The Blackout (2013)

[no sound]
[music starts]
[ Dirt/Nap - Light the Way]
Good morning, sunshine.
Who is that?
No, no no no no no...
Babe, the sexiest thing
I could've done
is check her pulse.
Jenny. Jenny. Jenny, come on.
Just clam down.
Give me a second
to smoke a bowl,
and figure out what the hell
happened last night.
I can't do this anymore, Eddie.
Don't. The band's
signing papers.
We're going on tour today.
Yeah. All the more reason
we should cut our losses.
Nothing happened in there.
I swear.
Don't fucking text me,
don't fucking call me,
don't even tweet about me,
just don't even think about me.
Jenny, come on. Jenny!
This is all just a
[music plays]
Oh my god.
[birds chirping]
[stops peeing]
Well, this can't get any worse.
[guitar music plays]
[bottle clinking]
[dramatic sound]
Hey Toss. Hey buddy.
Toss! Come on, buddy.
Hey man, Toss!
No, no, no.
[Toss throws up loudly]
I thought you are dead.
Oh. You mean I'm not?
What did we do last night?
I'll tell you what we didn't do.
[throws up loudly again]
[in disgust]
Enough for coke.
Shit got a little out of hand
last night.
got a little out of hand
compared to what happened here.
Dude, I can't remember
At some point,
triple jumped the line between
award show drunk and
[in disgust]
Who took a shit in your mouth?
Who else?
Fucking asshole.
Jenny broke up with me.
Oh cool.
Not cool.
Chas fucked this stripper in my
room last night,
Jenny walked in, and just
You hit that?
You should've woke her with
she would've thought you were
Chas, right?
You want Chas' sloppy seconds?
Can't get more Herpes.
That's not true.
[guitar notes]
Last thing I remember is,
I don't remember,
the last thing I remember.
[exhales heavily]
Wow, uh-uhn.
You know, my back hurts,
from carrying you every time we
try to have fun.
[ascends noises]
...what you want me to do.
If you are hungry,
They wouldn't wait for you.
That's my fucking point, Toss.
Why are you looking at them?
I don't know.
Why are you making such a big
deal out of nothing?
As usual.
that was a little more heated
than usual.
Yeah, she must be ride on the
cotton pony.
Why do you always assume...
Alright, let's not take your
on my girl.
She was about to side with her
even though you both know that
bat shit crazy!
I was simply trying to...
That's enough, man.
No, it's fine.
I'm just gonna check on Beth.
-I'm sorry.
Treat my girl with some respect,
[inaudible conversation]
It's about fucking time.
Dinner's been over for an hour.
But dig in, boys.
We were at Crazy Girls
with boobs. Now we're here.
Did I ever tell you about
the time I was
balls deep in the two hole
of this little Asian bird
right here on this very table?
What was his name?
Ha ha ha.
Forgive us. Most of your stories
start that way.
That is because I have a
memory, my friend.
Chas, nobody wants to hear
about your sexual...
Speak for yourselves.
I love hearing this stuff.
It's hot, very sexy.
Sometimes I jerk off.
What? I'm lonely.
All right,
you know what?
Why don't we put this to a vote?
How many people here,
want to hear this bullshit?
Show hands.
Great! Now we don't have to
hear about
your quest to defile a girl
in every room of this house.
Not fair.
Birds can't vote.
Go fuck yourself, Chas.
I already have.
But you know, I've got just
enough juice
left to get that last room.
there's a reason,
why it's the last room.
I'll get in.
I always do.
I bet you say that
to all the boys.
If I were you,
I will choose my next word very
carefully, my friend.
Because I can do worse than
what everyone hears
through your walls and their
Well, I think we all know
you can do better.
Is that a joke?
Listen, if I'm fully drunk,
and she's half attractive,
then she's fully attractive.
You know, if Heath Ledger did
that kind of math,
then he'd still be alive.
[bottle smashing]
Was he gonna do math...
Just somebody call a punch
before I do.
Easy, love.
We just having a spot of fun.
-Yeah, fun.
Anyone having a blast?
You know, I think we all be a
little bit off spirit tonight.
How you ladies doing?
Em, time of my fucking life.
Kinda night you just wanna wrap
your lips around cold steel.
Is she going on tour with us?
I would, but you'd will there,
This might be fun after all.
You've been a dick ever since I
decided to sleep
the guitarist instead of you.
I've always been a dick.
And you see, the thing about
is that they attract pussy.
And the biggest dick,
gets the most pussy.
And let's face it.
You've never seen a bigger dick
than this,
and poor little Eddie here,
I mean, he's the rhythm guitar.
For the love of god,
I'll super glue your cock your
Well, I think it's time to
powder my nose.
Wait, you got coke?
Too soon?
Too late.
[in disgust]
[doorbell rings]
We've got company.
What did he piss about?
He does play rhythm guitar.
I hate my life.
[doorbell rings again]
One two, cha cha cha...
Are you guys expecting
Just few of our closest friends,
You invited them.
Oh dude, I invited some people.
We invited he invites some
this just supposed to be
a dinner party.
Yeah, well uh,
we had dinner, so,
let's party.
[loud, rock music starts]
Get out of the way.
[music continues]
Key's in the kitchen.
You...Ah! I'm so glad you made
I'll find you in a little while.
Get drunk.
[rock music continues]
I though We had a
What happen to a quiet night
amongst friends?
I fucking hate you.
[loud noise descends]
That's it.
Movie's over.
Most of that was news to me.
Did we sign our contract last
I have no fucking idea.
Do you remember anything else?
I remember the Titans.
[empty bottle smashes]
[bottle smashes on the ground]
Get the fuck over here.
[guitar notes]
[guitar notes]
[bottle rolling]
Dude, fuck.
So we're fucked,
and I'm going to jail.
Look at the bright side...
Did anyone ever die in Tommy
Lee's pool?
Ultimate street credit.
You can't buy that kind of...
What the fuck are you doing?
No no no,
we're not going to jail.
We're going on tour.
What the fuck, man?
we've got a team of corporate
lawyers to deal with this shit
now while we're on the road,
banging groupies two at a time.
Or, our public defender are
sitting around
with his thumb up his ass while
I've got a guy
ironically named Tiny up mine.
Give it...
[cellphone got tossed in the
Re-fucking-lax bro.
We're somebody else's problem
Are we, Toss?
Because we don't even know
if Reuben came over here last
night with the contracts.
[exhales heavily]
We can call Spencer.
Absolutely not.
Not after what he tried to pull
last night.
That much I remember clearly.
[party noise ascends and
-Are you kidding me right now?
Getting mad ain't gonna help.
But getting fucked up will?
You know what?
I'm gonna wake Reuben up.
Because as usual,
his sobriety will come in handy.
He's taken 12 steps at least a
dozen times.
[pounding on the door]
Whit a second, Toss.
We gonna talk about this.
[doors open]
Your house is on fire.
I highly doubt that, Chuck.
[doors shut]
That was real smooth.
What did you expect me to do?
Hide the body?
[doors open]
Good morning.
-That's what I thought.
Outdoor furniture,
is my specialty.
Ah, um...
[fire distinguisher]
In the name of Oprah happened
last night?
I uh...
[water splashes]
don't really know.
This reeks of Chas.
Hey, what time did you end up
getting outta here last night?
I don't know. Two.
Two thirty.
I'm really sorry if we kept you
up, man.
I mean, things got...
a little crazy.
-No, I'm sorry.
It wasn't you guys. I...
got into a fight with Geoffrey.
Must be going around.
Wait, who's Geoffrey?
My sugar daddy.
but you blow through dudes like
Toss blows through blow.
Toss wishes he could go through
that much coke.
Yeah, for what it's worth I hope
you and uh...
Right. Kiss and make up. Just
You know, not over here.
-We will,
Now, I don't mean to pry, but
I heard Jenny this morning.
Girlfriend got some lung on her.
Oh that, yeah. Pretty bad, man.
Oh, you'll be fine.
-Thanks, Chuck.
As you can see, I've got my
hands full here. So.
Oh, I'd be happy to help.
We could have this cleaned up in
no time.
Thank you, but that is not
You sure honey?
It's totally cool.
As a matter of fact,
the record label actually has
who will deal with this things,
so it's fine.
You fancy, huh?
Thank you for so much for
putting out the couch. I really
appreciate it. Take care!
[doors closed]
Well, if you need anything.
Will do.
That was refreshing.
I highly recommend it.
But, I recommend getting high
Ha-ha. You got a light?
You know, I have a hard time
believe in you
can produce a joint
from thin air,
without a way to light it.
Besides, Toss,
I don't know whether you
comprehend this,
but we have bigger problems
Uh-oh, bigger than this?
[dramatic sound]
Like a dead guy out there in the
Now i hope Gunther has some
[confusing sound along with
[door clicks open]
[door shuts]
What's the last time you saw
[loud party noise]
Is that all you remember?
I need more fuel.
Yeah, every time I drink or
I remember something.
Dude, that's state dependent
Yeah, what he said.
-No no no no, seriously.
The only way to remember a
is to blackout again.
Yay, science!
I'm gonna check Chas' room.
[rushes and falls down]
You looking for Chas or Chas'
Wow, I just
got picked off first.
Well, lucky for us,
I'm on second.
[kicks open the door]
[trance music plays]
He's got coke. I can smell it.
The only time Chas
is actually up this early is...
When he hasn't gone to bed.
[bottle clinks]
Where are these assholes?
We gotta find them, man.
More importantly, we gotta find
that contract
or we are all fucked.
[dramatic sound]
What are those?
Remember me nots.
I think you missed one.
[ascends sound of slow-mo]
What's happening?
Let me see.
Klonopins, nice.
Did you hurt your back
falling off the wagon?
No, uh...
I have a huge pain in the ass.
Does she know you are doing
drugs without her?
You could fill the Grand Canyon
with what she don't know about
You ain't gonna find what you
looking for
at the bottom
of this bag of pills.
Because it ain't in there.
Getting slow.
There you are.
Take what you want.
I'll have fun trying.
Don't try too hard.
Because the trip back from rock
bottom is a bitch.
Look, it's' just
a couple of pills.
Just a couple pills and couple
I'll be pulling you trigger,
so you don't pulling Hendrix.
I can handle my shit.
Sound like me 12 steps ago.
nine, eight, seven, six, five...
[background music]
...two, one.
Who's got the next
Right here, Sebastic Warriors.
Can you handle these balls?
He's sober.
But I'm drinking for two.
So yes, I can handle this.
Beer pong is foreplay.
And you're about to get fucked.
[beautiful opera plays]
[opera continues]
[opera continues]
[opera continues]
[opera mixes with slow-mo
[rock music stars]
Double or nothing.
[cup gets tossed away]
I need more coke.
[throws up in bathroom]
[girl moans]
You all right in there?
[slicing the coke on dresser]
[toilet flushes]
[clicks tongue]
Single tear.
[rock music ascends]
[rails the line]
How far you gonna take it?
Full fist. No Vaseline.
[sniffs in coke]
David Bowie! Again.
I almost save the last one for
No, no, no, no.
No, no. Rock bottom,
rock...What is it?
Think John Bonham leaves fucking
shit in his dressing room?
You think Ginger Baby
didn't do this?
You think Keith Moon didn't do
the fucking line?
Toss Dunbar on drums, ladies
and gentlemen.
I feel like the drummer from Def
[more gratuitous moaning]
What the fuck is that?
[moans continue]
Is that my fucking girlfriend?
Dude, that's your girlfriend
You ever make her to that?
It's been over for a long time,
You know it, I know it.
That half attractive
dyke knows it.
Toss, not here!
Why not?
[music and party chatter]
That didn't stop you at dinner.
Fuck you, Toss.
Fuck me?
Is today my birthday?
I hope fame does find you,
I really do.
Because you'll just fuck it up.
That's what you do.
You're just a druggie.
Fuck up. Loser.
[music and party chatter] make me want drugs.
[door shuts]
Hey dude. Like...
we're cool, right?
[bottle shatters window]
What the fuck you looking at?
[music stops]
This was supposed to be
a celebration.
Yes! Whoa!
[noise stops]
Okay. So, what happen to
I don't know, it all went black.
You got all that from drinking,
and popping a few pills?
Well, yeah, and a decent buzz.
Shato Margo, really?
Oh yeah. Chas eared this one.
[carafe smashes on the ground]
You are serious.
Yeah...get in there.
You fill the hole that your dad
left when he walked out
your life.
Go ahead, down the hatch.
[electrical sounds]
At least we don't
fight like that.
[loud noise continues]
Right babe?
[music continues]
I told you I'd be there for you.
Honey? That's my drink.
Why don't you run along
and ruin
someone else's night, suit?
Come on, Eddie. Don't be
Of what?
That fashion beard?
I left two inches out so she
wouldn't fall in love.
Say that to me again right now.
-He's not worth it.
Eddie, your contract.
I'd love to stay and chat,
That's actually not true.
I guess this beer was for my
[clicks tongue]
What were you doing flirting
with that douche nozzle?
Please! I was insulting him.
Yeah, that's how you flirt.
Don't worry about it.
By tomorrow night you gonna
groupies all over you.
Not if you come with.
ever since I gave Reuben your
he's taken a real interest in my
That's great, babe.
It is great. I'm finally getting
I can't just,
leave my life to watch
you live yours.
Baby, I want this to work.
[vomits on Eddie]
Of my god.
What the fuck is this? Prom?
If it were prom, you might be at
least getting laid.
Today just ain't your day, bro.
I didn't remember anything
about Gunther.
you remembered something.
we gotta take this,
to another level.
I don't think I have another
There, there. Take your
Come on.
You can do it.
You're a big boy now.
It's four twenty somewhere.
Atta boy.
Ah yes.
I need more weed.
Gocha, dude.
Come on.
Thank you.
[sound strikes]
Who is this filthy slut?
And why does she smell like
a dead homeless person?
[drawer closed]
Oh fuck!
Holy, that's a the sexiest thing
you could pull last night?
Cover it up, man!
Yeah, you like that?
Oh I'm gonna have me a coupla'
Minotaur kids...
Cover it up!
Cover. It. Up.
It's the best day of my life and
you won't even let me enjoy it?
[yells and laughs]
You motherfucker.
at least someone in this house
knows how to greet me. Um...
[drinks from bottle]
[music starts]
[camera clicking]
[sound stops]
Where the hell have you been?
I'm sorry, Eddie.
I didn't realize I had to
check in with
the Miss of the house before I
First thing's fucking last,
Do you have any coke?
Do I look like an amateur?
I can murder you right now.
For what?
For being awesome?
For one, there's a corpse
in the pool.
Yeah I know. I saw him when i
took my morning swim.
What do you want me to do with
I guess nothing.
Just act like an asshole
as usual.
That's what you good at.
-Ey, mate.
Look, last night was not my
I was drinking whiskey.
You know what?
That's your excuse for
everything, bro.
Looks like someone woke up on
the wrong side of the dead deer.
-Come here!
[rock music plays]
Stop it, stop it, stop it.
Eddie, maybe we should find out
what he knows before you kill
Jenny broke up with me because
of you.
Alright, yeah,
it's because of me.
Nothing to do with your little
penis and K.D. Lang haircut.
Enough with the fake British
Oh you wanna get real? Let's get
[music plays again]
Come on.
You sons of bitches.
Do you wanna find the contract
or not?
I don't care anymore.
I fucking quit.
I fucking quit.
[music stops]
What did you do?
[breathes heavily]
[rock music ascends]
[music continues]
Come on, have a drink with me.
Sorry honey, you are not my
Just one drink.
[wine spilled]
Oh! You just spilled
forty dollars.
Beat it, nerd.
You again.
Me. Again.
Why don't we go some place
and get shady?
Oh my god.
What the fuck! Is this prom?
If it were prom, you might be
getting laid.
[background music and chatter]
Get out of my way.
[unlock the door]
Wow, you guys throw a great
Wish I was invited.
Yeah, it was an impromptu thing.
I have no idea
it's gonna happen.
You guys told one person at the
school for the terminally hip?
You know,
I've got a better idea.
Yeah, keep going.
Oh, wow.
Easy, easy, easy.
Business before pleasure.
Oh, but pleasure is my business.
Oop. Uh uh uh uh.
We forget how this works?
You, are turing into my best
You are very welcome.
Maybe we should take a break,
You can't break up with me.
You are my drug dealer.
You broke with me first,
We are really going there?
We don't have to.
I don't have a problem.
I just need to hide my stash
Yeah well, if you can't
get it up again,
I'll know you are lying.
Wanna do some ecstasy?
You got any viagra?
[laugh together]
Oh whoa whoa whoa...
How about a little privacy!
Are you serious, Chas?
That's lame, even for you.
I'm going to fuc...
[dramatic music]
Jenny, wait. Hold on, I can
explain this.
Jenny, wait. Give me a second.
This is not what it looks like.
Jenny, wait!
Damn it, Chas. Why can't you
just fuck in your own room
like a normal human being?
Do I look like a normal human
being to you?
This is the last time.
-Or what?
What? You gonna quit the band,
-You're the rhythm guitarist.
I write the music, you cock
So, got any condoms?
What's a condom?
Oh, looks like you gonna have to
blow me.
Does that mean I got to tongue
punches your firebox?
[laugh together]
[submarine sound]
Oh Chas, em...
Oh, oh...
What the fuck does that have to
do with anything?
This is just a great story.
I'd love to hear the girl's
side of that story.
I bet you would that's cuz you
like being lied to.
[dramatic sound]
Got any condoms?
What's a condom?
[laugh together]
[symphony plays]
Oh Chas...
[moans continue]
Oh Chas! Oh! Oh Chas!
[cow moans]
[symphony descends]
What are you doing?
Um, I'm getting ready to go out
and enjoy the party
that you didn't invite me to.
[breathes heavily]
What about...
my turn?
Oh it is your turn,
you selfish prick.
Layla, wait.
I'm done waiting.
Maybe now you can think of
someone other than yourself.
Okay, hang on. Hang on.
I've got a condom.
Ah, oh! Great!
Now you can go fuck yourself.
[guitar solo ascends]
Easy, gunpowder.
Oh, a straw.
[cellphone rings]
[cellphone rings louder]
Go fuck yourself, I mean, hello,
hello, hey...
[sniffs, clears throat]
Well, I mean we can't find
Gunther, but everybody...
Yeah, we'll all be here.
Bye, love.
That was Spencer,
he's on his way over here
right now,
with great news about out
What the fuck does that mean?
I'm fluent in douche. It's not
I'll go break it to Eddie, okay?
You think you can keep
you little
hipster friend away from the
I think I can...
get fucked up trying.
[dramatic sound]
[soft rock music plays]
[drinks from the bottle]
A little early for that, no?
I'm already halfway to a
What makes you think you can
quit the band?
Because I'd rather not hit
the big time and be with her,
than go on tour with you
Come on,
drink this one through, huh?
[rock music continues]
[guitar solo]
[music ascends]
[music really loud]
[music descends]
You can't quit the band.
No, what I can't do,
is to deal with Chas' bullshit
24/7 for the next six months.
It's a small price to pay
for rock super stardom.
I'll kill him.
I mean, I'm talking,
You think Fleetwood Mac didn't
want to kill each other?
The Police? Those guys fucking
hate each other.
But it fuels the music.
What if she's the one?
ten years from now, Jenny may
or may not be
the mother of you children.
But if you don't
go on this tour,
you'll regret it for the rest of
your life.
Opportunity like this,
don't come around that often.
Let's face facts, man.
You destroy the guitar.
I write all out music, man.
I'm fucking with you, kiddo.
I'm with you, man.
Just fucking around.
Listen to me,
I've been around the block.
I put records out.
I've been on tour,
all over world.
This is my last shot.
And I know its.
You may never get another shot.
And you could write a song
that's gonna be there forever.
Everyone wants to be
where you are right now.
If you wantna let that slip away
cuz you're in love with
some girl,
But just do me one favor.
Please be damn sure,
that this girl means
something to you.
Gang bang my life.
[drinks from the bottle]
You're right.
I know.
[scoff together]
You in?
You're in.
Let's rock every stadium,
take every drug, bang every
until one of us dies.
You're sober, man.
Yeah, it's the same goes to sex,
drugs, and Rock and Roll.
I can't leave one out because I
don't drink anymore.
[laugh together]
You are either
with us,
or you're against us.
You think you pussies can handle
two at a time?
Sorry, doll face. I'm sober, and
this kid is lame.
I'm Layla.
Gunther Shea.
And this,
Is the most boring person in the
Oh, you've met.
Your hands, so petit.
My cock's gonna look huge in
Well, I think
this guy is not against you,
if you'll excuse me,
I gonna go find my girl.
I told you.
More for us, babe.
Welcome to the
Gentlemen's Lounge, shall we?
I love you.
[music ascends]
[door closed]
[head hits the wall]
What the fuck, Spencer?
Why don't you take me outside
so I can teach you a lesson?
Jenny's not here
to save you this time.
Ha ha. I got six inches on you,
And I'm taller.
Why you have to be such a
douche bag?
That's Mr. Douche Bag to you,
But since you ask,
six nights a week,
three venues a night,
I scour this town for talent.
And Ruben, he sees you online,
for free, while he was busy not
And now I have to deal with four
talentless hacks
with a Macbook Pro and too
much time on the hands.
Well, why don't you tell me how
you really feel.
I really feel that in 20 years,
you'll be still making
bad music,
while I'll be ball deep in your
and sport fucking your sister on
the side.
[throws Spencer against the
Oh...Ha ha ha...
No wonder Jenny doesn't want to
be near you right now.
You stink.
You've seen Jenny?
Easy, tiger. This is cashmere.
[throws Spencer against another
Where is she,
you son of a bitch?
She needed a friend, okay?
And as a friend,
she doesn't want to
see you right now.
Oh hey, Reuben!
I'm sure he'd love to see this.
if you need me,
I'll be convincing this
"has been"
that you're a "never will be".
[stomps the floor]
[music continues]
[rock music ascends]
[rock music plays loud]
[music continues]
[music, party chatters]
[door opens]
[music descends]
[door is locked]
Oh...Come the fuck on.
[doorbell rings]
[dramatic sound effect]
I wonder what kinda douche bag
Spencer's got in store for us.
Dude, I don't know
what I'll do if he
pushes me the wrong way right
I'll do all the talking.
Great, that's reassuring.
[door clicks open]
[music starts]
[Scotch bottle drops]
Well, well, well.
If it ain't Mahoney and
where's the black guys does the
sound effects?
One of you guys Edward
Yes, I am, officers.
Can I help you?
Yeah, we're here to investigate
a noise complaint
we got this morning that maybe
related to the disappearance
of Mr. Reuben Adler.
Reuben is missing?
Well he didn't go home last
And didn't show up for work this
Needless to say, a lot of
important people
We have reason to believe this
was the last place he was seen.
That is the rumor.
Oh wait.
Is he a grippy fat person?
Dark hair, well-built.
Kinda Jewy-looking.
[dramatic sound]
Excuse me.
Who's your decorator? Amy
We uh...had a few people over
last night.
That explains the noise
I don't know who complained. I
the world was here.
Yeha. According to our report we
got this morning at 4:48 AM,
That was like, eight house ago?
You guys run by the cable
Sorry, officers. My friend here,
is uh...
I'm not drunk.
I'm a bit tipsy.
Give me that.
[dumps it onto the floor]
We're just getting here now
because we were gleaning
evidence from
Mr. Adler's car,
which was found near LA LAX.
That evidence worths to a
With a list of priors as long as
my johnson.
This guy's johnson.
We spent the next four hours
hunting down said suspect,
then the next three
interrogating him.
I need you to corroborate this
Yeah, um...
Said suspect,
his name doesn't happen to be,
Gunther Shea, does it?
Our suspect is Mr. James White.
AKA Filipino James. You know
Now, see, last night was an
alcohol fueled haze.
Just like this afternoon,
Uh excuse me, we're drinking to
It's science, so...
Right, and it's still
a little bit hazy, Officers.
You boys wanna go to jail for
obstructing justice?
I'm sorry to say we're
almost out of booze.
Why don't you collect a few
[harp music]
Love to.
Reuben's in the pool.
How does a grown ass man
I have no idea.
His sorrow in alcohol.
I'm gonna ask you kindly, son.
Put that out.
And I'll tell you kindly...
to go fuck yourself, Dad.
If I gotta ask again,
I'm gonna ask with this.
[extends the baton]
Woo-hoo, I love foreplay.
[cracks Chas in the gut]
Oh...I got a prescription
Yeah...Let me see that
Oh come on.
Hey Kazansky, you getting
I don't know. Am I?
Hey Howie.
You're not gonna believe this
shit. Get over here.
Well, maybe we can be each
other's bitch in prison.
Don't worry, I'm hung like a Tic
[handcuff jingling]
Hey, is that what I think it is?
I bought his kid one for his
He loves the shit out of this
Can't stop talking about it, for
chris sakes.
Hey, officers. Um...
I think that the prescription
is in my room.
[drops the Shamu]
So this is typical Monday
for you boys, huh?
Slow Monday.
[weird sound]
What was that?
[weird sound continues]
What was that?
[empty bottle clinks]
[slides shower curtain aside]
[suspensive music]
[weird sound again]
[grows louder]
[opens the door]
[taped shut, screaming]
What the hell are you guys into?
Alright. Someone better tell me
what the hell happened
here last night?
I'm getting tied at the lack of
cooperation we're getting here.
Would you please arrest me or
get me out of this before
I shit my pants.
The next thing I remember
I woke up to my girlfriend
breaking up with me.
Because she thought I had
another girl in my bed.
Who were you in bed with?
[laugh together]
A dead deer.
What,, uh,
associate meant today was,
hooked up with a deer face chick
and she was really gross.
You mean to tell me you don't
even know
if Adler was here?
Unless you've got something
stronger than this.
I'm afraid not.
[footsteps in rush]
Your friend here better
be able to fill in some holes.
That's my specialty.
[heavy bass, guitar notes]
He's the sober one?
[rock music plays]
Ha ha ha ha.
The band's all here.
[sound from tongue]
Pardon me, Officers. I'm Spencer
Bayne, Esquire.
I'm with the label.
Mind if I have a quick little
band meeting with the guys?
you might wanna bend over for
this one.
As you know,
Reuben's missing,
and the suspect's a
Hall of Famer in Chino.
Suffice to say,
the old man probably not coming
back. Which means,
I'm promoted,
and you are fucked.
[clears throat]
But we already
signed the contract, right?
The papers you signed are in
Reuben's briefcase,
which never leaves his side.
And since said the briefcase
wasn't recovered,
I'm guessing it's probably in a
somewhere next to his rotting
Now, I was going over my roster
of bands,
and I just don't think we'll be
needing your services anymore.
The tour is off.
Go fuck yourselves.
What? You can't do that.
I can.
And I will, Eddie.
But you know what you can't do?
Play guitar.
Does anyone here realize I write
the fucking music?
Chas, you got all the talent in
the world,
but you wanna fuck me,
and that's not gonna happen.
Blow me.
Toss, you gonna be dead by 30.
I'm 34.
That leaves the legendary
Gunther Shea.
The only real asset in the band.
What do you say?
What are you doing for lunch?
I drink lunch for breakfast.
That doesn't even make sense.
Oh, I almost forgot.
what's the quickest way from
here to your girlfriend's mouth?
I'm gonna rip...
Okay, okay, it's cool.
[rushes to Spencer]
Hey, it's cool. I've got GPS,
and I'll find it.
Somebody tell me where the
commode is in this joint?
I'm growing a tail over here.
You boys better start singing,
or we'll bring forensics down
drug sniffing dog,
we'll come to our own
Whoa whoa. Wait, alright.
I'll talk. If I talk,
will what I say be used against
me in court?
You don't say anything about
Adler's disappearance,
I don't care if you
plead the fifth.
I always wanted to do that.
Yeah, I'm gonna plead the fifth.
I'd like to drink to fifth now,
if that's available.
I'd like to drink some water.
Oh no, thanks.
Give him the water, you punk.
[squeezes water bottle and
[drinks from the bottle]
Um, um...
Fucking Vodka!
You motherfuckeres!
[laughs loudly]
I can't tell.
[snatches the bottle
and tosses it away]
[takes a pull]
Where should I start?
Well, we left with you...
being at a, "Gentlemen's
with Toss and a female names
[space sound]
Don't let it die a virgin.
Virgins. Thanks for nothing.
[exhales in pleasure]
This will smoke itself.
Do you guys, um...
wanna do some Ecstasy?
Don't put a question mark where
I put a period.
[both laugh]
[exhales in pleasure]
How about you?
Don't threat me with a good
We need music.
[bottle clinks]
I'm coming too! Okay...
[falls back]
Come on.
I've gotten bigger into smaller.
I gotta go around.
[guitar music plays]
One. More. Line.
One. More. Line.
One more line.
[breathes heavily]
[breathes rapidly]
Yeah Chas.
Rock star!
I'm just kidding.
I'm just kidding.
[both laugh]
[fall sown]
I'm just kidding.
-Just kidding...
David Bowie.
he got into my panties first,
you'll have your chance.
I couldn't pull these off.
You couldn't pull these on.
So, where were we?
We were just talking about the
rock star loser who didn't
appreciate me.
So you like rock star...
So, you like losers.
[laugh together]
What about rock star loser?
[laughs out loud]
[laughs softly]
It's just a little acid, boys.
Who wants me first?
Looks like I'm about to fall off
the wagon going 50.
I got dips on the mouth.
[rock music pounds]
[loud symphony music]
[sound of fireworks]
Feel like I'm jut being
railed like Dumbo.
Thank you for leaving those
shoes on.
[clears throat]
I always thought I'd be saying
this to chas, but Toss,
why don't you come out of the
Yeah, why don't you come over
here and hit this?
[suspensive music stars]
[slides the door closed]
Oh well,
so, where were we?
Oh, that's right. I know where
we were.
were just about to blow me.
Ah, yeah, no.
It's not gonna happen.
That would be like sucking his
I blew him and you kissed me.
Not in that order.
Okay. Whatever.
That's okay.
I haven't fucked the guitarist
[slides open the closet door]
Where are my notes?
My notes.
They were just here.
I seriously have no idea what
you are talking about, kid.
You took them, didn't you?
[sobs louder]
The goal gets weird.
Weird term pro.
[lighter clicks]
[music starts]
[rock music continues]
[heavy breath within gas mask]
They're all whores.
[music and party chatter
[heavy breath within gas mask]
[rock music continues]
[drinks spilled from bottle]
[music descends]
What are you doing?
Drinking wine.
Playing guitar.
Clearly, trying to hook up with
You look like shit.
I can't hear you with the shirt
Dude, have you seen Jenny
I can't here you with that shirt
[dramatic sound]
My brain...
is like uh...
hot air balloon.
Cover in a sexless marriage.
So, is that why I'm dressed
like a dick head right now?
[funny smiles]
[bursts into laughters]
Funny. Yeah.
why don't you just pull the
and get the rest pt that out,
The coke's outweighing the
I know Beth had you all fucked
up in the head, man.
But look, you just got...
I'm all fucked up because the
is stronger than the Ecstasy.
[dramatic music]
I'm tripping.
Balls, man!! Ssss...
I''ve seen music in here. And
colors, man.
[woman laughs]
[whooshing sound]
[suspensive music]
This is not what it looks like.
We were just talking, I swear.
-See, there.
You can tell she's lying because
she's a woman.
And her lips are moving.
Shut it, Spencer.
One more word from you and
How's my dick taste, Eddie?
Oh, you touch...
Think about it, kiddo...
You hit him, he wins.
No contract, no tour.
You know what?
You two deserve each other.
Don't say that, please.
It's gonna be fine, buddy.
I just miss her so much.
Hey Gunther.
that sound advice coming from a
guy who's almost made it,
what, like
six times now?
[dramatic whooshing sound]
He's mine.
[electronic sound]
Ha ha ha.
[pounding sound]
[old fashion sound effects]
[water splashes]
[water splashes]
[dramatic music]
You want some creep tonight?
[water splashes]
I thought they'd never leave.
[whooshing sound]
[cellphone rings]
[cellphone rings again]
Hey, this is Jenny. Sorry I
missed your call, leave me...
It's all I got.
Tell me,
you got,
the contract.
[dramatic music]
I did, but...
We want answers
and we want them now.
is our copy of the contract?
[doorbell rings]
I'm gonna shoot that damn
What, uh, no no no...
Whoa. Hello, Officers.
Can I help you?
I hope so.
But I stopped by to help
the boys clean up.
Is, that all right?
But you need to...
-Give me more, give me more...
[girl screams]
What the fuck was that?
Well, here we go.
Pretty sure that girl just found
Reuben's dead body
in our pool.
You're shitting me?
Mom was right.
My first record
will be criminal.
Where the fuck is our copy
of the contract?
Stall the cops. I know what I
have to do.
You guys are on your own.
I quit. Remember?
It's good I'm not
talking to you...
Guys, stall the fucking cops.
Superman's on it.
Have you see my trunk?
I'll save this fucking band.
I got a corpse in the pool.
Which means this is now a crime
scene. Nobody leaves.
[pull body out of the pool]
You know the protocol, rookie.
Come the fuck on. He's dead.
[into radio]
Watch commander
this is car W-2K.
Investigating a code 10-54.
Requesting paramedics at 90210
Hagen Road.
[watch commander O.S.]
10-23 car W-2K.
[in disgust]
Tell them to send the Coroner.
I gonna die if I have to
make out
Paramedics are en route. Do you
need further assistance?
Yeah. You'd better send
the Coroner.
How about some backup?
How about you do your job and
do me do mine?
[drunk footsteps]
this dead body ringing any bells
for you boys?
Not yet.
Amigo. Toss me one of those.
This is a fucking clown show.
Hey guys, I don't think so.
We gonna take statements form
you later,
you can't do it
if you are drunk.
This maybe the last beer I have
before I lose my anal virginity.
Hey, put the beer down.
[drops the beer]
Never take me alive.
Kazansky, go get him.
I'll take it from here.
Hey get the old guy, too.
Let me know if you gotta take a
we wouldn't want you wiping
your own ass. You old prick.
[dramatic, funny music]
Looks like we're going to jail,
[clears throat]
You know,
[beer can pops open]
I was up all night thinking...
Is that what the kids call
a good old fashioned
bender these days?
Take it easy, baby dick.
I know I messed up.
And then I went over to Jenny's
last night,
and I tried to fix things.
Ah I mean I tried to reason with
her, but...
she's a girl. So...
[drinks loudly]
Let's just say...
I don't think she's coming back,
[dramatic music]
[music continues]
Well, well.
Looks like you manage to do it
in one night
what I wanted to do for years.
You murdered my boss.
Eat my dick, Spencer.
Not if it cured cancer. Chas,
you're gay, and your ass sticks.
[in disgust]
Mr. Bayne,
would you mind identifying the
body for us?
Abso-fucking-lutely not.
I was too much of that prick
when he was alive.
That's fine.
Next of kin has been alerted.
I'm sure they'd be glad
to do it.
I'll be over here, chillaxing.
Want a front row seat for this.
Let's go, baby.
You boys are in a heap of
Wait, hey! It's okay. I remember
last night.
Remember! Everything!
Right on. Okay! Hm...
Hm! Hm!
Ladies and gentlemen...
I feel good...
[loud music starts]
So, this is how you niggas do it
up in the hills, huh?
Samuel Jackson.
[door closed]
Oh my...
Filipino James.
Theses are my darlings.
Darlings, say hello to, uh...
Do you wanna die tonight?
I was uh,
just leaving.
You look upset, baby girl.
Wanna talk to daddy about it?
but I know what you're doing.
And it's not gonna work.
Woo! Sharp tongue.
I like that in a bitch.
Excuse me.
Filipino Jack! Where is up with
you as forty?
Look, I'm looking for Chas. We
the entertainment.
That's typical.
Find that nigga Chas and give
him everything
that he has coming to him.
Nothing more.
You hear me?
Now, who's this whore
gonna blow to get me a drink up
in this bitch?
Is that your briefcase?
Alright, I think we got
some code 45...
's up.
[symphony music plays]
Nice place you guys got here.
Yeah, we like it, we like it.
You rent?
Yep yep, we rent.
Worst house on the block, but
we're on the block.
[symphony continues]
[party chatter]
Ah...Do you have any crack?
Yo Gun. You sees her anywhere,
Uh, she left. I don't know.
I don't the time know right now.
Give me that. Give me that.
Bitch did not look happy.
Look, you gotta beat that shit
out of her
before it becomes a fucking
Fuck me.
You a friend of Chas?
Not anymore.
Damn. That coulda been
One of my bitches.
Honest, hard-working people are
trying to do coke.
What the fuck is going on here?
There is a pimp and some
And crack.
You boys ready to rock?
[rock music starts]
[music continues]
[in terror]
Get it off me!
Easy, playa'...
[speaks unknown language]
What? You're better than me?
She's deaf!
So she's got a
listening problem.
I'm stuck, you dick!
[bones break]
Time's up.
Lollipop, hose you off the clock
so get up off the cock.
What about me?
I love your accent.
[indistinct music]
[door opens]
[trance music]
Um um um...
That's gonna cost extra.
[fingers snap]
Hey, you got any crack?
I'ma crack you.
How much money you got?
Oh, come on.
[heavy metal music plays]
[party chatter]
I wasn't finished.
I know, I think I left a ring
inside of her.
Yo cards are all maxed.
So unless you got cash,
Look, we got one, two, three,
four hos in here.
We've been here an hour. That's
a grand easy.
I don't have that kinda money.
Nigga, you best give me my
Or someone has to get, physical.
No James. He's out best
We ain't here pro-boner bitch!
You finger fuck yourself,
I'd better get 55 dollars. You
You shouldn't done that.
Look, when I take a shit, I that
What you gonna do about it,
[suspensive music]
Do her.
Save her.
I'm gonna regulate.
[suspensive music continues]
[rock music plays]
[rock music descends]
Hands to heaven, motherfucker.
You don't even know how to use
that, bitch.
Okay, okay, hey hey hey...
How about...
I cut you both a little
discount. Huh?
Say five-hundred.
[gun fires]
[rock music starts]
Way to kill Bambi.
[slow-mo sound]
[intense music starts]
[tire scratches]
Hello there.
Are you okay?
[car door slams]
My fiance would kill me if
we are doing this,
but hi. I'm Layla.
If I wanted any lips from you,
I'd let down my zipper.
Oh, okay.
[pants unzipped]
...freak. Okay, oh oh. Ah! Hold
on, hold on, baby.
Please, please! Just one rock.
I gotta have that crack.
Give it to me, brother man.
Come on, I'm sorry. I wasn't
gonna shot you.
I was just fuc...No, no...
[dramatic, electrical sound]
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa.
[runs on roof]
Wait a second,
you're telling me,
Chas really is half gay?
You know I may have a small
cocaine and hooker problem.
apparently you like
getting pumped
more than a pair of Reeboks.
No. Apparently "Jagermeister" is
for "makes me kiss boy".
Enough. Where's the girl Reuben
left with?
Layla? Anybody have
her number?
I'll suck your dick.
Just give me the crack.
I don't get digits,
I give them.
Last night must be an exception.
Hey boys, take it easy.
Take it easy!
You okay?
All right. Everybody calm down.
Right now,
you hear me?
[gun fires]
Okay, okay.
I say calm down, you hear me?
[intensify sound]
[dramatic music plays]
I regret nothing!
[water splashes]
[breathes in deeply]
Son of a bitch!
Lookit, lookit what I found.
You found the briefcase.
What the shit do you care?
You should care. It's Hermes.
Oh, what kinda party are you
why wasn't I invited?
Hola, I'll take that.
This is company property if I'm
not mistaken, right Officers?
A long as it doesn't contain any
evidence pertaining to the body.
At least I get one phone call.
I just hope she answers.
I'm far too fucking pretty
for jail.
How am I suppose to get drugs
in the clink?
I just wanna to rock one stadium
with you guys. Once.
You guys will shit yourselves.
And your pants.
So every time I ever get shot a
big time...
You shit yourself, Gunther.
[gavel hits the case]
That douche bag is right.
Right now, I'm a fucking loser,
Eddie quit the band,
Toss needs rehab.
-I don't need rehab.
Rehab need me.
Chas is Chas.
I'm so over the hill, when I
look back, it's a mountain,
but I do know this.
We play nice.
Even though we have no idea
how to play nice.
[soft music notes]
out of my six shots, rock
this is the only time, one time,
I thought I had a legit chance.
That's because you write the
I mean it.
I'd rather go to jail than go on
tour with you selfish pricks.
Fine. You wanna quit the band?
Quit the band, kiddo.
Bands come and go,
but this is more than a band.
And these pricks,
as selfish as they are, would
never quit on you.
So who's in?
All we need,
is somebody to write us couple
of really great song.
Come one.
Come on!
It's definitely dysfunctional.
But it's family.
[laugh together]
I love you guy!!
Come one!
Stay away from the pretty one, I
think it's contagious.
[cracks the case]
David Bowie!!
Oh my god. No!
Hello boys.
What are you doing here?
-Here to help.
I had my whole life ahead of me.
Look who strolled into
the office a hour ago.
[rock music starts]
Reports of my death have been
greatly exaggerated.
I can't live without you.
I can't pay rent.
You thought that guy was me?
I'm way better looking
than that.
Wait, are you Reuben Adler?
In the flesh.
Then who the fuck is that?
Why god? Why Geoffrey?
I better be in that will, you
No call, no email, no text.
Man, boss, we've been worried
sick about you.
I'm sure.
Is that why you tried to
exercise power of attorney?
Yeah, I was trying to protect
your interest.
Yeah. We're gonna need a
statement from Chuck.
We're gonna need a statement
from you as well, Mr. Adler.
We were carjacked.
It was awesome.
Made us realized how short life
could be. So...
I chartered a plane to Vegas.
Guys, meet the fifth Mrs. Reuben
Come here, baby.
While I'm alive,
why is my favorite band still in
There still is a matter of the
dead body we found in the pool.
The only offense
they're guilty is,
throwing the
greatest party ever.
[crowd cheering]
Dd da da. Take them off.
the company could face a major
Maybe we should consider
cutting our losses here?
Are you shitting me?
You can't buy press like this.
We'll go platinum in a week.
-Hey hey hey hey.
Are you sure they are not more
trouble then they're worth?
you have a horrible fucking
[together laugh]
Is that my Hermes briefcase?
[electric guitar solo]
Why is their contract covered
Look, this is, is...
I don't want excuses.
I want that contract re-drawn,
and I want these guys
in front of
fifty thousand people
tomorrow night.
[crowd cheering]
-But, but but Reuben...
But what?
Listen, okay?
Just think this one through.
You're fired.
[heavy guitar notes]
You don't know how to wake up
without me.
You know, that sounds a little
Have your office cleaned out
by the time I stroll in around
noon tomorrow.
Oh man. You gonna fucking
regret this, old man.
That is a promise!
Officer, I'd like a restraining
order against this guy.
Hey hey hey...
Mr. Adler, hi, um...
Can I hit him?
[heavy bass solo starts]
I don't know.
Can you?
[music ascends]
[heavy punch]
Nice shot!
Chuck he says this man in the
pool, is his um,
lover, Geoffrey.
We got into a fight.
He must have gone on one of his
bender and...
There there, Chucky.
I know how hard this must be for
Why don't you do sit down.
Go ahead, go ahead...
Apparently, the deceased was in
and out of Betty Ford more than,
You maybe the luckiest
sons of bitches alive.
But we are all going downtown
for questioning.
I'll let you out quicker than
Lindsay Lohan.
[crowd cheering]
Don't worry, boys.
Thank you.
You, kinda save the day.
Thank Chas. actually.
[gentle guitar music plays]
Rhythm guitar, Eddie.
You are only rhythm guitar.
We do have the worst timing.
We both wanna lead.
And you know that I wouldn't
make uh...
that mistake twice, right?
I know.
I'm sorry.
Jenny, I'm sorry for all that.
[both sigh]
Me too.
what now?
Go on tour. And um...
I'll be here when you're back.
One of those,
if it's meant to be, it's meant
to be type of deals, huh?
Yeah, I guess so.
This is all so very...
Rock and Roll.
[gentle music continues]
[door opens]
[music stops]
[heavy slaps]
[heavy slaps]
[music continues]
All right.
That's enough.
[music fades out]
now it's time for real party.
[loud cheering]
[laugh together]
[rock music starts]
[rock music continues]
[music fades out]