The Christmas Candle (2013)

[match ignition]
There's a story that has been
passed down for centuries,
from father to son.
Legend has it a
certain man came
to live in the
village of Gladbury.
He was a good-hearted man,
devoted to his
family and his craft.
The candle maker brought
light to the entire village.
But he longed to give them more.
Life was hard in Gladbury,
and the people had
become disheartened.
[NARRATOR] Night and day,
the candle maker worked,
pouring his heart and
his prayers into each candle.
But on the first
Sunday of Advent,
all he had left to give...
was a single prayer,
not for himself, but for
Gladbury, for his son,
and for all the sons
and daughters to come.
Silence was the only answer
he would receive that night.
Or so it seemed.
[NARRATOR] An angel
blessed a single candle.
The heavenly gift was given
to the ones who needed it most,
with the simple instruction:
Light this and pray.
[NARRATOR] The children
hoped for an answered prayer.
But what they
received was a miracle.
On Christmas Eve,
the village rejoiced
upon hearing of
their change of fortune,
for such things do happen.
And from them, legends are born.
As the tale is told,
every twenty-five years,
the angel visits
The Haddington Chandlery,
and every time
a prayer is answered.
But even the greatest
stories must come to an end.
Much has changed
in two hundred years.
In a world illuminated
by modern marvels,
who needs the
light of a simple candle?
[bustling about and voices]
I'm starving.
How are you'! Hello.
How we doing'! Alright?
Yeah, very good, yeah.
Hope they'll be bringing
some more soon.
Bless you little lady.
ls it soup again'!
God bless you, sir.
[MISS FOSTER] There's no
longer a place for you here!
[MISS FOSTER] I'm sorry,
but there's nothing I can do.
Orders came straight
from the top.
You should learn to keep your
affections to yourself,
Ruth Goodchild!
[MISS FOSTER] And don't even
think about coming back!
Serves you right.
[Ruth begins to weep]
Abner, will you take
over for a second?
Yes. God bless you, sir.
[Ruth weeping]
Hello, miss.
What do you want'!
I only mean to help.
[DAVID] It's no Buckingham
Palace, Miss Goodchild.
But you'll be safe here.
And with three meals
a day, you won't go hungry.
When the baby comes, what then'!
Well, perhaps there's someone...
No.There's nobody.
Or rather there was,
but he found someone else
and dismissed me
from work today.
Don't lose hope, miss.
We'll find a place
for you and your baby.
God bless you, sir.
Reverend Richmond?
Friend of yours?
I have no idea.
God bless you.
Reverend David Richmond.
So you really
have left the pulpit.
Nonsense.This is my pulpit now.
Soup, soap, and salvation.
And please,
I'm only known as David here.
Have we met?
We might have, had you not
rejected my last three letters.
Ah, yes, Lady Camdon
of Gladbury, in the flesh.
But I'm sorry that you've
traveled so far only
to hear me decline your
offer once again.
My place is here,
helping the needy.
You, sir, have you
heard this man preach?
Can't say that I have.
[LADY CAMDON] Villagers
flocked to London to hear him.
I once sat by a fisherman
who rode his boat
twelve miles for one sermon.
It was along time ago.
But I'll never forget.
David Richmond, miracle man.
In the midst of
my own great loss,
it was your words
that revived my faith.
Any able bodied man
can serve a bowl of soup,
but few men have
a gift like yours.
My only hope is that
you choose to serve
where your gift is needed most.
God bless you.
[BOY] Thank you very much, sir.
[ABNER] Perhaps you
should think about it, David.
God bless you.Well done, sir.
That's it, take a bowl.
[DAVID] Dear Lady Camdon,
your recent visit was a
timely reminder of
the life I left behind.
Though tragedy has
altered my course,
I can no longer stray from
my calling in the pulpit.
I humbly accept the offer
to serve your parish in the
place of the late
Reverend Pillington.
I shall arrive in Gladbury
the Friday before Advent.
Yours truly, David Richmond.
Come on, boy!
Come on! Move on!
You silly old thing. Come on!
Move on!
Come on!
Might I offer you
some assistance?
Thank you, I'm quite capable!
Well, if it wouldn't be too
forward of me, I could--
I'm not a sack of potatoes.
Come on!
Come on, boy. Come on!
I don't need your help.
Come on. Come on.
Come on.
[DAVID] And where are
you headed, miss'!
Miss Barstow.
I'm headed to London
by way of Gladbury.
And the people of Gladbury,
they allow a lady to
venture on her own'!
It's the Christmas season.
The whole town's in a fuss.
[DAVID] But Christmas
isn't for weeks.
[EMILY] I take it you've
never been to Gladbury.
Is it really so bad?
It is.
steady boy. Come on!
Come on, come on, come on!
[EMILY] Especially
this Christmas
with the new minister
set to arrive.
Reverend High and
Mighty from London.
I hope they dislike
him very much.
Thank you. I hate to be indebted
to anyone, much less a stranger.
It's an easy debt to forgive.
"Reverend High and
Mighty" at your service.
Reverend. How providential.
Oh, we shall see.
Might you have
any words of advice?
Walk on.
Very well then.
I look forward to
seeing you at
church on Sunday!
[Emily laughs]
Walk on.
Thank you Ebenezer.
REM Hurry up, Edward.
We don't want the new
minister thinking the
Haddingtons are a pair
of village bumpkins.
Codswallop my dear,
you look lovely.
I come from a long line of
bumpkins, and I'm proud of it.
Who wouldn't love
Gladbury at Christmas?
He's here!
There he is!
[villagers greet David]
[crowd gasps]
[HERBERT] Alright gentlefolk,
make some space.
Oh here, allow me.
Herbert Hopewell,
at your service.
Me and the Missus'll
be looking after you.
[DAVID] Oh.Thank you,
but I can manage.
Not while I'm still breathing.
Reverend Richmond,
welcome to Gladbury.
I'm Bea Haddington,
and this is my Edward.
Edward Haddington.
Of Haddington Chandlery.
Home of the Christmas Candle...'!
Oh, you haven't heard of us.
That's alright,
you'll have a chance
to meet the reverend
soon enough.
Lovely to see you.
All of you!
Let's see the church, eh?
[church bells ring]
[organ playing]
[ELEANOR] On a starry
night in Bethlehem,
A child was born
to bring light to men.
And our faith waned,
our eyes grew dim
In a candle's light
we found hope again.
There are miracles
all around,
Are you alright?
[HERBERT] There she is,
a special soul.
Miracles yet to be found.
Sometimes I think
I'm hearing an angel.
Hid in every heart is
an answered prayer.
That's my lady...
Like a candle': flame,
hope will lead us there.
[ELEANOR] Off with
that muddy coat!
Did you crawl all
the way from London?
Come on, britches too.
You're not the first clergyman
I've seen in his underpants.
[Herbert laughs]
[Eleanor giggles]
I'll just get these cleaned up.
[Eleanor giggles]
Were just across the
garden if you need us.
Anything at all.
Welcome to Gladbury, Reverend.
Jesus said, "Ye are
the light of the world."
A city that is set on
a hill cannot be hid.
[parishioner coughs]
Neither do men light a candle
and put it under a bushel,
But on a candlestick.
And it giveth light unto
all that are in the house.
Let your light
so shine before men.
That they may
see your good works.
And glorify your Father,
which is in Heaven.
Thank you Reverend.
Is he talking about
our Christmas Candle?
I think he's gettin' to it.
You sir!
Would you hide this
candle under a bushel?
No sir, I wouldn't.
Of course not.
And you, Mrs. Haddington?
Would you conceal
this candle under your hat?
Lovely as it is.
No, no, never.
[DAVID] Candles
belong on candlesticks,
giving light to everyone.
What then is this light
that draws men to
our Heavenly Father?
Is it signs and wonders'!
Angels and miracles?
Of course not!
[DAVID] It is our good works
that shine before men
and glorify our
Father in Heaven.
Not one word about
the Christmas Candle.
Better luck next time.
Reverend Richmond.
Lady Camdon.
What a fascinating sermon.
Thank you.
And yet so unlike the sermons
for which you're loved.
That's not to
worry you, Reverend.
You'll do very
well here in Gladbury.
I'll make sure of it.
[DAVID] "An early Christmas gift
for you and all of Gladbury."
This is quite unexpected.
A gift from the
Countess of Gladbury!
Whatever could it be?
Whatever could it be, eh?
Gladbury': most
beloved Advent sermons.
Tried and true.
[HERBERT] Some of these sermons
are two hundred years old.
And I imagine her ladyship
expects me to use these sermons.
Well, I can think of no
better way to preserve
the legacy of the
Christmas Candle.
Forgive my ignorance, but what
is this Christmas Candle?
I think you'll find everything
you're looking for in here.
This is preposterous!
I thought you might
stop by, Reverend.
Had I known that the people
of this town were expecting
to hear such fairy
tales from the pulpit,
I never would have come!
The Christmas Candle is
no fairy tale, I assure you.
[DAVID] Oh, then I suppose
that you have seen
this magical wish
granting angel'!
But he has.
[DAVID] Ah, yes,
the candle maker.
Do I have some
questions for you.
Why one Christmas Candle,
and not fifteen?
Why doesn't this angel
come once every year?
Or every Thursday
afternoon for tea?
And why in all of God's
green Earth, Gladbury'!
Why Bethlehem?
Why a babe in a manger?
Who could possibly hope to
understand the ways of the Lord'!
But I see no reason to
promote superstitions
or raise false hopes.
[LADY CAMDON] People of
Gladbury lead difficult lives.
Even the slightest hope of a
miracle keeps their faith alive.
Only to be crushed when
their prayers go unanswered.
If this is what your
people need, then I--
What our people need is hope.
And you can give it to them.
I know this firsthand.
Lady Camdon, I'm not the
"miracle man" that you remember.
Coming to Gladbury
was a mistake.
[EDWARD] On that
we are in agreement.
But what if it were providence
that brought you here?
I think you should stay.
[EDWARD]Why prolong
the inevitable?
Just until Christmas.
This is the year.
Please, David, consider it.
[VICTORIA] Let's go
play in the garden.
[BOY] Victoria, wait for me!
[DAVID] I take it you're not
much of a horsewoman.
[EMILY] If it isn't the
ever-helpful reverend.
[DAVID]Well that depends
on who you're asking.
I fear I have little to offer
the people of Gladbury.
[EMILY] Don't pity
yourself, Reverend.
Though I did warn you.
This town is mad.
[DAVID] All their hopes
wrapped up in one candle.
Oh, not just any candle,
the Christmas Candle.
[DAVID] Miss Barstow, do I
detect an air of skepticism.
[EMILY]The Christmas
Candle': no different than
old wives' tales or
your Bible stories.
Take no offense, Reverend.
So you're not a believer then'!
I'm a believer...
in common sense.
If something seems too good to
be true, then most likely it is.
They'll find out soon enough.
In fifty years, will anyone
know what a candle is'!
Doubtful, we've already
stepped into the
Modern age in my father's shop,
and I must say,
it's electrifying.
"London Lamp 8' Electric"?
[EMILY] The bane of Edward
Haddington': existence.
And worse, founded
by his very own son.
Of course.
Thomas Haddington.
He's the Haddington':
only child,
So the fairy tale ends with him.
[DAVID]What's this for'!
ls this for the Christmas tree'!
I envy him.
He left Gladbury when
he had the chance.
You'd be wise to do the same.
And what about you'?
[EMILY] My time will come.
When Father's health improves
and he can manage on his own.
[DAVID] Perhaps
we'll find ourselves
In London next Christmas.
[EMILY] If you make it out
of Gladbury intact.
Oh come all ye faithful.
Joyful and triumphant.
Oh come ye oh come
ye to Bethlehem.
Come and behold Him,
Born the king of angels.
Oh come let us adore Him.
Oh come let us adore Him.
Oh come let us adore
Him, Christ the Lord.
[citizens talking
and moving about]
[WILLIAM] You must
be the new Reverend.
I'm William Barstow.
Illness kept me from
church on Sunday,
but I've heard about you.
My daughter told me the
new reverend is more
than eager to lend
a helping hand,
even if it does mean
wading through mud.
Oh yes, the spirited
Miss Barstow.
[WILLIAM] I've prayed for
something to bring
my Emily back to the church.
Here's hoping it's you.
[WILLIAM] Do you
have your request?
Go on then.
My nephew's a special boy.
Lots of faith.Wants to
be a preacher, like you.
[crowd oohs and awws]
Ladies and gentlemen!
Gentlefolks of Gladbury, welcome
to this very special night.
Now feast your eyes on
the amazing, wondrous,
mystical visions bestowed on
generations of Haddingtons.
Gladbury': very
own Christmas Candle!
[EDWARD]There's a story
that's been passed down
for centuries from
father to son.
On the first Sunday of Advent,
my great-great-great-grandfather
was awakened by a
wondrous light.
[WILLIAM] Poor boy's
parents died a few years back.
We all have our stories.
[WILLIAM] Everyone
here is holding out
for the Christmas Candle.
[crowd oohs and awws]
And where's your request?
Oh, I couldn't possibly.
I'd much rather Charlie
receive the Candle.
Will you be joining us?
[DAVID] Not tonight. I believe
I have a sermon to prepare.
[EDWARD] And so he gave the
first Christmas Candle to orphan
children with Gladbury':
most beloved instruction:
light this and pray.
[ELEANOR] Hid in every
heart is an answered prayer.
Like a candle': flame,
hope will lead us there.
Yes, yes, I know the song.
But we won't
be singing it today.
It's the first Sunday in Advent,
we sing it every year.
But it's tradition.
Well, we'll just make
some new traditions, eh?
We're just grateful we've
got a reverend in the pulpit.
Well, I hope you
won't refuse my lady's
other favorite
Christmas tradition.
Gladbury': very own
Christmas Chasuble.
The first candle of Advent
is the candle of hope.
But hope in what?
An answered prayer? A miracle?
A Christmas Candle?
I'm told that tonight
marks the return
of this remarkable tradition.
Isn't that right Mr. Haddington?
Yes, it is.
[DAVID] And I'm sure
that you know this,
But for my benefit, who here has
put in a request for the candle?
surely not everyone
can receive the
Christmas Candle.
And yet we all have needs.
So what hope do we have?
Will we abandon our faith?
Fall into despair?
Hm'! I hope not.
And I dare say
that we will not!
We light this candle to remind
us that our hope does not
come from earthly things,
but from above.
From the God who came to us
one starry night in Bethlehem,
and promises to
come again one day.
And that,
good people of Gladbury,
is miracle enough.
God bless you.
Ignore him, dear.
Ah, Mr. Barstow. And if
it isn't the future reverend.
I understand that we'll be
hearing your sermons one day.
Do you have a
favorite scripture?
Go on, don't be shy.
[WILLIAM] Charlie reads
his Bible every day.
Poor boy would do
anything for that candle.
[WILLIAM] Hasn't
been able to say a
word since his parents died.
[chaotic chatter]
Mrs. Haddington!
Take my request!
Has he been yet, sir?
What are we going to do?
Wish the candle came
with a name attached.
What if we already know?
The candle.What if we
already know who should get it?
But we can't!
It's going to take
a miracle, Bea.
I mean,Thomas has
been gone for ten years!
He's not going to
come home on his own.
Keeping the Christmas Candle
for ourselves is so selfish!
Is it?
I mean, think of the people.
For two hundred years,
our family has been
alight to Gladbury.
Does the flame go out with us?
Keep the Christmas Candle?
For the good of Gladbury.
[dramatic ethereal music]
Well don't look at me!
Get the candle!
Oh yes, yes of course!
[Edward trips]
[Bea cries out]
Why, Edward!
I couldn't see!
It must be here somewhere.
It must be.
Must be here.
Where is it?
Where is it?
Oh Edward!
Where is it?
I've lost the Christmas Candle.
Oh surely this is
God punishing us.
[BEA] Oh don't talk
like that, Edward.
I was--I was foolish to
think that candle was ours.
Is it all clear?
Seems to be.
[BEA] Edward!
The reverend is here!
Hide the candles!
[DAVID] Mr. Haddington.
Mrs. Haddington.
[BEA] What a
pleasant surprise.
[DAVID] I imagine your
night was eventful.
So is it here?
The Christmas Candle?
Yes, yes it's here somewhere.
Bea, Bea.
Of course you're not
going to show it to me,
but that's not why I came.
The people's requests
for the candle...
...may I see them?
[BEA] What do you suppose he
intends to do with them'!
I don't know. Pray'!
That's what we should be doing.
We've got to
make it better, Bea.
Yes, but how?
All done. Thank you.
You may have one candle
to give, but I hope to
give everyone a little
light this Christmas.
That's it!
I mean... that's a lovely idea.
Well, you mustn't delay.
So much to be done
before Christmas.
Good day to you.
[BEA] Yes, yes, God speed
to you on your quest.
What's got into you?
We give them away. All of them.
And have the
entire village think
they've got the actual
Christmas Candle?
We won't tell them that.
We'll tell them what
this family has told
them for generations:
to light it and pray.
But this is Gladbury.
People talk.
Edward, somebody':
miracle is in this basket.
And we won't let it go to waste!
[WILLIAM] Charlie,
the reverend has offered
to give you Bible lessons.
[William coughs]
Hello, Charlie.
Why don't we start with the
Gospel of John chapter one.
"In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
The same was in
the beginning with God.
All things were made by him;
and without him was not any
thing made that was made.
In him was life; and the
life was the light of men.
And the light
shineth in darkness;
and the darkness
comprehend it not."
"And the impediment
to his tongue was loosed,
and he spoke plainly."
Now Charlie, we are going
to loose that tongue of yours.
Open wide.
Very good.
[nonsensical sounds]
[knock at window]
Light this and pray, Charlie.
Even if it's only in your heart.
God will hear you.
Good morning, Mr. Finch.
What brings you to our home?
[DAVID] I understand you
have requested the candle.
I wondered if
I might be of service.
Reverend, meet my family.
My wife, Delilah.
This is my father, Oliver.
The new reverend!
Over here, Dad.
Come on.
Don't suppose you
could help the old man
get his hands on the
Christmas Candle?
Maybe put in a word
to the Haddingtons.
The next time I see,
I hope to be
looking at the Good
Lord himself.
In the meantime, I'll walk
by faith, right Reverend?
Oh thank you.Thank you so much!
It'll be a happy
Christmas after all!
Remember, children,
this is our little secret.
Reverend Richmond! Do come in.
I've been praying for
company, Reverend.
[DAVID] Why waste a prayer
when I can meet the need?
So you'll find me a
knitting companion?
I... shall.
Don't waste a candle
on an old man like me.
Oliver, there's no such
thing as a wasted prayer.
doesn't work, and my husband
ran off and left me all on my
own with a colicky baby.
Oh, and then yesterday
the wall fell down,
and my goat left me, too.
I shall keep an eye out...
for both of them.
The Reverend fixing our roof.
We so desperately need it.
Speaking of which, Agnes, my
dumpling, hadn't you a request?
[DAVID] Ah, yes,
Miss Agnes Chumley.
But I see it is
an unspoken request.
Well, go on.
A silent request
is no request at all.
I'm praying for a husband.
By Easter.
Mrs. Haddington.
What brings you here?
[BEA] I've come to
let you know that
your request has been heard.
Oh what a dear,
but I couldn't accept.
That handsome young
reverend has been helping me.
I see.
[BEA] Agnes, dear,
light this and pray.
It's the devil's work!
You tell her, Reverend.
It's unnatural.
[DAVID] And the light
shineth in Gladbury,
and yet the people
comprehend it not.
[Emily laughs]
[EMILY] Make fun all you want,
you've decided to stay here.
Just long enough
to do some good.
I have a letter
to post for London.
Ruth Goodchild.
To a lady no less.
Yes, she's a guest of the
Salvation Army in a
difficult situation.
She's just a girl really.
Stockings. Sweets.
May I help you?
I'm looking for, well, uh,
a lot of things actually.
Thank you.
It's alphabetical.
I see.
[DAVID] Well, to do much,
one must be organized.
You really do want to
help these people, don't you'!
Of course I do.
[church organ]
Welcome everyone.
We light the second candle
of Advent in the love of God.
During Advent,
God pierces the darkness
of the world with
divine light and love.
Because he loved us, he sent
his son to light the way.
Though we must wait
for Christmas day,
we must not wait to love
one another as Christ did.
Does your neighbor need
a miracle this Christmas?
Well why not be that miracle?
[mumbling in crowd]
Hello Mr. Collins.
Thought maybe
you could use a hand.
You know, "be the miracle."
Where did he come from?
Happy candle. Christmas!
And to you.
[EDWARD]Why'd you
have to say that. Come on.
I'm so sorry.
[DAVID]The prodigal
goat has returned.
Thank you.
Oh, you won't believe it!
The neighbors are
building me a new wall.
[metal clanging]
Here he comes.
[metal clanging]
How does it feel?
Feels... it feels
a lot like seeing!
See Reverend, you
are a miracle worker.
That's a lot of food, Reverend.
Well, you have a
lot of mouths to feed.
That's beautiful.
Another visitor, I--
Hello everyone.
[DAVID] Um,Widow Leonard
just brought us a feast!
Please,join us Reverend.
Why not?
I know we fast during Advent
and save the feasting
for Christmas day,
but having company,
that's like Christmas to me.
Gladbury': Christmas pudding.
Light this and pray.
Light this and pray.
[prayers spoken aloud,
fading in and out]
[DAVID] Rejoice,
for today we light
the third candle of Advent,
the candle of joy.
When Christ was born,
God used angels to proclaim
"good tidings of great joy."
To all mankind.
Now, we are the messengers
of this good news.
For with every good deed,
every act of kindness,
Christ is born again
and again in our lives.
Now let us go forth,
as joyful messengers,
doing the work of God.
Your work in this town is
impressive, Reverend Richmond.
Thank you, Lady Camdon.
Still there are limits
to what man can do.
Reverend. Reverend.
Mrs. Chumley.
Miss Chumley.
How lovely to see
a sister in the Lord.
Well go on my dear,
what have you to say?
I've already made my wishes
known to the Reverend.
And now I'm taking
a step of faith.
Thank you.
[DAVID] Another prayer that
will never be answered.
Well, I for one am
happy to see that
In spite of all your efforts,
you are still inspiring
hope for a miracle.
Come in.
Mrs. Hopewell.
A friend of mine may be
coming to Gladbury for a while.
I wondered if she might
stay with you and Herbert.
[ELEANOR] She can stay
as long as she likes.
[DAVID] Thank you!
Her name's Ruth.
My colleague Abner
will bring her from London.
Oh, please, allow me.
This is no job for a reverend.
This is no job for a lady.
Mrs. Hopewell.
Whatever is the matter?
No, I won't do it.
[DOCTOR] Herbert, you're one
good shock away from the grave.
I'll get plenty of
rest in Heaven.
[DOCTOR] Which
may not be that far off.
You've got a weak heart.
I have a strong faith.
God will either cure me,
or He'll call me home.
[ELEANOR] Of course
he will, but you have to rest.
[DOCTOR] No more
carrying heavy boxes,
climbing ladders,
or chopping wood.
Do you hear me?
But that's my job!
I will chop the wood.
No. No m'lady, I won't have it.
Please. Pray for him, Reverend.
Our Father in Heaven, please
grant your servant Herbert with
the good sense to follow the
doctor's orders and
get some rest.
[DAVID] I've had
enough of Herbert
hauling crates of candles.
Besides, it's high time
that Gladbury see the light.
[EMILY] Electricity...
In the church.
For too long the church has
stumbled about in the dark ages,
when it should
be lighting the way.
In fact, I believe that
the church should
be the first place to
embrace the future.
Indeed. Now this I have to see.
[DAVID] Miss Barstow,
does this mean that you'll
finally be coming to church?
[Emily laughs]
Twenty-nine prayers.
And only one can be answered.
You mean thirty, dear.
Thirty candles.
No, I'm certain
there were twenty-nine.
[EDWARD] Bea, there were
thirty candles hanging
the night of the angel's visit.
There're always thirty candles.
Bea, a candle is--
Don't say it Edward,
please don't say it out loud.
We've lost the candle.
[hammering and voices]
I'm curious to know the maximum
number you've ever installed.
About twenty.
Then I want thirty.
No, thirty-five bulbs.
I question the safety of it.
The circuit can only support
so many watts, Reverend.
[DAVID] Then install another
circuit. Install five circuits.
I want the light in
this church to surpass
the brightness of one
thousand candles.
[HERBERT] Reverend Richmond,
could you tell me why
there are men digging
in the church yard,
and fiddling in
our sanctuary walls.
You leave that. My grandfather
carved that altar.
[DAVID] Herbert! I ordered them
here to install electricity.
Electricity is the future.
And a more
practical one at that.
Practical you say'!
How will our treasury
stand this extravagance?
Don't trouble yourself,
Mr. Hopewell.
I've covered the
cost personally.
Consider it my contribution to a
brighter chapter of
Gladbury': history.
I plan to unveil the electricity
at the coming nativity service.
Herbert, your heart.
Sit down, love.
[DAVID] Please, think of
this with an open mind.
Think of Herbert. No cumbersome
candles or lanterns to change.
You of all people should
see the value in that.
You could use a lighter load.
L...What'll I do with all
the Haddington candles?
Well, I... I imagine that
we can return them.
In fact, that's the
task that I'll gladly take on.
[BEA] Oh, it's got to
be here somewhere.
I have a feeling Edward.
I have a feeling
this is the one.
The Christmas Candle.
What are you suggesting?
I'm not suggesting anything.
I'm... asking.
[knock at the door]
Mr. Haddington.
I regret to inform
you that St. Mark's
no longer requires your candles.
But that's a standing order.
It has been for
two hundred years.
It's standing no more,
I'm afraid.
But I just delivered
three crates.
Yes,thank you,
but we only need one.
But... but--
[DAVID] Trust me when I say,
it's for the good of Gladbury.
[BEA] What does he know
about the good of Gladbury?
This is our legacy,
and he's meddling with it.
I say we light the candle
right now. We've earned it.
We're going to
give this candle away.
To whom'!
Of course.
God bless you, sir.
God bless you, ma'am.
These are ready to go.
Give us a hand.
[BEA] Whatever will
they think of next?
May I help you?
Um, we're here to
see Thomas Haddington.
And you are?
We're his parents.
We have a gift for our son.
Mr. Haddington': away.
But I'd be happy to
receive it on his behalf.
[EDWARD] Perhaps we
could leave it for him.
[EDWARD]You watch,
Bea, he'll come home.
...of redeeming grace.
Jesus, Lord at thy birth.
Jesus, Lord at thy birth.
In my short time in Gladbury,
I have seen many miracles.
I have seen angels at work.
I have seen them on the
rooftops, at kitchen tables,
and in this very sanctuary.
In fact, I see these angels now.
Mr. Hardy Collins.
Dear Ms. Leonard.
Herbert Hopewell. And every
single one of you who has
allowed the light of
Christ to shine through
your good works this
Advent season.
From what I've read
of Gladbury': past,
this town has
glowed with a certain
miraculous light
for generations.
But today marks the dawning
of a new age in Gladbury.
[DAVID] It is my hope that
in centuries to come,
our beloved church will
shine even brighter still.
It's witchcraft! Witchcraft
in the house of the Lord.
[electrical shorts heard]
Mummy! Daddy!
Get the children!
Everyone, please!
Remain calm!
Oh, my poor sweet baby Jesus.
Dorothy... Dorothy,
get the boy out.
Remain calm!
[OLIVER] My hat!
Please, everyone, remain calm!
my grandfather's altar!
[DAVID] ls he going
to be alright?
He's dead.
Miss Barstow.
It's my father.
He's called for you.
You're alright, Father.
Reverend Richmond's arrived.
Pray for me, Reverend.
What ails you, Mr. Barstow?
Dr. Clem': diagnosed
Father with consumption.
[EMILY] Said he's
done all he can do.
God'll do the rest.
Right, Reverend?
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
[EMILY] Do you have anything
to say for yourself'!
I'm sorry, but I can't give your
father what he's asking for.
All he wants is--
I know what he wants.
Then give it to him.
You're a minister;
he's a dying man.
You can't give him
a simple prayer?
Look, if it's so simple,
then why don't you do it?
I don't believe in miracles.
The fourth candle of Advent,
our last before Christmas Eve,
represents the peace of God,
who passes all understanding.
In the coming days of Christmas,
let us be instruments
of this peace,
Shining light where
there is darkness,
hope where there is despair,
sowing joy where
there is sadness...
...and faith where
there is doubt.
You asked me
to fill your pulpit,
and instead
I emptied your church.
You mustn't take all the credit.
I did ask you to come.
I am a man of faith,
Lady Camdon.
I believe God worked
in the appointed time.
But in our modern age,
the lame don't walk,
blind men do not see,
and the sick die.
But sometimes they live.
Walk with me, Reverend.
Twenty-five years ago,
our town suffered
great hardship.
That's when the Haddingtons gave
The candle to
Reverend Pillington.
But when he lit
the candle to pray...
...well, he nearly burned
the vestry to the ground.
The poor dear was in despair,
and then, within
the church walls,
a treasure was discovered,
several gold crosses
and a ruby brooch.
A hidden treasure?
Well, had it not
been for the fire,
it would've remained hidden.
And thankfully, there was just
enough to repair the church
And to provide for Gladbury's
families that winter.
The very first
Christmas Candle
went to my
Once she was a
hopeless orphan, and then...
Miracles are part of
our inheritance, Reverend.
Tell that to Mrs. Hopewell.
I believe you'll find
Mrs. Hopewell': faith to be much
stronger than the grief
she's feeling now.
Your doubts don't
trouble me, Reverend.
On the contrary,
they inspire my faith.
[BEA] Edward,
have a look at this!
It's a carriage
that pulls itself!
In all my days...
Bea! It's Thomas!
It's Thomas.
Father. Mother.
Oh, look at you,
handsome and fancy!
That carriage of yours!
It's called a Stanley Steamer,
one of the first of its kind.
I had it shipped from America.
[EDWARD] Shall I help you
bring in your luggage?
I'm not staying, Father.
Oh, not staying, don't be silly.
I'm married, Mother.
I'm on the way to
meet her family now.
Getting married.
Name's Priscilla.
She's the daughter of a baron.
Oh! And, are you happy?
I'm finally making a name
for myself, for the family.
Business is expanding,
and one day I'll
introduce you to Priscilla.
Why did you come?
I know how much this candle
means to you, to Gladbury,
but it's lost on me.
You must light it and pray,
and then you'll see.
See what, Mother?
A miracle?
Gladbury needs you, son.
The world needs me.
I'm lighting up entire cities.
It was good to see you.
Both of you.
Merry Christmas.
Thomas, the miracles, the angel,
you saw it with your own eyes.
I was a child. I saw
what I wanted to see.
I would like to see your father.
[William coughing]
Father. Father.
Mr. Barstow, if I may.
[DAVID] And it came to
pass that a certain
blind man sat by the
wayside begging,
He cried, "Jesus, thou Son of
David, have mercy on me."
And Jesus said unto him,
"What wilt though that
I should do unto thee?"
The blind man said unto him,
"Lord, that I might
receive my sight."
And Jesus said, "Go thy way;
thy faith has made thee whole."
And immediately
he received his sight
and followed Jesus in the way.
Did I not say to you
that if you would believe,
You would see the glory of God.
And they took away
the stone from the
place where the
dead man was lying,
and Jesus lifted up
his eyes and said,
"Father, I thank you
that you have heard..."
And these are written
that you might believe
that Jesus is the
Christ, the son of God,
and that in believing,
you might have life.
Behold there came a leper
and worshipped him,
"Lord, if thou wilt, thou
canst make me clean."
And Jesus put forth his hand...
My little daughter is
at the point of death.
I pray thee, Lord,
come and lay hands on her,
that she might be healed.
If I may but touch his
garment, I shall be whole.
If thou canst believe, all
things are possible to him...
The father of
the child cried out,
"Lord, I believe,
help my unbelief!"
And he said to her,
"Damsel, arise."
And they were astonished,
a great astonishment.
Speak the word,
and my servant shall be here.
And Jesus said unto them,
"Thy faith has made you whole."
David. David.
He's asleep.
[DAVID] My wife and daughter
died of consumption.
I prayed. I even
believed for a miracle.
But God did nothing.
Oh, David.
[DAVID] One day my faith was so
certain, and then it was gone.
There was a time
when I could not...
...utter a prayer or step
foot in a church.
I believe I've made
my peace with God.
But still I was a
different man before.
The love I shared,
the hope I had...
Some things,
they cannot be restored.
I do hope you're wrong.
Such a hope is too great a risk.
But I wonder what you
risk living without it.
[DAVID] [weakly]
I should go.
[Emily sobs]
He won't light it.
I'll light it for him.
It's of no use.
Anyway, we don't even
know if it's the right one.
Well then we'll find out.
We did everything we knew to do.
We gave away every last candle,
and this one came back.
This could be
our miracle, Edward.
I hope I'm not overstepping
my boundaries,
but I know just the person to
give the candle to this year.
David Richmond.
Think of it, Edward.
Your father gave the candle
to Reverend Pillington.
And as we know, David is a far
greater wretch than he ever was.
[BEA] You make a compelling
argument, but I don't--
Don't tell me you've
given the candle away.
This is the candle,
isn't it'! Splendid.
Then we're in agreement?
[BEA] Lady Camdon,
I don't think--
[EDWARD]Yes, we'll give
the candle to David.
[LADY CAMDON] Lord knows,
he could use a little light.
But he doesn't
even believe in the candle.
Edward, please!
Mr. Haddington.
May I have a word'!
The Christmas Candle.
You're giving the candle to me?
[EDWARD]Well, you
weren't the first choice.
What am I to do with it.
Just light it and...
just light it.
Just do something
good for Gladbury.
In church.
And on your own accord.
It's true.
Am I to think that
you've come to believe?
I don't know.
I want to.
In times like this,
it would be comforting.
Don't think less of me.
I have a problem.
Cousin Charlie was given
this blasted Christmas Candle,
and the poor boy
has given it to me.
Who could refuse
a gift like that?
Now all I can do is pray.
I feel as though
I owe it to him.
That is a problem.
[banging on door]
Yes, yes, I'm coming.
Reverend Richmond, Miss Barstow.
Mr. Haddington, a word.
Miss Barstow!
Is there a problem?
[DAVID] On the contrary.
A great and wondrous miracle
has taken place this
Christmas season.
It seems that the angel
has blessed not one,
but two Christmas
Candles this year.
And now that I think of it,
how small is my faith,
to think that this angel
might stop at two.
Why not three or four?
Or maybe there are no
limits to the blessings
the Good Lord might
bestow upon Gladbury.
Well, we can explain.
Edward tripped, and then--
you came around.
There was an accident.
Yes, we'd lost the candle.
So I said, "Why don't we
give all the candles?"
And Edward said--
We meant no harm.
But you've given us false hope.
Surely you can see that.
How could you?
How could you question my
intentions for the people of
Gladbury when you, yourselves
so blatantly misled them?
I fear this Christmas will end
in nothing but disappointment,
And you and your fairy
tales are to blame.
[Bea gasps]
Perhaps it was providence
that kept me in Gladbury.
Well, here we are again.
Thank you, Mrs. Hopewell.
I can never repay you.
I know what it is
to suffer a great loss.
Allow me, Reverend.
It's time.
On Christmas Eve, we light
the final candle of Advent,
the Christ Candle, for only
in Christ do we find the hope,
love, joy, and peace that we
have come to know this season.
Christmas Eve
holds a special place
in the heart of every believer,
and nowhere is this more true
than in the town of Gladbury.
Many of you have no
doubt come to rejoice
in the miracle of the
Christmas Candle.
But regretfully,
tonight you shall see this
long-standing tradition
come to an end.
I would now like to ask
the recipient of the
Christmas Candle
to please stand.
[DAVID] Now more than
ever I see the urgent need
to speak on the virtue
of enduring faith,
a faith that endures
disappointment, and
unanswered prayer.
A faith that relies not on
the hollow promises of men,
but on the sovereignty
of Almighty God.
I've got something to say!
[gasps and chatter]
I can speak!
[joyful voices]
I prayed. Every day I prayed,
And then I woke up this
morning, and I could talk.
I don't understand it.
I even gave my candle away.
But my favorite scripture says,
"With God,
all things are possible."
Now I'm never going to stop
talking, especially about this!
I don't know how this happened,
but my wife also received
the Christmas Candle.
For my husband.
As many of you know,
I was stuck on the bottle.
Like never before, I prayed.
And I found I was
drinking less and less.
Which really is a miracle.
I was hopeless.
I'd lost everything.
And now, nothing': lost at all.
It's all been found.
[MR. FINCH] I've been out
of a job for some time now,
and found myself
in debt up to my ears.
But then, our landlady--
[MRS. FINCH] She forgave
us our debts in full.
[MR. FINCH] And if
that wasn't enough,
well I found work
at the Leonard house.
It makes a man feel good to
provide for his family again.
And my wife, she's found
a good friend in Ms. Leonard.
Yes, this dear woman,
she's taught our kids to knit.
[laughs and applause]
[JOE] [on verge of tears]
My name's Joe.
I'm not really a religious man.
I asked for the candle,
and it's saved my cat.
It may not seem much, but
she means a great deal to me.
I never thought I'd get
the Christmas Candle,
but thank God I did.
[PHINEAS]The candle was
for me old man, Oliver Barber.
He was blind.
As you may have heard,
dad died this morning.
[DELILAH] And just before
he left us, he whispered,
"I can see."
"I can see." His prayer was
answered,just as he'd hoped.
He saw Jesus.
When I received the candle,
I thought my prayer'd
be answered one way,
so I took a step of faith.
Only it was in
the wrong direction.
But then I stumbled into
the arms of Hardy Collins,
the man of my dreams,
and just this morning,
he asked me to be his wife.
[excited gasps]
My answer's yes!
I don't know what to say,
except I prayed for
my father, and here he is.
[WOMAN] I hadn't spoke
to my sister in ten years.
I even stopped coming
to church because of her.
But we both
received the candle...
So Reverend, have you changed
your mind about Gladbury?
I'm afraid this has only
confirmed my suspicions.
How can you not believe?
I believe...
but I do not belong.
Quite a night.
More than I could have imagined.
I know he'll come back, Edward.
Not tonight. Maybe not until
after we've both gone,
but I don't have
to see it to believe
that our son will
come home again.
[DAVID] God help
me in my unbelief.
[thunder and wind]
[ELEANOR] There are
miracles all around,
Miracles yet to be found.
Hid in every heart is
an answered prayer.
Like a candle': flame,
Hope will lead us there.
When the darkness comes,
Let the light shine through,
A spark of faith
will ignite in you.
In a candle': glow,
a Virgin's womb,
In a simple prayer
in the empty tomb.
[BOTH] There are
miracles all around.
Miracles yet to be found.
Hid in every heart
is an answered prayer.
Like a candle': flame,
hope will lead us there.
[door opens]
It's Ruth!There's
been an accident,
The carriage overturned.
We've got to hurry.
She's about to have the baby.
[DAVID]Where is she'!
ls she alright?
[ABNER] About a mile away.
She needs a doctor.
[DAVID] We can take
Miss Barstow': cart.
[EMILY] Come on, boy, come on!
Come on!
[DAVID] Abner, are you sure
that this is the way'!
Straight on, keep going.
Whoa! Whoa!
How much further is it?
[ABNER] Just round the bend,
where the road drops off.
[EMILY] I'll come with you.
I know these woods.
[ABNER] I'll be
ready with the horse.
[DAVID] Have we
made a wrong turn?
[EMILY] I don't think so,
there should be a clearing.
[DAVID] How will
we ever find her?
[EMILY] That won't do us
any good, not in this.
[DAVID] It's one of the
Haddington candles.
I have three left.
Try again.
[DAVID]Wait! Please,
God, keep Ruth safe.
Help us find her.
Try again.
Please, God.We need a miracle.
What's happening?
A miracle is happening.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Ruth! Thank God we found you.
Mr. Richmond.
You're safe now.
[baby cries]
Faster, Uncle, faster!
Dear Lady Camdon,
[DAVID] Every minister aspires
to leave his mark on a parish,
but truth be told, Gladbury
has left its mark on me.
In spite of my best efforts,
I witnessed many miracles
this Advent season.
None more remarkable than
my own change of heart.
If you will have me, I will be
honored to remain in Gladbury,
for many Christmases to come.
[DAVID] [to couple]
[DAVID]Your miracle man,
David Richmond.
Ah, the Reverend Richmond.
Happy Christmas.
Happy Christmas to you.
I don't quite know what to say,
except for there's someone
I'd like you to meet.
Let me take that.
[BEA] But you knew
about this all along?
I had an inkling, but I didn't
know for sure until
Ruth confirmed
Thomas was the father.
Are you ready?
[DAVID] Come,
meet your grandchild.
Ruth, this is Mr. and Mrs.
Haddington,Thomas' parents.
I hardly know what to say.
He has your eyes.
Have you named him?
I'd like to name
him after my father.
He looks like an Edward.
Isn't that a fine name?
May I?
Our grandson.
I was hoping, uh...
I was hoping that we might
spend Christmas together.
Your first
Christmas in Gladbury.
And your last.
Gladbury has a funny
way of keeping people.
I used to mind it.
I don't anymore.
Forgive me.The moment
seemed providential.
[DAVID] Does this mean
I'll be seeing you
in church from now on?
[Emily chuckles]
On a starry night
in Bethlehem,
A child was born
to bring light to men.
And our faith waned, our eyes grew dim
In a candle': light
we found hope again.
There are miracles
all around,
Miracles yet to be found.
Hid in every heart is
an answered prayer.
Like a candle': flame,
hope will lead us there.
When the darkness comes,
let the light shine through,
A spark of faith
will ignite in you.
In a candle': glow,
a Virgin's womb,
In a simple prayer,
in the empty tomb.
There are miracles
all around,
Miracles yet to be found.
Hid in every heart
is an answered prayer.
Like a candle': flame,
hope will lead us there.
When the light has
dawned on Christmas day,
We will lift our
voice in endless praise.
When the light has
dawned on Christmas day,
[we will say:
There are miracles all around,
miracles yet to be found.
Hid in every heart
is an answered prayer.
Like a candle': flame,
hope will lead us there.