The Bleeding (2009)

Stay with me.
Lina. Lina.
They killed her.
They killed her right
in front of me.
There's nothing you can
done to save your friend.
What is your name?
I want to know your name.
Black. Shawn Black.
Would do they close?
-Not close enough.
No matter what happens,
keep this way move.
This war start along
before I was around
and it will continue
long after I gone.
This is good and evil shit,
straight out of the Bible.
It began when the good
angels kick the bad angels
out from heaven,
sent them down to Earth
where they would wedge
war against men kind
to until the end of time.
This enemy is prisanov
fight in many forms
of the righteousness.
I was about to become part
of upside down civilization.
A place I was invited
in to where my parents
coolly murder it by this
ruthless enemy.
I was kept alive
and for what reason
I do not know.
I had a brother who was
killed where we both
fort in Afghanistan.
He was murdered
and his body disappeared.
Before he left this
cruel world he mnages
somehow sent
me a forwarn.
It was a name and an address.
That would be the
beginning I pursuit
a whom I was to become.
Come down, mister Black.
You are in the hospital.
What hospital?
-Revere Memorial.
You been brought in late last
night. You have to relax.
Where are my clothes?
You scaring me.
-Where are my clothes?
In the closet.
Police were here.
Want to talk with you.
They will be back.
-Get up!
In what condition
you'll be?
Losing your entire family,
takes a hell of the
trunk out of here.
I was on my own now
and it was time to man up.
I had a start all over again.
My dad and I loved cars.
The collecting
them was a passion.
My poor mother,
she never understood it.
That's, ej,
that's mothers.
What you gonna do?
She was Irish and my father was Italian.
With that combination,
I didn't know which to do first,
get revenge or get drunk.
I needed to do both.
Relax, Black.
You know, I'm really
sorry about your folks.
Your daddy was a good man.
Your mom too.
You know,
I went to high
school with her.
Look at that car.
That some car.
What do you think of that car,
detective Williams?
What I think,
I gonna not asking again.
We had it yesterday.
-Yes, we did, boy.
But hey, I can always be
babelian and tease. Can I?
See you in the car.
That's my father's car.
He waited a long
time for it.
Everybody get
chance to drive it.
That's a shame.
I think we do
in listead thow.
I mean, no.
Your daddy work in asshole
full time in Afghanistan.
I mean, your brother ornabem
my obey, that was though.
I rather both of you
gone like that thow.
He gonna just love to.
Count his days.
Just count the days.
You know, this is an official
way to do things, Black.
And then is a good old way.
As long as a good citizens rive
near on, you wont get hurt.
And that little nurse,
she's one of good ones.
Message heard.
-Good. Because I think,
that there some things, Black,
we never talk about it, you know.
But those things,
they can kill you.
They might be necessary,
but trusted that clown,
the balace for is you
can throw me.
I always believe if you
need something done,
you just gotta take
care of it yourself,
Otherwise, it always
turns out the same,
too many chiefs,
not enough Indians.
I still had no clue what
happened to my brother
where were in battle.
And that was
very unsettling.
The Liny sent me and the
lighter which was used
to desimete
my parent's bodies
was where I have to go on.
How do you know this Tagg
character is a hustle
or a friendly?
But I was going in
heavy to find out.
Can I help you, sir?
-Is Tagg around?
Tagg? Tagg who?
What kind of name is that?
Is Tagg around?
Are you fuck with me, boy?
I said that nobody
is here named Tagg.
If I would you,
I get my fucking ass
out of here right now.
Are you kidding me?
What you gonna
do with this?
You are fuck now, boy.
Kavna, fucker.
Kick him again.
That's it.
Hit him. Hit him.
Hit him.
Kick him.
Hit him. Hit him.
Hit him.
I smell a slayer, Tagg.
Is this the evil magic
you been up to?
Kill that bitch.
Shoot that, bitch.
What the hell is
going on?
We haven't much time.
Get me out of this thing.
Shot gun.
Shot gun!
Fucking things are
worse than termites.
Who are you?
Came in a nickel time.
Don't worry
about those guys.
That crazy bitch,
that's my old lady.
I try to worn her.
She want to know too much.
She want to know everything.
She want to find out.
I guess she found out.
Man, is a whole world of people
even don't know they exist.
Thinks, that can't
be explained.
Like this?
What was that
thing down there?
A vampire.
Most people think
the vampire is like
Brad Pitt and Tom Cruse
around in tights.
Clue is not the case.
Things are parasites.
They hunt along,
think a hug people
by themselves.
Homeless people,
People on a wrong place
at the wrong time.
But every 120 years
a king is born.
Hatch from the soul
of damn warrior,
killed in the battle.
The beast
rises to live known
we as a vampires.
That was chance to fail.
The army soul intention
is consume and
destroy mankind.
They ain't call the black
plaque for nothing.
This king,
his name is Cain.
He's out of Afghanistan.
He's here to insure
an evil kingdom of vampires.
In art of succeed in this quest,
Kane must eliminate the one
thing that stands on his way,
What you talking about?
Look this.
He knows the other slayer.
Dead body slayer.
Stop to crazy talk.
I just looking
for sun of bitch
that he murdered
my brother.
That sun of the bitch
is in the local chick.
I had a friend down
there, Father Roy.
He will help you out.
May you wants take this.
What's so special
about this? -Silver.
Slimy bastards hate so.
I seen in a couple
of scam bags eats shit
might shock a guy,
not me. Not anymore.
I'm pretty good
at reading people
and Tagg seems
like legitimate guy.
He called me
a vampire slayer
and all those nuts to show
the fuck is talking about.
I'm a soldier
and I'm at the slaying
kind of mood.
So, however high
I get on stackem,
so be it.
He knows, you come in.
I have to go so bad.
Only crap,
is that a Shelby?
Is it Super snake?
Lina, I have to pee.
I don't wanna
pee by myself.
You are the one
has to go.
God, you are such a bitch.
What are you doing
driving a Super snake?
You know, they only
making a 1000 of them.
I know.
Your name is Lina?
How do you get in your
hand one of those things?
I heard is impossible
to run a list.
It was though.
My brother,
he would absolutely shit...
Jane, are you OK?
The fucking sink were
dvor all over me.
Oh, my God.
You're such an idiot.
Why is it have a gun Lina?
Lina, let's just get
hell out of here.
Lina, let's go. This whole
thing is scaring me.
Do not denied
me my brother.
I'm here for your reward
for helping a slayer.
But I have some
for you too.
Good all fashion
ass kick.
Don't worry.
I'll make you divine.
Black river city.
The heart of the
law country.
Looks a get hell a good
place for showdown to me.
Don't know, what the fuck
you are talking about.
Connie Stuart. She's
just down the hole
from meet at the door and she
told me about club Mortem.
She said to come here
to the Purple eye
and someone will make me
able to tvin some passes.
Jenny, let's go. -No. I'm
not gonna miss this party.
Club Mortem is the
hottest club ever, Lina.
I'm not gonna miss
my chance to go.
The data bitch Connie
Stuart that's to go
and I don't.
Cold day in hell.
You are Johnny, right?
I would a smell your panties.
-Take an easy, tiger.
Sick freak. -Jenny, you sure
you wanna do this?
Pain in the head?
Are you ladies looking
for deliverance?
Let's the fuck out of here.
Next stop, Texround.
Father Roy.
Talk about put the
puritanism to sleep.
Seems like this guys
entire convergation,
whose resting in peace.
Nice going, baldy.
-My name is Black.
A lost. -You done
playing games?
Looking for father Roy.
Well, if he owes you money,
you know, of better luck
get a phony daizy pushers.
That's great.
You know where he is?
Dude. The guy name
Black is here.
This is father Roy?
Totally busted.
Enough snooze.
You have a car?
What if?
Doesn't give much
better than that, does it?
Oh, shit.
Where you going?
Time for breakfast.
You buying.
Ej, Crash. Keep
the eye on fort, ok?
You got it.
You have enough
to pay check, right?
Yeah, I got it.
Hey, honey.
Come here.
What is it Vinnie?
Everything that's
really cool but
can I get some jam?
Hold on a second.
Peach jam.
Peach jam.
Man, she has a nice ass.
-I heard that father.
I guess right about now,
you start a wonder how
come I never ask you,
what you done here, right?
Cross my mind.
Be the man of the
cloth and all that,
kind a get to know
people pretty good.
You know, straight
isn't type of guy,
buy holly water
or sulicid be for
at divine plant,
which is nothing
more than a weed.
And also no seen
like the kind of a sucker
to buy a Bible heri Jesus
and red tears fall down of
his face in the full colory.
In fact,
what I do think,
is that kind of guy
only shows up
when the shit
about to hit the fan.
That kind of guy was
show up when it does
the bodies count can go up.
That's the kind of thing
that I want stay
fucking away from him.
So, I really appreciated
all the grub.
A very nice gesture
on your part
but I'm gonna
eat it by myself.
And our business is over.
Before I go,
jump on this.
I jumping on this.
Try that.
Everything is telling me,
not to pick up that piece of paper.
Curiosity is always
one of my dam falls.
Father Roy- Black
is a vampire killer...
A slayer! It's in his blood.
The time is right
to kill Cain.
Time to "va manos". -Don't you
want finished your breakfast.
I lost my appetite.
Here the check, please.
Give it to him.
Walk or die, priest.
Beat it, mind you.
Fuck you.
Get away.
Where you going?
Where you going?
How cool is that club
Morter right in here.
I don't know. We
should be go back.
Told you, this place
give me bad vibes.
These perverts lives this too.
The perverts live everywhere.
Let's just get the
car and go to party.
I mean, priest
and the hooker.
I love this place.
Come on.
I guess Cain was be quick
in his boots right about now.
Quiet priest. Your mighty
slayer is dead by now.
Oh, maybe not.
Oh, shit. Didn't this a guy
we met in the road?
One with the gun?
-Yeah, that guy.
I got a bad feeling
about this. Come on.
Come on.
Trust me what I tell you.
All that bebs are bunch
of fucking vanabies. I have
seen your kind before.
They usually dress
up all kind of weird
and freaking costumes.
What are you doing?
We need firepower.
When the day
that evil comes,
you will stand your ground
but you will need more
fire power than that.
That's in the Bible.
Some place.
Let me tell you I been
waiting a long time
for you to get here.
That's the war wagon.
Really fucking thing.
It's bullets proof.
You been here
means one thing
Cain and all his pals
get ready to swarm.
Yeah, like a bunch of hornets.
Taken breeders making
a new vampires.
Inviting a good looking
ones to the evil little party
and I bet that party
will be tonight.
This my humble friend,
this is a fire power.
All this weapon
has been blessed.
The guns, the ammo,
the explosives.
It's a vampire
worse nightmare.
I'll give a Crash's car
on this coffins valis.
Forget all that crap
you here about them,
not be able to moving
around during the day time.
They are little wick,
but they are still
dangerous as a rattle
snake. So, don't get kaki.
Garlic is good, but I
don't like to get so close.
I prefer a
blast hollow point,
right through the heart.
Crash, you like sen shuts.
Don't you, Crash?
All we got to do is find
the hide and coffins.
They can't survive for long
without their coffins
and take them all out,
we get the all cell.
My weapon of choice.
Take your pick.
Listen, I got to tell
you about something
and probably you not gonna
you like it very much.
You are the only
one that can kill Cain.
Why me?
Because he was
your brother.
My brother was
missing for five years.
The man you knew as
your brother is dead.
Whether you like it or not.
What is he now and all
together is different thing.
He's an animal.
I know he been
trained to kill,
but is no way in hell,
he would ever murder
like that monster.
Cain is not my brother.
He was your brother,
that's make you the slayer.
You are the only one
that can kill him.
You got to do it,
you got to stop him.
You got the same blood.
He got the king's blood.
Nobody can kill him
except you.
You and only you,
whether you like it or not.
I have enough
of this madness.
Screw up, ha?
I'm optimistic. OK?
Get the C4.
Every single bit of them.
If he doesnt like
to kill that bastard
we gonna blow that
place to kingdom cum.
He looks ready, Crash.
Get the sword.
I'm sure your
brother was a fine man.
He was.
You know, God only ask for
help those who can given.
I'm ready.
Yeah, I think you are.
The sword of damn field.
You gonna need that
finished of Cain.
That fucking thing are
scare the shit out of them.
We gonna have enough C4 to
blow up that place to hell.
The trouble is, we need better
information on the location.
Who would know?
-One of the sickest,
weirdest fuckers I know.
Calls himself
Johnny the perv.
I don't know, what the fuck
you talking about, man.
Oh, man.
Tell us.
-Cain would kill me.
Go ahead.
Tell us or I'll kill you.
Club Mortem.
The old Vextel factory.
Should be the guess that.
It's a perfect place for
Cain and all of his pals
to hanging out.
It's probably would gonna
deliver the coffins.
Ok. This is Vextel.
That's the way in
through the swamp.
In the back.
Cuts through here
and Cain never even
see that's come in.
That's the enters to the club.
Right there.
Couple of years ago,
like in 1982,
800 employees of Vextel
cast to death,
what always supposed to be
a man lethal gas.
In skate and kill everybody.
The government
completely cover it up.
Not even mention
in the fucking papers.
If Cain was gonna
pick the place to have a club,
an evil place, well,
my God it didn't.
Right here.
We gonna miss wheel fortune,
we don't go to show
up on the road.
You're not going.
Neither is the kid.
Why not?
You done your job.
You blessed the weapons.
You sure? -If I'm the only
one who can killed Cain
I'm the only one
who should restrain.
This is a suicide
mission, dude. -Yeah.
You can way a put it.
All right then. Let me send
you offers for blessing.
I don't know how my
brother got transformed
into this pure and evil king,
but if he is in fact evil
fuck him. He ain't
my brother no more.
He must of known
of his prediction,
which is way he
put me on this quest.
So for my brother's sake,
I put it end
what he become.
Oh, my God. -Club Morten
is right here. Right here.
Oh, my God. This is
gonna be so awesome
and I waiting for this...
-Jenny. Come down.
Listen to me.
-Ugly sock.
When we get in there
just stay close, ok? -OK.
Oh, my God. Pull
over. Pull over.
You hold my phone? Ok.
Just have it plain
thing a second ago.
Good evening, ladies.
How are you doing?
Welcome to our club.
I get a bad feeling
about this.
What the fuck?
That was great.
Girl, they didn't even
check the plain. -Oh, my God.
Cut the bodies
with the cleaver?
This fell's fuck.
I looking this guy face
was even worse.
Why so sad?
Your death brings me life.
Cain wants them
done tonight.
We must be ready to move.
Where is your date,
Thank you.
-I'm date now, babe.
Yummy. Yummy, baby.
You smell good.
I got you. I got you.
It's over now.
Head to the woods.
Go north. -No.
Come with us. Please.
They will kill you. -No.
This's end tonight.
So, you came for
Want you even in your mind.
-Don't touch me.
I don't want to touch
you, my sweet child.
Looks like father Roy knew
what is he talking about.
These coffins are all over
ungodly fucking place.
Sweet child.
-Blow me.
No! No! No!
Come on Jenny!
Welcome my brother.
-My brother is dead.
Soon you will be too.
I'm not too sure
about that.
Ah, she.
suppose to be divine.
-This is between us.
What kind the king of rule,
be wasn't willing to die
for his kingdom?
I might die here tonight,
but the kingdom no rule.
Let's go.
People gonna let you
have all the fun.
Get the coffins first.
He's get away.
It will be easier to
catch without the army.
Watch your back.
You too.
Come on.
We have to go.
Come on.
Get down!
It's ok.
-Oh, my God.
We have to go.
-I can't handle it.
You can. -I can't!
I cannot handle it!
Lina! You can do this.
But we have to do together.
All right.
Let's go.
Hey, priest.
Get back.
They after
the coffins. -Go.
I want the priest dead.
-Yes, master.
Headed to the truck.
Take this.
Die, priest.
You know anything
about shot guns? -Yeah.
Load this.
You're hurt?
You placed the charges?
It's gonna be noisy.
I'm finished.
Come on. It's time to go.
-I'm fucking finished.
Ah, give me cigarette.
This is supposed to be fun.
Stay with me.
Those monsters.
They killed her.
They killed her right
in front of me.
There's nothing you can
done to save your friend.
You better
get out of here.
You better save yourself
while you can.
You stay, I stay.
God be with you.
What is your name?
I want to know your name.
Black. Shawn Black.
Would do they close?
-Not close enough.
I want them dead.
I want them dead.
Sagan this.
Grab the wheel.
Grab the god damn wheel.
-Blow it. -Such yourself.
No matter what happens,
keep this truck moving.
Mother fuckers!
Hey, Cain.
What a blood of kings
runs through my veins.
You must die my brother.
The only blood it's gonna
run tonight is yours.
Too weak for fight,
Bye, brother.
Tonight we fight on
yours terms, my brother.
But the mornings comes
and with it my death.
When we'll meet again,
will be on my terms.
-My brother die on
a battlefield with honor.
The only way deal with
the night like last night,
was to try not to
deal with it at all.
But that again,
my destination was set.
Set on the path
of righteousness.
Scripts says,
there is the time to
pick up the sword.
Well, I picked up mine.
And I will defend
where evil ends.