The Calling (2014)

Hey, Dale.
Good morning, Hazel.
How we doing?
I'm great. There you go,
extra bacon today, okay?
Here you go.
Thanks so much.
Hey, you know, I hate to
bother you with this,
but there's more of those
cross-country ski tracks.
They go right
through my property.
Well, winter's almost over.
I know that,
but can you stop...
Yeah, yeah, I will. Okay.
Thank you.
I need to talk to you.
Can't you see I'm eating?
Hang on.
Okay, I'll wait
for you inside.
Here. So what's up?
Could you take that, please?
Bob Chandler has
been trying to reach
his mother all morning.
She's not answering.
Well, he's getting
back this afternoon.
Jolene stopped by
and knocked on
the door, no answer.
So, he's hoping
that you'll pass by,
make sure that Delia's okay.
And why can't you do it?
Because my shift
ended while you were
eating your breakfast.
Oh, right.
Let me take care
of that for you.
Oh, thanks.
Yeah, just top it up?
The cell phone.
No, it's fine.
It's been sitting in that
box for three months.
It's comfortable there.
Get some sleep.
Oh, will you stop by
Ernie's on the way?
There was a call
about some sort of
fracas over there.
A "frah-cas"?
That's what I said,
I think it's...
Try Delia again.
Delia, it's Hazel.
I'm letting myself in.
Yeah, I'm at Delia's.
Get over here
as fast as you can,
and call Spere. Yeah.
You got here fast.
This is wild.
You knew her?
Yeah. All my life.
She went to my mom's church.
I've never seen
anything like this.
What can you tell?
Well, it looks like
a knife to the neck.
But I'll have to
bring her to the city
and get a full report
from the coroner.
It could take a couple of weeks.
I can't wait two weeks.
Do me a favor,
take her to the church first.
I'll meet you there
and you can see what
you figure out
and then take her
to Mayfair Grace
for the autopsy.
I can't do that. Protocol.
I know what the protocols are.
I guess so. Sure.
She's your friend.
I appreciate it.
if you're gonna puke,
don't do it here.
No, I'm okay.
You sure?
Maybe I better
go outside and wait
for Bob to get here.
Yeah, I think
that's a good idea.
You okay?
Yeah, I'm okay.
You okay?
Uh, what about cars?
Were there any cars around
that you didn't recognize?
Oh, yeah, there were cars.
I mean,
that you didn't know,
that you hadn't seen before?
parked over there,
there was one.
A dark one.
Like, dark gray.
Gray. Okay.
And did you
see the driver?
How about the make?
Maybe Ronny will remember.
He knows cars.
If Ronny does figure out
anything would you have
him call me?
She's getting big.
Oh, God.
I'll... I'll get this.
I'll take him in the back.
Oh, thanks.
I've been trying
for months to get
her into hospice care.
I knew this day was coming
and I just never
figured it was going
to be like this.
So, did she have
any family heirlooms
or expensive jewelry
or anything in the house?
You think someone
was trying to rob her?
I don't know.
Was she expecting anyone,
I mean, besides you?
Can I see her?
Not... Not yet. Let's...
In a bit.
So, as you can see,
this cut is surgical.
Through the windpipe
and esophagus
on the first cut.
And the second
deepens all the way
down to the spinal cord.
Was he trying to get a trophy?
Well, another cut
and it was his,
so, I'd say no.
What happened to the finger?
He broke it before she died.
You can see the swelling.
That's definitely before.
So she did fight back.
It would be the only sign.
Didn't see anything else.
Her face looked
like she was screaming
when she died.
That's a horror movie myth,
faces frozen in terror.
Mostly the dead look drunk.
This was clearly manipulated.
You have to wait until
rigor mortis sets in,
about three hours.
And then,
you have to hold
the mouth and tongue
in that position
until the muscle sets.
For how long?
I'd say another hour.
He was standing
over her with his
fingers in her mouth.
When I was a taxidermist
I actually tried it on
this tabby cat, and I...
We're not equipped for this,
and you are in
no shape to be
chasing anyone.
That leaves me.
This is something
I can't handle on my own.
What, are you
complaining about this
before we even give it a try?
We need to get
Mason to assign
a homicide detective.
We are detectives.
This is our town.
Don't let your personal
shit cloud your judgment.
We can do this.
What are you talking about?
Your words.
I don't understand what
you're talking about.
Your words.
I don't understand.
All I have to say is
I'm gonna do this
with or without you.
So if I have to,
I'll do it alone.
Fuck you, Hazel.
Thanks. I knew
you'd get onboard.
I don't think
you get this good
on the first try.
Over here.
Move back.
Give her some space.
I heard about Delia.
Oh, that was fast.
Who told you?
Trudy Davis.
Everybody's over at the church.
Why aren't you there?
'Cause I wanted to be here
when you got home.
Well, I'm home, so you can go.
You know,
it would mean a lot
to everybody if...
Oh, please,
do not start with your
Sundays of sunshine shit.
You can knock it all you want,
but when you
were in the hospital
they were there for you.
I didn't ask them
to be there for me.
It was my back,
and they made it
into some kind of
community tragedy.
It wasn't just your back.
You were about to have a baby.
Well, that was a long time ago.
And I can count on one hand
the number of times
you've talked about it.
All right, look, I will
go to the funeral. Okay?
What do you want to eat?
Nothing. I'm going out.
With who?
With Andy.
Will his wife be there?
Oh, I hope so.
Hey. Sorry I'm late.
I was starving.
I went ahead.
I got you a drink.
What's going on?
You okay?
It's this back.
I gotta have
an operation for the,
you know, disk thing.
What about the shots?
They're not working.
One doctor says it's autoimmune.
The other one
says it was the
original operation.
I don't know.
When do they want
you to have it?
Six months ago.
Oh, Hazel.
I mean,
your stubbornness
is gonna kill you.
There's worse ways to go.
Listen, there's a great
rehabilitation facility.
It's in North Bay.
Are you crazy?
I'm not leaving my house.
Your mom can't carry you.
I'd like to see her try.
Maybe I can help some.
I could come over maybe
once or twice a day.
What would your wife say?
My wife?
My wife would say
that you're having surgery
to get me under your roof again.
She's a riot.
Here you go, Hazel.
You two seem to be in sync.
You jealous?
You gotta go.
No, I should go.
I should go, Hazel.
I'll get you next time.
Wait. I mean,
while I have you here,
I just thought
maybe you could
help me with this.
This asshole cop
got me on the way
back from hockey.
Okay, thanks.
We don't open for
a couple of minutes,
but come on in.
It's cold.
Have a seat
wherever you like.
Coffee's brewing.
Some hot water, if you have it.
That one of those green teas?
It's damiana,
natural tonic.
Get a lot of truckers
this time of the morning,
but you don't
look like a trucker.
I'm not.
Well, cook should be
here any minute if you
want to see a menu.
Just berries, if you have.
Sorry, it comes with melon.
Are you a doctor?
I specialize
in methods
that conventional
medicine ignores.
What kind of methods?
Many diseases
can manifest through
our environment.
What we eat, how we live,
and just as we may
create our illness,
our bodies can be healed.
And that works on, uh...
On sick people?
If they are pure
of heart and mind, yes.
My daughter Rose is...
She's sick.
They call them seizures,
but it's like
she falls over dead.
They think it's a brain tumor.
How old is she?
She's 12.
And straightway the
damsel arose and walked,
for she was of the age of 12.
And they were
overcome with wonder.
Mark 5:42.
Excuse me.
Pretty good month.
What are they
talking about in there?
Um, something
about an Oldsmobile.
I'm just gonna
leave those here.
Yeah, okay.
So are you liking
it here so far?
Uh, yeah, it's great.
You know, if you need any
help finding an apartment,
I know lots of places.
I'm good. Thank you.
Stop flirting
and get him in here.
So I found
three late '80s Olds
in the system.
One's on cinder blocks,
the other two are
accounted for.
So that means the one
Jolene saw...
Didn't come from here.
Uh, this is Ben Wingate.
Good morning.
Good morning, Mr. Wingate.
And where did they find you?
52 Division.
You transferred
from Toronto to here?
Yes, ma'am.
Whose wife did you screw?
It... It was my choice.
I thought it was nice.
It's not nice.
No, it's not nice at all.
But it is interesting,
isn't it, that he shows up,
when we have our first
murder in four years?
Is that that?
No, I didn't set that ring.
And how do you answer it?
Just press that button.
There. Yeah.
Stop. Shut up.
How do you do that?
The bottom one.
Oh, shit. I broke it.
Give me that.
I will fix this.
My mother
lived her whole life
in this town.
She was one of
the original members
of Civitan Zone 5.
Every year, and I can remember,
she would put on her best dress,
go out and sell
Claxton cakes at Christmas.
She once told me that
if I speak at her funeral,
to make sure everyone
here remember her
how she was before the sick.
The Delia Chandler
who had great gams and
could kick over her head.
And who loved her family
and her community.
Oh, God,
here she comes.
Hey, Hazel.
I know you call him Andy.
I'm just trying
to be respectful.
Well, I call him Andrew.
You can call him
whatever the hell
you want,
but if you want
to be respectful,
stop parking your car
outside our house.
Excuse me,
but some people
have jobs.
My job happens to be to take
care of this community.
What is your job?
Because, at the bar...
Why don't you go down the way?
Why don't you go
there for a while?
I feel bad for Andy.
I really, I want him
to be happy, I just...
Hey. We got a dead
body out in Chamberlain.
What does he see in her anyway?
I mean, really.
What did you say?
Dead body
out in Chamberlain.
Potential homicide.
Well, that's not us.
Well, Mason wants us to go
out there, so it is now.
He called you and not me?
Body in there?
Victim's name?
Michael Ullman.
The horse trainer
found him this morning.
She had the week off.
Okay. I'd like
to talk to her.
Oh, I don't know where
she is. I told her that
she could leave, I...
All right, relax.
Do you know
where she lives?
Do you have her phone number?
Okay, I'd like you to call her,
ask her if she's seen
an old make Oldsmobile,
gray, maybe between '85, '89.
You can do that now.
What is it?
No stomach.
What do you mean
there's no stomach?
It's been removed.
What is it?
I think I found his stomach.
Two murders in three days,
couple of 100 clicks apart.
Something's in the air.
Full moon?
You think he's
smart enough to know
our jurisdiction lines?
You think this is
connected to Delia?
Well, it's...
A gruesome crime scene.
No forced entry.
I don't think so.
I mean,
the victims couldn't
be more different.
An old lady in town.
Rich guy on a farm.
What's the connection?
His face looked pretty
weird, didn't it? Hmm?
It could have
been manipulated
but it wasn't so obvious.
Would it show up in the autopsy?
Not if he was
wearing gloves.
Thank you.
You guys?
All right.
Don't put your drink
on my photo album.
You're gonna get a mark on it.
I haven't looked
at these in a long time.
Oh, look at
those false eyelashes.
Remember those?
Yeah, they were ridiculous.
Remember at your wedding
when you started laughing
and you laughed
so hard you cried
and your eyelashes
slid down your cheek?
I'm not the one that
started the laughing,
you did.
No, I didn't.
I did... No.
I was laughing
because you were laughing.
You... Once you started
I had to join in.
You have such
an infectious laugh.
You have a terrible memory.
I don't have a terrible memory.
That's exactly what happened.
I miss that laugh.
Okay. Well,
enjoy your corpses.
Thank you.
I was just calling
to see if there'd been
any recent murders
in your jurisdiction.
Uh, sure, I can hold.
Who is that?
Hamilton Police Department.
They're not sure
they've had any murders?
Yeah, I'm still here.
Got your requisition
for more manpower.
Didn't I send somebody to you?
Yes, but we still only
have two detectives,
me and Ray.
Well, that should be
enough to solve one murder.
We think this is
the work of a...
Oh, good God.
No, please.
Serial killer.
Serial killer, huh?
Do you know what we
call two murders here?
The morning shift.
You should do stand-up.
Oh, wait a second.
This is your way
of convincing me
to give you the permanent
Commanding Officer job,
with a suicide
attempt on your record.
You lost your chance
when they had to pump
painkillers out of
your belly in the ER.
I'm telling you
about two murders.
Do you think I give
a shit what my title is?
You would have been forced
into retirement without me,
so watch your mouth.
All right, Hazel,
you want my attention,
you got it.
What do you have?
You see how her mouth
was manipulated?
We think his was too.
And there was
no forced entry
in either case,
and Ullman's body
was just a few miles over
the jurisdictional line.
Well, so he's
spreading his targets
far enough apart
and he's changing
the profile of the victims
so that we don't connect them.
Serial killers
leave calling cards.
They want the world to
know what they're doing.
I'm telling you,
I know that this
is the same guy.
You know nothing.
You are guessing and
you want me to give you
manpower to follow a hunch.
All I need is
one detective with
profiling experience.
You know, if I knew that
sending you to Chamberlain
was going to trigger this
I would have sent somebody
who's better equipped.
But, as I said,
I don't have anybody else.
No. No specific
age or gender.
No it could look like anything.
Yeah, uh, yeah, the mouth.
That's exactly
what we're looking for.
No, it could
look like a suicide.
Uh, could you
send that over to me?
Is she upstairs?
She's sleeping.
I just, um...
I don't think
now is a good time.
I'm sorry.
I understand.
Can you open your mouth for me?
Stick out your tongue.
What happens just
before you fall down?
It smells funny.
Like what?
Scrambled eggs.
Do you like scrambled eggs?
Not anymore.
Hmm. I don't like
scrambled eggs either.
What is it?
This is mistletoe.
It's like Christmas.
Oh, this is my favorite part.
I'm not drinking that.
Do you like honey?
Could you bring us some honey?
I'm going to die, aren't I?
Hmm. We're all going to die.
That's how God intended it.
But how we live and how we die,
that can be meaningful.
Do you want to get better?
I forgot to tell you.
These cups are magic.
If you sing to them,
they'll make the
tea taste better.
Your turn.
Keep singing.
Keep singing.
I looked into that
stuff you asked about.
She had an e-mail account.
Traded gardening tips
with a cousin in Calgary,
and she visited
a soap opera chat room.
She kept busy.
That she did.
The only thing
she bought was
a gold cross necklace
I don't remember
her wearing necklaces.
It's my wife's
birthday next week.
It's gonna be weird
getting something
from her now.
She never said it out loud,
but she'd been
suffering for a long time.
I could see she
was ready to go.
It was in her eyes.
Maybe he did her a favor.
Doesn't make it right.
I know.
But it helps me sleep.
You're gonna want to see this.
Uh, maybe I should
walk you through that.
No, that's fine.
Good night. Thank you.
Okay, are you sure?
Do you like curry?
I love curry.
Well, Hazel, let the kid in.
Uh, I finally
got all these files
I've been chasing down
and I think we're
missing something
with the faces.
This is Gary Dewer,
found by his son,
hanging from a chandelier.
Plastic bag over his head.
Look at... The tongue
is pressed down
towards the teeth.
Four days later Adrian Grunwald,
mouth found open.
And then
we have Morton Halfe.
Look at this,
his mouth is almost
identical to Dewer's.
Like Ullman's.
What's the connective...
You know, what are we missing?
All the mouths
are clearly manipulated.
Is it like a code or something?
How's the curry?
Oh, uh, it's great.
Thank you.
It's delicious.
Glad to see someone's
eating my cooking.
So, why did you
transfer from Toronto
to here, really?
I mean, don't give
me the bullshit about
a small town life.
Uh, my partner died last year.
On duty?
Uh, he wasn't a cop.
The guys on the force didn't
take that news so well.
Well, how do you
like it here, so far?
Excuse me,
I ask a lot of questions.
It's an occupational hazard.
No, that's okay.
Are you a reporter?
Judge. Retired.
Oh. Well, then,
Your Honor...
Um, I like it.
I mean, uh,
it's slower.
But, uh,
that's good,
you know, it gives you
kind of more time to think.
You been calling your mother?
All right, stop it.
What? Kids should
talk to their mothers.
And some mothers talk too much.
Meaning me?
You're my mother.
You're talking too much.
I'm hardly talking at all.
You're grilling him.
I'm not!
I'll clear.
Looks like he's singing.
What about this one?
The mouth's pressed
together. What if...
Seriously, what if
he's saying something?
He's not saying
something, he's dead.
I know.
Well, is he saying anything?
It's like a...
Look, it's like a...
Buh, like a buh.
No, it's mmm...
Mmm, mmm. Muh.
Well, go to the next one.
That's it, go on.
The upper lip
is bent. It's buh.
Now do it again.
Say a sentence
that has a "muh" sound
and a "buh" sound.
You're going to
see the difference.
Your mother got hit by a bus.
Yeah. Do you see...
Mother... Muh and buh,
they're two entirely...
Okay, try it again.
Okay, that's a mouth
that's wide open, right?
Go back.
If you
look at it, the lips
are curled in. Mmm.
You're right
if you're talking
about Portuguese.
I don't speak Portuguese.
Or maybe
it's not what they're
saying as individuals.
Maybe they're syllables
and whoever manipulated
their mouths
is saying something
with them all...
Will you be quiet!
Well, some of them
don't look like they're
saying anything together.
Maybe it's in
the wrong order, then.
Well, it's the order
that we found them.
Well, maybe
it's a different order.
Maybe it's the order in
which they were killed.
How about
if we try it going
from west to east?
So, that would
be Dewar, Grunwald,
Fortnum. Try that.
The vowels?
Think about how many vowels.
Vowels make you
open your entire mouth.
I mean, think about it.
It's only buh or muh,
it's slow but it's
something like a...
Lie-bee-la. Lie-bee-la?
No, no, no,
it's Lie-bee-ra.
It's an "R".
Look at, uh...
Look at his mouth.
That's an L.
Now can you flip to
Ruby Marshall, please?
Yeah. See how the
tongue is kind of on
the side of the mouth?
That's an R.
It's ra.
As in, "You're wrong."
ri-e. Ra-ri-e.
It's Professor Plume
in the lie-bee-ra-ri-e
with the candlestick.
I'm done.
Hey, guys.
What if it isn't English?
What do you mean, like French?
They were all Catholic.
It's Latin.
I guarantee you,
this is Latin.
Latin? Who speaks Latin?
People in Latin America.
Oh, God. It... Listen,
it sounds like Latin.
It's not that.
I guarantee you that's Latin.
Well, I know the words,
but I don't actually
speak the language.
Now, Father Price
at Saint Xavier, he was
a linguistics professor.
He could help.
When you get to be my age
it's a comfort to have
those reminders of
some accomplishments.
Sit, sit down, please.
Thank you, Father.
They're your students?
We used to take in orphans
and find them homes.
But you don't anymore.
But you didn't come here
to talk about that.
Could you help me and
tell me what that means?
It's the imperative
of the Latin verb
that is at the root
of liberty. Liberate.
Well, let me see.
With the E following,
eos. Libera eos.
Deliver them.
So does that phrase mean
anything special to you?
Libera nos domine.
Now, that's quite
a common phrase.
Free us Lord.
Um, Libera.
Re-Eos. Libera-re-Eos.
And what does that mean?
Set them free.
So, they're similar.
Similar, yes, but not
at all the same. Do you...
Do you know anything
about the history of
the written Bible?
Well, I always thought
it was kind of like
a 2,000 year-old game
of broken telephone.
Let me explain.
The Bible, as we know it,
was composed around
400 Anno Domini.
It contained an oral component,
because elements of
that Bible were prohibited
from being written down.
Forbidden songs.
Blessings conferred
upon the closest
of Christ's disciples.
These were meant
to be communicated
only between high priests,
because once the
blessing was offered,
the listener became
the keeper of it.
And the speaker,
on certain occasions,
offered himself
up as a sacrifice.
For what?
Liberare Eos.
A sacrifice to
set them free.
So you do know what it means.
Uh, I have...
Oh, here.
When the women went
to complete the burial
rites at Christ's tomb,
they found it empty.
Their service was rewarded
by the Holy Ghost
with that prayer.
A consecration against death.
So immortality?
No, not quite.
Liberare Eos is
a prayer of resurrection.
Ah, back then,
people had deeper faith.
Blind faith.
Profound faith.
Well, how exactly does it work?
I promise I won't tell anybody.
It required 12 willing souls
to sacrifice themselves
to bring back the one.
Now, the operative word
is, "willing."
Once the final life was given,
the prayer was spoken
aloud and witnessed.
And then those 12 disciples
who sacrificed themselves
were granted eternal salvation.
And the chosen one was reborn.
I mean, you know,
this is early
Christian mysticism.
This pre-dates even
the Vatican.
And do you really
believe this stuff?
I did, yes, once.
But times are different now.
Unwavering belief
in the church is
difficult to sustain.
Perhaps, I mean,
I think quite possibly,
with good reason.
I find it fascinating
that someone like you
would be interested in
unearthing this prayer
that has been for 1,500 years,
by and large, lost.
I think somebody
may have found it.
If you can sleep
on the floor why can't
I sleep in my chair?
'Cause I'm special.
Let's go up.
You certainly are.
Hey! Do you remember
that gold cross that Delia
Chandler bought online?
They never got it.
Nothing showed up
at Delia's either.
shipped through
a PO box
in Port Hardy, BC,
addressed to Jane Buck.
I called Delia's son.
He's never heard of her.
The post office
wouldn't give out any
information over the phone,
so I looked up Jane Buck
in the local white pages
and guess what?
There's a phone number
and home address 10 miles
from that PO box.
Go for it.
Is this Jane Buck?
Who is this?
This is Officer Ben Wingate,
from the Fort Dundas
Police Department.
You wouldn't happen to
know anyone by the name of
Delia Chandler, would you?
This isn't a good time.
Okay. When would
be a good time?
Could be a lead.
Come on, you gotta let me go.
I would love to let you go,
but I don't have the money
to fly you there.
My mom gives me Air Miles
every year for Christmas.
I've never used them.
I found our Olds.
This is where he got the ticket.
Okay. Well, let's start
knocking on some doors.
So you just let him in?
I spoke with him
for quite a while
at the diner.
My daughter was very sick
and I believed that he
could help her.
I was desperate.
Nothing else was working.
What did he look like?
Tall, thin.
He had a big bag.
Dark coat.
Sandy blonde hair. Beard.
I remember he had kind eyes.
I don't know if that helps.
Okay, so you let him in
and then what happened?
He gave her some tea.
He came out,
he said she was sleeping.
So I looked in on her.
She looked peaceful,
so I let her rest.
Then she woke up screaming,
vomiting, burning up.
I took her to the hospital.
They told us it was
a 50-50 chance she'd
make it through the night.
Two days later
the vomiting stopped
and the MRI was clear.
Yeah, hon.
I want to show you a drawing.
Okay. Excuse me
just for a second.
Killers kill.
They don't heal.
You know,
Jesus raised a little
girl from the dead.
She was about that age.
It was one of his top 10
miracles, actually.
You're referencing
scriptures now?
I did my research.
Okay, so you really
believe that this guy...
I think she believes
that this guy...
Simon said you would come.
His name Is Simon?
And did Simon say anything else?
He said the police
would be looking for him.
That they would say
he did bad things.
But he's not bad.
He taught me a song.
Great. Thanks.
Today with a high of plus four.
There is a snowfall
warning, though.
Expect up to 10 centimeters
of snow overnight.
For the coast
of Haida Gwaii, rain,
a high of plus eight,
inland rain
as well as a high
of plus seven degrees.
Hazel, sorry. Um...
These came for you
from the coroner.
Great. Thanks.
Uh, do you need anything?
Coffee or ibuprofen
and aqua.
No, I'm fine, thanks.
Do you want me to do
anything for you?
No. Uh-uh.
Okay, well, let me know.
Awesome. Okay.
Okay. You are
relentlessly cheerful.
Well, I try.
Where are we going?
Warren, hi. It's Hazel.
Yeah, quick question,
um, Ruby Marshall,
was she sick when she died?
Yeah, I know her
head was in the freezer.
I'm asking...
And is that terminal?
Okay, thanks, yeah, that...
That really helps me.
Okay. Bye.
Hey! This is
private property.
You don't leave
I'm gonna call the...
Jane Buck?
Let me see that.
Just want to ask you
a couple of questions.
I just bring in the mail.
For who?
You can't arrest me.
I haven't done anything.
I'm not gonna arrest you.
Just tell me
what's in the camper.
Who from?
The disciples.
You can't go in there.
Then let me...
You don't have a warrant.
You cannot go in there.
Miss, step aside.
You don't know what you've done.
You don't know what you've done!
Oh! Oh, God.
Oh, God.
No, I didn't touch anything.
I took some pictures
with my cell phone.
I just got the hell outta there.
No. I figured
it would be better
to keep a low profile.
What about the body?
He's been soaking in
formaldehyde for months.
I don't think
he's going anywhere.
So do you think that
your mom has enough points
to get you to Montreal?
What are you doing?
You think that's
where he's headed?
Well, he started in BC,
he's been going east
ever since.
I think it's a good bet.
You could
go there and get a car
and check out
the Eastern Townships.
I'm on it.
Hazel, we can't let
this green kid go out on
some wild goose chase
on his own dime.
What other choice do we have?
I'll call Mason.
Give me two days,
then you can call Mason.
If Wingate makes any
kind of mistake, this guy
walks on a technicality.
He's not gonna make a mistake.
I'm telling you
she was expecting him.
What do you mean?
Well, the dress she was wearing,
that was delivered
from the cleaners
the day before.
And... And she
vacuumed the carpet.
You're over-thinking this.
No, uh, she was
wearing pantyhose.
Delia only wore pantyhose
when she went to church.
Well, maybe she was
going out for lunch.
No, she was trying
to impress him.
Oh, now we're getting
off track. It's simpler
than that, Hazel.
He was preying on the weak.
He was preying on the faithful.
When was the last time
you went to church?
My cousin's wedding.
To pray?
The only god I ever prayed
to was Guy Lafleur.
Now he was
promising them salvation.
In exchange for what?
In exchange for their deaths.
So why butcher them?
It's for show,
just to confuse us.
Then how did he find her?
There is nothing weird in here.
Are you sure you know
what you're doing?
Maybe I should call Melanie.
There's nothing.
Well, maybe somebody erased it.
Wait, wait.
Look at that.
What am I looking at?
faith for the
We have nine victims.
He's said three-quarters of
the prayer of resurrection.
There were 12 apostles.
So he needs
three more victims
to finish the prayer.
Okay, so this email address is
actually linked to a bunch
of different websites.
Most of them are chat rooms
talking about cancer,
suicide, heart disease.
Ah, that's how
he's recruiting them.
What's LTP?
Let's talk privately.
Okay, see this T Lawrence?
I need to find out
where that person lives.
Are you ready to begin?
Of course.
If you are going
to be a part of this,
I will have to cleanse you
of your transgressions.
Close your eyes.
Yeah, I'm pulling up now.
Okay, what can you see?
Looks clear.
There's no cars in the driveway.
See if you can
get a little peek inside.
There's nobody home.
What do you want me to do?
Well, see if you
can peek in the window,
see what's inside.
You're not sending him in there.
This may be our only chance.
He's a kid, for Christ sake.
He's a police officer.
You wait for backup, Wingate.
We don't have time to wait.
I'm gonna go around back.
Standard procedure, Wingate.
No! No! Just back off.
You call for backup,
you wait.
Oh, come on,
he's gotta get in there.
Call for backup.
The guy's gonna get away.
We're not gonna wait.
You secure the perim...
No. No. Back off.
Come on. Go ahead.
Check out the window.
Wait for backup.
Secure the perimeter.
He can't wait!
The guy's going to be gone!
There's blood.
There's blood everywhere.
Stand down, Wingate!
No! No!
Wait for backup!
Wingate, proceed.
Listen to me.
Where are you?
Tell me what's going on.
I'm in the backyard.
Don't listen to Hazel!
You are risking his life.
You are throwing away
your job and mine.
This is my job!
I'm going in.
Ben? Ben?
Hello, Hazel.
Who is this?
Well, you know who it is.
Otherwise you wouldn't
have sent poor Ben out to
look for Dr. Lawrence,
would you?
I swear to God, if you touch...
Hazel, relax.
He looked so tired.
You've been working him
so hard I gave him
something to sleep.
Did you get my package?
I have to go now, Hazel.
But I have faith...
Our paths will cross again.
Yeah. This is
Detective Ray Greene
from Fort Dundas PD.
I need
a full response unit
to 76 Dollard Street.
There's an officer down.
Mason offered me the
CO job six months ago.
I turned it down.
Maybe you should have taken it.
Is it on?
Today I'm leaving this body
that has tortured me for years.
But it has given me
the moments I treasure.
Running, as a child,
dancing with my husband.
Bringing my son into this world.
I want to live,
but not like this.
I love you and
I want you to know that
I'm trusting my body
to someone worthy,
who will cleanse my spirit
and bring me home.
Remember me as I was.
Thank Dr. Reiner
for his kindness.
Give Jenny a big kiss
from grandma.
I had the photos blown up
that I took in the trailer.
It's Delia's necklace
and all the other gifts
the victims sent to Simon.
No. Come back here.
Really, how are you doing?
He had that syringe to my neck
before I even saw his face.
My God, I'd swear...
This is Father Price
in this picture,
like 30 years ago.
What is a picture of
Father Price doing
in a trailer
halfway across the country?
What I'm about to undergo
is a sin in His eyes.
Are you afraid, Father?
Today is my day
of judgment, reckoning,
of course I am.
Of what?
You know, Peter.
I've been told
that my mistake...
My mistake alone
is what led us here to this sin.
Gabriel's sufferings
led me to the prayer.
And the prayer is pure.
It was never meant
to be used this way!
Only Christ can raise the dead.
Christ is in us all.
You taught me that.
I am allowing you
to trespass on my soul.
It's a sin, Peter.
It's a sin.
I'm the one committing
the sin, Father, not you.
When all the
sacrifices are complete,
God will forgive the trespasses.
May God forgive us both.
I would like to pray.
Of course, Father.
Our Father,
which art in heaven,
hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done on earth
as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those
who trespass against us.
Lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
the power and the glory,
forever and ever.
Where's your pain today, Father?
I love you, Father.
Father Price.
Father Price?
He's not here.
Sister, excuse me.
I'm sorry to have
to do this now,
but could you
tell me if you know
what happened
to any of the boys
in this picture?
These two boys,
Peter and Gabriel Mallick.
We could only find
a home for one of them.
Father Price chose to
send the younger boy,
We didn't ask a lot of
questions in those days.
Broke his heart
when he learned
how he had suffered.
Peter found him, took him in.
They moved out West.
But it was too late.
He was never the same.
Gabriel took his
own life last year.
A few weeks later,
Father Price grew ill.
He felt it was God's way
of punishing him.
When was the last time
that you saw Peter?
Three months ago,
after his brother's passing,
he came to Sunday service.
Said he was going
on a long trip.
And a few weeks ago
he called Father Price.
I figured out who he is.
His name is Peter Mallick
and he changed his...
We know.
What do you mean, you know?
We got into his
e-mail account.
We know who he is.
We know where he's going.
Carl Smotes.
We're coordinating
with the RCMP to put him
into protective custody.
It's not your concern
anymore, Hazel.
What? What are
you talking about?
We can handle this.
No! I wanna be there.
What do you mean,
you can handle it?
I'm the one that figured it out.
I'm the one that
told you about it
in the first place...
You're done!
...and you wouldn't
even listen to...
You're done!
I'm not done!
I wanna be there.
What do you want
from me, an apology?
I am sorry.
You were right.
There's a serial killer.
Does that make you
feel better?
Fuck you.
Hey, it's me.
Did they get him?
No. It's gonna be
a long night.
They brought in the cavalry.
Uh, you should be here.
The guys are
all really impressed
with what you did.
You saved a man's life.
Well, if he was talking
to Simon then that meant
he wanted to die.
So I don't think he's
gonna be too happy.
Well, when he shows up,
we're gonna get him.
What if he doesn't show up?
I don't know. I mean,
he's come this far.
I don't think he's gonna
stop now. One away from
getting his 12 disciples?
He's coming.
Are you still there?
Yeah, I'm here.
I have my day off tomorrow.
Why don't I come by?
I'll cook you dinner.
Goodnight, Wingate.
I'll get you something for that.
Why did you bring me here?
You brought us together.
You heard the calling
when everyone around
you could not.
And you chose to
become a part of it.
This is where we're
supposed to be, together,
under the eyes of God.
And this is where it will end.
Mmm-mmm. No.
For your pain.
All the disciples gave
themselves willingly.
Murdering you will not
honor the prayer.
Do you want your pain
to end or do you not?
It is your choice.
It's remarkable, isn't it?
What is it?
A hybrid of many plants.
Grown here.
You could be helping
people instead of...
Doing this.
I am
helping people.
I know you lost your
brother and you'll do
anything to bring him back.
But what is the point?
I mean, he killed himself.
He doesn't want to be alive.
He wanted to die.
Everyone deserves
a second chance.
Hazel, I lost my brother
but I never lost
my faith in God.
When he returns,
he will be cleansed,
as will you.
Can you imagine a day
when you're not clouded
by all that alcohol?
Tell me something beautiful,
something good that you've
brought to this world.
Have you ever loved?
Really loved?
Someone other than yourself?
What have you lost, truly lost,
that had some meaning for you?
My baby.
This is your chance.
Drink this and all your
suffering will be gone.
Drink this and bring
meaning to your life.
Drink this and offer
the disciples unto God.
Drink this and bring
life back to this world.
Let go.
I can't. I want
another chance, please.
It's okay.
It will all be over soon.
Uh, Andrew,
nice to meet you.
Um, ah, Gladys.
No, it's Glynnis.
Oh, hey man.
Come on in.
Yeah. Uh... I'm...
I'm gonna come back
again another time.
You sure?
Give this to her for me?
Uh, yeah, okay.
Sorry. Should I, uh...
Should I...
Come on in.
How is she doing?
Drugs finally knocked her out.
She's probably got
quite a tolerance.
Andrew and his wife
are in the hall.
Oh, dear. I'll go
head 'em off.
Okay. Do I... Right.
Ah, hey.
It's from Ray.
The flowers are from me.
I'm allergic.
Why am I not surprised?
This is also from me and Ray.
You did it.
We did it.
What about his brother?
Vancouver PD sent some guys
to recover the body.
I just haven't
heard anything yet.
Let me know.
I'll be out in that hall
until I know, okay?
I want my mom.
Wow. These drugs
must be working.
You're awake.
What's this?
Oh, Ray.
He didn't bring glasses
or ice or anything.
Forget about it.
You look terrible.
Yeah. It's better than dead.
Much better.