The Book of Life (2014)

Last tour of the day.
I wonder why nobody wants them.
- Hi, super old guy!
- A museum? Again?
I hate stuff.
- Oh, boy.
- It's okay, Thomas.
I'll take them.
Are you sure? I think these
are the "detention" kids.
Don't you worry. I can handle them.
- You go take your break.
- Thanks.
Follow me, kids.
Yo, lady! The museum door is that way.
Yes, it is, but you aren't
like the other kids.
Oh, no, no, no. You need
to see something special.
Right through that door.
You're seeing things, lady.
Am I? Or are you not seeing things?
Come on.
Now, today is November 2nd. Does anyone
here know why that date is important?
- Taco Tuesday!
- No.
"Gorge yourself on Halloween candy" day?
Nope. Today is The Day of the Dead.
Wait. Is that national
zombie day or something?
You can't go this way!
You will get us both in trouble.
Ancient rules of the...
museum administration.
Well, I suppose I could
turn a blind eye, my...
Behold, children,
the glorious beauty of Mexico!
This place is loco.
So many skulls!
At least that part isn't lame.
- What is this book?
- That is the Book of Life.
All the world is made of stories...
and all of those stories are right here.
This book holds many truths.
Some are actually true.
"The battle of Cinco de Mayo"?
Mayo! I love Mayo.
And some, not so much.
El chupacabras,
the legendary goat sucker?
I have to get one.
Now, although you may doubt
some of these stories...
there is one thing that
we know for certain.
Mexico is the center of the universe.
And long ago, in the center of Mexico...
was the quaint little town of San Angel.
Churros! Churros!
Frosted churros!
Now, naturally, since San Angel
was the center of the universe...
directly below it lay...
the Land of the Remembered.
A festive and magical place
for those who live on in the
memories of their loved ones.
And below that...
lies the Land of the Forgotten.
The sad and lonely destination
for those poor souls...
who are no longer remembered.
But before I can properly
begin our story...
you need to meet the two
magical rulers of these realms.
- Who is that?
- That is La Muerte.
She is made out of sweet sugar candy.
- She's so pretty.
- She is, isn't she?
She loves all mankind and believes
that their hearts are pure and true.
And that is Xibalba.
That charming rascal thinks mankind
is not so pure, just like him.
He looks spooky.
Yes, he's made out of tar and
everything icky in the whole world.
He's so... pretty.
What about the weirdo with the beard-o?
That is the Candle Maker.
He keeps everything in balance.
He's made out of wax and
has a beard full of clouds.
All right. Let me show
you something else.
All of these wooden figures here...
they represent real people in
our story, just like you and me.
And so, our tale begins on the
day the people of Mexico call...
The Day of the Dead.
- No retreat.
- No surrender!
On this festive, enchanted day...
families bring food and offerings
to the altars of their beloved.
- It's like a hundred birthday parties.
- Yes, it is.
And on this particular Day of the Dead
after centuries of being banished...
Xibalba had had enough.
Really, my dear you have
no idea how cold and vile
the Land of the Forgotten has become.
Just like your heart, Xibalba.
Just like your heart.
Why must I rule a bleak wasteland
while you enjoy the endless fiesta
in the Land of the Remembered?
It's simply unfair.
- Xibalba!
- What? It's his time.
- More or less.
- Not today, my love.
Come on, my dear.
Trade lands with me. I beg you!
You're so cute when you beg.
- I'm serious. I hate it down there.
- Hey. You're there because you cheated!
You made your bed with that wager.
You're not the man I fell in love
with all those centuries ago.
Let's not dwell in the past, mi amor.
Anyway, I was thinking...
How about another little wager?
You think you can calm the flames
of my anger with another bet?
What exactly did you have in mind?
Let's check out the
menu for the evening.
Look there, my love.
Classic mortal dilemma.
Two boys. Best friends, no less.
In love with the same girl.
Fear not, seorita.
Your hero has arrived!
Is that so?
How dare you interrupt a guitarrista?
- The girl is mine.
- Never!
She is mine.
I belong to no one.
I believe we have our wager.
Which boy will marry her?
Very well.
We will each choose one of
these boys as our champion.
Let's go wish them luck.
- Maria, weren't you grounded?
- My father is overreacting.
How was I supposed to know
that chickens don't like baths?
Don't worry. He knows a real
man is protecting you tonight.
- You're not even close.
- But I have a moustache.
Yeah, just like your grandma.
- Maria.
- Manolo!
Come, mijo.
Your mother would be so proud of you.
- You think she'll come back tonight?
- Carmen is here.
But it's more like...
like a warm feeling you get
when loved ones are with you.
All of these families have lost someone.
But as long as we remember them...
We can feel their presence with
us for one night each year.
I just thought I might
see her one more time.
She always smelled like flowers.
I remember her singing.
She was a good woman, that one.
I miss her so much.
Just be still, and you can feel it.
Your mother is here,
along with all our ancestors.
As long as we remember them,
they are with us.
The moment we forget them,
they are truly gone.
I can feel them.
Kind people, may I please have a
bit of your bread? I am so hungry.
I'm sure mama would want
you to have it. Right, Pap?
Thank you, my dear.
In return, you have my blessing.
May your heart be always
pure and courageous.
- What do we say, Manolo?
- Thank you, seora. Thank you.
Manolo. Always giving away
stuff for free. Right, Dad?
Joaquin's father, Captain Mondragon,
had passed away fighting the
fearsome bandit known as Chakal.
Who's in there?
Young sir, may I please
have some of your bread?
I'm so hungry.
This bread is for my father.
And it's delicious.
Well, perhaps you would
consider a trade?
An old medal? Please.
This is no ordinary medal, my boy.
As long as you wear it,
you cannot be hurt.
And it will give you
immeasurable courage.
Really? Deal.
But keep it hidden.
There is a bandit king who would
stop at nothing to get it back.
Bandit king? You mean Chakal?
Where did he go?
So, then, if my boy marries the girl...
I will finally rule the
Land of the Remembered.
And if my boy marries
the girl, you will...
You will stop interfering
with the affairs of man!
I can't do that! Come on.
It's the only fun I ever get!
Then the bet is off.
Very well, my dear.
By the ancient rules...
The wager is set.
And, so, the greatest
wager in history began.
Manolo versus Joaquin
for the hand of Maria.
Wait. So these ancient gods
picked three little kids to...
Represent the whole world?
- Yeah. Pretty crazy, right?
- Yeah! Keep going, lady.
You're so cute.
Oh, no. Not on my watch.
We have to free the animals!
Come on, you guys! Let's do this!
- Yeah!
- Hold on, Maria. Don't!
People of San Angel, please! I beg you.
After the revolution...
we need more volunteers
to join this mighty brigade!
A heroic brigade to
protect us from Chakal.
Chakal is here!
Maria, what have you done now?
Freedom is coming through!
Oh, no!
Oh, dear.
- No retreat.
- No surrender.
Toro. Toro.
He has the gift.
Great form, mijo.
That's my son!
- Thank you, Manolo.
- Gracias
Oh, my. What did I miss?
You okay, sir?
- You have saved my life.
- And I...
Quiet, boy. I'm talking.
- But I...
- Quiet.
That girl is in so much trouble!
I'm sorry, Pap. It's just that I...
Manolo's guitar.
Maria! This rebellious
nonsense ends now!
- You are going to become a proper lady.
- Why?
Because I said so!
I'm sending you to Spain.
The sisters at the Convent of the Perpetual
Flame of Purity will straighten you out.
- What?
- But, Pap!
No. It is decided. Now go home!
Joaquin, you are so
much like your father.
This town could use a new hero.
You are like the son I never had.
My boy, your father was
like a brother to me.
- Epa! Where do you think you're going?
- He can't send Maria away.
Well, fathers do what's best
for their children. Come along.
I saw how you fought that beast.
You made our ancestors proud.
- Do you think Maria was impressed?
- Maria and every girl in town.
People said I was the greatest
bullfighter in our family's history...
But it is you, my son, who will
be the greatest Sanchez ever!
They will write songs about you!
- And I will sing them!
- Wait, what?
I will sing them.
Son, music is not work fit
for a Sanchez bullfighter.
- But I want to be a musician.
- No. You must focus.
Your training begins at once. Your grandpa,
Luis, taught me when I was about your age.
Wait, isn't that when that
bull put you in a coma?
Memories. My only son fighting angry,
thousand-pound beasts.
- The family tradition continues.
- Yay.
And so, the day came when Maria
would leave to study abroad.
The three amigos would be no more.
Adios, Maria
Adios, mijita. Write soon.
I'm going to go over there.
I'm gonna miss you guys.
We'll be here, waiting.
For as long as it takes.
Don't ever stop playing, okay?
And you. Don't you ever stop
fighting for what's right.
I got you a present.
You should probably open it now.
Wait a second. We were
supposed to bring gifts?
I named him Chuy. He'll look after you.
I remember you.
I figured you needed a little
part of town to go with you.
Thank you.
Seriously, no one told
me about bringing gifts.
Can you hold Chuy for me?
This is to make up for
breaking your guitar.
All aboard!
I gotta go.
Don't forget me!
Maria! Your bonnet!
When you come back I will sing for you!
And I will fight for you!
It would be years before
they would see Maria again.
I will wait for you.
I'll be bold
As well as strong
- One, two, three.
- And use my head
Alongside my heart
So tame my flesh
- And fix my eyes
- One, two, three! One, two, three!
A tethered mind
Freed from the lies
- And I'll kneel down
- One, two, three! One, two, three!
- Wait for now
- Hey, Manny!
I kneel down
- Know my ground
- Yes! Just like your father!
- 'Cause I will wait, I will wait for you
- And that's how you finish a bull!
And I will wait, I will wait for you
And I will wait, I will wait for you
I will wait, I will...
- I will not wait for you!
- Pap, I was on my way.
After years of training, Manolo's father
organized his first bullfight
which, as luck would have it...
was on the day that Maria returned.
Wait, Pap!
Playing all night with
those mariachis brothers!
You want to end up like those bozos?
Okay, Manny, we'll wait outside.
- I don't think Mr. Sanchez likes us.
- You think?
Quiet, you lazy bums!
You live under my roof.
You live under my rules.
- You will be a matador!
- Pap, this is my life.
All the Sanchezes are bullfighters!
Every single one of us.
I was a beast in the arena. A beast!
It's in your blood. It's your destiny.
How many times do I have to say it?
This is not me. This is you.
My son, Joaquin may be
the hero of the town
but today, you will be
the hero of the ring.
If, for once,
you actually finish the bull.
But he finished the bull
the other day in practice!
Venga, toro!
- That did no count.
- No. Killing the bull is wrong.
Here we go again.
Kids today, with their long
hair and their no killing stuff.
- I'm out of here.
- Don't you love your family?
Then go get that bull, mijo.
Don't dishonor our name.
Just be a Sanchez!
Mijo... He no gonna do it.
Hey, Manolo!
- No retreat.
- No surrender.
The hero of San Angel returns!
Oh, come on. You didn't think I was gonna
miss your first little bullfight, did you?
And Maria's here, too!
Have you seen her? I cannot
wait to show her these babies.
- So, she's back only to see you?
- Come on. That's not...
You have your medals,
but I have the bullring.
We'll see which Maria prefers.
It's a good thing you're finally
taking bullfighting seriously.
You should see me in the bullring.
That's where I really do my thing now.
A true Sanchez man.
Those are some big shadows
we live under, buddy?
Hey, brother,
may the best man win Maria.
In honor of Maria's return from Europe
the town received a rare
visit from its most noble son...
who was now a decorated hero.
They say Joaquin goes from town
to town saving them from bandits!
Yes! That's my boy.
Afternoon, my General.
That is a mighty moustache you have.
As expected everyone in town was curious
to see how the young Maria had grown.
The jewel of the town has returned.
And she's going to be
helping at the orphanage.
And I hear she
reads books, like, for fun.
No way!
Seorita Posada.
Hola, Joaquin.
It's really nice to see you.
And she's so natural!
And they say Manolo might be
the greatest Sanchez ever!
Yeah! That's my boy! What?
I would like to dedicate this corrida...
To miss Maria Posada.
welcome home, seorita.
- I'm allergic to dying!
- Especially in the face!
Venga, torote. Venga.
Now, that's a Sanchez!
That's my son!
Manolo! Manolo!
Come on, mijo.
For me. For our family. Be a Sanchez!
Killing the bull is wrong!
See? I told you he no do it.
Bravo! Bravo!
We don't have to kill the bull!
Oh, no. Manolo.
Adios, Maria.
Manolo. Manolo. Get up!
- I'm sorry, Pap.
- Do not make it worse by apologizing!
- A Sanchez man never apologizes! Never!
- Ever.
If being a bullfighter means...
it means killing the bull...
Well, then, I'm no bullfighter.
No. You are no Sanchez.
That poor kid never had a chance,
my dear. Good game, though.
It's not over.
Ay, Maria.
When you were here before
Couldn't look you in the eye
You're just like an angel
Your skin makes me cry
But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What am I doing here?
I don't belong here
I don't belong
- Manolo.
- Maria!
What just happened?
You don't know women, my love.
That night, General Posada threw a
grand party to welcome Maria back.
But, you see, he had bigger plans.
To Joaquin!
A great hero!
Too bad you're just in
town for a few days.
If only there were something
that would make you stay...
like a special girl. Maria?
- Pap!
- What? What I say?
Oh, my father.
It's so wonderful to
see you again, Joaquin.
Look at that mustache.
And all those medals.
- What's this one for?
- Nothing! Nothing, nothing.
What? I didn't...
Why don't... Why don't you tell
me a little more about Europa?
I loved it. Such beautiful music
and art and books. It was wonderful.
Books, art, wonderfulness. You sound
like you've learned so much, Maria.
I'm sure one day you are going to
make a man very, very, very happy.
And I hope that man's mustache,
or his medals...
- makes you very, very, very, very happy.
- Oh, is that so?
Well, yes. Behind every man with an
amazing mustache is a beautiful woman.
Oh, yes. And I'll cook and clean
for him and be at his beck and call.
That sounds so good.
That just sounds so good.
- And you sound... you're just so pretty.
- Are you kidding me?
Oh, boy.
Is that how you see a woman?
We're only here to make men happy?
So, I don't know.
I believe I have lost my appetite.
No, please, please, stay seated.
Now, if you will just excuse me,
I must go check on Chuy.
That's my pig.
I need to spend time
with someone civilized.
Buenas noches.
You've picked yourself a feisty one.
Good one, Joaquin! Very witty.
I can't believe the General
invited the whole town!
Except for you, Manolo.
- Sorry, bro.
- He even invited us.
And he hates us.
It's hopeless. I've lost her to Joaquin.
Okay, okay. Listen, listen. All we got to
do is play the right song, and trust me,
everything will turn around
in the space of four bars.
We've already been to four bars! Twice!
Hold it. I know exactly what to play.
It has to be romantic and classy...
but with tons of dignity.
You, you got what I need
But you say he's just a friend
But you say he's just a friend
Oh, baby, you...
Wow, that totally captivated her.
- I don't get it. That one always works.
- Even on my wife.
Wait. You're married?
I got it! Follow my lead.
If you want my body
and you think I'm sexy
Mami vamos, let me know
Very romantic, Pepe.
- That's all I got, mang.
- Okay, my turn!
One, two, one, two, tres, cuatro!
- That girl is way out of your league, bro.
- Hey, let's eat!
I love you too much
To live without you loving me back
I love you too much
Heaven's my witness and this is a fact
I know I belong
When I sing this song
There's love above love and it's ours
'cause I love you too much
I live for your touch
I whisper your name night after night
I love you too much
There's only one feeling
and I know it's right
I know I belong
When I sing this song
There's love above love and it's ours
'cause I love you too much
Heaven knows your name I've been praying
To have you come here by my side
Without you a part of me is missing
Just to make you my own I will fight
I love you too much
I love you too much
Heaven's my witness and this is a fact
You live in my soul
Your heart is my goal
There's love above love and it's mine
'cause I love you
There's love above love and it's yours
'cause I love you
There's love above love and it's ours
If you love me as much
Did you think it was gonna be that easy?
I... I kind of did.
Hold on, I'm coming.
- What are you doing?
- Maria...
Will you... Will you marry me?
Don't worry, your father
already said you could.
He did... what?
Who else could protect us from Chakal?
What did I miss?
Wait... Wait a sec. Did he propose, too?
- No. Were you going to?
- What?
Well, I proposed first.
So, go fight a bull or something.
- You two are acting like fools!
- Wait, me too?
- You're so strong, Joaquin.
- Thanks, I work out a lot.
I love you, you know that.
But how are you going to protect Maria
if you can't even finish a bull?
Good one, Joaquin!
Oh, yeah? Well, you will never be
as great a hero as your father!
Now, that's just uncalled for.
You better get your
finger out of my face.
- You don't point at me!
- I'm the best pointer you've ever seen!
- That's so stupid, so childish.
- Joaquin!
- Come at me, bro!
- Manolo!
What? You wanted a banjo?
Look at him! He got his guitar.
What are you gonna do?
- La msica! I'm so scared!
- I'm gonna teach you some manners.
Did I mention I also studied fencing?
Fine. We'll settle this later.
Any time. Any place.
Really, guys?
No! Don't go, Joaquin!
What if the bandidos come?
The bandidos are coming!
- And Joaquin is gone!
- All is lost
Tremble in fear before the
might of Chakal's army!
Women and children, go to the church!
Men, we are going to drive
Chakal's bandits off!
Who is with me?
This is not good.
Listen up, you cowards!
These are Chakal's demands!
"Hand over your chickens, monies,
"bacon, jars, mustache wax."
This looks like "jelly"
but I think it's "jewelry."
Yeah, jewelry.
Anyways, if you give all this to us...
then maybe we won't burn your town down.
You want the town?
You're gonna have to go through me!
Hey, ugly! Why don't
you fight a real man?
With a really awesome mustache!
Thank goodness you are here!
Here, hold this. And this. And this.
And if that's too heavy,
maybe you can just hand it to Maria.
My name is Joaquin,
son of Captain Mondragon!
Tonight, the town of San Angel
is under my protection.
Prepare to be beaten.
Get him, Plomo!
Who wants some more?
Get him!
Hey, girl.
You goofball.
All right, that's just
not hurting at all.
The beautiful hero!
He has the medal of everlasting life!
- Retreat!
- And don't ever come back!
Yeah! You better run away!
That was incredible.
Yeah, you really are a hero.
Perhaps now...
we possibly could continue
our conversation, seorita Posada?
Maria, please, do it for the town.
Without Joaquin we are
at the mercy of Chakal.
So, why don't you tell me
about some of your medals?
Well, I got this one for
delivering a baby with one hand
while arm wrestling a bear with
the other. That's nothing, really.
Duh. Of course she's gonna go with Joaquin.
And did you see that mustache?
Are you crazy? Maria is doing
this to protect the town.
- Putting her duty before her heart.
- Yes.
Life can be really tough for the living.
Failing in and out of the ring.
The whole Sanchez family would
be so disappointed in you.
Please, don't say that.
Listen. You love Maria?
Then fight for her, like a man!
It's too late.
Joaquin proposed to her already.
- Now, that's a real man.
- Quiet, Carlos!
Manolo, if Maria didn't
say yes to Joaquin...
then she said no.
So, what are you gonna do about it, son?
After stealing Xibalba's
magic medal in a battle
Chakal had risen to become
the king of the bandits.
But when Xibalba stole it back,
Chakal had come undone.
We found... We found the medal!
The medal of everlasting life!
It's in the town of San Angel.
- Are you certain?
- I swear! I swear!
A beautiful hero wears it to protect
the town! It looked just like that.
Gather my men. We ride for San Angel.
You've come back to me, medal.
I got this one for saving
some orphans from a fire
and then going back in for their cribs,
and then going back in for their toys.
And then I also saved a little puppy one
time that had a little thorn in its paw.
And this medal is for
having the most medals.
Well, here we are.
Thank you for this most
informative talk about you.
- I have something for you, Maria.
- That is so nice of y...
- I'm speechless.
- I know. Right? I get that a lot.
Good night, Joaquin.
- Wait. Maria.
- Yes?
My bonnet.
You kept it all this time?
Well, it's what's kept me going.
About my proposal, will you
at least just think about it?
Good night, Joaquin.
Yes! Yes, yes, yes!
Joaquin, you're awesome!
Meet me at the bridge at dawn.
- I can't, Manolo. My father won't...
- Please, Maria. I beg you.
If she meets him alone
I will lose the wager.
Fix this for me, old friend.
Wise men say
Only fools rush in
But I can't help
Falling in love
With you
But I can't help
Falling in love
With you
This is... This is what
I wanted to show you.
It's so beautiful.
What you're feeling... that's how
I feel every time I'm with you.
I can't offer you a ring.
I have nothing to give but my love.
Oh, Manolo.
I may not be the town hero, Maria...
but I swear with all my heart
I will never, ever stop loving you.
And I will never stop loving the
man who plays from the heart.
- Snake!
- No!
- What did you do, Manolo?
- There was a snake and...
She's gone.
- Why didn't you protect her?
- Maria!
Oh, no. Oh, no!
This is all your doing! Leave!
Or so help me, I'll...
My little girl.
What have you done, boy?
What have you done?
- It should have been me.
- Yes. It should have.
- No! Maria died?
- That can't be right!
What kind of story is this?
We're just kids!
As the sky cried with rain...
Manolo went back to retrieve his guitar.
I will never see her again.
Are you certain?
You want to see Maria again?
With all my heart.
Think about what you say, boy.
With all my heart.
- Manolo, too?
- What is it with Mexicans and death?
But it can't end like this. Can it?
Oh, my sweet child, this is not the end.
Welcome to the Land of the Remembered!
I made it.
- And on the Day of the Dead, no less.
- Where... Where is...
You're going to be a little
disoriented at first.
Don't try to take it all in at once.
Let's start with your name.
- Maria Posada!
- Really?
Parents and their crazy baby names.
And there's no Maria Posada on my list.
No, no. I'm looking for Maria Posada.
My name is Manolo Sanchez.
Another Sanchez?
Man, that family just keeps growing.
My family! They'll help me find Maria!
Can you take me to them?
I would love nothing more than
to reunite a young couple.
Just hold on!
You know, I've been down here for years
awaiting my beloved honey bunny.
Hi, honey!
Too soon! Go!
The Land of the Remembered
was vibrant and joyous!
Everything was like the land above...
But it was more colorful...
It was more beautiful, it was more festive!
And, on the Day of the Dead...
that place was bursting with endless
parties and spectacular parades.
There, your family is in that one.
Get in there!
- Oh, yeah! Another Sanchez bullfighter.
- You are...
The amazing Carmelo Sanchez!
Yes! I was famous for
fighting bulls without a cape!
Capes are for cowards!
Can you help me find Maria Posada?
La Muerte can help you.
She helps everyone. Hold on.
The great Jorge Sanchez!
At your service!
I was famous for fighting bulls
with only one arm and one leg.
Arms and legs are for cowards!
You are Manolo,
the one who plays the guitar.
Yeah, that's me.
You know, when I was younger,
I always dreamt of singing in the opera.
- You did?
- But as you know...
Music is not work fit for
a Sanchez bullfighter.
The same story.
They crushed our dreams. Hilarious.
- He's new.
- He reminds me of me. But less handsome.
Of course! It's Luis
"El Super Macho" Sanchez!
I was famous for fighting
three bulls at once!
One bull is for cowards!
Grandpa! It's me, Manolo.
Manolo? I'm so happy to see you.
Why you disgrace the family name?
Playing the guitar!
You couldn't finish one bull?
You were a clown.
Sorry, cousin Chucho.
Welcome home, mijo. Your mother
will be very happy to see you.
I missed you so much.
Ay, mijo, it's been like
a hole in my heart.
I've waited so long for you.
But not long enough!
What are you doing here?
I'm here to be reunited with...
with the love of my life.
- You're going to love Maria, mama.
- I'm sure I will.
Manolo, you look just like your father.
So handsome, you turned out.
And I became a bullfighter,
just like you wanted.
Me? Are you crazy? Haven't you learned
anything from your family's history?
- What? But Dad said that...
- That Carlos.
Wait until he gets down here.
Now, come on, mijo!
Everyone, this is my son, Manolo!
And these are your Adelita cousins.
They fought in the revolution.
- And we won.
- No way!
Hey, primo.
Being with the whole Sanchez family...
And you, mama. This is incredible.
This is La Muerte's castle.
I don't see it.
Come, she will help you
find my new daughter-in-law.
- It's so pretty!
- Now, this is a castle!
We were always La Muerte's favorites.
You know how bullfighters flirt with death?
And that's why there are
so many of you down here.
La Muerte's throwing a big Day
of the Dead fiesta for everyone!
Ask her, mijo.
My lady, could you help
me find Maria Posada?
No one here can help you, bullfighter.
The Land of the Remembered
has a new ruler!
- Who, you ask? Lil' old me.
- You again?
But La Muerte would never
hand her domain over to you.
She lost a bet.
She would do that.
This land is finally mine!
- All thanks to you, Manolo.
- What?
La Muerte bet that
Maria would marry you.
I bet that Maria would marry Joaquin.
And since you're not around anymore...
Maria is going to marry Joaquin just to,
you know, protect her beloved town.
So, I win.
No, but Maria passed away.
I saw her. Oh, no.
Oh, yes.
- Mijo, what is it?
- One snake bite merely put her in a trance.
My champion easily woke...
the sleeping beauty.
Oh, my goodness. It's a miracle!
Thank you
I'm... I'm...
One bite? Your snake! It bit me twice!
You cheated! You will pay for this!
In all my years, no one, in any realm...
has ever talked to me
like that and survived.
So, I ask you...
Are you threatening me, boy?
I will expose you to La Muerte.
And then you and me can settle things!
You'll never reach her in her new realm.
I should know. I rotted there for eons.
Now, if you'd all excuse me,
I have a wedding to plan. Chao!
What happened?
- Wait, where's Manolo?
- I'm sorry, Maria.
Manolo... Manolo passed away.
No. It can't be.
I'm sorry, dear.
Maria, we are all sorry
Manolo is gone...
but Joaquin just saved your life.
You see? He will always protect you.
General, this is not the time.
Please, for everyone's sake, mija.
Make him stay.
Will you stay in
San Angel if I marry you?
- Yes, but you don't...
- I accept Joaquin's proposal.
Young love.
I have to find La Muerte!
Please. Please, help me.
- Mijo, stay here with us.
- No more worries.
- Epic fiestas every day.
- With the whole Sanchez family.
And all-you-can-eat churros.
Tha... thank you, guys. But, no.
I need to be with Maria.
It's all I ever wanted.
- How's Manolo gonna get back?
- He's stuck there forever!
And Maria is gonna marry Joaquin!
All right, do you want me to continue?
So, one thing was for sure...
Manolo needed help from his family.
- If La Muerte is where Xibalba rotted away...
- Then she's in the Land of the Forgotten.
- No, no, no.
- Quiet, you!
Manolo, there's only one way to
get to the Land of the Forgotten.
Through the Cave of Souls
Going there would be certain doom!
Well... It's a good day for doom.
He's a Sanchez, I tell you!
A Sanchez!
This is impossible!
Hey! Good luck, little Sanchez!
The legendary Cave of Souls
was rumored to be at the edge
of the Land of the Remembered.
Now, many had tried to reach it,
but none had ever returned.
At least, not in one piece.
Caramba, it hurts just looking at it.
Why couldn't this be
the elevator of souls?
My arthritis is killing me!
Are we there yet?
We made it, mijo.
Come on! What are you guys waiting for?
You are not worthy!
Hey! My arthritis is gone!
Face the labyrinth and earn
the right to be judged.
I can't see him! Lift me up! I see him!
Where did he go?
- What? What's happening?
- It's okay, honey. He's totally okay.
Run for your life!
Ay, that was so beautiful.
You have earned the right to be judged.
But be warned.
No mortal has ever passed.
For Maria.
Manolo Sanchez...
your heart is pure and courageous.
You and yours may enter.
Ay, mijo. Don't do that again!
This is the Cave of Souls?
Grandpa! Show some respect.
That... was...
awesome, man! Look,
the giant boulders were like...
"Boom, boom, boom!"
And then, you were, like...
And then, the cave guardian,
he came in, and he was like...
"I'm going to judge you
with this giant sword."
- Excuse me? Sir!
- And then, you... you...
You got through.
- I have to find La Muerte.
- La Muerte?
- Sorry, you missed her, Manolo.
- Wait! You know me?
Yeah, man. We know everybody.
We know Luis, Carmen, and Puddle.
How are you doing, puddle?
Hello, puddle.
It's all here in the Book of Life.
Wait, where are my manners?
Come on in, y'all!
Manolo and his family were the first
to ever see the magic waterfalls
that linked all the realms.
Welcome to the Cave of Souls!
Mi casa es su casa.
Now, this is a cave!
You see all these candles?
Each one is a life.
And I'm your humble,
yet strikingly handsome...
Candle Maker!
- I don't get it.
- Wait, wait, wait! I didn't do the thing.
I got to do the thing. Watch this.
Amazing? This is our work!
This is what we do!
Look! That group, that's your town.
And there, that's Maria.
And next to her, Manolo.
One aflame with life, the other...
You see, as long as someone
alive remembers you...
you get to live in the
Land of the Remembered.
- Santa Gordita!
- What is it?
Chakal is on the march.
With him comes the end of your town.
And there will be no one
left to remember you.
We would all be forgotten.
Please, Candle Maker.
Come on, help me go back.
I can't do that, Manolo.
Santa Chihuahua!
Okay, okay. Look, guys, the Book
of Life holds everyone's story.
But the pages on Manolo's life...
They're blank!
You didn't live the life
that was written for you.
You are writing your own story!
That's good?
So this means you'll
help me find La Muerte?
Well, I'm not supposed to interfere,
but I may be able to bend the rules.
Just a little.
After all, it is the Day of the Dead.
Right, book?
Come on, let's do this.
I'll take you to La Muerte.
- I'm going alone.
- Alone?
- Hold on, now.
- Fine. I'm going alone, too...
- Can I get a word in?
- ...right next to you.
- Actually...
- We should go.
"We"? No! It's much too
dangerous for a lady!
- No retreat!
- Hold on!
No surrender!
I tried to warn them.
I immediately regret this decision!
Are you sure we're in the right place?
You Sanchezes need to look before
you go jumping into magic waterfalls.
What if you jump into the wrong one?
You might end up in Tijuana.
I think I died there.
Welcome to the Land of the Forgotten.
You poor things.
And that's gonna happen to us
if we don't hurry. Come on.
There it is, Xibalba's castle.
La Muerte! I need a
word with you, my lady!
Manolo? But how did you get here?
I had some help.
- Hey, there.
- Candle maker.
Carmen! And the head of Luis?
Great, my arthritis is back.
I know about the wager. Xibalba cheated.
- He did what?
- Yeah! With a two-headed snake!
You might want to cover
your ears right now.
Yes, my dear?
You misbegotten son of a
leprous donkey! You cheated!
- Again!
- I did no such thing.
Oh, that.
It has a mind of its own. Or two.
- That is unforgivable!
- Oh, please!
I never sent that snake to Maria,
and I never gave that medal to Joaquin!
What medal?
The one I never gave him.
Ever. At all. Never.
Who is this Joaquin?
You gave Joaquin the
medal of everlasting life?
"Medal of everlasting life"?
Whoever wears the medal
cannot die or be injured.
Please, can you help me up?
Thank you.
Can I get a slap, too?
- My son did not deserve this.
- Come on, I have to go back.
It's only fair.
Please, Balby?
- "Balby"?
- No. Never.
- You better do this!
- No.
Hey, what about a wager?
- A wager?
- If I win you give me my life back.
- You have nothing I want.
- But I do.
If you win, Xibalba,
you can rule both realms.
You name the task, anything you want,
and I will beat you.
What? Are you afraid you might lose?
What you doing, kid?
Do we have a deal?
We have a deal.
Now, tell me, boy,
what keeps you up at night?
What eats at you from the inside?
What, do tell, is your worst fear?
Got it.
Manolo Sanchez!
You will have to defeat every bull
the Sanchez family ever finished!
That would be thousands!
All... at... once!
If you complete this task
you will live again.
And if you fail, you will be forgotten.
- Forever.
- This is impossible. It can't be done!
Vamos, toro. Venga.
You can do it!
Are you two all right?
Chakal is coming!
With a whole army behind him!
You boys warn General Posada.
I will buy you some time.
Who wants to go first?
I hate bullfighters.
Then come and get some.
Manolo! Get out of there!
What is happening?
- Carlos!
- Carmen!
Manolo! Your father is here!
Chakal and his men are at
the gates of San Angel!
Man, this is a whole lot of bull.
Maria Posada...
do you take Joaquin to be your husband?
Yes. For San Angel, I do.
And Joaquin... do you take
Maria to be your wife?
Chakal is here!
My medal. It's on my other suit.
I gotta go.
But Joaquin is the only one
who can defeat Chakal.
We can fight them together, Pap.
Toro! Toro, venga!
Venga, torote. Venga.
Get up and fight like a Sanchez!
Mama? What are you doing here?
Everyone! Listen up!
I know you're scared,
but look around you.
- Do you know what I see?
- No.
I see proud people ready to
fight for their beloved town.
And I see that inside each of you is
a strength that cannot be measured.
Yes... even in you, Pepe.
This Day of the Dead
will never be forgotten!
We will teach Chakal that he's
messing with the wrong town.
San Angel... I swear by those before us,
we will not fall! Not today.
Not ever! Now, who's with me?
You are like the son I never had!
But much prettier!
Hey, Chakal! Why don't you
pick on someone your own size?
Because no one's that big, man.
- Where have you been?
- Thank goodness you're...
Hey! Soldier boy.
You give me that medal. Right now!
All this is about a stupid medal?
- Are you kidding me?
- Not now, Maria. It's Joaquin time.
Hey, buddy, let's talk about this.
Toro! Venga, toro!
- The beast is out!
- Time to finish this.
Finish him! Finish him!
What is he doing?
Toro, I am humbled
for tonight, I understand
Your royal blood was never meant
to decorate this sand
You've suffered great injustice
so have thousands before you
I offer an apology and one long overdue
I am sorry
Toro, I am sorry
Hear my song and know I sing the truth
Although we were bred to fight
I reach for kindness
in your heart tonight
And if you can forgive
And if you can forgive
Love can truly live
And if you can forgive
and if you can forgive
Love can truly live
And if you can forgive
and if you can forgive
Love will truly live
- He did it!
- Yes, he did.
Yeah. I'll give him that.
- But how did Manolo do this?
- He's a Sanchez.
Xibalba had been wrong.
Manolo's fear was never bullfighting.
I told you, a Sanchez
man never apologizes.
- Pap, I...
- But you just changed that.
I should have been a better father.
I am very sorry.
No. You only wanted
what was best for me.
I'm so proud of you, son.
- I love you, Pap.
- Ay, mijo.
And at that moment,
Manolo conquered his greatest fear...
being himself.
In accordance with the ancient rules...
we give you life.
Be careful up there, mijo.
Please, Chakal... just don't hurt them.
Yes. Yes! The medal is mine!
Hold this for me, amigo.
So, my father tells me
you hate bullfighters.
I hate everybody.
Yeah. Yeah, mang.
Okay. Let's do this.
You and what army?
It's the Day of the Dead, Manolo.
And on our day,
we have a certain amount of...
- Leeway.
- Good luck!
Thank you!
- No retreat.
- No surrender!
He gonna do it now!
Familia Sanchez, al ataque.
Ay, ay, ay, ay
Canta y no llores
Porque cantando se alegran
Los co...
We should get that guy for the band.
- Now, is your turn!
- Okay, I sing good, too.
I was like, "I think you look good.
I like your hair."
And he was like, "I like your hair."
Are you wearing my boots?
They look better on me.
Come here, lover boy!
Thank you
Hold me!
Chakal! We found the medal!
My comrades.
Unleash the fury!
- I'm done playing!
- I got it. I got this.
No, no, no! I got this!
Did I tell you I also studied kung fu?
- Enough!
- Look out!
Let go of me!
Get me my medal, or your woman will pay!
Men. Typical!
- Go find the medal.
- But Maria...
Find the medal. I'll handle this.
Got it. Joaquin!
I save you, little Sanchez!
Good luck, Manolo!
Kick his butt, grandson.
- Epa! Where do you think you're going?
- I have to get up there!
I was right! You have become
the greatest Sanchez ever!
- Care to dance, seorita?
- I thought you'd never ask.
Pretty good, guitarrista.
Now it's your turn!
Watch out, sisters! Save yourselves!
Hi, Maria!
I'm taking this whole town with me!
No more shadows, Dad.
No retreat?
No surrender.
- Manolo, the column!
- I got it.
No. No!
- Don't stop fighting for what's right.
- Wait, what?
Adios, brother.
What is he doing?
Don't forget me.
Chakal is defeated! Retreat!
It's me, mi Amor.
But how did you survive?
Don't look at me.
You gave me the medal.
You were going to sacrifice
yourself... for me.
I thought it might be time...
to be a true hero.
Like you, Manolo.
Are you all right?
I've never seen more clearly.
It's time to cast our own shadows.
And write our... our own stories.
And so, Joaquin learned
that to be a true hero...
You have to be selfless.
There is one more thing we need to do...
Do you take Manolo as your husband?
I do.
By the power vested in
us by the Book of Life...
We now pronounce you husband and wife.
You may kiss...
The groom?
She is gonna be a great Sanchez.
And today was a good day... of the Dead.
Well... I believe you've
won the wager, mi Amor.
Along with my heart, all over again.
Ay, Balby.
I'm so sorry, my love.
You deserve better than me.
I know that now.
Will you ever forgive me?
I do.
Husband, how about a song?
As you wish, Mrs. Sanchez.
I will stay by you
Even when we fall
I will be the rock that holds you up
and lifts you high so you stand tall
And I won't let you fall
I won't let you go
No matter where you are
No matter where you are
I'll be there
No matter where you are
no matter where you are
I'll be there
So tear apart these giant hearts
That beat inside us now
Let's give ourselves our promises
of our unending...
And I won't let you fall
I won't let you fall
I won't let you go
I won't let you go
No matter where you are
no matter where you are
I'll be there
I will be there
No matter where you are
No matter where you are
I'll be there
I will be there
No matter where you are
no matter where you are
I'll be there
I'll be there
And the world keeps spinning
and the tales keep turning
and people come, and people go...
but they are never forgotten.
And the one truth we know,
it held true one more time...
that love, true love,
the really, really good kind of love...
never dies.
- Caramba, it gets me every time.
- Okay, kids, closing time.
Your bus should be
outside waiting for you.
Adios, pretty lady!
- Adios, Sasha!
- La Muerte?
La Muerte!
You never cease to amaze me,
mi Amor. Such passion.
Anyone can die. These kids,
they will have the courage to live.
I'll wager you are right, my love.
Hey, write your own story.
And I won't let you fall
I won't let you go
No matter where you are
No matter where you are
I'll be there
No matter where you are
No matter where you are
I'll be there
Oh, whoa
No matter where you are
No matter where you are
I'll be there
I'll be there
If you listen
To the rhythm
Calling out in the dark
Can you hear it?
That's your spirit
Just follow your heart
So if you're feeling
like dancing frequently
Just tune in the magic frequency
Don't worry about it
'cause we're gonna burn up
Live life like it's a song
So turn it on and sing along
It's all right if it goes wrong
Just keep calm and carry on
On a single note
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Live life like it's a song
So turn it on and sing along
It's all right if it goes wrong
Just keep calm and carry on
On a single note
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Live life
Toro, I am humbled
For tonight I understand
Your royal blood was never meant
to decorate the sand
You've suffered great injustice
So have thousands before you
I offer an apology
And one long overdue
I am sorry
Toro, I am sorry
Hear my song
And know I sing the truth
Although you were bred to fight
I reach for kindness
in your heart tonight
And if you can forgive
And if you can forgive
Love can truly live
And if you can forgive
And if you can forgive
Love can truly live
Toro, I am frightened
but I'll use my final breath
To tell you that I'm sorry
let us end this dance of death
Two centuries of agony
that to your heart we sent
Here and now with my amor
This senseless killing ends
I am sorry
Toro, I'm sorry
Hear my song
And know I sing the truth
Although you were bred to fight
I reach for kindness
in your heart tonight
And if you can forgive
And if you can forgive
Love can truly live
And if you can forgive
And if you can forgive
Love can truly live