The Call (2013)

911, where is your emergency?
I need a police officer, 119
East Central Street, 3rd floor.
I got a woman here,
she's stabbing herself and a child!
Operator 602,
state your emergency, please.
Hi, there's an
accident on Highway 28,
and I... I...
Like, I think somebody's dead.
911, what's your emergency?
I'm at the Beverly Resort.
My girlfriend, she's...
What's going on there?
She jumped from
the 12th floor balcony.
She jumped off
the 12th floor balcony?
911, what is your emergency?
Oh, God, I hit someone with my car.
I hit him! I think I've killed him!
All right, listen carefully.
Pump the chest hard 30 times.
And count out loud with him
so he does it right.
You need to count out loud,
go ahead.
911, what's your emergency?
911, where is your emergency?
Please, I need assistance right away.
911, where's your emergency?
There's a lot of blood, I know, but you
need to keep pressure on the wound.
I shot my wife.
- You shot your wife?
- Yup. She's lying on the floor.
- 911, where's your emergency?
- Okay.
My wife is dying, and the nurses
here, they don't wanna help her out.
- Where's Mommy?
- Downstairs.
- Your daddy's on the floor?
- Yeah.
How old are you?
Okay, okay, calm down, honey.
What's your name?
Officer down. Corner
of Mayfield and Lawrence.
I got an officer that's been shot.
- 911, what is your emergency?
- I think I'm having an overdose
and so is my wife. I don't know if it...
Just try to relax.
911, where's your emergency?
- Is the baby breathing?
- He's breathing.
Okay, good, I want you to...
If I'm gonna help,
you gotta work with me. Slow down.
Stay on the line,
I'm gonna send police, the paramedics.
8- Adam-12, got a shooting
at Florence and Normandie.
Witness says that victim
has been shot in arm and face.
That's a code three. Code three.
911, where's your emergency?
911, where's your emergency?
I got burglars breaking
into a house next to mine.
18 Baxter.
Okay, 18 Baxter,
is that your place or theirs?
That's theirs.
Is that between Gary and Hemlock?
What color's the house?
It's a pale blue.
I got a shotgun,
you want me to stop them?
Nope, don't do that.
You sure?
I'm sure.
I'm sending officers right now, sir.
My mom's been stabbed.
Okay, do you know who stabbed her?
My uncle.
Okay. And where?
In the leg.
Is your uncle still there?
I'm sending the police
and the paramedics right away.
Okay. She's pretty pissed off.
Yeah, well, I'm sure she is.
- Do you understand what I'm telling you?
- I don't wanna go to prison.
Chris, put the gun down.
Do you understand what I'm saying?
I didn't mean to do it.
- It's not worth it.
- Drop your weapon!
Put the gun dow... Chris! Chris!
Chris, I need you to...
911, where's your emergency?
- 911, where's your emergency?
- Goddamn it!
Why am I in here?
Hi, Terrance. How you doing?
Not good, sugar.
I'm in jail.
And nobody tell me shit,
why I'm here.
You been drinking again?
Yeah, I suppose.
Then you know what you gotta do.
You gotta ask your D.O.
for another call, okay?
You know this line
is for emergencies only.
All right. Thanks, sugar.
Try to stay out of trouble.
Okay, darling?
All right, sugar.
Still calling us "sugar," huh?
You know it.
Cara lose that little tooth yet?
Lou wants to pull it
but I won't let him.
Ooh. Why men gotta be
so brutal? Heh, heh.
Here comes a couple.
Why don't you ask them?
Somebody call for strippers?
Hey, sexy.
My boss. She's right there.
What? The queen bee?
I understand you
delivered a baby yesterday.
You know, 7-pound, 3-ounce
little princess.
No big deal.
Look at him, trying to be humble.
He saved the mother's life.
- Oh.
- That's all he did.
So tell your friend.
Mm-mm. She don't like cops.
What kind of person
doesn't date a cop?
We're brave, honest, I got a great body.
Oh, God.
Well, I like cops. I'll date you.
She knows what I'm talking about.
Okay, while y'all talk about that,
I'm gonna take a break.
- Break time.
- Yes.
One of these times
I'm gonna get it.
You live 10 minutes away?
Ten minutes away?
We can make it there in five.
Ha-ha-ha. You are a
bad, bad, bad cop.
Yeah, you bring
the worst out in me.
What time does your shift
start tomorrow?
Six a.m. Why?
You wanna ride in together?
Is that an invitation?
I accept the invitation
only if I get to make the coffee this time.
Okay. But I don't like
my coffee too strong.
I don't like mine see-through,
So do we got a problem?
Call 911, we got a problem.
Then I want you to take the child
in your arms
and exit the building quickly.
Hey, hey, hey, when this thing
with Phillips start?
I'm devastated.
You missed your chance, Marco.
Oh, wait. I had a chance? Wait.
Hey, Jordan, what's the code
for a multiple stabbing?
- Uh... Two forty-five.
- Hey, lovebird?
- Focus, my sweet, focus.
- I am.
911, where's your emergency?
A man is trying to
break into my house. I'm all alone.
Okay, sweetheart, calm down.
My parents are out.
They're at a movie.
I can't reach them.
I understand that, sweetheart.
Can you get out of the house?
No, he... He's out there.
It's okay, I've got your information.
Just hold on, sweetheart.
Any units clear to handle hot prowl
in progress? 23 Kinnard Street.
P. R. is alone and hiding.
7- Adam-13.
Show us handling code three
at Washington and Bank.
Officers are on their way,
sweetheart, okay?
What's your name?
Leah. Leah Templeton.
How old are you, Leah?
Oh, God.
He broke the window.
He's coming in the back.
Leah, listen to me. Find a room
and lock yourself in it right now.
Leah. Stay on the line with me,
Do not disconnect, okay? Leah?
I'm upstairs in my room.
But the door, it won't look.
He's in the house.
7- Adam-13, what's your ETA?
Eight to 10.
I don't know where to hide.
Okay, Leah.
- He's gonna find me.
- Here's what I need.
Is there a window in the room?
Leah. Don't speak. Stay quiet, okay?
Officers are gonna be there any second.
I'm okay.
I think it worked. He left.
I think he's going back downstairs.
Leah. You okay?
It's okay. I'm fine.
He's gone.
Okay, good.
I think he's going back outside.
Oh, God. I think he's coming back.
I think he heard the phone ring.
Shut it.
Please don't hurt me.
Please don't hurt me.
Okay, listen, whoever this is, the police
are on their way right this second.
I suggest you leave that house
before you do anything
you're gonna regret.
It's already done.
Oh, God.
Oh, God.
Excuse me.
Oh, God.
Oh, God.
What happened back there?
The ring gave her away.
Just help me, and tell me
what you were thinking.
I wasn't. I...
I don't know, I just...
I wasn't focused or what...
I normally am,
and I don't know, I just wasn't.
I just wasn't. I wasn't.
Just came by
to check on you.
Come on, Jordan,
I know you're in there.
Just came by to see what's up,
see if you're good.
L.A. county police continue
their search for missing teen
Leah Templeton,
who was allegedly abducted from
her home in Hancock Park last night.
L.A.P.D. sources
say the lack of witnesses
and evidence in the case
are frustrating the effort.
Templeton's family issued
a statement late last night...
911, where's your emergency?
911, where's your emergency?
- How old are you?
- Okay.
Calm down, ma'am.
What's your name?
Hey, hon.
You gonna be okay?
911, what is your
emergency? Yes, sir.
Sir, please calm down.
Yes, I understand.
Yes, the corner of Santa Monica...
911, where's your emergency?
Send someone! There's a bat!
Yeah, a bat flying around
my daughter's bedroom! Aah!
Oh, my God, there it is again!
Hello? Are you there?
Yeah. Yeah.
Please send somebody!
Yeah, I'm here. Uh...
Anyone, please.
I am gonna have Animal Control
there right away.
Okay. Thank you.
No problem. No problem.
- 911, what's your emergency?
- Goddamn it!
What did I do wrong, sugar, huh?
Hey, Terrance.
It ain't my fault. Ain't my fault.
How you doing?
And he spilled my beer.
So I pushed him back.
Everybody's looking for you
down there.
You know they can't run
that place without you.
You Okay?
Jor, now, why you
beating yourself up over this?
You've had bad calls before, Jor.
My daddy told me the hardest
part about being a cop
was knowing you might be
the difference
between somebody living
and somebody dying.
And when you couldn't
shoulder that,
then it's time for you to get out.
So that's what you're gonna do?
I'll be here when you need me.
You know that, right?
911, where's your emergency?
911, what's your emergency?
Daddy, stop them all!
- All right, bye.
- What was that about?
She's just...
"Casey can do a great grown-up voice."
And you're like, "She's awesome."
She, like, can't lie to her mom. Yeah.
No, that's... That's...
That's stupid. Bye.
Ugh. Let's eat.
I'm starving like a motherfucker.
Oh, my God, you are so foul,
Hey, call me a bitch.
I wanna hear you say it.
Just say... Just say "bitch."
I wanna hear you say it.
You can't do it.
No, I can, it's just you're not.
You're a jerk.
Oh, are you kidding me?
Raul thought that we
should have one just for us.
He bought that to keep tabs on you.
He didn't.
My parents keep checking their bill.
TracFones are prepaid. Under the radar.
Ugh. He's so high-maintenance.
Hey, lover.
No, we're shopping. What do you think?
I was gonna call you in two minutes.
You wanna do what to me?
Oh, you're disgusting.
Is that even legal?
So first you're gonna notice patterns.
Behavioral changes
in very predictable ways.
Rising temperatures means rising
tempers, so we get the violent calls.
Rainy days and Christmas, it's gloomy
outside, sometimes people are alone,
that's when we get the suicides.
Now, Saturday mornings are generally
very slow and calm times,
and I think that's because
people are at home
probably recovering from Friday night.
Why? What happens Friday night?
All hell breaks loose.
Half your calls are gonna be
Half of those, that's gonna be someone
asking for directions to Starbucks
or how to baste a turkey.
Go ahead, laugh at that, that's good.
That's gonna prepare you for real stuff.
The jumpers, the home invasions,
the triple homicides, the gang-banging...
You've seen the quiet room.
That's where we go
to decompress after a bad call.
But if you need anything more than
a nap and some Muzak,
then you have to call our BSS.
That's behavioral science specialist.
His name is Dr. Keating,
he's on call two-four-seven
any time any of you need to talk.
Talk about what?
What's your name again?
Okay, listen, Josh.
The most important thing to
remember about this job is this:
Stay emotionally detached.
Don't get too involved
in your P.R.'s crisis.
What's P.R.?
Person reporting.
Right. And never ever make promises
because you can't keep them.
Okay? Now follow me to the call floor.
If you're wondering why security's so
tight, we're the ears and eyes of the city.
We're the link between every
human crisis and every first responder.
That's the Fire and Police Department.
If the Hive goes down,
this whole city goes dark.
Question here.
Why do they call it the Hive?
Listen. Hear all those
little worker bees?
Hey, what about Max?
You know he wants to bone you, right?
Oh, my God, Autumn.
Stop it, that's disgusting.
No, he doesn't.
Oh, he does.
No, he smokes
too much dope.
Oh, my God, you're so cute. I'm not
telling you to make him your trainer.
Just come out with us Saturday night.
No. I don't like it when you set me up.
All right. Just trying to help you
since you never seem to help yourself.
I can help myself. You're not, like, my matchmaker.
I don't need you to be my mom here.
Oh, shit. I was supposed to pick
my brother up like 20 minutes ago.
What? No, you can't, you can't
leave now. I'm not even done yet.
Come on, you suck.
That was really good.
Call me later, okay?
Hey, I'm leaving the mall right now.
Why can't you just text me
like every other mom?
Yes, I know, I'm sorry, Mom,
but really, come on.
Yeah, I'm on my way home now.
I'll be home soon.
Okay. Love you too. Bye.
Oh, my God.
Jeez, I'm sorry.
You didn't look before you backed up?
I didn't see you.
All right, whatever.
Oh, awesome, it's broken.
Perfect. Oh!
This here is Brooke.
She's a probie.
She was exactly where
you guys are six months ago.
How you liking the job,
It's definitely the hardest job
I've ever had.
- What's the hardest part?
- I guess the not knowing.
A lot of times
you don't know how it ends.
When units get to a scene, you sign off.
And they take over but you don't know.
I mean, did they make an arrest?
Shoot the bad guy?
Did the P.R. live? Did she die?
You'll get used to it.
911, where's your emergency?
Right here's where the P.R.'s
phone number comes up.
And the cell's GPS chip allows us
to get an exact lat-long coordinate
right here on this map.
Then over here, she can dispatch
the police to the scene at any time.
- Okay? Any questions?
- Yeah.
What about you, Ms. Turner?
What about me?
How come you're not out here
on the floor?
Because I'm the teacher.
Now, why don't you guys
follow me this way?
I'm gonna get you set up
for some calls.
# If you're blue and you don't know
Where to go to #
# Why don't you go
Where fashion sits? #
# Puttin' on the ritz #
Oh, my God.
No, no.
No, no. No!
No! No! No!
# Tryin' hard to look
Like Gary Cooper #
# Super duper #
# Come, let's mix where Rockefellers ##
No, no.
So I think you guys had a good first day.
Things are gonna get a little bit harder.
911, where is your emergency?
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Okay, okay, slow down, slow down.
Where are you?
Okay, where...?
I can't understand you.
What...? What mall?
What mall...? What mall are you at?
Okay, w...
No, where did he hit you?
He didn't hit me. He
almost hit me and then I...
Okay, where... Where is the vehicle?
I don't know where the vehicle is!
I'm in the trunk.
I'm, like, in the trunk!
Jordan. There's no location.
It's a disposable. No chip.
Ask her name.
What is your name?
What is your name?
Casey. Casey.
Casey. Okay, Casey, calm down, okay?
I'm in the trunk on my friend's phone.
- Why can't you just trace it?
- We're gonna try.
You're on a disposable phone,
so it might take us a little while.
What? You can't find me?
I just need you...
You can't find me?
No, no, you have to find me!
No. We will.
You have to find me, please!
Please! Please, I don't...
I don't wanna die.
Jordan. I don't know what to do.
She's freaking out.
What do I say?
Please, you have to find me.
I don't wanna die.
I don't know. What do I do?
Please, you have to help me.
You have to help me, this is like...
He's driving. Nobody's ever
come out of anything like this.
Hi. Casey. My name is Jordan.
I'm here to help you, okay?
I was talking to another girl.
Can you put me on with her?
I'm here.
I'm gonna help you, okay?
Please, help me.
Casey, listen to me, sweetheart.
Okay, we are gonna...
Please, I don't wanna die.
Casey, you're not gonna die.
You've got it.
I don't wanna die.
We are gonna find you,
okay, honey?
You promise?
Do you promise you're gonna find me?
I can promise you this,
sweetheart, okay?
You've got the best team of people
in this whole city working to find you.
But in order for us to help you,
I need you to help me.
Now, can you do that, sweetheart?
Can you do that?
Okay. Okay.
Okay. Good girl, good girl.
Now, Casey, first thing I need you to do
is look inside that trunk
and see if you
can find a release lever.
Call the carrier, have them fax us
the E.C. forms so we can start the trace.
- Get rid of these kids.
- Okay.
Usually it glows in the dark.
Do you see that?
No, no, it doesn't even have
one of those.
Okay. Okay, it's okay, sweetheart.
What mall were you at
when you were abducted?
Fashion Plaza.
Fashion Plaza.
Okay. Oh, I know that one,
that's downtown, right?
It's okay, sweetheart.
Calm down.
What's your last name?
Welson, okay.
Oh, my God.
Okay, I see that.
I got all your information
right here in front of me.
My mom's gonna be freaking out.
Oh, look, you're a Capricorn. Me too.
You know what that means, honey?
We're fighters.
That means we were born to fight.
So you know what I want you to do?
I want you to fight. Okay?
Can you fight for me, Casey?
Okay. Good girl.
Can you describe
the man who grabbed you?
Was he black, white, Asian, Hispanic?
White, okay.
I think. Dressed normal.
What does normal mean?
Did he have on a hat? Jeans?
I don't... Sunglasses.
He was wearing sunglasses.
Sunglasses, okay.
Can you guess his age?
Twenties, 30s, 40s?
Thirties, I think. Like mid-30s.
Thirties, okay, good girl. Okay, great.
Honey, what color is the car?
I think it was like red or maroon.
Okay, did it have two doors or four?
I think it had four. Four.
Four, okay.
Hang in there. You're doing great.
Any available units. Kidnap in progress.
Female abducted
at Fashion Plaza Mall.
450 Holloway,
approximately 15 minutes ago.
White male, 30s, in a four-door maroon,
unknown make, model.
P. R.'s in the trunk
on a disposable phone.
Is that Jordan?
...But not enough to triangulate.
P.C.C.'s pinging.
Any available unit, code three.
8- Adam-16 en route, code three.
It's good to hear
your voice again, Jordan.
Okay, Casey, can you tell if you're on
a freeway or if you're on surface streets?
- Oh, no.
- What?
Somebody's calling.
He's gonna hear.
No, don't answer it.
God, no, it's Raul.
Do not break Contact with me.
Casey, stay on the line.
I can't lose you. Stay on the line.
This can't be happening.
Can you tell me if those wheels
are going fast or slow?
It's like... It's like even.
Does it sound like a freeway
or surface streets?
We might be on a freeway.
Okay, good girl, good girl.
All available units, P.R. believes vehicle
is on the freeway, direction unknown.
Casey, sweetheart, does the trunk smell
like it's a new trunk or an old one?
It kind of smells like old.
Okay, good.
Yeah, there's, like, work stuff.
Okay, honey.
Can you see the tail lights?
In older cars there may be
access to tail lights.
Look for the red glow, okay?
Yeah, yeah, I see it.
I found it. Yeah, yeah.
Is there any way you can kick that light?
Can you do that?
No, no, he's gonna hear, Jordan.
No, honey, we gotta try, honey.
We gotta try to get you out of there.
I'll try.
Come on, you can do it.
The carrier got our request.
I'm just waiting for them to call back.
We can't wait, Maddy.
You know how those prepaids work.
The call could be within
a five-mile radius.
You just keep doing what you're doing.
Casey. How you doing, sweetheart?
Not coming out.
Casey, try the other light.
You can do it. Fast as you can, honey.
New music alternative.
# It's like the sound of winter #
# The bleeding love
The silent escape #
# You've got to hang on to yourself #
# It's like the sound of winter #
# Hang on to yourself #
I did it. Jordan, I did it. I got it out.
You did it. Good work.
Good work, Casey.
Now look out the hole
and tell me what you see.
It's a freeway.
Okay. Okay, honey,
here's what I need you to do, okay?
I need you to stick your arm out
and wave it, wave it, wave it.
Okay, here is the plan. I wanna see
if any other car's gonna notice.
Let me know when you've done it, okay?
I'm waving.
Good girl, good girl.
I got a P.R. waving her arm
out of a trunk of a car!
Let's see if we get a call.
911, where's your emergency?
Hi. Someone's stuck in the
trunk of the car in front of me.
A red Camry. It may be a child.
Yo, I got her!
Okay, ma'am, what road are you on?
The 170, heading north.
Can you tell me
the license number on that car?
Can you do that?
It's 7CFI06X.
Casey, we're real close, honey.
Is it a stolen vehicle?
No, no.
Registration's for this white Ford
Explorer, so he switched plates.
- Switched plates.
- Hold on. I'm coming up to him.
I'll get a description.
No, no, no. Wait.
Ma 'am, do not approach the vehicle.
This driver is suspected in a kidnapping.
Okay? Do not approach the vehicle.
He's getting off.
- What exit?
- Fernando Boulevard.
All units, Camry spotted exiting the
170 northbound on Fernando Boulevard.
Northbound. Shit.
About face. Hold on.
Be advised he's using stolen plates.
Number seven, Charlie,
India, zero, six, X-ray.
Look out of that hole
and tell me what you see.
Do you see any landmarks?
Street names, anything?
No, it all looks exactly the same.
Okay, it all looks the same.
Okay. Okay.
- Okay, sweetheart, sweetheart.
- What's happening?
Casey, you told me
there was stuff in the trunk, right?
Describe what you see, Casey.
Gotta be something that can help.
Okay, look around.
What do you see?
A bottle of bleach.
Some paint and a screwdriver.
A screwdriver, okay.
A paintbrush, a...
What else?
And a hoe.
Okay. What else?
Oh, my God, no.
What is it?
My God. Oh, my God.
He's gonna bury me.
Casey, what is it, honey?
What is it?
There's a shovel,
he's gonna bury me.
He's gonna kill me
and then he's gonna bury me.
No, honey. Casey.
Casey, I need you to focus. Come on,
sweetie, pull it together. Come on.
No, I know he's gonna do this.
Get me out of here now.
What's your favorite movie?
Casey, what's your favorite movie?
What's your favorite movie?
What's your favorite movie?
Just tell me, what...?
Tell me, what is it?
Are you kidding me?
I love that movie.
I think I saw it
about a hundred times.
Okay, so you know what?
Let's make a deal, okay?
You and me, we'll go to the movies and
I'm gonna buy you anything you want.
Okay? You and me.
Yeah, okay.
Now, what I need you to do
is to take one of those paint cans,
and I need you to open it. Okay?
Okay. Okay, okay, I got it.
Okay, you got it open. Good girl.
So pour that paint out of that hole.
Any available
units, kidnap in progress.
Suspect is white male, 30s, in a
four-door maroon, unknown make, model.
P.R. is in the trunk.
P. R. is leaving a trail
of white paint coming from the trunk.
I repeat, look for white paint along
northbound Fernando Boulevard.
The paint's almost gone.
Open another can of paint, okay?
Okay, please stay on the line.
Yeah, I'm right here, honey,
I'm right here.
# Hey there, angel
face Don't you look divine #
Hey. Hey.
Hey, how you doing?
Man, you got paint
coming out of your trunk.
Yeah. There.
Ah. Yeah, thanks.
All right.
Oh, no, Jordan! Jordan...
No, no, no.
Jordan! Jordan, can you hear me?
Casey, what's happening, honey?
Casey, I need you to say something.
Casey, I need you
to talk to me, sweetheart.
I need you to say something to me.
No, no, no! Please!
- Please. Don't do any...
- No.
No, no, no!
Shut up!
- Aah! Aah!
- Shut up!
I said shut up
or I'm gonna kill you right here.
Look at what you did.
Adam-16, what you got?
Air 18, this is 14267.
We aren't locating any paint trails. Over.
No, no, no. No, please, don't.
Don't you cry.
No, no. Please don't...
Hey, you okay there, buddy?
Yeah. Some, uh...
Some paint cans spilled is all.
Yeah, because I saw the broken light
and the paint, and I don't know,
I just thought it looked weird.
You know?
Uh-huh. Yeah.
Real mess back here.
I bet.
Real mess back here.
Yeah, well, thanks for alerting me.
Yeah, yeah, sure, no worries, man.
All right, man.
Take care.
Look what you made me do!
He's dead because of you!
Oh, my God. No, no, no!
Shut up.
Maddy, trace. We need the trace.
I got a ping on a tower
on Fernando Boulevard.
- We know that already.
- Shut up.
Please, don't do this, please.
This is Air 18, responding
to that assault off the 170.
Looks like we've got that red Camry
in a Metrolink lot.
Repeat, we're code six on the Camry.
Get an SID unit here now.
8-Adam-16, what you got?
They're GOA.
There's a lot of broken glass.
And there's a lot of blood.
Casey, I'm right here, baby.
What happened, honey? Are you hurt?
No, we switched cars.
He switched what?
We switched cars.
He switched cars.
This guy tried to help
and then he got hit over the head,
and then he threw him
in the back of the trunk.
There's a guy in the car?
In the trunk with me.
He threw the shovel in here
and said he was gonna bury me.
Casey, how hurt is he?
How hurt is the man?
He's dead.
He's gonna bury me, Jordan.
Okay, Casey.
There's a shovel with me.
I need you to describe
that car you're in, okay?
It's black. Um...
What about the tail lights in this car?
Can you kick them out?
No, there's, like,
this metal frame over the...
Shh! No! Shh!
Aah! Aah!
Casey, what's happening?
Shut up, please. No, please.
You have to be quiet, please. Stop.
Let me out of here!
Please stop. Please!
Let me out of here!
You just have to shut up!
Hello! Aah!
Please stop. Shut up, shut up.
Shut up. He can hear you,
he can hear you.
Stop, he's gonna kill you.
Oh, no, no, no.
Please, no!
Last warning.
No, please.
Last warning.
I want this whole place covered.
So how we looking? Anything?
Partials. You're telling me
you can't find one solid print?
Well, I don't know what to say.
He's smart. He wiped it.
He wasn't that smart.
Agent, I want this glass printed.
They issued an AMBER Alert.
We need the trace.
- Just keep her on the line.
- Jordan.
Casey. Casey, what's happening,
honey? What's happening?
He killed him.
He started screaming and
I tried to stop him, but he wouldn't,
and then he just...
He just killed him. It's all my fault.
There's a lot of people here counting on you.
Help us figure this out.
It's all my fault.
No, it's not your fault.
It's not your fault, okay, sweetheart?
Don't blame yourself.
Listen to me.
we all get ourselves in situations
that sometimes get out of our control.
And bad things can happen, but it doesn't
mean that that's your fault, okay?
I'm here, I'm here.
Do you record these calls?
Yes, we do, why?
Well, because I just wanna leave my
family a message real quick. If I could.
No, no, you don't have to do that,
baby, we're gonna find you.
It'll just take a second. Just please.
Mom, you were always
the perfect mother.
You gave me everything
that I ever wanted.
And I love you.
I love you so much.
Casey, I promise you
you're gonna see your mother again.
And I'm really sorry.
Please don't ever forget me.
That's all.
That's all I wanted to say.
Okay, okay. Okay, sweetheart.
You remember you told me
you were a fighter?
Yes, we're fighters. We're Capricorns
and we're fighters, remember?
Okay, so you know what we're gonna do
right now? We're gonna fight.
You and me, we're gonna fight, okay?
We're gonna fight.
Okay, good girl.
Now, what I need you to do is go in
that man's pockets and get his wallet.
No. No.
I need you to get his wallet
and tell me what his name is, Casey.
I need to know who that man is.
In order for me to find you,
I have to know who this man is.
I need to know his name
as fast as you can, sweetheart.
Come on, honey, do it. You can do it.
His name is Alan Denado.
Good girl. You are a rock star, Casey.
Good girl.
All units, kidnap in progress,
female abducted at Fashion Plaza Mall.
P.R. is still online but in a different trunk.
Black Lincoln Town Car, owner-operated.
License 6-Queen-Young-Union-0-1-7.
P. R. is on a disposable phone.
BCC is pinging the phone
but just getting single hits
off cell towers.
Last ping was off the tower of
San Fernando Valley and Sunland.
Five-mile radius,
unknown direction of travel.
Check to see if he has OnStar.
Just did. He doesn't.
Thirty unleaded. I'll pump it myself.
We're at a gas station.
Can you hear anybody, Casey?
No, no, there's just music.
Go ahead, you're good.
Check your fluids?
That's all right.
It won't take long.
I'm sure.
Casey, what's happening,
I think I have an idea.
You don't have to do that.
No problem for me.
Don't need it.
Come on, come on, come on.
Help! Help, please! Please!
Please, I've been kidnapped!
Please help me!
Please help me! Please!
Please help! Please!
Please help me! Please, please!
Please! Please!
Open the door now!
Please! Please help! Please! Please!
Stay back.
Stay back!
No! No! Aah!
Oh, my... No, no, no!
You stupid...
Come here.
No. No.
Get off me! No, you...
You just keep killing people.
Aah! YOU motherfucker!
That's him.
That is him.
Adam-16, we got a hit on that print.
Suspect is a Michael Lewis Foster.
Record's clean on this guy,
no convictions except for...
He was booked for arson back in '95
but he was cleared. That's our guy.
Got him. He's 36, 6'1", 182 pounds.
Current address,
451 Shannon Court.
Police. Don't move.
Oh! Oh!
Is Michael Foster in this house?
- Ma'am, are you his wife?
- Upstairs is clear.
Talk to me!
Yes, I am his wife.
Where is your husband?
What is this?
What the hell is...?
Tell me where he is.
Listen to me.
We need your help and it's urgent.
Where is your husband?
Where? Where does he work?
Downtown. Brent Vista Medical Center.
He's a med tech.
What time did he leave?
Phillips. Phillips.
What the hell is this about?
Ma'am, you're not gonna wanna
hear this in front of your kids.
Flora just got an assault.
Burn victim.
Guy doused an attendant
at a gas station. Lit him up.
Witnesses say the guy drove off
in a car. Guess what make.
Black Lincoln. Get the gas station
address and go tell Jordan.
This is Foster's office. Check it out.
I thought that girl
kind of looked like our P.R.
8-Adam-16, we got a witness
puts suspect heading north
on Sierra.
That's eight miles north of you.
Yeah, roger, he's not here.
Adam-8-16, go to tac 43 please.
Rog, tac 43.
I still have the P. R. on the line
but she's not responding.
You got anything for me, Paul?
I don't know yet.
Please. Please. Please.
Jordan. Jordan. Jordan!
I'm here, Jordan.
Shut up!
Shit. Shh. Shh. Shh.
Please let me go.
Shut up.
The police know who you are,
Michael Foster.
And they're at your house right now
with your family.
Who is this?
This is 911 emergency services.
And we've got your prints
at the scene of a murder.
The only choice you have now
is to turn yourself in.
No, please.
Michael, listen to me.
Do not hurt that little girl.
Do not hurt that little girl.
Let her go.
You don't have to do this.
It's already done.
No. No. No! No!
It's already done.
The signal died. We just lost him.
Michael Foster is the same man
that killed Leah Templeton.
It's the same man.
It's the same man.
Adam-16, we lost the trace.
But the last ping was off the tower
in Santa Clarita Hills.
Tell me where
he may have taken her.
There is no place because Michael
wouldn't do something like that.
Where's this house?
You have no right.
I have a right to arrest
you for obstruction.
Where is the house?
- That's where Michael grew up.
- But where is it?
It's gone. It's gone.
It burned down years ago.
Burned down?
Okay, what about this cottage?
The red one behind the house.
It's ours.
What do you mean, it's yours?
You still own it?
Yes, we own it.
Michael's been renovating it.
Ma'am, a girl may die if you don't help.
You understand?
You don't want that.
Tell us where it is.
Just tell us where it is.
8- Adam-16, I need to run a plate.
1- Mary-2-5-8-Lincoln-9.
We got an old
registration for Melinda Foster.
Old registration. Deceased.
Address, 1765 Oakcreek Lane.
In the Santa Clarita Hills.
Supervisor at Brent Vista
says he left before noon.
8- Adam-16,
contact the watch commander.
We're gonna need backup units
and an airship.
Roger on that. It's on the way.
Go to tac 41, please.
Yeah, roger, tac 41.
Foster, that's the same guy
that killed Leah Templeton.
Are you sure?
Yes, I'm absolutely sure.
Be careful.
L.A.P.D. We're coming in!
- Spread out.
- Room clear.
Go, go, go.
Clear here.
- Nothing.
- Outside, west wall,
covered. Back here.
8- Adam-16, it's empty.
No sign of Foster
or the girl or the Lincoln.
This place is a dead end.
Either he figured we were onto him
and he never showed,
or he's taken her somewhere.
Let's clear out of here.
I want barricades on all incoming roads
within five miles of the cell tower.
I know. I said his name, scared him off.
No, that's not true.
He found the cell
and he would have disconnected.
He was on his way there, Maddy.
The trace confirmed it.
That's not what happened.
No, it isn't. We had a trace going,
and you did every single thing exactly
the way you were supposed to do it.
I want you to go home.
Oh, I'm not going home.
This isn't a request.
You want closure.
You're not gonna get it.
You did your part,
now you let them do their part.
She's no longer your responsibility.
So I want you to go home,
and I want you
to take care of yourself.
# Desert loving in your eyes
All the way #
# If I listen to your lies
Would you say #
# I'm a man
Without conviction #
# I'm a man
Who doesn't know #
# How to sell a contradiction? #
Please. Please.
# You come and go
You come and go #
# Karma, karma, karma, karma, karma
Chameleon #
# You come and go
You come and go ##
Oh, you're not gonna wanna see that.
No. No.
I told you
you didn't wanna see it.
You promise you're gonna find me?
I can promise you
this, sweetheart, okay-
...Age, Casey. Twenties, 30s, 40s?
Thirties, I think. Like mid-30s.
- Bridesmaids.
- Are you kidding me?
I love that movie.
I think I saw it about-
You told me that.
Okay, so you know
what we're gonna do right now?
We're gonna fight.
You and me, we're gonna fight.
Michael, listen to me.
Do not hurt that little girl.
Do not hurt that little girl. Let her go.
You don't have to do this.
It's already done.
You don't have to do this.
It's al...
You don't have to do this.
It's already done.
It's already done.
It's already done.
No, no. No!
Check each and
every car twice. Twice.
Double check, triple check.
He's not getting through this point.
He is not getting through here.
Help them look.
Hey. You got anything?
No, not yet. Where are you?
Where else?
You're still at the Hive.
Jordan. Listen to me, okay?
We will find her, all right?
And we'll find her alive.
All right, now you go home
and get you some rest.
And, hey, you were an all-star tonight.
You really were, okay?
Listen, I'll call you
as soon as we get a lead.
Thank you.
Call you later.
Move it up! Move it up! Move it up!
You have arrived at your destination.
Your route guidance is now finished.
No. No.
No! No!
No! No!
Hey, Jordan.
Hey, we found the Lincoln.
He ditched it in the woods.
Denado's body was inside,
but there was, uh...
There was no sign of the girl.
Call me when you get this.
Please, just kill me.
Kill me, please.
Please, just kill me. Just kill me.
Why won't you just kill me?
Hair needs a healthy blood flow.
If you're dead...
No, please stop, please.
Then it dies too.
Stop, please.
I'm sorry, but I can't.
I can't.
I can't stop.
Oh... Oh, God.
Oh... Okay, it's okay, sweetheart.
It's okay.
Don't worry, okay?
Who are you?
It's okay, sweetheart. It's okay.
It's Jordan.
I'm gonna get you out of here. Okay?
Aah! Shit!
GO! Go!
Go, go!
Go, go. Go! Go, go.
Oh, my God.
You should have
listened to me, Michael Foster.
You could have turned yourself in
when you had the chance.
You're the operator.
Thought you'd be taller.
So when do the police get here?
The police?
I escaped.
Jordan found me in the woods.
And you...
Where do you think you're going, huh?
Where you going? Hey!
Hey! Unh! Wait!
Hey, where you think
you're going, you bitch?
You're just an operator.
You can't do this.
You can't.
It's already done.
No. Wait!
911, where's your emergency?