The Boy Who Cried Werewolf (2010)

Come on.
What's your problem?
Hunter, how many times have I.
Told you not to do that to me?
This is a really good one.
Come on, we have to make.
Destruktor iv: The download
Of death.
Did I tell you destruktor iv
Comes out this weekend.
Yeah, you mentioned it. It's
Rated "r."
dad said he'd take me.
No, he said, "we'll see."
W what are we having?
Tofu stir fry.
Just because you're
A vegetarian doesn't mean we
Have to starve. Humans eat meat,
Jordan. It's why we have these.
Move. Thank you.
Why do we have 4 places?
I invited Ms. Carlsburg from
Down the street over for dinner.
Why would you do that?
I thought it would be good
For dad. Be nice to her.
Yeah, yeah. Just grabbing
A quick bite, all right. I'll
See you soon. Uh, bye-bye. I'll
Call you back. Hello.
Hi, dad.
Guys, what's going on?
You remember Ms. Carlsburg.
Sure. Hey.
Good. Um, uh, can you give us
A moment? Jordan.
You can't just leave, dad.
I have another call across
Town. It's a big one. A rewire
Job. It could be a lot of money.
Ms. Carlsburg, I'm awfully
Thirsty. Do you think you could
Go get me some soda out of
The fridge?
Oh, of course, sweetie.
I just thought it'd be good
For you.
Jordan, I appreciate
The effort, but I told you, when
It's time, when I'm ready, I'll
Find my own date.
Sorry to interrupt.
Oh. Good pie. Mmm.
Thank you. Hunter wanted some
More soda.
All right.
Jordan, he's over there. Ask
Him to the prom.
Forget it. No possible way.
J, you've been drooling over
Court mccann since he
Transferred from Harrison.
I don't drool. And besides,
What am I gonna say to him?
Nothing. You say nothing.
Look at Ashley and whit.
They got it down.
The hair flip.
The lip pout.
The overgiggle.
It's a language all its own.
This is not the time to be
A mouse, Jordan. You're
The predator, and he's your
All right. See ya.
Bye, court.
Dang it. I forgot my wallet.
Oh. Here, let me. Uh.
Let me, um. I can.
Wow. Thanks, Judy.
Uh, it's actually Jordan.
Um, what's with your face?
You're joking, right?
You and court mccann? It's
Never gonna happen, sweetie.
Heads up!
Come on, sands. Get a hand
Your sister kind of stinks,
Are you sure that's the bag?
Patience, my son.
Come on, sands. Did I say you
Could take a break? You want to
Make this team, I'm gonna need
A little more effort.
Here we go. Watch this.
Hey, isn't that your loser
Brother, sands?
I've never seen him before in
My life.
Freak. Now you'll never make
The team.
Ok, so this one really needs to
Be paid. And, um, the rest of
Them can wait until the 15th.
Dad, everything's gonna be
All right, isn't it?
Mmm. Sure. Of course it is,
But we need a miracle.
A big, big miracle.
Hey, look, I don't want you guys
To worry, all right? We will
Figure this out. I promise you.
Oh, and, um, there's
Something else that I just...
yeah? What's that?
Suspended again?
The principal says hunter was
Acting out.
Hunter, grab the camera. I
Can't hold it through the mask.
Ok. I'm gonna sneak up on him.
You freaked me out.
Come over here.
What are you doing?
This is so brilliant, hunter.
Not brilliant.
It's not funny. Would you put
The entrails down, please?
Hunter, this has to stop. It was
Ok when you were a kid, but it's
Time to grow up.
Dad, I've been 14 for like
A month.
You got to start living in
The real world. Ok? And in
The real world, there's no
Destruktor. All right, there's
No mutilator. There's no aliens.
Just because you don't
Believe it doesn't mean it's not
I miss her, too.
One more of these, one more, all
This goes away. Ok?
Yeah. I got it.
Good night.
It's the middle of the night,
Hunter. If this is one of your...
no, it's not. Just open it.
Ok. "Dear sands family.
Greetings from wolfsberg,
Romania? Who's from Romania?
Vampires. What, I'm just
"we regret to inform you of
The passing of your great Uncle
Dragumeer... dragomir vookavik.
Your presence is requested this
Saturday for the reading of his
Last will and testament, at
Which time possession
Of wolfsberg manor will be
Transferred to you."
wolfsberg manor?
No, it's not me. There was
This creepy guy outside
The door and he was watching me.
I don't know, he must have left
It. Look, there's a number. Call
It if you don't believe me.
That was the executor's
What's they say?
It looks like your mother's
Great Uncle has left us
Everything. Including his
See? I told you. We're rich.
No, we're not rich, hunter.
Dad, how come mom never told us
We have relatives in Romania?
I have no idea, sweetie.
Dude, I'm going to Romania.
Yeah, I don't know. Let me ask.
Hey, dad, can we go see
Dracula's castle?
Ok. Well, he's undecided. Yeah.
Ok. Yeah, I'm gonna go pack.
Dad, you're not seriously
Considering this, are you?
Here we are, kids.
We made it.
Welcome to wolfsberg airport.
Aw, cool. Silver bullets.
I will rip flesh from bone.
And stitch it into a bonnet.
Destruktor III.
Fashion kills.
You here for the fest, bro?
The fest?
Wolfsberg moonlight mania.
The greatest monster fest this
Side of the big apple.
They have it every year to honor
The beast.
What's the beast?
Bro, you're wearing
Destruktor gear and you don't
Know about the wolfsberg beast?
- uh-uh.
Every year, this time, at
The full moon, the beast appears
Atop the highest peak in town
And howls his warning.
Warning to who?
Vampires, brother. He's
Telling them to stay away.
Wolfsberg belongs to him. Bro,
Seriously, worldwide Web. Log
Hey, hunter. Let's go.
I gotta go.
Ok, bro. I'll see you at
The festival.
Yeah, that'd be awesome. Hey,
Dad, can we see the beast?
What's the beast?
Whatever it is, we're not
Here to see the animals.
You need taxi?
Yes. Uh, we're going to
1212 lichenthro...
wolfsberg manor. Of course.
What is that?
Ahh, he's rasputin.
I'm not getting in there.
She's afraid of dogs, dude.
He's man's best friend. All
Bite, no bark. Ha ha!
Honey, it's just a dog.
That is not just a dog.
It's late.
Let's go.
Ohh. I don't want to get in.
I don't want to do this.
Just go. Hurry up.
Don't push me.
Told you.
Uh, hello. I'm David sands. You
Must be...
I am madame varcolac.
You will follow me.
So, have you lived here long?
What? Just trying to make
Boy, girl, your rooms. This
Way. Father, your room,
That way.
Have one rule. Stay in room at
Night. Lock door.
Actually, that's 2 rules.
Hunter, don't argue with
Madame varcolac.
Ok. Goo bed. Go, go, go.
Go. Lock your doors. I'm locking
Mine. Love you.
Check this out. "To dragomir.
The strength of the pack is
The wolf and the strength of
The wolf is the pack. Best
Wishes, rudeyard kipling."
That's what mom always used to
Say. Who's this kipling dude?
It's from the jungle book by.
Rudyard kipling. Mom was quoting.
Him. Now, come on, let's go.
Do you really want to get her.
Madame varcolac.
Get to rooms.
Huh, what's this?
"properties by paulina."
With my compliments paulina van.
Eckberg, your local real estate.
Uh, before you open that, I.
Think you should know that I.
Don't eat...
Bels and cream cheese. It.
Was dragomir's favorite.
Uh, madame varcolac?
Uh, we're going into town after.
Breakfast. Is there anything you.
I give you list.
Is there an Internet cafe? I.
Need to get online.
We have world wide Web here,
You do?
Da. Password is brangelina.
Careful on road.
Is speed trap.
Hey, kids. "Properties by.
Paulina." that's it. Hey, um,
I'll catch up with you guys.
Later. Ok? Oh, hunter.
Don't bring home any stray.
Welcome. Welcome. Everybody.
Gather round.
No way.
Behold the great protector of.
Wolfsberg. The beast reigns.
Supreme. Behold the great.
Protector of wolfsberg.
The beast reigns supreme.
Children, why you laugh?
This place is awesome. Let's.
Cruise around, check it out.
No, we're not cruising. We.
Have a list.
Oh, look at this.
There's the market.
I think. Come on.
Whoa, check this out.
Oh, cool. Snake venom.
"be back in a jiff."
I am sorry. So sorry. I am.
Big klutz.
Yeah, me, too. Um, can you.
Get this off me?
Here. Please, give me.
Thanks. Uh.
Goran. I, uh, I am Goran.
Um, I'm Jordan.
Perhaps I could help you with.
Your shopping.
That'd be great, actually.
Yeah. I have a list but I don't.
Really understand anything on.
It. Uh, so, do you...
Oh. Sigur.
Ahh, madame varcolac.
She can be very difficult to.
I...So, Jordan, you are
Yes, I am.
I have always wanted to go to
I want to get punk'd and I.
Want to sing take me out to.
The ballgame .
It is stupid, right?
No, it's not stupid at all. I.
Mean, I've always wanted to play.
At the soccer world cup.
Maybe you will.
Jordan, um...
Oh. Sorry.
Maybe while you are here, I.
Can show you around wolfsberg.
It is a very beautiful town.
Especially under the full moon.
Oh, uh, I don't know. I mean,
You know, I have to take care of.
My brother and, um, I'm only.
Here for a few days, so I don't.
Think I'm gonna be able to... oh!
Oy! Oy!
Oh, my gosh, I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry, Goran. I didn't mean.
It's ok. No problema.
I knew the American girls were.
Beautiful. She is...
A vegetarian. Don't even.
Waste your time on that. All.
Right, so how much for the eye.
Of newt?
Uh, madame varcolac.
I am so completely sorry for.
Your loss. I just... I haven't.
Been able to get poor old.
Dragomir out of my head.
And you must be David.
How did you know?
You look just like your.
Ahh. Well, between you and.
Me, I'm just as sweet.
So sweet I gave you a cavity.
Um, manners. Would you like.
Thank you.
Come in?
Oh, wow. Now this is.
Stunning. And you must be.
The dashing young hunter and the.
Exquisite Jordan.
Do we know you?
Well, I know you. It's not.
Every day wolfsberg manor.
Changes hands. That makes y'all.
Famous around here.
Ha ha ha!
That's my camera.
So, David, I was hoping you were.
Free for dinner tonight.
He's totally free.
I'm totally free.
I know an adorable little.
Bistro that would be the perfect.
Place for us to get acquainted.
Welcome to velvet cape.
Please follow me.
Is everything acceptable with.
Your meal?
Actually, mine's a little on.
The rare side.
Mmm. That's my bad. I like.
Mine still walking.
Could you cook it?
You know, Jordan has been trying.
To convince me to get out more,
Meet new people. Hunter, on.
The other hand...
Isn't too thrilled with.
The idea.
Which is understandable. I.
Mean, he was really close to his.
Wow, you picked up on that.
I've got this crazy sixth.
Sense. Some people actually.
Think I'm kind of spooky. Can.
You imagine anyone calling me.
You got me.
Whoo. Someone's.
A scaredy-cat.
J, relax. Try to have some.
You guys know I hate parties.
Hang out for a little while.
Court's for sure gonna be here.
You may want to ditch.
The glasses and put on some.
Make-up, though.
So I checked.
Underworldblog. Net,
And rippedtoshreds. Org. They all.
Say the same thing... wolfsberg.
Beast is just a guy in a suit.
Those sites are.
Commercialized garbage run by.
Lame grownups.
The real stuff is on.
The underground blogs. We found.
A guy who actually spent a whole.
Year in wolfsberg. And I quote,
"there is no doubt in my mind."
That the wolfsberg beast exists.
I have seen it from as close.
"As 100 yards and... "
come on, please.
What happened to the Internet?
What happened to your face?
I was at a party.
A costume party?
Not funny. Can you fix it?
Yeah. We've just got to find.
The router and reset it.
Come on.
So, the castle, what do you.
Wolfsberg manor. It's.
It is, isn't it?
David, are you absolutely.
Sure you want to sell it? It's.
Been in your family forever.
I know. I know. I'm just not.
Sure we really have a choice.
Times are tough.
You are gonna sit back and.
Leave everything to me. I've won.
The romanian real estate.
Association's crimson jacket.
Award 5 years in a row.
Wow. Congratulations.
Thank you.
Is it ok?
Come on, come on. Signal.
Hey, here's where the signal for.
The wireless is the strongest.
Great. So where is it?
It's got to be behind this.
Oh, come on.
Hello. Creepy castle. Usually.
One of the older books triggers.
Universal remote.
You know, maybe we shouldn't.
Be in here. I mean, what if.
Madame varcolac...
I really hate that.
How do you think she feels?
Man, this place is awesome.
It's creepy.
Hey, I found the router.
Just fix it, and let's get.
Out of here.
Ugh. Disgusting.
Ugh. Gross.
"l. B. 217." huh.
Good going.
You are so immature.
There's blood everywhere.
I don't know what to do.
Come on.
I stepped on some glass.
Would you hurry up?
Just duck. Duck.
All right.
Do you think she's gone?
I don't know.
Hunter, cut it out.
Stop making that noise.
It wasn't me.
Get some light.
Those are...
Who has a room full of bats.
In their house?
Uncle d, he was.
Living large.
Ow! Ow, ow.
I haven't even touched.
You yet.
Well, just do it already.
Ok, you have to stop moving.
Uhh. Got it.
It's gnarly.
Could this night.
Get any worse?
It's good, right?
This looks great.
Did you guys hear anything.
Weird last night?
Not me. I slept like a dog.
You mean "log."
yeah. That's what I said.
Vat is matter? You don't.
Like porridge?
No! It's great.
Mmm. Yummy.
Hey, dad! Tell us about.
Your date.
It wasn't a date.
It was just business.
Sure it was, dad.
All right. To tell you.
The truth, uh, it was great to.
Get out and have a nice meal.
With an attractive woman.
Dude. Are you drooling?
What? No. I don't drool.
I mean, we did talk about.
The castle and all. But I have.
To say, she seemed pretty.
Interested in your dear old dad.
Madame v, where are you gonna.
Live after we sell the castle?
I'm sure she has family,
Dragomir was my family.
Guys, we'll.
Figure this out. Ok? We're not.
Gonna leave anyone out on.
The street. Ok?
So, how did Uncle dragomir.
Die, anyway?
Hunter, I'm sure madame v.
Doesn't want to talk about that.
Is ok.
Vas tragic hunting accident.
What was he like? Was he.
Like Dr. Frankenstein?
Dragomir was brilliant man.
With kind heart. Sigur.
Dad! You know what you should.
Do? Bring paulina flowers. Women.
Love that stuff.
Mmm. Plate.
Paulina? It's David sands.
Animals bleating in background]
oh, hunter, you're never.
Gonna like anyone dad goes.
Out with.
That's not t it.
Oh, sure it is. It's natural!
But it's ok. You'll get.
Past that. Ohh, come.
My sweet, sweet little brother,
Everything will be ok! Ohh.
Uhh! What are you doing?
I have no idea.
Do you smell that?
Smell what?
Cotton candy!
I love cotton candy. Come on.
How did you smell that?
This place is amazing.
Mean, the costumes, the shops,
The people... it'susust beautiful.
So beautiful.
Are you ok, Jordan?
I don't know. Do I look ok?
Let's go play in the park!
What park?
Can't you hear it?
No. Jordan...
Oh, my gosh. Look at all that.
Grass. I love grass!
What? No, you don't.
You're allergic to grass...
And dogs.
Hey, guys.
Jordan, what is up with you?
Whoa, whoa!
Hey, you! Uhh.
You are very strong.
Thanks. So, what are.
You doin'?
I...Was delivering, and, uh,
Now I must go tenderize.
Oh. Goran, I've been.
Thinking. You know, maybe
I was wrong.
About vat?
You know, at first, I thought.
This whole vegetarian-butcher.
Thing was gonna be way too.
Weird, but now I'm thinking.
Not so much.
Really. So, if the invitation.
Is still open, I'd like to take.
You up on that moonlight tour.
You would?
Quiet, hunter.
So, are we on?
Yes. Yes, we're on.
Yay. Grr.
Heh heh heh!
What? He's cute.
He's a butcher!
Are you kidding me?
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
Me? I'm, uh,
I'm getting ready for my date.
Found this outside your door.
Ahem. Heh. Hunter, you've.
Been acting rely strange.
Lately. You know, right?
I'm fine. Are you all right?
I'm fine.
So, now that we're both.
All right, why don't you go and.
Chat with your little friends.
Online so I won't be late?
Oh, my gosh.
They're scrumpdillyicious.
Look at our little faces.
Aw. We're so cute.
Madame varcolac.
Uh, you remember paulina.
You will clean up mess.
In kitchen.
Of course.
Shh! Busted.
She's the mayor.
Of creepytown.
So, what do you know about.
Her, anyway?
Oh, there's all kinds.
Of rumors.
What kind of rumors?
Oh, David, I shouldn't say.
I just... I hate gossip.
But dragomir did die under.
Mysterious circumstances.
There are those that believe.
That madame v may have...
But come on. Heh. That's crazy,
Right? I mean, there's no way.
She could have...
Is there?
You said it yourself. She's.
Eating meat, she can hear from.
A mile away, and she can smell.
Like a bloodhound.
Dude, your sister is.
A werewolf.
Maybe she's just hormonal.
Let's review. There are
3 ways to become a werewolf.
First, you're in the bloodline.
Of a werewolf family.
But there's no transformation.
Until the full moon's at its.
Highest point, which isn't.
Until tomorrow night.
So, that rules out Jordan.
Running a close second is.
The werewolf bite.
- old school, hard-core.
But she didn't get bitten,
Which brings us to number 3...
Infection by the blood of.
A werewolf.
Heh heh heh. Sound familiar?
How do you know it was.
Werewolf blood?
L.B. 217.
Lichenthrope blood.
Lichenthrope, from.
The ancient greek denoting.
The wolf man transformation.
Those effects start immediately.
After exposure. That, my friend,
Is what you are dealing with.
Great. What do I do?
Where's Jordan?
I think she's getting ready.
For a dinner date or something.
Dude, no!
Don't you get it, bro?!
Her date is the dinner!
Good evening, Goran.
Jordan, uh, you...
Is everything all right?
Oh, it's perfect...
Just perfect.
Dude, what's happening?
She morphed into the beast?
You are too much.
No, not exactly.
They're on the move.
I don't know what it is, but.
In wolfsberg, I feel like.
Another person... you know,
Strong, alive? You know what
I mean?
Mmm, not so much.
Oh, it's like everything is.
Possible. I can do anything
I want.
Be careful!
Awesome! Uhh!
Come on!
What happened?
She stuck the landing.
What do you say we take.
That tour of the town?
Come on.
Sure. Heh heh.
What's she doing now?
What, like, break dancing?
No, just dancing.
It's not dancing, bro. It's.
Luring. Don't you get it? She's.
Weeding him from the pack. She's.
Gonna turn him into a romanian.
Combo platter.
You have to stop her!
What do you want?
Why are you following me?
Hurry. We don't have.
Much time.
What? What are you.
Talking about?
They will come for you.
You must prepare. I will.
Be watching.
Uh, dude, what was that?
I have no idea.
Where is Jordan?
Lost her.
Well, you better find her.
Oh, gosh. Jordan, no!
What are you doing here?
I don't know...
I thought you were gonna...
Thought I was gonna what?
Never mind.
What are you guys up to?
Well, we were having.
A romantic evening.
Weren't we, Goran?
Until you ruined it!
You are in.
So much trouble.A
your sister...
She's very...Hard-core.
You have no idea.
she'll be comin' around.
The castle when she comes,
She'll be comin' around... .
Hi, paulina.
the castle when she comes,
She'll be comin' around the.
Castle, she'll be comin'...
Did not see that one coming.
I know what's going on. Right.
Now, everything seems great.
- y-you're rolling around in.
The grass and eating steaks and.
Playing with the other dogs.
But...You have no idea how bad.
This can get.
Jordan, look out there.
It's only gonna get worse.
You need help. But I can't.
Help you if you won't let me.
All right, that's it. You're.
A werewolf, and I'm getting dad.
guys! What's going on.
Up there?
- uh...N-nothin', dad.
Just messin' around.
Hunter, don't scare.
Your sister.
Don't worry. It's not.
Gonna happen.
Ok. I'll do anything you want.
Just please don't eat me.
Love you.
Hey, did you guys hear.
All that howling and squealing.
Last night? Something got.
The animals all riled up.
Wolfsberg can be very.
Dangerous place at night.
Girl, you have not touched.
Your food.
I'm not very hungry.
Well, anybody want to hear.
Some good news?
Yes, please.
Looks like we're gonna be.
Able to keep the house.
This house?
No, our house. Paulina says.
We're getting a really good.
Offer on wolfsberg manor. We're.
Gonna get together later so
I can look it over. And if it's.
As good as she says...
- scuzati-ma.
If you will excuse me.
I better go talk to her.
Madame v?
Madame v...
Whoa. Heh.
I have taken care of.
Wolfsberg manor and.
Varcolac family my entire life.
This is all I have ever known.
We will do our best to find.
You another home. I promise.
There is no "another home."
madame v, I have to do what's.
Best for my family.
Trust me. You do not know.
What is best for family.
Excuse me?
You cannot conceive of.
The darkness that will befall.
You if...
Ok. Madame v, let's take a.
Moment. You're creeping me out.
With the...
Thank you. Look, I'm sorry.
Things turned out this way.
I hope you understand.
And I hope that you can.
Understand if wolfsberg manor.
Falls into wrong hands, there.
Will be grave consequences!
Ok, super creepy.
Good chat. I'm.
Going inside now.
This is all your fault.
My fault?
You just had to go looking.
For the creepy hidden lab.
Hey, I was just trying to.
Help you get back to your.
Clown party.
Jordan, no! Would you come down?
No! Go away!
Well, you need to chill out.
You chill out. I ate a wild.
Boar last night. Have you ever.
Seen one of those things?
They're huge!
What if I can't stop myself.
Next time? What if I go after.
You...Or dad?
No. You wouldn't do that.
Says who?
Hunter, you don't know me.
Anymore. I can do things.
Wait. Look. I do know you.
You're gonna be fine.
I'm never gonna be fine.
I am a freak. I'm gonna be stuck.
Like this forever, and nobody's.
Ever gonna want to go to prom.
With me. You know why? 'Cause.
Boys don't want to go to.
The prom with a werewolf!
Ok. First of all, I know.
A ton of guys who would love to.
Go to prom with a werewolf.
And second...I'm your brother.
And I'm not gonna let anything.
Happen to you. This is my area.
Of expertise. I know people who.
Can help us... like, smart people,
Like, highly trained.
You do?
They're experts. I promise.
The strength of the wolf is.
The pack, remember?
Heh. Yeah.
I can't believe you got to.
Be the werewolf.
Silver bullet straight.
Through the heart.
That's the only way.
Are you insane? I can't.
Shoot my sister. Do you know.
How much trouble I'd get in?
Hate to be the bearer of.
Bad news, dude, but that's not.
Your sister anymore.
It's "the beast."
hi. In the room.
These are your experts?
They know what they're.
Talking about.
Yeah. Sure sounds like it.
I'm not shooting my sister.
End of discussion.
Thank you.
All right. Fine. Whatever.
But know this. You have
24 hours.
Until what?
Until she's a werewolf.
Forever. When that full moon.
Disappears, so do her chances of.
Ever being normal again.
That's ridiculous.
- is it? We cross-checked every.
Database, library, blog,
And history book. They all.
Say the same thing.
Exactly the same.
If you remain a werewolf.
Through your first full moon,
You are a werewolf for.
All eternity.
- double-lock your doors, bro.
Tonight's a full moon, and she's.
Gonna hunt.
Forget it. Jordan...
What did we say?
Come on. Jordan, wait!
For what? Your highly trained.
Professionals? No, thanks.
I'll handle it myself.
What's wronwith her?
Full moon?
yeah, yeah,
Yeah, yeah,
Breathtaking, frightening,
These feelings inside me,
Don't know where I'm going,
But I'm hoping far,
Perfectly imperfect, yeah,
It's all been worth it,
The scares and the scars
Ahh, Ahh
holding my own,
Believing it's mine,
Catching the moment.
For real this time
for real this time
letting my destiny.
Speak for itself,
I'm finally trying to be me.
And not somebody else
not somebody else .
Come on. There's gotta.
Be something.
You do not belong here.
Madame varcolac.
Ok. Look, I'm sorry. I... I.
Didn't know what else to do.
My sister's in trouble!
I am aware.
You are?
I know werewolf when
I see one.
You do?
Da. I live with werewolf.
My entire life.
"in death, all answers.
Are revealed."
Uncle dragomir was.
The wolfsberg beast.
Is true. Dragomir was.
Brilliant inventor.
And scientist.
Da. He invented karaoke.
I love karaoke.
Who doesn't?
He was also humanitarian. He.
Know most people cannot handle.
What comes with being werewolf.
What do you mean?
It can be lonely, painful.
Existence... feeding off earth's.
Creatures, slave to full moon.
For some, like your sister,
Who had it thrust upon them,
They could suffer greatly if.
Made to live in this way for.
All eternity.
Plus, I'd never hear the end.
Of it.
Is why dragomir create way.
To reverse effects.
He did?
He wanted give people choice.
Awesome. Where is it?
I have no idea.
Uncle dragomir, help me.
Tell me what to do.
Hey, it's me. I think
I found something.
I don't get it.
Why would Uncle dragomir hide.
Something that can help people?
Because in wrong hands,
It can be used as weapon.
To hurt others.
Like, hurt who?
Those like dragomir, those.
Who must remain werewolf.
What's she doing here?
Is ok. I'm cool.
She is. Uncle dragomir was.
The wolfsberg beast. I told you,
It's all real.
Yeah, I kind of figured that.
Where is writing?
Right there.
Right there.
You will have to read.
Left ochelari... glasses...
At castle.
"a inversa blestemul..."
"to reverse the curse..."
Vat are ingredients?
Uh, "anima de marmota..."
marmot heart.
"larva de vispe..."
larva, vispe.
What? What's the matter?
They are coming.
"they"? Who's "they"?
Da. They are pure evil.
There was time when they rose to.
Power and were close to ruling.
The earth. It was darkest time.
In our history. Your Uncle.
Dragomir and werewolves like him.
Were called upon to deliver all.
Beings from this darkness.
So, werewolves are good?
Of course they are.
1,000 years ago, fierce battle.
Was fought where wolfsberg manor.
Now stands. Vampires and.
Werewolves fought to death.
Thousands on each side were.
Lost. But werewolves prevailed.
This becomes sacred land.
The varcolacs become the great.
Protectors. Now dragomir is.
Gone. Without bloodline werewolf.
To protect the sacred land,
The vampires will try again to.
Gain control. If they do,
It will be signal for them.
To rise up and feed upon.
Human race. No one will be safe.
This will become a world ruled.
By the undead!
Maybe you should tell dad?
What about me? I can protect.
The castle.
No. Must be bloodline.
Werewolf. What is matter, boy?
Whoa, what's wrong?
It's...Just...Got a little.
Lightheaded. I'm ok.
We must hurry. Finish list.
- wh-what about the castle?
First we help girl.
Then we save underworld.
Hornet gloves, we have.
Scorpion tail...Da.
We have.
Yeah, and bat saliva...
I have.
No kidding.
Heart of marmot, we have.
What's a marmot?
It's big squirrel.
Road kill.
Don't even think about it!
There is one ingredient here
I have never heard of.
L.B. 217?
Got it covered.
May I ask what you're making?
Wolfsberg jambalaya.
Has a real kick.
Excuse me, my boy.
oh, baby, baby,
Oh, baby...
hello? Da, Mr. Sands.
I am with children.
I will tell them.
Ah. I'll leave it there.
That was your father.
Tonight he is dining.
At velvet cape.
Was that a Britney Spears.
She's werewolf, you know.
Wow. That explains a lot.
Is everything ok?
Goran, you've been really.
Quiet. I know something's wrong.
I am confused.
When we first met,
You were very...Different.
So shy and awkward,
And so sweet.
I know.
It's been really,
Really weird week for me.
I'm not the same girl.
But I like that girl.
She made me laugh.
Stole my heart.
But now...
Now I am starting to feel.
Like piece of meat.
No. No, Goran, you're not.
It's just...
I've been going through some.
Changes. Changes that you.
Wouldn't understand.
That I don't even understand.
Is something the matter?
Oh, no, no. It's, um,
It's getting chilly.
All right.
We have to go.
Madame v.
We must get girl to castle.
No one must see her.
Aren't we all out.
Of l.B. 217?
Well, what are.
We going to do?
We will improvise,
But now, you must go.
Get taxi. I will finish,
And I will meet you there.
Go. Go, go, go, go, go.
Where are we going to find.
A cab?
I don't know, there's gotta.
Be one around here somewhere.
We just need to keep looking.
You guys!
We have got to stop running into.
Each other like this.
This is crazy.
What are you kids doing?
We're trying to get.
To wolfsberg manor.
How lucky are we? I'm.
Actually on my way to pick up.
Your father right now.
You kids want a ride?
Yeah, that'd be great.
Wolfsberg is just so beautiful.
When the sun goes down.
Don't you think?
Sure you do.
Well, then again,
I am a night owl. Guilty.
How about you all?
I'm not, but she is.
You ok over there, hon bun?
Ahem. I mean, I'm fine.
You know, Jordan, I've noticed.
A change in you since you've.
Got to our sleepy little town.
I don't know, it's like you.
Found some kind of inner.
Strength or something. Which I,
For one, think is so completely.
Fabulous. Hope I'm not off base.
On any of this. Gosh knows
I'm all about that girl power.
What's going on?
Oh, sweetie, I don't know.
I just died.
Ok, no biggie.
Everything happens for a reason.
I'm just going to jiggle.
The little doohickey.
And we'll be on our way.
Two shakes.
I don't think we have.
That much longer.
You gotta hold it in.
I'm trying!
It's not like going to.
The bathroom, hunter.
What was that?
All set.
Paulina, not to freak.
You out or anything,
But there is a bunch of vampires.
Behind you.
Oh, sweetie...
Of course there are!
You're late!
I've got dinner plans.
Get these two bobbleheads.
Out of here.
I'll deal with them...
Once wolfsberg manor is ours.
You're never going to get.
The castle, paulina!
You're never.
Going to get the castle,
Oh, it's funny.
Your Uncle dragomir said.
The exact same thing.
Right before I ki... oops.
Well, you know.
Ok. Toodles.
Oh, great. No service.
What are we going to do?
When they open the trunk,
You have to make a run for it.
What about you?
I can't just leave you here.
Don't worry about me.
I can handle myself. Just go.
Find dad and warn him.
It'll be ok, hunter.
I promise.
Means nothing!
Madame v! Madame v!
Madame v! Wait!
It was you the whole time.
Well, you are now the proud.
Owner of a thousand-year-old.
Romanian castle.
Although, I have to say you seem.
More like the English cottage.
Are you all right?
Yeah. Sorry, I'm just.
A little emotional.
I never thought wolfsberg manor.
Would actually be mine.
Well, I'm glad it's in.
Good hands, you know?
It almost feels like it's still.
In the family.
You have no idea how long.
We've waited for this.
I. Me. It's the royal we.
Dad, don't do it!
Hunter, what are you doing.
Where's my sister?!
Hunter, what's gotten.
Into you?
Where'd you take her?
Pumpkin! Are you feeling ok,
'cause you look a little pale.
You're one to talk!
All right, that's not even.
Remotely funny.
Do you know what else.
Isn't funny?
She is a vampire!
I'm telling you, dad.
Think about it.
Hunter, you're so silly.
Garlic. I need some garlic.
Who has some garlic?
I'm afraid we don't use.
Garlic here.
And why would that be?
Oh, I don't know.
Maybe because this is a vampire.
All right, let's go.
I'm taking you home.
I apologize, everyone.
He has a vivid imagination.
No, I'm not imagining things!
She killed Uncle dragomir!
She's going to send out.
The signal!
Ok, that's... I don't know.
What to say.
David, really,
It's ok. Ooh, Pumpkin,
Are you feeling ok?
You should get him home.
You're right, you're right.
I'm so sorry about this.
No, no, don't ge it another.
Thought. I've got a lot of work.
To do at the office.
You know me, always like to burn.
That midnight oil.
- bye-bye.
All right, come on.
Come on.
I believe you, bro.
They're everywhere.
You ever need any back-up,
Holla at your boy.
I got your back.
I promise! It's all true!
This ends now.
Ok. No more vampires,
No more monsters,
No more aliens.
When we get home, I am getting.
Rid of everything. You got it?
Yeah, fine! Get rid of it.
Sell it all. Just listen!
Not another word.
And Jordan's a werewolf!
Ok, look, there's no reason.
You should believe me.
I mean, I get it. I'm a freak.
I sleep with a severed head.
Under my bed. But you never have.
To believe anything
I ever say again.
But just this once, please, dad!
Hunter, we're going home.
I'm not going anywhere.
My sister needs help.
I'm gonna help her.
Hunter. Hunter! Hunter!
Mom would have believed me.
This is crazy.
Hey, over here.
After you, dad.
You see, dad?
I think it's this way.
I think we're under.
The cemetery.
Yep. Definitely the cemetery.
What is that?
all around the mulberry.
The vampires
Chase the lichenthropes
I'm making a silver bullet.
what a bunch of big dopes
what was that?
Your daughter.
We need to get her back.
To the castle before sunrise,
She's going to be like that.
Oh, she wouldn't like that.
This just never gets old.
Oh, good, you're awake.
Give it a rest.
One strike.
Sorry about your girlfriend,
No, I'm the one who should be.
To both of you.
Hunter, I'm so sorry I didn't.
Believe you.
Jordan, this never should have.
Happened to you, honey.
Your mother would have handled.
This so much better.
But I'm not your mom.
No one is.
But you're our dad.
Hello, paging Dr. Phil!
Paulina! They're just.
Children, let them go.
Oh, David.
Ah, yeah.
Um, unfortunately, that's not.
Gonna work. You see, I've been.
Waiting 300 years for that.
Castle. And I won't let some.
Teenage test tube werewolf.
Get in my way.
You have the castle.
Just take it and let them go.
Let them go.
Well, unfortunately, boo.
Bear, my scrumpdillyicious.
Cookie face,
I can't officially take.
Possession of wolfsberg manor.
If there's a living varcolac.
Key word living.
No one ever reads the contracts.
Now, Hmm, where was I?
Oh, right.
Relax, honey. You're just.
Going to feel a little pinch.
Let me guess...
He just turned 14.
Yeah, last week.
Get him!
Where are you going?
Ugh. I'm never hiring locals.
Back off!
You know what,
I'm gonna bounce.
Ok, kids, kids, kids.
Hunter, you go kick some vampire.
Butt. I'll get Jordan home.
To madame varcolac.
Go, go, go, go!
I'm proud of you, hunter!
Come on.
My kids are werewolves.
Say hello to Uncle dragomir.
For me!
Oh, no, you don't!
You've been a very bad dog.
Hey, Pumpkin. Mommy's got.
A little treat for you.
Great. The whole litter's.
Here. Get her!
Hurry, boy.
You two, get her!
We'll get him.
If you want something done,
You've gotta do it yourself.
You are going to a time-out,
Hunter! Look out!
Relax, paulina.
You'll just feel a little pinch.
- uh-oh!
L.B. 217.
Bloodline of werewolf.
Oh, good, more needles. Ok.
Thanks for coming back for me.
The strength the wolf.
Is the pack, remember?
We can do this.
It's going to be ok, dad.
Why does this guy.
Have a picture of me?
It's not you, boy.
It's dragomir when he turned 14,
Right before his first.
Full moon. Right before.
He become werewolf.
They look exactly the same.
Did you know all along,
Madame v? That I was...
At cemetery, I know.
Dragomir's gravestone.
You could read the writing.
Only eyes of werewolf could do.
This. Was dragomir's way.
Of protecting secret.
How do you do?
You! What are you doing here?
Dad, this is the guy in.
The cloak that I was telling.
You about!
Please, allow me to formally.
Introduce myself. My name.
Is Igor van helman stanislavsky.
I am the executor to your.
Uncle's estate.
You could have just told me!
I was acting on your Uncle's.
Behalf. My job was to look after.
You until certain situations.
Resolved themselves.
And they have, I trust?
They have.
Good, good. Then we can.
Proceed. With your signature,
Wolfsberg manor will officially.
Be passed to the sands family.
The will also stipulates.
That there will always be.
A home and a place of employment.
At wolfsberg manor for madame.
What's this?
This represents the remainder.
Of your Uncle's estate.
Whoa, dad!
Did not see this coming.
I told you! We're rich!
So does this mean we get to.
Keep the house?
This means we get to keep.
Them both.
Well, if there's nothing.
Else, I am closing early.
For moonlight mania.
I hope to see you there.
Oh, just out of curiosity,
Where did dragomir get all.
This money?
He invented karaoke.
Goran, you know,
I'm never going to be the girl.
That you saw in the shop.
That first day.
This I understand.
But as long as she is not.
Completely gone...
She isn't.
But that other girl isn't.
Completely gone either.
I mean, this place.
Has changed me.
It's ok.
Sometimes change is good.
Yeah. I think you're right.
So, where is your brother?
Oh, he's around here.
Behold, the great protector.
Of wolfsberg, the great supreme!
My son...
The great protector.
It's his destiny.
Is hard to believe?
Ah, I'm getting used to it.
Seems like a lot of.
Responsibility for a 14-year-old.
Boy, though.
Boy no longer boy.
Boy is man.
Completely off the chain!
Is that your sister?
you leave me breathless,
Like chasing down the wind,
You leave me breathless,
Where the sky can start again
here, let me pay for that.
Oh, no, I'm fine.
Thanks anyway.
Court mccann!
Come on.
So you and me and prom, or what?
Oh, sorry, I already.
Have a date. But thanks.
hard to understand,
But not too hard to feel,
You leave me breathless
so? What did he say?
He asked me to prom.
Shut up!
I said no.
Ok, are you suffering from.
Some kind of post traumatic.
Romanian stress disorder?
Quite the contrary.
It's just that I already.
Have a date.
believe me
no possible way!
You met the hottie exchange.
Student? Total side of beef!
You have no idea.
Excuse me.
I can't.
Do this any longer
see you at tryouts, girls.
you leave me,
You leave me breathless,
Like chasing down the wind.
Destruktor 4.
the download of death!
Hey, how can we afford
Well, I asked jaclyn
To join us.
If that's ok with you guys.
Yeah, dad. It's awesome.
Hey, but you have seen her
In the daylight, right?
Way ahead of you.
Uh, movie time.
Hey, look, kids,
Someone's moving in across
The street.
Move it, grandma!
I want to get out of this thing
Before the sun comes up!
Paulina's moving in.
oh, baby, baby
- mm-hmm-hmm-hmm
oh, baby, baby
- mm-hmm.
oh, baby, baby
how was I supposed
To know?
that something
Wasn't right here?
oh, baby, baby
I shouldn't
Have let you go
and now you're out of
Sight, yeah
show me how
You want it to be
tell me, baby,
'cause I need to know now,
What you got
my loneliness
is killing me
and I
I must confess
I still believe
still believe
when I'm not with you,
I lose my mind
give me a sign,
Hit me, baby, one more time