The Candidate (1972)

We want Neil! We want Neil!
A short time ago...
...our CBS vote profile analysis
declared Bingam the winner...
...and now NBC and ABC
computers agree.
- How is your sister?
- She's fine, thank you.
Jerry! How are you?
I thought you were in Philly.
I came back for the victory speech.
I want you to meet somebody.
Neil, we'd better go down now.
Let him through.
Get in the elevator.
They said when we got into this
we didn't have a chance.
They said there was
nothing we could do.
Now, the count has gone against us...
...whatever that means.
I'm not sorry,
and I hope you're not sorry.
I think we've proved our point.
We may have lost our personal campaign.
That's not important.
What matters....
- Some sauce for the road.
- Next time we'll get a live one.
I knew he didn't have a chance.
- The golf clubs are in my car.
- Let's clear out.
- Big Luke!
- Have a good night?
We took 2 out of 3.
Not bad for an off-year election.
You're glad you didn't
run this campaign, huh?
It was in the cards.
- Hell of a guy, though.
- Yes, nice guy.
He never had a chance.
Luke, I want to talk to you.
We'll keep going until we've licked
the things that brought us into this.
What's your hurry?
I'll walk you out.
We're supposed to see Forbes?
- He wants to talk about California.
- You got something going in California?
The Democrats should nominate Jarmon
themselves, they're so afraid of him.
You never know.
What's this?
- A guy I knew at Stanford.
- McKay's son!
I saw all this stuff, the legal aid bit.
Doesn't prove he's got kishkas.
Nobody will beat Jarmon.
Tell me something else I don't know.
What are these occupation charges
he's talking about?
He's talking about storage charges.
He charges us 3 times what it's worth...
...and wants to charge us
for not getting our car back?
Bill McKay?
Marvin Lucas.
I thought a beard was taboo in politics?
- Excuse me a second.
- He won't budge.
Ask him if he knows
what a license renewal hearing is.
Can we do that?
- What happened?
- They threw me out.
Said it was a matter
for the Federal Courts now.
Go back with a petition--
- We've had 3 months of briefs!
- The watershed thing is too important!
- Can I help you?
- No, I'll wait for McKay.
- They aren't going to move.
- They have to.
- What's it about?
- Senator.
- You have thought about it?
- You know what I see?
A bunch of party hacks
reacting to publicity.
I've talked to people about it.
What do you think of Jarmon?
A smooth character.
You think someone ought to take him on?
- Some bigtime Democrat.
- They're all afraid of him.
You're stuck, then.
Unless we find someone
who has something he believes in.
Whatever that means.
Someone to tell people
what's important.
Not that way he doesn't.
Not in any political campaign.
It doesn't have to work that way.
Don't tell me.
I watched my dad for 20 years.
It was no good?
Yes, it was good for him.
He got to be governor. What good it did
for anybody else, though, I don't know.
I'm not talking about him.
I mean someone
who can call his own shots.
This stuff you call politics...
...politics is bullshit!
I was wondering what it was.
I have to go home for about an hour.
Janice, did Nancy drop the car off?
Did she call?
I can drive you home.
I'll wait outside.
No, these have to be signed...
...then just give them to Donna.
You could go on filing lawsuits
in the sticks for 100 years...
...or take a year and lay out a real
position for yourself in this state.
Hi, kid.
Marvin Lucas,
this is my wife, Nancy.
- Don't let us interrupt.
- You want a beer?
Here you go.
Some goodies.
Contacts, for example...
...people who can get things done.
It's a matter of resources.
I just worked through the weekend,
20 straight hours...
...and I loved it. Why do I need
what you offer? I'm happy.
Clams are happy.
What'd you accomplish?
You want a list?
You saved some trees.
- You got a clinic opened.
- No good?
- You feel good?
- Not bad!
Jarmon sits on committees
carving up the land, oil and taxes!
You seen him?
Have you ever seen him operate?
What's in it for you?
An air card, a phone card,
a thousand bucks a week.
That's all?
Marvin wants me to go into politics.
What else is new?
What office?
Why not, if he really
put his mind to it.
That means you'd have to register.
- He never has.
- There hasn't been any reason.
I hope you keep that a secret.
Unless you took it seriously.
The point is you can go
with the things you believe in.
For openers, you've got credibility.
You've got the name.
The name? You're not
bringing my father into this.
He's got the looks.
And he's got the power.
What does that mean?
- You know what that means.
- No, I don't.
If you gentlemen will excuse me...
...I have to remove some film
from the bathtub.
You're saying I can say what I want,
do what I want, go where I please?
That's right.
Here's your guarantee.
I lose.
That's it.
So what are you worried about?
You're free, McKay. You don't have
a chance, so say what you want.
It's between you and the public.
The question is whether
you can put your ass on the line.
No, the question is
whether it's worth it.
Thanks for the beer.
But I remember this:
I remember my mom and dad...
...went through the 1930's without
welfare, without poverty programs.
None of us kids
even had a social worker.
How did we do it?
Ladies, excuse me,
but we worked our butts off!
But I tell you this, good people,
that Crocker Jarmon still believes...
...that individuals are
responsible for themselves.
And so does the vast majority
of the American people.
And that's why we're going
to tell Big Brother to get lost!
The solution to welfare
is not more welfare!
It's more enterprise,
more industry, and more jobs.
There are those who
say to industry, don't build...
...don't cut a single tree or you'll
destroy our watershed, and so on...
...but when the time comes
for building, we will build...
...because building means jobs.
And we will find a way
to love Mother Nature...
...and preserve her...
...without going to extremes.
You think I'm mean?
If I am, I've spent the last 18 years
in the Senate being a meanie...
...and, if need be, I will spend
another 18 years working... keep this country
healthy and growing...
...and moving into the future!
You old devil! I wish I could,
but you know, the old ball and chain.
- Harry Rich.
- Harry, how's business?
- Fine!
- Good!
Senator Jarmon,
remember our little Toddy?
Hello there, Toddy.
He's an ugly little cuss!
My daddy thinks you should
run for Vice President.
Get this child to a violin!
Remember me?
Sure! How's the throwing arm?
I'm married!
And rolling.
Today, at 10 o'clock,
I filed the papers to enter my name... the Democratic primary as a
candidate for the U.S. Senate.
Because the incumbent isn't in touch
with how people live, or what they need.
That's what I do as a lawyer
and what I hope to do as a candidate.
How do you feel about welfare?
We subsidize trains, we subsidize
planes. Why not subsidize people?
What's your stand on it?
I'm for it.
That's a first!
What about property taxes?
I don't know.
What's your platform?
What "platform"?
Would you move over there
with your office staff?
Sorry. Any other questions?
Why not stand with your staff?
They're not responsible for me.
I dig it! It's raw, but I eat it up.
A lot of work to be done, but I feel
you know where you're going.
I don't.
No, honey.
I told you, five to the party.
One more and we got to use another car
so we blow the whole conversation.
Bill's concerned about our control
over which of your commercials...
...will go on TV.
Luke has worked with me before.
He knows I checked you out too.
The truth is, I like what you stand for.
You've got balls,
or I wouldn't take you on.
So we take my crew,
you do your thing, and that's it.
You get it on with the people.
I'll worry about the cameras.
I'll show my stuff,
you'll see I if sold you out.
But I have final say, though.
You don't like it, you pull it.
It's your money, my friend.
That fair?
We'll see.
I'll tell you one thing.
Tell me one thing.
You might just make it, my friend.
People will look at our stuff
and see a guy with guts.
They'll look at the Crock and think
he can't get it up anymore.
That's what it's all about?
Forget I said it.
I want to show you something.
Look at this.
I've got something for you.
My friends, the issue is
whether we are going to...
...hold onto the most successful
philosophy in the history of mankind...
...or whether we'll trade it.
Trade it in for a collectivist state.
You see that?
He works from a staged pose.
How many politicians can look
in the camera without looking shifty?
This philosophy is the work....
Corny, right? But watch.
It's what he wants.
He's a master.
...that has made this nation great.
But we will not continue in greatness...
...unless we resolve
to protect our way of life.
Crocker Jarmon,
he's been good for California.
Think about it, my friends.
This has been a political message--
We'll call him "Mr. Geritol."
You'll be "I'm-my-own-man."
For starters, we have to
cut your hair and 86 the sideburns.
All right, let's go.
Crocker Jarmon has
spoken with you often.
Crocker Jarmon has fought
to make this country sound.
I think we must have
the money on its way in...
...before we send it out the other end.
This was 12 years ago, being the "man of
the people." He goes any way he wants.
Crocker Jarmon has fought
to make this country strong.
...who is one of the greatest generals
in United States history...
...General Eisenhower.
And no one...
...hates war more than a military man.
There may come a day when
China should enter the U.N....
...but they must earn this entrance.
Let's keep America strong and sound.
The guy has sincerity.
There's nothing new in the world,
except maybe you.
The idea is to get you
in completely natural situations.
Honey, hold all my calls for 5 minutes.
Follow them.
Not too close.
Go shake some hands.
Say hello.
I'm Bill McKay,
running for U.S. Senate.
I'm running for U.S. Senate.
- What are you trying to do?
- I'm trying to talk to you.
What about?
How the economy throws everything
on the backs of working men.
High interest rates,
rents, food costs...
...rise faster than your paychecks.
People think if you've got a union
you've got it made.
They do?
But you still get laid off, don't you?
I've got to go now.
Take it easy.
Hello, Bill McKay.
Running for U.S. Senate.
You better hurry or
we'll be late for the banquet.
We don't have very much time.
Would you hand me that earring?
Let's go for a walk on the beach.
In your tux?
We could talk or something.
Come on.
- We'll talk on the way to the banquet.
- Or not go to it.
- I just want to talk to you.
- Don't do this!
They cut your hair!
Let me see it.
I really like it.
Turn. Let me see it.
I wrote down some stuff for you.
You want to go over it?
No, I got it.
Okay then, on to the ballroom!
All right, I'll do my part.
Have you met?
I really can't say because
I haven't been in town too long.
Moving right along,
I see we have one more candidate.
I happen to know this man personally... I welcome this opportunity
to say some words about him.
I can say to you, unequivocally...
...he is the only man
in California who... his age, has already
had experience in higher office.
They used to change his diapers there.
I know he looks a little young
to be present tonight.
Don't worry.
He's got a note from his teacher.
I don't really mean that.
He is a fresh new talent.
Because two weeks ago he was
discovered on a stool in Schwab's.
Seriously, folks, you better watch
your step when he comes out here.
He's a man who shoots from the hip
and a man who's hip when he shoots.
Join me... welcoming Mr. Bill McKay!
Don't get my notes messed up.
I've got to wrap it up.
I guess it is pretty funny.
In fact, when you think about it...
...the idea of two guys making decisions
for 20 million people is pretty funny.
Still, you can't laugh too much
when you think what's at stake.
In the next few elections we'll decide
what living will be like in our country.
Great. Cut.
We've got all we need.
Whether people will have more power... shape their own lives...
...or whether we're going
to lose that power.
I know that anyone can stand up
and say that much.
The details are hard.
Just how you get people involved.
Our lives are more and more determined
by forces that overwhelm the individual.
I don't know.
Maybe these questions can't be
raised in a political campaign.
Maybe people aren't ready to listen.
But I'm going to try,
and I hope you'll support that effort.
And at least, give me the
benefit of the doubt. Thank you.
Your speech was wonderful.
I enjoyed every moment of it.
- You'll be a wonderful senator.
- Thank you.
Mrs. McKay, you're lovely!
Of all the candidates' wives...'re the loveliest.
A pleasure to meet you.
You look lovely too.
Thank you.
- What's the pin?
- Our Laborers International pin.
- I'm sorry?
- The Laborers International pin.
How do you do.
I love your dress.
Thank you very much.
I've heard it all before but never
put quite like that. You're great.
Mr. Medina?
You were with your wife.
I remember.
I have a perfect memory.
You didn't know that.
Did you enjoy the speech?
As for credibility... I understand it, it depends on
whether you mean what you say.
You say you wouldn't
draw the line in Vietnam.
Just where do you propose
to stand up against the Communists?
On the beaches in Santa Monica?
That depends on the circumstances.
There's no set answer for that one.
Hold it. That's honest,
but it leaves us nowhere.
- But it's not a serious question.
- They'll ask it tomorrow in Long Beach.
- You got an answer for him, Cory?
- You could say Japan or India.
Countries with certain governments
which legitimately request our help.
You're speech writing. This is
practice for a TV interview.
A lot of people in this state still
expect an invasion in Pasadena.
Then we'll fight them in the Rose Bowl!
That's not funny.
I can kill myself, I suppose.
He could refer them to
our foreign policy position paper.
What position paper?
I'll have it written soon.
Hold on!
What am I here for?
I've got it.
Will you shut up?
McKay says he will not let them
land on the beaches of Santa Monica...
...because the parking problem
is bad enough already.
Okay, that's it.
Thank God for small favors.
Okay, that's it.
It never hurts to toss one off.
Does he really want to say that?
Next question.
What's your view of legalized abortion?
Good question.
I think every woman
should have that right.
You can't put it that way.
It's what I think.
It won't be understood without
explaining, so how about this for now?
Just say it's worth studying.
I'll think about it.
Mr. McKay. Bill.
Your father hasn't talked about
your campaign. Is he sitting it out?
Say it again.
Is he sitting out your campaign?
I'm running on my own hook.
- That's all for now, fellas.
- The hell with it.
I said that's all!
When it's for real, we must give
more consideration to his appearance.
We got a stand set up.
Pull up behind it.
I don't want to drive up in this tank.
Stop here.
Good idea.
He'll go on foot.
I don't know what good this will do.
It's good for him.
Folks, meet Bill McKay, running for
U.S. Senate. Would you step up here?
Hi, Red.
Could I have a sip?
Do you do this often?
That's great,
if you ran for alderman.
I'm not running for alderman.
Then what are you doing down here?
Like the leaflet says...
...I'm here because
I'm running for Senator.
I wanted to come today...
...because I spent time
around here a few years ago.
In those days you could swim here...
...before they turned this harbor
into a chemistry set.
In those days there was a
beach there, where that parking lot is.
Coming out here used to be
something pretty special.
Today it wasn't so special.
I look around this beach.
- You know what I see?
- Freaks!
You know it!
I see lost people.
Maybe I am middle class, in a way.
But I didn't find that out today.
I found it out helping people
make sure their kids have enough to eat.
This is good!
- We'll use the pollution angle.
- I'll speed it up.
Maybe we can use some lines
out of context. Look what he says:
Instead of building atomic reactors,
you could clean up every river.
And instead of drilling for oil....
Too much!
I've got union problems already.
- How fast do you need these spots?
- June, so we don't waste money.
- We could fire the Board of Regents.
- How can a Senator do that?
- It's meaningless.
- Sounds good.
- Anything else?
- It will cut together.
Wait till we get the stuff at Watts.
Trust me.
This way please, gentlemen.
We're going to proceed 5 blocks
to our Watts headquarters.
Could Jarmon
walk through Watts?
Will your father join the campaign?
Whether he does or not,
I know what's basic for the ghetto.
It's a scandal.
There's no hospital.
There's no on-the-job training
for medical aides.
Excuse me.
There's no housing program... public transportation,
no birth control centers.
Tell it, brother!
So what else is new?
Gentlemen, there will be a cookout
in the park at 3:00 p.m.
- Hey, brother!
- How you doing?
You're the golden wonder of the West!
- I wouldn't say that.
- But what do you think of my dog?
- That's a fine dog.
- Give me five!
That's my man.
But look here, what about my dog?
What do you think about my dog?
- A fine dog.
- Get out of here.
Now what have we here?
Excuse us.
Why are you so eager to debate Jarmon?
Because I think the people should
be able to decide for themselves.
What's that mean?
Peace and up yours!
Look at that! You used to
play ball, didn't you, Bill?
Come on, shoot a few.
Be fast, Bill.
Hey, look at this!
Three columns in the Chronicle.
God said it! God means it!
Repent of all sins!
At McKay campaign headquarters,
they're celebrating his primary victory.
A winner like his famous father,
he's assumed a strong lead...
...over a field of virtual unknowns
in the Democratic senatorial primary.
Your victory was predicted.
Was it any sort of surprise?
Everything that happens
is a surprise to me.
Your power, your glory
Has set in the West
The voters are shouting
"McKay is the best!"
Get on the horn to Mrs. York.
She'll only talk to you.
She's on the phone?
Natalie Wood is here.
We need some pictures.
I don't know how long I can hold her.
I'd like you to meet Bill McKay.
And this is Nancy McKay.
This is my wife, Nancy.
Thanks for the campaign dinners
that you've hosted.
It's a pleasure.
I admire what you stand for.
Do you like health food?
- Yes, I do. Do you?
- Yeah, I like strawberries.
- Do you like yogurt?
- I'm Arthur Fleischer.
We met at the peace seminar
in Santa Barbara.
I'm on a leave of absence to
work on foreign policy aspects of....
- That's wonderful.
- It's very interesting.
Arthur, you're needed over here.
You know what to do.
Buy plain yogurt.
- Add the strawberries.
- You just throw it in.
We've got to get on the phone.
Nice to meet you.
- What's her name?
- York.
I know.
Thank you.
I hope so too. Bye.
That's it. I don't know her name,
but she's sending a check.
- I must talk with you.
- I'm your coordinator from San Pedro.
I'm really sorry.
We need the room.
Can we get in here? Can you
get that later? Wait right here.
Have you seen these figures,
the breakdown?
You want me to look at these now?
- Here, look. You can still read it.
- I got it.
I'm a little disappointed.
Why? I've got 47%
of the primary field.
But if you look at the projection, it
adds up to 32% in the election.
If those figures hold until November,
it will be Jarmon 68, McKay 32.
I thought I was supposed to lose.
I'm telling you you'll be wiped out.
You'll be humiliated.
- That wasn't part of the deal.
- Somebody is in here!
- Maybe I should quit.
- You can't.
- Go back.
- Don't be ridiculous.
You can't go back. You're the
Democratic nominee for senator.
That sounds
like a death sentence.
That means you're just reaching
the people who agree with you already.
We need the rest.
What's that mean?
It means more in terms of TV.
Like what?
I already agreed to the....
Get out of here!
Look, we've just started.
So there's a chance.
I can't think.
Can't we talk tomorrow?
I'll go along to Pasadena
and we'll talk in the car.
Let's work this out.
We will.
Californian Bill McKay remembers...
...what kind of state we had
before polluters took over.
Taking some gas and oil taxes... could clean up this harbor,
get some real law enforcement...
...on that dump across the bay.
Let's put it together
and give California another chance.
For a better way,
Bill McKay!
I feel that a lot of the politicians...
...don't talk to the people.
There's no dialogue.
People don't listen...
...and the politicians don't talk.
They make sounds. It's just noise.
I think the government has
overlooked that one point.
Bill McKay wants to make
our system work...
...for all of us.
To put real faith and hope
back into government...
...for a better way in the U.S. Senate,
Bill McKay.
To tackle the problems...
...of the 1970's, we need
all the strength a young man can give.
Bill McKay has it.
The conviction to push
for real solutions for...
...unemployment, poverty and crime.
The will to put action back
into the United States Senate... fight special interests...
...on behalf of all the people
of California.
For a better way, Bill McKay.
- They're awfully good.
- Thanks, Howard.
It comes at a good time.
What happened to the bit
about the health clinics?
You want health clinics?
I'll give you health clinics.
I'm Bill McKay. I'm running for U.S.
Senate. I'd like to ask you a question.
They don't respond.
What about what I'm saying?
What about it?
- That's totally unacceptable.
- What do you know about this?
If we can afford
to put a man on the moon...
...we can put health clinics
in every city in this state!
It will help create more jobs too.
We can start training people for medical
careers, right in their own community.
Grim scene, baby.
Grim scene.
You're off into other issues.
You look uptight. Nobody is listening
and nobody is digging you.
Aside from that though,
it's a great bit.
So the money bill
now goes to committee.
Despite continued dryness
and the threat of new fires... was politics as usual
around the state today.
Crocker Jarmon campaigned in
Long Beach where he visited the Rams...
...with a present for the coach.
I was just presenting the coach
with a copy of Life Magazine...
...because they have it in this
issue on the newsstands today... much it meant
when, in the locker room...
...with my little grandson, Dickie,
we saw all those big tough guys...
...on their knees...
Shooting crap! a simple moment of prayer.
You should get some sleep.
- This TV stuff isn't working.
- Give it a chance.
I'm not talking to anyone,
and I'm not saying anything.
You're showing your face.
That's what we have to sell first.
Take a little glance at these polls
Klein had done in key counties.
In every one you were up 3 to 4 points.
You know what I'm going to do?
Learn about economics?
I'm going to challenge Jarmon
to a crapshoot.
Crapshoot is a matter
of individual enterprise.
Crapshoot made this country great.
God made this country great.
God shoots crap.
My little grandson saw Him.
Get off.
There's been a change of plan.
What about the group in San Diego?
Never mind, we've got a fire
in Malibu. It's perfect.
I'm looking down at
a major brush and forest fire.
It looks to be about
a 30 square mile area...
...on both sides of the mountain.
There's the ABC helicopter.
The wire service must be there.
We can hit him on 3 points. The fire
disaster insurance, watershed stuff...
...and fire prevention program.
I want to do the watershed.
Fires like this come from neglect.
These people are losing their homes!
Their companies won't underwrite them.
Jarmon is against the federal
government getting into it.
Don't make it an issues thing. It'll
look like making political capital.
We're not making political capital.
Don't hit them over the head with it.
Start with the watershed,
and then go into insurance, okay?
We've lost 40 homes so far.
To me this is a result of
what we've been talking about.
And that is when you
erode the watershed...
...with indiscriminate
road building and development... lose the root system
that keeps the water in the ground...
...drying the brush out.
You know who that is?
Smokey the Bear.
Attention, please!
The Senator has a statement.
Hit him with the debate.
- I'm still hoping to debate you.
- I don't blame you a bit.
Glad to see you've got your wetsuit on.
Everybody set?
I will make this very brief.
I have been on the phone
with the President.
One hour from now Malibu
will be declared...
...a National Disaster Area.
And I am assured...
...within the next 24 hours...
...this fire will be checked.
Our concern is to make
absolutely certain...
...these disasters
do not occur in the future.
That is why I am very happy to see...
...that Mr. McKay took the trouble
to be here for this announcement.
When I leave here,
I'll fly back to Washington... introduce
the Jarmon Watershed Bill...
...which will include provisions...
...for federally financed
disaster insurance.
I think I can guarantee
swift passage of that bill...
...through the Senate Finance Committee,
because I happen to be Chairman.
We are doing all we can...
...and I want to add my personal thanks
to all the heroic volunteers...
...who've risked their lives
in this holocaust... save the homes of their neighbors.
Your actions and your efforts
have been an inspiration to us all.
So I say good-bye,
God bless you and good luck.
- Do you have a statement?
- What's your reaction?
What about the Watershed Bill?
I haven't read the bill.
Sounds like a good proposal.
Look, it's an emergency.
I welcome any action at all.
Mr. Jarmon...
...says he's taking
his case to the public.
Then why does he refuse
to meet me in open debate?
Jarmon is the one!
Mr. Jarmon says
the economy is moving again.
Then why is my San Diego office
filled with people seeking work?
I say there's got to be a better way.
We have to retool some of our industry.
We have to build mass transit...
...and make things that people can use.
I'm sorry,
I'll have it fixed in a second.
It doesn't matter.
Never mind.
I'm sorry, this has got to be lunch.
Jenkin's got 500 farmers in a
high school gym over in Bakersfield.
They're furious about
the whole farm program.
And Jarmon is the one
that got it out of committee.
A better way.
And that way is to subsidize
the small farmer directly...
...rather than pay the huge
agricultural combine to wipe him out.
Are there any questions?
I'd be happy to respond
to anything that's on your minds.
Any comments?
Dirty jokes?
Damn that Jenkin, why couldn't he
phone and say there's no one there?
He probably tried.
Where is he,
off with some farmer's daughter?
You hear Evans and Novak? It'll be in
every paper in the state tomorrow.
- Just leave us alone, please!
- We must counteract this or we're dead.
They want the candidate's statement.
They file in half an hour.
The statement is, it's not true.
We'll give them more tomorrow.
The candidate is not going to
comment until tomorrow. That's it.
- It's not good enough.
- Can I pull the old man from my pocket?
Now get out there and tell them
what you can. And don't come back.
Those giants of journalism,
Evans and Novak...
...have issued a column...
...saying that your dad
is really for Jarmon.
- You're kidding!
- No, it's coming out tomorrow morning.
I'll get more in a minute.
Tom Brokaw and his crew...
...have gone up to
John J's cabin this afternoon.
- They went to his house?
- Operator....
I can just see it!
I can just see him loving it.
"Hello, boys.
Good to see you."
We got to Brokaw and he confirmed it.
We got through to Brokaw and he
confirmed it.
I'm a half hour ahead of you.
Will you get out of here, Wally?
Put somebody on the door. Put on
one of your brilliant advance men.
- All the reporters are on the bus.
- Start the bus then.
And drive them over a cliff.
Honey, where the hell did you go?
I'm sorry.
No, I wasn't cursing you.
I'll wait, operator.
John J. refuses to say
one thing or another.
That makes it look true. We'll have to
look at that on the 6 o'clock news.
- Will you go out and watch the door?
- Talk to me straight.
Okay, honey.
Are you ready?
You'll just have to go talk to him.
It's the only way.
I told you, we don't use him.
Okay, we'll just announce
you're quitting.
Announce whatever you like.
Operator, is the trunk busy
or is her line busy?
- We just need a simple statement.
- Will you get off my back?
- I won't do it. I can't think.
- A denial will keep us for a week.
Anyone want a Coke?
He's in the library.
Hello, Bud.
What the hell!
You know Miss Ford, Bud.
Hello, Mable.
You want a beer?
Johnnie, get this man a beer.
How are you, Bud?
How are you doing?
The old knee kicks up
once in a while.
- When it rains, I guess.
- How's that?
I said, your knee hurts when it rains?
You think that's it?
You see your mother?
I saw her about a month ago.
- She started playing golf.
- She has?
How is she?
She's fine.
That woman will bury me yet!
I wouldn't be surprised.
Oh, you wouldn't?
Did you know that old Bud here
is running for the United States Senate?
That's very good, Bud.
Get him a real drink.
He'll need one.
No thanks.
Get him something.
Have Johnnie fix him a sandwich.
Any man running for the Senate
has to want something.
Right, Bud?
- It's a matter of a statement.
- You want the other gun?
- You don't have to do anything.
- Watch that branch!
- In fact, I really wish you wouldn't.
- Wouldn't what?
Do anything.
Slow down now.
Can you feel it?
Feel what?
Tell me, what does it feel like to run
a campaign in this state these days?
I wouldn't know.
- Did you really run your own campaign?
- Yeah! What do you take me for?
I hear your advance work
is unbelievable.
Hold it!
Will you do it?
I don't know what you said to your dad,
but it sure was a snappy denial.
Bill McKay. I'm running for the U.S.
Senate. It's a cute kid.
Bill McKay. I'm running for the U.S.
Senate. Is this your table?
Hi, girls.
You want to shake hands?
Where's the men's room?
This way.
Excuse me. We got a sneak on the field
poll. We're only eight points behind.
Hell, if we can just
pick up one point a week!
You know, this is
a heaven-sent opportunity.
There's something I've been
meaning to tell you, McKay.
You are shit! And what's more,
you know you're shit!
- And your father was shit before you!
- What's going on?
- You come from a long line of shits!
- Now, hold on.
Just between the two of us.
Am I right or am I right?
Over by the red sailboat,
we have free McKay T-shirts...
...and bumper stickers, buttons,
and also Bill McKay.
Come on.
Let's get through!
Okay, don't crowd.
Everyone's got a chance.
- Sign me. Please sign me!
- That's very nice.
- Please, for a souvenir!
- I don't think I can do that.
- Have a drink. Have a hot dog.
- Thank you.
Grab him!
- What the hell was that?
- You all right?
Now let us through here.
Over to the left.
That's really good.
Those books on the mantel are going
to be a problem. Move them over a bit.
No, all the way off.
That's fine.
What are you doing in my house?
I'm having an affair with your wife.
She said if you came in,
I was to say...
...I was a writer from "Parade,"
but you don't believe that.
This is Mr. Shearer
and this is Mr. Scott.
From "Parade."
I trust this is the beginning
of a lifelong affinity.
The beginning of something, anyhow.
Excuse me a minute?
- What's going on?
- They want a photo in my riding outfit.
I said, would you excuse us a minute,
please, gentlemen?
What is this?
You haven't worn that stuff in years.
Just not in the house!
Get these guys out of here!
I was just trying to do this for you!
For me?
I'm sorry.
For instance, he hasn't come out
with a welfare program.
- If he did, it'd change everything.
- You're so dense!
Don't you see he can't think
what he doesn't feel?
I am talking about
the purely political problem...
...of reassuring the suburban mentality.
When his instinct tells him
to reveal his feelings....
Make sure the men are there
and have equipment.
It's coming on now.
A television commercial
is a way of selling a product.
A candidate's bid for votes should be
a higher order of expression...
...with moral implications
for the kind of people we are...
...and the kind we want to become.
But increasingly,
candidates are merging the two...
...selling themselves
like an underarm deodorant... commercials just long enough
to pound in some mindless slogan...
...that cheapens candidate...
...and voter alike.
But in the California Senate race,
young Bill McKay was different.
He rejected the machine-type politics
by which his father won office...
...and ran a campaign refreshing
in frankness and directness.
But now, with only a month to go,
McKay's ways have visibly changed.
Those early hard statements of his
are turning into mush.
Specific policies dissolve
into old generalities.
The Madison Avenue commercial has
become his means of persuasion.
The voters are being asked
to choose McKay... they choose detergents.
Socko salesmanship... moral considerations involved.
Again, virtue seems too great a strain
for the long haul of the campaign.
- I want to talk.
- Don't take it seriously.
- I do take it seriously.
- It won't hurt us.
This gives us a boost when
he says we're pulling even.
That's the only thing
the average voter's going to get.
- Lynn, you don't understand.
- I do understand.
That's just ducky!
I agree. Right!
Let's hope we don't get killed.
Right. Back to you in the morning.
Jarmon's agreed to a debate.
He thinks he's going to
wipe the floor with you.
On that TV commentary, I didn't go
behind your back, it was your decision.
I'm beginning to wonder.
Yes, my lord?
Jarmon has agreed to a debate.
That's fantastic!
I want nothing coming in
for 15 minutes.
But the board's plugged through.
Get Harry to replug it.
And close the curtains.
Whatever you say.
I'll go negotiate tomorrow. We've got
to pick a panel of questioners.
You've got to be sitting down.
- I've got to find out about lighting--
- Why sitting down?
The man comes on like your father.
We've got to avoid him trying
to make you look like a kid.
I don't give a damn!
I don't want a panel, either.
I just want to say what I came to say.
You can't say too much on TV.
The point was to say what I wanted.
The right way at the right time.
We never discussed a right time.
We never had to because you know--
Don't tell me what I know!
Don't make me!
Let's get this straight. I want to know
what the hell this campaign is!
We've come up 14 points
since we began.
That's why he's debating you.
The man is scared!
For the first time in this campaign
you're getting through.
It's not the beginning any more
and it's not my job... explain everything to you.
I must avoid having you look... you're sitting on Jarmon's lap.
If I'm not doing my job...
...then just tell me and I'll shove off.
Did you get Spivak?
No, hold on.
Bob? Hold on.
From here on out, no promises.
I never asked you to make promises.
Will you get Fleischer for an 11 o'clock
briefing? Did you hear that, Cory?
Phone Klein and tell him to
earn his money.
Have a nice afternoon in San Diego.
We're going to disembark
through the front exit.
Then we'll proceed
to the south parking lot.
It's stuck.
Is Jarmon taking unfair
advantage of the backlash?
Excuse us, please.
I've got to talk to you.
I'm sorry, but you can't come in here.
What's going on?
This isn't any cocktail lounge.
Don't even mention an ad like that.
As far as the Oakland shooting goes... have compassion,
but you're waiting to hear the details.
You're vulnerable because you haven't
established yourself on crime.
You have to leave.
- This is Bill McKay.
- I don't care if it's Henry Fonda!
This is your crime program.
You have to get this
in your lunch speech today...
...and get it in the debate
tomorrow night.
Whatever they ask,
give them our answers.
- Crime isn't an issue, it's a symptom.
- That's a good line.
For when you write your book.
Now, hit the five-point prevention
and enforcement stuff...
...part of "The Better Way."
Better way to screw them all!
15 minutes to air.
Let's get the lighting.
- It's okay on the health insurance?
- Terrific.
Jarmon will be left nowhere
if you say it like that.
It's number 23. You want to check it?
You want to go over it again?
Give them our answers no matter what
the questions are. Let's change ties.
Why? Never mind.
Otherwise you smudge the makeup.
You'll be sitting camera right. While
Jarmon is talking, keep looking at him.
Jarmon talks, you look at Jarmon.
Keep your eyes steady.
Whatever you do, don't look up at all...
...because your eyes are glazed
and you'll look like a moron.
- Unless gesturing, interlace fingers.
- Who's that?
You got that?
- I'm just trying to help.
- I can do it.
5 seconds...4 seconds....
We're on the air.
Tonight, Senator Crocker Jarmon...
...faces William McKay, challenger... the race for U.S. Senate
from the state of California.
The Jarmon-McKay Debate.
Good evening,
I'm Van Amberg, ABC.
I'll be tonight's moderator.
Three of California's best-known
broadcast journalists...
...are on our panel tonight.
They are Rollin Post, Ken Jones
and Maury Green.
We'll begin our questioning
now with Maury Green.
Mr. McKay, at the beginning of your
campaign, you favored busing... integrate the schools.
Lately you seem to be against it.
Which is it?
For or against?
A school bus can't carry
all the burdens of our society.
The main problem is still how do we get
a first-rate education for each child?
We can't afford inferior schools
anywhere. We must try to preserve...
...the idea of neighborhood
schools in achieving this.
Is pollution...
...a political issue, or is this one
subject you both can agree on?
Of course it's not political.
Let's look at that oil spill
that fouled our beaches.
I warned about that oil spill.
I testified.
I hollered for stronger regulation.
But we needed the oil...
...and we weren't careful enough
about how we got it.
So I end up in the shower
like everybody else...
...trying to scrub the oil
out of my old, gray hair.
When it comes to smog...
...we're bucking the dream...
...of every private citizen
in his own automobile.
So we had to take on
the battle of installing devices.
And we are gradually seeing...
...that shift-over take effect.
In fact, I think we can now say,
as a result of our Herculean labors...
...that we are turning the corner
on smog here in California.
We can't even see the corner.
I won't say it's a matter of
Republicans or Democrats...
...but it's politics, all right,
when the politicians...
...put the polluters
over the needs of the public.
We have the money to do this job.
We don't have to raise taxes one cent.
We just need the leadership... get the job done.
What do you think
of legalizing abortion?
This is a matter that not only
concerns women, but all of us.
Leadership cannot shut
its eyes to the problem.
It deserves a lot more study
than it's been getting.
I'm an old-fashioned guy
when it comes to this.
I say that human life is sacrosanct.
It is God-given...
...and we must have control
over just how and when...
...we let people take it away.
Until recently the polls have shown
Senator Jarmon substantially ahead...
...but you are catching up,
although you're still behind.
What effect will the public
opinion polls have on your campaign?
I'm the underdog, so I don't believe in
polls, don't believe in them anyhow.
You can't trim what you say
to suit someone's poll.
Mr. McKay, your opponent has implied...
...that you have nothing to say
about crime. Do you?
I have put out a five-point program
on prevention and enforcement...
...and that program details...
...the training and equipment
of the men who enforce the laws.
We must give them the means to handle
crimes against person and property...
...with speed, effectiveness and safety.
We've also got to devise a system...
...that can stop crime
before it has a chance to start.
Of course, it's very easy for anyone
to come into it at this time...
...and say anything to capitalize... pretend that
you have all the answers.
A situation that you...
...may have helped encourage.
Indirectly, that is.
Where do you draw the line?
For some people, their idea of getting
tough is longer suspended sentences.
Let's think where crime comes from.
Studies have proved that it's
this whole attitude of permissiveness.
Let's face it.
That attitude has given us
some real bums to contend with.
Our society has gone soft
as an old banana.
Senator, at the beginning
of your campaign...
...your supporters predicted a
record-breaking victory margin.
Do you still agree?
I've played on too many losing football
teams when we thought we had it won.
Of course I've played
on many more winning occasions.
But I have learned never to predict...
...whether you're going to win or lose
or what the point spread is going to be.
If the people have faith in you and
think it will be reflected, that's fine.
But you don't predict.
Thank you, Senator.
Gentlemen, relax for just a moment
while we pause for this message.
We'll be back with our debate in just a
- I told you, you got balls!
- Just wait.
They really haven't hit it too hard.
Not the fireworks I expected with this
Seems to be avoiding the issue.
Okay, ready to fade in.
Now, concluding statements.
Each candidate will have one minute.
The order was picked by a coin flip
and Senator Jarmon will go first.
To me, this country was never stronger.
But the test of a strong country
is how it faces its difficulties.
And now and then when I hear the
barking and the baying...
...of those who would
knock our system down...
...I am reminded of the last days
of the great Roman Empire.
They argued about
what vices they could legalize.
What happened...
...was an onslaught that nearly
spelled the end of civilization.
I am not suggesting...
...that's what will happen if the people
do not send me back to the Senate.
I just promise you this.
I will continue... stand up for the philosophy
that has made this nation great...
...and is more than ever called for...
...if we're to face the future
with hope and confidence.
I have that hope.
Because I believe in America.
I believe that our greatest moment
is yet to come.
Thank you.
You have a minute to sum up.
I think it's important to note what
subjects we haven't discussed.
We've ignored the fact
that this is a society...
...divided by fear, hatred and violence.
And until we face
what this society really is...
...I don't know
how we'll change it.
We haven't discussed
the rot that destroys our cities.
We have the resources to
check it and we don't use them.
And we haven't discussed why not.
We haven't discussed race
or poverty in this country.
We haven't discussed any of
the sicknesses that may yet...
...send this country up in flames.
And we'd better do it.
We'd better get it out in the open
and confront it...
...before it's too late.
You had to do it!
I never dreamed my opponent...
...would stoop to encouraging violence.
That's not what I said.
You were great!
You touched all the bases.
- That five-point program works right in.
- You liked it?
Your wife's waiting.
Should she go back to the hotel?
No, I'll be out in a minute.
It was quite a show.
What does that mean?
I don't know.
- Now Bill, about that speech--
- Bill, dandy!
You really took care of business.
That stump speech tomorrow--
How are you?
He keeps us beating our meat
a whole year...
...and he's just been waiting
behind a bush to unzip himself!
- He doesn't see it that way.
- He will when I'm done with him!
Howard, don't say a word.
After I bring Jarmon down
from 20 points to 4 points?
He says what he wants.
Now I say what I want.
- I feel as bad as you do.
- You do?
Where is that son of mine?
It's a goddamn endorsement!
Hello, son.
Well, Bud, I think the old Crock
looked a little sick...
...except at the end
when he turned it on you.
Did anybody understand
what I tried to do?
Don't worry, son.
It won't make any difference.
Look at that gorgeous female creature!
What do you think of our boy?
I'm proud of him, aren't you?
We're all going to Big Sullivan's.
I helped him get his liquor license,
now he'll have to pay for it.
Can I get all this crap off?
What the hell?
Forget it.
We want Bill! We want Bill!
Ladies and gentlemen,
aren't I something?
I think I should be senator...
...then this state would really
be a keen place for us kids to play.
- Right, Dad?
- Right, son.
Paid for by the Committee
to Re-elect Senator Crocker Jarmon.
Yes, we're getting to him.
The Crock is worried.
No, we don't have any time.
We don't have any time
to shoot new stuff.
I've got a way:
We recut some of the old stuff...
...and you get 30 seconds
of McKay, the statesman.
If we're going to tackle
the problems of the 1970's...
...we need all the strength a young
man can give. Bill McKay has...
...the conviction to find
solutions to the problems...
...of unemployment, poverty and crime.
The determination to put some action
back into the United States Senate.
The energy to fight special interests
for all the people of California.
For a better way, Bill McKay.
I know that it's fashionable
to weep for criminals.
But sometimes the person who
is weeping the loudest is the one...
...who has taken the fullest advantage
of all the system has to offer.
Know who I mean?
I would say one thing... him about our country.
The United States of America... the most successful country
in the history of mankind.
Is it worth respecting?
Is it worth defending?
Then, above all,
we must obey our laws...
...and honor the men who enforce them.
That's the scene here in Anaheim.
A scene of confidence and celebration... Crocker Jarmon proves again...
...that he certainly hasn't
lost his velvet touch.
I'm sure Bill will be along
in a minute, Mr. Starkey.
Keep in mind Floyd has a meeting
at the local on Mission Street at 7:30.
Bill told me how
he appreciates your being here.
- He doesn't show it!
- He must've gotten stuck in traffic.
No, I saw him in the hotel.
There are some things more
important than an election.
I don't know what you mean by that.
I'm just about to the point
where it's not worth it.
- You think not?
- I think he'll get his ass kicked.
He's not going to get his ass kicked.
He's cute.
I'm sorry. Am I late?
Hello, Bud.
This is Floyd J. Starkey.
He has to leave in a minute...
...because 100,000 teamsters
are waiting to hear him speak.
Is there any cream?
This is a man who can
do you a lot of good.
Oh, yeah?
And you can probably do us some good,
if you get to Washington.
You didn't do good trying to
break up the farm workers.
That isn't how I'd put it.
There's no point chewing over
differences. When we get down to it...'ll find we have a lot in common.
We don't have shit in common.
And now, the man.
The man you've all been waiting for...
...our next senator from
this great state of California!
Bill McKay!
We want Bill!
I just happened to be
in the neighborhood.
Seriously...'s nice to talk to
an audience of working people...
...because I can
congratulate you on having jobs.
You do have jobs, don't you?
How many are out of work?
The unemployment figure for this
state is 8%. Think of it!
The biggest, the richest,
the most powerful country...
...cannot keep its
full job force working.
It cannot tend all its sick people.
It cannot feed all its hungry people...
...or decently house its poor people.
It cannot educate everyone
who needs an education.
I say there has got to be a better way!
That's what this election is about.
Because the time has passed...
...when you can turn your back
on the fundamental needs of the people.
And don't think that you can
distract them any more... playing off
the young against the old... against white...
...the poor against the less poor.
I think the time has come...
...when the American people realize...
...that we're in this together...
...and that we sink or swim together.
And I say to you,
maybe, just maybe...
...that's how it should be.
The test of our courage...
...of our compassion...
...our faith in ourselves...
...and our faith in our country.
No candidate can come before you
and say he's got all the answers.
Crocker Jarmon says
that he has the answers.
Does he?
All a man can say... "here I am."
That's what I say to you tonight.
Here I am. I'm willing to give it all
I've got! Let's make a beginning!
Thank you very much.
Sorry, lady.
Hello, Pete.
How are things at the office?
Some of the guys are down on you,
but we knew that.
I've been there since the beginning.
I know what this is costing you.
I saw something out there tonight.
It's really effective.
I can feel it.
You can go all the way.
We both know it's bullshit,
but the point is, they're believing it.
Come on.
The car is waiting.
Right. Excuse me.
It's good to see you, Pete.
If we can all simmer down and keep
our blood pressures under control...
...Mr. McKay has something very
important he wants to talk to us about.
Thank you.
First, I would like to say that...
...I'm sorry I ate all the shrimp.
You know the state's
unemployment figure is 8%?
The official figure.
It's really closer to 12%.
Think of it, the richest,
most powerful country...
...can't keep its
full job force working...
...cannot afford to feed
all of its hungry people...
...or decently house its poor people!
We can't any longer play off young
against old, black against white!
It won't be decided by newspapers.
It will be decided by you!
I say there's got to be a better way!
There's got to be a better way.
Better way.
Ladies and gents...
...the time has passed.
The time has passed.
Got to be a better way.
I say to you.
Can't any longer...
...can't any longer,
play off black against old...
...young against poor.
This country cannot
house its houseless...
...feed its foodless.
They're demanding
a government of the people...
...peopled by people.
Our faith...
...our compassion...
...our courage on the gridiron.
The basic indifference...
...that made this country great.
And on election day...
...and on election day...
...we won't run away.
Vote once... twice...
...for Bill McKay,
you middle-class honkies!
Losing 15 minutes of free airtime
is like throwing away $80,000! Go!
- We're only 5 minutes late.
- Look out for the bus!
- I don't care what you do! Go!
- On your left.
What floor?
Where is News Scene?
Sir, you can't go up there.
Take a seat.
I have to call your name first.
But this is Bill McKay.
- I don't care who he is.
- You're doing a great job. Right on.
I need your autograph
for my girlfriend.
We have an interview.
Please take a chair.
We'll be happy to send your names up.
We're doing our job.
It's against the rules to do this.
Back! Back, I say!
- Aren't you late?
- We got hung-up in traffic.
We are not going to reassemble them.
Sorry. Hello, Mr. McKay.
- We'll play it as it is.
- We only have time for one take.
Everybody off the floor now.
Clear the floor, please.
Hold it.
Ready number one.
- Is this buttoned?
- Yeah, it's buttoned.
Stand by.
Okay. Tape rolling.
This is Bill McKay.
Take it from the top.
- Sorry.
- Ready?
All right, tape rolling.
Tape rolling, go!
This is Bill McKay.
I'd like to talk to you tonight
about the crisis in....
I fail to see the humor.
I fail to see the humor.
Hold it just a second, okay?
- Relax, take it easy. Grim up.
- This is it, gentlemen.
- Stand by.
- Ready?
Tape rolling. Ready?
I can't.
- That's enough.
- Give us thirty seconds.
There is nothing I can do.
I got it. No, I got it.
I want to run through
this motorcade stuff with you.
A 4 block area on Montgomery Street.
You all see that?
Damn it!
This is the entire run of
the whole parade, right here.
This is the only place
we could find buildings...
...big enough and old enough
so that windows still open.
We come through here at exactly 12:04.
It's when everybody goes on lunch break.
Now, when these people...
...pop out of those elevators,
hit the street...
...we want them to see
confusion, activity.
In the middle of the confusion...
...they must see the smile of Bill McKay
bearing down on them!
We insure that two ways.
First, we stall cars on adjacent
streets. Nobody else can get through.
Two, we run a sound truck in and out,
half an hour ahead of time.
"Bill McKay, a better way.
There's a ticker tape parade today."
Half hour before McKay gets there.
Somebody has
a medium-well down there.
I've got a medium-rare.
We got to deal with the union.
We'll start dropping...
...from the roofs
of these buildings at....
That's exactly what I mean.
Timing is critical. 12:05!
- Rye bread?
- That's mine.
That's mine.
It's the end cut?
First, you got your
Dixieland band on a flatbed.
In the first car, you got Lucas.
There's Congressman, what's his name?
Rawley is the mayor.
- The mayor won't be there.
- What?
- The mayor won't be there.
- Beautiful!
Can we get this thing straight?
Who has the medium-rare?
All right, that's enough.
Luckily for Bill, he hasn't got to know
some of you like I have.
Otherwise, he'd know what a miracle
this campaign really is.
What we have in this room is
essentially a bunch of lazy dilettantes.
The polls say we are within 3 points.
We haven't made many converts,
but we've made a lot of undecided.
One final word.
Get out the vote tomorrow!
We want one more long day's work.
Stay off the hard stuff...
...and leave your number at the desk!
What's that?
An early return.
Are you still in bed? Come on, you got
to get up and vote by 7:00!
Or you won't make
the afternoon papers!
- What do you think of the weather?
- When you going back to L.A.?
- I think after lunch.
- Pardon, what'd you say?
It's raining today, on election day,
all over the state.
At McKay headquarters there's concern to
get out their voters. They believe...
...a big turn-out will favor them.
Many volunteers will knock on doors.
Jarmon has offered 76 other pieces
of major legislation.
Crocker Jarmon has done
a great job for California.
But what has Bill McKay done?
Nothing much.
But his father was governor!
Could you come with me
for a minute, please?
I guess it's pointless asking
who you voted for?
You wouldn't want me
to say that, would you?
It's raining in Southern California.
- It is?
- How will it affect your son's chances?
It might help a great deal.
It would keep the enemy indoors.
And it will be a great day for America!
- Kiss her.
- That's the best suggestion I've heard.
Do the phone banks work in East L.A.?
You double sure?
Check again. And the hotel?
Don't you have anywhere to go?
I'm making sure things happen here.
- You're driving everyone crazy.
- There are details.
Why don't you go clean your beard?
Do you mind telling
who your friends voted for?
The people on my block voted for McKay
because he was handsome.
But would you mind telling us
who you voted for?
I always say
handsome is as handsome does.
I'm with Dr. Benjamin Dwight.
In the last 3 elections in California...
...he predicted every major race,
hours before polls closed.
Dr. Dwight, can you explain to us
the technique you use?
We pick the key precincts
in Los Angeles County...
...and we interview the voters
on the way from the polls.
Based on that, what is your projection
for this Senate race?
Crocker Jarmon by 8%.
The polls don't close for 3 hours!
That doesn't change anybody's mind.
It doesn't change their minds.
They stay home!
- Who did you vote for?
- Jarmon.
- Who'd you vote for?
- McKay.
He takes care of me.
...reflect much of L.A. County.
They're still having trouble with
voting machines in Southern California.
In the state Assembly race, Democrats
are still holding a slight edge but...
...the surprising upset....
You can't go in there.
He's sleeping.
2, 4, 6, 8!
Who do we appreciate?
Polls closed 20 minutes ago...
...but, as you can see,
we already have some early returns.
The absentee ballots favor Jarmon,
but that advantage has been offset... early returns from San Francisco,
which is a Democratic stronghold.
Yeah, we'll see what happens.
7% of precincts tabulated,
McKay still has a narrow lead... the race for the U.S. Senate.
We have only scattered returns
from the South.
...Southern California for the margin
to offset McKay's northern strength.
We want Bill!
If it holds, we might call it soon.
We want Bill!
Bill Stout will be at McKay's
headquarters at the Regency-Hyatt.
As this tremendous upset becomes
more evident with each passing minute...
...the people gathered here are
getting ready to tear the roof off!
Our ABC computers...
...have now declared young McKay the
winner of California's Senate seat....
I don't think....
We'll probably move to Vermont.
- Where will you look for a house?
- In Georgetown.
- Chevy Chase, you know?
- That's lovely, beautiful.
- Have you lived there?
- I lived in Arlington, across the river.
- Congratulations, you must feel great.
- Thank you.
...and we found them
favoring McKay by a solid 70%.
Please, clear the room. Please!
Clear the hall....
Is Mrs. Evans in here?
- We did it!
- I said to stay in the other room.
- Have you seen Dick Burcholz?
- No.
Bill, we'll clear the hall.
It'll be just a few minutes.
Son...'re a politician.
Bill, we're ready.
Here he comes.
The 3% came from the undecided.
Look, it's great campaign work.
You were seen last night in the street
taking your own poll.
That's a rumor!
Where do you go now?
Downstairs to have a drink
with thousands of close friends.
There's another rumor
you're headed for a long vacation.
I want to talk.
I want to talk to you.
You guys no supposed to be here.
We've got 60 seconds of privacy
before they find out we're here..., what's on your mind, Senator?
I don't know.
I've got to get out there.
I told you they'd be here.
What do we do now?
Wait. What?