The Blue Max (1966)

- Up! Up!
- Push!
- Come on!
- Push!
Move out of the way!
Clear the way!
Move! Move!
That was a full bottle,
Herr Leutnant.
- You've just met Willi von Klugermann!
- Yes!
- I see you've heard of him!
- Oh! Yes, I have!
- Look at him!
- You must be the new...
- He's tearing the wings off that plane!
- Let him celebrate, Ziegel!
He shoots them down!
Your job is to keep him up there!
You must be
the new replacement... Stachel!
Bruno Stachel,
Herr Oberleutnant.
- Are you the adjutant?
- I fly a desk now!
Anti-aircraft fire!
Still, it could've got me
higher up, couldn't it?
Wait here!
I'll tell the C! O! You've arrived!
And if I were you,
I'd button up that jacket!
Ziegel! How soon
can you have us ready again?
Depends on how many of the others
have been hit, Herr Hauptmann.
I wasn't the only one!
I can't keep these barges flying forever!
I'm a mechanic, not a magician!
No, you are a magician,
whether you like it or not!
- Only 11 back, Herr Hauptmann.
- Yes! Mueller went down!
He didn't last long!
Fabian, how did we
come to lose him?
I gave him the usual
But he wouldn't
stay with me!
Too, uh!
Too keen!
By the way, Scholte's replacement's here!
Leutnant Bruno Stachel reporting
from 104 Training School.
Your commanding officer...
Hauptmann Heidemann.
Ah, yes! Stachel!
Come inside!
Herr Hauptmann.
- Stachel!
- Yes, sir!
Two years in the infantry!
- Any rank?
- Corporal, Herr Hauptmann.
What made you transfer
to the Air Corps?
To fly,
Herr Hauptmann.
Are you a good flyer?
I am!
Comfortable in the air!
Are you?
- Interesting!
- Willi!
Very pretty flying!
I wish you would stop it!
You'll live longer!
Sorry about that!
I see you are
from Wiesbaden!
I've done some hunting
around there!
- Who are your people?
- Herr Hauptmann?
I want to know something
of your background!
What does
your father do?
He works in a small hotel,
Herr Hauptmann.
Five bedrooms!
Corporal, see the new officer's bags
are taken up to the mess!
- Herr Hauptmann.
- Come into my office, Stachel!
Close the door,
I'm sorry if it bothers you
about what your father does!
It doesn't bother me,
Herr Hauptmann.
Then why are you
so touchy about it?
Well, you're an officer now! Your
social problems are no concern of ours!
Take a look at the map, Stachel!
Our operating area is between Arras
and Saint-Quentin!
The British also operate the area,
as you'll find out!
Uh, what did you train on?
The usual machine, Herr Hauptmann...
an out-of-date Pfalz!
- That's what you'll fly here!
- But, at flying school, they told us...
"Flying school!"
At flying school,
they'll tell you anything!
Up-to-date machines
go to experienced pilots!
Those are in short supply!
It's a cruel world,
Stachel, huh?
Yes, Herr Hauptmann.
Welcome to the squadron! The truck will
take you to the mess with the others!
And, Stachel!
Let's hope
you get to like us!
Of course, he could've
been lying about the five bedrooms!
His father
was probably only a waiter!
Just another snob, in fact.
Willi, there's something
I haven't told you!
I have an uncle
in the hotel business!
I admit he's a baron and
the hotel has 500 bedrooms!
But you do see the position
it places me in!
There was a town in Poland
And there a girl we found
- Lovely was she
- Want a cigarette?
- Thank you!
- She was the haughtiest maid
That ever we beheld
But do not kiss me
please, she said
I never kiss
- You've got 18, haven't you?
Squadron rule number one,
gentlemen never parade
their military achievements!
She was the loveliest maid
that ever we beheld
Any rule against saying
how long it took you?
- - I would say that was covered by the same rule!
Wouldn't you?
No, I wouldn't!
How many rules are there?
I don't know!
None of them have been written down!
She was the haughtiest maid
that ever we beheld
But do not kiss me,
please, she said
I never kiss
She was the haughtiest maid
that ever we beheld
But do not kiss me, please, she said
I never kiss
Seems you're next to me
in Scholte's old room!
- That's, uh, number 11!
- Scholte?
Oh, your predecessor! He, uh...
He didn't last long, unfortunately!
- Unhappy young man!
- Yes! He forgot to keep looking over his shoulder!
It's worth remembering!
They come fast, out of the sun!
Thank you!
Willi, what do you
think of him?
Gonna have a drink?
Oh! They haven't removed
poor Scholte's card!
Very tactless of them!
I just thought you should know
we, uh, don't dress for dinner here!
Von Richthofen, I see!
Your hero?
He's done it all!
Two more kills,
and you'll have one of those!
Hmm! A pretty medal,
the Blue Max!
It's the only one worth having!
People respect it!
The medal or the man?
The usual routine, Fabian!
You know what they are like
the first time in combat!
- Of course!
- Keep your eye on him!
Here! Isn't it nice to hear the birds
again, Herr Hauptmann?
Listen to that!
They won't
be here long!
When our offensive starts...
- Good luck, Fabian!
- Herr Hauptmann.
What is it?
Fly on Fabian's left!
And a little behind him!
- And watch for his signals!
- Yes, Herr Hauptmann.
And relax! Get the balloon
and come straight back!
You'll find balloons burn beautifully!
Switches on!
Is that army observation?
Adjutant, Squadron 11 here.
One of our pilots claims
an SE5 shot down in sector five!
- Yes!
- Can you confirm, please?
Yes, about, uh,
0700 hours!
- Perhaps Fabian made a forced landing!
- I don't know!
Yes? Sector five,
on our side of the line!
You did? Fine!
Go on! Uh...
In midair?
- Did yours explode?
- No!
Yes, we do have
a pilot missing!
- That will be him, I'm afraid!
- Ask him!
- But...
- Only Fabian! He never got out!
- No SE5!
- But somebody must have seen my SE5 go down!
Not necessarily!
It often happens!
No confirmation, no claim!
- That's a squadron rule!
- But I saw it! It was a kill!
Then you have the deep satisfaction of
knowing you have served the fatherland!
It went down here...
our side of the line!
Why couldn't
the army look for it?
They have other things to do!
Somebody must have seen it!
Fabian might have
seen it!
- Corporal Rupp!
- Herr Leutnant.
We're going to search sector five!
Get your motorcycle!
- But, Herr Leutnant...
- Be at the mess in five minutes!
Herr Leutnant.
Back to the mess,
Herr Leutnant?
No! I'm going to search
that wood over there!
- You already have, Herr Leutnant.
- What?
You searched that wood
an hour ago!
Well, we're going
to search it again!
What's the matter, Rupp?
Too close to the guns for you?
- Thank you, Corporal!
- It's been a pleasure, Herr Leutnant.
You have finished
your wild goose chase, I hope!
- Yes, Herr Hauptmann.
- Found nothing, huh?
If every pilot were to go
careering around France!
Looking for
unconfirmed aircraft!
There'd be no air force left!
And Corporal Rupp has
more important things to do!
- Do you understand?
- Yes, Herr Hauptmann.
Unconfirmed by army
means unconfirmed, and that's final!
Good night, Stachel!
Come and join us!
I'll get the next one, Willi!
- Brandy, please!
- Champagne, Herr Leutnant.
Willi got his 20th kill today!
- He's being awarded the Blue Max!
- Uh-huh!
I see you've had
a hard day!
No one's ever done that before
about an unconfirmed kill!
Quite novel!
You must be in a hurry!
To your Blue Max!
- Blue Max!
- Willi!
I don't suppose you've ever had
an unconfirmed kill!
Oh, but I have!
I've had, uh, three!
Then you've shot down 23!
By the way, Stachel!
There's an impression
around that!
You care more about
your unconfirmed kill!
Than you do
about Fabian's death!
Perhaps it's force of habit!
In the trenches,
we couldn't even bury the dead!
There were too many of them!
I've never had the time!
To discuss them over
a glass of champagne!
Well, never mind, Stachel!
To your unconfirmed victory!
Next time,
you must have witnesses!
- Witnesses!
- Witnesses!
- Good evening, gentlemen!
- Good evening.
Pairings for next week's sorties!
- Let's have them, please!
- I'll fly with Becker!
- Heller and Braun!
- I'll fly with Lindorf!
Von Klinger and I
will do the ground strafe!
Who'll fly with Stachel?
I'll fly with Stachel!
He's bringing her in!
This one is dead,
Herr Leutnant.
- Easy, easy!
- Bring a stretcher! Quick! Quick!
- Get over there!
- Quickly!
What happened, Stachel?
The observer, he was
going to open fire!
Then we are to assume
he was either very brave!
Or very foolish!
It's a cruel world, Herr Hauptmann.
You said so yourself!
I've read your report, Willi!
What really happened?
As I said, Otto, the observer
made a move for his gun!
So Stachel
shot him down!
You wish to stand by
a comrade!
- I appreciate that!
- What I reported is what I saw!
We are German officers!
We'll fight this war with chivalry!
- You know that as well as I do!
- Of course!
The observer was blinded!
Did you know that?
No! It could have happened
when Stachel opened fire over the airfield!
- But did it?
- I don't know!
You know how Stachel behaved
when his first claim was disallowed!
If he shot down
a helpless enemy in cold blood!
It's something I won't tolerate
in my squadron!
All right, I agree!
There is some measure of doubt!
But I have no reason
to change my report!
All right, Willi!
The incident is closed,
officially anyway!
Is everyone here?
All except Leutnant Stachel,
Herr Hauptmann.
Someone inform him
this is a parade!
He is ordered
to attend!
We're about
to honor your dead!
So I see!
Well, aren't
you coming?
It's an order!
Because our commanding officer
has made it one!
He believes in chivalry, Stachel.
To kill a man!
Then make a ritual
out of saluting him?
That's hypocrisy!
They kill me!
I don't want
anyone to salute!
They probably won't!
All right!
Let's get it over with,
shall we?
Thank you!
You know, there's something
of the cobra in you!
I'll have to watch you!
Leutnant von Klugermann!
Parade, stand at! Ease!
I assume you've talked
to the other pilots about this, Holbach!
Yes, Herr General. I'm making a thorough
inquiry into the whole incident!
When the opportunity arises,
point the man out to me!
Yes, Herr General.
Ah, Otto!
The squadron's drawn up,
Herr General.
We were discussing the pilot
who brought this in!
Air headquarters
is quite excited about it!
What's the man's name again?
- Leutnant Stachel, Herr General.
- Mm-hmm!
Is he a good flyer?
Yes! Yes, he is!
Glad to hear it! We mustn't
keep my nephew waiting any longer!
Not to mention my wife!
Parade, front!
Left... turn!
Sorry to have been so long!
Were you bored?
With all these men around?
Look beautiful for them, Kaeti!
Look at Willi!
Doesn't he look splendid?
The Blue Max
will go so well with his eyes!
He is rather vain!
He'll probably wear it in bed
the first few days!
Oh, how uncomfortable
for the girl!
- Parade... attention!
- Excuse me, Herr General.
- Yes?
- The second one on the left!
Front row... that's Stachel!
- Ah!
"To Leutnant Wilhem von Klugermann!
"For bravery
of the highest order!
"In action against the enemies
of the German Empire...
"and for exceptional services
to the fatherland...
"in that he has destroyed
single-handed 20 enemy aircraft...
"the order Pour Le Mrite!
"By imperial decree...
Wilhem, Emperor!"
I'm afraid it's rather
a small medal, Willi!
But it's the highest
Germany can give!
Thank you! Uncle!
This pilot of yours...
Humble origin, risen from the ranks,
et cetera, et cetera!
Two years'
front-line service, hmm?
Yes, that's right!
To deliver the final blow over your own
airfield... on the doorstep, so to speak!
- It was splendid, wasn't it?
- "Splendid"?
Otto, if this young man
lives long enough!
He could be very useful
to our propaganda department!
The common people of our country
are war-weary, restive!
They need to be provided
with a hero of their own!
Von Richthofen, Willi,
are of our class!
That fellow Stachel is common as dirt!
He's one of them!
- You understand?
- Yes, I understand!
But I don't agree with
killing helpless men!
Otto, this is 1918!
Things have changed!
Unrestricted submarine warfare!
Bombing of civilians!
Poison gas!
Ask your wife... she's a nurse!
Ask Elfi about
the mustard gas casualties!
So you approve
of this kind of ruthlessness!
- We fight to win, Otto!
- Yes, of course!
Excuse me, Herr General.
Herr General!
May I present Leutnant Stachel!
I saw the plane
which you brought in!
Interesting exploit!
It proves that our young men
still have vitality!
Courage and the will to win
at all costs!
Yes, Herr General.
Thank you!
I'm sure we'll hear
a lot more of you!
Kaeti, you haven't met
our Leutnant Stachel!
May I introduce
the Countess von Klugermann!
My aunt!
By marriage!
You appear to have caught
my uncle's interest!
Interest from high places
is always welcome!
May I get you a drink,
All right!
Pink champagne!
- Pink champagne?
- Yes!
Yes, Countess!
- May I have two glasses
of pink champagne, please?
May I have two glasses
of pink champagne, please?
- Well, I say...
My glass, hmm?
La-la-la la-la-la
La-la-la la-la
La-la-la la-la-la
La-la-la la-la-la
That champagne
is getting warm, Stachel!
Not yet!
la-la-la la-la-la-la
Silence, please!
- Please, silence!
In a few hours
the horizon will be lit up
by the flashes of 7,000 guns!
Our guns!
They will herald
the greatest offensive in history!
Our defeat of Russia
has released a million men...
for the Western Front!
I need hardly tell you!
That if we destroy the British
and French armies...
before the Americans
can intervene effectively!
We shall have won the war!
God be with us! God be with us!
Oh! Willi, darling!
I'm sorry I'm late!
I'm sorry!
Well, I'm not!
If you're looking for your nephew,
he's next door!
I realize that now!
As long as you're here!
Perhaps I can
get you that drink!
Yes, do!
I'm afraid
I'm out of champagne!
- Then whatever you have!
- Schnapps!
Mmm! Horrible!
But quite stimulating!
So that's you... Cobra!
- "Cobra"?
- Yes! That's what Willi calls you!
Has he been talking
about me to you?
I asked!
He says you're quite,
uh, deadly!
In sort of a quiet way!
He's a romantic!
- And you're not!
- No!
Tonight is a!
Family affair!
- Are you shocked?
- No!
- You see, my husband is a very civilized man!
- Mmm!
And we are great friends!
It must be nice to have
an understanding friend!
Oh, yes, it is!
Willi must be
getting impatient!
Shall I announce you?
Please do!
Thank you!
Come on, lads! This is it!
Follow me!
Here they come again!
Come on, boys!
Come on now!
The oil pressure's
still too low!
That's all you'll
get out of her!
She wasn't made yesterday!
Oh, is that what it is?
- You'll feel better in
a few days, Herr Leutnant.
- We've taken Bapaume!
- Bapaume!
It means
we're closer to Paris!
Thank you!
Herr Leutnant, I'm here
to take you back to the squadron!
In there, Herr Leutnant.
What are we celebrating?
Your survival, of course,
and your tenth victory!
You're moving up fast,
Too fast?
Does it hurt?
Then I'd better
open the bottle!
Tell me, uh...
never having
suffered it personally...
what does it feel like
to be! Shot down?
I'd rather you found that out for yourself!
You know, I... I was
quite pleased at first...
when you were posted
missing, I mean!
Thank you!
Oh, it was just that, uh,
all of a sudden!
The war seemed
a bit more! Peaceful!
And then... this is the odd thing...
I had a sense of loss!
- I'm touched!
- No, no! Uh, seriously!
I suppose I've had everything
in my life too easy!
I'm inclined to be lazy!
I have to have a challenge!
I need someone around me who is, uh!
Hard to beat!
And you fulfill that role!
- How's the countess?
- The countess?
- Mmm!
- Oh!
Your aunt by marriage!
- Is she well?
- I think so!
I should have thought
you'd have known!
Oh, yes! She told me about
coming into your room that night!
I knew you'd have
to bring it up sooner or later!
The countess!
There's a fascinating subject!
I believe you have aspirations
in that direction, Stachel!
You should forget them!
I'll try!
But if the impossible happens!
I'll buy you
a bottle of champagne!
Will you?
It's vintage 1903!
You'll find it!
Hard to get!
1903? I'll remember that!
Thanks for the champagne!
That's the damn fool
that almost got me killed today!
I believe he's a friend of mine!
Why don't you
take it up with him?
I hope it'll be
a longer visit next time!
Yes, of course! Stachel!
May I introduce!
The Baron von Richthofen!
It is an honor,
Herr Rittmeister.
And I'm very grateful!
1903 again!
You'll never change, Willi!
I'd like to have some
of Willi's champagne with you!
But I must get back
to my squadron!
I'm glad to see
you haven't had to pay!
Too high a price
for my life!
I only lost an old Pfalz,
Herr Rittmeister.
Perhaps now I'll get
a better plane!
Oh, yes, you will!
My squadron is going to be equipped
with the new monoplane!
Berlin's been promising so long!
I don't understand,
Herr Rittmeister.
The baron wants you
to join his squadron, Stachel!
I have no objection!
Well, what do you think?
I am! Very flattered by your offer,
Herr Rittmeister.
Thank you!
But I'd prefer
to prove myself here!
Oh, I see!
Well, I admire loyalty!
You're lucky to have
this fellow, Otto!
Switches on!
Thank you!
Bring me that report
from Von Richthofen again!
Yes, Herr General.
You're not
shoeing a horse!
Get out!
Herr General.
I want him brought to Berlin
- Yes, Herr General.
- There is some difficulty?
I don't know
what you have in mind!
But with the offensive
at its height!
There'd have to be
some legitimate excuse!
To order him
from the front.
- He's wounded, isn't he?
- Yes, Herr General.
A mentionable wound?
In the arm!
Good! The people like soldiers
to be shot in the right places!
Order Stachel to Berlin
for special hospital treatment!
I want you to ensure that all
our newspapers give full prominence!
To this!
Gallant episode!
Yes, Herr General.
I think I can get the field marshal
to see things my way!
With luck!
So what you're telling me
behind your jargon!
Is that this machine
is unstable!
Herr Field Marshal!
We require at least three more months
to perfect the design!
By then, the war
may well be lost!
Well, Franz, what more have you
to say to the experts?
With your permission,
Herr Field Marshal!
I would like to produce
an expert of my own!
We would like the benefit
of your experience, Stachel.
You'll have read in this morning's papers
about Von Richthofen!
- This is the pilot concerned...
Leutnant Bruno Stachel!
This way!
The new monoplane!
Is it as fast
as we've heard?
What about
its maneuverability?
Only one wing...
will it take the stress?
It will out-turn any Allied plane
present in the air!
It could even turn the tide
of the air war!
Then we must have it!
What would your reaction be if I told you
that these gentlemen believe!
That there will be risks for you pilots
if we hurry it into production now?
Well, we're used to risks,
Herr General.
One more wouldn't
make any difference!
- Hmm!
- Leutnant Stachel!
Tell me!
Do you think that your opinion would
be shared by your comrades?
I am certain of it,
Herr Field Marshal!
Let me see it again!
Nurse, come quickly.
Come along, Herr Leutnant.
Frau Heidemann, Leutnant Stachel!
Yes! I remember you!
- I'm due back in a few minutes!
- It won't take long!
The jacket, please, Herr Leutnant.
And your shirt!
Frau Heidemann!
Those flowers, please!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Sit down, Herr Leutnant.
Excuse me, please!
I saw how busy you were outside!
- Yes!
- I'm sorry!
Come along, gentlemen.
Along here!
Now, Frau Heidemann,
if you please!
It is just
this one pose, hmm?
What are you going
to put under the picture?
- "Squadron commander's wife nurses wounded hero"?
- Yes!
Oh, very good!
Now move a little closer.
Thank you!
Now! Hold still!
- The playacting is over?
- Yes, Herr General.
We have finished!
Elfi, my dear!
How good of you to have found time
to come and help us!
It was an order, Herr General,
wasn't it?
Of course!
It was a very important
piece of playacting!
I see!
Well, Stachel, by morning,
you'll be quite famous!
How do you feel
about that?
- Lucky, Herr General.
- Hmm.
- Tomorrow, you will be making
your way back to your squadron!
And tonight, my wife
would like you to dine with her!
That's! very kind of her,
Herr General.
Not at all!
She likes heroes!
You don't convince me
for one moment, Colonel!
Herr Leutnant, may I ask you, please,
do you envy the birds?
It may surprise you,
General, to know!
Is that what makes men
want to fly...
- jealousy of the birds?
- That I'm a serious student of military strategy!
No, Baroness, I am not
really surprised!
Jealousy of the birds!
I've never heard it put better!
Herr Leutnant,
about the birds.
- Good night!
- Good night!
Good night!
A most successful party!
Absolutely wonderful!
- Bless you, Kaeti!
- Good night!
What's that?
It sounds like a drum,
- Good evening!
- Hmm!
As this is my first
Of speaking to you tonight,
I'll repeat it!
Good evening!
And good evening to you, too,
good and faithful family servant!
Good morning!
That late? I must have
fallen asleep during your speech!
Hans, some wine for the musician!
Well, I suppose
I might as well say it!
Say what?
You're beautiful!
- So are you!
- Hmm!
And where is Herr General?
Your husband!
Oh, he doesn't worry about me!
He doesn't?
Well, he should!
By now, he's with
the Countess von Hoehlen...
on my right at dinner!
They play war games
These games go on until morning?
My husband finds them very absorbing!
It's a very heavy responsibility
being a general.
That depends how good
you are at tactics!
Herr Leutnant.
- Your wine, Herr Leutnant.
- Hmm!
Thank you, Herr Leutnant.
It has been a long day!
- Hans!
- Yes, Herr Leutnant?
I want you to go to your mistress
and tell her!
I think I know
what she means!
- Now, Herr Leutnant?
- Now!
Come in.
I knew
you would come.
Darling, I am...
Oh, you fool!
There's a heap of letters
in your room, Herr Leutnant.
- Mmm!
- From all over Germany!
- Any of them perfumed?
- Yes, Herr Leutnant.
There's one from Stuttgart!
- Towards the end, she says...
- Yes?
Herr Leutnant.
Ah! Hello, Cobra!
How was Berlin?
Hectic! Brought you a present, Willi!
- Kind of you!
I doubt if our tastes coincide!
Oh, but they do!
Thank you!
What year is this?
We've tolerated you here
because we've had to!
One of these days,
or should I call you Bruno?
One of these days, I'm going
to shake you up! Considerably!
It will give me
pleasure, Willi!
I'll look forward to it!
I wonder if you're as good
as you think you are!
In or out of bed!
Well, Otto?
Thousands of trucks
carrying troops!
I flew over two miles of them!
And it's continuous,
like the anti-aircraft fire!
Uh, the new replacements!
They just arrived!
They're only half-trained!
I want every man in the air tomorrow,
including replacements!
To sum up, then, our offensive
has come to a standstill!
A massive enemy counterattack
is developing!
The Americans are pouring men
into the battle area!
Our army is hard-pressed!
We are outnumbered
in the air...
and our observation planes
are shot down before they can report.
High command urgently
wants information.
Today, I shall lead the squadron!
On a decoy mission to SaintJust
to divert British patrols!
Meanwhile, an observation plane
from Squadron 35!
Will attempt a photographic reconnaissance
of the area around Amiens!
I want two of you
to provide close escort.
All right!
Rendezvous at 0800 hours
over sector three!
You'll fly the two triplanes.
Take care of them.
They are the last ones
we are likely to get!
All right, gentlemen!
Did you meet my wife
at the hospital?
- Yes, Herr Hauptmann.
- Was she all right?
She is well,
Herr Hauptmann.
Thank you!
Good luck!
Where's Willi?
He's dead.
He was flying too low.
He hit the trees!
- What happened?
- He hit the trees!
I landed! There wasn't
anything I could do!
He was a better man than you!
Well, he's dead!
- Is that your test?
- Yes!
- And that was his test too!
- What do you mean?
Herr Hauptmann!
Air observation report
two British planes down in sector nine!
Willi didn't die
for nothing!
I'm glad of that, Karl!
We can tell the family!
They'll be proud of him!
What makes you think
he shot them down?
You mean they're yours?
- Why do you think they're not?
- Well, are they?
Willi killed himself trying to fly me
into the ground and went in instead!
I'm asking you if those two planes
are yours or Willi's!
All right, they're mine!
They belong to me!
I've just read
your armorer's report.
Your guns were jammed!
You only fired 40 rounds!
Forty rounds?
Two three-second bursts!
Is your marksmanship that good?
I'm not confirming
these two victories, Stachel!
But I will report your astonishing
marksmanship to air headquarters!
Firing party,
right wheel.
Firing party...
Left turn!
Order arms!
Otto, the general has asked me to tell you
he's seen your report to headquarters!
The two victories claimed by Stachel
are to be confirmed!
The general feels
you are inclined to be, uh!
Prejudiced against this officer!
I hope the owner of this place
is as discrete as he looks, darling!
He should be!
I paid him enough!
- What's the matter?
- Nothing!
It's that bad, is it?
You'll have to decide which
you prefer... this or women!
Why can't I have both?
You're soaked through!
You should take better care of yourself!
Are you interested?
- Don't you believe that?
- Certainly!
But you were interested
in Willi too!
Tell me!
How did you feel!
Today at the funeral?
You know!
He never did accept me
as his equal!
In or out of bed!
You're deliciously
crude, darling!
Hmm! You amuse me!
People like you!
- Oh, me?
- The count, Willi!
Amuse or shock?
I said, amuse!
I adore your innocence!
You really believe your betters
should behave better, don't you?
Don't patronize me!
Not if it offends you!
My feelings for you!
Have nothing to do
with the death of Willi!
You and I are alike, Bruno!
You're good for me!
Willi was a fool!
He didn't die in battle!
He died trying to prove
he could fly better than I can!
We played a game!
In and out of the trees!
He lost!
But I was the bigger fool!
I claimed two planes
he shot down!
I shouldn't have done that.
I can get 20 victories
without anyone's help!
That game, whatever it was,
it was about me, wasn't it?
In a way, yes!
I find that exciting!
Would you die for me
like Willi did?
Are you sure?
All right! Push!
All right!
Straight now!
Come on!
It lasted about ten minutes!
They came in low... Sopwiths!
They hit the stores and the fuel dumps!
We are being blasted
out of the skies!
I tell you,
the fuel dumps are gone!
Now, Ziegel,
let's get this mess cleared up!
I want to be airborne again
by tomorrow!
Come on, Ziegel!
All squadrons have now been ordered
to concentrate on the Marmont sector!
The enemy have just achieved
a major breakthrough!
Twelve enemy divisions are moving up
on the Marmont road!
They are our target!
There is to be no air combat!
No air combat!
- Understood?
- Yes, Herr Hauptmann.
Our army's in retreat,
so we must do the same!
Herr Hauptmann.
Your personal ambitions
take second place to the war!
Get out of the way!
Push! Over!
Hurry up!
Here come the Jerries!
Come on, boys!
Look out!
See it?
Over here!
Five, six!
Come on!
All of you!
Are you all right?
This way.
Over here. Come on.
You have cost nearly
half the squadron!
We shot down seven planes!
Three of them are mine!
Now you have got 22!
You and I know that 20
wasn't enough for you!
The Blue Max is more than a medal to you!
It's a badge...
something to show
you are as good as Willi!
Not just Willi!
I will see you never
wear that medal!
You disobeyed my orders!
I'm going to have you
- Kettering!
- Sir.
Escort the leutnant
to his quarters!
Your nerve's gone!
You've had enough!
- Stachel!
- Why don't you do what your wife wants?
- Get a desk job in Berlin!
- Come on, Stachel!
Quick! Quick!
This way! Over here!
Come on! Quickly!
Stachel! You've been
ordered to Berlin!
Here he is!
- Good-bye!
- Herr Hauptmann.
Millions have been
slaughtered on battlefields.
For what reason?
For nothing!
I say down with the Kaiser
and his generals!
The time is now ours!
Long live the revolution!
Look out!
My dear Otto!
- Herr General.
- Sit down!
Thank you!
- Did you have a good journey?
- Yes, thank you!
Sit down!
Otto, tomorrow, Leutnant Stachel
is going to receive the Blue Max!
So you do not accept
my report, Herr General.
He is young, vigorous, ruthless!
A born leader...
at a time when we need his kind!
I believe Leutnant Stachel
should be court-martialed!
For the good
military reasons I've set out!
- Good military reasons are sometimes not enough!
- They are for me!
You and I have a greater loyalty
than to the book of rules!
To Germany!
- We are Germany!
- Exactly!
Take a look outside!
You see that?
Revolution is just
beneath the surface!
If that happens, everything we stand for
will be destroyed!
Unless the German Officer Corps
stands like a rock!
Intact and... what is more important...
I made this... Stachel into a national hero
for good military reasons.
If I court-martial him now,
it will reflect on the integrity!
Of the whole Officer Corps!
Herr General...
I see now I have notions of honor!
Which are outdated!
They're not outdated!
With care!
And love!
For better times!
Here's your report, Otto!
I ask you to withdraw it!
- I won't do that!
- I know that!
If you insist on this course,
Herr General...
I must resign my command!
I do insist!
In that case, I should like
an appointment!
To the staff here in Berlin!
That request is granted!
I have managed to persuade
the crown prince!
To make the presentation
Afterwards, Stachel will test-fly
the new monoplane!
It will be better
if you were there!
I understand,
Herr General.
The keys to Leutnant Stachel's
suite, please!
Thank you!
Excuse me, please excuse me!
Stachel, come on!
This way, Stachel!
I trust you will be,
uh, comfortable!
A lot more comfortable
than I'd expected!
I thought the press reception
went rather well, hmm?
I'll take your word
for that!
The bathroom is through there!
- How do you like your bedroom?
Oh, uh, if there's
anything you want...
and I mean anything...
just call reception, hmm?
- You understand?
- I think so!
I'll call in the morning
to take you to the airfield!
Pleasant dreams!
Reception, please!
Reception, this is
Leutnant Bruno Stachel!
I don't want anything!
Have I come to the right room
this time?
- Countess!
- Herr Leutnant.
May I offer
my congratulations?
You may!
- Can I get you a drink?
- Please!
I hope you'll be able
to be there tomorrow!
Of course!
I want to...
- Mmm!
- No, I want to...
No, please!
I want to talk to you!
- Talk?
- Please!
All right!
I'm going away tomorrow!
To Switzerland!
- Why?
- Germany's finished!
The war will soon be over, and I don't
want to be here when it happens!
Is the general
going with you?
No! I want you to come with me!
I know you're getting
your Blue Max tomorrow!
But we wouldn't leave
till after the presentation!
I see!
Go on!
You will still have
your medal, darling!
It's a piece of scrap!
It's worth exactly five marks!
You'll never need to pawn it!
I've got plenty of money in Zurich!
Don't you understand
what this means to me?
In a few months from now,
you will be ashamed to wear a uniform!
You're very stubborn, Bruno!
But if you want
to see the war out to the end!
I can get you transferred to a post
near the Swiss frontier!
Field Marshal von Lenndorf
is a friend!
How dramatic you look!
You can get me
transferred, can you?
Do you think I came all this way
to run off to Switzerland with you?
You gambled your life
for me once with Willi!
That was about flying,
Kaeti, not about you!
Run off to Switzerland
and become one of your lap dogs?
There's nothing I want to run away from,
Kaeti, not even myself!
Come on now, don't be angry!
Where's that aristocratic poise
I like so much?
Don't you dare
talk to me like that!
Now... Now, Countess,
I'll get you that drink!
Serve it to someone else!
The fatherland is grateful,
Herr Leutnant.
Thank you, Your Highness!
The field marshal said what?
I can't stop the proceedings now!
It's too late!
All right, but where
is the field marshal?
Ask him to telephone me
as soon as he returns!
Get hold of Stachel!
Take him somewhere, anywhere!
Keep him out of sight!
And, Holbach!
- Send Heidemann to me!
- Yes, Herr General.
Herr General.
Otto, I want you
to fly the monoplane!
And Stachel?
There has been a little misunderstanding!
It will be cleared up soon!
Without a court-martial,
I hope, Herr General.
Will you take
the machine up?
- That is an order?
- Yes!
Very well,
Herr General.
Herr Stachel?
Thank you!
Someone else is gonna fly it!
You said there was a technical holdup!
Oh, I think there are
other difficulties!
Obviously, while the general
irons them out!
He thought it best
not to disappoint the public!
- What difficulties?
- I'm afraid I don't know!
Well, who's
going to fly it?
Herr Heidemann,
I believe!
Frau Heidemann!
How are you?
What's happening,
Herr Leutnant?
- I thought you were going to fly it!
- So did I!
I never wanted him to fly again!
Yes? Ah, yes!
I will hold on!
You're late, darling!
Ah! Yes, Herr Field Marshal!
May I ask how you came by that
information, Herr Field Marshal?
You told the field marshal!
That Stachel had claimed two planes
shot down by Willi!
Why? Where did you get
the information?
- He told me himself!
- Ah!
He's an upstart!
He insulted me!
So this time, you
really lost your head!
The field marshal is insisting
on a court of inquiry!
They're goingto disgrace him...
an officer with the highest decoration
Germany can give!
All because of your stupid little anger!
Do you understand?
Do you?
When they do that,
they disgrace!
The whole German Officer Corps!
Yes, Otto?
What is it, Otto?
Herr General, that machine
is a deathtrap!
The struts are too weak!
For the wing loading under stress!
I was lucky to get down alive!
Thank you, Otto!
Flight office, please!
I want to speak to Stachel!
Stachel, everything's in order now.
You can take her up!
And let's see some real flying!
Sit down!
Sit down!
Control yourself!
Switches on!
Give this to the field marshal!
It is the personnel file
of a German officer!
And a hero!
Yes, Herr General.
Stand up, Kaeti!
We'll be late for lunch!