The Burning Dead (2015)

Are you ready for a tale?
A tale as old
as the hills themselves?
They say the mountain is alive.
It takes breaths
from all that is living:
The trees, the flowers,
the grass.
But the mountain
is also unforgiving,
and takes what it wants.
It gives back nothing,
not of its own choosing.
It gives back only what escapes.
But why, father?
Long ago,
the evil spirit
fought the good spirit.
The good spirit lost
and fled west towards the ocean.
The evil spirit hid here
in the mountain,
and never left.
The white man believes
the evil spirits
showed themselves in 1846.
The white man is wrong.
Evil spirit came
long before they arrived.
And while the evil spirits
quieted for many years,
they did not go away;
They slept.
We're almost there, girls.
Ah, still a long winter, I know.
We made it.
Camp will be glad.
You two did great.
Good girl.
We almost didn't make it.
Blizzard's bad.
Rations should last us
the winter.
What in God's name?
What are you doing?
I have to say, I'm kind of
digging my badge.
Makes me feel important.
Were you excited when you
got your badge?
...certainly gets me
in the building,
and after seven years
of higher education,
I also consider it my "get out
of student loans card."
Wow, seven years?
I only went to school
for two years,
yet we have the same badge.
Staff-Bright did
give me 90 days
to try you out
and see if you're worthy
of working here
on a permanent basis.
I wouldn't worry about it, Eve.
In actuality,
everything constantly changes
on a geologic scale...
...and on my bathroom scale.
Maybe you should try switching
to something healthier
than burgers.
Well, that'd certainly be good
for my cholesterol,
but, I'm a carnivore,
not a herbivore.
Every now and then I need to
eat something red and bloody.
Reminds me I'm at the top
of the food chain.
Yeah, well, I'm a yogurt whore.
Reminds me that I don't like
to kill animals.
Then why do we have incisors?
I'd like to see you chase a deer
and take it down
with your incisors.
I don't have to.
We've evolved.
I can use tools.
Well, here.
Why don't you use
one of these tools.
You got a little...
I thought the volcano
was dormant.
It was, and now it's not.
Looks like we have the potential
for an explosive caldera.
A caldera?
From the Latin word "calderia."
Means cooking pot.
Sometimes it's referred to as
the English word "cauldron."
What's in it?
Ignimbrite, rhyolite, tuff,
and other igneous rocks.
That's quite a brew.
When the gasses
are under high pressure,
which they tend to...
Yeah, a massive explosion
of magma. please make sure
you take your pets with you
as well as any
necessary medications,
and shut off any gas lines.
The volcano eruption is expected
any time from next week on.
Again, this is not a test.
Please stay tuned in for
more news on the evacuation.
We will now return to our
regularly scheduled programming.
Hi, Mindy.
You okay?
Yeah, just...
...going through everything,
is all.
Never easy just packing up
and leaving, I know.
It's just stuff.
Well, most of it, anyway.
That's cute.
Well, look at this.
- Oh, hey, go Mountaineers!
- Class of 19...
Oh, don't say it, now.
People'll think we're old.
Hey, let me get that for you.
Thanks, Mike.
You, um-you move
your family out yet?
Rita moved out a few months ago.
It, uh...
...didn't take a volcano warning
for her to go.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Yeah, well, uh,
at least she and Dillon
will be safe.
You know, I'm glad to see
you're heeding the warning.
I wish I could say the same
for Ben.
My dad is how he is.
Mindy, you know,
when Mount St. Helens went off,
57 people lost their lives.
A lot of those were people
who refused to leave.
I wish I could help you.
My dad is more stubborn
than my daughter is.
At least she listens to me...
...some of the time.
Well, I can imagine so, but I...
...need you to try and at least
talk some sense into him.
By staying behind, he endangers
the lives of our first responders.
Our rescue teams.
You're just asking me to do
something that can't be done.
He doesn't change his mind...
...on anything.
I need you to at least try.
Now, I talked to him
and he won't listen to me.
I figured since you're family,
you have a better shot.
Some shot.
He hasn't returned my
phone calls in ten years, Mike.
Well, maybe it's time
you paid him a visit.
Maybe you're right.
Thanks, Mindy.
I- I could get that for you.
You know, I really appreciate
you checking up on us, and all,
but don't you have some more important
things you should be handling?
I think Deputy Tisdale's
got it under control.
At least I hope.
You and your dad are my last stops
before I head down the mountain.
Everybody wants the old codger
to be safe.
I got him.
What is she...?
Sorry I couldn't
get here earlier.
Blue Betty doesn't do so well
over 60 miles per hour.
What are you doing here?
I'm here to help.
You're not supposed to be here.
You are driving
right into disaster.
It's dangerous.
Not as dangerous
as Blue Betty, huh?
She's harmless.
Well, maybe if you spent...
...your money on state school
instead of art school,
you'd have two new cars by now.
True, but now I can draw a
really pretty picture of her.
Plus, she's slow,
so it saves me money on...
...speeding tickets.
Right, sheriff?
That sounds logical to me.
Whose side are you on?
Ryan, come say hi to my mom
and Sheriff Denton.
Uh, nice to meet you.
You must be the comic book
collector I've heard so much about.
Normally, I don't like
to reveal my true identity,
but, yeah, that's me.
As a lawman in these parts, son,
let me give you two pieces
of friendly advice.
What's that?
Don't say howdy.
And two,
you watch out
for these two ladies.
They are dangerous
with a capital D.
Girls, let's get off
this mountain.
Devil's Peak
don't wait for nobody.
And that includes Ben.
You hear me?
You and Grandpa
are talking again?
Again, the eruption is expected
any time starting next week.
All residents are urged to
relocate to Prophetstown.
Federal Emergency
Management Agency, FEMA,
will be handling the evacuation.
For more information,
please contact local offices.
Lou, come in.
Our girl actin' up?
Yeah, yeah, she is
a little bit cranky.
But then, if you ask me,
not much more so
than a lot of the women in town
at the garden club.
Oh, you would know.
You've been up there starin'
at her for how many years now?
More than I care to remember.
Why don't you get down
from there, Lou?
Get over to a safe zone.
Hell, got over to Prophetstown
and get some of Carol Ann's
famous apple pie.
We'll take it from here.
Ah, no, I think I'll just
sit tight a little bit longer.
Gotta stick with
my old girl here,
Mount St. Barbara.
Nobody calls it that anymore,
Lou, it's Devil's Peak.
I never did like
that touristy name.
It's a lot cooler for a guy
to say he climbed Devil's Peak.
Don't you think?
Well, if you say so.
She'll always be Barbara to me.
You know, lately, she's gotten
to be a lot like you.
Gettin' real ornery.
Huffin' and puffin'
for no apparent reason.
There, there, Barbara.
Don't you listen to him.
He doesn't know
what he's saying.
He doesn't know you
like I know you.
I know that sometimes you just,
Well, you just wanna take
a little smoke, that's all.
It ain't the smoke
I'm worried about.
What are your readings?
This can't be right.
Let me try yours.
Sheriff, he...
We've gotta go, Eve.
- We've gotta go.
- Okay, okay.
Please proceed through the town
by the designated
evacuation routes.
You will be given
further instructions.
Please proceed...
Tisdale, come in.
Go ahead, Sheriff.
I checked in with the Roberts
and they're clearin' out.
Lou's keeping an eye
on the mountain.
I'll be back
to the station soon.
Sounds good.
You can deal with the FEMA
folks and the red tape.
You know, you haven't
signed my boot yet.
Never heard of anybody
signing a boot.
You get a cast on there,
and I'll break out my Sharpie.
I'll write you
a real love letter.
Okay, boss.
You know, maybe you shouldn't play
rodeo clown in your off time.
you're in Northern California now, pilgrim.
I need to get me
one of them map things.
Copy that.
Denton out.
Rodeo clown...
Girls, you need to
get out of here.
Really, after all these years,
that's all you have to say?
Haven't you heard?
Yes, Dad.
We have at least another week
before it's gonna blow.
Well, then, I guess I got time
for a hug.
Come here, Nikki!
Give your gramps a hug!
Oh, you are just as purty
as ever, doll.
You just haven't changed a bit.
Yeah, right.
I've doubled in height.
Well, I knew you'd grow.
Too bad you weren't
here to see it.
Good to see you, too.
You ready?
We need to leave.
Why don't you and I go in
and have some tea
and leave your mom and, uh,
your friend out here
to talk about us?
You serious?
You said I had a week
before that damn thing blows.
I mean about leaving Ryan and I
out here.
Oh, that?
Yeah, I'm serious.
You know,
you and Mom don't have to be
so nasty to each other.
...I reckon we don't.
Mom did what she thought
was right.
She-she didn't know.
I don't wanna get into it.
I remember coming here.
You always had a pack of gum in
the top shelf of that cabinet...
...which I could never reach.
Well, not for lack of trying.
You used to stack up
everything in the place
just to get at that gum.
You can reach it now.
Go on, have a piece.
Just one?
Nah, it's been too long.
Have as many as you like.
You used to make me sing or do a
trick before you'd give me a piece.
You still got it.
Place looks the same
as I remember.
Except this.
- You have an iPad?
- I sure do, doll.
I also tumble on Tumblr,
Reddit, and tweet.
I guess you can
teach an old dog...
All right, that's it.
I'm gonna get me an app.
I'm gonna teach you
some manners.
You know, I would love
to follow "Old Ben's Friends"
on one condition.
What's that, Tweety Bird?
You follow me and Mom
outta here.
Is that the best offer you got?
Or we can just sit here and talk
until our fiery death
by volcano.
Because I'm not leaving here
without you.
What in the name of
Stephen Hawking is she doing?
You've got to evacuate!
The safe zone is ten miles out!
Then you better get going.
It's okay.
I know what I'm doing.
I'm a professional photographer
and a blogger.
Yeah, well, I'm a volcanologist.
A what?
I'm telling you, this volcano
is gonna erupt.
He's not kidding.
Listen, don't worry.
Just a few more shots
and I'm out of here.
Welcome to the Darwin Awards.
And in the
natural selection category
the loser is her.
Can we leave now?
That's all you're bringing?
...personal belongings,
no... photos?
It's all stored right here.
- What about Mom...?
- In the cloud.
Forget it.
Let's go.
Go ahead, Lou.
Sheriff, I think I spoke
a little too soon.
Our old girl here, she's...
I dunno,
she's developing some
black lung or something.
She's spitting up more smoke
than I've seen...
All right.
I'll check in with Dr. Stevens.
Yeah, okay, roger that.
Lou, next time I hear from you,
you better not be
in that damn tower,
or I'm gonna come up there
and drag you out by your ear.
You promise?
I'm serious.
You read me?
Yeah, that's a big 10-4.
How did I get stuck
back here with you?
Just ignore him, Ryan.
It's okay.
He's used to it.
Ignoring people's
what the does best.
Still a wonderful driver, I see.
Sorry about that.
I saw something in the road.
Yeah, or in your head.
I think I saw a squirrel.
...coming shortly from
FEMA representatives.
Please stay tuned.
Easy, easy.
Sheriff, this is
Ranger Danger here.
I'm getting ready to leave.
Our girl is shake,
rattle, and rollin'.
What the...?
Sheriff, yeah, we got-
We-we have this naked...
Hold on!
Well, look at that.
We are under
mandatory evacuation.
Repeat, we are under
mandatory evacuation.
All residents are required to
reach the designated safe zone.
...outside of town
as soon as possible.
Mom, reverse!
Go, go, go.
Everybody out!
We'll hoof it from here!
I know a safe way down.
Oh, my...!
Oh, my...
Oh, my God.
Can you hold on a second?
Just please hold on a second.
Sheriff, go ahead.
Ranger McGee was in the tower
when it blew.
He didn't make it.
Jesus, Lou?
What's goin' on down there?
It's a madhouse.
You seen Mindy Roberts
or her family?
Nope, not yet.
What about Dr. Stevens
and his assistant?
Are you on your way back yet?
Not until I know everyone's safe.
They may be somewhere
around here already.
There's no sense in going
on a wild goose chase.
You just continue with the evac
and mind the old folks.
Make sure they get on the buses.
Yes, sir.
I'm on it.
You just get back here soon.
Denton out.
FEMA is ordering all residents
out of town
as soon as possible.
All residents need to be at
least ten miles outside of town.
Contact your local
law enforcement offices
for more information.
This evacuation
is now mandatory.
Repeat, this evacuation
is now mandatory.
Mother fracture!
- We gotta get out of here.
- What?!
We gotta get out of the car now!
You sure you know
where you're going?
I know this mountain
better than I know myself.
At least there's no sign
of lava.
I can say one thing.
You were always good at keeping up.
I might interpret that
as a compliment.
I might have meant it as one.
I said I might.
Tisdale, come in.
Sheriff, go ahead.
You get any word from
the Roberts family,
or Dr. Stevens?
Nothin' yet.
How's everything going
down there?
People are just
crowding into town,
hoping this thing ends so they
can get back to their houses.
Let's hope they still
have houses.
Sheriff out.
You in the road, stop.
You people can't be here!
This area's being evacuated!
Tisdale, come in.
Tisdale, you got
any other reports
of any hikers or campers
up here on this mountain?
There's nothing in the logs.
What's up?
I dunno, I guess
I'm just seein' stuff.
The director of FEMA's
riding my ass.
I'm not getting off this mountain
'til I'm sure everyone's safe.
You handle things down there.
Are you getting anything?
The blast must have knocked out
the cell towers.
We've gotta warn the town.
I think they already know.
No, that was just
the initial blast.
There'll be more tremors,
and according
to the readings today,
the next eruption
will be much stronger.
Stronger than anything
I've ever seen.
It's a Palean eruption.
A Palean eruption!
A super eruption!
The gasses are trapped,
building up an extraordinary
amount of pressure.
The next blast
will be catastrophic.
I think they're-I think
they're evacuating already.
Not where they need to be.
They're going only about
ten miles out.
The safe zone for this blast
will be at least 20.
- Come on, come on.
- Okay.
- Come on. Come here.
- Okay.
I'm sorry I brought you
out here.
I never imagined anything
like this was going to happen.
It's okay.
It's good you brought me, though.
Why's that?
'Cause I have superpowers.
- Oh really?
- Yeah.
What kind of superpowers
do you have?
It's a secret.
Can I at least watch you change
outfits in a phone booth some time?
I can make that happen.
Okay, well, what about now?
Like, can you burn my name
into a rock with your eyes?
That's your superpower?
A bad somersault?
No, my superpower
is making you laugh.
Come on, you two.
Keep up.
Where are you going?
I swear I saw something.
You two go ahead!
Dad, come on!
- Go on, I'm slowing you down!
- Dad, move.
I'm not leaving you.
Climb that tree!
All right, come on.
We gotta get to the cabin.
- Where are they?
- Maybe they went another way.
- I'm going back.
- Whoa, no!
To do what?
Look for a gun!
Got it.
Are you kidding me?
Keep the door shut.
Wait, no, you keep it shut.
I'm going.
No, if your mom comes back here
and you're not here, she'll freak!
- Then she'll freak.
- No! It is not safe.
I know, and my mom's out there!
What the hell were those things?
God only knows.
You ever seen anything
like that before?
In all my years
up on the mountain,
I've never been acquainted
with anything...
...remotely resembling
those things.
Makes me wonder.
What do you mean?
Well that volcano,
it swallowed...
...a lot of people
back in the 1800's.
- Some say...
- Some say what?
Never mind.
Let's just get to the...
...get to the kids
and get to the cabin.
Tell me they made it,
right, Dad?
They made it.
They're fine.
It's not even that far off.
Trust me.
They're there, and they're fine.
For now.
We gotta get the hell outta here.
Lava's comin'
down the mountain fast.
- Just relax.
- I'll relax when we find the kids.
It burns!
God, it burns!
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God!
Mom! Grandpa!
This way!
So what happens when
the second eruption hits?
From my calculations...
God, what?
Only a miracle could save us?
I don't know about miracles
or God...
But hey, hey, hey, hey.
If it's your thing,
it's your thing.
So, uh, um,
do you like working
at the institute?
You know, I think-I think I
could get you hired on full time.
You know, benefits, 401k,
free cake on your birthday...
- Free cake?
- Free cake.
I'm sold.
What are those?
Hey! Hey!
Let's pick up the pace.
That way.
Go away from me! Run!
- Those things...
- Things?!
Hello! People!
What we have here are zombies!
Walking freakin' dead!
So here's a tip:
Don't get bit,
or you become a zombie.
- But they were oozing orange goo.
- Yeah.
I've been to horror conventions.
I've seen a pig get mutilated by
Scottie McDaniels in freshman Bio.
I've seen a Klingon
and a Stormtrooper get married
to each other!
But that...
That was some creepy ass shit!
Okay, I think...
I think we should just
stay here for a bit and just...
wait until those...
things clear the area.
Clear the area?!
They're zombies!
They could just...
Well, what about the volcano?
Okay, the ash cloud
is moving that way,
towards the other side
of the mountain.
What if the wind decides
to change direction?
Then we suffocate in a giant
black cloud of death.
Okay, can we just try and keep
it positive for a minute?
What's positive about being
chewed on by lava zombies?
Dad, whose cabin is this?
This is Arnie Tramer's place.
Skittish as a squirrel.
He took off from the mountain as
soon as he heard the warning.
What... What are you doing?
Trying to tap into his wi-fi.
And this way, I can send a
sheriff a message where we're at.
You, young lady.
You shouldn't even be here.
You should be at school,
but not here!
And leave grandpa alone to die?
He would've stayed behind
if it weren't for me.
Lord knows you can't
convince him.
- Not with your sassy atti...
- Don't...
- Don't sass me!
- Fine!
All right.
Should've known.
The connection's out.
Your wi-fi's not gonna
receive a feed.
Where does it go?
It's outside.
The blast must've
knocked this out.
Can we fix it?
What the...?
- No, no, no, no!
- The hell's going on?
- Get in the car!
- Hey! Hey!
Watch out!
Get in the car!
Come on! Go!
Go! Go!
- What the hell was that?!
- I don't know!
Where's Dr. Stevens?
They ate him.
Now we're just...
You could get off
that thing now.
Aw, shush.
Or maybe you can't.
Maybe you can't stop
surfing the web.
Maybe you're an internet addict.
Well, why don't you stage
an intervention?
Don't start.
No, that's a great idea.
You know, you can gather up all
the family and all my friends,
tell them that I have
an internet addiction.
While some soulless things
are trying to eat us alive.
And then,
after everyone leaves...
...and I'm totally embarrassed,
I move away.
Forever, disowning everyone.
Dying alone.
That worked so well
with Meredith.
Why, hell,
let's just try it again.
I'll drink to that.
She was my mom.
I was trying to help.
- Yeah, some help.
- Hey!
Grandma had a drinking problem,
and mom was trying to help.
And I'm trying to help now.
I'm gonna tweet my followers,
send a word where we're at.
How many followers do you have?
Here, um,
let me help you with that.
I've never much liked croquet.
Why don't you make something
with this?
I suck at whittling.
Have Grandpa do it.
You're the artist.
Nothing I've done
is worth anything.
That's so not true.
Everything you've made is...
is worth more
than you'll ever know.
Come here.
You should see this.
- Sheriff, about the volcano...
- - Sheriff, come in.
- ...Dr. Stevens was...
- Hold on.
Tisdale, go ahead.
Sheriff, we got a Tweet
from a Ryan Jacobs.
Says he and the Roberts are held
up in Arnie Tramer's cabin.
What the hell
are they doing up there?
Says they're trapped.
Says they saw some kind of...
Volcano monsters.
Yeah, I know.
Well, they said zombie,
but okay.
How do you know?
Well, I think I saw one of them.
Listen, you stay put, I'll
round everybody up down here.
Wait, Sheriff.
I could join you.
I could lasso up a few folks,
cut the time in half.
I... You're my point man. I need you to put
on your pointy hat and start pointing.
- Sheriff.
- Sheriff, but I could help you.
Tisdale, absolutely not.
That's an order, you stay put.
- Sheriff!
- What, what?
Dr. Stevens said
that wasn't the main blast.
The volcano's a lot stronger
than he originally thought.
The safe zone has to be...
at least another ten miles out.
- Ten miles, you're sure?
- Ten miles.
Tisdale, come in.
Sheriff, you're breaking up.
Tisdale, get everyone
out of town, now!
Evacuate them to Prophetstown.
Do you copy?
Sheriff, I can't hear you.
Damn it.
That when it blows, the top half
of the mountain's gonna come off.
It already blew,
and we're still here.
That wasn't the main blast,
at least from what he was saying.
Eve, I hate to put you
in danger,
but I'm not leaving this mountain
without the Roberts family.
Hey, I'm gonna head up
to Tramer's cabin,
- I'm right with ya, Hoss.
- No, just keep everything going as planned.
He ordered you to stay put.
That's crazy,
especially with your leg.
Hey, I could still
kick your ass with one leg.
If you say so.
I say so.
Ah! Good news!
Sheriff's on his way.
Oh, thank God.
Well, let's just hope
that the curse
of Donner Pass just isn't true.
Curse? What curse?
Dad, that's enough.
N-No, I wanna know.
Cherokees say that
this mountain is cursed.
Since way back before even the
people died at Donner Pass
back in the, uh,
winter of 1846.
Oh, the Donner Party.
I know this story.
How'd they die?
Well, some by starvation,
some by cold.
Only 45 of the
81 pioneers survived.
That's horrible.
Many of them, uh,
resorted to cannibalism,
in order not to starve.
They ate the old
and ate the infants.
And over the years,
it's affected all the rest
of the settlers
that's come here,
either the curse
or the mountain.
The mountain spit forth
disease, despair, and insanity.
And anything that was
good and noble,
the mountain twisted
to its own evil way.
It made life hard,
not only for those people
who tried to cross,
but for the trees, the animals.
It let what it wished
grow in its soil,
to cover itself like a blanket
against those who would
discover its secrets.
Pools boiled
with the souls of those
trapped within.
And the mountain destroyed
what it wished,
with no mercy.
They say even birds
who flew over
would sometimes drop in flight.
Their hearts stopped... fear.
Like the great shaman,
the evil spirit could take
possession of souls.
Bring back life
like a budding flower
for those who perished.
Loved ones who had lost
would return,
only different.
What they brought back
was no way good.
Some said the souls of the dead
glowed red,
like lava in the heart
of the mountain,
waiting to return to the living.
That they only needed a push
from the mountain.
And whenever they got
the calling,
death would follow.
It is said
that every generation
has a caretaker of the mountain,
someone who looks over it,
its watcher.
Why doesn't the watcher
chase the evil away?
Only someone of great strength
can defeat the evil forces
and free the watcher,
so the good spirits can return.
Who is the watcher?
Everyone all right?
Yes, but there's...
things out there.
I know, I saw them all.
That lava's moving fast.
We gotta get to the fire tower.
- Fire tower?
- I've gotta warn the people in town,
I'll get better reception there.
Step away from the vehicle.
Stay behind me.
You'll have to shoot
for their heads.
You've gotta be kidding me.
Get back in the cabin.
Everybody back in the cabin.
Get back inside!
Get-Get some towels!
Get a first aid kit!
I need a radio!
Ryan, get online!
Get some help.
- Wait, wait, wait.
- What?
I have to warn the town,
but I can't send people here.
My daughter is here, Mike.
Send people here!
I can't!
Why the hell not?
The volcano.
It's gone off twice already,
but it's not done?
No, those were nothing.
Eve works with Dr. Stevens, she
knows what she's talking about.
Nothing? That seemed like
something to me!
Oh, my God!
My God, it's spreading.
I'm gonna draw them away.
When I do,
all of you just run like hell
to your car.
That's your plan?
That's-That's suicide!
- Mike, tell him!
- No, no, he's right.
You take my cruiser and get the kids
back to town. I-I'll cover you.
Keep them safe, in case you run into
more of those damn things out there.
Besides, if my baby here's
driving, none of us are safe.
- Stay still.
- Don't!
Tisdale, behind you!
- Come on.
- Let's go. Go, go, go!
Get in the car!
Get in!
Get in the car!
Will you see if there's
a first aid kit?
Let's look at that wound.
Mom, it's getting worse.
I don't know what to do!
Ryan! Ryan!
Let's go!
Go, go, go!
Stop! Stop!
- Is everyone all right?
- - Yeah, yeah.
Get in the fire tower now.
Go, go, go!
Come on!
Come on, come on.
Come on, Ben.
Almost there.
All right, stay right here. I'm gonna go up
and check the tower for the radio, all right?
Stay right there!
Shuler, come in!
This is Denton. Do you copy?
Shuler, come in!
This is Denton!
Do you copy?
Go ahead, Sheriff.
Gotta move people
20 miles out, okay?
The blast zone is now 20 miles.
Do you copy?
20 miles?
Yes, 20 miles!
Get those people moving, now!
Shuler, you copy?
All right, everybody, run!
Get up in the tower
with the sheriff. Go on!
- No, Dad...
- I'll keep 'em away down here.
Go on! Hurry!
Come on.
Everyone, top of the tower!
Go, go, get up there! Move!
Oh, my God, Dad!
Get up there.
Hit them with that!
Mindy, where are you going?!
There's nothing we can do.
Hurry, hurry, hurry!
Wh-Where's Ryan?
Where's Ryan?
Where's Ryan?!
- No.
- No!
You need to get down.
Get down on the floor!
Everyone down!
It's gonna blow!
Sheriff, come in.
Sheriff Denton, do you read?
Is Burger Barn still standing?
Sure is, Sheriff.
Well, that's too bad.
I hate Burger Barn.
We're glad
you're still standing.
Other than a few downed trees
and a couple of wrecked cars,
I'd say we dodged a bullet.
Copy that.
Boy, that was one
hell of a ride!
Are you okay?
What the hell... How the...
How did you...?
This mountain, she's like me.
She's got a few cracks in it,
and I stuck it out
in a narrow cave.
Oh, Ben, you wily ol' coot, you know
you're gonna outlive us all, right?
Ah, well...
I reckon that if I ever
have to get stuck again,
I'd like to have
some family with me.
What the...?
Look at that, you got the...
hair is just the same.
I had you with me
the whole time.
Let's go.
Wait, hold it, I'm not
totally damaged goods here.
Yeah, well, you've looked
a hell of a lot better.
Yeah? Well, who asked ya?
And that is the tale
of the mountain.
Sometimes I worry
that Night Wolf
takes a little bit
too much pleasure
from scaring the children.
I never.
It's they who like being scared.
it's the only way I can get them
to listen to tales of the past.
Some history lesson,
teaching them about a curse.
Well, I suppose better a curse
than curse words.
There are no curse words
in the Cherokee language.
I know, but you,
you've gone and adopted
the dirty English ones.
Shit, me?
Come on.