The Childhood of a Leader (2015)

Okay, let's try this, please.
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Meanwhile, some shepherds were
tending their flocks at night
when suddenly an angel
appears right before them.
I bring good news.
For today,
in the city of David
there is born for you a Savior,
who is Christ the Lord.
I'm sorry.
And this will be
the sign for you,
you will find a baby wrapped
in cloths and lying in a manger.
Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace among men
with whom He is pleased.
Who is that?
It's alright.
That's my son.
Is he alright?
Is he alright?
That's my son!
Is he alright?
Yes, yes.
Alright. You're alright.
Thank you.
Don't pedal
your way back now.
You wrote...
that the human race
is "Unimportant."
Not at all.
All I said is that
it's happened before
and will continue to happen
again and again.
Nothing like this has ever
happened before, come on.
They're still counting the dead.
Please don't miss my point
on purpose.
This kind of brutality can be
pursued back to Biblical times
and what I said in my article
was not that
the rest of the human race
is unimportant.
I only stated that, above all
it is the self
that mustn't be betrayed.
Well, let's look
at the Bible then.
I suppose one could say that
Pontius Pilate
did not betray his self.
Well, that is certainly
a banal illustration
and one that most scholars
would surely disagree with.
But alright, the...
the tragedy is not only that
Pontius Pilate betrayed his self
but that hundreds
in the crowd before him
did betray their selves.
And that's what I wrote
was the tragedy of war.
Not that one man
has the courage to be evil
but that so many
have not the courage to be good.
Damn it.
Alright, Charlie.
Looks like you're four behind.
Let's forfeit this awful game.
For your sake.
Why not?
I appreciate the company.
How did that brain of yours
get so big?
The house isn't so bad.
Lucky man, aren't you, boy?
It's too grand for just
the three of us...
and it's a bit isolated.
Well, it's not too far
for me.
I am in Paris less and less now
if I don't have to be.
Let's see what we have here.
And it doesn't seem to be
in such poor shape, does it?
We took it off.
My sister-in-law...
they cleared out
at the start of the war.
The house has just been sitting
here empty since they left.
Came with a bad cook
and a maid.
I don't know,
if we start to fix something
I think, if it's worth it...
who knows how long
we'll be here?
Yes, it might be a while.
Doesn't help you being
on the side
of the... eternal optimist,
does it?
Well, there it is.
Already, the French don't feel
what we're proposing
is a harsh enough response.
Well, no European would
regardless of what Wilson
and the Americans are proposing.
The war was fought
on their soil.
It's their future doctors
and fathers lost, not yours.
There it is. There it is.
Clemenceau would prefer
to have Germany...
Well, the whole goddamned
country dissolved.
Well, with some patience,
it'll be alright.
How's the wife
liking it out here?
Took her a week to get over
a bad case of boat sickness...
but she likes it fine.
Happy to be back
in Europe, I'd say.
I remember her
telling Catherine and I
that she lived in Strasbourg
for some time, yes?
Spent much of her
childhood life there, in fact.
She's got memories.
Honestly, I think
it's half the reason
Secretary Lansing
asked me to come along.
She impressed him
with her French at a...
a dinner party,
something or other
and he seemed to assume
that I too speak the language.
Little did he know.
She's already discovered
the church adjacent.
It'll keep her
and my boy occupied.
Now, these are
rather peculiar?
Brother-in-law's in textiles
and it would seem
he does well for himself.
You and I are in the wrong
business, my friend.
I've never met him.
My wife says he's a Muslim.
It was a bit of a scandal.
The entire property is covered
with these grim little statues
if you hadn't noticed.
There's more and more
of them here every year.
It's another reason
to get out of the city.
-You gave her the night off.
-How was it?
-Our son's not speaking to me.
He's had an accident.
-Everything alright?
-He's fine.
I'll come down in a moment.
We've got company.
Charles who brought me
back from the city.
Charles Marker?
I thought you were in Germany.
Not anymore, I'm here.
Hello there.
He's been acting out a bit.
He had... dress rehearsal
at church this evening.
How's his French
coming along?
Well, it's certainly
better than mine.
Hey, you put blood
on my dress.
Why would you do that?
Why would you
want to hurt anyone?
That was very embarrassing
to do in front of Father Laydu
and all our new friends
at the church.
They're not our friends.
Maybe not yet,
but they will be.
Do you love them
more than me?
The people here in town?
What do you mean?
God gave me your father and you.
Without him,
there would be no you
or me to take care of you.
So, you love them
more than me?
Say your prayers before bed.
Put your hands together.
"Lord, make me an instrument
of your peace.."
Can I say them in my head?
-Are you finished?
We have a friend downstairs.
You must sleep.
And tomorrow, you'll apologize
to Father Laydu.
You were going to leave
without saying goodbye?
No, of course not.
I just didn't want
to disturb you, my dear.
You've come to join
the expatriate?
For a time being, yes.
I thought you were in Germany.
Well, initially it seemed
like it was safer
to be in the eye of the storm
over there.
But perhaps not the best place
for me to be anymore.
I don't work for
that publication anymore
but I keep myself busy
with several others
and even doing a bit
of writing for myself
every once in a while.
Pleased to hear it.
I recently got
called out of hiding
to cover the negotiations
in Paris
and voila, who do I find
walking down the boulevard?
Providing there is something
to eventually celebrate
at the end of all this,
I suggest that we might throw
a party here at the house.
I know a number
of very fine people
who'd take any excuse
to come out to the countryside.
Always been a big support
of your husband
and he knows how I feel
generally about statesmen
and their politics.
I do.
Do you both some good
to make some friends
while you're out here.
Well, sure,
as soon as we are settled.
Do you have plans for Christmas?
He's already asked me
and I said I'll think about it
but I generally want
to avoid the holidays
and stay out of the way.
Is everything alright upstairs?
He's tired.
What happened?
He threw rocks at someone
after the rehearsal.
What? Why?
I don't know.
I was still inside
waiting for him
and a man from town
ran after him
and he ran straight into a tree.
Is he alright?
He's fine.
I'm sure it's alright,
he's only a little boy.
He didn't actually
hurt anyone, did he?
-No, I don't think so.
-Then it's alright.
I'll talk to him tomorrow.
I'd like to see him next time
if he's having a better night.
Of course.
Well, I'm so... happy to
to see a familiar face.
Me too, me too.
Well, I'll leave
you both for bed.
Be safe getting
home at this hour.
Such a vile language.
Stop it.
Hey, not too corked
to make it back
in one piece, are you?
No, I'll be perfectly safe.
Goodnight to you both.
I'II, be in touch.
You know his wife
was killed traveling with him.
That's why
I didn't ask about her.
I had a bad dream
and I wet the bed.
Look at your face.
You wet your bed?
I had a dream
you weren't there.
I wasn't where?
Wherever I was.
It's alright.
I'm right here.
Go change your clothes
and I'll come up
and change your bedding.
He's really hurt.
When did I give Mona
tonight off?
Yesterday afternoon.
All the same. He'll want me
to tuck him in.
Get off the bed, darling.
Come to see the snow
before it melts.
There we go.
Did you miss me?
What's happened to
your little face?
Good morning, sir.
Stop dragging your feet.
Yes? Good morning.
Good morning.
We are here to see
Father Laydu, please.
Yes, enter.
One of your parishioners
has come to see you.
Send her in.
The little troublemaker!
Good day.
Good day, Father.
How are you both?
Very well, Father, and you?
Very well, thank you.
Please sit.
And the rest of your family?
You are all settling in?
Yes, certainly.
But we need to hire more help
at the house. It's quite large.
You should speak with
Madame Guibert in the rectory.
She might be of some help...
Thank you, Father.
I haven't seen your
husband at mass.
We only have him a few
days out of the week.
My husband works as Assistant
Secretary to our Secretary of State.
He's working now
with everyone in Paris.
We have a celebrity among us.
I've heard about your husband.
He's English or American?
He works on President
Wilson's staff.
Is that so?
Well, he doesn't have much direct
contact with the President.
He works for
Secretary Lansing...
Please, sit down.
Take a seat.
The Americans are doing a very
honorable thing in this country.
We're quite happy to have them.
We're happy to be here.
Thank you, Father.
I've brought my son
with me to apologize
for the incident last night
at the rehearsal.
Well, I'm afraid
I missed all the commotion.
You have not taught
your own boy French?
My husband has always preferred
we don't speak it at home.
He feels left out.
But he's learning with a girl
from town who speaks English.
She's been working with him on his
dialogue for the Nativity performance.
Why not you? You speak
very well for an American.
No, I'm not American.
That would be impressive!
My father is German actually.
He was a missionary. My sister
and I learned several languages.
I would like
the same experience for him.
I thought it better he learn
from someone local,
someone young.
Well, you must excuse me.
My English is rather poor,
not even fit for a child.
You'll speak for me?
Of course.
You look nervous.
There's no need to
be nervous here.
You look nervous,
there's no need to be.
What happened to his face?
The poor thing.
He was running away
last night and fell down.
Last night you were throwing rocks
at people after the performance.
Is that right?
You were throwing rocks
at peop...
You understand me when I speak?
You were angry at someone?
One of the boys in the play?
Were you angry at someone?
One of the other children
of the play?
Angry at your mother?
Were you upset with me,
he asks?
Would you please answer me?
Will you please
answer me, young man?
Father Laydu would like
to help.
All he's asking is for you
to answer his questions.
Do you understand
his questions?
Look at me.
Do you understand
his questions?
Would you still like to participate
in the Christmas play?
Would you like
to make an apology to me?
Are you going to say
you're sorry to Father Laydu?
I didn't do anything to him.
Stop. Stop it.
What did he say?
He says he wasn't
doing anything to you.
He doesn't understand
why I brought him here.
Well, he's a smart boy...
Maybe it would be best for him to
address our parishioners directly
at Sunday mass instead.
It could give him
some time to cool down.
It's not always easy for a young
person being in a new place.
Yes, Father.
-Leave me be.
-Come back.
Come back!
Come back, please.
I'm sorry, mama.
Thank you for coming so quickly.
Thank you for the opportunity.
How are you called?
Edith or Edy.
Edith is fine.
And how old are you, dear?
Twenty-four years, Madame.
Do you have children?
Yes, Madame, but...
And the father?
He hasn't yet been found.
But we feel that
he's still alive.
She had an excellent referral
from Madame Guibert in town.
She's been very kind to me.
She's taken a liking to my boy.
How old is your boy?
Sorry to interrupt.
Hello, Adlaide. Not at all.
-How are you?
-Fine. And you?
We had quite a week here.
I think he'll be happy
to see you.
He's been upset with me lately.
Why is that?
He caused a bit of a stir
at our church.
Well, how was he
in rehearsal?
He did well.
You did very well with him.
He must be in his room,
Come with me.
I thought you were playing
in your room.
Hello, Ada.
Where do you want to work?
Here's fine.
But there's no desk.
We won't need one
for the moment.
Well, I'll leave
the both of you to it.
In my room if you need me.
Were you spying on us?
You weren't listening
to our conversation?
-You didn't hear us?
-I heard you.
Shall we begin?
What's that?
Who's nose?
My nose.
And this?
And this?
My eye.
Very good.
And these?
My eyelashes!
Very good.
I'm a girl and you're a...
A boy.
I am French and you are...
Mother says we're citizens
of the world.
Do you know what this is,
the word for this?
It's easy.
What is it then?
A lion!
Good... Very good.
Do you want to take me
on a walk?
Where's your father today?
I don't know.
He's working in the city.
Mother says we're lucky we were
welcomed here with him.
Other people from home
didn't get to bring anyone.
-Do you like it here?
-I don't know.
Do you prefer home?
I might prefer home
if I were you.
It can be sad here sometimes.
What do you say we practice
your monologue for Wednesday?
You know the word "to cut"?
I don't know.
Like, "to cut hair."
-Did I tickle you?
Does your mother have you
keep it long?
You're a little boy.
You should cut it off.
You'd be very handsome.
I bring good news.
For today, in the
city of David...
It is because of all your
constant devotion and prayer
that we may go on to celebrate
the end of such
grotesque fighting and violence.
it is important to acknowledge
that there is no
true victory
in this war
or in any other.
Even if
we have lost so much
that it is something
impossible to quantify,
God looking down upon us
does not want you
mourning only your losses,
but the losses of
our enemy, as well.
It is only human a response
that forgiveness
may feel like surrender.
I want to assure everyone
that this feeling is
a profoundly misleading one...
Leaders from all over the world
are presently gathering
in our capital
to discuss the
potential for peace.
-He's speaking about you.
-Our Pope, Benedict XV,
will certainly be requesting
a role in the discussions.
Needless to say,
something bigger than a political
and certainly an economic
point of view must be represented
in these discussions.
And what more
an appropriate day for us
to celebrate the birth of our
savior, as we too celebrate
the re-birth of our nation.
So, if you may... Let us pray.
And now without further ado,
I give you the children.
I'm sorry for throwing rocks
at you.
I'm sorry for throwing rocks
at you.
I'm sorry for throwing
rocks at you.
I'm sorry...
I'm sorry...
I'm sorry...
Merry Christmas, Father.
I'm sorry I threw rocks at you.
I'm sorry I threw rocks at you.
I'm not sure how long
I can stand this.
I'm sorry I threw rocks
at you.
What's she apologizing for?
There was a little incident
at our rehearsal last week.
You seem like a nice little girl
and I'm certain you are sorry.
I'm not a girl!
Merry Christmas.
How are you, dear?
the lion...
who placed...
It's old French.
Do you understand?
-Go on.
His huge paw upon him.
"What am I going
to do with you?"
asked he to the mouse.
Sorry, I can't go on.
Sure you can.
I'll do it for you.
Listen to my voice.
Once when a lion was asleep
a little mouse began running up
and down upon him;
this soon wakened the lion who
placed his huge paw upon him.
"What am I going to do with
you?" asked he to the mouse.
"Pardon O' King," cried the little mouse.
"Forgive me this time, I'll never forget it."
The lion was so tickled at the idea
of the mouse being able to help him
that he lifted his
paw and let him go.
Some time after the lion
was caught in a trap
and the hunters tied him
to a tree to carry him on.
Just then the little mouse
happened to pass by,
and seeing the sad plight in which
the lion was went up to him
and soon gnawed away the ropes
that bound the King
of the Beasts.
Can you see the moral here?
Read that to me.
Do you know
what that means in English?
It means, "Little friends
may prove great friends."
I think that should conclude
our lesson for today.
-What do you think?
-Yes. I'm hungry.
Well, then perhaps we should
ask Edith to fix you some food.
Shall I ask her
on my way out for you?
I'm very impressed with you,
you know.
Just think back
to the first day we met.
Quite an improvement.
No, it isn't.
Yes, it is.
It's going to take time...
but you will arrive
at where you are headed.
I will make sure of it.
Do you have some fire?
Hello there, chap.
You must be famished.
I plain forgot to ask
for your treat.
Your mother's in town,
I believe.
I didn't know you were home.
Yes, home early.
I returned from the city
just a moment ago.
Give your father a hug.
No thank you, Edith.
Thank you.
"Give us grateful hearts,
O Father, for all thy mercies
"and make us mindful
of the needs of others
through Jesus Christ
our Lord. Amen."
Not hungry, darling?
You said
he was famished earlier.
I don't like it.
finish your food.
But I don't like it.
I don't like the food here.
Neither much do I, chap,
but I'll finish it all the same.
We don't want to hurt
Edith's feelings, do we?
What is it you do
in the city all day?
You know what
your father does.
But what does he actually do?
Well, it's much too complicated
for you to understand
in it's entirety, I'm afraid.
But I help our president
of the United States.
I am a helper
to the president
of the United States
of America, you see?
Put that back
in your mouth.
Was Ada giving father
French lessons today?
What's that?
Was Ada giving you
a French lesson today?
No. I was paying her.
-But it's Monday.
-She asked for an advance.
That's right.
She asked me yesterday.
Do you know what he said to me?
You will never believe it.
Does it always hurt like that
when we love someone?"
I know it's a bit silly but...
Excuse me, Madame.
He will sit with you
until he finishes his meal.
I don't care if it
takes all night.
Yes, Madame.
I'm going to bed.
May I take a bite?
Do not turn me out.
We are offering Trentino
and a few other
small territories to Orlando.
Will he be satisfied?
I doubt it,
but we should hope so.
I will have to spend
a few nights in the city.
I trust you will be fine
on your own.
I'm not on my own.
I have a full house.
7 multiplied by 9 makes?
A little bit harder this time.
9 multiplied by 9?
Very good.
What are you doing?
That's not right.
Why... why would you do that?
Who taught you that?
My mother let's me do it
all the time.
That cannot be true.
Please apologize.
What did I do wrong?
I think we should stop
for today.
I'd like to continue.
No, not today.
You have to apologize when you
make someone uncomfortable.
I'm sorry for making you
feel uncomfortable.
Hold your hand out.
"Where there is doubt,
"Where there is despair,
"Where there is darkness,
"Where there is sadness,
"O divine master,
grant that I may not
"so much seek to be consoled
as to console.
"To be understood
as to understand.
"To be loved as to love.
"For it is in giving
that we receive.
"It is pardoning
that we are pardoned.
And it is in dying that we are
born to eternal life. Amen."
Edith, please serve
the first dish.
Who are they?
called this evening.
Well, he just turned up here.
You make certain that you take
care of it, you understand me?
I understand you.
Of course.
Excuse me.
Pleasure to see you, my dear.
Why are all these people
here? It's a holiday.
Orlando and his staff
are leaving the conference.
-They are going back to Rome.
It's chaos in the city.
Secretary Lansing
sent them home with me.
We are gonna be conducting
some meetings out here.
-Why here?
-It's private here.
And Wilson doesn't know
about this?
Most major policy decisions
he's making by himself.
He doesn't consult us
except to ask
where some place falls
on a goddamn map.
It turns out,
I am not the only one
feeling that diplomacy
has been pushed aside.
Listen, it's nothing grave.
We just need our own place
where we can
discuss more
realistic ideas openly.
It is just a discussion.
Are there members
of the cabinet here?
Some might be coming, yes
but please don't concern
yourself with it
and go upstairs.
Do you realize what trouble
you could all be in?
Yes, I'm aware. It's only
for a few days over the holiday.
What should we do for lunch?
I can't accommodate
all these people.
Where is Mona?
Don't worry.
Everything has been
taken care of.
Mona is taking care
of everything now.
She has plenty of help.
It's still not enough
to cover the region's losses.
Shouldn't they feel lucky
to be receiving any aid at all?
It's quite far east.
What if they take
after the Bolsheviks?
Isn't it dangerous to be
throwing money after them?
Is anyone here
actually concerned
about a communist revolution?
The old Europe
is quite strong, you know.
No, we do not know.
Please enlighten us.
If it were so strong,
then why are we here?
Marxism seems
to have taken a stronghold
over this part of the world.
Don't confuse Marxism
with Bolshevism.
The Russians have
recently ignored some
significant sections
of Marx's texts.
What he professed was that
"Capitalism must come first."
This brings
on industrialization
which in turn, will bring up
a working class
and that working class
will inevitably rise up
and an organic communism
will take effect.
As I see it,
it was an attempt
at fortune-telling
and not a call to arms.
You seem to know
a fair lot about it.
I am an economist,
it is my job
to know a fair lot about it.
These debates are healthy.
More importantly,
they are necessary.
We do appreciate your education
and your position.
I only ask that,
as we move forward
you appreciate ours as well.
Thousands upon thousands
further west
would be most positively
affected by reparations paid.
So, I suggest we move on.
There is significantly
less damage there.
Perhaps, but more citizens.
In Paris, delegates are coming
to ask for countries, colonies.
They are coming to ask
for votes for women.
But away from all that noise
what we must use
this opportunity
to discuss here
quietly... is coal.
Although I have addressed this in
many of my prior presentations...
it does not seem to be
evident to those
presiding over the negotiations
to what extent Germany
is reliant on her coal.
If we go after the Saar Basin
it will leave Germans
with no way back
and nothing to build upon.
We go after their coal.
It will give them no chance
to repay their debts
or rebuild their nation.
"Rebuild their nation?"
What right do the enemy
possibly have to rebuild
while the rest of the continent
is starving to death
dying of influenza?
Wilson preaches peace without
vengeance or victory
but it is just too emotionally
removed, too intellectual.
Where I am in-step
with my president, however
is that, one way or another
we will force the world
to be a better place.
Mark my words.
We can't acknowledge each
community's system of belief.
Have you found anything?
This is the best map
I could find.
The decision of what places
of faith are reconstructed
and those which are not.
We'll approach
this in a secular manner.
Excuse me.
-Where is Ada?
-This must be your daughter.
My son.
I apologize.
I, I hardly got a look at him.
Where were we now?
May I acknowledge
that there are
of different faiths living
within this region?
Who is to say how one group
should be favored over another...
or what
that economic division
could do to their community?
I'm willing to accept
your point about faiths...
Excuse me, gentlemen.
Why aren't you dressed?
Go to your room.
Go to your room.
What in the hell
are you doing in here?
The boy's running around naked.
-I'm sorry, I don't...
-I have people here!
People I'm working with
and he's running around naked!
-The boy?
What's the word in French?
Just go upstairs
and tend to him. Go!
Darling. It's me.
Open the door, dear.
What's going on?
I don't know.
He's had a quarrel
with his father.
Something about how he was dressed
and now he won't come out.
Leave him alone then.
And stop making so much noise.
I have a terrible migraine.
Darling. It's only me.
I have something for you.
What are you doing in here, chicken?
-Thank you.
Should I put you to bed?
No, thank you.
Come back tomorrow morning.
-Can you bring me something?
-Yes, sir.
we're leaving shortly.
We've had some
good news, perhaps.
I'm not yet sure how long
I need to be in the city...
but I will get in touch
when I can.
Yes, dear.
While I'm away,
put the boy straight.
I want him how he used to be.
I'll see to it.
You know what I think?
I'm not feeling well.
I want another child.
I want another one.
Maybe a little girl
who is your spitting image.
-I can't for my health.
-You are perfectly healthy.
Having him...
it nearly killed me.
S - stop.
I'm bleeding.
I could make you, you know.
I'm sorry, I...
I'm leaving.
I've lost the notion. Goodbye.
Tell him he won't be fed until
he's dressed and out of his room.
Yes, Madame.
Darling, it's Ada.
Can you open the door for me?
We have our lesson today,
I'm busy.
Come back in three days.
Excuse me,
do you have a moment?
I went up to his room
and he refused to see me.
He told me
to come back in three days.
I'm not surprised.
I'd say come back
in three days then.
No cause to negotiate.
Yes, madame.
He will be bored by then.
If not,
we'll starve him out of there.
Do you know of any reason
why he may be acting this way?
Not that I know of, no.
I only ask
because of something
he said several weeks ago.
Would you be so kind
as to mail these letters for me?
More Movies & Series at
Thank you. That'll be all.
We look forward
to seeing you in three days.
Is it good?
Yes, thank you.
What did I ask you?
I'm sorry, Madame.
He needed to have something.
He's just a little boy.
It's not your job to
act as his mother.
It's your job
to carry out my instructions.
Because I know what's
best for my son.
He's a big boy and he needs
to learn how to behave.
Yes, Madame.
I'm very sorry.
I'm afraid that
will not suffice.
You immediately went behind my back and
deliberately went against my will.
We care about you
very much here, Mona.
I'll be sorry to see you go.
It won't happen again, Madame.
I'm sorry, it's not
up for discussion.
Come with me.
Why was she crying?
I've got
your attention now.
Mona won't be with us anymore.
Please, Madame.
Please, Madame.
I don't have a family. I've been
with this house for seventeen years.
And you have been with us
for just four months.
I will devote every day of my waking
life to destroying your family.
You can show yourself out.
Excuse me, Madame.
I did not mean to bother you.
You too. Out.
You'll make everyone here sick.
Out. Out!
Darling, it's me again.
Darling, would you please
open the door for me?
Can you fetch my mother?
Yes, of course.
You have something
to say to me?
I would like to read
this story for you.
Been working very hard on it.
I thought you might be ready
to come outside
and apologize to me.
Once when a lion was asleep
a little mouse began running up
and down upon him;
this soon wakened the lion who
placed his huge paw upon him.
"What am I going to do with
you?" asked he to the mouse.
"Pardon O' King," cried the little mouse.
"Forgive me this time, I'll never forget it."
The lion was so tickled at the idea
of the mouse being able to help him
that he lifted his
paw and let him go.
Some time after the lion
was caught in a trap
and the hunters tied him
to a tree to carry him on.
Just then the little mouse
happened to pass by,
and seeing the sad plight in which
the lion was went up to him
and soon gnawed away the ropes
that bound the King
of the Beasts.
And the motto is...
That was very good, my love.
Yes, that... that was...
That was great.
Well done.
It's not my doing.
Shall I continue
or are you satisfied?
No, that was very good, dear.
Well, then, I'd like
to continue studying on my own.
I won't be needing Ada anymore.
Very well, then.
Why don't you
step out with me, dear?
I just need a few minutes.
What do you say we get
some clothes on you
and some food in your belly?
Didn't you know that I speak
four languages fluently?
When I was your age
I was still traveling
the world with my family.
I never once expected
to find myself in New York...
but there I was
when I met my husband.
I had no interest
in being married.
In fact, my aspirations were
quite in line
with yours, I think.
But he wouldn't give up.
He asked and he asked...
and he never gave up.
Do you wanna be
a teacher, Ada?
In life?
Is this your aspiration?
To teach?
Yes, ma'am.
You don't wanna get married
have children of your own?
No, ma'am.
This is for you.
Wouldn't you like
to make some friends?
What do you do up there
all by yourself?
What do you do?
Until I get someone here
looking after you again...
I'm afraid you'll have
to bear my company.
It's fine.
Would you like
to go outside and breathe
some fresh air together?
I need to study.
I had a thought that you
and I could be friends again.
I'm going to my room.
How about tomorrow?
It's meant to rain
through the week.
What makes you think that?
What makes you think that?
There he is,
the man of the hour.
what are you doing here?
I just heard the news.
I came to congratulate you.
What news is that?
The Germans
have been summoned.
A final treaty in the series
is being drafted now.
Well, that is wonderful news.
I suppose
we'll have to have that party.
It means we can go home.
Where's our son?
In his room.
In his room? Where's Mona?
I let her go.
You were right. She was making
the situation worse.
He's just a little boy.
You cannot allow a child
to run this household.
Open this door.
Open this door, I said.
Answer me when I speak to you.
I am sick and I am exhausted
with your games.
I am your father
and you will show
some respect to me.
If you do not answer...
if you do not
open this door...
I will give you... a lashing
like you've never received.
I will count to 3.
1, 1...
Come here!
I've had enough of this!
We... are going...
We are going on a trip!
We are going to Versailles!
Now you... will put
your clothes on
for this trip!
What's your name, dear?
Julie, Madame.
How far along are we?
I'll have a look
in the dining room, Madame.
Thank you.
That's not right.
That's not what I asked for.
Very good, very good.
I'm excited to try this.
The kitchen's on the left,
down the stairs.
Follow me.
Eriksen, it was
a complete delight
to finally meet
your better half.
Pardon me.
You must be very proud
of your husband.
Well, we are.
And of his colleagues,
of course.
I've... I wasn't sure.
Laura is a reporter as well.
Is that so?
Well, not like Charles.
I cover society events.
Well, I do hope
you enjoy the party.
Hello there, little one.
Hello there.
Now, you've all grown up.
Excuse me.
What is it?
We'll eat in a moment.
What are you doing here?
Come with me.
You're on the other side
with me, darling.
-I prefer it here.
-Up, up, up.
Excuse me.
I would gladly take his seat.
That's very kind of you.
Of course.
Lucky you.
Hello again, everyone.
Thank you very much
for joining us
for this celebration tonight.
And thank you, my dear
for arranging
such a lovely party.
Tonight we celebrate the end
of the Great War.
I'm not much... up for a speech
so I will spare you that.
Instead, I'd like
to call on my wife
to guide us all
in a short prayer.
Why don't you lead us
in a prayer, my love?
He's much less terrified
than I of public speaking.
He was wonderful
in a performance
our church put on.
Just a short prayer.
I don't believe
in praying anymore.
Why would you say that?
I don't believe
in praying anymore.
Take him upstairs.
I don't believe
in praying anymore!
You stop it!
I don't believe
in praying anymore!
I don't believe
in praying anymore!
I don't believe
in praying anymore!
I don't believe
in praying anymore!
I don't believe
in praying anymore!
-I don't believe in...
-Get down and come with me.
I don't believe
in praying anymore!
-I'm sorry.
-I don't...
-Prescott, get down!
Come here!
Come here.
It's alright. It's alright.
It's alright.
Come here.
Come here, come here.
Come with me.
Get back.
No! No, let me go!
It's alright, it's alright.
Mr. Secretary.
Thank you, councilor.
Mr. Advisor.
Thank you, gentlemen.
Mr. Deputy.
Thank you, Mr. Advisor.
Well, after all that
I thought we might
run out of ink.
Next order of business?
The security details
surrounding his tour
of the facilities.
Mr. Advisor?
Security has already checked
on safety hazards.
There's only one in and one out.
How many workers present?
448 in total.
That's dwindled.
I concur.
Very well then.
Send in my secretary, please.
Yes, sir.
As reflected
in executive order
the coordination of
the individual deployment plans
have been executed.
The further working out
of mobilization preparations
of state and people
and of the mobilization
of the top authorities
is under way.
For this purpose I advise
the secretary's office
of the defense committee
to compose a committee
of specialists
from all ministries.
Should that be added
to section G?
Most definitely.
Yes, sir?
The councilor has requested
that we please be well assured
of secured access
in and out of the facilities
on the 14th of May.
Yes, sir. I will arrange
a second inspection.
Would everyone like to attend?
I think that would be best.
-Will that be all, sir?
-Yes, thank you.
Sounds like
they're arriving now.
Shall we, gentlemen?
Stop the car.
I'll walk from here.