The Canyons (2013)

Christian just got back
from vegas.
Yeah. It was just for
the weekend. Private thing.
- He knows everyone.
- Cool.
who "knows" anyone these days?
More like you hang out
when you're in vegas.
So where did you guys stay
in vegas?
I like the four seasons,
the mandalay.
I like the end of the strip
So I can watch the planes
fly into mccarran.
Well, it's good
to finally meet you, man.
It's good to finally, you know,
meet the man in person.
No problem.
And hey, I, um,
I really want to thank you
for giving me that role.
I didn't give you that role.
Your girlfriend
and the director did.
Yeah, but I heard I wasn't
exactly gerald's first choice.
Ryan, come on.
Don't say that.
No, he's right.
You weren't.
But I went to him and told him
that I'm paying for this movie,
So if he doesn't put my
assistant's boyfriend in it,
Then I'm pullin' out, and
that's when the panic sets in.
Panic set in?
I mean, it's just a low-budget
slasher movie, christian.
I don't think people
were panicked by you.
I think, you know, they could
have found the money somehow,
But you made it easier, right?
Well, I have to admit, actually
I was a little bit panicked.
Fact of the matter is
I'm paying for this thing.
I heard from both of you
that he was right for the part.
Yeah, indirectly I had something
to do with you getting the role,
But if it wasn't for you
helping out with the casting
And convincing me
that this guy was,
You know, the best one
for the role,
Then yeah, you probably
wouldn't have the part.
And we thank you
for the favor.
I think we all made
the right decision.
You know, in the year
that she worked for me,
She never mentioned
having a boyfriend.
That is not true!
I did, too!
You just weren't
paying attention.
You guys look happy though.
Yeah, we are.
Really happy.
Yeah, really are.
And you guys?
How long have you two
been seeing each other?
I told you, baby, a year.
Just like us.
I like to keep things loose,
I mean, I love her.
God, she's gorgeous.
But it's more fun to keep it
a little complicated.
Christian, what are you doing?
Where are you going with this?
Just being transparent, baby.
Being transparent
about what?
You know that phone app, amore?
It's kinda like
a girlfriend finder.
Yeah-I mean no.
Wh-what does it do?
It makes... Things simple.
Certain... Assignations.
Just really easy.
You know, you get live video,
make sure that people look
Exactly the way they do
in their profiles.
Assignations for...
What is that?
It means meetings, dude.
Oh! Okay.
Meetings for...
You know, girls, couples,
whatever, man.
Couples. Really?
Yes. Couples. Really.
I guess it's just, well,
I don't know, I'm...
I'm just a more
conventional guy.
Which is why you're with gina,
and I'm with tara.
And you don't get jealous?
Yeah. If there are other
people involved, like guys.
Well, it's mostly girls.
And no, I do not get jealous
Watching my girl hook up
with another chick.
Is this guy-
is this guy for real?
Are you for real?
Is he serious?
No, no, man.
I mean, I-
Look, you're the man. I'm-
I- I was just trying
to keep up with you.
Look, man, it's all about trust,
all right?
I trust her,
she trusts me.
Maybe if that trust wasn't
there, I couldn't handle it.
But since it is,
we have a good time.
I'm sitting right here.
What do you mean,
you couldn't handle it?
Couldn't handle what?
The fact that I know you love me
makes me trust you.
That makes everything we do
more intense.
I'm sorry. Christian likes
to shock people.
I get it.
Or at least he tries to.
This has nothing to do
with shocking people.
I'm just sick of the old school
shit about fucking propriety,
Etiquette and all that crap.
You've been around me
for a year.
It's just fuckin' annoying.
It's like when you're at
your family dinner on Sunday,
- And everyone's just lying-
- Christian, I want to go.
- Can you get the fucking check?
- I've ordered the check.
It's comin'.
It's on its way.
How long does it take?
Mm. It's coming though.
Don't worry about it.
Oh, christian,
before I forget,
I'm finalizing all the rooms
for next month.
Are you definitely sure
that you're not gonna come?
Yeah, there's no way
I'm going to new mexico
And watch a bunch of kids
get tortured and killed
By some pissed-off ghost
in a warehouse.
Besides, I'll be busy
making my own little movies.
What do you mean,
you make your own movies?
On this, dude.
Why in the hell did we have
to go to that damn dinner?
Gina insisted.
Plus I was kinda interested
to see who her new dude is.
What a fuckin' moron.
Gina's a smart girl.
You'd think she could
get with someone better
Than some loser actor.
What do you know about him?
I never even thought
this movie would get made.
Well, gina worked very hard
to make sure it happened.
I never even read the script.
I told gina if the mexicans or
whoever came up with the cash
That I would just match it.
Why aren't you involved
anymore, baby?
Why were you ever involved?
My father was on my ass about
doing something with my life.
When I told him I was doing
a movie, he got off my back.
Why are you wearing a robe?
Guy's almost over here.
What's with all the dudes
I don't know.
It's a phase.
I like the idea of someone
looking at something
They can't have.
Guy thing.
Power and control.
But sometimes they do have me.
Just those two times.
You didn't seem to mind.
I can't believe you
at dinner tonight.
All that shit that you
were telling them.
Is that why you're being
so distant and bitchy, huh?
Why do you even fucking care?
It's just my assistant
and some dumb actor.
I don't know.
I guess I'd like to keep
Some parts of my life private.
Some aspects of
my fucking life private.
Nobody has a private life
anymore, tara.
Okay. What do you talk
to your shrink about?
What do you talk about
when you see dr. Campbell?
I don't tell
dr. Campbell anything
That I wouldn't tell you.
That's a lie. That's not true.
You just lied to me.
What would you like to know?
I want to know what you
talk to dr. Campbell about.
I talk about my family.
I talk about my father trying
to control my fucking life.
What the fuck do you think
I talk to him about?
I don't know.
Other girls.
I'm more serious about you than
I have been with any other girl.
Hope you feel
the same way about me.
Christian, there's
a fucking guy coming over.
He's here.
On his way down the driveway.
And I said I hope you
feel the same way about me.
What was with you tonight, hmm?
At dinner.
You were so tense. Hmm?
You let him in.
Hi. Reed, right?
Come on in.
I'm tara.
This is reed.
What's up, man?
I'm christian.
Hey, man.
I see you've met tara.
You want something to drink?
Shot of tequila.
She's hot, right?
Way hotter than
the pics you sent me.
Have a drink.
Be comfy, man.
You wanna see something
better than that.
How does he have
all that money again?
Uh, trust fund.
His grandparents own like
half of thousand oaks.
She's beautiful, tara,
don't you think?
She's okay.
Don't go there, babe.
I'm not doing that with you.
Doing what?
That whole "is that girl
prettier than me?" thing you do.
I mean, why are you
asking me that?
Look, you never even
mentioned her.
You never told me about her
for a year.
You didn't even mention her
by name.
It was just
"christian's girlfriend."
And you really didn't tell me
what a douchebag that guy is.
The reason I never mentioned her
is that we never really hung out
Until she started
helping me with the movie.
Why was she even
helping you out?
She was bored.
She needed something to do
besides shopping and fucking.
I mean, jon and I
did most of the work,
But she helped out a little,
I guess.
She did push you
for the part.
I know it was probably a favor
to me and christian,
But without her, I don't know
what would've happened.
And then after casting,
she just disappeared.
She just stopped coming by
the production office.
I haven't seen her
in like a month.
I told you not to text me.
Why can't I text you?
Because he looks
at my phone.
Why can't we meet
at my place?
That's not gonna happen
So that's who you're with.
Who'd you think you were-
So this is the guy
that gave you the mercedes
And has a private jet
and takes you to maui
And lives in the fucking
mansion in malibu.
Ryan, please.
Last night killed me.
Because I finally saw you
with him.
I know you better
than he does.
You're not happy, tara.
Who said anything
about happy?
He takes care of me,
and he's in love with me.
It's serious.
Fuck it, ryan. Who's happy?
Who's really happy?
- Tell me.
- Gina.
- Oh, of course.
- Gina is. Gina's happy.
Right, another reason why I
couldn't stand being around her.
And-you really do
all that shit?
Random guys fucking you?
- Jesus, tara.
- Ryan, stop.
This isn't
going anywhere, okay?
So there's no point
in having this discussion.
This has to end.
We can't do this anymore.
Why are you asking me
all this now?
Because I hadn't met him before,
and I do care.
I think about you all the time.
I can't help it.
And it makes me sick.
Can't get the things he
makes you do out of my mind.
- Ryan-
- How do you think I felt
Watching him flashing pictures
on his fucking phone
In front of me?
Last night made me sick.
It made me fuckin' sick.
We can't do this anymore.
This has gotta end.
What's gotta end, hmm?
Fucking me
for the last four weeks?
You wanna end that?
Stop, ryan.
You ever tell him about me?
Did you ever tell him
That you fell in love with me
three years ago?
That you dumped me
when you realized
I was the guy
who might not make it,
That you essentially
abandoned me
For a bunch
of rich douchebags?
- And now that asshole?
- Ryan!
Who are you, ryan?
You're still bartending.
You're still working for randall
as a part-time assistant
At a fucking hotel.
This dumb little movie's not
going to do anything for you.
- Then why push me for it?
- Oh, I don't know.
Because I care about you
and knew how much you wanted it?
See, that's what
I'm saying, baby.
I loved you so much, baby.
We had so much fun together.
I never got over it
when you left.
It killed me, and I tried
so hard to let it go.
I tried so hard
to let go of it.
And just when I think I'm
gonna make it without you,
Gina suddenly started talking
about her boss's girlfriend.
But this girl she described
didn't sound anything like you.
And then when I saw you
at that audition...
I'm still
so in love with you.
I don't fuckin' want to be,
but I am.
I'm with him now.
I'm with him.
What are you thinking?
You think you're gonna nail
this guy, move in with him?
You think that creep's
gonna marry you?
Ryan, don't go there.
It's hard for me, too, okay?
It's hard for me, too.
That's why I tried helping you
with the movie 'cause I care.
But you don't have to go and say
things that are gonna hurt me.
- Leave him. Get out of there.
- And do what?
I don't know. Come back to me.
We'll get a job.
- We'll move in together.
- Get a job and do what, ryan?
Do you not remember how hard
we were busting our asses?
Do you remember those days?
No, wait. Probably not because
you're still living them.
I'm not going back
to that, ryan.
I'm not going back
to going on auditions
For jobs I'm never gonna get.
For bartending
for 8 bucks a fucking hour.
I'm not gonna do it.
Do you remember
how hard it was for us?
We were always fucking broke.
We were busting our asses.
We couldn't even pay
the fucking rent, ryan.
We couldn't pay
the fucking rent.
That wasn't fun for me.
I'm not going back to that.
And I need someone
to take care of me.
And I needed someone
to take care of me.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Want me to get you
something to drink?
Yes. Water.
Oh. How was your day?
It was fine.
Why don't you tell me
about your day instead?
Okay. I got up, and I taught
two yoga sessions this morning,
And then, oh, I went
to that audition,
You know, the one that
I told you about last time.
It was awful.
I definitely didn't get the job,
but whatever.
Oh, my god,
and then sheely called me,
And she started telling me
all about this guy.
- Goddamn it!
- What?
What's wrong?
Why the fuck
did you do that? Why?
I just get into it
with you, okay?
I'm sorry.
I can't help it.
This... Is just this.
What does that mean?
I think you're hot.
I have fun.
But it's not changing
my situation.
Okay, what's really
going on here?
I think tara's
seeing somebody.
Oh, Jesus.
Christian, what does that
even mean, okay?
Considering what you guys do.
I mean, do you even care?
Yes, I care.
I care a lot.
What, you think
she's cheating on you?
She was acting really, really
strange at dinner last night.
I couldn't figure out why.
And then today she met some guy
in the morning for coffee.
- It's just, she-
- Okay.
I mean, how do you know
that she met someone?
- What, did she tell you?
- No.
Okay, did-
what, did the guy tell you?
I've got some stuff
I have to do today.
I think you better leave.
And I don't think
you should come back here.
And why's that?
I can't handle this anymore.
Need some cash?
No. Christian,
I don't need any cash.
Just-just get out.
Come on, cynthia.
Get the fuck out.
Get the fuck out of here!
I'm really sorry that
I didn't congratulate you
On starting
your own pr company.
I mean, that must be
really exciting.
Don't congratulate me just yet.
It hasn't really taken off.
But you know,
if it wasn't for christian
I'd never have been able
to start it.
Yeah. Christian can be
very helpful that way.
So dinner was fun
last night.
I'm sorry if I, you know,
seemed out of it and such.
I was just really
preoccupied with things.
I know how christian gets.
And I have to say that ryan
was a little shocked by him.
But he really liked him.
He thought he was a great guy.
Oh, really? He did?
Thought he was really cool.
You know, good guys are really
hard to come by these days,
- So you're a very lucky girl.
- Tell me about it.
I can't believe I actually
found someone so genuine.
He's a great guy.
Look, this was nice.
I just, um-
I'm sorry. I just wanted
to know something.
Why are you off the movie?
I mean, you're not coming
to new mexico, right?
Oh, no. Yeah, I can't.
No, I can't do that.
I'm just curious because
I'm finalizing everything,
And, I don't know, you just
seemed so into it a month ago.
Yeah, I mean...
Okay, tell me something.
Do you really like movies?
- Really, really like movies?
- Of course!
When's the last time you went
to see a movie in the theater?
A movie that you really thought
meant something to you?
We went to the premiere
last week-
Not premieres.
Premieres don't really count.
I don't know, you know.
I guess maybe it's just
not my thing anymore.
And plus I don't wanna be
away from christian
For that long, I guess.
I get it.
I totally get it.
I wouldn't want to be away
from ryan for that long either.
No, it's just,
at the time I was bored,
And I needed
something to do.
And so that's why
I got involved, and...
You know, now I'm looking for
something else to do, so...
Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm just-
I just have
a lot of stuff going.
I'm so preoccupied and...
Look, I really have to go.
Wait! Stop.
It's on me.
I can bill it
to the production.
Tara, it's okay.
Thank you.
Good seeing you, gina.
Um, we'll talk soon.
Bye, tara.
- So I just had lunch with her.
- Yeah, and?
- Nothing.
- Nothing.
Nope. Nothing.
She said really nice things
about you.
I mean, she seemed
a little tense, but nothing.
She's not coming to new mexico
because she said she'd miss you.
- Really?
- Yeah.
I'm just wondering.
What did you think
she was gonna say to me?
Nothing, babe.
I just want the chance
For the two of you
to reconnect.
I gotta go.
I'll talk to you later.
Uh, okay.
I'll be at the office.
All right, babe.
See you there.
Oh, very good. Sexy.
Yeah. Keep it.
Ha ha.
Pick up your chin.
Yes, very good. Smile.
Muscle up. Come on.
Give me some attitude.
That's good. Profile.
Lower the chin.
Very good.
Billy, switch the lights.
He's pretty cute.
Not again, doll.
It's not gonna work.
Ryan, on your mark.
Hey, ryan.
That's your name, right?
Right. Get on the mark.
Good. Keep it right there.
Yeah, a month. Yeah.
But zander said he would find
someone to take my place
Just until I got back.
No, jeff, zander said it was
cool if he gave me his shifts.
Jeff, come on, man.
I just really need the cash.
If you're gonna make me beg,
then fuck it.
I'll see you later. Bye.
- I'm gonna head on up.
- All right.
Thanks, man.
We're also handling
the leo event,
The green global thing?
Listen, I gotta go.
Ryan's here.
I know it isn't.
Yeah, I think we're all
about to find out why.
Ah! Even on his day off,
It is always a pleasure
to see my favorite assistant.
Thanks, randall, for the first
and only compliment
I'm going to receive today.
Oh, I'm sorry.
What's wrong?
I- I was just, uh-
I was just trying to get
extra shifts at the bar,
But jeff's being a prick.
Well, what can I do
to help?
Well, I was wondering
if there was anything else
I could do around here.
You know, when I offered you
this job, it was full-time.
I know, I know.
But I let you make it part-time
because you wanted it that way.
Randall, I'm going
to new mexico for a month.
They're barely paying me
anything to do this movie.
I really need the cash.
Can I ask you something?
Have you ever considered-
I don't know.
Making plans
for a sustainable future?
What am I
gonna do with you?
You've been really cool,
I really, you know-
You know how much I appreciate
what you've done for me.
You know you'll have
this job waiting for you
When you get back.
You know that, right?
You'll have this, at least.
I'm so strapped.
What is it?
Oh, man, I totally forgot
I have this appointment.
Yeah, of course you did.
Well, I will see you
tomorrow, ryan.
And I'll see
what I can find for you.
- Thanks, randall.
- Uh-huh.
Shh. Don't worry, baby.
Gonna be all right.
Gonna be okay.
- He in?
- Hey. Yeah.
- Let me just tell him-
- Keep an eye on that for me.
Hey, christian.
No girls allowed.
Hey, christian.
What's that?
Going over effects
the budget will allow.
Even though my boyfriend
is the effects supervisor,
He's not doing this for free,
so we have to pick and choose.
That little bitch.
I wanna talk to you
about something.
What is it?
Another topic my boyfriend
loves to hate.
Really? Why's that?
Every movie I've produced,
He thinks I'm trying
to bang the leading man,
And, uh, half the time,
he's been wrong.
I want you to call ryan in
Tell him he's been replaced.
What? Why?
What happened?
What's gerald's problem?
This has nothing
to do with gerald,
And ryan's not actually
being replaced.
I don't get it.
Just call ryan in
and tell him
That gerald's thinking of
taking him out of the movie.
And you, jon,
can convince him otherwise
If ryan's willing
to do something for you.
Like what?
Tell him he gets to keep
the part if he sleeps with you.
Why the hell
would I do that?
Favor to me.
You're not joking, huh?
No, I am not.
I'm friends with gina.
Ryan is totally straight.
You think
he's totally straight?
That's what I believe, yeah.
So how did he get the job
at the hotel, huh?
'Cause he's so straight
or 'cause he's so, um, smart?
Christian, I'm best friends
with gina,
And I can't do this to her.
Jon, jon, jon.
It's just a prank.
Test ryan,
see what his reaction is.
Afterwards, you can tell him
it's a joke.
And if he has the balls
to go to gina
And tell her about
your little prank,
Then just say,
"christian put me up to it."
Blame it on me.
I'll take full responsibility.
Chris, I don't think
I can do this.
Jon, there are a lot
of people in this town
Who call themselves
You're just one.
But I still don't get it.
You don't need to.
Besides, you might get lucky.
Hey, tara!
What'd you do today?
- I went to the gym.
- Which gym?
The gym that I'm a member of.
The one on westwood
or the one on sunset?
The one in west hollywood.
Why'd you go to the one
in west hollywood?
Because it was closer to where
I was meeting gina for lunch.
What time did you
go to the gym?
Tell me something,
do you find gina attractive?
No. I'd never hire an assistant
I find attractive.
Why not?
She's a pretty girl.
Do you find ryan attractive?
Okay, here we go.
No, I don't.
Well, I figured you have to find
him attractive on some level.
You cast him as the lead
in the movie.
No, no, that's not true.
I did not cast him
in the movie.
All right, you made me cast him
as the lead in the movie.
No, we've been over this.
I didn't make you do anything.
You hired him
as a favor to gina,
And that's why
he's in the movie, isn't it?
Would you fuck him?
What did you just
fucking ask me?
I said
would... You... Fuck... Him?
No... I... Wouldn't.
Did actors in the past,
and I have two words for them:
Never again.
I just thought maybe
you two knew each other.
Maybe you met before.
When? When would we have
met before?
Please, enlighten me.
Maybe your modeling days
when you first got to la.
Oh, god, no,
I hadn't, christian.
But you know, who knows?
I was pretty wasted
during those days.
So anything's possible, right?
Come on.
Christian, why are you
asking me these things?
No reason. You're the one
getting all defensive.
I'm chill, baby.
Why are you asking me
about ryan?
I just thought maybe
the two of you had met before.
No. Nope.
We had not.
We had not met before.
I'm gonna get another.
You want one?
After that interrogation,
give me a fucking double.
How was your day?
Did you go to the gym today?
Hey, babe!
- Hey, babe.
- How'd it go?
Uh, I don't think I got it.
Too many other guys.
I'm sorry, babe.
What are you doing?
Christian does yoga
with cynthia gray?
I'm just looking
at his schedule.
Do you know her?
Yeah. Actually, I was
in an acting class with her
A few years ago.
Weird to see
her name again.
So she's teaching yoga now.
Right, that's exactly
what christian's doing
When he's over with cynthia.
It's yoga. Sure.
So I had lunch
with tara today.
- You did?
- Yeah.
You okay?
Yeah. Yeah, I just-
I don't know. I guess
I'm a little surprised
After what you told me
about her last night.
Yeah, I know, but christian
asked me to go, so-
- Why?
- I don't know.
It was like he wanted me
to find out something.
- Like what?
- I really don't know.
Afterwards, it just confirmed
everything he already knew,
Which is that she doesn't
wanna have anything more
To do with the movie.
What else did she say?
Well, I don't think
she believed me
When I told her you thought
christian was cool.
- Why would you tell her that?
- Huh?
That-why would you say that
I thought christian was cool?
What does it matter? You don't
care that I said that, right?
You can tell her
whatever you want, babe.
I mean,
I don't even know her.
She also seemed-
I don't know,
she seemed scared.
Really anxious.
She kinda reminded me
of like one of those girls
In those movies that's being
followed by somebody.
I- I don't know.
It was just very weird.
- Hey!
- Hey. Is everything okay?
I mean, you said we couldn't
talk about this on the phone.
I asked gina
what this was about.
- She had no idea.
- Ryan, it's okay.
Close the door.
But why?
Uh, there's no one here.
Close the door, ryan.
Can we make this fast?
I'd rather just stand,
if that's okay.
What's going on?
Why are you calling me
to the office
At 11:00 at night, jon?
Look, I'll be upfront.
Gerald is still having problems
with you for the lead.
I know you've known this,
And even though you've been
officially cast for this,
He's reconsidering.
You're fucking kidding me.
No. I'm not
fucking kidding you.
What does this mean?
What does
"reconsidering" mean?
We're shooting in a month, jon.
I put my whole life on hold.
Sit down.
I'm the one with the direct line
to chris and gerald.
Has gina been told about this?
No, gina hasn't been
told about this.
If gina hasn't been told about
this, then why am I here?
I'm calling her.
No, don't.
Put the phone away.
Ryan, put the phone down!
I can make sure
you keep the role.
How's that?
Well, I'm going out to, uh,
Palm springs this weekend,
and, uh...
Well, why don't you come?
Aren't you going with billy?
You mean me and gina?
No. Just, um...
Just me and you.
Sure. Why not? But...
Why wait?
Let's do it now.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Suck me off right now.
Right here. Now.
In the office.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Come on. Get to work.
Fuckin' put it in your mouth.
Seriously. Come on.
I need to get off.
Make it hard.
Is this what you want?
Suck me off right now.
You know you want it.
Hey, cynthia?
Hey, uh, this is ryan from
suzie waiter's acting class.
Yeah, yeah, I know. It's-
it's been a long time.
Listen, I wanted
to ask you something.
Who is this?
I'm going out.
Amber texted me.
We're gonna have a drink
or see a movie or something.
Really? That's it?
You're not gonna ask me where
I'm going or when I'll be home?
No. I trust you, baby.
I'm gonna
take a shower first.
Okay. I'm going out.
I'll be back in a bit.
What are you gonna do?
Go online.
Look for somebody to be here
when you get back.
Oh, okay.
Really? Tonight?
Yeah. Really.
You smell nice.
Thank you.
Hey, it's me.
I need you to come over now.
- So, you remember me?
- No, I don't.
Yeah, I used to date christian,
you know, before I met you.
- Great.
- You don't seem surprised.
Honestly, I don't really care
who christian dated.
And why would I be surprised?
Christian went out with
a lot of girls before me,
And I don't care.
Well, I would.
I would care.
Really don't have a clue,
do you?
You don't know anything about me
and christian, do you?
All right, you know what?
Lay it out, babe.
What kind of trouble am I in?
Tara, you know,
I have enough of a clue
To get into contact with you.
Okay, because I think, you need
to get out of this relationship.
I think you need
to get away from him.
Because he's sick.
He's a sick little boy.
Go on.
I mean, even though he was,
you know, fucking other girls,
There were, of course, the
hookups that we did together.
I never wanted to.
I mean, he...
Always pressured me into them.
You didn't want to?
I'm assuming he does
the same thing with you.
Just finish your fucking story,
I need to get the hell
outta here.
Not really a story. No.
Just that moment when everything
became clarified for me.
You know, one night
when things got out of hand.
I found myself
in the emergency room at ucla.
Hmm. How did that happen?
Christian decided to invite a
bunch of guys over to the house.
And you let him.
Actually, I didn't.
I was passed out.
And who's fault was that,
cynthia, hmm?
Your precious christian
decided to crush up
A bunch of rufelin in a drink
that he gave me.
I never called him "precious,"
first of all.
I believe that was your name.
Secondly, it's "rohypnol."
- Third of all-
- You know what I meant.
I don't believe you.
You don't.
So what are you saying, cynthia?
What are you saying?
You saying that you didn't
let yourself get gang banged,
- That you had no control-
- He filmed the entire thing,
And then he threatened
to put it up on different sites
If I said anything
to anybody.
Obviously you weren't in control
of christian. I am.
I'm telling you this because
I think he's gonna hurt you
In the same way.
No, you're telling me this
because you're jealous
And a little drunk.
God, it's such
a girl-thing to do.
Look, christian's
not gonna hurt me.
If anything, I'm the one
that's gonna hurt him.
She's on her way back.
We got 20 minutes.
We are now hacking into
ryan's facebook page
Because you have to be friends
with him to look at it.
Bla bla bla.
And privacy block is on,
photos locked.
Is she friends with him?
Are you sure?
Dude, I've been your tech guy
for like three years.
What is up with the paranoia?
I've never seen you like this.
Christian, uh, you wanted me
to check the phone?
Think I found those deleted
texts you wanted me to see.
Um, not a lot of them,
but, uh,
I don't know what this means,
but it was sent to...
It was sent to ryan's phone.
How quickly can you hack
into his bank account?
Who was that?
The guy that just
walked out of the house.
Who in the fuck do you think
I'm talking about?
Oh, he brought me some weed.
You're such a liar.
How does that make me a liar?
It's not just that.
How was amber?
I wouldn't know.
I didn't see amber.
- You didn't?
- Nope.
Where'd you go?
Who's cynthia?
I don't know
who you're talking about.
Stop fucking lying, christian.
I know lots of cynthias.
What I meant was
I don't know which cynthia
you're referring to.
Fine. Okay.
Someone texted me because they
wanted to talk to me about you.
Turns out that it's some girl
you dated on the east side,
And not only did you
put her in the hospital,
But you invited
a bunch of fucking guys over
And then pulled a fucking train
on her, christian.
- I know the whole thing.
- Wait, wait, wait, wait.
- That didn't fucking happen!
- Christian, what the fuck?
- Oh, right, I'm sure.
- No, look.
I dated a girl named cynthia
before you...
Now you remember.
But none of that other shit
All right?
You're such a fucking liar.
I swear to god!
If it happened,
I would tell you.
It didn't fucking happen.
I don't know why
she would say that.
- I have no fucking clue.
- Me either!
I don't know why
she would say that either.
She's fucking on drugs,
and she's obsessed with me.
I don't know what the fuck is
wrong with-I-I don't know.
What kind of drugs
was she on? Roofies?
I have no idea. She's crazy.
I don't fucking know.
She probably is jealous that
I'm with you instead of her.
- But it did not happen.
- She's on drugs.
If it happened,
I would tell you.
I swear to god.
- But it did not.
- Oh. Thanks.
It didn't though.
I swear.
Who's that?
Nobody. It's... Whoever.
Christian, who is that?
It's just somebody
I invited over,
But we can do it
another night.
It's fine.
We can cancel.
No. Tell 'em to come over.
Are you sure?
I mean, they're close, but...
No. Don't cancel.
Where you going?
Tell 'em to meet me upstairs.
- They wanna use the pool first.
- Great. Whatever.
They're here.
Let 'em in.
It's a little less than that.
It's always nice to cool off.
Ooh, it's cold out there.
It's warmer upstairs.
Let's go upstairs.
This is tara.
Come on in.
Come here.
Let me see my girls together,
come on.
Yeah, that's right.
That's what I wanna see.
I wanna see
the two of you together.
Just lie down.
Kiss him.
Fucking kiss him.
- Fucking kiss him.
- Come on, baby.
Now this is what
I wanna to see.
Kiss him.
Kiss him more.
Go down on him.
No, no, no.
Not you. Him.
Go, jerry.
You listen to me, okay?
Thank you.
- Strange how things work out.
- How do you mean?
Well, I remember liking you,
and then you ended up with tara.
Then I remember
liking christian,
And he ended up with tara.
I don't know
if I'm gonna find a guy,
Maybe I just need
to get out of la.
Yeah, it's a pretty
fucked-up town, isn't it?
Sure you don't wanna stay,
maybe grab some lunch?
I just wanted to come by
and hear what happened
And to thank you in person.
It sounded like a weird request,
but I appreciate it.
You took it a lot further
than I thought. Thanks.
First acting gig
I've had in years.
You really love tara?
Yeah. I mean,
I'm with someone, but yeah.
I'm sorry.
Ryan, I let that go
a long time ago.
You realize that you have to let
it go, too, at a certain point?
I know.
- Hey, hey, hey!
- Why are you following me?
What the fuck are you doing?
What do you want, huh?
I don't know you!
I know who sent you!
Come on, admit it!
Fucking christian!
You want my picture, huh?
You want my picture?
Where's your phone?
Give it!
Nobody wants
your picture, okay?
I know, okay?
Tell christian I know
what the fuck he's doing.
Tell that piece of shit
I know!
What the fuck?
This can't be my phone.
What are you doing?
I was just looking
for my phone.
Did you find it?
Christian, why is my phone
in your drawer?
- Yeah, christian-
- Did you find it?
- Christian, why was my phone-
- I know about you and ryan!
You fucking lying bitch!
Are you gonna fucking
admit it? Are you?
- Oh, shit!
- Are you gonna admit it
After I beat
the fucking shit out of you?
You fucking lied to me!
I trusted you,
and you lied to me!
- Christian...
- You lied!
Please! I really don't know
what you're talking about!
Oh, my god, I can't believe
how late I slept.
How was your run?
Babe, why are you drinking
tequila at noon?
I'm glad your boss
is seeing a shrink.
I've been looking
at christian's schedule.
Dr. Campbell, 3:00.
How do you know that
dr. Campbell's a shrink?
Stop it.
I googled him.
What are you doing,
protecting this psycho?
Why do you even care?
Because he's a sick fuck.
Ryan, I told you, you don't
have to like him. Wha-
The movie's
not gonna happen, gina.
I really don't know what
you're talking about right now.
- The movie's not-
- The movie's happening.
The movie's not gonna happen.
Ryan, what did-
okay, stop. What did jon-
It's not jon.
It's not gerald.
It's not you. It's him.
It's christian.
He's not gonna
let the movie happen.
- You need to calm down.
- He's gonna pull out.
- He's gonna fuckin' pull out.
- What are you talking about?
I don't understand.
What? I don't understand!
It's not gonna happen because
I've been fucking his girlfriend
For the last month.
It's not gonna happen because...
I'm in love with her.
That's why tara stopped
working on the movie.
I never told you this, but
we lived together for a year.
Me and tara.
She dumped me when she started
hooking up with christian.
I hadn't seen her
in three years
Until that day I walked
into the audition room,
And then it started again.
And christian found out.
He's had me followed,
He's fucked with
my bank account,
He's insane, and he knows
about me and tara.
That's why the movie's not
gonna happen, okay? Got it?
I love you, baby.
You believed in me.
You helped me so much,
but I-I can't control it,
How I feel about her.
But she'll never be with you.
She's not going back to that.
We can talk about this
as much as you want.
I'll spend all day
talking about this,
And then I want you
out of here.
I want you to take
all your things,
And I want you out of here.
And then I'm going
to beg christian
To keep the movie going.
I don't care how much
I have to degrade myself.
I will beg him
to keep the movie going.
And I will make sure
that you are not
Within a hundred miles
of that set
For the duration
of the shoot.
Usually I'm the one
in control.
Last night I wasn't.
None of it seemed real.
Not when that guy
was sucking my dick
Or when tara tried
to get him to fuck me.
Which didn't happen, fyi.
There were certain things
That tara and the other girl
wanted us to do,
And I don't even know
why I care.
Just some dumb kids on the
internet I'll never see again.
Didn't feel like
I wasn't in control.
I felt objectified.
The way the two of them
just watched
And told us what to do.
Doesn't usually go down
like that.
Usually I'm the one
directing the scene.
It made me feel
like an actor.
It's kinda like
how I feel when I'm here.
You feel like an actor
when you are here?
We're all actors, aren't we?
I mean...
We all act differently,
Depending on the situation
we're in or we're around.
I don't act the same way with
you as I do when I'm with tara.
Just last night and here...
Were pronounced,
That... Disconnect.
So do you worry about being
an actor when you're here?
It doesn't worry me.
I just don't like it.
I don't like to feel
like I'm not in control.
Have you processed that
coming here is non-negotiable?
That it's mandatory?
Have you been able
to accept that?
You mean
have I processed it?
I processed it.
I've accepted it.
I just don't like it.
Every day I think
what'll happen
If I don't go back to
dr. Campbell's next week.
This thought
is always on my mind.
And the answer is?
If I miss a session,
you will call the asshole.
- The asshole being...
- My father.
And if I told your father
you're missing sessions?
Then the asshole will pull my
trust fund if I miss a session.
What are you thinking?
I'm thinking have I been here
long enough yet?
And the answer is?
Yeah, it's me.
You there?
I got your little message.
Ryan, ryan, ryan.
Poor, poor ryan.
It all seemed so exciting
When you were 18,
and that photographer found you,
Class trip from michigan,
all the way out to los angeles.
Yeah, hollywood.
And you were suddenly
so far away
From that shithole town
you grew up in,
So you did
some modeling shoots.
Everyone was so encouraging.
You even did
a commercial or two.
I saw one on youtube
for pringles.
Looked like a fucking moron.
Then what, huh?
So now you're bartending with
the occasional hotel gig
To supplement your income.
That's just 'cause randall
wants to fuck you up the ass.
Who knows?
You'd probably let him.
He probably has.
What happened last October
at the post ranch inn, huh?
You tell gina about that?
I doubt you told gina
about that romantic drive
All the way up the coast
to the post ranch inn.
And then bam!
You reconnect with tara
last July.
And then bam!
She convinces everyone
to cast you in a movie
You're not even capable
of acting in.
And then bam!
You're fucking my girlfriend.
And bam!
You convince cynthia to tell
everyone some bullshit story.
So what, huh?
You get tara to dump me?
So you guys can,
what, run away together?
Get married?
So you can, what,
Coexist in some
dump of a house somewhere?
Think tara's going back
to that kind of life?
You think she's going
to that lifestyle again?
You want my advice, ryan?
Go back to michigan
and get over it,
You clueless
little motherfucker.
What are you doing here?
I just wanted
to talk to you.
I had no idea
that you two knew each other.
Interesting how small
this town really is.
I don't know
what you're talking about.
Come on, babe.
Your little story?
- What story?
- The ucla hospital.
Bunch of guys
running a train on you.
There's no way
that kid's smart enough
To come up with that
on his own.
But I know somebody who is.
What was I supposed to do?
It worked, babe.
You wanted my attention,
and you got it. Here I am.
Come here, smarty pants.
I'm not mad.
I thought it was cute.
- I'm sorry.
- It's okay.
Did you really think I would
need to slip a girl a roofie?
What I am interested in...
Is how you guys
know each other.
Oh, it doesn't matter.
Yeah, but I am curious.
How'd you meet?
Do you like him?
Have you fucked him?
Has he got a big dick?
Okay, yes, I... I met him
before he knew tara.
We had the same
acting class together.
And yes, we had a thing,
and then he met her,
And then it was over.
Very interesting.
And why does it even matter
to you anymore?
What did you think
she was doing?
I mean, I don't know, she dated
him for like a year or so,
And then she dumped him.
We didn't know each other
very well back then.
I mean, we went to like
a few of the same parties,
And I think we dated
a few of the same guys,
But we weren't really friends
or anything.
And then she met you.
Christian, what are you doing?
Christian, what the fuck?
Christian! No! No!
Pick up, pick up, pick up.
Why don't you
fucking answer?
Pick up the fucking phone!
Can't believe
what you did to her, dude.
You are one sick fuck.
Where were you?
Dr. Campbell's.
What's that?
I'm gonna leave, okay?
I'm gonna go stay with my sister
in santa barbara for a bit.
I'm sorry about this morning.
About everything.
Yeah, I know.
I know. I'm sorry, too.
But I'm gonna leave anyway.
I just-I need to hear
that you're okay with it.
I wanna know that
you're okay with me going.
Will you please
just let me go?
I loved you.
I really... Loved you.
In my own way,
but I loved you.
I know, I know.
I loved you, too.
But I-I just need
to think about things.
And I need to hear you say
that it's okay if I go.
It's okay.
I'll be fine.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I need something from you.
Yes, anything. Tell me.
What do you need?
An alibi.
Wha... What?
For what?
This afternoon.
I- I don't understand.
What happened this afternoon?
You went to...
You just said you went
to dr. Campbell's.
What did you-
what else happened?
Something happened to cynthia.
Christian, what happened?
It's not important.
Uh, I don't-
what happened?
I don't get-
I don't understand.
What do you mean,
something happened?
I left dr. Campbell's at 3:55.
Got here at 4:20.
You've been with me
ever since.
Do you understand?
Nod for me, baby.
Nod for me.
One more thing.
If you ever see him again,
If he ever contacts you,
If he calls you,
If you're even
in the same room together...
I will kill him.
Look at me.
I will kill him,
and I will get away with it.
You understand?
Nod for me, baby.
Nod for me.
Okay, okay.
That's a good girl.
Good girl.
So, you guys
just got back from dubai.
Yeah, we stayed
at the burj al arab.
I thought you had a bad
experience at the burj?
Thought you were only staying
at the atlantis now?
Yeah, but tara
had never been to dubai,
So I thought
it'd be fun for her.
It didn't matter to me.
I was in meetings all day.
So how was dubai?
What'd you do there?
You know, just shopped,
laid out.
Weren't you working
on a movie?
Yeah, uh, kind of.
Yeah. How'd you know?
- We have a friend in common.
- Who?
Didn't you
used to go out with him?
He's producing another movie
a friend of mine is in,
And jaden told me that you and
christian used to live together
And when I met you tonight,
I just put it all together.
Yeah, christian and I
went out for about a year.
And then when we broke up,
I decided to take myself
off the film.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Was the breakup that bad?
No. No, not at all.
No, it's just, there were
a lot of things going on and-
Wait, wasn't that-
Was that around the time
when that girl was killed?
Christian's yoga instructor
or something?
Yeah, actually...
Yeah, it was right around that
time that we broke up, yeah.
They never found out
who did that, did they?
No. I mean,
they had some suspects,
But aside from that, no.
At the end, nothing.
Didn't they find like a knife in
the car of someone's assistant?
Yeah, but... I mean,
I heard that it was basically
Whoever killed
the person, her,
Must have thrown it
in his car.
I mean, I was with him that
night, so it wasn't him, but-
Yeah, after that...
So they never
arrested anybody?
No. Actually, no, they didn't.
That's so scary.
How is christian doing,
by the way?
he's, um, he's good.
We don't really talk
that much,
Aside from texts
and facebook and stuff.
But the last time I heard
from him was pretty recent,
And he's doing great,
Gonna go to the ladies' room.
I'll be right back.
Good, good. I'm glad
you guys had a good time.
- She's cute, man.
- Yeah, she's cute.
Hey! It's me.
Yeah, I'm here with her
right now.
Yeah, we went to david's place
first for drinks.
So... What do you
want me to do?
Anything you want me
to ask her
Besides what you
already told me to?
She seems happy, even though
she's like totally faking it.
Hello, ryan.
Hello, ryan, are you there?