The Center (2015)

What's going on?
Tim's got some changes
for you.
No problem.
I'd be happy to do it.
When does it go out?
How long would it take us?
Two, three hours maybe.
I knew I could count
on you, buddy!
You're a lifesaver.
So, here, sort it out
with the printer.
Leave a copy of everything
on my desk before you leave.
You leaving?
What was I supposed to do?
They let me do
some writing today.
Is that why you were late?
Yeah, sorry.
Thought it'd be good to get
my work in front of the bosses.
At that coupon place?
It's more than just coupons.
Do they pay you more for that?
Well, it's more hours.
Actually, that's what I wanted
to talk to you about.
I know you don't know this.
I got some good news today.
What did you send them?
First part of my book.
I don't know, Ryan.
I mean, it's great,
but you'd move again.
By the way,
when are you gonna get
the rest of your boxes
out of here?
I can move 'em tomorrow.
You know, if you're worried
about Mom,
I can send home some money.
I'll work part-time out there.
I just don't want you
getting your hopes up.
I know, but it's not easy
to get this.
Yeah, but if you're that good,
why couldn't you go next year?
Besides, I don't really think
now is a great time
for either of us to leave.
Just seems like this
might have been a good thing.
For who?
I appreciate that, yes.
Thank you again.
It's just bad timing
for my family.
I will.
male announcer on TV:
Dire wolves.
The grays use
sophisticated pack behaviors
to take down their...
The moments tick away
as we await the bomb
and the fireball.
They tell me I was dead
for eight minutes.
But I didn't feel dead.
It felt more like...
waking up.
And suddenly I was floating up,
just watching my body
on that hospital table.
Tsar Nicholas I
of Russia.
His son Alexei was epileptic.
Right before Alexei went
into seizure,
he had this powerful feeling.
A feeling like his mind
was being split in two.
This gate would open and
for the briefest of moments,
he suddenly understood
Every secret that has ever
puzzled man.
Every question ever asked.
The secrets of the universe.
But inevitably,
the seizure would begin,
and that gate would slam shut,
leaving him only
with a vague memory
of all that was revealed.
When I died that day,
the same gate opened for me.
But when I came back,
I remembered.
That connection,
it's never left me.
The book I'm developing is a
culmination of these insights
put to the test of modern
scientific inquiry.
You might call it
the world's first
technology of the human soul.
With it, I help people
create their lives
exactly how they wish.
And your organization?
My organization
teaches and protects
this body of knowledge
as well as participating
in my research.
I was under the impression
that you offered a form
of therapy.
You're correct, to a degree.
What I offer is more
like an awakening.
Quite simply, I'm here to help
man reach his true potential.
What do you say
about the critical reviews...?
I've long since shrugged off
that indefinite smothering aura
of all average men.
The middle class morality,
the need to be safe,
worrying about what others
may think.
This is where most men fail.
I would never have risen
to where I am today,
the pioneer of the world's most
powerful self-help therapy,
had I, for even a moment,
cared how the masses
perceived me.
So uh, Ryan, I'm giving free
personality assessments inside.
Do you have a few minutes?
Uh, I really need
to get going.
Uh, can I come back tomorrow?
No, that's okay.
Eric will have your results
any minute.
He's just upstairs
in the classroom.
It's worth the wait.
I don't want to be a bother,
just wanted to see
what you did here.
You're not a bother.
It's just a few more minutes.
All across here.
Intelligence, aptitude,
communication, leadership.
In fact, your IQ, whoo,
it's about as high
as we've ever tested here.
It's this score here
that concerns me.
It's unusually low.
Let me ask you something.
This might sound
a little but strange, but...
were you abandoned
by one of your parents?
I'm glad you're here, Ryan.
Hi, I'm Nancy.
Vincent is doing a seminar
at his lake house this weekend.
If you're interested, I bet
I could find a spot for you.
Uh, I'm not sure.
It's only about an hour drive.
Well, I don't know
how I'd get there.
It's kind of complicated
with my car.
You know,
we can take care of that.
Actually, most of the staff
is going up for the weekend
as well,
and it would be a great
introduction to our work.
Well, I guess I could.
I will sign you up.
You know,
you are not like most people.
Most people are just
sleepwalking through life.
You're way ahead of 99.9%
of the people out there.
So we just need to figure out
how you want to pay.
Leon, we have a guest.
I haven't eaten in days.
I'll take care of this.
- That's all right.
Leon, Ryan saw the interview
on TV last night
and came in
totally on his own.
On his own?
That's the best thing
you ever did.
As you all know, people think
of us as a couponing company
when we're far more than that.
This year we got
a brand new program coming out,
and I want
to introduce it to you.
Ashley, would you mind passing
these, uh, programs around?
If Tim says anything,
tell him I wasn't feeling well.
We're gonna be partnering
with a, uh, a new printer
that's in all five regions
and I'd like to introduce you
to Bob,
who's now head
of our marketing division...
Don't tell anybody I was late.
You live here?
Beautiful place.
Ryan, I'm glad
you could join us.
It's about 97 minutes.
We'll be there
before you know it.
Come on.
It was like I was living
in a dream world.
Then I met Vincent.
How did you meet him again?
That's a story
for another time.
What about you?
Do you got family around here?
You got a girlfriend?
Well, I mean, my family's here
but no girlfriend.
After this weekend,
you're gonna see things
in a whole different light.
When you change what you think
on the inside,
the world will change
around you.
That should get us there.
We'll fill up at Vincent's
on Sunday morning.
He has gas?
Yeah, he's ready
for World War III up there.
Well, thanks for the ride.
- Anytime.
You know, I... I didn't even have
a car two years ago.
Be right back.
I'll be right back.
Okay, I'll be right back.
Is everything okay?
I hate to ask.
I just...
Why today?
Jeez. Why?
I just... it always happens
like this.
I just... can I borrow $20?
Uh, yeah, of course.
Vincent said the card
would work and it just...
It's no big deal.
It's the least I could do.
Just don't tell anyone.
I ju... I just want things
to go smooth.
Just the once.
Go smooth, you know?
Wake up.
Just go inside.
Go upstairs.
Pick a room.
The bathroom is on the left.
There's no beer here...
Hey, hey, hey,
turn that thing off.
Who is this guy?
Is he with you, Leon?
Ryan, take a seat over here.
That's much better.
You were killing the mood.
Hey man, I'm Paul.
And there's Kelly, and you...
and you know Eric
and Chase and... and Annika.
I'm so glad you could make it
out here.
So where you from, Ry-guy?
Uh, just the city.
I can tell we didn't
bring you here
for stimulating conversation.
Don't be an asshole.
Yeah, take it easy.
The guy just got here.
Chill out, Leon.
Just making sure you didn't
bring us another lemon.
No offense, uh, Leon, uh,
he tends to attract weirdoes.
You know that when you yawn,
it means you don't
understand something?
Something to think about.
Thank you.
Have a seat.
Have a seat.
Up here, you have "create."
Down here,
we have
"effect" of creation.
Hell on Earth.
And we're all somewhere
on this continuum.
Everything in the universe
is somewhere on this line.
Entire societies.
That is the idea
behind the work.
We move you from down here
to up here.
What keeps us
from being up here?
Bad childhood?
Medical problem?
The only thing that stops you
is your own limiting ideas
and beliefs.
You, Andy, what thought
is on your mind?
I'm just wondering what's next.
Are we all gonna stand
in front of a mirror
and say we love ourselves?
But you're here with us.
So something isn't working
in your life.
Seem like a pretty cool guy.
You in a rock band, Andy?
Didn't keep your girlfriend
from cheatin' on you, did it?
Probably doesn't help
that you're 30 years old
and still living
with your mother.
That little voice.
That little critic inside your
head says, "Maybe this is wrong.
Maybe I know better."
That's what stops you.
So do us all a favor.
The next time that voice tells
you something, ignore it.
You're wasting our time.
But he is not alone.
I bet many of you
are hearing that voice.
"He's being mean.
I'm gonna check out
and sip my coffee."
These are all just ideas.
In order to evolve,
we must drop them.
Your objections to this lecture
are identical to the objections
that keep you stuck in life.
Andy, come up here.
We're gonna show you the power
of our therapy
in front of the group.
Who else wants to see that?
I know I do.
Describe to them
what the pain feels like.
What color it is.
What it tastes like.
Tastes like?
Hey, where you, uh,
where you going?
Ah, I... I just needed a walk
while I ate.
Let me come with.
That's okay.
I just need to think a little.
About what?
We got to get back.
Come on!
Break's up.
Break's over.
We can only evolve.
Now resistance is gone.
Your yawn.
Don't drift.
Try to understand.
We say, "That's weird"
or "That's crazy."
What if it's true?
Are you ready to try again?
I'm still holding back a little,
but I want to get through this.
The concept makes sense.
It does.
So back
to the original sentence.
Tell me something about you
that you're scared to admit.
Let out what it felt like
to be abandoned.
Really go for it!
What do you have to lose?
Dig in!
You okay?
I know,
this can be intense.
This whole thing feels
a little weird.
Not weird.
You're getting it already.
"Weird" is just a judgment.
I guess I just feel
a little uncomfortable.
That's good.
That means you're ready
for a breakthrough.
Look, Ryan,
I know you.
Because I used to be
just like you.
Felt like everything I did
was just screwing up.
Nothing I could do was right.
Coming here saved me.
Nothing less.
Vincent helped me figure out
how to stand again.
With courage.
It wasn't always pretty,
but thankfully he pushed me
till I got there
or I wouldn't be here today.
You can have that too,
but you got to trust
the program.
We need to get in touch
with all those feelings
inside of you.
The good and the bad.
Even if you feel like a mess,
even if you feel uncomfortable
or embarrassed or terrified.
Unraveling that is the only way
to find out who you really are.
I'll let you be.
Can't force it
if you're not ready.
Down a long hall,
into a room
that is filled with light
and in that room
is a giant screen
onto which you project
the future.
And on that movie screen
in your mind,
you project all the things
you've ever wished for.
All the dreams you've ever had.
Let yourself slide
into those dreams
like a long bath.
The answer is inside of you.
You have but only to choose.
Let the pain, upset, sadness
move through you.
Really go for it.
I don't care if you're scared.
Let that out too.
The world out there
is crumbling.
The last hundred years,
more violent than any
in recorded history.
We now possess the ability
to end all life on this planet.
Trust your support, Ryan.
Take another step.
Quit thinking, Ryan.
Just act!
Take another step.
Intend it.
Wherever you're going,
we'll get you there.
Can we just take a rest?
Don't think.
Just take a step.
I am in control.
all: I am in control.
I am focused.
all: I am focused.
I am free.
all: I am free.
We've been led down a path
away from our true desires.
A path to addiction.
To drugs.
Material possessions.
Distracting and attacking
our senses
with mindless entertainment.
Because not all beings
share our desire to help others.
Not all beings envision
the world as we do.
We are this world's final hope.
Stay standing.
all: The strong and powerful.
- Don't hide from it.
Is there anyone... we seem to have
a victim here...
...and never gain a pound.
What am I supposed to do?
The doctors...
- Doctors?
I think you have a belief.
Belief that keeps you
way down here.
You're fat, John.
You refuse to take care
of yourself.
Has anyone ever loved you enough
to be this honest?
It's what they're
all thinking.
Are we making you uncomfortable?
Figure out
why you're here yet?
I want to improve.
Improve what?
Because you're not
good enough?
What is it you really want?
To finish my book.
And why aren't you?
I... I never have the time.
That's an excuse!
Because it's not good enough.
It's not good enough?
I'm not good enough.
Who told you that?
I don't know.
- Who?
I tell it to myself!
That's what they want.
You've been trained
to think that way.
Do you know why?
Because they're jealous.
Jealous of what's
inside of you.
Of your strength, your ambition,
your will.
The gifts you've stifled
because of them.
Do you know what gifts
I'm referring to, Ryan?
And what do you want to do
with those gifts?
I want to help people.
And what kind of people keep
you from expressing that?
Ryan, you gettin' out of here?
Yeah, I have something I need
to take care of.
'Cause I could use some help.
Not today.
I got this for you.
I already read it.
I thought you might find it
Where were you last weekend?
Just busy.
The book, though,
it really helped me.
With what?
Just some things
that have been bothering me.
They do seminars too.
Check it out.
Maybe all three of us
should do one.
You got to be careful
with shit like that.
'Cause I've known people
who've lost a lot of money
in those things.
It's not like that.
Well, I'll leave it
for Mom them.
Yeah, good luck with that.
You know Dad had
a lot of big ideas too.
At least I'm trying.
We're all trying, Ryan.
Ryan, it's gonna come
to a point
where you don't want that kind
of negative energy in your life.
They're still my family.
But are they supporting you?
Or do they stand in your way?
Let's get you
back in the therapy chair
and you can sort this out.
Well, how much is it?
We could do a free session.
Maybe you could help Leon sell
some books in exchange.
Look at them all out there.
Mindless jobs all day,
and now to the bar,
stare at a TV.
Just to wake up
and do it all over again.
Do you ever wonder
what they're living for?
Sometimes I think that...
if my family came in here,
we could fix things.
Do you think they would?
So skeptical of everything.
It's a sign of weakness.
See, it's that easy.
Can you get
through all these in a day?
My record's 18
but I'm no Paul.
Sir, did you want a...?
Excuse me.
Let's just go to the bus stop.
They're easy targets.
They're not moving.
What's going on?
What is your thought
right there?
Uh, I don't know.
Close your eyes
and re-live it.
What was the thought?
I was scared.
Scared that someone would think
I worked here.
I thought I saw someone
who knows Allison.
Not "was scared."
"I am scared."
And what if you did?
What if you did work here?
Would that be so bad?
A life devoted
to helping others?
Not at all.
Do you see the power
of this process?
With it, you can learn to stop
limiting thoughts
the instant they occur.
Now move forward
and push past that fear.
And again.
One more time.
And just think about this.
Where has worrying
about what your family thinks
ever gotten you?
How do you feel?
What's the deal? Late night?
You never missed your alarm?
Tim's the one lookin' for you.
We can't have
these new age freaks
harassing everyone around here.
Some lady named Nancy
was here this morning
with a young girl
looking for you.
It's just a counseling center.
That's not
what Aaron tells me.
We're all looking for answers.
The truth is
there just aren't any.
You have to make the best
of what you have.
Look, kiddo,
I think you got some talent
so I want to offer you
a full-time spot here.
But under one condition.
Tomorrow, go down
to that Center place
and tell them you're through
with them and I mean for good.
Ten years from now,
you'll be at some
company golf outing
and you'll think
about this conversation.
And you'll thank me for it.
We know you're not living up
to your highest potential.
My boss doesn't want you
around anymore.
It's an obvious justification
He offered me a full-time job.
So I quit.
What's the point
of improving my future
if the world is
crumbling around me?
Today, we begin a new era,
my friends.
An era of
unprecedented expansion.
Welcome to the team.
But don't take my word
for it.
Read my new book,
"The Willing",
and learn first-hand
from the many personal
We're changing people's lives.
The local press has not
responded favorably
to your organization.
Your techniques,
your philosophies
leave many wondering
what exactly
are your true goals?
It's very simple.
To return man
to its original form.
Able to act
without weakness or hesitation.
And to lead them to act
towards a common goal
of a reborn society.
I simply ask your readers
to expand their minds.
To imagine,
if only for an instant,
what I'm saying is true.
To accept the implications
and embrace the urgency
of this battle.
You must realize
that calling this a battle
is going to generate criticism.
Criticism does not concern me.
I expect it.
I understand my group
is in the minority.
Our ideas are not mainstream.
Not accepted as fact.
At least not yet,
but no idea becomes
an accepted truth
until enough people agree
with it.
That is the way
the world has always worked.
True or false is only based
on one thing:
majority vote.
The wars of the future
will not be fought
with guns and tanks and bombs.
It will be fought with ideas.
There's one last thing
on the agenda today.
He's only been on staff
for two months,
but his statistics say it all.
Most recruits,
most classroom hours,
and most therapy hours.
Ryan, please come up here.
People leave
if they feel they must.
Most have no desire to.
But it's a funny thing.
The people who do leave,
years later we reach out to them
and find the same thing
every time.
Lives that have fallen apart.
Long time no see.
What's this?
What the hell do you want?
You know the material
as well as I do.
That was
four fucking years ago.
You were turned against us.
These are all the fucking
letters you've sent me.
I'm never coming back.
Do you mind telling us
what upset you so much?
Your place is fucked.
Vincent's discoveries
are the truth,
and whatever has caused you
to turn away from us,
I'm sure we can fix it.
You're in a terrible
downward spiral
and whatever she's told you
about us,
it's just not true.
She's obscured your perception
of the truth.
You understand?
Look at what leaving us
has done to you.
I just want you
to leave me alone.
You know we can't do that.
I have $3,000
in an account
with you.
I want it back.
Show us a receipt.
Come into the office with it
and Nancy will refund you.
I know how that works.
All right,
if you don't trust her,
you can always give it to me.
I'll take care of it.
Off the books.
Center aside, okay?
Just between you and me.
I promise you, Soren.
You have my word
as friends.
I'll go see
if I can find them.
Ryan, grab the computer.
Grab the computer.
It's just been confiscated.
Take everything.
Let's go, Ryan.
Fuckin' assholes!
I'm callin' the cops.
Go for it.
I'm sure they'd be more
interested in you than us.
You okay?
Actually, we're experiencing a
period of unprecedented growth.
Book sales are up.
Our staff has increased
by 25%.
Our therapy is being
in prisons
and drug rehab facilities.
The path I've laid out
is not an easy one.
Keep this in mind.
You need to ignore
your doubts.
The strong do what they will
This is Ryan from The Center.
I'm calling 'cause I see that
you're interested...
The weak suffer the most.
I see that you still have
some money in an account...
...interested in truly changing
your life for the better?
This is Ryan from The Center.
I'm gonna be in your
neighborhood this week
and would like to set up a time
to stop by... time offer...
...time slots are filling up
very quickly.
...from The Center
to let you know
that Vince is doing a seminar
at his lake house...
Wake up.
- I'm awake.
Hey, uh,
here's a...
here's an affirmation.
I carried it with me
before I had my breakthrough.
It's a simple calculation.
If it's lower, it's because
your statistics are down.
I think you need
some more therapy.
Figure out what's
going wrong with you.
Nothing's wrong...
Look, I have another project
I can give you.
It'll be late nights, but you
can increase your production.
She just wants to know
where you are.
I've been busy.
People tend to get worried
when you fall off the face
of the earth, Ryan.
I don't think she's
evolved enough
to understand what I've chosen.
What, you smoke now?
You work at that place?
It's not just a place.
What is it then?
It's more like his family.
Will you read this?
I don't think that place
is what it seems to be.
You're so numbed out.
You couldn't possibly
Try me.
It's experiential.
The awakening occurs in steps.
You'd have to go through the
process yourself to understand.
If you'd like to go
to a seminar,
I'd be more than happy
to sign you up.
Why can't you just explain it
to me?
Those pills in your bag,
do you know what they're
designed to do to you?
Do you know who made them?
I do.
Will you read it?
An article like this
is written
by people who have
something to hide.
Why can't you let him think
for himself?
Ryan is thinking for himself
for the first time
in his entire life.
The world you live in
is a prison.
Do you even write anymore?
I'm part of
something bigger now.
I need to talk to you alone.
He's really busy right now.
What did they do to you?
This is who I've always been.
I'm just finally strong enough
to be myself.
It's not your fault, okay?
She's chosen her own path.
We'll figure this out.
I'm going on break
in a few minutes.
We'll talk, okay?
His sister still
bothering him?
He's fine.
This is
a private conversation.
I just want you to do this
by the books.
You understand?
Yes, I'm all alone now.
You need to tell me what
the fuck is going on with you.
Would you be interested
in attending a seminar?
It would help you understand.
I don't want anything
to do with that place.
You're attacking
the wrong people.
You know how worried Mom
is about you?
That's bullshit!
Don't engage.
She's attracted her depression
into her life
by her own negative ideas.
She's chosen to be a victim.
How dare you?
She's doing her best.
You have no fucking clue,
do you?
I have to go.
So, Ryan, I've been doing
a lot of thinking lately.
You should be talking
to Vincent about this, not me.
Ryan, Vincent's not here.
He can't hear us.
As soon as I find
where they're hiding my file,
I'm leaving.
This is for you.
Funny thing about believing
in something,
you can do a lot of things
you don't believe in at all.
So, uh, things have been...
looking up since I've been here.
I've learned so much
from all of you and...
and after being out of work
for two years,
I've got a job.
I'm starting on Monday.
You've all helped so much.
I've made so many
good friends here, you know?
I don't know
how you kept finding me.
And I used to fight you
every step of the way.
Thank God you were
all so persistent.
I'm so happy to be in a place
where we know the answers
and we educate others.
I am powerful.
all: I am powerful.
I am in control.
all: I am in control.
I am focused.
all: I am focused.
I am free.
all: I am free.
It's okay.
I thought for sure I'd be
the next one to lose it
in this family.
How did you ever get
involved in this?
Please, Allison.
I'm just looking
for answers.
Then why'd you come here?
I've never had any answers
for you, Ryan.
I have seen people's lives
completely transform
in one weekend.
I used to be just like you.
How did you ever get involved
in this?
Hello, Ryan.
I didn't see you there.
It's nice to finally meet you.
You're Vincent.
Why are you here?
I was at The Center
and somebody said
I should give this a shot.
So someone else told you
to do this?
Mm, not exactly
and I was interested.
I still don't buy it.
I don't know what you...
Is this what you always do?
Try to imagine the answer
the other person wants to hear?
I think you're hanging on
by a thread.
One step away from not wanting
to be anywhere at all.
Why are you here?
I really want to tell ya
That everything is gonna be
So don't you listen to 'em
'Cause people always got
something to say
Just listen to your heart
Don't you ever worry
'Cause worry's gonna
kill your dreams
Even though you're walking
In cold, dark,
foreign places
Hang onto your dreams
Dreams keep things alive
And cut away the strings
you don't need
With the sword you carry
down inside
And listen to your heart
'Cause I have
to gamble love
I'm gonna bet my soul
The day will come
And I was right
'Cause there's no wrong
I'm gonna bet my heart
To gain the sun by tomorrow
And someone tried
to warn me
That I was being followed
But every time
I look behind
All I see is my shadow
I'm haunted by the thoughts
Of what other people think
But I won't listen to 'em
'Cause I'm gonna do my own
thing with this life
And listen to my heart
I listen to my heart
'Cause I'm alive
To gamble love
I'm gonna bet my heart
The day will come
And I was right
'Cause there's no wrong
I'm gonna bet my heart
And gain the sun
'Cause I'm alive
To gamble love
I'm gonna bet my soul
The day will come
And I was right
'Cause there's no wrong
I'm gonna bet my heart
And gain the sun
By tomorrow
'Cause I'm alive
To gamble love
I'm gonna bet my soul
The day will come
And I was right
'Cause there's no wrong
I'm gonna bet my heart
And gain the sun
'Cause I'm alive
In my heart
I'm gonna bet my soul
The day will come
And I'm alive
'Cause there's no wrong
I'm gonna bet my heart
And gain the sun
By tomorrow
Just listen to your heart
Ooh, I listen to my heart
Yeah, you listen
to your heart