The Child in Time (2017)

Sir, do you want me
to stay with you? Sir?
Er, no. No, thank you.
Once we get to your home,
I'll give it 15 minutes,
- then I'll follow you inside.
- Yeah.
You took your time, didn't you?
I was about to send out a search party.
- Where is she?
- She was there.
She was there.
Stephen, where is she?
She was just there.
She was right there...
- What do you mean?!
- VOICE BREAKING: I don't know.
What do you mean?! Where is she?!
Where is she now?!
Oh, erm, I hope you
don't mind me saying,
but you're telling the
world you're not at home.
Your note.
People see your note
and they know you're out.
- People?
- I'm just saying, why advertise you're out?
Fucking because.
Well, just keep going, ploughing on.
Write reams of the stuff,
if you feel the need,
cos, hey, your editor will edit.
Look, trust me, Stephen,
there are hundreds of
thousands of children out there,
they're all eagerly waiting the
next Stephen Lewis masterpiece.
I wish.
It's true, you know
it is. Myself included.
That's excellent, Paul, thank you.
But what I don't want
you to be doing, right,
is sitting there with your thumb
up your arse, waiting for the muse.
- I'm having the duck.
- Yep, me too,
and a fizzy water please, Paul.
I feel like getting drunk.
I'm afraid I can't, but
don't let that stop you.
- Work?
- Reading and, er, an early night.
I'll have a good drink
with you, Stephen.
Thank you, Thelma.
So how's the, er... how's the
committee work progressing?
It's fine.
You managing to stay awake?
I am riveted.
Drop it, if it's not for you.
Although, you are the poster boy.
Not really.
Believe me, when the brave new
report is finally published,
they are going to
trumpet your involvement.
- Minimal involvement.
- Well, then drop it.
I only asked you to
get you out of yourself.
Erm, you should also know that
I'm... I'm leaving the government.
And my side-line in
publishing. So there.
- Why would you want to do that?
- Retiring.
To the countryside.
It's, erm, something we've been
wrestling with for some time.
Decision's made.
Well, I don't mind you
giving up running the country,
but why the books? Why me?
20 years of 18-hour days have
made Charles a very dull boy.
But you adore 18-hour days.
He hasn't even told the
Prime Minister yet...
-... you're very privileged.
Sorry. I really do have to
take this. It's New York.
Yep, all right, ten seconds
while I find some privacy.
He really does need to stop everything.
- He's not ill, is he?
- No.
He's just tired, that's all.
Of being Charles, of being responsible.
You can visit, you know.
We're not leaving the country.
Yeah, but who's going to look after me?
Who's going to take me out for nice
expensive dinners and get me drunk?
You'll have to find another companion.
Perhaps the person who asks me
on a weekly basis how you are.
You talk to Julie every week?
You should go and see her.
I'm waiting for the invitation.
Maybe she's waiting for a call.
Or are you planning on avoiding
each other till the end of days?
Call her.
Hey. Don't look now, but the table
behind are having jam-roly-poly.
Ooh! I said not to look! I'm having it.
- How was New York?
- Rude.
Yeah, very rude. No longer my problem.
To another life.
I'll drink to that.
Tight hold.
Now you're not too warm
in that jacket, are you?
No, not really. No?
Good. Silly Daddy thought
it was going to rain.
Please, Daddy, can we go fast?
How fast? Very, very fast?
- Yes.
- Stupidly, ridiculously, illegally fast?
- Hair flying in the wind, fast?
- Yes!
All right...
When there's no-one around.
Now, ready, steady, go!
Kate, darling, stand still.
Wait for Daddy.
That's 53.76.
Are you collecting school vouchers?
- Do you have a points card?
- No.
- Cash back?
- No. No, thank you.
And PIN number please.
- OK. And remove your card.
- Thank you.
- Thanks very much.
- Thank you.
All right, thank you, bye-bye.
Kate?! Has anyone seen a little
girl, a four-year-old girl,
she was wearing a yellow coat?
She was, er... she's called Kate.
No? Please? Kate?
Please, has anyone seen
a four-year-old girl,
she was wearing a yellow coat?
Her name is Kate! Please?
You must have seen her,
she was standing just
there when I was paying. No?
We'll find her.
I promise you.
- Hello?
- Hi. It's me.
We seem to have sleep-walked
our way into a situation
where we are apparently quite happy
to hand over our children
to complete strangers.
- Parenting is being outsourced.
Parents have more
important things to do.
Essential things to do,
like earn money to pay for
housing and food and child-care.
It used to be that Granny would help,
but Granny is now miles away,
and so child-care is being
contracted to a faux-extended family
of police-checked strangers,
agency workers
whose major qualification
is their willingness to work
for as little as is
legal and often less.
Financial pressures
are eroding family life
and threatening the
welfare of our children.
Families need help, financial help.
Young families...
JULIE: Hey, it's me. You're
still coming, aren't you?
Yeah, definitely, yeah.
Good. Would you mind
bringing my old music sheets?
They're in the sideboard, I think.
- OK.
- You don't mind?
- No, no problem.
- Thank you. Kettle's on.
TV: Now I've got some top
tips on how you can take charge
of selling your own home
and save thousands of
pounds in the bargain...
She's not a cat.
I know she's not a fucking cat.
- I'm trying to find her.
- Well, you lost her.
I didn't mean that.
Why don't I just sit on my arse
all day and watch TV as well?
HE CLEARS HIS THROA - Morning, morning.
- Prime Minister.
How are we?
- Prime Minister.
- Morning.
Let me read to you an extract.
It's from the first draft of what
I will be personally recommending
to be the Authorised Childcare
Handbook. Now just one line.
"We could do worse than
conclude, as many have before us,
that from respect for school and home
we derive our deepest
loyalties for nation."
Simple and profound.
Sorry, am I being dim
here? What does it mean?
- Respect.
- Doesn't it have a hint of ultra?
Am I the only one hearing
this? I mean, it sounds harsh.
Like parents, it's the
responsibility of Government
to create boundaries.
Families and schools who...
... operate within these
boundaries will be rewarded,
- those who don't...
- The naughty step.
The naughty step, hmm?
I love you.
I love you more.
I am so competitive.
Not find her, then?
Play your piano.
What is it you want? Do
you want me to give up?
I want you to give up,
because you always let me down.
You never bring her home.
And you're drinking too much.
I'm supposed to drink too much.
SHOUTS: I can't live here any more!
Oh, fuck!
Oh, for fuck's sake!
Hi. I... I'm here.
JULIE: Where?
I , erm...
I'm in the village, I think I...
I turned right instead of left.
Oh, you prick.
Er, no, well, I'll be with
you soon. How far is it?
About ten minutes. Everything all right?
Hmm? Yeah. Yeah, no, yeah. I'm
just, er, I'm being a prick.
Kettle's on.
- Ta-dah!
- Oh, my goodness.
What happened to you?
Well, I swear to God, when
I left the flat this morning,
I was spotless. You
never said there'd be mud.
You're covered in it.
You best get out of those clothes.
I'll put them through the wash.
- Thank you. Shoes off here?
- Definitely.
You can wear my dressing gown,
which fortunately used
to be your dressing gown.
Yeah, for all of a week.
You never wore it.
I never had the chance.
This is nice. It's lovely.
I like it.
Thank you.
Been working out?
Being funny?
Have I... have I been here before?
- The village?
- Not that I know. Not with me. Why?
I don't know, really, it looks
familiar. I thought I had.
Felt familiar.
I'd lose the socks, if I were you.
You look nice, by the way.
You look well.
Lovely. You look lovely.
Well fit.
How long's it been now?
Almost a year.
Hmm, Christ.
Beautiful is the word I was
looking for. You look beautiful.
Thank you.
- You could use a wash.
- Yeah.
It's all in your hair.
Mucky pup.
You've lost weight.
Just a little.
You smell like you.
That's because I am me.
Do you know, I've been
here for almost an hour
and you haven't even offered
me so much as a cup of tea.
Oh, bugger.
- What?
- Need the loo. Don't want to move.
Mummy. Mummy, we're going to the shops.
My turn. Then I'll make you that tea.
It can wait.
You must be hungry.
I teach a few hours at
a few schools locally.
I play Saturdays at a hotel
about five miles from here,
and I give lessons.
I make ends meet.
- What else is there?
- Sounds good.
It's nice. I like it.
And the train's just a muddy field
away, the village ten minutes' walk.
So how did you manage to
turn right instead of left?
Disorientated by my fall.
And how did you manage to fall?
Er, I was running because
I thought I'd seen her.
A girl in a yellow rain-coat.
I'd turned the corner out
of the station and I, er...
She went towards the
village, so I followed her.
You followed her?
I'm an idiot.
I'm still looking for her.
Not actively, just out
of the corner of my eye.
I am a little bit better.
Have you still got
your private detective?
No. No, no, he gave up. I think
he got bored of taking my money.
That was good of him.
- After he'd finished paying off his mortgage.
- Probably.
If it's any consolation, I see her too.
But I make sure I'm doing
other things as well.
She is out there.
Are you busy? Writing?
Yeah. Yeah, er...
I'm writing a story about a
boy who wants to become a fish.
Why does he want to become a fish?
I can't tell you that,
it's top, top secret.
Why not a dog?
That's been done before.
Dogs sniff other dogs' balls,
arses. Who'd want to do that?
It's gross, kids would love it.
Yeah, yeah, they would.
I'll just check on your clothes.
Wouldn't want them to shrink.
What time's your train?
Four o'clock and then there's
another at sixish, I think.
- Dry as a bone.
- Thank you.
- Are you finished with that?
- Yeah, yes.
Are we going to talk about
what happened just now?
Did I miss something?
It was very nice, and that's
all I have to say on the matter.
I'm surprised I remembered what to do.
Which is my way of saying
there hasn't been anyone else.
Same. There's no-one else.
- Just me.
- Good. I mean, if, you're happy.
I know what you mean.
- Hello?
- It's me.
Er, question... what would you
say if I asked to stay the night?
- Not a good idea?
- Not really.
Well, what if I threw
myself in another puddle?
It seemed to make me
irresistible last time.
Still not a good idea.
Thought I'd ask. But you're right.
Is it always going to be like this...
between us?
Yes, of course it is.
It has to be.
Yes, it will always be like this.
But maybe that doesn't
have to be a bad thing.
A bad thing happened and
we've got to live with it.
Move on?
Is that possible?
Do we want to do that?
Still there?
Yeah, still here.
It was lovely to see you.
And you.
I'll call you.
It has been shown, proven
that we use but a fraction
of our intellectual, emotional
and intuitive resource.
Now it's clear we get by on
very little of our grey matter.
Members of the committee,
we have undernourished our
- capacity for empathic...
... by forcing literacy on to children
between the ages of five and seven
we are shattering the unity
of the child's world view.
Madam Chairman, literacy should
not be introduced to a child
until the ages of 11 or 12,
corresponding with the brain's
natural and important surge...
11 or 12?
You're saying that we shouldn't
introduce the written word
- to children until they're 11 or 12?
- Correct.
That's... No, I don't
think that's correct.
That's most definitely incorrect.
(HE LAUGHS) Based on what evidence?
Well, experience.
An anecdote, then.
There have been trials in
Sweden that have proven...
Based on the joy of
a three-year-old child
when she almost writes her
name for the first time.
Or the joy of a four-year-old
when she picks words
or parts of words from
a sign or a poster,
which then in turn leads to the most
wonderful, wondrous conversations.
Or imagine the child
sitting on a parents' knee
when it's having a
story read aloud to it
and tracing all the words
on the page, quite wrongly,
and marvelling at those
meaningless black splodges,
which somehow enable closeness.
... warmth, happiness and comfort and...
... ease the separation at night.
I suggest that you are
looking at the scenario
from the adult's perspective
and not the child's.
You can suggest what you
want, but I know what I saw
and I know how she felt, so...
that's how I know for certain that
you're talking complete bollocks.
What a brilliant way to
finish the day. Well done, you.
I wasn't too rude, was I?
Not at all.
And if you were, he deserved
it. I've never heard such tripe.
Could I treat you to a coffee?
- Erm, yeah. Why not?
- Good.
- Are you writing at the moment?
- Yes. Yes, I am.
- A book?
- Yes.
Of course, a book. About what?
Can you tell me, or
would you have to kill me?
No, it's about a boy who
wants to become a fish.
Oh, what kind of fish?
Well, a colourful fish,
a tropical fish actually.
How lovely. How far have you got?
He holds his breath under
the water for about 43 seconds
- in the bath tub, so...
- Excuse me, Mr Lewis?
My name is Joanna Buckley,
I work at Number Ten.
The Prime Minister would
like to see you, please.
- The Prime Minister?
- Yes.
- What, here? Now?
- Yes, he's not far.
Looks like I'm out-ranked.
Another time maybe?
Er, yes, definitely. Another
time. That would be nice.
You address him as Prime Minister,
unless he tells you differently.
- Right.
- He's just here.
Mr Lewis, thank you so
much for sparing the time.
Prime Minister.
The Home Secretary.
- His children are avid readers of yours.
- Oh, thank you.
Oh, it's nothing to do
with me, it's their nanny.
Important work, happening
on your committee.
Well, I hope so. Hopefully.
It's vital that someone
like yourself is involved.
We've a mutual good friend, I believe.
- Charles Darke.
- Yes.
- When did you see him last?
- Oh, er...
- Some time ago? We had dinner.
- How was he?
He was Charles.
Erm, can I ask why?
Did he mention... discontent at all?
No. No, he was on good form. Erm...
We talked books.
- He was himself.
- Will you be seeing him any time soon?
I'm sure.
Yes, I'll... I'll visit
him once he's settled in.
Right. I'd like to know how he is.
In... in himself.
In... in confidence.
Could... could you do that?
I can't... I can't spy on him, no.
And we wouldn't dream of asking.
But you can let concerned
colleagues know how he is, can't you?
Charles is important to me, personally.
And I believe to the country.
Good man. As soon as you can manage.
I'd very much appreciate your opinion.
Charles, don't bolt your food.
- You'll give yourself indigestion.
- Sorry.
- Had a good day?
- Hmm.
I got blisters on my hands, look.
Oh? Well, don't do too much.
It doesn't hurt.
I'm building a shelter. It's like a den.
I thought about...
Like a tree house, but
then you'd need ropes,
pulleys, tools, none of which you're
going to find on a desert island,
or a jungle forest.
Yes, well, you'll have to
watch out for wild cats.
I mean, you don't have to force it.
Is it forced at all?
Your behaviour?
Or is it natural?
What are you looking at?
- What are you going to do about it?
What was that?
Oh, it's, er, Mum. I was just, er...
She's doing five things at
once as usual, making dinner.
I met the PM the other week.
- The Prime Minister.
- He's an arsehole.
A very charming arsehole.
(HE SNORTS) Aren't they all?
What did he want you for?
Charles Darke, my
publisher - ex publisher -
is also retiring from government
and the Prime Minister wants
to know if I can find out why.
Well, maybe he's developed a conscience,
taken an anti-twat pill.
I want to see him - Charles, I mean -
but I feel like now, if I
do, I'd be spying on him.
If you want to see Charles,
you should go and see him.
Don't let some ponce dictate when
you should go and see a friend.
That's it, all done.
It's nice.
Very nice.
I think we can be pretty
bullish on the asking price.
Can you not say how much it's worth?
Not out loud. Could you
write it down, please?
Yeah, if that's what you'd like, sure.
That's my card.
If you do decide to go with us,
- we can send a photographer round any time.
- Thank you.
I'm sorry, can I just say...
... that I'm sorry. You're the
writer and wife, aren't you?
I remember you from the news and
when I saw the... the bedroom...
I don't know where you
get your strength from.
My wife cried buckets.
And those fuckers on social
media - excuse my French -
- but "trolls" doesn't quite cover it.
- Thank you.
Don't, for a second, blame
yourselves. Not for a nanosecond.
Thank you.
I went to see Julie.
- Saw her, when?
- Where?
At her cottage.
It's just outside a
village called Stanton Low.
In Kent?
- Nice?
- Very nice. Peaceful.
Hm. How's she doing?
Oh, she's doing well.
She's doing bits and bobs.
We just had a cup of
tea. She sends her love.
Will you be seeing her again?
As and when. Yeah.
The village was really familiar.
Um, there was a pub
there called The Bell.
Did we ever go there, before?
- Together, I mean, when I was little, younger?
- Stanton Low.
- Yeah.
- No.
I remember a pub called The
Bell, but from years ago.
Remember our one-and-only bike
ride, Geoff? We stopped off at a pub.
- Stanton Low?
- I don't remember the name of the village.
- When did we go on a bike ride?
- Before we were married.
We borrowed the bikes from
your shifty friend, Paul.
And we stopped off at
a pub called The Bell.
Did you give her our love? Julie?
Did you tell Julie we're
always thinking about her?
- Yeah. Yes.
- Good.
I feel for that girl.
"It was not always the case
that a large minority comprising
the weakest members of society
were able to devote much
of their time to play.
It should be remembered
that childhood is not
a natural occurrence.
Childhood is an invention.
Above all, childhood is a privilege.
Albeit a necessary privilege."
Prime Minister, I say
a childhood is a right.
Prime Minister?
What brings you to the big city?
You do.
It was a very nice
surprise, to get your call.
I needed provisions and
I have a proposition.
- Intriguing. Hm.
- Mm-hm.
Is this you pausing for effect?
Is it working?
This way.
So, how would you like
to learn to play piano?
Piano? Why?
I mean, do you think I need
to learn to play the piano?
You don't need to, no. But it
might be something you'd enjoy.
Do you want to give it a try?
Er, I don't know.
You don't have to,
but you always threatened to.
- It's your call.
- Are you suggesting it would be therapeutic?
It's just something for
us to do, maybe. Together.
I'd teach you. And if
you hate it, we stop.
No pressure.
- If you're too busy... ?
- No.
No, not at all.
We'll make a start, shall we?
Now you.
Nice and slowly at
first, there's no rush.
Try not to hit the keys so hard.
That's not bad...
... that's good.
Am I a natural?
You could say that.
If you were a liar.
Charles, what on earth are you doing?
I don't like it, the fuzz.
Some of it's old-man grey!
Well, be careful with those scissors!
One false move...
Yeah, I wouldn't want
to chop off Mr Thing.
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Ah! You found us!
You're well hidden.
You didn't see the yellow
ribbon I tied around the tree?
Oh, it's so good to see you.
Have you lost weight?
Of course I have, you buggered
off and stopped feeding me!
- Where is he?
He's out, in the woods. He loves it.
Oh... Lord of the manor?
- You're to find him. Go to him, after you've eaten.
- All right.
He was so pleased to
hear you were coming.
He's changed.
So have you. Is that
a twinkle in your eye?
No. No, it's just conjunctivitis.
She's started to teach
me how to play the piano
and I'm finding myself
desperate to impress her.
Why is that, I wonder?
Who knows? What's your news?
Oh, reading mostly.
You know,
books I've always wanted
to read. Bit of writing...
... while, um, Charles
is off enjoying himself.
- How long is it going to be? His exile?
- I wish I knew.
Well, the PM no less wants to know.
The PM can go fuck himself!
It's none of his business.
They've been here snooping.
I've asked them not to.
Anything I can do?
You're here.
- Over here!
- Oh?
- You walked straight past me!
- Didn't see you.
Well... Look at you, Boyz in the Woodz.
Do you want to see my place? My den.
What? You've got a den?
This way.
Keep up!
It's amazing! I've been
building it for weeks!
It could be worse. We could
easily say he was out jogging.
But he's not out
jogging, he's out playing.
Could be worse.
It could destroy the
report, if it continues.
Then put a stop to it.
Tell him he's grounded.
Oh, for... !
- You're not very good at this sort of thing, are you?
- I used to be.
We're here. Come on.
It's bigger on the
inside, like the thingy.
Come on.
Yeah. It's got everything.
Cool box, tool box. There's a fool box.
"Fool box"?
Yeah. Games. Puzzles. Drink?
Er, no, thanks, I just had
a cup of tea with Thelma.
Try some. I made it myself.
Go on.
Guess what's in it?
- Lemons and piss, going by the taste.
Half right.
(HE BELCHES) Oh, my God.
When the weather improves,
I'm going to sleep out.
- I should tell you I've written a book.
- Any good?
Not really.
Might even become a joke book.
Climb a tree?
In these shoes? No, thanks.
- You can see for miles.
- I'll give it a miss.
- You'll love it.
- No, I won't.
What, are you chicken?
Chicken. HE CLUCKS
- Chicken.
- What's going on?
What is it that you're doing here?
Just having fun.
I'm being myself here.
This is you?
Yeah, it's a part of me, yeah.
It's mixed up.
I mean, it's complicated.
At the same time, you know, it's
really easy. I understand it...
... and I expect you'll get it, easy.
I'm searching for a child...
... and he wasn't taken, I
mean, he was sort of... he...
... was forbidden.
He was denied and...
... I need to find him.
You understand that, don't you?
I haven't got a fucking clue
what you're going on about.
- Are you angry with me?
- Can you even hear yourself?
Sitting there with your bottle of piss
and talking about
"searching for a child"?
Are you disgusted by me?
I am disgusted, I'm disappointed,
I'm disillusioned,
I'm every "dis-" under the sun.
- Why?
- Why do you think?!
You need a shave, Charles.
You have a man's stubble. Look
down the front of your pants
and you'll find you have
a hairy pair of bollocks.
Yeah, well, that is where
you're wrong, so there.
- Where are you going now?
To climb a tree.
Charles, this is ridiculous!
For fuck's sake! Be careful!
It's easy with practice!
Charles! Charles, that's high enough!
QUIETLY: Wolves.
Where does all this
leave you, now, Thelma?
What are you? Are you his wife?
Yes, I'm his wife.
Of course I'm his wife.
That's why I'm still here.
Putting up with it.
Thank you.
Every day, I remind myself
that it's what he wants.
And he's out of time...
- ... and that's all.
- Not out of his mind?
Why can't it be real?
I mean, we all look older, but
how many of us actually grow up?
- Look at the books you write.
- He's a grown man.
He's a brilliant and sophisticated MAN.
And you want him back.
He'll be disappointed
that you won't stay longer.
I'm sure he'll get over it.
I really am being... an arsehole.
Yes. You are.
Well, you're right, I just...
I want him back and you.
I'm feeling very sorry for myself.
So, there you go, being childish.
Must be contagious.
I'm sorry.
I was, um...
... a bit of a bully to
him, out in the woods.
- I should tell him I'm sorry.
- Hmm, you are the grown-up.
Charles, look, I'm, I'm
sorry. When we were in the den,
and you were talking about
finding a missing child,
all I could do was think of Kate. And...
... and I thought you were comparing.
- I would never do that.
- I know. I know.
It's my fault. I'm sorry.
It's OK.
It's fine.
Shall I come in?
- I've betrayed you.
- What?
- No, you haven't.
- I have.
- You'll see.
- Bollocks!
Hairy or otherwise.
I should walk the plank.
Do you think you'll ever find Kate?
I... hope I will.
I'll never believe that
I'll never find her, so...
She'll have grown.
And if you find her...
... ten years from now, she'll
be a young woman almost.
Yes, but she'll still be Kate.
She'll still be my little girl.
Will you want to take her to the park?
To the slide and swings and just...
... catch up on all
those things you missed?
- I'm not comparing, you understand.
- No, I understand.
And, um,
I'll try to understand.
I promise.
Thanks for coming, Stephen.
You're my best friend.
Stop the car.
- What?
- Stop the car!
I can't, mate. I'm on a Red Route.
- Mate, it's cameras!
- Stop the car! Stop it!
Too young, too young...
WOMAN: Great. Show me this one?
And this one? And where
did we see this one?
So, your creative-writing exercise
is to write about your day at the zoo.
So, if you can get to your tables
please. Thank you, everyone.
And you can do some pictures, too.
Do you know who I am?
Excuse me, can I help you?
- What are you doing?
- I'm saying hello.
Now's not the time or place.
No, I don't think you
understand. I'm her...
Sorry, can I speak to you in
private? Please, outside. Please?
Children, on with our work, please.
I might as well just say it.
The girl that I was
just talking to just now,
that girl sitting right
there, she's my daughter.
- Ruth?
- No, her name's Kate, her REAL name is Kate.
And... she's my daughter.
I think I should call the Head.
She's my daughter, and she
was abducted three years ago,
which is probably why, why
she doesn't recognise me,
but she will... she will! I
know she will because it's her...
It's Kate!
Mr Lewis, I do remember
your daughter going missing.
The girl you say is your
daughter, is Ruth Lyle.
If that's what they've called her, yes.
Can I say I know who they are?
I've known Ruth's father, Jason Lyle,
for many years, he's a parent-governor.
I know my daughter and I know
that, that little girl out there,
is my daughter.
Now, look, I'm not going to shout,
I'm not going to make a fuss,
I just want her back.
If I bring Ruth into this office,
you're not going to make
a scene or interrupt.
I'd rather not involve the police.
By all means involve the police but, no,
I'm not going to make a fuss.
- Come in, Mrs Forrester.
Come in, Ruth.
We won't keep you a moment and
then you can get back to class.
And if you could stay, Mrs Forrester.
Ruth, I wonder if you could
tell me your full name, please?
Ruth Elspeth Lyle.
And how old are you?
Eight, Miss.
And what's the name of your
older sister at this school?
Chloe. She's ten, Miss.
And when did you first
come to St Edwards?
To the school or to nursery?
When I was two.
- Mrs Forrester, and how long have you known Ruth?
- Since nursery.
No, no, no, that's not right,
that's... that's not right...
Thank you, Mrs Forrester.
Thank you, Ruth.
We have school records,
school photographs.
Would you like to see?
I'm good friends with Ruth's family.
I remember her mother, Jacqueline,
being pregnant with Ruthie,
that's what they call her...
... and have always called her.
Is there going to be
a problem, Mr Lewis?
Sit here as long as you need.
Oh, Kate!
- MAN: Taxi for Julie?
- Yes.
- Yeah, almost there.
- OK. No rush, I'm a bit early anyway.
Five minutes or more,
I thought I'd found her.
Five minutes at least of euphoria.
I thought, "I've done it."
And I thought of you and telling you.
Lucky I wasn't arrested.
I think she might have
to be the one to find us.
Can't give up?
Can't give up hope, no.
How certain are you that she's alive?
I know that if she wasn't, I'd feel it.
I would, too.
I know that she's out there.
I have no idea where or
where to begin looking.
It's hard to accept that
we're helpless, but we are.
And all we can do is be here, ready.
And sane.
You should know I'm going
away for a while. A few months.
Going where?
Somewhere warm.
Somewhere I can get to by train.
France? Not sure.
Why? Why now?
I want to.
What if I asked you to stay, a
while? A while longer, I mean.
I need to.
Want me to send a postcard?
You'd better.
Dinner's almost ready.
Just waiting on the potatoes.
Why don't you wait in the warm?
I am warm. Besides, I
need to tell you something.
Oh, ominous... !
I took a trip out to that pub... The Bell.
A few weeks ago. I had to,
couldn't get it out of my head.
You have been there before.
In a way.
In what way?
You... were with me, love.
Very much with me.
I remember it so well,
because that was the day I
told your father I was pregnant.
You weren't planned and
you know we weren't married.
I was dreading telling him,
but it turned out to be a wonderful day.
It was the first time I saw you.
It's true.
I was sick with nerves,
I wasn't sure how your
father would react.
Being pregnant was bad news, really.
We'd made plans...
... and then,
I saw you.
This... beautiful child,
at the window, looking in, face.
I knew it was you.
That's why I remember.
I'm not mad
and it wasn't the lights,
- or hormones...
- No, no, no, no, no...
I believe you.
I do.
Oh, I am glad. Because it made
me think, and this is important.
If it WAS you that I saw...
... if you were actually there,
before you were even born,
then Kate must be somewhere...
... and you have to keep on loving her.
Loving her is different to missing her.
It will find her.
She is...
... somewhere.
If you're in a book shop, do you
ever sneak a peek at your own books?
- Oh, yeah. Every time.
- Do you?
Yes, of course I do. If they're hidden,
I make them more visible
and cover up the competition.
How long have you been a teacher?
I've already asked that
question. I'm sorry.
You have. Er, the answer is forever.
I am good at it.
I made the mistake of becoming Head
of Department a few years back...
- "Mistake"?
- Well, that can be hard work.
- The staff are more difficult than the children.
- I can believe it.
So, how's your boy who
wants to be a fish doing?
- How long can he hold his breath for now?
- 51 seconds.
What's funny?
You're so certain!
It's a fact. Last bath-time, he
held his breath for 51 seconds.
I look forward to reading it.
If I ever finish it.
Do you not think you will?
Hopefully. But it can happen.
It's... train time.
It's been nice.
Yes. It has been nice.
I'll walk you.
I know the way, um...
I'll see you at the next meeting.
VOICEOVER: "What's your name?"
said the curly-haired
boy in the red T-shirt.
"Fish," said Fish.
"Cool!" said boy. "Why
Fish? What's it short for?"
"I forget," said Fish.
"I forget everything."
"Every day I wake up is
like a brand-new life!"
He was telling lies, of course.
Big, fat lies.
He wanted it to be true.
Fish had so many memories
that he wanted to forget...
even the good ones.
"That's fucking perverse,"
said the almost middle-aged man...
... who wouldn't climb a tree
due to unsuitable footwear.
Are you working, Daddy?
Does it look like I'm working?
I want to remember everything about you.
- Hi. I'm so sorry to be bothering you like this...
- You're bleeding!
- I'm sorry. Do you have a cloth, or a flannel?
- Yeah, of course, I do.
- Come in. What happened?
- Oh, I tripped and fell.
Not looking where I was going.
Useless on dancefloors and pavement.
- You might need a trip to A&E.
- No, no, no, no. No hospitals.
I'll reconsider in the morning.
- You weren't at the Committee meeting.
- Er, no, no.
Well, that's what I
came to see you about.
It's all a waste of time.
Well, probably.
No, no, it is. It's a sham!
It's already written.
The Authorised Childcare Handbook.
It doesn't matter what we
recommend, it's already been written!
- Authorised by who?
- Government.
- Not that we have a government, we have a politburo.
- Have you read it?
Oh, it's a love letter to the past.
It's impossible to implement.
I mean, pass it to the press,
they'll lap it up like
matrons on the ward.
Nothing will change,
it's a fucking joke!
- I... I... I didn't know who else to come to.
- No.
Can I, um...
Can I use your bathroom?
- Yeah, sure, of course, it's just first on the left.
- Thank you.
I know it's not... it's not
Watergate, but it's still a sham.
And with children!
Oh, my Lord...
Why can't they get on with
doing something worthwhile
instead of all this posturing?
Why go into politics in the first place?
I'm not going mad.
It's just...
... something that got out of control.
I'm sorry, I... I saw the
lights and had to look,
- I shouldn't have.
- No, don't worry about it.
It's me...
It looks very lovely.
She'd have been ecstatic seeing this.
Yes, she would.
How long's it been?
Three years... just.
She'll be seven... somewhere.
I like that.
She could be somewhere,
she could be loved.
She IS loved.
Of course she is.
Are you able to think of
anything else, besides her?
I must, and I do, yes.
Although I do live in a rare world.
I think I know who wrote
the joke book, the report.
He's a friend.
Best friend.
Charles, I'm not leaving the track!
OK, game's over. You win!
Show yourself! Come on!
Please, please, please,
please, please...
SHOUTING: Charles!
Oh, sweet Jesus, no...
Oh... Oh, shit...
Oh, shit...
Charles George Andrew Darke was...
... quite simply, too good a
man to be a man in this world.
Because what he had
managed to hold on to...
... was the honesty...
and the purity that
we are all born with.
But that, in time, we lose...
... without noticing, and
often, without caring.
And like a child, he
was without cynicism.
First and foremost,
he would always see the
good in people, he would...
... place his trust in
them, he would care.
His love was his
ever-loving wife, Thelma.
And his passion was literature
and, in particular,
children's literature.
He recognised how precious those...
... early years are...
... and he often spoke of the
importance of a supportive,
stimulating, caring
and loving environment.
Well, the very last
time I saw him, in fact,
he told me he had
written a book himself.
A "joke book", he called it.
I've often wondered...
... about finding that
joke book, and if...
... if I did, if there would
be any clues in there,
as to why he took his own life.
Something we've all pondered, I'm sure.
But I won't do that. I have decided...
... to remember Charles as I loved him.
For his warmth,
his smile...
... his generosity...
... and his brilliance, his...
... his ability to make my world
appear to be a better place.
I will remember him as my friend,
my best friend...
... forever.
The end.
Dad to Kate.
Dad to Kate.
I just wanted to tell you that we...
... love you,
very much
and we miss you.
And that we hope to see you,
very, very soon...
... for lots of hugs and games...
Take your time.
We'll be here.
Daddy... Daddy, I'm here!
Look at me! I'm here with Mummy...
How are you doing?
I'm so sorry about Charles.
I'm... I'm OK. Thank you, I'm OK.
I saw you yesterday at the church,
well, glimpsed you briefly
and then you were gone.
- How are you?
- I'm good. I'm fine.
I've not been back for long.
I've been wanting to
call you for a while.
- Where are you? Are you at the cottage? I'll come.
- I'm in town.
There's nothing to worry
about, but I'm in the hospital.
I was hoping you would come?
Which hospital? Are you hurt?
No, I'm fine, really.
I'm good.
I'm in Ward 17.
The Alexandra Wing.
You will come, won't you?
- You're doing really well.
- My husband.
- You took your time, Mr Lewis!
We're having a baby.
A brother.
The baby's nearly here.
Just breathe.
It's OK, it's OK. It's all right.
You're nearly there.
It's OK. Keep breathing.
- Keep breathing.
Keep breathing.