The Cheetah Girls: One World (2008)

Cheetah Love. Scene 1 A.
Take one. Mark it!
Cheetah love, Cheetah love
Cheetah love, Cheetah love
Cheetah, Cheetah
Cheetah, Cheetah
Cheetah, Cheetah
Cheetah, Cheetah
This girl is a friend for life
I'm gonna be there
when you need me, that's right
Yeah, this girl's never gonna change
No matter where I go,
I'll still be the same
And this girl wants to have some fun
So put your hands up
'cause we've only begun
And there's no stopping us because
We got that Cheetah love
We are Cheetah, Cheetah Girls
We stick together for life
Sometimes we don't see eye to eye,
but we roll side by side
Yeah, there's nothing in the world
that we can't overcome
Strength in numbers,
got each other, got that Cheetah love
Cheetah, Cheetah
Cheetah, Cheetah
Cheetah, Cheetah
Cheetah love
I know there's a place to turn
When I really need you to,
you put me first
And my girls have always got my back
No matter what happens,
I can count on that
And when I wanna escape it all
My sisters are always
gonna be my first call
'Cause there's no stopping us
because we got that Cheetah love
We are Cheetah, Cheetah Girls
We stick together for life
Sometimes we don't see eye to eye,
but we roll side by side
There is nothing in the world
that we can't overcome
Strength in numbers,
got each other, got that Cheetah love
I'll never be someone who hurts you
I'll never be someone who deserts you
We have a bond no one is breaking
And if they try, we will still survive
- Cheetah love
- Cheetah love
- Cheetah love
- Cheetah love
- Cheetah love
- Cheetah love
- Cheetah love
- Cheetah love
We are Cheetah, Cheetah Girls
We stick together for life
Together for life
Sometimes we don't see eye to eye,
but we roll side by side
There is nothing in the world
that we can't overcome
Strength in numbers,
got each other, got that Cheetah love
We are Cheetah, Cheetah Girls
We stick together for life
Sometimes we don't see eye to eye,
but we roll side by side
There is nothing in the world
that we can't overcome
Strength in numbers,
got each other, got that Cheetah love
Cheetah, Cheetah
Cheetah, Cheetah
Side by side
Cheetah, Cheetah
Cheetah love
Cheetah, Cheetah
- Love
- Cheetah love
- Love
- Cheetah love
- Love
- Cheetah love
Love, love
Love, Cheetah, love
- Chanel, snap out of it.
- The song is over.
- But they loved us.
- Who?
The fans?
That's it?
It's kind of rough.
Well, we're still working out the kinks.
- Yeah, we used to be a foursome.
- Yes.
Then Galleria got into Cambridge...
Which, you know,
is great and amazing...
Especially considering
her study habits.
But that's why she's in summer school.
- But trust us, we totally got this down.
- Yeah, whatever.
Look, you get your act together,
you give me a call.
Then we can talk about representation.
Now what?
It just seems so hopeless.
- What happened to your laptop?
- Nothing.
You are not messing
with your computer
so you can flirt
with that tech support guy?
He has a name.
Kevin, extension 347.
What is your dad going to say
when he finds out
you've been wasting
precious study time
flirting with the nerd patrol?
Okay. We cannot all have a gorgeous,
devoted Spanish boyfriend.
Well, actually,
no one has a gorgeous,
devoted Spanish boyfriend.
- What?
- Joaquin broke up with you?
- I'm so sorry, Do.
- I'm okay.
What happened?
Time differences, phone bills.
I'm here, he's there.
Things changed.
It just got to be too hard.
Yo, I'm so sorry.
I know you really liked him.
I'm cool. And I'm hungry.
Anybody else?
- Starving as usual.
- Yeah.
Let's get out of here.
You pick whatever spot you want,
Do, all right?
Anything but Spanish.
I see you've met Ganesh.
The statue?
He's known as the remover
of obstacles.
Well, that's perfect.
We've got nothing but obstacles.
- Such as?
- No work.
- No agent.
- No singing career.
Sometimes all you need is a little faith.
Okay, this is depressing.
We've been on, like, a million auditions
and what have we booked?
That would be nothing.
I can't deal with the stress of failure.
I'm already behind
in my reading for Columbia.
We still have two months until college.
Yeah, but when it does start,
we're not going to have time
to rehearse.
Maybe it is time for things to change.
I really should be taking
that college prep class.
Yeah, and I've got that dance camp
lined up for the summer.
Are you guys seriously ready
to give up the Cheetah dream?
- No. I don't want it to end.
- Me, either.
Well, it's now or never,
so let's make it now.
Look, I promise from now on,
I will stay so focused,
nothing will get in our way.
Are you kidding?
Of course we're interested.
What? Who is it?
You want us to audition for a movie?
Somebody wants
the Cheetah Girls to audition for,
like, a huge Hollywood musical.
Hello? Definitely, we will be there.
Okay, what's the movie about?
Yeah, I don't remember,
because I kind of lost my focus
after the whole "Hollywood" part.
- We have to get this.
- We will.
I haven't been this nervous in so long.
Our luck is changing. I can feel it.
Well, what are we waiting for?
Cheetahs, it's on!
No one can hold us back
when we're set to go
No one can tell us that we're not
ready when we're ready to flow
Lead by example
Here's a sample on the floor
Yeah, try a little harder
Move a little faster
If you can't find the strength
you're after
Dig a little deeper, dig a little deeper
Just like we had to do it
Just like we had to do it
You got to dig a little deeper
Dig a little deeper
We're celebrating
like we never did before
Went through the fire,
took it higher, check the score
If you wanna be a leader,
check your ego at the door
Right there
Yeah, be a trendsetter, be a go-getter
if you want to do everything better
Dig a little deeper, dig a little deeper
Just like we had to do it
Just like we had to do it
You got to dig a little deeper
Dig a little deeper
Don't ask the question
what it is you should do
Don't ask
Just take some action, it'll come to you
It will
It's all connected
All you have to do
Is move, baby, move, baby
Yeah, yeah, yeah
You're on a roll, let it go, lose control
Don't you know it's the best thing
you can do?
- Dig a little deeper
- Here we go
Dig a little deeper, dig a little deeper
Just like we had to do it
Just like we had to do it
Like we had to
You got to dig a little deeper
Dig a little deeper
Just like we had to do it
Just like we had to do it
You got to dig a little deeper
Dig a little deeper
Just like we had to do
You've got to dig a little deeper
Dig a little deeper
Just give us a moment, please.
Just give us a moment, please.
Okay. All right.
How do you think we did?
- We nailed it.
- I so want to go to California.
- We are going to California.
- Here he comes.
Hi, and thank you for coming.
I'm the director. Well, I'm Vik.
But actually my parents say,
"Hello, Vikram. " But I prefer Vik.
So anyway, I'm Vik, the director.
You were very, very good.
- Amazing, really.
- Thank you.
We have a plane to catch.
Right. So, here's the deal.
I would like you, all of you,
to star in my movie.
My first Bollywood movie.
If that's okay with you.
We're going to be in a movie
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Thank you, thank you.
You have no idea
what this means to us.
No, thank you.
If it wasn't for you, I'd be packing
my bags for dental school.
Nothing, it's...
Well, just my parents, they...
Never mind.
So you're cool with the schedule, right?
Your flight leaves
the day after tomorrow.
Things move fast in Bollywood.
The Cheetahs are going...
- What did he just say?
- Bollywood.
That's what I thought you said.
India? Bollywood?
The movie-making capital of the world?
Like the other side of the world, India?
- Chanel.
- Bollywood. Hollywood.
My cell phone connection
was bad, okay?
Stupid telfono.
I'm positive I said that we'd be
shooting in Mumbai.
Okay. Well, like, in my defence,
I didn't exactly know
where Mumbai was.
It's the biggest city in India.
You'll love it.
I mean, I hope that you'll love it.
No, I'm sorry.
Why are we sorry? We're not sorry.
Is there a problem?
There can't be a problem.
Yeah, I don't have time for a problem.
Yeah. There is.
I'm sorry. There's not a problem.
Could you just give us a minute?
Come on. This is a chance of a lifetime.
Hello? Once again, India,
other side of the world!
Yeah, I thought we were going to try
to make it big
on this side of the world first.
And I have a college prep this summer.
And I'm teaching dance camp.
Dance camp and college prep?
This is an opportunity for
the Cheetah Girls
to become international movie stars.
How can you pass this up?
You're serious?
You really think we should do this?
I am more sure about this
than I've been about anything.
This is our Cheetah destiny.
It is the movie-making
capital of the world.
I guess I can get some
studying done on the plane.
And I could probably teach
the second session of dance camp.
Yo, and come on.
That director's mad cute.
I know.
Wait. No. No talk about boys.
- Cute or not cute.
- All right, cool. No talk about boys.
Anything else?
Yeah, just one thing.
We're going to India!
One girl, Vik.
You're supposed to bring back one girl.
What's your uncle going to say
when you show up with three?
Once my uncle meets them,
he'll see that they should
all be in the movie.
Don't you maybe just
want to talk to your uncle
before you make this decision?
Look, okay,
the Cheetah Girls are my stars.
I'll just rewrite the script for
three beautiful leading ladies.
Why do I have to tell my uncle?
Because he's the producer.
He's paying for the movie.
Right. There's always that.
It's going to be so good to get out
of New York for the summer.
I know, the heat.
And all that crazy traffic.
Watch out! Watch out!
- Okay, slow down!
- Oh, my God!
Okay, so it's crowded and hot.
Yeah, but we're in India.
And it's Cheetah-licious!
Loving Mumbai. This hotel is beautiful.
Room service.
And jewellery for sale
right by the front door.
Are you sure you got it?
Okay. Right this way.
Please don't drop
the bag on the bottom.
It's muy importante.
Well, at least she packed light.
- Here you go. Have a good day.
- Thank you.
You're welcome.
- Come here. Come.
- Thank you, sir.
- My mom will love this.
- You're welcome.
- Take this string and tie it in the tree.
- Don't get me wrong.
I mean, it's colourful, but I think
there's enough strings in this tree.
It's for a wish.
You make a wish, tie the string,
and when it comes true, you return,
untie the string, and say thank you.
- To the tree?
- Who else?
Come on, Cheetahs,
we could use the luck.
Everybody grab a string.
Come on, let's make a wish.
Thank you.
Who would ever think
that a girl from New York
would be in this beautiful hotel room
next to the Indian Ocean?
Arabian Sea.
Pardon me for ever
cracking open a guidebook.
Hey, should I call Kevin 347 now?
'Cause it's night back home.
Or should I wait until tonight,
which is yesterday?
Honestly, why are you
even wasting your time?
Phone relationships are doomed.
You used to think it was romantic.
Yeah, well, learn from my mistakes.
Ready for your close-ups,
amigas Cheetahs?
Vik just sent over
the rehearsal schedule,
and if we don't hurry up,
we're going to be late.
- Ch-chop.
- All right.
Hey, Chanel?
- Thanks.
- For what?
You know,
for believing in the Cheetahs.
Yeah, if it wasn't for you,
we'd never be here.
You were fierce.
You guys know
there's nothing I wouldn't do
to keep the Cheetahs together.
Including kick their butts and tell them,
"We have got to go. "
We've got to get ready.
- Bollywood, here we come.
- Yeah.
- Look at that.
- Check that out.
Let them know
the Cheetah Girls have arrived.
I can't believe this is really happening.
- Really.
- This is amazing.
Better than amazing.
The Taj Mahal.
Built in 1643, it's one of
the Seven Wonders of the World.
And one of the most
romantic places in all of India.
They say if you kiss
someone there at sunset,
you'll know in your heart
if your love is true.
Well, you can count me out.
- What?
- Glad you made it.
Me, too.
Shall we?
So I really wanted to do
a more traditional remake
of the classic hit Namaste Bombay.
But, Uncle, the producer,
well, it was his idea
to make it more marketable.
Cast Americans, make it more modern,
more contemporary.
Well, what's the script about anyway?
Well, there's still a couple of
adjustments that we have to make.
But basically... It's a love story.
I love romance.
I can't wait to tell
Kevin about our movie.
Hello? Does anyone
remember the deal? No boys.
My bad.
Anyway, it's classic Bollywood cinema.
It's all about singing, dancing,
romance and intrigue.
- That's Rahim. He's your co-star.
- He's our co-star?
He's a big star,
like Bollywood royalty.
And Uncle gave him his first movie.
Here he comes now.
Please, can I have your autograph?
- Please, please, please?
- Sign mine, please.
- Gorgeous.
- Thank you, thank you.
- Who should I make this out to?
- My mom.
No, wait, wait, me!
No, no, no, no, my mom, my mom!
My mom loved your parents
in Namaste Bombay.
And they actually fell in love
with each other while filming.
Wow, that is so romantic.
- Yes, it is very romantic. Thank you.
- Thank you!
Next, please.
Who should I make this out to?
- That is so embarrassing.
- Girl, he's just a guy.
Rahim. Meet your co-leads.
Chanel. Dorinda. Aqua.
Nice to meet you. I hear you're great.
I'm looking forward to working with you.
Well, if you'll excuse me,
I have to get busy writing.
Well, rewriting.
Come on, ladies. They're ready for you.
I don't understand. These Americans
are supposed to be on time.
Hey, ladies. I can't spend
half my day chasing after...
Hi, Rahim.
That's Gita. She's our choreographer.
- She's our choreographer?
- Yeah.
- Hi, Rahim.
- Gita, let me help you.
- I didn't know you were...
- You're fine, yeah? You okay?
- Okay.
- I'm okay. He was supposed to be...
Rahim. Rahim. We have to go.
He's got his costume fitting.
- It's okay.
- It's okay. Okay, bye.
- Bye.
- Excuse us, ladies.
- Bye.
- Later.
- I think he just snorted.
- Yeah, twice.
Yeah, kind of over him.
Okay, ladies. Come on in.
Okay, listen up.
I've managed to track down our stars.
This is...
- Aqua.
- Dorinda.
- What's up? Chanel.
- Hi.
And these are your dancers.
Vik says you're amazing dancers,
so you shouldn't have
a problem picking it up.
- You ready?
- Yeah.
So it's one, two, three, four,
one, two, three, four, one, two, three.
One, two. Pop.
One, two, three, four.
Bollywood 101.
Well, what if you haven't had,
like, Bollywood one?
- Is it all going to be like this?
- All right!
Five, six, seven, eight.
One, two, three, four.
One, two, three, four. One, two, three...
Hold it. Hold it. Hold it.
Sorry. It's just, you know,
we've really never done this before.
Yeah. I can see that.
Are you saying we can't dance?
It's okay.
It's my job to make sure you look
like you can, even if you can't.
All right, people. I think we have to
break it down even more.
A lot more.
That's it. You got to stop!
Chica, look, she's the choreographer.
It's her vision.
- Whatever. Just chill.
- We'll get it. It's new. Come on.
All right. Whatever.
But nobody tells me I can't dance.
Let's see your moves.
Come on, bring it, bring it.
- Yeah, let's see what you've got.
- Come on, girl.
Are you sure that you're up for this?
Do you think you can handle it?
It's complicated
You might get frustrated
We got the moves that you never seen
Let me show you just what I mean
There's really no chance
that you can do our dance
Can't keep up, can't keep up, no
Try to keep up, try to keep up, yeah
Can't keep up, can't keep up, no
Oh, no
Oh, no, show me what you got
Try to follow, watch me now
If you think that you know how,
then dance me
Dance me if you can
Get it together or fall apart
If you think it's not that hard,
then dance me
Dance me if you can
Dance me if you can
Dance me
Dance me if you can
I know you think that you're in control
But watch and learn
'cause this is how we roll
Work it just like this
Let's see you try and do that
What's the matter?
Can't you figure it out?
'Cause you look confused,
mixed up, no doubt
There's really no chance
that you can do our dance
Can't keep up, can't keep up, no
Try to keep up, try to keep up, yeah
Can't keep up, can't keep up, no
- Come on, come on
- Yeah, yeah
Show me what you got
Try to follow, watch me now
If you think that you know how,
then dance me
Dance me
Dance me if you can
Oh, yeah
Get it together or fall apart
If you think it's not that hard,
then dance me
Dance me
Dance me if you can
Is that the best that you can do?
You're gonna have to try much harder
Now's the time to make your move,
you know
Hey, hey, get ready!
Hey, hey, let's go!
That's right
Here we go
Yeah, yeah!
Try to follow, watch me now
If you think that you know how,
then dance me
Dance me
- Dance me if you can
- Dance me if you can
Get it together or fall apart
If you think it's not that hard,
then dance me
Dance me
- Dance me if you can
- Dance me if you can
- Everybody wants to win
- Wants to win
If you think you can handle it,
then dance me
Dance me if you can
- Make it look easy, that's the way
- That's the way
If you think you got what it takes,
then dance me
- Dance me if you can
- Dance me if you can
- That was great!
- Awesome.
Hello, ji.
Myself, Kamal Bhatia.
Who might you be?
We're the stars of the movie.
We're the Cheetah Girls.
Stars? Vikram Kumar Bhatia!
Why you hiding?
I see you.
Yes, Uncle- ji.
One star.
Your script is saying one star.
Your budget is saying one star.
So I am saying, one star.
- What?
- But there are three of us.
Well, I just made a couple of changes.
But budget has
not made couple of changes.
Listen, Uncle, these girls are fantastic.
If you would just take
a moment to watch them perform,
I'm sure that you'll see that they have...
- Good idea.
- But I really think that they have...
What? Excuse me?
Each Cheetah performs.
I will choose best one.
What? Like, audition?
- Against each other?
- Correct.
I will choose one star,
others go home. Goodbye.
two ladies are having Indian holiday
and Kamal Bhatia is paying.
- No, no, no, no. No, no.
- Okay. Uncle, please.
But I'm the director.
I spent days rewriting the script.
- Do you want to make movie?
- Yes.
Or shall I telephone your parents
and tell them you would
prefer to be dentist?
Good point. I'll start rewriting.
- Again.
- Good idea.
What is going on?
You can't book one of us
and not the other.
Okay, we're a group.
You cast the Cheetahs. Plural.
I know this must be a little bit
shocking right now.
That's an understatement.
Whatever. No deal.
Cheetahs, we're out.
What were we thinking?
- I gave up a college prep class.
- I gave up teaching dance camp.
Maybe the Cheetahs are over.
All right
Oh, yeah
We're standing on the edge
of something
Do we stay or do we run?
It's obvious everything's changed
My head can't seem to figure out
why my heart is full of doubt
Maybe we're just tired of the game
Guess you never know
what's going to happen
So you do the best you can
Following your soul
might bring you back
Or it may have another plan
Please don't let it fly away, high away
Gotta keep it together
Feel for the flow
Don't fly away, high away
Please don't
Don't let it fly away
We've never felt this place before
Wondering if any more
We can find in us what it takes
It's not about who's to blame
I pray that they're just growing pains
Laughing while they're testing our faith
'Cause you never know
what's going to happen
So you do the best you can
Following our souls
might bring us back
Unless it has another plan, yeah, yeah
Please don't let it fly away, high away
Gotta keep it together
Feel for the flow
Don't fly away, high away
Please don't
Don't let it fly away
It's yes, it's no
We stay, we go
We go
Feels like we're questioning
everything, yeah
- We run, we fall, but through it all
- Through it all
We never thought we would break
We never thought we would break
Please don't let it fly away, high away
Gotta keep it together
Feel for the flow
- Fly away
- High away
- Please don't
- Please don't
Don't let it fly away
Thank you.
So, what do you think?
Cute earrings.
No, about the whole auditioning thing.
I don't know. What do you think?
I think it stinks.
What? This colour is perfect on you.
Aqua, the audition.
Yeah, it does.
I mean, they can't really expect us to
audition against each other, can they?
Look, I'm really sorry for
getting us into this mess.
And, Do, you should take the part.
Come on, you actually
turned down a job for this,
and you really need the money.
No, Aqua should do it.
This is an awesome opportunity,
and you're an amazing actress.
No. Vik clearly wants Chanel.
"What?" He barely even looks
at us when you're around.
That is so not true.
And even if that were true,
I would never use that to get
an unfair advantage over my girls.
Look, seriously, we could all do this.
This is an opportunity of a lifetime.
How could we pass this up?
Okay. I think we should audition.
- Fair and square, Cheetah-style.
- Yes.
That's weird, there's no caller ID.
Aqua? This is Kevin from
Totally Tech Support.
Kevin 347.
You guys, it's Kevin 347.
He's never called me before.
What? What are you doing, girl?
Talk to him.
Hi. Hello?
I hope it's okay that I'm calling.
I was just following up
on your computer problem.
You were right.
I just needed to defrag the disc,
and replace the corrupted registry file
and reload the 802.11 B driver,
and it was fine.
Now I'm officially impressed.
I knew you really didn't need my help.
Is that the only reason why you called?
Not entirely. Are you busy?
- No. I'm not doing anything.
- Me, neither.
I mean, other than looking at the most
beautiful sunset I've ever seen.
It is beautiful.
Wait a minute.
You're watching the sunset, too?
That means...
We're in the same time zone!
There's this beautiful temple.
With white carved elephants?
- Yes.
- Wait a minute.
Describe exactly where you are.
Okay. I'm on a gorgeous path...
Along the Arabian Sea...
And there are people out,
and they're holding hands.
And there's an ice cream stand,
and it's called...
That's right!
You didn't tell me
you were coming to India.
You didn't tell me you lived in India.
Wait, you don't sound like
you live in India.
See, I watch a lot
of American television.
Kevin 347?
Actually, I'm only Kevin at work.
No, really.
This is him!
Yo, I think we should
give our girl some privacy.
No, I know how these long-distance
things end. I'm going to talk to her.
What? Are you crazy?
This is so romantic.
We are in India, anything can happen.
Have you noticed that
every elephant looks at me?
Are you serious? It's an elephant!
No, I'm not kidding.
It's like they're wanting
to tell me something.
Okay, now.
The elephant is wanting to tell you
that it's okay for your friends to flirt
and have some fun.
It doesn't mean they're
going to abandon you.
Good. Because this is our
last summer together.
I'm really nervous things are going
to change when we go to college.
Nothing is going to change.
We'll always be there for each other.
- Okay.
- Hold up, this is Vik.
I'm going to tell him about the audition.
- But your...
- Hello? Hey, how are you?
Having doubts?
What, me? No.
Sometimes what we wish for
is not what we really need.
Don't miss where you are now
because you're anxious for the future.
But what if I'm afraid
of where I'm going?
Look at this tree.
The branches grow out to the sky,
but the trunk remains the same.
Life brings changes,
but the things that really matter
always stay with us.
Yeah, well, I'm not really
a big fan of change.
Change will take place
whether you like it or not.
I can see
you have been through a lot in life.
So you know, when things are bad,
they don't stay that way.
He was supposed to remove obstacles.
Now we have more.
Do you have anything else
that will help me?
Oh, yes. I have just the thing.
Close your eyes.
What was that for?
- Too spicy?
- Are you kidding?
This is like breakfast in Texas.
What's it called again?
Chaat. Papri Chaat, actually.
I like it. It's like Indian nachos.
It's crunchy, with a little bit of kick.
I love a girl that can handle her chillies.
See, I bet you cannot find
this in New York.
Well, maybe you could
bring me some?
You know,
Columbia has one of the best
Physics departments
in the whole world.
My father would never agree to that.
It's all planned.
I start at the Indian School of Business
in the fall.
Can't you just tell him you want
to keep your options open?
The only time I talk to my father
is when I'm listening to him
telling me what to do.
Sometimes I get frustrated
that I don't have as many options,
but I think I'd be terrified
if I had as many as you do.
The one thing my dad always told me
was to go after my dreams.
So what's one of your dreams?
To star in Vik's movie.
So go for it. What's stopping you?
It's a little bit more
complicated than that.
I mean, there's only one role
and three Cheetahs want it.
One, two, three, four...
One and two.
Three, four.
All right, guys. We'll just take a break.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine.
You got to be kidding me.
You can't even rehearse.
Any time you're around her,
you act like a big dork.
I do not act like a dork.
Really? A dork?
Well, a little.
No, that's a lie. A lot.
You act like a huge dork around her.
I know! It's just that I get so...
So nervous around her.
Why? You're the big movie star.
Because I've never felt this way before.
Yeah, well,
that's the oldest line in the book.
- I've heard it before.
- I mean it.
I've never even kissed a girl. Ever.
No, but I've seen you kiss.
In your movies.
Yes. On camera, but never for real.
Not off camera.
That's actually kind of romantic.
It is?
Dorinda, would you help me?
Help me not act like such a dork
around Gita.
You really like her, huh?
No, sorry. Crushes lead to boyfriends,
and boyfriends lead to heartache.
- You're on your own, buddy.
- Hey.
If you help me with Gita,
I promise to help you with the audition.
I don't know.
I've seen you dance.
I can help you show the world
what you can do.
- You're rewriting it again?
- It was either rewrite the script or
"Vik Bhatia, dental school,"
as Uncle likes to say.
Well, I guess if that's what it takes
to get your movie made.
I know what you're thinking,
but this is my one shot.
And, yes,
if I have to make some compromises,
at least I get a shot at my dream.
What if this was your
only shot to be a star?
Don't you think you'd give it
everything you've got?
I mean, how could you
spend the rest of your life
wondering if you really
could've made it?
Well, I have to get back to writing.
- All right.
- See you later.
Maybe this was meant to be
Maybe now it should be me
Been dreaming of this forever
But I'm feeling so confused, yeah
It's hard to see what's right
between you and I
And I don't know what to do
Oh, we'd stay together always
is the promise we made
But suddenly it's not so clear
And I'm being pulled both ways
And it's breaking my heart
Tearing me apart
It's impossible to choose
What if I don't try?
What if I do?
Everything that I've dreamed
is right in front of me
If I win, what would I lose?
How could I learn to live
Wondering what if?
Things would never be the same
Oh, no
Maybe that's the price of fame
Been waiting for this forever
It's close enough for me to touch
But if I don't go for it
I might always regret
But is it worth us breaking up?
Oh, we'd stay together always
is the promise we made
But suddenly it's not so clear
And I don't know what to say
And it's breaking my heart
Tearing me apart
It's impossible to choose
What if I don't try?
What if I do?
Everything that I've dreamed
is right in front of me
If I win, what would I lose?
How could I learn to live, wondering
What if I would've tried?
I can shine, even fly
I don't wanna realise
after it's too late, no
And see it all pass me by
If I do, if I don't
Will I ever really know
What the future could hold
before it slips away?
Could be the chance of a lifetime
And it's breaking my heart
Tearing me apart
It's impossible to choose
What if I don't try?
What if I do?
Everything that I dreamed
is right in front of me
If I win, what would I lose?
How could I learn to live, wondering
What if?
I never wanna say
"What if?"
So, are you guys okay
auditioning against each other?
Yeah. I mean, we're best friends,
and we completely trust each other.
And no one's going to betray that
just to get a part in a movie.
Wow, that's refreshing.
Obviously, you've never worked
in Bollywood.
- Do you want to be a star?
- Maybe, once.
But I don't think I could ever be a star.
I just love performing.
Acting, singing, dancing.
I've always loved to dance.
- You have to try this on.
- I could never pull that off.
Just something plain for me.
He's here.
Gita, is that
what you were worried about?
- It's okay. I know you like him.
- Yeah, so what?
He would never want to go out with me.
Like I said, I'm not a movie star.
That doesn't matter.
And besides,
when you're on that dance floor,
it's pretty clear that you are a star.
You don't need a guy to tell you that.
Are you sure he invited me?
Of course. It's not like it's a date
or something.
Do I look okay? 'Cause, like,
I could totally go home and change.
- So glad you could make it.
- Hey.
Wouldn't miss it.
Hey, listen, I'm really sorry
about the whole mess with my uncle.
- Look, I totally understand.
- You do?
Yeah. Well, I know you'll figure it out,
and you'll make the movie
you want to make.
Come on.
Don't worry about me. I'll be fine.
In this one. By myself.
Feels like love
Feels like love
Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah
You got me spinning now
I feel your happiness all around
I'm not sure what I'm getting into
Feels like love
We're not the same, everybody knows
That's the best thing about us, though
So hard to believe it, but it's true
Feels like love
We see the world in different ways
But I'm loving every minute
of every day
Against the odds, we'll make it through
Maybe this could be
more than just fun
This could be everything that I want
What's happening to me?
Could you be the one?
This could be everything that I want
I didn't know how good it could be
And it feels like love to me
Feels like love
Feels like love
Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah
I didn't know I could feel this way
It's a new world, maybe that's okay
You're like a part of me I never knew
Feels like love
You're the one I need next to me
But I know that it's hard to be
Living for everybody else but you
Feels like love
Real love's not supposed to be
Afraid of what everybody thinks
So let's show them all
what we can do
Maybe this could be
more than just fun
More than just fun
This could be everything that I want
Everything that I want
What's happening to me?
- Could you be the one?
- Could you be the one?
This could be everything that I want
I didn't know how good it could be
It feels like love to me
I've got to say it now
Seems too hard to do this
We're gonna work it out
Nothing about us makes sense
I'd build a bridge from where I am
to where you are
It shouldn't have to be this hard
Maybe this could be
more than just fun
This could be everything that I want
Everything that I want
What's happening to me?
- Could you be the one?
- The one I love
This could be everything that I want
Oh, yeah
- I didn't know how good it could be
- No, no
And it feels like love to me
Like love to me
Feels like love
Feels like love
It feels like love to me
- Feels like love
- Like love
Feels like love
Feels like love
It feels like love to me
So, what do you think?
Isn't it fantastic?
This isn't my wedding set.
Where are the flowers?
Where's the set dressing?
Vik, talk to your uncle.
He said this is what we could afford.
See this chair? We got it for free.
Your uncle sure hates
to pass up a bargain.
Tell me about it.
I just need one minute.
Okay, look, Uncle- ji,
it's just not what I had in mind.
- None of it is.
- Viku, beta.
You need to learn some things
about how real world works.
I went to film school, Uncle.
NYU. I won awards.
- I know how to do this.
- Oh, really?
You are already over the budget
and under the schedule.
You won awards for that also in NYU?
Look, I just need some more time.
Time is one thing you don't have.
Another thing is money.
So if you don't start
shooting next week,
I'm pulling plug
on American Girl in India.
Actually, you re-titled it
Kamal Bhatia's Namaste Bombay.
Correct. And if you don't fix it,
I'm going to re-title it
Vik Bhatia's Bye-bye, Bombay,
Hello, Dental School.
Actually, your name has
a nice ring to it.
Kamal Uncle, the palace set is a wreck.
I can't have it ready in a week.
- What about a location?
- What about?
If it's free, okay.
Otherwise, movie is over. And...
You think about how many cavities
you're going to have to drill
to pay back
what you have spent already!
No set?
I guess this weekend's auditions
are off.
Guess you heard.
I can't possibly find a location
in a week, let alone for free.
Uncle is going to shut down the movie
for sure.
Time to book our flights home.
You can't go home yet.
You haven't seen anything of India.
Come home with me for Holi.
It's my favourite holiday.
In fact, you're all invited.
- What's Holi?
- It's the festival of colours.
I can't go. I only have a week
to audition, rehearse,
and find a location.
Vik, trust me, Rajasthan is
the best place to find a location.
The village that my parents live in
is a hundred times more beautiful
than any movie set.
And I just might have a palace for you.
Yeah, you can audition, rehearse.
I'll take care of everything.
Wow. Thank you?
How exciting! Cheetah road trip.
Viku, what you are doing sitting
talking to ladies?
You have no set and only one week.
We're just making a plan
to do some location scouting.
Location scouting? What do you know
about location scouting?
I'm coming with you.
- See you later, Swami.
- Girls, don't forget to untie your strings!
Looks like our strings
are going to be up there for a long time.
Look, I don't think our wishes
are going to come true.
The tree is still working.
You must give it some time.
Well, can you tell that tree
to get a move on it?
For real. Like, we're running late.
The point of time is
to help you understand where you are,
not to make you rush
to the next place, understand?
Not really. No.
I have just the thing
that will help you see more clearly.
Oh, no, no, no. No, we're good.
But thank you so much.
- Okay, well, bye, Swami.
- Bye.
No, no, no, no. No, no, no, no. Sorry.
No, no, no, 15%.
So why did you want
to be a director, anyway?
When I was a kid, my parents used
to take me to see movies,
like, all the time.
And sometimes
you'd go see Uncle films,
and it was the most amazing thing
to think that he made all that happen.
He created those great stories.
And now when I write a script,
it's like I can see the movie in my head.
It's like I've met the characters
and I've been to the places.
I want the whole world to see my films.
I get it. It's like when I sing.
I, like, go somewhere else,
- become somebody else.
- Yeah.
It's the greatest feeling in the world.
And I just want to share it.
Do you see that?
That elephant is staring right at me.
Don't worry.
My grandmother says it's good luck.
- They're trying to help you.
- Like Ganesh?
It's a sign.
- You're lucky. They always ignore me.
- Really?
Well, maybe my luck is changing.
Or not.
Glad you made it.
Did they just get married?
No. If this was a wedding,
he'd be riding a horse.
- Is that your palace?
- Don't be ridiculous. It's my parents'.
Oh, my. Oh, my.
Why didn't you mention any of this?
Were you just playing a joke
on the smart girl
who's too dumb to realise
you're a maharajah?
I am no such thing,
technically, until my grandfather dies.
You should have told me.
Okay, I'm sorry,
but it doesn't change anything.
If anything,
it makes my life more difficult.
It limits my options.
- Really?
- Yeah.
'Cause it seems to me
that you've got lots of options.
Not like you.
If the Cheetahs don't work out,
there are a million things you can do.
You can make your own decisions.
- I can never do that.
- Well, have you ever even tried?
That's just not how things work
with my father.
Amar, beta? It's time to eat.
Please tell your friends, beta.
Ready? Come on.
Seriously... So good.
I'm sorry my husband is away
on business.
But we are both so happy
that you are here
celebrating the holiday with our family.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Personally, I had never imagined
the day
that Rahim Khan and Kamal Bhatia
would be seated at our table.
Most honoured. Most honoured.
Thank you. Thank you so much.
And another small thing.
I have prepared
all of Amar's favourite dishes tonight.
So, Aqua, pay close attention.
- Yeah, Aqua. Take notes.
- She's just being friendly.
Yeah, right.
I think it's a little more than that.
- Aqua?
- Yes.
Did you try the chicken tikka masala?
- Yeah. It's actually my favourite.
- Really?
I make it every time Amar comes home.
I'll give you the recipe later, okay?
Don't worry.
She did this to his last girlfriend, too.
- What?
- Thank you.
She did.
- I'm not his girlfriend.
- Not yet, anyway.
This is seriously incredible.
It's just like the palace
in Namaste Bombay.
I mean, I wouldn't ask
if this wasn't crucial or anything,
but is there any way
that we could shoot here?
I don't think my mom
would let Rahim leave, even if he tried.
I'm sure she'd be thrilled.
- I hope so.
- One thing.
For the guy that saved my movie?
Anything. You name it.
Guess who the newest member
of the movie crew is?
What? You're in the movie now?
Well, not really.
But I am the new location owner.
Well, congratulations.
- There is just one condition.
- What's that?
- That he casts you in the lead.
- What?
Don't worry about Kamal Uncle.
I think I have a bit more pull
now that I am the new location owner.
Please tell me you're not doing
what I think you're doing.
- I was just rehearsing.
- The love duet? By yourself?
How long are you going
to keep running away?
How long do I have?
Do you really want to spend the rest
of your life doing half the dance?
What am I supposed to do?
I act like a total fool in front of her.
It doesn't matter. None of this matters.
Look, if you really care about her,
you have to be willing
to take the chance.
No more dancing in archways
or hiding behind fake doors.
None of that.
You give pretty good advice.
Ever take it yourself?
Wait. What is that?
- See, I told you.
- Wow, you were right. This is amazing.
I thought they said
they were going to play fair.
Who, Chanel and Vik?
They're a couple, aren't they?
- They are?
- Well, everyone kind of thinks they are.
Why wouldn't she tell me?
Maybe she didn't want you to know
so that if she gets the part,
you would think it was fair.
So, think this would be a good place
for the wedding scene?
Totally. This is incredibly romantic.
Don't even get any ideas.
The girls and I already talked about it.
No unfair advantages.
So, is Amar going
to let you shoot here?
- Yeah. He said I could.
- Hot.
But only if I cast Aqua as the lead.
Don't worry.
I told him it wasn't up to me.
But we promised each other.
Seems like you're the only one
keeping that promise.
The other Cheetahs,
they're not letting anything stand
in their way.
Look, I gotta turn in.
I have to meet Rahim and Dorinda
for dance rehearsal tomorrow morning.
Dorinda? Why is she rehearsing
with Rahim?
He's helping her get ready
for the audition.
I keep telling you,
you're the only one who's playing fair.
Catch you later. Okay?
So what can I do
to be more comfortable around Gita?
You gotta tell her how you feel.
But rehearsing with her
would be a start.
I can't.
They look good together.
We should choose the dancer.
But, Uncle, you've really got to listen
to Chanel sing.
I truly believe that she's the one.
- What is that?
- My string.
From the wishing tree?
But our wish hasn't even come true yet.
- Mine did.
- No, the... Wait.
I wished for the Cheetah Girls
to become the biggest movie stars.
What did you wish for?
I wished for the Cheetahs
to stay the same,
the way we've always been.
Thanks for cancelling out my wish.
Sorry, I didn't want our group
to break up.
Well, that still leaves Aqua.
I wished that I would meet Kevin 347
in person.
Did you also wish for your boyfriend
to buy your way into the movie?
- What? I would never!
- Yeah. Spare us.
Like you're any better?
I couldn't pry you off of Rahim
with a crowbar.
Really? Coming from the girl
who wouldn't bat an eyelash
at our director?
- I didn't have to.
- Yeah, all right.
Excuse me, ladies. Who is first?
I'm the one
Oh, yeah
Come on
Nobody can sing like me
I can hit any note you give for me
From A to Z
Yes, I can
Nobody can dance like me
I can move to the beat you're playing
Baby, with my feet
Yeah, yeah
Nobody can act like me
I can fall to pieces
and make you believe
In almost anything
I'm the one
I'm stepping out
and breaking all the rules
All alone
I'm gonna show everybody
what I can do
I'm the one
Put your bet on me
Can't you see that I'm the one?
Don't need anybody now
I'm making it on my own
Got a voice like an angel
She can turn every word
into a lovely melody
Yes, she can
The girl's got her own groove
Put the music on and watch her
as she does her thing
She can do everything
My girl is a drama queen
Any role you give her,
she does perfectly
Oh, can't you see that
She's the one?
She's stepping out
and breaking all the rules
All alone
She's gonna show everybody
what she can do
She's the one
Put your bet on her
Can't you see that she's the one?
She don't need anybody now
She's making it on her own
I wanna be the one
who everybody notices
I'm stepping out, stepping out, all right
I wanna be the one
who's always front and centre
For the first time in my life
I'm the one
I'm stepping out
and breaking all the rules
All alone
I'm gonna show everybody
what I can do
I'm the one
Put your bet on me
Can't you see that I'm the one?
Don't need anybody now
I'm making it on my own
I'm the one
I'm stepping out
and breaking all the rules
All alone
I'm gonna show everybody
what I can do
I'm the one
Put your bet on me
Can't you see that I'm the one?
Don't need anybody now
I'm making it on my own
I'm the one
Wonderful, wonderful. Wonderful.
Now, I can see why you wanted
to choose all three. Wonderful.
But we still cannot afford it.
So role goes to...
- Chanel.
- Yes, girls. Yes.
Big surprise.
Yeah, congratulations.
Fair and square, right?
Thank you, Uncle- ji.
Congratulations, Chanel.
I could be recognised from a distance
Yeah, I could be the biggest name
on the screen
Singing and dancing forever
Signing my name for whoever
Yeah, it's all in my reach, yeah
If I give it all that I've got
I get there to the top
But I don't even wanna go
If I have to go there alone, so
Set me on top of that mountain
Let me fly to the end
of the world
Yeah, I can go anywhere
But if you're not with me there
It'll never be enough
There's no place like us
There's no place like us
If I find the other side of the rainbow
Will I find that the gold
ain't worth any price?
'Cause if we ain't there for each other
Then all I got doesn't matter
No, it won't be right to
Give it all that I got
And get there to the top
If you're not up there with me
There's nothing I wanna see, so
Set me on top of that mountain
Let me fly to the end
of the world, yeah
I can go anywhere
But if you're not with me there
It'll never be enough
There's no place like us
There's no place like us
It doesn't matter where we are
Or matter how far
'Cause even when we go
our separate ways
We'll be the place
I believe that I can do it
But alone, I won't get through it
We know we gotta stick together
'Cause no matter what
There's no place like us
You were great.
I'm sorry about what I said.
I didn't mean any of it.
Me, too. You sang your heart out.
Thanks. We were all great.
Look, it doesn't matter what happens,
where we go or what we do.
Change is inevitable,
but we'll always be Cheetahs.
Cheetahs, say it like you mean it.
- Together.
- Now.
- And forever.
- And forever.
We're going to miss you so much.
You're not going to miss me that much.
- What?
- Why not?
I'm not going to take the part.
Look, it just isn't worth losing you guys
as friends.
So you're all bowing out?
Look, starring in a movie just isn't
worth destroying our friendship.
Well, I better start writing.
I have no idea
how I'm going to write a love story
without a love interest.
I think it's time you stand up
to your uncle,
and make the movie you want to make.
And if you can't, then maybe this isn't
the movie you should be making.
Yeah, Chanel,
but what if this is my only chance?
It's not your chance
if it's not the movie you want to make.
Don't give up on your dream.
If you can't be
my leading lady on screen,
maybe you'd consider
playing the role in real life?
Too bad we're not at the Taj Mahal.
- That can be arranged.
- Yeah?
I think so.
Sorry for the mess.
I was just trying to take your advice
and make things happen.
I meant for you to follow your dreams,
not try to buy me mine.
But I think you're cute for trying.
One question.
Would applying to Columbia
count as following my dream?
Because I talked to my parents,
and they don't think
it's such a bad idea.
- Ready?
- No. I'm scared.
What if she doesn't like me back?
Sometimes you just got to
put yourself out there
and not worry about what happens.
Come on, you can do it.
Just ignore that.
You were saying?
Do you want to have dinner
with these flowers?
I mean, do your flowers
want to have dinner with me?
Yeah, I would love to have dinner
with your flowers.
- You would?
- Yeah.
And by the way,
I love the way you laugh.
Thank you. I love them.
- You like the flowers?
- Yeah, I do.
They're red. They match your dress.
It's beautiful.
Thanks so much. I love them.
They smell so good.
- You look so beautiful.
- Thanks, Rahim.
I picked these flowers out
especially for you.
- I knew you would like them.
- Joaquin?
I'm sorry I've been avoiding your calls.
We're in India,
which is kind of a crazy story, but...
Anyway, I've been doing
a lot of thinking,
and I realise that
just because we're not going out,
doesn't mean we can't be friends.
And I miss you.
Call me when you can,
I promise I'll pick up.
Thanks for helping me realise
I was the obstacle all along.
Hey, look what I got for Vik.
It's the original poster
to Namaste Bombay.
Guys, I feel so bad for him.
Who's going to be the star
of his movie now?
Cheetahs? Look.
Where is this Raju?
Why he is not here?
Send him. Goodbye.
Why you are not filling out
application form for dental school?
We found the perfect lead
for the movie.
Me, too. Rahim in a wig is wonderful.
No, Uncle. It's Gita.
What you talking?
No one wants to see choreographer
on the screen.
That's why they are always
behind the scenes.
She's a star. And I'm going to prove it.
This is my movie.
And this is my one chance.
- So I have to do what I believe in.
- And?
And make a great movie.
Now you're talking like real director.
Thank you. Thank you so much.
I promise I won't let you down.
Let's see what you got. Come on!
- Let's make a movie!
- Let's get you Cheetah-fied!
Silence, please.
We are going for a take.
Namaste Bombay, BBS, One World.
- Mark it!
- Playback!
Love always finds a way
Every single time
Once we learn to trust our hearts
And look inside, it feels right
Now we see who we are
In a different light
We're not so far apart
Anything is possible
With all the differences,
we're stronger here
Now the truth has been discovered
Oh, yeah
After all we've been through,
now it's clear
That all of us, we share
- One world
- One world
- One love
- One love
- One and all
- One and all
We're a circle together
- One world
- One world
- One heart
- One heart
- One song
- One song
Now and forever
Everybody celebrate
Bring on the party, bring on the dance
Time to let the music play
The party never ends
Every guy and every girl
Stand up and shout, say it loud
Everyone around the world
- Come on and join in
- Yeah
We're gathered here today
- Everything just right
- Yeah
'Cause when you give from the heart
The things you do come back to you
Dare to be strong and brave
Not afraid to try
That's when we see who we are
The best of friends and that's when
With all the differences,
we're stronger here
Now the truth has been discovered
Oh, yeah
After all we've been through,
now it's clear
We're all right here to share
- One world
- World
- One love
- One love
- One and all
- One and all
We're a circle together
- One world
- One world
- One heart
- One heart
- One song
- One song, yeah
Now and forever
Oh, I never knew that love
would find a way
To bring together both of us
Now, inside, I know it's true
'Cause what we have is meant to be
You let me be the real me
Together here is where we belong
Come on, now
Here we go!
Here we go!
Let's celebrate!
One world
One love
One and all
- We're a circle together
- We're a circle together
- One world
- One world
- One heart
- One heart
- One song
- Song, yeah
Now and forever
- One world
- One world
- One love
- One love
- One and all
- One and all
We're a circle together
- One world
- One world
- One heart
- One heart
- One song
- One song
Now and forever
We're a circle together
Now and forever
One world