The Captive (2014)

And all I have to do today
Is get past remembering...
Just this once.
Let me think about
it a little bit. Okay?
Hi, Tina.
Something happened?
No. I just didn't want
to come this year.
'Cause it's her thirteenth birthday.
I guess.
I understand.
I hate living in that house alone.
I miss Matthew.
I miss Cassandra.
I miss living.
Going into town?
All right.
- It's cold out there, huh?
- Sure is.
- I'm Matt.
- Page.
- What's your name?
- Page.
Page. Nice to meet you, Page.
- Thanks.
- Yeah.
Hey. What's up?
Not much.
Planning on going?
Well, aren't you?
She said she wanted to
meet with both of us.
Well, it is... it's dumping up here.
How is it down there?
No, it's fine. It's clear.
There's no way that I'm
going to get down there.
It's okay. You always
have excuses, Matthew.
Do you remember that brush
that she used to love?
- The one that my mum gave her?
- Yeah.
Well, I just found one.
It... it's almost the same.
One of the rooms.
Someone must have left it.
That's weird.
Yeah, it's weird.
I should get back to work.
Okay. I love you.
Love you.
I really feel like...
I have been cracking the
whip here on them, okay.
But if there is any chance of
us finishing this on time, I...
You will. Which you will 'cause it's
your job to make sure we finish on time.
I mean,
how old were you when you first
started working for me as a welder,
how old were you?
- Fifteen.
- Fifteen.
And in all those years did I
ever treat you like a friend?
Now I might have treated you like a son,
but I never treated you like a friend.
That's the problem here, Mika.
You're treating all these guys
like they're your buddies
and they're not.
They're tradesmen.
They're working for you.
They're not your friend.
Hey there.
This is a... this is a
beautiful development.
We... we sold out the first
phase in a couple of days.
And you jump in now you can have
your place on the ninth hole.
Vince Grey.
Detective Cornwall. Hi. I'd like to...
I'd like to ask you some questions
about your charity ball.
Still no word?
Well, I... I gave a statement
to one of your colleagues and...
Listen, we can do this here or
we can go down to the station.
Wherever you want.
Hey, okay. Sure. Sit down.
The woman that offered Detective
Dunlop a ride, had you seen her before?
- No.
- You'd never seen her?
I had not. How do you know that...
Detective Dunlop's disappearance
is connected to this woman?
Did... did I say it was?
Look, I've... I've already
made a statement.
- I've already talked to a detective.
- Right.
I mean, I... I really, I don't know
how I can help you more than that.
Your wife is on the board
of this charity, correct?
- Yeah.
- Well, I'd like to speak to her, if I can.
Well, be my guest.
Well, she won't return any of my
phone calls. I've tried many times.
- I'll make sure that she does.
- Good. Thank you.
One more thing.
A guest reported seeing the two
of you having a conversation.
- What was that about?
- I made a comment
to her about how different she looked...
that night from how she
appears in this picture.
Is that why you kept it?
You were seen having a
conversation in front of it.
Before she went missing.
Why don't you take it?
Take 'em both.
Is there any hope of the two
of you getting back together?
We talk. He calls, you know,
all the time.
It's like one big talk.
Talks me to sleep sometimes.
But he's scared to show his face.
'Cause he's guilty.
Because it's his fault.
This whole thing is his fault.
You know, I want him to feel guilty.
It makes sense.
Nothing else does.
That cowboy?
Come on in.
Thank you.
- Detective Jeffrey Cornwall.
- Hi.
Yeah, Jeff.
You have an impressive
clearance rate, Detective Cornwall.
Thank you.
Why would you walk away from a great
career in homicide to join my unit?
Well, I figure it's pretty
much the same skill set.
Except here I get to deal
with living victims,
- for a change.
- What is your history with children?
Well, I was one, once.
Have you ever felt attracted to them?
Do you have a fantasy life?
What does your fantasy life involve?
Adult females.
Brown hair, blue eyes.
No, I haven't been in a
relationship in a while.
Why is that?
It's less complicated.
Take a seat.
So here's what we are dealing with.
Jesus Christ!
We look at images and
videos like that every day.
Kids being abused...
and tortured online while others watch.
Our job is to not look away.
The people who do that to kids...
- Pedophiles.
- I want to stop them.
You want to shoot them?
Beat them up? Put them in the ground?
I want to stop 'em.
Internet technology keeps leaping ahead.
We're always playing catch-up.
Sometimes the only way
to find a needle in the haystack
is one straw at a time.
Sam, our computer geek.
Mike, from Drugs.
Everyone, this is Detective
Jeffrey Cornwall.
You've already met Frank.
He is old school.
- Young at heart.
- Yeah but, old everywhere else.
And that's Teddy.
He has a very particular skill:
visual pattern recognition.
Teddy has an eye for detail.
- Wanna show him, Teddy?
- No, I don't, Sam.
I wish you would stop
doing this every time
- someone new comes in the office.
- Come on.
Come on, come on, come on. Come on.
- All right.
- All right.
Okay, it's like an old stone building.
It's a church or a castle or something.
With a bridge going over a river.
There's a woman standing on
the bridge in a beige coat,
holding a red umbrella.
That's impressive.
Not really. Practice and guess work.
Could have been a red kite.
- So what's your deal, Jeff?
- Me?
I arrest people.
All right. Sounds good.
- Promise.
- I promise.
Pinkie promise.
Okay. Pinkie promise.
Cass, say bye to Albert, honey.
We gotta go.
- Bye.
- Bye, Albert!
- Bye!
- Bye, buddy.
What were you guys talking about?
I made him promise,
he'll never skate with anyone else.
- Nobody else, ever as long as he lives?
- Nobody else.
- Wow, that's a...
- That's a big promise.
- For your whole life?
- Yeah. We're a team.
- There's my girl. But we gotta go.
- Yeah. Bye.
Come here.
Okay, I'll see you at home. Love you!
- Bye!
- Bye! I Bye!
But the fact that you
guys made that promise
to each other,
promise to always be a team,
it means you have to start thinking
about how you present yourselves, okay?
It's... it's... I'm just saying
that it's not necessary.
You guys are so good
it's actually distracting.
Albert thinks it makes us stand out.
I don't think so. I think what makes
you stand out is your talent.
Whether you got a white skate on one
foot and a black on the other it's...
What's the... what's the
word I'm thinking of?
- Irrelevant?
- Irrelevant. Right.
It's like a trick you don't need.
- A trick?
- Yeah, exactly.
- What's so funny?
- No, it's not a trick, it's a gimmick.
- A gimmick we don't need.
- It's a gimmick you don't need.
- A gimmick.
- Well, there you go.
- It's the proper word.
- Oh, that's the proper word?
- Yeah. Gimmick is the proper word.
- Thank you.
Hi. Sarah called in sick.
I might be really late.
I don't know what you're
gonna do about dinner.
Well, we'll be fine. We've actually
just pulled up to the pie shop.
You gonna have pie for dinner?
No. We're not gonna have pie for dinner.
We're gonna have macaroni for dinner.
We have leftover macaroni.
We'll put that on top of the pie.
All right.
Will you get me the cherry-rhubarb?
Cherry-rhubarb, got it. No problem.
Done. Love you. Bye.
And ice cream.
- What kind of ice cream?
- Chocolate.
- On your macaroni?
- Ew! Not macaroni!
It may be the grossest
thing I've ever heard.
It's going to be an awesome dinner.
Hey, Linda, you know what? You're lucky
that a 9-year-old makes the menu
because that one in there
wants a macaroni pie.
They didn't have chocolate
ice cream. So...
- Hey, Linda, did Cass back here?
- No?
Is she... is she in the back? Can you
take a look for me, please, thank you?
- Nothing?
- No.
I have a plan.
A few minutes.
That's all you'll have together.
Do I get to talk to him?
Does my Dad get to talk to me?
Yes, Cass he does.
And we'll be listening.
Of course, I was thinking
some kind of mic...
hidden microphone.
What are you so worried about?
I have no idea where I am.
How would he ever find me?
I don't even know your name.
Not a word...
or else...
You'll kill him.
Wouldn't it just be easier to kill me...
now that I'm all grown up?
Now that you've lost interest.
I can't be that valuable
doing what I'm doing.
Oh, you are so valuable, Cassandra.
Doing exactly what you're doing.
- So it was the patrolman that flagged him?
- Yeah. Kicked down to us.
- Okay.
- Ready?
- Okay?
- It's strange they'd send him here.
Well, there weren't any
detectives at the main station.
My buddy must have known
that I could do it.
I'm not used to interviewing adults.
You'll be fine.
Mr. Lane.
Hi. I'm Detective Dunlop and
this is Detective Cornwall.
We have read through your statement that
you gave to the patrolman an hour ago.
We'd just like to go over
a few details with you.
Yeah. Good.
Is it okay if we record this?
Yeah. Did you see my wife?
Did someone give her a ride down?
I don't know anything
about your wife, Mr. Lane.
I... I called her three hours ago.
It shouldn't take her this long to get here.
I'm worried that she went to the
main police station, not this one.
I told her to take a cab.
Okay. Let's just get
through these questions first
and then we'll look into the
whereabouts of your wife. All right?
Just to be clear, this conversation
is completely voluntary.
And you are not being
forced to tell us anything.
Do you understand this?
- "Yes".
- Yes.
Okay. Now, you say you were
in the diner for how long?
A few minutes. Less.
Okay. Were there any other customers?
- No. I... I didn't see any.
- No customers.
It says here you bought a pie?
Yeah, we bought a...
we bought a cherry pie. My...
my daughter... Yeah, we do
it every week after practice.
I gotta get a pie.
And I asked Linda if they
had chocolate ice cream...
Sorry, you mean Lesley?
And they... they... No.
Linda. They didn't have any chocolate
ice cream. Can I call my wife now?
It's "Lesley". I'm sorry,
it says Lesley right there.
It says "Linda". I can see it from here.
And my nine-year-old
daughter's another mile away.
You have very good eyesight, Mr. Lane.
But you claim you didn't see anything
suspicious when you
looked back to the truck?
It's been three hours since...
someone driving, even if
he's going the speed limit,
which he's not because
he's a fucking kidnapper,
they're hundreds of miles away. Okay?
They... they've taken my daughter.
I need to know right now,
what are you doing to help?
Have you got a helicopter up there?
Are you setting up a roadblock?
What are you doing?
She's a ten-year-old girl.
You said she was nine.
You said she was nine.
Is she nine? Is she ten?
What... what is she?
She's almost ten. Christ,
what difference does it make?
What difference does it...?
- What's going on here?
- Linda... told the police
that she never saw your daughter.
Okay, so, what does that mean?
When you pulled into the diner,
you were alone.
Bullshit. I wasn't alone.
She was resting in the back.
That's why she didn't see her.
Okay. Why would she be resting
in the middle of the afternoon?
Why wouldn't she be resting in the
middle of the fucking afternoon?
She's a kid! A little girl, okay?
We just finished ice skating practice.
- She was exhausted.
- Did you make any stops
- between the rink and the diner?
- Okay.
I'm gonna stop you right there.
I was the last person to see
my daughter at the diner.
That was me. Okay?
Now, I would... I would like to
speak to somebody in charge.
I'd like to speak to... to real police.
I don't even... This looks like a
fucking kindergarten in here, okay.
I need you to find my daughter, now!
Mr. Lane, I'll ask again.
Did you make any stops before
you arrived at the diner?
I remember the day
we won the trophy.
The look on my mother's face as I
skated over and handed it to her.
And it must be such an amazing
feeling for a parent,
seeing their child realize a dream.
That must be the hardest
part for Mum now,
not knowing
what I'm dreaming about.
Or that I'm even alive to be dreaming.
That's great, Cassandra.
This time, do it again,
but a little less self-pity.
Okay, do it, just one more
time and a little louder.
Less self-pity. Got it?
Tina, we stopped to get a pie.
We stopped at the diner. You remember,
we spoke on the phone, remember?
You remember, we stopped.
I got out of my truck.
Right after we hung up I got out of
my truck and I went inside and I...
I could see it. I could see it right
through the window. It was right there.
The truck was right there and... and...
And I went to the bathroom
for like two seconds
and I came back out and
she was gone and she...
What did you do? You lost our girl!
You lost our girl!
- No... No.
- She's gone...
Mrs. Lane.
- Mr. Lane, we need to speak to your
wife now. - It's gonna be okay.
It's gonna be okay.
Mrs. Lane.
My name is Detective Dunlop.
I've been assigned to your case.
- I just need to ask you a few questions.
- How long do you need to speak to her for?
- A few minutes. Okay.
- Okay.
Right here.
I can't imagine what's going through
your wife's head right now.
It's gotta be tough on you.
It's gotta be.
Hey, listen, things get
crazy sometimes, you know?
There seems to be some inconsistencies
about what your husband told us.
Listen, I'm just... I'm going through the
files there, and I see... it's my job,
I see you got an assault charge?
Is that right?
Teenage daddies with baby girls
shouldn't get into barroom brawls.
Especially if they're not
old enough to drink.
My wife knows about that.
I was eighteen years old.
The fight was over her.
So what, you quit school, you got a job
and now nine years later, you're broke.
Yeah, money's tight. I get it.
I heard you say something
to your wife about a...
about a phone call.
She called you, right?
You didn't tell us about that.
My partner's asking her
about that right now.
Wondering if she spoke to
your daughter at that time.
I guess if she didn't...
if she didn't, then where is she?
She's laying down in the back of the cab.
That's what she does. It's her little space.
But don't kids stop taking afternoon naps
when they're like three or four years old?
I mean, if my dad's buying my
favourite pie, I'm with him. I'm excited.
Or I'm watching from the
car window, at least.
Your business failed, right?
Was it TM Landscaping?
You got bills piling up.
You're about to go into bankruptcy.
Like I said before, I get it.
I do, I get it.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Big money for lending your
daughter to some demented pal
for a few days.
Then she's gonna show up,
- damaged, but otherwise...
- You sick fucker!
Excuse me, I'll be right back.
This is what I do, okay? I give a
little shake, I see what falls out.
As well, as give the judge every
reason to dismiss this case.
He's not as innocent as he seems.
- Maybe he is.
- He's got a criminal record.
Assault. As well as a motive.
He owes money through his ears.
So he creates an opportunity,
driving alone on a deserted highway.
Give me a break.
He reminds me of someone.
Somebody from your past.
Yeah, from my past.
This is the present.
Do you actually believe any of the things
he said to Matt the night we came in?
I'm not going to excuse the way
that he behaved with Matthew.
He's dealt with a lot of cases
where someone from the family,
even a parent, is involved.
Matthew reminded him of someone.
- Someone personal.
- That's just bullshit.
Matthew loved Cassandra more
than anything in this world.
He still loves her.
Of course.
I don't know if I want
to do this anymore.
I understand. It's up to you.
Happy to meet you when you need.
On this pillow you will find...
a teeny-tiny tooth of mine.
So while I sleep, where dreams are made
let's see if we can make this trade.
Money for teeth.
It just seems strange to
exchange them for money.
But it's something we all do.
Or did.
And if there ever was a Tooth
Fairy that visited me here,
I'm sure there's something more useful
she could do than leaving me a dollar.
Or maybe it's just a trick.
A trick or a gimmick.
A gimmick you don't really need.
Yes, that's the proper word.
How are you?
I'm fine, I guess.
Hard to believe I've been coming
to see you for six years.
You look really good.
Better than last time.
Yeah, I was a mess last time.
How's Matthew?
He's fine.
Can I ask what's happening?
I still can't look at him.
I see Cass.
I get mad. I say awful things.
Is he completely out of the picture?
- Last time...
- No.
I was just speaking to him, actually.
He said that...
that he wanted to come here.
So why didn't he?
I called him and left him a message.
He thought I'd end up screaming at him.
Would you?
He still thinks he's gonna
find her on his own.
Does he tell you how?
You mean does he have a plan?
Oh yeah. His plan is that
he's on the road a lot.
He keeps his eyes open. Idiot.
I don't sound very nice, do I?
I've heard a lot worse.
Yeah, I bet.
I couldn't do what you do.
You have a daughter?
That's Jeffrey's niece, Jennifer.
- They're really close.
- That's nice.
So should we start?
When you think of Cass,
what do you see?
What do I see?
Mostly I think about her skating.
She loved it so much.
She and Albert,
that was her partner, they...
they talked about going to the Olympics.
And Matt still goes to the rink sometimes
just to watch Albert practice.
It's like they're both just
waiting for Cass to come back.
And Albert's really strong.
So if Cass stays small like me...
They could carry on where they left off.
We're here.
Mrs. Lane.
Come in.
Mrs. Lane, do you know a
lot of illegal images of kids
are circulated on the internet?
And any picture like that is actual
evidence of where a crime has taken place.
Do you understand that?
We study these crime scene images.
We use whatever information
we get out of them to track
down the people who trade
in these illegal pictures.
To find the children. To rescue them.
Sometimes to gain access
to certain rooms,
I play a role.
I try and fit in with the
other men who are...
who are watching the abuse
that's taking place in a room.
The men are all connected to a camera.
They might give directions
or participate.
- A live camera that's in a room.
- Doing what?
Watching a child.
Jeffrey believes that he may
have found some images of Cass.
- You found her?
- No. No, no, no. Just a...
a few screen grabs. Pictures. That's it.
They were recent.
So the good...
- the really good news...
- She's alive.
Mrs. Lane?
Do you think this could be Cass?
I think so.
Hey... How'd it go?
Matthew, listen to me.
They showed me a picture of her.
They found a picture of her.
What do you mean, a picture of Cass?
From where?
They don't know.
They found it on a computer.
Well, when was...
when was the picture from?
They don't know. It was just her face.
They just showed me a picture of her face.
But it's... it's her, Matthew, it's her.
What's she doing in the photo?
Like I said, they... they don't know.
You know, it was just her face. But...
but they said that she was
talking to another girl.
Like a younger girl.
Okay, but... okay. Okay, I got it.
But, what... what's she actually
doing in the... in the picture?
Like, I said, they don't know. Like...
You could have been there and then
you would know all of this already.
I said they don't know.
But it was her. It was
her face. And they said...
they said that... you know,
they're always looking for children
and that Cass is like a...
I can't remember exactly what they said.
But they said she's like a...
like a welcoming face on a gateway.
Or... or something like that.
Gateway? What do you mean a gateway?
To what?
To a ring, they said.
Welcoming face to a gateway, to a ring.
She's helping lure other kids...
They've made her like them.
That's what happened to
our daughter, Matthew.
She's helping recruit other kids.
That's what happened
when you left her alone.
Those monsters came and took her.
And now she sits with her smiling face
and talks to other babies.
And then they go and get them.
That's what happened to her
when you left her alone.
My fate is grief and lamentation.
My daughter's life has been betrayed.
All joy has turned to desolation.
An evil friend has stolen her away.
Is that how you see yourself...
as an evil friend?
Where is this from?
Mozart. It's the...
Queen of the Night's aria
from The Magic Flute.
And how's it going to
help you catch any kids?
What do you mean?
It doesn't seem like the sort of
thing that would attract them.
It's not.
It's part of story time, Cass.
But it's not my story.
The only thing I have to do today
Is to get to the garden
To pick some sage
And wrap lavender with blue string
And set the cedar leaves out for drying
Is it spring yet?
What's happening with my Dad?
You promised.
Why don't you just...
get back to reading
about your evil friend?
I still see her shaking,
her heart breaking.
How dreadful her crying,
how hopeless her sighing...
Make her ears stick out.
- Why?
- It's hotter.
- Pardon me?
- Well, if you're going to bait the trap...
Use the best bait.
If you're going for hot,
cross your eyes a little.
What? It's true. Try it.
That's weird, man.
- The cross eyes are perfect.
- All right.
We're on.
- Is it Willy?
- Yeah, Willy.
Reel him in, Jeff. Reel him in.
Come on, come on, come on, come on.
Yes! Yes!
It's Willy.
Sorry. My mistake.
You bet it is.
Stop! Stop right there!
It's not what you think!
I'm a Good Samaritan.
Well, these arrests are the
result of amazing team work.
Incredible cooperation from a
number of different departments.
- Next time you're doing this.
- You look good on camera.
...the public and media.
You know, we all have to be vigilant.
You know, there may be young people
who are watching this right now,
some of you might have come to see me.
And you've trusted me with your stories
- and I want you to remember...
- I see you do that, you know.
When you're in that room
with those kids, I watch you.
The way you get them
to trust you like that.
The way you talk to them. It's amazing.
Look at me.
No, look at me. You're amazing.
- You're amazing.
- ... we'll show them that we can win.
So, you know,
- Thank you.
- If you're a young person out there
and you think that an adult around you
is behaving or acting in
an inappropriate way...
I want you to call us.
Call the police. We are here to help.
And... and also, you know, if...
if you are online and you
meet any stranger online,
be very careful,
in any chat or in any way,
you have to be on guard.
I know that it'll... it'll all work out.
What makes you so sure?
They have only cracked the first ring.
They'll never get to us. We are safe.
Encrypted beyond the reach of God.
Do not give them the key, Willy.
Under no circumstance do you
take any of the bullshit
deals that they offer.
You deny. Deny, deny, deny, deny, deny.
That bitch that set me up,
I want her removed.
- She's a cop, Willy.
- I don't care.
That's what I want.
- Willy, just listen to me for a second...
- No.
- No. No!
- That's not...
You listen to me, cousin.
I'll keep quiet about our little club
as long as she's taught a lesson.
I... I want her buried.
Like the others.
Only she stays alive.
She tells me her stories.
All of her stories.
I lost this one yesterday.
You know what the best idea is?
Write a note beside your tooth
when you put it under your pillow.
That way the Tooth Fairy will
know what to get you next time.
But letters are for Santa.
Do you still believe in Santa?
Okay. Well, I'm not
talking about a letter.
Just a note.
If you want we can meet and I
can show you how to write one.
That way you can get anything you want.
I thought you weren't coming 'til later?
What's going on?
Look. Look. Don't let
this freak you out, okay?
I talked to my brother.
He knows everything.
He's cool. He's okay. It's okay.
- What?
- Hey, hey, hey, She's talking to Cass.
She's talking to Cass.
Get Jennifer to find out where she is.
Nicole. Nicole!
- Nicole!
- Hi, Nicole. We're playing a game.
What happened?
I don't know.
Hey, would you mind waiting
in the bedroom for a little bit?
- We were just playing a game.
- No. I know. I understand.
I just need to talk to your
uncle for a little bit, okay?
- Did I do something wrong?
- No. No, you did nothing wrong.
As a matter of fact, there's a
book back there waiting for you.
The sequel to the one you asked for
and I would love for you to get started
on that, tell me what you think.
- Are you out of your mind?
- Do you have any idea what you just did?
- Do you have any idea?
- You put Jennifer online.
I'm in contact.
I've been trying to break in forever!
Okay, I needed to show I
had access to a real girl.
- What?
- To get to Cass.
That's what she does, okay?
She helps them bring them in.
Nothing happened here.
- Nothing!
- Nothing?
- Nothing.
- ... except images of Cass.
Images of nothing!
Of her talking in this room.
That's it. That's all.
You don't use children!
- Listen to me.
- No, no, no, no, no.
- Don't touch me.
- Listen to me.
- I screwed up, okay? I screwed up.
- You're out of my unit.
I should have done this a long time ago.
Try to take it easy.
We got tonight, please.
I don't want you there tonight.
- You don't want me there tonight?
- No. I'm going alone.
Okay, you're going alone.
Jennifer, baby.
I gotta go, I'll call you soon.
Detective Dunlop.
- Nicole.
- Hi. Diane Grey.
I'm so glad you could make it.
You look... just fabulous.
- Thank you. You look beautiful.
- Thank you.
Are you alone? I... I thought
you were coming with a guest.
He had a work emergency.
Of course. Please come in.
Is there anything you want help
with this evening that I...?
- I mean straightforward.
- Yeah, I just... no, no thank you...
- I feel that I should've wrote something...
- Hello, gorgeous lady.
- Mika! Very well.
- How are you? You look lovely tonight.
Thank you. Let me introduce
you to Detective Dunlop.
Thank you.
Can I talk you into a
glass of champagne?
Oh, no thank you.
Detective Dunlop, I'm Vince Grey.
Oh, Diane's Vince.
Yeah. Yeah. This is...
this is remarkable.
I mean, the difference
really is... that's...
Is this the way you dress at work?
No. I do a lot of my work with children.
- They wouldn't feel comfortable...
- Yeah, with that look of authority.
I guess most of them
feel betrayed by that.
- By what?
- By the people they're supposed to trust.
Here you are.
Sorry. I didn't mean to...
Did I say something to...
- You're on.
- Okay.
- Excuse me. Nice to meet you too.
- Nice to meet you.
Everything okay?
Yeah. Good.
My deepest thank you.
Without your generosity, an evening
like this simply wouldn't happen.
And we wouldn't be able to celebrate
the remarkable woman I'm
about to introduce to you.
Why Detective Nicole Dunlop has
become a very public figure recently,
most of her time is spent in a
room where she listens to stories.
Stories told by the most vulnerable
members of our society, our children.
They come to trust her.
And they feel safe.
The difference between a youth at risk
and a young person with their
whole life ahead of them
is care and concern.
I know this because I nearly
fell through the cracks.
I was living on the street.
I spent my fourteenth birthday
sleeping in an abandoned van.
If I hadn't been placed with
the right foster family,
I'd have stayed there.
And that's a scary thought.
Because the kids I know from those days
disappeared or died.
If I showed you pictures
related to my work
most of you would cry.
The awful truth is that there are no
happy endings in my line of work.
There are only stories that just stop.
On a good day,
I capture the scum of the earth.
On a good day,
I help a damaged young person
take a step forward
on a very long journey through
the kind of nightmare that
would ruin this lovely dinner.
you don't want me in your life.
You never want me to
come into the picture.
Not with your child.
So please, write big cheques
and maybe none of you will
ever have to see me again.
It's been such an honour
to be here. Thank you.
The speech is over.
We broke all our records,
thanks to you. It is time to celebrate.
- All right. One glass.
- Okay.
Cheers. Thank you so much.
- Cheers. Thank you.
- Cheers.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
So, I... I got to ask you,
how can you stand to be in the same room
as some of these people?
Criminals are easy.
The tough part is the technology.
Really? How... how so?
Well, right now we're working with
this locked network that has the best
encryption we've ever seen.
So, the bad guys are winning then?
Is that what you're saying?
Well, my guys are really good.
You know, my guys are really good and...
and one of them thinks that...
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry that just got...
got past security.
No, I'm sorry. Once you get me going...
No, it's... No Mika and I are just...
we're working on a big project.
The day after begins before
the day before ends. It's just.
Oh, I can't even read that.
Is it getting late?
That's why they make women's watches
so small, so you can't see how late it is.
Oh, that's great.
- Now just pour me into a taxi.
- A taxi?
No, why don't I give you a ride.
Thank you.
I better call my boyfriend.
- Why?
- 'Cause I don't feel very well.
No, you look fine.
I don't want him to worry.
Well, let him worry.
You're not a helpless child.
Come here.
You know, one professional to another,
I wish I'd met someone like
you when I was a little girl.
Are you joking?
Didn't you get the message?
What message?
There's a snowstorm out here.
I'm sending everybody home.
Anyway, I want these here tomorrow
when the landscaper's here.
Hey, I was driving all day man.
- You can place them where they need to go...
- didn't plan on spending the night.
Listen, there's a place
just down the highway.
The Richard Lake Motel. Just stay there.
Bring the receipts, I'll look after it.
Hi, Daddy.
No cry.
Are you... are you okay?
You okay? Yeah?
Oh, I've missed you so much.
- Hey, are you okay?
- I'm okay.
- Yeah?
- How's Mum?
We miss you so much
I wanted to see you so much.
He understood. Just this once.
He wanted me to be happy.
- As happy as I could be, so...
- Who?
Who, Cass?
I thought... I've thought about
you every second of the day.
- I'm so sorry. I should never have
left you. - There's nothing...
I shouldn't have left you.
No, you shouldn't have.
But it happened so fast.
They would have got me anyway.
They were following us.
Who, Cass, who are they?
Come on. You gotta come home
to Mum. Let's go.
- Was it just a trick?
- Come on. What?
The day you lost me.
Was it just a trick?
Or maybe gimmick's a better word.
Something we didn't need.
We were so good. We didn't need
anything like to get attention.
What, Cass? What are you talking about?
One black and one white.
So distracting.
Was it just a gimmick? A trick?
Cass, I... I don't know what
you're talking about, okay?
A trick you don't need sounds so funny.
Yes, gimmick's a better word.
We were so good we didn't need gimmicks.
A promise was made.
Was that promise kept?
They arranged this so
that I would be happy.
They'll do anything to keep me happy.
Anything. I'm so precious to them.
I have to go.
I... I have to go.
What? No.
- You can't do it. Please, Dad,
- No!
- No! No. I don't...
- you can't tell anybody.
- No I'm gonna tell...
- Promise me, Daddy.
- I'm telling the police. You're coming with me.
- You have to pretend it's all a dream.
- You'll never see me again.
- You're coming to see your mother. I...
- No! Daddy, no!
- I've got you in my hands.'re not going anywhere.
You understand me?
- No.
- Cass...
- Daddy.
- Cass.
Okay, boys, show's over.
Go on, now.
He'll be conscious in ten minutes.
All right, Cassandra.
Alright, now.
It's time to go home. Yeah.
Cassandra, let's go home.
All right. All right. All right.
Come on, sweetie.
That's it.
That's it.
Detective, I really hope you don't
think I was avoiding your phone calls.
It's just that I have spoken already
to two other colleagues of yours.
Yeah, I understand that.
As I told them,
I have no idea how this woman would
find her way into our charity ball.
You have to understand that this
is a very well-publicized event.
Tell me, what was your your contact
with the woman after
she came to your table?
I hardly spoke with her.
There was only one empty
chair in the whole room
and she took that empty seat.
You see, Detective Dunlop was
supposed to come with a guest.
Yeah. We...
She decided that she...
she wanted to go alone.
- So you...?
- Yeah.
Could this mystery woman have somehow
known that you weren't coming?
I'm sorry, you're the detective.
Can you tell me anything
more about this woman?
Any details, anything at all?
Did you see them leave together?
I saw the back of them.
But I was speaking with
someone else at that moment.
I think I heard the woman
offer Detective Dunlop a ride.
Didn't that strike you as suspicious?
A stranger offers a
police officer a ride?
She needed one.
She was alone, after all.
Is anyone there?
Oh, yeah, I know. I know.
You've been really understanding.
I appreciate that.
I mean that. Do you have
any idea where she's gone?
- No.
- Or where she's working now?
Linda used to make sure that these are
up all the time... it's not up right now.
- She stopped working here last year.
- I understand that.
I'm going to put it up
right now, okay? Thank you.
- What's so funny?
- No, it's not a trick, it's a gimmick.
A gimmick we don't need.
That day you lost me.
Was it just a trick?
Or maybe gimmick's a better word.
One black, one white.
I made him promise he'll never
skate with anyone else.
We were so good we didn't need
anything like that to get attention.
The promise was made.
Was that promise kept?
Nicole, just tell me what it was like.
What was it like to sleep in
an abandoned van on your...
fourteenth birthday? Yeah?
Does this remind you
of what it was like?
Sorry if I got some
of the details wrong.
But you didn't tell me what
colour the van was so...
I found the yellow to be quite striking.
Just tell me, is this anything like
what you experienced, is it?
Start thinking of the details
or else I might not be back.
Excuse me, you probably shouldn't...
What other rooms do you work in?
Every room on this floor.
Hey, baby.
I was wondering if you could
please come to the house?
- Come home?
- We need to talk.
Talk about what?
Just come to the house.
Okay. It's gonna take me a few hours.
I'm gonna be right there.
- Three cameras found.
- Can't trace the uplink yet.
- In all the rooms that Tina works?
- Yeah.
- Alright, what's going on? Ideas?
- Yeah. Some kind of thrill crime.
What's the thrill?
Watching mummy twist.
It's actually not a bad
idea for a reality show.
Look it, it's out there, I know,
but listen, you got the kid.
So why not watch the mother's pain
and confusion? A blank trophy.
- A teacup. Throw in some baby teeth.
- A hairbrush. A pinwheel.
Eight years after the abduction?
Hey, they might have
been watching all along.
The personality driven to abduct
the child, we're used to.
Noticing a mother's quiet desperation.
That's something else.
What are you saying, Sam?
There's a kidnapper
and there's a watcher.
Or watchers.
Maybe even subscribers.
A whole new class of freaks.
Let's go.
Hello, Matthew.
What's going on?
Let's talk for a minute.
Well, I don't... I don't really
have anything to say.
Nicole thinks that they might be...
they might be watching me.
Who's watching you?
It looks like the abductors
aren't so far out of the picture.
Nicole found some cameras in
my rooms that were hidden.
We'd love any ideas you have about that.
Well, I have no idea.
Did you keep any of Case's teeth,
her baby teeth?
Tina's found some baby teeth
- and some other things in the rooms.
- Other things? What other things?
A trophy. Like the one she won.
The teeth?
- Okay, are they hers?
- Why would you think they were hers?
If they're not hers, then why the
fuck are we talking about them?
I'm not saying... I'm not saying
anything else with this...
Get outta my house. Go.
What do you want from me?
The teeth were placed in the rooms,
under the pillows.
I found them like they were
left for the Tooth Fairy.
You know, like we used
to do with Cassie.
Have you asked the Tooth Fairy?
- Do you think this is funny?
- Yeah. A little. I do. How...
how long has this been going on, hon?
How come no one's told me?
Tina, why tell me, right?
Why ask for my help.
You guys are doing great on your own.
It's only been eight years.
You people can't even do your job.
All you can do is turn my wife against me.
Tina, do you think that I did this? Is that
what you think? That I went in there,
I put a bunch of... cameras in there?
And then... and what? And what?
Mr. Lane, is there something
you're not telling us?
No! No!
So now what?
You gonna arrest me?
Go ahead, please do it.
Please. If you think that I did this, you...
you come here and you arrest me.
What's with the shrine here, man?
It's just there's so
many people from before.
There's Jill from my soccer team.
My best friend, Karen. Albert.
And now that I can't see
my mum anymore I need...
new experiences.
I need to feel inspired.
Oh, yeah.
Do you remember that story
I told you about the trophy?
About the moment I skated over to
my mother and handed it to her?
Remember how moved you were?
I want to feel that.
You told me it was the best
story I ever told you.
It was.
So why don't we make it even better?
I'm just wondering if you kept
that trophy or if Cass kept it.
- What's this for?
- It's just for an article I'm writing about
children who disappear and the impact
that it has years later on the...
This article sounds
like fucking bullshit.
- No, it's not. It's very serious...
- What, you come here eight years later
and then bring up Cass?
I'm just wondering about the impact that
it had on your life. I'm wondering...
Yeah, it impacted my life.
What do you want to know?
I want to know about this
trophy that you won.
- I wondered if you kept it.
- No. No.
I'm done. No, this is fucking bullshit.
- Did you keep the trophy?
- Yeah, I kept the fucking trophy.
Okay. I can...
I can see that you're upset.
- I won't ask you any more questions.
- Great. Are we done?
- Yeah. Thank you very much for your time.
- Awesome. Thank you so much.
Who's that?
Some creepy bitch asking about Cass.
- Yeah?
- I don't know who's in charge here anymore.
I used to deal with Nicole Dunlop.
'kay... This is urgent.
- Who is this?
- Matthew Lane.
Matthew Lane.
- Case's father. Cass Lane.
- Yeah, I know who you are, Matthew.
I've found them. Those people who
took my daughter, I found them.
They're at a diner on Route 15.
You been watching a lot
of movies, lately, Matthew?
Listen to me.
These people have my daughter.
I've seen her. I've been...
I've been with her.
She's alive.
Hey. I need you to listen
to me very carefully.
I have a phone and the phone has GPS.
I'm gonna plant it on their car.
I'll give you the number.
I'm gonna plant it on their car
and then you can track it.
And then you can find them in case
something happens to me, okay?
Do you mind if I...
if I ask you a few questions?
- About what?
- About Cass Lane.
- Okay.
- Yeah, I... I'm writing an article about...
children who disappear and the effect
that it has on the people in their lives.
- Just got a call from Matthew Lane.
- Yeah, I overheard you.
What is it with you and that guy?
Says he met this guy at a diner.
Thinks he's the one that
stole his daughter.
So he tossed his cell
phone in the guy's car.
Want me to check it out?
Hey! Put that back!
- It's my daughter. - I don't care
who it is, I said put it back!
Do you want me to call the cops?
Yeah, I want you to call the cops.
Do it. Do it.
Have you seen this girl?
I lost her a few miles from here,
at a diner just like this one.
That's awful.
Yeah, it's awful.
I went in to get a and I
came out and she was gone.
Just like that.
Eight years ago.
I've spent... I've spent
eight years looking for her.
Without a trace?
Without a trace.
Isn't that an awful story?
Well, isn't that an awful story?
You know something?
The police think that I had
something to do with it.
That maybe I sold her.
- Sold her to who?
- To monsters.
How could I do that?
I'm her father. I'm her dad.
I... I'm supposed to protect her.
I'm the one that loves her.
Of course you do.
I miss my daughter so much.
- I called the police. Now get outta here.
- You called the police?
The police, they're a
useless bunch of...
They're... they're the real
monsters here, the police.
They're all in this together with the
judges and the lawyers and the priests
and all those people that
we're supposed to trust.
They know where Cass is.
They're all the ones
that are hiding her.
He took my phone.
Fuck. Fuck!
Hey! Hey!
We just have to go somewhere.
Put her down!
Don't move!
Don't move or I'll shoot! Don't move!
Where is she?
Where's Nicole? Answer me!
Where, where, where?
A van. Where she had
her fourteenth birthday
Fourteenth birthday?
What the hell are you talking about?
Where's the van, man? Where is it?
You know we're gonna
find it, now tell us!
Where's the van? Where is it?
Just tell us where it is. Where is it?!
All those years,
you guys wouldn't let up.
It wasn't just for you,
you know, it was for Nicole too.
For her spirit.
It was really important for her.
They'll find her. I know they will.
Your team is so smart.