The Clock (1945)

Local number 17 leaving at 12.:03
for Newark, Perth Amboy,
Elizabeth, Trenton Junction, Trenton,
Philadelphia, Track 22.
Local number 12 for Philadelphia, Track 22.
Dixie Flyer for Trenton, Philadelphia,
Baltimore, Washington,
Richmond, and points south,
ready on Track 15.
Dixie Flyer on Track 15.
- Pardon me, sir.
- Here. You can keep them.
Excuse me, sir, could you tell me
how to get out of this place?
- Why, you go up.
- Where does that take you?
Seventh Avenue.
You're just in from camp, huh?
- Yes, that's right.
- You got a nice day for it.
- Yes, I...
- Yeah?
It certainly is a big place, isn't it?
- Yes, certainly is. You a stranger here?
- Yes, sir, I am.
Well, you'll like it here. Goodbye.
- What are some of the things to see?
- Well, how long you got?
Just two days.
Now, what do you think would be
the best thing to do on a Sunday?
Gosh, I wouldn't know.
I work here but I live in Jersey.
It's the first time in 11 years
I've been here on a Sunday.
But you'll find plenty to keep you busy.
- Well, thanks.
- Don't mention it. Good Luck.
Hey, mister! Soldier!
Soldier, look behind you.
My heel! My heel!
- Who? Me?
- No. Behind...
I'll be right up.
- What'd you do, sprain your ankle?
- No. No.
Look, you wanna stay off that foot
if you twisted it...
- I didn't twist it.
- You don't wanna put any weight on it.
- You can do yourself a lot of harm...
- I just...
- ... if you're not careful.
- But I didn't...
You know, a friend of mine did
one of this...
- Say, the heel fell off!
- Yes, I know.
That's what I was trying to tell you
down there, but you wouldn't listen.
I'm sorry. You stay here.
I'll go get it for you.
- What was it? Just a little heel?
- Yes.
Hey, what are you doing?
I found it! I got it!
I... I'm sorry.
I didn't know what you meant.
Thank you.
Would you help me down, please?
Thank you.
No, it's perfectly all right.
I can do this by myself.
- No, I think I'd better help you, ma'am.
- No, it's all right.
Now, you want to stay off that foot
with the heel off,
- 'cause you might really twist it.
- Oh, really!
You'll be all right, ma'am. You wanna
keep your shoe off the floor though,
or you might get those nails in your foot.
- I'm all right.
- Well, I...
Look! There's a shoe repair shop.
Come on.
- It's closed.
- Well, let's try it.
He's going to open it.
Look, we've got a busted heel.
We've got a busted heel.
- Well, I go that way.
- And where does that take you?
- Fifth Avenue.
- Fifth Avenue, huh? Well, is that far?
No, not very. It's only about...
Look, I don't suppose you...
Well, you see, I'm so new around here.
I wonder, do you mind if I go a little ways
with you and sort of look around?
- No. Not if you want to.
- Thank you.
- Say, this is a city.
- Isn't it?
These buildings, the way they go right up.
- Is it all like this?
- More or less.
Fares, please.
I'll bet you get a cold down-wind
through here in the winter,
pile up a lot of snow, too.
We got a little gully out home and
the wind comes down there 80 miles an...
Fares, please!
- How much is it?
- Two dimes. Put them in there.
I guess he thought I was trying
to get away with something.
- This city must seem very strange to you.
- Yes, ma'am. I'm green as grass.
- I suppose you've lived here all your life?
- No.
You mean you're a stranger here yourself?
No, not exactly. I work here.
I came here three years ago.
- You got folks here, then?
- No. There's Radio City up ahead.
And Saks Fifth Avenue.
- You mean you live all alone?
- No. There's Saint Patrick's Cathedral.
- You're not married, are you?
- No. I live with another girl.
What do you do,
if you don't mind my asking?
- I'm a secretary in an office.
- I see.
What kind of an office
do you work in, Miss Alice?
- Gesundheit.
- Thank you.
- What kind of an office do you work in?
- Just an office.
- I guess you think I'm pretty nosey.
- Yes, you are.
- And I guess... I'm sorry.
- Well, it doesn't really matter.
You're not catching cold, are you?
No. No. It's the sun.
It always does this to me.
I always sneeze exactly twice,
and then I'm all through.
- There you are.
- Hadn't you better keep it?
- No. I'm all finished. Thank you very much.
- All right.
Don't you think you ought to get off here?
- I mean, we're almost to the park.
- I didn't have anywhere to go.
I was just going along with you.
- But if I bother you, I...
- Oh, no, of course you don't bother me.
- I didn't mean that.
- Are you sure? Good.
I just mean that this bus
doesn't go very far...
- Did you say it went to the park?
- Yes.
You mean they've got a park
right in the middle of all this?
With trees and grass and everything?
Yes. I think you'd enjoy it there.
There's a lake and there's a children's...
You wouldn't care to walk just a little
with me in the park, would you?
No, that's out of the question.
I can't. I've got to get home.
- You mean you're in a hurry?
- Yes, I'm...
- Gesundheit!
- Thank you.
I never get tired of watching them.
They're such comedians.
Did you ever stop to think
how some animals remind you
so much of people you know?
Yes, I know exactly what you mean.
Well, you take that one,
the one that just got up on the rock.
I've got an aunt looks just like that.
She lives in Minnesota.
You know, it's funny.
When I was in school, they always used to
tell me I looked exactly like an owl.
That's ridiculous.
You don't look like... You do.
You look exactly like an owl.
Now, let me see.
What is it you remind me of?
Never mind. I don't want to know.
Look at that.
The boat's bigger than he is.
Kids are a great study
when you get to know them.
Live in a world all their own.
Hiya, Skipper.
Where did you get that boat?
Hey, take your hands off that boat!
Who do you think you are?
I don't get it. Kids usually like me.
What a rude little boy.
I don't understand.
I usually get along great with kids.
Out home they follow me around.
- Well, I've really got to go home now.
- Yeah. Well, you've been awfully nice.
I've liked it.
Well, I suppose I really shouldn't
keep you any longer, so, goodbye.
It certainly made an awful lot of difference
having someone to talk to like this.
What are you going to do?
Well, I don't know.
Let's see, what is this? 79th Street.
There's the museum over there.
It's open on Sundays.
Museum, huh?
I think maybe that's something
you ought to see.
Yeah. Well, that's an idea.
I've only been there once or twice myself.
It's a shame.
I ought to go there more often.
Really? Museum, huh?
We had a picture of that on the wall
at school.
Did you? So did we.
Gee, those long afternoons
looking at that thing,
wishing that it were 3:00
and I could get out the old bat.
I know what you mean.
- You know, I was just thinking.
- What?
I was just thinking how lucky I am.
- Shall we go up and see the paintings?
- Sure.
- There's a bully like that in every school.
- Yeah.
Well, this one was tough
and a lot bigger than me, too.
- Were you afraid?
- Well, sure.
And half the school was watching. I had to
make up my mind in an awful hurry.
- I guess so. What did you do?
- What did I do?
Why, I punched that guy right in the nose.
What's the matter, fella?
He's frightened.
He wouldn't hurt you. Would you?
Oh, no.
No, children usually love him.
They follow him around.
- Well...
- Like the Pied Piper.
To resume...
- We must have walked 150 miles already.
- Yes.
I don't think
I could ever get used to this city.
Anyhow, this isn't what I want.
- How do you know?
- I know what I want.
You do?
I want a little business of my own
out home in Mapleton.
- You mean you want to live there always?
- That's right.
- Why?
- Because it's my home.
I was never away from home
very much before.
Not that I don't want to get around
and see things,
but I don't know,
I get to thinking sometimes...
Like in the spring in the evenings,
I can almost smell the grass
outside the house.
Dad used to mow the lawn before dinner.
He'd never let us kids do it.
- Did you have a dog?
- A dog? No. Did you?
- No.
- Why'd you ask that?
- I just wondered.
- No, I didn't have a dog.
I got it all figured out.
After the war, I'm gonna be a builder.
- You mean a contractor?
- No. You know, like, more like a carpenter.
I want to put up houses myself.
They say that houses are all
going to be alike, made out of plastics
and things like boxes you buy in a store.
Not in Mapleton, they won't.
Why do you want to be a contractor, Joe,
or a carpenter?
I like working with wood.
I like the grain and I like the feel of it.
I like the idea of building things
with my own hands.
- You know what I mean?
- Yes, I do, I think.
Some day, I'd like to build my own house.
I've got a few ideas about it.
And I've got a wonderful location
picked out for it, too.
There's a piece of ground
that runs down to the creek
with two giant black walnut trees on it.
I could put the house
right in between those two...
I know what you mean.
We've got a house like that back home.
It sits way up on a hill and you can see
way out across the valley.
Yeah. Well, this place I've got in mind...
- Is that the closing bell? What time is it?
It's late. I've got to go.
Look, Ethel, this is the one I meant.
"Sphinx of Queen Hatshepsut,
"from her Mortuary Temple
at Deir el-Bahri, Thebes. Circa 1480, B.C.
"18th dynasty. Partly restored. "
- Very interesting.
- Partly restored.
Cleopatra's Needle is restored, too.
You can see where they restored it.
- Say, have we time for a soda?
- Yeah, sure we have.
- Come on, you guys. Get going.
- Come on. Come on.
You know, you can learn a lot
in a museum.
It's been a nice afternoon.
- Well, I guess this is goodbye?
- Yes, I guess so.
- I suppose you're probably busy tonight?
- Yes, I am.
Well, thanks a lot for being so nice.
- Would you like a cigarette?
- No, thanks.
That's one of those things
that light anywhere, isn't it?
It has a shield.
- Would you like it?
- Oh, no. You keep it. I don't smoke.
- Well, take it anyway.
- I really wouldn't have any use for it.
Well, I just wanted you to have it.
Thank you very much.
Well, here comes my bus.
- Maybe...
- Yes?
- Maybe we'll meet again sometime.
- Maybe.
- Well, goodbye.
- Goodbye.
- And thank you for the lighter.
- That's all right.
My bag. Goodbye.
- Alice!
- Joe.
Will you...
- Look, will you break that date tonight?
- Yes!
Look, where'll I meet you?
Under the clock at the Astor at 7:00.
Under the clock at the Astor at 7:00.
Under the clock at the Astor at 7:00.
I can't imagine what could have
happened to Alice. Really!
She was supposed to be home hours ago.
What do you think
could have happened to her, Bill?
I wouldn't worry.
Only she spoke to me herself
from the station.
This isn't like Alice at all.
You get to know a person pretty well
when you live with them.
And there's one kid that's really got
her head on her shoulders.
Of course, I always feel
she's still a hick in a big town.
She's only been here three years,
you know.
Say, Bill, do you think she could have
stepped in to see a movie?
No. No, I think if she were gonna do that,
she'd come home first.
Want to get yourself a Coke, Bill?
I know. She took a couple of books
to the country with her.
Maybe she stopped off at the library
to change them.
What do you think?
But that wouldn't take her three hours.
Besides, what am I thinking of?
Today is Sunday.
Well, she must be somewhere, but where?
- Hello, Bill.
- Who's that? Alice?
My gosh, Al, where have you been?
I thought you were coming right home.
Freddie called up three times.
- He's gonna call again in a half an hour.
- I'm a little late, I guess.
A little late. What happened to you?
I met a soldier.
What do you mean, you met a soldier?
Well, I tripped over him at Penn Station,
lost the heel on my shoe,
and he helped me.
Al, you're not trying to tell me
you got picked up by a uniform.
Picked up!
Really, Helen.
- What's that you've got?
- That is a lighter.
- Where did you get it?
- He gave it to me.
- What did he do that for?
- I don't know.
I guess he just wanted to.
- What else happened?
- Nothing.
Well, I guess it's all right,
as long as you finally got rid of him.
Well, I didn't exactly get rid of him.
What do you mean?
I've got a date with him tonight.
Good grief, Al. I thought you had
more sense than to do a thing like that.
Well, don't you know you're just
heading for trouble?
You don't even know the man.
As far as he's concerned,
this is just a pickup.
Helen, I wish you wouldn't keep
saying that.
- Don't you think I could tell the difference?
- Difference.
It's ways different.
Joe's a nice boy. He's just lonesome,
that's all. He's never been to New York.
So it's "Joe" already. Joe what?
You don't know.
Look, Al, I know you're old enough
to take care of yourself,
and I don't want to butt into your affairs,
but it just doesn't make sense to pick up
a... To make friends with a stray soldier.
I know they're all swell kids,
but a girl has got to look out for herself.
- Al, are you going to use that little...
- No, here, you can have it.
Thanks. They leave you in a few days,
and then what have you got?
I know. It's...
It's different when you meet a serviceman
through friends and know who he is.
I'll leave it up to Bill. Am I right, Bill?
Listen, Alice, I've looked after you
for almost three years.
You've never done anything like this
before, and I won't let you do it now.
I just won't let you do it.
He'll be waiting.
He's gonna be awfully disappointed.
Honey, he won't feel
half as bad as you'll feel
after his leave is over
and he goes back to camp.
- I suppose you're right.
- I am right, Alice.
Now, you forget this Joe.
- Freddie will be phoning in a few minutes.
- Freddie.
Freddie's a nice boy. He's all right.
Anyway, you know his last name.
We've got to go if we want to get there,
get the feature.
Where are we eating? I feel like a steak.
Let's go to that little steak house
on 46th Street.
Give my regards to Freddie.
And remember, don't you weaken.
Bill, we could take the IRT and then take...
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye, Bill.
Hello, Freddie.
I'm sorry. Yes, Helen told me you'd called.
Well, I'm almost ready. What time?
- Darling!
- Hello, darling. You're looking mighty cute.
Here's something to top you off.
- It's lovely.
- How do you like that?
- Here hold this.
- All right.
- How's that?
- Down a little.
Now, how do you like it?
- Joe!
- Alice!
- Am I late?
- Oh, no, no, you're not late.
I was just worried about you.
Here's something for your hair
to top it off.
- Joe.
- Want me to hold your mirror for you?
Yes. Here.
It's beautiful.
I've lived with Helen almost
ever since I got here.
We work in the same office.
She's in the sales division.
I'm in the traffic department.
I have to know all about shipping
and railroads and rates and everything.
- Really? All that?
- Yes, I do.
But you take Helen. Now, she practically
runs the sales department.
Bill says she's practically an executive.
Who's Bill?
He's a friend of Helen's.
Sometimes Freddie and I
go out with them.
Dancing and things.
It's our very best wine, Madame.
- We didn't order it.
- No, we...
Compliments to the Corporal and his
charming companion, from the gentleman.
Wasn't that nice of him?
You like it, don't you?
The city and the office and everything?
I love it. I never want it different.
- Never?
- Never.
Don't you want to get married
someday maybe?
Oh, that. Not for a long time, anyway.
Well, what about this Freddie
that you mentioned?
- Freddie?
- What about him?
- What about him?
- Well, does that suit Freddie?
- I don't know what you mean.
- I mean not getting married.
- I don't think I care to answer that.
- I was only asking.
My goodness, I hardly know you.
I don't have to answer anybody's
questions about Freddie or anything else.
Well, wait a minute, now,
this Freddie doesn't mean anything to me
one way or the other.
All right, then, let's leave him out of this.
Well, that suits me. I was only asking...
I don't know why
you had to bring him up at all.
Look, you brought him up.
I never even heard of the guy.
I think maybe I'd better go.
- Look, I'm sorry if I said anything.
- Helen was right.
She told me what would happen.
I should have listened to her.
But I suppose I haven't got any sense.
If I had any sense, I'd have listened to her.
It's different when you meet a serviceman
through friends and know who he is.
Then you know who he is.
Only sometimes when a girl dates with
a soldier, she isn't thinking only of herself.
She knows he's far away from home
and alone and no one to talk to and...
- What are you staring at?
- You've got brown eyes.
Think of all the people in this city,
all around us.
All the people in the country,
all the people in the world.
And out of all that, just those stars.
Vega and what you said.
And you and me down here together.
- That's strange, isn't it?
- I don't know.
It doesn't seem strange anymore.
Suppose we hadn't met.
We couldn't not have met.
I know.
It's strange, though.
My coming home early from the country.
That was only a little part of it.
And your being there in the station
when I was.
That was part of it, too.
There were other things.
Like your leaving home,
my being in the Army.
Getting leave just when I did,
that's all part of it.
- Even those ships in the river.
- The ships?
That's part of a convoy.
That's why I got this leave.
I guess it'll be the last one I'll get.
I see.
It's a lot of things, isn't it?
And some don't matter, others do.
They all matter,
this night and being together.
- Yes?
- They matter, don't they?
- I don't know.
- Alice...
Joe, I don't know.
It's quiet here,
almost as quiet as it is out home.
It's never quiet, really.
The city's full of sounds.
Always underneath.
We have to go.
We take the bus here.
Alice, could I see you again tomorrow?
- I don't know, Joe.
- It's my last night.
I don't know whether we ought to
see each other again at all.
I thought maybe you'd want to.
Well, I do but I just can't think right now.
- I'm sorry, Joe. Please.
- That's all right.
Where is that bus?
What time is it?
- The buses stop running after midnight.
- Well, couldn't we take a taxi?
- It'd be awfully expensive.
- Oh, no. That's all right.
Here comes something.
But that's not a taxi.
Something I can do for you?
I'm sorry, mister,
we thought you were a taxi.
- That's all right, Mac. You want a lift?
- A lift? In that?
- Sure. Why not?
- Well, I don't know.
There's plenty of room.
The whole wagon's empty.
- That's awfully nice of you.
- Come on. Hop in. Hop in.
Here, sit right here.
Come on. Sit down.
- Got plenty of room?
- Yeah.
Yes, I'm afraid
we're crowding you, though.
Not at all. Not at all.
- You going home from somewheres?
- Yes, from somewheres.
That's good. Me? I'm just starting out.
- Just had my main meal.
- Supper, huh?
- Lunch. This is noon time for me.
- And here is another request.
- This time from Miss Nellie Green.
- Nellie Green. That dame again.
Discrimination there.
Get a load of what she wants now.
And Nellie has a request for
How Am I To Know?
Wouldn't she ask for that?
How do you like that?
Why, Nellie, all you have to do is ask him.
Nothing but pure corn she ever asks for.
That's the second request in two weeks
that he's had of hers.
What's this getting to be?
A Miss Nellie Green private program?
- Is that a request program?
- Yeah.
You know, for folks that work at night,
like us.
I had a request in now for three months.
Can I get it? No. Miss Nellie Green. Yeah.
My request is That's How I Need You.
Do you know it?
It's an old favorite of the wife's and mine.
You sure you got plenty of room?
- Yeah, plenty of room.
- It's wonderful.
That's good.
Hey, have you ever seen
the wagons loaded?
- You mean the milk wagons?
- Yeah.
If you got time, I'll take you down there.
It's a very interesting sight
if you've never seen it.
Well, that's awfully nice of you,
but I think I'd better get home.
- Well, where do you live?
- On the East Side.
- Well, I'll take you right back up there.
- Well, honestly, Mr...
Henry. Now, look, you get the ride,
I get the company.
What's the matter with that?
- What do you think, Joe?
- Well, I sort of like it here.
Well, here we have a request
for Whispering,
signed "six girls in a pool room. "
Now, I wonder
what they could be doing there.
Okay, girls, come out from that
corner pocket and lean closer.
Not mine again.
Maybe they didn't get my letter.
It could've gotten lost, you know.
They might've played it
when you weren't listening.
Yeah, you think so?
I don't know, I listen most all the time.
Pretty, ain't it?
- What's the matter?
- What was that?
Just a flat.
- Well, there it is.
- Gosh, what do we do now?
- Nothing we can do.
- Well, can I help you put the spare on?
No, I don't carry none. I gotta...
The service car will come out and do it.
I've gotta find a phone.
There's a lunchroom over there.
That'll do. Come on.
- It won't take very long, will it?
- No. It takes longer for me...
Now, there's new blood.
We got some new blood in here now.
We'll get an entirely new
consensus of opinion.
Order me a cup of coffee, will you?
Do you want something to eat?
I have seen the most un-American
and uncanny conduct in this place tonight,
you wouldn't believe it.
But fortunately for me,
I have a few witnesses,
- who would be... Who...
- I'd like some coffee.
Three coffees.
- With cream, yes.
- No, without.
You hungry?
Who would be more than happy
to help me straighten this out.
A few more won't hurt, either.
A worker! You, as a worker,
will understand my entire situation.
Let me explain it.
No, I'm sorry, I just explained.
Look, I'm gonna borrow your friend
for a minute.
- I wanna...
- Please, hold it, pal.
- Give me a chance, will you?
- All right.
I'll be right with you.
There's a charming man.
Obviously, you two are
a member of his party.
Would you care to join me
in a Vermouth Cassis
or a champagne cocktail?
The liquor here is comparatively...
Bartender, bartender,
these two young people are with me
and any little something...
Look, we don't serve any drinks.
You don't...
Well, why don't you serve any drinks?
- Well, the boss says the license...
- A license!
Well, that is really the height
of something or other.
I have to have a license to drink a drink?
Why, this city isn't fit to live.
I mean, let's face it.
After all, this country is going to the dogs.
Think you could run it any better?
You are without a doubt the most
utterly exquisite creature
it has ever been my pleasure
to come in contact with.
Let me take you out of all this.
I mean, let's cease this useless sham.
Let's allow our emotions full rein,
shall we?
I mean, after all,
you are a man and I am a woman.
What else is there?
Hey, wait a minute, wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
Who made a crack about a dog?
- Did you get the man?
- Yeah, he's coming.
Hey, chump. Hey! Hey! Who's to the dogs?
- Yeah. Hello.
- Yeah.
Well, wait a minute, Jack,
just put down that coffee a minute.
Come here. I want to...
It won't take a minute, lady.
- What's the matter?
- Look, just a minute, one thing.
What's this crack about dogs?
- I didn't make any...
- What's the matter with dogs?
- Dogs is my best friends.
- What's the matter?
What are you picking on me for?
Dogs is...
Everybody is born free and equal.
- Wait a minute, wait a minute.
- Americanism, that's un-American.
How do...
A pleasure to meet a member
of the armed forces.
You work for Uncle Sam,
but this civilian, this un-American...
The most un-American conduct,
believe me,
since Bunker Hill, the Constitution
of the United States, and the Bill of Rights.
Now wait a minute. I never...
Now here's a request for That's How I
Need You from my old pal, Al Henry.
My request!
Your request. Well, I got a request, too.
I got a request, too.
Since the Monitor and the Merrimack,
this country has got to expand.
Hey, lady, will you wait?
I haven't finished, lady.
- Listen, the fact remains, the fact remains.
- Are you all right, Al?
- The Monitor and the Merrimack...
- Yeah.
- He got me in the eye.
- That's a shame.
- Hey, Al.
- Is that all?
- Hey, Al.
- Yeah, it's all right.
Ally, pal. Say, Al.
Hey, Al, forgive me, will you?
Hey, Al, I didn't mean it.
I didn't...
That's it, uncontrollable me.
That's beautiful. That's beautiful.
That's the kind of stuff
that's really, really soul-stirring.
You get that kind of...
That music is what really moves me.
Just a little drink, will you, chum?
Listen. Listen.
If I could bring it from my heart,
one song like that, then you can
take the rest of it and keep it.
One song.
Hey, what do you do, Al, eat these things?
That's the third one
you've popped in a month.
- How do you feel?
- Pretty good.
- He kind of got me in the wind, you know.
- Yeah.
How's the eye?
- Eye's all right.
- Let's see.
- Al.
- Hey, how much longer are you gonna be?
Good as new right now.
- Please, come on.
- I'm all right. I'm all right. I'm all right.
There we are.
- Joe, have you got a handkerchief?
- Yeah.
Give it to me, will you?
- I'm all right.
- Do you think I could get some water?
- Water?
- No, never mind. Here, milk will do.
Here. Put this on it.
That feels good.
- Better?
- Yeah, it was kind of hot.
Feels fine.
Don't you think
we'd better get you home, Al?
No, I got the milk to deliver.
Well, why don't you rest for a while
then, Al, while he's working on that?
Maybe you've got something.
I'll see how he's coming along.
All right. Here, put your feet up.
- Is everything all right?
- All finished now, bud.
- Will you sign this?
- Yeah.
Thank you.
Joe, look, I don't think
we'd better leave him.
- He's certainly in no condition to drive.
- Yeah.
He's gonna need some help.
Well, I guess we better stay with him
for a while.
Joe, there must be a list
around here somewhere.
Wait, what's this?
Here's something.
- What?
- It's his route book.
It's a list of addresses.
Do you think you could find this,
these places?
- Sure.
- Where's the first one?
- About three blocks south.
- Three blocks south.
I don't know whether
I can work this thing or not.
- Look, turn to the right at the first corner.
- Yeah, all right.
- Well, here we go.
- Here we go.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
- Morning.
- Hey!
- Hello, Sheffield.
- Hey!
- How are you?
- You're through for the night, too?
- Yes.
Good night.
- Patient sitting up, huh?
- That's the lot.
- Well, you two are born milkmen.
- How's the eye, Al?
It's a little hot.
Well, we'll get you home right away.
No, no, no, no, you don't have to do that.
- Sure, we will.
- Sure, we will.
You want to lie down and rest,
take it easy.
- Well, if you insist.
- Sleepy?
- A little.
- Sure you are.
Well, now, what do I do,
just stay on the same street?
All right.
- What time is it, Joe?
- A little before 5:00.
There's a lot of light in the sky.
Back home, I used to see the dawn
come up sometimes.
Me, too.
Up over the Indiana fields.
You know, it's still night there.
The morning comes here first, doesn't it?
And then before that, it's out in the sea.
And before that it's out...
Where are they sending you?
Do you know?
No. England, I guess.
That's a long ways away.
Do you like me a little bit?
Joe, I'm sorry. I'm so sleepy.
Why don't you try
to get some sleep, then?
Good night, baby.
- That you, Al?
- Did you hear, they played our song?
Say, he don't sing it half as well as you do.
These are a couple of friends of mine.
This is Alice, and this is Joe.
This is Mrs. Al Henry.
- How do you do?
- How do you do?
I'm pleased to meet you.
Well, how was the run today?
- Who did that?
- It was just a drunk. He didn't mean it.
- It was...
- What happened to the other fella?
- He...
- Is he dead?
No, of course he ain't dead. He's all right.
- Well...
- Well, I guess he's all right by now.
- Let me tell you what these kids did.
- What?
Well, I passed out
when the slot machine hit me.
- What!
- But it... Oh, no, it was nothing.
They delivered all of the milk.
- They did?
- Every drop.
Well, I think that was mighty nice of them.
- It was fun.
- I do, indeed.
Well, I bet you're just starved by now
if you did that.
Oh, no, you mustn't go to any trouble.
It isn't any trouble.
I got everything all ready.
I tell you, I know you milkmen
and your appetites.
- You know, for a little skinny fella...
- Sit down. Sit down.
- ... he can eat more than most six people.
- Move over, Sleepy...
- I always say...
- ... and let the fleas alone. know, I spend more
than half my life cooking.
She can mix you up the finest glass
of ice water you ever drank,
and that's her limit.
Al. Come on, children.
I bet you'd like to wash up.
And you!
- Twenty-two years...
- Makes the best corn-cakes you ever had.
- Why don't you take your coat off, Joe?
- This is fine, Al.
Don't stand on ceremony.
Liberty Hall here.
My flower's all wilted.
- Can I help you?
- Yeah, if you will, dearie.
- All right.
- About half of them now, I guess.
- Fine.
- Look out. Watch yourself. They're hot.
- Okay. They're beautiful.
- Al?
- Yeah?
- One egg or two?
- One.
- What's the matter, don't you feel good?
One at a time.
- Bring the coffee, will you, too, dear?
- All right.
- There you are, ham and one egg.
- And as pretty as a bride and groom.
- Here. Put it here.
- You folks married?
Well, of course, lots of young folks
are getting married these days.
Yeah, a lot of guys in my camp
are getting married.
I suppose they... Here, butter one of these
while it's hot, will you?
I suppose they're young,
and they don't know
what's gonna happen to them next.
Sure. If two people want to get married,
leave them do it, I say.
Well, I think you have to know somebody
a long time before you get married.
I mean, you don't want to do something
as serious as that just in a minute.
Well, now, look, wait a minute.
I think you can find out just as much
about somebody in a minute
as you can by knowing them
a whole lifetime.
Know what she was doing
when I first seen her?
- Now, Al... Now, now, that's enough.
- No, what?
Cooking butter cakes in Child's window.
No, really?
And the minute I laid eyes on her,
I knew she was for me.
Yeah, and it took him three weeks
to get up his courage to come in.
- Then he had to bring his uncle with him.
- It wasn't my uncle. It was my cousin.
- Oh, well...
- Yeah, it was my cousin, Michael Henry.
He's clerk of the court for Judge Forbes.
I was pretty sure of myself, but I thought,
you know, bringing a clerk of the court in,
I'd make an impression.
I don't know, though. I...
I don't think it's fair to the girl,
a soldier getting married.
'Cause he doesn't know
what condition he's gonna come back in.
He may not even come back at all.
Look, Joe, if people thought about
all the things that could happen,
they'd never do anything.
Ain't I right, Em?
Well, I think if a girl and boy love
each other and want to get married,
all the talk in the world
ain't gonna stop them.
Never has yet.
- Well, what's the matter?
- Company first. Company first.
Well, look, they got some, ain't they?
Yeah, but they delivered the milk,
didn't they?
If they delivered the milk, they can reach.
They still got arms.
That's just exactly like his Uncle Henry.
Those Henrys.
It wasn't my uncle, it was my cousin.
Well, your uncle, your cousin,
what difference does it make?
- It's Michael that's the one that can eat.
- Well, I never saw such eating...
I never saw such a place in my life
to try and get something to eat.
- Well, take it. Take it.
- All right. Thank you. Thank you.
We go this way to the subway.
- What are you thinking about?
- Al Henry and his wife.
They're lovely people.
I was thinking about what he said,
about how you can learn so much
about a person in just a little while.
Yes, I guess so.
Then it wouldn't really make
so much difference
how long a person knew another person,
would it?
No, it wouldn't, I guess.
What are you thinking about?
Something you said before,
about a soldier not marrying
because he doesn't know
what condition he'd come back in.
Well, I think if two people
are really in love,
that wouldn't make any difference.
Wouldn't it?
Of course, they don't see the problems.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry, I mean.
- Joe, I don't want to leave you today.
- Well, then, why do it?
Why can't we have
this one last day together?
Couldn't we?
I suppose I could tell them
at the office that...
- I could find some excuse.
- That'd be...
- That'd be wonderful.
- No, no. We have to change here.
I have to go up to the office and show
them where some things are in my desk.
You wait for me,
and I'll come as soon as I can.
- All right, I'll wait.
- All right.
Let them off, please. Let them off.
All right, step lively, everybody.
- Don't push.
- All the way in.
- Don't push.
- Step lively, everybody. All the way in.
Step lively. All the way in.
Step lively, folks. All the way in.
That's all.
Wait a minute. I've got to get on there.
- Not now, buddy. Next train.
- Wait!
- Wait!
- Get back there, buddy.
Do you want to get hurt?
- What's the next station, mister?
- No English.
Could you tell me
what the next station is?
The next station? Well, let me see.
This is Grand Central...
Mister, could you tell me
what the next station is?
14th Street.
Did you see a girl get off the train
a little while ago?
Well, I see a thousand girls
get off trains, fella.
Is this the next stop after 42nd Street?
- Next Express stop, yes.
- Express?
- Well, what's the next local stop after?
Well, how do I get there?
Take the stairway to the platform
and go across.
And these are the actual statistics.
There are five boroughs in New York,
with a total population of 7,454,995.
Bronx, 1,394,711.
Brooklyn, 2,698,285.
Manhattan, 1,889,924.
Queens, 1,297,634.
Richmond, 174,441.
Making a grand total of 7,454,995.
Did you want something, miss?
- I'm looking for a soldier.
- Any particular one?
My friend.
We got separated in the subway.
What's his name?
- Joe.
- Joe? Joe what?
- I don't know.
- You don't know?
Well, what outfit is he with?
- He's with the Army.
- That's a big help.
Are you joking?
Oh, no, please, I...
We only just met yesterday,
and I don't know,
it didn't seem to make any difference
what his name was.
It didn't make any difference.
I know it sounds funny,
but the night went so fast
and I got sleepy, and then
we lost each other this morning,
and he's only got today.
I don't see how I can help you, young lady.
And, look, between you and me,
I don't think I'd go around telling
that story, either.
You don't understand.
I've got to find him. I...
What am I... What am I going to do?
Say, would there be any place particular
where you went together
where she might go back
and wait for you?
The clock at the Astor Hotel.
I had a date with her last night.
Well, that's very likely where she is
right this minute, looking for you.
- Do you think so?
- I wouldn't be at all surprised, now.
- Thanks a lot, officers.
- Okay, son.
Help you?
What's the next train
for Aberdeen, Maryland?
Aberdeen? Aberdeen?
That's at 10:51. You can make it easy.
- Going back to camp?
- Yeah.
- Track 14.
- Thank you.
Help you, young man?
Joe! Joe, I thought you were lost.
I didn't know where to look.
Quick. What's your name?
- Maybery. Joe.
- Maybery.
Joe, I didn't know where to find you.
I didn't think I'd ever find you again.
Look, Alice, we can't wait.
We mustn't. It wouldn't be right.
- Joe, are you sure?
- We'll never be more sure.
Don't you see? We might never have
found one another again.
- No, don't say that.
- I've got to say it.
Look, please, please, will you marry me?
Jackson and Smith.
Stozowich and Grady.
Got your blood test papers?
Everyone got your blood test papers?
Yes. Thank you.
Got your blood test papers, sir?
Got your blood test papers?
Is that what you mean?
- What's that?
- I don't know.
Yeah, that's right. That's right.
Got your blood test papers?
Please, now, please,
everybody got their blood test papers?
Mister, what's that
about blood test papers?
According to the laws
of the State of New York,
applicants for a marriage license
must have a blood test certificate.
Hey, look at theirs.
We didn't know anything about
a blood test. Where do we get one?
39 Whitehall Street. Be quiet!
39 Whitehall Street.
Two subway stops downtown.
You can't miss it.
- Write it down, Irving.
- Well, how late do you open here?
Till 4:00 on the dot.
Come back here with your papers
and I'll get you your license,
and you can be married at the same time.
Thank you.
Everybody got their
blood test papers here?
Everybody got it here?
Thank you. Thank you.
Room 318, third floor. You got a pass?
No. We were told this was the place to go.
You can't go upstairs without a pass.
- Okay. Well, where do I get a pass?
- Lieutenant Birdwell, second floor.
Hey, where are you going?
Didn't I tell you, you had to have a pass?
Well, you told us
we had to see the Lieutenant.
I said you couldn't go up without a pass.
- Well, then, how can we...
- Take a seat over there.
Who does he think he is, Hitler?
I wish he was, just once.
Can't we wait over there, somewhere?
No, we'd better sit here.
Hey, you? You, soldier! What's yours?
Well, we came to get a blood test.
Why didn't you say so, then?
Room 318, third floor.
Bring the pass back when you come down.
Blood test. Okay.
Wait over there, Corporal.
- Will it take long, sir?
- Nope. You get the results in the morning.
Oh, no. We've got to have it now.
We only have a few hours.
Sorry, bud. Regulations.
We're piled up here. 24 hours.
Those are orders.
- Did you get fixed up all right?
- No.
What's the matter? Wasn't there anyone
there to take care of you?
Well, we couldn't get the papers
till tomorrow morning.
My leave's up, and we wanted to get it
by 4:00 this afternoon.
Yeah? Hey, why don't you go
to a private laboratory?
What do you mean?
Well, you could go to one
of the approved private laboratories,
put the rush on them,
you'll get the results in a couple of hours.
Well, could we make it
if we got there right away?
Sure. I got a list here somewhere.
Well, let me see.
- Let me see.
- Joe, make him hurry.
Yeah, here it is.
The L and M Public Health Service
Laboratory, 631 Canal Street.
Thank you very much.
Allen and Maybery.
Window five.
Law of the State of New York.
Three day wait.
Not valid for three days.
Sorry. Nothing we can do.
A three day wait.
A judge of the Supreme Court may,
upon submission of the proper petition,
issue a waiver of the time clause,
permitting the parties
to be married at once.
Is the judge in? We've got to get a...
Could you get us a waiver for this?
A waiver? I'm sorry,
but you're too late, folks.
Too late?
Yes, it's tough luck.
The judge has just gone.
Oh, no!
- You're Al Henry's cousin, aren't you?
- Yes.
Well, do you know Al?
- Yes.
- He sent us to you.
He told us you'd help us.
Why didn't you tell me?
Wait a minute.
Maybe I can catch the judge.
- How is Al?
- He's fine.
Good. And Emily?
- She's fine, too.
- Emily?
- That's...
- Don't you think you'd better hurry?
That's all right.
Just let me have your papers.
Yeah, pull up some chairs,
make yourself comfortable.
I won't be very long.
Who is Emily?
I don't know. Mrs. Henry, I guess.
Well, what difference does it make?
Joe, look at the time.
Well, folks, here we are. It's all fixed.
- Thank you.
- Thank you very much, Mr. Henry.
And be sure and tell Al that I said
that I'll be dropping in on him one day.
Just got time to catch the 4:37. Down!
- Where... Where's Mr. Schwartz?
- We're closed.
Well, where did he go? It isn't 4:00 yet.
Just left. Don't know if he's coming back.
Joe, that was the man we just passed.
I'll bet we could catch him if we hurry.
- Please, mister.
- What is it?
- We want to get married.
- Too late, Mac.
But, mister, it isn't 4:00 yet.
- Well, I just got time to catch my train.
- Make up your minds.
Please, mister.
We tried so hard.
Okay. Come along,
but you've got to hurry, though.
Irving, look me up another train.
Leave it, Bernie. Turn that thing off.
Don't you see there's a wedding going on?
What do you think this is? A factory?
Will you step over here, please?
We need a witness.
Will you act as a witness, please?
Come down.
Perhaps you'd better step over there.
No, no, no, no. Stand over there.
Behind them, please.
Will you change places, please?
The young lady should be on the left.
Let me have your certificate.
"This is a serious and solemn step
that you here undertake.
"Do either of you know of any reason
"why you both should not
be legally joined in marriage,
"or there be anyone present
who can show just cause
"why these parties should not
be legally joined together?
"Let him now speak
or hereafter hold his peace.
"Do you, Joseph Allen, take this woman
as your lawfully wedded wife?
"Do you promise to love, honor, comfort
and cherish her in sickness and in health
"and prosperity and in adversity
"for better or for worse
as long as you both shall live?"
Well, say, "I do. "
I do.
"Do you, Alice Maybery, take this man
to be your lawfully wedded husband?
"Do you promise to love, honor, comfort,
and cherish him in sickness and in health,
"in prosperity and in adversity
"for better or worse
as long as you both shall live?"
I do.
Place the ring upon the third finger
of the bride's left hand.
I haven't got a ring.
Under the law,
it is not necessary to have a ring.
"For as you both consented in wedlock
"and have acknowledged it
before this company,
"I do, by virtue of the authority vested in
me by the laws of the State of New York,
"now pronounce you husband and wife.
"And may God bless your union. "
Here, you take this.
- Boss, here's the 5:18 local.
- Fine.
That's Sunday, stupid. Look up weekdays.
And, Irving, hold the elevator.
- Here you are.
- Thank you.
- Good luck.
- Thank you.
I didn't have any flowers.
- We didn't have time...
- We rushed so.
- Good luck.
- Thank you.
Thank you.
You're not eating your soup.
- I don't feel very hungry.
- Me either.
It isn't very good soup, I guess.
I wonder what Helen's going to say
when I tell her.
I guess she'll be surprised, all right.
- I'm gonna have to tell Aunt Martha, too.
- Yeah.
I have to tell my folks.
Are your mother and father living?
Yes. Are yours?
Yeah. Yeah.
They're living.
Do you suppose, maybe
I should write to your folks, maybe?
I suppose so.
I suppose I should write to yours.
Yeah. That would be nice.
Would you like to see our house
out home?
That one's me,
and that one there is mother.
- Do you suppose she'll like me?
- Sure. Sure, she will.
I should say so.
When does your train go, Joe?
Well, I don't have to be back in camp
till tomorrow noon.
I guess you're not very glad
you married me,
are you, Alice?
I'm sorry, Joe.
I guess I... I don't feel very married.
I know. I don't blame you.
It wasn't your fault. It was... It's just...
It was... It was so...
It was so
- I know. I know.
- It was... It didn't...
I know. I know. It's all right, darling.
It's all right.
I'm fine, darling. I'm fine.
Goodbye, my dear.
It's the marriage service.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered together
here in the sight of God
"and in the face of this company
"to join together this man and this woman
in holy matrimony. "
"Which is an honorable estate. "
"And, therefore, is not by any
"to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly,
"but reverently, discreetly,
advisedly, soberly,
"and in the fear of God.
"Wilt thou have this woman
to thy wedded wife?
"Wilt thou love her, comfort her
in sickness and in health,
"and forsaking all others,
keep thee only unto her
"as long as ye both shall live?"
I will.
"I take thee, Alice, to my wedded wife,
"to have and to hold
from this day forward,
"for better and for worse,
for richer or for poorer,
"in sickness and in health,
"to love and to cherish
till death do us part.
- "Our Father who art in Heaven. "
- "In Heaven. "
- "Hallowed be Thy name. "
- "Thy name. "
- "Thy kingdom come. "
- "Thy kingdom come. "
- "Thy will be... "
- "Thy will be... "
I love you.
I'll love you till the day I die.
Try... Will you try not
to think about anything...
Darling, you're coming back.
Do you want me to tell you how I know?
Two days ago you came to this city
and you didn't know anyone.
You didn't know me and I didn't know you.
And now we're married.
And we both know that
that was meant to be.
So don't you see, whoever makes
the arrangements for people
is doing pretty well for us.
That's all we need to know.
- Come on, fellows, let's go.
- Come on, let's get going.
Are you sure you can't send me
your laundry?
Ma, don't worry about those things.
Don't worry, dear, I will.
Just be waiting for me.
- You won't forget, will you?
- Don't be silly. As though I could forget.
Are you sure that
you've got everything straight?
The insurance on the car
runs out the 17th.
- I know it does.
- You have to see Henry about that.
Goodbye, son.
Now, you take good care of your mother.
- Goodbye, dear.
- Goodbye, Allan.
Say goodbye to your father, dear.
- Goodbye, darling. I love you.
- I'll be all right, Mom.
- You just take it easy.
- God bless you.
God bless you.
I hope you have a good trip, dear.
Goodbye, darling.
Take good care of yourself.
- Don't forget to write.
- I won't.
I love you.
- See you soon.
- See you soon.