The Cheetah Girls 2 (2006)

Cheetah! Cheetah!
Cheetah! Cheetah! Cheetah!
Cheetah! Cheetah!
Cheetah! Cheetah! Cheetah!
Give it up for the Cheetah Girls!
- Cheetahs.
- Uh-huh-huh.
Yeah. Come on, y'all.
- Everybody get up.
- Here we go.
# Start the party up, hit the groove
# Celebrate is what we're here to do
# Crank the music, now's the time
- # All of us are here tonight
- Hey!
# Somethin' new, we're movin' on
# We been thinkin' 'bout it all year long
# Got the right moves, Cheetah Girls
# Here we go, gonna rock the world
# Party 'cause ya know
the future's all yours
# Dance till your feet
don't touch the floor
# Celebrate the day you've waited for
# Party like you're ready
for so much more
# Do it like you know
it's never been done
# Go a little crazy, have too much fun
- # Today's the day, come on, everyone
- Hey!
# The party's just begun
- I think you're feelin' this.
- Mm.
- Put your hands up if you're feelin' this.
- I'm feelin' it, girl.
- I know you're feelin' this.
- Hey.
- Everybody get up.
- Here we go.
# Everybody, now make some noise
# All the girls and all the boys
# Don't you know we got it goin' on?
All together we belong
- # Fun to be young, that's the truth
- Yeah.
# Lookin' good with a new attitude
Turn the party out, time to shine
# Cheetah style, we're doin' it right
# Party 'cause ya know
the future's all yours
# Dance till your feet
don't touch the floor
# Celebrate the day you've waited for
# Party like you're ready
for so much more
# Do it like you know
it's never been done
# Go a little crazy, have too much fun
- # Today's the day, come on, everyone
- # Everyone
# The party's just begun
- Come on.
- # Aw, yeah
# We can do anything,
everything we wanna
# Finally, we get the chance
- # Everybody wanna celebrate
- # Celebrate
- # Let the party never end
- # Ooh-oh
- # Ready for the summer holiday
- # Holiday
# Anticipatin' what's ahead
Now we're better than we've ever been
- # And you know we do it right
- # Do it right
- # A cappella, now bring it in
- # Yeah, yeah
# Come on, girls, one more time
Chill it out, break it down
# That's the way we do it now
# Attitude, in the groove
Gettin' into somethin' new
# Say goodbye to yesterday
Future lookin' good to me
# All together, raise your hands
- # Time to party, time to dance
- # Hey, yeah
- # Uh-uh-huh
- # Yeah, yeah, yeah
Come on.
- # Uh-huh
- # Oh, yeah, yeah
Come on, come on.
# Party 'cause you know
the future's all yours
# Dance till your feet
don't touch the floor
# Celebrate the day you've waited for
# Party like you're ready
for so much more
# Do it like you know
it's never been done
# Go a little crazy, have too much fun
# Dance and sing, come on, everyone
# The party's just begun
That was terrific, girls.
- I'm gonna miss you so much next year.
- Thank you.
We made it. Junior year is finally over.
I know. This was our best year ever.
Y'all are my girls, but I do miss Texas.
When you get back,
they will throw you an Aqua Days Parade.
The Aqua Days Parade and barbecue.
I like it.
I can't even lie. I thought we were
gonna have to box her at SAT time.
- Why?
- She actually tied me down to a chair.
- You got to 1600, didn't you?
- I did.
NYU can't say no to the Cheetahs.
Well, at least it's summer
and we can finally take a break.
- Excuse me?
- Or not.
Glad you're enjoying yourselves!
Good, good.
I told you that. You don't
pay attention to anything I tell you.
Hi, Mom.
Oh, you were so good.
Everybody loved you. You were fabulous!
Thank you. That reminds me - we have
the rehearsal schedule for the summer.
Excuse me. Did I just hear "rehearsal"?
They just got off the stage.
Hey, you remember she used to be a
control freak? She's so much better now.
All I'm saying is that we can't just sit
around during the summertime.
We are going to my cousins'
to Martha's Vineyard for a few weeks.
Do you know how many producers live
there? We could get a deal if we perform!
We are gonna spend some family time.
Anyway, you've gotta give the singing
a rest while they go to Barcelona.
When who goes to Barcelona?
Was I not supposed to mention that
or the tattoo?
A tattoo? Are you getting a...
She says she's getting a ring
this summer or a tattoo.
A tattoo?
Of what? Something corny,
like a... a butterfly? No. A unicorn.
Hello, Bubbles. Can we focus here?
I have to spend the summer in Spain
with her and her boyfriend.
- I thought Luc lived in Paris.
- No. He's from Barcelona.
Now we have to meet the family. You know,
wear pearls and meet the family.
They've been dating for a long time.
Is this really a surprise?
If he was gonna propose to her,
he'd have been one by now.
She looks desperate. It's embarrassing.
Chuchi, this is a free trip to Spain.
I know you.
What's going on?
- I'm scared.
- It is just for the summer.
If my mom marries Luc,
she's gonna want me to move to Spain.
Start a new family. It won't even matter
that we've been like sisters
since we were divas in diapers.
Then in that case,
we will find a way to fix this.
I don't know how, but we will.
- 'Cause no one is gonna tear us apart.
- You promise?
Of course I do.
- So, is there anything?
- Ohh!
I've seen all these wedding dresses before.
There's nothing that screams "you."
There's nothing extraordinary.
That's why, when the time comes,
you have to design my gown.
Oh, well, that's so sweet of you,
but my design days are long gone.
We'll have to get a real designer
to do your special dress.
First things first. I need the ring.
- You are so getting that ring.
- Mm.
Mom, I want you to know
that I gave myself am attitude check
and I'm down to go to Spain
and, you know, spend some time with Luc.
Gracias, mija.
That's my girl. I appreciate that.
Well, I know it's really important to you,
so I'm willing to make it work.
I'm gonna miss my girls.
I know, honey, but you know what?
We're only gonna be gone for a month.
- Go.
- Well, I was thinking,
you know, maybe if we could
work the money out and the flights,
maybe the Cheetahs could come with us.
- Did Galleria put you up to this?
- No.
Madrina, I just figured,
since Luc got plenty of room and...
Honey, we leave in three days.
No puede ser.
No. I can't ask Luc to host more people.
That would be...
- Rude.
- Mm-hmm.
No. There'll be other times.
A hat. A huge hat...
Let's go to your place. Come on!
You guys, Barcelona is crazy-beautiful.
- I can't believe we're not going.
- I know.
I love Spain and its history and its people.
Ever since
my first Enrique Iglesias concert.
I've tried everything. She won't budge.
There's a dance camp I can teach
this summer, but it's basically baby-sitting.
You know those biology classes
I take at Columbia?
My professor's doing research
on structures of membrane proteins
at atomic resolution.
I guess I could glom into that.
Who are you sometimes?
I'm just wondering.
Oh, my gosh, a shooting star!
Come here.
A shooting star! Oh, my gosh.
Make a wish.
- Chuchi.
- What's that?
- What does this say?
- It's the Barcelona summer music festival.
Featuring a new voices competition
for undiscovered talent!
My goodness! We're sitting here
in my bedroom, eating chicken.
It does not get any more
undiscovered than that.
"All ages welcome. Please apply here by..."
- Deadline was last week.
- You trippin'.
I'm about to call up Barcelona right now
and tell them we are the...
I'll just tell them all that
when it's not 4 AM over there.
- Take the number down.
- OK.
Oh, my goodness. It's so long.
- Save under "Barcelona."
- Barcelona!
Hola! Hola! Chuchi, wake up!
Un momento, por favor.
Chuchi, Spain is awake. Talk to them.
You guys, Chuchi is talking to Barcelona!
What time is it?
I'm here, I'm here.
- We're too late. She says apply next year.
- OK, we'll apply right now. "Sisters."
# 'Cause we are sisters
# We stand together
# We make up one big family
# Though we don't look the same
S. S, s, s. Lo puedo mas.
Gracias. Chau.
She said download the application,
get it signed,
then we have an appointment with
the festival director next week.
OK, OK. Listen, listen. If we're gonna
make this work, when we get to Barcelona,
we have to promise each other that
we are going to work hard, concentrate,
and we're gonna do everything
that we can to win this competition.
And then nothing and no one
can break us apart.
We'll arrange front-row tickets for you
and Luc to the Barcelona Music Festival.
Oh, no.
Don't spend all your money on us, girls.
- Mnh-mnh.
- Unh-unh.
It's free. The Cheetah Girls are singing in
the New Voices competition at the festival.
Wait. Wait, wait, wait.
- You're in the music festival?
- Mm-hmm.
We saw the ad, and we called last night
and auditioned over the phone.
- Just like that?
- Just like that.
This is what you call "the universe at work."
I'm afraid not to go.
You know what I'm sayin'?
Because if you mess up the universe,
that's some major karma there.
Do you hear that?
- Now the whole universe is involved.
- Wow.
This is huge.
Many artists have been discovered there.
- Since Luc's got plenty of room...
- All we have to do is get there.
I've already called Dad, and he said...
You called and talked to him
about this in Hong Kong?
Yes, ma'am.
He's given me and Doe his airline miles.
OK, wait a second.
It's not just about us. OK?
There are other people
and other parents involved.
- I know, but Doe...
- My foster mom said it was cool.
My father gave me a list of souvenirs
that I can bring back if we can go.
I know this is a really special trip for you,
and this may change your life -
all of our lives.
It really could. The trip is almost free.
We're right there.
I can't handle four girls alone in Spain.
Absolutely not.
So you have to come with us, Dorothea.
Yeah, you're gonna come with us.
Oh, Mama. Whoo!
This great! We're going to Spain.
Are you mad, Mom?
Galleria Garibaldi,
an international music contest?
I know, Mom, I know.
We talked them into giving us a shot.
Mama, this could be it.
We could be on our way.
You will be on your way back home
if there's any monkey business.
- This is a crucial trip for Aunt Juanita.
- I know.
- Do we understand?
- Yes.
When you come back from this vacation,
you will be focusing on college.
Do we understand each other?
Mom, we are on the same page
with the college situation. You know why?
'Cause with this contest, it could open
so many doors for me in college.
But we might have to take time off
for that international superstardom tour.
- The Cheetahs. I'm just sayin'.
- I'm just saying...
I know, I know, I know.
Let's pack.
Mommy, thank you, thank you.
Mom, do you think Toto will be OK
in the kennel?
We'll call his tummy scratcher
every day to check on him.
Thanks, Mom.
- And I want some rag mags.
- Cheetahs?
Y'all know as soon
as we walk through this door,
we are no longer American
We are international
superstars-in-training, OK?
- Who's ready?
- Born.
- I can't believe that we're actually here.
- I know.
- The Cheetahs are reigning in Spain.
- Have you ever seen anything like it?
Barcelona started as a Roman colony
in the 2nd century BC.
Dang, we thought the disco era
was old school.
OK, we have got to see Las Ramblas.
It's the most famous street in Barcelona.
And the Olympic Stadium.
Of course, we have to go to the museums
- the Picasso, Moreau, Dali.
- There's a chocolate museum.
- Look at this view.
There is no way we can do this city
in one day.
We also need to go to this cathedral
designed by Antoni Gaud in 1882,
and it's still not done yet.
It's called the Sagrada Familia.
Sagrada Familia. You got an "A" in
Spanish, but you flunked rolling your R's.
- I'm trying.
- OK. What are we gonna do first?
Barcelona in a day. I am exhausted.
I don't wanna say something stupid
and look like a tourist.
Darling, we could never look
like tourists.
Garcon? Ahem.
Si, I would like a diet cola.
I would also like a glass filled with ice.
I would like a side of lemon wedges.
Could you not open the cola? Gracias.
- Si.
- Gracias.
- Like I said, never tourists.
- Shh.
What is that?
Oh, my goodness, have you ever
seen anything that was too perfect?
That's not something in my guidebook.
Clmate! Easy, girls.
- Chanel, what did he say?
- Welcome to the whisper of dreams.
Breathe in the soul of the city.
Find out what adventure means.
Follow me and discover my Barcelona.
Oh, no, thank you.
We've been walking all day.
You guys, I'm so not ready to see Luc.
Besides, when in Spain...
We gotta strut these streets
like runways
and let Barcelona know
the Cheetahs have arrived. Come on.
# You can breathe in the music
# This city makes
# Moved by the rhythm the gypsies play
# Deep inside, it comes alive
# There is a whisper that feeds your soul
# Words so beautiful like a Spanish rose
# Till you're hypnotized
That's when you've arrived
# You've gotta strut like you mean it
# Free your mind,
it's not enough just to dream it
# Come on, come on,
get up when ya feel it
# It's your chance to shine
# Strut like you mean it,
come on, come on, come on
# Yeah
# Oh
# Whoa-oa-oa, yeah
# Poundin' the pavement,
kickin' through the streets
# To wander like Picasso
in the Barcelona heat
# Passion is the fashion,
and life is poetry
# Welcome to another world
where every heart can beat
# Oh-oh
# In a different tempo,
there's never a wrong one
# Never a wrong one
# Build it to a crescendo
# You know the journey's just begun
# You gotta strut like you mean it,
free your mind
# It's not enough just to dream it,
come on, come on
# Get up when you feel it
# It's your chance to shine
# Strut like you mean it,
Come on, come on, come on
# Yeah, oh-oh-oh
# Oh
# Hey, feel the flow
- # When you just can't move no mo'
- # No mo'
- # The city wants to show ya somethin'
- # Uh-huh
# The heart unfolds
but you will never know
# Barcelona soul, so somethin'
# Somethin' good is coming
# It's comin', yeah, yeah, yeah
# Everybody knows
that somethin' good is comin' on
# You gotta strut like you mean it,
free your mind
# It's not enough just to dream it,
come on, come on
# Get up when ya feel it,
it's your chance to shine
# Strut like ya mean it,
come on, come on, come on
# Come on, come on, get up
# Strut
# Come on, come on
# Come on, come on
# Strut
# Come on, come on
- Sorry. I didn't get your name.
- Angel. Me llamo Angel.
- Angel. How beautiful.
- S, and your name?
It's Galleria. It's this big building
that you buy stuff from.
Oh, thank you for showing me
your Barcelona. It's beautiful.
I'll see you again soon.
They don't make
everything bigger in Texas.
Come on.
It's just another car.
I don't mean the car.
I mean that.
It's just another big European-style villa,
you know, like you see in the movies.
Please, act like you know.
Thank you, Seor Reynosa.
This is my wife - Seora Reynosa.
Bienvenidas. Seoritas Cheetahs.
Welcome to Villa Soler.
These rooms were the former
carriage house of the villa built in 1888
by the Marquis of Soler.
Seor Luc has converted it
into additional guest quarters
so that he can have all his friends
and family around him.
Now, your bedrooms are
through those doors.
Breakfast is served in the garden at ten.
Laundry baskets are in your rooms
for nightly pickup.
Metro passes are on the dressers. Please
see me for anything else you may require.
- Hasta luego.
- Oh, thank you.
Thank you. Oh, my goodness.
All of this, and we get to sing, too?
Say it loud and proud, girls. It's...
OK, come on, quit the pouting.
I mean, come on.
Did y'all just check her out?
Metro passes.
Everything in Lucland is perfect.
Why doesn't he sell tickets?
I do host an enormous Christmas charity
ball, but that's the closest I come.
- Thank you for having us, Luc.
- Oh, Dorinda, Aquanetta, Galleria.
- It's so great to see you again.
- Wow.
Everything's prettier here, even our names.
On the contrary. Spain is more beautiful
now that the Cheetah Girls have arrived.
So, make yourselves at home.
Eat, sleep...
Buenas noches, seoritas.
- Thank you.
- Buenas noches.
See what I'm talking about?
"Eat, sleep, enjoy." He's so controlling.
He's perfect! I am sorry,
but if your mom doesn't marry Luc,
gimme a few years - I will.
All right, all right.
Let's unpack and get to sleep.
We have a really big day tomorrow
with the festival director.
- Come on.
- Come on.
All right, Chanel, it's gonna be OK.
We're driving to Sitges today,
and we won't be back until this evening.
Can you girls get around well enough
on your own?
Don't worry, Auntie. I got it covered.
Luc is in the office all day
if you need anything.
We have our Metro passes.
We'll be cool without Luc.
We're going to pick up
our festival information packets.
- That's exciting.
- I know.
- Buenos das, Cheetahs.
- Buenos das.
Good morning, Luc.
Actually, we were just on our way out.
Just so you know,
I asked one of my associates
to make himself available to you
throughout your stay.
The Count de Tovar.
Uh, he's a... Well, you'll meet him later.
- We don't need...
- You to go to any trouble...
but they would love to meet any friends,
or counts, of yours.
It's no trouble at all.
Well, then we're off.
Cheetahs, chop-chop.
- Ah, ah, ah. No kiss for your mother?
- Bye.
Why is he acting
like we need a babysitter? Please.
- We can handle ourselves.
- Be careful!
- Hola.
- Hola.
So, the Cheetah Girls from New York.
Yes. Have voices, will travel.
The director is upstairs in the main theater.
- She means that way.
- Right. Bye.
- Gracias.
- Thank you.
Oh, my...
This ain't Manhattan magnate.
I've never seen anything so beautiful.
What have you prepared for us today?
Hello. Um, I'm Galleria Garibaldi,
and we're the Cheetah Girls.
We actually have a CD
and some pictures of our last perf...
No, no, no.
What have you prepared to sing... today?
Surely you didn't assume you'd be entered
in the contest without a proper audition.
Now. That means now.
You know what? Come on,
just pull it together. We can do this.
Yo, you take the high note, all right?
Y'all ready?
# 'Cause we are sisters
# We stand together
# We make up one big family,
though we don't look the same
# Our spots are different
# Different colors
# We make each other stronger
- # That ain't ever gonna change
- # Believe it, mister
That's enough.
Bueno. Un momento.
What are you waiting for?
That's all for today.
OK. I'll tell them.
Congratulations, Cheetahs.
Welcome to the New Voices competition.
I'm hungry. Let's eat.
Is it me, or is everything
so relaxing here?
- I feel like I'm in a trance.
- This is better than a hot New York rooftop.
- Guys, I got the rehearsal schedule.
- We just started relaxing.
I know you did, and that's a bad idea,
'cause vacation's over.
When am I gonna get to see
the Sagrada Familia?
When you learn how to pronounce it
Sagrada Familia.
Cheetahs, this is the big time, OK?
We need to concentrate and stay focused.
We don't know our competition.
We have to be ready.
There's only one way to find out.
Ask the Dancing Cat.
Even as I said it, it sounded silly.
Seor Luc -
he sent me here to assist you.
- You're the associate?
- Associate.
That's a fancy name for summer intern.
But I'll take it.
I'm Joaquin.
You must be Chanel, right?
Dorinda, Aqua.
And you must be Galleria.
You've got it all wrong.
Aqua, Galleria, Chanel.
- And I'm Dorinda.
- Story of my life.
So, um, what's this about the Dancing Cat?
Luc tells me you're in the New Voices
competition. The Dancing Cat is a club.
Everyone tries out their material there.
- We could see who our competition is.
- For reals.
- Tomorrow is Open Mike. I'll sign you up.
- Good. You have met Joaquin.
He can show you around much better
than an old man like me.
I've already bungled up their names,
Seor Luc. I guess it's downhill from here.
We thought you were sending
some stuffy old count to watch after us.
Old? No. Stuffy? Rarely.
- But he is a count.
- Don't hold it against me.
He is my brilliant godson,
and as his padrino.
I plan for him to follow in my footsteps
after Oxford.
My biggest problem
is keeping his nose in the books
and his feet off the dance floor.
- You're a dancer?
- Ooh.
- A cutthroat competitor.
- A dancing cat, a dancing count.
I'm dizzy.
Barcelona has that effect.
Well, I will leave all of you artists
to your work. Enjoy your evening, ladies.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Joaquin, Dorinda's our choreographer.
Oh, really? Maybe we can dance together
while you're here this summer.
- Sure.
- Encantado.
Ladies. Dorinda.
Come on, you guys, he's a count.
My studio address.
Maybe you can stop by tomorrow
and meet the dancers. It'll be fun.
She'll be there.
- Oh, my God...
- No.
You're gonna get married
and have Spanish babies.
If we combined all of our euros,
you might be able to afford 10% of it.
- Oh, look, 50% off.
- Where?
- That's a shame, you sad, sick people.
- Don't tease us like that.
- We need to go home and rehearse.
- I know this designer.
It's Audrey Hepburn and Diana Ross
rolled into one.
Maybe we could be as famous
as Diana Ross if we rehearsed.
That claret dress! Oh.
Dorothea? Dorothea Beaucrix?
- Yes.
- It's me, Randolph. Randolph Hunter.
- Randolph from London Randolph?
- Randolph from Paris Randolph.
Randolph from Milan Randolph.
Come here.
Incredible, amazing.
What are you doing here?
Well, I should ask you the same question.
This is my - well, our...
Aramet and I own this boutique.
This is my daughter Galleria
and her friend Aquanetta.
They're in a singing group
competing in the festival.
Great. You must all come in immediately.
Aramet's not gonna believe this.
Is she here? I can't wait to see her.
We're gonna meet Aramet.
Girl, come on.
- It is gorgeous.
- You like it?
Aramet, come upstairs a minute.
I have a surprise for you.
- And Francobollo, is he over here?
- He's on a buying trip in Hong Kong.
Of course, your couture line.
You said you'd do it one day.
- I have a handbag company. Not couture...
- Mom...
- but I'm happy.
- Aramet.
Qu pasa?
Look who I found outside.
Just dropped in from 1987.
Dorothea! Is that you?
Oh, my God, this is wonderful!
Oh, this is my daughter Galleria.
- Your greatest work of art.
- Thank you.
And this is my best friend Aqua.
- Hi.
- Pinch me.
I am meeting the woman
who designed the best jean jacket
ever liberated from my mom's closet.
If you liked the jacket, you'll to love the
winter collection. Come down to the studio.
- Oh, please?
- Yeah.
Why not? Go catch up, have fun.
I'll just be recording bells outside.
- Thanks.
- Nice to meet you.
- That's 15 minutes.
- Aah!
You can't rush an opportunity like this.
Besides, that dress needs me.
- You have 14.
- OK.
Hey, you came.
Chicos, this is my new friend Dorinda,
who is visiting from New York.
- Hi.
- Hola!
- You guys are amazing.
- You liked it?
- I loved it.
- Come dance with me.
I just came to watch.
I didn't even bring shoes.
We'll arrange it.
Msica, por favor.
- Dorinda, you look great.
- Thanks.
- Are you ready?
- Mm-hmm.
OK, guys, listen up. I'm gonna slow things
down a little for New York here.
They're always six hours behind,
you know.
We'll see about that, Barcelona.
# Follow me into my world
# Let your worries fade
with every step you take
# Baby, what you waitin' for?
# Let the tango take control
# Feel the music inside your soul, whoa
# My hand is out, just grab ahold
# Watch the time just fade away
# My arms will keep you safe
# Girl, it's just you and me
dancin' in this dream
# Whatever you do, don't wake me up
# I know the feeling's real,
I won't let it stop
# Don't be afraid, take my hand
# Forget the world,
will you dance with me?
# Puedomos bailar eternamente
# Trust in me, take a chance
# Feel the tango, will you dance?
- # Will you dance with me?
- # Puedomos bailar eternamente
# Now I have you next to me
# Everything is how it should be,
oh, yeah
# Baby, don't fight the feeling
# We're floatin' on a cloud
# If I could, I'd never come back down
# No, no,
baby, just keep on groovin', groovin'
- # As time fades away
- # As time fades away
- # My arms will keep you safe
- # My arms will keep you safe
- # It's just you and me
- # Girl, it's just you and me
- # Dancing in this dream
- # Dancin' in this dream
# Whatever you do, don't wake me up,
the feeling's real, don't let it stop
# Don't be afraid, take my hand
# Forget the world,
will you dance with me?
# Puedomos bailar eternamente
# Trust in me, take a chance
# Feel the tango,
will you dance, dance with me?
# Puedomos bailar eternamente
- # Dance with me
- # I'm dancing with you
- # For this moment in time
- # My dreams have come true
# My darling, just dance with me
# If for only one night
That was fun, New York.
You were great.
No, you were great.
- What time is it?
- I...
I have to go. Galleria's gonna flip.
I'm so sorry.
Not before you promise to come back
and teach a hip-hop class.
Tomorrow afternoon there's a beach party.
Say you'll come with me.
I can't. We're gonna be rehearsing.
Come on, you gotta take a break sometime.
Bring all the Cheetahs. It'll be fun.
Maybe. I gotta go.
Thanks again for the tango.
No problem.
Don't forget tonight, Dorinda.
The Dancing Cat. I'll see you there.
I'll see you there, Dorinda.
- Hi!
- Hi.
This is so exciting.
Oh, the Cheetah Girls?
- Gracias.
- Gracias.
- Hola, Cheetahs!
- Hola! How you doin'? Hey.
Oh, my. Yo.
- Yo, this place is off the chain.
- Muy bueno.
So, I see lots of contestants here tonight.
Good. We need to break them off
some growl power,
let 'em know that girl power
is the real thing.
# Yeah, yeah
- Who's that?
- That's Marisol, the homegrown favorite.
# Yeah, yeah
# Picture it perfect
# Yeah
# Don't hesitate to live your dreams
# It's more than worth it
# Oh-oh
# If you know what you wanna be
# Why wait when now is the right time?
# Today could just pass you by
# Why wait?
It's your turn, it's your life
# The future is what we make
# So why wait?
# You've gotta reach out
# As if the world is in your hands
# I know you know how
# Just gotta go for it,
take a chance
# Why wait when now is the right time?
# Today could just pass you by
# Why wait?
It's your turn, it's your life
# The future is what we make,
so why wait?
# Why wait?
You're ready to do this
# No way you can ever be stopped
# Why wait?
Tomorrow can be so far away
# You're already here
# Why wait?
You just gotta let go
# You've gotta believe in yourself
all the way
# You know that you've got what it takes
# So why wait?
So how about that growl power? Shall
I arrange for you guys to get up there?
- I'm exhausted.
- Uh, jetlagged.
- Definitely.
- And it's really, really hot.
- Did you guys bring a CD?
- No.
I think we'll just try to get up there
another night.
No problem. Thirsty?
- S, por favor.
- Yes.
Hay, muchas gracias. Gracias.
Yo, she was definitely
doing her thing up there.
Good evening. I'm Angel.
We're gonna slow things down a little
at the Dancing Cat now.
Here's an old lullaby.
Any of you kittens know the lyrics?
Love him. He's everywhere.
Yo, my mom used to sing this song to me
all the time when I was little.
# A la nanita, nana nanita
# Ella nanita ella
# Mi nia tienes sueno
# Bendito sea, bendito sea
# A la nanita, nana nanita
# Ella nanita ella
# Mi nia tienes sueno
# Bendito sea, bendito sea
# Fuentecita que corre
# Clara y sonora
# Ruisenor q'en la selva
# Cantando llora
# Callad mientras la cuna
# Se balancea
# A la nanita nana
# Nanita ella
# A la nanita, nana nanita
# Ella nanita ella
# Mi nia tienes sueno
# Bendito sea, bendito sea
# Fuentecita que corre
# Clara y sonora
# Ruisenor q'en la selva
# Cantando llora
# Callad mientras la cuna
# Se balancea
# A la nanita nana
# Nanita ella
- From Nueva York, the Cheetah Girls.
- That's right. Uh-huh.
- Cheetah Girls, you sing muy hermosa.
- Oh...
- That means "very beautiful."
- We got it, Aqua.
Chicas, chicas...
What'd she say?
Yo soy Lola Duran,
y es mi fantastica hija Marisol.
That's right. This is my mom Lola Duran,
and I'm Marisol.
Oh, I'm sorry.
It's easier to speak in English, yes?
- Well, for them.
- I am so sorry.
- You girls are the Americans, yes?
- Yep.
And you're singing in the contest, right?
You're the Cheetah Girls.
Am I right, or am I right?
Yes, we are.
You ladies are so talented.
It's just amazing. And more than that...
hay una que habla Espaol
No, no. There are two of us
that speak Spanish. Dos.
- What? I know what she said.
- Ladies, are you traveling here alone?
We're here with our mothers.
My mom is our manager.
- I can see a mama manager a mile away.
- Oh, I would love to meet your mother.
- Give the girls our cellphone number.
- Of course. We should all get together.
Why don't I just give it to you,
because it's easy for me to speak Spanish.
- S, como no. I'll give you mine, too.
- There we go. Muy bien.
All right? Gracias.
Nada. Aqu, aqu, aqu.
Chicas, mira.
Listen, I just want to give
a little bit of insight.
It is very difficult
to win this contest on the first try.
- Tell them, Marisol.
- Yeah, Mom.
We know. This is my third try.
Yeah, so, you know, girls, if we really want
to make a splash in Spain - yes?
- we have to meet all the right people,
go to the right parties, sing the right songs.
You know, make, like, a Cheetah presence
in all of Barcelona, yes?
It would be wonderful. I can open doors
for you, because I know everybody here.
Well, girls, just think of me
as your Spanish mama, yes?
Thank you.
Stay with Chanel.
Have her help you with your English.
Teach her your number and choreography.
Get close to her and quickly.
Mom, are you trying
to break up the Cheetah Girls?
I like them. I really like them.
Last night, when I heard you and Chanel
sing together, I got an idea.
Oh, no, Mom.
I know where this is going, and I won't do it.
It's not right. I'm prepared.
Just believe in me.
Listen to me, Marisol. You have lost twice
already. You lose again, and it's over.
I am telling you,
you and Chanel together are magic.
You heard the reaction at the club
last night.
You can win, go to the top, America.
Now, isn't that what we've always wanted?
Cario, it's our dream.
Now smile.
Don't you think it's strange
that this woman wants to help you girls?
- It's Spain. People are warm, generous.
- And open.
She's helping us fit in to a new culture.
- I don't think you should be paranoid.
- Just be aware.
Even Joaquin says everyone knows her.
She's a big deal around here.
Is that what Joaquin says?
The first thing out of her mouth was,
"I wanna meet your mom."
- Doesn't that tell you anything?
- She's smart.
Come on.
Where she said to meet is right up here.
Hola. Lola! Hey, Marisol.
- Hola!
- Hello.
This is my mother Dorothea Garibaldi.
Welcome to Spain.
Your girls are magnificent.
- I think I'll keep them.
- Take a look, because in one week,
all of Barcelona will be your stage.
# Ooh, yeah
# Oh, yeah
OK, how do you
say "boyfriend" in Spanish?
- Novio.
- Wow, you say that one perfectly.
That was the first word I learned in
Spanish. No, "nachos" was the first.
- But "novio" came right after that.
- There's Doe's novio.
He is not my boyfriend. He's teaching me
tango, and I'm teaching him hip-hop.
- I'm getting stuff ready for the new show.
- Yeah.
Why don't you both teach us that new stuff.
We need to get ready for the show, too.
No work today. This is a party.
- What's that you got there?
- Marco made some tapas.
- A little snack. There's plenty on the patio.
- Mm. Tapas with Marco. I gotta go.
Can you think about
what you might wanna rehearse?
- Hey, Galleria.
- Hey.
I've been looking for you everywhere.
I want you to meet some friends.
- We need to leave in an hour.
- I know, but look where we are.
We're on the beach in Spain.
This is the hottest party we've been to.
Seriously, come on,
get your Cheetah on, girl. Have some fun.
Smile. Please, you're scaring
the Spanish boys away. Come on.
Hola. Hola. Lola!
S, esta aqu.
Your mom.
- Hola, Mama.
- Just a little bit.
Yes, we're together.
- Quieres algo?
- Gracias.
De nada.
So I guess I have to ask.
How do you become a count?
Well, I guess my great-great grandfather
was friends with the right people
or not friends with the wrong people.
I forget which.
- Being royal sounds like high school.
- You're starting to get the picture.
You seem so passionate about dancing.
How do you balance that
with the whole Oxford business-guy thing?
- It's complicated.
- Complicated.
Sounds like royal family expectations.
What about you? Does your family
support your dance dreams?
- But we'll talk about that another time.
- Good.
That means there will be another time.
There's something about this Lola
that's not quite right. She's hard to read.
You know who's hard to read? Luc.
He brings me all the way to Spain
and no ring.
I don't get it, but I'm staying out of it.
Galleria promised me a trouble-free trip,
no mistakes.
Mistake. No.
I'm glad I came on this trip,
'cause I'm supposed to be with Luc.
- I know it in my heart.
- There's something in my heart
that tells me I need
to keep an eye on this woman.
Mama Cheetah does not play
when it comes to her cubs.
Oh, more tea?
- Hmm? Mm-hmm.
- Mm.
- OK, all right, let's take it again from...
- Oh, please? Let's take a nap.
Come on, that party was bananas,
and I can't bounce back
the way I used to when I was 12.
We've only been rehearsing
for 30 minutes.
I wanted to play this new song
for the festival.
Cool, but, I wanted to tell you guys
Lola says it might be a good idea
to sing a little somethin' in Spanish.
A song in Spanish?
We don't speak Spanish.
Say nothing, Aqua.
- Miss Dorinda, you have a telephone call.
- Oh, great.
- Bye, Dorinda.
- Thank you.
Oh, she's smilin' too much over there.
Chanel, did you forget that Luc's family
is coming over for lunch?
- Well, I tried to.
- Today.
- Come on, let's get dressed.
- See you guys later.
Aqua, what is Chanel thinking?
Honey... hi.
I'm spending the day at Aramet's studio,
so have a good rehearsal.
OK, Mom, thanks.
Talk to you later.
- Bye.
- Bye.
No, I'm serious, Aqua.
We don't speak Spanish.
OK, wait a second.
We have six days for this competition.
To learn a song in Spanish?
That's ridiculous.
Besides, shouldn't we do what we do best
and stick to that?
- Give me your honest opinion.
- Aqua, we're leaving!
I think...
Wait up, Auntie Dorothea!
I think that we should talk
about this later as a group.
- As a group.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- OK.
Galleria, Joaquin just asked me
to teach a hip-hop class today.
- But where did everybody go?
- They go. You go. When in Spain...
- You should come. You'd be a big help.
- I have to work on...
- Then I'll see you later. Have fun!
- ...a song that I'm...
# Amigas, Cheetahs
# Friends for life
Ah, they're here!
They're coming, Juanita.
Even though we're eating in the gardens,
this is very formal,
so please be on your best behavior.
Mom, I told you I'd make it work.
- I could have worn flip-flops.
- Uh-huh, uh-huh.
5, 6, 7, 8.
# Oh-oh-oh-oh. oh-oh-oh-oh
# Do your own thing,
do your own thing
- # You don't have to be like anybody else
- # No!
# So what's the problem?
Why can't you be like yourself?
# You're individual,
you might as well let it show
# Whoa-whoa-whoa
# Because you're beautiful
just the way that you are
# Not everybody has to
bling-bling superstar
# Holla back if you're feelin'
what I'm feelin' now
# You gotta do your own thing...
Wait, wait, wait.
Hold on, hold on. Pull, 1...
Pull, 1... Let me see.
# You gotta do your own thing
All right, guys, come on, from the top.
Here we go. 5, 6, 7, 8!
- Up!
- # Oh-oh-oh-oh
# Go home and change your clothes
25 times a day
# Tell the haters not to come around,
they bother me
# Know that it's your world,
go ahead, live it up
# Oh-oh-oh-oh
# Some call me crazy,
well, I guess I'll never understand
# I change my hair, my clothes,
my style because I know I can
# Now get out on the dance floor
and dance
# You gotta do your own thing
Don't be just the same...
...and, of course, some cheetah spots.
# The way you like
# You gotta do your own thing
- Aqua...
- You guys are up and moving.
I've been up all night writing this song...
Great. You have to see what your mom
and I dreamt up for the Cheetah Girls.
- Hey.
- It's for the festival!
- Hey, sleepyhead. Slept in?
- Yeah, Mama.
I was up late writing this song
that everyone...
Did you see the designs
your girlfriend did?
They're amazing. Don't you think
we should be focusing on the music...
What you need to focus on first
is breakfast.
I have tear sheets on the terrace.
Come sketch with me?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, come on.
- OK, great. I'll leave right now.
- Don't we have to rehearse?
Hold on just a second.
Joaquin just invited me to lunch.
Lunch... rehearsal. Lunch, rehearsal.
- We'll meet up later. Please?
- Later? When is later, Dorinda?
I need to know if we're gonna win the
contest. If we are, we need to rehearse.
It's not like I'm not working on the dances.
Come on, Galleria.
You're working on the dances to the song
that we haven't even chosen yet. Yo.
Let's meet at the dance studio at three.
We'll get started then. It'll be fine.
Am I the only one
who's taking this seriously?
- Where's Chanel?
- I don't know.
I think she's outside, but I gotta go.
Thank you, thank you.
- Hoy es querida.
- Es querida.
Well, at least someone's rehearsing.
- Hi, Galleria.
- Hey.
This is one of Marisol's songs. She's just
teaching me the words. Two minutes?
Two minutes can turn into two weeks
real quick, don't you think?
Marisol, look, I don't mean to sound harsh,
but we're the ones who need to rehearse.
Galleria, I was invited here.
I didn't just drop by.
And when do you tell my friends when they
can hang out with me and when they can't?
Obviously, you need to go back to bed
and wake up again. Gimme my space.
Space? Chanel, we're in this space
because of you.
Excuse me.
Explain to me what's goin' on,
'cause obviously I'm not understanding.
- Are you choosing her over us?
- Wow.
Wow? Maybe you forgot
the promise that we made.
- I'm only doing this for you.
- Here we go again.
Always trying to control everything.
Do you hear yourself?
Look, you just need to chill.
I'll talk to you later.
Come on, Marisol.
No, guys, listen up.
I can really not go. Maybe some other day.
- Por favor. Me conozco.
- How about tomorrow?
No me escucha.
Mira, es que - es que no puedo.
Me encanteria pero no puedo.
No es que no quiera.
- Guys, I can't.
- Adis.
So, are you ready for lunch?
I'm just getting off my jacket.
I would have gotten dressed up
if I had known.
Dressed up? What do you mean?
Barcelona is casual. We can go anywhere.
- Why did you send your friends off?
- I didn't send them off.
Yes, you did.
You didn't introduce me.
Am I OK to hang out with your dance
friends, but when the suits come out...?
- We're just from two different worlds.
- What do you mean?
I've never met anyone
more like me in my life.
Come on, Joaquin, you can trace
your ancestors back for centuries.
When I go home,
I'm going home to a foster family.
You dance because it's a hobby,
and I dance because it's my life.
And I may not know where I came from,
but I know where I'm going, and...
it's not here.
- Can we talk about this?
- No.
Look, it's just too complicated for me.
I'm sorry.
Well, well, well.
Isn't that beautiful?
- You like it?
- Yes. Has Tia Juanita seen it yet?
No, but Aramet and Randolph have,
and they love it
and want to do a sample
and put it in the spring collection.
- No way! Congratulations, Mom.
- Thank you, honey.
Look at you.
I have not seen you this way in a long time.
I figured out something on this trip.
And that would be...?
When you were born, I made
some decisions that I never regretted.
But now I think that maybe some of those
dreams that I put off can come true after all.
Good for you, Mom.
And I have something to share with you.
- I'm goin' home.
- You're what?
- Chanel has found a friend in Marisol.
- Ohh.
She has. They both speak Spanish.
Marisol lives here.
And I think she's gonna help her
through this situation better than I can.
I have to back off, Mom.
I think if I push her too hard,
I might lose her as a friend.
She's more important
than any... competition.
Do you believe
you can win this competition?
No, ma'am.
We're not prepared. We never rehearse.
The girls' heads aren't in it.
And I'm not going onstage
and embarrassing myself.
- OK, honey. So we'll leave tomorrow.
- Mom, will you look down?
Those are your dreams right there.
I won't let you leave those behind. We'll
deal with the Cheetah Girls another time.
So you're the mom and I'm the baby.
I'm just sayin' that I called Dad.
And he has a layover in Paris.
I'm takin' the train there tomorrow,
meet him, fly home together.
Everything is already set.
I'm OK.
I raised a strong girl.
- I love you.
- I love you, too, Mom.
Thank you.
Ma, what do you mean Galleria's leaving?
I am so sorry, sweetheart.
I'm so sorry.
Tia, what is going on?
She thinks her Spain experience is over,
and she says she's OK with it.
- She's that mad at me? Let me talk to her.
- No, no.
She has made her decision.
Now she's getting some sleep,
and that's what you should do, too.
- We've all been distracted.
- I can't believe I wasted so much time.
- I wasn't there for her.
- She thinks I dumped her for Marisol.
- Well, you did.
- How would you know, Fashion Diva?
Girls, girls...
I just really need to talk to her.
Talk with her in the morning.
Tonight sleep with me.
I'm sorry, sweetheart.
I'm so, so sorry.
Just give her some space.
- See you guys upstairs?
- OK, baby.
- All right.
- OK.
# Four voices
# Perfectly blending
# Right from the start
# Oh
# I'm afraid that's ending
# And my world is fallin' apart
# It's over
# And I feel so alone
# This is a sadness I've never known
# How did I let the sweetest of dreams
# Slip away?
# And I'm afraid the hurt is here to stay
# Promises made, not meant to be broken
# From a long time ago
# Ooh
# So many words still unspoken
# Tell me, how was I to know?
- # It's over
- # It's over
# Never thought it would be
# Why in the world did this happen to me?
# How could I let the sweetest of dreams
# Slip away?
# And I'm afraid the hurt is here to stay
# I go round and round
# And round in my head
# Wanting to take back whatever I said
- # No one was right
- # No one was right
- # Made mistakes
- # We all made mistakes
# I'm ready to do whatever it takes
# Please
# Don't let it be over
# It's over
# No, this is not how it ends
- # I need my sisters
- # I need my sisters, my family
# My family, my friends
# ...the sweetest of dreams slip away?
# ...let the sweetest of dreams slip away?
# 'Cause if it's over
# Then the hurt is here to stay
# Don't let it be over
# Please
# Don't let it be over
# Please don't let it be over
Bubbles, I know you're mad.
I just wanna talk.
She's gone.
Marisol, I can't talk right now.
Hay una problema.
Galleria's on her way to the train station.
No, she's going home.
I can't talk.
I'll call you later. Bye.
# Amigas, Cheetahs
# Friends for life
# Amigas, Cheetahs
# Livin' the dream
# Nothin' is ever gonna come between
# Amigas
This song was written
for four-part harmony.
We can't do this without you, girl.
This is the best song you've ever written.
Can you forgive me?
Yes, I forgive you, Chuchi.
- Bubbles, friends forever?
- Forever.
- Look at us.
- I can't believe this right now.
OK, but, you guys... listen, I'm only
coming back if you guys really work.
I'm focused. No, seriously,
I'm so focused...
No, it doesn't mat...
It's not anybody's fault.
- Come on, we're ready.
- You're ready? OK.
Excuse me.
Miss Chanel, your telephone.
Chanel, hola. Cmo ests?
Hola, Lola. Hold on.
I'm going to put you on speaker.
Listen, Chanel,
I am very sorry about Galleria, but...
Oh, Lola, hey, no, I'm here.
That was just one big misunderstanding.
Don't worry.
The Cheetahs are back
and ready to be fierce!
Oh, Galleria!
I'm so glad you're back.
This is fantastic news, dear, you know,
because I was just now
booking a warm-up gig
for this Wednesday at the Dancing Cat.
Yes, and you know, I think that we can
discuss about the music selection later.
- How about that?
- Nah, it's all good.
Galleria's written her best song ever,
and we're singing that for the competition,
but we've got material
for a warm-up gig.
Well, that's very good.
OK, girls, well, listen.
Then I will call you later, OK?
Ciao for now. Thank you. Bye-bye.
All right, after Chanel,
we go straight to Aqua's...
They're back together.
What was I supposed to do, Mom?
Put Galleria on the train myself?
- Who are you calling?
- The Dancing Cat.
He's crazy about you.
That's obvious.
Then how come he didn't ask me
to marry him?
Please sit down.
His family was wonderful
to Chanel and me,
and every day, we have more in common,
and we have a great time together.
I mean, I'm a lot of fun, Dorothea, a lot
of fun, and I just... I love him, oh, God.
What else can I do? What else can I say?
What else can I wear? I mean...
Do you think it's because Luc
knows that Chanel doesn't like him?
Oh, how Cheetah is that?
- Mm-hmm.
- Ohh...
S? Pase adelante.
Chanel, come in. Please sit down.
No, I don't... I don't need to sit, Luc.
I just want to say I'm sorry.
Look, I'm sorry about you,
me and my mom
and how I've been acting
like a spoiled brat standing in the way.
I'm sorry I didn't trust you.
I was wrong.
Hey, little one...
I plan to have a life with your mother,
and I hope you will be a part of it.
I've seen my mom get hurt so many times.
I just didn't want to see it happen again.
I love your mother, Chanel.
I would never hurt her.
That's what everybody says until they do it.
Look, for years, I've been the wall
that kept out the hurt.
But now... I'm keeping her
away from real love.
From you.
- Thank you for saying that.
- No, Luc.
Thank you... for your generosity.
If it wasn't for you, the Cheetah Girls
wouldn't be even be here in Spain.
I would be so proud
to be a part of your family.
Have I ruined my chance?
Come on, come on.
Come on, come on, come on.
- Shh.
- OK. All right.
- Where's Luc?
- He's coming, he's coming.
Coming through.
Excuse me.
May I ask you something, please?
- Oh, really...
- Uh...
Will you marry me?
- Go on! Say yes!
- Yes!
Come on!
- Yes.
- Good.
Well, I-I have the...
Right here, right here, right here.
Ah, here it is.
Come on, come on.
Marco told me you were up here. You
haven't been answering my call for days.
Thanks for letting us
use your dance studio.
It's not my dance studio.
Luc owns the building.
I help out by giving lessons
and working in his office.
- What?
- I didn't introduce you the other day
because I couldn't afford to take you
to where they were going. Besides...
I just wanted to be with you.
- But I thought that you're...
- Yes, I'm a count, and broke.
Any money our family had
was gone long ago.
Knowing who your ancestors are
isn't necessarily that great. I guess it's...
Hey, Dorinda, we're ready to tango.
- We're gonna go, 'cause y'all gonna...
- My bad.
Well, New York, you came all the way
to Barcelona just to meet another dancer.
Joaquin, I feel terrible.
I misread and judged and... ugh.
Everything that I know I shouldn't do.
I'm sorry.
Don't apologize. Just dance with me.
- I can't. We have to rehearse.
- No.
This fall in New York.
I have a competition.
Dance with me. Be my partner.
What number are we... doin'?
I'm sorry.
We have to go.
Like this. Work them shoulders,
work them shoulders.
- Oh, my goodness.
- Here we go.
- OK, girl.
- Yeah, you wanna join us?
Focus. Vocals.
Unh. Here we go. That's right.
- # Uh-huh, uh-huh
- Uh-huh. Let's go, y'all.
And 5, 6, 7. With the vocals!
- # Ooh-hoo
- # Ohh
- # Hey
- # Ooh-hoo
All right, Dorinda.
Work it, girl. # Ohh
# Right here and now
# Is what it's all about
# Bring out the crowd
# We're ready, steady, strong and proud
# We're locked, it shows
# No stoppin' us, we're in the zone
- # Red hot
- # We know
# In it to win it, girls, let's go
- # Step up
- # It's time to work it
- # Step out
- # Gotta do it for real
- # Say it loud
- # It's time to dance
- # Step up and shine the way you feel
- # Step up
- # It's now or never
- # Step out
- # All the Cheetah Girls
- # Say it loud
# Right here together,
time for us to show the world
# Yeah, yeah, ooh
- Show 'em what we're workin' with.
- # All right
- # We got it
- # Gonna let 'em know
# Let's turn away from the mirror
# It's time to play our rules, our game
# We know we've got just what it takes
- # We've come
- # This far
# Sometimes
- # It might be hard
- # But we know
- # Who we are
- # Each one of us a superstar
- # It's time to work it
- # Step out
# Gotta do it for real, say it loud
# It's time to dance,
step up and shine the way you feel
# It's now or never, step out
# All the Cheetah Girls say it loud
# Right here together,
time for us to show the world
- # We believe it 'cause we know we can
- # We can
# Reach any dream, now we understand
# There's no givin' up or givin' in
# 5, 6, 7, 8
- # Again, again
- # Again
# Oh, yeah
Whoo, Chanel!
Dorinda, work it, girl.
Move that thing.
That's right, Galleria.
# Never gonna stop till we reach the top
- # Never gonna stop
- # Never
# Never gonna stop till we reach the top
- # Ooh, yeah
- # Step up
# It's time to work it
- # Gotta do it for real
- # Say it loud
# It's time to dance,
step up and shine the way you feel
- # Step up
- # It's now or never
- # Step out
- # All the Cheetah Girls
- # Right now, yeah, time for us...
- Unh. Come on, come on.
Say it loud for me now,
it's the dance break
Time to work it out, unh
Break it down for me now,
Cheetah in the house
Would you dance for me now? Uhh.
Work it out for me now
Cheetahs in the house,
would you shine for me now?
Dorinda, Chanel, Galleria, Aqua
in the house - won't you sing for me now?
- # Step up
- # It's time to work it
- # Step out
- # Gotta do it for real
- # Step out
- # It's time to dance
- # Step up and shine the way you feel
- # Step up
- # It's now or never
- # Come on, come on
- # All the Cheetah Girls
- # Cheetah Girls
# It's time for us to do it, step up
Hey, what's up, you guys?
Cheetahs, Cheetahs, quickly.
Come, come.
There's somebody I want you to meet.
The owner of the club.
Congratulations, ladies.
That was a great show.
- Thank you.
- Here you go. That's for you.
OK. Well, what is this for?
- That's your pay for tonight's work.
- Really?
You can use it for expenses
for the festival. Take the money.
- OK.
- Thank you. Bedazzling isn't cheap,
and I had to dip into my emergency
discretionary beautification funds.
Listen, girls, lights out early tonight.
Tomorrow we have a sound check.
And only two days to the festival. Oh!
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- Come back anytime. Bye.
- Bye, Angel.
- Hi.
- Hola.
Hola, chicas. You girls are over there,
and we're over here.
Oh, all right. We'll be over here.
Hey, hey, hey!
- No peeking.
- This Aqua Cheetah fashion is...
I know, girl.
Uh-oh. I like the sound of those RRRs.
All right, you guys, let's calm down and just
take everything in, 'cause you know why?
We made it!
We're in Barcelona!
Hello. I have to speak to the Cheetah Girls.
You can speak to us all you want to, sir.
Do you know why?
'Cause ba-bam!
We in the festival.
Please excuse her. I'm so sorry.
She's in the middle of a dream come true.
That makes my news even more upsetting.
You girls performed last night
at the Dancing Cat.
They did. I booked the show myself.
- Did you take any money for their show?
- Me? No, I didn't.
No, but the girls each took 100 euros home
for their hard work.
Making them officially professionals.
- This is an amateur-only contest.
- What are you talking about?
The rules are very clear.
There can be no performance
by the Cheetah Girls
on this stage tomorrow.
Por favor. These girls came all the way
from New York for this.
- Now, it was my mistake, so don't blame...
- I'm very sorry.
- This can't be happening.
- All this for nothing?
- Please tell me you can do something.
- Wait a minute. Just wait.
So, the Cheetah Girls cannot perform,
but Marisol can sing with you, and then
you won't be the Cheetah Girls anymore.
OK, OK, it's dancing on a fine line, but I
know we can do it, and at least you're in.
Marisol doesn't know our songs,
and all her songs are in Spanish.
Chanel knows a couple of my songs, right?
But my girls don't,
and it's all of us or nothin'.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, Chanel.
We're in Barcelona.
The Cheetah Girls have to be represented
some kind of way on that stage.
- I think you're our only chance.
- She's right.
We didn't come all this way for nothing.
It's OK.
Chanel, let's do it.
Great. OK, we have a lot of work to do.
Come on, sound check.
Chanel, come with me. Quickly, girls.
Quick. Come on. Come.
You'll be fine. Come on. Come.
I am telling you, it's Lola. That woman...
- I knew it from the beginning.
- Mm-hmm.
Mom, she was just trying to help us.
That woman doesn't have
an honest bone in her body.
- Isn't there anything that you can do?
- I can't change the rules.
We got ourselves into this mess, but it's
OK. Chanel will represent us in the festival.
We'd appreciate it if you guys came
and helped us support her.
Don't worry. When we're back in New York,
there will be more performances for you.
- Wait. We're gonna live in New York?
- Yeah.
Mm-hmm. After the wedding,
Luc is gonna come and live with us.
- Really?
- Yeah. It's your senior year in high school.
We wouldn't miss it for the world. And I
wouldn't dare break up the Cheetah Girls.
Thank you. Aah!
Thank you, Mommy.
Now we only have one more thing
to make right.
- Why are you doing this, girls?
- We can't take this money.
Now, this is a first for me.
Can I ask you why?
Let's just say it's the principle
of the thing.
- That sounds very good, girls.
- The whole thing has hit quite a sour note.
Oh, listen, I am very sorry
that they had to suffer on my account,
but these girls are flexible.
They're going to make it.
I have no doubt.
Your future, however, is a little murky.
What are the Cheetah Girls doing here?
My friends are here
to wish me and Marisol good luck.
- Yes, sir. We're on our way out.
- Wait, wait, wait.
Seora Duran, I have been informed
by a reliable source that you arranged
for the girls to get paid
for their performance at the Dancing Cat.
Wha...? Who would say such a thing?
- My nephew.
- Your nephew. And who is your nephew?
Angel? You were there?
Yes. Watching out for...
how do you say it?
The principle of the thing.
So the Cheetah Girls will perform?
As... the Cheetah Girls?
With my apologies
and my best good wishes.
In about... half an hour.
Vamos! Vamos!
Un momento. Un momento.
Now, the rules clearly state...
I don't need you to tell me the rules.
I wrote them.
The Cheetah Girls will perform.
Cheetahs, it's showtime!
- Marisol... We can still win this thing.
- No, Mom.
This is about you, Mom.
It's always been about you.
I don't want to win this way.
Thank you. Wow.
What a great night. I'm sure you're having
such a wonderful time like I am.
And now it's going to get even better,
because the moment you've been
all waiting for has come.
She is from Barcelona,
she is our princess,
and she's here tonight,
so please let us give a big welcome
to Marisol!
OK, OK. Seems we have a little problem.
Uh, well, it seems that Marisol
couldn't make it tonight.
We are really sorry.
But the final competitors
in the Barcelona New Voices Competition
are, from New York City
and Houston, Texas, the Cheetah Girls!
Sit down. Sit down.
This song is dedicated to Barcelona,
where I found an angel
around every corner.
Thank you, Barcelona, for teaching me
that not everybody's path is the same,
but if you find people
that will take the journey with you,
they are your true amigas Cheetahs.
# No matter where
# We come from
# We can be ourselves
# And still be one
# Ohh
# Amigas, Cheetahs, friends for life
# The rhythm and each other,
that's what keeps us tight
# Amigas, Cheetahs, livin' the dream
# Nothin' is ever gonna
come between... amigas
# What could be any better than
knowin' someone who'll be there when
# You gotta pour your heart out,
tell your secrets to?
# Someone who lets you be yourself,
there when you need help
# They've got your back, win or lose
- # Amigas, Cheetahs
- # Ohh
# Friends for life,
the rhythm and each other
# That's what keeps us tight,
# Amigas, Cheetahs
# Livin' the dream,
nothin' is ever gonna come between
- # Amigas
- # Kickin' it with 'em just for fun
# Or when you need the 4-1 -1
# Someone who gives a shout-out
when you lose your faith
# Just when you think
nobody can ever understand
# They're right here to show you the way
# Show you the way
# Da da, da da
- # Da da, da, da
- # The way
# Da da, da da
- # Ooh
- # Ooh
# Yeah
# Friends for life
Barcelona, help me bring out
mi amiga Cheetah Marisol!
# Amigasm, Cheetahs,
livin' the dream
# Nothin' is ever gonna
come between amigas
# Amigas, Cheetahs
- # Friends for life
- # Friends for life
# The rhythm and each other,
that's what keeps us tight
# Amigas...
- Ven, ven! Marisol. Ven!
- # Cheetahs, livin' the dream
# Nothing's ever gonna
come between amigas
# Ya que estamos juntas.
estamos en un mundo
# Donde somos uno por la msica
# If we just believe it,
you know we can be it
# Nothing can stand in our way
# Stand in our way
# Amigas, Cheetahs, friends for life
# The rhythm and each other,
that's what keeps us tight
# Amigas Cheetahs, livin' the dream
# Nothin' is ever gonna come between
# Amigas
# Amigas, Cheetahs
# Friends for life
# The rhythm and each other,
that's what keeps us tight
# Amigas, Cheetahs, livin' the dream
# Nothin' is ever gonna come between
# Amigas
# Amigas, Cheetahs, friends for life
# The rhythm and each other,
and that's what keeps us tight
# Amigas, Cheetahs, livin' the dream
# Nothin' is ever gonna come between
# Amigas
- We love it!
- # Amigas, Cheetahs
# Friends for life
# The rhythm and each other,
that's what keeps us tight
# Amigas, Cheetahs, livin' the dream
# Nothin' is ever gonna
come between amigas
# Amigas, Cheetahs, friends for life
# The rhythm and each other,
that's what keeps us tight
# Amigas, Cheetahs, livin' the dream
# Nothin' is ever gonna come between
# Amigas
# Amigas, Cheetahs
# Friends for life
# The rhythm and each other,
that's what keeps us tight
# Amigas, Cheetahs, livin' the dream...
# Amigas
# You've gotta strut like you mean it,
free your mind
# It's not enough just to dream it,
come on, come on
# Get up when you feel it,
it's your chance to shine
# Strut like you mean it,
come on, come on, come on
# Yeah
# Ohh, whoa-oa, oh, yeah
# La la la la la la la la
# La la la la la la la la
# La la la la la la la
- # Oh, baby, cherish the moment
- # La la la la la la la la
# La la la la la la la la
# La la la la la la la la
# You
- # You know the kind
- # You know the kind
# That finger-point and criticize
# They can't see or read the sign
# That life is really bigger
than you and I
# But if time
# All time, we realize
# We're gonna find,
oh, find that we should all
# Cherish the moment, live for today
# We won't get lost,
just don't push away
# We all love the sun
but we still need the rain
# So what good is it to run away
# It don't change a thing
# In this world
# There's a flow
# You can feel it if you just let go
# And if you want
# To feel your heart
# It will happen
if you just don't try so hard
# Break it down
# Hear the sound
# In your soul
# Let it surround
# All love and we should just
# Cherish the moment
# Live for today
# We won't get lost,
just don't push away
# We all love the sun
but we still need the rain
# So what good is it to run away
# It don't change a thing
# There's only so much time
- # So why not enjoy it
- # Why not enjoy the ride
# The ride!
# Oh, baby, cherish the moment
# Ooh, yeah!
Cherish the moment
# Live for today
# We won't get lost,
just don't push away
# We all love the sun
but we still need the rain
# So what good is it to run away,
it don't change a thing
# Cherish the moment
# Live for today
# We won't get lost,
just don't push away
# We all love the sun but we still...
# You've gotta strut like you mean it
# Free your mind,
it's not enough just to dream it
# Come on, come on,
get up when ya feel it
# It's your chance to shine
# Strut like you mean it,
come on, come on, come on
# Yeah
# Oh
# Whoa-oa-oa, yeah
# Poundin' the pavement,
kickin' through the streets
# To wander like Picasso...