don't patronize me.
Don't play dumb.
Look, I could go out
in the lobby there.
I'm sure I could find
at least one or two homeboys
that'd be more than happy
to help me score some dope.
But I am not a junkie. Look at me.
I am not a junkie.
I don't wanna take it
to the streets.
I'm just looking for
clinical-grade pharmaceuticals
to ease my pain!
This is a hospital, for
Christ's sake, not a bodega!
I'm not looking for Tylenol.
Can you help me?
Are you a nurse?
Are you a doctor?
What the fuck are you?
Can you help?
Franny, what are you doing?
I'm here to see Toby.
I want to see him.
Franny, what happened to you?
Okay, I'm here. I'm he...
Toby? Where is he? Where is he?
Where's Toby?
I told him I'd be here. It's important.
He believes me when I tell him.
Hang on, where are you?
Where is he? Where's Toby?
Where is he? What happened to him?
He was in there.
Can you talk to me? You are useless.
I mean... Luke. Lukie!
Come on, Luke.
Luke! I want Luke!
Franny... Lukie! I want...
Get away from me!
Who the fuck...
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Don't call the police!
We're fine!
I want to know
who's responsible.
For what? Tell me!
Toby? What? Toby's fine!
Toby's dead!
No, he's not! You're lying!
He's fine! Don't you lie to me!
He's not lying to you.
He's not lying to you.
He's fine, all right?
He's post op. He doesn't need to be here.
He's okay.
He's fine. Show me.
We're gonna take
five minutes, okay?
All right, get him
out of here, please.
Let's move... Come on.
I'm not gonna try
and relate to you, Franny.
Because I can't, all right?
I don't think anyone can.
But you need help.
All right?
You're a morphine addict.
And that is not
your biggest problem.
So either you go get help, or you
stay the fuck away from my family.
Do you understand me?
Did you say something to her?
Did you say something to her?
Did you say... Do you think you
can get between her and me?
Did you say something? You think
it's gonna help? Because it's not.
She wants me in her life.
She wants you?
And you've got a problem, buddy.
You are jealous.
And you're weak and you can't
do anything on your...
How do you think you got here?
Because I said so.
You have a job
because I said so.
You can't do anything
on your own.
You can't even take care
of your family without me.
Do you wanna get me fired, huh?
You wanna get me fired?
Go ahead, all right?
I don't want a thing
from you, all right?
We don't need you.
You don't have problems.
You don't have real problems.
Just because you give and give and give
doesn't make you a part of anything.
It just gives you an
excuse to be a coward.
You are not a good person.
You're a junkie with guilt.
Look at you.
Were you always
like this, Franny?
I can see you, Franny.
I'm coming.
Hey! Hey, all right. Come on in.
What're you doing here?
Come on. Hey.
Hey, I'm sorry about the mess. I
don't know what happened. I just...
You need to get help, Franny.
I want to help you.
I want to be here
for you this time.
Aah, I'm fine. I'm fine.
No, you're not.
We're moving out of the house.
We don't belong there.
We're leaving. Wa... wait
a minute, wait a minute.
You can't...
It... it's just too new.
You just need some time, make it your own.
It's not new for me.
I know what you're doing.
We shouldn't have
started this. It's my fault.
I just want to make things right.
I'm sorry.
I just want to make
things right.
I can't have you
in my baby's life.
Not like this.
When I was a kid,
I looked up to you.
What happened?
You're not the only one
who lost them.
I'm ready to help you.
But I will not keep feeling
sorry for you.
You need to grow up.
I need to grow up?
I need to grow up?
What right do you have
to come into my house
and speak to me like that?
You're just a little girl
that got knocked up.
You're not a Princess.
Please stop.
You want space? Go on, take your space.
Get out of here.
Get out of here.
Get out of here!
You're not Mia
and you'll never be Mia.
Poodles, wait!
Poodles, I'm so sorry, okay?
Stop, stop.
Poodles! Stop, honey.
Stop! I'm so sorry.
Stop. You're right.
You're right.
I'm just a fucking loser.
Look at me. I'm just...
What's that? What's wrong?
What's the matter?
What happened?
Wait a minute. Are you okay?
Just get me to the doctor.
Hey, do you know where Luke is?
Franny... Franny, we can't have this again.
No, no, no, no, no.
No, I'm past that.
I know. I'm disgusting and
my problems are petty. Yes.
And I gotta work on my...
My coping skills, I know that.
But Olivia's down in the er.
I gotta find Luke.
Dr. Harris?
That was an apology,
you got that, right?
Dr. Harris.
Jesus Christ.
Hey! You kidding me, Franny?
Toby! Hey, man.
Good to see you.
You're looking good.
What are you doing here,
Olivia's down in the er.
She wants to see you.
She'd like to see you.
What? She needs to see you.
It's all right.
She's fine. It's just she... She's
with a doctor. What happened?
She might be in labor.
You know,
I wasn't always like this.
I used to be pretty cool.
Yeah, I'll take
your word for it.
Thanks for taking care of this.
Hey. What?
Am I too old for rehab?
You're too old for Molly.
Mr. watts.
Mr. watts.
Everything okay?
It's a boy.
A boy?
Yeah, he's just a little bit
early, but everything's fine.
They asked to see you.
They did? Yeah.
This is Robert.
Is he a Robert?
Yeah, you wanna meet him?
Yeah, yeah, sure.
Come on.
Could I have a moment with him?
A moment? Yeah.
Uh, yeah, sure.
I'm so sorry, Bobby.
I'm so sorry.
Mr. watts?