The Break-Up (The Break Up) (2006)

Come on, come on, come on.|All right, here we go.
MAN: Take a seat, buddy!
Come on.|It was a good play.
Are you gonna be|like this all day?
I don't know. Is it gonna|be like this all day?
I don't know.|It's up to you.
I have no room to sit.|I got no room to sit.
I'm sitting next to|a guy who's sitting
like he's at home|on the toilet|with his legs spread.
Please don't crowd people.|Relax, please. Look at me.
I am relaxed.|Look how I'm sitting.
Why are you|sitting like that?|Because... What do you think?
Why'd you wake me up|for this shit?
Because I'm trying to relax|and have a nice day.
Sweating in the sun|like a Tijuana whore.
VENDOR: Ice-cold soda!
Get your soda here!
VENDOR: On the right.|Coming down there.|Pass that on down there.
Hey, hot dog guy,|can I get six hot dogs|down here, please?
Right away.|GARY: And make it right,|please.
You know, with the mustard|and the ketchup|and the relish.
Don't make me|hit you up for more.
I thought we were going|to Wiener Circle after this.
We will.|Then why are you|getting hot dogs?
Pass this down, please.|You can keep the change.
Do you want|one of the hot dogs?
GARY: You can have a hot...|You want a hot dog?
Do you want a hot dog, miss?
No. Thank you.|You can have one.
That's okay.|Go ahead.|You can have a hot dog.
No, I don't want one.|Excuse me, sir?
Would you mind|passing the lady|one of the hot dogs?
I'm good, thanks.|You don't have to share.
You can have your own.|Thanks. That's really|nice of you.
Just have one, please.|Okay, give me a hot dog.
Somebody give her a hot dog.|I got... The big guy can't|eat all of them. Have one.
Have you ever had one before?|A hot dog?
At the ballpark?|I have. I believe I have.
Okay, good.|Thank you.
Well, enjoy this one.|Thanks.
Do you like mustard?|No, I'm okay.
It's much better|with a topping. Here.
I'm just kidding,|I'll give you two.
We'll share it.
It's a good dog.|I like the hot dog. I know.
That's nice.
You have a problem|with me eating a hot dog,|guy?
I'm trying to watch the game|and have a hot dog.
I'll smack him|in his head.|No, just leave him alone.
Hey, you want|to go get a drink?|No.
I'm with somebody, sorry.
Who? The guy with|the tucked-in shirt|and the visor?
What, is that like a brother?|The guy was not|your brother, then.
Who is this guy?|He's not my brother.
Who's this...|I'm getting mad now.|I'm jealous. Who is this guy?
Who are you?|I don't know.|I'm kidding with you.
Who's the guy with|the tucked-in stuff?|Is that a boyfriend?
Uh, it's...
I'm going.|Do you think|you'll marry him?
What?|'Cause I know|you've thought about it.
The first time|you laid eyes on him,|you probably thought,
"I wonder if I could marry|this guy in plaid shorts who|tucks his shirt in. No way."
Then when you kissed him,|you said, "I can't believe it.
"I had a lot to drink|tonight. I'm kissing|the tucked-in guy."
My point is, if you're|not gonna marry him...|Yeah.
...and if it's not forever,
then you really don't have|anything to lose in|taking me up on my offer.
Uh-huh. Well, I'm gonna go.|Okay. Me, too.
Okay.|To where? On an|ice-breaking first date?
Well, no, I don't think...|Listen.
If you want to stay|off the market|while you're with
I'm-not-the-one-|but-I'm-comfortable,|then you can do that.
But for all you know,|I just offered you
a get-out-of-bored-Iove-|for-free card|with no strings attached.
God, you're crazy.|No, I'm not crazy.
And a lot of times people go,|"Oh, that's crazy,"
and then they go,|"It's genius."
That's what happened|when the person invented fire.
They burned that witch.|And guess what, then they got|warm and they ate good stuff.
Now, where are we headed to?|Let's not make this weird,
'cause I'm not good on dates.|No. You know what?
I'm better just to kind of|hang out and,|if we don't have fun,
I might go my separate way.|Okay.
I'm not committing|to anything. I'll go hang out|with you for a little bit.
That's not gonna happen.|But I can't say for sure.
GARY: All right, all right,|everybody. Welcome to|Three Brothers Bus Tours.
I'm brother number two.|It's good to have you here.
That's right, there's plenty|of seats here up front.
I promise I won't bite.|I'm not a biter.|I'm psyched to have you here.
Okay, a couple quick|ground rules. Please|don't jump off the bus.
Weird. Not fun for anybody.
Also, no throwing objects|at pedestrians,
unless, of course,|they deserve it. Okay?
We are not at work today.|We are on vacation today.
And if you can't blow it|out here on the big funny bus,
where the hell can you?
I do split the tips|with my driver, Shondra.
We don't want her back out|turning tricks.
That was a weird time|for everyone.|Seriously. Honest to God.
And I was a customer.|Long time ago.
Come on, everybody,|let's get loose!
I'm gonna ask you once.|Show me that you mean it.
Don't make me ask you twice.|Are you ready to see Chicago?
Are you ready to see Chicago?
That's what I'm talking about.|Shondra, put this baby|in the air.
Let's get the blood flowing.|Let's get everyone up|and let's loosen it up.
Coming up here,|you're gonna notice
one of the only buildings|to survive the fire of 1871.
That is the original|Chicago Water Tower|and Pumping Station.
CHRISTOPHER: Happy Holidays.|Marilyn Dean Gallery.
The artist was inspired|by the neoclassical movement.
CHRISTOPHER: No, she doesn't.
But wanted to reflect it|with an abstract bent.
CHRISTOPHER: Okay, bye-bye.
And how much is it?|$35,000.
Happy Holidays.|Marilyn Dean Gallery.|Hold, please.
Will you excuse me|for a moment?|Sure. Go ahead.
Christopher?|Yes, sweetie.
Hi, honey.|Hi.
Christmas was months ago.|Don't remind me.|I miss it so much.
Yeah, I know.|But today is not a holiday.
I know for a fact|that people like|my spirit on the phone
and they dig the energy|that I give them.
Okay. I'm just saying,|I don't think Marilyn Dean|will "dig" the energy.
Oh, no.|She's the one that told me|to be creative. So...
I know. It's just... Okay.|What is the next holiday|coming?
The Fourth of July,|is that what's next?
Well, if you want|to get technical,|there's Memorial Day,
there's Flag Day.
Some people recognize|Father's Day as a holiday.|I don't.
I get it. I get it.|Well, on those days|you can say, "Happy Holidays."
Every other day,|"Good morning, good afternoon,
"good evening,|Marilyn Dean Gallery."|Okay?
I'm so sorry about that.|Oh, no.
So, now this is a new piece|by Zakrzewska.
What do you think of this?
Can I be honest with you?|Please.
Other than taking|an art history class|in college,
which I pretty much|slept through, I don't have|the first clue about art
or how to go about buying it.|I mean, like that painting.
I mean, I don't see the point|in buying something that|I could have done myself.
Yeah. I completely agree|with you.
You know, an art teacher|of mine once said,
"Never buy a piece of art|that you don't have to have."
You know, don't worry|about who the artist is|or how much it's worth.
I mean, you have to live|with it every day. You have|to walk by it every day.
You know, you have to|really love it. You have|to really appreciate it.
It's kind of like|picking a mate.
GARY: Hey, honey!|Hi.
How's it going?|BROOKE: It's good.
Oh, wow. You got|a lot happening.|I know.
Very exciting.|I am starving.
Oh, careful. That's really...|That's very hot.|Oh, that's hot, hot, hot.
Hey, honey,|you've got to really...|You should get ready, okay?
Oh, you look great.|Thank you.
Got a lot of nice stuff.|Got a pizza.
All kinds of stuff.|Terrific.
I just need you|to decide what to...|You know, I did everything.
Oh, come on! Really?|You got three lemons.
What my baby wants,|my baby gets. You know that.
Yeah, but I wanted 12.|Baby wanted 12.
Why would you want 12 lemons?
Because I'm making|a 12-lemon centerpiece.
So, no one's actually|even eating them?|They're just show lemons?
Yeah. They're just|show lemons. Shown in|the center of the table.
I'm glad you find that|amusing,
but I cannot fill a vase|with only three lemons.
Well,|can't you just use, like,|maybe a drinking glass?
I'm not gonna use|a drinking...
We could have|a smaller version|of a centerpiece.
I'm not gonna use|a drinking glass|for our centerpiece.
You know what?|I've got an idea.
Why don't we go ahead and|scratch the centerpiece idea|altogether,
because the chicken|that burnt my mouth
could maybe use|a little bit of lemon|on top of it.
Guess what? Now we've made|a better meal versus something|visually nice to look at.
What are you do...|What's happening here?|What are you doing?
What are you doing?|(STAMMERING) Oh, I had|such a long day on the bus.
I need a little bit|of down time.|My feet are killing me.
Gary, come on,|my feet are killing me, too.|I'm exhausted.
I worked all day.|Went to the market.
I cleaned this entire condo|and then I've been cooking|for the last three hours.
Come on. Help set the table.
GARY: Sweetheart.|What?
You've done such a great job|already. Don't you want|to finish it yourself
and have that personal power|of that accomplishment?
Set the table.|Listen to me.
Do you think that|when Michelangelo, right,
was painting|the Sixteenth Chapel,|that he said,
"Hey, guys, you know,|I did pretty good|on the first 15 chapels,
"but why don't you help me|design this one?
"And maybe|you could help me...|Give me a brush
"and you guys can|grab brushes, and we can all|make a great chapel." Uh-uh.
No, he didn't.|And you wanna know|what the results were?
A masterpiece.
Okay. It's the Sistine Chapel,|not the Sixteenth,
and I bet when Michelangelo|asked for 12 brushes,|they didn't bring him three.
Yeah. Okay, all the talking|is really starting|to drain me,
and now I'm gonna have to|watch the highlights later|to see what I missed here.
Honey, look, Gary, just...|Down time's important.
Gary, please just|take a shower, okay?|Down time's important.
'Cause this is what|I don't want to have happen.
I don't want the doorbell|to ring. I'm then forced|to answer the door,
entertain people,|and I'm still cooking dinner.
You're absolutely right.|Let's do that. The second|that this inning's over...
Gary.|There's one out all ready.
They're gonna be here|in 20 minutes.
Baby, have you ever seen|a shower of mine take|more than four minutes?
Yes, I have. Come on.
They're here. Okay.|Table's not set.|Dinner's not ready.
Would you please|just let my parents in?
I gotta jump in the shower.|What?
Gary. Gary.
GARY: Well, seeing how|our families haven't|had many opportunities
to get to know one another,|we figured, what better way|than to break some bread?
So, everyone,|thank you for coming|and enjoy the meal.
ALL: Cheers.|Cheers, honey.
Mrs. Grobowski.|Nice to meet you.|Thank you.
DENNIS: Cheer with the sons.|GARY: Sweetheart,|cheers to you.
Darling, I see that you put|those Feng Shui books
that I sent to you|to good use.
This place is|so well balanced.|Thanks, Mom.
Yeah, the energy in this place|is just amazing.
Well, the energy in the condo|might be a little more amazing
if we had a pool table.
Gary, we've already|discussed that.
We're gonna get a pool table|when we get a bigger place.
The place is plenty big now,|if you wanted a pool table|because...
Gary.|Yeah. You could take|the dining room table,
go ahead and move her|in the living room.
BROOKE: Really?|GARY: Plenty of room.
And put a dining room table|in the living room? Okay.
How do you...|I mean, what do you do|with a dining room table?
Eat on it.|We'd have no furniture|in the living...
Where's the furniture go?|All I'm saying is,
it would be nice|to be able to shoot some pool.
Well, this isn't a dorm.|Look, baby,|I completely understand.
There's halls and stuff.|I mean, you can go...
We will wait|and get a pool table|when we have a bigger place.
Thank you.
The food is outstanding.|It is delicious food.
DENNIS: It's outstanding.
LUPUS:|Yeah, it really is nice.|Okay, everybody.
Time for the joke of the day.|Knock, knock.|Dad. Dad, come on.
Who's there?|Norma Lee.
Norma Lee, who?
Normally, I don't go around|knocking on doors,
but would you like to buy|an encyclopedia?|LUPUS: I got a joke.|I got a joke.
(ALL CHUCKLING)|How's it going?|I got a joke for you.
What do you get when you cross|a gay Eskimo and a black guy?
All right, look,|I think we've had enough|with the jokes for tonight.
Thank you, though.|Let's just talk|with each other.
All right.
I saw that Three Brothers|article in the Trib this week.
Sounds like you guys are up|to some pretty exciting stuff.
Basically, our big goal is to|try to take Chicago tourism|by air, land and sea.
We're still in the ground|phase with the buses.
But as soon as we get|our infantry established,
then we'll take it|to the squids.|Yeah.
Boats. Boats.|Oh, boats.
As soon as we control|the waterway, then we'll|bring in air supports
and then we'll pretty much|control everything.
You know, Dennis,
the way your face lights up|when you describe|your ambitions,
it's really inspiring.
Oh, thanks.|Because I understand
how you feel that passion.
RICHARD: And sharing it|with other people, I think|that's what life's about.
I don't feel that about|boats and squibs... Squids?
ALL: Squids.|Sorry.
CAROL: Yeah.|But I do feel it|about singing.
With my a cappella group,|The Tone Rangers.
Although it's not|as aggressive as your dream,
it's really|more of a brotherhood.|It's like a musical team.
It's like a symphony of guys.|Guy symphony.
And it's very hard|to describe the true magic
of a group of guys|singing in perfect harmony.
It's transcendent.
But it's still very real.
I guess the best way|to put it in words is just...
Even that doesn't do it.
That doesn't do it|because that's just|one person.
And what I'm talking about is|the pulse of the collective.
Oh, heck. Let me just|show you how it's done.
Dad, how about|a little percussion?
RICHARD: Tap-tap-tappy.|Tap-tap-tappy.
And, Mom, high-hat.
RICHARD: Good, Mom.|Excellent. And Gary!
(RHYTHMICALLY)|On the kick drum! Come, come!|On the kick drum! Come, come!
That's Gary! Come, come|with the kick drum. Come!
Come, come with the kick drum.|Gary, on the kick drum.|Come, come.
That's Gary on the kick drum.|Go! And Gary. In the house.
Come, come.|I'm not with you.
Come, come.|With the kick drum.|Come, come.
I'm just not really|the kick drum kind of guy.
I'd rather be just a listener|and enjoy all the banging|that he's doing and the...
You know, Gary,|that's your prerogative.|That's your right, to listen.
Meantime, I've gotta talk|to Brooke about something.
It's called the bass line.|Excuse me.|Okay.
Good, Carol.
Good, Brooke.
RICHARD: Yes, Dennis.
(WHISPERING) Be nice.|RICHARD: Totally awesome.
Move yourself
You always live your life
Never thinking of the future
Prove yourself
You are the move you make
Take your chances|win or loser
See yourself
You're every step you take
You and you|and that's the only way
Shake|WENDY: Shake!
Shake yourself
You're every move you make
So the story goes
CAROL: Thank you so much.
BROOKE: Okay, bye.|WENDY: Thank you so much.
CAROL: It was great|to see you.|Okay. Come on.
Have a good night.|It was really nice, Gary.
Nice to see you. You, too.|Good to see you guys.
Thanks, Brookie.|Oh, honey.|Thank you, sweetie.
You're still|my favorite singer.|Stop it.
Love you, sis.|And I'd love for you|to come to a live performance
of The Tone Rangers|singing live. That's|something you'd really enjoy.
It was good seeing you.|Okay.
Thank you.|All right.
Bye, darling.|Thank you for such a...|Okay. Okay, Mom.
We'll see you soon.|Bye, dear. Thanks, darling.
See you later.|Okay, buddy.
Oh, now, are you sure|that we can't help you|clean up?
No, no. I think we're|gonna be great. We'II...|Yes?
So nice of you to offer,|but we got it. Thank you.
Oh, it was such fun.|Great.
I love you.|Great to see you.
Good night, sweetie.|Thank you so much.
I appreciate it.|Thank you so much.
All right, guys.|WENDY: Bye-bye.
Bye-bye.|Thanks for coming.
Love you, too.
MAN ON TV: Are you blind?
Oh, no, no! My demos!
Well, I'm gonna|go do the dishes.|Cool.
It'd be nice if you helped me.|Damn it.
MAN: Way to go!
No problem. I'll get them|a little bit later.
I'm just gonna|hit the streets here|for a little bit.
Gary, come on,|I don't want to do them later.
Let's just do them now.|It'll take 15 minutes.
Honey, I am so exhausted.|I just honestly want|to relax for a little bit.
If I could just sit here,|let my food digest,
and just try to enjoy|the quiet for a little bit.
Get some! Get some! Get some!|That's what happens.
And we will...|You know, we can clean|the dishes tomorrow.
Gary, you know I don't like|waking up to a dirty kitchen.
Who cares?|I care! All right? I care!
I busted my ass all day|cleaning this house|and then cooking that meal.
And I worked today.|It would be nice|if you said thank you
and helped me with the dishes.
Fine. I'll help you|do the damn dishes.|Oh, come on. You know what?
No. See?|That's not what I want.
You just said that you want me|to help you do the dishes.
I want you to want|to do the dishes.|Why would I want to do dishes?
Why?|See, that's my whole point.
Let me see if I'm|following this, okay? Are you|telling me that you're upset
because I don't have|a strong desire|to clean dishes?
No. I'm upset because|you don't have a strong desire|to offer to do the dishes.
I just did.|After I asked you!
Jesus, Brooke,|you're acting crazy again.|Don't you call me crazy.|I am not crazy.
I didn't call you crazy.|You just did.
I didn't call you...|No, I didn't.
I said you're acting crazy.|You know what, Gary?
I asked you to do|one thing today,|one very simple thing,
to bring me 12 lemons|and you brought me three.
God damn it. If I knew|that it was gonna be|this much trouble,
I would have brought home|24 lemons. Even 100 lemons.
You know what I wish?|I wish everyone that was|at that goddamn table
had their own little private|bag of lemons.
Honest to God!|Gary, it's not|about the lemons.
Well, that's all|you're talking about.
I'm just saying|it'd be nice if you did|things that I asked.
It would be even nicer|if you did things without|me having to ask you!
Well, I do seem to remember|doing something for you|this morning
without you asking.
Gary, come on.|What? I'm serious. Come here.
You know what? I'm serious.|I really am.|I am, too.
Come on.|You knew I was working today|and I made that meal.
And you could have thought|to yourself, you know,|you could have said,
"Yeah, I think I'm gonna|get Brooke some flowers."
You said|on our very first date|that you don't like flowers,
that they're a waste of money.
Every girl likes flowers,|Gary.
You said that you|don't like flowers.
I'm supposed|to take that to mean|that you do like flowers?
No. This is not about...|You're not...|God, you're not getting it.
You're not getting this,|Gary, okay?|It's not about the lemons.
It's not about the flowers.|It's not about the dishes.
It's just about...|How many times do I have to|drop hints about the ballet?
You know I can't stand...|Brooke, come here.
We've talked about|the damn ballet.|I hate the goddamn ballet!
You got a bunch of dudes|in tights flopping around|for three hours.
It's like a medieval|techno show. It's a nightmare.
I sit there in a sweat.|The whole thing, I do,
wondering when the hell's|the goddamn nightmare|gonna end.
Go to a damn ballet.|It's not about you|loving the ballet, Gary.
It's about the|person that you love|loves the ballet
and you wanting to spend time|with that person.
Not when they're|at the ballet.
Okay. Forget the ballet!|Forget the ballet!|I will.
We don't go anywhere together.
We just went|to Ann Arbor together.|To Ann Arbor.
To the|Michigan-Notre Dame game.
You think screaming,|drunk kids and leprechauns|doing backflips, that's fun.
That's fun for me.|Come on, man.|I did that for you.
What do you...|How do you show up for me?
I'm up on the bus|every goddamn day for you!
Come on. You...|I'm busting my ass
to be the best tour guide|in the damn city,
so I can make enough money|to support both of us
and hopefully you won't|have to work one day.
I want to work.|All I ask, Brooke,
is that you show a little bit|of appreciation.
That I just get 20 minutes|to relax when I come home,
instead of being attacked|with questions and nagged|the whole damn time.
You think that I nag you?|That's all you do!
All you do is nag me!
"The bathroom's a mess."|"Your belt doesn't match."
"Hey, Gary, you should|probably go work out."
Nothing I ever do|is ever good enough!
I just want to be left|the hell alone!
Really? Is that|what you want, Gary?
Is that what you want?|Yeah.
That's what you want?|Yeah.
Fine. Great.|Do whatever the hell you want.
You leave your socks|all over this house,|dress like a pig,
play your stupid-ass|video game.|I don't care, I'm done.
What?|I'm done!|I don't deserve this.
I really do not deserve this.|I deserve somebody|who gives a shit.
I'm not spending one more|second of this life|with some inconsiderate prick!
You're a prick!
Addie, it just became|so clear tonight
how much he takes me|for granted.
What happened?|BROOKE:|Just the same old shit.
I asked him to do one thing|and he didn't do it.
Then he complained|that he had to do anything,
and I just felt like|I had no choice.
No, sweetie,|you did have a choice, okay?
And it sounds like you|made the right one.|You respected yourself.
But it's just not what I want.|I don't want to break up|with him.
I don't. I just want him|to say thank you. I want him|to want to do the dishes.
I just want him to want|to take me to the ballet.
I want him to get me|12 lemons! You know...
I just want him to care|enough about this relationship|to want to work on it.
Okay, you know what?|I'm putting on my shoes
and I'm gonna be there|in 15 minutes.|No, Ad. Don't.
Please, I really don't|want to see anybody.|I really don't.
But, look, I'm worried|about you, okay?
And I can hear you in there|banging around your dishes.
And I don't want you|getting out your Clorox|and your rubber gloves,
and taking this out|on the kitchen.|Look, look, look.
Okay. Tonight just...|It just got a little|out of hand,
and hopefully|he's just gonna realize
that he's got some changes|to make and he's gonna...
He's gonna come home|and apologize.
Okay?|That's what's gonna happen.
GARY: I feel like, I don't...|You know, like, you dress|however you want to dress.
You know,|do whatever you want to do.
I'm done with|the relationship.|Whatever.
So, it's just kind of,|"You're done|with the relationship?"
Well, you're obviously|hurt about it.
She got to you. You're hurt.|I'm not.
It's nothing to be ashamed of.|She hurt you.
Will you look at me?|I'm not heartbroken.
I'm a little shocked.|I'm a little surprised.
Gary, you're devastated.|Now, what's the name|of the guy she's doing?
I'm gonna solve your problem.|What's his name?
What are you talking about?|Have you checked her e-mail?
I don't check e-mails.|I don't...
You can get a program|that records keystrokes.
It costs, like, 20 bucks.|Very easy to use. Okay?
You get a password, you check|her e-mail. You find out|everything about her.
That's how I found out|about the Puerto Rican
that Stacy was|running around with.|Okay.
You are reading|a little too much|into this situation.
There is no one she's|running around with, okay?
We had a fight|over the groceries|I brought home.
You're probably right.|She's probably not|sleeping with anybody.
No. Not what it's about.|Okay.
Maybe she's with|another guy, maybe not.|She's not.
I don't know.|I'm not Columbo. Okay?
But what we do know|is that she doesn't want|to be with you anymore.
I mean, I hate to be shitty|about it, and so cut and dry,|but let's face it.
She says she doesn't|want to be with you,|and I believe her.
Now, we gotta figure it out.|And you're gonna|need a place to go
and lick your wounds|while you get your head|right over this thing.
I don't need a place to go|and lick my wounds.
You're gonna stay with me.
I'm not gonna hear it.|Look it...
I'm not moving|out of the place.|Oh, you're not moving out.
No. I put money in the place.|I put half my money|in the place.
You're obviously not|the one calling the shots|in this case.
Yeah, but I own the place.
With her.|Yeah.
But it's not up to her|who gets to keep|the goddamn place.
If you find out|who she's sleeping with,|maybe we could leverage it.
I want you to listen to me.|You listen to me.
I'm gonna leave you a key.|I don't need a key.
Why?|'Cause she's gonna put...
She's gonna move out|of the place, Johnny.
Did she say|she was moving out?|She will.|She's gonna move out.
Oh, she's...|I'm gonna keep the place.
I'm not moving|out of the place.
I'll leave you a key.
Hey, how's it going?|LUPUS: I almost got it.
Yeah.|You know, I was thinking.
You know what you should do,
is you should find somebody|who looks like Brooke,
but even hotter and, you know,|bang the shit out of her.
What the hell's|wrong with you?|What?
Logs.|Just fix the damn engine.
I am fixing|the goddamn engine.|I need your tour logs.
I'm off the clock, okay?
Well, I cannot|file the quarterlies|until I have your log.
I'm going through|a little bit of a|life change here, Dennis.
I would really appreciate|a little bit of sensitivity,|please.
CHRISTOPHER: I know they're|both French, but that has|nothing to do with it.
Because Manet was earlier|and... No. Monet and Manet|are very different things.
I'm sorry, I beg to differ.
Excuse me, sir, can I have her|call you back personally?
Yes. Okay, thank you.|Sorry. Brooke?
I am so sorry.|What?
Come here.
Oh, honey, your mom called|and told me everything.
Oh, Jesus.
Good morning, Marilyn.
Morning.|I'll go water the plants.
I understand|you had a long night.|Tell me everything.
BROOKE: "Everything."|I couldn't possibly...
Then don't.|My time is pressing.
What I want is for you|to take the rest|of the day off.
Oh, no.|No, that's not necessary.
Who am I?
Marilyn Dean.|And where are we?
The Marilyn Dean Gallery.|And of whom is that portrait?
That is Marilyn Dean.|Yeah.
You know, your personal life|is your personal life.
But you look like shit.|And when you look like shit,
Marilyn Dean looks like shit,|and now it is my business.
And when it comes to my|business, I don't like|anything that's distracting.
So, I want you to take|the rest of the day off|to be sad
and then come back|to work tomorrow ready|to take care of business.
Got it?
Oh, hey, Brooke. How are you?
What the hell are you doing?
Well, my whole life,|I always wanted my own place|with my own pool table.
I finally got my own place,
but you would not allow me|to have a pool table.
I just kind of figured|I'd rectify that today.|And it does feel good.
I'm gonna go ahead|and put the four ball|in the corner pocket.
I'm sorry, can I...|A little room for the|shooter, please?
It's hard to shoot|with someone standing...|Thank you.
Well, I guess he feels|threatened that you broke up|with him and he's acting out.
Okay, look, Brooke,|men are like children.|You know? And they...
(WHISPERING) Sweetie, it's a|figure of speech. It's Brooke.|And I love you so much.
And you're my man|and you know that.|You're amazing. I love you.
Listen, and they're gonna|test boundaries to see|what they can get away with.
I think there's three things|that Gary needs to know.
One, this type of behavior|is not unnoticed.|Two, it's not acceptable.
And three, you know,|you're definitely not gonna|tolerate it. Right?
And Brooke, remember,|we're always owning|our actions, right?
And we're always|healthy with it, yes?
I don't wanna finish the game.|I got showings, okay?
I gotta buy the cookie spray.|I gotta clean up the dog.
And now I'm really leaving|'cause I don't want|to hear that. Okay?
Thank you for the pool.|Thank you for the snacks.
I'm going to get a cab.|I'll split it with you.
What are you, 12?|Brooke, that is not healthy.
I'm trying to make a point.|And what is that point?
My point's your point.|Your three points.
That it's not unnoticed,|that it was not acceptable,
and that it would definitely|not be tolerated.
Not exactly what I meant.
I knew it!|Hey, gang.
Found my shirt on the floor.|Thanks for laying it out.
Gary, are you here|for couples bowling?|Yeah.
Well, don't you think|you and I should discuss|something first?
Like what? How your|47 average is killing us?
Okay. Great. No.
Gary, this is couples bowling.|And since you and I|are no longer a couple,
because you have chosen
not to participate|constructively|in our relationship,
we're now singles.
So, there's not room|for two singles on the team.
Why do you look confused?
I don't have any idea|what's happening.|I've come to play on the team.
Look, Gary, I just don't think|it's a good idea
for you and I to be around|each other any more|than we have to right now.
I completely agree.|Maybe you should go|play some pinball.
No, I think you should leave.|Okay.
Brooke, when a man makes|a commitment to a team,|he honors that commitment.
He doesn't let emotions|or personal issues|get in the way of victory.
And I've made a commitment|to this team.
They don't want you here|either, Gary.|Yeah. Sure, they don't.
They don't.|They're my friends.
But you're not|a strong bowler.|That's not the point.
You know what? Let's just...|Why don't we let them decide?
Gary, don't. No.|Don't involve them, okay?|That's unnecessary.
What's wrong, Castro?|Castro?
Well, Castro doesn't|let people vote as a team.
Okay. Ask them.|Thank you.
Okay, everyone.|Team vote here.
By a show of hands,|just put it up when you|make a decision,
who here agrees with Brooke|and thinks I should leave|the bowling team?
Band of Brothers.|You should rent it sometime.
Good luck, everyone.|Riding Miss Gutter Ball|to the finals.
Hey, Gary.|Yeah.
I'm gonna need|your shirt back.|What?
Well, we're gonna have to|replace you, and you know|we get docked 10 pins
if everyone's not in matching|Pin Shakers uniforms.
My shirt says "Gary" on it.|Granted.
But actually,|we know a guy named Gary.
And he's not as tall as you,|but he's a pretty good bowler.
I'm gonna have to request|that I have my wrist guard|back then.
I'm sorry. That's mine.
Just give me|the goddamn wrist guard,|please. Thank you.
I hope your wrist snaps.
Wow. Okay? You see that?|You know what I mean?
Yeah. That was awesome.
You just had your|ex-boyfriend, who you wish|you were still dating,
voted off the bowling team.
Well, I had to do that|to get him right|where I want him.
Where's that?|Shirtless in the parking lot?
Addie,|you're not getting this.
Gary loves this bowling team.|He's hurt right now.
He's feeling pretty bad.
He's gonna go out there|and he's gonna get drunk.
He's gonna make|a complete fool of himself.
And he will be sitting there|feeling pretty Ionely
and pretty pathetic,|and then it's just|gonna hit him.
What's gonna hit him?
That not only is he|out a girlfriend,
but his life is just|falling apart piece by piece
and maybe that life|was pretty great.
And maybe I was the glue|that was holding it all|together.
And if he wants|that life back,
he's gonna have no choice|but to change.
How about this, huh?|I feel like|we just found hell.
When did you start|coming to knobby joints|like this?
I might be the greatest|you've ever seen, pal.
I'm conquering new frontiers.|Hello, babe.
Yeah, you've got to put up|with the bad music|and the $15 drinks,
but this place is stacked|with top-shelf, young,|dumb ass.
All you gotta do is just|separate the weaker ones|from the herd.
Come on,|I'll get you into the VIP.
Can I get a couple drinks|from you?|Okay, L.G.
Lupus, I got to be totally...|I got to be honest with you.
I'm not feeling it here.
You're gonna like it in here.|You're gonna love it.
I don't like it out here.|Look, listen to me,|will you, please?
How you doing, Buzz?
While you were|on the inside locked up|for the past two years,
the game has changed.
Do you remember|when you were an outdoor cat
and you used to have to hunt|and kill for your food?
Well, you've become|an indoor cat.
You've been getting your milk|brought to you
in a silver bowl,|and guess what?
Now, you've been|tossed back outside
and the alley has changed.|For example,|your MTV generation,
your technology,|your text message,|your TiVo. You name it.
People want their|information faster.
People e-mail each other|because they want to|exchange information, Gar.
They don't want to connect,|they want results.
Okay.|You gotta get to|the message quicker.
Now, I want you to watch.|It's real simple. Okay?
How you doing, ladies?
Now, here's what I'd like|to do to you.
First, I'd like to|get you naked.
And then I'm gonna take|some Saran Wrap
and I'm gonna wrap you|up in it, head to toe.
Then I'm gonna|cut out two holes.
One for your mouth,|so you can breathe,|obviously.
And the other one...|Asshole.
It could be a gorgeous|evening for us, babe.
The pink is gorgeous.|Jesus, God.
Come here.|Lupus, listen to me.|I want you to listen to me.
There are our drinks.|You want your drink?
No, I'm fine.|Thank you.|The L.G. thanks you.
Will you listen to me,|please? You're my brother|and I love you very much,
and maybe you do|get laid tonight,|but maybe you get arrested.
Arrested for what, babe?|Being awesome?
Come on, babe, listen.|You want to tell your jokes,|tell your jokes.
But sooner or later|you're gonna get hungry|and you're gonna wanna eat.
And jokes might|make you feel better,|but they don't get you fed.
I'm gonna go take a lap.
What are you doing?|I'm sketching.
And where are you sketching?
In the living room.|No, in my bedroom.
And I didn't say anything|to you, Brooke,
when you so arrogantly|claimed the bed|without asking me,
but you can't just waltz|into my room and turn it|into a damn art fair.
Gary, I've only taken up|a little bit of space, so...
I don't care if you only|took an inch.
There might not be|a door here, but this|is my domain. Okay?
I don't go into your bedroom|and set up a goddamn sawhorse.
Well, then what the hell|is that pool table|doing in the dining room?
Because that's a common area.|And that's where this belongs.
Not in my room.|Hey, what are you doing?
It belongs in another|common area.|Gary.
People want to come home|and they want to relax|in their room.
Gary, it is 2:00|in the morning!
Don't you drop my things.|I don't know|what to tell you, kid.
This is how I am|when I'm single.
My hours start to get|pretty strange.
Might be time for you|to think about moving out.
Why would I...|No, I'm not moving anywhere.
Gary, just please|turn the volume down.
Yeah, but I don't tell you|what the hell to do|in your room.
You can doodle. You can dance.
You can bake|a goddamn gingerbread house.
I don't give a shit.
But in my room,|I want to relax|and watch my highlights
in complete surround-sound|experience.
What the hell are you doing?|You're not even gonna|watch it!
Don't tell me what I am|or aren't not doing.
Oh, what you are not,|not doing?
Go learn some English.|Oh, I'm sorry.
I didn't have a grandfather|on the board of|some fancy college.
Key word being "was."|Did he touch the Filipino|exchange student?
Did he not touch|the exchange student?
I don't know, Brooke.|I wasn't there.|Okay.
No, don't start|with the family stuff.
Like your family's so perfect?|Your brother's a pervert!
Don't talk to me about|the sexual habits|of family members.
What about your sister?
My sister's|been through a lot.|Of dick.
There are some problems, Gary,|but can we please|just leave it...
Problems? She slept with|the entire Arizona Cardinals|offensive line.
That's not problems.|That's she's the problem!
She was on vacation!|She was on vacation.
Don't even get me started,|by the way, on your brother.
If I have to hear|that guy sing|just one more time,
I'd hang myself|with wax dental floss.
Could the guy just|come out of the closet,|please?
Richard is not gay.
Okay, lassie,|I want you to listen to me|and listen good.
I'm not saying|he won't get married.
I'm not saying|he won't even have kids.
But then one day|his wife will come home,
and then she'll find him|with a guy named Majulio,
wearing leather helmets|and clubbing each other|to Yanni's greatest hits.
Yeah. Right. Whatever.|You're an infant.
Yeah, I'm an infant.
Go enjoy your room, Brooke,|'cause I'm gonna enjoy mine!
Okay.|You know what?
I might enjoy|some pay-per-view|options tonight.
It's gonna be a long one,|sweetheart,
and I got nothing to do maana|but sleep in.
(SINGING) Boogie nights|Ain't no doubt|we are here to party
What are you doing?
Boogie nights|Come on now,|got to get it started
Ricky, you and|the Get Along Gang leave
or I'm gonna|throw you out of here|personally, you understand?
Actually, Gary,|this is Brooke's bedroom.
So, technically,|you don't have|jurisdiction here,
but I think it'd be really fun|if you sang with us.
Come on, Gary.|I think you'll like it.
You got 10 seconds|to get out of here
or I'm gonna break|your damn magic whistle.
You understand|what I'm saying to you?
Move this group|out of my house, now!
Gary, you can't take|a pitch pipe|out of a guy's hand
when he's in the middle|of a very funky groove.
You can get hurt|doing something like that.
I'm tapping out,|I'm tapping out!
Here we go. From the bridge.
(SINGING) Party night|Get on down|with the sound of the music
Boogie nights|Do it, do it
What kind of bullshit move|was that?
I'm sorry. What?|What happened?|Oh, don't be coy with me.
You sent that animal over here|to attack me when I was|hung over and weak.
Oh, no. Look, all I know|is The Tone Rangers,
they needed someplace|to rehearse,
so I very clearly|told Richard,|"Stay in my room,"
which you explained to me|was my space to do|with what I want.
Is that how|you want to play it?|'Cause I'll play it like that.
I'll play it like|Lionel Richie.
All night long, lady.|Oh, yeah.
I'll call some guys|from my neck of the woods.
And we're not talking, Brooke,
about a couple of queens|who know a few grapples.
We're talking about Polacks|that don't have|a goddamn future.
Right.|That's right!
We can make shit|real uncomfortable|around here,
and that's what|we're gonna do.
Please. Come on.|You know what?
You're just embarrassed|because Richard|kicked your ass.
Richard did not kick my ass.
What Richard did was attack me|when I was half asleep.
Really?|Is that how you see it?
There's a really big gap|between getting|your ass kicked
and having|a dancing, singing sprite|fool you with trickery
and then strike your throat|before you know that|you're even in a fight.
And I wouldn't expect|someone like you|to understand that,
because all you ever do|is make moves from|up in your ivy tower.
Wow. You have officially|gone off the reservation.
I'm an adult.|I talk through shit.|He ran out of ideas.
God. Listen, by the way,|there's messages|on the voice mail
regarding game night,|which is obviously|not gonna happen,
so you might want to|call people and tell them|that it's canceled.
Why would I cancel game night?|Well, I mean...
If it's our turn to host game,|I'm gonna host|goddamn game night.
You want to host game night?|I'm fine, Brooke.
I don't have any strangeness|over what happened here today.
If there's anyone|that should feel weird|about seeing people,
that's you, Tonya Harding.|Me? I'm gonna honor|my commitments.
Let's do that.|Let's do that.
Let's honor the commitment.
Hey, there's no food in there!|BROOKE: So?
Well, people are gonna|be here in an hour.|What are they supposed to eat?
You're a big boy.|Figure it out.
Oh, great.|Well, that's what we got.
We have only tap water|because, you know,|Gary didn't shop.
BROOKE: And we don't have|any ice either 'cause|he didn't fill the trays.
That's trash. It's your shot.|What is your name again?
GARY: Did you call?|JOHNNY O: I called the five.
Well, yeah,|but you didn't call|the second ball,
so that's trash,|so it's your shot.
GARY: You got to play|by the rules. It's your shot.
Andrew.|BROOKE: Oh, hi.
Whoa, whoa, whoa!|Hey, hey, hey!
These two Benedict Arnolds|aren't welcome in my condo.
Who sent an invite to them?|I'm sorry.
These are very loyal friends|and they are always welcome|in my condo.
Oh, really? Why don't we|take it to a vote and see|who has the numbers this time?
GARY: All right.|Show of hands here.
Who thinks that these two|traitors should leave and|not be a part of game night?
And maybe take their shirts|off when they leave.
Raise your hand.|I know I feel that way.|Who else?
GARY: Come on, Johnny O,|put your hand up, please.
Come on. Thank you.|You, Miss? New girl.
Who's the girl?|What's her name?|What's her name?
The girl you're with.|What's her name?|Her name's Diane.
Oh, I'm sorry.|You might want to go ahead|and touch some sky.
Thank you. Come on,|Riggleman, please?|What are you doing?
No. We need the eight|to count towards|a running tally.
You know that. Come on.
Show her whose side|that you're on.|Put your hand in the air.
You know whose side I'm on.|You know we need eight,|though. Come on.
Put your hand down.
Please don't touch|my Ruffles.
GARY: Put that one back.|Those are my Ruffles.
Don't eat them, please.|Thank you.
Oh, Gary.|They're mine.
Come on.|Here we go. All right.
RIGGLEMAN: Eyes front. Ready?|Hold on. Get the|timer going, please.
Ready?|GARY: Now I gotta do it. Go.
ANDREW: Okay.|It's a brick.
ADDIE: Square. Square.|Box. Box.
Corner. Corner.|A dot in the corner.
A house.|Home plate!
JEN: Football! Baseball!|Sports. A house.|ADDIE: A triangle.|It's algebra.
Okay, it's a house.|ADDIE: It's a house.
JEN: It's a house.|ANDREW: Two words.
JEN: Banana?|ADDIE: Chimney,|chimney, chimney!
A fruit. House. Fruit.
Oh, restaurant. Or...
ANDREW: No, chimney, chimney.|ADDIE: Smoke...
JEN: Oh, a house call.|House call!
(TIMER RINGING)|Oh! House call!
Yeah, well, I thought|it was a house call.
Like a hotel, then it hit me|it was a house.|ADDIE: Yeah!
You're terrific.|Absolutely terrific.
All right, beat that.
Okay, guys, listen.|The next one wins, okay?
So let's stay focused.|Let's stay calm.
We can do this. High fives.|Let's go. Come on. Let's go.
Let's get a mind-meld.|Let's try and get a mind-meld,|okay?
GARY: Here we go.|Let's go. Mind-meld.|I heard you!
Don't over-think it.|Mind meld.|ANDREW: Ready?
I heard you!|Well, just keep it simple.
Ready? Wait. Go!|Here we go!|We're mind-melding.
Draw faster.|It doesn't have|to be beautiful,
just has to be|something we can get.|Shoe, shoe...
Shoe! Shoe, shoe, shoe.
Shoeless Joe Jackson.|Draw something different.|No one's getting it.
Shoe. What, is that|a smaller shoe?|JOHNNY O: Baby shoe.
Smaller shoe. Baby shoes.|JOHNNY O: Shoes.
Baby shoes.|Smaller shoe. Gumshoe.
GARY: Smaller shoes.|DIANE: Gumshoe? Gumshoe?
Running Olympics.|JOHNNY O: Inside the shoe.
Inside a shoe. A bubble...|JOHNNY O: Lining.
Stop pointing at the shoe.|We're not...|No one's guessing shoe.
Stop pointing at the shoe|and draw something different.
(TIMER RINGING)|Draw something different.|You...
Goddamn it!|No one's guessing shoe!
You drew a big shoe,|then a small shoe,|and no one got it.
You gotta draw something|different. Everyone said|"shoe" seven times.
It's a sock, asshole.
You call yourself an artist?|Yes!
A three-year-old with|a box of crayons could|do a better job than this.
I'm sorry, I don't have|the great talent of standing|on top of a big red bus
and pointing out architecture|that other great men|have built!
I'm the one who should|be sorry, Brooke.
I shouldn't sit here|and pick on your art.|No.
Because you got|the nuts part down,|Picasso.
GARY: All you have|to do is|cut off your frigging ear.
BROOKE: That's Van Gogh,|you idiot!
And your insults|are much more effective|when they're accurate.
Don't talk to me about|being goddamn accurate!
I can talk to you|about anything that I want.
'Cause you couldn't even|draw a sock.
You don't do anything right!|You're a lazy...
Everyone said,|"Shoe, shoe, shoe!"
At first,|I figured that the split|was just something temporary,
something that you two|would work out and get past,
but after tonight|I think it's pretty clear
that you two genuinely|do not want to|get back together.
There's not a shot in hell.|Gary.
I'm just...|I got you.
As your friend|and as your realtor,
I'm not gonna|leave here tonight
until we decide|what to do about this condo,
because this living situation|is obviously not working out.
Well, the only logical thing|that I can think of
is for her to move out|of the condo,
and then to pay me some|sort of a penalty|as compensation for
the labor that I did|all around the condo.|What? What?
What? Pay you compensation|for your labor?
We fixed this place up|together.|Are you nuts?
Stop calling me nuts,|I swear to God.|I fixed the...
You went around with a sponge,
and you went in the bathroom|and you dotted foofy shit.
That's what you're saying|that I did?|GARY: There's no...
BROOKE: That was...|That's called aesthetics.
It warmed this place up|so it didn't look like
an army barracks,|which it was about to.
I'll tell you what|it's called in his language,|depreciated.
That's what it's called.|You don't even know|what that means.
Unless the next buyer|happens to have your same|Zulu-voodoo-land taste.
All right.|Let me tell you|something else.
It's gonna cost money|to cover up the holes|in the wall.
The holes that you drilled|in the wall there to hang up|whatever that thing is called.
Oh, please. Gary.
GARY: You're gonna have|to cost money to fix that.
What I did, Brooke,|has concrete value|to the condo.
I added concrete...|Well, let's just go on record.
We're dealing with facts here.|I did the tiling|in the bathroom.
Have you seen...|I did the new track lighting.
That tile is the|shittiest tile job.|GARY: I did the plumbing!
The plumbing!|That's realty terms.
Okay. Let's talk|about your plumbing.|This is his plumbing.
We have two temperatures|in our bathroom.
We get either scalding hot|or we get frostbite.
That's it. That's all we get.|It's my problem
that she doesn't know how|to pace a shower?
GARY: Now all of a sudden|that's my fault.
I get a minute|to take a shower.
One minute?|BROOKE: One minute of warmth?
Oh, Jesus. One minute.|That's it. That's correct.
Thank God you're not|in charge of keeping all the|clocks in Chicago on time.
This is basic logic.|You are out of your mind.|You have lost it.
Let me explain this to you|in plain chapter and verse.
Cheese and rice,|you guys are gonna kill|each other. Now, let's just...
Realistically speaking,|neither one of you
can afford this mortgage|on your own, okay?
And that's a shame,|because this building will|continue to increase in value.
I get nothing but|phone calls about it,|all right?
Waiting for a unit to open up.
So, as your realtor,|the last thing I would suggest|is selling.
But as your friend,|I just, I don't see|any other solution.
You take your halves,|you go your separate ways,
and you get on|with your lives.
I know that selling is not|the easiest thing, but|I do think that it's the best.
And to be honest,|this is a situation
where I would just as soon|not take a commission.
That's great. Thank you.|That's great.|Thank you for that.
I wish I didn't have to,|you know,
but company policy says|I cannot waive that.
But I was just...|You know, I'm saying|in theory, you know.
In this situation,|'cause we're friends,|I wish I could waive it.
No can do, though.
As soon as you can,|I would love to get|a set of keys from you guys.
You just drop them off.|Okay. Great. There they are.
I'll be bringing by|people all week.
You won't even know I'm here.|The good news is,|should move quickly.
All right.
Okay to leave you two|alone now?
Got to get back to Jen.|Very excited about|the win tonight.
BROOKE: Addie,|if the condo sells,|I think I'm gonna lose him.
ADDIE ON PHONE:|Yeah, but game night|was so light and fun,
I'm really surprised|to be hearing this.
Okay. You know what?|That's not constructive.|Really.
I just... Yeah, I need|a new plan, Addie. I don't...
I'm just kidding. It's me.
I'm gonna have to|call you back.
Whenever one of my friends|is down, we all go on,|like, happy patrol.
I was actually having|a very serious conversation.
(SINGING)|Christopher, do not sing.
(SINGING) If you're happy|and you know it|Clap your hands
If you're happy|and you know it|Clap your hands
If you're happy|and you know it|You're going to smile to...
Pack up your shit and go home.
Okay. You know what?|This is not his fault.
He was just really trying|to cheer me up and it...
Did I or did I not give you|the day off to be sad?
Yes. But I...|Well, today's not that day,
and unfortunately for you,|I can't afford to look weak.
No, please.
You have warned me|so many times|and you have yet to fire me.
I think you and I both know|that to find and train|somebody new,
it's gonna cost you time,|and it's gonna cost you money,
and I don't think you want|to spend either one of those.
Now, look, I'm just gonna|take a wild guess here,
but you don't become|Marilyn Dean
without knowing|how to handle men.
Okay? Now, just listen|to my problem,
tell me how to fix it,|and then we'll all|go back to work.
Okay. What is this problem|so severe
that has caused you to|blaspheme in the synagogue|of Marilyn Dean?
Well, it's Gary.|I broke up with him
in hopes that losing me|would make him|want to change,
and that's, you know...
And I've just ended up|pushing him, you know,|farther and farther away.
That's it?|Yeah.
Honey, this is not|surrealism or cubism,|it's paint-by-numbers.
Go see Mischa,|my personal waxer at the spa.
Ask her for the Telly Savalas.
The Telly Savalas.
Compliments of M. Dean.
Then go show Gary|your immaculate canvas
and let him see another man|eager to paint it. Got it?
Got it?|Uh-huh.
Who loves you, baby?
ANNOUNCER ON TV:|Wow, impressive.|Three sharp hands landed.
What an amazing display|of punching technique.
The crowd jumps.|That punch rocked him.
They sense he's on the verge|of hitting the canvas.
The roaring for anticipation|of a knockout.
We are witnessing|a great fight.
He's displaying incredible|rhythm with his hands.
Bulldog terrorizing|his opponent. Down he goes!
Hard punch slams him|to the canvas.
REFEREE: One, two, three,
four, five, six, seven, eight,
(BELL CLANGING)|nine, ten. It's over.
Is... Did... Is Brooke here?
I don't know.
Brooke?|BROOKE: I'll be right there.
MAN: Cool, baby, cool.
So, how do you and Brooke|know each other?
Well, how don't we|know each other,|you know what I mean?
BROOKE: Hi, Paul.|Oh, hey. Wow, you look great.
Thank you.
BROOKE: Are you ready to go?|Yeah. All set.
So, it was great meeting you.|Apple martinis.
All right, come on.|That normally does the trick.
Just ignore him.|But just two.|Three, she'll get sloppy.
You'll become a babysitter.
Oh, and fantasy role playing.|She's got a real thing|for lifeguards.
Put some zinc oxide|on your nose|and she'll lose her mind.
It'll all be over with.
MAN: Y'all want me|to stop running?
I mean, the most challenging|part of what I do
is between February|and April 15th.
That's what we in the biz|like to call crunch time.
That sounds fascinating.
Good evening.|Hi.
Can I start you two off|with something to drink?
Yeah, you know, we're gonna|start with a couple|of apple martinis, please.
No, you know what?|I'm gonna... I'm just|gonna start with a water.
Well, you can just|bring those, just in case.|What was I saying?
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
So, you know,|it's not like it's|all work and no play.
You know, I mean,|after April 15th,|that's what we in the biz
like to call party time.
Excuse me.
Oh, I have to get this.|I'm so sorry.
ADDIE: Okay, is this when|I'm supposed to call?|What?
What do you mean? What?|Where? What happened?
Okay, that's great.|Wait. What? Oh, all right.
Listen, where...|Just don't move.|Where are you?
I'm sitting in my kitchen.|Sitting? Okay.
(STAMMERING) Don't move.
Don't... I'm gonna be|right there, honey. I'm gonna|be right there, okay?
Is everything okay?|Oh, my gosh.
That was my best friend.
She just had an accident|and she...|She has this knee thing
and she's just very fragile,|and I have to go.|What?
I can give you a ride.|No. No. That's okay.
I'm gonna grab a cab, so...|I'm so sorry.
I like your dress.
I think he's fascinating.|He's obviously|read a lot of books.
Yeah. Yeah, I bet he has.
He reads a lot of books|because nobody|wants to talk to him.
He's a friend of Andrew's|who's always been polite.
It's the best I could do|on such short notice, okay?
Well, you know what?|Polite is not gonna do it.
We've got to find somebody|who is really gonna|make Gary jealous.
LUPUS:|Can I just say something?
You sound a little jealous,|Gary.
GARY: Why would I be|jealous of some guy|with computer skills?
Let's say he doesn't have|computer skills, but he's got|a big old elephant hog on him?
Would that bother you|or would you be|okay with that?
Not nearly as much as the way|that your mind works.
LUPUS: My mind works great.
So, what's this bullshit|I hear about you|selling the condo?
Selling that condo|is ludicrous.
I was waiting for|when I was gonna get
the how-Gary-always-|screws-his-life-up|speech again.
This must be the right time.|Look, you tell me,
you just tell me, tell me.|Is it happening now?|Yeah. Okay.
Tell me how|losing that asset
is gonna get us|on the river?
Go ahead, just tell me.|Tell me. Somebody tell me.|What is this?
What is this? What is it?|What is it? Hey!|Don't patronize me.
Helicopters.|Helicopters. Exactly!
How does losing the asset|give us helicopters?
Dennis, I'm being totally|serious with you. I don't|need this shit right now.
Hey, you want to cry,|cry to Mom.
Nobody's crying.|I'm not crying.
I just don't feel|like hearing it.|There's no feelings here.
This is about money|and business.|Fine, you broke up.
You broke up. Fine.
You know, sad.
Sad is, instead of putting|$1,000 into your mortgage|every month,
you waste it on rent.|That's what sad is.
Oh, you're broke up.|You're confused,|brokenhearted.
Heartbreak is not|having that money
as part of your net worth|and then not saving the money,
so that after taxes|you can invest!
You know, you're confused.
Are you finished?|Look, I need|the damn tour logs.
Well, I really,|really appreciate|the heart to heart.
It was a great talk, Dennis.|Thank you.
Oh, well, you're behind|three months. You're still|behind three months.
And those logs are imperative|to insuring that our books|are straight!
I'll tell you what those|logs are. Those logs are|bullshit is what they are!
You got the receipts.|Tally the goddamn|things yourself!
I do, I do!
And I don't appreciate it,|because it cuts into|my time with my family.
I could be spending that time|with my family instead of|doing your books.
I already do the taxes.|I do the billing.
I do the hiring, the firing.|I do the maintenance.
Come on, what do you do?|What is it that you do?
You do the tours!|I am the talent, Dennis!
They sign up a month|in advance to see me.
They'll wait in line|for the next bus|to see me! All right?
So don't drain me|with all this bullshit|about the goddamn tour logs!
GARY: How big's your TV?|BOY: Oh, shut up!
How big's your TV,|'cause I wanna know if you|can see what's happening.
Oh, wow.|You beat a 12-year-old.
I don't care if you're|12 years old. You have|more time in the day to play.
I live in the real world,|my man,
(DOORBELL RINGING)|with bills|and responsibilities.
GARY: That's right.
You can't have a handle|called Mad Dog Killer|if you complain every time...
Brooke?|Hi, Mike.
Hi.|Come on in.
Hold on, Mom. I'm coming.
Is your mom|in the room with you?
'Cause I hope she can't see|what's happening.
I hope she can't see|what's happening.
I'm gonna be just|a few more seconds.|So, just sit down and relax.
Oh, yeah, no problem.
GARY: I'm sorry?|Yeah, why'd you do that?
You take the fun|out of beating you, because|you have an excuse to lose.
Get a life, dude.
Do you think it's possible|that your mom won't|love you anymore
if she sees how bad|you're losing in the game.
Shut up!
All right.
GARY:|That's great. You're gonna|stay man-to-man with me.
What happens|when I make a play?
(MIKE GROANING)|Making plays, making plays!|Making plays!
Well, you know,|that's how my people|like to handle their business.
While your guys|are out partying,|mine are running routes.
Try to make a difference.
Mike? I'm ready to go.
Oh, hey,
do you mind if we finish|the game? We got|a real nail-biter going here.
Yeah, sure. Of course. Great.
Awesome, all right?
Touchdown.|Oh, God, is that pretty.
God, is that pretty.|Yeah, I'm a gentleman.
I like to be humble.|I'm old school.|I don't like to talk a lot.
But at the same time,|am I talented?
Tell me how you felt about|what just happened there.
That's him going deep.|That's him going...
Work ethic. Work ethic.
I could play this game|forever.
Oh, I could, too.|I love it, yeah.|I love it, don't you?
I mean, it's the kind of thing|where literally
I play the game and it's like,|four hours go by.
Fate has me highly skilled|and loaded with talent.
'Cause I think I'm|good enough to figure out|how to beat myself.
GARY: You push yourself.
You push yourself|trying to achieve|the impossible,
because you know|that when that moment comes
that everything you've done|up to that moment|has prepared you for victory!
I can't take credit|for it, Mike.
I got to thank|these little digital guys|with the big hearts.
Does it feel good to be|a champion? Yeah.
Yeah, it feels good|to be a champion.|Good game.
Hey, Brooke,|are you ready to go now?
Oh, yeah, yeah. Sure.|MIKE: Great.
Hey, Gary, thanks a lot, man.|It was great to meet you.
Absolutely, man.
Come on, Mike. I know|a great little martini bar.
Hey, man, saddle up.|It's time to rope in|some talent.
What's up? What do you got?
My place. Tonight. Poker.|Call some girls up.
Your roommate is awesome.
Yeah, he's something.
So, where did you go|to law school?|Oh, Northwestern.
God, Gary's hilarious.
Yeah, he's okay.
Okay? I mean,|the guy's all time.
But he's gonna take|Chicago tourism|by air, land and sea.
And he asked me to join|his new bowling team.
I mean, how cool is that?
You know what?|I can't do this.|I'm so sorry.
Excuse me,|would you please pull over?|Can you pull over, please?
Hey, wait.
Tell Gary to call me.
GARY: Welcome, everyone,
to the first annual|Texas Hold'em No-Limit|Strip Poker Tournament.
Now, per the e-mail|that Lupus sent, we each have|eight articles of clothing.
Now, if you want to bet,|you take off an article|of clothing,
you put it in the center.
If you win,|you take back the clothes,|you put back on what you bet.
The extras that|other people bet|will stay in front of you,
much the same as chips would.
You can go all in|at any point,
but as I outlined,|you must take off|all your clothes to do so.
The game shall last an hour,|maybe two,
at which point we will begin|the dance portion|of the evening.
GARY: Let's get going here.
I need to see the blinds.|Small blind. Big blind.
The blinds are one and one.
LUPUS: Come on, ladies.|GARY: All right.
Oh, yeah.|Let's get going here.
Shuffle up and deal.|All right.
I mean, just because|they were playing|video games,
that doesn't mean|it didn't bother him, right?
Honestly, Brooke,|I wish I could tell you,|but I wasn't there.
All right, Sally,|get the soap|out of your mouth.
We're gonna save that|for when you're 12.
Mike was really,|really good-Iooking.
I mean,|he's a little bit of a goof,|but Gary doesn't know that.
I mean, for all he knows,|a sophisticated,
really good-Iooking guy|took me out on a date tonight.
I could be in bed|with this guy right now|for all he knows.
You know?
I'm telling you,|if you saw the look|on his face,
Mike got to him.
Hey, it's Riggleman.|Great news.
So, how does this work?
I'll bring the car|around front|and you wrap them up to go?
Oh, no, no.|We take care of everything.
We deliver it. We hang it.|We check the light|and the sun exposure.
Oh. Perfect.|Yeah.
Listen, I don't want to be|too forward,
but would you like to have|some dinner with me sometime?
I'm sorry. I have a boyfriend.
Of course.|So...
Well, he's a lucky man.|BROOKE: Oh, thank you.
I guess I will just have|to keep it to home deliveries|and gallery purchases.
Thank you, though. See you.
Have a good day, Brooke.|You, too.
Okay, are you|out of your mind?
Gary's throwing Greek orgies|in your living room
and you're telling|hot rich guys|you have a boyfriend?
Are you nuts?|Hey, look.|I'm not exactly innocent here.
Brooke, as an outsider|with some perspective,|I really think you...
Christopher, stop. Stop it.|I don't want to hear it.
This has already gotten|way out of hand.
I know what I have|to do now, all right?|I know what I have to do.
Did you get my note?|Yeah.
Two weeks.
I brought some boxes|from work,
so, you know,|if you need any|just help yourself.
Great. Thanks.
Listen, a while ago|I got these tickets
for the Old 97's tonight,|and I completely forgot|about it, so I...
You know, if you want to go.
Well, how many tickets|did you get?
I got two.
How much do you want for them?
Oh, no, I'm going. I'm going.
So, then it would just be|the two of us?
Well, yes,|and 2,000 other people.
I mean, it's not a big deal,
but, you know, look, you know,|I was going to invite Addie,
but I just figured|I'd gotten them for you, so...
Sure. Why not?
Are you sure? I mean,|if you don't want them,
I can definitely give them|to somebody.|No. No, I'll be there.
That sounds...|It sounds great.
Okay. All right.|It's at the Riv.
So, I'll just leave|your ticket at Will Call.
Yeah, so, there.|I'll just leave that for him.|Okay, great.
Okay, so.|Gary Grobowski?
Grobowski, yeah.|He should be here in a minute.
He's really...|He's oddly tall, so.|Oh, okay. Great.
You won't miss him. Thanks.|All right, have a good night.
Hi. Can I get a beer, please?|Sure.
Actually, make that two beers.
It's gonna be $8.
Excuse me. Sorry.
MILLER: Hello, everybody!
Good evening, Chicago.|We're the Old 97's.
Are you up?|Yeah.
Are you okay?|I'm fine.
Are you sure?|What's up? What do you want?
I just want to say|I'm sorry that I missed|the concert,
and let me know|what that ticket cost,|I'll pay you back for it.
Just leave me alone, Gary.
I planned on going|to the concert.
It's just, I stopped by|Johnny O's and we...
It doesn't fucking matter,|okay?
Would you just leave my room|and shut the door?
I didn't really know|that the concert mattered|all that much to you.
Hold on a second here.|Let me talk for a second.
Brooke. You broke up with me.
Then you have guys|coming over here for dates,
and all of a sudden|you ask me to go|to some concert.
I mean, I just figured that,|you know.
I just... I don't know|how we got here.
Our entire relationship
I've gone above|and beyond for you, for us.
And I mean, I've cooked.
I've picked your shit up|off the floor.
I've laid your clothes|out for you like you were|a four-year-old.
I support you.|I supported you, your work.
If we ever had dinner|or anything,|I make the plans.
I take care of everything and|I just don't feel like you|appreciate any of it.
I don't feel|you appreciate me.
And all I want is to...|Is for you to just show me|that you care.
Why didn't you just|say that to me?
Gary, I've tried. I've tried.
Yeah, but never like that.
You might've said|some things that you meant|to imply that, Brooke,
but I'm not a mind reader.
I doubt it would matter.|You are who you are.
Just leave me alone, okay?
Right now. Just shut my door.
All right, Gary, just, please.|Just leave the room.
Listen to me.|Gary, just...
I don't want to be|near you right now.|Listen to me.|I just want to...
Please, just shut the door.|Please.
JOHNNY O: I know. Look, I know|you feel bad, but, you know,|what are you gonna do?
I mean, what does she expect,|for me to want to go with|the girl who dumped me?
I don't know. She probably|just wanted you, you know,|to show her the respect
of not standing her up|or some shit, who knows?
Well, damn it.|I should have just said|no in the first place.
I don't know why I called...
You know what?|It's her fault she got hurt.
You shouldn't even feel bad|about it. She should have|expected it from you.
You're a fun guy, okay?|Everybody likes you.
You're the quickest guy|I know. Anytime we go out,|I have a blast.
All right? But, you know,
everybody who knows you|knows you're gonna do|what you want to do.
And if it's not what the|other person wants to do,|well, that's their problem.
That's bullshit.|It's not bullshit.
There's plenty of times|I do shit that|I don't want to do.
That's ridiculous. No.|Like when?
That's bullshit to say|about me.
When have we ever|done something|you didn't want to do?
You know, I don't know,|off the top of my head.|I don't keep score...
When's the last time|we went to a Sox game?
The Sox.
Not when they're playing|the Cubs, either.
We always do what you want|to do and she always did|what you want to do.
It's who you are.
Everybody thinks|that you're their friend,|okay?
But the fact of the matter is|that there's not one person
that I know that|you trust enough|to let close enough
that they could hurt you.
And her big problem|is that you really liked her.
I mean, she is the one girl|you really liked.
And no matter what she did|and how hard she tried,
you were never gonna|let your guard down.
That poor girl|never stood a chance.
Marilyn?|MARILYN: Yeah.
I'm sorry. I just...
MARILYN: Oh, just get in here.
Oh, okay.|I'm sorry, excuse me.
Marilyn, I just...
I just wanted to let you know|that today is gonna be|my last day.
I'm gonna be traveling|for a bit.
Here's a blank check.
Write down a number, I don't|want to know what it is,|and go back to work.
No, no. It's not about that.
I can't accept that.
Travis, get your gorgeous|tuckus out of here.
If you make it to Rome,
search out an establishment|called the Padre Negro.
Ask for a strapping young|fellow named Alberto.
Compliments of M. Dean.
Well, thank you.|I appreciate that.
Yeah. And, honey,
take as long as you want,|because when you're done,
your job will be right here|waiting for you.
And if you discover a path|that doesn't lead back here...
Well, I hope you'll text.
I will.
And, like I said,|the apartment's a mess,|but I'm moving, so...
It's okay. Relax about|the place. I don't care.
Okay. This'll just take|a second.|Okay.
BROOKE: Hello?|GARY: Hey. I'm in here.
Don't say anything. I...
How're you doing?
Could I talk to you in private|for a second?
You know what?|This is really|not a good time,
and obviously you have|something happening here,
so we'll just be in...|No, no, I don't have|anything going on.
This is actually for you.
I'm just gonna wait outside.|No, no. Wait.
No, no. Really. It's okay.
I really can't do this|right now.
Brooke, this whole thing|has been really tough on me
and I've tried to act|like it hasn't been|that tough on me,
but the first Sunday|after me and you broke up,
it all kind of really hit me.
And I think|it partially hit me
because Sunday was sort of|always our day that we|would do stuff together.
But I didn't have any idea|you still cared so much.
And, you know,|when I saw you crying|the other night,
that was honestly|the worst moment of my life.
Let me just try to say|some of these things here.|It's just...
I know that I've caused you|a lot of pain.
And the funny thing is,|all I really want to do|is make you happy.
I just want to make you smile.
Now, I've had a lot of time|to think about|some of the things
that went on, and I know,|Brooke, that I don't always|do the right thing
or always say|the right things,
but I am willing to try|to do things differently.
And I'd be happy to go|take a dance class.
Well, I would. Honestly.|I would like to go do that.|Or go travel.
I mean, I'd even be willing|to go to the ballet.
Although I would much rather|do the dance class|or take a trip somewhere.
But I realize|that's not the point.
I realize that the point|isn't that at all,
because it's not really|about doing things|that you love to do always,
but it is about doing things|with the person that you love.
And I love you.
Gary.|Just give me one second here.
I've missed you so much.
I promise you, Brooke,
I will do whatever it is|that I have to do|to never hurt you again.
I love you and I'm sorry.
Okay, that's it.|That's all I...
Oh, God.|That's all I wanted to say,
so you can go ahead now|with anything that|you're feeling to say.
I don't know what to say.
Just say whatever|you feel inside.
I don't feel the same way.
I don't. I just...|I don't know.
Oh, God.
I just, I think...|I don't know,
but I don't think I have
anything left to give.
I'm sorry.
I was hoping for...
It doesn't matter.
Oh, this is now|beyond awkward.
There's some new guy|standing out in the hallway
and I think I'm gonna go.
Thank you.
I made a dinner,|and I don't know if|it's any good or not,
but you're welcome to have it.
Gary, that's really...|That's not what|you think that it is.
It's okay.
I'm gonna go take a walk.
I'm sorry about that.|No.
I'm sorry I imposed.|No, that's fine. Please.
So, what do you think?|I think you're right.
I think it's great.|Good.
I will have that wrapped up.
Packed up, sorry,|and delivered.
Thank you for taking the time|to show it to me, okay?
Yeah. I'm gonna run.|Okay, I'll walk you out.
No, no, no.|I can... It's okay.
GARY: So, the thing that|I was most afraid|of happening happened
and I don't regret it at all,|because now she knows|how I feel.
Do you know what I mean?|Yeah.
I think,|what you got to do now|is really think hard,
because you have|to find somebody
that can't be traced back|to either of us
to visit this guy.
What are you talking about?|I don't...
The guy who came with her.
I don't need anything|to happen to the guy.
But if they could trace him|back to either one of us...
It's not about him.|I don't care about that.|'s a problem.
The guy, he's not a...|They're not dumb.|Cops are smart, trust me.
Okay, but he's not|a problem to me.|Right.
Listen to me.
Promise me that you're|not gonna do anything.
I got you.
It's better if nobody...|You don't know anything.
What are you talking about?|I'll take care of it.
I don't want you|to take care of anything.|John, do me a favor.
I'm being serious with you.|I know, I know.|Smart. You're smart.
No, I'm not.|I'm being honest with you.
I don't want anything|to happen to him.|Me, either.
Promise me you're not|gonna have anyone|do anything to this guy.
But you've gotta|tell me exactly|what you're gonna tell them,
if the cops come to you.|Because if we tell|a different story...
Nothing.|Promise me one thing.|We don't care...
John, I'm gonna go home.|I can't do this.|I'm exhausted.
Right, go home. Just make sure|your neighbors know|you're going home.
Do me a favor.|They got phone records. Make|a couple phone calls tonight.
Especially around 10:00.
Okay. Please don't|do anything. All right.
I don't mean it like...|I mean, honestly.
No, no, I got it.
For all you know,|nothing's happening.
I don't want anything|to happen.|Right.
Say it louder.
What are you doing here|so early?
Everything okay|with you and...|Yeah, everything's|gonna be great.
I just wanna get|my day started,|but I just wanted to say that
I'm sorry it took|so long for me to...
I love you, Dennis.
(GASPING)|It's all right. It's okay.
I'm sorry. I'm gonna go|do the stuff.
So, that's it|for all my stuff.
If you want, you could give me|your key and I'll drop it off|at Riggleman's.
All right.
You know, there's|a thousand things I...
I would have done differently.
Me, too.
Sort of, actually,|when I see this space, I|realize that if we didn't have
such a big coffee table|and that oversized couch
a pool table|would have fit nicely.
Although the oversized couch|did come in very useful the|last couple of weeks, so...
Yes, it... I guess.
Have a good trip.
GARY: Chicago is called|the Second City
because after the|Great Chicago Fire of 1871,
Chicago was rebuilt|on its ruins.
The city came back|even bigger and stronger|than it originally was.
So it's not really an insult,|it's more of a badge of honor|to be called...
The Second City!
Okay. People, you might|be able to get away
with that reaction at work,|but you are on vacation here.
If you can't blow it out here,|then where the hell|can you blow it out?
Ladies and gentlemen,|show me that you mean it.
Do not make me ask you twice.
Are you ready to see Chicago?|ALL: Yes!
I said, are you ready|to see Chicago?|ALL: Yes!
Are you ready to see Chicago?|Shondra, put this babe|in the air.
Let's go!
There is a bar downstairs.|Please enjoy yourself.
I know it's early|in the morning, but it is|Chicago in the summer.
Who are we kidding? It's fine.
Go get hopped up,|make some bad decisions.
My jokes get better.|The buildings look bigger.
It's not so important|that everything is finished.
It's important that|everything is right.
Well, what time's|the presentation?
All right, I'll pick up|the rest of the stuff|and I'll see you at 6:45.
Great. Bye.
GARY: Brooke!
It's good to see you.|It's good to see you.
I'd give you a hug,|but my hands are kind of|full with all the bags here.
How've you been?|I've been really good.
How have you been?|I've been good.
You look great.|Thank you.
The hair's a little different.|Looks nice.|Yeah? Oh, yeah.
You've lost some weight.|Well, it's very|deceiving, actually.
I've managed to become thin|without having any real muscle|on me whatsoever.
Very tough thing to|accomplish, by the way.|I'm proud of myself.
Well, you look terrific.|Thanks.
I heard your trip|went really well.|It did. It went really well.
Oh, good.|It was fun. It was amazing.
I saw so many amazing places.|It was just...
But, you know,|you do realize|how much you love home.
It's good to have you back.|Yeah. It's good to be back.
And the boat.|Congratulations on the boat.|Thanks.
I'm waiting for it|to get warm, and I'm gonna|come by and take a ride.
Well, anytime you want.|It'll be on the house.|Come on by.
Well, I will, then.
I hope you do.
Well, I got to...|I'm going to a meeting, so...
I got to drop these bags|off anyway, but it's really|good to see you, Brooke.
Really good to see you.|Shouldn't...
Sorry.|I'm sorry.
I'm just saying we shouldn't|wait so long the next time|before we...
Yeah.|...catch up.
We have a lot more|to talk about.|Yeah.
Be good.|Okay.