The Choice (2016)

[man] Now, pay attention,
'cause I'm about to tell you
the secret to life.
You ready?
The whole damn thing
is about decisions,
time, seemingly
insignificant decisions
that clear the road
for monster truck life-altering ones.
You see, every path you take
leads to another choice,
and some choices
can change everything.
Every damn moment of the rest
of your fife hangs on them.
And, boy, do I got
a choice I got to make.
[woman on PA] Dr. Fulton, please call
the admitting office at 325.
Are those for someone special?
Someone who deserves
the stars and the moon.
All I got
are these damn flowers.
- I'm just here to talk to her.
- You go right ahead, Travis.
If that's what you need.
If that will help.
[woman on PA]
PA Thompson to birthing center.
PA Thompson to birthing center.
Too easy on me, Ryan.
You're loo hard on you, Travis.
[rock music playing]
Threw away
your greatest hits
You left them here
the day you split
Bass guitar
and Shaggs CD
Well, they don't mean
that much to me right now
I'm going through
your things...
See that dog right there?
They were bred to protect
the Arctic villagers
from bear and wolf attacks.
You are so full of crap.
You kiss your mama
with that pottymouth?
I don't know how he does it.
What do you mean?
It's his gift.
You know all about Star Wars
and Travis is good
with the ladies.
We're all dealt a hand.
Them dogs live in the tundra.
They don't swim in the water.
You couldn't get
that dog in the water
for an F-150
full of Milk-Bones
driven by Lassie
wearing a two-piece,
even if it's a little
gold one like that.
So you're saying this dog
fights bears and wolves,
but he's afraid of the water.
I see what you're doing.
You're sassing me,
and that's just 'cause you like me.
That's schoolyard 101.
It happens all the time.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Need I remind you,
I let you take Marcie Hoffman
to the Azalea Fest
in seventh grade'?
- You let me'? Ha!
- I let you.
Would you two shut up
and help me down'?
Or would you prefer to watch me slip
and crack my skull?
Oh, excuse me.
Look who's sassypants.
You keep that up, there's liable to be
some hair-pulling around here.
Hey, Travis.
Hiya, Monica.
Excuse me, ladies.
You got time to grab a beer
before y'all take off?
Well, I got to get
these knuckleheads home.
Just one quick beer.
It'll be really fast, I promise.
All right.
[Travis] I don 'I think
you and I have ever had just one.
- Bye, boys.
- Bye, Monica.
She's back.
Just like a boomerang.
Don't you start.
Can I just say one thing?
If that one thing
is "boomerang,"
I'm going to tie an anchor to your nuts
and throw it overboard.
- Boomerang!
- [hisses]
[children laughing and shouting]
. Hey!
- Hey, hey!
- Hey, hey!
- Hi!
Look alive, fellas.
Here come your wives.
Y'all better start talking.
We were about
to call the Coast Guard.
We got into some mackerel
about three miles out.
They were jumping in the boat.
- Uh-huh.
- Price tag, bro.
Come on, kids.
Let's go.
Guarantee they've been
at Dockside since noon.
Eh, more fun to let them think
they're getting
away with something.
[children giggling]
[classical music
playing on stereo]
- [chattering]
- [rock music playing on stereo]
- Mobe!
- Where is that damn dog?
- [Moby barking]
- [music and chatter continues]
This looks great, Travis. Thank you.
You're welcome!
See what he does to me?
Someone bring me a plate.
Y'all just have a good time.
Just kiss on each other
and just laugh it up.
I'll just be slaving away over here
over the grill like Cinderella.
Hey, turn up the music!
[shouting and laughing]
[classical music playing on stereo]
Your burgers are burnt.
I'm not cutting down
that damn tree!
I grilled-Y'all are cleaning.
Buy, get out of there.
Fish guts gonna make you sick.
- [woman] Good night.
- Good night.
- [woman 2] Night, Travis.
- Night-.
Put this on.
Put this on.
[classical music
playing on stereo]
Hey, Molly.
Do you know
how many Nets of mood
the circulatory system
processes per day on average?
Oh, my God! Twenty! That's right!
Good girl.
You got that right.
Oh, Mol.
How you feeling, honey?
Swollen nipples,
distended abdomen, lethargic behavior.
Oh, my God,
this isn't happening.
This is like
Dirty Dancing all over again.
[rock music playing on stereo]
Oh! No, he did not!
Bam-ba-lam, she said,
"I'm worried outta my mind"
the damn thing gone blind...
Excuse me. Hello!
Yeah, hi. Hello.
[music stops]
Sorry. Um, music's a little loud-
I didn't hear you.
Yes, it was.
It is so loud...
Hey, you're my new neighbor,
aren't you?
I've seen you
over there watching me.
- Watching you?
- Yeah.
Oh, my God. Wow.
I was not watching you.
You live 100 yards away.
Where am I supposed to look?
I'm just kidding with you.
I'm just playing.
- That is funny.
- What do you say we start over?
Uh, why don't you have a seat...
I do not want a seat,
thank you..
- Would you like a beer?
- I'm fine.
Come on, have a beer.
We got, uh...
I do not want that.
Thank you.
All right.
Well, I'm Travis.
And the rug there, that's Moby.
- Yeah.
- And, um...
I think this is the point
in the conversation
where you tell me your name.
Oh, you do, do you?
Well, no.
Uh, all right.
Fine. Um... you know,
there's a certain type of woman
that usually shows up
here after 10:00.
She's wearing
ratty sweatpants, no makeup,
and she's usually
only after one thing.
Oh, my God.
Are you implying
I'm here for sex?
- You are, aren't you?
- Oh, my God.
I'm kidding, I'm kidding.
I'm kidding, I'm kidding.
Could you be any more obnoxious?
- Lady, you have no idea.
- Lady! Stop calling me "lady".
- Then tell me your name.
- It is Gabby.
Hello, Gabby.
Welcome to the neighborhood.
What are you so angry about'?
I am angry
about Molly's nipples.
Your stinky-ass dog took advantage
of my sweet little girl.
Now her nipples are swollen
and she's gained 15 pounds.
She will not get out of bed,
and you play
your music too loud!
So you're saying
that Moby there knocked up your dog?
Oh, I know Moby there
knocked up my dog.
He wanders the neighborhood
day and night unsupervised.
He has been wearing her down
since the moment that we moved in.
- Wearing her down?
- That's right. You're responsible.
That's right, this is my fault.
It's all my fault.
I take full responsibility.
I've talked to him so many times
about using protection.
Don't patronize me.
- Oh, my God, you are...
- I'm sorry,
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Look, you're right.
This is serious.
This is serious.
Um, how long do we have?
I mean, how far along is she?
Oh, God.
This is so funny to you.
It's a little funny, yeah.
Well, I'm not exactly sure,
because I haven't
taken her to the vet yet.
So how do you even know
she's pregnant?
Because I'm a medical student
and I'm also a woman.
The second I knew,
the first one is...
- Oh, you did?
- information.
Oh, you're so smart.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Well, I like your confidence.
And there happens to be
a fantastic clinic right here in town.
It's kind of
a father-son thing.
- Okay.
- And I want you to know,
Moby is not going to
be a deadbeat dad.
He's... this is not going to be
one of them Dirty Dancing
type situations.
He's going to stand up
straight like a man.
Hey Somebody say Dirty Dancing?
- Oh, my God.
- I'll be inside
eating the rest
of the mint chip.
- I'll get you the card.
- You know, I'm good.
I can probably
figure this out...
- No, for the vet.
- ...on my own.
- Good night!
- [Gabby groans]
[rock music playing on stereo]
and she's always ready
whoa-oh, Black Betty...
Who was that?
It's a new neighbor.
Already bothering
the heck out of me.
Where's the damn ice cream?
I'll tell you later.
Dad says hi.
[man] Our patients respond
to you, Gabby.
Thank you, doctor.
Don't thank me.
Just make sure you stay put
after you finish your boards.
Now, you're going to get
all kinds of offers.
You just remember
who gave you your big break.
Good morning,
Dr. McCarthy.
Afternoon, Dr. McCarthy.
Well, I'm off to lunch.
Oh, Ryan, by the way,
your mama needs
a headcount for tonight.
Are you gonna bring
that lovely lady of yours?
Of course. Let us know
if we need to bring anything.
- All right.
- Bye.
Gabby, I'd like to have
a word in private.
[woman on PA]
Dr. Richards to post-anesthesia.
Why did you tell your dad
I was coming for dinner tonight?
I have to study.
Because I'm selfish
and I want what I want.
Now tell me, why are you staying
all the way out there
on the Sound
instead of on this side
of the bridge
where I can keep you
handcuffed to my side?
For your own safety
and well-being, of course.
That is why. That!
I have to study
for these boards.
Hey, I would get
nothing done otherwise.
- Hi.
- [Molly squeals]
You must be Molly.
Which would make
this little girl Gabby.
- Is that right'?
- Yeah.
No, no.
I'm Gabby. She's Molly.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
I'm sorry we're late.
There was an emergency at work.
Don't worry, honey,
I've heard it all.
Just admit you were off knocking boots
with somebody's husband.
Oh, I'm teasing.
Oh, my goodness,
you should see the look on your face.
Oh, yeah.
Laura, are you giving
this young lady grief?
Oh, well,
I couldn't help myself.
You know me,
how I get on Mondays.
For the record, I had no idea
how she gets on Mondays.
- Okay.
- I'm Shep.
- You want to follow me back?
- Yeah, sure.
I'm counting three nuggets,
so congratulations.
In a month,
you're gonna be a grandma.
But I'm too young!
Yeah, well, these things happen.
We'll help you through it.
You have any idea who
the responsible party might be?
Ha! Responsible?
That word doesn't even belong
in the same zip code as this guy.
I meant the dog.
Oh. Right. Yes.
Well, apple doesn't fall far.
I have it on good information
that the suspect in question
was neutered
seven months ago, Pop.
You? And you?
It's awful cavalier of you
to point fingers at poor,
sweet, innocent Moby,
considering six months ago
he was in a shelter
set to be put down.
Now, I didn't save his life
so he could suffer
undeserved persecution.
And you'd think
as a medical student
you'd be a little more familiar
with basic anatomy.
You know, no balls, no babies.
- Are you two, like...
- No. Hell, no.
No. Eww. Gross!
Doc Shep, Miss Norcross is here.
Apparently her tabby
is possessed again.
She needs you to do
that exorcism thing you do.
Just when it was getting good.
- You tricked me.
- No, no, no.
I just having a little fun.
You showed up in my yard
all upset.
And then my sister shows up...
- Oh, your sister?
- Yeah, I told you.
Ratty sweatpants, no makeup.
- Yeah, only after one thing.
- Yeah, to raid my icebox.
No apology necessary.
Good, because none was offered.
Damn, lady. Gabby.
You know, you threw
some pretty big stones
in my direction the other night.
Calling my dog
Yeah, well, that stink-ass and you
interrupted my study
with all that barking
and that awful music you play.
It's annoying.
And for that, we apologize.
Oh, you are one difficult lady.
What do you say we settle this
over a drink at Dockside?
Ha! Okay. No.
[music playing]
And in the corners
of my mind
I see reasons
I can't find
Sound and vision
in my steep
It's coming back
to me again
And all the times
I had you near
Through my fingers
I see all
that it could be
And it's better than
it ever could be...
- She wants to go again.
- No!
Monica, hey!
We're over here.
Man, they've been
on and off since high school.
He ain't ever gonna commit.
. HEY-
, HEY-
- Hey! Good to see you.
- How are you? Hey, guys.
- Hey, how are you'?
- Nice to see you.
- Hi.
- So...
...who wants to play
Squirt the Jerk?
Would you like to squirt a jerk?
- Sure, let's go.
- Squirt the Jerk.
All right, here we go
to Squirt the Jerk!
All right! Come on. Here we go now.
You're almost there.
He's all yours!
That's it.
Squirt the jerk!
You've done it!
Oh, we've got ourselves a winner!
Oh! Come on!
[man] Congratulations, darling.
Everyone did a nice job.
You want to go next?
- Let's get a candy apple.
- Candy apple?
- Will you buy me one?
- You want candy or caramel?
I should have run away
and become a carny.
You are a carny.
Remember the other night
in the kitchen'?
When I said, "Uh-oh"?
As in, "Uh-oh...
you just met your wife."
I'm just gonna give you some...
Well, look who it is.
Wow. Can't seem
to get away from you.
Yeah, I was gonna walk on by,
but he wanted to say hello
and meet the new doctor and...
Well, I'm not technically
a doctor yet,
but it is a pleasure,
Mr. Monkey.
- Hello!
- Hello!
Turns out you were right.
We do need tickets
for the bigger rides.
- Hi.
- Hey.
Ryan, this is Travis.
He's my vet.
And, Travis,
this is Ryan McCarthy, my boyfriend.
Nice to meet you, Ryan.
Hey, you want to ride
that rusty old Cyclone?
I heard it only killed
four people this year.
- Hi.
- Hey.
Monica, this is Gabby and Ryan.
- And this is Monica.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Nice to meet you.
It's a pleasure to meet you.
- Hello.
- How are you?
- You're the vet here in Wrightsville.
- That's right.
My father's been
going there for years.
I see the resemblance.
Dr. McCarthy.
He's got two pugs.
- That's right.
- Yeah, he does.
All right, folks.
We're going to let some
rusty carnival ride maim us.
- So...
- Fun.
...y'all have a good night.
- Ryan, it was nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you guys. Bye.
- Bye.
- Gabby, see you back at the ranch.
He's... he's also my neighbor.
Yeah. I know.
Um, should we go
on those bumper cars?
- Yes.
- Let's do it, right?
Let's go.
Come on.
Hey, girl.
Made you something.
Don't work too hard.
What the hell you looking at?
- Hi.
- [Ryan] Hey, hey!
- Really?
- Oh, yeah.
ls this how you hold it, honey?
Yeah, sweetie. You got it.
Okay, here it goes.
- What in the world?
- [Ryan laughs]
That's my girl, Whoo!
- I do believe we've been hustled.
- Speak for yourself.
I knew she was
holding back 'cause...
Look at her.
She's got that look.
Okay, I'll come clean.
I've actually been playing
since I was nine.
I told you.
We had three holes on the property
where I grew up with a water hazard.
With a water hazard, see?
- Gracious.
- I got kind of good.
Oh, hey.
Hey, hey, hey.
Don! you have
a flight to catch, doctor?
- [Gabby] on.
- [Ryan] Yes, sir.
Can't somebody else go supervise
the Atlanta opening?
Who would you suggest, Maryanne?
After all,
our name is on the door.
I just have to go
shake a few hands.
Make sure the ship
is sailing straight.
Be back in a few weeks.
- I know.
- You better stay away
from all those
pretty interns, hear?
You remember that one
back up in Charleston
that couldn't keep
her hands off of you?
Sure do.
I'm going to marry her one day.
Oh. Oh, really?
Well, who knows?
Two or three years,
maybe Gabby and Ryan
will be opening
that Savannah facility together.
- I should get going.
- Oh, look at that time!
See, I knew that would do it.
- Thanks.
- Yeah.
So, seems like you and Monica
are picking up right where
you left off, huh?
- Don't make a thing out of it.
- I'm not making a thing out of it.
- You are.
- I'm just saying,
seems like maybe she's
sticking around this time.
I'm sure you know
she rented a place on the mainland,
but did you know she planted herself
a vegetable garden?
- Did she now'!
- Ordered cable.
- Premium cable.
- Ooh.
That means something.
It means she can eat a salad
and watch Animal Planet.
Why are you busting
my chops about this?
I feel like if anybody'd
be into it, it'd be you,
Hey, I love Monica.
If y'all ended up together,
I'd be totally happy.
I know you.
What's that supposed to mean?
Remember what Mommy used to say
about opportunity?
She said opportunity
is missed by most people
because it's dressed up in overalls
and it looks a lot like work.
No, Thomas Edison
said that, not Mama.
And I thought you
were in grad school.
Shut up.
I'm just saying
maybe instead of overalls,
your opportunity is dressed up
in green hospital scrubs
and lives about 100 feet
from your back door.
But it is work, and my big brother
does not like it
when things don't come easy.
How dare you?
I ought to squirt you
in the eye with this lemon.
- Drop it.
- Don't.
No. You won't. Aah!
Hi. Can you... can you open?
Uh, Puppies!
Oh, you're half dressed.
You're naked.
Um, but puppies-
Thank you.
Oh, sorry.
Somethings wrong. She's in pain.
- Gabby?
- Yeah?
We're all good now.
She's been asking for you.
Come on.
She was crying and vomiting.
She had a uterine prolapse.
Oh, I knew something was wrong.
You were in so much pain.
Hey, Molly. You're a mama.
What am I going to do
with all you guys?
Whatever you do,
don't name them.
Makes it harder
to put them up for adoption.
And you should probably
build them a pen.
I'd be happy to help you,
if you'd like.
I mean, unless Ryan wants to.
Uh, no.
He's out of town for a few weeks.
But I am a handy gal,
so I can figure it out.
Well, I should probably
take her in to monitor her.
What? To the clinic?
- Now?
- Yeah.
But it's 2:00 AM.
It's 3:00 AM.
I thought you just said
she was okay.
Hang on. I did.
She's doing good.
It's just a precaution.
- Is that necessary?
- Well, most precautions aren't.
- It's why we call them precautions.
- Wow. You're being smug.
No, no.
I'm being honest.
That's smug.
You're so smug! Oh, wow.
Good Lord,
you bother me to no end.
Wait. Where will you sleep?
I'm not going to sleep.
I'm like an owl.
They're gonna be all right.
Thank you, Travis.
I think that's the first time
you said my name.
I like it.
Good night.
Good night.
Good night.
[puppies whimpering]
Must be pretty.
If you see a man
sleeping on a cold floor,
there's sure to be
a beautiful woman nearby.
Well, Miss Alice,
I hear John Cougar Mellencamp
is scratching himself
something terrible.
Why don't you come on back?
We'll take a look-see.
Oh. Okay.
But Shep knows him so well,
I don't mind waiting.
Yeah. We're all full up today.
Shep's busy, so you're just
going to have to deal with me.
Come on back.
Come on, bud!
- Back on your right.
- Okay.
Come on. Yeah!
- Hey!
- Hi.
If I were you, I'd build a pen
in either the garage or the laundry.
And for Gods sake,
don't give them names.
You and Travis have exactly
the same shtick. You know that?
Yeah, well, I don't know
whether he gets it from me
or I get it from him sometimes.
There's nothing cuter
than puppies in a basket.
Got the goods, doc.
- Good.
- Can we trust her?
Yeah, come on.
Let's not make a thing out of it.
What the hell you doing'?
What's it look like?
Well, it looks like
you're swapping out
a dead lizard for a live lizard.
Yeah, that's right.
Is that for that
little girl out there?
Don't you think there's a little more
ethical solution here?
Well, what do you suggest, CPR?
You know, like,
the truth, doctor?
The truth'?
You want to go and tell
that sweet little girl
that her pet lizard is dead?
She's ten years old.
She doesn't even know what death is.
You want to explain
death to her?
You may as well tell her that
Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny
don't exist while you're at it.
I don't think
you should make a habit of it,
but if you get a chance
to protect a kid
from the heartbreak that this world
doles out so generously,
I think you should seize it.
Because there's lots more
where that came from.
Okay. I want you to take this
and tell her that Abracadabra
has made a miraculous recovery
and is ready to go home.
Me? You want me to do it?
Yes, because I want you
to get used to this situation.
Now go. Go.
He's going to be okay.
Oh. Oh!
Now, Taylor, I have something very
important to tell you, okay, honey'?
Go on.
- There he is!
- Wow!
It is a miracle.
He's all better now.
[music playing]
Boat day! Hey!
Look, guys, we promised the kids
we'd be home for popcorn
and monster movies.
So let's get this
show on the road.
Okay, I'm letting
y'all know right now
that I am hungover
and altogether irritable.
So don't expect nothing more
than a sunburn out of me today.
Would you do me a favor?
- What?
- Would you clean those steamy,
slimy fish guts out of that nasty,
bloody bucket?
And maybe after that,
you can drain the grease trap
on the barbeque?
And make sure you get
all the chunks of fat
or you're going to have
a maggot problem.
If y'all make me puke,
I'm going to save it,
put it in little plastic bags,
put it on your pillows tonight.
Believe it or not,
she's single, folks!
Hey, where's Monica at?
Monica's sitting this one out.
You don't say?
I can invite whoever I want.
- It's my boat.
- It is his boat.
- It's our day!
- [Ben] It's our day.
Be nice.
You know how to pick 'em, Trav.
You've got an air of authority
and dignity as the captain today.
- You like that?
- Yeah.
Well, I'm borrowing
his ship today.
Yeah, it's new.
You seem awfully focused.
I'm driving, so I can't drink.
She's making me nervous as hell.
Woe is you.
Hey, y'all, this is not
a middle school dance.
Go bother somebody else.
Hey, you doing all right'?
Hey. Yeah, I am great
Not getting seasick
on us, are you?
- No.
- Good.
- This is unbelievable-
- It's great.
I can't even believe
you get to come here
all the time and do this.
Hey, mind if we join you?
- Hi.
- It's so hot.
It's 80 degrees.
Take off that sweatshirt. Are you crazy?
Okay. Okay.
- It's hot.
- It's the Spanish Inquisition.
You can lay off.
[chatter continues]
We might be in trouble, boy.
You can do it.
You're so close.
- [Ben] Come on, Moby. You can do it.
- You're going to make it!
[Matt] Someone needs to teach
that dog how to swim.
- Cooked to perfection.
- All right, thank you, sir.
Thank you, sir.
- Don't even think about it.
- Aww.
I saw that before.
It's happy.
It's a happy color.
Well, to good times.
[Stephanie] Mattie and Ben
have a pretty successful loan company.
But I keep thinking
Mattie wants out,
like he feels like his life
is passing him by or something.
What do you think?
None of my business.
I'm not one to gossip.
What about that guy?
- That guy?
- My knucklehead brother?
I don't know.
You tell me.
Well, he is the glue.
The good old buy who's mastered
the art of Southern charm.
Women give him
anything he wants.
He gives them just...
Just enough to keep them coming back
and has never been in love
because he backs off
when things get too hard.
That's why he has that chair.
You know, the chair
out in the from of his house.
That lonely chair.
Well, it is just one chair.
The man with one chair
likes to sit alone.
You know, I sure like
talking to you.
Pass it!
- Yeah!
- Nice.
You are in so much more trouble
than I thought.
[Matt] Hey, over here!
Pass it!
[upbeat music playing]
I can keep
my head inside
When the modern drift
is all I have
ls this seat taken?
No, it is not. Go ahead.
Thank you.
- Hello.
- Hello yourself.
Hey, uh, I have a confession.
My friends like you better
than they like me.
Yeah, yeah.
I was actually afraid
that was going to happen.
I just don't get it.
- Yeah.
- I don't get it.
I mean, you're not funny,
you're not smart.
You're nothing to look at.
No. I think it's, um... speaks a little more to,
you know, you, and you're just...
You feel quite mediocre
and unattractive.
I'm lowering the bar.
- Yeah.
- That makes sense.
That's it. That's why.
So they can tolerate you.
- Yeah, I thought so.
- That makes sense.
I love it here.
Thanks for coming.
I'm really glad you came.
Yeah, me, loo.
I feel really good out here.
I haven't felt
like that in a while.
- That's good.
- Yeah.
- You dork.
- You're a dork.
You keep looking at me.
Son of a...
You look...
Well, good night.
I noticed you didn't eat
a lot out there today.
What do you say we
throw some red meat on the grill,
tell a few lies?
Has anyone ever
said no to you before?
- "No"?
- No. I thought so.
I am making history,
Good night.
There you go again bothering me.
She said no to us, Stink.
[Moby barks]
Yeah, I know.
I'm not familiar
with that term either.
Come on.
[Gabby sighs]
[phone rings]
[Moby panting]
If you've been
in the fish guts again...
What you gut?
Good boy.
Come on, boy. Come on!
[knocking on door]
- Hi.
- Hi.
- I brought wine.
- Thank you.
Thank you.
Handy, my ass.
Well, the young 'uns are looking good.
I think they're down for the night.
Damn, I thought you were
just going to whip something up.
I am.
If this is how you whip,
I might just have to get down
on one knee right now.
- Excuse me'?
- Mm-hmm.
My mama is an amazing cook.
I just paid attention.
Hang on a minute.
Is this you right here?
Yeah, it is.
It's my favorite memory.
It's at the property
where we grew up.
We used to swim
and ride bikes and fish,
and I used to put on
these silly little plays.
My dad would tell me
stories at nighttime
about the constellations.
They sound like good folks.
Yeah, they are.
A hurricane washed it all away,
though, when I was 12.
Broke my heart.
It's funny, I wonder if that's why
that's my favorite memory.
What do you mean?
When things go away, you know?
Makes you appreciate
them so much more
than when you
actually have them.
It makes you pay attention to the things
that are just right in front of you.
Okay, dinner is sewed
on the eastern-most
botanical mezzanine.
Ooh, so the porch
with the trumpet weeds?
I'm sorry.
This view we got here
is just beautiful.
Yes. The view.
I really can't get enough of it.
It is really something.
It makes you wonder
where it all comes from, doesn't it?
Not really.
Not really?
- No.
- Okay.
So you don't believe in God.
- Oh, boy.
- Oh, boy!
This was going so good.
"Oh, boy"?
Don't "oh, boy" me.
An honest question
deserves an honest answer.
All right.
- I apologize.
- Okay.
You want to know
what I believe in?
Moby, come here.
[Gabby] Oh, he has an opinion
on this, does he?
Oh, yeah.
Watch this.
Now, you see that?
How he pushes back?
He does it every time,
and he only does it for me.
Now, that's loyalty.
I know it sounds stupid,
but it's love.
Your friends,
your family, yourself.
That's all you can count on
in this world.
And that's what I believe.
What do you believe'?
I believe... the moon,
the stars.
It's that feeling
that I'm a pan of something
so much bigger than myself
that I will never,
ever begin to understand.
And it's something
that I cannot control,
no matter how hard I try.
So, if you can tell me
where that comes from
and why it is
so damn beautiful...
...then I will stop saying
my prayers before bedtime.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Well, that was lovely.
It was, wasn't it'?
We just had the God conversation
and it wasn't bad at all.
It didn't go that bad.
- Whew.
- Uh-oh.
- I don't know.
- I don't know.
The couple that
used to live here,
they used to have
music playing all day and all night.
You'd see them out in the grass
dancing together
on their anniversary.
Oh, my God. That is so lovely.
What happened to them?
They're still around.
They just got old and fragile
and moved into the home
over on Cedar and Marsh.
- Together?
- Yeah.
I love that story.
[music playing on stereo]
You're from Charleston, right?
I miss it so much.
It's a terrible love
And I'm walking
with spiders
All she needs now
is a silver spoon.
Scratch that.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Did you just spin?
I know a spin when I see one.
I'm pretty sure
I just saw you spin.
You know, I...
maybe there was a twirl.
Twirl, hmm'?
- Yeah.
- Oh!
You wash, I'll dry.
No. Here.
I will get it.
- Come on.
- No, I'm good.
All right, well... want to dance with me
out on the grass?
Why do you make it so hard for me
to flirt with you?
Because if I made it easy,
you wouldn't flirt anymore.
I shouldn't have said that.
It's quiet company
What are you doing?
I'm walking
towards you real slow.
Because if I ran, I'd scare you.
You're so smug.
Sometimes I just want
to stomp on your foot.
I knew from the moment I saw you
that you're trouble.
And don't think
I haven't seen you watching me
from your stupid ch...
It takes an ocean
not to break
Why did you do that?
'Cause you bother me.
It takes an ocean
not to break
But I won't follow you
Into the rabbit hole
I said I would
But then I saw
The ship of woes
They didn't want me to
It's a terrible love
And I 'm walking
with spiders
It's a terrible love
that I'm walking here
It's a terrible love
And I 'm walking
with spiders
It's a terrible love
that I'm walking here
it takes an ocean
not to break
it takes an ocean
not to break
it takes an ocean
not to break
[Molly barks]
"Didn't want to wake you.
Had to get
my exhausted butt to work.
Don't go far, Gabby.
This is just starting
to get good.
This is Travis, by the way...
Your neighbor."
Come on.
Hey, babe, it's me.
Sorry for calling so late,
but the opening is going great.
These guys keep dragging me out
to dinner and drinks.
Listen, I'm trying to get back
as soon as I can,
but I still have
a lot of work to do.
I'm hoping that
your studying is going okay.
Love you.
Maybe you should send him
to bed a little early.
- He's just fine.
- No limp, then?
No, no, no. He's...
I don't know what he's doing.
- He's not limping.
- Thank you so much.
- All right, okay.
- Bye-bye.
You don't think
it's slightly strange
that John Cougar Mellencamp
is in here three times a week?
Well, you know
what some folks are like.
Their pets are their children.
That dog has got to be
the healthiest animal
this side of
the Mason-Dixon.
That woman's got
something else on her mind.
Who? Mrs. Vandy?
Now, Daddy,
you know her name's Alice.
She's been divorced from Mr. Vandy
for the last three years.
What are you getting at?
- She's crushing on you!
- That's hogwash.
And frankly, you're crushing on her.
There ain't no other patient
you walk all the way
to the door every time
just giggling like a schoolgirl.
I walk her to the door because
I'm a professional and I'm a gentleman,
and we're not giggling.
Stop being such a stubborn mule
and ask the pretty lady out
on a proper date already...
[upbeat music playing]
What are you gonna do?
I've been waiting a while
to take you
Your friends,
will they understand
When I leave
holding your hand?
Driving fate at night
I let you listen
to the music you like
- [Gabby laughs]
- [engine stops]
- [Ryan] Son of a...
- What now, slick?
Well, I guess
we could just hang here.
It shouldn't last very long.
There you go spinning again.
I am swinging, not spinning.
You sure do like
to argue, don't you?
It's because
I'm really good at it.
- Are you now?
- Yep.
[gospel choir singing]
Do you hear that?
Come on!
- Gabby...
- Come on! Hurry up!
- Gabby!
- Come on!
You got something better to do?
Ain't no way
I'm stepping foot in that church.
I'd rather roll in poison ivy,
- stab rusty nails in my eyes...
- What is your deal?
I rode on your motorcycle, pal.
I went in your boat.
Time to do something I want.
There's a church
closer to town that's less packed.
Hurry UP!
Feeling all right,
all right, uh-huh
I'm not feeling
too good myself, uh-huh
I think I'm going to
burst into flames.
Hush. Shh, shh, shh.
- Uh-huh
- Hallelujah
I'm not feeling
too good myself
Hey, hey, hey, hey,
oh, Lord
Feeling all right.
Oh, my God, it's your dad!
How about that?
Special thanks
to the Wrightsville Beats
for that rousing rendition
of Traffic's 1969 classic,
my personal favorite,
and a real birthday treat.
Well, thanks for coming.
It was great to see you.
Dr. Shep!
That was amazing!
I had no idea that you did that.
Well, thank you,
but you're a miracle worker.
It takes real guile to get that ingrate
son of mine through those doors.
All right, go ahead,
Your Holiness.
Go ahead?
I'm sure you got
some self-righteous barb
you want to stick me with,
so get it over with.
I don't know what you mean.
Gabby and I are just
talking about the weather.
I mean, look,
isn't it beautiful?
After all this time,
the sun hath returned.
- There it is.
- There it is.
- That feel better?
- Yeah.
I got the cake.
I may have taken a few bites
for safety purposes.
- Where's Dad?
- Yonder.
Hope you don't mind
me inviting Gabby.
I know it's always been a tradition,
just us and Dad.
I hate tradition.
Don't burn my steak.
I'm not burning your steak.
We were lucky.
The sheriff's retriever
was a patient of mine,
or Travis would have spent
the weekend in jail.
But I never got
the truck out of the bog.
It's there to this day,
Bullfrogs' Motel.
You know, I feel bad, Shep.
If I had known it was your birthday,
I would have gotten you a present.
Oh, no, it's not my birthday.
Travis didn't tell you?
No, it's Catherine's.
My wife. Their mom.
She'd be 57 today.
She had cancer, you know?
First in her breasts,
and then in her bones,
and then... then everywhere.
Travis was 14, mad at the world.
And I... I kind of...
kind of fell into the Bible.
He wanted to burn it, you know?
I kind of figured
that I'd lose him
if I tried to make him
see it from my side, so I didn't.
Maybe I should've.
I think he turned out all right.
Y'all quit talking
about me and come eat!
Okay, here it comes.
- Mmm!
- All righty.
That looks amazing.
A good-looking
piece of cake there.
- Yeah.
- I know there is.
- Yeah, what is...
- Shut up.
...what you're looking for.
- Yeah, okay.
- Oh, my gosh.
All right.
Happy birthday.
Oh, just... now, hold it
one second there, Gabby.
There is a minor tradition.
Catherine always insisted
that the birthday girl or boy
had to endure a little
ceremonial cake on the face.
She was a little bit
of a jokester.
- A little bit.
- Really?
So who gets it?
Well, you are the guest.
Yeah, I mean,
that's only fair, right?
- Guest of honor.
- Yeah, I am the guest.
- It's not as bad as it sounds.
- It'll be over quick.
All right, let's do it.
I'm sorry.
One, two, three.
I got that, yeah?
Oh, my God!
It's up my nostril!
- It's really good.
- [Shep] It is?
It's in my nose.
It is... you know what?
It is really tasty.
Give me that!
Come on!
Out of there!
Out of there!
Thank you.
- Hang in there, Daddy.
- Thank you.
- Love you.
- Good night.
Are you really going to let him
drive home like that?
He's not driving anywhere.
Yeah, he's just going
to say good night to Mama.
She's just up the road a ways.
I'll check in on him
in a few shakes.
- Good night, lovely.
- Good night.
- So glad you're here.
- That was so much fun.
Thank you... for the cake.
Thanks for that, yeah.
- I love you, dipshit.
- Yeah, I love you.
- [Gabby] Good night.
- [Stephanie] Night, y'all.
I should get started on the dishes.
You should not.
It's my house, my dishes.
It'll take me
two and a half shakes.
Yeah. Hi, bud.
Yeah. Yeah!
There's something
I want to show you.
All right, so what
I'm about to show you,
I've never shown anybody.
So you can't tell a soul, all right?
All right.
[muted dialogue]
- Okay.
- Watch it.
Welcome to my island.
Your island?
My grandfather and I
used to come out here and fish.
He left it to me
when he passed on.
This is where I come
when I want to be alone.
And, uh... I don't know-
I wanted to show it to you.
It's unbelievable.
This is my favorite part.
From me to you, Gabby.
The stars and the moon.
Let's just stay here forever.
- I'm glad you like it.
- Yeah.
I do.
Very much.
I think John Cougar might be
a little bit of a hypochondriac.
I wouldn't worry about him,
Mrs. Vandy.
It's Alice, please.
Oh, oh. Alice, yes.
Well, thanks again, Dr. Shep.
Well, you're welcome.
Here, let me, uh, get the door.
So I'll see you next time?
- Yes, yes.
- Okay.
Um, Mrs. Vandy?
I was thinking, um, maybe we could
have dinner sometime?
Yes. I would like that.
Yes, well, so would I.
- Well, okay. Bye.
- Bye.
[phone ringing]
Earth to Gabby-
Don't you hear the intercom?
I've been paging you.
[ringing continues]
- Oh.
- Phone call. Line one.
- For me?
- Yeah.
- Hello'?
- [Ryan] Hey, babe. How are you?
I know I should
have called earlier,
- but I just got back.
- Yeah.
Meet me at Dockside. At 7:007
My parents will be there.
[music playing]
- [Ryan] Gabby. Hi!
- Hi.
How are you?
- I missed you.
- Yeah, me, too.
Come on, my parents are over here.
Let's go.
[Dr. McCarthy]
Oh, hey, look. Here they are.
Come over here
and give me a hug.
Good to see you.
Good to see you.
Sit down!
- She looks gorgeous.
- This place is so much fun.
Caught you off guard.
I don't know why we've never
been here before.
I'm sorry.
I should have called sooner.
Things just wrapped up
quicker than I thought.
No, it was a nice surprise.
Evening, folks.
[Dr. McCarthy]
- How the hell are you?
- Nice to see you.
Mary, you remember
Shep's son Travis, don't you?
So you're the one I should thank
for fixing Cotton's eye last month.
Ryan, did Daddy tell you
Cotton Blossom
got stung by a bee?
His poor little eye
swelled up the size of a walnut.
[Dr-McCarthy] Travis, why don't you
pull up a chair and join us?
Ryan just got back in town,
and we decided
we were going to slum out here
in Wrightsville in his honor.
Thank you, Doc. I'd like to,
but I got an early morning,
and I just wanted to say hello.
Ryan. Gabby.
Good night, y'all.
Good night.
Nice young fella there.
He certainly is my hero.
[Dr. McCarthy] So, tell me,
how was the opening in Atlanta?
A huge success.
Really good that I went.
- Meet Dr. Stevenson?
- Mm-hmm.
- Yep.
- Would you excuse me a minute?
I'll be just a minute.
Where you going?
Are you going to tell him?
- Please listen to me.
- Are you going to tell him?
- I didn't know he was coming...
- Are you going to tell him?
I don't know!
I don't know.
I get it.
So it's all right to fool around
in the back seat
with a country boy,
but as soon
as summer camp's over,
rich girls go home
to their rich boyfriends, is that it?
How dare you?
You don't know anything
about my life.
I know enough.
Oh, really?
Well, guess what,
I know about you, too, country boy.
You see something you like
and you go after it.
You're damn right I do.
Not because you want to,
not because you need it,
because you just want to win.
I want you.
We never talked about
what this was.
It just happened so fast.
We got caught up.
Caught up? ls that what happened?
We got caught...
We both knew this was coming
around the corner.
Neither of us
wanted to acknowledge it.
All right.
All right, well, here it is.
It's right here,
right in front of us.
So let's acknowledge it.
We had an amazing time.
One of those ground-shaking,
knock you on your ass months,
and I wish it could be more.
But this is...
this is all I get.
So what about you?
No, see, that is not fair.
How am I supposed
to know how you feel?
I love you.
You hear me'?
I love you.
I'll say it again. I love you.
I'll say it a million times.
I love you,
I love you, I love you.
I knew it the second
you walked into my yard
ready to rip me a new one.
Hell, my damn dog knew it.
Now, do you remember
what you said to me on my island,
holding my hand under the stars?
You said,
"Let's stay here forever."
Well, we can. Me and you.
Come home with me.
Come home.
We'll go in there together
and we'll tell them... together.
That is what you want, isn't it?
Isn't it'?
I don't know.
- All right.
- No.
All right.
"Dear Travis,
I fee! like such a coward
writing this letter.
After you left,
I told Ryan everything.
He yelled and cussed.
He naked me inst about
every name in the book.
He stormed out
and told me to go to hell.
But in the morning, he came back
and he asked me to marry him.
Got to thinking that life is held
together by choices,
one after the other."
Oh, so cute!
"All shapes and sizes.
Right or wrong doesn't matter,
because life just keeps unfolding.
It won't wait around for you.
If you sit still,
It could pass you by altogether."
- Happy anniversary!
- Ten years!
I guess I'd like to believe
all those choices
are made for us
the instant we enter
into this world.
Because if that's true'
then we're exactly where
we're supposed to be... forever."
Here you go.
- Thank you.
- Yeah, sure.
You, uh... seem like
you're somewhere else tonight.
I know. I'm sorry.
I'm just a little wiped out.
You'll never look at me
the way you look at her.
It's true.
I know it.
I'd hate her for it if I was
one of those women, but I'm not.
- Come on, now.
- Travis, I, uh...
I'm going to give you
some friendly advice,
and then I'm going to
go home and cry, okay?
Swallow your pride.
You want to be the guy
that shows up in ten years
with flowers in your hand,
Moby by your side,
hoping that she'll hear you out?
Praying she'll understand
why you quit so easy?
Because that's all
any woman wants,
is a man who's gonna fight.
So why don't you just do it now
and save yourself a whole decade?
You know,
she looks at you the same way.
[music playing]
See you failing
How long to go
Before you
hit the ground?
You keep on screaming
Don't you see me here?
Am I a ghost to you?
Gabby! Gabby!
- Where is she?
- Where's who?
Gabby. Where's Gabby?
- 'Sir?
- Gabby! Gabby!
- Hey, you can't...
No, you need to come
back from there!
Gabby! Gabby!
Sir, you need to come back!
Oh, shit. You're him'?
Yeah. Gabby!
Travis, she's gone.
- Where?
- [Ryan] I'll give you a hint.
Where do women go when they
break off their engagements?
Now, she told me
that her head was hitting her heart.
I'm not sure what that means,
but I'm pretty sure
that you speak the language.
I suppose that means her
true feelings were at odds with...
[music playing]
Are you phoning
What am I to do
When you're miles away?
You're always calling
From the darkest moods
And we're both scared
Now your grip's
too strong
You can't catch love
with a net or a gun
Gotta keep faith
that your path will change
Gotta keep faith
that your love will change
Now your grip's too strong...
- [knocks]
Can't catch love
with a net or a gun
Are you expected, sir?
Um, no.
Uh, I need to see Gabby.
This young man here
is looking for Miss Gabriella.
Well, I believe
she's returning from the stables.
- Hi.
- You?
What are you doing here?
Mr. Holland.
Mrs. Holland.
I'm Travis Shaw.
Maybe you've heard of me?
Maybe not. Okay.
Urn, well, I'm here today
to tell you
that I love Gabby something terrible,
and I was hoping
I could take her off your hands.
- Right.
- Young man,
we love Gabby
something terrible, too,
but you are barking
up the wrong tree.
If you're here for Gabby's hand,
you might want to ask
her parents.
- No! No, no, no.
- Oh, my gosh. I'm so sorry.
- No! No, no, no.
- I just assumed that they were...
- It's quite all right, Travis.
- It's nice to meet you.
So nice to meet you.
Why are you here?
I saw you with her on the porch.
No, hang on now.
- On the boat.
- Hang on.
- No, I saw you!
- Hang on.
Picked up right
where you left off.
Gabby, slop!
Listen to me, please.
I love you.
Well, I don't love you.
Oh, hush! You do, too.
Knew it the second you walked inside
and set your eyes on him,
biting your lip the way you do.
Morn! He is a walking
cautionary tale!
- Now, hang on a minute.
- You are!
Gabby, you've been
waiting for him to show
ever since you go! home
and you know it.
Dad! Whose side
are you on, anyway?
Mr. Holland,
Mrs. Holland,
I'm so sorry for the confusion
and the intrusion...
- Yeah!
- ...but I love this woman
and I would love
a blessing from you,
whether it's a wink or a nod...
Oh, my God!
A blessing?
Or anything
that you could give me.
You got a ring, son?
What'? What'! What?
No, no, no.
What the hell is going on here?
Mom'? No!
No, no, no.
I am not marrying this man.
- This was her grandma's.
- What? Oh, my God!
I am right here!
- Gabby.
- No!
- Gabby.
- No, no, no.
You should probably
take a knee, son.
- Dad!
- Right.
- Yeah.
- Thanks again.
I think I pretty much
said all the words,
so all I need is a lifetime
to prove it to you.
Will you marry me?
Well, yes.
' YES!
' No!
Come bother me, baby.
Bother me
for the rest of my life.
Be my wife.
Don't ever let go.
[music playing]
On my way hack home
By chance I thought of
All my favorite songs
Where Pd gone wrong
The only words
That I could think of
I'm pissing my life away
In the form of a song
On my way hack home
Every step
A victory it was...
We're fighting 'em.
Come on.
Here he comes.
Oh, he's a big one.
Oh, no, he fell back
in the water.
We gotta crank him back.
Come to me
Ah, here's another.
Berry? No.
On my way hack home
There you go.
Mine is the best.
[phone rings]
[Gabby] Hey, handsome.
So the kids are finally in bed
and the babysitter arrived early,
so I'm gonna head out now,.
And just so you know,
I'm ordering
the most expensive thing
on the menu
because it's you; treat.
I love you.
All right, Aurora. You're gonna start
feeling better real soon-.
It was nice to see ya.
- [Aurora meows]
- You be careful in the rain.
- Good night.
- Thank you.
Oh, shoot.
I can't be late.
- Tell me that was the last one.
- Sure was.
- You got somewhere to be'?
- Yeah, I got a date,
not that it's any
of your business, Miss Cora.
Oh, a date.
Sounds romantic.
Yeah, I've been promising Gabby
some one-on-one time
and I stood her up on our last date,
so this KING'S makeup.
Well, you two have fun.
- Thank you. You have a good night.
- Good night.
Hi, I have reservations for Shaw.
Follow me, please.
Have you dined with us before?
Sorry, ma'am, we're closed.
Oh, wait, Dr. Shaw.
She can't keep anything down.
She's so old. Please.
Well, let's do it real quick.
Right this way.
[patrons chattering]
[music playing softly]
See that?
She's got a little...
Good job.
Doing good.
Will you hold her for me?
Thank you.
Can I get you
another glass of wine?
No. Uh, no.
I'm fine, thank you.
Um, I... I'm gonna
grab the check.
- Of course.
- If that's okay. Thank you.
If you get this, I'm on my way.
I had a feline emergency.
But I'll be right there.
I am so, so sorry.
I love you
and I'll see you in a sec.
[rain pattering]
[tires squeal]
So, like I was sayin',
every path you take
leads to another choice...
...and some choices
could change everything.
Every damn moment
for the rest of your life hangs on it.
And, boy, have I got
a choice I gotta make.
I do not want to
see you back here
unless you bring your wife's cobbler,
Mr. Metcalf, you hear that?
- No more flag football.
- [chuckling]
Those for someone special?
Someone who deserves
the stars and the moon.
All I got are
these damn flowers.
- How are the girls?
- Terrible.
Tess is texting already.
I'm just here to talk to her.
All right, you go
right ahead, Travis.
If that's what you need.
If that'll help.
Too easy on me, Ryan.
And you're too hard
on you, Travis.
Mmm, delphiniums.
Her favorite.
I thought they were lilacs.
She's all yours.
Thank you.
[Travis] Hey, babe.
Got you some delphiniums.
To be honest,
I thought they were lilacs,
but Jackie says
they're delphiniums.
I got a decision I gotta make.
I've been putting it off
and putting it off.
It's, like, so much harder
than people can even imagine.
And everybody's got
an opinion on it.
But since yours
is the only opinion
that I give a damn about,
I just wanted
to run it past you.
So here it is.
What am I gonna do...
...about my pickup truck?
I mean, should I get
one of those new hybrids
that gels, like,
500 miles to the gallon
and runs on babies' dreams,
or should I just go ahead
and rebuild the tranny
in Gertrude?
All right, great.
That's what I wanted
to do anyway.
You know, I always had a special
place in my heart for fossil fuels.
I just hate breathin'
all that clean air.
What is going on
in that head of yours?
Come back to me, baby.
We are runnin' out of time.
Come bother me.
All right, here we go.
Please. We need...
- Green.
That was mine.
Ooh, where's mine?
Messed up.
- Travis.
- Oh, hey, Travis.
Who's winning?
Well, technically speaking,
it's this pretty little girl
here on my left, but since she's been
cheating since round two...
No, I haven't!
...I'm afraid there's gonna be
some questions about that.
Well, I don't wanna
spoil your fun-.
Finish your game.
- Okay.
- It's your turn.
Mm, okay. Green.
Travis, I just
wanted you to know that...
Send these off
to the lab, please.
What do we got next?
We've got some friends here.
It's gonna hurt like hell.
Like pain that I can't even...
Come on.
"'How do you play in the river?'
Tucker asked Maggie the Mullet.
'You jump like this.
Jump, splash,
jump, splash, jump, splash.'
And Maggie was gone
in the blue river."
Daddy, can you do the voices?
Mommy always did the voices.
Dad, why don't you
let me read it?
Okay, big guy.
Yeah, you read it.
"It was beginning to get dark,
and Tucker spied
a big owl up in a tree.
'Hi, who are you?'
Tucker asked.
'Who, who, who are you?
I am Willa,
the wise old owl.'
'What do you do when the sun goes down?'
Tucker asked."
Ninety days.
And where'd you get that number?
Medical journals
and case studies.
Well, that's just words on paper.
It's statistics.
It's well-documented, Dr. Shep.
After 90 days, the percentage
of trauma patients
who regain consciousness
decreases to less than one percent.
It's a quantifiable fact.
I'm sorry, Travis.
If we reach that mark,
we need to know you're prepared
to carry out her wishes.
This is her voice.
No, it's not.
That is something you do
to prepare for the future.
For... for old age,
when your life is all behind you.
You know, you cover
for the "what ifs."
Nah. How could you know?
How... how could you
ever really know?
It's been a long time since
she's breathed on her own.
Her body's tired.
She's tired.
[breath hitches]
I wish I could breathe for you, baby.
Come back to me.
Come home.
I love you.
All I have left are memories.
Trust me, I remember everything.
I remember
her coming home... day after day.
Watching her...
...staring and thinking,
I can't believe
that that woman is my wife.
I kept thinking how many times
I could've told her I loved her.
How many times
I could've showed her,
how many times
I could've loved her hard.
Oh, I'd give anything
just to be able to tell her,
tell her one more...
one more time.
. HEY-
, HEY-
[Stephanie] Hi, Mama.
She's a good listener, huh?
She's the best.
I had to make a choice, Steph.
Just been so long.
Seeing her like that.
Knowing it's not
what she would want.
Hell, she'd be so mad at me.
Last night I told her... I'd do it.
Today I would have the strength.
But I just...
I just can't do it yet.
I'm just not ready
to let her go.
Me, neither.
You did what
your heart told you.
And if anybody has anything
to say about that,
they gotta go through me.
[wind blowing]
([Female reporter)
...residents are advised to secure
all windows and doors,
and remember, too, as always,
that any outdoor furniture
needs to be stowed away.
[man] Thanks, Karen. Now this is
the first hurricane of the season...
Travis, this is crazy.
Just come with us.
I got some boarding up to do,
and, besides, I don't go anywhere
unless its a Category 7 or higher.
Dad, there's no such thing
as a Category 7.
Well, aren't you smart?
I hope you're not
trying to prove something.
- This thing looks big.
- There's nobody to prove it to.
I just wanna stay
near the hospital.
Besides, I got stink-dog here
to keep me company.
Let's saddle up.
- Come on.
- All right.
[man] Right now we're seeing sustained
winds, about 75 miles-per-hour.
New, those gusts are gonna
go up to 90,
maybe even
95 miles-per-hour.
- We're gonna see damage...
- [wind whistling]
Ah, you're a lucky SOB.
Storm landed in Charleston.
Knocked it down to a Category 2.
Lacks like the old place
could do with a lick of paint.
What are you looking for?
Something that...
should be here.
I let her down, Dad.
I should've been there.
If I'd have been on time...
It's not your fault, Travis.
Get that out of your head.
The world breaks everyone, Travis.
The very good,
the very gentle, the very brave.
And those it doesn't break, it kills.
Is that from the good book,
Pastor Shaw?
A great book.
There's no shame
in being a broken man.
I should know.
You just pick up the pieces...
...and start rebuilding.
[Moby barks]
[Moby continues barking]
What are you doing?
How'd you get all the way
out here, boy? You can't swim.
What you got there, boy?
What's that'?
Good boy, good boy.
What's he doing
out there, Grandpa?
Uh... just going
a little crazy.
Come on, let's go
get some ice cream.
Come on.
We've got vanilla,
we've got chocolate.
[engine revs]
You're late.
I'm sorry.
- Mama! Mama, you're home!
- Easy, easy, easy, easy.
You've seen your mom
every day this week.
Let's let her get settled, okay?
- My babies.
- Hi, Mommy.
Oh, hi.
Let me look at you.
[baby gurgling]
Hello, Gabby.
Oh, somebody
is dying to meet you.
Oh, hi.
Oh, my goodness.
- Mrs. Shaw.
- Mr. Shaw.
Well, welcome
to the rain-check date.
What is on the menu?
Well, that's a...
that's a good question.
The kids have been
cooking all day.
It, uh, started as a pot roast,
but now it's probably a shoe.
- I'm nervous.
- So am I.
Uh... but, uh...
Gabby, I, uh...
I know I've had a lot of time
to think about what I'd say
if. uh... what I'd say when...
and, um... dang it!
I had this all sorted out.
I did. Now I can't, um...
Travis, I heard you.
I heard... every word
that you said.
You were breathing for me, baby.
Your heart beat for mine.
We got through this together.
You reckon Moby had this
all planned from the get-go?
Moby? What?
You're gonna give Moby
all the credit?
What about my sweet,
innocent Molly?
Sweet and innocent?
Are you saying she's
not sweet and innocent?
- No.
- Yes.
- Lady.
- I know.
You bother me, too.
I'm really worried
about this pot roast.
We're probably gonna
have to order a pizza.
- Okay.
- Yeah.
- You guys ready?
- Mm-hmm.
One... two...
[inspiring music playing]
[slow tempo music playing]
is much too harsh
Daylight shines
a light bright
Under cover
of the night
I dream what I like
I feel
You so near
When the day
shatters night
Like flood
Washes all out
Daylight has
so little heart
is no friend of mine
It's just no friend of mine.
Under cover
of the night
I dream what I like
I feel
You near
When the day
shatters night
Like flood
Washes everything out
All I hide
Try to forget about
Where you are
Why your band's
not holding mine
My eyes
Open wide
See so clear
That you are
no longer here
has so little heart
Under cover
of the night
I dream what like
I feel
You so near
When the day
shatters night
Bright light
Like flood
Washes everything out
All I hide
Want to forget about
Where you are
Why your band's
not holding mine
My eyes
Open wide
See so clear
Why you are
no longer here
Why you are
no longer here
Why you are
no longer here: