The Camellia Girl (2016)

Ah, Mr. Moon is watching.
The Camellia Girl
Risa Nakamura as Midori
Based on the manga by Suehiro Maruo
originally published by Seirinkogeisha
Shunsuke Kazama as Wonder Masamitsu
Theme Song by
CHARAN-PO-RANTAN (avex trax)
Misaki Morino as Benietsu
Music by Hitomi Kuroishi
Motoki Fukami as Akaza
Produced by Tashiro Masahiro (LINK RIGHTS LIMITED)
Noboru Tashiwagi (VAP)
Shimpei Okuda (ONLY HEARTS)
Daichi Saeki as Muchisute
Executive Producer: Shinichiro Maeda (VAP)
Producer: Tetsuji Horikoshi (VAP)
Takeru as Kanabun
Special Effects Makeup: JIRO
VFX Supervisor: Issei Oda
Assistant Director & Editor: Hiroki Yamaguchi
Akihiro Nakatani as Koijiro Arashi
Written and Directed
I am a 14-year-old girl.
I lived with my mother since my father left home 3 years ago.
But when my mother died, I had nowhere to go.
In my desperation, I joined a circus after
receiving the senior members invitation.
I spend my days dreaming about
becoming an actress.
However, my daily routine is filled with chores.
I sometimes think about killing myself.
Because of this, I can't go to school.
I can't sleep at night, always worrying
about my current situation.
What is the best way to live my life?
Its your breakfast.
Wait here. You should behave.
Be good now.
These are Midoris.
They are so cute.
So delicious! Delicious!
When was the last time we had meat?
Feel free to eat, Midori.
Midori! Is it tasty?
Yes! Very good!
But How could you afford meat?
I didnt buy it.
It's not like you can buy
dog meat anywhere.
Dog meat?!
Delicious! I don't care as
long as its delicious.
What's wrong, Midori?
Its so delicious that she's crying.
Youve done a good job.
Mr. Dog!
Mr. Dog!
I want to go back home.
How about buying flowers?
Orchids, orchids, orchids!
Dreaming Hibiscus in the first block.
Sunflower Princess in the second block.
Chinese Trumpet Vine in the third block.
Willow Letter in the fourth block.
My flower is a lost childs flower.
Its home is nearby yet far away.
It runs recklessly towards the darkness
with closed eyes.
Its an abandoned flower.
Its Camellia.
My mother...
She is sick.
My father...
He left home.
Hey, mister with the mountain-high hat!
How about buying a flower?
There are still a lot of them left today.
But isn't this an artificial flower
made from colored paper?
Miss, would it be alright
if I bought all of them?
You can visit me anytime
if anything is troubling you.
There sure are a great many creepy
guys prowling this area.
Hurry back home as quickly as possible.
Ah Mr. Moon is
Mr. Moon is watching
Stop tooting!
What are you thinking?!
You're always looking at the trains.
Do you really want to go
back to Tokyo that much?
You have no place left to go.
Midori is watching us with
a surprised look on her face.
Midori! Come here too!
We dont need that kind of girl
with a ribbon in her hair.
I'll entertain you more
than two girls could.
You have a great body
but a really tiny dick!
Please let me lick your eyeball!
Camellia Princess
Camellia Princess
You bums! Get out of our town!
Its too cold to sleep alone.
No. Go over there.
I cant sleep either.
Its too cold.
Lets keep each other warm.
No! I hate it!
You smell weird.
What are you talking about?
We've already started.
You've already been violated.
Good. Done a great job.
Cold! Cold!
Why are you so surprised?
If only my head could escape from
this universe, I would still want to do it.
Father! Father! Help me!
Help me! Father!
Suffer! Suffer!
Nobody will come to your aid!
Turn into a snake!
If you can't be happy
as a human being...
being a bug will be
the best option for you!
Quite a fever! You don't
have to work today.
Whats up? It seems we are
in a difficulty situation.
What about our wages?
You know I can't afford to pay you.
Its not easy for me either.
Thats it? Just like that?
We've already been
struggling for 3 months.
What am I supposed to do?
Could you give me a little
at your discretion?
I'm fine with just a little.
What the hell? You know,
your face looks like a butt!
I can't do this anymore.
We should find a job
to make sure we survive.
How about getting
rid of one of them?
We might have to sell you off
since we dont have enough food.
By the way, the boss said we're
going to have a new member.
Someone who can perform
Western magic.
I dont care who he is.
Who would join this bankrupt circus?
Must be a brave fellow.
Hey, Midori! How about
going somewhere else?
You're infecting us.
Stop coughing!
Go over there right now.
Maybe she brought the God
of Poverty with her.
It's all been downhill for
us ever since she joined.
I'm home.
Mother, I have sold all my flowers!
Mother, how are you?
I'll fix you some egg soup tonight.
I might be able to go on a picnic.
A kind gentleman told me
to visit him if I have any trouble.
And then
Mother! Mother!
- What should I make for dinner
- You are putting on weight
Have you heard?
Heard? Heard?
There were mice under the blanket.
At least on of them was inside her.
I thought it was weird.
Weird sounds were coming from
there during the daytime.
Her dead body should
have been eaten by mice.
Thats too cruel to imagine.
People laugh out loud,
the cats move around...
The lonely clown is spinning plates...
Excuse me.
Is the Red Cat Circus nearby?
Well, that was quite fast, wasnt it?
Looks like it went through
customs, though.
Nah, its quite warm in here.
And I feel good about it.
My name is Wonder Masamitsu.
Nice to meet you.
Please follow me for a tea, mister.
Unfortunate things happen
because of this useless car.
Shut up and push!
I'm grateful that this car has done
many tours with us so far.
Hey, Midori!
Come here and help us.
What a beautiful mirror.
It's a memento of my mother.
You must have been thinking
about sad things.
I will protect you from now on.
Its so pretty!
Where are you?
Where are you?
Here I am.
Come here.
Club Tokyo
Tokyo Olympics
Showa 107
Grand Toei Theater
A little patience, please!
I can guarantee your entry.
The Snake Girl
Red Cat Circus
Wonder Masamitsu
Okay! Okay! Okay! You can
pay later. Payment later!
Dont push me!
The queue isn't moving!
Let me in already!
Well, well! Let the Faraway
Target show begin!
Show us Wonder Masamitsu already!
Please stop it! Stop!
Mister, please take care of this.
Wait, wait.
I need an assistant for this work.
Kanabun can help you.
But she's too shy!
Will you do this for me?
Thank you for waiting for us.
This is Midori, my assistant.
That bastard is hogging
all their attention.
This isn't fun.
I dont get it.
I've seen it many times and
I still dont understand it either.
There's no trick... all.
Mister Mister
You've done a great job.
You! Why dont you fetch
some tea for him?
I'm fine.
Just get Midori some warm milk.
I was able to do a great performance
because Midori helped me today.
Thank you.
You call her your assistant
but she was just standing there.
- What about the Milk?
- Yes! Right away!
- Hey!
- What?
Lets make this circus
bigger and bigger.
Bigger and bigger.
Thank you.
Before you arrived,
I struggled a lot.
My mother died.
Everybody was mean to me.
You shouldn't think
about sad things.
You will be alright as long
as I'm with you.
Its not snowing anymore.
Youre right.
- Tasty?
- Yes!
Say, how can you get in
and out of that bottle?
Well, that's...
I'll give you a nice present.
Close your eyes.
3, 2, 1.
Benietsu, The Snake Girl
Wonder Masamitsu
The Red Cat Circus
Midori seems so horny now.
Hey! What happened to the laundry?
The laundry?
Dont waste your time
gawking in the mirror!
I know! I was about to do it!
Youre so bold, Midori.
Its not cute at all! Hey!
What are you doing?
You're such a mean person!
You're not scared of anyone!
Let me go! Idiot!
Who do you think
you're dealing with?
I'll tell my family about this!
Oh, your family?
That hurts
Are you having fun?
Do it! Do it! More! Die! Die!
Midori has become a monster!
What happened?
Midori has become a monster!
Midori has become a monster.
What about Midori?
Midori is
Are you okay?
There is something on your jacket.
Be careful! Numbers!
1! 2! 3! 4!
You do the laundry.
You fix the tent.
You clean the backstage.
You prepare the meal.
Midori doesnt have to do anything.
I'll give you a present.
Lets go together.
Shit! This isnt fun!
He's too arrogant!
But we can't defeat
him with violence.
I'm going to teach him
a painful lesson someday.
A lot of profit
Your calculation is wrong.
But the maintenance cost is
This is enough.
You got too much.
I'm paying a lot to the artists.
My share is too small
They won't follow you
for that amount.
I'm the treasurer here!
Leave it to me.
Leave all of them to me.
Sorry about what
happened earlier.
I won't mistreat
you anymore.
I just have been
You know
Lets make up.
I like you, actually.
Midori is mine. I wont give
her up to that bastard!
Help me!
Grab my hand!
You are
I am you
What is this, Masamitsu?
I am you
You bastard! Do you think you
can trick me like this forever?
Escape, then.
If you dont escape soon
enough, you will sink.
Look. You cant.
Just grab this hand.
Oh, that's right.
You have no hand to grab.
Sorry about that.
You fucking monster!
What did you just say?!
Help me!
Help me!
Midori is mine.
How dare you try to fight me?
You are useless.
- Midori...
- Die!
Here you go. Good job!
- Ohhh, its more than before!
- Here you go.
- It really is!
- Here you go.
Hey, where is Muchisute?
Hes not here.
He has sand in his mouth.
Why does he have sand
in his mouth?
He doesnt have any hands.
How could he put it in?
Wait, Midori!
Why are you running away?
You saw it, right?
You saw it, right?
You saw.
I'm scared.
I did it for you.
It's better that he's dead.
You'd better not tell the others
what you saw.
I won't tell anybody.
Is he really human?
Maybe he's a very scary man.
Can't sleep?
Thanks to you,
we could make a grave.
He can rest in peace now.
Hey, what is that?
Is it a beast?
Who is your boss?
What is this commotion?
Thank you for you service.
Using an unregistered beast is illegal.
Is this beast registered?
I forgot about it.
You can't perform.
- Well Please
- We will report this to our superiors.
You better prepare for it.
Once we got a warrant,
you can't escape.
Mister, there is nothing I can do
other than asking for your help.
Can you do something
for me, mister?
There is an official named
Ryugasaki in this town.
There are rumors that
he's a boy-lover.
I can't give him Kanabun.
It hurts.
Good news, everyone!
We can perform here.
- Really?
- How?!
There is no punishment at all.
He did everything.
Ohhh! Great!
He bought it for me.
Doesnt matter who it is.
You want it too, right?
I dont need one.
- Stop!
- Show me your treasure!
Stop and give it back!
Everything has become weird
ever since you joined us!
You killed Muchisute too, right?
You murderer!
I'll punish you!
Go to heaven with one shot!
This finishes everything!
This hellish life!
This is
These are Midoris.
They are so cute.
That was quite scary,
wasn't it?
It's alright now.
Where's Kanabun?
Kanabun is...
...just sleeping.
Thats all.
Excuse me.
Can I see Midori?
Hey, Midori!
Someone to see you.
Please read my name card.
- Oh Kamata Shochiku!
- From the film studio!
I really want you to be in a film.
We are looking for a lead
actress for our new feature.
After seeing you on stage,
we made our decision.
Who'd have thought that a person like
you would be staying in this kind of mess.
- What?
- It's always about Midori...
Thats awesome, Midori!
I really want you to do it.
You will definitely become a star.
Once you become a star, you could
eat delicious meals every day.
Everybody would treat you well.
Itd be foolish to reject
this offer, Midori!
- What the fuck are you doing?
- Thats so mean!
I'm Midori's guardian.
I decide for her.
Go home.
Dont pick them up.
It's probably fake.
Its not fake!
- We are...
- Go home!
Your turn, Midori. Prepare.
I have a headache.
Youre lying.
You are already mine!
Listen to my command
like an adult.
If you can't listen,
stay like that for a while.
I will do it by myself.
He is concentrating.
Do it now!
You stalling?
- Get in!
- Get in! Get in!
Get in! Get in!
Get in! Get in!
What's wrong?
We'll break the bottle for you if you forgot
how to do it. Dont worry. Just get in!
Be quiet! Be quiet!
I cant concentrate!
What is it?
What is it?
You bastards!
I dont like any of you!
You are depressed yet curious.
You are lazy yet greedy.
You are stuck with a victim's mentality.
What are you trying to say?
You walk through this stinky mess
as if you own the place.
You are thick-skinned and pretentious!
- What did you just say?
- Is that how you talk to your audience?
You're just a monster!
I'm just a monster
You said something you shouldnt have!
I dont care anymore!
Thank you very much.
I can stand on my feet.
I can see!
I can see!
I can see with my eyes!
I feel uncomfortable.
Hes like a monster.
Don't fuck with me!
I'll distort you!
What the hell is this?
Stop it!
Everybody! Die!
We've found Wonder Masamitsu.
Please forgive me!
I will never do anything like this again.
Please forgive me this time!
Dont make a scene.
Yes! Yes! Understood!
You used too much power.
It was incredible, wasn't it?!
I know!
Thank you for your service.
Why are you laughing?
He did something terrible.
Not a big deal. Their original
bodies came back.
It would have been better
if they'd stayed that way.
Idiot! What would we have done if
people got violent after that mess?
But they didnt. They just went
home without any fuss.
I wasnt sure they were actually alive.
I want to see it again!
We cant perform here anymore.
Its worse than I expected.
I quit.
Thats too sudden!
Please wait, mister!
Why so sudden?
I dont want to do this anymore.
If my words offended you, I would
like to take back what I said!
What are you going
to do after you quit?
Mister! Mister!
Mister! Mister!
Why are you praying?
I did many bad things.
I wont let anyone
take you away from me.
Please come with me.
I dont want to go
anywhere else.
I want to go home.
1, 2, 3.
Walk straight to the inside.
Straight to the inside.
Its Tokyo!
Pediatrician Dr. Nakamura
Midori! Why are you so late?
That's no good!
What are you looking at?
Hurry and eat dinner!
I have to do the dishes.
And this.
What is it?
Tomorrow's the picnic, right?
Some snacks. Your father
bought them for you.
Thank you, father!
Go to bed soon.
Otherwise, youll oversleep.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Finally, I could see my family again.
When you are with me, I can make
you meet your family anytime you want.
Mister, I want to become an actress.
I want to be cherished by everyone.
I see.
But you still have to be with me.
Hey, what happened?
We are starting todays
business soon.
How stupid you are!
Haven't you figured
it out by now?
The boss grabbed the money
and ran away with a new guy.
Hey, what are you doing?
I dont know.
I have nothing to do here.
I'll find a rich old
guy and trick him.
Huh? At your age?
Shut up! Mind your
own business!
I'm fine.
Other circuses nearby want me.
I am going to introduce you too.
Dont worry.
You guys.
What? Are you leaving already?
This is
This is for the beasts.
You can go back home
with this money.
Why are you giving
us this much money?
I am just
Thank you very much
for our time together.
Midori, you are so beautiful.
Where is this man?
He is out at the moment.
This man killed everyone
in a village. He's a murderer.
We came this far already.
This is
The money is
The bills
The bills are
The bills are
Be well!
You can do it!
Shochiku Studios
We have already arranged a few things,
assuming you are going to be in our film.
Weve already found
you a place to stay.
Lets have a meeting
about the film right away.
And we would like Mr. Wonder
to support you as your manager.
I am Midori Hanamura.
Pleased to meet you.
Do it!
I am not lonely anymore.
I am not alone either.
Is she kidding us?
Go ahead.
I have a supporter.
I have nothing to be afraid of.
I am going to rise up.
I am going to take everything.
I am glad to have you in my film!
So glad!
Really great!
Youve done a good job, Midori.
Please tell us how you felt
when you decided to be in this film!
I am going to do my best!
They are shooting at the moment.
Arent you exhausted?
I am going to do my best!
Mister, I am too exhausted
to remember my lines.
Thank you, mister.
Midori, your turn.
Midori Hanamura
Incredible! Incredible!
She doesnt look
like the Midori I know.
I'm so glad. She had nothing
to do here when she was with us.
Where am I?
What are the things
I have seen so far?
Is this reality?
Or illusion?
Doesnt matter which it is.
Reality is illusion.
Illusion is reality.
Inside and outside are the same.
Surprising things in the night...
They are coming to us in the daytime.
They are walking towards
us through the darkness.
They keep the place strict...
...yet loose in the daytime.
Cut! Cut! Cut!
How are you, Midori?
Are you tired?
I still have a lot of lines!
They said they would treat me well.
The only thing I wanted
was to be treated well.
What is your wish?
Something else?
Once you get what you want,
you no longer need it.
So I want to have everything.
Everything in the world.
Yes! Finally, that was
the last shot of the film.
Youve done
a great job, Midori!
Mister, I feel bored with
the actress life already.
What do you want to do next?
I want your magical power next.
If I gave my power to you...
I would become useless.
I want to be the one
helping you this time.
Please give me your power.
I dont have enough energy... be able to give
you my power.
Then its meaningless
to be with you.
If I gave you my power...
...would you still be
with me?
I want to live my life
with my own power.
Alright then.
I'm giving you my power.
Dont laugh!
Everything is going
to disappear!
3, 2, 1.