The Care Bears Movie (1985)

CHILDREN: Bless all
the people, young and old.
For they are yours
to love and hold.
And bless
Mr. and Mrs. Cherrywood.
Good night, children.
Sweet dreams.
Mrs. Cherrywood,
isn't Mr. Cherrywood going
to tuck us in?
Oh, he'll be along.
Don't you worry.
I hope I'm not too late.
They've been asking for you.
Mr. Cherrywood!
Look sharp, everyone.
Watch the bouncing balls.
All righty, here we go.
A one, a two,
a three and there!
Thank you,
and thank you.
Now off to sleep
to dream of clowns
and circuses,
acrobats and jugglers.
And remember,
I want a full report
in the morning.
Story, Mr. Cherrywood, story?
GIRL: Please,
the one about the circus.
All right, just one story.
Story hat.
This is the story
of two young children
named Kim and Jason,
and how they were helped
by a group of very special
the Care Bears.
You see, the Care Bears
have a very special mission.
And that mission is to help
everyone share their feelings
with others.
The Care Bears live
in a magic place
called Care-a-lot.
Care-a-lot is a place
we all can go
Whenever we choose it
Care-a-lot is a feeling
we all know
We never do lose it
We can find a secret place
To rest and make a new start
If you don't know
where it is
Look inside your heart
Care-a-lot is a playground
you can find
For sliding and swinging
Carousels playing music
in your mind
For dancing and singing
Sometimes you feel so glad
Sometimes you feel blue
Share your feelings,
it's not bad
Feelings are just you
When you're lonely
Don't you fret
You're not alone
you just tend to forget
Care-a-lot is easily found
You've been there
And you have friends
who care
Don't you let your sadness
get you down
It always helps
when you sing a song
Good cheer carries you along
Through darkness leads
to sunlight
A new day comes,
it's all right
Care-a-lot is a place
you'd like to be
Riding on a cloud,
you'll care a lot
It's a rainbow fantasy
For laughing out loud
Care-a-lot is a place
we all can go
Is a place we all can go
Care-a-lot is a place
we all can go
Is a place we all can go
it's a place we all can go
Is a place we all can go
Learn to care a lot
Share a lot
No, Secret Bear,
I don't think it was
the Cloud-mobile's fault.
Hi. I'm Friend Bear
and this is Secret Bear.
We're Care Bears.
What do you want?
Only to be your friends.
although Kim and Jason were
warm and loving children,
they had been so hurt
when their parents
went away
that they had decided
never to love anyone
ever again,
just in case
they, too, went away.
Kim and Jason felt
they didn't need anyone,
but the Care Bears
knew better.
Everyone needs friends, Jason,
even you and Kim.
We're not your friends.
How do you know our names?
We know a lot of things
about you.
Kim reads a lot of books
and wants to be a nurse
when she grows up.
And, Jason,
you wanna be a jet pilot.
Yeah. How did you know that?
Friends are supposed
to know about each other's
hopes and dreams.
Secret Bear says not to worry.
No one can keep a secret
like Secret Bear.
Well, I'll tell you what
we know about people
you care for.
They always let you down.
KIM: So we'd rather not have
any friends.
Don't trouble
While the Care Bears tried
even harder
to make friends
with Kim and Jason,
Tenderheart was on his way
to help a boy
who wanted friends
more than anything else
in the whole world.
Nicholas was
a magician's helper.
He had never had
a friend in his life.
Close the door!
I--I didn't mean it.
You never mean it, Nicholas.
I bought that trunk
thinking maybe there's
some junk in it
I can use in my magic act.
Now half of it's broken!
What am I going
to do with you?
Every time I give you
a simple thing to do,
it's boom this
and crash that!
I'm sorry, Mr. Fetuccini.
Enough of your sorrys.
Check that new trunk and see
if there's anything left
I can use in my magic act.
I have a show to put on.
Perhaps one day
I will teach you how to make
an audience love you.
But right now
you're next to hopeless.
I wish...
I'd give anything
to find a way to get people
to like me.
Who's there?
Who said that?
You did say
Tenderheart was trapped.
He needed some
Care Bear reinforcements.
But unfortunately they were
busy with their new invention.
With this Rainbow Rescue Beam,
we can send a Care Bear
anywhere in the whole world
in a matter of seconds.
Or bring them back again
in case of an emergency.
We'll be able to help
people share their feelings
a lot quicker.
We've gotta get it working
first, Share Bear.
And then we still won't know
what'll happen until
we give it another test.
How come I'm always the one
fixing things around here?
Because you never complain,
Grumpy Bear.
I think I know why
the first test didn't work.
There. This little star got
itself stuck in the gears.
Now that's what I call
"star stuck," Grumpy Bear.
Has anyone seen Baby Hugs
and Baby Tugs?
I can't find them anywhere.
We'll help you look,
Grams Bear.
We can test
the Rainbow Rescue Beam later.
That Baby Tugs is probably
just getting into mischief
What's this thing, Tugs?
It's not a thing, Hugs.
It's, uh,
a thing-a-ma-dooey.
You know everything, Tugs.
What's it do?
It makes bubbles.
Square bubbles!
Square bubbles?
Golly, make square bubbles,
Any special color?
No square bubbles, Tugs.
Not even round ones.
HUGS: You broke the thing.
Baby Hugs, Baby Tugs,
what have you done?
BIRTHDAY BEAR: It's obvious,
Grumpy Bear,
they got the Rainbow Rescue
Beam working.
But we still don't know
if it'll transport anyone.
Oh, my stars,
it brought visitors.
What are they doing here?
We didn't bring them.
They just came along.
Someone brought us here.
I knew it!
Baby Bear mischief.
What are we gonna do
with those children?
SHARE BEAR: I don't know.
This has never
happened before.
Perhaps we can let them stay.
Hey, could we
say something?
Where are we?
We're terribly sorry.
We're the Care Bears.
BOTH: More friends?
Welcome to Care-a-lot!
Come on.
We'll give you a tour.
Okay, but we're
not gonna like it.
I know you're thinking
that nobody cares
You've got some feelings
you don't wanna share
But if your troubles stay
all stuck inside
They're gonna grow
till they're too big to hide
I know you're trying
to steer so clear of friends
You've had a few
that left you in the end
I gotta tell you
it ain't always so
Somebody loves you
who ain't gonna go
So follow me
and let me take you where
If you think nobody cares
Nobody cares
Nobody cares like a bear
You'll need a friend
to get a big job done
I guess sometimes
two heads are better than one
You'll need a friend
to let your feelings free
Sure could use someone
to talk to me
So make a friend
and let me take you where
When you think nobody cares
Nobody cares
Nobody cares like a bear
So don't go sticking
by your own sweet self
You gotta take a chance
on someone else
That's what it's all about,
just being friends
And take a chance
on loving again
And follow me
and let me take you where
When you think nobody cares
Nobody cares
Nobody cares like a bear
When you think nobody cares
Nobody cares
Nobody cares like a bear
Well, thanks to
the Care Bears,
Kim and Jason remembered
how good it was
to have friends who cared.
Their troubles were over.
But for Nicholas,
his real troubles were
just beginning.
Who are you?
How do you know my name?
I am a spirit, Nicholas.
Your friend.
I know many things.
Almost everything.
I know how you can earn
more friends.
Really? How?
With magic.
Oh, not his magic tricks.
I mean real magic.
Magic that can make
your fondest wish come true.
Y-You mean,
you could use magic
to get people to like me?
But you could.
All you have to do is
undo the lock.
No, don't!
Hey, what are you doing
in there?
I've gotta stop this!
Nicholas! Nicky?
Hey, are you okay in there?
Read this.
Did I do that?
You can do a lot more.
Hey, Nicky, open up!
The door's stuck!
Hey, Nicholas!
SPIRIT: Go ahead.
Open it.
Hey, it worked.
Your spell worked.
Well done, Nicholas.
He'll be in a deep sleep
only long enough for you
to take over his magic show.
But I couldn't.
Yes, you can. You must.
This is your chance to show
that you are a greater
magician than he.
They love him for his magic.
They'll love you for yours.
I'll help you.
Nicholas, stop!
This isn't the way
to make friends.
Who are you?
I'm Tenderheart,
a Care Bear.
Your friend.
Where was he
when you needed him?
What matters is,
I'm here now,
when Nicholas needs me
the most.
SPIRIT: See, Nicholas?
Magic can do anything
you want it to.
Hey, neat!
TENDERHEART: Magic isn't
the answer, Nicholas.
Your feelings can help you
find the true answer.
Don't listen to him!
There are dozens
of children out there
waiting to see your magic.
They'll love me
just like they love
The Great Fetuccini.
I know all his tricks.
I'm not doing
anything wrong.
He won't succeed.
The spirit doesn't care
about him.
But I do!
And now The Amazing Nicholas
will pull a dove
out of his hat.
Stop it!
I knew this was going
to happen.
Make them stop laughing.
Make them stop!
Only you can do that. Here!
Teach them a lesson.
A--A lesson?
BOY: Come on!
Make us laugh.
SPIRIT: One they'll
never forget.
Nicholas! No!
Now they know
how you felt all your life
without a friend in the world.
Now they feel nothing!
what have you done?
Only what they did to me.
They deserved it.
No, Nicholas,
please listen!
Quick, Nicholas!
SPIRIT: This is only
the beginning!
This is a job
for all the Care Bears.
WISH BEAR: Jason! Kim!
Wait'll you hear this.
Look, Secret Bear,
Wish Bear's got her head
stuck in the clouds again.
Now where's my Star-oscope?
Looking for this?
Oh, sorry, Grumpy Bear,
but I'm in a hurry.
I've got great news
for Kim and Jason.
I spotted...
Tenderheart's Rainbow Roller
is out of control!
Oh, no!
Quick, run for cover!
It's coming!
Brace yourselves!
What's coming?
Everyone okay?
Share Bear?
I think so.
Too bad we can't say the same
for Care-a-lot.
Everything's broken!
FUNSHINE BEAR: Tenderheart!
The Caring Meter dropped
two whole points!
A lot of people must have
suddenly just stopped caring.
What could have caused that?
The same thing that caused
the cloud quake!
A boy named Nicholas
is being taken over
by an evil spirit.
An evil spirit?
What happens when the
Caring Meter drops to zero?
No one in the world
will care anymore.
And the end of Care-a-lot?
I think that's exactly what
the spirit has in mind!
Oh, my gosh, I forgot.
I sighted parents for you
at the orphanage.
They want to adopt you both.
Kim and Jason.
Come on, Grumpy,
let's warm up the
Rainbow Rescue Beam.
Kim and Jason have
to get back in a hurry.
Hear that, Jason? Parents!
I thought
we'd never have parents.
But, Kim...
I know, Jason.
Our friends,
they're in trouble.
Kim, Jason, we're ready.
All set?
We're not going back
to the orphanage.
We're going to help you.
But you have parents waiting.
We made up our minds.
You showed us
how to share our feelings,
and that's just
what we're going to do.
Yeah? Really?
BOTH: Yeah.
All right, our first job is to
go to Earth and find Nicholas.
Friend Bear, Secret Bear,
you head down
with Kim and Jason.
We'll follow.
Hold on to this for me, Jason.
Don't lose it.
It's very important.
Don't worry, Tenderheart,
I wouldn't lose it
for nothing.
All right, Champ Bear
and Funshine, you're next!
The Rainbow Rescue Beam's
They never made it to Earth.
What do you mean?
Where are they?
They're lost somewhere
between here and Earth.
What do we do now?
We can't follow them.
And the evil spirit said
this was just the beginning.
As Nicholas continued to cast
the spirit's evil spells,
more and more people
stopped caring.
Everyone in this town
has friends.
But soon they'll all be
just like me.
As this wave of uncaring grew,
so did the storms
around Care-a-lot.
The Care Bears were trapped,
cut off from the Earth,
and any chance of rescuing
Kim, Jason, Secret Bear,
and Friend Bear.
The cloud quakes had broken
the Rainbow Rescue Beam.
But the Care Bears would
never give up.
That's what made them think
of the river.
Good luck, Care Bears.
We're counting on you!
in Care-a-lot had ever
followed the river.
They had no idea whether
it would lead them to Kim,
and the missing Care Bears,
or to nowhere at all.
But the Rainbow Rescue Beam
had dropped Kim, Jason,
and the two Care Bears
right smack in the middle
of a strange new land.
This doesn't look like
the Earth I remember.
Maybe we're still
in Care-a-lot.
If this is Care-a-lot,
then someone's been
doing a little gardening
since we left.
I can't hold on much longer.
Secret Bear says
not to worry about falling.
Worry about the lion instead.
ALL: Lion?
What are we going to do?
FRIEND BEAR: Close your eyes.
Maybe he won't see us.
See? He's gone.
Give me your hand, slowly.
JASON: Oh, no!
Hey, they don't have
any tails.
The monkey can talk.
What happened
to all your fur?
We--We never had any fur.
That's impossible!
Every monkey has fur.
And who said
they were monkeys? Hmm?
Well, they were
up in the tree.
I know.
They're lions with haircuts.
We're not lions or monkeys.
Yeah. We're people.
And we're Care Bears.
Where did you come from?
Why, we live here.
Everyone in the Forest
of Feelings knows
of Playful Heart Monkey
and Brave Heart Lion.
Forest of Feelings?
Well, we're from Earth.
And Care-a-lot.
Earth? Care-a-lot?
There's no such place.
There is, too!
Don't mind Playful Heart.
He loves to laugh
at anything.
I've heard tales long ago
about other places.
What are these
other places like?
Do you have a place
where rainbows grow
To carry a bear
who's sliding?
Well, I have a rock
in a cave below
Just perfect for hiding
Do you have a house
made all out of wood
For keeping you dry
when it's raining?
FRIEND BEAR: I stay on top
when the rain goes drop
Look, I'm hydroplaning
Forest of Feelings,
And earth aren't far apart
They differ in some ways,
some ways not
'Cause home is in your heart
Do you have a star
that can travel far
And tell you
what my star told me?
No, but I have a tree
that plays with me
With branches that swing
and enfold me
Do you have a flower?
We call it a rose
Its petals are softer
than pillows
Look, I see a bee
on Friend Bear's nose!
KIM: Stop!
Stay perfectly still.
Forest of Feelings,
And earth are
the homes we claim
Loving each other
What we've got are
places with a different name
But they're all the same
Forest of Feelings,
And earth are
the homes we claim
Right here with you,
my friend
Forest of Feelings,
And earth are all the same
We are all the same
Do you have a bed
where you sleep at night
With billowy blankets
all over?
I sleep in a thicket,
on soft green grass,
covered with cushiony clover.
My bed is cozy
and light as a cloud.
Your bed is a cloud!
Oh, yeah.
Colors and flowers
and hearts in a crown
Are just about everywhere
Forest of Feelings,
And earth aren't far apart
They differ in some ways,
some ways not
'Cause home is in your heart
Home is in your heart
Forest of Feelings,
And earth are the homes
we claim
We love each other,
loving each other
What we've got are
places with a different name
Home is all the same
Forest of Feelings,
And earth aren't far apart
They differ in some ways,
some ways not
'Cause home is in your heart
Home is in your heart
Home is in your heart
You're welcome to stay
in the Forest of Feelings
as long as you like.
Thank you, Brave Heart,
but the sooner we leave
the better.
If we don't hurry,
Care-a-lot may not be there
when we get back.
We have to find
a way back to Earth.
To help stop the evil spirit
from taking all the feelings
from everybody.
Come on, everybody.
If there is a way out of
the Forest of Feelings,
we'll help you find it.
This way.
The spell is cast.
Now everyone in town
will know the loneliness
they've made me feel.
Not quite.
These two small children
still care
very much about everyone,
except you.
But they were to fall
under my spell.
Ah, but those--those soft
little bears shield them
from your spells
with their love and caring.
Let them go!
I'm even now!
Are you?
What about all the others?
All the others that you have
not yet cast your spells on.
All the others
that still care.
I've gotten even
with the whole town.
That's all I wanted.
The others will come after you
for what you've done.
What should I do?
You must finish it.
Go ahead, say it!
SPIRIT: This spell will
seek out the children
and bring them to us
at any cost.
But isn't there
another way?
No! They must be taught
a lesson!
A lesson for the children.
A lesson for the town!
A lesson for
What do you mean, "everyone"?
Now go!
You said, "a lesson."
What kind of lesson?
Never mind that.
You must now collect
the ingredients for
your next spell.
WISH BEAR: There's nothing
ahead to tell us where we are,
Bear overboard!
Bedtime Bear went to sleep
and fell overboard.
Hi. I think
you've lost something.
Oh, thank you very much.
I'm sure Bedtime Bear
will thank you, too,
when he wakes up.
No thanks needed.
I'm Cozy Heart Penguin.
Helping someone in need
is what warms my heart
and keeps me cozy.
Well, it must work,
Cozy Heart.
This water's freezing!
I love it!
First we have to find
Kim and Jason, and then...
Something's pulling
at the wheel.
why are you turning here?
I'm not!
The boat's turning
by itself!
LOVE-A-LOT BEAR: We're caught
in some kind of whirlpool!
ALL: Whoa!
ALL: Whoa!
Somebody do something!
A rope!
Throw me a rope!
Do as she says!
Guide this rope,
Little Star.
Oh, Champ Bear,
we're saved!
May I introduce the strongest,
most fearsome creature
in the entire
Forest of Feelings.
Lotsa Heart Elephant.
Hey, you're a lot smaller
than you sound.
It's true that I'm not big,
but it's amazing
what you can do
if you really put
your heart into it.
(LAUGHING) Sometimes I even
startle myself.
It's not going to work.
Even the Spell
can't defeat them.
The Spell was just having
a little sport.
The children are
his true goal.
Perhaps a sprinkle
of toadstool mold
would speed things up.
Grumpy Bear!
Ouch! Ow, ow, ow.
The Caring Meter is
down to five.
If it reaches zero,
Care-a-lot is finished!
And no one will care anymore.
Any luck fixing
the Rainbow Rescue Beam?
I think I used up
all my good luck
getting this far.
Maybe your luck's run out,
but not mine!
I need a piece
that looks like this.
Try that.
It's Baby Hugs' lollipop.
You know, Baby Hugs and Tugs
are gonna make fine Care Bears
one of these days.
You rest there
while I scout up ahead.
ALL: Whew.
While Brave Heart's gone,
let's play a guessing game.
What am I?
I don't know.
Look out!
Let us go!
Oh, no!
Let us go!
All right, you asked for it!
Let them go!
Swift Heart!
Let's get out of here!
Come on, Swift Heart.
I'm way ahead of you.
Oh, no!
That's the most unfriendly
tree I've ever seen.
Well, thanks to you,
Swift Heart,
we're safe for now.
FRIEND BEAR: There's a serious
task at hand, Swift Heart.
It seems that the evil spirit
is after Kim and Jason.
An evil spirit
in the Forest of Feelings?
We'll fill you in as we go.
Let's get moving.
do you think this river might
lead us down to Earth?
It has to go somewhere.
Hang on, everyone,
we're going for a ride.
ALL: Whoa!
Look, a cave!
I can't see a thing.
VOICE: Steer to the left!
Who said that?
Neither did I.
WISH BEAR: It wasn't me.
VOICE: It was me!
I said it!
Who are you?
VOICE: Don't ask questions.
Steer left quick!
Phew, that was close.
You almost smashed
right into a big rock.
I see light up ahead.
A raccoon?
No wonder
you could see in the dark.
Not just a raccoon.
Bright Heart Raccoon.
I can usually see my way
through anything.
WISH BEAR: Waterfalls ahead!
We better do something quick.
Care Bears!
Well done, Care Bears.
LOTSA HEART: Let's hear it
for the Care Bears!
ALL: Hip, hip, hurray!
Hip, hip, hurray!
Oh, no!
Brave Heart?
Oh, no!
Are you okay, Kim?
Jason, we've got to run.
Where? We're trapped.
And that bird knows it, too.
We can't reach them!
You're right, Secret Bear.
Our only hope is
a Care Bear Stare.
I just hope it works.
There's only two of us.
Right again.
We've got to try.
Care Bears stare!
The two of us aren't enough!
Oh, no!
Care Bears
That was magnificent.
Your friends arrived
just in time.
Jason, Kim!
You're all right!
Thanks to our new friends.
I know exactly
what you mean.
I think things will get
a lot easier now that we're
together, Brave Heart.
I couldn't agree with you
more, Lotsa Heart.
Soon you'll be out of
the Forest of Feelings.
Then your journey will
really begin.
You're not coming with us?
Well, uh,
yes, if you think
we could help.
Glad to have you along.
We can use
all the help we can get.
Well, in that case...
We're calling for
the loyal hearts
Wherever they may be
We're calling for
the proud hearts
To come and follow me
We're calling for
the gentle hearts
To keep us company
And it would be
a treat heart
If you would follow me
'Cause there's
a job to be done
We're gonna need everyone
Because nobody
can do it alone
We'll need the swift
and the small
We'll need the strong
and the tall
'Cause everyone has
a strength of their own
And when you put it
all together
Then there's a power
no one can deny
It's the power to share,
it's the power to care
'Cause when you care
you're not afraid to try
And when you put it
all together
Then there's a power
no one can deny
It's the power to share,
it's the power to care
When you care,
you're not afraid to try
SPIRIT: They're on their way.
You'll be ready for them.
By completing
your final spell.
Final spell?
You must gather
the elements quickly.
When those two children
they must be all that is left
of caring in this world.
You don't mean...
Everyone must be taught
the lesson.
Don't you see, Nicholas?
It's too late to stop now.
You must finish
what you started!
There's no turning back!
hard to believe that only
a short time ago
this was a place
of happiness and joy.
Now, without love
to keep it alive,
it had become a home of fear,
loneliness and ruin.
Time was running out
for the Care Bears.
Nicholas and the evil spirit
had to be stopped
before they cast
their final spell.
A world without caring?
This doesn't look like
the Earth you talked about.
We've got to stop it
before it gets worse.
I don't think this place
could get any worse.
Nicholas and the spirit must
be around here somewhere.
We've got to find them
as quickly as possible.
I suggest we split up.
I agree, Tenderheart.
The first ones to spot them,
warn the others.
Okay, let's go get them.
Jason, do you still have
the key that I gave you?
Sure do.
Good. Now, promise me
you and Kim
will stay as far away
from Nicholas and the spirit
as you can.
But I wanna help.
You can help best
by guarding that key.
If we lose that key, Jason,
we can never win.
I understand, Tenderheart.
You can count on me.
Three apple cores.
Just what I need.
One spider's web.
My list is almost complete.
A few more items,
a few magic words,
and presto,
a world without love.
did you hear that?
We have to get word
to the others before
it's too late.
Hmm. Let's see. Apple cores,
spider's web, milkweed pod...
A cigar butt.
I almost missed it.
Now, one last thing to find.
BOTH: Phew.
BOY: There they go.
Phew. That was close.
Oh, no! Run away!
Hurry up! Look out!
Run away!
Get away! Oh, dear!
Watch out!
Run for cover
Don't stop to look around
Nothing to do
But hide someplace
where we cannot be found
Don't make a sound.
Look out!
Be careful.
Here he comes!
Run away!
Look out, he's after you
You ought to take care,
but take care where you go
It's a nightmare coming true
The evil that's spreading
is starting to grow
Your friends are doing
all they can do
But what about you?
How can we help
this unfortunate soul?
How can we stop him?
He's out of control
Running and hiding
to stay out of sight
Running and hiding,
it doesn't seem right
Look out! Watch out!
Hurry, get away!
Running and hiding
and running again
Running and running,
oh, please make it end
Isn't there some way
to make him our friend?
The spirit's got
a hold on Nicholas
He's forgot about feelings
and friends
Look out, he's after you
It's a nightmare coming true
When will
this bad dream end?
He's not himself,
he's turning mean
He's been on a path
of terrible wrath
No kid's ever seen
Friends are there
to help you out
Because they care
and there's no doubt
That if you're scared,
they'll lend a hand
Till you're prepared
to make a stand
This power's wrong,
but incredibly strong
If only we could
make him understand
Look out, watch out!
Look out! Look out!
Look out! Watch out!
What can you do
if there's only two of you?
What can you do
if there's only two of you?
What can you do
if there's only two of you?
Icky, sticky bubble gum!
The last ingredient
I need for my final spell.
Let them try and stop me now!
Swift Heart,
are you all right?
You bet, Friend Bear.
It takes more than that
to slow me down.
Where are Kim and Jason?
Maybe they're hiding
and are afraid
to show themselves.
Okay, Brave Heart.
You round up your friends
and try to find Kim and Jason.
Care Bears, follow me.
What are you going to do,
We have to try
and get through to Nicholas.
And make him believe
that we really do care
about him.
And that he really cares
about everyone else.
With a Care Bear Stare?
That's right, Cozy Heart.
I wish there was some way
we could express our feelings
like that.
There's always a way to let
others share your feelings,
Gentle Heart, always.
Let's go.
We don't have much time.
MR. CHERRYWOOD: It was going
to take every ounce of caring
that the Care Bears
could muster
to reach Nicholas.
But as you remember,
they were two bears short.
Grumpy Bear and Good Luck Bear
were still in Care-a-lot
trying to fix the Rainbow
Rescue Beam,
or what was left of it.
I just need
a little more time.
That's the one thing
we don't have.
The Caring Meter has
fallen to three.
In no time,
it'll fall to zero.
And that's the end
of Care-a-lot.
We've got to get down there
and help!
Now, the final ingredient.
SPIRIT: Quickly!
Why are you stopping?
I--I--I don't want...
You don't want to?
You must!
You can't care about anything!
SPIRIT: You've gone too far!
Too far to stop!
You can't stop!
You are beyond this!
You're too late.
Too late!
The last spell is cast!
We care about everyone,
even when they don't care
about us.
And right now, the one we care
about most is you, Nicholas!
Care Bears, get ready.
Care Bears, stare!
You don't care!
SPIRIT: Now for the very last
two children.
What happened in there?
SHARE BEAR: The Care Bear
Stare didn't work!
The spirit's power is
too strong!
Brave Heart,
where are Kim and Jason?
We can't find them anywhere.
Uh-oh. Look!
Where are they?
As long as Kim and Jason
still care, his spell's
not complete.
You mean,
you can still save him?
We can still save him.
But how?
Just feel it!
Care Bears?
Well, what do you know?
The Rainbow Rescue Beam
See? We just needed
a little luck.
Looks like we're gonna
need more than that.
Where are they?
Where are you hiding
the boy and girl?
You don't know
what you're doing, Nicholas.
Listen to your heart,
and you'll find the truth.
Where are they?
Care Bears
Too late.
Tenderheart's right.
We can do it,
but we have to
do it together.
Do what?
Okay, everybody.
Uh, uh, everybody, uh...
That's it!
Everybody call!
Kim, Jason, no!
It's them!
It's the children.
We care about you.
We used to be like you.
We thought nobody cared.
But we were wrong.
Now we want to be
your friends, Nicholas,
and make sure
you're never alone again.
Believe us, Nicholas,
believe us.
I--I--I believe you.
No, you can't!
SPIRIT: Don't do it.
You don't care!
They don't care!
Please, don't close me!
Jason, the key.
The key!
I--I--I can't hold it
much longer!
Oh, no!
Hold on, Nicholas.
Thank you.
MR. CHERRYWOOD: And so it was
that the love and caring
of the Care Bears,
their new friends,
and the two children
saved the day.
KIM: I guess Care-a-lot is
safe and sound again.
And as long as
Care-a-lot is safe,
so is the world below it.
Mr. Fetuccini!
I almost forgot.
He's still under
that sleeping spell.
It's showtime!
Mr. Fetuccini!
I'm sorry.
Nicholas, I just had
the most wonderful dream.
I dreamed I changed my poster,
so that's
what I'm going to do.
Now it'll read:
"Fetuccini and Nicholas."
So what do you say, huh?
A partnership.
A part-- A part...
Oh, all right.
"Nicholas and Fetuccini."
Oh, thank you so much.
You won't be disappointed,
I promise.
I can't believe this.
I owe it all
to Care Bears and...
To who?
Yeah, uh, they're, um,
friends, Mr. Fetuccini.
Just friends.
Friends! That's what it's
all about, Nicholas, my boy.
That's what it's all about.
No matter what happened,
Nicholas now knew that someone
would be watching over him
at all times.
And most important of all,
Nicholas had learned that
the best way to make friends
is to be a friend yourself.
Our friends from
the Forest of Feelings
have proven to everyone
that there's always a way
to show that you care.
And so the purpose
of this festive occasion
is to let all bear witness
to the inauguration
of our friends
into the Care Bear family.
Now all you
Care Bear Cousins come
And gather next to me
We're standing here together
Just as proud as we can be
We saved the world
for carin' folks like you
and you and me
And when you care together,
you become a family
And it's great to be
In that Care Bear family
In that Care Bear family
And I'm proud to see
That you're standing here
with me
That you're standing here
with me
What a job that we've done
There was
a part for everyone
So let's give our
brand-new family a cheer
And it makes me wanna shout
I can get my feelings out
When a friend is right there
to lend an ear
And it's great to be
In that Care Bear family
In that Care Bear family
Yes, it's great to be
In that Care Bear family
In that Care Bear family
Yes, it's great to be
In that Care Bear family
In that Care Bear family
And I'm proud,
too proud, to see
That you're standing here
with me
That you're standing here
with me
Yes, it's great to be
In that Care Bear family
In that Care Bear family
NICHOLAS: And now,
The Amazing Nicholas will
pull a dove out of his hat.
That's my boy.
Bravo, Nicky!
Hey, Jason,
aren't parents great?
And so Kim and Jason
found the parents they wanted
so very much
and lived happily ever after.
And a fine story that was,
Mr. Cherrywood.
My favorite,
Mrs. Cherrywood.
But they never stay awake
long enough for the end.
Now they'll never know
what eventually became
of Nicholas.
I guess all they need
to know is that he, too,
lived happily ever after.
Happier than I ever thought
I could be.
Nicholas, these children
should have been in bed
ages ago.
ever going to do with you?
Care for me,
Mrs. Cherrywood.
Just care for me.
Care-a-lot is a place
we all can go
Whenever we choose it
Care-a-lot is a feeling
we all know
We never do lose it
We can find secret place
To rest and make a new start
If you don't know
where it is
Look inside your heart
Care-a-lot is a playground
you can find
For sliding and swinging
Carousels playing music
in your mind
For dancing and singing
Sometimes you feel so glad
Sometimes you feel blue
Share your feelings,
it's not bad
Feelings are just you
When you're lonely
Don't you fret
You're not alone,
you just tend to forget
Care-a-lot is easily found
You've been there
And you have friends
who care
Don't you let your sadness
get you down
It always helps
when you sing a song
Good cheer carries you along
Through darkness leads
to sunlight
A new day comes,
it's all right
Care-a-lot is a playground
you can find
For sliding and swinging
Carousels playing music
in your mind
For dancing and singing
Sometimes you feel so glad
Sometimes you feel blue
Share your feelings,
it's not bad
Feelings are just you
When you're lonely
Don't you fret
You're not alone,
you just tend to forget
Care-a-lot is easily found
You've been there
And you have friends
who care
Don't you let your sadness
get you down
It always helps
when you sing a song
Good cheer carries you along
Through darkness leads
to sunlight
A new day comes,
it's all right
Care-a-lot is a place
you'd like to be
Riding on a cloud
you'll care a lot
It's a rainbow fantasy
For laughing out loud
Care-a-lot is a place
we all can go
Is a place we all can go
Care-a-lot is a place
we all can go
Is a place we all can go
it's a place we all can go
Is a place we all can go
Learn to care a lot
Share a lot