The Channel (2016)

They say when you die,
you see a bright light.
The night I died,
I didn't see that light.
All I felt was terror.
A child was killed.
Crash cart, now.
And in my twenty minutes of
death, my world was darkness.
And horror.
And then, it was over.
People told me how lucky I was.
That it was a
miracle I survived.
But I didn't feel lucky.
When I was brought back,
I wasn't alone...
something came with me.
Hey. Hey, Scotty.
What's up? Hi.
Where'd all the bad people go?
Come out guys,
I know you're there.
Fine. I'm going in.
You guys suck.
Sorry, Cass. It was his idea.
Here's a welcome back to the world
present to make it up to you.
Apology accepted.
That's our girl.
So... Cassie Stevens.
The girl who cheated death.
How's it feel?
Better than not cheating it.
Amen to that.
Here's a toast.
To tasting death,
and then beating it.
Then shall come to
pass as is written
death shall be
swallowed up in victory.
And with this
promise of victory,
we now commend
the soul of Katie,
unto the loving hands of our Lord
Eternal rest, grant her, Lord.
And may perpetual
light shine upon her.
May she rest in peace.
Then the devil
approached him and said,
if you are the Son of God,
command that these
stones become bread.
Jesus said in reply,
it is written, that man
does not live by bread alone,
but by every word that comes
from the mouth of God.
Steve, you have something
you want to add?
Well what about the parts in
the Bible that mention the devil?
Like when Jesus casts the
demons out of people?
That's obviously how people at
that time understood mental illness.
Today we'd consider
that, schizophrenia.
Everything okay?
Okay. We'll pick up where
we left off on wednesday.
Be sure to finish the reading
of the chapter. Alright?
Hey. You got a second?
Not really.
What's up?
It's just, you look like
this guy I used to know.
-We used to hang out a lot.
-Sorry. It's been pretty crazy.
Yeah, well, if you
see the old Justin,
can you give him this.
This was us?
-Yeah. Back in like third grade.
-My mom found it in this scrapbook.
Well, let the old Justin
know I miss hanging.
I'm glad you're alright.
From the accident and all that.
Yo, J. Whatcha doin', man.
We're gonna be late.
Gotta go.
-So what was that about?
-What was what about?
Don't give me that.
You know that chick?
Sort of.
What about her?
Man, that chick's just weird. I heard
she and her friends killed some girl.
-She wasn't driving.
-Who the hell cares.
That's still some
messed up shit.
And you wanna be
friends with that?
I didn't say we were friends.
She just needed some notes.
Whatever, man. She's not
someone I wanna hang with.
We're not hanging.
It was just notes.
-So did you give them to her?
Good. Let's get out of here.
So, are you gonna tell us where
we're going, or do you even know?
I'll keep you guessing,
Here we are...
Katie Dunne.
Why this one?
Cause she's the girl we killed.
Pretty screwed up, isn't it?
We're up here, and
she's down there.
God really got this one
ass backwards, didn't He.
That's cause there is no God.
It's all a bunch of crap.
Yeah. I agree.
What about you, Cass?
Do you believe in a covetous God?
I thought we came here to
get drunk. Not talk about God.
And you really think your God
would want you getting drunk?
You know, I think most of the
time He's forgotten about me.
That's because it's
all a fairy tale, Cass.
Nobody's up there to forget.
No God, no devil.
Just life, and then a
bunch of rotting bones.
Let's just drop it.
Why, Cass?
-What are you afraid of?
I just don't want
to talk about it.
I think our little Cassie's
scared of death.
So what is it, Cass? Those fairy
tales making you sleep better?
Not really.
There you have it.
Did you guys see that?
See what?
A guy just over there.
We probably shouldn't be in here.
Why not?
Hey. We're looking for a
ghost Cassie's been seeing.
Hey, any of you dead people
seen a ghost around here.
Would you cut the crap.
I'm not crapping,
I'm ghost hunting.
It's not a ghost.
You sure about that,
You don't sound very convincing.
-What is it?
-I heard something.
Sure it wasn't that ghost
you don't believe in?
You guys, seriously.
Come over here. I hear something.
You guys?
What the hell?
You wanted to see me,
Yes, Doug.
Please. Come in.
Several of the parents
called this week.
They said you told the students,
that demons do not exist.
Actually, I explained that the
Bible uses them as metaphors.
Not something to
be taken literally.
-Is that what you believe?
-It's what I was taught.
Well you were taught wrong.
Demons are very real, Doug.
And their actions have a
direct affect on us, as humans.
What kind of affect?
Well it varies.
For some it's oppression,
others obsession.
But ultimately, their
goal is complete domination of
their will over that of the individual.
That's what we call possession.
Ready guys?
I guess.
Try it with a
little less enthusiasm.
I'm. Ready.
Are you sure, Cass?
We don't have to do this.
I'm sure.
Madam Trish.
You may proceed.
Okay. Everyone
take a deep breath.
And let it out slowly.
We're gathered here tonight to
contact the entity that's been
dwelling in Cassie's home.
Quiet. Go on.
If you're here, spirit, speak
to us now. We command it.
Yeah. Speak, dammit.
Okay. This is not gonna
work unless you're serious.
Sorry. Speak to us spirit
from the great beyond.
I don't think it's working.
Naw, ya think.
If you're here, spirit,
speak to us now.
Tell us what you want.
Come on,
Okay. Okay,
I'll be serious.
What do you want from Cassie,
He's here.
Speak to us, spirit.
We command it.
It wasn't me.
D. It's on D.
E. D-E.
A. D-E-A.
I heard something.
You guys, look.
D. Dead.
It wants you dead.
Holy shit.
That's not even funny.
Did you do that?
Hell no.
You guys, I just saw
something outside the window.
Cass, we're on the second floor.
I don't care,
I just saw something.
Go. Go on, check it out.
You check it out.
I'm outta here.
Just tell me, did you do it?
No, Cass.
I didn't do it.
Seth, wait.
Tell me! Seth! Just tell me.
Did you do it?
No, Cass.
I didn't.
Seth, wait.
I'm sure it's gonna be fine, girl.
I'm not.
I'll see ya, Cass.
-Do you think he did it?
-I don't know.
I felt something.
I'll see you tomorrow, girl.
-Cassie, honey.
And it's been that way,
ever since the crash.
It's like he's just waiting.
What do you think he's
waiting for, Cassie?
For me to kill myself.
Well. Then it's our job to see to
it that he doesn't get that pleasure.
You don't think
he's real, do you?
You think I'm imagining
all of this.
Cassie, I have absolutely no doubt that
you believe what you're seeing is real.
If you're asking me
if I believe in ghosts,
then the answer is,
I don't know.
What if I told you there's
other people seeing him.
Would you believe me then?
Found this on the internet.
This is what you've been seeing?
And what other people
have been seeing.
I'm certain these visions
are quite terrifying.
My immediate concern is the
effect they're having on you.
Why you think this man
wants you to kill yourself.
Because that's what he does.
The office told me
I could find you here.
Can we talk?
Sure, Maggie.
How are you?
It's been hard.
I can't even begin to imagine.
Well I guess you heard they're
not filing charges in the crash.
No. I hadn't heard.
Well they're not. So that
means my daughter's dead,
and no one's being
punished for it.
I'm sorry, Maggie.
Is that what you came
to talk about?
I understand that Cassie Stevens
is a student at this school.
Can you help me find her?
I don't see how that's
gonna help things.
Well it will.
That girl has put
me through hell.
Katie was all that I had, and that
girl took her from me.
I want her to know, that
I wish she died instead.
...hard alcohol anymore, I had too many
bad experiences since junior high...
-Since junior high?
Are you serious?
How old were you?
I'm only on beer now.
Hey. Can I ask
you a favor?
Hey, I thought you said she
wasn't your girlfriend, Mahoney.
Yeah, what's up with that?
She's not.
Hey, whatever, man.
It's cool.
What's up?
Sorry. It's just...
there's this guy I'm supposed to
meet after school, and I was
hoping you would come along with
me and kind of, make sure
everything's safe.
-Who is it?
-Just some guy.
So you want J here to come
along as your bodyguard?
Well ain't that sweet.
Justin, the bodyguard.
Will you carry my books for me,
Will you wipe my ass for me,
Will you kiss my ass for me,
Only if you wipe it.
Will you do it?
-You said it was after school?
Don't we have practice?
Since when did that stop you?
Yeah, we'll just tell coach
that you're busy,
being a bodyguard.
Doing your good
deed for the day.
Never mind.
Will you do it?
J, the bodyguard.
Just drop it.
Hey. Your name Cassie?
I'm Kyle Martin.
Hop in.
So it was right
after the accident?
That's when it all started?
Yeah. Like a couple days later.
Never try to kill yourself
or nothing before that?
Mine started about six
months ago.
OD'd on some bad smack.
Been clean ever since.
What makes you
think it's a demon?
Cause it's bad.
Real bad.
The stuff it puts in your head,
and makes you see.
-What kind of stuff?
-Scariest stuff you'll ever see.
I've been having nightmares.
That's how it starts. The thing's
gaining its influence on you.
There been any accidents yet?
Like what?
-People you know getting killed.
Good. But it'll happen.
The thing goes after anyone
who tries to help you.
You had people die?
-Is it close yet?
-What do you mean?
How far away is
it when you see it?
I don't know.
Like across the room.
Good, then.
You're still good.
But it'll get closer, and that's
when you need to worry.
Cause you'll feel it in your head
like a siren going off day and night.
The thing just keep ripping
at your thoughts.
I only found one
way to turn it off.
This sometimes works too.
You twist, and the pain gives your
brain something else to focus on.
I'm freaking you out
by all of this, aren't?
Well get used to it.
Cause the folks who
couldn't turn it off,
they're the ones that
killed themselves.
I was hoping I'd catch you.
What is it?
About our conversation
the other day.
Perhaps I was a bit, abrupt.
About the church's
teachings about demons?
No. No, you were fine.
And the truth is, you're
probably right.
I've been giving it a lot of thought
since Katie Dunne's funeral, and,
I've been having a rough time with
some of the church's teachings.
With regards to demons?
With regards to everything.
Would you like to talk about it?
I wouldn't even
know where to begin.
Maggie Dunne stopped
by earlier today.
She was so angry,
and full of hate.
And the more I tried to talk to
her about God's mercy, and how
her daughter's
in a better place,
the more it struck me.
I don't know
if I believe that anymore.
Be right back.
I'm gonna go check on Cass.
Girl, come dance with us.
I'm not in the mood.
Snap out of it. You've been
in this funk all night.
Have a shot Cass.
It'll take the edge off.
That's more like it.
Come dance with us.
Hey, he's here.
Cassie, wait up.
Leave me alone!
Cassie, are you okay?
He's the one!
He's the one who's doing this!
Come on you guys,
let's get her home.
Get out!
Just get out!
Is this what you wanted?
Cassie. Now.
That's it. You're safe now.
You're in my office.
You're safe.
That's it, shake it off.
Do you remember
that night now?
The night you tried
to kill yourself.
He was there.
And everyone was dead.
What about your friends?
Were they there?
They were dead too.
This is a place you've
been too, isn't it?
A rave party, I believe
they're called.
Are you familiar with a
drug called ecstasy?
I believe they're popular
at these parties.
I've heard of it?
Have you ever taken it?
You're not gonna tell
my parents, are you?
They're very worried
about you, Cassie.
They care for you deeply.
No they don't.
They only care about themselves.
Perhaps they have a
difficult time showing it,
but I assure you, they do care.
Cassie, is there
something wrong?
You don't hear that?
What are you hearing?
It's like a buzz.
He's coming.
What is it, Cassie?
What just happened?
He was here.
He was standing
right behind you.
I assure you,
there was no one here but us.
No. He was here. He
knows about you now.
I think he's coming for you.
Hey. How ya feeling?
Okay, I guess.
Can I come in?
Aren't you afraid your buddies
will see you talking to me?
Right now I could
really care less.
Brought you these.
Notes from class. Didn't know
how long you'd be in here.
So... What are you doing here?
I don't know.
Just seeing how you're doing.
Can I ask you something,
I guess.
It's okay if you don't
want to answer.
You wanna know why
I tried to kill myself.
I saw your parents at church.
They told me about it.
About Scotty.
So that's the real
reason why you came?
-My mom put you up to this?
No, I came... I came because
an old friend tried to kill herself.
And it made me realize what
a complete dick I've been.
I'm so sorry, Cass.
I'm scared, Justin.
I don't know what's
happening to me.
Hey, father. You
got a couple seconds?
I need to talk to you
about Cassie Stevens.
Yeah, sure, Justin.
How is she?
I've known Cassie my whole life,
and I've never seen her this scared.
She's had these visions
ever since her accident?
And it's always in the
corner of her eye.
Like in that old saying.
Evil hides in the periphery.
So you believe her, right?
That she really is
seeing this thing?
That's something we should
let her doctor decide.
But he doesn't believe in demons,
or spirits, or anything.
Thinks it's all made
up in her head.
In all likelihood, he's
probably correct.
Look, Justin, I know
you want to help her,
but these visions could have
resulted from her head injuries,
or any number of causes.
But what if they didn't?
What if she really
is seeing this thing?
I'm sorry, Justin, but I'm
inclined to agree with her doctor.
Well he's wrong.
Something's after her, that
he can't stop, but you could.
You know, I thought priests
were here to help people.
What are you
guys doing here?
Liberating you, girl.
We haven't seen you
since they locked you up.
I'm not locked up.
They're helping me.
Right. Cause you looked
so helped just now.
You're still seeing
him, aren't you?
The judges will accept that
as a yes.
How about a little
midnight snack, Cass.
All the help you
need's right here.
I can't.
You mean, you won't.
Jeez, girl. They really did a
number on you.
I think someone needs to
intervene on this intervention.
Will you guys go?
Not till we get our Cass back.
The one who likes to have fun.
Come on, Cass.
One little pill will make
all the bad things go away.
See. I'll even do one.
Nothing to it.
What are you scared of, Cass?
You afraid of dying?
Hell, death can't
touch us, now.
We are dead.
See ya soon, Cass.
Good. Good, Cassie.
That's it, Cassie.
Shake it out.
I was there again.
At the accident.
In your mind, you were.
Do you remember what you saw?
They were dead.
Seth, Trish, and Silvia.
We were in the car,
and they were all dead.
I felt it best that you
recall that for yourself.
-So... they really are dead?
-I'm afraid so.
You see, Cassie, what
you've been experiencing is
what is known as
survivor's guilt.
It's a defense mechanism
the brain constructs
in order to avoid dealing
with tragic losses.
But I saw them.
They were here last night.
You also said,
they were dead.
And that woman I saw
in the hallway?
Who I also said was dead.
All of that is part of your
memory finally awakening to
the reality of what
happened that night.
The death of your friends.
Now, it's time for the
healing process to begin.
So that was the last time
you saw this thing?
About a week ago?
Yeah. But it's still there.
You know when you just
feel you're being watched?
I feel it every
hour of every day.
It's like he's just there...
Waiting for what?
I don't know.
The right moment?
Did you tell your
doctor any of this?
It wouldn't do any good.
He'd just say it was some kind of
left over trauma mumbo jumbo crap.
Try to lock me up again.
-Don't say it, Mahoney.
-Say what?
Any cracks about me being
locked up again.
So this guy we're meeting,
he's the one with the blog?
Yeah. His name's Kyle.
He thinks he knows
how to stop it.
There wasn't anyone who lived
closer we could talk to?
They're all dead.
Is this it?
It's the address he sent me.
And that's his car.
Alright. Let's go.
Kyle? Kyle, it's Cassie.
I brought a friend.
How well do you know this guy?
We just met once.
But we chatted on the internet.
You think it's
cool if we just come in?
Yeah. We'll just say
the door was open.
Kyle, are you here?
It stinks.
Holy shit!
What is all this stuff?
It's what he sees.
Do you see any of this?
Just the one right there.
But he warned me I'd
start seeing other things.
Do you smell that?
Cass? Cass, come here.
You need to see this.
What the hell is this?
It's him.
Why don't you go ahead and
call the number on this card.
Schedule a time for the two of
you to come down to the station,
make an official statement.
Is there anything else
you need from us?
No. But you should
probably get her home.
Thank you.
Cass? I'm gonna
take you home, okay?
This doesn't mean anything,
alright. You're not that guy.
It's not just him, it's everyone
that thing went after.
They're all dead.
Except you.
You're not dead.
And you're not gonna be dead,
okay, not from that thing.
I don't know what to do.
I think I know
someone who does.
Father, I need to speak
with you about Cassie Stevens.
How does it feel
to kill a child.
Yes. Yes, I heard about
the incident. How is she?
They have her sedated at
the hospital. She's scheduled to
have some tests run later today.
God love her.
Let's pray they find out what's
wrong with her.
Justin Mahoney spoke
with me about her last week.
He's worried that her problems
are more of a spiritual nature.
How so?
He believes she's the target
of diabolical attacks.
What makes him think that?
Cassie told him about visions of
a specter she's been seeing out
of the corner of her eye.
She feels that this spirit wants
her dead, and apparently
her doctor's dismissed the
possibility of
supernatural causes.
What do you believe?
I told him I agreed with
the doctor. That was before
I saw the look in her eyes
outside the church. I've never
seen anything as horrific as
the fear she had. It wasn't a fear
of death; she was terrified
of something far worse.
We're gonna have a fun
time explaining this when we get
you out of here. Sorry, I was
just trying to cheer you up.
I know.
Hey. You need to get
better, so we can have a rematch
for all those times you kicked
my ass when we were kids.
I know why I saw it again.
It was the church.
What did the church
have to do with it?
That thing. It hates God.
And it fed off that woman's
anger. It wants me dead, Justin.
And it's not gonna quit.
Well that's not gonna happen.
I don't know how to stop it.
I just want to apologize.
Just need you to sign this,
Right here?
Dr. Switzer?
Yes. May I help you?
I'm Fr. Jenkins. I left a
message for you earlier about a
patient of yours,
Cassie Stevens.
Yes. The parish priest.
What can I do for you,
Is there a place we
can talk in private?
Follow me.
I'm concerned about
Cassie, doctor. How do you feel
she's responding
to her treatment?
Well, we haven't isolated
the cause of her dementia yet,
if that's what you're asking.
Have you considered the
possibility that Cassie may
actually be seeing these things?
Spirits? No, father.
I'll leave that area to
men such as yourself.
My focus is on the
neurological cause.
And, suppose there is none?
Then we look elsewhere.
Does that elsewhere include the
possibility of demonic attack?
Father, if I may be frank,
the church's obsession with
demons and spirits is what
may have planted the idea
in Cassie's head to begin with.
-So you don't believe in demons?
-No, father, I don't.
And in twenty
years of psychiatry,
I've only had one patient
suffering from a dementia
similar to Cassie's who I wasn't
able to successfully treat.
Well, then consider
the consequences.
You see, if I'm wrong,
Cassie loses her sanity.
If you're wrong,
she loses her soul.
Father, I am fully aware
of the consequences.
And I assure you,
that Cassie Stevens
will have the very
best in medical care.
Now, was there anything else?
No. That was it.
I appreciate your time.
We're all very concerned with
Cassie's well being, father.
By the way.
What happened to
that other patient?
She died. As a matter of fact,
right here in this hospital.
She was found with
her neck slit open.
Self inflicted. I am very
sorry to hear about that.
I'd like to leave this with you,
doctor, in case you run out
of those neurological causes.
Which I suspect you might.
This is a case for
demonic possession.
I lost my husband Jack
three years ago. And since then,
Katie's been my life.
Was my life.
Mrs. Dunne...
Please. Just, let me finish.
This belonged to Katie.
She used to take it with
her everywhere she went.
I want you to have it.
No, really Mrs. Dunne.
It was your daughter's. I can't.
Please. Just take it.
I can't explain it.
But just something inside me tells
me that she wants you to have it.
Thank you. I'm so sorry.
I know you are, dear.
I know you are. And I forgive you.
I know you are, dear.
I know you are. And I forgive you.
And I know that Katie
forgives you too.
I see you took my advice.
What'd you think?
Not the book to be
reading when you're all alone.
No. I suppose it isn't.
And the book can't compare to
the experience itself.
You mentioned
that the other day.
About feeling their threat.
And a part of me has never
recovered from that experience.
It was a direct encounter
with hatred, Doug.
With a being that is so cruel, foul, and
superior, and without a trace of mercy.
It happened when I was assigned
to my first parish in Ohio.
There had been a series
of killings, murders in
the Columbus area, and the
police were finally tipped off
that a group of high school kids
were responsible for the killings.
They traced these kids to
an abandoned building.
Inside the building,
the found a basement.
And what they found there,
shocked even the most
hardened of them.
I was brought onto the case
because they suspected satanic
ritualism was involved.
But by the time I arrived,
it was too late.
During the night, the girl had
chewed through her own wrist.
But she left a message for us
on the wall, in her own blood,
Ava Satani.
Hail, satan.
Evil is real, Doug.
And so is the threat
it poses to the bodies,
and the souls of its victims.
You're Katie, aren't you?
I'm Cassie.
I know.
I'm so sorry, Katie.
Thank you.
He's wrong about the man.
Who's wrong?
The doctor.
You see him, too?
He's here right now.
Only God can help you, Cassie.
It's alright, Cassie.
You're in my office.
You're safe now.
What is it, Cassie?
What did you see?
The little girl.
The one I've been seeing.
I know who she is now.
Her name's Katie.
She was killed in the other car.
This little girl.
Did she say anything to you?
Yeah. She said you're
wrong about the man.
And, she gave me this.
Come in.
I've got the results from the MRI
you ordered for Cassie Stevens.
Let's have a look.
Were there any abnormalities?
None the radiologist could find.
Said it looked like
a normal human skull.
What about the other files?
Anything there?
Pretty much the same.
If there's anything
going on up there,
it sure didn't show up
on the test results.
Apparently not.
Do you wanna try again?
Maybe recalibrate,
and run a few more tests?
No, I don't think so.
Thank you, Charlie.
Not a problem, doctor.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Good night.
Is someone there?
I'm sorry. But the church
is closed for the night.
Lord. Are you okay?
I didn't come for the church,
father. I came for you.
Page 52. Cynthia, locate
the article from New York
Reporter referencing footnote 8.
Who's there?
Mrs. Johnson?
Everything alright?
Working late, Dr. Switzer?
Yes. Apparently too late.
Yeah. Don't you worry.
I'll get these lights fixed up in no
time. I'm sure it's just a fuse.
Well, I guess it's time
for me to call it a night
anyway. Goodnight, Todd.
Goodnight, doc.
You drive safe now.
Have Cynthia schedule a meeting with
Fr. Jenkins at St. Matthews Parish.
This is Dr. Switzer,
Hillview Medical Center.
If this tape recording is found,
deliver it to Fr. Jenkins,
St. Matthews Parish.
Father, I'm afraid you were right in
your assessment of Cassie Stevens.
Cassie, if you hear this, you
must see Fr. Jenkins right away.
Your life depends on it.
I'm so sorry, Doug.
If you'd like, I can go ahead and
make arrangements for his funeral.
No. You don't have to do that.
You should go home.
Really, it's no trouble.
It's probably better if
I keep myself busy anyway.
I'm gonna miss him.
I didn't know who
to give this to.
I'll see you tomorrow?
Cassie, if you hear this, you
must see Fr. Jenkins right away.
Your life depends on it.
Fr. McCready.
Father, it's Justin.
I think something's wrong.
What is it?
Cassie's phone, it's dead.
It rings once,
then just goes silent.
I've tried like five times.
Is it disconnected?
It's her home phone,
and her cell.
Get over there right now.
I'm on my way.
Honey, are you awake?
Do you want to ride
with me to the airport?
He's coming, Cassie.
You need to go.
Mom? Dad?
Phone rings.
Hello? Hello?
Phone rings.
Hello? Hello?
No. But you're dead.
It's time for you
to join us, Cassie.
We'll be together again,
Cassie. Just like before.
Take the knife, Cassie.
Justin! Over here!
They're here.
They're in this room.
Come on, we'll get
you out of here.
No. There's no time.
We need to do this now.
Can you do this?
Yeah. Yeah, let's do it.
Here, hold this candle.
Hold it so I can read.
Can you read for the assistant?
Yeah. Of course.
In the name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.
Justin. I need you to
Be merciful on us, Lord,
and save this young child,
Your servant.
Because she hopes in You,
Be a tower of strength
for her, Lord...
Be a tower of strength
for her, Lord...
In the face of the
Let the enemy have no
power over her...
And let the son of
iniquity not succeed
in injuring her...
Lord, hear my prayer...
And let my cry reach you.
Go, father!
God of mercy, come to
the assistance of this child,
you created in Your own Image.
And cast into the bottomless pit
the spirit that torments her.
We drive you from her unclean
spirits and all satanic powers
in the Name and power of our
Lord, Jesus Christ.
-Cassie... Come with us.
-Come with us, Cassie.
Join us, Cassie...
Be a part of us.
Come with us.
Come with us,
Come with us.
It can all go away...
Please. Please,
just leave me alone.
Take your life.
Do it, Cassie.
Do it.
It'll all go away.
Do it, Cassie.
Take your life.
Do it! Do it!
Come with us...
Come with us,
please help me.
Okay. I'm ready.
Can you hear me?
We need to finish.
Can you do that?
Yeah, just go.
God the Father.
Crush the demon that plagues this
child, that she may again be clean.
And drive it into the
infernal wasteland.
Behold your fate, unclean spirits,
the eternal fire that awaits you.
By the power of God,
depart unclean spirits!
Depart, and cease your
torments of this child.
Cassie! Cassie!
Go, go, go, go! Hurry!
It is God Himself
who commands it!
The power of Christ,
compels you!
The blood of Christ,
compels you!
In the name of God,
Cease now, it is God
who commands it!
Cassie. Cassie!
Are you okay?
What is it?
Do you see them?
No. They're gone.
They're all gone.
Thank God it's all over.
Thank you.
So this is her?
I just wanted to
give her something.
They were her favorites.
Goodbye, Katie.