The Brink's Job (1978)

Six and one. Seven.
See ya later.
There it is, there it is!
Four and a deuce.
Hey, hey!
Who does he think
he is, huh?
Let's go!
Sandy, let's go!
Mmm! How can you kiss her
after what you done to her?
Come on, already.
What is it with you?
He'll be right back. He's
gonna get some sausages.
Bye, Sandy.
Hey, Red, did he pay ya?
The Irish,
they don't pay.
Here's a pound
for you, sweetheart.
How are you, boys?
Hey, you give me
a big buildup?
Was she askin'
about me?
You ready to do
some honest thievin'?
Why not?
All right. Let's go.
A beauty.
Jesus Christ!
Put it over there.
Sorry, Tone.
Sandy, over here.
Gus, over there.
Move it out toward me.
- What do you want me to do?
- Nothin'.
Swing it toward me.
Now, tip it on its back. Vinnie!
- Put your ass there.
Where's my finger?
Put your ass there.
What do you want?
Brace it.
Vinnie, downstairs.
Get me the crowbar.
Vinnie, would ya get downstairs
and heat up the car?
Whattaya givin' me this for?
And this bag- too small.
Tony, I think I found
a cash box here.
Ow! I'm goin'!
I'm goin', Tone!
Get the vise.
- Second floor?
- No, it's the third.
I ain't shittin'!
Let's get the hell outta here!
Cover that corridor.
I seen 'em!
There's four of 'em.
Sandy, where the hell
you goin'?
This way, Gus.
Down the chute.
Oh, shit.
Move down the up ramp.
Be careful, Dave.
In there.
Put your hands up!
youve gotta accentuate
the positive
eliminate the negative
latch on
to the affirmative
dont mess
with Mr. Inbetween
youve got to spread joy
Up to the maximum
Bring gloom
Down to the minimum
then otherwise
pandemoniums liable
to walk upon the scene
to illustrate
Well, illustrate
my last remark
You just implored
Jonah in the whale
Pino, if you see my old lady,
tell her I'll be late for dinner!
I got you all
the back issues, Tony.
Who is that?
Captain Marvel Junior?
Yeah, Captain Marvel's kid.
He never had no kid.
Sure he did, with Lois Lane.
Lois Lane?
Lois Lane is Superman's girlfriend.
She didn't even know Captain Marvel.
While you was in the can,
she dumped Superman.
She started shackin' up
with Captain Marvel.
You know
the trouble with you?
You don't read the comic books.
You just look at the pictures.
While you was away,
I stuck up a bakery in Salem.
What'd you get? A buck seventy-five
and four months in the can.
How's everything?
Where's Mary?
Remember me?
How ya doin'?
I can't kick.
I'm Joe McGinnis.
I own the bar across the street.
I heard about you.
Chippy Ruben says he knows
you from Deer Island.
Yeah, we was both partners
with Johnny TwoHands.
You seen John recently?
Completely bald.
You know Walter from over in Chelsea?
Walter who?
Yeah, Walter who.
He's a decent fella.
Seein' as though
we're neighbors,
I thought maybe
we oughta talk.
How 'bout a coffee?
How 'bout a radio?
Console model?
Yeah, that's what
the wife wants.
The console model.
This one...
or this one.
How much? Forty dollars.
Take your pick.
That's more than I want to pay
at this particular time.
Forty's the price.
Who are you?
That's my brother-in-law.
Vinnie Costa.
Yeah, huh?
Watch the front. Move!
The girl's alone.
Joe, you need
some underwear?
Maybe later.
I was thinkin' you
and I oughta do somethin'.
My specialty is planning jobs
that other guys pull...
while I sit at home and
watch the money come in.
You got talent as a spotter,
and I'm the best planner in the country.
I think I got somethin'
for you, Joe.
Here, take this radio,
Joe. Be my guest.
You've got
a generous heart, Tony.
What did you have
in mind, Joe?
A partnership.
I tell ya, Joe,
I'm not doin' too bad right now.
I got a nice crew.
They're all friends of mine.
The hours are good.
I don't need much.
I've been in on some of the biggest jobs
in New England in the last ten years.
I've never done a day
in the can.
I've never left my own saloon.
Think about it.
No sale, Joe.
Don't move!
Don't turn around.
Now, I want an order to go.
Walk up to that register.
Now, put the cash
on the counter.
Now move.
Okay, is this all the cash?
You lyin' bastard.
you son of a bitch!
You almost give me a heart attack.
Did ya miss me, Tony?
You damn near killed me,
you son of a gun!
Aw, I love ya, Tony.
What the hell
are you wearin'?
You like it?
I've been doin' time for my country.
How many Japs you kill?
I never saw a Jap in my life.
But I was torpedoed twice.
So, where's your medals?
Medals? They give me a dry uniform, stuck
me back on a ship to be torpedoed again.
It's like I always told ya, I been put
on this earth to be double-crossed.
So, here's the question
before the board.
Are you ready to do
some honest thievin'?
I'm halfway through a 48-hour liberty.
I didn't even get drunk yet.
So take a couple of hours.
We'll grab a Pete.
Where am I gonna spend the money?
The navy brig at Portsmouth?
I got 90 days left, Tony.
Let me finish it up.
I get out,
we hook up together again like the old days.
I got no boys.
I got no fellas. I can't move.
I'm stuck here
pushin' kidney pies.
There's a guy up here who was overseas
with me. He's a piece of work.
His name's Jazz Maffie. We pulled a couple
of scores together while we were away.
I'm not lookin' for newcomers.
Who is he?
He's a bookmaker. He steps out.
He likes the excitement.
I can't see Robbin' with no bookmaker.
Where's he live?
Who is it?
Tony who?
Tony Pino.
Are you Jazz Maffie?
How are ya? Come on in.
Have a drink.
I don't drink, but I'll
have a drink anyway.
Good. What'll it be?
You got any Chianti?
Nah. I don't keep that
cheap stuff in the house.
Well, then, forget it.
I'm better off without it.
A friend of mine asked me
to take a look at you.
Oh, what friend would that be?
Uh, Sandy.
Sandy. Yeah, well, Sandy's a good guy.
How is Sandy?
He wanted me to ask ya
if you wanted some work.
What sort of work
would that be?
Sandy didn't tell ya?
Not that I remember.
Where'd you get
that tie?
They're handmade.
Do me a favor.
Next time you're in the North End,
boost a couple for me.
I like to give 'em
away to my help.
Listen, mister, I didn't
come here to talk about clothes.
I take petes.
I'm the best goddamn
Pete man there ever was,
and I don't need nobody
along who don't know that.
Well, I guess you don't need
me along then, do ya?
Jesus Christ, fella.
You're givin' me a lot of heartache.
Well, why don't you have a drink?
I don't want a goddamn drink!
I wanna know if you're any good
and if you wanna come along.
You're not gonna know until I
actually do come along, now, are ya?
Ain't you gonna finish dinner?
I don't think so, Mommi.
I can't eat.
I'm too nervous before I go to work.
You got all your stuff?
Yeah, I'm all set.
Where's your screwdriver?
I got it. Where the hell is it?
How 'bout your gloves?
I got 'em.
Here. Take this in case
you get hungry later, okay?
Take it easy.
Why didn't we all
just drive here together?
'Cause I'm the boss,
and we do things my way.
Listen, mister, you better start showin'
some respect around here.
Just be a good fella.
Be a good fella now.
Be there, baby.
Jesus Christ!
This is my score,
Move! Move!
Horse's ass!
It's my score,
Get out, for cryin' out loud.
I'm tryin'.
What happened?
What? What?
Where is it?
Get your stuff. Come on.
Right around the corner.
We got this thing licked.
It's a piece of cake.
Be out of here in no time.
Son of a bitch.
This Pete is brand-new.
Vinnie, that horse's ass!
He said this was an old Mossler.
Then I'm gonna go watch that hall.
What for?
If you're gonna peel,
it's gonna take a long time.
Who says I'm gonna peel?
Who says I ain't gonna blow it?
The way you been
swingin' that bag around,
I know you're
not carryin' nitro.
There ain't no way
to peel this Pete,
'cause it's made outta
that new wartime metal.
Pino, I ain't got all night.
Let's take her with us.
Sure. I'll stick it in my back pocket.
It only weighs a ton.
You're goin' full out
for a hernia, mister!
You know, Tony, I, uh...
I didn't want to say anything in
front of the new guy, Tony, but...
we gotta have a few things straight
between us, you understand?
I mean, this is
my score, right?
I gotta have some respect.
What am I,
a twig to be bent?
While you was in the joint,
a lot of guys would've cleaned you out.
Son of a bitch!
Thirteen dollars.
You guys can keep
my share.
I didn't know.
You dumb son of a bitch!
I'll kill ya, you horse's-
Come on. Leave me alone.
I didn't know, all right?
Oh, really?
What're you,
a thief?
What do you got
in that hat?
Let me have
five pounds.
What about the lettuce?
Whattaya got goin' there?
Two heads for a quarter.
Two? Let me have a head.
- Can I help you?
- Well, my partner and I,
we've been making big investments
in this neighborhood,
and we was very impressed with the
way you been fixin' things up.
What I mean is, the kind
of work that you do...
makes the price of buildings go up,
and that helps us on our end.
So, we figured this outfit was a good cause,
and we wanna make a donation.
Why, how very nice.
It's unusual for someone to come
in person with their donation.
Most of our assistance
comes through the mail.
Really? Yeah, well, um,
we was just happenin' in the neighborhood,
and we was checkin'
on some of our real estate properties.
How much shall I put you down for?
How do, ma'am?
- Uh, you could put us down for fifty cents.
- You better make it a dollar.
Fifty cents each.
What'd I tell you?
This one is chocolate cake.
There's no way
you can miss.
You saw the Pete.
It was sittin' there wide open.
There's gotta be at least
two grand in there every day.
Two grand? It's a couple of old ladies
playin' with quarters and dimes.
You ain't playin'
with a full deck.
Two grand!
Tony, you saw those old dames.
We could go in there
with cap pistols.
Not me. I bag
goin' in on the heavy.
I'm not gonna scare
one of them old ladies.
What if she drops dead
of a heart attack?
You wanna be responsible for killin'
one of them little old ladies?
Mother of God.
You got a card there,
Mr., uh-
Lacey. Lacey, yeah.
You stay close by me.
Here you go.
Why don't you go up and wait in the office,
How do?
- Where's the keys to 706?
Should be there.
They're not here.
Maybe it's over
in Maintenance.
I got 'em.
Jake, your A & P payroll's
over here.
For chrissakes!
They got no consideration at all up there.
I'm on my goddamn break.
Paul, you goin'
to lunch?
Jesus Christ. Is it that late?
Yeah, it's 12:30.
Yes, it is.
I didn't know what
the hell time it was.
Mr. Lacey? I'm Hank Rightmire,
vice president of Brink's.
Now, what's this about
a free offer?
Well, sir,
what I wanna do is, uh...
I got somethin' here that I wanna show ya,
if you don't mind.
You see, I'm from the
Globe Spark Plug Company.
We're a top- of-the-line outfit,
just like Brink's,
and here's what
I have in mind.
I wanna give you some samples...
some new spark plugs...
and a set of these dura-life fan
belts for all of your trucks.
These are free samples?
Only if you like 'em.
Start you off with $100
worth of free supplies.
I give 'em to you for over a year.
You gotta do one thing.
You gotta let us use the Brink's
name in our advertising.
Well, Mr. Lacey, afraid
I can't go along with that.
I'm talkin' about Life magazine
and Saturday Evening Post.
Mr. Lacey, Brink's
is a very prestigious firm.
We've never lent our name
to any advertising.
We don't even
advertise ourselves.
Well, I hear what
you're sayin', and, uh,
to be frank with ya,
I don't have an answer.
All right, let me
do this for ya.
Just so it wasn't
a waste of time,
let me pick out a free
selection of samples.
You use 'em,
and if you like 'em,
and if you can remember
that I got ten kids to feed,
maybe you'll give me a call
and make an offer.
Is that fair enough?
Well, that sounds reasonable.
You just leave
your stuff here,
and I'll have our service manager look
at it when he comes back from lunch.
Thanks for coming by.
I enjoyed it.
They could have
some electrical system...
that'll fry you
when you touch the door.
I was in the joint.
They got nothin'.
They got cheap locks and 75-watt bulbs.
What if they got radar?
No, I'm tellin' ya,
they got nothin'.
What's radar?
There they go for coffee.
They're right on schedule.
Isn't it a great country?
Aren't you glad your
father caught the boat?
Come on. Move it!
That's a hundred grand,
give or take a few bucks.
Right. I'll give you 20
cents on the dollar.
How much?
We're outta here.
Pack it up. Let's go.
You take an attitude, Tony,
and nobody's gonna deal with you.
There isn't a fence in New
England will touch that garbage.
I'll take thirty.
Any you guys take 30?
I'll buy it myself for 35.
Not me.
You got it for 33.
What in the hell
is he laughin' at?
We worked goddamn hard for that money.
Can't give it away for nothin'.
I don't want
to argue with you.
Today is my grandson's christening.
I'll give you 22.
I can get 50 from the
pari-mutual guy at Narragannset.
Why don't you? It's winter.
The track's closed.
Wait till spring.
We don't need this bullshit, Tony.
Will you kindly not use
that language in my home?
Take it or leave it.
Take what?
Not 22.
Not 33.
We were put here
to be double-crossed.
For ten years I worked
with Jimmy Sincere.
I never got less than 35 cents on the dollar,
and I made him rich.
We all know what happened to Jimmy Sincere,
God rest him, but you're dealin' with me now.
and that's final.
Make it a quarter.
Not a hope.
Oh, Poppi!
You like it?
Oh, it's beautiful.
Now that's 100% muskrat.
You could see it.
It says it on the label.
This is the first thing you ever
give me that was gift wrapped.
I ain't gonna tell ya what I paid for it,
'cause it's a present.
That ain't right.
But here's the receipt.
Just in case somebody
asks where you got it.
I'm through with them trucks, Mommi.
Chump change.
I figure if I can hit them
people for nickels and dimes,
I oughta be able
to take their Pete.
People been talkin'
about that for years, Poppi.
That might be
too tough for you.
Why do you think they never
reported what we grabbed?
Only thing I can figure is
they don't want no headlines.
Who's gonna wanna put
their money in a place...
where you can take a hundred grand off
'em just like that?
They got a reputation
to cover,
and it's their reputation
that's gonna take 'em down.
Yeah, but trucks
are one thing.
The pete's gotta be guarded
like the king of England.
Mommi, buildings
is like people.
They got stories,
and they got secrets to tell you.
All you gotta do
is look.
Some buildings got smart faces,
you know what I mean?
They're alert, and they're
starin' right back at ya,
and they're sayin',
I dare you to come and grab me."
There's other buildings that're dumb,
like the Brink's.
When I was a kid
I thought to myself,
"If I ever worked in a place like that,
I'd cut my throat."
Them people are bored.
They're dead; they don't know it yet.
They got all that
dough in there,
and they treat it
like it was garbage.
They got no feelin' for their work.
The building is asleep.
All that money is in there,
and it's being held prisoner,
and it's screamin' at me
through the walls.
It's yellin', "Hey, Tony,
come in and grab me! Get me outta here!"
Well, I'm goin' in,
and I'm gonna get it out!
To Brink's, Poppi.
To Brink's.
All right, let's call
that big window one.
Drivers' locker room.
Window two and three,
counting rooms.
Window four,
that's where my baby is.
I Go!
got it! I got itl
Boo! Trick or treat,
buy or eat.
All right, at a quarter to 8:00,
they start comin' to work.
Seven o'clock,
they're all outta there,
except for those
four old guards.
No alarm?
That don't figure.
Holy shit.
There's no way to pick this bitch.
What the...
Fifty-watt bulbs?
Cheap bastards.
These hacks, they like to sleep in trucks.
Gotta watch out for that.
Now I know where I am.
Through here,
this is the...
Right, this is
the counting room.
Right through there,
through that door, is the Pete.
No lock on this door.
Son of a bitch.
What's that?
What, a window?
I gotta get through here.
Come on there.
Jesus, I can't get
through here.
Dirty bastards.
Son of a bitch.
Hmm? It's open.
I gotta feel around here.
They must have some trip wires on the floor.
Look at this.
You cheap sons of bitches.
A ten-cent stomp alarm.
Come here, baby.
I love ya.
This joint's mine.
I own this joint.
"It is, moreover,
the supreme headquarters...
"of a privately-owned
armored force...
"that operates throughout
the United States and Canada.
"Behind its 27inch walls
are iron-barred vaults...
and arsenals of machine guns,
carbines and assorted small arms."
What a load of shit.
Back again, Pino?
What's goin' on?
New England Mutual got hit last night.
How much they get?
Two hundred thousand.
The whole payroll.
So, what do you want
with these bums?
Routine roundup to keep
you people happy.
It wasn't no surprise to me the goddamn flyboys
jumped in and grabbed up all the credit.
There wouldn't have been any
landing craft on Normandy Beach...
if it hadn't of been for me and my boys
down there under ten fathoms of water...
tryin' to blow up them concrete
obstructions them krauts left behind.
Winston Churchill shook this hand.
Know what he said?
I can't do no cockney accent,
but he said,
"You guys did
a jolly good job.
If it wasn't for the U.D.T.,
there wouldn't have been no fuckin'D-day."
What's U.D.T.?
Underwater demolition team.
I put that whole thing together.
You got a cigarette, Gus?
What're you doin' now?
Specky's the best Pete man I ever
worked with, except for you.
They got petes,
I don't know if you seen 'em.
Fancy new metals.
You can't burn 'em.
Well, the thickest Pete
in the world's got maybe...
four inches of plate
on 'em, say five.
But a German panther tank has
got 12 inches of carbon steel.
That's German steel.
That's the finest there is.
I was puttin' armor-piercin'
shells through that crap...
like you'd stick your finger
through a loaf of Wonder Bread.
Ordnance, that's my game.
Big stuff, you know, cannons, rockets,
delayed charges, crap like that.
He got decorated.
Yeah, well, that was Iwo.
I don't want to talk about that now.
You. You in the checkered
jacket, front and center.
That's him.
That's the guy.
You're a goddamn liar, mister.
Just because I'm wearin'
a checked coat and two-tone shoes.
Your identification's a piece of shit.
You wanna know why?
Because the man
was wearin' a mask.
I'm doin' you guys a favor to show up here.
I'm an exparatrooper.
Just give your name.
Joe. My friends
call me Joe.
Your name is James Joseph O'Keefe.
Your street name is Specs.
You just keep readin' it off.
I'll tell you when you're wrong.
Smiley, the clown
next to him.
You know who
I'm talkin' about.
Come on, come on.
Front and center.
What the hell
do they call you?
Come on!
What's your father's name?
We-we call him "Dad."
Your name is Stanley Gusciora.
Your street name is Gus.
What's your excuse for the
New England State Mutual job?
I was outta town,
and I got a witness.
Where's your witness? Right here.
We was both out of town.
- Where is my beef stew?
- I been sittin' here for?ve-
Easy, easy!
What the hell is goin' on?
Where's this beef stew
comin' from, China?
Why the hell did you hire
a cook from the Salvation Army?
Mother of God.
Whattaya gotta do
to get a beef stew?
All right, I hear ya.
Shut up.
Get a move on, will ya?
Where in the hell's the manager?
Have a drink.
Comin' up!
What about them guards?
They all carry pistols?
They ain't guards.
They're just drivers from the trucks comin' off duty.
Oh, there's my boy.
Look at him. Mr. America, 1920.
They hang around for the night shift, huh?
There ain't no night shift.
Mr. Brink's, he don't believe
in payin' night rates.
Come 7:15,
this joint is empty.
They just lock it up
and go home.
That's what I'm tryin'
to tell ya.
Look, he dropped the money. Leave it there.
I'll get it in the morning!
How much you figure's
in that Pete?
Conservatively speaking,
two, three hundred grand.
- Tony, ain't that the stork?
- Stork?
Yeah, he walks like one
of them bigass birds.
What's so funny?
He looks like
he's over 90 years old.
They all look like a bunch
of antiques in there.
I don't think they could
defend a toy factory.
After 7:00,
everybody goes home,
except them four guys.
Who's that?
Heavyset guy?
He's the guard
from the rotunda.
He ain't wearin' a gun.
He never wears a gun.
Now he's gonna get the sports page.
How do you
know that?
He does it every night.
Gets the sports page and goes
into the head for an hour.
I call him
the long crapper.
It's the same routine
every night, boys.
Never changes.
Seven-fifteen, they close that safe,
and they're outta there.
So, it's never opened
after 7: 15.
Jesus, cold as a morgue.
- Ever check this place for infrared detectors?
- What's that?
It's a bug that works off a
temperature differential.
Keep the place cold so
body heat will set it off.
This place is cold, because Brink's is
too goddamn cheap to pay for the heat.
Hold it.
From here on in,
you gotta crawl.
Dog fashion,
like John Wayne in the Sands of Iwo Jima.
What the hell are you talkin' about?
In case of sneaky pictures.
Come on. Move.
Me too? No, you're special.
Get down on your ass.
Come on, boys. Move it.
All right, over the wire,
and we're in.
Tough to get in here,
huh, boys?
I don't know if I can do this.
A walk in the park.
I don't know
if I can do this.
Come on, Vinnie.
Make like a gazelle.
There's a bag of oats
in it for ya.
Come on. Let's go.
The door is locked.
It's open.
You son of a bitch.
They don't lock nothin' around here.
Might discourage thievery.
Be careful of this stomp alarm.
Don't wanna wake nobody up.
Oh, Henry Brick made
some overtime this week.
Two hours.
He could use the overtime, huh, Tony?
He's got a couple
of kids, don't he?
That sign means there's
a wire from this Pete...
right over to
the A.D.T. switchboard.
I found this layin'
in the corner over there.
Where'd you get this?
It was on the wall
in the corner.
Mother of God,
these are the biggest payrolls in the state.
"General Electric"?
"Eight hundred grand
a week."
How much?
Look at this.
$470,000 a week."
Let me see that.
Can I see that, Tone?
Take it easy.
I found the thing, didn't I?
"Vault contents,
Tuesday the 6th."
There's four million
in there right now.
Who would ever dream they kept
that kind of dough in there?
Nobody would,
except me and my brother-in-law Tony Pino,
the greatest thief
who ever lived.
Yeah. Yeah?
Am I right?
That's it.
What we got here is a
trajectory to this point.
Now, from an ordnance position on
the roof of that apartment building,
we got an "A" and "B"
prime target area here.
The head of the shell,
after piercing this outer plate,
will melt the bell frank and free these...
what do you call it- lugs.
Then one guy's gonna
jump through the hole...
and jerk out the lugs
with a pipe wrench.
Additionally, we'll have two guys in the
room wearin' protective asbestos suits...
during impact just in case the secondary
explosion sets fire to the contents.
As far as gettin' the weapon
on that roof over there,
I've dealt with that
without usin' any winches.
Hold it.
Just a minute.
You wanna fire
a cannon...
off the roof
of that building?
It ain't a cannon.
It's an M91A antitank gun. It's a bazooka.
A bazooka?
Where you gonna get
one of them things?
Every army in the state's
got one. We'll boost it.
You ever heard the sound
one of them things makes?
I was in Omaha Beach.
I heard every goddamn gun they make.
Howitzers, .445,
you name it.
Wait a minute, mister.
Just a second.
You wanna blast that Pete
with a cannon?
You gotta have a hole
in your marble bag.
What about the bug?
That involves
a separate offensive...
synchronized with
the impact of the shell.
At that exact instant,
a squad of seven men is gonna raid...
the A.D.T. headquarters
with machine guns.
A couple of grenades will
take out the switch panel,
and the cops won't get
no alarms.
Now, of course, we might have to
kill a few of the A.D.T. employees,
but I don't see no way
around that, do you?
Uh, you got a match?
The guy is loony tunes.
He ain't got the full dollar.
Maybe it was the war.
I seen a lot of guys get crazy over there.
They call it
battle fatigue.
What're we gonna do
with him?
He gotta come with us.
We got no choice.
We better chain him up.
We don't, he's liable to hurt himself.
Chain him
in the cellar.
You know, Tony,
if we could just cut that A.D.T. wire,
that bazooka idea he had with the
armor-piercing shell, it makes a lot of sense.
I was noticing myself that it could work.
Make some coffee.
Some of the guy's ideas
could make a lot of sense.
Heat up the stew
like I told ya.
On the heavy, Tony,
there ain't no other way.
Whatever you guys want.
Whattaya say, Joe?
How you doin'?
You picked a freezin' day to wash your car.
I wash it every Sunday.
The kid down at Frank Ciccones',
he does it for two bits.
It ain't like I'm too cheap
to spend the two bits,
but that punk, he bent the aerial
and got water on the brakes.
'36. How many miles
you got on it?
Sixty thousand.
She runs like new.
Them postwar cars
is all junk.
Come on inside.
I'll buy you a drink.
Now, the last time
we talked, Joe,
you said you might be able
to move some cash.
That's right.
How much you think
you could handle?
How much you bringin' in?
Very large.
Jesus Christ, Joe.
You almost give me a heart attack.
Tony, Boston's
a small town.
It's my business
to know.
Frankly, no one thinks
you'll pull it off.
Who's no one? Everyone.
The joint's a fortress.
Let me tell you somethin'.
I spent more time in that joint
than the people that work there.
Why didn't you bring me
the money from the trucks?
I got a quarter on the dollar
from Mutt Murphy.
You got 23 cents.
He took you apart.
He offered me 20.
The stuff was hotter than a firecracker.
I get him up to 23.
You know where
that money went?
Yeah, I understand he's got
some connection in Cuba.
His connection was a third-rate
hustler named Shelly Bederman...
with the Jew mob
in Philly.
They gave him sixty cents on the dollar.
That's three times what he give us.
He screwed you, and they screwed him.
You know why?
I'll tell you why.
'Cause he's a dumb,
moonfaced mick...
who got rich dealin' hot tires and hubcaps,
that's why.
He thinks 60 on the dollar
for that kinda dough is good.
You brought him platinum, Tony.
He gave you horseshit!
Brink's dough
is the best there is.
I'd have given ya
80 cents on the dollar!
Come on, Joe.
Don't bullshit me.
I'll give you a kick for
every dollar that comes in.
That's my offer
on the North End job.
But I got one condition.
What's the condition?
I want in
from the get-go.
Shit, Joe.
That's the one thing I can't do.
I give my word.
We got beat outta
what we took off them trucks...
'cause we didn't have
nobody reliable makin' change.
Joe McGinnis has got the best
connections in the state.
If he handles the count,
we get 80 cents on the dollar.
We don't need
no more guys, Pino.
What the hell do you know about it?
You're in my ballpark now.
You got a big score,
you gotta work big-handed.
The guy's a blood suckin'
leech of a scavenger.
Everything he gets near,
he sucks up dry, then screws it up.
Where ya gonna get the guns?
Did you ever think of that?
He got a connection
for guns.
What are we, a bunch
of crippled welfarists?
Did you tell him
about this?
I didn't tell him nothin'.
I wanna know how you feel.
The guy's
a bad omen, Tony.
You don't know what
you're talkin' about.
Joe McGinnis is a stand-up guy
and a connected guy in this town.
He got businesses all over
the state worth millions.
Well, I vote no. Never went against you,
Tony. I vote the same way.
You're voting against
80 cents on the dollar?
You told him about this, didn't you?
You lyin' son of a bitch.
Let's get somethin' straight. Your vote
and your vote don't add up to my vote.
There's a right way,
a wrong way and my way.
And on this score,
we're goin' my way.
And if you don't like it,
all three of ya, take a walk.
Come on in, Joe.
You all know
Joe McGinnis?
Joe, Sandy Richardson.
Gus Gusciora.
Jazz Maffie.
Specky O'Keefe.
And you met my brother-in-law,
Vinnie Costa.
Now, let's go over it again.
Does that work?
Come on. Turn it on.
If there's three guys in there, whattaya do?
Whattaya mean?
If there's three guys in the vault,
do you give the signal?
I wait till all four of
them guys is in the vault.
How much time we got?
Four minutes.
Oh, no.
Oh, my God.
You should've never
put him up there.
He ain't gonna signal until
everything's all right, you understand?
Come on.
Take him home.
We're on.
What the hell
is the matter?
What the hell's
the matter?
The goddamn thing
won't open.
In two minutes,
they're gonna close the Pete.
Get out.
Jesus, somebody put
a padlock there.
That's a bad omen.
It's not locked.
I think I can knock it off.
You got your screwdriver?
That's what I'm lookin' for.
Shit, I know I brought it.
You got one?
- Anybody got one? Screwdriver?
Let's come back Friday.
How much time we got?
Less than a minute.
This is a serious
I'm gonna pee in my pants
any minute, I know it.
Right on the money.
All right, boys.
Get 'em in the air.
Come on. Get 'em up!
Now, get over here
and open this thing.
Do what you're told,
and no one will get hurt.
Now, open that gate.
Open the door.
On the floor!
Put your head up.
What the hell is that?
It's a goddamned alarm!
One of these bastards
tripped the alarm.
What the hell
is that, huh?
Christ, let's get
out of here!
Tell us what it is.
Tell us what it is!
Someone's tryin'
to get in.
Show me.
It's a button outside the door.
Tell us what it is,
or I'll blow your head off!
How do I let 'em in?
Outside there.
Push the button.
- It's the long crapper.
- What's he doin'?
He's readin'
the newspaper.
Let's get the hell
out of here.
Let's go.
Start movin'.
Get on that floor.
Come on.
Come on.
Ha! We did it!
We did it, Tony!
We did it, blessed Madonna.
We did it! Ha!
Come on, Tony!
You can make it!
I tried the bell.
Let me give it a try.
Get some men over here.
About three or four men
over here.
We don't know.
We don't know what happened.
All right, back up.
Give us a break.
They said, "Get down on the floor,
or we'll blow your brains out!"
How many of them were there?
How many were there?
Five, six, seven.
- How much did they get?
Four million dollars.
- Get these reporters away from that money!
- Get the cops away too!
When we got down on the floor,
they pulled out ropes.
Where'd the bags
come from?
Who opened the door?
How many were there?
Did they have guns?
I don't know,
five or six of 'em.
Okay, get 'em out of the car!
Get 'em out!
Get your hands off
my body!
Open that trunk.
What're you doin'?
What're you hollerin' at me for?
What're you doin'?
What're you doin'?
Hey, where do you guys get off?
You can't do that to me!
You shut your mouth!
Shut up!
Aw, it feels beautiful.
Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. North
America and all the ships at sea.
- Let's go to press.
- Boston.
The final figures are in on the
spectacular Brink's robbery.
Over two million dollars taken by
gunmen in a commandostyle raid,
making it the crime
of the century
My sources in the F.B.I. report
evidence indicating an inside job,
with possible links to organized
crime and Communist subversives.
Whattaya mean
you can't count?
I'm tired
and I'm nervous.
Besides, I never was
any good at figures.
Did you cut out them government
checks so we can burn 'em?
Shit. I forgot
all about them.
How far'd you get?
I got two different figures.
I don't know which is right.
All right, beat it.
I'll finish it myself.
Get the hell out of here.
Lighten' up, skinhead.
I'm filthy rich.
We're crawlin' in it.
We could spend the rest of our lives countin'
that dough.
You can spend the rest of your life in jail,
if you're not careful.
Yeah? How would you like to hold
one of these for a week, hump?
I ain't gonna smell
like a meatball no more!
We're outta
that dump for good.
No more diner.
What's Tony gonna say?
Hey, listen,
there's somethin' you gotta remember, Gladys.
This Brink's thing
was my idea.
That's right.
I put Tony into it.
Now, Tony's a regular genius.
I ain't takin' nothin' away from him, honey.
But everything I done,
I done for you.
And Tony's gonna have to respect that.
For me?
Who else?
You're such a smart guy, Vincent.
Didn't I always tell you what a
smart guy you was? Yeah, yeah.
I'll hold the bag.
You throw the last gun in.
I can't throw for beans.
Go on, try your luck.
Go on.
There you go.
All right.
Oh, it didn't go in.
It don't matter.
It'll sink. I'll go get it.
No, you'll get your feet
all muddy.
But it's got my fingerprints.
You ain't got a record.
What exactly does
the statute say?
Mr. Director,
it seems the Bureau has no real jurisdiction.
No federal money was involved,
as far as we can tell.
How 'bout the Coast Guard,
National Parks, Forest Service, anything?
One bag contained checks from the Veterans'
That should bring us in.
The statute requires it be of
cash not less than $100...
to come under
our jurisdiction.
List $100 in cash,
and let's get on with it.
I have special reasons
for wanting this case.
This robbery could be
the missing link...
between the Communist party
and organized crime.
Our information is
that it was local boys.
They've got 20 or 30
good leads.
What do those Keystone Cops
up there know?
I don't need to tell you how
many subversive activities...
this kind of money
could finance.
I want the Bureau not only involved
in this case, I want it in charge.
Our Boston office isn't staffed to
handle anything this extensive.
Get up there and staff it. Put a dozen
men in. I don't care what it costs.
This could be the most dangerous conspiracy
that's ever threatened this nation.
That's it.
All right.
You okay?
I think I'm slippin'.
All right.
Now, remember, this is a present.
Say happy birthday.
Happy birthday.
To her.
Happy birthday, Mommi.
Happy birthday, Sis.
What's this? It's for your birthday.
You like it?
My birthday's not
till next week.
We got it
a little early.
Where'd you get it?
We bought it. Here.
Here's the receipt.
Come on, Vinnie.
Take it in.
When'd you get me a radio?
Whattaya mean?
I mean this receipt
is from a radio company.
They don't sell no refrigerators at
the Brookline Electronic Company.
Sure they do.
When's the last time you were there?
You boosted it.
I bet there's some guy's dinner in it.
But I was gonna buy it,
but I never had a chance.
The goddamn thing
just walked into the car,
and it had
your name on it.
It kept on yellin', Take me!
Take me home to Mary!"
You picked a hell of a
time to go out boostin'.
You oughta be takin' care
of important business.
We done all that.
I got rid of the guns myself.
You let him get rid
of the guns?
Partners? Yeah.
We don't want no wives buttin' in.
Keep your mouth shut.
Show some respect around here.
What about the uniforms?
What about the masks? It's all done.
Specky and Gus, they took
care of that last night.
What about the money?
Why ain't you down keepin' an eye on Joe?
I got Sandy on that.
I got everythin' runnin' like clockwork.
Tu rkey?
In cooperation with local
law enforcement agencies,
the F.B.I. begins the largest
criminal roundup in history.
In an effort to find the men responsible
for the spectacular Brink's holdup,
no stone will be left
unturned as Gmen trace leads...
to known criminals
and subversives.
Where were you born, Pino?
Uh, Salerno.
It says here Palermo.
Oh, right. I always get
those two mixed up.
If you don't start cooperating,
you're goin' back in.
I thought I was cooperating.
In fact, I got a theory why those
guys were wearin' Navy peacoats.
What's the theory?
My idea is they got away
on a submarine.
See, on a submarine, you would look
suspicious in civilian clothes.
Now, I don't know
a lot about subs,
but I would say search
the seas.
Could be a foreigner.
Ijust tell you this
'cause it's my patriotic duty.
But if I'm right, I want
the hundred grand reward.
Let's get this monkey out of here.
Come on. Get out.
Any of you fellas in
the market for a shirt?
You'd look good
in brown.
It's a lovely town.
Ain't it?
I spent a week here
one night.
Whattaya think?
It's a beauty.
Where the hell
are we?
Towanda, Pennsylvania, kid.
Hmm. How far
is Pittsburgh?
Mmm, I don't know,
about a hundred miles.
Mmm. Whattaya got
down there in Pittsburgh?
You got a sugar doughnut
down there, huh?
Mmm, wait'll you see her.
Oh, yeah?
She got a sister?
Well, let's get the hell
down there. Whattaya say?
For violation
of the Uniform Firearms Act,
to which you have
pleaded guilty,
I sentence you,
James Joseph O'Keefe,
to three years in the Bradford
County Jail and a fine of $3,000.
Your Honor, there ain't no precedent
for that kind of sentence...
on a violation
of the Uniform Firearms Act!
The maximum ever given was 18 months in
the case of Rassmussen v. Pennsylvania.
Then we will make legal history
and set a new precedent...
in the case of Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania v. O'Keefe.
Stanley Gusciora.
A jury of your peers...
has found you guilty
of two counts of burglary,
possession of stolen goods
and resisting arrest.
And in restitution
for these crimes,
I order you to be sent to the Western
Pennsylvania State Penitentiary...
at Pittsburgh,
where you will serve 20 years.
Your Honor,
I can't do no 20 years.
Well, do as much
as you can, son.
You gotta look at it
this way.
They got themselves pinched because
they're assholes, and it ain't our fault.
Yeah, right, but we
can't let 'em sink.
We gotta do
the right thing here, Joe,
and I can't handle it
outta my own pocket no more.
There ain't nothin' we can do.
We gotta do somethin'.
Gus's lawyer needs ten
grand for the appeal.
And Specky needs six
for his sister's doctor.
She's got some kind of cancer, Joe.
She's maybe gonna kick.
She ain't got no cancer.
She's a rummy scumbag.
I brought her two grand personally.
She boozed it up.
Now I wouldn't piss on her
if she was on fire.
We can't spend another dime of that
score until the statute is up.
This whole problem comes about from
you bringin' in two guys too many.
Hey, wait a minute. You're sittin'
on a million and a half because of me.
You know some of them bags is
filled with new bills and checks.
I personally had to flush
50 grand down the toilet.
Fifty grand?
That's not your dough.
Where do you come off flushin'
fifty grand down a toilet?
They was new bills
with consecutive serial numbers.
They was worthless.
It broke my heart. What can I do?
How do I know what you
flushed down the toilet?
Listen, Tony... I can't believe it!
Fifty G's?
- You're pullin' my tit!
- I'm holdin' that dough 'cause you wanted it that way.
And frankly I'm shocked at your attitude,
Hey, mick,
where the hell are you goin'?
Goddamn it!
I want that dough!
And I want it
right now!
You ain't gettin' no dough!
There's no dough!
Open the gate.
How are you,
You're lookin' okay.
There's these two doctors
at Johns Hopkins Hospital.
They got this new kind of treatment.
Where the hell's that magazine?
Here. I brought you
the book you wanted.
And I brought you a carton of cigarettes,
but they'll only let me give ya two packs.
Now, there's this long article about
leukemia. I want you to read it.
Damn Leroy must've took it
while I was in the shower.
Anyhow, I want you to get
my sister in Johns Hopkins,
and I want you to get her
in there right now.
Joe give her two grand.
Did she tell ya?
Aw, he didn't give her dog squeeze,
for chrissakes!
She's in a charity ward
in Massachusetts General.
All right.
I'll go see her.
I want you to read that article.
Damn it. Leroy?
What'd you do with my Popular
Science I ain't seen it, Specky.
Ahhh, damn Leroy.
He took it. I know it.
I'll tell you, man, they just steal
everything from you around here.
All these guys... Heaven's sakes... What?
Just nine months more...
and we're all in the clear.
Hey, how'd you like
the ride down here?
Well, it was all right. They got the
roads cleared after the blizzard.
Yeah. Play the radio?
Yeah, sure.
Hydromatic eats up
the highway, huh?
What color d'you get?
You're on the wrong horse, Specky.
I'd have got a blue one.
One of those deep metallic
blues like they got nowadays.
That Olds 88's the fastest
car on the highway.
I know it, but, uh, how's it steering?
You like that power steering stuff?
What are you
gettin' at?
You think I oughta sit here
and let the statutes run out?
It's the only way.
You mean...
Yeah, it's the way I get
kissed off, ain't it?
It's the way I get stuck here eatin'
a lifetime of stacked sentences...
and you guys, you're out there
runnin' around in fancy cars...
and spendin' my share,
for chrissakes.
Tell me, man.
Nobody's spendin' your share,
and nobody's gonna
touch your share.
Aw, don't give me
that shit!
Listen. I told my mama I was gonna take
care of my sister. You understand me?
Now my sister's dyin'
in a charity ward.
Well, you better get up some of the dough,
buddy, and I mean you better get it up.
Because I don't care
what I'm doin' anymore.
Do you understand me when I tell
ya that I don't care no more?
Ya got that?
Specky, I come up here
to tell ya somethin'...
to remind you
that you took an oath.
We all took that oath,
and now you gotta stand up to it.
Well, I can't do
no more time!
I ain't doin'
no more time!
Now, listen.
My sister's dyin', for chrissakes.
I'm tellin' ya...
and I ain't got
no more control!
It's slippin' outta my hands!
Don't you understand that?
God... damn it!
You gotta hold.
You hold... and I'll
get back to ya.
You hold on now.
A hundred percent,
you got it?
I'll be back.
Son of a bitches!
All right, Gus,
let's run it down again.
All right.
Jack LaRue is a faggot.
Now, what do you wanna hear first?
How I did the Lindbergh kidnapping
or I started the Korean War?
How's it goin'
so far, Gus?
We all look like the Boy
Scout jamboree out here.
We won't be here long.
We just wanna settle accounts.
It's all in the process.
What process?
The complicated process
by which I launder the dough.
You think I just
pull it outta my ear?
You better start pullin' it outta somewhere.
You're holdin' out, mister.
Did you give
Specky's sister two grand?
Of course. Yes, I did.
Out of my own pocket.
Then why the hell is he tellin'
me you didn't?
She probably drank it up
so fast, she must've forgot.
She's been drunk
for 12 years.
Come up with
the money, Joe, or you're dead.
I ain't goin' to the well until the
statute runs out, and that's two weeks!
In two weeks, you can cut it up on The Ed
Sullivan Show, if that's what you want.
No good, Joe.
Ain't gonna hold for two weeks.
The whole thing's comin' apart,
believe me.
That Band-Aid O'Keefe has got you buffaloed,
that piece of shit!
He's gonna spend the rest
of his life in the can.
We'll all see Christ do the miracles
before he sees a dime outta this score.
We'll take care
of Specky,
but we want
our end now.
See ya in two weeks.
If you walk outta here now,
you're never gonna walk again.
You threaten me, bookie,
you're gonna end up a rumor in this town.
I told ya
he was no good!
Listen! We're not killers.
We want our dough.
Killin' this bastard
ain't gonna get us our dough.
If I was
to tell you somethin',
would you promise me
somethin' in return?
We don't make promises.
Then kiss my ass.
You got a smoke?
Huh. I never
seen these before.
It's a new brand,
Yeah, filter.
Well, I'll be damned.
I been readin' about that.
Filters out
the nicotine.
Damnedest things they
come up with nowadays.
Gettin' dark, Specky.
Well, like I been
tellin' you guys,
you ain't gonna get
nothin' out of me.
I mean, you got nothin'
to threaten me with no more.
You wanna stack sentences on me?
Stack 'em up to the goddamn moon.
I don't give a damn.
'Cause I can serve time.
Doin' time don't bother me no more.
I mean, hell, after what I went
through over in, uh, Tokyo.
You think ol' Tojo's boys
didn't try to get me to talk?
I mean, I know
what sufferin' is and torture.
But I can hold out.
So you may as well
forget it.
I ain't tellin' ya nothin'.
I ain't gonna
tell ya nothin'.
Jesus, kid!
Jesus Christ.
- Hello, Mary.
When are you bums gonna quit annoyin'
innocent people?
- How ya doin', fellas?
- Let's take a ride down to Stuart Street, Tony.
Hey, my Tony
is a decent family man.
There oughta be a law
against this kinda harassment.
When are you guys
gonna run outta questions?
Because I run outta answers
a long time ago.
No more questions, Tony.
This time it's an indictment. Is that a fact?
Mommi, get me a clean
pair of shorts, will ya?
Why don't ya come in and sit down and have
one of Mary's good home-cooked meals?
You'll feel a lot better.
What the hell.
Why not?
You're outta clean shorts,
Poppi. Couldn't find any.
They gotta be there somewhere.
Ijust boosted a pair yesterday.
Well, it don't matter.
I'll be home in time for
The Ed Sullivan Show.
See ya.
We got everything we need
to tie this up, Tony.
Do yourself a favor.
You're lookin' at life imprisonment.
I'm gonna get life for robbery? Christ,
you got murderers here don't do a pound!
We want the money, we want you to name your
accomplices. Then we'll see what we can do.
You're perpetrating a gross
miscarriage of injustice,
and someday you guys are gonna
beg me to forgive you for this,
only I ain't gonna
turn the other cheek.
I'm gonna sue you for every
minute I spend in the joint!
I'm gonna see ya
in court!
That's a joke!
Me and Tony, we got the best mouthpiece
in the country workin' on this,
and we got three Supreme Court justices just
waitin' to dismiss this case on appeal.
I'll be out
in less than a year.
I ain't nobody's egg
to be cracked.
If your war record
were considered,
and you were able to substantiate
O'Keefe's testimony,
you could end up
with less than five years.
The sentence
is death for you, Joe.
At your age,
you won't live to see a parole board.
You know, boys, it could be
a favor you'll be doin' me.
You're givin' me a chance to do that
to which I have always aspired.
The furthering
of the Lord's work...
and a life dedicated to
the study of the Scriptures.
You don't owe these people
any loyalty, Jazz.
They're not your kinda guy.
They're scum.
Give us a break,
and we'll cut a deal.
We could have you back with your
family in less than a year.
Lemme tell ya somethin'.
First of all,
you're talkin' to an innocent man.
I wasn't even in
on the Brink's.
I don't know how you got my name
or why you brought me here,
because I had nothin'
to do with that job.
And let me tell ya
somethin' else.
Jazz Maffie
ain't for sale,
and he don't put nobody else
up for sale either.
That's good. Right here.
One here, sir.
That's good. Thank you.
Mr. Director,
could you point out the evidence to us,
Could you raise the hat up
a little bit? Thank you.
Could you show us the route that
the robbers took, Director? Please?
Yeah. Here.
Hold it just like that.
That's good.
Is it true, Mr. Director,
that less than $50,000 of Brink's
money has been recovered?
Yes, yes, but there's an ongoing
investigation to locate the rest,
and I am con?dent that it
will someday be found.
Thank you. Mr. Director,
sources in Washington have mentioned...
that over $25 million has been
spent investigating this case.
Would you care to comment on that?
The importance of a case like this cannot
be measured in terms of what it cost.
The Brink's robbery
was the crime of the century.
It excited the imagination
of the youth of America.
It is our solemn obligation to prove
to them that crime does not pay.
- Thank you, Mr. Director.
- Thank you. Thank you.
What a good line!
It had to be an inside job!
Youse are all wrong.
It was Tony Pino. I know it.
He's the only one that coulda
planned this kinda thing.
- He's a friend of mine.
- It was an inside job!
He did.
I know him.
You're sayin' an Irish guy
coulda did this?
Yeah, an Irish guy coulda.
Joe McGinnis was the brains.
Sandy, baby.
You're all right, Sandy!
- Vincent! Vincent!
- Gladys! Gladys!
Oh! How ya doin'?
I'll always love ya, Vinnie!
Will you wait for me, Gladys?
Forever, Vinnie!
Forever! You got style.
I always said you had style!
Don't worry about nothin'.
We'll take care of Maw.
Hey, Tony!
Tony, over here!
Sign this, Tony, please!
You're the greatest!
Remember me?
You used to rob-a my store!
Hey, he is my friend.
He used to rob-a my store!
No more!
No more!
to illustrate his last remark
Jonah in the whale Noah in the ark
that did they do
just when everything looked so dark
Hey, Tony!
man, they said we better
accentuate the positive
Hey, Tony!
You're the greatest thief that ever lived!
Eliminate the negative
Nobody will ever do what you did, Tony!
Latch on to the affirmative
dont mess with Mr. Inbetween
do, do not mess with Mr. Inbetween