The Call Up (2016)

Wanda recruit, welcome
to the call up.
Report to the 25th floor.
Is this it?
floor 25.
Oh, here they are.
You're late, man.
I... yeah, sorry. I...
are you in charge?
We know as much as you do.
Or as little.
Wanda recruits, welcome
to beta testing.
Please sign in on
the tablets provided.
So where are you from?
From Bosnia.
I am from Sarajevo...
It's in Europe.
Wanda please locate
your individual locker.
Deposit all valuables and
electronic devices.
Please put on the
motion-capture suits provided.
Do they really expect us
to wear these?
What's the matter, bitch tits?
You need a bra with that?
All right, so we're stuck
in it now, huh?
Why sox?
It's my girlfriend's cat.
Oh... that's cute.
So, this is awkward.
It's okay, I work
in a hospital...
And there is no modesty
in sickness, either.
Do you work out much?
Are you kidding?
I live in the gym, man.
Basic training.
Ah, you're a soldier.
Artillery. Middle east.
the call up is about to begin.
Please, proceed to your
Let's go.
Wanda please, step onto the
scanner and state your gamer tag.
Wandawelcome, atlas.
Please, collectyour equipment.
Reaper 2000.
Wait, you haven't heard of me?
Seriously? But...
Wanda welcome, reaper 2000.
Please collect your equipment.
Straight shooter.
welcome, straight shooter.
Jesus, this is some pretty
fancy shit.
Interactive gaming units.
I've read about stuff like this.
Full immersion technologies.
Bubble play.
I thought this would
only be for elites.
I don't recognize any of you
from the leader boards.
You ever seen anything
like this before?
Wanda please put on
your gaming suits.
The polymer matrix composite
Has been developed to give the
most advanced haptic feedback.
54 individually calibrated
vibration points...
Are located within the suit to provide the
closest possible experience to modern warfare.
The helmet secures itself
via neck, chin...
And jaw, to ensure your safety
during the game.
Training cannot commence until
all players are equipped.
I'm not playing in this.
What's your problem, guy?
Is that not your gamer tag,
terrorist one?
It was supposed to be ironic.
I get it.
Wanda training cannot commence
until all players are equipped.
What's up with this guy?
What's he doing?
Come on.
Look, this guy doesn't want to
play. Can somebody let him out?
Open the door, please!
Would they really lock us in?
Open the door before
i kick it down!
Excuse me, dumbass. You mind
quit wasting everybody's time?
You chose the name, right?
So suit up and shut up, man.
Get on with the game.
What's your real name?
We can't use real names.
Well, if none of us care,
does it really matter?
We all know what you meant.
It's the principle.
Come on...
How bad can it really be?
Wanda recruits, lower your visors.
Begin training module.
This is crazy.
It's amazing.
Oh, this takes me back.
This is unbelievable.
What do you think?
I am thinking it
was a big mistake.
What do you mean?
My tattoos are gone.
Is this even possible?
A 110 degree micro-light plasma, with added
depth perception and periphery coverage.
The speakers are fricking
It's a computer screen?
Simply put. It's like I died
and went to gamer heaven.
What do you say now, terrorist?
You still don't wanna
play the game?
Ten hut!
Recruits, fall in!
Hah, no way.
Hey, go on.
Stand up straight, you sorry
looking motherfuckers.
You will shut your cake-hole,
private fuck nuts.
Do you understand me?
Sir, yes, sir!
Totally had me fooled.
Follow me, maggots.
Alpha company, collect your
Excellent... sig-sauer.
This is your new best friend.
Fire at will.
Oh, yeah.
The recoil... everything.
It's so real.
It's just like the real thing.
It can't be like that.
Bullshit, man, this ain't
calibrated right.
That's right, bitches.
All recruits must test
their weapons.
I'm sorry.
That was good.
Come on.
Pay attention, maggots!
If you get hit...
First shot, it will cost
you your armor.
Oh, shit! Oh, my god!
Oh, god!
Are you all right?
Shit, man.
This shit's hilarious.
You see...
oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Oh, my god.
Are you all right?
It's not so bad, right?
You need to breathe, okay?
In through your nose, out
through your mouth. Breathe.
What the...?
you start the game...
Breathe in, and out.
...with one flak jacket.
Lose it...
And you'll need one of these.
Keep your eyes peeled.
These things are rare
as rocking horse shit.
Without one, you'll be
in a world of pain.
Recruits, the building has been
overrun by highly trained terrorists.
Your job is to take them out as you
make your way to the ground floor.
The gamer with the
highest score wins.
Now, move out!
Wanda the call up will begin
in five, four, three, two, one.
Looks like it's show time.
Lock and load, people.
No loud noises or sudden
We're all prey out here now until we
figure out what the hell's going on.
That fucking hurt.
Stay together, and remember...
Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.
Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.
What are we even supposed
to be doing?
Nice of you ladies
to finally join us.
Get down!
Look at this.
Got him.
You all right?
Yeah? Here.
Good reflexes.
Wanda level 25 complete.
High score, straight shooter.
So that's it?
He kills one terrorist
and he gets all the points?
This is entry level, man. I'm
pretty sure it's gonna get harder.
Motherfucker. I mean,
they got ak's, you know.
All we got is these
shitty pistols.
What was he supposed to be?
He's a... Russian, I think.
Right? Like eastern European?
At least they're not Muslim.
I think I'm going to be sick.
Wanda please proceed
to the next level.
Let's move out.
Wanda access to lower level
denied until current level completed.
Road block.
There's no way down.
We head through here.
Stay close to the wall.
You okay? Come on.
Come on.
Wanda floor 24.
Please collect your weapons.
Must be some kind of supply
Do they have any ammo? I'm out.
Oh... oh! Bingo, man!
Come get some.
You snooze, you lose, sox.
All right, now pay attention.
It's the m4...
Spec op standard issue.
Magazine insert.
Let it click.
Safety... here.
This is how you shoot it...
In short controlled bursts.
Repeat after me.
I like to kill shit.
I like to kill shit.
I like to kill shit.
That's as long as you need
to hold the trigger for.
And be careful with your ammo.
It's a finite supply.
level activated.
Everybody ready?
Let's go.
Can you do this?
I got this, bro.
Remember to count your ammo.
I like to kill shit, man.
Oh! Check that out, man!
That was awesome.
I'm gonna get me one of thems.
Can somebody hit pause?
Watch out! Incoming!
Ah! I'm hit!
You just need to breathe, okay,
slayer girl.
I'm not slayer girl.
Lucy is slayer girl.
I'm Taylor,
i came in her place.
I took her place!
Well, you just need to listen
to me, Taylor. I took her place.
It's only a game.
Just remember that.
All these people, they're not real.
They're just pixels and graphics.
No matter how gory it gets...
then fucking shoot someone!
Okay... I will.
It's harder than you think.
Oh, shit, I got him.
I got him!
All right, I surrender.
All right?
Fuck! Turn it off!
All right.
Help! He's hurt!
It's okay. Look.
It's okay.
Oh, fuck!
No, there is something wrong.
Oh, god. Fu...
I don't know what to do.
I got this.
It's not a game.
It's not a game.
You know what I think?
I think it's a reality TV show.
It's gotta be.
We're all gonna be famous.
It's not reality TV.
All right, I thought
i was gonna die.
No one is gonna die.
Oh, come to daddy.
Real shocks?
Man, how many times do I have
to say it? Real fucking shocks.
And it came from this.
It's probably just been
calibrated wrong.
So is... is nobody else worried?
First we got locked doors and
now this, real fucking pain?
We gotta get this shit
off us now.
It's not coming off.
Yo, it's a test, man.
If y'all are too pussy to pass
it, I will happily take that money.
It's your military industrial
What are you talking about?
Something like this
needs an inside man.
Oh... oh...
You know, it was very nice of you to
show us how to use the weapons, shooter.
What was that? Bit of basic
training on top of the 101?
I used to serve.
You all know that.
You still do, ese.
What is this, some private
sector bullshit, now?
I know as much as you do.
Hey, don't get involved.
Hell, you do, man.
We all got the same invitation,
right? Right?
Is this some kind of a sick
Remote warfare or massacre
at the touch of a button?
level reactivated.
Back off, little guy.
I think everyone just needs
to calm down, okay?
You know what?
Fuck all of y'all.
Look what you did.
Whatever, man.
Wanda elevators are
restricted during the game.
I don't need any more
of your sh...
what was that?
What's going on?
Wanda access to lower level
denied until current level completed.
Let me out of here!
Let me out of here!
Help... help.
Wanda level clear.
High score, reaper 2000.
Come on! Reaper 2...
You hear that?
Oh, Jesus Christ.
Shooter! Jesus.
Oh, my god.
Oh, my god. Shooter?
Shooter? Shooter?
All right.
Come on.
Come on.
We have to stop this game.
Someone got hurt.
No one got hurt.
He didn't make it.
Really, I mean, what's going on?
What's going on?
All right, okay.
What are we gonna do now?
Call in the organizers.
We shut this thing down.
And then we sue the bastards.
Wanda level clear.
Please proceed to the next level.
The helmets...
It doesn't just give you shocks.
It fucking kills you.
It's like some kind
of Sonic blast, right?
That's what it is?
He didn't make it
to a medipak in time.
Oh, those sick fucks.
It's like a game over.
I want someone to smash
this thing off me!
Come on.
I'm serious, right now!
I'll do it.
I'll do it.
All right.
Is this really a good idea?
Look what it did to him.
Yeah, look what it did to him.
All right?
Give it your best shot.
Come on, come on.
I gotta hit you harder.
Okay? All right?
Wanda please proceed
to the next level.
We're running out of time,
They're gonna... regenerate.
You seriously wanna play on?
We've gotta get
to the next level.
Stop doing that!
We're running out of ammunition.
We're running out of medipaks.
We stay in here,
we're gonna die.
He's actually got a point.
We're doing this.
Keep going. Keep going!
There will be no desertion
in Alpha company!
No, no, no, no, no!
You have been warned.
Hey, you all right?
We... we are not getting
out of here alive.
You're all right.
Tell her to shut the hell up...
Before she gets us all killed.
floor 23.
Come on, come on.
floor 19.
Listen up... gas leak!
You use your gun on this level
and it goes kaboom!
You're gonna have to slice 'em
up, soldiers.
Knuckles deep.
How do you live?
I will get you out of here.
I promise.
Wanda please proceed
to the next level.
Stay behind me.
floor 17.
I'm out, mustang!
Hold on, reaper!
Cover me!
Don't say I never do anything
for you, sweet cheeks.
level clear. High score atlas.
They only notice something...
When it smacks them
around the head.
So let's make them notice.
Come on.
What are you doing?
Yeah... watch out!
What are you doing?
Stop, you can't do that.
Do it again, do it again, do it
again, do it again.
Go, go, go! Come on!
Wanda please proceed
to the next level.
Holy shit.
-Did it work?
Holy shit, it's worked.
It's working! It's actually
working. It's working.
Did it work?
-Go again.
Go again, go again. Go again!
Go again, go again, go again.
There'll be no
desertion in Alpha company!
You have been warned.
I'll say it again!
There will be no desertion
in Alpha company!
The next soldier who
tries to escape...
Is going home in a body bag.
Would you look at that.
We can't just leave him behind.
I ain't carrying him
over the finish line, man.
Just hide me.
Hide me, now.
You can't hide from the game,
level activated.
You have to go.
You have to go.
Come on.
On three.
One, two, three.
You stay quiet.
Stay alive.
We gotta go.
We gotta go.
Come on.
floor 11.
Hey, hey. I got dibs
on that, man.
Since when?
Since right now, blondie.
There you go.
You just graduated.
Have you seen this?
This is a remi 12-Gauge, man.
Take cover!
God! They shot me in the ass.
God, help me!
Jesus, help me, man!
This guy's gonna kill me.
Hold on!
Help me!
Go, go, go, go, go.
Please, help me,
goddammit, this thing's...
where's Taylor?
Come on.
I'm supposed to be
at a fucking party!
level clear.
High score da chief.
Let's take a break.
I noticed on your ID form,
no next of kin?
Yeah, my parents aren't
around anymore.
I've been on my own
a while, too.
What about sox?
The girlfriend's cat?
I'm all cat, no girlfriend.
I live with my grandma.
She has Alzheimer's.
She loves me at mealtimes.
Atlas, what about you?
No, I'm uh, I'm divorced.
I um... didn't get custody,
so, uh... it's just me.
Only child. Orphan.
What about zahid?
I think he's an illegal.
All right, wait, that just
leaves shooter, right?
No, it doesn't.
It just leaves Taylor...
And she wasn't even
supposed to be here.
You think that's important?
It can't be a coincidence...
That we're all anonymous loners.
The slayer here is the
only odd one out.
Hey, I have a lot of really
awesome friends online.
Oh, my god!
You think if you stopped playing
mmos for five minutes...
Any one of them would give a
rat-fuck about you, you idiot?
They don't expect us
to get out of this.
We've been picked because
nobody's going to miss us.
They can kill us
and get away with it.
level reactivated.
Let's go.
Gotta keep playing.
floor 9.
Recruits! Get in here now!
Keep up.
Many lives are at stake,
There's a bomb wired to the
foundations of this building.
If it explodes, the building
will collapse...
Taking you with it.
Only he knows the code
for disarming it.
Get him talking,
you'll be home free.
Input the code here.
I'll do it.
Give me the password.
What the fuck have you done,
explosive device initiated.
Manual shutdown required.
T-minus 30 minutes
until detonation.
We still got nine more floors.
See what you've done?
You've gone and got
us all killed!
No, it was part
of the game play!
We had no choice!
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Don't pull this.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Whoa, what... what are you
doing, man?
What are you doing, man?
Think about it.
What are you doing?
Recruits! I can't
hold this door much longer!
You all right?
We gotta go. You okay?
Get in!
We've gotta go. Come on.
Are you all right?
The lift! Now!
We gotta go. We gotta go.
Come on! Go! Go!
Go! Go! Go! Go!
Get in! Go!
Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!
Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!
fifth floor activated.
27 minutes until detonation.
What do you see?
What do you see?
What's out there?
I can't hold it forever.
Not before me, fat boy.
You'll get us both stuck.
Look what you've done now,
you idiot!
third floor activated.
They got the medipak.
Will you quit being such a
pussy and get ready, man?
Maybe we should wait and see
if the others make it down.
Wanda t-minus 25 minutes
until detonation.
Does that sound like a call
for a doughnut break to you?
Get moving!
Seems stupid to be using gamer
tags now... I'm Edward.
detonation in 24 minutes.
Maybe losing that dead wood
might buy us a little time.
Fucking piece of shit.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck, man.
You're on point, fatso.
Oh, no.
Let's see what the reaper's
really made of.
Now get the fuck up there.
Go ahead.
I got him.
22 minutes until detonation.
I got him.
I've run out of ammo.
Move it or lose it, fat boy.
fourth floor.
Thanks, Edward.
Take it.
detonation in 20 minutes.
Let's go.
Incoming! Get down!
Hey, hey, what's going on?
Talk to me.
I couldn't help her.
You couldn't help who?
I tried but... i...
I went back to the fire but...
The smoke... it...
is this your girlfriend?
we're running out of time.
She died, I couldn't save her.
It was not your fault...
But if you don't pull
yourself together...
We are gonna die in here.
Get up right now.
I'm out... I'm out.
You go. Your turn.
Move your ass.
Move! Get in there.
Get over there.
Come on. Get up there!
15 minutes until detonation.
Wanda level clear.
High score, da chief.
Reaper? Oh, god.
Come on. Let's go.
floor one.
Watch out!
Eat shit.
I'm out.
That's my last one.
Make every bullet count.
We're also out of medipaks.
I'll look back there.
I'll go with you.
No. I've got it.
12 minutes until detonation.
I saw it first.
What the hell are you doing?
Give me the medipak.
Give me the medipak.
You remind me of my ex-wife.
I hit her, like, one time.
And now I can't see my kid.
Ssh, ssh, ssh.
I need ammo!
You're alive.
Fuck yeah, dude.
No reaper, though.
I know. I know.
Yeah, he fought to the bitter
end, do you know what I mean?
Have you seen Taylor?
Taylor, er,
slayer girl, Taylor.
Er, you guys get split up?
You hear that? Shh.
Oh, no.
You really think you can beat
me, little man? Huh?
I got a helmet on, you moron.
I know.
What, you think that's funny?
If I had more time,
I'd beat you to death.
Recruits were warned not to
tamper with their equipment.
seven minutes until detonation.
Let's move out.
final level.
five minutes to detonation.
four minutes until detonation.
You need to get closer.
Cover me!
detonation in three minutes.
two minutes till detonation.
I need a medipak!
Quickly! I need a medipak!
You'd better make it
out of here.
20 seconds to detonation.
I need a medipak!
I need a medipak!
detonation in ten... nine...
Eight... seven...
I need a medipak!
Six... five... four...
Three... two...
detonation aborted.
Detonation aborted.
Detonation aborted.
We did it. We did it.
We did it.
We made it, Shelly.
Recruits, today you have earned
your place in history.
Fortune truly does favor
the brave.
You have made strong and proved
you could stay the course.
You have what all men covet...
But few will ever know.
A bond found only in each
A brother in arms.
I am proud of each
and every one of you.
You have served your country.
You are men of war.
Let's get moving, people.
I want to be out of here
by 8:00.
She's waking up.
It doesn't matter how much
you pay people...
You can't escape their
Get some more.
I never thought it would be
me and you who'd...
Make it to the end.
You won, Shelly.
People died.
But the lives we took...
We enriched beyond a shadow
of a doubt.
They'll find you.
Who? The police?
Who'd believe your crazy story?
This never happened.
So why don't you just
kill me now?
We've shared something.
We're brothers in arms.
If I kill you, it would
have all been for nothing.
Right, we should have
been out of here hours ago.
Find her!
Next time there'll be
no survivors.
Is she dead yet?
You don't want to do this,
The money's yours. Take it.
This is nothing.
Name your price.
This isn't you.
That's right.
We've shared something.
There can't ever be a next time.