The Camp on Blood Island (1958)

Faster! Faster!
Hurry up!
Most soon you will be able to rest.
Out! Quick!
Come on! Hurry! Hurry!
Stand up! Face that way!
Silence! Quiet!
Quiet! Quiet!
Save it now.
Save your breath. Save it.
All right, settle down now.
Grave party, fall in over here.
Here you are.
All right, grave party, forward!
Working party, forward!
Requiem aeternam dona eis.
Lambert, I want you to know
that I hold you responsible
for that boy's death.
Just as I shall hold you responsible
when they catch and execute Dr Keiller.
They will, you know.
He hasn't a chance of getting off
this Godforsaken island.
- And you ordered him to escape.
- No-one was ordered.
He wouldn't have gone
unless you'd ordered him.
- Ah, Mr Beattie!
- Yes, Captain Sakamura?
Bow to officer of Nippon.
And you.
Come here, please.
Not you. His Excellency.
- Yes, Captain.
- And hurry, please.
Run, Your Excellency.
Most honoured to have
former British Commissioner
help to carry humble Nippon gun
back to proper place.
Colonel Yamamitsu!
Get the interpreter.
- Interpreter!
- You've no right here.
- I want to see Colonel Yamamitsu.
- So sorry.
Colonel still does not
wish to see you.
Then tell him I shall stay here
until he changes his mind.
Go to your hut!
What you did out there was murder.
Nothing less than murder.
You have the insolence
to accuse Japanese officer?
There are rules governing
the treatment of prisoners of war,
And the punishment for
attempted escape is not execution.
Quiet! If you speak again,
I will have you beaten. Go to your hut!
Colonel Yamamitsu will see you.
Only short time.
I've come to protest against the
barbarous killing of Lieutenant Peters.
Colonel Yamamitsu say you must not
have audacity to question authority.
I question his authority
to allow these atrocities.
I also question his authority
to withhold medical supplies and food
and to leave our mail
rotting on the wharf.
Colonel also say you must not
raise voice to officer of Imperial Army.
Colonel Yamamitsu say your men
begin to give too much trouble.
He know prisoners
cut telephone wires,
smash radio, attempt escape.
All bad thing.
Colonel not know why
prisoners make foolish escape.
Only captured soon. Nowhere to go.
Malaya, Burma, all Japanese now.
Soon India Japanese. Colonel think
prisoners just try to annoy...
I'm aware that Colonel Yamamitsu's country
- has not signed the Geneva Convention.
- I must ask you to let me finish, Colonel.
His Excellency say
you are useful people.
If you behave, when war finish,
you stay with us, work for Nippon.
Save heads.
Tell Colonel Yamamitsu
when war finish,
he and Captain Sakamura
will be busy saving their own heads.
His Excellency asks if you remember
what he will do if Japan loses war.
I always make a point of remembering
everything His Excellency tells me.
His Excellency order you repeat it.
Please, Colonel Lambert, you repeat.
We are enemies of the Emperor,
we will be killed,
the camp will be burned to the ground,
and so will the women's
camp at Nangdong.
Colonel Lambert, prisoners
must not do bad things any more,
and His Excellency advises you
to pray for Japanese victory.
- You must go now.
- I have as yet no undertaking...
Prisoners must bow when dismissed
by Japanese officer. Hup!
Lambert. Lambert.
Look, Beattie, I've just had
enough trouble with Yamamitsu.
You've had trouble? Isn't that too bad?
Everyone else is having such fun.
Especially Dr Keiller
somewhere out there in the jungle.
- Keiller was the only man suitable.
- For what purpose?
- I'm not prepared to discuss the matter.
- I demand to know.
You can't keep me like this. I'm not
just one of your troops, you know.
I was Commissioner here.
For God's sake,
don't argue in front of them.
- How many sick today?
- They're all sick.
Only fourteen are excused duty,
and eight of them are delirious.
I left Thornton there.
- Much quinine left?
- Enough for two days.
- Did you see Yamamitsu?
- I got nowhere.
Does that surprise you, Colonel?
Smashing their radios, destroying
their dispatches,
provoking them night and day.
Of course you got nowhere!
I order you to put a stop to
this purposeless sabotage.
May I remind you that I am
the officer in command here?
May I remind you that some of us
have wives and families
in the camp at Nangdong?
How long before the Japs start
taking reprisals against them?
Or hadn't that occurred
to your military mind?
- Now, come on...
- No, let him finish.
I'll finish because I want to finish.
Can't you see what you're doing?
You're just stirring up
senseless trouble,
making it worse for the whole camp.
How many of them share that opinion?
- Well, Colonel...
- I see.
Oh, Father,
Scotty's been asking for you.
I think he knows
he hasn't got very much longer.
- I'll go immediately.
- I wouldn't go yet. He was asleep.
In half an hour, I'm ordered
to the women's camp.
- The women's camp?
- There've been two more deaths.
- I have to read the burial service.
- Who died?
Father, tell me. Who died?
Two of the Chinese.
If I am still allowed to give
a blessing in Latin,
- is there any news for them?
- No, there's no news.
Ask Mrs Beattie to tell
Keiller's wife, there's no news.
Why is it always my wife?
Do you realise she could be shot
for carrying messages?
I realise I also can be shot.
Unfortunately, we're the only two
who know Latin.
- Colonel Lambert.
- Yes, Captain Sakamura?
- You requested more bandages?
- I did.
So happy to comply.
Lieutenant Peters
no longer need them.
You like?
You take.
- Isn't that Father Paul?
- Looks like it.
Another burial at Nangdong.
That's nine this week.
- Cholera?
- Or beriberi, or malaria,
or dysentery,
or plain bloody starvation.
Fine time for another epidemic when
they've let the flaming doctor escape.
- Maybe the old man had to send him.
- What "had to"?
200 men in the camp
and they had to send the doc...
You all right?
All right, Dutchy. Beat it.
Start now.
"O God, whose property is ever
to have mercy and to spare,"
"we humbly entreat thee on behalf of
the souls of thy handmaidens"
"whom thou hast bid to depart
out of this world"
"that thou mayest not deliver them
into the hands of the enemy"
"nor forget them forever,"
"but command them to be
taken up by the holy angels"
"and borne to the home of Paradise,
their true country,"
"that as they put their faith
and hope in thee,"
"they may not endure
the pains of hell"
"but may possess everlasting joy
through Christ our Lord. Amen."
Dic illi, quod nihil novi
dei sponso suo cognovimus,
ad huc liber est, orari Debemus.
Sponsus tuus bene se habet
et te amanter salutat.
Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine,
et lux perpetua luceat eis.
- God be with you.
- No talking! It is finished.
- He's still free.
- Thank God.
He may even be
off the island by now.
- I'm still hungry, Mummy.
- I know, dear.
- Can I have some more, please?
- There isn't any more, darling.
- We've had our rations.
- Here, have some of mine.
There's too much here for me.
I'm on a diet.
- You bow to Japanese officer.
- I did bow.
Next time, bigger bow.
She's got cigarettes.
Not for me, for all.
You Jap tramp!
- Throw her in the swamp.
- Cut her hair off.
No. You not do this.
First time, I promise!
- First time!
- You're a lying slut.
No. I no lie. No lie!
Oh... she's not worth the energy.
Mrs Keiller!
- Yes, Captain?
- I send you message.
Two, three message.
You do not do what I say!
What did you say, Captain?
You not report death
of all prisoners who die.
- You think I have time to...?
- Must make out forms!
We've had nine die in as many days.
There's another fourteen women
in there desperately ill.
- We need medicines, not forms.
- Silence! You listen to me!
- Kate, quick. Jenny!
- Mrs Keiller!
You come back!
Mrs Keiller!
Down. Down. Down.
I was giving her an injection.
She sudddenly threw a fit.
Someone put something
between her teeth. Anything.
All right, Jenny, come along now.
You're all right now.
- Mrs Keiller, when Japanese officer speaks...
- Your forms. Yes, you'll get your forms.
- Where have you injected her?
- Left thigh.
- Didn't break the needle?
- No, but this got smashed.
You want the forms now
or am I allowed to tend the sick?
So sorry, but Imperial Japanese Army
very correct.
Must keep very good record
of everything.
Why don't I fill in one form
for all of us?
A sort of general death certificate.
You give me forms this afternoon.
All right, Jenny.
All right, Jenny, come on.
All right, working party, dismiss.
There's a lot more of them
limping this evening, sir.
Perhaps you could let them off
the last inspection.
Listen, Dawes, we've nothing left
but discipline.
It's the only thing
that holds us together.
- Yes, sir.
- Take that away and they'll fall apart.
Three missing from this hut, sir,
and two from yours.
- Missing?
- The Japs went off with five.
Sergeant Major and two from here,
and Shields and Father Anjou
from your hut.
- When was this?
- This afternoon, sir.
They drove off
in Father Anjou's truck.
Anyone have any idea where they went?
No, sir.
I thought I told you
to change that bandage yesterday.
There aren't any more bandages, sir.
We got some back today. Get them from
Major Dawes and have them swilled out.
Yes, sir.
- You shaved today?
- Yesterday, sir.
You know my orders. There's enough
scruffiness about without your adding to it.
Yes, sir.
- Who's this?
- Corporal Hallam, sir.
- Is he sick?
- Not physically, sir.
You know how it is.
Sometimes they just give up.
- Is he a good soldier?
- Very good, sir.
- How long has he been like this?
- Oh, it's been coming on for some time.
This morning's business
just about finished him.
- I tried to talk to him...
- Corporal Hallam!
Get up! Stand up!
I'm talking to you!
Now listen to me, Hallam.
I'm going to say this once and once only,
so you'd better pay attention.
You're feeling pretty sorry for yourself.
Well, so are the rest of us.
But we just don't curl up and die.
That's too easy, Hallam.
Do you hear me?
Men like you just make it harder
for the rest of us.
You sit there moping while the others
work to keep you alive.
Tomorrow morning,
you're going out on the working party
and you're going to
be made to work hard.
I've no use for shirkers, and there's
no room for self-pity here. Understand?
- Do you understand?
- Yes, sir.
- Go on, then, tell me you do.
- What?
Tell me that you understand.
- I understand, sir.
- Louder!
I understand, sir!
I hope you do.
Mail. As you all know,
your mail's down on the wharf.
Those sacks, sir.
It can't be... It's the mail!
The mail!
The flaming mail's in!
Well, obviously
no-one's going to get any tonight.
- You had quite an excursion, I see.
- They took us to the wharf.
- My wife?
- She's well.
She looked a little tired, but well.
Oh, I... I borrowed this.
- There's a couple of crates coming off.
- Yes, they were with the mail.
That is all. Leave them!
Back to your huts!
Quicker, quicker! Come on!
Speed up!
- What are those boxes?
- I don't know.
Was there anything on them?
Marking, writing?
I confess I never looked.
I'm sorry. I suppose I should've.
I can't seem to keep track of what is
and what isn't important in our lives.
Forgive me, Paul. It's just that if they
are radio spares, we have to know.
- Mail's up!
- Only we haven't got it yet.
I tried to grab a fistful,
but Charlie Chan trod on my hand.
I can't believe it!
A letter from the old girl!
Was there anything stencilled
on those boxes?
Boxes? Oh, yeah.
Neumann and Co, Singapore.
- Radio spares.
- Could be.
Boxes were lighter than they looked.
Could be lots of shavings.
Was there anything else?
Dispatch papers for the Japs?
No, nothing.
- Where's Van Elst?
- He's working out there.
I want to see him
as soon as he gets back.
How about that?
No mail for 12 months and
he's worried about dispatch papers.
- Maybe nobody writes to him.
- You've got something there, Pommy.
Van Elst?
- Any news? Anything?
- Only static.
- Dutchy, mail's up.
- That's wonderful.
Van Elst!
Forgot to tell you, teacher wants you.
- The man's a madman.
- Your move, Beattie.
- So, there's nothing new?
- The same.
- You know they brought the mail up?
- Tom just told me.
They also brought
two wooden boxes
from Neumann and Company,
- Radio spares!
- Now they've got the parts,
how long will it take them
to get the set working again?
Three or four hours.
I did a good job, you know.
They've just taken the boxes across.
It'll be dark in an hour.
That leaves me a good two hours.
I hate to bundle you
with all this responsibility, Dutch.
I'm the best damn radio buster
on Blood Island.
And also the only other one
who knows the situation.
What situation?
So I was right.
You are keeping something from us.
I didn't hear you knock.
How dare you behave in this
high-handed, dictatorial manner!
I dare because I am the officer
commanding here.
You think you have the right
to behave just how you please,
riding roughshod
over people better qualified than you.
There's only one person
capable of handling Yamamitsu.
- And that's you.
- I'm a trained diplomat.
I know how to deal with the Japanese.
Is that the general opinion?
- Well... why pick on me?
- I see.
- I'm going to tell them.
- Is that wise?
I'm going to take a chance.
Come in, all of you.
You too, Paul.
If it's a council of war,
you won't need me.
I've always come to you
about everything, Paul.
This is one thing I haven't told you. Maybe
it's the one thing I should've told you.
All right.
Dutch, take that window.
Shields, the back one.
you all know that
eventually Yamamitsu will be
hunted down by the Allies
and hanged as a war criminal.
He was guilty of crimes in Burma
and the Philippines
long before he was hand-picked
for this job.
You all know this.
So does Yamamitsu.
He also knows that he's got
nothing left to lose
by perpetrating every form
of murder and sadism.
Twice Yamamitsu has told me,
quite dispassionately,
that he will murder every man,
woman and child on this island
and raze both camps to the ground
if Japan loses the war.
Two days ago, Van Elst received
some news on his radio,
news that I decided should be kept
a top secret between he and I.
Maybe I was wrong,
so I'm going to tell you now.
Gentlemen, I have to inform you
that the war is over.
Two days ago, Japan surrendered.
So far, we've kept the news
from Yamamitsu.
- Patrol is coming!
- My bloody oath!
Bow nicely, boys,
for your flippin' mail.
- I can't read my old woman's writing.
- You'll have plenty of time to decipher.
The last one I got was a seed catalogue,
followed me right through Burma.
All right, settle down now.
Salute Japanese flag!
Aye aye. Here comes the butcher.
Down we go again, boys.
This is making me seasick.
Colonel Yamamitsu say last night
prisoners interfere with radio.
Colonel very cross.
Now we take steps to punish.
Colonel Yamamitsu now take six hostages.
You... you...
You, you, you, you. Speed up!
You do good things,
hostages all right.
You do bad things,
hostages executed.
Colonel Yamamitsu
now punish prisoners
for all bad things done
last two, three weeks.
You light.
Speed up!
Speed up!
Working party, now listen to me!
I feel just the same as you do,
but we've got
to take it out on that sand.
So save your energy.
Sergeant Major, working party, out!
Working party, forward.
Come on.
Must be from the mainland.
- I suppose it couldn't possibly be...
- You've got a hope!
- Ours or theirs, it means trouble.
- Wherever he's come from, the pilot'll know.
And there's no-one
to stop him talking.
I'm praying, Paul.
I'm praying the pilot's dead.
Hey! Hey!
Hey! Wait for me!
Oil pipe fractured.
I had to go off course,
I had to jump for it.
Hey! Wait a minute!
You can't take me prisoner any more!
You guys must be crazy!
Listen, you yellow-bellies, didn't
anybody tell you? The war's over!
It's all over!
They blew the whistle! It's all over!
Look, haven't you got it through
your thick skulls yet?
You can't push people around any more.
The war's over! You lost!
They don't understand you.
They can't speak English.
Didn't see you there, chum.
What happened?
Don't worry about me.
The war. You mustn't tell the Japs.
- Don't tell them the war is over.
- But it is.
What's your name?
- Keiller. Dr Keiller.
- Okay, doc.
Now just take it easy,
save your strength.
- Is this it?
- This is the women's camp.
- Women's camp?
- My wife's in there.
- I've got to see her!
- Look, doc.
Help me to see her.
Just to say goodbye.
- They're gonna shoot me anyway.
- You'll never make it!
Katie... Katie! Katie!
- Katie!
- Darling! My...
- Where's Kate?
- Over there. Someone's been shot.
It's Helen, she's dying.
She's dropped into a coma,
but there still may be a chance.
Come on.
She's gone, Kate.
Mrs Keiller, that man out there,
he your husband, no?
- This woman died of cholera.
- Cholera?
- Better inform the Commandant.
- Cholera, yes.
- Perhaps I find a doctor for cholera.
- Yes, find a doctor.
- Hunt him out, catch him, and beat him.
- Kate.
Find a doctor. And when you've
starved him and broken him, shoot him.
- You dare to speak to...
- Get out of here! We don't want you!
Oh! All right, put her on the bed.
They've brought someone back.
- That's an American uniform.
- Looks like trouble, doesn't it?
Colonel Yamamitsu will come soon.
I must ask certain questions.
- Your name?
- Bellamy, Peter Bellamy.
- Please?
- B-E-L-L-A-M-Y.
So sorry. Not used to spell
American names.
Well, you'd better start learning.
- Please?
- Skip it.
- Your rank?
- Lieutenant Commander, US Navy.
- Unit?
- Seventh Fleet.
Your ship?
Lieutenant Commander Peter Bellamy,
US Navy.
Name of ship?
Lieutenant Commander Peter Bellamy,
US Navy.
I asked name of ship.
Name of aircraft carrier.
Lieutenant Commander Peter Bellamy.
Still need the rest?
Just hit me. That's all, just hit me.
Colonel Yamamitsu say,
why you fly above our camp?
- Lieutenant Commander Peter Bellamy...
- Quiet! You are insolent!
We ask all questions again.
What ship, please?
Working party, dismiss.
No! No dismiss!
Prisoners stay here, in line.
You say, quick.
- As you were.
- You! Back! Back!
Sergeant Major, get them in line.
Keep them here.
Colonel Lambert,
Commandant order everyone on parade.
Soon, please.
- They know.
- Not necessarily.
They want us on parade.
They want us.
Hostages, out!
Oh, my God!
Colonel Yamamitsu say, both
prisoners who run away now dead.
As you see, Dr Keiller now shot.
Next time, hostages will be shot.
- You may dismiss.
- All right, dismiss.
Hostages, burial party.
I don't understand. If they don't know
the war's over, why don't they?
Why hasn't the pilot told them?
Maybe he did.
They didn't believe him.
Lambert, I can't take it.
I can't take any more of this.
You saw Keiller out there.
- In 48 hours that'll be all of us.
- Easy, cobber.
Day after tomorrow their boat comes in
from the mainland with more dispatches.
We'll have to stop them,
like we did the last...
Let me go to Yamamitsu,
tell him what we know,
throw ourselves on his mercy.
We've seen three years
of his mercy, Beattie.
Oh, for heaven's sake, Lambert,
I have a wife and child
in the camp at Nangdong.
- What have they done to deserve this?
- We're trying to save them, Beattie.
- He'll kill them if he finds out!
- The chief's right, you know.
- He's been dead bloody right all along.
- Oh, God.
Well, I'd better go
and start to get rations.
We're going to have to
break curfew as it is.
New prisoner. Peter Bellamy,
Lieutenant Commander, US Navy.
Get him over there.
Take it easy. Okay.
Give him a breather. Okay.
Hup. Turn him around.
- Gave you quite a facial, didn't they?
- I'm fine.
- I could use a drink, though.
- I'll be proud to buy you one.
- I suppose the war is over?
- Everywhere but here.
Get my wash bowl, Dawes.
Do they know it's over?
- Not from me, they don't.
- What'll it be? Scotch or rye?
One lukewarm chlorinated water,
coming up.
- You mean you don't tell them?
- Nope.
Why not?
- Fella named Keiller told me don't.
- You met Keiller?
I was there when it happened.
- He said to talk to Lambert.
- I'm Lambert.
- Can you take this?
- Yeah, I guess so.
Clean up his back.
Hey, what's going on around here?
You guys running
your own private war?
We're trying desperately
to avert a massacre.
Holy cow!
Look at that bloody madman!
Beattie, come back.
- You can't do anything, sir.
- He's got to be stopped.
You'll only stop a bullet.
It's after curfew.
- There's still time.
- No. Back.
I wish to see Colonel Yamamitsu
on a matter of extreme urgency.
Colonel always see
important person like His Excellency.
This way, please.
Dawes, get all the senior NCOs
in here immediately.
- Hold it. He's fallen.
- So sorry.
His Excellency
tripped over humble foot.
Ancient Japanese sport.
Get him inside before I shoot him.
Come on.
- Do you still want the NCOs, sir?
- No.
No, I think for the moment,
we've been reprieved.
Look, Father,
you don't have to stay here.
I shan't break out again.
- If you'd rather I left...
- I know, I'm to be watched.
I'm under arrest, aren't I?
I'm not watching you,
but I'm afraid if I go,
Major Dawes will be in,
- and I thought perhaps you'd prefer...
- Yes, yes, of course, of course.
I don't blame them. I blame myself.
What can I do, Father?
What can I do?
I, er... I try to get
consolation from prayer.
How can I believe in prayer
when all this goes on?
Violence and evil existed before
we came to Blood Island, my son.
I wish I had your faith.
Sakamura tells me I go to Nangdong
for another burial tomorrow.
What shall I tell your wife?
Tell her... tell her I love her
very dearly.
Ask her to kiss the boy.
Don't... don't tell her anything else.
You should turn in
and get some sleep.
Lambert wants you to sleep here.
He's taking your bed.
Now, you see? We're here,
the women's camp, here.
This is a two-mile strip of estuary
between us and the mainland.
That's about where I went off course.
The Sixth Fleet is due south.
This is mostly jungle.
But about four or five miles inland
there's a Malayan village.
They're partisans.
They have a transmitter.
Through them,
we could get word to Singapore.
- Keiller was heading for that village?
- Yeah.
He and his wife
were the only two who knew of it.
That's why I had to send Keiller.
Young Peters was the fittest one
to go with him.
- Lord! Is he alone?
- He's going to sleep.
All right, Dawes.
Leave him alone.
Two miles isn't very wide
if we could make a raft.
There isn't time to make anything.
The dispatch boat arrives tomorrow.
Every second counts now.
Well, what's the next move?
I'm telling you this,
so that if I don't get through,
you'll all know as much as I do.
I'm going to leave the island here
and try to swim across to here.
- You? With that leg of yours?
- You're not going anywhere.
- It's mad.
- You can't even speak Malayan. I can.
Listen, if anyone's going, it's me.
- I'm fitter than any of you.
- Correction.
- If it's a question of fitness...
- You? Just look at you!
- This is just superficial.
- What do you know about the jungle?
You wouldn't last a night.
I'm trying to point out
that I'm the only one here
who's had a square meal
in the last three years.
- And just what was the last one?
- Southern fried chicken,
- and a quart of ice cream.
- A quart of ice cream.
- So, that's settled.
- Listen, you dim-witted Yank.
- Just because you think you won the war...
- Look, you sheep-dipping Limey,
- all I'm trying to point out...
- Gentlemen, I'm impressed with your enthusiasm,
but may I remind you
that I am in command here
and it's for me to give the orders.
I'm breaking out of this camp
tomorrow night,
and leaving Van Elst in command.
- What time's your burial, Paul?
- Daybreak. Are you sure?
Quite sure, Paul. Now, I want this message
delivered through Mrs Beattie.
Listen carefully. It's the most
vital message you've ever passed.
- But in your condition...
- No buts, Paul.
I want Kate Keiller to under the water
tower tomorrow night at 9 o'clock.
I'll shall be waiting for her
in the trees opposite the tower.
She's to be ready to come with me.
One hand across her face like this,
and it means that I'll know
she can get out by herself.
Two hands across
and I'll have to go in and get her.
You've got to do it, Paul.
I wonder what the Latin
is for "water tower".
- Where's Mrs Beattie?
- Speak only from the book.
- But Mrs Beattie's usually...
- From book!
"O God, whose property is ever
to have mercy and to spare..."
"...whose property is ever
to have mercy and to spare..."
- Hey, Bellamy.
- What?
- Slow.
- What?
Slow. We haven't all had
chicken and ice cream.
Oh, sure, sure. Slow, slow.
- What are we making here, anyway?
- Airstrip.
The war's over
and I'm making a Jap airstrip.
- What was that, Yank?
- I... I made a funny, Limey.
Didn't make me laugh.
Oh, knock off!
That road at the top.
Which way is Nangdong?
Left. Why?
I'm getting out of here.
- You can't do that.
- What's happening?
I'm making a break for it.
Wish me luck, Limey.
- Help me. Push!
- Bellamy, you can't!
- Bellamy, they have hostages.
- Come on.
Go back! Go back!
They will shoot the hostages.
It's six lives against everybody's.
You don't have to come.
- After this, they shoot me anyway.
- Shh!
Dutch! Dutch! Back!
You'll never make it!
Hello, Tommy. Like a cigarette?
- War is over now.
- Over?
Yes. All go home. No more war.
Have a cigarette.
Can I have one?
Come on. Get in.
There's two bends
past that next one.
Then the Nangdong roadblock,
about a mile.
- Is it level through there?
- Level enough.
Well, we've got a long wait
till 9 o'clock.
We have also got eight cigarettes.
You'd better gen me up on this layout.
Listen, here's us.
The road winds twice, the roadblock.
We can cut through this piece
and come out on the side
of the Nangdong compound
right opposite the water tower.
How come you know
this territory so well?
I used to grow rubber here.
- Had a nice home once.
- Yeah? Where?
- Yamamitsu lives there now.
- The camp?
Is it safe to smoke?
Two more prisoners escaped today.
As promised,
you will now be executed.
As senior NCOs, you have to know.
Well, there it is.
I'm sorry to have to tell you with
one breath that the war is over
and with the next that we're all liable
to be massacred at any moment.
I know my actions must've seemed
pretty irresponsible to you.
But now you know why.
So far, we've kept the news
from Yamamitsu.
I'd say you've worked a miracle, sir.
Well, it can't last forever.
Any moment now
the news is going to seep through,
and when it does, we've got to be
prepared to put up a bloody good fight.
- You can rely on us, sir.
- I hope I can.
Unfortunately, two of my senior officers
have seen fit to disobey my orders today.
I hope for better cooperation
from you.
- What do we fight with, sir?
- At first,
anything you can lay your hands on.
- And these.
- Grenades!
They've been in
the sanitation pit for three years,
so they're pretty corroded.
Better not hang on too long
after the pin's out.
First objectives
are the machine-gun towers,
one lobbed in each.
- And then?
- Kill as many Japs as you can
before they kill us.
When does all this start, sir?
Tomorrow, the next day,
depends on circumstances.
But I'll give you the signal
and you won't mistake it.
Meantime, get the men to
manufacture all the weapons they can
out of anything they can find.
Bludgeons, knives, knuckledusters,
razors, choppers, the lot.
But keep them small.
- Do we tell them why, sir?
- No.
Just tell them they've got to be prepared
to put up the fight of their lives.
- You'd better cut along.
- Sakamura!
- How close?
- Just left the house. Coming this way.
Get that box away.
NCOs, under the bed.
You two, in here.
Colonel Lambert?
- Yes, Captain Sakamura?
- Six prisoners died honourably.
Heads cut off.
That is Japanese chivalry.
You take identity discs.
In morning, take six more hostages,
and this time one from this hut.
All right.
Get them out the back window.
- One from this hut.
- Lambert...
I'd like to volunteer.
I think you've been
through enough as it is.
I'd like to do something,
to be part of the fight.
I know.
Would you trust me
with one of those grenades?
Yes, Beattie. I'd trust you.
- It must be way past nine.
- Something's gone wrong.
If she can't get out,
I'll have to cut a way in.
Under the gun tower.
The lights can't get at me.
Give me a diversion.
One sound and you too.
Mrs Keiller? Kate Keiller? Show me.
Is this it? Open it.
Don't be frightened. I'm here to help.
Lie still. Don't make any noise.
- Which of you is Mrs Keiller?
- I am. Who are you?
- I'm from the other camp.
- What happened to her?
- She was outside with a Jap.
- Was she now? We'll take care of her.
His body's out there.
Better get it before the patrol comes back.
- Bring it in here, Jan, till we can bury it.
- Right. And you can help.
Dig a grave behind the latrines.
Help her.
- You got the message?
- What message?
I have to get to the mainland.
Find that transmitter.
You're the only one left who can help.
- When?
- Now!
- Where do we hide him?
- In her bed.
- No. Please, please.
- Do as you're told.
You'll have to take over, Jan.
I'm going.
- Good luck, Katie.
- You too.
Under the gun tower.
Hug the wire.
Run! Run! Run!
What can you do?
Get in!
- I'm going to be sick.
- Get in!
The wharf, which way to the wharf?
- Better?
- A little.
I'm not as strong as I was.
Save your strength.
You'll need it later.
Isn't there any way
to get off this main road?
Cart tracks to the right...
lead to lower road.
Well, we can't get through
any further. Come on.
At least we've hit the water.
Hit it too far down.
- Means more swim, that's all.
- I can't make it.
- You've got to make it.
- I can't swim that far.
Between the two of us, we can.
Wait a minute.
This will float. Hang on to me.
Kate. Kate.
Kate, you've got to try.
Kate, come on now.
Kate, kick. Kick your legs. Kick.
That's it.
We made it, Kate.
Don't let go, don't let go.
- Leave me here.
- No.
- Leave me.
- No, I need you.
Lead me to the transmitter.
Kate. Kate.
You can't pass out on me now.
Kate, you can't pass out on me now.
Everyone who escaped is caught!
First, Van Elst.
Next we find the American.
Now we take six more hostages!
You. You. You.
And now, Colonel, one from your hut.
Which shall it be?
Good on you, sir. Keep trying.
Captain Sakamura.
Captain Sakamura, I must speak
to you and the Commandant.
You must let me speak.
This is vital, urgent.
- You may speak now.
- No, no, not here.
They'd kill me.
I must tell you inside.
Colonel Yamamitsu must know.
Follow me.
- A grenade would do it, sir.
- No, hold it.
You! Come in.
You won't understand
what I'm saying,
but it doesn't really matter any more.
Two days ago I had a wife.
A wife I loved very dearly.
You murdered her,
just as surely as if you'd machine-gunned
her poor, starved body.
I still have
a five-year-old son at Nangdong.
My last prayer
is that he will live long enough
to forget your vile, inhuman...
Holy cow!
All right. Here we go. Get down.
Get their rifles!
Now, men! Get 'em now!
Get down, Paul!
Get them under cover!
We're clear behind.
Try and reform by the Jap huts.
- Take the brake off.
- The third tower's still firing.
- Couldn't get to it, sir.
- Push, everyone, push!
All right. Rest a minute.
- Suddenly gone quiet.
- Just keep your heads down.
Here they come.
Hold it.
They're trying to draw our fire.
- Sergeant Major, your grenade.
- Yes, sir.
Wait until they're in range.
Now! Break for it!
- It's too late.
- Into the hut.
- In there. We need ammunition.
- Shall I bring the others here?
- Do you think you can make it?
- I'll go round the back.
It's the gun tower.
I've got to get that gun tower.
Have you got any ammunition?
- Yes, sir.
- Keep me covered as far as you can.
There's no ammo anywhere.
I got these off a pile of dead Japs.
- Shields sprayed them from the tower.
- Shields?
Yeah. Don't ask me
how he got up there.
Oh, God.
I just heard, sir, that there wasn't
a shot fired at Nangdong.
Thank you, Dawes.
It took great courage for him
to make that decision.
It's going to take even more courage
for him to live with it.