The Carrier (2015)

[Aeroplanes soar]
Radio announcer: Immobilized to try
and stop people from fleeing the UK.
And now after four days of rioting.
There is a deathly silence over London
as the second wave
sweeps through the capital.
The violence, thought
to be provoked by the news
that the medical community
are powerless to find a cure...
Close the window.
...I have been asked to remind you
to stay in your homes
and avoid contact with anyone
who has contracted the infection.
But most importantly,
do not attempt to leave the UK.
The UK is now under quarantine,
and we must avoid spreading this infection.
In the capital, the air is thick with black smoke.
In London's parks, bodies continue to burn...
We're almost there.
[Helicopter propellers whirr]
Over walkie-talkie:
Most terrifying, over.
Listen to me, your dad's
waiting for us at the plane.
I'm going to drop you right next to it, ok?
It's ok. It's ok.
Get out of the car!
[Bangs on window]
We're clean,
we're going to meet my husband.
Please. Families should be together.
Get out of the oar.
You don't understand,
we haven't got much time.
Truth is, my husband's a pilot.
He's with his crew, and I'm putting
my little boy on that plane.
He's going to get out of here.
- The infection has to be contained.
I know we're supposed to stay at home,
but there's no hope for this place.
There's a chance for him,
can't you see that?
These are gloves.
It doesn't matter about me, check him, he's
clean, I haven't touched him, I swear!
Soldier 2: Stop him!
- Run!
Don't move!
Various radio announcers: Military efforts
to contain the outbreak have failed.
There will be no evacuation.
Do not attempt to leave your home.
Do not attempt to leave the country.
This is a global pandemic.
Isolate yourself from all human contact.
Wear appropriate
personal protective equipment.
"Infection is highly contagious.
There is no...
- There is no known treatment.
Fever, nausea, systemic toxicity and
multiple organ failure are followed by death.
Avoid skin-to-skin contact
with all humans and animals.
The infected display inflammation
and darkened skin with rapidly extending...
if you develop symptoms, immediately
isolate yourself from all human contact.
There is no known treatment.
If you develop symptoms,
isolate yourself off quickly.
"Antibiotic resistant.
"Watch for symptoms.
do not attempt to self-medicate,.
"Inflammation and darkened skin with rapidly extending...
...This is anti-resistant.
Do not attempt to flee.
The infected display inflammation and darkened skin...
...There is no known cure.
Lesions in the skin enable
severe bacterial infection
which leads to sepsis as the immune system
reacts, and then septic shock.
Fever, nausea, systemic toxicity...
"Fever, nausea and multiple
organ failure,"...
, do not attempt to cover up symptoms.
Do not seek treatment.
There is no known cure.
There is no known treatment.
The infection is fatal.
- infection is fatal.
We repeat. There is no known...
- There is no known cure.
The infection is fatal.
- This infection is fatal.
[Phone rings]
Hey, you ok?
- I'm fine.
He's treating us like dogs.
Yeah, we need to see if it's spread.
What's he going to do if it has?
I've gotta get that.
Couldn't we just quarantine them?
And what if there's a cure in Greenland?
That was just a rumour.
They're desperate.
Tobias, the infection's on the plane.
- Tobias: Crew?
Nah, the kid.
- Isolate the child, move everyone away.
Eric took care of it.
- You sure?
Yeah, he's checking us now.
This plane's barely staying in the air,
send David up immediately.
- Yes!
Yeah, I thought he was with you?
- Find him. Now.
Have you seen the co-pilot?
David? He's in the cockpit.
Look, we're clean.
Come on Eric, let her through.
For god's sake, have a heart.
Look, I'm telling you,
it was someone else!
Sweatshirt. Now.
[She screams]
Enough, enough Eric!
The boy's infected too.
We need to seal up this cabin.
We have to land, get these...
These bodies off the plane.
We can't take the infection with us.
You saw what it was like down there,
we wouldn't stand a chance.
[He shouts]
Stay back!
It's only in my hand.
Clean out wouldn't get it.
- Yeah, but...
There's a saw in my toolkit.
I can't.
There's no time.
Katie! We're going to need
a first aid kit in here!
Is Mr Ayres infected?
Then why are you leaving him back there?
He brought his family,
knowing they're infected.
You can't do that.
What's wrong?
There's no saw.
I've never seen it spread
this quickly before.
Thank you. Pull the belt tight.
No saw?
Where's Jess, where is she?
- Mr Ayres.
So sorry.
It's too late.
So high?
Get on with it.
Do it!
What the hell was that?
Eric's coming!
It was him.
You killed them, you bastard!
We have a chance to
escape this curse...
and you bring along your
filthy infected family!
You killed my wife!
And you killed us all.
What. Is. That?
It's ok.
We got to it in time.
You can't just cut the infection off!
We just did.
We got to get him off the plane, now.
And the rest.
We. Can't. Land.
That's why they grounded all the planes.
People like you not caring
where they take the infection.
Safety announcement:
Breathe normally.
Tighten the elastic band around your head.
[Seatbelt alarm sounds]
Tobias over radio:
Someone get up here now. I need a co-pilot.
You go. I'll go look for David.
- Tobias: Loss of pressure in the cabin.
Safety announcement:
Breathe normally.
Tighten elastic band around your head.
Lock the door.
Come in, take a seat.
The co-pilot seat.
You're the pilot's traveler,
and I need your help to fly the plane.
You just have to do exactly what I say, ok?
Look above you, there are two red switches
next to each other.
Press them both.
Good, and another gray one
on the panel there.
Not so hard, is it?
David, here!
He swore we'd go back for them, he swore!
No, don't!
I couldn't hear what he said.
He uh...
He obviously lost his nerve.
It makes no sense.
Let's just keep this
between the three of us.
[Knocks on door]
Nothing can get through that door.
Open the door.
I need to talk to you.
We're a little busy.
Plane doesn't fly itself.
The infection's on the plane...
- We can't take it with us.
Even if we're somewhere clean...
- Eric. Eric...
We'll deal with it when we get there.
Wrap them up.
Put them in the hold.
We can't risk spreading this thing.
Tobias, we have to land.
Eric, the only reason you're alive
is that there's forty thousand feet
between you and what's going on down there.
Have you looked down?
You seen the smoke below?
I know.
I know, it's a warzone.
The fields we're flying over
are piled high with bodies.
And they're the lucky
ones from the first wave.
No one's collecting the bodies anymore.
It's not a warzone down there.
It's hell.
We have to get the bodies off.
Ewan... and Larry too.
We need Larry.
This plane's barely staying in the air.
You're not listening!
Think, Tobias!
We're flying the infection!
Do you understand what you'll be
responsible for? What you're doing?
We're surviving.
Like everybody else...
Fuck you!
He's gone.
This doesn't seem real.
I can't believe they're gone.
Takes a while.
Takes a while to sink in.
Did you lose someone?
How can I keep going when they...
They're not suffering now.
They're at peace.
Do you believe in heaven?
Does it help?
Not yet.
But it will.
Knowing I'll be with him again...
is it yours?
Nuts, Mr Ayres?
He's just lost his family.
Yeah, but... not necessarily his appetite.
Who knows how long
we're going to be on this plane?
What are you praying for?
A miracle.
I'm going to tell them... I'll
just have to tell them...
I've got to tell them,
we've just taken off...
A plane, did you see?
Who else would be up here?
I thought there were no flights in
after the second wave?
I dunno.
Could they be hostile?
I'll see if Tobias has made contact.
[White noise]
[Knocks on door]
Any contact?
This is flight 86 from London,
do you read? Over.
This is captain Tobias black, of flight 86
from London, do you copy, over?
Radio: This is flight 108 from Darwin,
captain Terri Holmes speaking.
Good to know there's someone else up here!
Copy that, flight 108.
You're a long way from home,
what's your destination?
Uh, Greenland.
But we need to make a pit stop
as soon as possible.
I was going to stop in
Europe, but it was uh...
Switzerland's still clear,
but it's a no-fly zone.
I hear they've got trigger-happy.
You could say that.
How's the UK doing?
Bad news, I'm afraid.
The major internationals are overrun.
This plane's seen better days,
but it uh, was our only option.
How are you holding up?
It's been a long day.
You're not doing shifts?
No, no such luck...
My co-pilot didn't show up.
That's a hell of a journey on your own.
There have been a few...
Close calls.
Darwin was the last clean city in oz.
We got out before the infection struck,
headed for Singapore.
We heard that it was clear.
And was it?
- We never found out.
We refueled, and the military escorted us
from their airspace.
Have you got supplies?
- Fully stocked, thanks.
How about you?
- How many on board?
Uh, a small and select group.
Seven... passengers.
Eight including me.
Sounds cosy.
Where are you headed?
I hear Greenland's the place to go.
Now isn't that a coincidence.
It is, um.
Maybe we should pool resources.
Oh, do you have any resources to pool?
Rumour has it, you're
in need of a co-pilot.
And, I suppose my side of the deal would be
the plane and the hold full of supplies?
Now you mention it...
May I escort you to the airport?
It's a date.
Look, turbulence ahead.
Copy that.
You said she was dead!
[Phone rings]
They've got a problem.
Can you hear me? Jess?
is that you?
Are you ok?
I'm sorry.
I'm so, so sorry.
Are you infected?
I'm ok.
It's good to hear your voice.
I'm soared.
It's ok, darling.
I'm coming for you.
I can't leave her on her own, please.
Help me!
Step away.
Don't come back here.
Listen to your wife.
You've got to keep going.
- I can't.
For me.
I need you.
Promise me.
Whatever happens,
you won't come back here.
Are you in pain?
I'm ok.
Close your eyes.
I'm here.
You still with me?
Yeah, just about.
Keep talking.
We're getting close.
So, what's a nice girl like you
doing in a place like this?
Is this the part where you buy me a drink?
'Cause... I could use one.
We're going to land with the other plane.
They're heading for Greenland too.
I won't make it.
No one gets left behind.
"These wings are no longer wings to fly...
But merely vans to beat the air.
The air, which is now
thoroughly dry and small.
Smaller and dryer than the will..."
Ok Tobias, we are making a visual approach.
It's all looking good.
Talk us through it, much as you can.
Right, the runway is clear.
There are no signs of any severe damage.
Nearing minimum decent altitude.
Gear and flaps... down.
Preparing to deploy airbags.
We'll circle once, and prepare to land.
I'll guide you through it.
Where did Eric go?
Do you have contact?
Ok, uh...
Switch to emergency frequency.
On the console to your left,
it says 'emergency comms'.
Flight 86, this is flight
108, please respond.
Flight 108, this is Tobias, please respond.
[Kevin sighs]
Flight 108 this is...
Terri, please come in!
I thought you'd found
another plane and left us.
Tobias: How's it looking down there?
- Terri: The airport's deserted.
We'll get out of your way.
Excellent news... we'll land as soon
as you've cleared the runway.
Right... we are clear.
So... this... potential co-pilot.
What's he like?
Well, you know.
Tall, handsome... good sense of humor.
Three thousand flight hours.
Is that all?
[Beeping sound]
Terri, is everything ok?
Hang on, there's something
going on in the cabin.
[Passengers scream]
Shut up! We're taking over the plane!
Tobias, they're on the plane...
Hijackers, infected.
Stay... stay where you are!
No, they're going after my
crew, I've got to help.
Leave the crew.
Stay in the cockpit, they won't hurt you.
[Passengers scream]
I'm with you!
Do not land here!
Repeat, do not land here!
No, no!
Terri, Terri, Terri, listen to me!
They'll need you to fly the plane. Just do
what they say, and they won't hurt you!
[Banging on door]
- It was good to talk.
[Gunshot over radio]
Coolant leak detected in aft cargo bay.
Coolant leak detected in aft cargo bay,.
Ah, I'm stuck! Ah!
You still with me?
Look above you, there are four red switches,
I need you to pull each one of them sequentially.
We need to reignite the engine.
[Alarms sound]
Ok, follow me. One, two, three, four, yes?
Come on!
Come on!
Up you come!
There we go, yes!
What happened?
You don't remember?
There was...
There was another plane.
Let's get some fresh air.
We've landed?
[Distant machine gun fire]
It's not pretty.
"I am Alpha and Omega,
the beginning and the end
the first and the last,
so saith the word of the lord."
Our priority is... fuel.
Must be a depo somewhere.
But... uh.
I need... someone to...
Clear up rear economy.
I'll do it.
Anyone else?
Hunt down some fuel.
I'm not leaving my wife.
You can help Larry.
Fuel? We need to get supplies.
Find shelter.
This plane isn't going anywhere.
Larry will sort it.
You're not listening!
- Eric.
If you're not going to help us,
you're free to go.
What are you doing?
I'll keep watch.
They'll be here soon.
As soon as you're finished
back there I, um...
I need you to keep an eye on James.
He's not stable.
Glad you're on board.
[Engine starts]
I keep seeing...
I can remember more.
Oh god, David!
I saw him jump!
Why would he do that?
I don't know.
Why didn't he bring his family with him?
Maybe they were infected.
What about you?
Did you ask anyone?
No... I move around a lot with work.
It's hard to keep in touch with people.
Do you think they keep
the fuel trucks in there?
Worth a try.
[Eric screams]
[Jess screams]
Stay back!
Stay back!
Help me!
That's enough, Jess!
Let's go.
This way.
Come on.
Newsreader: And a complete lack of co-ordinated
response from the international community.
This week, the world health organization
issued another global alert
as the second wave of the infection
spread at an unprecedented rate.
Despite calls for individuals
to remain isolated
cases have been confirmed
in an additional twenty-seven countries.
The cry of 'too little, too late'
comes from the public
as the remaining governments
scramble to prevent further spread.
With the source of the infection
still unknown
prominent members
of the scientific community
are pointing their fingers
at the pharmaceutical companies
and countries where inappropriate use of antibiotics
has led to an antimicrobial resistance.
The late doctor David Scott.
Of the sepsis trust
was the last person to speak publically
about the infection
before the infection reached Geneva.
There is no known treatment.
Resistant bacteria have evolved the ability to
withstand attack from antimicrobial medicines.
This infection is fatal.
The rate at which this infection
is spreading is unprecedented. - Craig!
You must now allow the scientific community
time to focus our efforts and resources
on finding treatment
for this infection. Excuse me.
Newsreader: European policy of strict isolation
was earlier today declared a failure...
What are you looking for?
Something to put Jess' body in.
[Kevin laughs]
Tobias thinks he's going to a country club.
When in doubt, always pick a six.
You're supposed to be helping Larry.
Stay down!
We're not infected!
On your feet, both of you. Hands!
We're telling the truth.
Let me see you.
What are you doing here?
We landed in a 747.
What's your name?
We just need to refuel
and then we're taking off.
You won't have long, anyone for miles
will have seen that plane land.
Why were you shooting at us?
Chances are you're infected and it's better to
shoot on sight, put you out of your misery.
We're not infected, you can trust us.
We're going to Greenland, you should come.
I've got a boat not far from here, why don't
you come with me? I've got supplies for two.
She's with us!
You think this poor excuse of a man will
protect you when the infected hoards arrive?
I can look after myself.
Suit yourself.
Better go with him.
I should take the gun... to be safe.
The gun's staying with me.
You with me?
- Eric?
You what? It's me, Kate.
No no no, we need
to get back to the plane!
What, why?
Eric... it was Eric.
He sabotaged the plane.
I remember... before we landed.
I saw him in the hold.
He tried to kill us.
[Engine stutters]
I wanted to... thank you.
What for?
Back there.
Saving me.
I didn't save you.
I saved her.
[Engine starts]
Come in.
Over radio:
Go ahead.
I can see the plane.
Over radio:
How many on board?
Can't tell.
There's someone keeping watch.
Over radio:
I heard a gunshot on my way here.
Should I go closer?
Over radio: Stay where you are... The
others will join you as soon as they can.
I'm going to see if the keys are in there.
Yeah. Good luck with that.
Where's Eric?
Did you find fuel?
No, is he with you?
He went with James.
There's no way you're
going to get through that chain.
Hopefully won't need to.
Give me your Baton.
Eric, can you...
Radio announcer: In the interest
of national and international safety
it is requested that all survivors
do not attempt to travel
as this will increase the risk
of the infection spreading...
[Riot sounds]
Protester: They pumped
us with their drugs.
Pumped our meat full of drugs.
Guess what...
Now they're listening!
The first wave took those we love...
The second wave will take us all!
We're done for!...
You sure?
He was tearing the place apart.
He wanted us to land.
I know what he's playing at now.
You said he went with James.
We have to find him.
If he's alive...
[Truck approaches]
Where's James?
- We were attacked...
They followed us. - Enough, Eric,
enough! You nearly killed us!
You wouldn't listen.
You were going to spread the infection!
- Don't you want to survive?
We all make sacrifices.
I'm trying to save humanity!
- He's insane!
As long as you keep flying around,
you're taking the infection with you!
We've got to stay here! Contain it!
One more step, Eric!
You're not a hero, Craig!
You're an idiot!
[Truck pulls away]
Why did you let him go?
I would've shot him.
You would've missed.
We're going to need those bullets...
[Radio activates]
Over radio: We'll be with you soon.
Wait for my signal.
How long do you think we have?
I dunno.
We'll have to keep watch.
We've been on the ground too long.
I'm doing all I can.
You know the last words
of captain Benjamin Briggs?
They found his ship
floating in calm waters.
Table set for high tea.
Six months' supplies in the hold.
I haven't got time for this.
But they couldn't find a trace of his
ship's crew, in the clear warm waters.
Not a single bone.
Why would a man
jump from a lifeboat?
Because he's weak.
Do you see the flares?
There's a crowd on their way.
So what do we do?
Those flares have signaled our position.
We're going to have a fight on our hands.
It's James!
They're closing in on him!
[Assailant screams]
Get out the fucking car!
Get out the fucking car!
Don't shoot!
For god's sake man, stop shooting!
That truck's full of
fuel, you bloody idiot!
What do you want me to do?
Hey? Hey, I'm talking to you!
That's my wife, man!
- I know.
Get your wife back on the plane!
[Maria whimpers]
How many more of you are there?
Just three of us... that's Brian and me.
The one you shot in the head.
Can you walk?
Go on.
Well, keep walking!
You don't want me to change my mind.
If I see you again, I will kill you!
More will come.
And they'll know where to find us.
It's Eric!
Go and stop him,
we'll refuel as fast as possible.
Don't leave without me!
- Yes, yes!
You have my word.
Kevin, I need you to bring
that fuel truck closer.
I'll do it...
But I'm not doing it for you.
And I'll need that gun.
Get on with it!
Who are you?
I'm trying to protect you!
[Engine starts]
Are you alright?
[A banging sound]
Don't be soared of the dark.
It just hides the shadows
we weren't meant to see.
My mum used to say that to me.
Don't trust Tobias.
Loyalty is lost in ruthless men.
They've got a gun.
They'll run out of bullets.
How can you be sure?
There's a few hundred
on the way, armed.
We're taking the plane!
Where's Craig?
He's gone after Eric.
But we need to go!
Tobias said he'd wait.
I need the runway lights!
Get to the tower
and turn on the runway lights!
And who's going to fly the plane, huh?
Any pilots out there in the forest?
Get him!
We need him alive!
I wouldn't do that if I were you.
[Pole drops to the floor]
[Craig coughs]
Line up! Facing the truck.
Move! Now, move!
I'm not going to ask again!
On your knees. Knees!
Please... I have a family.
There's plenty of room on that plane...
I've heard there's a cure!
There's no point! He won't listen!
I warned you.
We have to go. There's more on their way.
The runway's blocked.
Think they're going to wait for you?
You really think they care
about anyone else?
They'll wait for me.
What happened?
Oh god.
I'm so sorry.
Come with me.
We don't have long.
Maria, we have to go.
Then go.
You were right all along.
There is no god.
Just you.
And me.
And I'm not going to say goodbye.
Do you hear me?
I'm going to stay here.
With you.
Until the end.
Maria's staying.
Her choice.
We need to get going.
What about Craig?
We can't go until Craig is on board!
Are you listening?
We've got to wait!
We haven't time.
They'll overrun us.
We can't leave him here!
Get off!
That's why he jumped.
You wouldn't wait for his family!
[Engine stutters]
Come on!
If you move that...
I'll blow your head off.
Do you think I won't?
Tobias... wait for him.
You promised!
We're out of bullets.
Come on!
Yes! Yes.
[Aeroplane engines roar]
They've gone.
Tobias over radio:
Larry, get up here!
[Alarms beep]
There are... there are two red switches
above you, do you see?
Larry! Are you listening to me?