The Black Water Vampire (2014)

Officer Dorner,
badge number 142.
We're here at
Black Water Creek
approximately 28 miles
from Fawnskin.
It's January 5th, 2003.
As you can see,
there's a, uh, pretty large
rock formation
What we have here
is a brown boot
belonging to a female.
The boot has stains,
some extensive damage here.
There are some tears
going up and down
the side of the boot.
Here is an article of clothing
presumably belonging
to the victim.
It could have come
from a blouse or a t-shirt.
All right, over here
about 80 feet or so
from the body.
Little rough terrain here.
We found, uh, two teeth.
They look to be molars.
We're gonna take them back
to the lab to get them tested.
They're presumably
the victim's.
What we're looking at here is
the body of a white female.
17 to 20 years of age.
About 110 pounds.
The body was found
this morning by
a group of hunters
at around 6:00 a.m.
The body is believed
to be that
of Millicent Barnem.
She's been missing
for the last two weeks.
She was last seen, uh,
leaving the hair salon
in Fawnskin, where she works,
on December 21st,
at around midnight.
As you can see,
she has a unidentified symbol
etched into her skin here.
The victim sustained a, uh,
blunt blow to the right side
of her temple here.
On her throat,
there is a large
bite of some sort,
from some sort of animal.
Aside from some dry blood
on her body,
there doesn't seem
to be any traces
of it in the area.
Which, if you ask me,
seems very strange.
hello, hello.
We going over everything?
Yeah. Just, um,
making my checklist
of all my stuff that I need.
- Batteries are charged.
- You all right?
Yeah, I'm just...
I'm just a
little stressed out.
Trying to get
everything ready.
Make sure I have everything.
On December 21st, 1972,
a young woman was found
brutally murdered
and her body was dumped
in what's known as
the Black Water Woods.
Ten years later,
another body was
found in the area.
In 1992, another.
Ten years ago,
the last victim,
Millicent Barnem.
Four women in 40 years.
I'm making this
because I need to know.
I need to know what happened.
I grew up in the area,
so the story has been
with me for
practically my whole life.
Four women.
All disappeared
on December 21st,
the night
of the winter solstice.
And were all found dead
days later with bite marks
on their neck.
I don't think
Raymond Banks did this.
But then again,
no part of this case
actually fits together.
And that's why I'm doing this.
- Organized, huh?
- Yeah.
- Putting it together?
- Yeah, all my case files,
um, some of the
autopsy photos.
I'm really excited.
A little nervous.
But, I think it's because
I'm just hoping that it's...
It pans out.
Well, Danielle has been
following the case
of Raymond Banks for years.
Um, there's a lot of things
that just don't add up.
For example, the women's
bodies were completely
drained of blood.
There was no blood or DNA
found at the crime scenes.
We just wanna find out
the truth before an
innocent man is put to death.
- What are you doing?
- Who do we have here?
Our camera guy.
That we found on the internet.
I thought you were
gonna say, like, on the
side of the street.
Super scary.
Basically the same thing.
-Get out of here. Hi.
So, Anthony, tell us
a little bit about you.
Uh, the good stuff?
-The bad stuff, please.
-The bad stuff, there's none.
-You want a synopsis.
- I'm, uh...
- 200 words or less.
Fantastic, uh, human being.
Kind, considerate,
I give to many charities.
You ever trekked
three days through the snow?
-No, but I'm used to the snow.
You ever trekked three days
through the snow?
I'm not a big fan of snow,
so this should be...
-She'll be fine.
We're gonna pick up Rob,
-: And Rob is...
- We went to school with Rob.
So we worked with Rob
on those last two
- I've already got all this
loaded and charged.
- Okay, cool.
- Oh, is that him?
- That's Rob.
This is the guy
I've been hearing about?
Hey, we're looking
for a sound guy.
Do you know one?
You guys know you're late.
I've been standing out here...
Oh, thanks, newbie.
- You good?
- Yeah, I got it.
-Are you gonna record me?
-Is that what's going on now?
-Hey. Anthony.
-Rob, nice to meet you.
All right, you got me here.
Dropped everything for you.
What are we doing?
- Raymond Banks.
- Raymond Banks.
Yeah, the alleged
serial killer?
Oh, alleged serial killer?
I thought he was on death row
for killing, what, four women?
He's gonna be
sentenced to death
in less than three months.
Well, there it is.
Done deal.
It's case closed to me, right?
No, it's not a case closed.
First off, he was interrogated
for 16 hours straight
without his attorney present,
before he confessed.
There was no physical
evidence found
that could link him
to any of the murder scenes.
His whole conviction
is based on
circumstantial evidence.
You don't send a man to death
on circumstantial evidence.
Oh, leave it to Danielle.
I get it, you have this
idealistic streak about you.
You're always trying to find
something or somebody to save.
Uh, what was it last time?
It was, um...
It was whales.
Dolphins, whales, same thing.
Fish is a fish.
A dolphin's
a mammal not a fish.
so why Banks?
I've been kind of obsessed with
him for a long time.
I grew up around the area.
Oh, you're a small town
girl then, huh?
Yeah, tiny little Baptist town.
You know, I mean, we...
We thought we were safe.
You know, it's just home,
school, church, nothing really else.
Then the murder.
Millicent Barnem.
She grew up in Fawnskin,
which was just a few miles
from where I grew up.
She was 17.
She disappeared one night and they
found her body two weeks later.
Nothing was ever the same
after that.
I was 12 when they
arrested him.
Banks. He became
the boogeyman of
my childhood, you know,
he became the monster
that was in the closet
at night, you know?
Monster in the closet,
what do you mean?
Well, as kids
we would sing a rhyme.
d One, two, three
Banks is coming for me
d Three, four, five
He'll skin me alive d
Okay, we are gonna take
Highway 14 to Fawnskin.
I just need you to find that
on the map for me, Andrea.
Bloodsucker Highway.
Bloodsucker what?
Bloodsucker Highway.
It's because of all the bodies
and murders in that area.
What about 'em?
All the bodies were
completely drained of blood.
Some of the town people
made up stories
and they believed that
there's vampires
living in the woods.
Yes, vampires,
they're folktales.
-Yes, vampires.
So, yeah, about that.
You were saying
something about a hike?
Oh, um, it's gonna be
a three-day hike
up to Black Water Creek.
That's where they found
Millicent Barnem.
I just wanna get some
footage up there.
I just wanna make sure
I have my story straight.
We're going on a hike
into the woods
that could be full of vampires
and God knows
what other creatures.
That's the plan?
That's what we're gonna do?
Rob, there's no vampires.
There's no need for vampires.
What people can do
to each other is far worse
than any monster
that we dream up.
Trust me.
Do you guys
know about any of
the Black Water killings
that have happened
in these woods?
- We know they happened.
- Yeah.
We know they found bodies.
No blood.
No blood at all.
How do you feel
about Raymond Banks'
I totally believe
Raymond Banks is guilty.
He kind of had a reputation
around town for chasing after
young girls.
He was a weird old coot.
Do you know
who Raymond Banks is?
Yeah, he scares me.
d One, two, three
Banks is coming for me
d Three, four, five
He'll skin me alive d
-Yeah, that Raymond Banks boy.
I don't think he did it.
It's a shame that they just
gotta snatch up somebody.
Get up in ours,
'cause poor white women,
you gotta get somebody.
If Banks didn't
kill them, then who did?
Yeah, they got
a creature lives in here.
- A creature?
What kind of creature?
- Oh, yeah.
He walks up like we do.
Got some fangs.
My grandmother,
she called him Rat Teeth.
'Cause he was big.
You think I'm tall?
She say he big,
broad shoulder, and he's
long arms, long nails.
And little feet.
Kind of walk like this.
What they say about
vampires, they got all
this kind of stuff.
He ain't have all that,
he had these little rat teeth.
So instead of...
like that, he couldn't do that.
So he gets frustrated.
And just pull out the heart,
and eat it like a apple.
That ain't right.
It's like you grow up with it.
You feel more attached to it.
Like, it's more personal.
Because it's something that you've...
You've known for so long.
We tried to get ahold of you
for your comment on the case.
Can you please talk to us briefly about
the Banks murder trial?
Look, I'm not gonna say anything
I haven't said a hundred times.
How do you justify
putting a man on death row
with no physical evidence?
Well, the defendant confessed.
And we proved beyond
a reasonable doubt
that the man was guilty
of those murders.
All right? We're done.
Before you retired,
you investigated
both of the murder cases
of Ann Meyers in 1982
and Lea Carlyle in 1992.
Can you tell us about those?
I worked on the Black Water
cases for 18 years.
From 1982 when they first
discovered the body
of Ann Meyers
until the day I retired.
I was there when they found
the body of Lea Carlyle.
She was only 16.
What can you tell us
about the crime scenes?
There was a lack of evidence.
Both bodies were
completely drained of blood.
There was no murder weapon.
No footprints, no hair,
no fibers.
How do you explain
the blood loss?
I don't.
Medical examiners
didn't have an answer.
I don't have an answer.
What about the markings
that were found on the bodies?
Both victims had a symbol
etched into their skin.
We sorted through
various cult literature,
but nothing concrete
was ever found.
What about the bite
that was found on Ann Meyers' neck?
Well, we assumed the bite
was from a wolf or some other animal,
possibly postmortem.
But to be honest with you...
I never saw an animal leave bite marks
that looked like that.
How do you explain or how do you feel
about these loose ends?
I don't feel good about them.
And I can't explain them.
So, seems to me we got more questions
than answers from Detective Miller.
-I got something out of it.
-Oh, yeah, what's that?
He couldn't explain
the bite mark, for example.
- Vampires?
- I'm being serious, Rob.
So am I.
You think I wanna go
hiking for three days
in the woods
with vampires...
Woah! Holy fuck!
- What happened?
- You guys okay?
You guys all right?
I don't know...
Did you see that?
Something just ran out
of the woods.
What ran out of the woods?
- I don't know. Shit!
- Dog?
- No, it wasn't a fucking dog.
- What did you hit?
I swerved into a pot hole.
God damn it!
Just stay here.
I'll check it out.
It's definitely a flat.
- You have no tire iron.
- You know how
to work that thing all right?
Yeah, but we can't put the spare on
unless I the take cap off,
which I'm not gonna
be able to do.
What does that mean?
It means
you can't change it?
- I don't have a tire iron.
- I can...
Do you have anything else back there?
Do you have a wrench?
- I don't know.
- Did you see something?
Or, what was it?
- I didn't see an animal.
- Okay.
- I saw like a figure, a shadow, a...
- A ghost?
No, I didn't see
a fucking ghost.
What the fuck was that?
Did you guys hear that?
- Shh.
- What?
It's just,
I swear I heard something.
Guys, we're outside,
I wouldn't get too caught up
on it.
What did you hear, Rob?
Eh, it was probably
like a wolf, or coyote.
I don't know what's out here.
Right there.
Oh, shit.
Come on, so what?
It's a bird. It's... an animal.
I mean, we got
nothing else in the car
- that we can
take this tire off with?
- You have to have it.
No, I've never had
a flat tire. It's a new car.
Oh, here we go.
- Rob.
-There you go.
I got this.
We need help.
There we go. All right.
we have a flat tire.
Where's he going?
Was that a "no?"
God! Did you see him?
No, I didn't see him!
What the fuck was that about?
Yeah, man,
my heart's just like...
-You okay?
-Yeah, I just need my inhaler.
You okay, Rob?
Yeah, it just, like,
shook me up.
I'm just gonna, like...
-You good?
-Yeah. No, I'm fine.
-He's good. Let's go.
-What was that?
That was fucked up.
- Right?
Good job.
Hey, future reference,
other passengers,
tire iron under
the passenger's seat
is not a good place to put it.
I didn't know.
After all that. You good?
You good?
I'm fucking freezing.
But at least we're back on track.
What? Straight?
- You all right?
- Yeah.
Just... I don't know...
That was just weird.
I've never almost been
run over before.
Sure we know
where we're going?
- Danielle, are we close?
- Yeah, it's just up this road.
I can't see the numbers though.
It's that cabin up there.
This one?
- That's us?
- Yeah.
Yeah, she's here to meet us.
Has she been waiting outside?
She doesn't look too happy, guys.
Well, we are two hours late.
- You're late.
- I know, I'm so sorry.
We got a flat tire.
Hi, I'm Danielle.
We spoke on the phone.
How long have you lived here?
Long time.
Do you rent this cabin out
to people often?
Not often.
Well, thank you
for renting it out to us.
Um, do you know
anything about
the Black Water killings?
Not much.
What do you think
about Raymond Banks?
Raymond Banks?
He's the devil.
Thank you.
It's a weird town.
- This is weird. Yeah.
- Weird town.
It fits the small
town model, right?
Yeah, that's the town motto.
"Come on in, we're weird."
-Danielle, can I say something?
Everyone just got out of
the shower, but you
never looked better.
Our chemistry
is disrupting the group.
So, I just wanted
to address it.
-Our chemistry?
Okay, just say "no" then,
if it's from...
-That was easy.
Well, crud.
Yeah, good luck with that one.
She doesn't do that stuff.
-Do what stuff?
-You know...
- What is that?
- That stuff.
- What the fuck is that?
- Yeah, what was that?
-That stuff.
-It's called sexual abstinence.
That's her way of...
-We go in front of our family
and family friends and...
...pledge that we will be abstinent
until marriage.
Well, I made a pledge, I was gonna
play, maybe, like, baseball.
-That didn't work out
too well.
What's happening?
Shit, I heard it, too.
Hold up.
- Fuck.
- Is it on? Is it on?
- What?
- Look!
What am I look...
Is that who was
banging at the door?
If she was, why wouldn't she
just wait at the door then,
for us to answer?
That was like a minute ago.
Think she needs help?
Go talk to her.
You go out and fucking talk to her.
I'm not gonna go talk to her.
Guys, what's going on?
Come check this out.
Did you hear the knock at the door?
-I heard something.
-Take a look for yourself.
-You gotta see this.
-Oh, shit.
- What am I looking at?
-Where'd she go?
There was a woman out there.
-She was just there.
-You guys drank a lot tonight.
-That's not the point.
-We're not hallucinating.
-What, so you could
slip on it later? On the ice?
-See if someone falls on it.
No, why would I put
a banana peel on the ice?
-It's either one or the other.
That's too much comedy.
-Just to make sure.
-Everything in here...
We can't really do
an interview without...
No, I realize that.
So, that's why we're trying
to find something.
Great. Thank you so much.
Okay, bye.
Thoughts. Think. Where it could be?
Andrea, did you see it?
-Missing the lapel.
We had it for our last interview and
I don't know why we don't have it now.
My daughter.
She was perfect.
Ann was, uh...
She was a happy one.
She always kept things up
when it looked like
things weren't so good.
She just had a way of...
Of looking
at the positive side
all the time.
Lea and I were like sisters.
We were like thick as
thieves or just...
Always Lauren Lea,
Lauren and Lea, Lauren and Lea,
everywhere we went and...
Since we were like eight or nine years old,
we were just inseparable.
Millicent and I
were best friends.
Uh, we went to
school together.
And, we really did
everything together.
I didn't get to see her
get married or...
Have children.
We miss her.
We miss her a lot.
She wanted to
make something of herself.
She wanted to get educated.
She wanted to go to school.
She wanted to go to college.
She wanted to leave here.
She's not gonna
have that chance now.
What can you remember about the night
she went missing?
Yeah. Um...
Oof. Well...
Lea really wanted
to go to, um, a movie.
So, uh, I think she wanted
to see Wayne's World.
Um, so we grabbed a pizza
at, um, Carlo's Pizza.
Just... But it was
like any other fun
weekend night and...
But then you say good-bye
at the end of the night and
I thought I'd see her again the next day
like I did every single day.
And I never saw her again.
We didn't worry at first,
but then...
By the time it got dark
we knew something was...
Something was off.
So we, uh...
Well, we got ahold of the sheriff's
department and
I think that was
the hardest part 'cause
then you gotta admit
something's wrong.
You just...
And this...
This is where we are now.
Do you think Raymond Banks
is your daughter's killer?
You know, I don't understand
that question, to be honest with you.
I'm not gonna answer that question.
Obviously, the police felt
that it was enough.
He's behind bars.
My daughter's dead.
Raymond Banks is a killer.
And he deserves to die
for what he did to her.
I can't wait till...
I can't wait till he is dead.
Dead. I mean dead.
I am gonna be in the front row
and I'm gonna watch the whole thing
'cause I cannot wait
for that beast...
He's not even a human.
He's a fucking...
Excuse my language.
He's a beast.
I hope, above hope,
that that boy rots in hell.
How are you doing?
Nice to be out of the hole.
Nice to see people
from the outside for a change.
You don't have anybody
that comes to visit you?
No. Nobody wants to see me.
Don't you know?
Know what?
I'm the devil.
Nobody wants to see the devil.
How about mail?
Do you get mail?
Plenty of mail.
Got your letters.
What do other people
write to you?
They hope I die.
They pray that I rot in hell
for what I've done.
Do they write you
anything else?
That I'm scum.
Do you wanna talk about
what happened?
What happened when?
How about we start on the day
that you were arrested?
What happened that day?
Why are you here?
You wanna see how
it looks like when a man
stares death in the face, hmm?
Is... Is that why you came?
I came here to hear your side
of the story, Mr. Banks.
My side, my side, my side,
my side, my side of story?
You wanna hear
my side of the story?
I'll tell you
my side of the story.
Police don't like me.
People in town never liked me.
Now why is that?
It's 'cause I know about them.
I know all about 'em.
You see, they came to my house.
They had these things,
they looked like guns.
You'd think they was guns.
But they wasn't guns.
Put these transistors in 'em.
Just like the CIA uses
to listen to you.
Like a microphone,
only you don't know it.
They think I don't know it.
'Cause they think I'm stupid.
My lawyer,
he thinks I'm stupid!
Want me to plead insanity
like I'm some kind of whacko.
I ain't no whacko!
I'm not stupid.
Do you think I'm stupid?
No. I don't.
I don't think you belong here.
I know about your arrest.
I know you were interrogated
for 16 hours straight
without your attorney present.
I know the lack
of physical evidence.
I know you got
an unfair trial, Mr. Banks.
They listen to
everything I say.
'Cause they know I know.
That's why they shoot me up.
'Cause they don't want me
opening my big, fat mouth.
Are... Are you saying that
you were unjustly convicted?
Are you saying you're
innocent of the crimes?
They did this.
Two inmates clamped me up
like a fish.
I know they
put 'em up to it.
Who put them up to it?
The FBI, cunt!
Who the hell do you think?
They've been putting thallium
in my food since 2002. 2002!
You know anything
about thallium?
You know what it does?
It kills you slowly.
You can't taste it,
you can't smell it.
You see they mix it
in with the food.
Sometimes potatoes,
sometimes the meatloaf.
Know what it does?
Know what thallium does?
You wanna see dying?
Meet thallium.
Kills you slow like a rat.
You're saying that
they're trying to kill you.
I told you.
'Cause I know!
What exactly do you know?
I know what they do.
I know what they do
in the woods.
For the love of God.
They call me a monster?
They're the monsters.
Every one of 'em.
Are you saying you know
who's killing these women?
-Hey, hey, hey!
-You want to know who
killed those women?
Go! Go see!
You go see!
You want to know who
killed them, you go see him!
We're not gonna discuss?
Any of that psycho
blabber that just...
Anthony, just shut up.
There's no point in
sitting in silence about it!
I mean, we were all there!
We all saw it!
You gotta have some sort
of an opinion, Danielle.
This was your whole thing.
Rob, what about you?
Am I the only one
that can speak up about this?
I know it was a little bit
of an experience, but...
What? What did he...
What did he draw?
Some sort of symbols.
-What's that?
Symbols? What?
What kind of symbols?
I don't know.
So we could do 12...
12 hours the first day.
Yeah, that's
what I was thinking.
Let's not get
ahead of ourselves, I mean...
-Okay, then six hours.
-We'll see how far
we get the first day.
We're not exactly
professional hikers here.
It's gonna be about
17-18 degrees tomorrow.
So, you might...
Yeah, during the day,
but what about at night?
All right. Let's get going.
I'll get that.
-Yeah, I got them.
-I said I would.
I can't wait
to get out of this town.
Yeah, maybe
we should just go now.
Nice try, Rob.
-We good? Is there anything else?
- Almost out of here.
So it's supposed to be right up here where
we're gonna leave the car.
Mind if I stay with the car?
You'll be fine, Rob.
- I mean, you have, uh, both cameras?
- Yep.
-Uh, yeah.
-All right.
You sure you wanna go on this?
Yeah. Why, you scared?
Rob, are you scared?
In all seriousness,
I'm actually asking.
-I'm a little scared, dude.
-All right.
Here, I'll take the map.
No, I just wanna...
How do you feel?
-Excited. Yeah.
You're gonna let me know
if I run into a tree
walking backwards, right?
-You didn't answer
my question!
-I will.
So, if you're gettingtired now,
we can always go back.
Are you limping?
-I'm fine!
I've got an old
soccer injury, that's all.
If something really...
If we're really in trouble,
you think we're not gonna
hightail it outta here?
Hightail it out?
We're in the middle of...
Uh, girls, beer, trucks,
guy stuff, you know.
Hey, can I have the map?
So I could see how far we are?
You don't trust me?
Like three and a half
more miles north.
Then we're gonna
hit Banks' cabin.
-Raymond Banks is first stop?
We got a couple hours.
-Still got daylight, so we're good.
-I think so.
Oh, luckily, my legs are so strong.
-Such a workout.
-You all right?
Oh, no! I'd help you out,
but I remember
- how everyone's gonna make fun of me!
- One down! Man down!
Holy shit, what is that?
Oh, my God!
Blood or paint?
Is that the thing Banks drew? Huh?
-Is that the thing Banks drew?
It's maybe a trail marker, or maybe
some kid is screwing around with us.
I don't know.
No, let's not let
a stupid paint freak us out.
-All right.
-Lot of ground
to cover, come on.
Let's rock. Let's go.
Come on, Rob.
- Is this it?
- Yeah, this is it.
-We doing this?
-This is it.
Yeah, this seems cozy.
Who knows what's inside?
Doesn't look well insulated.
: Conspicuous.
I can't believe he lived out here.
This is crazy.
Right, this is probably a mansion
for lunatics.
Guess that makes it pretty clear
how they feel about him around here.
-We going in?
We gotta check this.
They're all pretty blocked up.
Can you get in there?
What the fuck?
-All right.
-You okay? You all right?
Yeah, I'm fine.
We got a flashlight?
Or, Rob, you got night vision on that.
Can you come in?
-Do you see the symbol in the back as well?
I'm in front of
Raymond Banks' cabin
that's been abandoned now for over nine years
since he's been in jail.
The local DA pressed for a capital case and
got it based on very thin evidence.
Banks was spotted by eye witnesses near
where Millicent worked,
acting strange.
The town turned against him.
Many locals stated
that he was dangerous.
The locals vandalized his home,
as you can see behind me,
and he was put in
protective custody
while he was
under investigation.
He was arrested with
no murder weapons or DNA
that could match him
to any of the murder scenes.
He was then tried and sentenced
in a record two-week trial
based on his own confession
that the police obtained
after a non-stop
16-hour interrogation.
If he is really guilty of
the murders committed
over the past 40 years,
Banks is truly a monster.
-Are you all right?
No, it's not that long.
-Yeah, we're good. It goes up from here.
-All right.
I can't even see where
we came from anymore.
It's gorgeous, good
to get away for a while.
-Oh. Yup.
-You all right?
-Thank you.
-Ah! Shit!
-Oh, shit!
-What the hell?
-Shit! Shit! Shit!
- Rob, you okay?
You all right, buddy?
Here, take that, Andrea.
You okay?
-Yeah, I'm fine.
-Sound equipment all right?
Headphones got wet.
What did you slip on?
Maybe we should go in this area here.
All right. That works.
You got a flashlight?
Somewhere in this bag.
-You all right?
-Yeah. I know how
to put a tent together.
All right! Take it easy.
I'm just asking.
-Okay, you gotta work with me here.
-Can we get some light?
We're good.
We're gonna lose these pegs in
the snow, by the way.
Well, put them in the tent.
-What are they for?
So, this is day one of our hike.
We are in our tent.
After a freezing cold trek.
And I hope that we don't die
of hypothermia tonight.
I don't even know if you can
see the breath on the camera.
I think I was like seven
and I remember having
problems sleeping as a child
'cause I always felt like
there was somebody in my room.
they think there's monsters
in the closet and everything.
So, I'd always havem
to have my Mom or Dad
to come tuck me into bed.
That was like,
what I did every night.
One night, and I just
remember this so vividly,
I just couldn't sleep.
Everyone else was asleep.
And I heard this,
like, tapping noise,
on my dresser.
I had my blanket, like,
you know, right up to my face,
like, so you could
just see my eyes.
And I looked up
and I saw,
I'm not even joking,
this dark shadow figure
in my room.
Oh, shit.
I swear, and it was so creepy.
It was, like, dark black and
it had a really pale face.
And this is where
it gets really weird, it went
like this to its teeth,
and it had, like,
these two fangs.
And I was so scared.
I just like, closed my eyes
and I just prayed. I just prayed.
I said, "Oh, my God, please make
it go away. Go away."
And I put my blanket.
I just checked and it was gone.
It's on. What?
Did you hear that?
What? No.
-What is that?
-Holy shit,
I heard that.
-All right.
Stay here, stay here.
- Rob, get up.
- Huh?
Come with me?
- What? What?
- Will you come with me?
Where's the flashlight?
Is there a flashlight?
Rob, be nice. Grab that flashlight.
You see anything?
No, there's nothing.
Shit! What was that?
It was like it was
up that tree right there.
It's fine, it's like
a squirrel or something.
Do you think it's just
someone from the town,
just fucking with us?
I just think it's an animal.
We're fine.
Danielle, how you feeling?
Cold, but I feel good.
-Not bad, right?
-Yeah. We got up early.
Holy shit!
Which one of you did this?
Who did this?
-Did you do that, Anthony?
-I didn't do that.
That's not funny.
That's not funny at all.
Holy fuck.
-Did you do that?
-What the fuck is that on our tent?
No, I didn't do it!
Someone just painted it on our tent!
That's not fucking funny.
If somebody were to attack us,
all we have is a flashlight.
What are you gonna do?
What are you gonna do?
-There's four of us, Rob.
-They're just trying to scare us.
There's four of us.
There could be a hundred of them.
First of all, I wouldn't think like that.
I'm pretty sure if there's
a hundred of them,
-we would have already
seen them by now.
-We wouldn't...
We're gonna go check out the site,
then we're leaving.
-That's it. We're done.
-All right?
We're almost there.
We're almost done.
...just in case it gets icy...
Hey, just in case
we get lost.
Oh, swoon.
Hey, Rob, look.
Weapons, we're all set.
Rob, just ignore him.
I do it all the time.
Keep walking.
Rob, you're putting arrows?
We're fine.
-Okay. You know, if you wanna...
-What if it snows?
If you wanna do it,
just keep doing it. It's fine.
Whatever works for you guys.
Hey, don't break my camera.
What is it, huh?
I don't know, okay?
It's not like
I drew them, Rob.
It's some kind of
cult, probably.
Now we have a bunch of townsy, old hillbilly,
folky, cult chasing after us.
Well, they're not gonna hurt us.
Maybe they're just trying to scare us, okay?
'Cause they know we're here.
We're trying to uncover something.
Maybe they're just trying to
scare us away from here.
I'm about two seconds away
from just taking this and going back home.
-Why? Why, 'cause your scared?
-Because this isn't okay.
- Yeah.
- Listen, whatever you guys wanna do, I'm there.
- Okay.
- If you guys wanna leave, I'm there.
-It's your call.
-I wanna continue.
Of course you do.
Please, Rob,
can you just do this for me?
This is something I've been working on
for a really long time.
It's my dream to do this project.
Just, please.
Let's just keep going, 'cause I don't
even know where going back is anymore.
Probably in that direction.
Hey, Rob.
Some other dummy's
marking his tracks too.
Oh, shut up.
All right. I don't think
that's some other dummy's.
Sorry, guys.
Fuck, man. We just wasted
like three hours.
God damn it.
It's not funny.
You just ran us in a circle.
Yeah, I get it! I'm sorry.
Hey, if it wasn't for
your stupid mark
we wouldn't even know that
we were running in circles.
Oh, that's great logic.
You got me there.
What number mark is this?
You did like, seven.
When you took
the map over, we were...
East is that way.
Hey, hold on.
What are you looking at?
Rob, what is it?
It's the old lady
from the cabin.
It's that old fucking lady
from the cabin. No. No.
What is she doing
in the middle of the woods?
That's not okay.
This is not okay.
Should I point out the fact
that we've been hiking for
two fucking days right now?
And we're being followed by,
like a 75-year-old woman?
She's obviously crazy.
It's just an old lady, let's go.
Come on.
- What is that supposed to mean?
- Rob, come on!
I'm trying to figure it out. in these mountains.
There's a mountain over there,
but I don't know if that's...
I mean, it looks a little
higher than where we are.
- Where are we?
- Lost.
-Tell me on the map where we're at.
-Okay, we've passed...
-Thank you. Thank you, Rob.
Thank you for pointing out
the obvious.
Okay, I think we've passed
stormy mountain.
-I think we're at 7,000 feet, but I'm not sure.
-You think?
I don't know because
we missed a creek.
I don't have a creek
that we were supposed
to pass on this mountain.
So I don't know exactly where we are,
but I'm trying to figure it out.
We should have passed it
five hours ago, Danielle!
Okay, what do you
want me to do?
-Figure out where we're at!
-Don't you think that's what
we're trying to do right now?
-Okay? Guys.
-I'm trying to figure this out
to fucking please
the women here, okay?
'Cause obviously we have enough
fucking balls to sit here
and try to figure this out
instead of freaking out!
-You're freaking out!
-Hold on! Hold on, you guys.
Seriously, God!
Okay, we're out here,
we need to just deal with
what's going on right now, okay?
It's... We've got maybe 30 minutes
of daylight left.
We're gonna have to stay here
and camp tonight, okay?
-Which is way off trail.
-No. I don't care.
Which is way off schedule.
Would you rather fucking
walk in the dark?
-No! -I wouldn't even
rather fucking be here!
You know what, then?
Fine. You figure out the fucking map!
All right, hold on you guys.
No, that's fine. Fine.
I'm done arguing. I'm done arguing.
We're good. Let's...
We're staying here.
Rob, come on!
You know, if we at least
pitch a tent, we'll be able to
figure it out in the morning
when we have more daylight.
We're running out of daylight.
-I'm well aware. All right?
-Let's go.
Can you guys get your buddy, please?
'Cause he is...
Did you guys hear that?
-You guys hear that?
It's outside.
Do you know what's outside?
-Oh, shit.
- Oh, fuck!
-What is it?
-What the fuck is it?
What the fuck is that?
What the fuck is that?
What was that?
Oh, shit.
-This has got to end. This has got to stop.
- What're you doing?
What are you doing?
I'm so tired
of these people...
stay the fuck in here!
- God damn it.
- What are you doing?
Can you just leave us alone?
Let's just get back in the tent.
What the fuck is that?
Anthony, let's get back in the tent!
-Rob's having an asthma attack.
Rob? Rob, are you all right?
Look around, just take a second to
look around. Calm down!
Just look around for a second.
Come on, just relax.
Hold on, here it is.
Okay, okay. Here you go.
Here, here, here.
- Better?
- It's okay.
Takes a few minutes.
You all right?
Yeah, yeah.
How about you?
-What do you want us to say?
I'm trying to... I'm trying to understand.
At this point.
Once we get to the location
of the last killing, we're gonna go home.
I can hear the creek.
You hear that?
Hear that Rob?
Wait, what?
- The creek, I can hear it.
- Yeah?
Yeah, listen. Listen.
Hey, what's up?
I don't know. I just got a bad feeling
about all this.
Not long. Almost there.
Yeah, I gave up a...
I gave up a really good job for this.
Good money. Hot chicks.
Plenty of food.
I'm out here with a virgin
and a fuckin' slave driver.
-I love Andrea, but she's...
-What's your other option?
-Go back.
-We're on track right now.
We're actually closer to the
end than we are to the start.
So it doesn't really make
sense to do that.
I don't know if I wanna find
out what's at the end though.
I can find my way back.
I wouldn't do that.
It's already been a day and a half of hiking,
man, I wouldn't do it.
Just go with the flow,
and like I told you,
if it ever gets to the breaking point,
fuck it, we're gone. Okay?
We're not putting our lives
at risk, or anything like...
And I'm also not
gonna pinky swear on anything.
-You've got my word, all right?
-You good?
-I could find my way back, though.
Hey, guys!
Sorry, we were just resting our legs.
We're good. All right.
You good?
- You done?
-Smoke break's over?
-Come on. We're good.
-Go ahead.
-Thanks for that, Robin.
-No problem.
Ha! Oh, my God!
We're here. We found it.
We found it!
- Is this it?
- Yeah!
This is where...
All right.
-Come on!
-I'm coming.
Come on, Rob!
We found it.
Yeah, this is the marker.
Was it worth it?
- Rob?
- Rob, we're here!
He trailed a bit far behind.
How long do you
think it'll take us to set up?
Uh, give me about
10 minutes on the camera.
-I want to start setting this up now.
-Hey, Rob!
Rob, we need you. Come on!
God damn.
How far behind was he?
- Here. Take this for a second.
- All right.
Just watch the bag, all right?
He just ran down
the river bank
and I didn't see him at all.
I'm just heading up
this hill real quick.
Danielle, I have a really,
really bad feeling about this.
Did he ditch us?
He's got the fuckin' map.
There's not even tracks back there.
There's nothing.
When's the last time you saw him?
You said 20 minutes ago?
I don't know.
What were you guys talking about
when you guys were having that meeting?
-and you're not saying anything?
-No, why would I say...
Why would he say he was gonna leave
without saying anything?
He's been talking about leaving
since the moment we got here.
Exactly. He's been doing the same thing
he's been doing all week.
He's got the map. So he at least knows
where we are.
Yeah, do we know where
we are, though?
We need to set up right now.
The on-board mic sucks.
We're not even gonna get
good audio off of that.
I'll rig something.
I might have some of his shit
in my bag too.
I don't know.
We'll do something.
We have to get the shot
regardless, right?
It's not gonna sound good in post.
It's gonna sound like shit.
I didn't travel this long
to fucking have no sound.
Yo, are you pissed because you're gonna
have a ruined documentary?
-Or, are you pissed because
your friend's gone? -No!
I am standing at the site where the fourth
murder victim was found
ten years ago, to the day, of the night
of the winter solstice.
All four murder victims
were found within a 25 mile radius,
of the Black Water Woods.
First murder victim,
Gale Aberdeen.
Her parents reported
her missing after she
never showed up for work.
Her body was then
later found in
the Black Water Woods.
Second murder victim,
Ann Meyers.
where she spent the night
at a slumber party.
Her body was then found
three months later after the snow had melted.
Her head was severed from her torso
and to this day has never been found.
Third murder victim,
Lea Carlyle.
She went missing
after she spent a night out
with some friends.
Her on and off again boyfriend was
suspected of the murder
until he provided an alibi
for the night that she went missing.
Her mutilated torso was found and
was only identified by her appendix scar.
Fourth murder,
Millicent Barnem.
Her mother reported
her missing after she
never came home from work.
Her body was then found
two weeks later
deep in the woods by hunters.
Rob! Where are you?
-Where's Danielle?
Over here.
Oh, my God.
Oh, shit.
That's not Rob's, right?
That's not Rob's, right?
Why does it just stop?
Not Rob. All right?
I don't know what to say,
but it's not Rob.
We're running out of daylight, guys.
We got about a half hour 'till it's dark.
- Rob.
- Rob!
He doesn't even have any food.
We gotta set camp right here.
For the night.
-What? No.
-We gotta get back and get help.
Yeah, we gotta go back.
-We can't...
-Look. Look at the light.
-You got 20 minutes, max.
Yeah, he's already been
gone for four hours.
Where are you gonna go
in 20 minutes?
We have to get back
to call a park ranger.
He doesn't have anything to keep him
warm at night!
Where do you think he is? What are you
gonna accomplish in that time?
We're setting up camp
for the night, all right?
Look, you guys have
run the show so far.
I'm making the decision 'cause
we're gonna set camp.
If he's looking for us,
he's gonna come back
to where we were supposed to be.
Is that all right?
Maybe he's just waiting by the car once
we get there. I don't know.
I don't know.
Maybe he does know the way back.
We'll meet him half way.
We'll catch up with him.
He'll follow the tracks.
We made tracks.
We hit a lot of tracks
going lots of different directions.
I should have just let him go
when he wanted to go.
He would have been closer to the car
than all the way out here.
How many times did he say
he wanted to leave?
He said it from day one.
-I know, but...
-He said it from when we picked him up.
He wouldn't have left us like this.
We finally got to our destination,
like, he wasn't there.
He was there the entire time
and then he would just leave?
What if something bad
happened to him?
Like, what about his,
like, asthma, okay?
I don't want to, like,
stumble upon his body
on the way back.
-Was that Rob?
-It's the same noise.
Is that Rob? Rob?
Pretty sure it was...
-I heard that.
-Do you think that's Rob?
-No idea.
- Rob!
- Should we go check it out, you guys?
Yeah, come on.
Okay, stay together.
Oh, God, what was that?
-Come on.
-Say something!
Where? What?
What the... What is it, up in the trees?
Is something playing tricks with us?
-In the fucking trees?
-I don't know!
Guys, I think we should go back to the tent.
I don't think it's Rob.
Can you hear it?
Anthony, it's coming from...
-Where? Where?
-Somewhere over there.
Where? What the fuck!
Anthony, come on!
Where is it?
Andrea, let's go!
Come on, come on, come on!
Oh, shit.
Put the light out.
Turn the light off!
-Shut that fuckin' light off.
- No, no, no.
- Shh!
It's still there.
Can you please just turn it off?
Run! Go! Go! Go!
Danielle! Danielle!
-We have to go!
-We have to go where?
-We have to go help her.
-Are you out of your fucking mind?
-Danielle! Come on, come on!
We have to go help her!
-Stop it!
-Come on!
-You wanna go after her, fine!
Here's your camera.
You go after her. I'm out of here.
I'm done.
Packing my shit and I am out!
-Keep your voice down! You hear me?
You wanna go after her, do it!
Get your bag and
come with me now!
Let's go.
Let's go! Come on!
Slow down. Anthony?
Danielle! Anthony, wait. Danielle!
Anthony, we have to go get her!
Shh! Andrea, keep your voice down.
Keep your voice down.
All right?
Come on. Follow me. Shh!
Come on.
What was that thing last night?
What took her?
Fuck if I know.
I have no fucking idea!
I'll tell you this, though,
we just figured out
what killed all those women.
Bloodsucker Highway, the...
The stories, the vampire
in the woods, it's all...
It's all real, isn't it?
Well, that thing wasn't a
fucking bunny rabbit,
I can tell you that much.
I've never seen a vampire. That was
a fucking vampire. You happy?
What a great documentary
we have on our hands, huh?
Are you happy now?
Guess we found out what
happened to Rob, didn't we?
What the fuck?
What happened to you?
Give her your jacket.
It's okay.
Pants, socks.
You're all right. Uh...
- Her head.
- Hat, hat, hat.
We gotta get her help.
I see something around this way.
God damn it.
Let's go, pick it up!
Danielle, you okay?
Hold on.
Anthony, I think we need to help.
I think we should help her walk.
Let's go.
Come on.
- Give me a second.
- Go ahead.
Stop, stop.
Anthony, we have to get her help.
I know.
What do...
You tell me how to do that,
and I'm there.
You want to get her to a hospital?
Point me in the direction
of the hospital and
I'll take us there.
I don't know where the
fuck we are, Andrea.
What the hell happened
to her out there?
I don't know, but it wasn't...
It wasn't good at all.
But she's alive and we're okay, so...
Is she? Have you seen her?
Look at her!
Where we goin'?
Tell me.
Just point in a direction.
Give, give me hope!
Over here, we have to keep
heading this direction.
We're gonna be good?
-Yes, Anthony, we're gonna be good.
-Five minutes, we're out of here?
-What do you want me to say?
I want you to lie to me for once.
Yes, Anthony.
We're gonna be fine.
You know where you're going?
Just say, "Yes."
Danielle, what's wrong?
You all right?
What's wrong?
What's the matter?
I think there's something
inside of me.
What are you talking about?
-Oh, my God.
- Oh, shit!
What the fuck is that?
-Oh, my God...
-What the fuck is that?
-We gotta leave her behind.
-Anthony, we can't.
What do you mean,
"We can't"?
Look at her.
Why don't I just go?
I'll go get help, I'll go...
Go find a hospital.
I don't know...
You can't leave us.
We have to stick together.
It's her or us at this point.
Did you not see
what she looks like?
I'll just go.
This'll be quick. Oh, shit.
We're gonna die out here.
It's either her or us,
right now. Make a decision.
Anthony, we have
to stay together.
Anthony, come on!
Please, I can't do
this anymore.
Me neither!
Do you have any idea what's happened?
We lost the fucking map!
Rob's God damn gone,
he's never coming back.
-I know.
-We got something hunting
us in the forest.
What is in her fucking
stomach, Andrea? You tell me!
You tell me right now!
Best of luck. I'm, uh...
I'm gonna go.
Uh, why don't you guys just hang out
for a little bit.
Maybe I send help.
Maybe I go get a coffee,
I don't know.
Either way, I appreciate you
hiring me on such late notice.
-It's been doing wonders for
my resume. Take care.
There's something...
There's something inside me,
I can feel it.
It's running through my veins.
And I'm scared.
It's gonna take over.
I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have
come out here.
They're here.
We should ask them for help.
Can you help us?
There's one over there, too.
What do they want?
Go, go!
Oh, shit.
Let's go.
Do you see him?
Oh, my God.
Hey, where is she?
- Hey!
- Hey, you see her?
You think he saw us?
I don't know.
What's that?
You see 'em?
I think he's gone.
Oh, shit.
What was that?
Danielle, Danielle.
Oh, God, I can't see
a thing out here.
It's okay.
What do you want from me?
Hold her.
Hold her down!
Come on!
I see it! Hold her!
There it is.
Here comes the cake.
Oh, our little Tim's...
: Oh.
-Look. Oh. Look!
-The cake.
What a great cake!
Yeah, really, it's great.
Nice. First birthday.
- It's so cute.
- Sweet baby.