The Brass Bottle (1964)

Mr. uh,
Harold Ventimore.
He's in Mr. Beevor's office.
Here I'll sign for it.
Harold, the $40,000 price
bracket houses
are in drawer four.
Take out any one of my sketches,
change the trim,
add a little gingerbread
and they'll love it.
Don't you think
they're entitled to something
a bit more original than that?
Don't waste your effort.
The average client
no more wants an original house
and he wants an original hat.
Time you learned that.
Oh, my kum-kum came
Did you say kum-kum came?
Kum-kum, that's what
the auctioneer called it.
It's spelled with a K,
K-U-M K-U-M.
My Kum-kum came.
The ancient Arabians used
these to carry rose water.
Should come in handy
if you plan to do
much rose water carrying.
It's a welcome home present
for Sylvia's mother and father.
I thought Professor Kenton
was in Europe on a lecture tour.
He was.
But when Sylvia wrote that
we were getting married,
he cut it short.
caught the first jet plane
home in a panic.
Panic? Oh, no,
I never thought of it
in that tone of voice.
Do you really expect
this to impress
a Professor of Egyptology?
Yes. The Auctioneer said
it's an authentic relic.
Authentic my foot.
These cheap reproductions
are turned out by the thousands.
Oh, no, not this one.
You see, it's even got ancient
hieroglyphics around the seal.
Hmm, translated,
they probably say
"Made in Japan."
He's here.
I wish I weren't.
Anthony, you promised.
You know,
every time I hear his name,
I see him in that silly beret
with that silly beard,
painting those silly pictures.
That was in Paris, Father,
the beret and beard
are gone forever.
But he isn't.
You're getting yourself
all worked up, dear.
You're beginning to twitch.
Well, well, how can I help it?
After all the fine young men
that were interested in Sylvia,
she has to fall in love
with a crackpot.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Oh, what's that?
- Surprise. Uh--
where did you get that lamp?
That wasn't here last night.
Well, there was a wonderful sale
on Japanese imports at Sears.
Well, what--
- Where's Harold?
- Well, he was here.
He's, uh, he's out there.
I mean, uh, oh, here he is.
Harold, how nice to see
you again.
- Thank you.
- You come in.
Welcome home, Mrs. Kenton,
Professor Kenton.
Young man, I flew 6,000 miles
just to talk to you.
- Father.
- Anthony.
Why didn't you just say no?
Why did you let
him talk you into it?
I want our marriage to start
off with everybody happy.
Your folks can't be
as long as they've got
any doubts about me.
Are you sure you aren't
the one who has doubts?
Me? Well, now whatever put
a silly thought like
that in your mind?
Well, ever since the Jenkses
came back from Paris
and you moved them
into your home,
all I've been hearing about
is the fun you used to have.
The crazy scavenger hunts
in the Louvre
and the-- the barge you bought
and used for parties
with everybody swimming
in the Seine
at 3:00 in the morning.
Are you sure you aren't going
to miss all that?
Of course not.
We have...
I'm sorry I had to ring.
I forgot my key.
No trouble, darling.
Hazel, come back.
How's it going, Seymour?
I don't know. I'm not finished.
Now, I'm finished.
Oh, you have done it this time.
You have captured the real me.
We have cause to celebrate.
I have a feeling
that the first genuine
Anatole will found a new school.
Who's Anatole?
I finally figured out
why none of my masterpieces
have ever sold.
My name, Seymour Jenks,
it's not artistic.
From now on, it's Anatole.
Yes, yes.
Oh, how nice, Sylvia's parents
brought you a wedding present.
No, I-- I'm just going
to make a Japanese lamp.
Seymour, could you lend me
your hammer and chisel?
Between us, my friend,
it's share and share alike.
You share your home with us,
and in return,
all our worldly goods
we share with you.
What date did the Kentons
set for the wedding?
They didn't.
They made us postpone
it a few months.
How wonderful, Harold,
now we all have cause
to celebrate.
Me because of my masterpiece,
you because of your reprieve.
Let's go out on the town.
I don't think
I'd be very good company.
You go without me.
Take the keys to the car.
Better take the credit card.
Have fun, kids.
What happened?
What's burning?
You're not Seymour.
Who are you?
What are you doing here?
What are you dressed up for?
What is this another one
of Seymour's gags?
Well, why don't you say
Thy tongue is as strange to me
as is thy appearance,
oh, beardless one.
I took the moment
to learn to speak it.
Very funny Seymour
and his dumb gags.
How'd you get in here anyway?
In that,
as though indeed
must surely know
since it was thy hand
that removed the seal.
Oh, cut out
that silly double-talk,
you're not even any good at it.
I was but expressing
my gratitude
for my release
from the brass bottle.
Know, oh, best of mankind,
that I am Fakrash-el-Amash,
one of the Green Jinn.
The Green what?
Surely thou has knowledge
of the Jinn?
Oh, surely, you're a genie
like the one in Aladdin's lamp.
That explains how you fit
into the brass bottle.
- Even so.
- Uh-hmm. All right.
Come on, how much is Seymour
paying you for this corny act?
I have no knowledge
of such a one.
It was King Suleyman the Great.
Son of Daood, who imprisoned me.
You mean, King Solomon?
Yay. Solomon is Suleyman
and Suleyman is Solomon.
Um, let's go talk
to Seymour, shall we?
He's a big King Solomon fan.
Nay, what I have to relate
is for thy ears alone.
Know, oh, young man
of kindness and noble deeds,
that I had a kinswoman
of such surpassing beauty
that King Suleyman
took her as wife 1001.
And it came to pass
that a certain Jarjarees,
son of Rejmoos,
informed the king
that she was my beloved
and not my kinswoman.
Well, that was a pretty
dirty trick.
The great Suleyman,
on whom be peace,
was angered and commanded
that I be imprisoned
in that bottle
and cast into the sea,
there to abide the day of doom.
If I were to serve thee
a thousand years,
I could not requite thee
for my deliverance.
Don't mention it. Excuse me.
get me the police instantly.
I don't know if he's violent.
Get here before I find out.
All right, I'll stall him.
But send the nearest
patrol car in a hurry.
You'll find the key
is wrapped in a handkerchief
on the front walk. Hurry.
Wondrous changes have taken
place in the centuries
I have been imprisoned.
Most remarkable.
And what manner
of creature abide
in these diminutive edifices?
Those are models of homes.
I'm an architect.
Ah, a useful calling.
Perhaps thou has heard
of a friend of mine,
Mubarak, Son of Asnam?
He designed tombs
in the land of Egypt.
Triangular ones.
But no, that was centuries ago.
Ah. And this is thy
honored name,
Harold Ventimore?
- Yes.
- Son of?
My mother and father.
Truly thou must be an architect
of remarkable repute.
No, I'm afraid not.
So far,
I haven't been able to land
a single client of my own.
What is this client of which
thou speakest?
Oh, anybody who wants
a house built,
or an office building,
or even a gas station.
- Gas station?
- Uh-hmm.
A station that sells gas
and oil.
For lighting or anointing?
For automobiles. And don't ask
what an automobile is.
You're going to be riding
in one in one minute.
Up here, officers.
Right in here.
Where is he?
Where'd he go?
He was here. The window.
Even Tarzan
couldn't get out this way.
Out or in.
Mr. Ventimore,
when you left for Paris
six years ago,
we threw a big wing-ding down
at the precinct.
We figured au revoir,
he's the problem
of the gendarmes now.
Why did you have to come back?
I swear to you,
there was a lunatic
in this room.
There still is.
I don't know how he got out.
For that matter,
I don't even know how he got in.
All I know is that
when I opened my eyes,
there he was.
What do you mean
when you opened your eyes?
Well, I had this slight
I-- I bumped my head.
All right, Joe,
let's get out of here.
I'm starving, Harold.
Why can't you just
tell Mr. Beevor
we're going to lunch?
He doesn't like to be disturbed
when he's with a client.
And he's waiting to see
this sketch.
May I help you?
- Uh, yes.
I-- I'm looking
for Mr. Ventimore.
That's me.
Oh, well, my name is Wackerbath.
- Samuel Wackerbath?
- Uh, yes.
I-- I-- I'm planning a--
a new development,
Wackerbath City.
Yes, I know all about it.
I-- I read about it
in the papers.
Well, I'd like to discuss it
with you if you're available.
Me? Available?
I think you've made a mistake.
You want Mr. Beevor.
He's-- he's right next door.
Let me just see
if I can get his secretary.
Uh, this is your card, isn't it?
- Yes.
- Well, Mr. Ventimore,
I have decided
that you are the man
to design Wackerbath City.
Oh, please excuse me, gentlemen.
You, uh, evidently
have business to discuss.
Mr. Wackerbath,
may I present my fiancee,
Ms. Kenton.
- How do you do?
How do you do?
I'll be waiting
at the restaurant.
And, uh, you don't
have to hurry.
Excuse me.
Well, won't you sit down?
Well, only for a moment.
Thank you.
Which of my drawings
impressed you the most, sir?
Well, it was,
uh, it-- it was, uh,
well, I-- I-- I can't remember.
What's the difference?
Uh, we'll start off
with several designs
for medium-priced dwellings.
My general manager MacDougall
will fill you in
on all the details.
Yes, sir.
Uh, we'll consider
this a retainer.
Uh, good day, Mr.,
um, Ventimore.
You won't be sorry,
Mr. Wackerbath, I promise you.
I just remembered.
I have a Board of Directors.
They'll want to meet you.
Well, I'll arrange it
and phone you.
Uh, goodbye, Mr., uh...
Ms. Glidden, when Mr. Beevor
is through in there,
tell him I've taken
the rest of the day off.
Mr. Ventimore,
you've been drinking.
Then, after he blows his stack,
show him that.
Samuel Wackerbath?
Wants me to do Wackerbath City.
Mr. Fakrash?
Thou art surprised to see me?
No. I-- yes.
You're real.
You're not a bump on the head.
I-- I thought you were just,
how-- how did you get out
of my apartment?
Since last thou beheld me,
oh meritorious one,
I have journeyed far.
First to Jerusalem.
- Jerusalem?
Yeah, verily. To seek audience
with Suleyman the Great.
Well, it's-- it's fun
looking up old friends,
I always say.
I intended to throw myself
at his feet and beg his
forgiveness, but alas,
King Suleyman's temple
is no more.
And Suleyman himself is dust.
May he rest in peace.
Well, you've got to expect
those things,
especially after 3000 years.
And Jerusalem is changed.
So changed I knew it not.
And this will surprise thee,
Babylon and Ninevah
- That is news.
- Uh-hmm.
Mr. Fakrash,
there's someone
I want you to meet.
Gladly, if he be friend
of thine.
Now, don't misunderstand,
but you're a sick man.
I want you to come
downstairs with me.
There's a psychiatrist
in this building.
Ah, there is doubt in thy mind
that I am truly an Efreet
of the Green Jinn.
Not in the least. We'll
discuss it some other time.
I'm in a hurry now.
I have to meet my girl.
I'll drop you off on the way.
Doubt no longer,
oh best of mankind.
Mr. Fakrash.
What sayest thou now?
It's hypnosis.
It's got to be.
Figs from the Valley
of the Nile.
Dates from Samarkand.
you're a professional
magician, aren't you?
Yeah, I've seen an act like
yours in a night club.
A fellow made rabbits
appear and birds.
Even goldfish in a bowl. Huh?
Either that or I'm dreaming.
And was the client I sent
thee also a dream?
You sent Mr. Wackerbath?
Yeah, verily.
I and no other.
But he said he--
he said he saw my work.
He said he liked it.
I placed the thought
in his mind.
Ah, then he never saw
my drawings.
Thou art displeased.
Say no more.
I will undo the affair
and devise other means
of serving thee.
I'm sure Mr. Wackerbath
will like my work.
This is the chance
I've been waiting for.
And I'm very grateful to you
for giving it to me.
It is naught,
oh young man of excellence,
to the services I shall
henceforth render thee.
Harold, I just called
Wackerbath's office
to check up on this.
Did he sound all right?
What did he say?
I wasn't able to get
through to him,
but his secretary verified it.
It's true.
Well, why wouldn't it be true?
I didn't know you even knew
Samuel Wackerbath.
I didn't, until today.
You mean he just dropped
in out of the blue?
In a manner of speaking, yes.
Expect me to believe that?
Don't you?
Ventimore, I took you in
when nobody else would have you.
Gave you a chance.
And all this time,
you've been working
behind my back.
Oh, no, sir, that's not true.
Then why didn't you send
Wackerbath in to me?
He didn't ask for you.
Oh, I suppose he asked for you.
Yes, he did.
But this doesn't mean
I'm leaving the firm.
It doesn't?
I'm going to lunch.
By the time I get back,
I want you out of this office
Sometimes, I wish you'd--
Thy wish shall be fulfilled.
In another moment,
he shall depart this life.
It is but a slight undertaking.
What are you talking about?
Even as we speak,
the misbegotten dog
approacheth the precipice.
He shall descend
like a bolt of lightning--
into the bowels of the earth.
Oh, no.
Mr. Beevor, hold it.
How'd you know the elevator
wouldn't be there?
When I came in this morning,
it wasn't working.
Why didn't you tell me?
Tell somebody.
People might have been killed.
Wackerbath can have you.
I'm glad to be rid of you.
Mr. Fakrash,
in this century, we don't
go around killing people,
not even people
like Mr. Beevor.
Why not?
Thy enemies are now my enemies.
He who offends thee, offends me.
We have a law against killing.
We call it murder.
Frankly, Mr. Fakrash,
you're beginning to worry me.
Why, I thought I heard you
talking to someone.
Hmm, yes, uh, uh,
I was on the telephone.
I was trying to reach Sylvia.
Would you, uh,
would you call the restaurant
and tell her I'm on my way?
- Of course.
And Mr. Ventimore,
when you open your own office,
I'd be delighted to come
and work for you.
Oh, I'd be delighted
to have you, Ms. Glidden.
Mr. Fakrash,
you've got to stop popping
in and out of places.
I could not leave thee
on an angry note, my son.
Love for thee hath
entered my heart.
Now, you see what you've done?
Do they follow to do thee evil?
They follow to do me a $20 fine.
Despair not.
The Philistines and their
chariots shall be destroyed.
They're not Philistines
and those aren't chariots
and don't you go
destroying them.
On the heart and on the head
be thy wish.
No harm shall come to them.
Pretty cute, Mr. Farkash.
I have pleased thee?
It is well.
Verily, I like your century.
This mode of transport
is swifter
than the fleetest camel
and smoother
than a flying carpet.
Where are we going?
Mr. Fakrash, uh,
you won't be offended
if I speak freely?
Thou offend me?
Reveal thy heart.
Well, I'm meeting
my fiance for lunch.
I'd like to have you
come with me,
but, uh, I can't.
Why not?
Well, let's face it.
How do I explain you?
What meanest though?
Explain me.
Well, you don't belong
in this century.
The way you dress,
the things you do.
How can I say to Sylvia
or to anyone?
I want you to meet my friend,
Mr. Fakrash. He's a genie.
He's been living
in a brass bottle
the past few thousand years.
They'd all think I was crazy.
Thy wisdom
is hardly inferior to that
of the great King Suleyman.
May he rest in peace.
Very well.
I shall leave thee for a time
to study the ways
of thy century.
Until I return,
I shall watch over thee.
Well, wait, wait,
don't disappear
in front of people.
Wait until I stop the car,
then you can get out, walk away,
step into a doorway
or down an alley,
and in that way,
nobody will be able to see you.
We're in luck.
Hey, mister.
Hey, mister. I was here first.
Hey, buddy.
He has angered thee,
wouldst have me--
- No, no.
I wouldst not.
How many times
do I have to tell you?
I seek only to serve.
Farewell, my son.
Until next we meet.
Mis-- Mr. Fakrash,
uh, this is a trivial thing
to bother you with,
but I'm in a hurry.
Do you, uh, well, could you, uh,
could you move this thing
over there?
It is well. So be it.
Allah be praised.
We have struck a well.
Run, Mr. Fakrash.
Beat it, beat it.
Harold, what happened?
Bad plumbing.
Let's use your car.
Mine's a bathtub.
- Oh, well,
you aren't just
gonna leave it there?
We'll come back for it
when they turn off the water.
We've got a busy afternoon
ahead of us.
First thing we've got to find me
a new office.
Harold, you were fired?
Wait till you hear what
happened with Mr. Wackerbath.
Mr. Ventimore,
I've been cooking for people
in this neighborhood
for 15 years,
and I think I can manage
a simple dinner
without the help
of those two in there.
Would you please
get them out of my hair?
- Seymour.
- I must say,
if I were entertaining my girl's
folks for the first time,
I'd worry about those two.
I'm worried.
Well-- well, what is this?
Even if the Kenton's
don't drink, we do.
- Oh, no.
- Besides, this is a fine chance
to show off
your fancy French crystal.
Now, that's the last thing
I wanna do.
I don't want anything to remind
Professor Kenton of Paris.
Anything or anybody.
Well, it doesn't
make sense to me,
but if that's the way
you want it, okay.
I know what.
You were going to the races.
Take my car then you can
make the first race.
Making your party a smash
is much more important
than the first race.
Oh, we have the menu
all worked out.
After the snails,
a Petite Marmite, and--
and then the--
- Hazel,
Mrs. McGruder
has the menu all set.
First, cream of tomato soup,
right, Mr. Ventimore?
- Right.
- Then a tossed green salad.
And next the fried chicken.
You didn't say what vegetables
you want with the chicken.
Oh, peas, carrots--
- Camels?
- Camels.
Oh, no.
Oh, no. He didn't.
Oh, no.
Oh, and you were worried.
Our old Harold is back again.
This party is gonna be a blast.
Oh, no. No.
Oh, for Pete's sake, get up.
This is not Baghdad.
It's Pasadena.
These gifts are thine
by command of our lord,
the last son
of the believing Jinn,
Where is the son
of the believing Jinn?
This I know not.
Well, find him and take
these gifts back to him.
Oh, most highly-born one,
we dare not disobey our master.
These are thine
and we are thine.
No, no. No.
No, bring those--
make them bring those back.
Come back with those.
Come back with those.
Welcome back
to the living, Harold.
What an inspiration. Camels.
Oh, you must have tied
on a beaut last night.
- Please.
- Where did you find them?
Stay out of this, I beg of you.
Uh, uh, uh, uh, company.
Well, well, well.
Laughing boy strikes again.
- Hi.
- And what bit of deviltry
has the Pasadena Pixie
planned this time?
A carnival on Acacia Street
or Camel Races in the Rose Bowl?
I swear to you, officers,
I have never seen those camels
before in my life.
You don't have to make excuses.
It's not a crime to buy camels,
drunk or sober.
So, they're not yours, wise guy?
Well, uh-- well--
only in a manner of speaking.
You see, uh,
there's this big camel sale,
and I, uh--
no, no.
Actually, I was in the market
for a camel's hair coat
and they sent these samples
by for me to pick one.
Start writing, Joe.
interfering with traffic.
Second, get those things
out of the street now.
Yes. Yes, sir. I will.
Get the-- get the car
out of the garage.
Do you see those two men
in uniform?
They are official executioners.
If you don't move
that caravan at once,
they will boil you in oil.
Oh, where can we go,
oh, master of mercy
and benevolence?
Back there,
it's a four-camel garage.
Fifth, putting on a circus
without a license.
Officer, I-- I can explain
this whole thing.
- Yes?
- Nah, forget it.
I don't think I can explain
the explanation.
Well, maybe your lawyer
will think of something.
Sign here.
All right, folks,
the show's over.
Come on, break it up.
I'm sorry.
Hazel finally figured out
why you wanted to get rid of us.
You wanted to surprise us
with this. And we spoiled it.
I was telling those policemen
the truth.
I never saw those camels
before I looked out the window.
You mean
you don't remember seeing them.
how long have you known me?
Since the fifth grade.
We've played a lot of gags
on each other
but I've never lied to you,
have I?
If you did, I never caught you.
Remember the brass bottle
I brought home?
What would you say
if I told you that
when I opened it,
a genie popped out?
I'd say,
A, you're playing games,
B, you're crazy,
or C, if I don't leave now,
I'm gonna miss the first race.
See you at dinner.
Mr. Ventimore,
there's a gentleman here
to see you.
- I don't wanna see anyone.
- It's a Mr. Fakrash.
I don't care who--
now, what are you up to?
You need no longer fear
I'll embarrass you.
Since I'm to live
in your century,
I expect to look and speak
as if I belong in it.
Did you notice?
I came in through the door.
You approve?
Perhaps you prefer it in blue?
Or maybe brown?
No. The only hocus-pocus
I want from you
is to get that crazy caravan
out of my garage.
It seems I have no yet found
the way to please you.
As you like.
And while you're at it,
get rid of this junk, too.
I have already learned
that in your century,
success is measured by wealth.
Holy Toledo.
You robbed Fort Knox.
I robbed nobody.
I make my own gold.
What a handy hobby.
We can't use it nowadays.
It's against the law
to own gold bullion
in the United States.
Oh, you can keep this one.
Rubies the size of pigeon eggs,
- Forget it, forget it.
Men don't wear jewels
like that nowadays.
- Then sell them.
- I can't.
The police would wanna know
where I got them.
The County Tax Assessor
would figure
I'd been hiding them.
The Customs Department
would figure I smuggled them.
And then
there's the Federal Gift Tax
and the Luxury Tax,
a whole lot of things like that.
In King Solomon's time,
we had no such problem.
Gold and jewels
were the same as money.
Nowadays we use paper money.
Like this.
You mean this has value?
It's a $10 bill.
That's me.
I find it a good likeness,
don't you?
Oh, but you see,
Alexander Hamilton's picture
is on a $10 bill.
Huh. Oh, very well,
if you insist.
Let it be King Hamilton.
- How do you like it?
- It's perfect.
Wait a second.
What am I thinking?
This is worse than making gold.
This is counterfeiting.
Only the Federal Government
has the right to make money.
Because that--
that's the way it's done.
That's all.
And they frown on
do-it-yourself kits.
Try to understand.
If people could go around
making their own currency,
the economy of the whole country
would collapse.
No matter how I try,
whatever I do for you,
I must undo.
I've accomplished
nothing for you.
No, that's not true,
Mr. Fakrash.
Thanks to you,
everything is going great.
I'm meeting
with Mr. Wackerbath's
Board of Directors
tomorrow morning
to get the official go ahead.
And tonight, the Kentons
are coming over for dinner.
Now that I've got
the Wackerbath account,
the wedding bells
are practically ringing.
Then I have made you happy,
my son?
Very happy.
There is one thing.
The Jenkses downstairs,
they're my best friends, but--
well, at dinner tonight...
I understand.
They would be in the way.
I've tried to tell them,
but they're very sensitive,
and I can't stand
to make them unhappy.
Have no concern.
They will not be at dinner
and they will be happy.
It delights me, my son,
to free you
of this little problem.
Before you go, Mr. Fakrash,
I'd like to see
how you look in brown.
It makes you look
10 years younger.
Centuries younger.
Come in.
Where have you got those camels
stashed away?
We got the Health Officer
I was just about to call you.
Some dirty crook
stole them from my garage.
Put that in your report,
I must get to my office.
Is Mister-- Harold.
- Seymour.
- Here's the car key.
We haven't got much time.
We've got to catch a plane.
- Where are you going?
- Back to Paris, for good.
Boy, did we have a day
at the races.
Eight times
they gave us the wrong tickets
and eight times they paid off.
After the fourth race,
we just let everything ride.
It was like magic.
I'll bet it was.
Harold, you're not sore at us
we're running out on you?
Oh, no. No.
Au revoir, mon ami.
Oh, I-- I almost forgot,
we left you a wedding present.
The statue of Hazel.
Ah, thanks.
Good luck, Seymour.
So long.
Thank you, Mr. Fakrash,
wherever you are.
It's almost 7:00,
Mr. Ventimore.
You're gonna be late
for your own dinner party.
Holy Toledo. This--
let all this go.
All right.
- Good night, Ms. Glidden.
- Good night.
It's about time you got here.
My money, please.
Money? Where are you going?
The Kentons will be here
any minute. What about dinner?
You can let your heathen
caterers worry about that.
My money.
If you didn't trust me
to handle your dinner,
you should've said so.
Open up. Let me in.
Open up.
What in the--
who are you?
- I am thy Seneschal,
O shining beacon of mankind.
What's a Seneschal?
I have prepared
the repast for thee
and thy honored guests.
Where is he?
Where is he?
This time he's gone too far.
It's the Kentons.
I shall bid them welcome
in thy name.
No, wait.
Wait. Come back.
I got to get rid of these.
Papa, you're not smiling.
Oh, I'm smiling. I'm happy.
After all,
I'm not losing a daughter.
I'm gaining a--
heaven knows what.
The only thing troubling
your father is
he hates to admit he was wrong
about Harold.
Welcome, O nobly born.
Enter and share
the salt of my master.
Is this Harold's idea of a joke?
Well, I don't know.
Please, go.
I don't need any slaves.
Up. Up.
You're all free.
Abraham Lincoln arranged it.
Oh, how nice.
So good of you to come.
This your idea
of a simple little dinner?
Well, I'm afraid
the caterer got carried away.
I happened to mention
that you were an authority
on ancient cultures and...
Well, I think it's very
clever of Harold.
Don't you, Papa?
- I do not.
I think it's a ridiculous
waste of money.
Oh, it's not costing
a penny extra.
They're throwing
in the decorations free.
Good will, you know.
- Decorations?
This is the most beautiful
silk brocade I've ever seen.
- Yes, yes, uh-hmm.
- Which caterer is it?
Uh, Fakrash-el-Aamash.
Enough, enough,
enough I said.
Isn't that touching?
They're crazy about their boss.
He pays them over scale.
Up, fellas, up.
You can get up now.
You've paid your respects
to Fakrash.
Enough. Enough.
- Yalla.
- Yalla.
What devotion, huh?
It's refreshing to see loyalty
like that nowadays.
Well, shall we go
into the dining room?
Um, where is the dining room?
It's, um, I think this is it.
You don't appear
to be quite sure.
Well, I leave those details
up to the caterers.
Wherever they decide.
Sometimes in one place,
sometimes in another.
There's a great deal of charm
in uncertainty I always say.
Well, don't say that
in front of Samuel Wackerbath
or you'll be right back
where you were.
Yes. No, no.
Well, boy, girl, boy, girl, huh?
There we are.
Young man,
I have a bad sacroiliac,
and I'm not being
the least bit facetious
when I tell you that
your sense of humor
gives me a pain in the back.
Oh, Anthony, your back
hasn't bothered you in years.
Besides, you're always
complaining about
stiff, formal dinners.
I think this is fun.
Saints in heaven.
What's that?
Surely they don't mean
that for music.
Oh, no, actually, it--
it's much more harmonious
than it sounds.
You've got to get used to it.
They were just tuning up.
what is it they're sprinkling?
I don't know.
Oh, Seneschal.
- Seneschal?
That's his name.
Sam Seneschal.
Yes, master?
Oh, what is that fragrance, Sam?
Myrrh and frankincense, O lord.
Hmm, it's exotic, isn't it?
Well, I think it's sickening,
particularly at mealtime.
Please open the window.
Even smog is preferable to this.
Mrs. Kenton:
What is that?
A rare Phoenician delicacy,
O nobly born.
The eyes of mountain lambs
cooked in honey.
Anthony, they're staring at me.
I think I'm gonna be ill.
Also from the caterer?
she does this to support
an invalid aunt.
I have had enough of this.
Let's get out of here.
Please, Professor Kenton.
Mrs. Kenton.
Please, Sylvia.
The least you can do
is let me explain.
Very well. Go ahead.
I didn't do this.
He did.
Who did?
I can't tell you.
All this outrageous nonsense
had to be deliberate.
Well, you've succeeded.
You've convinced me
you haven't changed a bit.
If anything, you're worse.
Papa, I'm going to Europe
with you and Mama.
Please, Sylvia. Wait.
Please, Sylvia.
Leave her alone.
It's time
she came to her senses.
I've got nothing to lose.
I'll tell you.
With your knowledge
of oriental history,
you just might believe it.
Believe what?
Professor, the other day
I bought an old brass bottle,
like the lamp
in your front hall, only older.
There was strange writing
on the seal.
I forced it open.
Go on.
Well, there was a genie in it.
A genie?
Like the one out
of Aladdin's lamp?
Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it?
I always thought
they were fairy tales.
- And you don't now?
- Well, how can I
when just like that
he turned this whole place
into a sultan's palace?
I always thought
you were eccentric.
But yours, Mr. Ventimore,
is a sad, sad case.
Oh, so now you show up?
Try one, Harold.
The first lamb's eye I've eaten
in 3,000 years.
Where were you
when I needed you?
I'm afraid your guests
were most unappreciative.
I arranged a dinner
to please a caliph.
I wasn't entertaining a caliph.
And those slaves.
That Seneschal.
What slaves?
What Seneschal?
Why didn't you ask me
before you arrange this
Arabian nightmare?
Be grateful.
It's the best thing
that could've happened,
getting rid of that stupid man
and his family.
I didn't want
to get rid of Sylvia.
Peacock tongues
in oil of sesame.
I'll admit Ms. Kenton
is not without a charm,
but she is no comparison
to the beauties who adorned
the Court of King Solomon.
Say the word,
and I'll bring you
a hundred wives to replace her.
Don't be ridiculous.
Not even two.
It's against the law for a man
to have more than one wife.
A revolting waste of man power.
Very well,
since there can only be one,
she must be the best of all.
You shall marry
a princess of the Jinn.
I'm not going to marry anyone
but Sylvia.
daughter of my distant kinsman,
Ruler of the Blue Jinn.
It was because of the princess
that King Solomon
imprisoned me in the bottle.
I wish you were still in it.
lovelier than the full moon
and graceful as a gazelle.
When she walks,
the branches of the willow
turn green with envy.
Didst thou summon me,
O My lord, Fakrash-el-Aamash?
Yeah, Tezra.
Too long have we been separated.
Verily, it seemeth
a hundred years.
It was 3,000.
And greatly
has the world changed, Tezra.
But I have assured
thy happiness.
I have chosen for thee
to wed a mortal,
but the best of mortals.
A prince among princes.
A man of such magnificence,
his brilliance
makes the sand turn pale
in comparison.
He stands tall and straight
like the cedars of Lebanon
and has the heart of a lion.
And when he walks,
the ground trembles
and the mighty oak turns green
with envy.
Behold, Tezra.
Ask of me what thou wilt,
O master.
I don't wilt anything.
Please get up, Miss.
Look at her, my boy.
The eyes, the lips, the skin,
and the figure.
The figure, Harold.
Turn around, Tezra.
Well, what do you say, my boy?
I'll take Sylvia.
We of the Green Jinn
have infinite patience,
but-- but mine is wearing
a little thin.
So is mine.
I didn't ask you
to bring her here.
Please don't
misunderstand, Miss.
You-- you're very lovely,
but I happen to be in love
with somebody else.
Then pray, may I grace thy harem
as one of thy lesser favorites.
I don't have a harem.
They have a strange custom
these days, Tezra.
One wife to a man.
It took us 3,000 years,
but we have prevailed.
I shall find this changed world
most pleasing.
Another time perhaps, Tezra.
Now thou shall depart
and await my next summon.
Depart, Tezra.
Depart, Tezra.
Go, I say.
I refuse.
You can't refuse.
I am an Efreet
of the Green Jinn.
And I'm a princess
of the Blue Jinn.
I have no wish to depart.
Thy power is no match for mine.
Oh, great.
You wanted to give me
a hundred like that?
Perhaps thy century is wiser.
Tezra, I beg of you...
- No.
Then I shall go.
She is thine, my son.
Wait, Mr. Fak--
Mr. Fakrash.
Mr. Fakrash.
Mr. Fakrash.
Have no fear, he will return.
- When?
- Who knows?
Mayhap in another 3,000 years.
What am I supposed to do
with you in the meantime?
Sit beside me.
Perhaps I can help you
think of something.
No. You-- uh,
you'd better go to a hotel.
If that be thy desire, O master,
tell me what is a hotel
and I will go there.
On second thought,
I'll go to a hotel.
In that outfit,
you'd be picked up in a minute
by the police.
Lock the door
and don't let anyone in.
And whatever you do,
don't go out.
I'll be back in the morning
with some clothes for you.
What size are you?
- Size?
Can the females of today
truly walk in these?
Yes. Don't ask me how.
This is wondrously beautiful.
I shall enjoy being a woman
in thy century, master.
I am not thy master.
My name is Harold.
What is that?
It's a girdle.
- It is worn?
- Yes.
But how?
Well, you just
step into it and...
It is too small.
It stretches.
You just put your feet
through it.
Uh, and wiggle up in it
as best as you can.
I see that art not unacquainted
with such matters.
Well, how else
would you get into it?
There's somebody at the door.
I hope you'll be tactful,
Dr. Travisley.
Ms. Kenton, the first thing
a psycho-analyst learns
is tact.
- Sylvia.
- Harold,
this is Dr. Travisley.
May we come in?
- Yes.
- Darling,
after what father told me,
I couldn't sleep all night.
I discussed it with the doctor
and he-- he wants
to talk to you.
- What about?
- About that-- that delusion
you've been having
about a genie.
- I don't have any delusion.
- Mr. Ventimore,
why don't we go upstairs
and have a nice quiet chat?
No, no.
There's nothing wrong with me.
Oh, I'm sure
it's just temporary, darling.
- Of course, it is.
- Look. Get this straight.
There is a genie.
His name is Fakrash.
He came out of a bottle.
- Furthermore...
- Harold.
What shall I do with this?
I supposed she's a genie, too?
Yes, she is.
She's a Blue Jinn.
Mr. Fakrash is a Green Jinn.
He produced her
out of a puff of smoke.
I'm sorry to have
troubled you, doctor.
There's nothing wrong with him.
Nothing that requires
a psychiatrist.
Sylvia, at least talk to her.
She can explain the whole thing.
Tezra, come down here, quick.
Mr. Wackerbath.
At least you remember my name.
Mr. Ventimore,
my Board of Directors and I
have been waiting for you
since 10:00.
I just completely forgot.
I don't wonder.
It seems your other interest
are more important
than your work.
Oh, no, Mr. Wackerbath,
I take a solemn oath...
If you have
any integrity at all,
which I doubt,
you will return my retainer.
Back to my office please.
We couldn't reach you by phone.
They said it was out of order.
You sure had me fooled.
What are you doing?
I am summoning
He alone can help thee.
Nobody can help me.
I wish I were dead.
Who speaks of death
when there is so much joy
in living?
Why wert thou so long, my Lord?
After your behavior last night,
I was of a mind
not to come at all.
But I have decided
to be magnanimous.
What's troubling him?
- Thou.
- I?
Yes. Thou.
And my troubles won't be over
until I get you back
in that bottle somehow.
This you shall never do.
It cannot be sealed again
without the Seal of Solomon.
And that I have destroyed.
At least get out of my life.
You've been nothing
but a headache
since I first laid eyes on you.
Very well.
Come, Tezra.
Farewell, Harold.
I shall truly miss thee.
Farewell, Tezra.
Should you ever need me,
call and I will answer.
I will never call you
as long as I live.
- Mr. Fakrash?
- Did you call?
Will you please
turn this place back
the way it was?
Thank you.
Tezra awaits me.
Don't go, Mr. Fakrash,
you're the only one
who can help me.
Losing Mr. Wackerbath
isn't important,
but losing Sylvia is.
She and her parents
think I'm cracked.
You're the only one
who can convince them
that you really are a genie.
It shall be taken care
of at once.
Come to the Kenton home
within the hour.
And all will be well.
How dare he send you here?
Well, sir, I have nothing
to say to you
and I have nothing
to say to him.
Good day, sir.
Very well.
Then, please let me speak
with your daughter.
She is not in.
Now, will you please
just get out?
Professor Kenton,
you're wrong about Harold.
He's a fine, temperate,
young man.
He is a crackpot.
And I have no intention
of allowing my daughter
to become involved with him.
I am the genie
of whom he spoke.
You see, he liberated me
from the brass bottle and--
How much is he paying you
to put on this ridiculous act?
Or as you crazy as he is?
Thou dearest address
and Efreet of the Green Jinn
in such a fashion?
Efreet my foot.
Now, you get out of here.
Get out of here,
I say.
I warn thee, provoke me not.
Contemptible one,
thou hast sealed thy fate.
Since thou art stubborn
as a mule,
then thou shalt become one.
Anthony, are you in there?
It sounds like he's knocking
over the furniture.
Oh, no.
Not after all these years.
What is it, mother?
Well, can't you guess?
He's been drinking.
He never drinks.
He doesn't dare.
Two drinks
and he just goes berserk.
Oh, you should have seen him
after the champagne
at our wedding.
But, of course,
you couldn't have.
He promised me
he'd never again--
oh, Anthony.
Please open the door.
- Hi.
- What are you doing here?
- Weren't you expecting me?
- I thought I made it clear,
I never want to see you again.
- Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
- Sylvia, Sylvia.
- No, maybe--
maybe he can help us.
Anthony has locked himself
in the study
and we can't open the door.
Well, is he still with--
is he alone?
We don't know.
We just got home.
Any other entrance?
Only the windows.
Oh, dear.
I shouldn't let Harold
of all people
see your father
in his present condition.
Oh, no, no, whoa, whoa, please.
Hey, hey.
Harold, are you in there?
I'm here, but--
but Professor Kenton isn't.
Just a dirty old mule.
- Did he say mule?
On our wedding night,
he brought home a goat.
Hey, whoa, whoa.
Oh, no,
you couldn't be.
He wouldn't dare.
Professor Kenton?
If you are Professor Kenton,
would you--
would you kindly signify
by wiggling your ears?
Oh, believe me, sir,
I had no idea.
Oh, oh, oh, whoa, please,
whoa, please, whoa, steady boy.
I mean-- I mean,
I beg you to take it easy, sir.
I'm sure you're convinced now
that Mr. Fakrash is a genie.
Ah, sir, ouch, oh, that hurts.
Oh, oh, ouch.
Whoa, professor,
if you kill me,
you'll destroy the only person
who can get you out
of this ridiculous situation.
We'll go over to my place
and wait for Mr. Fakrash.
I'm certain I can talk him
into changing you back.
Oh, sir,
that's hardly necessary,
I'm glad to help all I can.
May I make one suggestion?
Don't twitch in front
of your wife and daughter.
They're apt
to recognize you, okay?
Come on.
All right?
- Where's father?
- Oh, get that filthy beast
out of here.
- I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, don't worry,
I'll find him,
I'll bring him home.
I know this isn't the way
to my house, Professor,
but the car won't turn
any way I turn it.
It's that crazy Fakrash.
I can't make it stop.
Oh, no, Mr. Fakrash!
Mr. Fakrash is having fun.
What're you gonna do, huh?
Come and join me, Harold.
I know you haven't had lunch.
Cold chicken, cold cuts--
And a cold, inhuman monster.
Not at all.
I even have hay and alfalfa
for your friend.
There's nothing funny
in what you did
to Professor Kenton.
I want him changed back now.
Wisely has it been written,
first things first.
That's not wisely
written anyplace,
you just made that up.
What does that it matter?
Look around you, my boy.
What do you think of it?
- What do I think of what?
Can you picture
a more lovely setting
for your beautiful homes?
Select the design you wish
and 3,000 houses will appear
before your eyes,
an entire city.
You can't put up
houses like that.
Oh, yes, I can,
with one wave of my hand.
Listen, Mr. Fakrash,
you don't own this land.
And even if you did,
you can't build on it
without a building permit.
Then detailed plans
have to be drawn up,
then the Building Inspectors
have to okay them,
then they have to approve
every step of the work,
foundation, plumbing,
Furthermore, all materials
must be union made
and all work must be done
by union labor.
When the Pharaohs
put up the pyramids,
they had no such problems.
In those days--
- These aren't those days,
they're these days.
There is no room for magic now.
Everything must be done
legitimately today.
I promise.
From now on,
you shall tell me what to do,
where to buy the land,
how to build the houses--
There will be no from now on.
All I ask is that you change
Professor Kenton back to normal,
then I want nothing further
to do with you, ever.
I have taken oath
to reward thee.
And thou shalt be rewarded
in spite of thyself.
I have a proposition for thee.
When you start with that
thee-and-thou talk,
I smell trouble.
What proposition?
You and I enter
into partnership.
Fakrash and Ventimore.
Real estate.
Go into business with you?
Not if you were the last
genie on Earth.
Then, turn the Professor
out to graze.
You've just doomed him
to be a jackass
the rest of his life.
Oh, that's blackmail.
Doesn't it shame you
the things you make me do
to help you?
The answer is still no.
I'm sorry, Professor,
I just can't.
Please don't look at me
like that.
May-- maybe we'll find
some other way
of changing you back.
Maybe an African witch doctor
or plastic surgery?
Oh, all right, you win.
A wise decision.
It will make you rich
and famous.
As for thee O thou
of hideous aspect,
thy present appearance
is much more suited
to thy nature.
But return to thy former state
and let all of this be erased
forever from thy mind.
Professor Kenton
is now approaching
his front door step.
Oh, I wanted to take him home,
I promised.
Besides, I wanted to see
Sylvia once more.
She's leaving
for Europe in a few hours.
Look into my eye.
They will have
to sober him up quickly
if they expect to get
to the airport on time.
Why'd you have
to send him home drunk?
Well, he deserved
some kind of punishment.
And besides,
they expected to find him
in that condition.
Behold, Partner!
Never has Los Angeles witnessed
anything like this.
Ever since the morning
newspapers hit the street,
thousands of people have swarmed
into Ventimore City paralyzing--
Mr. Fakrash,
I'd like an explanation of this.
Wonderful, isn't it, Harold?
Look at the crowd.
- I know about the crowds,
I tried driving out
to our tract office
and had to turn back,
then I saw this.
I called the papers and they
said it wasn't a mistake,
that you changed the ads.
Well, it was only
a slight change.
All I did
was take off the "one."
All you did was change
14,000 to 4,000.
Well, you always kept telling me
that the cheaper
we sell our homes,
the more people could buy them.
Mr. Fakrash,
those houses cost us
over $13,000 apiece.
Selling them at $4,000,
we lose $9,000 a house.
Wonderful, isn't it?
No one else can do that.
Before this day is over,
you're going to be
the most famous architect
in America.
- Before this day is over,
we'll be bankrupt.
The stock market will take care
of everything.
It's been very good
to us lately.
You haven't guessed wrong once
in since six months,
that's another thing.
When we went
into this partnership,
you promised, no hocus-pocus.
I've kept my word.
Every move that I've made
has been absolutely legitimate.
Can I help it
if I know which stocks
are going to go up?
Look, I brought
ten thousand shares
of Colfax Super Steel
last week at a hundred three,
now it's a hundred and eighteen.
And next Wednesday at noon,
it will be a hundred
and thirty five
and that's when I sell.
Relax, my boy.
Let's get started
on our next thousand homes,
so that we can make
more people happy.
I repeat,
police request the public
to stay away
from Ventimore City.
Riots have broken out
as thousands of persons
continue to besiege
the tract office
of Fakrash and Ventimore.
Perhaps we should have built
10,000 homes.
It would have
just made it worse.
Here are more late bulletins.
Washington D.C.
and other Federal authorities
have joined with City,
County, and State officials
in investigating
Fakrash and Ventimore.
The State Attorney General
has petitioned the courts
for an injunction
stopping all sales
at Ventimore City.
What does it mean?
It means we'd better
get our lawyer over here.
We're in trouble.
Why should they be angry at us?
It's not our fault they stopped
the sale of our homes.
I heard of a man
once who tried to sell
$10 bills for a dollar,
they arrested him as a swindler.
Are you just going to stand
there, do nothing?
I'm gonna stand here
and make sure you do nothing.
Well, it-- it just slipped out.
Isn't there some way of getting
rid of those reporters?
Don't worry about them.
It's the crowd in the other room
you've got to worry about.
What crowd?
Oh, about a dozen Federal State,
County, and City officials
are fighting over
who's gonna take you two
into custody.
As your legal counsel,
I've accepted service
on all subpoenas.
What is a subpoena?
Bureau of Internal Revenue,
Department of Justice,
County Grand Jury,
the FBI,
Security Exchange Commission,
Special Congressional
Crime Commission.
Crime Commission?
What do you mean disappeared?
Just that, Senator Grindle,
Mr. Fakrash disappeared.
vanished into thin air?
Just like that?
Yes, sir.
Mr. Fakrash is in contempt
of this committee.
Issue a warrant.
Won't do any good.
Why not?
I'd rather not answer that.
I insist you do answers,
Mr. Ventimore.
Well, sir, if you must know,
Mr. Fakrash isn't human.
He's a genie.
A genie?
Uh, you-- you mean like the--
like the one--
- Yes, sir,
like the one that came out
of Aladdin's lamp.
Only this one came out
of a brass bottle.
Order in the room here.
There's nothing wrong with me.
There's nothing wrong with me.
There's nothing wrong with me.
Then, why humiliate yourself
by pretending insanity?
I'm not pretending, Sylvia.
I am insane.
They've even got me so confused
I don't know what I'm saying.
Why did you come back
from Europe?
Why did you get
mixed up in all this?
Because I love you.
Whatever you've done,
I know that man made you do it.
And I'm sure it'll all clear up
the moment the police find him.
Never find him.
He could be any place
and they wouldn't know it.
He can make himself invisible.
Oh, you poor dear.
You really believe it.
You are sick.
I tell-- all right.
I'm sick and if I weren't
in a strait jacket,
I'd be cutting out paper dolls.
That-- don't-- don't--
don't worry, dear.
Dr. Travisley is on the Board
of Psychiatrists and...
he'll be at your sanity
hearing tomorrow.
I thought she would never leave.
That padding.
- Well, what brings you back?
I thought you were thousands
of miles away.
I was.
A delightful South Sea island.
I came back for you.
You must be ready
to join me now.
Oh, let's not go through
all that again.
You tried your way, Harold,
you told the truth.
See your reward?
Well, that's because
I couldn't prove it.
You're the only one
who can convince them
you're a genie.
Not with words alone, my boy.
Remember the difficultly
I had convincing you?
All right.
Maybe a little hocus,
but no pocus.
So be it.
On the morrow,
I shall be at thy side
and we shall vanquish
thy enemies together.
Know that
I am Fakrash-al-Aamash,
an Efreet of the Green Jinn,
Master of the Palace
of the Mountain of the Clouds
above the city of Babel
in the Garden of Irem.
Know also that King Solomon,
on whom be peace,
became exceedingly wroth
at a fancied wrong
and commanded that I be
imprisoned in a bottle of brass
and cast into the sea,
there to abide the day of doom.
But verily, it came to pass--
don't you think
we've wasted enough time?
I think so, Senator Grindle.
From a psychiatric viewpoint,
it's quite obvious,
Mr. Fakrash is setting up
an insanity defense of his own.
Oh, thou of little faith,
I warn thee--
- Don't-- don't lose your temper.
Mr. Fakrash,
that theatrical costume,
this ridiculous performance.
If you and Mr. Ventimore expect
to get away with this farce,
you're either imbeciles
or fools.
Let the rat
that is between the paws
of the leopard
refrain from words
of provocation.
- Control thyself.
Just-- just give them proof.
- Verily.
I shall transport this building
and these misbegotten
to the top of Mount Ararat.
- No, no, no, no.
- And there let them rot.
- Nothing so drastic.
Keep it simple.
Very well.
How in the world?
Well, speak up.
Have I convinced thee?
it's obviously mass hypnosis.
The word is unfamiliar to me.
induced through the power
of suggestion.
And is this hallucination
as well?
it has thy name
inscribed upon it.
this gavel was a gift
from my colleagues.
I-- I left it on my desk
in Washington.
I stopped off there just now
and picked it up.
Naturally, gentlemen,
that one is a duplicate.
A childish and transparent
bit of trickery.
Trickery, thou sayest?
My patience is exhausted.
Small minds should have
small bodies to match.
Really, Mr. Fakrash?
Change them back to normal.
I do so with great
reluctance, Harold.
we'll have a short recess.
Mr. Fakrash, Mr. Ventimore,
please step into the anteroom.
He-- he must be.
But he couldn't be.
There's no other explanation.
you really don't believe?
You can't be serious.
I'm afraid we are serious--
But I'm up for re-election.
Now, why the long face?
They must be convinced now.
But how will they
convince anyone else?
People will think they're crazy.
The same things will happen
to them that happened to me.
Your way doesn't work either.
All you've done
is start a chain reaction
that will spread more
and more trouble
for more and more people.
Then, you wish me
to undo what I have done?
I wish you could undo
everything you've done
since I let you
out of that bottle.
It is possible.
You mean,
you really can turn things back
the way they were?
It is within my power.
What were you waiting for?
Why didn't you do it
when the trouble first started?
I made a vow to serve you.
I was seeking a way to do it.
You found it.
Turn everything back.
Very well.
I will erase memory of me
and everything that I have done
from the minds
of everyone but you.
Why not me?
Well, you can't want that.
I can still gratify
your every wish.
Give you anything you want,
even Sylvia.
Mr. Fakrash,
we have a few
"wisely-was-it-writtens," too.
I learned one at school.
What we obtain too easily,
we esteem too lightly
and it has little value.
I always thought that
was for squares until now.
Then, it will make you happy
if I erase all memory of me
from your mind, too?
It will.
So be it.
Farewell, my son,
and may peace be with thee
and may thy friends
never be deprived
of thy presence for truly thou
are an excellent young man.
Goodbye, Mr. Fakrash.
I'm starving, Harold,
why can't you just tell
Mr. Beevor
we're going to lunch?
He doesn't like to be disturbed
when he's with a client.
He's waiting to see this sketch.
May I help you?
I'm looking for Mr. Ventimore.
- That's me.
- My name is Wackerbath.
- Samuel Wackerbath?
- That's right.
Mr. Ventimore,
I've decided you are the man
to design Wackerbath City.
Oh, please, excuse me.
You, gentlemen, evidently
have business to discuss.
Mr. Wackerbath,
may I present my fiancee,
Ms. Kenton.
- Delighted.
How do you do?
Uh, I'll be waiting
at the restaurant.
No, please, don't go.
My new partner
and his wife are joining me.
Here, let's all
have lunch together.
Oh, here they are.
Ms. Kenton, may I present
Mr. and Mrs. Fakrash.
- How do you do?
- And the young man
whose drawings we discussed,
Harold Ventimore.
A genuine pleasure,
Mr. Ventimore.
Well, thank you, sir.
Well, we were just about
to go to lunch.
Well, let's go.
I'm looking forward to a long
and happy association, my son.