The Bye Bye Man (2017)

Jane, it's me. Open up.
Did you tell anyone?
Did i...
About the name. The name.
Yeah, I told Rick.
He thought it was funny.
Just Rick and nobody else?
No. Why?
What's the matter?
Larry, what's wrong?
I'm sorry.
You have no idea how sorry I am.
Larry, you're scaring me.
What are you doing?
Rick, the name.
Did you tell anyone?
Lar... Larry, please.
Please. I...
Rick, he's coming!
The name.
Gi... Giselle.
I to...
I told Giselle.
I'm gonna stop you!
- Larry!
- Mom! Run!
- Who did you tell?
- He killed them!
Don't think it.
Mom, come on!
Don't say it.
Don't think it.
Don't say it.
Don't think it.
Don't say it.
Don't think it.
Don't say it.
Don't think it.
Don't say it.
Don't think it.
Don't say it.
Did you say the name?
Don't think it.
Don't say it.
Don't say it.
Who did you say
the name to, Giselle?
What's up, playboy?
How's it going?
Today is a good day.
You got the key? No,
it's under the mat.
It's only 20 minutes.
This is the first time he's rented the
place. The guy says it's fantastic.
What else would he say?
It's a doghouse?
I'm trying to convince her. Come on, man.
Work with me.
Sash? Yeah. I'm up for it.
It's a little creepy.
Nah, it's just cold.
Heat's off.
I gotta piss like a racehorse.
This place is sweet, bro.
We could put the desk
over there.
We could put the bed here.
Well, maybe if there was a bed.
I know. The landlord said
it was fully furnished.
Yo, El, come and check this out, man.
This is crazy!
Yo, come on down.
Yo, El, come in here, man.
Oh, it's... you can't get
this in the dorms, right?
Now, that's...
That's classic. John, you really
think Sasha wants to see that?
Or that?
You got the whole upstairs
to make girlie. Okay?
I've definitely seen bigger.
You're awesome.
She's awesome, man.
Oh, yeah, you guys must've been
hilarious when you were young.
Must've been? Are.
Tier 1.
Hey, he made me look smart,
and I made him look ugly.
But after the crash,
he took care of me.
Talk shit about my boy's
folks, you're done.
Okay, and the tier 1's
are both ready to cook and clean and
help me do this place up, right?
'Cause I'm not gonna be
your guys' maid.
Of course not.
I told him. Right?
I never cooked you
my butter pasta-nette?
That is not a thing.
- That's 'cause I invented it.
- Okay.
And I clean too. I promise.
- Yo, what does this do?
- Yeah, you cook.
I said I "cooked," okay?
Found the furniture.
I've heard about you
and all the girls.
And that's exactly why we need
to get out of the dorms.
And this is perfect.
Whoa! Easy.
You all right?
Yeah. Thanks.
So it looks like
the landlord wasn't lying.
Damn, son.
Hey, I like this.
Ah, fuck.
Don't you want to?
Well, yeah, yeah. I do.
Now, I know you...
Yo, all the dishes
in here, they're white.
Just saying.
He touches everything.
It's up to you, bear.
I can't afford it without him.
I know you can, but I don't
want... Elliot. Elliot.
We're doing it.
I see she approves, huh?
Hey, you need a hand?
No, I got this.
Okay, don't break yourself.
Better than going
to the gym, right?
Hey, Elliot?
Hey, did you hear that banging?
The radiators sound worse.
Okay, bear, here it is.
Rilke says coins symbolize the
wonder and terror of fortune.
"Do you land face up
or face down in the dirt?
What home will you be born into?
With whom will you fall in love?
Fortune is truly like a coin
tossed by the hand of god."
I'm wiped.
Thanks for finding me
that quote.
You wanna watch
something stupid?
Just us. Yeah.
I'm gonna brush my teeth.
Hey, what's on the bed?
"You look like a model
from the '70s.
The personal pilot
of a James Bond villain.
A 19-year-old
koala bear person."
"If any of them were true,
I wouldn't have you.
But they're not, and I do.
Bullshit aside,
I never thought I would meet,
let alone be with,
anyone like you.
With so much love,
your knight, Beau,
and new roommate, Elliot."
"No animals were harmed
in the making of this card."
Hey, Elliot, that's not funny.
What's wrong?
What's up, man?
Ah, little brother!
How's it going? Look at this place.
Hi, darlin'.
Hi, uncle Elliot!
- Hey, niece Alice!
- Hey, hey.
Hey there.
Sorry we're so early.
Your brother's pathological.
It's called being prompt
and professional.
Virgil's awesome.
Thank you.
Oh, hey.
Almost forgot.
Here's your
housewarming present.
- You gonna help me drink it?
- No!
Look at this.
So a house off campus
with John Henry
and a live-in girlfriend.
You ready for this?
She's the one, Virgil.
She did all this herself.
That's great. It's just,
you know, be smart.
Be a student, man.
It's the last time to have no
responsibilities. Enjoy it.
I don't want that.
I want what you have.
An amazing wife,
an amazing daughter.
Just don't rush it.
That's all out there waiting for you.
Believe me, what I have is great.
It is. But I missed
out on all this.
I mean, what a college edu-ma-cation
could have done for me.
You have a scholarship, man. You
should be upstairs studying right now.
Jesus. It's a good thing
you're not jealous.
It is good.
You got this. You got this.
Come on, come on.
All right.
This one side.
- Oh!
- Oh, baby!
Thank you!
An oldie old gold coin, huh?
Yeah. I put it back on the
little table next to the bed.
I didn't want to keep it.
'Cause you're the best,
most honest, smartest, cutest,
heaviest, oldest person here.
I'm not the heaviest
or the oldest.
Dad's the oldest
and he's the heaviest.
She ratted me out.
Head bump. Oh.
Fist bump.
That's John's room.
We're upstairs.
All right, we're outta here.
Buddy, great party.
Be good.
Bye, guys.
Bye, Alice.
Kim? She's in
my lit class.
Girls who wear hats inside
are crazy.
You know that, right? She's gonna do a
psychic cleansing after everyone leaves.
Cool. Can I leave too?
She's just gonna burn some Sage,
and you are going to be nice.
Maybe you need a hat.
It's a twist-off.
Oh, thank you.
John, do you think
this house is creepy?
I don't, but I'm not a girl,
and I think you should get dressed,
'cause we're playing baseball.
Why do jocks always have to
play games, even at a party?
"Don't think it.
Don't say it.
Don't think it. Don't say it.
Don't think it.
Don't say it.
Don't think it. Don't say it.
Don't say it. Don't think it."
Miss Sasha
steps up to the plate!
Oh, she's going long.
She's going long.
Okay, all right, all right.
You got this?
All right.
- Oh!
- Fuck yes!
You all right?
You're drunk.
She's so drunk.
So you thought there
were sounds and... what?
Bad vibrations?
And now if they're gone,
then what's the big deal?
We burned all
that bad shit away, right?
That's tight.
You're actually psychic?
My mother says.
Oh, sensitive, huh?
So, what? Your mom locked you under
the stairs when you was a kid?
You shoot knives at her?
- No.
- Fuck.
But I could find stuff.
I always knew when people
were coming over to the house.
You know what I'm thinking?
I might just do that.
You are psychic.
Sensitive there for sure.
- Elliot...
- It's okay, Sasha.
People have doubted me
my whole life.
Elliot, you can go ahead
and live a sheltered,
shallow, physical existence.
Ooh. A nonphysical existence
would be kind of tough.
What Aristotle is trying to say
is, um... well, he needs proof.
Is that crazy?
- Okay, let's just take some deep breaths.
- Okay.
So if nothing happens,
I should believe 'cause it means
you got rid of the spirit?
- Elliot, come on.
- What?
We all know you don't
believe in this stuff,
but can you just please
let her do it?
Right. Sorry.
No being rational.
I give over. I do.
Yo, El,
just loosen up the grip
a little bit.
I'm trying to concentrate
on my breathing.
Are you ready, ladies?
Okay, let's do
this thing. Come on.
Now, I have no ego about it,
but... I do know this stuff.
Okay, cool.
Well, what do you know?
I know your parents died
in a crash.
- Dude. -He didn't tell me.
They did.
I didn't say anything.
Never tell anyone that.
They're worried
about you though.
All right. I'm sorry I laughed at
you before, but that's not funny.
I'm not being funny, Elliot.
This is just what I'm getting.
Okay, how did they die?
What kind of accident was it?
Your brother will do anything
in his power to protect you now.
But they worry
that he's taking on too much.
All right. So you talked
to my brother tonight.
Sasha, your...
Your grandmother has some
biscuits or rolls or something.
Gam's rolls?
Come on. Everybody's grandma
bakes biscuits.
Yeah, he's, uh...
He's not wrong about that.
This is... this is...
- You know what?
- You want to blindfold me too?
Just hang on.
I'll take you up on that.
- I'm all down for the blindfolding,
whatever you got. -Of course.
Okay. What'd I hide?
Where'd I hide it?
- Oh, come on. That's crazy.
- Elliot...
You know what? I...
I don't like this.
Yeah, i... I don't want to
do this anymore.
Maybe this was a bad idea.
Nah, come on.
You're a good faker.
I admit it.
You put the keys
in a pot on the stove.
Did you?
You heard.
You were listening for it,
weren't you?
Well... well, i... i didn't hear that.
Did you?
- Something's coming.
- What?
They're saying...
Don't think it.
Don't say it.
Don't say it. Don't think it.
Don't say it.
Don't think it.
Don't say it. Don't think it.
Don't say it! Don't think it!
Don't say it! Don't think it!
Don't say it! Don't think it!
Don't say it! Don't think it!
Don't say it! Don't think it!
Don't say it! Don't think it!
Don't say or think what?
The bye bye man.
- Aaah!
- What the... Jesus!
What the fuck?
Oh, Kim?
Oh, my god.
- What happened, Kim? Are you all right?
- Kim?
What are you doing?
Nothing. Nothing.
Are you sick?
Good night.
Love you.
I love you, John.
You're joking, right?
Sasha, you're kidding. Right?
What the hell is that?
- Go!
- Look, I'm trying.
- Hey.
- Shh!
What are you doing?
Do you hear that?
What the hell is that?
You ready?
Thanks for being nice
to me last night.
- That was pretty crazy.
- It was.
You want to go inside?
My roommate's car isn't here.
We could try again.
These things happen, right?
Well, actually...
Not to me they don't.
Actually, not to me either.
Guy not finishing up? I've
never had that happen before.
Come on.
I'm hungry.
Nothing, okay?
Kim, i...
I-I need to go.
Dude, check this out.
They were already there, right?
It was Colin or one of those
douches from last night.
No, listen. I heard it.
I heard something after the party.
Outside, scratching.
What do you mean
you heard something?
See, you are clean
and beautiful.
That's nice.
What was that?
- John, you drive Kim home?
- Yeah.
And now I gotta wash her off.
The girl's gross, man.
A total pig.
Come on, man. That's not cool.
Don't say that.
Oh, sure. Yeah, that's easy for you to say.
Your girlfriend's perfect.
Oh, god.
You okay?
I don't know. Maybe I shouldn't
be playing baseball in the cold.
That's the problem
with being an alcoholic.
Oh, shut up.
I didn't even drink that much.
Maybe that was the mistake.
I'll make you some tea.
Come on.
Fuck him.
Bear, you went away there
for a second.
I did?
Where'd you go?
God, you're shivering.
I was just thinking.
About John?
No, little brother, it's cool.
You can call me anytime.
You know that.
Are you... are you really
taking on too much?
Are you worried about
protecting me?
What is going on?
Is it Sasha?
Yeah, sh-she's been
really sick and scared.
And John's been acting weird.
You guys seemed
like you were great.
But were we?
You saw them dancing together.
Talk to me, buddy.
What's going on?
- What? -You wanna
get lunch tomorrow,
we'll talk about this then?
You know what?
Listen, I gotta go.
There's something I gotta...
I gotta deal with something.
Guys, what are you
doing up there?
Anyone down there?
Guys! Help!
No! Guys!
What are you doing, Elliot?
- You were here the whole time?
- Yes.
That's bullshit.
We were, Elliot.
You didn't answer me.
- We didn't hear you.
- What were you doing?
Studying. Talking.
- You didn't hear me?
- We weren't doing anything.
- You didn't hear me?
- Elliot, for the last time, bro,
we wouldn't do that to you!
Why are you lying to me?
We're not!
Jesus Christ!
Then what just happened?
And there were sounds.
I mean, come on.
I told you
there was something happening.
Now do you believe me?
Don't worry, okay? What are you doing?
Don't do that.
- Don't do what?
- Don't...
Don't touch her.
Don't touch her.
You are a crazy paranoid, bro!
Yeah, you're a little warm.
Okay, so you weren't with John.
Am I hearing things?
Am I seeing things?
Tonight, you thought the house
was empty when we were here.
You went away, Elliot.
I kind of went away too.
- What?
- I sat down to study.
I don't remember
doing any of that.
It's like now that
I know his name,
he's coming for me.
And the more I try to get rid
of it, the bigger it gets.
It's horrible.
Hey, babe.
Bye bye man's not real.
It's just something
that's in our heads.
That's real.
Ideas are real.
If it's not...
Then, Elliot, we're all losing
our minds at the same time.
And what are the chances
of that?
What the hell is that?
What is it?
Elliot, there's nothing here.
So, you're not
gonna be late, right?
No, I'll meet you at 2:00
sharp, right where we parked.
I'm gonna find out
how real this thing is.
The name.
You're gonna talk to the
landlord about the furniture?
And the house.
Maybe he can find
somewhere else.
You're feeling better though?
I guess. It's hard to be scared
in the middle of the day.
I'm gonna take care of you.
Oh, my god.
You're shivering.
I'm gonna figure this out.
I promise.
I'll see you at 2:00.
I love you.
I love you.
"Register archive.
Dead file 69. Redmon."
Here, put these on.
They're originals, and we
don't want your sweaty palms
messing up the documents
in the box.
Now, the dead file
has dead articles...
Material that got killed
before going to press
but still saved for posterity.
And it was written by Redmon.
Thank you, Dennis!
Mr. Daizy?
Yes. How are you doing?
Not so great actually.
Uh, me and my friends are renting
your place out in sun prairie.
37 oak Dale?
Oh, yeah, the two handsome guys.
Are you with them?
You have a weird house,
Mr. Daizy.
Really. It...
I-It's awful.
Well, I'm sorry that you feel that
way, but they did sign a lease.
Bless you.
You okay?
It's really cold in here.
It's a hothouse. It's actually
not cold at all, honey.
Maybe you should be home in bed.
Look, Mr. Daizy.
There was a old nightstand
in the basement,
and it has
this writing inside it.
Where did it come from?
A nightstand?
Let's begin by considering
this wall behind me.
Now, we can all agree
that the sentence...
I'm sorry.
Yeah, have a seat.
Now, we can all agree
that this sentence,
"this is a wall,"
is a truth claim.
This wall is real.
I see it, you see it.
We can touch it.
Likewise, if I were to brush
a few atoms from this wall,
it would still be here
before us.
It would still be
"the wall."
But what if I continue
to slowly brush the atoms
one by one away from this wall?
At first you'd say,
"it's still a wall."
I brush a few more.
"Well, it's still a wall."
What if I remove
every single atom from
this wall except for one?
And you've seen me brush
every single atom from this wall
except for that one atom,
and I point to it and I say,
"there. That's what's left.
That's the wall."
Now, is it?
Is that the wall?
What the fu...
All right, John?
Welcome back.
Language and reality
inform each other
as we construct...
Okay, I'm looking up
the bye bye man, right?
There's nothing online, so I type
in "don't say it, don't think it,"
and it led me here,
the dead archives and Redmon.
Here's what was in his folder.
I think you write it and repeat
it to try and keep from saying...
The bye bye man.
Okay, but why is that
in the dead files?
October 18, 1969.
Byline Larry Redmon.
Deerfield, Iowa.
A teenager,
accused of murdering his own
family and four other youths.
When asked by this reporter
why he would do such a thing,
he replied,
"the bye bye man made me do it."
It's an article about a kid who went
crazy, but it was never published.
And Larry Redmon, the writer,
he was pretty infamous locally.
After he killed this piece
about the kid in deerfield,
Larry Redmon took
a shotgun and murdered
eight friends and family
members right here in Madison.
Mom, run!
Don't say it.
Don't think it.
Don't say it.
Don't think it.
Don't say it.
- Mom, shut the door!
- Giselle!
Who'd you tell?
No one!
We didn't tell anyone, Larry!
We didn't tell anyone!
I swear we didn't say anything!
Get back! Please!
Maybe he got inspired
by what he was writing about.
You won't win.
I won't let you.
There are no other mentions
of these cases anywhere else.
It's like someone
redacted the whole story
so no one else could read it.
Why would anyone do that?
Well, obviously
he was bat-shit crazy.
But if you remove all references
to something in the past,
that past no longer exists.
Even the idea of it is gone.
Maybe somebody wanted to make this
bye bye man disappear permanently.
And you've got the last record
of it right there.
I'll be back.
Good. I have time.
Don't write it either, idiot.
What are you doing, boy?
Are you out of your mind?
I, um...
What is wrong with you, Elliot?
What the...
I'm-I'm sorry. I need to go.
I'm late.
Oh, my god.
Hey, John!
Kim, it's Elliot.
Elliot. Uh, god, I was just
thinking about you guys.
You wanna come up?
Listen, listen.
Um, what are you doing?
You mean right now,
or since the party?
Isn't that why you're here?
Kim, can you come down?
I want to do another sance.
Right now.
With all four of us.
At the house.
Listen, you were right.
I was wrong.
I'll be down in a sec.
The bye bye man doesn't exist
anywhere else that I could find.
You don't have to
look for him, Elliot.
He's found us.
You can't help
thinking about him.
And the more you think
about him, the closer he gets.
You see things
that aren't there.
You don't see things
that are there.
Or hear things,
like a coin rolling.
Like a train.
Some people catch it
and it spreads.
Some go crazy sooner,
but they all die in the end.
The word spreads,
and he comes to you with...
With that thing.
I told Katie.
I didn't want to.
What can you do with cancer
but cut it out?
You have to stop it before
it spreads and every cell dies.
This could spread everywhere
if we don't cut it out.
Did you tell anyone?
Mrs. Watkins,
the librarian.
We have to get to her too.
What do you mean
you have to get to her?
Oh, my god!
Elliot, stop!
Let me help you!
Kim! Wait!
- We have to help them!
- What do you see?
- It's a family!
- It's in your head!
No, Kim!
There's a train!
A real train!
Kim! Move!
It's in your head!
Kim! No!
Just any comment.
It's on the way down here
because there's just
a big tie-up down there.
Elliot, what happened?
Kim. She's dead.
Aw, shit.
Oh, my god. It was him.
He killed her.
You were right. He's
trying to get inside us.
He got in her.
He's gonna drive us crazy.
He's gonna kill us.
You mean the...
Yeah. He's why
I was late to get you.
He's why you're feeling sick.
Have you said the name
to anyone?
The name? No. N-no.
Have you?
No, I-i haven't said...
Good. Don't. We can't say the
name to anyone else, ever.
You gonna tell me
what to do now?
- Swear you won't say the name
so we don't spread it. -No.
John, please.
Bro, swear it.
You just need to cut this shit.
You swear!
- You swear!
- Elliot, stop it!
What's wrong with you, Elliot?
- What's wrong with you, huh?
- Hey, guys!
Hey! Break it up!
I said break it up right now!
Back up.
- He got to you, didn't he?
- No one got to me.
Admit it. He's making
you feel angry.
- He's making you sick.
- Yeah? He's making you crazy.
- You on something?
- No, I'm upset.
We're just having
a little argument.
You call that a little argument?
John, please.
Please don't say it.
Don't say what?
I won't.
J, you can't.
This name of some stupid shit
Elliot thinks is dangerous.
Yes, I was talking about Kim.
There was a hammer in her bag.
It was covered with blood.
Oh, my god.
Train's engineer
said that you were chasing Kim
with the hammer.
He said she was crying for help
and that she jumped out of
your car to get away from you.
Jesus Christ.
That's not what happened.
They found Kim's roommate,
Katie Williams.
She was killed by a hammer too,
but you knew that, didn't you?
I... Sasha, no.
I was at the library.
He made me lose track of time.
You have...
You wanna talk to me here,
tell me what's going on?
- Don't say it. Don't think it.
You were right. -Quiet.
Sasha, what doesn't
he want you to say?
Yeah, sash.
You! Shut it!
It just happened, John.
You see that? It's him.
What... what is it?
What do you see?
He makes you see things.
She... he's...
Oh, my god.
Hey, hey. Hey!
Back away.
I need you over here.
She's fine.
Stay back.
Wait. There he is.
Hey, man.
Hey, bud, something wrong?
I'm... I'm sorry.
I thought...
Hey. You all right?
Wait, Sasha.
He's gonna take her home, and
she's gonna lie down for a bit.
I'm her boyfriend.
She needs me.
Maybe later.
But right now you're
gonna come with me.
We're gonna talk a little bit.
Did you say the name to anyone?
She didn't, man.
Neither of us did.
It's gonna be all right.
Don't think it. Don't say it.
Don't think it. Don't say it.
Don't think it. Don't think it.
Don't say it.
Good news for you, maybe.
Kim Hines wrote a suicide note,
taking responsibility
for her roommate
and for the deaths of you
and the other two
living at your house.
So I guess she was planning
on killing you too.
Is that what happened, Elliot?
You found out
and you chased her?
I don't think that's murder.
Don't think it.
Don't say it. Don't think it.
Don't say it.
Don't think it.
You want to write it?
- You're going to tell me, you know that?
- I hope not.
Why did you chase Kim?
I told you.
I was trying to help her.
So you chased her into a train?
What are you doing?
You could lose everything.
Your-your scholarship,
that pretty girl.
You are a smart kid.
Talk to me and i...
I can help you.
Otherwise it'll be out of my hands,
and you'll be wishing that you had.
You might find yourself
wishing I hadn't.
Well, you let me
worry about that.
You really want to know?
You really think the truth...
Honesty... is the best policy?
- I do.
- Always?
When wouldn't it be?
You have kids?
You have kids.
Don't think it.
Don't say it.
What if you saw the worst
crime scene ever?
A mass murder at a school.
With dead bodies and brains and students
and sneakers with blood on them.
And you go home,
and your kids say,
"tell us about your day, mommy."
You could be honest.
You could tell the truth.
You could describe every
awful nightmare thing you saw,
and what was burned into your head would
be burned into their heads forever.
You could hug them tight.
And spare them
your honest truth.
What would you do?
I'd hug them.
Please don't make me say it.
I haven't hurt anyone.
But I'm afraid of putting this
into your head.
All I have to do is talk to you,
and you and your kids...
You're all dead.
Hey, Elliot.
Your friend died? What the
hell is going on, man?
Thanks for coming to get me,
but I gotta go.
Was it Sasha and John... hey, talk to me.
Let me help you.
Whatever is going on,
there's nothing you can do.
Okay? I literally
can't tell you.
I'm not going to let it
happen to you, Virgil.
Especially not you.
What are you talking about?
You've got a family.
Go take care of them.
Elliot. Hey!
You are my family.
Oh, fuck!
Oh, my god.
What are you doing, Elliot?
What's... what's wrong
with you, Elliot?
What the f...
I'm so sorry.
Hi, Mrs. Watkins.
Hi, Elliot.
I've been having
some really strange thoughts
about that bye bye man
since we talked.
Mrs. Watkins.
Mrs. Watkins, you can't
talk to anyone about it.
Well, maybe I can come over
to your house later.
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry too.
Believe me, but I've just been
having the most vivid thoughts.
Larry Redmon.
The writer.
It was his nightstand.
Mrs. Watkins, okay, maybe I'll see you
later. Maybe I'll have a fix for this.
I gotta go. Thanks.
Oh, you're welcome, Elliot.
I'll be there soon.
He almost got us, man.
Oh, fuck. I almost killed you
with a bat.
Fuck, he's not gonna get us.
He's not going to get us.
I'll figure this out.
I'm sorry, but...
I'm sorry. I can't call an ambulance,
'cause you're gonna say it.
You will. You will,
'cause I messed you up.
I'll be back as soon as I can.
I'm taking this.
You found her. Now I'm
gonna go talk to her.
I love you.
And don't touch him.
Mrs. Redmon?
Mrs. Redmon.
I said leave.
Are you deaf or just defective?
Mrs. Redmon, did your husband write
for the register a long time ago?
You're too young
to remember that.
Mrs. Redmon,
you're still alive.
I know your husband
killed a lot of people.
But I don't think he was crazy.
I need your help.
Whatever you remember.
There's a train, gold coins.
A hound.
He came to Larry...
With the hound.
What Larry told me
gave me nightmares.
I made him stop.
I understand.
But I need you to tell me
everything Larry said.
Larry was on a story of a
teenager who killed his family.
Poked around like
a good nosy reporter
and heard rumors.
Whispers about an evil.
Some kind of reaper
that drove the teenager mad.
Larry had to go nosing around
and writing it down,
and then it came to Larry too.
This nightmare,
this name
we must not think or say.
But just three days
after Larry got back from Iowa,
I came home from work.
October 20, 1969.
The day my life went
turn, turn, turn.
Don't say it.
Don't think it.
Don't say it.
Don't think it.
Don't say it.
Don't think it.
Don't say it.
Don't think it.
Don't say it.
Don't think it.
- Don't say it.
- Don't think it.
Don't say it. Don't think it.
Don't say it. Don't think it.
Oh, my god!
Don't say it.
Larry, oh, my god.
I was just doing my job.
That's what I do.
I track down the story.
That's what I was doing.
Once you know his name,
you can't escape him.
You see, he...
He gets in your head.
He makes you do horrible things.
Okay, shh.
Whoa. What horrible things?
Who makes you do this?
What are you talking about?
Let's get you to bed,
okay, sweetheart?
Listen. Listen.
I didn't know if he was alive
or dead, and then the hound...
That's how you know he's coming.
When you see the hound
and you hear the coins,
that's when you know
he's close by.
You understand?
No, i...
Larry, I don't know
what's happened,
but I'm trying...
He listens for his name.
Anyone could say it.
It could be you
or it could be me.
And it's just dumb luck,
like the flip of a coin.
I heard the name,
and I told Janie the name.
Don't think it?
Don't say it?
What does this mean?
What did you write?
I don't understand.
He... he makes you
see things.
Then he makes you do things.
Who knows how many good people he's
made do horrible things like this.
No! Oh!
God, no, please!
Please don't.
Please put it down.
You think it's me.
You think I did this?
This is what happens.
They say people snap.
They say people go crazy.
No, it's him.
It's him that's doing it.
Shh. Just put it...
Put it down. Okay?
I love you.
But in the end,
Larry was a hero.
You tell people that.
Larry erased him.
You see, he did away with everyone who'd
heard it before they could pass it on.
But not you.
You're here.
How did you survive
all this time?
How did you beat it?
I didn't beat it.
I never knew it.
If my husband told me the name,
he'd have to kill me with the rest.
My husband controlled himself.
Your fucking husband wrote the name in
the nightstand you sold, and I read it.
He typed it in a dead article,
and I read that too.
Don't you say it.
Your husband spared you
and he got me.
He's in me now.
He's in my friends.
- You want my help?
- Yes.
Kill all the ones you told first
and then kill yourself.
It's the only way.
No. There has
to be another way.
Don't say it.
Don't think it.
It's a clue.
Oh, my god.
He's coming!
What are you talking about?
You didn't bring him here?
- Don't you see it?
- See what?
The light.
Hear the name.
He's in your head.
He makes us see things,
hear things.
Tricks to make us afraid.
He makes us afraid.
And he grows. The more scared
we are, the more real he gets.
We make him real with our fear.
We make him more powerful.
Yeah, we give him the power, and he gets
closer, and he hears us when we think of him.
But maybe if we're not afraid,
we take his power.
Maybe if we're not afraid,
he's nothing!
How could you figure it out
and my Larry not?
Help me!
Help me!
Shoot me now!
Uh-uh, uh-uh.
No, no.
It's not real.
No, it's not real.
Help me!
I have you now, don't I?
Come on.
Try another trick.
Come on. Try it!
Where are you?
Where are you?
Oh, my god.
Pick up.
Hey, this is Sasha. Leave... you
better not fucking hurt her.
I'm coming.
I know it's hard,
but don't be afraid,
and don't believe
anything you see.
No, you're not real.
You're not real.
Ha! I knew it!
Okay. Tricks.
You wanna play tricks.
Okay. I'm ready.
Where are you guys?
I'm in here.
Oh, god.
You look like hell.
There you are.
Elliot, thank god.
You're back.
I'm not...
Oh, my god.
Hey, what's the matter?
Elliot, what are you doing?
Oh, shit.
- Get away.
- Hey, come on.
It's all going to be okay.
We're going to be okay.
I feel better.
Get away!
Elliot. It's me.
What the hell?
I don't understand.
What are you doing?
Elliot, come on.
Come here, John.
Please, Elliot.
I don't understand. Please.
- Come on.
- No!
Elliot, please stop!
Would you just stop?
Get away from me!
Get away from me!
Get away!
Sasha! John! It's a trick!
It's not real!
Listen to me!
Sasha! John!
Get off of me!
Listen to me. It's not real!
John, no!
Aaah! Elliot!
Shoot! Shoot!
Oh, god!
Go ahead. Kill me.
You win.
No. You leave them alone.
Come on, guys.
It's freezing out here.
Hey, man!
Anybody home?
I've got Alice here. She's here
to cheer you up. Buddy.
- Elliot!
- No!
Hey, is anybody home?
- Guys, come on. We know you're in there!
- I hear something. Hello?
Open the door. We're turning
into popsicles out here.
Go away!
Go away!
No, no, no. We're not
going anywhere, Elliot.
Uncle, open up!
Get her out of here.
Both of you! You need to go!
Open the goddamn door,
or I'm callin' the police.
Good, do it!
Honey, why don't you
go wait in the truck?
No, daddy, I gotta pee.
Go to the truck, please.
Open the door, man. Come on.
- Go. Go.
- Elliot!
Elliot, what the hell
is going on?
Virgil, please get her
out of here.
Uncle Elliot!
Okay, peanut. I need you
to listen to me, okay?
I need you to go to the truck.
No, daddy, I gotta go!
Go someplace close where I
can see ya, and be quick.
Outside? Nobody's going to see you, baby.
It's okay.
Go, go, go.
Elliot, what is
going on in there?
Don't think it. Don't say it.
Don't think it. Don't say it.
What are you saying?
What? I have to do this!
I'm not crazy!
- Let me help you.
- No, you can't.
But I can help you, if you go!
I'm not going to
let you catch it!
Don't say it!
Don't think it!
Just go!
Don't say what?
- Fuck!
- Elliot!
Christ, what was that?
Elliot, what was that?
The bye bye man.
Bye bye...
Bye-bye, what?
What is that? Bye-bye?
What is it?
What are you saying?
Oh, fuck.
Bye-bye, what?
What is that?
Elliot, bye-bye? What?
I love you so much.
Where are you, baby?
What? Honey.
Come here.
I was cold!
I know, honey,
but you scared me so much.
Oh, no! Look!
Uncle Elliot!
No, it's okay. It's okay.
The fire can't hurt him anymore.
So this boy ran
a librarian over,
mutilated and murdered
her children,
and then killed his
roommates and himself,
and you had him in custody
today, but you let him go?
But this is not some creepy kid
pulling a columbine, okay?
I talked to him.
Something is going on here.
I can feel it.
I wanted to say good-bye.
I know, baby.
Me too.
At least he gave me the coins.
What are you talking about?
He must've left them out there
for me to find.
Left them out where, honey?
In the little table.
Outside next to the trash cans.
Was there anything else
in this table?
Just some writing.
What did this writing say?
You know I can't read
in the dark.
What do you think I am,
a flashlight?
We got one alive!
Get me a line and morphine!
Wait, wait!
He's trying to say something!
Hey, I'm listening. Go ahead.
It won't matter.
It does matter.
Okay, take your time.
It's okay, I'm here.
And I want to know, please.
Please tell me.
Bye bye...