The Black Stallion Returns (1983)

There. Want a bite?
Thank you very much, sir.
Purpose of your visit?
We have come for our horse.
This horse?
His real name is Shetan.
-I doubt that horse is for sale.
-We have not come to buy him.
He was stolen from us.
Shufi! Voyons.
We must act tonight.
Shetan, we meet again.
What is it, Alec?
There's something wrong with the Black.
What happened? Is he all right?
I think so.
What's the matter?
You're not getting enough attention.
This horse, Alec...
-Why don't you go back to bed?
You're not sleeping in the barn, Alec.
Sorry. You know the rules.
Come to bed now.
It's okay.
I'll be right back.
Mom, fire!
Get out of there, Alec, right now!
Alec, get out of there!
Get me the fire department, please!
Alec, are you all right?
-What happened?
-Yeah, I'm fine.
-I'll try and save my car.
-You be careful!
Try the other side.
Come on.
Easy, boy.
Son, get back. Please, get back.
-Get back.
-Get away from there!
-Is anyone in that barn?
No. Our beautiful barn!
-What happened?
-I don't know what happened.
The horse got away,
and then it burst into flames.
-How'd it start?
-Must be the paint cans.
We were painting the barn.
-Are you all right?
-I'm okay, and Alec is fine.
He let the horse out.
Poor Black.
Easy, boy.
Come on, Black!
Come on, Black.
I'm Abu Yakub Ben Ishak.
Shetan is our horse.
We are taking him back to Wadi Draa.
But you can't take him! He's mine!
I am sorry, child...
...but the horse must come with me.
The monster that started the fire...
...will stop at nothing
to prevent Shetan from coming home.
-But this is his home!
-His home is in the desert with us.
No! You can't take him!
Easy does it. Hold that rope.
That's it.
Alec, where are you?
Alec, can you hear me?
Yeah, Mom. I'm fine.
Don't worry about me, okay?
What do you mean?
Of course I'm worrying.
...I know where the Black is going.
I'm going after him.
Going after him?
What do you mean?
Alec, come back here.
Here it is. Wadi Draa.
Way out there in the desert like that?
Closest city is Casablanca.
Pan American has a clipper ship...
...which flies twice a week
from La Guardia.
Today and Friday at 5:00,
and it gets there in three days.
Thank you.
I want you to take a look
at the hydraulic lift.
-Where's your kid stationed now?
-He's in Frankfurt.
Kid, you don't belong out there.
You ain't allowed on that scaffolding.
Get back in the ship.
No, in the ship!
With the rest of the tour.
That's right. Inside.
-This plane is going to Casablanca, right?
-Yeah, that's right.
-Each engine's accessible for maintenance.
-You can go inside?
Right. A flight engineer can enter the
wing through a port on the flight deck...
...if emergency repairs are necessary.
But in six years it's never been needed.
Now, if you'd like to move forward...
The engines drive four Hamilton...
Yeah, I got it.
I'll be back up for the other case.
We could replace the whole door,
but just a nut'll do it.
Get out of there.
How long you been in there?
I don't know. I got in in New York.
How'd you get in there?
I just climbed in.
-Are you gonna eat that piece of bread?
'Cause if you're not, I'd like to have it.
Our stowaway.
If you were mine, I'd make
your bottom very sore, mon petit.
Be sure you don't leave these walls.
You're going back to your mother
on the clipper tomorrow.
Are there any horses around here?
A horse. Horses.
-Un cheval?
-Oui, un cheval.
-Magnifique, non?
C'est le cheval du colonel.
Oui! My cheval more big,
more magnifique.
The Shetan.
C'est bon.
I know you...
...from photographs
in American newspapers.
You won the big match race.
Come, look who we have here.
I've been hoping of news of Shetan.
-He was kidnapped.
-Yes, I know. By Sahid Ben Ishak.
-Do you know him?
-Never mind what I know.
What do you know?
What is this?
This is the symbol of the Uruk...
...simply the most powerful
tribe in the desert.
How did Ben Ishak and
Shetan leave America?
On a ship called the Casablanca.
I shall catch them in Sulaiyil.
We must leave immediately.
Who are you after? Black?
I am after victory.
Power to the Uruk
for the first time in history.
Start the motor.
You have been very helpful.
I scratched your back,
now you scratch mine.
-What does this mean?
-Where's Sulaiyil?
An oasis in the desert.
The only way to Wadi Draa.
Ben Ishak must stop there for water.
And now I must depart.
-Please take me with you.
-Peace be with you.
-Wait, look!
Where you got this?
-Why? You want it?
-I must have it, yes.
Then take me with you.
A deal?
I see you make great progress.
I will finish.
Le camion.
Trucks are the future, you know.
Roads across the mountains.
Great highways...
...crisscrossing the desert.
You want the desert to look like that?
I want progress.
Change in the tribal leadership.
Soon you will learn
the old ways of the Berbers...
...the ridiculous traditions.
Ask an honorable man to be his guest,
no man would refuse.
How stupid!
Ask a man for protection,
no harm will come to you.
What nonsense!
I will destroy those traditions,
once and for all.
What's so funny?
The medallion.
-But we're not in Sulaiyil yet.
-Give it to me!
I drive.
But we had a deal.
-What about me?
-What about you?
If you ever see this again, stop.
The Uruks are something to fear.
I want to be your guest.
You said no one would refuse me.
I said no honorable man would refuse.
Thank you.
Does anybody speak English?
English! Shetan.
Wait a minute. Wait!
Where are you going?
Does anybody know...
-Please, keep quiet.
-You speak English.
You must not let them know.
Take this fruit.
Sit next to me.
You lie still and listen.
My name is Raj.
I'm Alec Ramsey.
Where did you learn English?
In school.
I'm on my way back from university.
What do you know of Shetan?
He's my horse.
Shetan belongs to Yakub Abu Ben Ishak.
Mr. Ben Ishak,
he kidnapped him from me in New York.
Ben Ishak has him?
He's taking him to Wadi Draa.
-Speak softly.
-I'm trying to get to Sulaiyil.
Do you know where that's at?
Of course.
-Is this truck gonna go there?
-Will you go there?
-Can I walk there?
-Never. You must have a camel.
What is a child like you doing here alone?
Why don't you go back to America?
Where are you going?
Where are you going?
Go away. You cannot come with me.
You will not wait long.
Other trucks, they will pass this way.
What about you?
I'm meeting someone.
-I'll wait with you.
-No. Go away from me.
-I'm hot.
-You stop! You must wet your head cloth.
Four men could've drunk
from what you spill on the ground.
You'd be wise to return
to your people as soon as possible.
Not without my horse.
Shetan is not yours.
He belongs to this desert.
You must forget him.
But I can't.
And what do you think
will happen if you get to Wadi Draa?
Do you think Ben Ishak
will give you back the horse?
Do you think you can bring the horse
back across the desert on your own?
I don't know.
As-salaam alaikum!
Who is it?
Meslar. He'll take me home.
Take you home? Is he your father?
He will keep me from harm.
He thought you were one of his people.
When you did not answer him,
he was deeply insulted.
He asks for your forgiveness.
Sure. Tell him not to worry about it.
I'll give you some dates.
If you turn back, there is no danger.
Please take me with you to Sulaiyil.
Please don't go without me.
I've got to find my horse.
I want to be your guest.
And his, too.
I want to be under your protection.
We cannot refuse.
But you remember.
A guest must also honor his host.
As-salaam alaikum!
Come on, Abdul.
It is believed that sitting
under a thorn bush will give sight... evil creatures that Allah has blinded.
The Tuareg believes that throwing
a pebble will keep them blinded.
Do you believe that?
You do not see me
throwing a pebble, do you?
He's a child.
"Home, home on the range
"Where the deer and the antelope play
"Where seldom is heard
"A discouraging word
"And the skies are not cloudy all day
"Home, home on the range"
Hear me.
We're coming to the oasis at Sulaiyil.
I am in danger from the Uruk.
-Do as you're told, and we'll evade them.
Keep your face covered.
Everyone will believe you are a Tuareg.
If anyone speaks to you,
answer with this gesture Meslar makes.
It means you cannot speak.
You have no tongue.
You must not leave our sight.
-But I thought I saw the Black.
-Abu Ben Ishak is not stupid.
He would not bring Shetan here
in the daylight.
How come?
The Uruk, child.
Kurr! He is here.
Alec, come here!
Come back, I am your friend.
Do not run away from me! Damn you!
Come here.
Follow me.
Ben Ishak!
Shetan. He is here.
To the well! I must have Shetan!
You and I must go to the edge of the oasis.
We must escape the Uruk.
What about the Black?
Child, there is nothing
can be done now. Follow!
Come on.
Stay down!
We are safe here.
We will wait for Meslar.
I don't understand.
No, take the tea.
It will calm you.
Your Black is safe now.
The Uruk dare not follow Ben Ishak.
He and his men are too strong.
The Uruk are cowards.
I gotta find my horse, Raj.
I know.
But did you ever think...
...that maybe your horse is better off
living here in the desert...
...where he belongs?
He belongs with me.
Meslar says there is no water.
The Uruk. Quickly!
Come, Alec! We must go!
Meslar will protect us. Come!
Where are we going?
To Sulaiyil.
Sulaiyil? What about Wadi Draa?
You will be safe in Sulaiyil.
In the desert, you will have feet of butter.
Don't worry about me.
You are my guest.
You are under my protection.
What do you think will happen in Sulaiyil?
The Uruk were waiting for Mr. Ben Ishak.
I bet they're still there,
expecting you to come back.
I don't know about you,
but I ain't going back there.
If the Black's in Wadi Draa,
then that's where I'm going.
How far do you think you'll get?
-All the way.
-You are a child!
You're the child.
You can't move without a bodyguard.
Alec, wait.
You may have it... exchange for Meslar's sword.
I'm ready to carry it now.
She is the Mother Horse.
It is said that all horses come from her.
To touch her will make a rider
be one with his horse.
Give me skill to win the race.
You're riding in the race?
That is why I'm going home...
...and why the Uruk wish to stop me.
For the same reason
they wish to stop Shetan:
Because Ben Ishak's clan...
...and my father's clan
have won many times.
-Is there a race every year?
-Every five years.
Every desert tribe lives for it.
We train and breed for five years,
for stamina and speed.
If we lose, we lose more than the race.
We lose the best from our herd.
You mean Mr. Ben Ishak
could lose the Black?
If Shetan loses the race, yes.
-The Uruk could win him?
-No, never!
The Uruk horses are rogues with no heart.
But there will be other horses.
Some, perhaps,
with greater heart than Shetan.
Raj, are we going to make it?
The well is dry.
Raj, is she going to be all right?
She's weak.
Her flesh will give us
a few more hours of life.
Wait a minute.
Here is Sagr.
Raj, she's beautiful.
You will ride with me.
I can go no further.
I am not welcome in Ben Ishak's kingdom.
Follow this gorge to your Black.
For your journey.
If you ever again wish to cross the desert...
...I would consider it
a great privilege to accompany you.
Me, too.
Bye, Raj!
Bye, Alec!
Let go of me!
Easy, boy.
Young man... are courageous
to have come this far.
I came for my horse.
I have told you before, he's not your horse.
And you may not stay here.
But I want to be your guest.
You are resourceful, young man.
You know I cannot refuse.
But... will do nothing
to interfere with Shetan.
-You may rest here.
-Thank you.
Good morning, sir.
Here is Aisha.
Now, Aisha... Shetan's dam.
After the last race...
...she was taken from me
by the winner, Abdel Rahman.
She was heavy with her first foal:
I had to trade many, many horses
to get her back.
For I knew...
...that this foal was to be
the culmination of all our efforts.
I have sacrificed...
...the wealth of my people...
...for this one horse.
I cannot fail.
If you really want the Black to win,
you should let me ride him.
Your offer is very kind...
...but he will be ridden... the best rider of my tribe.
There is Shetan's rider.
So, you are surprised?
But I wasn't riding the Black, you know.
It is said that for every great horse,
there is but one rider.
I am Shetan's rider.
I don't think so.
Easy, Black.
You must not interfere!
No, Black!
Among Berbers...
...there is a time to welcome a guest...
...and a time to bid him good-bye.
-What do you mean?
-I have arranged an escort... accompany you to Casablanca.
-I have asked you...
...not to interfere with Shetan.
You are confusing him.
You should let me ride him for you.
You are a threat to my people.
You will leave tomorrow.
I wish to speak to you for a moment.
I know you believe your love for Shetan
is more important than anything...
...but you are wrong.
The survival of my people
is more important.
You would be very selfish to deny this.
I've not been with Shetan
since he was stolen.
You know him.
I think my grandfather
might let you stay for the race if... help me with Sh... the Black tonight.
What do you mean, help you?
I must be able to ride him, Alec.
How are you?
I think he's gonna like you fine.
Will you help me on him?
There's so little time, Alec.
I will try again.
The Uruk.
Alec, the Uruk, they're after Shetan!
Alec, that way! Go that way.
Come on, Black!
Stop! I want to talk to you!
A deal!
I only make deals with honorable men!
Let's go. Come on.
I thought you were dead.
Alec, it's me!
Are you all right?
Yeah, I'm all right.
The Uruk?
I got away.
I'm sorry, sir. I had to.
My kingdom... in your hands.
I appeal to you on behalf of my people... help us
by riding your Black in the race.
My Black?
I see now that you are the one rider
for the horse.
He has no other master.
But if you want to keep him,
you must win the race.
I pray he has the stamina.
-What's he talking about?
-I will tell you.
What was that all about?
The landmarks for the race course.
Will there be flags or something?
But you do not worry.
You follow me.
I will not mislead you, Alec Ramsey.
I know.
But I gotta win.
So must I.
Whoa, Sagr!
Here, Alec!
Choukran, Alec.
The Uruk. The gray horse.
The rider, he knocked me off.
Yeah, me, too.
No! This way is better.
All right, Meslar!
It is just you and I now!
Alec, look!
Hold on to the wheel!
It's not my fault.
I'm blind!
Shoot, imbcile, shoot!
Come back! I want to talk to you!
A deal!
Son of a bitch!
You will always be as a brother to me.
He is my friend, sir.
Your friend's horse... spared.
Meslar! Meslar!
Come on, babies.
Come here.
How's my boy?
I think he belongs here.
Maybe I'll be back.