The Canyon (2009)

( Wind blowing )
Hey, we're gonna make it.
Not if you don't slow down.
Grand canyon by sunrise, remember?
How could I forget?
Here it is.
"Cheap and clean."
Can't ask for more than that.
( Car alarm chirps )
- After you, Mrs. Conway.
- Why, thank you, Mr. Conway.
( TV playing )
( Bell dings )
Yeah yeah yeah. I may be slow,
but I'm not deaf.
I know it's early, but we were
hoping that we could...
Don't tell me. Let me guess.
You need a room.
I'm psychic. It's a gift.
- So where are you from?
- Chicago.
- I thought you were psychic.
- It comes and goes.
We're from Chicago.
- We just got married.
- We eloped.
- Can you believe it?
- I'm beside myself with wonder.
We're taking a mule trip into
the grand canyon this weekend.
Better you than me.
You always this cheerful?
No, I'm usually a tad cranky.
Room 3. Checkout is
Monday at 11:00 in the A.M.
- What about the luggage?
- It can wait.
- Mr. Conway?
- Yes, Mrs. Conway?
- Say that again.
- What, Mrs. Conway?
I can't help it.
I love the way it sounds.
Get used to it.
And I never want to get used to it.
So are you getting excited
about tomorrow?
Am I excited about riding
a smelly ill-tempered beast
into a big, dusty hole in the ground?
Let me think.
They're not that ill-tempered,
and you get used to the smell.
Oh, now that is something
that I look forward too.
Don't be such a pessimist.
It's gonna be amazing.
I've got an idea.
Why don't we...
Stay in bed all weekend
and just look at the picture
every once in a while?
No. Must resist.
Must stick to plan. Must...
- ( shrieks, giggles )
- Let's get this show on the road.
( Giggles )
You don't have a permit?
Well, you can't take
a mule trip into the canyon
without a backcountry permit.
Okay. Um, where do you get a permit?
This is late May. The question
isn't where, the question is when
and the answer is January.
Early February at the latest.
You could try the Ranger Station
at Grand Canyon village,
but I doubt they'll tell
you anything different.
( Sighs )
Yeah. Okay.
Oh my God.
So you don't have
any backcountry permits?
I'm sorry, you should've applied...
I know, I know,
I should've applied in January.
Early February at the latest.
( Country music playing )
you always was a seeker
me, I just like beer...
No, you're right.
Maybe it's just not meant to be.
Honestly, I think it's for the best.
Man: Well, maybe it is,
and then again maybe it ain't.
I couldn't help but overhear,
seeing as I was eavesdropping and all.
I just want to say that I'm
deeply moved by your dilemma.
Now see, I'm not one
to really toot my own horn,
but the fact of the matter is that.
I've done it all.
I trapped beaver, I hunted bear,
I panned for gold,
I lived with the Indians
and I've been struck by lightning...
I've been buried by rockslides,
I've been stung by scorpions,
I've been mauled by a Mountain Lion
and I went a couple of rounds with
a Grizzly before he give me this,
but I took his left eye in return,
so I guess you could say
that we're even.
And that ain't
the half of it, my friend.
Who are you exactly?
I'm the answer to your prayers.
The name's Pritchard, folks.
Henry Theodore Roosevelt Pritchard,
guide extraordinaire.
I've got the mules, I've got the gear,
I've got the know-how
and I've got the Huevos.
And I'm hereby offering
my expert services.
Are you saying that you can take us
down into the canyon?
Is a frog's ass watertight?
( Chuckles )
See, I used to be a guide for
one of those bigger outfits,
but we had a falling out over
what I guess you might
call creative differences.
Mr. Conway: Can you get
us a permit this late?
Oh, I can get you a permit.
It's all a question
of greasing the right palms.
Would you excuse us for just one second?
Well, sure. Take two. Live it up.
( Clears throat )
I think I saw him
on "America's Most Wanted."
Well, the guy's just a little eccentric.
Eccentric is living in
a house trailer with 37 cats,
not stalking around with a meat
cleaver strapped to your side.
Mr. Conway: Yeah, but he can...
he can get us a permit.
Eaten by a one-eyed bear is
what he can get us.
We may never get another shot at this.
We don't know how much time we have
or where we're gonna end up.
What if there aren't any other trips?
Okay. Well, let's tell
Grizzly Adams the news.
So do we have a deal
or do we have a deal?
- Done.
- You won't regret it, folks.
Now I hate to talk about this,
but... have a seat.
( Wind blowing )
- ( Doors open, close )
- ( Crow cawing )
( Speaking native language )
He's saying that
the crows are messengers
and that one's speaking to us. Listen.
What's he saying?
- How should I know? He's speaking crow.
- Henry...
( Both speaking native language )
Did you get a permit?
Oh yeah, I've got it right here.
Let's get your gear stowed away.
I'm glad you made it.
Thank you.
I've never ridden a mule before, Henry.
You know how to ride a bicycle?
Well, this ain't nothing like that.
The Grand Canyon provides
the most complete record
of geological history
that can be found
anywhere on God's earth.
There's fossils of Brachiopods,
coral and mollusks
in the Kaibab Limestone...
That's the topmost layer.
It is a relative youngster
at 250 million years old,
give or take a millennium.
- Hey, Henry.
- Yeah?
What do you know
about John Wesley Powell?
John Wesley Powell,
who lost his right arm
at the battle of Shiloh
and went on to become a famous
explorer of the Grand Canyon?
- Yeah.
- Never heard of him.
- Okay.
- Just yanking your bootheel, my friend.
I'm a regular encyclopedia when it comes
to the venerable J.W. Powell.
I have to get a picture of this.
That qualify as a creative difference?
- Care to wet your whistle?
- Don't mind if I do.
Oh, come on.
Not bad.
- Go ahead.
- No, thanks.
One of us should probably stay sober.
Well, we'd best get a move on.
It's gonna be hotter than a Texas
cathouse on dollar day by noontime.
Now that's hot.
Right there, tracks of Canis La-trans...
That's Coyote to the Layman...
And trickster of Navajo myth.
We should stop.
( Camera clicking )
You want some?
Put hair on your chest.
I think that ship has sailed.
( Chuckles )
Go ahead. You won't even taste
a paltry amount like that.
Go ahead.
Yeah, that might do it, tough guy.
What? This ain't nothing.
( Mule braying )
( Chuckling )
Henry: You need some water.
Come on and get some water.
- You like it?
- Mmm.
I can see that.
All right.
Not too shabby, huh?
You see, when I saw him that time...
Some persons... you know,
a person goes seven lifetimes
without seeing a bobcat,
but I was mauled by
the same one three times.
And the reason I know
it was the same one
is because he was a cross-eyed bobcat.
I guess that's what made him so ornery.
He gave me this.
- ( Rocks splashing )
- Oh my God.
Did I ever mention I was bit by a mule?
Uh, no.
- What did you do?
- I bit him back.
( Both laugh )
You know what I would suggest?
I would suggest that
y'all take a look behind
those rocks over there.
I'd recommend taking
a little walk back there.
It's... magnificent.
It'll be worth your while.
Trust me.
You wanna go?
Yeah, sure.
- Nick: Oh.
- Lori: Oh, wow.
Henry was right. This is amazing.
( Wind blowing )
( Chuckles )
You think your Mom will ever forgive me
for dragging you off
to Vegas to get married?
Yeah, no problem.
It shouldn't take
more than 10, 12 years.
- ( Both laugh )
- Sounds about right.
Don't worry. I've been working on her.
She'll come around.
Maybe she thinks we got married
for the wrong reasons.
What do you think?
I feel like...
Things are finally
starting to take shape,
finally starting to form into place.
I think that this could be
a fresh start for the both of us.
I know that working for my dad
isn't exactly a dream come true...
No no, it's good, it's good.
I mean, the job, the future...
It's good.
It's all good.
( Birds chirping )
I was about to send out
a search party for you two.
( Horse nickers )
You know, we could either camp here
or, if a person was so inclined,
I could show 'em a trove
of Anasazi petroglyphs...
12,000 years old if they're a day...
And I think I'm the only white
man who's ever seen them.
Are you kidding me?
We are completely inclined.
Oh yeah? A good half-day's
ride from here.
The going's rough, water's scarce...
It's more than most
people care to bite off.
That sounds, you know, perfect.
Wait a minute. Didn't I read
in one of those brochures
that you're required
to stick to the permit?
Well, that's actually more of
a suggestion than a requirement.
Up to you.
Watch out.
Listen, if you're not cool with this,
you just say the word, okay?
And we'll... you know,
we'll camp right here.
I'll even name the Creek
after you, if you want.
( Whispering )
Come on.
Come on. Come on.
You want to do it. You want to do it.
You want to do it.
All right. Fine.
Lead the way, Henry.
- All right.
- Let's do it.
All right. Well, we'd better
be getting moving.
All right. That's yours. Was this mine?
This is yours. That's yours.
"J.W."... John Wesley Powell.
The very same.
Him and nine others
ventured into the canyon
in may of 1869.
Now three months and 1,000 miles later,
only six of them came out.
What happened to the others?
Actually, never mind.
I don't want to know.
Come on.
Say "missing and presumed dead."
( Laughs )
Petroglyphs are about an hour from here.
We'll make camp there.
That's good news, 'cause
my butt is killing me.
Yes, sir.
All righty.
- ( Rattling )
- ( Neighing )
Whoa! Hey hey hey hey hey!
Hold on, boy! Hey hey!
Whoa whoa!
- ( Grunts )
- Ah!
- ( Donkeys braying )
- ( Rattling )
Ooh, boy!
Are you all right?
I think so.
( Grunting )
Oh no. All right, come on.
Come on, come on.
- Oh my God.
- Well, my arm's broke but good
and I'm snakebit twice to boot.
- Those rattlesnakes?
- Diamondback rattler.
At least it ain't a Mojave rattler.
A Mojave rattler... the venom goes
straight to the spinal cord.
That ain't a pleasant way to go.
Is there anything that I can do?
Henry: Yeah, you know what you could do?
( Beeps )
You could go see if you
can corral them mules,
especially the one
that's got our gear on it.
- All right.
- I don't have a signal.
Sometimes them things work up here
and sometimes they don't.
I'd be much obliged
if you could maybe find
some kind of piece of wood
that I could use for a splint
so I can immobilize my arm.
It's best if I stay still for a minute.
Otherwise the venom's gonna
go directly into my system.
Come here, boy. Come here.
( Clicks tongue )
- Come here, boy. Come here.
- ( Nickers )
That's a good boy.
- That's a good boy.
- ( Braying )
- ( Pants )
- ( Grunts ) Damn.
Got a little water.
Yeah, you'd best save it.
( Grunts )
Right... right there.
- ( Clears throat )
- Sorry.
Aren't you supposed to cut an incision
to suck out the venom?
You do that, you invite an infection.
You're supposed to keep the bite
area lower than your heart.
That's gonna be a little hard to do,
since I got bit on the face.
Maybe I'd better stand on my head.
We've gotta get you to a hospital.
No, it's too late to head back now.
- ( Yells )
- Sorry.
Bed down here. Head out at first light.
We'll soon get a fire started.
Ow. Yo, wait a minute.
This all the matches you have left?
No, I've got a lot more
left in my saddlebags.
- Which is on the supply mule.
- Uh-huh.
Yeah, along with the first aid kit,
along with the food and water.
- Shit.
- You said it, my friend.
That's pretty good.
- Good.
- You all right?
Is there anything more
we can do for you, Henry?
No, just keep that fire going.
I'm starting... I'm starting
to get the chills.
So, Henry, what happens now?
Well, I'll probably get a fever.
I guess I'll get dizzy,
blurred vision.
I'll take leave of my senses
at some point,
though you might be
hard-pressed to tell.
You know, I think that we'd
best cook up them rattlers.
The cupboard's bare, folks,
and we can't afford to be choosy.
Will you help me? Huh?
Yeah. What do I do?
You just cut the connecting muscles
around the anal vent
to release the skin.
( Rattling softly )
Yeah, that's good.
You want some? It tastes like chicken.
No thanks, I'm a vegetarian.
( Chuckles )
Since when?
Since I found out that thing
had an anal vent.
( Both laugh )
( Wolf howling )
That'd be Canis Lupus...
Western Timber Wolf
( Howling continues )
looking for a date.
( Wolves howling )
And I guess somebody got lucky.
Sounds like they're hunting.
I didn't know there were
wolves around here.
Oh yeah.
They're here now.
No place left for them to go.
( Howling louder )
We've encroached on their
territory for so long,
ain't hardly nothing
left for them to eat,
so sometimes they go looking
for food in places.
They're just looking to survive,
same as you and me.
You screw with Mother Nature,
she's gonna find a way
to screw you right back.
On that note, I think
I'll try my cell phone again.
( Henry retching )
( Yelling )
Hey, Henry, are you all right?
I've been better.
( Clears throat )
- Let me just...
- ( Yells )
( Chuckles )
I've got some chapstick
in here somewhere.
( Laughing )
Oh, baby. All right.
Well, we'd best get a move on.
Hey, darling, give me
some of that chapstick.
( Crow cawing )
- Hush.
- What is it, Henry?
Indians say that crows work
in tandem with wolves,
leading them to injured prey.
The wolves feast and the
crows get the leftovers.
Oh, there it is.
Lucky for me I ain't no Indian.
Hey, what else you got in that thing?
- ( Beeps )
- Sunscreen, Kleenex,
spare battery for my camera and gum.
Gum? Ooh, you've got gum.
Come on. Fork it over.
Yes. You want half?
- Thanks.
- Thanks.
Shouldn't we be at
the Campground by now?
I don't know.
If I had known our human
compass was gonna go haywire,
I would've paid closer attention.
Hindsight being 20/20.
We're lost, aren't we?
No, we're not lost.
( Echoing )
You're not lost!
( Echoing )
Feel better?
Not even remotely.
( Henry mumbling )
All right, let's make camp.
We'll make it here.
What if he doesn't make it?
I'm scared, Nick.
( Whispers )
Oh God.
Henry: I see 'em! I see 'em!
- I see 'em coming!
- Henry!
- I've seen their wrath! I see...
- ( Braying )
( Yells )
Henry, what are you doing, man?
- All right, I'll go get the mule.
- Okay.
- Henry?
- Oh, you... oh my God.
It ain't that mother nature's cruel.
She don't care one way
or another about it.
But make no mistake...
one way or another,
she will have her day.
Henry, we'll get you to a hospital
first thing in the morning, okay?
( Laughing )
Oh, Henry, please don't...
( Crow cawing )
Damn it.
( Panting )
He's dead.
( Wind blowing )
( Crickets chirping )
We can't just leave him here.
Well, we can't carry his body out,
not without a mule.
We should bury him.
We can notify the authorities
when we get back.
Better get to it.
( Wind blowing )
- Hi.
- Hmm?
- Morning.
- Hey.
Mmm. Hey.
Were you awake all night?
- Mmm, pretty much.
- Oh no.
( Yawning )
We should head out that way.
So long, Henry.
( Vulture cawing )
I want to paint the
kitchen when we get back.
You want to paint the kitchen?
White is so boring.
It's so safe. It's so nothing.
It should be more vibrant,
more alive, like pumpkin
or brick red or something.
Anything but white,
you promise me that
we'll paint the kitchen
- when we get back home?
- Sure, Lori.
- Whatever you want.
- I'm serious.
You promise me that we'll paint the
kitchen when we get back home.
All right, I promise.
I'm not gonna die out here, Nick.
No, thanks.
I'm all full.
All right, come here. Give me a piece.
Come on. Give me some.
So which way?
Well, the Campground's South of here.
The sun's headed that way,
so that's West.
So South must be here.
We go that way.
As long as you're sure.
I'm sure.
Hey, look.
( Chuckles )
( Sand trickling )
Now that's just plain cruel.
How long do you think it's
been since we had anything
to eat or drink besides gum?
I don't know. What day is it?
Monday, I think.
I had some rattlesnake Saturday night.
Lucky you.
Oh God, you know what I could
really go for right now?
- Huh?
- A pizza.
I wouldn't say no to a pizza.
Oh, yeah, hi.
I'd like to order a large pizza,
and can I get that with extra cheese?
Don't forget the pepperoni
and the sausage.
Did you get that? Great.
Oh, by the way,
- do you deliver?
- ( Both laughing )
You might as well try it
while you have it out.
You never know.
( Beeps )
Hey, I've got a signal.
Call 911.
( Beeping )
- Shit.
- What?
I lost it.
Nick: What? What what what?
- Anything?
- Damn it.
It's all right. It's all right.
It means we're on the right track.
( Laughing )
It's gonna be checkout time
at the Motel pretty soon.
Something tells me we're
gonna be a little late.
We told the manager we were going on
a mule trip into the Canyon, right?
Yeah, so?
"So?" So when we don't
check out on time,
she's gonna realize
that something is wrong
and she's gonna notify the Authorities.
What? The Motel Manager?
She wouldn't pour water
on us if we were on fire.
When we don't show up by 11:00
she's gonna charge us for another day.
Yeah, but...
Are these the petroglyphs
Henry was talking about?
( Panting )
They're, uh... those are...
those are back there somewhere.
Unless we just walked in a big circle.
I don't believe it.
We're farther from the Campground
than when we started this morning.
I can't believe
I let you talk me into this.
I asked if you were cool
with this and you said yes.
And what choice did I have?
You know, it's like you're
on some kind of a mission.
You're always pushing it
and you take stupid risks!
You never stop!
You know, sometimes you
need to face up to reality.
Oh, I'm facing it.
Here it is, Lori!
- All the reality you want!
- Yeah, thanks to you.
You know, I came here only for you!
Look look, here it is.
Here it is. Look at it.
It's all ours, huh?!
Stop it!
Oh, I...
Let's get out of here.
It looks like we either
head out that way...
Or we climb.
( Beeping )
Check this out.
Okay, I'm checking it out.
What am I checking out?
- This is definitely doable.
- Define "doable."
There's plenty of handholds.
Once we get to that ledge,
we'd scoot across this seam,
shimmy up that crevice there,
make our way up to the last rock face
and voila, we're at the top.
- What do you think?
- Shimmy?
I think you've been out
in the sun too long.
Hey, we can do this.
This is just like that wall I used
to climb in that rock gym.
You climbed it once, Nick.
Yeah, and the instructor
said I was a natural.
Be careful.
What did I tell you?
Piece of cake.
Well, we might be able to get
a phone signal from up there.
We'll have a much better chance
of being spotted
up there than down here.
It's our best option.
We can do this.
Then what are we waiting for?
Here's a good one.
( Grunting )
( Nick grunting )
You all right?
Uh, yeah.
Ask me again when we get to the top.
Maybe... maybe I should
just try my phone from here.
What? No no, not now. Not now.
- Yeah, now.
- All right, make it quick.
Okay. I need your help.
Can you hold my hand?
- Okay, you got me?
- Yeah.
( Beeping )
- I've got a signal.
- What?
- ( Ringing )
- It's ringing.
- Yeah!
- Woman: 911.
Hello? Hello? We need help.
- Our guide is... Hello?
- ( Beeps )
Hello? I lost her.
- It's all right. Try again.
- ( Beeping )
- ( Ringing )
- It's ringing again.
911. What's your emergency?
- Hi, we're lost in...
- ( Beeps )
Shit! Shit! I lost her again.
All right.
Put it on speaker
and lean out. I'll hold on.
- Really?
- Yeah, I've got you.
Come on. You can do it.
( Beeping )
- Okay. Okay.
- Go ahead.
- Ready?
- Yeah.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah.
Okay okay.
( Phone beeps, rings )
911. Hello. Hello.
- Can you hear me?
- What's your location?
- We're lost in the Grand Canyon.
- ( Both yell )
- Gotcha.
- Oh my God. Oh shit.
Yeah, okay.
( Coughing )
( Nick grunting )
- Hey, honey, are you okay?
- ( Mumbling )
Are you okay?
- Are you okay?
- My leg... my leg...
oh, it's killing...
Okay, I'm just gonna
go over here and take,
- and take a look. Okay.
- ( Grunting )
I'm gonna lift your pant leg
up to get a better look.
- ( Squelches )
- ( Screaming )
Oh my God.
- Is it broken?
- I don't...
I can't really tell.
Lori, just pu... pull me out.
- Just pull... just pull me...
- No, Nick, I...
( screams )
No, I don't think
we should try and do that.
- Pull me... pull me out!
- Okay. Okay, honey.
- Pull me up.
- All right.
- Oh, fuck.
- Okay, ready?
( Mumbles )
Come here. Help me.
( Screams )
Keep pulling!
- ( Grunts )
- Keep trying! Oh yeah, that's good!
( Growling )
Oh, no.
Get outta here!
Get outta here!
( Panting )
Nick, Nick, I heard you shouting.
- Where the hell, where you?
- I thought that
if I could find some kind of a lever,
maybe I can pull this Boulder up.
- ( Wood creaking )
- Come on.
- ( Snaps )
- ( Both yell )
- Ah! God!
- ( Mumbling )
How's it look?
Not too bad.
You've always been a shitty liar.
It's okay.
It's a good quality to have in a wife.
That bad, huh?
Any ideas?
I could go for help.
Except we're lost.
What happened to your phone?
Your call went through
before though, right?
Even if it did, I didn't get a chance
to tell the operator where we are...
Not that I even know where we are.
But Henry got us a permit,
and when he doesn't show up,
they're gonna know that
we're missing and they're gonna
send somebody to come
looking for us, so it's okay.
Do you really think
that Henry actually got a permit?
( Crow cawing )
Do you remember the story
of the guy who went hiking
in... God... in Utah, I think it was?
( Inhales deeply )
He fell...
Or maybe he got caught in a rockslide.
I don't remember, but anyway
he got his arm
pinned by a Boulder.
He tried everything
he could to free himself
but nothing worked,
so he cut off his own arm.
I think that was different.
No, it's not that different.
He was alone.
And I have you.
We're one up on him.
No, he had no choice, but we do.
- Do we?
- Yes, we can,
you know, still try
and work something out.
He survived.
I could too.
Nick, you... you can't
cut off your foot.
I know I can't...
But you could.
No. No.
The pain is
like lightning running through my veins.
I can't... I can't do that.
- I can't cut off...
- I saw a Wolf.
What? Here?
When you went looking
for that piece of wood.
Okay. All right.
- We've got to get you out of here.
- Oh, Lori, it's no use.
- Lori, please.
- ( Grunting )
Lori, please.
We have to go now.
Lori, don't. Please don't.
( Grunting )
- Come on.
- No. Oh, please.
- Come on. Help me, please.
- Please.
- Please don't. Please don't.
- Come on.
- ( Screams ) Please don't.
- I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
( Crying )
Oh, come on, please.
Please move your leg. Oh, please.
- Please stop. Please stop.
- Please!
- ( Mumbling )
- Oh, please get...
We can't stay.
Help us.
( Bird squawking )
Let's say that you're right
and we have to...
I have to cut your foot off.
How exactly am I supposed to do that?
With Henry's knife.
We buried it.
( Flies buzzing )
How could I be so stupid?
I'll go back and get the knife.
- Forget it.
- Come on.
You said it yourself, if we
don't get you out of here,
then you're gonna die.
You don't know your way
back to Henry's grave.
- I can try.
- But what if you get lost?
Huh. I'm already lost.
- I'm serious.
- So am I.
I can do this.
No, I can't let you.
Well, try and stop me.
( Chuckles )
I'm sorry. That wasn't funny.
Yeah, it was.
That should be plenty.
- Huh.
- Just in case.
Great. Where are the marshmallows?
Well, I should get going.
I don't want to get caught
out there in the dark.
Hey, I'll be back so fast you
won't even know I was gone.
I'll see you soon.
Happy trails.
Be careful.
( Vultures cawing )
Oh, where the hell are you, Henry?
Okay. Oh, God.
I'm sorry, Henry.
( Scream echoing )
( Crow cawing )
( Wind howling )
( Flies buzzing )
( Groans )
- Hey.
- Hey.
Sorry to interrupt.
No, don't be.
How are you feeling?
I can't complain.
How's Henry?
What's this?
It's our permit.
What's it say?
That we'll be staying
at Havasupai Campground.
Returning on Monday, May the 28th.
So even if they go looking for us,
they won't know where to look.
( Paper crumpling )
Did you sterilize it?
Yeah. Yeah, I did.
That's good.
I wouldn't want to get an infection.
It's all right.
I won't hold it against you.
Cross my heart,
hope to die.
Here, you have to bite on this.
I love it when you talk dirty.
( Nick groaning )
( Crying )
( Wolves howling )
( Growls )
- ( Growls )
- ( Barking )
Get out of here!
Leave us alone!
( Howling continues )
I have to go get more wood.
Wish me luck.
( Howling continues )
( Howling continues )
( Growling )
( Screams )
( Yelps )
( Whines )
( Wind blowing )
( Grunts )
( Mumbles )
( Grunting )
Did you?
When we get back, I'm...
When we get back...?
When we get back, I'm not gonna
take that job with your father.
You're not?
Who's gonna buy running shoes
from a one-legged salesman?
One-legged joggers.
( Both chuckle )
I never should have
gotten us into this mess.
We don't belong here.
( Wolves howling )
( Wolves barking )
( Howling continues )
Go on!
Get away, you bastards!
( Growling )
- ( Knife zings )
- ( Yelps )
( Growling )
( Screams )
No! No!
( Yelps )
( Barking )
( Panting )
Is that water?
We don't have any water.
I'll check the mule.
We don't have a mule, remember?
Here. Here, you should
try and eat something.
Here. Open your mouth.
Oh. What is it?
It's roast wolf.
I thought you were a vegetarian.
It comes and goes.
Here, open your mouth.
( Gags )
Come on. You've got to eat something.
I wouldn't say no
to the last stick of gum.
Here, live it up.
Take the whole thing.
I'm sorry. I wish there was
something more I could do for you.
I can't tell where I... and,
and everything else begins.
I feel like I'm disappearing.
Hey, you're not disappearing.
You're right here.
I'm not me anymore.
I'm all of this.
I'm everything.
And you know what?
- It's okay.
- No, it's not okay.
Hey, I'm going to get you out of here,
but I need you to stay strong.
You can't give up on me.
- ( Groans )
- Hey, I am serious.
I'm in a really lousy mood and you
don't want to piss me off, okay?
- You got it?
- I've got it.
Now let's get the hell out of here.
- ( Both grunt )
- ( Cries )
Leave me here.
No. Forget it.
You'll never make it
out of here with me.
Please. Please don't.
( Moans )
That hurts too much.
That's just your inner wimp talking.
- Please stop.
- No, if we stop, we die.
( Sniffing )
- ( Moaning )
- Get up. Come on, get up. Up.
Come on.
( Grunts )
Put your arm in that... Over that.
Other arm over me. Come on.
- Why are you doing this?
- Stop talking.
You're wasting energy.
I get it... Tough love, right?
You'd better believe it.
Never been a fan.
( Sniffing )
( Vulture squawking )
Wait. We have to stop for a minute.
- Huh?
- Yeah, lie down.
( Fly buzzing )
( Coughing )
That's a good look for you.
I'm glad you like it.
I'd jump your bones, but...
Some other time.
I never knew that you were so...
I'm not.
I'm scared shitless.
That doesn't mean you're not brave.
That just means that you're smart.
- Lori...
- Forget it.
I'm not leaving you here.
I'm sorry, Lori.
- Shut up.
- I mean it, Lori.
You really know how
to get under my skin.
That's one of the things
you love about me.
Actually, it's one of the things
I'm going to change about you.
So I have that to look forward to.
Don't be sad.
We should've stayed in bed...
And just looked at the picture
every once in a while.
I told you.
Or gone to Hawaii.
Hawaii's nice.
I'll bet that's where they're going.
( Jet roaring )
( Crow cawing )
( Wolves howling )
Okay, come on. Come on.
We've got to go. Come on.
Come on, up up.
Oh my God. Hey, come on, come on.
Come on, we've got to get up.
We can't stay here another night.
Come on.
( Wolf growling )
Come on. Come on, baby.
Come on, get up please.
Nick, please.
Go on! Go!
Get out of here! Go!
- Go on!
- ( Growling )
( Moaning )
Get away from him!
- Go on! Get away from him!
- ( Wolves barking )
Nick. Come on, Nick.
We have to go.
( Wolves howling )
"...until death do you part?"
( Lori crying )
I love you.
( Sobbing )
( Choking )
Oh God. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
( Helicopter whirring)
( Barking )
( Sobbing continues )
Ma'am, are you okay?
We've got to get you to a Hospital.
Do you understand me?
Did you make an S.O.S. call yesterday?
We need to get her some oxygen.
She's going into shock.
Okay, ma'am, I just need you
to look me in the eyes.
Just look me in the eyes.
It's gonna be okay.
We're gonna get you out of here.
Look me in the eyes.
You're gonna be okay.
Just slow down your breathing, okay?
- ( Wind blowing )
- ( Whirring continues )
Manual corrected, synchronized,
and spell checked by H@w-to-kiLL.
( Score playing )